Glass Wings Blog: Subject Index
The Glass Wings mailing list and blog is for
general idle chit-chat about things we find interesting, especially humor, animation or other
subjects relevant to the Glass Wings web site.
The $1 billion Great Barrier Reef funding is nonsensical. Australians, and their natural wonder, deserve so much better
1 billion people left dangerously exposed to heat stress by gaps in climate monitoring
$1 billion solar project planned on former Starfire coal mine in Eastern Kentucky
€1 Homes in Europe Are Fine, But There's A Better Option
1 in 10 women report disrespectful or abusive care in childbirth
1 in 3 Americans say they’ve reduced how much plastic they’re using
1 in 3 people are lonely. Will AI help, or make things worse?
1 in 3 young adults is lonely – and it affects their mental health
1 in 4 adults think smacking is necessary to ‘properly raise’ kids. But attitudes are changing
1 in 4 Australians is lonely. Quality green spaces in our cities offer a solution
1 in 4 households struggle to pay power bills. Here are 5 ways to tackle hidden energy poverty
1 in 5 Australian workers have non-compete clauses, making it harder to get better paid jobs: new survey
1 in 5 deaths caused by fossil fuel emissions
1 in 5 fossil fuel projects overshoot their original estimations for emissions. Why are there such significant errors?
1 in 7 babies born in Ireland’s baby homes died. Clair Wills uncovers the hidden history of her cousin, who survived the worst one
The 1 percent are parasites: Debunking the lies about free enterprise, trickle-down, capitalism and celebrity entrepreneurs
1 year and 700 lives lost, but Indian protestors have succeeded in repealing anti-farming laws
1,000 acres of forest to be returned to Onondaga Nation in historic lake cleanup agreement
1,000 Deaths In Custody Went Unreported Last Year Because US Justice System Doesn’t Care About The People It Jails
1,000 True Fans
The $1,000 Wheelchair
1,374 Days: My life with long Covid
1-click Award
1.2 billion young people will need a job in the next 10 years. The World Bank is trying to help them find one
1.3 million future deaths prevented by Gavi-supported vaccines in 2023
1.5 billion fewer plastic bags used in Colorado thanks to fee, Boulder recycling center estimates
The 1.5C climate goal died at Cop27 – but hope must not
The 1.5℃ global warming limit is not impossible – but without political action it soon will be
1.6 Billion Disposable Masks Entered Our Oceans in 2020
1.7 million foxes, 300 million native animals killed every year: now we know the damage foxes wreak
10 Amazing Artists In Ukraine You Can Support Right Now
10 Animals That Are No Longer On the Endangered Species List
10 Australian companies have embraced the 4-day week. Here’s what they say about it
10 Best Classic Animated Shows From Europe
The 10 Best Conservation And Environment Books Of 2016
10 Best Indie RPG Games for Linux in 2022
The 10 biggest physics and astronomy lies from 2023
10 books about residential schools to read with your kids
10 cleaning mistakes you’re probably making at home
10 Countries Making The Most Progress On The UN's Sustainable Development Goals
10 Cutest Baby Animals of the Desert
10 Dragon Sweets For Everyone Missing Game Of Thrones
[Bulk] 10 Egg-Shaped Tech Gadgets
10 Egg-Shaped Tech Gadgets
10 Facts That Prove the World Is in a Climate Emergency
$10 for a table and eight chairs: why tip shops are Australia’s DIY treasure troves
10 Geekalicious Wedding Cakes (You Love Them? I KNOW)
10 Great Novels That Aren't About What You Heard They Were About
10 images show just how attractive Australian shopping strips can be without cars
10 interesting things about ecosystems
10 Little Known Relatives of Famous Animals
10 million animals die on our roads each year. Here’s what works (and what doesn’t) to cut the toll
10 Mind-Blowing Dollar Tree DIYs You Have To See To Believe - And Even Then It's Iffy
10 More Female Superheroes who Deserve a Movie
The 10 most beautiful ceilings in the world
10 Movie Mistakes So Perfect They Were Left In
10 notable books on conservation and the environment published in 2024
10 of Europe’s most scenic train journeys
10 of the best railway journeys in Italy
The 10 Punniest Cosplays Of Dragon Con 2016
10 Real-Life Animal Husbandry Techniques That Alien Zoos Will Use On Us
10 Really Weird Crow Facts
10 reasons why Donald Trump can’t derail global climate action
10 Rules For Making A Modern Transgender Superhero
10 SFF Books Written by Women of Color That Will Change Your Worldview Completely
10 Signs You're a Crazy Cat Person!
10 Things I Didn’t Know About Steve Jobs
10 things you want to know about human nature if you’re fighting climate change
10 Timeless Gadgets
10 times the aurora australis inspired remarkable works of art
10 times this year the Webb telescope blew us away with new images of our stunning universe
10 virtual tours of spectacular buildings around the world
10 ways the climate crisis and nature loss are linked
10 Ways To Alter Your Brain
10 Wedding Cakes For Book Lovers
The 10 Weirdest And Most Wonderful Libraries In The World
10 years of "FTL": The making of an enduring spaceship simulator
10 Years of iFixit Europe
10 years of Opportunity: Celebrating the rover’s role on Mars and Earth
10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki
10+ Animals That Look Like They’re About To Drop The Hottest Albums Of The Year
10+ Hilarious Entries To The 2017 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
10+ Incredible Before & After Street Art Transformations That’ll Make You Say Wow
10+ Rare Animal Babies You’ve Probably Never Seen Before
10+ Simple But Clever Charts And Infographics By Stephen Wildish
10+ Times People Accidentally Googled The Wrong Thing, And The Results Were Hilarious
10+ Unbelievable Balloon Animals By Japanese Artist Masayoshi Matsumoto
10,000 Hours With Claude Shannon: How A Genius Thinks, Works, and Lives
10,000 trees illegally cut down as Aussies fall for firewood scam
10,000 wax cylinders digitized and free to download
10,000th message!
The 10-year-old super-collector of bottles and cans set to cash in
The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop
The 100 best science fiction books of 2023
The 100 Best Science Photos of 2019
100 Best Sitcoms of All Time
The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked
The 100 greatest BBC music performances – ranked!
The 100 Jokes That Shaped Modern Comedy
100 most remembered toys of the past
100 visualizations from a single dataset with 6 data points
100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying
100 Year Old Self-Playing Violin - "The Eighth Wonder Of the World"
100 years ago, this man discovered an exquisite parrot thought to be extinct. What came next is a tragedy we must not repeat
100 years of Big Content fearing technology—in its own words
100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power
100 years of surrealism: how a French writer inspired by the avant-garde changed the world forever
100% Electric Ferry Crossing | Fully Charged 4k
100+ Makers eco-hack the future with open-source prototypes for a fossil-free, zero waste society
100,000 years and counting: how do we tell future generations about highly radioactive nuclear waste repositories?
100-million-year-old fossil find reveals huge flying reptile that patrolled Australia’s inland sea
The 100-year capitalist experiment that keeps Appalachia poor, sick, and stuck on coal
100-Year-Old Theatre Converted Into Stunning Bookstore
1000 People of Dance
The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business 2004
105-year-old woman graduates from Stanford University 83 years after leaving campus: 'Amazing'
10th anniversary of the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
The 10th annual Interactive Fiction competition
11 Asian, S American nations sign declaration to save rare river dolphins
The 11 Greatest Science Fiction-Themed Bands
11 Neon Cakes For Our Inner 90s Kids
11 of the Most Unusual Elevators
11 Situations You Take for Granted Every Day That Prove the World Is Cissexist
11 steps to a better brain
11 Ways White America Avoids Taking Responsibility for its Racism
11,000 Signatures Wasn’t Enough to Keep Eric Lundgren Out of Prison
The 11-Year Quest to Create Disappearing Colored Bubbles
111 Trees Per Daughter Changed This Village’s Future
1150 Free Online Courses from Top Universities
116 years of stop-motion animation in 3 minutes
12 Amazing Staircases Around the World
12 Coolest Steampunk Gadgets
12 Cutest Finger Drawings
The $12 Gongkai Phone
12 Letters That Didn’t Make the Alphabet
12 little acts of kindness: what friends and strangers did for each other in their hour of need
12 Penguin Portraits Show Off Big Personalities
12 Questions on Game Design
12 Things I Noticed While Reading Every Short Story Published in 2014–15 — Electric Literature
12 Trump Attacks on the Environment Since the Election
12 Ways the Inflation Reduction Act Will Benefit Birds and People
12 ways to phase fossil fuels out of your life
12,000 Km On The Weirdest Electric Vehicles Yet!!
125-degree heat index: Puerto Rico faces 'dangerous situation' due to record-breaking conditions
128,000 Dominoes Were Arranged In A Pattern. The Chain Reaction That Follows Is Mind Boggling
The 13 Greatest Science Fiction Comedies Of All Time
13 Ingenious Treehouses That Go Out on a Limb
13 Space Photos To Remind You The Universe Is Incredible
13 things that do not make sense
13 Virtual Train Rides From Around the World That You Can Experience Right Now (Video)
The 13 Webbiest Papercraft on the Internet
13,000 People From the Niger Delta Just Sued Shell for Years of Oil Spills
Fwd: 13,000 satellites
13.3 inch Android e-reader
1300 recycled electric vehicle batteries used for biggest grid-scale storage system of its kind
138 LINCOLN ROAD Croydon For Sale
14 Cats Whose Favorite Pillow Happens To Be A Dog
14 Fascinating Color Photographs of Germany in the Late 19th Century
14 MPs turn up to discuss UN report on 14 million people living in poverty
14 Years Later, "Piracy is Progressive Taxation" still rings true
14% of world’s coral lost in less than a decade, study shows
15 ancient civilizations you’ve never heard of
15 Award-Winning Photos From The Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013
15 Foods That Seem Healthy but Actually Are Not
15 incredible images from the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition
$15 million land purchase to protect 8,000 acres of America’s Amazon in south Alabama
The 15 Most Peaceful Countries in the World
15 Natural Wonders
15 Observations from 15 Days in Japan
15 Pieces of Funny and Sarcastic Street Art by Mobstr
15 Popular Movie Poster Cliches
15 recent sci-fi books that forever shaped the genre
15 Sci-Fi Books That Don't Take Place In A Bleak Dystopian Reality
15 things I learnt about Islam and British values being a gay boy living opposite a mosque.
15 wishes for 2023: Trailblazers tell how they'd make life on Earth a bit better
15 Wonderfully Weird Kids' Halloween Costumes To Renew Your Faith In Humanity
15% of global population lives within a few miles of a coast − and the number is growing rapidly
15+ Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan
15,000 scientists give catastrophic warning about the fate of the world in new ‘letter to humanity’
15,000 Scientists Warn Society Could 'Collapse' This Century In Dire Climate Report
15,000 squares, 500 hours, 19 months: how I used embroidery to make sense of Australia’s catastrophic fires
The 150 Greatest Science Fiction Movies of All Time
150 Most Legendary Restaurants in the World & Their Iconic Dishes
154 million lives saved in 50 years: 5 charts on the global success of vaccines
The 15th Japanese Film Festival
16 Authentic Portraits Of Native Americans Posing In Traditional Regalia
16 enthralling wildlife photos spotlighting the need for conservation
16 Fun Facts That Will Warp Your Sense of Time
16 Gingerbread Houses to Feed Your Inner Nerd
16 States Made It Harder To Vote This Year. But 26 Made It Easier.
16 Things We Learned After a Day at 'Weird Al' Yankovic's House
16-Year-Old Reveals America's Real Dress-Code Problem
16th Century Bookwheels, the E-Readers of the Renaissance, Get Brought to Life by 21st Century Designers
17 Years After Being Convicted of a Grisly Murder in Vegas, Kirstin Lobato Sees Her Charges Dismissed
17-Year-Old Invents Low-Cost Machine Learning Software That Can Detect Elephant Poachers
18 million trees planted in Fiji so far since 2019
18 Scientists On What They Actually Think About Climate Change
18,000 Years Ago, The 'Zealandia Switch' Decimated Earth's Glaciers. Has It Returned?
18,065 km rail routes electrified in six years from 2014 to 2020
The 1860s Bar
19 Amazing Caterpillar Transformations
19 Jobseekers For Every Job: The Unemployed Elephant in the Room
19 Wholesome Comics About A Mage Who’s All About Friendship
19-year-old girl hugs her father with two arms for the first time after being given bionic limb
1918: Court Refuses to Fine Woman in Man’s Attire
The 1920s desecration of a Gutenberg Bible shocked the US – but miraculously gave a Jewish family new life in Australia
1939 All Over Again
1958 FACOM 128B Japanese Relay Computer, still working!
1967 AMC Amitron EV Concept Missing for Decades Found in a Barn
1968 Article "Spock: Teenage Outcast"
The 1968 sci-fi that spookily predicted today
1968 was an inflection point for the US. Is another one coming in 2024?
1970s Pachimon Postcards
1975 was declared International Women’s Year. 50 years on, the ‘revolution in our heads’ is still being fought
19th Annual "Xmas Price Index"
1st Plastics Pollution Weather Forecast Predicts 88 Pounds of Microplastic Over Paris
2 biggest threats to wombats revealed in new data gathered by citizen scientists
2 Years of Action: Delivering on Belize’s Commitment to Ocean Conservation
2,000-year-old arch in Caesarea aqueduct collapses; official: ‘We sounded the alarm’
2,100 fursuits in one photo!
2,500 Museums You Can Now Visit Virtually
2.7 million medical calls breached in Sweden, and it's pure comedy
$2.70 Supermarket Wine Wins Gold Medal at International Wine Contest
20 Amazing True Facts About Introverts and Extroverts
20 animated gifs that explain how things work
The 20 best science images of the year?
20 Geeky Christmas Decorations
20 new species found, and lost wildlife rediscovered, in the Bolivian Andes
20 people in a two-bedroom apartment: the growing health and safety risks of ‘hot bedding’
20 things we could do right now to prevent the wave of natural disasters, poverty, and pollution to come
20 Times Tumblr Users Reported Back From the Real World
20 tools and apps for digital journalists
20 underwater photos that illuminate creatures dwelling in the dark depths
20 years after the publication of ‘Purple Hibiscus,’ a generation of African writers have followed in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s footsteps
20 years after U.S. invasion, young Iraqis see signs of hope
20 years ago, vast bushfires razed Canberra’s suburbs – and bushfire science was never the same
20 years in the making: witnessing the Dwoort Baal Kaat songline’s incredible return to Noongar Country
20 years of Maputo Protocol: A success story for women's rights in Africa
20 years of orange cones: The history of VLC
20 years on, George W. Bush’s promise of democracy in Iraq and Middle East falls short
20 years on, the International Criminal Court is doing more good than its critics claim
20% of Australian students don’t finish high school: non-mainstream schools have a lot to teach us about helping kids stay
20% of scientific papers on genes contain gene name conversion errors caused by Excel
20+ Breathtaking Photos Of Animal Migration
20+ Of The Most Famous Cats On The Internet
20+ Unusual Animal Friendships That Are Absolutely Adorable
20,000th post!
20-foot dinosaur made from balloons by airigami
200 and counting: Global financial institutions are exiting coal
200 experts dissected the Black Summer bushfires in unprecedented detail. Here are 6 lessons to heed
The 200 Greatest Adventure Novels of All Time
200 million trees
200% Wolf is a visual triumph – and a reminder that Australian animators could lead on the world stage
The 200-year-old painting that puts Europe's fear of migrants to shame
2004 Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race photos
2004 Ig Nobel prize awards
2004 Year-End Google Zeitgeist
2005 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest Results
2005 Ig Nobel Prizes
the 2005 International Submarine Races
2005 Star Wars Fan Film Awards
2006 Brisbane trip photos
2006 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2007 Darwin Awards
2007 Ig Nobel Awards
2007 US trip photos - final
2008 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2008 Interactive Fiction Competition winners
The 2009 AAAS/Science Dance Contest
?: The 2009 AAAS/Science Dance Contest
2009 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2010 Bulwer-Lytton Contest results
2010 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2011 Bulwer-Lytton Contest results
2011 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2012 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest winners
2012 Ig Nobel prize winners
2012 Melbourne International Animation Festival
The 2013 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
The 2015 Holiday Fantasy Bundle
2016 AICP Sponsor Reel - Dir Cut
The 2016 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
The 2017 comedy wildlife photography awards
The 2017 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2017 Nikon Macro Photo Contest Winners Show The World Like You’ve Never Seen Before
2019 Hugo Award Finalists Announced
The 2019 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2019 Winners of the Bulwer Lytton Fiction Contest
The 2019–2020 Australian forest fires are a harbinger of decreased prescribed burning effectiveness under rising extreme conditions
2020 Ig Nobel Awards celebrate the not-so-serious side of science
The 2021 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
2021 was one of the hottest years on record – and it could also be the coldest we’ll ever see again
2021 Was the Year Cargo Shipping Pivoted Green
2022 Comedy Wildlife Photo finalists – in pictures
2022 in Review: >8 Million Trees Planted on >24,000 Acres
2022 on Track to Break Grim Record as Earth Becomes an "Atlas of Human Suffering"
The 2022 Oregon Legislature: Significant Victories for Forests, Waters, and Wildlife; Disappointment on Climate
2022 Photomicrography Competition
2022 was a good year for nature in Australia – but three nasty problems remain
2022 wasn’t the year of Cleopatra – so why was she the most viewed page on Wikipedia?
2022 Whitley wildlife conservation award winners announced
THE 2022 WINNERS - Travel Photographer of the Year
2022 Winners | The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
2022: Australia’s year of living forgetfully
The 2023 BirdLife Australia photography awards – in pictures
The 2023 Comedy Pet Photography awards – in pictures
The 2023 Hugo Award Winners Are Here
2023 in Review: A Year of Progress for Oceans, the Environment, and Science
2023 Locus Awards Winners
The 2023 Nature Conservancy photo contest winners – in pictures
2023 ocean photographer of the year – in pictures
2023 Open Standards Survey
2023 smashes record for world’s hottest year by huge margin
2023 Stuck At Prom Winners
2023 was the first year without elephant poaching in Republic of Congo National Park
2023 was the year of generative AI. What can we expect in 2024?
2023 Winners | The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
2023's most mind-bending puzzle game gives you a magic camera and invites you to break the world
2023: The Year Of AI Panic
2023’s public domain is a banger
The 2024 election is going to be wildly transphobic
The 2024 Living Planet Index reports a 73% average decline in wildlife populations — what’s changed since the last report?
The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth
2024 Tech Layoffs: Over 200,000 jobs slashed globally since January
2024 UNESCO International Literacy Prizes reward six groundbreaking initiatives
2024 will be world’s hottest year on record, and the first above 1.5°C target
2024 Winners | The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
2024 witnessed ‘absolute failure’ of west to lead fight for human rights, says watchdog
2024's public domain is a banger
2024’s biggest conservation wins for the West
2025 Solarpunk Conference
2040 review
20°C seems the optimal temperature for life on Earth to thrive – what does this mean in a warming world?
21 amazing things cities are doing to fight the climate crisis
21 Delicious Geometric Food Gradients by Artist Adam Hillman
21 kids sued the government over climate change. A federal court dismissed the case.
The 21 Most Touching Interspecies Friendships You Never Thought Possible
21 species removed from endangered list due to extinction, U.S. wildlife officials say
21 Species Removed From The Endangered Species Act Due To Extinction
21 Things That Made the World a Better Place in 2021
The 21 things you learn in your first year in Melbourne
21 Unexpectedly Clever Tattoos That Will Actually Make You Laugh
21-Year-Old Maori Woman Who Became New Zealand's Youngest MP Performed The Haka In Her First Speech
215 million hectares of forest – an area bigger than Mexico – could grow back by itself, if we can just leave it alone
The 21st Century’s Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Big Four Deep Drivers of Destabilization
22 Boops That Changed The World In 2013
22 Musicals In 12 Minutes w/ Lin Manuel Miranda & Emily Blunt
23 Moments
23 Unbelievable Places
The 23andMe data breach reveals the vulnerabilities of our interconnected data
24 years of life lost: people placed in state care have died earlier, more violent deaths – new study
$245-million initiative to create and maintain protected areas in Colombia
25 Awesome Furniture Design Ideas For Cat Lovers
The 25 Best Feel-Good Not Always Right Stories Of 2020!
25 Famous Authors Share Their Worst Moments
25 gorgeous nebula photos that capture the beauty of the universe
The 25 Greatest Science Fiction Tropes, Ranked
25 indie games that should be on your radar
25 Mind-Twisting Optical Illusion Paintings By Rob Gonsalves
25 myths and bad arguments about climate change
25 sources of free public domain books
25 Years Ago I Coined the Phrase “Triple Bottom Line.” Here’s Why It’s Time to Rethink It.
25 Years Later, Neopets Is Finally Going Back to Basics
25 Years of Linux — so far
25% of wild bee species have gone missing since the 1990s, study finds
🎉 25,000 posts! 🎉
259 LGBTQ characters in cartoons that bust the myth that kids can't handle inclusion
26 million Nigerians face acute hunger: 4 big ideas to tackle the food crisis in 2025
26 years ago, Howard chose fossil fuels over the Pacific. What will Albanese choose?
27 States Let Utilities Shut Off Electricity for Nonpayment During Heat Waves
28 Months Later
280 million e-bikes are slashing oil demand far more than electric vehicles
2D Animated Short Film "JOHANNE"- Fantastic Adventure Animation by Anna-Ester Volozh
2nd gig
3 Animals That Are Smarter Than You Thought
3 drugs that went from legal, to illegal, then back again
3 Enchanting Japanese Words That Will Brighten Your Day
3 exciting ways to cut shipping’s ridiculously big carbon footprint
3 innovative ways to help countries hit by climate disasters, beyond a loss and damage fund
3 key moments in Indigenous political history Victorian school students didn’t learn about
3 lessons from Australia’s ‘climate wars’ and how we can finally achieve better climate policy
3 little-known reasons why plastic recycling could actually make things worse
3 New Kinds of Open Source: DNA, Journalism, Shoes
3 orthopaedic surgeries that might be doing patients (and their pockets) more harm than good
3 reasons people with power are more likely to make bad decisions
3 reasons to fear humanity won’t reach net-zero emissions – and 4 reasons we might just do it
3 reasons why removing grazing animals from Australia’s arid lands for carbon credits is a bad idea
3 things a climate scientist wants world leaders to know ahead of COP27
3 Things to Keep Me From Rolling My Eyes at Your White Privilege
3 Things You Can Do to Help Avoid Climate Disaster
3 types of denial that allow Australians to feel OK about how we treat refugees
3 ways app developers keep kids glued to the screen – and what to do about it
3 ways the Albanese government can turn Australia into a renewable energy superpower – without leaving anyone behind
3 ways the fossil fuel industry failed women (and how clean energy can learn from its mistakes)
3 ways these latest Iran demonstrations are different to past protests
3 ways to prepare for bushfire season if you have asthma or another lung condition
3 ways ‘algorithmic management’ makes work more stressful and less satisfying
3 ways ‘bossware’ surveillance technology is turning back the management clock
3 years after the Taliban’s return, Afghanistan is a broken country swarming with terrorists again
3,000 mourners pay final respects to cat stationmaster Tama
3,200 deaths a year: 1 of many reasons air pollution in Australia demands urgent national action
3,800-km Cable Offers Glimpse of a Global Power Grid
3-D Technologies Help The Blind Experience Art More Fully
The 3-ladder system of social class in the U.S.
3.3 million US adults displaced by natural disasters in past year – survey
3.5 kilometres underwater, scientists found a staggeringly energetic particle from outer space
The "3.5% rule": How a small minority can change the world
3.93-Feet: Omar The Maine Coon Cat Might Be World's Longest Cat
The 30 Best Data Visualizations of 2023 [Examples]
30 Captivating Ceilings That Would Be An Honor To Lie Under
30 Days Of Sexism
The 30 Greatest Animal Photobombs Of 2013
30 of the Most Amazing University Museums
30 Photographs of the Most Beautiful Places in the World
30 Sloth Problems Illustrated By Japanese Artist Keigo
30 Things You Should Know About “Weird Al” Yankovic’s ‘Dare to Be Stupid’
30 Women Share The Times They Were Completely Ignored In Favor Of Men, Despite Being Clients
30 years after genocide: Rwanda’s older generations fear a return of ethnic tensions, but youth feel more united
30 years of LGBTQ+ history in Russia: from decriminalisation in 1993 to ‘extremist’ status in 2023
30 years of the web down under: how Australians made the early internet their own
30 years of winning love by daylight: why audiences are still obsessed with Sailor Moon
30,000 square kilometers of Ukraine's land cleared of mine threats, operations expanding further
30-Second Bunnies Theatre
The 30-year hunt to find the Priscilla, Queen of the Desert bus: ‘My jaw was on the ground’
300 Cats, Yes. Craziness, No.
300 Million Home Sales Prove It: Wind Turbines Don’t Kill Property Values After All
300,000ha Queensland cattle station bought for conservation after $21m donation
30–50 feral hogs? Why Twitter memes are more positive (and much faster) than you might think
31,000 Acres at the Front of a Movement
32- and 64-bit ARM Open Hardware Boards
33 million kids vaccinated against polio in southern Africa
34 Lost Cities Forgotten by Time
35 Amazing Examples Of Long Exposure Photography
$35 Billion Worth of Real Estate Could Be Underwater by 2050
35 Great Visualizations
35 Humorous Food Art That This Artist Made By Adding Funny Faces On Top Of Her Creations
350 years of the Royal Society go online
$35m debt-for-nature deal aims to protect Indonesia’s coral reefs
35m Mythbusters interview at RSA conference 2009
36 Crazy Fashion and Runway Trends
36 year-old DESTROYS 29-year-old millennial who “ripped” 25-year-old Yelp employee who got fired after complaining about her salary
360in360: a couple’s 360-day journey to encapsulate Australia’s natural beauty
37 silent film plots
37 Surreal Photo Manipulations By Zulkarnain Ismail That Challenge Logic
37 Times When One Tiny Grammar Or Spelling Fail Ruined EVERYTHING
38 Bizarre and Hilarious Pictures Show How Funny Victorian Life Was
38C3: Lawsuits Are Temporary; Glory Is Forever
The $3bn bargain: how China dominates Pacific mining, logging and fishing
3D chalk art by Chris Carlson
3D fractals: The "Mandelbulb"
3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering
3D Hypertext and Project Xanadu
3D Printed Extreme Reduction Gearing Device Offers Exponential Force of 1 by 11 Million
3D Printed Record
3D printer and costume
3D scanning: we recreated a sacred South African site in a way that captures its spirit
3D video mapping projection brings buildings alive
The 3D-Printed Affordable Housing of the Future Will Be Recyclable
3D-printed fish fillet ‘created for the first time’
3D-printed math and science sculptures
3DS, Wii U eShop Shutdown Leaves Archivists In The Wind, Hobbyists Pick Up The Pieces
3M reaches historic settlement over PFAS contamination
3rd Annual C-U Edible Book Festival
3rd Annual Pretend to Be a Time Traveller Day
4 assumptions about gender that distort how we think about climate change (and 3 ways to do better)
4 creepy crawlies you’ll see more of this wet summer – and one iconic beetle you’ll probably miss
4 lessons for the Albanese government in making its climate targets law. We can’t afford to get this wrong
4 out of 5 parents support teaching gender and sexuality diversity in Australian schools
4 Pandemic Responses That Changed Life for the Better
4 reasons not teaching evolution in schools is immoral
4 Things That Struck Me After Visiting Political Spaces in 14 US Cities
4 things to know about Moldova and Transnistria – and why Russia’s war may spread beyond Ukraine to reach them soon
4 Ways Mountains Are Affected By Anthropogenic Climate Change
4 ways the world messed up its pandemic response — and 3 fixes to do better next time
4 ways to bring down rent and build homes faster than Labor’s $10 billion housing fund
4 ways to cut down on meat when dining out – and still make healthy choices
4 ways to get people to care about the ocean
4 ways to understand why Australia is so cold right now despite global warming
4 ways we can change our behaviour to adapt to the climate crisis
4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns, Documentaries & More
4,300 tonnes of space junk and rising: another satellite breakup adds to orbital debris woes
4-Billion-Pixel Panorama From Curiosity Rover Brings Mars to Your Computer Screen
4-day work week trials have been labelled a ‘resounding success’. But 4 big questions need answers
40 Photographs By Steve McCurry That Explore The Relationship Between Humans And Animals
40 Times People Saw Hilarious Puns And Just Had To Share Them
40 years ago, protesters were celebrated for saving the Franklin River. Today they could be jailed for months
40 Years of Weird: Al Yankovic’s Biggest Moments
40% of world’s plant species at risk of extinction
40+ Ideas to Inspire Your Project of Earth
40,000 emails! Thank you all.
€400 monthly payment to be given to households who take in Ukrainian refugees
400,000 trees planted in roadwork schemes have died
400,000 women over 45 are at risk of homelessness in Australia
40th birthday party invitation!
40th birthday party NEW DATE AND TIME
40°C in August? A climate expert explains why Australia is ridiculously hot right now
42 Geeky Resolutions You'll Actually Want To Keep
42nd birthday party invitation!
45 places you can download tens of thousands books, plays and other literary texts completely legally for free
45 Years Ago, One Kids Book Series Taught A Generation How To Make Bad Decisions
46 Books that Changed the World
4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump
4K? (yes) Drones? (yes): BBC brings out big guns for Planet Earth II
4ocean collects record-setting 30 million pounds of trash
5 Absurdly Brutal Ways America Still Abuses Native People
5 Australian COVID experts on receiving abuse and trolling amid the pandemic
5 Beautiful New Indie Games To Emotionally Latch Onto
5 big trends in Australians getting scammed
5 books for kids and teens that positively portray trans and gender-diverse lives
5 Brainwashing Tricks That Work No Matter How Smart You Are
5 Cities Leading the Charge Toward Electric Bus Transportation
5 Common Misconceptions People Have About Furries
5 Economists Redefining… Everything. Oh Yes, And They’re Women
5 First Nations picture books for Australian children to read during NAIDOC week – or any time
5 games to play if you’re ‘not a gamer’ – or to introduce to the non-gamers in your life
5 good news stories about climate change
5 incredible craters that will make you fall in love with the grandeur of our Solar System
5 Indigenous engineering feats you should know about
5 major heatwaves in 30 years have turned the Great Barrier Reef into a bleached checkerboard
5 maps that show why free public transport benefits the affluent most
5 must-read books about Russia and Ukraine: our expert picks
5 of the best home-grown games to play this summer
The 5 psychological barriers to climate action
5 Public Space Strategies that Promote Local Economies
5 Reasons Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying the World
5 reasons kids still need to learn handwriting (no, AI has not made it redundant)
The 5 Reasons To Keep Daylight Saving Time Have No Science To Back Them Up
5 reasons why climate change may see more of us turn to alcohol and other drugs
5 reasons why the Fast-track Approvals Bill threatens NZ’s already fragile ecosystems
5 reasons why the Morrison government needs a net-zero target, not just a flimsy plan
5 Scientific Reasons Your Idea of Happiness Is Wrong
5 Shockingly Outdated Problems Gay People Still Face Today
5 Stupid Habits You Develop Growing Up in a Broken Home
5 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Verbal Abuse
5 things the media does to manufacture outrage
5 things we learned about the environment at Davos 2018
5 things we need to see in Australia’s new nature laws
5 things you can do to end the biodiversity crisis as the world talks about it at COP16
5 things you might not know about forests – but should
5 tips for getting off gas at home – for a cleaner, cheaper, healthier all-electric future
The 5 top robots of 2006
5 Unintended Consequences of Photography
5 virus families that could cause the next pandemic, according to the experts
5 Wildly Surprising Nature-Based City Solutions
5 xenophobic myths about immigrants in South Africa debunked by researchers
5 years on, COVID remains NZ’s most important infectious disease – it still demands a strong response
5 years since COVID was declared a pandemic, we’re still poorly prepared for the next one
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Things About Ayah Bdeir
50 animated shorts from the national film board of Canada
The 50 beautiful Australian plants at greatest risk of extinction — and how to save them
The 50 Best Animated Films Of The 21st Century So Far
50 Books Every Child Should Read
50 Brilliant Science Fiction Movies That Everyone Should See At Least Once
The 50 Cards Project
50 countries vow to protect 30% of land and sea by 2030
50 Incredibly Cool Things That Are Free Online That Everyone Should Take Advantage Of
50 Lies Programmers Believe
50 of my favourite pics from the Australian International Airshow
50 Of The Most Evil Packaging Designs We’ve Ever Seen (New Pics)
50 Of The Most Majestic Libraries In The World
50 Reasons Why Everyone Should Want More Walkable Streets
50 websites you'll wonder how you lived without
50 Weirdest Stock Photos You Won’t Be Able To Unsee
50 years after Evonne Goolagong’s Australian Open win, we should remember her achievements – and the racism she overcame
50 years after The Lucky Country, Australia’s sustainability challenge remains
50 years ago today the word “hypertext” was introduced
50 years ago, Cyclone Tracy flattened Darwin – and Australia’s attitude to disasters changed forever
50 years ago: Henry Kissinger and the death of democracy in Chile
50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Big Moments
50 years of Moog, the analog synth that still beats 1s and 0s
50 Years of Stupid Grammar
50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says
50 Years of Text Games
50 years on, Advance Australia Fair no longer reflects the values of many. What could replace it?
50 years since Mike Oldfield began writing Tubular Bells: the pioneering album that changed the sound of music
500 baby sharks to be released: An exclusive look at an unprecedented mission
500 Days: How the War in Ukraine Changed the Lives of Millions
500 Free Programming Books up for grabs on GitHub
500,000 Books Have Been Deleted From The Internet Archive’s Lending Library
500-Plus Doctors Sign Open Letter Urging Dutton To ‘Show Compassion’ To Refugees
51-Foot-Long Fire-Breathing Dragon Is Declared the World’s Largest Walking Robot
52 acts of kindness: how to spread joy in every week of 2023
52 Animals
52 Blue: The loneliest whale in the world
54% of projects extracting clean energy minerals overlap with Indigenous lands, research reveals
"555 KUBIK: How it Would be, if a House Was Dreaming"
56 Geeks Project
The 56-Year-Long Crisis of Treasonous & Illegitimate GOP Presidents is Happening Again
5D фильм, На всех парах! (Steam Speed, 5D)
5G Was An Over-Hyped Dud. Prepare For Nobody To Learn Absolutely Anything From The Experience
5th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day
6 Amazing Acts of Resistance You Weren’t Taught About in US History Class
6 Anti-Trans Arguments That Sound Historically Familiar
6 Badass Librarians Who Changed History
6 Badass Unsung Heroes From History's Darkest Hours
6 books about the climate crisis that offer hope
6 books to help talk to your child about climate change
6 Civil Rights Movement Myths You Learned In History Class
6 non-fiction reads for kids this summer, recommended by kids aged 9 to 11
6 Princess Books for Parents Who Really, Really Hate Princesses
6 reasons 2023 could be a very good year for climate action
6 reasons Australians don’t trust economists, and how we could do better
6 reasons why global temperatures are spiking right now
6 reasons why it’s so hard to see a GP
6 steps towards remaking the homelessness system so it works for young people
6 things I learned from riding in a Google Self-driving Car
6 things parents and policy-makers need to know about children and the internet
6 Things Paul Ryan Doesn’t Understand About Poverty (But I Didn’t, Either)
6 Ways Police Have Used Sex To Infiltrate And Disrupt Protest Groups
6,000 sheep will soon be grazing on 10,000 acres of Texas solar fields
6,000 words but silent on falling real wages: what Chalmers got wrong on ‘values-based capitalism’ and fixing our economic woes
6-week-old caracal kittens venture outside with mom
6-year-old finds rare fossil
6.4-Sigma Event: Antarctic Sea Ice Hits Lowest Point Since Official Records Began
60 Second Adventures in Thought
60 years after it first gazed at the skies, the Parkes dish is still making breakthroughs
60 years and 14 Doctors: how Doctor Who has changed with the times – and Ncuti Gatwa’s casting is the natural next step
60 years of progress in expanding rights is being rolled back by Trump − a pattern that’s all too familiar in US history
60% of Australian English teachers think video games are a ‘legitimate’ text to study. But only 15% have used one
60% of Australians want to keep Australia Day on January 26, but those under 35 disagree
60% of women and non-binary punters and artists feel unsafe in Melbourne’s music spaces
The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill
600 Free eBooks for iPad, Kindle & Other Devices
66 (Old) Movie Dance Scenes Mashup (Mark Ronson-Uptown Funk ft.Bruno Mars)
66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023
The 66 Most Stunning Science Pictures Of 2013
7 cool little open source projects that stood out in 2016
7 functionalities the scholarly literature should have
7 green technologies we need to save the world
7 Months Inside an Online Scam Labor Camp
7 Powerful Harry Potter Scenes That Did Not Make It To The Movies Finally Come To Life Thanks To This Illustrator
7 reasons Australia is the lucky country when it comes to snakes
7 Reasons We're Quietly Letting Racists Win
7 rings - Drum TAO (Ariana Grande) Japanese Drums "太鼓" feat. KIMIKA
7 sci-fi stories that imagine a better world
7 Things You Missed If You Didn't Read Wired's Big Story On How The NSA Is Killing The Internet
7 ways towns and cities are turning from grey to green
7 worst international aid ideas
7 years, billions of kilometres, a handful of dust: NASA just brought back the largest-ever asteroid sample
7 ‘creepy crawlies’ you don’t need to be afraid of this spooky season
7-star housing is a step towards zero carbon – but there’s much more to do, starting with existing homes
7.5 hour video from front of Bergen-to-Oslo train
70 mil. COVID cases, 130,000 deaths in 5 yrs since outbreak in Japan
70 years after the first ascent of Everest, the impact of mass mountaineering must be confronted
70 years ago, an Anglo-US coup condemned Iran to decades of oppression – but now the people are fighting back
70% of Australians don’t feel in control of their data as companies hide behind meaningless privacy terms
700 million plastic bottles: we worked out how much microplastic is in Queensland’s Moreton Bay
700 Years of Persian Manuscripts Now Digitized and Available Online
71% of Australian uni staff are using AI. What are they using it for? What about those who aren’t?
740,000km of fishing line and 14 billion hooks: we reveal just how much fishing gear is lost at sea each year
75% of Software Engineers Faced Retaliation Last Time They Reported Wrongdoing
The 79-year-old King of Norway just gave the most powerful speech about sexuality and religion
8 billion humans: How population growth and climate change are connected as the ‘Anthropocene engine’ transforms the planet
8 billion people: Four ways climate change and population growth combine to threaten public health, with global consequences
8 everyday foods you might not realise are ultra processed – and how to spot them
8 non-code ways to contribute to open source
8 Photo Stories That Will Challenge Your View Of The World
8 Super Chill Maker Youtube Channels That Are Completely Addicting
8 Things Not to Say to People Who Are Estranged from a Parent
8 Things You Should Know About Two Spirit People
8 Things You Should Never Say to Someone With Long COVID
8 years after the Rana Plaza tragedy, Bangladesh’s garment workers are still bottom of the pile
8-bit Dr Horrible (part 1)
8-Year-Old Artist Surprises Aunt With Painted Portrait That Earned Finalist Spot in an Art Competition
8.5M square feet of US self-storage rooftops are getting solar
The 80 happiest songs of the 1980s
800bhp electric car from Keio University
8088 MPH: We Break All Your Emulators
’80s kids rejoice: There’s a new prequel series to “The Dark Crystal”
80s Synth Medley (3 guys, 6 keyboards)
850 meters
86 Stories of Progress from 2024
86 Viral Images From 2014 That Were Totally Fake
87% Missing: the Disappearance of Classic Video Games
8th Grader Writes Brilliant, Hilarious Star Wars Algebra Problem
9 in 10 LGBTQ+ students say they hear homophobic language at school, and 1 in 3 hear it almost every day
9 Park Success Stories Advocates Made Possible
9 popular online courses that are gone forever… and how you can still find them
9 Social Panics That Gripped the Nation, Were Totally False, and Did Horrible Lasting Damage
9 Ways We Can Make Social Justice Movements Less Elitist and More Accessible
90 years ago, Yorta Yorta leader William Cooper petitioned the king for Aboriginal representation in parliament
90% of patients respond to new blood cancer treatment in trial
90% of Table Salt Is Contaminated With Microplastics
90% of the top Christian Facebook pages were run by Eastern European troll farms
The 90-SECOND NEWBERY Film Festival
The ’90s Sci-Fi Series That Needs Help Being Saved
90s Synth Cover by Magaziine ft. Astyn Turr & Christine Noel
92-year-old World War Two veteran flies Spitfire again
93% of Paint Splatters are Valid Perl Programs
93-Year Old Man Wins a Storytelling Contest With a Hilarious Story About His Valentines in 1933
93-Year-Old Grandma & Her Grandson Dress-Up In Ridiculous Outfits, And People Love It (30 Pics)
96-Year-Old Navajo Grandmother Goes Viral on TikTok for Her Beadwork
97% of adult Australians have limited skills to verify information online – new report
97% of Australians want more action to stop extinctions and 72% want extra spending on the environment
The 970-HA-JOKES Payphone Project
98% of emperor penguin colonies could be extinct by 2100 as ice melts – can Endangered Species Act protection save them?
99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn't Hear About in 2022
99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2021
99% Efficiency: Princeton Engineers Have Developed a New Way To Remove Microplastics From Water
A "Chronicles of Amber" Adaptation Is Coming to TV, With an Assist From Stephen Colbert
A "process" matter that is actually life-or-death for the U.S.... and the U.K.
A #NatureNow message from Greta Thunberg.
A $13 billion, 30-year flop: landmark study reveals stark failure to halt Murray-Darling River decline
A $2.5 million prize gives this humanitarian group more power to halt human suffering
A $4 desalination system provides continuous clean drinking water for a family
A 'hole' new attraction has been unveiled at the Hobbiton Movie Set | Seven Sharp
A (mostly) scientific ranking of takeout containers – from best to worst for the environment
A 1,300-Year-Old Egyptian Book Of Spells Has Been Deciphered
A 10% Switch To Reusables Could Cut Ocean Plastic Waste By 50%: WEF Report
A 10-panel comic explores a subtle kind of racism many people of color experience.
A 101-Year-Old’s Fight Against Book Banning
A 1986 bulletin board system has brought the old Web back to life in 2017
A 20-year ‘mega-drought’ in Australia? Research suggests it’s happened before – and we should expect it again
A 2004 Live Performance of ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’ Captured in Brilliant High Definition Video
A 21st-century government must care for our nature and our future
A 224 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Featuring 43 Different Cat Shaped Pieces That Need to Be Herded Together
A 25-Year-Old Bet Comes Due: Has Tech Destroyed Society?
A 250-mile protest run: the fight to save Navajo land and US national parks
A 365-million-year-old fish with an extreme underbite showcases vertebrate diversity
A 4-day week might not work in health care. But adapting this model could reduce burnout among staff
A 4-Day Workweek? A Test Run Shows a Surprising Result
A 4.45 billion-year-old crystal from Mars reveals the planet had water from the beginning
A 50,000-Year-Old Block of Ice Paints the Most Chilling Picture of the Future Ever
A 500 km conveyor belt road from Tokyo to Osaka could help Japan slash transport emissions
A B.C. research project gave homeless people $7,500 each — the results were 'beautifully surprising'
A B.C. study gave 50 homeless people $7,500 each. Here's what they spent it on.
A Bad Mashup - Pomplamoose
A bag of Cheetos created a huge impact on a national park ecosystem
A ball that inverts and changes color when it is midair, and the scientific literature that explains it
A banned promoter of cancer ‘cures’ was hijacked by genAI. Now the internet is ‘flooded with garbage’
A Basic Income Is Smarter Than a Minimum Wage
“A basic right:” Why energy for cooking, heating and cooling should be free
A Bat Rescue Organization Posted These 40 Pics Of Bats Being Cute To Show How Harmless They Actually Are
A battery price war is kicking off that could soon make electric cars cheaper. Here’s how
A Beautiful Juvenile Elephant Gleefully Splashes Around In the Pool With His Mighty Trunk
A Beautiful Pair of Human-Sized Pneumatic Articulating Feather Wings
A beginner’s guide to greenwash and four ways to avoid falling for it
A belief in meritocracy is not only false: it’s bad for you
“A better way to live:” Indigenous-owned solar microgrid lights way for energy democracy
A Better Way to Say Sorry
A Bicycle Is an Anti-Poverty Machine
A Big New Report on American Children Is Out. It’s Horrific.
‘A bigger victory for Putin than any military battle’: Russia gleeful after Trump-Zelenskyy clash
A billion animals have been caught in Australia’s fires. Some may go extinct.
A Billionaire-Funded Website With Ties to the Far Right Is Trying to “Cancel” University Professors
A biodiverse marine paradise in Peru is now protected!
A Biodiversity Hotspot Flourishes as Costa Rica Puts Nature on the Payroll
A Bionic Leg Controlled by the Brain
A Bird’s-Eye View of a Technicolor World
A BIT ABOUT WORDS - Julian Burnside
A Bit O' Aussie Humour
A Bit Rich
‘A blind and deaf mind’: what it’s like to have no visual imagination or inner voice
A blizzard of “sustainability” labels
A blog full of gorgeous hand-drawn animation
A Bolivian Monastery Adopted A Dog And Named Him Friar Mustache
A botanical Pompeii: we found spectacular Australian plant fossils from 30 million years ago
A Brave New Generation of Craftspeople in Kashmir
A Brazilian city restores its mangroves to protect against climate change
A breakthrough in wildfire detection: How a new constellation of satellites can detect smaller wildfires earlier
'A Breath of Fresh Air': Offshore Wind Power Could Produce More Electricity Than World Uses
A bridge made of grass
A Bridge Will Help Humans and Lions Coexist in Los Angeles
A brief account of Australia’s offshore detention regime
Fwd: A brief depiction of much time in history
A Brief History of Bullying Women to Have Babies
A brief history of the European future
A Brief History of the Idea That Everyone Should Get Free Cash for Life
A Brilliant Cello Mashup of Beethoven’s ‘Fifth Symphony’ and Led Zeppelin’s ‘Whole Lotta Love’
A British Nurse Was Found Guilty of Killing Seven Babies. Did She Do It?
A Brooklyn Jester Had an Enduring Comic Brew That Was True
A Bug in Early Creative Commons Licenses Has Enabled a New Breed of Superpredator
A Building Material That Consumes CO2 Has Finally Come to the US
A Bullingdon in reverse: how working-class student club is taking on elitism
A Bunch Of Authors Sue OpenAI Claiming Copyright Infringement, Because They Don’t Understand Copyright
A Bunch of Pirates: A Transdimensional Adventure
A burnt-out health workforce impacts patient care
‘A bus is open to everyone regardless of class’: riding the world’s biggest network
A busman’s video game? Meet the people who play job sims of their own careers
A California lake has enough lithium to power 375 million EVs
A Call for Cooperation Against Fake News
A Call From the High Seas to Stop Fighting and Start Cooperating
"A Call to Action Against Slavery"—We're About to See the Largest Prison Strikes in US History
A Caltech Nobel laureate celebrates his 100th birthday. Then he gets back to work
A Canadian lake holds the key to the beginning of the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch
A Canadian study gave $7,500 to homeless people. Here’s how they spent it.
A cancer centre is the latest victim of cyber attacks. Why health data hacks keep happening
A car that winks, laughs and cries
A carbon tax can have economic, not just environmental benefits for Australia
A Career Retrospective—10 years working in tech
A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
‘A catastrophe’: Why world’s largest inland water body could disappear and what it says about climate change
A Cautionary Tale
‘A celebration of migration.’ Portrait series salutes NHS workers
A century in motion: how stop-motion films went from obscure ‘creature features’ to winning Oscars
‘A century in the making’: Canada adds federal protection to Indigenous-declared marine refuge
A century-old double standard: like Labor leaders before him, Albanese is being told he can’t manage money
A chainsaw amnesty is protecting the rainforest in Borneo
A chaotic Brexit is part of Trump’s grand plan for Europe
A chapter ends for this historic Asian American bookstore, but its story continues
A Chat with Mark Oakley
A Chicago Nonprofit Shows How To Create An “Aboveground Railroad” For Migrants
A chill coffeeshop game where you play therapist to vampires, cat girls, and succubi
A China-backed dam in Indonesia threatens a rare great ape – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg
A Chinese vlogger shared videos of war-torn Ukraine. He's been labeled a national traitor
Fwd: a chorus of body sounds effect an African storm....
A Christian Crowdfunding Site Has a White-Power Problem
A chronicle of courage: the programme keeping Afghan women’s words alive
A chunk of Chinese satellite almost hit the International Space Station. They dodged it – but the space junk problem is getting worse
A Circular Economy Requires Repairability
A circular food system can withstand crises like COVID-19 — and provide delicious meals
A City of Murals, Decades in the Making
A Class Act
A clean energy grid means 10,000km of new transmission lines. They can only be built with community backing
A Clever Song About Not Being Able to Do Anything Because of a ‘Cat on My Lap’
A Climate Change Success Story? Look at Hoboken.
A climate of despair
A climate scientist on India and Pakistan’s horror heatwave, and the surprising consequences of better air quality
A climate scientist on the planet’s simultaneous disasters, from Pakistan’s horror floods to Europe’s record drought
A clinical psychiatrist reveals how Indian women in Australia experience family violence – and how to combat it
A Cloned Ferret Has Given Birth for the First Time in History, Marking a Win for Her Endangered Species
A Code Red for Our Democracy
A Coder Considers the Waning Days of the Craft
A Collaborative Project in City Planning for Urban Biodiversity in Japan
A Colorful Illustrated Wall Chart Capturing the Hilarious History of Monty Python in Chronological Order
A Coming-Out Guide Aims to Promote Acceptance Among Gay Chinese
A commentary on Sci-hub
‘A common vision for a world without war’: artists redesign the iconic peace symbol
A Community-Driven Path to Replenishing Groundwater in a Parched Region
A community-led strategy to save Brazil’s dry forests from desertification
A Compliment That Really Means Something
A Concerning Trend
A condition called POTS rose after covid, but patients can’t find care
A Conservation Victory: Over the Past Three Years, No Elephants Poached in Mana Pools National Park
A Conversation with Ece Temelkuran on How to Lose a Country, in 7 Steps.
A Conversation with John Cleese
A Conversation With My 12-year Old Self
A conversation with Terry Pratchett, author of The Carpet People
A copyright troll took down one of our favorite Tumblrs. Here's why it could happen to you.
A cosmic time machine: how the James Webb Space Telescope lets us see the first galaxies in the universe
A couple things
A court among the coconut palms: when justice came to visit the Torres Strait
A court case against migrant activists in Italy offers a reminder – not all refugees are welcome in Europe
A Cover of the Song ’99 Red Balloons’ Played With Red Balloons
A COVID inquiry has been announced. But is COVID still a thing? Do I need a booster?
A crane lifting a crane lifting a crane
A Crazy Illustration Of How Fast A Lava Flow Can Move
A Crime by Any Name
A critique of the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
A Crocheted Wearable Mermaid Tail Towel That Cleverly Transforms Into Its Own Transport Bag
‘A Cultural Shift Toward Living With Fire’
Fwd: A Cup of Coffee
A Cup of Coffee
A Curved Wall of Glass That Flickers as the Wind Blows
A cut-and-paste attack on electric vehicle batteries and renewables is spanning the globe. But is it right?
A cute couple
A Cypress in Chile Could Soon Break The Record For World's Oldest Tree
A Czech couple has created the world's first hand-stitched video game
“A damn stupid thing to do”—the origins of C
A damning review of e-cigarettes shows vaping leads to smoking, the opposite of what supporters claim
A Dandypunk
A Daring Rescue Mission Is Saving Kharkiv’s Bats
A day in the life of (almost) every vending machine in the world
A Day of Speaking Truth to Power: Visiting the ODNI
A day with America’s only dedicated heat team in the US’s hottest city
A Dazzling Series of Photos Captures the Soft Glow of Firefly Mating Season in Japan
A deadly bird flu strain is headed for Australia – and First Nations people have the know-how to tackle it
A deadly disease has driven 7 Australian frogs to extinction – but this endangered frog is fighting back
A Death Sentence for the Bengal Tiger?
‘A death sentence’: More than 600 people die after catching COVID in hospital
A decade later: How the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge made a lasting impact
A decade of declining violence worldwide, except in the USA and Latin America
A decades-long decline in extreme poverty has gone into reverse — here’s how to fix things
A deep dive into the wormhole of sci-fi invention
‘A deeply troubling discovery’: Earth may have already passed the crucial 1.5°C warming limit
A Delightful Animated Music Video for ‘Monkey Rag’ by The Asylum Street Spankers
A Designer's Portfolio, 16th Century-Style
A Desirable-Future Haiku
A destructive legacy: Trump bids for final hack at environmental protections
A detailed explanation of a black man's experience in the US
A dictator's son runs for Philippines president in a bid to revive his family's power
A Dictionary of Science Fiction Runs From Afrofuturism to Zero-G
A Different Aftermath
A Dilapidated Bank Turned Stunning Cultural Center Opens in Chicago’s South Side
A dire forecast: Scientists used AI to find planet could cross critical warming threshold sooner than expected
A Discrimination Report Card
‘A disease’: Caste discrimination in Australia is on the rise – but some are fighting back
A Dislocation Theory of Violence
A doctor’s humbling journey treating long Covid: ‘The second we think we know what we are doing, we fall flat on our face’
A Donald Trump presidency is bad for climate action, but Australia should get on with the job
A Dose of Inspiration: Why Doctors Are Prescribing Museum Visits
‘A dose of nature’: each time you visit a national park, you save the health budget almost $100
A dossier of lies and falsehoods: How Scott Morrison manipulates the truth
A drag queen's final tribute to the grandmother who loved and accepted him
A Drastic but Effective Way to Help Protect Your Aging Parent From Fraud
A Dream Deferred
A Dream of Discovering Alien Life Finds New Hope
A driving lesson with Kronk! 🚗
A Dutch City Is Experimenting With Giving Away A Basic Income Of $1,000 A Month
A dying baby, a Trump tweet: Inside network setting global right-wing agenda
A dystopian or utopian future? Claire G. Coleman’s new novel Enclave imagines both
A eulogy for RadioShack, the panicked and half-dead retail empire
A Fair(y) Use Tale
A Fairer Distribution of Wealth
A Fascinating Compilation of 1929 Sound Interview Footage With the Oldest People in the United States
A Fascinating Way to Put a Stop to the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Black Children
A Few Crucial Instances of Grace
A few months ago, science gave this rare lizard a name – and it may already be headed for extinction
A Few Questions About the Culture: An Interview with Iain Banks
A fierce battle is being fought in the soil beneath our feet – and the implications for global warming are huge
A fierce tussle over a Northern Territory river reveals Australia’s stark choice on water justice
A Fight for Salmon Fishing Rights Connects Indigenous Peoples Across the Pacific Ocean
A Fire Story
A flourishing ecology and a healthy economy? Henry David Thoreau thought you couldn’t have one without the other
A food revolution: campaigners in Liège want all the region’s produce to be grown locally. Can they do it?
A Forest for the Next Generations
A forest restoration project brings birdsong back to Angola’s highest mountain
A forgotten and neglected ecosystem covers a third of Earth’s coastlines, with a collective value of $500 billion
A forgotten peace petition started after WWI has resurfaced and is inspiring hope
A Forgotten War on Women
‘A fork in the road’: laundry-sorting robot spurs AI hopes and fears at Europe’s biggest tech event
A former White House scientist was scammed out of $655,000. Then came the IRS
A Fossil Fuel Economy Requires 535x More Mining Than a Clean Energy Economy
A Four Planet System in Orbit, Directly Imaged and Remarkable
A Fox Tale Short Film
A Free-Transit Prescription for Healthier Communities
A French Village’s Radical Vision of a Good Life with Alzheimer’s
A galactic ‘comet’ called Terzan 5 just illuminated a 100-year-old puzzle about cosmic rays
A Gallery Of Dogs And Cats Wearing Bow Ties
A game where you catch lightning bugs until the sun comes up
‘A game-changer’: the 9,000 acre project reclaiming the Fens for nature
‘A gamechanger’: new meningitis vaccine hailed as major step
A genius explains
A Gentlemen’s Guide To Rape Culture
A German Couple Winds Up on U.S. No-Fly List
A German Guy Wants to Give You a Bunch of Money for Nothing
‘A gift to Moscow’: dismay as NYPD takes part in UAE Swat games with Chechnya and Belarus
A Gigantic Wave in The Pacific Ocean Was The Most Extreme 'Rogue Wave' on Record
A Girl Dressed As a Stargate
A Girl Scout wrote to companies with a heartfelt request. As a result, they cut down on millions of plastic straws.
A Girl Scouts troop offers hope and 'sisters for life' for migrant children
A Glass Wings Artist Becomes A Hero!!!!
A global IT outage brought supply chains to their knees – we need to be better prepared next time
A global wastewater surveillance program could have stopped the spread of COVID-19, Northeastern researcher says
A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul
A Golf Ball Takes Weeks to Move Through the World’s Slowest Rube Goldberg Machine
A Gorgeous Orchestral Cover of the Doctor Who Theme With Vocals Supplied by a German Choir
‘A great day for the country’: Uganda declares an end to Ebola outbreak
a great melbourne graffiti artist
‘A great place to start’: All new state schools to have Indigenous names
a great way to keep track of craft markets around victoria
A great year to be a cabbage white butterfly: why are there so many and how can you protect your crops?
A great, low-tech hack for teaching high-tech skills
A Green New Deal
A Green New Deal is fiscally responsible. Climate inaction is not
A green roof or rooftop solar? You can combine them in a biosolar roof, boosting both biodiversity and power output
A Green School in the Heart of Urban Paris
A green trifecta: how a concrete alternative can cut emissions, resource use and waste
A groundbreaking discovery: how we found remnants of Earth’s primordial crust near Perth
A Group of Asian Small-Clawed Otters Playing a Keyboard at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
A Group Of Capybaras Adopted A Stray Cat At A Malaysian Zoo — And Now It’s Part Of Their Enclosure
A group of political ‘assassins’ is quietly threatening American democracy, a new book says
A Growing Baby Elephant Adorably Disrupts the Home of the Generous Woman Who Took Her In
A growing number of LGBTQ+ Russians seek refuge from war, discrimination in Argentina
A guaranteed basic income could end poverty, so why isn’t it happening?
A guest post from Brad Willis: Wheaton’s Law Revisited
A guide to converting your old car to electric
“A Half-Built Garden”
A Handbill of Tiananmen
A Hard Deadline: We Must Stop Building New Carbon Infrastructure by 2018
A Healthy Coral Reef Is a Symphony
A Heartfelt 1990s R&B Cover of Disney’s ‘Gummi Bears’ Cartoon Series Theme Song
A heated steering wheel for $20 a month? What’s driving the subscriptions economy
A heatwave in Antarctica totally blew the minds of scientists. They set out to decipher it – and here are the results
A Hedge Fund That’s Also a Newspaper
A Hilarious History of Music According to Spike Jones
‘A historic step’: G20 discusses plans for global minimum tax on billionaires
A historic victory for horseshoe crabs
A History Lesson Star Trek Gave Us 57 Years Ago That We Failed to Learn
A History of Computer Communications: 1968-1988
A history of global living conditions in 5 charts
A History of Global Warming, In Just 35 Seconds
A history of the Amiga, part 8: The demo scene
A Holistic Approach to Health Care Is Helping to Keep Rural North Carolinians Housed
A home among the gum trees: will the Great Koala National Park actually save koalas?
A howling good time: Wolves celebrate Christmas with a bacon-draped tree at Wolf Park
A huge Atlantic ocean current is slowing down. If it collapses, La Niña could become the norm for Australia
A huge battery has replaced Hawaii’s last coal plant
A Huge Climate Change Movement Led By Teenage Girls Is Sweeping Europe. And It’s Coming To The US Next.
A Huge Collection of Embroidered Temari Spheres by an 88-Year-Old Grandmother
A Huge Complex of Roman Baths with Mosaics Discovered in the Ancient City of Halaesa Archonidea in Sicily
A huge shark terrorises people in new French hit Under Paris. When will we stop villainising these animals?
‘A hugely significant sighting’: red goshawk photographed for first time in central Australia
A hundred UK companies sign up for four-day week with no loss of pay
A journey through a land of extreme poverty: welcome to America
A Journey To China’s Largest Ghost City
A journey to the Disappointment Islands
‘A joy to watch’: UK rewilding brings endangered species back from brink
A juice company dumped orange peels in a national park. Here's what it looks like now.
A kangaroo, a possum and a bush rat walk into a burrow: research finds wombat homes are the supermarkets of the forest
A kid in Guatemala had a dream. Today she's a disease detective
‘A kind of meditative peace’: quiet hour shopping makes us wonder why our cities have to be so noisy
A krill aquarium, climate research, and geopolitics: how Australia’s $800 million Antarctic funding will be spent
A kung-fu kick led researchers to the world’s oldest complete fish fossils – here’s what they found
A Kurdish Family in Syria, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Tries to Survive a Turkish Bombing
A Lavishly Illuminated Medieval Bestiary Goes Online
A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany
A legacy of logging
A lesson about bullying
A Lesson in the Compassion of Islam
A Letter to JK Rowling
A letter to my loved ones about COVID-19: You've moved on, but I'm still here
A letter to Steven Pinker (and Bill Gates, for that matter) about global poverty
A Levitating Wireless Speaker in the Shape of a Storm Cloud
A Libre Graphics Meeting showcase summary
A limit to ageing? Australian life expectancy is rising, but new report asks why few live to 110
A Linguist Explains the Rules of Summoning Benedict Cumberbatch
A List Of Household Items Republicans Lost Their Minds Over For No Reason
A litany of losses: a new project maps our abandoned arts events of 2020
‘A little bit addictive and the right amount hard’: new video game is based on poems of Emily Dickinson
A Little Gray Bengal Cat Gleefully Rolls Around in a Blue Plastic Pool Filled With Multi-Colored Balls
A little guide to working with online communities
A little humour may help with climate change gloom
A Little Something to Brighten Your Day
A Little Tolkien Book
‘A living pantry’: how an urban food forest in Arizona became a model for climate action
A Living Seed Bank Is Preserving the Amazon’s Incredible Plants
A long-dead soprano has taken to the stage with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Are holograms the future?
A look at LyX 2.1
A look in the game design of choose-your-own-adventure books
A lost world returns with a warning
‘A lot higher than we expected’: Russian arms production worries Europe’s war planners
A love letter to @anagramatron
A love letter to a fatcaller
A love letter to the Internet of old
A Lushly Melodic Version of the Classic a-ha Song ‘Take on Me’ as Performed by a Chamber Ensemble
A made-in-Japan solution for space junk that goes against the grain
A major blackout left 500,000 Victorian homes without power – but it shows our energy system is resilient
A major LGBTQ+ org just left X over the site’s cyberbullying of queer youth
A major multiculturalism review has recommended bold reforms. How far is the government prepared to go?
A major new childcare report glosses over the issues educators face at work and why they leave
A major new climate report slams the door on wishful thinking
A Major Oil Pipeline Project Strikes Deep at the Heart of Africa
A major report excoriated Australia’s environment laws. Sussan Ley’s response is confused and risky
A major scorecard gives the health of Australia’s environment less than 1 out of 10
A major South Korean broadcaster omitted 'ladies' from Michelle Yeoh's Oscars speech
A Major UN Climate Change Report Was Just Approved by Nearly 200 Nations
A major ‘fusion breakthrough’ was just officially announced in the US. But what does it actually mean?
A majority of Australians would welcome a universal basic income, survey finds
A Man Plays the ‘Main Title’ From the ‘Star Wars’ Symphonic Suite on a Wurlitzer Pipe Organ
A man raped me, another tried to. They were not animals. They were men.
A man scouring Google Earth found a mysterious scar in the Australian outback – and now scientists know what caused it
A marine heatwave in northwest Australia is killing huge numbers of fish. It’s heading south
'A masterpiece': Norwich council houses win Stirling architecture prize
'A matter of life and death' - Sue Gardner on public broadcasting
A mecca for rewilders: the community-led project restoring Scotland’s southern uplands
A Mechanical Engineer Becomes a Mask Nerd
A media literacy handbook for Israel-Gaza
A Medley of Daft Punk Songs Played on Two Acoustic Guitars
A mega port in India threatens the survival of the largest turtles on Earth
A mesh network spontaneously erupts in the US and helps connect Puerto Rico
Fwd: A message for you? from Me? 5 minutes of you time to MAKE your day
A message from Paul Rugg
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
A message to my doomed colleagues in the American media
A Microhome Village in Austin Ends Homelessness for Hundreds
A microlight flight around Australia to highlight endangered migratory shorebirds' plight
‘A miracle of Western tenacity’: how 10 million refugees found homes after World War II
A Miracle: Notre-Dame’s Astonishing Rebirth From the Ashes
A Modern Teenager Interprets Classic Art
A Modest Proposal: Universal Online Media Payment Syndication
A monster eddy current is spinning into existence off the coast of Sydney. Will it bring a new marine heatwave?
A moonlit tribute to a moon landing icon
A More Accurate Galaxy Song
A more hawkish China policy? 5 takeaways from House committee’s inaugural hearing on confronting Beijing
A More Resilient Species
A more varied diet would help the world’s economy as well as its health
'A Most Remarkable Creature' Introduces The Little-Known, Charismatic Caracara
a mother's imagination
A multi-billion dollar solar sheep rental industry is taking shape in Australia
A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat
A museum let a group of penguins wander its empty rooms, and they couldn't take their eyes off the paintings
A must see video from the TED talks
A mysterious interstellar radio signal has been blinking on and off every 22 minutes for over 30 years
A nation of slaves
A national bullying of the poor: the trouble with America’s bootstrapping myth
A national digital ID scheme is being proposed. An expert weighs the pros and (many more) cons
A Native American tribe is building a $1B solar farm in Colorado
A Natural History Of Trust & Safety
A naturalist finds hope despite climate change in an era he calls 'The End of Eden'
A Navajo teacher is among the first Colorado educators to revive Indigenous language in the classroom
A neighbourhood ‘war zone’ and a garden-gate overdose sparked Judy Ryan’s fight for Victoria’s first safe injecting room
A new "Muppisode" with the WWE
A new $2 coin features the introduced honeybee. Is this really the species we should celebrate?
A new 'Sesame Street' show in Arabic aims to help refugee children
A new abnormal: It is still 2 minutes to midnight
A New Animated Web Series About Copying And Copyright
A new Australian supercomputer has already delivered a stunning supernova remnant pic
A New Battery Intended to Power Passenger Airplanes and EVs, Explained
A new bill is proposing a human right to housing. How would this work?
A new book ranks the top 100 solutions to climate change. The results are surprising.
A new climate change report offers something unique: hope
A new database of teachers on screen shows they are often portrayed as rule breakers, losers or villains
A new dawn rises in the Arctic: the Inuit plan to reclaim their sea
A new design for the periodic table
A New Digital Currency Whose Value Is Based on Your Reputation
A new discovery about carbon dioxide is challenging decades-old ventilation doctrine
A new era of lies: Mark Zuckerberg has just ushered in an extinction-level event for truth on social media
A new era: Coal usage and emissions in the global power sector to peak in 2023
A new flagship coal plant failed spectacularly – but it won’t be the last time
A new flow: pioneering UK river restoration declared a success
A new hobby
A New Home for Homeless Christians
A new immersive cinema is helping firefighters to better prepare for megafires
A new installation lets you hear extinct and endangered animal sounds, thanks to Björk
A new kind of solar cell is coming: is it the future of green energy?
A new life for empty offices: Growing kale and cucumbers
A new life for London's lost rivers
A new link between fear, imitation, and antisocial behavior in children
A New Marine Protected Area to Protect Biodiversity and Coral Habitat Around Saint Martin’s Island in Bangladesh
A new model accurately predicts the migration of humpback whales – and may help them survive climate change
A New National Park is Born in Colombia
A new normal? Instead Australia looks like it could return to 'business as usual' after the pandemic
A New Number Format: The Unum
A New Ocean Preserve Could Save the Waters Off Baja—And This Stunning Marine Life
A New Plan for Keeping NASA's Oldest Explorers Going
A new project promised low-income families ‘zero net energy homes’ – but they still rely on gas
A new public statue of Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter shows a bright future for Australian monuments
A new reality reverberates through Russia's music scene
A new replication crisis: Research that is less likely to be true is cited more
A new report card shows inequality in Australia isn’t as bad as in the US – but we’re headed in the wrong direction
A new report links being homeless in Australia to dying 40 years early
A new RoboCup league is born
A New Rule of Education for the Age of AI
A new ruling says countries – including NZ – must take action on climate change under the law of the sea
A new school teaches children from low-income families to be journalists
A new Silicon Valley manifesto reveals the bleak, dangerous philosophy driving the tech industry
A new solar farm is now shading Denver Botanic’s actual farm in one of the state’s biggest “agrivoltaics” experiments
A new study about seabirds and offshore wind turbines may surprise you
A new study on Australian volcanoes has changed what we know about explosive ‘hotspot’ volcanism
A new survey explains one big reason there are so few women in technology
A new trade deal delivers cheaper Australian beef and British sweets – but does little to avert dangerous global warming
A new virtual museum reveals 600 million years of Australian fossils in unprecedented 3D detail
A new wave of celebrity politicians breaks the rules on acceptable behavior, inspired by Trump
A new way of tackling homelessness is showing promise. Will it catch on?
A New Way to Make Green Steel
A new year’s publishing resolution
A New Zealand mountain is granted personhood, recognizing it as sacred for Māori
A new ‘AI scientist’ can write science papers without any human input. Here’s why that’s a problem
A newly identified ‘Hell chicken’ species suggests dinosaurs weren’t sliding toward extinction before the fateful asteroid hit
A newly uncovered ancient Roman winery featured marble tiling, fountains of grape juice and an extreme sense of luxury
A next-generation intranasal trivalent MMS vaccine induces durable and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
A Night at the Garden
A Nobel Prize winner in economics just backed basic income
A Note On a Jackass Getting Booted From Twitter
A Notorious Invasive Plant Shows Promise in Green Construction
A Novelist and His Brother Sell Out Carnegie Hall
A Nursery School in Tottori that Connects Children to Nature
A Nutritionist Reveals The Secret to Making Friends With Salad
A Pacific Island With Ties to Taiwan Was Hacked. Was It Political?
A painting removed led to color steps all over Turkey
A Palestinian author’s award ceremony has been cancelled at Frankfurt Book Fair. This sends the wrong signals at the wrong time
A Palestinian bus crash that killed six kindergarteners represents an oppressive system – but a father’s story offers hope
A Pandemic is a Great Time to Stop Ignoring Unpaid Care Work
A pandemic that won’t go away – as COVID enters its 5th year, NZ needs a realistic strategy
A Parable of (All-American) Violence
A Parade of 100 Elephant Sculptures Makes a Jumbo Entrance in New York
A Paradise Built in Hell
A Parody of ‘Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope’ Imagining the 1977 Space Opera Film as a Disney Musical
A passionate argument for the necessity of functioning infrastructure
A patch a day? Why the vitamin skin patches spruiked on social media might not be for you
A patchwork of spinifex: how we returned cultural burning to the Great Sandy Desert
A peasant woodland
A penguin farm in the Australian desert: a thought experiment that reveals the flaws our in environment laws
A People’s History of the Third Reich
A person in Texas caught bird flu after exposure to cows that were thought to be ill
A person in Texas caught bird flu after mixing with dairy cattle. Should we be worried?
A Personal Apology to Young Americans for Failing to Stop Ronald Reagan
A Peruvian farmer is trying to hold energy giant RWE responsible for climate change – the inside story of his groundbreaking court case
A Pickpocket’s Tale
A Pipeline Fight and America’s Dark Past
A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art
A Place For Autistic Youth To Play And Disabled Adults To Work
‘A place for kids to play and a place to store water’: the stormwater capture zone that is also a playground
A Planning Revolution in Bratislava Puts Kids at the Center
A platypus can glow green and hunt prey with electricity – but it can’t climb dams to find a mate
A political proposal
A pool was filled with 250,000 ping pong balls for one wild party
A Pop Culture Primer on Parts of Speech
‘A portal to a different world’: a gamer’s guide to visiting Japan
a portrait of Tenochtitlan
A post-servo highway? How electric vehicles are changing the Australian roadscape
A Postal Worker Begged for Stronger COVID-19 Protections. She Ended Up Spending Six Weeks in the Hospital.
A Potential Major Discovery: An Aperiodic Monotile
A potted history of smoking, and how we’re making the same mistakes with vaping
A Power Grid Long Enough to Reach the Sun Is Key to the Climate Fight
A powerful force is stopping the Indian Ocean from cooling itself – spelling more danger for Ningaloo
A prefab building revolution can help resolve both the climate and housing crises
A pristine chunk of space rock found within hours of hitting Earth can tell us about the birth of the Solar System
A Pristine, 1,200-Acre Texas Preserve Will Open to the Public for the First Time This Week
A Protected Place
A provocative new book about public health and Covid-19, reviewed by Ashley Bloomfield
A Public Service Announcement
A push to cool Australian cities may inadvertently increase our skin cancer risk, unless we act
A quarter of Queensland’s energy now generated from renewables
A Quarter-Century Legacy of Coral Reef Conservation and Community Impact in Indonesia
A Quest for the Secret Origins of Lost Video-Game Levels
A quick guide to The Free Network
A Radical Approach to Flooding in England: Give Land Back to the Sea
A radical proposal to keep your personal data safe
A radical way to cut emissions – ration everyone’s flights
A Rainbow Made of Kimono: Japanese Culture Thrives in Kraków
A Ranch, Rewilded: The Transformation of California’s Next State Park
A Ranking of 1980s Fantasy That Would Please Crom Himself!
A rapid shift to electric vehicles can save 24,000 lives and leave us $148bn better off over the next 2 decades
A rapidly growing rocket industry could undo decades of work to save the ozone layer – unless we act now
A Rare 500-Year-Old Manuscript Gets a Second Life Online
A rare discovery: we found the sugar glider is actually three species, but one is disappearing fast
A rare find in ancient Timorese mud may rewrite the history of human settlement in Australasia
A rare reason for optimism about climate change
A Rational Fear: how to protest correctly in Victoria - video
'A real bad precedent': Australia criticised for Antarctica airport plan
A Real Stand-up Guy
A real-life archer faster than Legolas?
A Real-Life ‘Queen’s Gambit’—the Brazilian Maid Who Became a Chess Champ
A Reality Check About Solar Panel Waste and the Effects on Human Health
A REALLY Friendly Baby Whale Shark
‘A rebuke to Putin’s dictatorship’: Russian human rights group Memorial wins joint Nobel peace prize
A record of Australia's suburban history lives in this archive — and it was nearly lost
A record sentence for a Zoom call, arrests for those holding signs outside. This is a blight on British democracy
‘A relentlessly dull world’ – the case for adding more colour to NZ’s grey prisons
A renewable energy transition that doesn’t harm nature? It’s not just possible, it’s essential
A report claims koalas are ‘functionally extinct’ – but what does that mean?
A retirement home turned its residents into movie stars for a wonderful calendar
A Revolution in Computer Graphics Is Bringing 3D Reality Capture to the Masses
a revolution in europe
A Revolution In Vehicle Drivetrains?
A river personified
A River's Rights: Indigenous Kukama Women Lead the Way with Landmark Legal Victory
A robot is killing weeds by zapping them with electricity
A rose in every cheek: 100 years of Vegemite, the wartime spread that became an Aussie icon
A Russian Farmer Found This Strange Kitten In His Barn… And It Turned Out To Be So Much More.
A Ryanair Flight Carrying An Opposition Journalist Is Forced To Land In Belarus
‘A safe haven’: how Dungeons & Dragons is slaying social anxiety
‘A sanctuary’: how neglected Native American communities are organizing their own food hubs
A School Bought Solar Panels and Saved Enough to Give All Its Teachers Raises
A Sci-Fi Writer Returns to Earth: ‘The Real Story Is the One Facing Us’
A Scientist Who Resisted Trump Administration Censorship of Climate Report Just Lost Her Job
A Scuttlebutt Love Story
A Seaweed Farming Boom Is Preparing Maine for Life After Lobsters
A second high court rules that Japan’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional
A Secret Library, Digitally Excavated
A secret shelf of banned books thrives in a Texas school, under the nose of censors
A secretive legal system lets fossil fuel investors sue countries over policies to keep oil and gas in the ground – podcast
A senior Alberta official found the renewables pause ‘very troubling.’ He was pressured to support it anyway
A sequel to ‘The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot’ has entered production, according to Paul McGann.
A series of patent lawsuits is challenging the history of malware detection
A serious problem the news industry does not talk about
‘A serious wake-up call’: Cyclone Alfred exposes weaknesses in Australia’s vital infrastructure
A sham sentence after a secret trial for Aung San Suu Kyi’s Australian economic adviser
‘A shambolic mess’: the only example Australia is giving the world now is how not to manage Covid
A Shark Attack and a Terrorist Bombing: This Is a Love Story
A SHAUN THE SHEEP: THE MOVIE: FARMAGEDDON - Official Trailer 2 - From Aardman Animations
A shift to coastal shipping and rail could cut NZ’s freight transport emissions – why aren’t we doing it?
A shocking 79% of female scientists have negative experiences during polar field work
A Shocking 99% of Us Are Now Breathing Unhealthy Air, WHO Warns
A Shocking Number of Amphibian Species Are Vanishing, Scientists Warn
A shocking number of birds are in trouble
A Shoggoth on the Roof
A Short History of Game Panics
A short history of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy – an indelible reminder of unceded sovereignty
A Short Lesson in Perspective
A short sf story
A Show What I Directed
A shrinking Public Domain hurts open education
A siege. A bomb. 48 dogs. And the black commune that would not surrender
A silver lining from the pandemic: how lockdowns helped kids learn the languages their parents speak
A Simple Fix Lifts Single Moms Out of Poverty in India’s Slums
A single COVID-19 pandemic or multiple SARS pandemics?
A Single Small Map Is Enough For A Lifetime
A six-pack of sauvignon: could canned wine help save the planet?
A slide in global corruption rankings is bad for ‘Brand NZ’ – what can the government do?
A Small Field Guide
A Small Herd of Female Elephants Work Together to Rescue a Tiny Calf From a High Sided Waterhole
A snake story
A snapshot of contemporary Australia: the 2024 Bowness photography prize – in pictures
A Sneak Peek at the First Cyborg Olympics
A social and medical examination of Long COVID as a “mass disabling event”: Part 1
A Solarpunk Manifesto
A sovereign citizen group is using a fake court to justify child kidnapping and extortion
A Spotlight on Chile’s “Feminist Foreign Policy”
A Sprawl of Ghost Homes in Aging Tokyo Suburbs
A Spritely distributed-computing library
A Stanford student won $15,000 for an invention that helps autistic kids pick up emotion
A Star Trek-like space exploration miniatures game design
‘A stench of tokenism’: how environmental reforms ignore First Nations knowledge
A Step Too Far: The Problems with Forensic Gait Analysis
A Stevie Wonder and Herbie Hancock Mashup by Pomplamoose
A stich in time: world famous lace makers get grant to keep their skills safe for years to come
A Story About Low-Key Policing and Corduroy
A Striking Photo of a Very Rare Black Serval Cat
A Student Has Created A Gripping And NSFW Photo Series With Trump’s Quotes About Women
A Study of Movement (The Evolution of Dance) -puppetry final
A Stunner in France
A Subversive Bull: Robert Lawson and The Story of Ferdinand
A successful COP26 is essential for Earth’s future. Here’s what needs to go right
A successful energy transition depends on managing when people use power. So how do we make demand more flexible?
A summer of bomb threats frightens Moldova as war rages nearby
A Sunday of PIRATES!
A Supercut of Buster Keaton’s Most Amazing Stunts–and Keaton’s 5 Rules of Comic Storytelling
A surfing CAT!!!
A surprising number of new wolf packs have suddenly appeared in California
A Surprising Way to Stop Bullying
A Survey of Some of the Best Science Fiction Ever Published (Thanks to Judy-Lynn Del Rey)
A Swedish company is making flat-pack cars – but it’s not the one you think
A Swiftian Solution To Some Of Copyright’s Problems
A Sydney council has banned books with same-sex parents from its libraries. But since when did councils ban books?
‘A symbol of change’: Historic buildings keep their charm thanks to cleverly installed solar panels
‘A symbol of our nation’: waratah among 20 more species added to Australia’s threatened wildlife list
‘A symbol of what humans shouldn’t be doing’: the new world of octopus farming
A Systematic Review Of COVID-19 Misinformation Interventions: Lessons Learned
‘A tale of decay’: the Houses of Parliament are falling down
A tale of successes and new challenges in Senegal: Q&A with ICCA coordinator Salatou Sambou
A tale of two breastfeeding pictures
A Tale Of Two Tweets
A Tale of Two Twins
A Talk Between Women
‘A target on my back’: New survey shows racism is a huge problem in nursing
A tax on new plastic would slash waste – if built into the global treaty on plastics
A taxonomy of corporate bullshit
A Tea Song for Halloween
A technical fix to keep kids safe online? Here’s what happened last time Australia tried to make a ‘clean’ internet
A Technical Follow-Up: How We Built the World’s Prettiest Auto-Generated Transit Maps
A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. It’s both fascinating and horrifying to watch
A tenth of all electricity is lost in the grid. Superconducting cables can help
A theory of jerks
A Theory of Victory for Ukraine
A thin blue line: how Facebook deals with controversial content
A third of land set aside for restoration in worse state than before, Australian offset audit finds
A Third of North America’s Birds Have Vanished
A third of the Arctic’s vast carbon sink now a source of emissions, study reveals
A third of the world’s population lacks internet connectivity − airborne communications stations could change that
A Thought Provoking Fable About the Consequences of Delaying Creative Solutions to Horrible Problems
A Thriving Garden at a Former Coal Mine Is Feeding Thousands
A Tidal Wetland Restoration of Epic Proportions
A TikTok Ban Is A Pointless Political Turd For Democrats
A TikTok ban isn’t a data security solution. It will be difficult to enforce – and could end up hurting users
A tiny desert fish hits a 25 year population high in one of Earth’s harshest environments
A tiny house gives them hope: How a homeless family in Brazil got a fresh start
A tipping point for 3D metal printing?
A tonne of fossil carbon isn’t the same as a tonne of new trees: why offsets can’t save us
A Tour of Space Disco
A Tour of the Future We Still Don't Have
A Tour of the World’s Largest Collection of Synthesizers
A Towering, Terrifying Demon Horse Isn’t Even the Weirdest Part
A Toy With a Story
A Trail Gone Cold
A train through Ukraine: a journey into the stories of two years of war
A transforming home
A Transparent, Open-Source Vision for U.S. Elections
‘A trash can for the US’: anger in Mexico and Canada over toxic waste shipments
A treaty to end the age of plastic
A trip to North Korea
A Trip to Ukraine Clarified the Stakes. And They’re Huge.
‘A Trojan horse of legitimacy’: Shell launches a ‘climate tech’ startup advertising jobs in oil and gas
A Tropical Octav3 Animation
A True Story Of 'Copyright Piracy': Why The Verve Will Only Start Getting Royalties Now For Bittersweet Symphony
A Trump-Vance White House could undermine European security – and end up pushing Russia and China closer
A turbine prototype just broke a 24-hour wind power world record
A twist in Indonesia’s presidential election does not bode well for the country’s fragile democracy
A type of simple, DIY air filter can be an effective way to filter out indoor air pollutants
A Typology of Dumplings
A U.S. judge lectures the government on how academic research works
A Ukrainian dance troupe in the U.S. fights disinformation, one high kick at a time
A Ukrainian fencer scorned a Russian's handshake, challenging the sport's traditions
A Uniquely Beautiful Cover of ‘Africa’ by Toto Performed on a Traditional Japanese Koto
A university is offering scholarships for you to do absolutely nothing
A US state shelved my book – yet all I was doing was trying to help people live their lives
A useful, critical taxonomy of decentralization, beyond blockchains
A user's guide for the people API
A Valuable Reputation
A Vast Realm Off The Coast of Australia May Have Been Populated by Millions
A Vast Web of Vengeance
A Vast Wetland Park Seeks to Slake a Thirsty Megacity
A Vending Machine for Crows
A very English theft: how the countryside was taken from the public, using profits from slavery
'A very special day’: Birds linked to Darwin’s theory of evolution reintroduced to Galapagos Islands
A Vibrant Local Food System Grows in Colorado
A victory in the fight against environmental crime
A village in Kenya is quietly disproving the biggest myth about basic income
A Vinnies that never sleeps and an online thrift store to rival Asos: op shops log on to meet new demand
A Virginia tribe says racism wiped their Native identity from historic records. Nearly a century later, they’re still fighting for recognition
A virtual day with 750 pinball and arcade games, no quarters needed
‘A virtual seat at the family table’: why older people are among the biggest users of social media
A Virulent Antisemitism: An Interview with Dr. Peter Hotez
A virus you’ve never heard of is taking hold in NSW
A visit to Epic Nerd Camp
A Visual Guide To Creative Commons Licensing
A Visual History of Typewriter Art from 1893 to Today
A Visual Reminder That Everyone on the Internet Is an Actual Person
A Visual Tour of 35 Literary Bars and Cafés from Around the World
A visual tour of the United States’ biggest video arcade
A Visually Impressive Cover of the ‘Sesame Street’ Song ‘I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon’ Made With Toys
A Voice for Humanity, Independent Journalism and Activism | FairPlanet
A voice for Nature
A voice for the Arctic
A Volcanic Eruption Photographed Against the Backdrop of the Milky Way, Moon, and a Streaking Meteor
‘A wake-up call’: total weight of wild mammals less than 10% of humanity’s
A Wandering Conservationist’s Quest to Protect the World’s Soil
A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come
A warrior for Indigenous women and girls
'A waste of taxpayer’s money' | German passenger group slams hydrogen trains as a distraction from need to electrify
'A Watershed Moment': California Sues Big Oil Over Decades of Climate Destruction
‘A weird dinging sound that everyone dreads’: what rapid deliveries mean for supermarket workers
A Weird, Wonderful Conversation With Kim Stanley Robinson
A wet spring and summer means more mosquitoes but now we’ve got Japanese encephalitis virus to worry about too
A whale makes a comeback off Argentina's coast 100 years after vanishing
A Whale of a Win
A Whistleblower's Horror Story
A Wild Cat Comeback — Thanks to Vultures
A wildlife park has scrapped koala cuddles. Is it time for a blanket ban?
A Win For Harley Riders
A winner is me!
A wizard fox riding a dinosaur.
‘A woman is not a baby-making machine’: a brief history of South Korea’s 4B movement – and why it’s making waves in America
A Woman Moves Like a Parrot While Wearing an Incredibly Realistic Costume of Her Own Design
A woman took a picture of three Irish men in Times Square. It took Twitter only an hour to track the lads down.
A woman, middle-aged and struggling to pay bills: home truths in portrait of Australian artists
[A wonderful set of videos for those of you curious about the visual world!] Don't miss video: Hunting The Hidden Dimension with Benoit Mandelbrot (Nova/PBS)
A wood automata submarine bustling with busy animals
A Wooden Artwork Miraculously Unfurls into a Functional Desk Designed by Robert van Embricqs
‘A world first’: project recycles polyester into yarn for new clothes
A World Most Strange and Beautiful: Five Stunning New UNESCO Sites
A world-first in the Scottish Highlands
A world-first law in Europe is targeting artificial intelligence. Other countries can learn from it
A Yale psychologist's simple thought experiment temporarily turned conservatives into liberals
A year after Myanmar’s coup, the military still lacks control and the country is sliding into an intractable civil war
A year after Pakistan’s floods, 44% of children have stunted growth. What can be done about it?
A year after the PwC scandal, the furore is gone – as well as any real appetite for structural change
A Year Ago Today Was the First Time Russia Threatened To Kill Me
A year into Javier Milei’s presidency, Argentina’s poverty hits a new high
A year of ChatGPT: 5 ways the AI marvel has changed the world
A year of devastation: with hope and trust shattered, what can bring an end to the violence in Israel-Palestine?
A year of hunger: how the Russia-Ukraine war is worsening climate-linked food shortages
A year on, Russia’s war on Ukraine threatens to redraw the map of world politics – and 2023 will be crucial
A Yellowstone for Europe? Inside the bold effort to rewild the continent
‘A Yellowstone for Europe’: Romania’s ambition for a vast new wilderness reserve
A Young Mad Scientist's First Alphabet Blocks
A Young Muslim Apologizes to Rushdie
A Young Rescued Bat Makes Adorable Happy Noises While Getting His Head Rubbed by His Caretaker
A Young Rescued Bat Makes Adorable Happy Noises While Getting His Head Scratched by His Caretaker
A zero emissions future without the mining boom
‘A zombie party’: the deepening crisis of conservatism
A Zoo in Japan is Using Stuffed Animal Capybaras to Maintain Social Distancing
A ‘conservation conundrum’ – when rat control to conserve one species threatens another
A ‘first step’ toward landback: Tribes call for three new monuments in California
A ‘great shock’: Julianne Moore’s children’s book under review by Trump administration
A ‘High-Tech, Low-Cost’ Approach to Community Mental Health Care in India
A ‘Human-Led Approach’ to Loans Is Changing Lives in Rural India
A ‘next-generation’ gamma-ray observatory is underway to probe the extreme Universe
A ‘Revolutionary’ Way to Feed the World That’s Very Old
A ‘rewilding revolution’: How 9 million trees reforested England
A ‘Shocking’ Amount of the Web Is Already AI-Translated Trash, Scientists Determine
A ‘superficial’ and ‘misguided’ version of freedom has captured the American right. Joseph Stiglitz considers the alternatives
A ‘Tape Recorder for the Planet’: What Natural History Museums Bring to the Climate Fight
A ‘trilobite Pompeii’: perfectly preserved fossils of ancient sea critters found buried in volcanic ash
A ‘war on red meat’? No, changes to Australian dietary guidelines are just a sensible response to Earth’s environmental woes
A “big victory” for intersex people and their rights
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primer
The A.I. has learned how to tell you a celebrity's net worth
A.I. Is Helping Scholars Decipher the Epic of Gilgamesh
A.I. just makes the old problems worse
A.I. Will Not Displace Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once. It Will Rapidly Transform the Labor Market, Exacerbating Inequality, Insecurity, and Poverty.
A1 Revisited: The Seattle Times’ coverage of the 1942 removal of 227 Bainbridge residents left a harmful legacy
Abandoned Coal Mines Are Becoming the Batteries of the Future
Abandoned festival tents upcycled into clothes
Abandoned golf courses are being reclaimed by nature
Abandoned House in the Woods Taken Over by Wild Animals
Abandoned Lands: A Hidden Resource for Restoring Biodiversity
Abandoned Walmart is Now America’s Largest Library
Abandoning Bass Strait oil and gas structures would breach international law, expert warns
Abba's Chiquitita: Guatemala school uses Unicef funds
The Abbott government’s war on transparency
Abbott's obstruction of gay marriage is a defence of privilege and the power of shame
Abbott’s legacy, Trump’s playbook: Is the LNP planning science suppression 2.0?
Abby Wambach, Remarks as Delivered
ABC audience responds to survey on whether extinct thylacine should be brought back to life
ABC Open best pictures from the week 2018-03-16
ABC Open Pic of the Week
ABC Open Pic of the Year
ABC Open: Your best pictures from around Australia in 2018
The ABC’s budget hasn’t been restored – it’s still facing $1.2 billion in accumulated losses over a decade
The ABC’s plan to axe its librarians will damage its journalism. Here’s why
The ABC’s racism review is scathing. Can Aunty find the strength of character to properly address it?
ABDUCTION | Chris & Jack
The abject weirdness of AI ads
Abled-Bodied Leftists Cannot Abandon Disabled Solidarity to “Move On” From COVID
Ableism and disablism – how to spot them and how we can all do better
Ableism is not "bad words." It's violence.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must be at the centre, not the margins, of LGBTQIA+ plans and policies
Aboriginal art on a car? How an Indigenous artist and an adventurer met in the 1930 wet season in Kakadu
Aboriginal housing demolished in Western Australia without notice
Aboriginal message sticks are a fascinating insight into a complex system of written communication
Aboriginal owners and energy investors team up in plan for $3bn green hydrogen plant in WA
Aboriginal people have spent centuries building in the Darling River. Now there are plans to demolish these important structures
Aboriginal people made pottery and sailed to distant offshore islands thousands of years before Europeans arrived
Aboriginal people – how to misunderstand their science
Abortion and authoritarianism: Why women's freedom threatens male supremacy
Abortion bans are changing what it means to be young in America
Abortion is back in the headlines in Australia. The debates in the United States tell us why
Abortion is no longer a crime in Australia. So why is it still so hard to access?
Abortion right guaranteed by Roe will be replaced by state power if the Supreme Court adopts the leaked Alito opinion
About 1 in 6 older Australians experiences elder abuse. Here are the reasons they don’t get help
About 500,000 Australian species are undiscovered – and scientists are on a 25-year mission to finish the job
About 6m across US at risk of extreme weather as over 700,000 without power
About Apologies
About Opinions
About the SPCA of Wake County’s “Take a Chance on Me”
About those kill-switched Ukrainian tractors
About Those Lights
‘Above the law’ in some cases: Supreme Court gives Trump − and future presidents − a special exception that will delay his prosecution
The absence of multi-factor authentication led to the Medibank hack, regulator alleges
The Absolute Brilliance of Terry Pratchett
‘Absolute scandal’: UAE state oil firm able to read Cop28 climate summit emails
Absolutely Anything filming completed
‘Absolutely perverse’: climate scheme could reward Australian coalmines whose emissions rise
Absolutely Terrible Textbook Publishing Giant Pearson Wants To Make Everything Even Worse With NFTs
“Absolutely world leading:” Why Australia is leading the charge away from baseload power
The Absurd Problem of New York City Trash
'Absurd' bail conditions prevent Extinction Rebellion protesters 'going near' other members
Absurd: Egypt Threatens Me For Criticizing Cairo Airport
Abu Dhabi is creating vast carbon sinks from its mangroves and sharing its learnings with the world
Abu Dhabi reduces number of single-use plastic bags by half a million per day
Abuse Of Power: Laws Should Be Designed As If The People We Distrust The Most Are In Power
Abuse of Turning Nut Screw Driven
Abusive orphanages and forced adoption: delving into past child welfare practices that haunt the present
Academic Book About Emojis Can’t Include The Emojis It Talks About Because Of Copyright
Academic Consensus Growing: Phones And Social Media Aren't Damaging Your Kids
Academic freedom is paramount for universities. They can do more to protect it from China’s interference
Academic Journal Publishers Antitrust Litigation
Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change that
Academic Men Explain Things to Me
Academic papers should be free
Academic trolled for PhD 'unfazed by the vitriol'
Academics with tobacco industry links are not declaring potential conflicts of interest in research
Academy Issues Formal Apology to Sacheen Littlefeather for 1973 Oscars: ‘I Never Thought I’d Live to See the Day’
ACCC boss wants new powers to crack down on online businesses that make it hard to cancel subscriptions
ACCC to crack down on ‘greenwashing’ after survey reveals spike in misleading claims
Accelerated evolution and automated aquaculture could help coral weather the heat
Accepting anecdotes more readily than climate science is wilful ignorance
Accessibility in gaming expands with Sony’s new Access Controller for PS5
Accidental Guests of the Midwest Fur Fest ~ Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL
Accidental history—remastering the campy teen horror game Congress famously hated
Accidental therapists: For insect detectives, the trickiest cases involve the bugs that aren’t really there
The Accidental War Correspondent
Acclaimed artist Tom Moore uses ancient glassblowing technique to create prize-winning Dandy Lion
Accounting Tricks Won’t Save the Planet
Accuratizing Software Estimation
Achievements of the Coalition Government
Achieving net zero with renewables or nuclear means rebuilding the hollowed-out public service after decades of cuts
Acid oceans are shrinking plankton, fuelling faster climate change
Acid Pattern Generator
ACIPC Position Statement: Current and Continuing impact of COVID-19
ACMI’s Goddess asks us rethink our gaze – and the bias it contains – when we look upon women on the screen
Acquiring a Poly 1: A dedicated school computer from New Zealand
Acropolis now: crisis as soaring visitor numbers overwhelm Greek treasure
Across Canada, Scaremongering Becomes ‘Caremongering’ as Citizens Help Each Other In Challenging Times
Across Three Continents: A Tale of Tumblr, Copyright, and Excellent Posters
ACT government tables Australia's first laws to stop irreversible intersex surgery on children
Act of Love
ACT releases Australian-first draft law to protect intersex children from irreversible medical harm
Acting on climate change can get us out of recession. There are no excuses left
Action Expresses Priorities
The ‘active transport’ ideas from around the world that could make Australians healthier and our cities cleaner
Activists are warning of a return to the Jim Crow era in America. But who or what was Jim Crow?
Activists cheer victory in landmark Dutch climate case
Activists Gear Up for ‘Terrifying’ Pride Month As Threats Increase, Brands Drop Out
Activists say Iran regime targeting families of Australian protesters
Actor and Sydney peace prize winner Nazanin Boniadi urges Australia to sanction key Iranian officials
Actor Benedict Cumberbatch Performs a Brilliantly Dramatic Reading of ‘I’m a Little Teapot’ For Charity
Actor changes his name to Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Weather Wilson as climate protest
Actors are reciting pop songs like Shakespeare and the results are incredible
The Actress by Heather Sherman
ACTROID Reception Robot
Acts of hate are on the rise in Australia – but naming them is proving fraught
Actual greenhouse gas volumes exceed official reports
Re:the actual working sinking ship
the actual working sinking ship
Ada Lovelace Day
Ada Lovelace’s Endnotes Foretold the Future of Computation
Adam Bandt on Genuine Satire - brilliant speech
Adam Bandt urges Australians to ‘embrace’ civil disobedience and join climate protests
Adam Conover: A.I. is B.S.
Adam Savage Looks Back on the Animations His Father Created for ‘Sesame Street’
Adam Savage Sings "I Will Survive" as Gollum
Adam Savage Tours the Jim Henson Exhibition!
Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Totoro Costume!
Adam Smith to Richard Spencer: Why Libertarians turn to the Alt-Right
Adapt or disappear: Energy retailers must cater to consumers if they want to survive
Adapt, move, or die: repeated coral bleaching leaves wildlife on the Great Barrier Reef with few options
Adaptation isn’t enough. We’ve got to throw everything at the climate crisis
Adapting to a hotter planet has never been more important, and progress edged forward at COP27
Addicted: how the world got hooked on illicit drugs – and why we need to view this as a global threat like climate change
The Address of the Future
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
Addressing housing affordability, German style
Adelaide bound
Adelaide is losing 75,000 trees a year. Tree-removal laws must be tightened if we want our cities to be liveable and green
Adelaide Spiders (was Re: Fwd: From DVICE:Hyper-cute puppies, live on puppycam, show the Internet at its best
The Adelphi Charter on Creativity, Innovation and Intellectual Property
ADF captain's choice to wear female army uniform overhauls gender diverse policy
Administration announces $5.8 billion in funding to clean up nation’s drinking water, upgrade infrastructure
Adobe Announces Plan To Essentially Steal Money From Venezuelans Because It 'Has To' Due To US Sanctions
Adobe Crossword
Adobe Flash’s Gaming Legacy — Thousands upon Thousands of Titles — and My Efforts To Save It
Adobe steals your color
Adobe Warns Users Someone Else Might Sue Them For Using Old Versions Of Photoshop
Adopt A Word
Adopting the Aquaculture of the Future in Thailand
Adorable and Amazine Robots
The adorable Christmas advert made by a small Welsh shop that could rival the likes of John Lewis
Adorable Doggy Animation
Adorable Foster Animals Visit San Antonio Zoo | NowThis
Adorable Itsy Bitsy Houses
The adorable love story behind Wikipedia’s ‘high five’ photos
Adorable Paper Art
Adorable Photos Documenting the Friendship Between a Girl and Her Cat
Adorable Photos of Children Fighting Off Monsters in Their Bedrooms
Adorable Red Fox Ecstatically Wags Her Tail While Getting A Really Good Belly Rub
Adorable Robots
Adorable Zoo Animals In Hipster Clothing
Adorable! Leopard & Cub Crossing The Sabie River
Adrian Steirn
Adult Content Policies: A Textbook Case of Private Censorship
Adult Swim - Choir
Adults Are Losing Their Shit About Teen Mental Health On Social Media, While Desperate Teens Are Using AI For Mental Help
Advanced Scarf Techniques
The Advantage of Being a Little Underemployed
Advantages and challenges of anti-Covid nasal vaccination: the promises of a French approach
Adventure Capitalism
The Adventure Sci-FI Bundle
Adventures in Electronic Music
The Adventures of Business Cat
Adventures With Post Offices
Advertising Cannot Maintain the Internet. Here’s the “Secret Sauce” Solution.
Advocates make case for more electric vehicle charging stations in outback Australia
AEC struggles to get Twitter to remove posts that ‘incite violence’ and spread ‘disinformation’ ahead of voice
The AEC wants to stop AI and misinformation. But it’s up against a problem that is deep and dark
Aectual Transforms Wood Waste Into 3D-Printed Screens Emotive of Virgin Wood
Aemo warns coal-fired power plants could drop off before replacements are ready
Fwd: aerial photos
Aerial Prague
Aerial surveys of Great Barrier Reef ordered as flights show extensive coral bleaching
The aesthetics of science fiction spaceship design
Affordable nuclear? Dutton’s plan would add nearly $1,000 a year to the power bill of a family of four
Affordable Solar Power is Increasing Electricity Access for Malawi’s Households
Affordable, Flexible Childcare Helps Indian Mothers Earn More and Worry Less
Afghan Girls Relocate to Rwanda to Continue Their Education: IOM and SOLA Partnership
Afghan refugees settled in London told to uproot families and move 200 miles
Afghan women have been robbed of health care, education and now their voices. But they won’t remain silent
Afghan women sing in defiance of Taliban laws silencing their voices
Afghan Women Use Art to Resist the Taliban
Afghanistan a year after the Taliban occupation: An ongoing war on human rights
Afghanistan: single women and widows are struggling to find their next meal under Taliban restrictions
Afghans evacuated by US in chaos of withdrawal are languishing in foreign camps, documents reveal
Africa and the French language are growing together in global importance
Africa by Toto on Musical Tesla Coils
Africa can prevent Ethiopia from going down Rwanda’s path: here’s how
Africa desperately needs mpox vaccines. But donations from rich countries won’t fix this or the next health emergency
Africa dramatically dried out 5,500 years ago – our new study may warn us of future climate tipping points
Africa For Norway - New charity single out now!
Africa is the world’s largest market for Guinness beer – how its ad campaigns exploit men
Africa's largest polio vaccination drive since 2020 targets 21 million children
AFRICA: Leboncoin adopts new regulations against the ivory trade
African Artist and Japanese Designer Create Stunning Kimonos By Mixing Cultures
African Climate Summit: An opportunity to decolonise Africa’s energy
African countries at COP28: several big wins and a united voice
African Elephant Population Declines By 30 Percent
African elephant populations stabilise in southern heartlands
African Nations Rife With Illegitimate Collection Societies: Nigeria Files Criminal Complaint Against COSON
African penguins could be extinct by 2035 – how to save them
African Solutions to Global Problems
Africans discovered dinosaur fossils long before the term ‘palaeontology’ existed
Africa’s Cold Rush and the Promise of Refrigeration
Africa’s famous Serengeti and Maasai Mara are being hit by climate change – a major threat to wildlife and tourism
Africa’s land and forest restoration initiative gathers pace in Malawi
Africa’s large aquatic animals are being hunted and traded: we assessed the scale
Africa’s megacities threatened by heat, floods and disease – urgent action is needed to start greening and adapt to climate change
Africa’s TB reduction rate falls short amid slowing global progress
Africa’s Wikipedia Editors Are Changing How the World Sees Their Continent
After 10 years of work, landmark study reveals new ‘tree of life’ for all birds living today
After 14 years of advocacy, the DRC president finally signs new Indigenous peoples law
After 15 years, the World Wide Web Foundation is closing its doors
After 2,500 Studies, It's Time to Declare Animal Sentience Proven
After 25 years, logging and bushfires, a greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest
After 3 months of devastation in the Israel-Hamas war, is anyone ‘winning’?
After 3 years of Covid, CNN went into rural China for Lunar New Year. Here’s what we found and how officials tried stopping us
After 3 years of war, Ukrainian business leaders share their lessons on survival
After 30 years of waiting, Cop28 deal addresses the elephant in the room
After 33 Years, GameStop Shuts Down And Disappears ‘Game Informer’
After 40 years homeless, Ocean Beach native plant gardener set to move into housing
After 40 Years of Government Inaction on Climate, Have We Finally Turned a Corner?
After 65,000 years caring for this land, First Nations peoples are now key to Australia’s clean energy revolution
After a big recovery, the wood stork may soon fly off the endangered species list
After a century away, sturgeons return to Swedish waters
After a deadly month for domestic violence, the message doesn’t appear to be getting through
After a disappointing COP29, here’s how to design global climate talks that might actually work
After a record year of wildfires, will Canada ever be the same again?
After a year of rain, towns at the end of Australia’s giant river system await the slow, inevitable deluge
'After All, It's Our Money': Global Climate Campaigners Call for Public Banks to Fund Just Recovery and Green Transition
After Being Wounded With Poison Arrows, Desperate Elephant Runs To Humans For Help
After being wrongfully accused of spying for China, professor wins appeal to sue the government
After buying health company Vectura, tobacco giant Philip Morris will profit from treating the illnesses its products create
After COP27, all signs point to world blowing past the 1.5 degrees global warming limit – here’s what we can still do about it
After Dark in CSS
After decades of 'slime,' First Nation in B.C. celebrates clean drinking water
After decades of loss, the world’s largest mangrove forests are set for a comeback
After decades of plantation agriculture, coconut palms dominate over half of Pacific atoll forests
After decades putting the brakes on global action, does Australia deserve to host UN climate talks with Pacific nations?
After decades, a tribe's vision for a new marine sanctuary could be coming true
After Discovering a 120-Year-Old Time Capsule, Photographer Develops Two Cyanotypes of Cats
After Elections, Strangers Left Messages On New York’s Subway Walls To Remind Us All That We Will Be Okay
After Extinction Rebellion, Australian politicians are on notice – change is coming
After hottest summer on record, heat-related illnesses are now being tracked nationwide
After inflation, the whip-crack
After Maui fires, human health risks linger in the air, water and even surviving buildings
After nearly 10 years of debate, COP29’s carbon trading deal is seriously flawed
After neoliberalism: how Corbyn and Labour can win the next general election
After Pushback From Service Providers, Australian Regulators Strip Encryption Breaking Demands From Online Safety Bill
After Queen Elizabeth II's death, Indigenous Australia can't be expected to shut up. Our sorry business is without end
After robodebt, here’s how Australia can have a truly ‘frank and fearless’ public service again
After Roe v Wade, here’s how women could adopt ‘spycraft’ to avoid tracking and prosecution
After Super Tuesday, exhausted Americans face 8 more months of presidential campaigning
After the chainsaws, the quiet: Victoria’s rapid exit from native forest logging is welcome – and long overdue
After the dams: Restoring the Klamath River will take billions of native seeds
After the Ever Given: what the ship wedged in the Suez Canal means for global trade
After the fires
After the floods comes underinsurance: we need a better plan
After the floods, the distressing but necessary case for managed retreat
After the floods: Eugowra awaits the insurance payouts that may not come
After the hīkoi, the challenge: the Treaty principles debate and an honest reckoning with history
After the Optus data breach, Australia needs mandatory disclosure laws
After the Voice, climate change commitments should be the next urgent constitutional reforms
After Ukraine – The Great Clean Energy Acceleration
After Uluru: Australia's Politics of Contempt Threatens the Soul of the Nation
After urging land reform I now know the brute power of our billionaire press
After Years in Captivity, These Rescued Harpy Eagles Are Flourishing in the Wild
After years of austerity, Revive writes the next chapter in Australian literary culture
After Years Of Being Called An IP ‘Thief,’ China Now Out-Patenting Others… And Suing
After Years Of Deforestation, China's Forests Are Starting To Return
After years of mass shootings, the US is still trying to understand gun violence. Why?
The afterlife of broken art
Against Advertising: The new and improved argument
Against Bargaining
Against Cozy Catastrophies
Against Scale
The Age of Constitutional Coups by Paul Street
The age of entitlement: how wealth breeds narcissism
‘The age of fossil fuels will end’: Australia’s Chris Bowen hails Cop28 agreement
The Age of Oil Is Ending & We’ll Have a Lot of Oil Left Over
Age that kids acquire mobile phones not linked to well-being, says Stanford Medicine study
Age verification for pornography access? Our research shows it fails on many levels
Age Verification Laws Are Just A Path Towards A Full Ban On Porn, Proponent Admits
Aged Plant Fibers and Ink
Ageing in a housing crisis: growing numbers of older Australians are facing a bleak future
Ageism, sexism, classism and more: 7 examples of bias in AI-generated images
Agencies announce decision to restore grizzly bears to North Cascades
Agent to the Stars -- An Online Novel
Agents of change
Agents, Authors Question HarperCollins AI Deal
Aggressive measures in COVID early years credited for saving thousands of lives
Aggressive? Homophobic? Stoic? Here’s what thousands of Australian men told us about modern masculinity
AGL offers free charging as it rolls out first of 149 pole mounted EV chargers
AGL will close Victoria’s coal-fired power station Loy Yang A a decade early
AGL’s coal implosion shows what a disorderly transition to clean energy looks like
Agnes Chow: Hong Kong activist hailed as the 'real Mulan'
Agreement on loss and damage deal reached on first day of Cop28 talks
Agricultural productivity, sex education and gender equity: 5 times soap operas enabled social change
Agriculture Department buries studies showing dangers of climate change
Agriculture Is Killing Way More Bees Than We Realized, Huge Study Reveals
Agrivoltaic Solar Arrays Will Win The Rural Solar War, With Insects
Agrivoltaics Is Making Friends Across Partisan Lines, Thanks To Farmers
Agroecology Is the Solution to World Hunger
Agroforestry offers Thai rubber farmers a pathway to profit and sustainability
Agroforestry project sows seeds of hope in drought-hit Honduras
Ahead of Hearing, Committee Releases Memo Showing Fossil Fuel Industry is Misleading the Public About Commitment to Reduce Emissions
Ahhhh! Panda Cubs
Ahmed and Danice fell in love when he was in prison. Neither expected the biggest test to come after his release
AI "art" and uncanniness
AI affects everyone – including Indigenous people. It’s time we have a say in how it’s built
‘AI agents’ promise to arrange your finances, do your taxes, book your holidays – and put us all at risk
AI and the American Smile
AI and the Doctor Dolittle challenge
AI and the future of humanity
AI and the future of work: 5 experts on what ChatGPT, DALL-E and other AI tools mean for artists and knowledge workers
AI and Trust
AI Art Generators and the Online Image Market
AI art has no anti-cooption immune system
AI Art Is Eating The World, And We Need To Discuss Its Wonders And Dangers
AI Article Generator Falls for World of Warcraft 'Glorbo' Prank
AI can fool voice recognition used to verify identity by Centrelink and Australian tax office
AI can make up songs now, but who owns the copyright? The answer is complicated
AI can now generate entire songs on demand. What does this mean for music as we know it?
The AI Cargo Cult: The Myth of a Superhuman AI
The AI chat app being trialled in NSW schools which makes students work for the answers
AI chatbots are coming to your workplace but are not necessarily coming for your job
AI Chatbots Have Been Used to Create Dozens of News Content Farms
AI Checkers Forcing Kids To Write Like A Robot To Avoid Being Called A Robot
AI could predict heart attack risk up to 10 years in the future, finds Oxford study
AI could revolutionise environmental planning – if we don’t get trapped in the ‘iron cage of rationality’
AI datacentres to strain Australia’s energy supply, spike prices without change, expert says
AI design could "bring back the beauty and aesthetics of the classical era" says Tim Fu
AI does not exist but it will ruin everything anyway
AI does stand-up: ‘cruise ship comedy material from the 1950s, but a bit less racist’
AI Doomerism Is Just Marketing
The AI Doomers’ Playbook
AI for life: how sovereign Wiradyuri ways of knowing can transform technology for good
AI from a legal perspective
AI has potential to revolutionise health care – but we must first confront the risk of algorithmic bias
AI Homework
AI Hype: “Billions of dollars will be incinerated” Business Analysts Warn
AI image generation is advancing at astronomical speeds. Can we still tell if a picture is fake?
The AI industry is on the verge of becoming another boys’ club. We’re all going to lose out if it does
AI is a multi-billion dollar industry. It’s underpinned by an invisible and exploited workforce
AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?
AI is creating fake legal cases and making its way into real courtrooms, with disastrous results
AI is creeping into the visual effects industry – and it could take the human touch out of film and TV
AI is everywhere – including countless applications you’ve likely never heard of
AI is fuelling a deepfake porn crisis in South Korea. What’s behind it – and how can it be fixed?
AI Is Helping Indigenous Teens in Brazil Keep Their Mother Tongue Alive
AI Is Hitting A Hard Ceiling It Can't Pass
AI is killing the old web, and the new web struggles to be born
AI is making smart devices – watches, speakers, doorbells – easier to hack. Here’s how to stay safe
AI is not a magic wand – it has built-in problems that are difficult to fix and can be dangerous
AI is set to transform science – but will we understand the results?
AI Is Spamming Open Source Repos With Fake Issues
AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?
AI Isn’t a Crystal Ball, But It Might Be a Mirror
AI isn’t close to becoming sentient – the real danger lies in how easily we’re prone to anthropomorphize it
AI laser that reads heartbeat through the throat could replace stethoscopes
The AI music company shitting up your streams
AI overwhelmingly prefers white and male job candidates in new test of resume-screening bias
AI Plant and Animal Identification Helps Us All Be Citizen Scientists
AI propaganda campaign in Rwanda has been pushing pro-Kagame messages – a dangerous new trend in Africa
The AI Revolution and the Economy Have Killed My Highly-Skilled Job
AI Safety for Fleshy Humans
AI scam calls imitating familiar voices are a growing problem – here’s how they work
AI SpaceFactory Wins NASA's 3D-Printed Extraterrestrial Habitats Challenge
AI systems have learned how to deceive humans. What does that mean for our future?
The AI That Stole $25,000,000
AI to Aid Democracy
AI tools are generating convincing misinformation. Engaging with them means being on high alert
AI tools produce dazzling results – but do they really have ‘intelligence’?
AI tutors could be coming to the classroom – but who taught the tutor, and should you trust them?
AI was asked to create images of Black African docs treating white kids. How'd it go?
Ai Weiwei finds peace in Portugal: ‘I could throw away all my art and not feel much’
AI will increase inequality and raise tough questions about humanity, economists warn
AI Will Never Fit Into A Licensing Regime
AI ‘nudify’ sites are being sued for victimising people. How can we battle deepfake abuse?
AI-generated fiction is flooding literary magazines — but not fooling anyone
AI-generated influencers: A new wave of cultural exploitation
AI-Generated Slop Is Already In Your Public Library
aibo returns
Aiding and Abetzing
Air Canada flight reductions: FAQs about the chaos in the airline industry
Air hygiene: how re-thinking air quality will help protect us from this and the next pandemic
Air is an overlooked source of nutrients – evidence shows we can inhale some vitamins
‘Air is cleaner than before the Industrial Revolution’: a best case scenario for the climate in 2050
Air New Zealand Parodies ‘Men in Black’ and Its Title Rap Track in a Musical Flight Safety Video
Air New Zealand won’t be the last company to miss its climate goals – here’s why
Air pollution from fossil fuels ‘kills 5 million people a year’
Air pollution in Europe: 2023 reporting status under the National Emission reduction Commitments Directive
Air pollution in South Africa: affordable new devices use AI to monitor hotspots in real time
Air pollution in US from wildfire smoke is worst in recent recorded history
Air pollution is much worse than we thought
Air Pollution Isn't Only Bad For Lungs, Say Studies. It's Also Bad For Mental Health
Air pollution levels have improved in Europe over 20 years, say researchers
Air pollution may cause far more deaths than previously thought
Air pollution: how bad is particulate matter for your health?
Air quality at many train stations is alarmingly bad. Here’s how to improve it
AIR QUALITY LIFE INDEX® | 2024,Annual Update
Air quality near busy Australian roads up to 10 times worse than official figures
The air travel issue no one wants to talk about
The air we breathe: how I have been observing atmospheric change through art and science
Air-legal, all-electric “flying car” announced in the US
Airbnb’s racism problem is much bigger than a few racist hosts.
Airbnb’s Ukraine moment is a reminder of what the sharing economy can be
Airbus slashes budget and delays hydrogen-powered aircraft program
Airless bike tires made with NASA technology are now on sale
Airline software super-bug: Flight loads miscalculated because women using 'Miss' were treated as children
Airlines could ditch flights to Australia to meet future emissions promises, parliament told
Airlines may have to disclose carbon impact of individuals’ flights under new UK policy
Airport parking garage becomes drive-through art gallery
Airport staff takes boy's lost 'Hobbes' on epic adventure (photos)
Airship Dreams, Part 1
airwindows: in mix, no-one can hear your screen
‘AI’ is being used to profile people from their head vibrations – but is there enough evidence to support it?
AI’s influence on human decision-making: new CSIRO research
AI’s Victories in Go Inspire Better Human Game Playing
Ajay Bhatt and the Universal Serial Bus
Akademy: Freedom and the internet
Akashinga | The Brave Ones | International Anti-Poaching Foundation
Akihabara still shows off Japan’s love for physical media
Akinori Goto at Spiral Independent Creators Festival 2016
Akira Toriyama: Bye Cha! to the Great Master of Manga
Akiyoshi's illusion pages
Al Jaffee, the Longest Working Cartoonist in History, Shows How He Invented the Iconic “Folds-Ins” for Mad Magazine
Alan Kohler: For failing ‘carbon farms’, money grows on trees
Alan Kohler: Scott Morrison, the Murdochs and the crime of the century
Alan Lomax's Massive Archive Goes Online
Alan Tudge: Keeping The Humane Out Of The Human Services Portfolio
Alan Turing gets royal pardon for 'gross indecency' – 61 years after he poisoned himself
ALARM / HD Short Animation
Alarm Bells Sounded For Greenland's Ice Sheet, After The Collapse of 3 Ice Shelves
Alarm calls decode prairie dog language
Alarm grows over ‘disturbing’ lack of progress to save nature at Cop16
Alarm over discovery of hundreds of Chinese fishing vessels near Galápagos Islands
Alarming Increase in Microplastics Detected in Human Placentas
The alarming rise of the new fascism
Alaska's Indigenous tribes 'livid', turn to hunting as salmon stocks dwindle on Yukon River
Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds
Alaskan towns at risk from rising seas sound alarm as Trump pulls federal help
Albanese government launches war on vaping, declaring it the ‘number-one behavioural issue in high schools’
Albanese government looking at laws to force big business to disclose climate efforts
Albanese government promises to ban ‘dodgy’ trading practices
Albanese government to rapidly expand investment scheme for clean energy projects
Albanese is promising ‘truth-telling’ in our Australian education system. Here’s what needs to happen
Albanese just laid out a radical new vision for Australia in the region: clean energy exporter and green manufacturer
Albanese says our laws would stop Elon Musk interfering in the Australian election. In truth, there’s little to stop him
Albanese urged to cancel China trip as Beijing warns Australia against sheltering ‘fugitives’
Albanese visit hopes to strengthen ties with India amid China’s rise. But differences remain
Albanese wants to ‘change the way’ we do politics in Australia. Here are 4 ways to do it
Albanian migration has spurred a generation of artists to reflect on issues of identity and belonging
Albania’s brain drain: why so many young people are leaving and how to get them to stay
Alberta’s lifting of restrictions on wolverine trapping could spell disaster for a declining population
Alby Mangels — Inside the legendary adventure travel filmmaker's secret new life
The Alchemist's Letter
Alcohol marketing has crossed borders and entered the metaverse – how do we regulate the new digital risk?
Aldi, Brewdog Brand War Ends In The Best Possible Way: Collaboration
Alert: H5N1 and U.S. Sickness Levels
Alessandra - Queen Of Kings | 🇳🇴 Norway | Official Music Video | Eurovision 2023
Alex Chinneck
Alex Frayne’s South Australian landscape photography – in pictures
Alex The Grey Parrot, Colleague of Irene Pepperberg, Dead at 31
Alexander Armstrong and Kevin Eldon star in new Danger Mouse
Alexander McCall Smith on writing Botswana and HIV
Alexander Robotnick - Problèmes D'Amour (Dub Version)
Alexander Rybak feat. Grace Kelly - 1000 Views (Official Video)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says ‘we should be excited about automation’
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, video games, and the new online town square
Alexei Navalny had a vision of a democratic Russia. That terrified Vladimir Putin to the core
Alexei Navalny: reported death of Putin’s most prominent opponent spells the end of politics in Russia
Alexis Wright becomes the first to win the Stella Prize twice, with her ‘hyper real’ novel of Aboriginal sovereignty and survival
Alfred Deakin Innovation Lectures
Algae aviation biofuel
ALGERIA: 1 million hectares of steppe to be reforested by 2030
Algorithmic feeds are a twiddler's playground
Algorithms are pushing AI-generated falsehoods at an alarming rate. How do we stop this?
Algorithms can decide your marks, your work prospects and your financial security. How do you know they’re fair?
Algorithms that predict crime are watching – and judging us by the cards we’ve been dealt
Alice lives off-grid, but not by choice. ‘Hecs for households’ could radically improve her dilapidated home
Alice Springs is under a snap curfew. But where’s the evidence it will actually work to reduce violence?
Alice's Tea Party in Shinjuku, Tokyo
‘Alien invasion’: researchers identify which exotic animals may soon hitchhike into Australia
Alien megastructures? Cosmic thumbprint? What’s behind a James Webb telescope photo that had even astronomers stumped
Alien species are moving across oceans faster: climate change will accelerate this
Alien vs. Pooh
Alignment faking in large language models
Alive animal bots, Fun mini-bots
All 14 Weird Al Yankovic Album Covers as a Whiteboard Video
All Aboard the Electric School Bus!
All aboard the sparkling railway breaking new ground for East Africa
All aboard! The new music festival heading to regional Victoria – via steam train
All Aboard: Passenger Rail Is Rolling Along the Atlantic Coast
All About That Base (Star Wars Parody - Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass)
All Bigotry Is Ignorance, But Not All Ignorance Is Bigotry
All Cats Go to Heaven
All Creatures Great and Small at 50: why these stories about a country vet still charm today
All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years in twin ‘death spiral’ for big oil and big autos, says study that’s shocking the industries
All Gender Toilets Need To Be A Thing — And It's Not About Trans People
All governments are guilty of running political ads on the public purse. Here’s how to stop it
All hail the Anthropocene, the end of Holocene thinking
All hands to the pumps: the colourful rise of community-owned pubs
‘All in same canoe’: What’s it like being young on a sinking small island?
All In Together, A Wild West Steampunk Music Video by Professor Elemental
All major road building projects in Wales are scrapped
All mines close. How can mining towns like Mount Isa best manage the ups and downs?
All plastic waste could become new, high-quality plastic through advanced steam cracking
All rise and no fall: how Civilization reinforces a dangerous myth
All Skulls On: Teaching Intersectionality through Halo
All the Ads in This London Tube Station Were Just Replaced with Cat Photos
All the cinema (and sequels) we have to look forward to in 2023
All the Cool Stuff We Saw at CES 2023 That You Can’t Get in Australia
All the Lovins to Ghibli
All the Metals We Mined in 2021: Visualized
All the Real (Geek) Girls
All the ways recycling is broken—and how to fix them
‘All these people with lived experience are not being heard’: what family violence survivors want policy makers to know
‘All this here will kill this river’: traditional owners grieve for the Darling-Baaka after mass fish death
All Together Now: Developmental and ethical considerations for biologically uplifting nonhuman animals
All you have is your reputation. So why are some companies so keen to trash theirs?
All your memes are belong to us
All-electric homes are better for your hip pocket and the planet. Here’s how governments can help us get off gas
The All-Female Teams Rebuilding Homes in Ukraine
All-girls robotics team from Ghana wins World Robofest Championship in the U.S.
All-night streetlights make leaves inedible to insects, study finds
All-Star Dad Builds Incredible Basement Arcade With His Son
Allegro from Mozart's "Salzburg Symphony", K.136
Alliance Rising: The Hinder Stars I
Allianz raises the bar with the adoption of ambitious oil and gas exit policy
Allowing duck hunting to continue in Victoria is shameful and part of a disturbing trend
Almost 1 in 6 of the world’s banknotes feature wildlife – and they’re not always the creatures you’d expect
Almost 1 million Australians are LGBTQIA+ – and for the first time, there’s a new national health plan for them
Almost 2 million Workforce Australia payments have been suspended in the past year, with devastating impact
Almost 200 asylum seekers returned by Albanese government since May 2022
Almost 200 nations are set to tackle climate change at COP27 in Egypt. Is this just a talkfest, or does the meeting actually matter?
Almost 26,000 hectares of threatened species habitat approved for clearing under Labor in 2024, new report finds
Almost 3 billion animals affected by Australian bushfires, report shows
Almost 500 carbon capture lobbyists granted access to Cop29 climate summit
Almost 60 coral species around Lizard Island are ‘missing’ – and a Great Barrier Reef extinction crisis could be next
Almost 68% of Australia’s tourism sites at major risk if climate crisis continues, report says
Almost 800 large companies paid no tax in 2020-21, Australian Taxation Office report reveals
Almost 90% of children brought from Nauru suffered physical health problems
Almost a third of Australia’s plant species may have to migrate south if we hit 3 degrees of warming
Almost all species in global shark fin trade to be protected
Almost all the snow at the Winter Olympics will be fake
Almost half of thermal coal firms set to defy climate pledge – report
Almost half of tobacco lobbyists in Australia have held positions in government, study finds
Almost Half The Planet Predicted to Enter New Climate Zones by 2100
‘Almost magical’: chemists can now move single atoms in and out of a molecule’s core
Almost nine in 10 Australians support plan to outlaw lies in political advertising, poll shows
Almost no one uses Bitcoin as currency, new data proves. It’s actually more like gambling
Almost Nowhere on Earth Is Safe From Air Pollution Now, Scientists Warn
Almost one-in-five suffering from long COVID
Almost two dozen countries at high risk of acute hunger, UN report reveals
(Almost) Every Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Comic Book Adaptation in the Works
Alongside Math and Reading, Schools Are Now Teaching Happiness
Alpaca Needle Felted Steampunk Panserbjorne Armored Ice Bear
Alphonse Mucha and Art Nouveau: 100 years after its creation, his work is still a balm for a world in upheaval
The Alpine Country Going All-You-Can-Ride
Alpine dingoes at risk of extinction after Victorian government extends right to cull
Also Migrating From Latin America: A Wave of Urban Innovation
The alt-right is obsessed with 'leftist pedophiles' and it's putting people's lives in danger
The 'Alt-Right' Has Created Alt-Christianity
The alternative limb project
Alton Sterling, Eric Garner and the double standard of the side hustle
Always #LikeAGirl
Always Coming Home: The Pleasures and Challenges of Writing Fictional Food
‘Always respond to what the instrument is doing’: the Melbourne shop showcasing the rare craft of restoring violins
Alyssa Scott
Am I pretty or ugly? Exploring an unfortunate YouTube phenomenon
AMA president warns of ‘more illness, more loss of life’ from Covid as cases rise
Amanda Palmer And The Art Of Asking
Amanda Palmer on Internet hatred and bullying
Amanda Palmer: agony aunt – your problems answered
Amanda Palmer: Playing the Hitler Card
The Amaterasu Railway Now Runs on Leftover Tonkotsu Ramen Broth
Amateur Broken Hill astronomer wins Astronomical Society of Australia award
Amateur Photographer Captures Intimate Photos Of Foxes Living In One Of The World's Remotest Regions
Amateur Time Hackers Play With Atomic Clocks at Home
Amazing animated shorts by Cerberus
Amazing art made from trashed pencils
Fwd: Amazing art made from trashed pencils
Amazing art work on the street! Manhole mass production process. Japanese Manhole cover
Amazing Camera Calls
Amazing children's writing centres
Amazing Chinese Ad...With Extra Cat
Amazing collaborative art project
Fwd: Amazing Dancing Dog!
Amazing Discovery Claims Elephants Have Specific 'Names' For Each Other
amazing flight video...
Amazing German Designed Cat Climbing Furniture
Amazing Glass Art
Fwd: Amazing Insect Images By Igor Iwanowicz (60 pics)
Amazing Invention- This Drone Will Change Everything
Amazing jellyfish
The Amazing Latte Art of Kazuki Yamamoto
Amazing matchstick models
Amazing My Little Pony sculptures
Amazing Paper Art
Amazing Photorealistic Fantasy Worlds
Amazing pixel art from Taiwan
Amazing Places Around the World
Amazing Scifi Crossover
Amazing Space Travel Story
Amazing Stories Year Two - Once More Dear Friends
The Amazing Story of Kentucky's Horseback Librarians (10 Photos)
Amazing Technology Invented By MIT
amazingly fun photo shopped images
Amazon Alexa is a graduate of the Darth Vader MBA
Amazon and the Perils of Non-Disclosure
Amazon countries are stepping-up measures to counter illicit financing of nature crime
Amazon deforestation cut by 83% in places protected by Indigenous communities – new research
Amazon deforestation falls over 60% compared with last July, says Brazilian minister
Amazon deforestation has begun to slow since Lula took over in Brazil
Amazon deforestation in Brazil plunges 31% to lowest level in 9 years
The Amazon in 2025: Challenges and hopes as the rainforest takes center stage
Amazon Indians use Google Earth, GPS to protect rainforest home
Amazon indigenous community restores giant freshwater fish and thrives
Amazon is filled with garbage ebooks. Here’s how they get made.
Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
Amazon Isn’t Killing Writing, The Market Is
Amazon nations launch alliance to protect rainforest at key summit
Amazon near tipping point of switching from rainforest to savannah – study
Amazon of the seas
Amazon rainforest could reach ‘tipping point’ by 2050, scientists warn
The Amazon Rainforest Is No Man's Gold Mine
Amazon Rainforest Nearing Tipping Point Faster Than Predicted, Scientists Warn
Amazon rainforest now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs
Amazon rainforest: Deforestation rate halved in 2023
Amazon region hit by trio of droughts in grim snapshot of the century to come
Amazon taps into new Victoria wind farm even as its boss courts favour with Trump
Amazon tipping point: Up to 47% forest threatened by climate change and deforestation, study warns
Amazon's financial shell game let it create an "impossible" monopoly
Amazon, Tesla and Meta among world’s top companies undermining democracy – report
Amazon: regrowing forests have offset less than 10% of carbon emissions from deforestation
The Amazon’s Ashaninka tribe restored their territory. Now they aim to change the region
Amazon’s Goodreads builds community, but breeds division. Indie rival StoryGraph is playing it safe – and gaining ground
Amazon’s inflatable plastic pillows are officially a thing of the past
Amber ready to pay customers to charge their EVs as it prepares for vehicle to grid
Ambient Chaos
Ambitious Danish rewilding initiative joins the European Rewilding Network
Ambulance ramping is getting worse in Australia. Here’s why – and what we can do about it
America And The Nazis, Always Intertwined
America First? To the World, It’s Eighth
“America floats between modernity & collapse”: What Japan can teach the U.S. about averting disaster
America going maskless is nothing to celebrate
America has an addiction to punishment.
America is a Safe Space for Right-Wing Terrorism
America Is a Sham
America is Dead
America Is Exceptional—in All the Wrong Ways
America is full of abandoned malls. What if we turned them into housing?
America Is in the Middle of a Mini–Golden Age of Climate Policy
America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People
‘America is the mother of terrorism’: why the Houthis’ new slogan is important for understanding the Middle East
America Manifesto
America's Class System Across The Life Cycle
America's Dangerous Trucks
America's largest hospital chain has an algorithmic death panel
America, The Defensive: Wars, Terrorism And Thirty Years Of Perpetual 'States Of Emergencies'
American and Arab uprisings converge
American bison reintroduced to northern Mexico helping to fight climate change
The American chestnut tree is coming back. Who is it for?
The American Climate Corps officially kicks off
American Conversations: Secretary of State Antony Blinken
The American empire is crumbling
The American Empire Is the Sick Man of the 21st Century
American exceptionalism: the poison that cannot protect its children from violent death
The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare
American voters are angry – that is a good thing for voter turnout, bad thing for democracy
Americans Are Missing a Key Stratum of Modern Knowledge
Americans are spotting more sharks in the water. Here’s why that’s a good thing
Americans bought at least 150m guns in decade since Sandy Hook shooting
Americans Don’t Understand How Bad Climate Change Is Or What They Can Do About It
Americans have no idea how much water they’re using
Americans living in their cars are finding refuge in ‘safe parking lots’
Americans Severed Their Connection with Space. And Now We’re Paying the Consequences.
Americans Think About Safety the Wrong Way
Americans Watch Australian Kid’s TV For The First Time
America’s clean air rules boost health and the economy − here’s what EPA’s new deregulation plans ignore
America’s Epidemic of Unkindness
America’s failure in Afghanistan, explained by one village
America’s Got Talent Finalist Dog Sets Guinness World Record For Most Tricks Performed in a Minute
America’s Green Boom Needs More Electricians, and Women Are Stepping Up
America’s inequality crisis is about so much more than money: The ugly realities that elude our politicians
America’s Next Civil War
America’s Nuclear War Plan in the 1960s Was Utter Madness. It Still Is.
America’s Self-Obsession Is Killing Its Democracy
America’s Star Teenage Scientist Is Catalyzing Generational Change
America’s top CEOs say they are no longer putting shareholders before everyone else
America’s unfolding cybersecurity catastrophe
America’s “First Car-Free Neighborhood” Is Going Pretty Good, Actually?
Amica's World: How a Giant Bird Came Into Our Heart and Home
Amid a worsening refugee crisis, public support is high in both Australia and NZ to accept more Rohingya
Amid More Game Shutdowns Occurring, John Carmack Weighs In On Preservation
Amid scorching heat, 900 people died this week in Saudi Arabia. Climate change has made the Hajj pilgrimage more risky
Amid the 20th anniversary of open source, Tim O’Reilly warns that platform companies built on open-source software have lost their way
Amiga ASCII art
Amnesty International to shut Asia headquarters in Hong Kong
Among Ripples: Shallow Waters - Restore the World
Among the Bone Eaters
Amphibious houses and floating cities could protect coastal communities from sea-level rise
Amritsar: The Indian city where no one goes hungry
Amsterdam Is Embracing a Radical New Economic Theory to Help Save the Environment. Could It Also Replace Capitalism?
Amsterdam Is Home to a Houseboat Full of Cats—and You Can Pet Them All
Amsterdam to embrace 'doughnut' model to mend post-coronavirus economy
Amsterdam’s Instant Fix for Getting Rid of Junk Mail
Amsterdam’s ‘Smart’ Blue-Green Roofs Reduce Urban Flooding
Amusing art games
Amusing hard drive enclosure
Amusing Tarot Decks
Amy Coney Barrett urged to step away from gay rights case because of faith affiliation
Amy’s Kitchen, a case-study in the problems with consumerism
Amélie Was Really a KGB Spy: Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet Re-Edits His Beloved Film, Amélie, into a New Comedic Short
An & Ria's first flight - the full film
An 'unprecedented' good news story about a deadly viral outbreak
An 800,000-plus jobs gap between ‘welfare to work’ and reality
An A.I. Translation Tool Can Help Save Dying Languages. But at What Cost?
An academic publisher has struck an AI data deal with Microsoft – without their authors’ knowledge
An activist group is spreading misinformation to stop solar projects in rural America
An Aging Movie Monster Looks Back On His Career in This Poignant Short
An AI-driven influence operation is spreading pro-China propaganda across YouTube
An Alaskan village is falling into the sea. Washington is looking the other way.
An all-electric passenger plane completed its first test flight
An All-Electric Plane Takes To The Skies
An alternative measure to GDP is proof that the global economy isn’t what it seems
An amazing gay couple just opened a group home for queer youth
An American Education: Notes from UATX
An American expat explains the Adam Goodes controversy and Australia's problem with racism
An American story
‘An American Tradition’: Lessons from a year covering conspiracy theories
An analogy for "catcalling" (street harrassment)
An Ancestral River Runs Through It
An Ancient Anxiety
An Ancient Desert-Dwelling Culture Embraces Hydroponics
an ancient greek computer...
An anniversary for great justice: Remembering “All Your Base” 20 years later
An annual roadshow is helping kids from remote Australia realise their dreams of becoming a scientist
An Antarctic neutrino telescope has detected a signal from the heart of a nearby active galaxy
An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance
‘An apology is free’: experts on the UK’s approach to slavery reparations
An App Is Helping Those With Vision Loss Navigate Urban Transit
An Arabic anti-LGBTQ+ campaign is going viral on Twitter
An Architect Who Mixes Water and Nature to Build Resilience
An archivist’s night at the movies, part IV: Science fiction edition
‘An arts engagement that’s changed their life’: the magic of arts and health
An Asperger Dictionary of Everyday Expressions
An Astounding PMJ Video Debut – Virtuoso Gunhild Carling is a “One-Woman PMJ!”
An asynchronous Internet in GNOME
An ATM for books
‘An atmosphere of fear’: free speech under threat in Israel, activists say
An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet’s Enshittification and Throw It Into Reverse
‘An Aussie icon’: burnt-out car wreck begins 4,356km journey across Western Australia
An Australian state promised to turn native forest into a national koala park. It’s still being logged
An average 100 million native animals killed or injured each year from land clearing, mostly for beef farms
An Axe for the Frozen Sea
An Ecological Civilization is the Renaissance We’ve Been Waiting For
‘An economic fairytale’: Australia’s inflation being driven by company profits and not wages, analysis finds
An Education Through Earthsea
An eerie ‘digital afterlife’ is no longer science fiction. So how do we navigate the risks?
An El Niño looms over Australia’s stressed electricity system – and we must plan for the worst
An electric hydrofoil ferry offers cleaner journeys among Stockholm’s 14 islands
An electric jolt salvages valuable metals from waste
An Elegant Kinetic Sculpture by Derek Hugger that Mimics the Flight of a Hummingbird
An Elephant’s Personhood on Trial
AN EMBUGGERANCE - a message from Pterry
An Emerging Paradigm: Ethno-Religious Nationalism in an Age of Anxiety
An Enby Speaks: 6 Survival Tips Parents Should Tell Trans Children
An end to plunder and pillage: how a First Nations nature reserve became a model for the world
An endangered Hawaiian crow went extinct in the wild: The San Diego Zoo is trying to help save them
‘An energy war is being waged’: former oil boss warns of price rises after Ukraine infrastructure attacks
An Engineering Argument for Basic Income
An Engineer’s Guide to the Docuverse
An entry fee may not be enough to save Venice from 20 million tourists
An enzyme used in laundry detergent can recycle single-use plastics within 24 hours
An epic global study of moss reveals it is far more vital to Earth’s ecosystems than we knew
An EV charger every 50 miles: Here’s the plan to keep them running
An exciting new idea in Basic Income
An existential discussion: What is the probability of nuclear war?
An experiment doled out money to homeless people in Denver, no strings attached. Here’s what happened.
An Experiment in Digital Self Publishing
an expert
An expert explains the stranding of 97 pilot whales in WA and their mysterious ‘huddling’ before the tragedy
An exploration of the basis for patient complaints about the oldness of magazines in practice waiting rooms: cohort study
An exposé of whatever-it-takes culture, Eric Beecher’s The Men Who Killed the News is an idealistic book for the times
‘An extraordinary dynamo’: Doris Taylor founded Meals on Wheels and helped elect Don Dunstan
An Eye-Opening Projection About America’s Clean Energy Future
An Iceberg Flipped Over, and Its Underside Is Breathtaking
An Illuminating Subject
An Illustrated Book of Bad Agruments
An Illustrated Book of Loaded Language
An Illustrated Periodic Table Showing How Chemical Elements Interact With Our Everyday Lives
An Immense World (II)
‘An Immense World’ Is a Thrilling Tour of Nonhuman Perception
An Important but Rarely Discussed Lesson of the Stanford Prison Experiment
An important idea for dealing with Trump, from north of the border
‘An important victory’: Native American tribes reclaim a redwood forest
An impromptu drive-through at a Sikh temple to feed neighbors now helps thousands daily
An Incredible and Complex Triple Spiral Designed Using 15,000 Dominoes Topples Beautifully
An Incredible Glow-in-the-Dark, Dancing Bug Finger Puppet That Can Pick Things Up and Throw Them
An Incredible Thing Happens When Dolphins And Humans Team Up
‘An indescribable moment’: Indigenous nation in US has right to lands in Canada, court rules
An Indigenous girl asked to reconnect with her culture. In a ‘racist’ child protection system, her pleas were ignored
An Innovative Financing Model Is Ensuring Everyone Can Afford a Heat Pump
An inside look at the dangerous, painstaking work of collecting evidence of suspected war crimes in Ukraine
An Inside View On The Purpose And Implications Of The Torture Report
An insider's guide to Tourette's syndrome
An insider’s story of the global attack on climate science
An inspiring quote told in pony fanart
An intense marine heat wave is setting ocean temperature records in the North Atlantic
‘An intergenerational crime against humanity’: what will it take for political leaders to start taking climate change seriously?
An international treaty to curb plastic pollution risks being watered down — New Zealand needs to take a stand
An interoperability rule for your money
An interview with Arijit Chakravarty on ending of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Part 1
An Introduction to Unconditional Basic Income For All
An investment in clean indoor air would do more than help us fight COVID – it would help us concentrate, with lasting benefits
An Iowa school district is using AI to ban books
An Iranian Activist Faces the Death Penalty. Can Global Solidarity Help Again?
An Off-Grid EV Camper Van
An Old Railway Running Through Singapore Is Now a Thriving Nature Reserve
An online collection of high-res scans of M.C. Escher’s prints
An Only Slightly Modest Proposal: If AI Companies Want More Content, They Should Fund Reporters, And Lots Of Them
An Open Letter from a Black Man to His White Family in a Moment of Violence
An open letter on fluoride, science and kindness
An Open Letter on Identity Politics, to and from the Left
An Open Letter to Google/YouTube From a Disappointed Disciple
An open letter to the Prime Minister on the climate crisis, from 154 scientists
An Open Letter to the Reddit Community
An open source search engine that will help you learn pretty much anything
An optimistic future
An Optimist’s Guide to the Planet
An Oral History of "Trading Places"
An oral history of #hugops: How tech’s first responders built a culture of empathy
An oral history of Babylon 5: The beloved TV novel that showed a different way to tell sci-fi
An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry
An Post releases ‘Imagine Ireland’ AI stamp that’s also an NFT — in 2024
An ultra-cheap electric car conversion kit is FINALLY here!
An ultra-thin tattoo that gives a tactile sensation
An unexpected winner in the midterms: public health
‘An unexplained phenomenon’: the Australian obsession for putting stuff in trees
An upward spiral – how small acts of kindness and connection really can change the world, according to psychology research
An ‘Electrifying’ Economist’s Guide to the Recovery
An ‘Unsexy’ System for Greening Fashion That Actually Works
Ana and Elene connected online, but when they met in person, they discovered a dark secret
ANA Unveils ‘World’s First’ Hands-Free Lavatory Doors
analog audio tape cassette nostalgia
Analog Books Go From Strength To Strength: Helped, Not Hindered, By The Digital World
Analysis of 5,500 apartment developments reveals your new home may not be as energy efficient as you think
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a university classroom based on real human close contact behaviors
Analysis of the Original Adventure game, with cave photos
Analysis,'Build more houses' sure sounds great as a solution to the housing crisis, but a few key factors scream 'buyer beware'
Analysis: EU’s CO2 emissions fall 5% in three months after post-Covid surge
Analysis: Global CO2 emissions could peak as soon as 2023, IEA data reveals
Analysis: Loss is victory for far-right in France’s election
Analysis: Record-low price for UK offshore wind is four times cheaper than gas
Analysis: Solar surge will send coal power tumbling by 2030, IEA data reveals
Analysis: UK electricity from fossil fuels drops to lowest level since 1957
Analysis: UK emissions fall 3.4% in 2022 as coal use drops to lowest level since 1757
ANALYSIS: Why are B.C. kids sick all the time? Health experts explain
Anatol Knotek
Anatomy of a Disinformation Empire: Investigating NaturalNews
Anatomy of an Inauthentically Organized Campaign
Anatomy of Japanese folk monsters
Anatomy of monster storm: how Cyclone Ilsa is shaping up to devastate the WA coast
Anatomy texts should show sex as a spectrum to include intersex people
Ancestor of all animals identified in Australian fossils
Ancestral Homeland Returned to Rappahannock Tribe After More Than 350 Years
Ancien and the Magic Tablet - "Daydream Believer" Trailer
Ancient California redwood grove damaged by selfie-seeking visitors to get $3.5 million rescue plan
Ancient DNA reveals the earliest evidence of the last massive human migration to Western Europe
Ancient Egyptian Stories Will Be Published in English for the First Time
Ancient mud reveals Australia’s burning history over the past 130,000 years – and shows a way through our fiery future
Ancient pathogens released from melting ice could wreak havoc on the world, new analysis reveals
Ancient Pompeii site installs 'invisible' solar panels that look like Roman terracotta tiles
Ancient poppy seeds and willow wood offer clues to the Greenland ice sheet’s last meltdown and a glimpse into a warmer future
The ancient practice of livestock guardian dogs is highly successful on Australian farms today
Ancient Tracking Skills and New Tech Are Protecting Namibia’s Endangered Pangolins
The Ancient ‘Wonder Material’ Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere
and for those of you that love Australia and couldn't be there in Sydney...
…And I Show You How Deep The Rabbit Hole Goes
And If He Sees His Shadow…
And the Winner Is … the Slowest!
And Then Advertising Got Weird: What Is Oddvertising?
Andes Glaciers Are The First to Shatter a Depressing Record
Andres Amador Arts
Andrew Fentem: electronic entertainment devices
Andrew Forrest takes aim at Woodside and Exxon, as battle lines are drawn for Trump 2.0
Andrew Odlyzko: Recent Papers on Technology and Financial Manias
Andrew Tate's ideology driving sexual harassment, sexism and misogyny in Australian classrooms
Andrew Tate’s extreme views about women are infiltrating Australian schools. We need a zero-tolerance response
Android actress takes to stage
Angela Merkel’s career shows why we need more scientists in politics
Anger as 'great browning' spreads along 1,000km of Australian coast
Angkor Wat’s baby boom
Anglican disunity on same-sex marriage threatens to tear the church apart
Anglicare Sydney refused to assess Aboriginal baby’s aunt as carer because she was in same-sex relationship, court hears
The Angry God of ARPU
The angry theatregoer outburst at Macbeth: is Covid-19 actually the culprit?
Animal Antics
'Animal Architecture,' an awesome new photo book about the structures critters create
The animal art of Susan Herbert (1945-2014)
Animal crossing: world’s biggest wildlife bridge comes to California highway
The Animal Discoveries of 2012
"Animal Farm" has been translated into Shona – why a group of Zimbabwean writers undertook the task
Animal Illustration
Animal Illustrations
Animal master-burglars: Cockatoos 'pick' puzzle box locks (w/ Video)
Animal news
Animal news: births and deaths
Animal Personalities Can Trip Up Science, But There’s a Solution
Animal populations experience average decline of almost 70% since 1970, report reveals
Animal Song
The animal sounds in most nature documentaries are made by humans – here’s how they do it and why it matters
Animal tragic: New Zealand zoos strive to entertain lonely inhabitants amid lockdown
Animal Trainers Gone Wild
Animal Updates: Elephants, Whales and Crows
Animals and Humans: A False Divide?
Animals and plants reclaim Scotland's abandoned spaces: photo essay
The animals and plants that only exist in captivity – and why time is running out to restore them to the wild
Animals are now legally recognised as 'sentient' beings in New Zealand
Animals Behave Like People Sometimes
Animals bred in captivity develop physical changes that may hinder survival in the wild, research finds
Animals from 60 different species are best pals at this Arkansas critter refuge (photos)
Animals in the machine: why the law needs to protect animals from AI
Animals interrupting wildlife photographers.
Animals keep eating precious plants – we used ‘smell misinformation’ to keep them away
Animals Laugh Too: UCLA Study Finds Laughter in 65 Species, from Rats to Cows
Animals on Google Street View
Animals requesting help from humans
Animals Sitting on Capybaras
The Animals That Went Extinct in 2017
Animals to be formally recognised as sentient beings in UK law
Animals to be recognised as sentient beings under proposed Victorian cruelty laws
Animals Wearing Slippers
Animals Welcome at FAU
Animals Who Came To Say ‘Hi’, And Melted Everyone’s Hearts
The Animated Adventures Of Doctor Who
Animated Babylon 5 Film Has A Name And Will See the Return Of Many An Original Cast Member
Animated credits
Animated Factoids
Animated fractal curves
Animated GIF art by Mr. Div
Animated video shows staggering wealth inequality
Anime and video game theme hotel in San Francisco
Anime Confronts a New Apocalypse
Anime in crisis? Japan's signature artform at riskーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
Anime Legend Satoshi Kon's Finest Work Will Stream for Free Soon
Anime live-action adaptations are often hated by (Western) fans. Are they being too harsh?
Animeyed (Self-Portraits)
‘Animism’ recognizes how animals, places and plants have power over humans – and it’s finding renewed interest around the world
Animusic's Pipe Dream, recreated in Roblox!
Anita Sarkeesian interview: 'The word "troll" feels too childish. This is abuse'
Anki, Jibo, and Kuri: What We Can Learn from Social Robots That Didn't Make It
Anna Chojnicka: Bruising bananas to create elaborate works of art
Anna the Red's Bento Factory
Anna’s Archive
“Anna’s Archive” Opens the Door to Z-Library and Other Pirate Libraries
Annella - Love Music
Annie Lennox to become Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University
Annotated Fairy Tales
Announcing delivery robots from Starship Technologies
Announcing FutureCast: A New Game Framework For Exploring Pathways Of Change
Announcing GitHub Sponsors: a new way to contribute to open source
Announcing significant expansion in Tigray, Ethiopia
Announcing the 2014 Campbellian Anthology
Announcing the 2023 Hugo Award Finalists
Announcing The Journal of Open Source Software
Announcing The Public Domain Game Jam: Gaming Like It's 1923
Announcing The Techno-Humanist Manifesto
Announcing The Unicode® Standard, Version 15.0
Announcing the Winners of the 2014 A+ Awards
Announcing the Winners of the 2021 Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards
Announcing The Winners Of The 2nd Annual Public Domain Game Jam!
Announcing The Winners Of The 3rd Annual Public Domain Game Jam!
Announcing The Winners Of The 4th Annual Public Domain Game Jam!
Announcing The Winners Of The 5th Annual Public Domain Game Jam!
Announcing The Winners Of The 6th Annual Public Domain Game Jam!
Announcing Wikipedia’s most popular articles of 2023
Announcing: The Public Domain Song Anthology
Annoying backgrounds
Annoying Trends In Modern Web Design
Annual ocean conference raises $11.3b in pledges for marine conservation
Annual Performance Reviews Ruin Everything
Another 19th Century Moral Panic: Theater
Another assault on Country and its precious species has begun at Binybara/Lee Point
Another Batch Of Baggage Handlers Accused Of Stealing From Luggage; Because Airport 'Security' Isn't
Another Benefit To EVs: No Dead Weights Added To The Car
another cool bike!!
Another COVID winter is coming. Is this the calm before another peak?
Another Crab’s Treasure: this indie hit has clawed its way into my subconscious
Another Day, Another Hydrogen Transportation Failure — Hyzon Edition
Another day, another roadblock: how should NZ law deal with disruptive climate protests?
Another downloadable SF novel: Star Dragon
Another Italian town is selling houses for one euro
Another mass bleaching event is devastating the Great Barrier Reef. What will it take for coral to survive?
Another Person Is Archiving Every English PS2 Game Manual
Another person turns blue from colloidal silver
Another Problem with Copyright; How to Fix It
Another Reason Why Diamond Access Makes Sense: No Economic Barriers To Publishing Rebuttals
Another reminder that what copyright destroys, unauthorised copying can save
Another rushed migration bill would give the government sweeping powers to deport potentially thousands of people
Another school has banned mobile phones but research shows bans don’t stop bullying or improve student grades
Another Show Worth Seeing
Another Sky Press
another southern thang (frighteningly true)
Another stress test for democracy: The imminent election crisis in Brazil
Another study blows up the myth of upward mobility
Another two years lost to climate inaction, says Greta Thunberg
Another US funding cut threatens human rights in North Korea - and hands more power to a dictator
Another Way In Which Patents Contributed To The Opioid Crisis: Hospitals Ordered Not To Use Better, Less Problematic Medicines
Another Word: Let's Write a Story Together, MacBook
Ansenuza National Park and National Reserve created at the Laguna Mar Chiquita WHSRN Site of Hemispheric Importance
Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery
Antarctic alarm bells: observations reveal deep ocean currents are slowing earlier than predicted
Antarctic birds recognize individual humans
Antarctic Extremes Are Now Virtually Assured, With Global Ramifications
Antarctic ice age survival story: life seeking ice-free refuges imitates art in Ice Age, the movie
Antarctic researchers warn of possible 'catastrophic' sea level rise within our lifetime in group statement
Antarctic sea ice falls to near-record low as study reveals 'structural change'
Antarctic stations are plagued by sexual harassment – it’s time for things to change
Antarctic temperatures rise 10C above average in near record heatwave
Antarctic tipping points: the irreversible changes to come if we fail to keep warming below 2℃
Antarctica is headed for a climate tipping point by 2060, with catastrophic melting if carbon emissions aren’t cut quickly
Antarctica is missing a chunk of sea ice bigger than Greenland – what’s going on?
Antarctica provides at least $276 billion a year in economic benefits to the world, new research finds
Antarctica, Arctic undergo simultaneous freakish extreme heat
Antarctica’s emperor penguins could be extinct by 2100 – and other species may follow if we don’t act
Antarctica’s heart of ice has skipped a beat. Time to take our medicine
Antarctica’s sea ice hit another low this year – understanding how ocean warming is driving the loss is key
Anthea Bell, 'magnificent' translator of Asterix and Kafka, dies aged 82
Anthea's Garden
Anthony Albanese confirms NASA will launch rockets from Australia
Anthony Albanese to accelerate transition to low emissions after voice referendum
Anthony Albanese under pressure on salmon farming from both conservationists and industry
Anthony Bourdain: The Post-Election Interview
Anthony Daniels on 4 Decades of Life As C-3PO
Anthony Fauci on Australia’s COVID response, AI and the next pandemic
Anthony Howe Kinetic Art
ANTHROS – 20 awesome illustrations of humanized animals!
Anti-coronation protest leader hits out at police over arrests
The anti-EV brigade are pushing plug-in hybrids. But electric is still the future
The Anti-Information Age
The “anti-intellectual attack” on higher ed will take years to undo
Anti-monarchy protester suing Met chief over coronation day arrest
Anti-Piracy Companies Continually Report IMDb as a Pirate Site
Anti-Piracy Group Hits Indie Creators For Using the Word ‘Pixels’
Anti-piracy lobby still suffering from self-delusion
Anti-Politics And The "Nanny State"
Anti-Racism Resources for White People - the Australian Edit
Anti-racist interventions don’t stress teens out
Anti-renewable billboard ad pulled under pressure from industry
Anti-renewables rally inspires counter action, as farmers share solar and wind benefits, debunk myths
Anti-satellite weapons: the US has sworn off tests, and Australia should follow suit
Anti-Sunscreen Influencers Want to Fry Your Skin
Anti-Trans ‘Bathroom Bills’ Are Based On Lies. Here’s The Research To Show It.
Anti-Trump sentiment drives dramatic upturn in fortunes for Canada’s Liberals
Anti-vaxxers are not the enemy: Science, politics and the crisis of authority
Anti-Vaxxers Love Their Children Too
Antibiotic emergency ‘could claim 40 million lives in next 25 years’
Antibiotic resistance causes more deaths than malaria and HIV/Aids combined. What Africa is doing to fight this silent epidemic
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in NZ’s wild cockles and watercress put people at growing risk of serious illness
Anticipating a side effect makes it more likely you’ll experience it – this could contribute to vaccine hesitancy
Fwd: Anticipating the Future to ' See' the Present (NYT)
The antidote to doom is doing
Antifungal resistance is not getting nearly as much attention as antibiotic resistance – yet the risks to global health are just as serious
The Antikythera mechanism recreated in Lego
Antikythera mechanism watch
Antimatter belt around Earth discovered by Pamela craft
Antimicrobial Resistance Is Growing because of COVID
Antipsychotics are increasingly being prescribed to children – here’s why we should be concerned
Antique Carousels
Antisemitism on Twitter has more than doubled since Elon Musk took over the platform – new research
The antitrust case against gig companies
Antitrust is a labor issue
The antitrust Twilight Zone
António Guterres on the climate crisis: ‘We are coming to a point of no return’
ANU museum to hand back stolen 2,500-year-old vase to Italy
Anxious scientists brace for Trump’s climate denialism: ‘We have a target on our backs’
Any Nation That Protects Bodily Autonomy for Women Is Better Than the US
Any plans to dim the Sun and cool the Earth must be led by those most affected by climate change
(Any)body work: behind the scenes at London’s first all-female garage
Anyone Remember Zoom?
Anything that can be built can be taken down': The largest dam removal in US history is complete – what happens next?
The ANZUS treaty does not make Australia safer. Rather, it fuels a fear of perpetual military threat
AO3 is entering a new era
AOC Flips the Religious Freedom Argument on Its Head
AOC rips into GOP for inciting violence against trans people
AOC's Fight for the Future
AP makes one million minutes of historical footage available on YouTube
AP PHOTOS: In Kenya, nearly a decade of mangrove restoration
The APA issued 3 statements supporting LGBTQ people & equality
APA Report Says That Media & Politicians Are Simply Wrong About Kids & Social Media; Media Then Lies About Report
Apache Stronghold
Apathy, a videogame political satire
Apes Remember Specific Events From Years Ago
Aphantasia: How It Feels To Be Blind In Your Mind
The Apocalypse Of Pop Culture By Filip Hodas
The apocalypse that wasn’t: AI was everywhere in 2024’s elections, but deepfakes and misinformation were only part of the picture
The apocalyptic tone of heatwave-reporting doesn’t go far enough – not when the issue is human extinction
Apologies: What, When and How
Apologizing Figurines of Japanese Giant Monsters
Apostrophes in Science Fiction and Fantasy Names
App Lets You Buy Leftover Food From Restaurants And It's Really Cheap
The App That Lets You Lend Your Eyes to a Blind Person
The appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change
‘Appallingly unethical’: why Australian universities are at breaking point
Apparel industry leaks millions of tons of plastic into environment each year, study finds
Apparently Elon Doesn’t Think He Needs To Pay Rent Because SF Is A ‘Shithole’; So Why Should We Pay For Twitter?
Appeals Court Gives Big Loss To Record Labels In Their Quixotic Lawsuit Against Vimeo For Lipdubs
Appeals Court Rejects DMCA Constitutional Challenge, Because Apparently Fair Use Means Nothing Good Will Ever Be Published
Appeals Court Says It's Okay To Copyright An Entire Style Of Music
Appeals Court: No You Can't Copyright Yoga
Apple and Intel Sue SoftBank-Funded Patent Troll, Claiming Antitrust Violations For Patent Trolling
apple at it's best... :-)
Apple Didn't Delete That Guys iTunes Movies, But What Happened Still Shows The Insanity Of Copyright
The 'apple library' with a lost world on its limbs
Apple wants to know if you’re happy or sad as part of its latest software update. Who will this benefit?
Apple warns Australian proposal to force tech companies to scan cloud services could lead to mass surveillance
Apple waste, spider silk, enhanced cotton: How bio-based textiles could replace plastic in our clothing
Apple's claims about recycling and sustainability are kinda entirely nonsense
Apple’s Fight to Trademark the Actual Apple
Approaching the milestone: The impending end of new coal power plant construction
"The Appropriation of Cultures" by Percival Everett
Apps against sexual violence have been tried before. They don’t work
April Art Roundup: Frozen Nouvea, Sherlock Typography, Polygon Star Wars, & More!
April Fools hoaxes in 2006
April Showers - Simon's Cat
Aquatic robots can remove contaminant particles from water
ARC grants: if Australia wants to tackle the biggest issues, politicians need to stop meddling with basic research
Arcade cabinet enthusiasts discover trove of 50+ games in ship, derelict for 30 years
Arcade game pinball, an old-school craze, given new life as Gen Z dominates world rankings
Archaeologists conduct first ‘space excavation’ on International Space Station – and discover surprising quirks of zero-gravity life
Archaeologists excavate giant stone spheres in Costa Rica
Archaeology and genomics together with Indigenous knowledge revise the human-horse story in the American West
Archaia Announces JIM HENSON’S THE STORYTELLER: WITCHES Comics Miniseries
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, South African anti-apartheid activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, dies aged 90
Archie Roach: the great songman, tender and humble, who gave our people a voice
Archie, the Internet’s first search engine, is rescued and running
Architect Turns Old Cement Factory Into His Home, And The Interior Will Take Your Breath Away
The Architect Who Made Singapore’s Public Housing the Envy of the World
Architects Create Free DIY Sustainable "Indoor Garden" For Urban Living
The architectural art of Tatzu Nishi
Architectural exploration game: Kairo
Archive Site -- Stupidsecurity
Archiving “The Famous Computer Cafe”
Arctic 'dirty fuel' ban for ships comes into force
Arctic ice loss is worrying, but the giant stirring in the South could be even worse
Arctic is warming nearly four times faster than the rest of the world – new research
Arctic land and water is ours, Russia warns West ahead of international meeting on region
Arctic Permafrost Hides Migrating Methane That Could Skyrocket Emissions
Arctic Report Card 2022: The Arctic is getting rainier and seasons are shifting, with broad disturbances for people, ecosystems and wildlife
Arctic rivers face big changes with a warming climate, permafrost thaw and an accelerating water cycle − the effects will have global consequences
The Arctic Seed Vault Shows the Flawed Logic of Climate Adaptation
The Arctic Smashed So Many Terrifying Records in 2023, What Can We Even Say?
Arctic tundra now emits planet-warming pollution, federal report finds
The Ardabil Carpet
Are academics more likely to answer emails from ‘Melissa’ or ‘Rahul’? The answer may not surprise you
Are Agrivoltaics The Ultimate Climate Win-Win?
Are Aliens Plentiful, But We’re Just Missing Them?
Are Americans Too Stupid For Democracy?
Are Australians socially inclusive? 5 things we learned after surveying 11,000 people for half a decade
Are Bosses Dictators?
Are cats good for our health?
Are Cities Making Animals Smarter?
Are data breaches the new normal? Should we just assume our data isn’t safe?
Are debt-for-climate swaps finally taking off?
Are derelict homes part of the answer to Australia's housing crisis?
Are Disposable Hotel Slippers the Next Plastic Straws?
Are electric cars good for city driving only? NZ farmer busts another EV myth
Are electric cars really better for the environment?
Are electric cars too heavy for roads, bridges and car parks?
Are EVs fatally flawed or have Hybrids had their day? And what are HEVs, PHEVs & EREVs anyway?
Are EVs really much heavier than their ICE equivalents?
Are fish oil supplements as healthy as we think? And is eating fish better?
Are luggage-free trips the future?
Are market giants endangering Australia’s live music scene? Industry veterans and local artists are worried
Are Mushrooms the Future of Alternative Leather?
Are My Friends’ Deaths Their Fault or Ours?
Are NFTs really dead and buried? All signs point to ‘yes’
Are noise-cancelling headphones impairing our hearing skills? Some audiologists are beginning to worry
Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither
Are plant-based burgers really bad for your heart? Here’s what’s behind the scary headlines
Are rainy days ahead for cloud computing?
Are rents rising in your Philly neighborhood? Don’t blame the baristas
Are repeat COVID infections dangerous? What the science says
Are Russian transfers of Ukrainian children to re-education and adoption facilities a form of genocide?
Are Sleek Modular Homes the Future of Affordable Housing?
Are some cases of Alzheimer's disease caused by infection?
Are stingrays actually dangerous? 3 reasons you shouldn’t fear these sea pancakes
Are the climate wars really over, or has a new era of greenwashing just begun?
Are the robots about to rise? Google's new director of engineering thinks so…
Are There Plenty of Fish in the Sea? Ask an Elephant Seal
Are today’s standards for being a ‘real man’ leading to violence against women?
Are Trump’s Immigration Policies Literally Making Us Sick?
Are video games influencing our children to run too many errands?
Are Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats a bluff? In a word – probably
‘Are we alone in the universe?’: work begins in Western Australia on world’s most powerful radio telescopes
Are We Doomed? Let’s Have a Conversation.
Are we learning the wrong lessons from history?
Are We Ready for the Long COVID Long-Haul?
Are we smart enough to really understand how smart animals are?
Are we witnessing a 'new scramble for Africa'?
Are we witnessing the emergence of the United States of Australia?
Are Western sanctions on Iran making a difference?
Are you a mosquito magnet? Help may be at hand
Are you a Viking? Yes, but so is everyone else
Are you breaking copyright law?
Are You Culturally Appropriating Buddhism?
Are you depressed?
Are you in denial? Because it’s not just anti-vaxxers and climate sceptics
Are you kidding, India? Your last-minute Glasgow intervention won’t relieve pressure to ditch coal
Are you living in a food desert? These maps suggest it can make a big difference to your health
Are you OK? World teeters on brink as Trump and cronies prepare to flood the zone with shit
Are You Ready To Consider That Capitalism Is The Real Problem?
Are you ready to mask up? Health concerns as flu, COVID-19 cases rising
Are you satisfied with your sleep? If not, maybe you need an adorable Baymax bed
Are You Tired?
Are your cats fighting or playing? Scientists analysed cat videos to figure out the difference
Are ‘Fast Movies’ Really A Substitute For The Real Thing? Or Just Good Marketing?
Arecibo Observatory's Space Cats Need Your Help!
Arenillas Municipal Conservation Area in Ecuador will Protect Key Dry Forest and Mangrove Ecosystems
Aren’t we in a drought? The Australian black coal industry uses enough water for over 5 million people
Argentina Plans To Increase Copyright In Photos From 20 Years To Life Plus 70 Years, Devastating Wikipedia
Argentina withdraws negotiators from Cop29 summit
Argentina: leftists celebrate after far-right Milei fails to win election victory
Argentina’s Brexit: why new president Milei is threatening to pull out of South America’s common market
Argentina’s president is vowing to repeal ‘woke’ femicide law. It could have ripple effects across Latin America
Argentinian rewilding project sees the return of jaguars and macaws
The Argument for a 4-Day Workweek Gets Stronger After Latest Trial
Argument with a Childhood Friend: Gender Blindness & Trans Repression
Aristotle, Aelian and the giant octopus: the earliest ‘citizen science’ goes back more than 2,000 years
Arizona agrees to transfer 110,000 acres of state trust lands to the Hopi Tribe
The Arizona School Setting Kids With Autism Up for Success
Arizona tribe first to span canals with solar panels
Arizona volunteers form ‘underground’ network to house migrants released by ICE
ark nova inflatable concert hall to tour japan's flood-hit areas
Arkansas celebrates milestone with 5 millionth book from Dolly Parton's philanthropy
Armadillo Electric Car: Fold It, Park It With A Smartphone
Armed FBI agents raid home of researcher who found unsecured patient data
Armor for Critters
The Army of God Comes Out of the Shadows
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a powerful message for those who have gone down a path of hate.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: A message to the Russian people
Around 9,000 species have already gone extinct in Australia and we’ll likely lose another this week – new study
Around the world in seven journeys: Michael Palin on his favourite trips
Around the world, campaigns for marriage change hearts and minds
Arquitectura libre
Arrest of Saudi scholar and influencer another sign of social media crackdown
Arrested for wearing a T-shirt? The coronation heralded a frightening slide towards authoritarianism
Arresting the Unjustly Homeless While They Learn to Code
Arrietty and Hugo
Ars Electronica Prix 2006
Art by "Red" Hong Yi
Art Captures How Rockets Feel Forces
Art deco density: what we learned from Australia’s first apartment boom
Art deco will be the visual language of 2021
Art For Australia! Come Shop The Adorableness & Help Spread Some Hope
Art for nerds and nurseries by Tiffany Ard
Art Historian Goes Viral For Hilarious Tips On How To Become An ‘Art Expert’
Art Historical Masterworks Come Alive at Annual Halloween Parade in Kawasaki, Japan
Art Indeed!
Art is a business – and, yes, artists have to make difficult, honest business decisions
Art Isn’t Free / Arts training is essential
art made from pencils!
The Art of Andres Amador
The Art of Book Covers (1820–1914)
The Art of Designing With Heart
The art of healing: how creativity is changing NHS mental health wards
The art of particle physics
The Art of the Dinosaur : Illustrations by the Top Paleoartists in the World
The Art of the Factory
The Art of the Literary Poster: Works from the Leonard A. Lauder Collection
The art of writing an obituary
The art of ‘getting lost’: how re-discovering your city can be an antidote to capitalism
Art Students Cleverly Dress Up as Famous Paintings For the Annual Halloween Parade in Kawasaki, Japan
Art Students Transform an Electrical Tower into a Stained Glass Lighthouse
Art work to appreciate
Art, freedom and drag invasions: the history of New York’s Fire Island as a gay sanctuary
art: Stellar Axis: Antarctica
Artaud forum
Artaud Forum 1
Artecnica pop-up lamps
Artemis 1 is off – and we’re a step closer to using Moon dirt for construction in space
The Artemis I mission marks the start of a new space race to mine the Moon
Arthur C. Clarke (Sci-Fi Writer) predicting ebooks, remote working, etc back in 1976
Arthur C. Clarke and his vision of world government
The article removed from Forbes, “Why White Evangelicalism Is So Cruel”
Article: Czech Scientists Create A Real-Life Tractor Beam
Artificial amber stores data in DNA long-term
Artificial Creativity
Artificial Intelligence Can Now Craft Original Jokes—And That’s No Laughing Matter
Artificial intelligence for osteoporosis diagnostics
Artificial intelligence is already in our hospitals. 5 questions people want answered
Artificial intelligence is taking the consulting industry by storm – should we be concerned?
Artificial intelligence themes explored in Canberra duo B(if)tek's album titled 2020 have 'come to pass'
Artificial light at night can change the behaviour of all animals, not just humans
Artificial light may become a new weapon in the fight to control malaria
Artificial magnetic muscles can support tensile stresses up to 1,000 times their own weight
Artificial refuges are a popular stopgap for habitat destruction, but the science isn’t up to scratch
Artificial sweetener could harm your gut and the microbes that live there – new study
Artisans Cooperative
Artist Creates Adult Coloring Books And Sells More Than A Million Copies
Artist Creates Giant Wood Sculptures and Hides Them in Copenhagen Forests
Artist Creates Relatable Comics Illustrating The Struggles In Digital Design Career (30 New Pics) Interview With Artist
The artist David Choe
Artist John Pugh
Artist Melts 1,527 Guns to Make Shovels for Tree Planting!
Artist Ra Paulette Is Hand Carving Stunning Sculpted Caves in Sandstone Cliffs in New Mexico
Artist Thijme Termaat Spent 2.5 Years Painting And Creating This Timelapse
Artist throws herself at men.
Artist Turns Her Small Studio Room Into Surreal Dreamscapes Without Using Photoshop
Artist Turns Scrap Metal into Delicately Crafted Insect Sculptures
Artistic ad for cashmere knitwear
Artistic changes of scale
The Artistic Freedom Voucher: Internet Age Alternative to Copyrights
Artistic Paper
Artists are not at the negotiating table at COP26 but art is everywhere. What can they accomplish through their work?
Artists help communities during a crisis, not hinder. Why are we still told they don’t matter?
The Artists of ‘PULP’ Fold, Emboss, and Quill Their Way Through the Possibilities of Paper
Artists say AI image generators are copying their style to make thousands of new images — and it's completely out of their control
Artists transformed a Trump hotel suite into an art exhibit with rats
Artists, social climbers and mermaids: 10 Australian women who followed their dreams to the US in the early 20th century
“artists” and Artists
Arts and crafts give greater life satisfaction than work, survey suggests
The arts are being sidelined in the cost of living crisis. It’s time we stopped framing them as a luxury
The arts helped us through the pandemic – NZ’s budget should radically rethink how and why they’re funded
Arts organisations say they want to be ‘cultural leaders’ – but are they living up to their goals?
Aruba Considers Enshrining the ‘Rights of Nature’ in Its Constitution
Aruba Embraces the Rights of Nature and a Human Right to a Clean Environment
Arundhati Roy on Fiction in the Face of Rising Fascism
As 12 months of record heat stack up, scientists unpack the impacts around the globe
As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets
As a doctor I’ve been given some inexpensive yet priceless gifts. These are my favourites
As a doctor, I’m disappointed in my colleagues for ignoring Long COVID. I made a resource to educate them and the public.
As a place to fix, mend, and connect, repair cafes battle loneliness as well as waste
As a Trans Person, I Don't Think Conservatives See Me As Human
As Africa Loses Forest, Its Small Farmers Are Bringing Back Trees
As AI and megaplatforms take over, the hyperlinks that built the web may face extinction
As Amazon burns, Trump wants to log world’s largest intact temperate rainforest in Alaska
As another cyclone heads for Queensland, we must be ready for the new threat: torrential rain and floods
As Antarctic sea ice continues its dramatic decline, we need more measurements and much better models to predict its future
As Aussie as vanilla slice: how the delicate European dessert became the snot block of Aussie bakeries
As Australia privatises nature repair, the cheapest approach won’t save our threatened species
As Australia strengthens its ties with the Philippines, it’s wading even further into the dangerous South China Sea
As Australian-Chinese writer Yang Hengjun’s trial begins, his prospects remain bleak
As Australia’s giant trees succumb to fire or drought, we’re racing to preserve their vital genetic data
As Australia’s net zero transition threatens to stall, rooftop solar could help provide the power we need
As Big Book Publishers Look To Kill The Internet Archive, It Introduces ‘Democracy’s Library’
As Bird Kills from Buildings Mount, Cities Look for Solutions
As Chinese dialects decline, Australia offers a safe haven for some endangered languages
As chinook salmon get thinner and fewer, southern resident killer whales struggle to find enough food
As climate change amplifies urban flooding, here’s how communities can become ‘sponge cities’
As climate change warms rivers, they are running out of breath – and so could the plants and animals they harbor
As climate clock ticks, aviator Garrett Fisher races to photograph glaciers
As Climate Money Pours In, Some Urban Freeways May Disappear
As Climate Scientists Speak Out, Sexist Attacks Are on the Rise
As Colombia hosts a UN biodiversity summit, its own Amazonian rainforest is in crisis
As countries ranging from Indonesia to Mexico aim to attract digital nomads, locals say ‘not so fast’
As COVID cases rise again, what do I need to know about the new FLiRT variants?
As Covid Spread, a Strain of Flu Disappeared. Now Scientists Say a Second Could Go Too
As COVID Surges, the High Price of Viral Denial
As cryptocurrencies take hold, NZ must address the climate impacts of their colossal energy demand
As EVs continue to innovate, expect plenty of surprises
As fast fashion’s waste pollutes Africa’s environment, designers in Ghana are finding a solution
As Fiji prepares to vote, democracy could already be the loser
As Fox News settles its lawsuit with Dominion, will it make any difference to how it reports?
As gas runs out in the Bass Strait the debate over how to dismantle massive offshore rigs is heating up
As heat records break, the climate movement has the right answers – but the words are all wrong
As heatwaves and floods hit cities worldwide, these places are pioneering solutions
As India’s Project Tiger turns 50, hope for the big cat
As Israel pushes into Rafah, it exposes an uncomfortable truth: no court alone can protect civilians in war
As Kenya's flood toll rises, Human Rights Watch says officials must step up efforts
As livestock theft becomes a growing problem in rural Australia, new technologies offer hope
‘As long as we’re here, it’s ours’: the island fishing community on the frontline of South China Sea tensions
As Los Angeles combusts, 2024 is declared Earth’s hottest on record
As Malawi government struggles to protect a forest, communities show the way
As more biometric data is collected in schools, parents need to ask these 10 questions
As Myanmar suffers, the military junta is desperate, isolated and running out of options
As New South Wales reels, many are asking why it’s flooding in places where it’s never flooded before
As New Zealand CBDs evolve post-pandemic, repurposing old or empty spaces should be on the drawing board
As News Corp goes ‘rogue’ on election coverage, what price will Australian democracy pay?
As No Mow May ends, here’s why we should keep patches of lawn permanently wild
As NSW roads minister, I know we have to incentivise electric cars
As NZ struggles to resolve its long-running housing crisis, investors should be taxed for keeping homes empty
As NZ workers and households tighten their belts, why not a windfall tax on corporate mega-profits too?
As ocean surfaces acidify, a deep-sea acidic zone is expanding: marine habitats are being squeezed
As Ocean Waters Warm, a Race to Breed Heat-Resistant Coral
As Platforms Decay, Let’s Put Users First
As Prison Guards Quit in Record Numbers, Will Our Failed System Finally Be Reformed?
As Projects Decline, the Era of Building Big Dams Draws to a Close
As Prudes Drive Social Media Takedowns, Museums Embrace... OnlyFans?
As race riots escalate, British PM threatens dire consequences
As record heat risks bleaching 73% of the world’s coral reefs, scientists ask ‘what do we do now?’
As Record Labels Still Are Demanding Mandated Filters; Facebook's Copyright Filter Takes Down A Guy Playing Bach
As rents and mortgage repayments rise, is multi-generational living the secret to thriving in tough economic times?
As Russia and Ukraine trade blame for prisoner-of-war deaths, what becomes of the Geneva Convention?
As Russia woos nations to support its war in Ukraine, will fault lines deepen around the globe?
As school students strike for climate once more, here’s how the movement and its tactics have changed
As shots rang out, the battle to save Western Australia’s stranded pilot whales was over
As South Korea abolishes its gender ministry, women fight back
As Syrians were trapped beneath the rubble, a broken UN system was held hostage by the Assad regime
As the air-raid sirens sound, I am studying Ukrainian culture with new fervour. I’m far from alone
As the Beijing Winter Olympics countdown begins, calls to boycott the ‘Genocide Games’ grow
As the billionaires gather at Davos, it’s worth examining what’s become of their dreams
As the Black Summer megafires neared, people rallied to save wildlife and domestic animals. But it came at a real cost
As The Chinese Government Ramps Up Oppression, Citizens Are Pushing Back
As the Coalition goes nuclear, Labor is free to ensure fossil fuels are burned with abandon and little scrutiny
As the Mississippi Swerves, Can We Let Nature Regain Control?
As The Social Media Moral Panic Continues, People Keep Highlighting How Much Value It Actually Provides
As the states consider animal welfare law reform, what changes would curb cruelty against animals?
As the temperature rises, so do rates of domestic violence
As the war in Gaza continues, Germany’s unstinting defence of Israel has unleashed a culture war that has just reached Australia
As the Water Rises, Mobile Home Parks Are on the Move
As The World Frets Over Social Media Tracking For Advertising, Young People Are Turning Fooling Sites Into Sport
As the world heats up, solar panels will degrade faster – especially in hot, humid areas. What can we do?
As the world moves to a low carbon economy, has diesel fuel run its course?
As the world searches for safe, low-cost big batteries, an old Australian invention is getting new attention
As the world surges ahead on electric vehicle policy, the Morrison government’s new strategy leaves Australia idling in the garage
As the ‘digital oligarchy’ grows in power, NZ will struggle to regulate its global reach and influence
As Trump abandons the old world order, NZ must find its place in a new ‘Pax Autocratica’
As Trump attacks US science agencies, ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred ushers in a fresh wave of climate denial in Australia
As Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital is hit, anger towards Russia rages
As uni goes back, here’s how teachers and students can use ChatGPT to save time and improve learning
As US Road Deaths Rise, France Is Safer Than Ever. Why?
As Varroa spreads, now is the time to fight for Australia’s honey bees – and you can help
As Western Sydney residents grapple with climate change, they want political action
As wildfires rage, what is the smoke doing to our health and bodies?
As winter approaches, will Putin’s ‘partial mobilisation’ help Russia win the war in Ukraine?
Asbestos in playground mulch: how to avoid a repeat of this circular economy scandal
Ascot declines to renew insurance policy for Adani coal mine
The Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art brings us the most exciting and original art of our region
Asian elephants reassure others in distress: First empirical evidence of consolation in elephants
Asians In Asia View Cultural Appropriation Differently Than You Realize
Asia’s ‘thirst’ for Indigenous Australian art on full display in South Korea
Asio chief reveals foreign spies plotted to lure Australia-based activist overseas to injure or kill them
Fwd: Fw: Ask a ninja
Ask a policy expert: How much do we pay for our politicians?
Ask Anyone Who Buys Women’s Clothes: Pockets Are AWESOME
Ask Ethan: Why Aren't Spiral Galaxies More Wound Up?
Ask Ethan: Why don’t you look like a scientist?
Ask Me About Being A Birthday Party Princess
Ask the real experts about ocean acidification, not climate science deniers
Asking the Right Questions About AI
Assam's rhino population grows fivefold as poaching drops 86% since 2016
Assange Walks Free, But Press Freedoms Are Still In Peril
Assassin's Kittens Unity
The Assassination of Human Rights Activist Marielle Franco Was a Huge Loss for Brazil — and the World
Assault of the Corporate Libertarians
Assembly line complete for maker of electric-hybrid aircraft that can slash emissions
Assisted living managers say an algorithm prevented hiring enough staff
Assyrian Women of Letters
Asterix and Obelix in Britain
Asterix creator Albert Uderzo dies at 92
Asterix translator..
Asteroid 2023 BU just passed a few thousand kilometres from Earth. Here’s why that’s exciting
Astonishing 3D animated cat on Tokyo digital billboard
Astonishing book tunnel entrance to bookstore
‘Astonishing’ Roman tomb unearthed near London Bridge station
‘Astonishing’: global demand for exotic pets is driving a massive trade in unprotected wildlife
The astounding impact and reach of long Covid, in numbers and charts
Astounding underwater photography contest winners
Astronauts eject UK-led space junk demo mission
Astronauts Share Most Breathtaking Images of Earth From Space in 2024
Astronauts to live and work on the moon by 2030, Nasa official says
The astronomer and the witch – how Kepler saved his mother from the stake
Astronomers have detected another ‘planet killer’ asteroid. Could we miss one coming our way?
Astronomers have pinpointed the origin of mysterious repeating radio bursts from space
Astronomers just detected the biggest black hole jets ever seen – and named them Porphyrion
Astronomers puzzled by ‘planet that shouldn’t exist’
Astronomers Reveal First-Ever Direct Image of Planets Around a Sun-Like Star
Astronomers witness the dying flare of a star torn apart by a black hole halfway across the Universe
Astronomers’ world-first discovery: twin stars trapped in galactic black hole orbit
Astronomy Geekiness
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2023 winners
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Astronomy picture of the day: The Earth at Night
Astrophysicists re-imagine world map, designing a less distorted, 'radically different' way to see the world
ASU lecture to preview forthcoming book 'The White Savior and the Waif'
Asus Bamboo Ecobook Computer
Asus EeePC from Vapor to reality
Asylum seekers in Greece ‘facing two great injustices of our time’
Asylum Solutions: saving money with a more humane response
At 16, Australians can drive, work and apply for the army – so why can’t they vote?
At a time of crisis, reading books can help us make sense of the world
At ACMI’s "The Future & Other Fictions", artists challenge us to imagine a more optimistic world
At chocolate time, we’ve discovered what the brands that score best on child labour and the environment have in common
At COP27 climate summit, Brazil’s Lula says Amazon deforestation to stop
At Davos we will tell world leaders to abandon the fossil fuel economy
At first glance, Australia’s new treaty with Nauru seems to be a win-win. But questions remain
At Fitzroy Crossing and around Australia, community radio empowers local responses to climate impacts
At KC’s Giving Grove, the mission is ‘much bigger than food’
At last, a new movie that’s as beautiful and insane as The Fifth Element
At last, for Yorick. Bequeathed skull stars in Hamlet
At Last, Single-Photon Cameras Could Peer Into Your Brain
At least 17 dead after three Russian missiles hit Chernihiv
At least 17 million people in the WHO European Region experienced long COVID in the first two years of the pandemic; millions may have to live with it for years to come
At least 58 Iranian children reportedly killed since anti-regime protests began
At least 95 people dead in Spain’s worst floods in three decades
At least a dozen climate activists face jail time under NSW laws used to lock up Violet Coco
At Least One Of These Posts Will Make You Laugh Even If You Don't Play D&D
At Oak Flat, courts and politicians fail tribes
At Old Coal Mines, the American Chestnut Tries for a Comeback
At On-Campus Retirement Communities, Seniors and ‘Seniors’ Forge Deep Bonds
At OzAsia 2023, Australia’s appreciation of multiculturalism and diversity is most evident in food
At Sahara’s edge, old habits protect crops from new climate
‘At the brink’: international students in Australia are ending up homeless and hungry
At the Far Ends of a New Universal Law
At This Danish School, LARPing Is the Future of Education
At This Grocery Store, Shoppers Pay What They Wish
At this price, this EV is effectively a mobile battery with a free car thrown in
At this remote outpost, Australians are racing to find the world’s oldest ice and unlock the secrets it holds
At What Point Does An Ideology Become A Mental Illness?
At Work Inside Our Detention Centres: A Guard’s Story
At Work, Expertise Is Falling Out of Favor
At Yale, we conducted an experiment to turn conservatives into liberals. The results say a lot about our political divisions.
At ‘Garbage Cafes,’ You Can Trade Plastic Bottles for Free Food
At ‘vast, remote’ Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre, unwritten rules for tourists may soon become real restrictions
At-home DNA tests just aren’t that reliable – and the risks may outweigh the benefits
Atagi expected to update advice on fifth dose of Covid vaccine within weeks
The Athanasius Kircher Society
Atlantic hurricane season 2023: El Niño and extreme Atlantic Ocean heat are about to clash
The Atlantic is at risk of circulation collapse – it would mean even greater climate chaos across Europe
Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds
Atlantic Ocean is headed for a tipping point − once melting glaciers shut down the Gulf Stream, we would see extreme climate change within decades, study shows
Atlantic Salmon Is Basically Extinct: You’re Eating a Genetically Eroded Version
The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Guide for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid
Atlas of Prejudice
Atlas of Ungulate Migration
Atmospheric dust may have hidden true extent of global heating
Atmospheric Optics
Atmospheric optics and nacreous clouds
Atmospheric rivers are shifting poleward, reshaping global weather patterns
Atmospheric rivers over California’s wildfire burn scars raise fears of deadly mudslides – this is what cascading climate disasters look like
Atom Smith x Emma Lea - Higher & Higher (Official MV)
Atomic Rockets
Atomic tomatoes are not the only fruit
The Atomium, Belgium
ATROPA -- Sci-fi Short
Atsuko Okatsuka: ‘Whatever made you feel like a freak as a kid – that thing is your superpower’
Attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea threaten Australia’s trade – we need a Plan B
Attacks on Dan Andrews are part of News Corporation’s long abuse of power
Attacks on health care during war are becoming more common, creating devastating ripple effects
Attacks on the People’s Press
Attacks on Ukraine’s hospitals are deliberate and brutal. The world must respond to these acts of terror
The Attention Economy: Markets of Attention, Misinformation and Manipulation
Attention managers: if you expect First Nations’ staff to do all your ‘Indigenous stuff’, this isn’t support – it’s racism
Attention Philanthropy 2009
Attention United Nations: don’t be fooled by Australia’s latest report on the Great Barrier Reef
Attribution is hard
Auckland flooding: death toll rises as New Zealand hit with more heavy rain and landslides
The Auckland floods are a sign of things to come – the city needs stormwater systems fit for climate change
Auckland floods: even stormwater reform won’t be enough – we need a ‘sponge city’ to avoid future disasters
‘Audacious’ reforestation effort grows in Brazil
The audacity of Kamala Harris’ laughter – and the racist roots of Trump’s derision
Audi Lunar Quattro | Fully Charged
[IP] Audio recording from - ancient Pompeii !!!
Auditors slam EU for 'marine protected areas' that fail to protect ocean
Augmented Reality GPS Navigation in a Smart Contact Lens – Made With 3D Printer!
Auguste Rodin's Sculptures Are In The Public Domain; 3D Scans Of Them Should Be, Too
Aurealis Awards
Aurora - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
Aurora Borealis photos
Aurora photos from the Solar storm
Aus-NZ refugee deal is a bandage on a failed policy. It’s time to end offshore processing
Auschwitz survivor marks 92nd birthday on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Aussie classic 4WD startup becomes biggest global EV conversion manufacturer
Aussie expats join forces in Ads Up group to help refugees find their feet in the US
Aussie Gov’t: Age Verification Went From ‘Privacy Nightmare’ To Mandatory In A Year
Aussie Productivity Commission Doubles Down On Fair Use And Serious Copyright & Patent Reform
Aussie startup invents breakthrough non-toxic battery electrolyte that’s cheaper ‘by factor of 100’
Austal to build wind-powered cargo trimaran that will ditch diesel on trans Atlantic routes
Austerity Is Not the Only Way: Portugal!
Austerity policies do more harm than good, IMF study concludes
Austin Gave Poor Families a Basic Income. It Changed Their Lives.
Austin mom launches clothing line for girls who don’t want to be defined by pink and purple
Australasian bittern returns to Lagoon of Islands for first time in 40 years after damming damage reversed
Australia 'addicted to roads', says leaked infrastructure report
Australia accused of ‘exporting climate destruction’ on tiny Pacific neighbours with massive gas expansion plans
Australia already has a UK-style windfall profits tax on gas – but we’ll give away tens of billions of dollars unless we fix it soon
Australia among hotspots for toxic ‘forever chemicals’, study of PFAS levels finds
Australia and Norway were once tied in global anti-corruption rankings. Now, we’re heading in opposite directions
Australia and the US are firm friends on defence – now let’s turn that into world-beating climate action
Australia and Turkey in standoff to be host of crucial 2026 climate talks
Australia and xenophobia
Australia at risk of electricity supply shortages as renewable projects lag behind coal plant closures
Australia boasts some of the world’s most stunning beetles. Look out for these 5 beauties this summer
Australia breaches WHO treaty with carbon neutral certification of big tobacco company
Australia breeds brainy birds
Australia bushfires spark 'unprecedented' climate disinformation
Australia can fix its broken prison system like Norway did. But first, we must face up to the facts
Australia can have a future for the gas industry, or meet its climate commitments – but not both
Australia can help ensure the biggest mine in PNG’s history won’t leave a toxic legacy
Australia can learn from the UK’s experience by making banks pay for scam losses
Australia can no longer afford to ignore Russia’s expanding naval power in the Pacific
Australia commits $9 million to help Pacific neighbours meet climate targets
Australia commits additional $50 million to deal with climate change
Australia commits to $3.5 billion tank purchase from the US
Australia confirms extinction of 13 more species, including first reptile since colonisation
Australia considers mandating recycled plastic packaging as beaches drown in rubbish
Australia could rapidly shift to clean transport – if we had a strategy. So we put this plan together
Australia could reach an ‘ambitious’ emissions cut of up to 75% by 2035, advisers tell Labor
Australia could ‘green’ its degraded landscapes for just 6% of what we spend on defence
Australia Cuts 80% of Plastic Bag Use in 3 Short Months
Australia Day hasn’t always been on January 26, but it has always been an issue
Australia denies Cameroonian journalist visa over suspicion she would illegally overstay
Australia desperately needs a strong federal environmental protection agency. Our chances aren’t looking good
Australia does not have a welfare problem. We have a poverty problem
Australia donates 49 Abrams tanks to Ukraine
Australia ends ‘wasted decade’ with emissions reduction law, leader says
Australia experiencing a COVID ‘wave on wave’
Australia exposed as one of world’s worst climate wreckers in key UN-backed report
Australia faces postwar-style reconstruction to reach net zero target, Greg Combet says
Australia faces worsening extreme weather events latest BoM and CSIRO climate report finds
Australia fears being abandoned by America – but do the two countries need each other?
Australia finally has a Net Zero Authority – here’s what should top its agenda
Australia finally has an electric vehicle strategy. How does it stack up?
Australia finally has new climate laws. Now, let’s properly consider the astounding social cost of carbon
Australia Fires: Rescue dog Bear saves scores of koalas
Australia formally misses UN climate deadline, only one country makes pledge close to 1.5°C
Australia had a record number of police shootings in the past year. Should we be concerned?
Australia has a once in a lifetime opportunity to break the stranglehold fossil fuels have on our politics
Australia has a remarkable history of outdoor cinema. Here’s why Netflix will never beat it
Australia has an extraordinary 13 million spare bedrooms. Here’s how to use at least some of them to ease the housing crisis
Australia has been crying out for a national housing plan, and new council is a big step towards having one
Australia has coped fairly well with the pandemic. With climate change? It’s a different story
Australia has failed greater gliders: since they were listed as ‘vulnerable’ we’ve destroyed more of their habitat
Australia has finally backed a plan to let developing countries make cheap COVID-19 vaccines — what matters is what it does next
Australia has hundreds of mammal species. We want to find them all – before they’re gone
Australia has introduced a new bill that will allow us to ship carbon emissions overseas. Here’s why that’s not a great idea
Australia has invented Shazam for spiders
Australia has led the way regulating gene technology for over 20 years. Here’s how it should apply that to AI
Australia has long aligned with the US on sanctions. With Trump’s return, this is an increasingly dangerous approach
Australia has lost 140 journals in a decade. That’s damaging for local research and education
Australia has more native bird species than almost anywhere else. What led to this explosion of diversity?
Australia has not just had a ‘diplomacy fail’ – it has been devaluing the profession for decades
Australia has overshot three planetary boundaries based on how we use land
Australia has relied on agricultural innovation to farm our dry land. We’ll need more for the uncertain years ahead
Australia has way more PhD graduates than academic jobs. Here’s how to rethink doctoral degrees
Australia hasn’t figured out low-level nuclear waste storage yet – let alone high-level waste from submarines
Australia hit by ‘big wave’ of Covid at same time as increase in flu
Australia improves on global corruption rankings, but there is still work to be done
Australia invests $4.29bn in renewable energy in December quarter, 10 times the previous three months
Australia is 'ground zero' in climate crisis and must show leadership, top researchers say
Australia is a mess. Cop31 is a chance to redefine ourselves from climate laggard to global leader
Australia is at the climate crossroads. The choice is yours, mates
Australia is bringing migrant workers back – but exploitation is still rampant. Here are 3 changes needed now
Australia is building a billion-dollar arms export industry. This is how weapons can fall in the wrong hands
Australia is built on lies, so why would we be surprised about lies about climate change?
Australia is connected to the world by cables no thicker than a garden hose – and at risk from sharks, accidents and sabotage
Australia is creating an underclass of exploited farm workers, unable to speak up
Australia is doubling down on fossil fuel exports, and helping to blow global carbon budgets
Australia is dragging its feet on healthy eating. In 5 years we’ve made woeful progress
Australia is failing marginalised people, and it shows in COVID death rates
Australia is failing on electric vehicles. California shows it’s possible to pick up the pace
Australia is finally waking up to post-Covid POTS nightmare
Australia is heading for its third Omicron wave. Here’s what to expect from BA.4 and BA.5
Australia is hosting the world’s first ‘nature positive’ summit. What is it, and why does it matter?
Australia is in a unique position to eliminate the bee-killing Varroa mite. Here’s what happens if we don’t
Australia is leaving thousands of international graduates in visa limbo, and it’s about to get worse
Australia is making mixed progress on emissions, and rapid cuts are needed, says CCA
Australia is on track to have easily double the local death toll of Spanish Flu, with Covid
Australia is phasing out single-use plastics — but what items and when depends on where you live
Australia is poised to be a world leader in offshore wind, but any potential risks to marine life remain poorly regulated
‘Australia is sleepwalking’: a bushfire scientist explains what the Hawaii tragedy means for our flammable continent
Australia is spending millions to lure Hollywood productions. But is it worth it?
Australia is still reckoning with a shameful legacy: the resettlement of suspected war criminals after WWII
Australia is touted as a future clean energy ‘superpower’ – but research suggests other nations will outperform us
Australia is transitioning gas out of the energy system
Australia is undermining the Paris Agreement, no matter what Morrison says – we need new laws to stop this
Australia just committed $207 million to a major satellite program. What is it, and why do we need it?
Australia just flew its own ‘vomit comet’. It’s a big deal for zero-gravity space research
Australia launches action against Russia over MH17, in bid for reparations
Australia launches emergency relocation of fish as largest river system faces collapse
Australia leads the world in arresting climate and environment protesters
Australia Lost AU$9.6 Billion In 2022 Due To Long COVID's Impact On Workforce: Study
Australia matches its hottest day on record as Western Australia town hits 50.7C
Australia may be facing another La Niña summer. We’ve found a way to predict them earlier, to help us prepare
Australia may spend hundreds of millions of dollars on quantum computing research. Are we chasing a mirage?
Australia mid-range in the list of winners and losers from global emissions targets
Australia must decarbonise to stay relevant in the global steel supply chain: BNEF
Australia must get serious about airborne infection transmission. Here’s what we need to do
Australia must lead the world on nature restoration through ambitious interpretation of international law
Australia must treat housing as a human right, says former Victorian Supreme Court judge
Australia must urgently adapt to extreme weather or face soaring premiums, insurers warn
Australia must wean itself from monster utes – and the federal government’s weakening of vehicle emissions rules won’t help one bit
Australia needs a robust cybersecurity overhaul – not whack-a-mole bans on apps like TikTok
Australia needs a ‘knowledge economy’ fuelled by scientists and arts graduates: here’s why
Australia needs better ways of storing renewable electricity for later. That’s where ‘flow batteries’ can help
Australia needs much more solar and wind power, but where are the best sites? We mapped them all
Australia needs permanent supportive housing to end homelessness – and it will pay for itself
Australia needs ‘substantial increase’ in large-scale renewables projects to meet decarbonisation targets
Australia not prepared for how Antarctic ice changes will hit economy, scientist warns
Australia now has its own grand mosque: a brief history of how these buildings fold into the urban landscape
Australia on track to meet 2030 43% emission’s reduction target, on latest figures
Australia once rejected ‘feeble-minded’ immigrants. While the language has changed, discrimination remains
Australia ordered to negotiate with 122 Indonesians wrongly held in adult jails when they were children
Australia plans electric vehicle network
Australia plans to be a big green hydrogen exporter to Asian markets – but they don’t need it
Australia plans to hire more overseas doctors. Is it ethical to recruit from countries with doctor shortages?
Australia poorly prepared for deadly avian flu that kills millions of wild birds, experts warn
Australia ranks last for climate action among UN member countries
Australia ranks last out of 54 nations on its strategy to cope with climate change. The Glasgow summit is a chance to protect us all
Australia records driest September as fires rage in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania
Australia records hottest ever winter temperature with some areas set to be 10C above average
Australia rejects visa application by rightwing US pundit Candace Owens
Australia relies on controversial offsets to meet climate change targets. We might not get away with it in Egypt
Australia risks relying on Pfizer and Moderna for its COVID vaccines. 3 ways to break free
Australia risks UN human rights blacklisting as states fail to meet prison obligations
Australia secured asylum deal by staying 'silent' on rights abuses: Sri Lanka PM
Australia set to welcome JAXA’s Hayabusa2
Australia should follow Ireland’s lead and add stronger health warning labels to alcohol
Australia should have a universal basic income for artists. Here’s what that could look like
Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling
Australia spends billions planting trees – then wipes out carbon gains by bulldozing them
Australia spends more propping up fossil fuels than it does on the Army
Australia spent a million dollars training me – and now I’m leaving
Australia storage start up says it is ready to produce lower cost sodium batteries from 2025
Australia surpasses 10,000 Covid deaths as authorities warn of another wave of infections
Australia sweltered through its 4th-hottest year in 2020
Australia takes from the poor to give to the rich
Australia Takes Its First Baby Steps On the Road To A Right-To-Repair Law, With A Consultation About Tractors
Australia taxes its massive gas exports so weakly that we pay more on Hecs than companies do on PRRT
Australia tells Pacific Islands to “reflect” on climate action, dial down “crisis” talk
Australia the only developed nation on world list of deforestation hotspots
Australia the second thirstiest country for bottled water despite paying the highest prices, says UN report
Australia Threatening Over 100 Journalists For Accurately Reporting On Cardinal Pell's Sex Abuse Trial
Australia to ban non-prescription vapes in biggest smoking reforms in a decade
Australia to immediately begin releasing people held in indefinite immigration detention
Australia to return to the Eurovision Song Contest!
Australia to slash $10 billion off student debt amid cost of living pressures
Australia to transport last asylum seekers off Nauru within weeks, refugees say
Australia to triple size of protected marine park to area larger than Germany
Australia tried to influence other countries and Unesco to keep Great Barrier Reef off in-danger list
Australia Triumphs Definitively In Long-Running Battle With Big Tobacco Over Plain Packs For Cigarettes
Australia urged not to rely on ‘drug dealer’s defence’ for gas exports and help wean Japan off fossil fuels
Australia urged to ban sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035 at latest
Australia urged to name heatwaves to combat dangers of extreme temperatures
Australia urged to take leadership role at Cop15 biodiversity summit
Australia urgently needs a grid upgrade – but the march of new power lines faces a bush revolt
Australia violated the rights of Torres Strait Islanders by failing to act on climate change, the UN says. Here’s what that means
Australia vs New Zealand. You can tell a lot about a country by the way it budgets
Australia wakes up to the methane fire alarm, but its response is too slow
Australia wants a space industry. So why won’t we pay for the basic research to drive it?
Australia wants navy boats with lots of weapons, but no crew. Will they run afoul of international law?
Australia warned of ‘over-mining’ risk in race to secure minerals needed for clean energy
Australia was a model for protecting people from COVID-19 — and then we dumped half a million people back into poverty
Australia was not big enough to vote for the voice, Stan Grant says
Australia wasn’t always supportive of India becoming independent. But 75 years on, relations have thawed
Australia will likely adopt a net-zero target by COP26. It will be a bad target
Australia will protect a vast swathe of the Southern Ocean, but squanders the chance to show global leadership
Australia will soon have its first Islamic bank. What does this mean, and what are the challenges?
Australia won’t have ‘green steel’ to itself. Africa is poised to become a global hub
Australia's AG Says Public Will Be Cool With Encryption Backdoors Because They Use Facebook
Australia's banks are too big for the nation's good
Australia's delivery deaths: the riders who never made it and the families left behind
Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer, says chief immigration psychiatrist
Australia's Dropbears win Quidditch World Cup, inspired by Harry Potter game
Australia's endangered forests are being 'stolen' and sold in hardware and office stores
Fwd: Australia's First Boat People
Australia's first cat cafe opens in Melbourne
Australia's first electric passenger plane takes to the skies of Perth, with Rottnest in its sights
Australia's housing crisis impacted by 'Nimby Paradox', Griffith University researcher says
Australia's housing crisis is driven by lip-service, hypocrisy and an investment culture
Australia's largest floating solar panel system set to save money and reduce emissions in Warrnambool
Australia's refugee policy is a failure. This is not the time to shirk responsibility
Australia's rich keep getting richer, with billionaires' wealth rising to $160b, says Oxfam
Australia's South Korean adoption partner falsified adoptee records to bring children to Australia
Australia's stalled migrant boom derails golden economic run
Australia's tallest timber building makes a towering case for eco-friendly construction
Australia's two biggest cities just got closer to phasing out gas stoves
Australia's year ahead in climate and environment — the good, the bad and the controversial
Australia-first research reveals staggering loss of threatened plants over 20 years
Australian $1.2bn program to eradicate red fire ants is a ‘shambles’, Senate inquiry told
Australian Aboriginal Flag Mess Is Getting Worse -- All Thanks To Copyright
Australian Aboriginal people were baking bread and farming grain 20,000 years before Egypt
Australian academics apologise for false AI-generated allegations against big four consultancy firms
Australian amber has revealed ‘living fossils’ traced back to Gondwana 42 million years ago
Australian artists only earn $23,200 a year from their art – and are key financial investors in keeping the industry afloat
Australian astrophysicist’s $250,000 prize for field-changing discovery a ‘nice surprise’
Australian Attorney General Wants To Make The Country's Defamation Law Even Worse
Australian banks lending billions to fossil fuel projects despite supporting emissions reductions, analysis suggests
Australian battery hopeful to test its five-hour vanadium flow technology at remote mine site
Australian betadine-inspired battery breakthrough could add 1000km to EV range
Australian bushfires: The canary building the coal mine
Australian businesses prematurely disposing of devices
Australian Censors Overreach when classfiying video games
Australian CEOs made less in 2023-24 but still earned on average 50 times a typical worker’s wage
Australian cities are desperate for the ‘missing middle’ of housing density. But it’s not as simple as the nimby-yimby debate suggests
Australian coal mine emissions accounting trick could be hiding more than 10 million tonnes a year
Australian companies to take part in four-day working week trial
Australian company rolls out megawatt charger to support dump trucks and trains
Australian Court Ridiculously Says That AI Can Be An Inventor, Get Patents
Australian COVID inquiry promotes “let it rip,” denounces public health measures
The Australian Curriculum is copping fresh criticism – what is it supposed to do?
Australian democracy is not dead, but needs help to ensure its survival
Australian deputy PM mocks Alok Sharma’s emotional reaction at Cop26
Australian discovery of change in ‘killer T cells’ could help fight against influenza
Australian dolphins have the world’s highest concentrations of ‘forever chemicals’
Australian Electoral Commission Refuses To Allow Researchers To Check E-Voting Software
Australian electric vehicle
Australian electric vehicle buyer’s guide for 2023 – the best and worst
Australian electrolyzer invention enables green hydrogen under US$1.5/kg by ‘mid 2020s’
Australian elite seek to divert Russia’s $9b ‘dirty money’ to Ukraine
Australian EVs could earn $12,000 in a single year with vehicle-to-grid tech
Australian fashion retail group's collapse leaves thousands of garment workers in Bangladesh in limbo
Australian film gender imbalance: shock statistics reveal what’s old is new again
Australian Firefighters Pose With Adorable Rescued Animals for Sizzling Wildlife Charity Calendar
Australian food giants making more profit from grocery sales than overseas peers
Australian food is grown with dangerous chemicals banned in other countries
Australian foreign aid workers fear ‘deaths and suffering’ will result from Trump’s halt to USAid
Australian forests will store less carbon as climate change worsens and severe fires become more common
Australian fossil fuel exports ranked second only to Russia for climate damage with ‘no plan’ for reduction
Australian fossil fuel megaprojects at risk from record high global gas prices
Australian fossil fuel tax could raise $100bn in first year alone, Rod Sims and Ross Garnaut say
Australian garden team triumphs at Chelsea Flower Show
Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Australian Geographic nature photographer of the year 2024 – in pictures
Australian Geographic's best 2023 nature photographers revealed
The Australian government admits its funding is supporting the gas industry. That’s politically risky
Australian Government Apparently Willing To Follow In UK Government’s Client-Side Scanning Footsteps
Australian government concedes evidence against asylum seeker was obtained by torture
Australian Government Continues To Push Encryption Backdoors It Refuses To Call Encryption Backdoors
Australian government must protect young people from climate crisis harm, court declares
Australian government pledges to recycle all plastics by 2040
Australian Government Proposes Stripping Internet Users Of Their Anonymity
Australian Government sued by 23-year-old Melbourne student over financial risks of climate change
Australian government to crack down on nicotine e-cigarettes as rates of teen vaping skyrocket
Australian government urged to guarantee three days of childcare a week for all children under five
Australian government urged to ‘stop playing with people’s lives’ as people returned to detention
The Australian government wants to avoid the Great Barrier Reef being listed as ‘in danger’ at all costs
Australian government was ‘blindsided’ by UN recommendation to list Great Barrier Reef as in-danger. But it’s no great surprise
Australian government, media silent on last COVID wave that killed one thousand people
Australian governments have kept much of their COVID research and modelling secret. Why?
Australian homes can be made climate-ready, reducing bills and emissions – a new report shows how
Australian homes could slash energy bills by two thirds by cutting out gas and petrol, AEMC says
Australian Human Rights Commission to crack down on employers who fail to actively prevent workplace sexual harassment
Australian Indigenous leaders say ‘need to be’ at climate table
Australian kids under 16 will soon be banned from social media – but parents still don’t know which apps are out
Australian Labor government slashes annual health budget by $11 billion
Australian Labor isn’t alone. Parties of the left are making a comeback
Australian Law Enforcement Now Forcing Service Providers To Grant Access To Data And Content
Australian LGBTIQ+ politicians were hit with vile online abuse at the last federal election. The coming campaign could be even worse
Australian logistics company adds 60 new EVs to its delivery fleet
Australian logistics giant to add 300 electric trucks, vans and mobile chargers
Australian logistics provider rolls out 20-strong electric truck fleet, powered by solar
Australian losses to online marketplace fraud increase as scams become increasingly sophisticated
Australian man says border force made him hand over phone passcode by threatening to keep device indefinitely
Australian Media Company CEO Accuses iiNet ISP Of Piracy 'Lies', Says Illegal Filesharing Is Theft
Australian Medical Association declares climate change a health emergency
Australian mining group promotes nuclear with memes about The Grinch and seasoning steak with sawdust
Australian MP Pushes Back Against Expanded Site And Search Blocking Laws
Australian Music
Australian music festivals are increasingly affected by climate change. But is the industry doing enough to mitigate its impact?
Australian Muslim millionaire turned humanitarian Ali Banat dies
Australian photography auction – in pictures
Australian pioneer in shared rooftop solar scores big from Biden billions
Australian Police Go Full FBI, Radicalize Autistic Teen Officers Told Parents They Were Trying To Help
Australian prime minister blasts opposition leader over demand to ‘rule out’ compensating other countries for climate crisis
Australian Prime Minister, After Registering For A WeChat Account Using Unnamed Chinese Citizen, Finds His Account Sold To Someone Else
Australian printmaker Ruth Faerber has died aged 102. She never stopped making art
Australian Professional Photography Awards showcase best photos of 2016
Australian public fed nonsense as country heads to “irreversible” decision.
Australian Public Servants Warned Against Liking Social Media Posts That Are Critical Of Government Policies
The Australian public service is letting Indigenous people down. How do we fix it?
Australian Raptors May Be Playing With Fire
Australian researchers claim world record PV efficiency for kesterite solar cell
Australian researchers hope to put fresh spin on next-gen vertical wind turbines
Australian researchers race to smash the solar efficiency ceiling using “singlet fission”
Australian researchers turn wine into a battery storage breakthrough
Australian schools are starting to provide food, but we need to think carefully before we ‘ditch the lunchbox’
Australian schools need to address racism. Here are 4 ways they can do this
Australian scientists genetically engineer common fly species to eat more of humanity’s waste
The Australian Securities Exchange CHESS blockchain: seven years of sunk cost fallacy
Australian Security Leaders Climate Group calls for overhaul of federal government's climate threat preparedness strategy
Australian Siblings Are Semi-Identical Twins, Some Of The Rarest Humans Ever
Australian solar giants win “Nobel for engineering” for delivering low cost solar to the world
Australian solar PERC pioneer wins technology innovation gong
Australian solar team beats perovskite efficiency milestone, joins elite global club
The Australian solar tech that may have found a low cost solution to deep storage
Australian solar tile company raises funds to tap “absurdly large” US market, and take on Tesla
Australian species brought back from extinction in NSW after 200 years
Australian sport runs financial and legal risks due to climate inaction, new report warns
Australian start-up aiming to grow plants on the Moon within four years receives government funding
Australian state of Victoria introduces bigger energy storage deployment target than New York
Australian State's Proposed Ag-Gag Law Threatens General Right To Protest, Critics Warn
Australian students handed ‘wellbeing shots’ made by subsidiary of British American Tobacco – as experts fear new front in health wars
Australian students in rural areas are not ‘behind’ their city peers because of socioeconomic status. There is something else going on
Australian students just recorded the lowest civics scores since testing began. But young people do care about politics
Australian students struggling to put food on the table in unpaid training, but this could be a thing of the past
Australian supermarket and recycling companies add electric prime movers to their fleets
Australian supermarkets should use ‘shrinkflation’ labels to warn shoppers and shame brands, advocate says
Australian town implements brilliant solution to reduce the problem of plastic waste
Australian trucking giants to roll out another 54 electric heavy trucks and charging network
Australian unis could not function without casual staff: it is time to treat them as ‘real’ employees
Australian video-game music is an exciting area of cultural activity – and you should be paying attention
‘The Australian way’: how Morrison trashed brand Australia at COP26
The Australian welfare system has always been needlessly cruel. Now it’s punishing half the country
Australian whose blood saved 2.4 million babies dies
Australian winery readies to power cellar door with Nissan Leaf and V2H
Australian women and children in squalid Syrian camp are being detained unlawfully, federal court told
Australian women are largely doing the same jobs they’ve always had, latest data shows
Australian women will need ‘more than 200 years’ to reach income equity with men
Australian women’s access to abortion is a postcode lottery. Here’s what needs to change
Australian writers have been envisioning AI for a century. Here are 5 stories to read as we grapple with rapid change
Australian writing and publishing faces ‘grinding austerity’ as funding continues to decline
Australian ‘bush glass’ bears the fingerprints of a cosmic collision with an iron meteorite
Australian-first LGBTQIA+ hub opens for Melbourne's queer community
Australian-made insulated beehives are modernising beekeeping and boosting honey production
Australians are having fewer babies and our local-born population is about to shrink: here’s why it’s not that scary
Australians are installing batteries at a record rate, as rooftop solar heads for major new milestone
Australians are more generous than their government
Australians are obsessed with SUVs and huge utes, but experts say they are making our roads deadlier
Australians are reading less than other countries, a new report shows. Why?
Australians are three times more worried about climate change than COVID. A mental health crisis is looming
Australians are tired of lies in political advertising. Here’s how it can be fixed
Australians are washing microplastics down the drain and it’s ending up on our farms
Australians blame wind, solar for high power bills as media campaigns take hold
Australians generate mountains of waste, and we need more help to recycle and reuse it
Australians lost more than $3bn to scammers in 2022. Here are 5 emerging scams to look out for
Australians love to talk about a ‘fair go’. Here’s what it meant before we became a nation
Australians May Get Their Own SOPA
Australians on income support payments for longer as entry-level jobs disappear, report reveals
Australians pay $163 a month on average to store all the stuff we buy – how can we stop overconsuming?
Australians say AI shouldn’t produce political news, but it’s OK for sport: new research
Australians Should Be Allowed To Circumvent Geoblocking: Productivity Commission
Australians should be angry about another year of climate inaction. But don’t let your anger turn into despair
Australians turning to buy now, pay later schemes for groceries ‘stuck in a revolving door’ of debt
Australians want renewables to replace coal, but don’t realise how soon this needs to happen
Australians want to work for firms that take climate change seriously, but few know if that is the case
Australians warned of 'another COVID wave' as sub-variants take hold
Australians with disability are 4 times more likely to die early – often not due to their disability
Australians’ cars are typically larger, heavier and less efficient than in Europe – here’s why
Australians’ faith in politics has collapsed – how can we reimagine democracy?
Australians’ national wellbeing shows a glass half full: Measuring What Matters report
Australia’s $50,000 arts degree is here – putting university fees on par with the UK and US
Australia’s 116 new coal, oil and gas projects equate to 215 new coal power stations
Australia’s adoption of electric vehicles has been maddeningly slow, but we’re well placed to catch up fast
Australia’s air pollution hotspots hit disadvantaged people harder
Australia’s annual plastic consumption produces emissions equivalent to 5.7m cars, analysis shows
Australia’s asylum policy has been a disaster. It’s deeply disturbing the UK wants to adopt it
Australia’s back yard chicken owners urged to implement biosecurity measures in case of bird flu outbreak
Australia’s backlog of soft plastic could be processed overseas before supermarket scheme is rebooted
Australia’s big banks lent $3.6bn to fossil fuel expansion projects in 2023, report shows
Australia’s biggest agri-solar and battery storage project wins planning approval
Australia’s biggest companies made nearly $100bn in ‘crisis profits’ amid Covid and Ukraine war
Australia’s biggest electric bus depot offers solar and battery blueprint for future
Australia’s biggest fossil fuel investment for a decade is in the works – and its greenhouse gas emissions will be horrifying
Australia’s biggest vehicle-to-grid charging station opened to back up wind and solar
Australia’s Black Summer of fire was not normal – and we can prove it
Australia’s boom in record shops: ‘Our regulars are high school kids who can stream stuff for free!’
Australia’s borders are open, so where are all the backpackers?
Australia’s Bowen Basin producing 47% more methane than global average
Australia’s chief scientist takes on the journal publishers gatekeeping knowledge
Australia’s child workers are vulnerable to injury, harassment and exploitation thanks to weak and inconsistent laws
Australia’s cities are losing their colourful and melodious birds. We need to bring back this natural joy
Australia’s cities policies are seriously inadequate for tackling the climate crisis
Australia’s climate rating slips because of plans to increase coal and gas production
Australia’s coastal waters are rich in Indigenous cultural heritage, but it remains hidden and under threat
Australia’s construction industry needs more hands on deck – so why is it ignoring skilled migrant women?
Australia’s cotton farmers can help prevent exploitation in the global garment industry
Australia’s Covid hospital admissions at highest level since summer
Australia’s COVID inquiry shows why a permanent ‘centre for disease control’ is more urgent than ever
Australia’s cultural institutions are especially vulnerable to efficiency dividends: looking back at 35 years of cuts
Australia’s deadliest natural disaster you’ve never heard of
Australia’s Decade of Burning Environmental Apathy
Australia’s drug regulator received two hoax reports of children dying from Covid vaccines
Australia’s early spring brings budding flowers, chirping birds – and climate alarm
Australia’s emissions must decline more steeply to reach climate commitment: OECD
Australia’s emu war: John Cleese outrun in race to shoot movie of how flightless birds thwarted army’s machine guns
Australia’s environment law doesn’t protect the environment – an alarming message from the recent duty-quashing climate case
Australia’s environment must be given legal priority over land-clearing and logging to survive, Ken Henry says
Australia’s Existential Crisis in a Climate Changed World
Australia’s extinct giant eagle was big enough to snatch koalas from trees
Australia’s federal whistleblowing laws have not protected anyone since inception, analysis shows
Australia’s female First Nations rappers turn pain into power
Australia’s finally acknowledged climate change is a national security threat. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid
Australia’s first electric prime mover fleet unveiled, with swap and go batteries
Australia’s first ever mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility opens doors in Melbourne: See inside
Australia’s first female journalists reported on wars and human rights around the world – but many died in obscurity
Australia’s first genetically modified fruit is ripe for a taste test. Could it avert a global banana apocalypse?
Australia’s first mobile cooling hub is ready for searing heat this summer – and people who are homeless helped design it
Australia’s first solar panel recycling plant swings into action
Australia’s first wellbeing framework is about to measure what matters – but it’s harder than counting GDP
Australia’s first-ever electric passenger car is a forgotten pioneer
Australia’s fossil fuel methane emissions are nearly twice as bad as industry reports
Australia’s freight used to go by train, not truck. Here’s how we can bring back rail – and cut emissions
Australia’s government gives more support to fossil fuel research than is apparent
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef hit by fifth mass bleaching event in eight years
Australia’s health star rating system exploited by companies making ultra-processed foods, experts say
Australia’s health watchdog warns patients are being overprescribed psychotropic medication
Australia’s high-polluting utes spark calls to change fuel-efficiency laws
Australia’s housing crisis is deepening. Here are 10 policies to get us out of it
Australia’s Hydrogen Hype Bubble Is Starting To Leak
Australia’s Hydrogen Pipe Dream Is Leaking
Australia’s hydrogen “superpower” dream could be massive waste of money, says Griffith
Australia’s income support increase is woefully inadequate and barely dents the spiralling cost of living
Australia’s Kangaroo Island named No 2 must-visit region for 2024 by Lonely Planet
Australia’s land-use emissions data revisions are an engine of climate delay
Australia’s largest bank pulls plug on fossil fuel financing. Will other lenders follow suit?
Australia’s largest coal plant will close 7 years early – but there’s still no national plan for coal’s inevitable demise
Australia’s largest rail freight company to roll out battery electric tenders in “world first” trial
Australia’s latest brush with extreme heat shows just how good weather forecasting really is
Australia’s least wanted – 8 alien species and diseases we must keep out of our island home
Australia’s loneliest tree is also one of the world’s rarest
Australia’s major food companies failing nature, report finds
Australia’s marine (un)protected areas: government zoning bias has left marine life in peril since 2012
Australia’s media classification system is no help to parents and carers. It needs a grounding in evidence
Australia’s modern slavery law is woefully inadequate – this is how we can hold companies accountable
Australia’s moment: How Trump’s fossil turn can supercharge our energy revolution
Australia’s most senior former public servants and scientists reveal their anger about climate policy failure
Australia’s nature is in deep crisis. These 3 easy steps would give our new environment laws teeth
Australia’s net-zero plan fails to tackle our biggest contribution to climate change: fossil fuel exports
Australia’s new consent campaign gets a lot right. But consent education won’t be enough to stop sexual violence
Australia’s new dawn: becoming a green superpower with a big role in cutting global emissions
Australia’s new development aid policy provides clear vision and strategic sense
Australia’s new pay equality law risks failing women – unless we make this simple fix
Australia’s next government must start talking about a ‘just transition’ from coal. Here’s where to begin
Australia’s next government must tackle our collapsing ecosystems and extinction crisis
Australia’s north-west reefs teem with life – but they are also at the centre of a massive fossil fuel expansion
Australia’s offer of climate migration to Tuvalu residents is groundbreaking – and could be a lifeline across the Pacific
Australia’s Online Safety Commissioner Say Anti-Trolling Bill Won’t Protect People, Is Mostly About Enabling Defamation Lawsuits
Australia’s plan to phase out expanded polystyrene packaging is failing and was never possible, industry says
Australia’s Poisonous Refugee Policy
Australia’s power and gas companies want Coalition to retain Labor’s 2030 climate target
Australia’s privacy regulator just dropped its case against ‘troubling’ facial recognition company Clearview AI. Now what?
Australia’s ranking in global anti-corruption index remains steady – but shows we cannot be complacent
Australia’s record on energy efficiency has been woeful for decades, but that could be about to change
Australia’s red goshawk is disappearing. How can we save our rarest bird of prey from extinction?
Australia’s refusal to sign a global methane pledge exposes flaws in the term ‘net-zero’
Australia’s reliance on gas exports questioned as Japan winds down fossil fuel power
Australia’s rental affordability drops to worst levels in nearly a decade
Australia’s resources minister sees a gas-fired future just as international experts chart the fossil fuel’s decline
Australia’s retail and fast food workers face ‘epidemic’ levels of abuse and harassment
Australia’s secrecy laws include 875 offences. Reforms are welcome, but don’t go far enough for press freedom
Australia’s Security Chief Says It’s Time To Start Forcing Companies To Break Chat Room Encryption
Australia’s ski season could melt away early as snowfall drops to nearly half the average
Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery
Australia’s social media ban shows how extreme the technology debate has become – there’s a better way
Australia’s soil to become net carbon emitter and threat to climate goals, report says
Australia’s soils are notoriously poor. Here’s how scientists are working to improve them
Australia’s special visa program for Ukrainians to end, despite war raging on
Australia’s stumbling, last-minute dash for climate respectability doesn’t negate a decade of abject failure
Australia’s superb lyrebirds ‘farm’ the forest floor to increase their prey – a behaviour rarely seen in nature
Australia’s support to Pacific surges as China focuses on ‘friendly’ states, aid map shows
Australia’s SUV obsession could wipe out emissions gains from EV sales and efficiency standards
Australia’s teacher workforce has a diversity problem. Here’s how we can fix it
Australia’s temporary visa system is unfair, expensive, impractical and inconsistent. Here’s how the new government could fix it
Australia’s threatened species plan has failed on several counts. Without change, more extinctions are assured
Australia’s twice extended deadline for torture prevention is today, but we’ve missed it again
Australia’s Upcycled Skyscraper is The First of its Kind
Australia’s vast carbon sink releasing millions of tonnes of CO2 back into atmosphere
Australia’s wealthiest 20% worth 90 times the country’s poorest, new report reveals
Australia’s wellbeing budget: what we can – and can’t – learn from NZ
Australia’s young people are moving to the left – though young women are more progressive than men, reflecting a global trend
Australia’s ‘A’ rating on human rights is under threat with a handpicked, politically engineered commissioner
Australia’s ‘broken’ migration system leaves 1.8m workers ‘permanently temporary’, review finds
Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ may blow out by 40% under the Coalition’s nuclear energy plan – and that’s the best-case scenario
Australia’s ‘cleaner coal’ is a systematic export scam, Wilkie to tell parliament
Australia’s ‘deeply unfair’ housing system is in crisis – and our politicians are failing us
Australia’s ‘immoral’ coalmine decision akin to drowning Pacific neighbours, Tuvalu climate minister declares
Australia’s ‘inhumane’ offshore detention regime denounced by global human rights organisation
Australia’s ‘learning by doing’ approach to managing large mines is failing the environment
Australia’s ‘quiet diplomacy’ approach to human rights in India has failed, advocates say
Australia’s ‘Teal Independents’ Are a Conservative Force for Climate Action
Austria, Denmark, Lithuania: Which EU countries have committed to decarbonise power by 2035?
Austrian government launches repair scheme for electronic goods
Austrian heiress Marlene Engelhorn announces plan for €25m giveaway
Author of first English novel kept it hidden for ten years – here’s why
Authoritarian fossil fuel states keep hosting climate conferences – how do these regimes operate and what do they want?
Authoritarianism is Not Inevitable: The Other Side of the European Elections
Authority calls for new court to help crush lucrative NT wildlife poaching trade
Authors are resisting AI with petitions and lawsuits. But they have an advantage: we read to form relationships with writers
Authors dress up as their favourite characters
Authors Guild, Jealous Of Other Terrible Author Lawsuits Against AI, Decides To Join In The Party
The "Autism Epidemic" Is A Myth
Autism: The children who find haircuts painful
Autistic explosions abound
Autistic Man Called “Stupid” By Gym Staff Teaches Himself Law, Sues The Company And Wins
Autistic people often feel they’re ‘doing love wrong’ – but there’s another side of the story
Autocracy: Rules for Survival
AutoFlight completes one of the world’s longest eVTOL flights with its new Gen 4 aircraft
Automation in Everyday Life
Automation is already here and its taking jobs and annoying customers
Automation may mean a post-work society but we shouldn't be afraid
Automation will protect jobs, not take them
Autonomous Nissan Leaf | Fully Charged
Autotune...The News!
Autumn COVID variants look shockingly similar and powerful for these 2 reasons
Autumn heat continues in Europe after record-breaking September
The Avalanches - Wherever You Go (Live In Lockdown With The International Space Orchestra)
avengergram: "What is it with cats and boxes?"
"The Avengers" Cast Reassembles to Dub Film in Lakota Language
The Avenging Unicorn play set
Avian architects: weaver birds in Africa have unique building styles
Avian Flu Could Define Trump’s Second Presidency
Avian influenza has killed millions of seabirds around the world: Antarctica could be next
Avian: Protect the skies
Aviator cat statuette by Hontor
Aviators - Losing Control (Synthwave)
Avicii - Wake Me Up - Conte Remix
Avicii meets Traditional Japanese Drums "太鼓" SOS - DRUM TAO cover feat. Ayako
Avocado oversupply has farmers begging consumers to eat more to reduce waste
Avoiding climate breakdown depends on protecting Earth’s biodiversity – can the COP15 summit deliver?
**Award Winning** CGI Animated Short Film: "Green Light" by Seongmin Kim | CGMeetup
Aware Super: Our approach to climate change
Awe can alter our sense of self and open us to new possibilities – could it help save the planet?
Awesome A Capella Version of "I Wish"
Awesome Animal Robots
Awesome Cat Poetry
Awesome climate solutions that no one seems to be talking about
Awesome Egg House
Awesome Fluffy Neon Creature Art
Awesome geek cakes
AWESOME Godzilla Posters
AWESOME Kid's Toy!
Awesome Math Teacher Does It Again
Awesome Metal Art
Awesome Pet Art
Awesome Peter Pam
Awesome pipe-cleaner animal sculptures!
Awesome Predictions
Awesome Public Sculptures
Awesome Robots
Awesome Self Hosted
Awesome Self Hosted Newsletter
Awesome Smaug cake
Awesome Space Themed Birthday Cake With Planets And Galaxies Inside
Awesome Star Trek Poster Art
Awesome Steampunk Robots
Awesome Story
Awesome Stuff: Immortal Data
Awesome Stuff: Made With Creative Commons
Awesome Stuff: New Digital Instruments Done Right
Awesome Stuff: Putting Nature In The Public Domain
Awesome Stuff: Reclaiming Classic Culture
Awesome Sword Fight
Awesome Textbook Doodles
Awesome video game cakes
Awesome Visual Trick
Awesome Water Droplets
Awesome! Movers in China wear exoskeleton suits for heavy lifting, boosting efficiency, reducing injury as technology expands across nation
The (awesome) economics of open source
Awesomely bizarre light show freaks out Norway
The “Awesome” Tag Was Made For Workers Like This
Awful AI
Awful Library Books
‘Awful reality’: Albanese government injects $95 million to fight the latest deadly bird flu
Awful Scifi Books
Axing the Auckland fuel tax reveals the lack of a real transport plan for NZ’s biggest city
Axtara - Banking and Finance
Ayyyyyy Eyeeeee
Azerbaijan Airlines says there was ‘external interference’ before crash
b'day party?
B-movie bags
BA.2.86 shows just how risky slacking off on COVID monitoring is
Baaaaaby Animals
Babbage: Pioneers of the WWW
Babies in the global south are being poisoned by plastic from the north. Yet they are missing from the data
Babies made out of frosting]
The Baby and the Baath Water
Baby beaver born in London for first time in 400 years
Baby beavers born in urban London for the first time in over 400 years
Baby boomers have 3.6 million spare rooms that could help fix the millennial housing crisis
Baby Cosplaying
Baby Dugong Gives Huge Hug To The People Who Saved Her
Baby eastern quolls born in captivity give hope for extinction reversal | ABC Australia
Baby elephant chasing birds
Baby Elephant Searches for Girl's Nose
Baby Fett
Baby it’s cold inside: here’s how to warm up your chilly old Australian home
Baby names: the royal child and the unknown asylum seeker
The baby that divided a nation
Baby-Faced ‘Harry Potter’ Cast Members Awkwardly Pose in Publicity Photos From 2000
Babylon 5 Is a Perfect, Terrible Series
Back from the Brink
Back from the brink: how genome research is helping the recovery of the Chatham Island black robin
Back from the dead: the ‘zombie’ ponds repumping nature into Essex farmland
Back Slowly Away from the Ronald
“Back to Normal” Pandemic Policies Are Harming Those Most in Need of Protection
"Back to the Future" documentary
Back to the party: the Duchess of Devonshire’s Costume Ball 1897
Backcountry visitors are leaving poo piles in the Australian Alps – and it’s a problem
The Backyard Farmers Who Grow Food With Fog
Backyard hens’ eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs, research finds
Bacteria use life’s original energy source to thrive in the ocean’s lightless depths
Bad ancestors: does the climate crisis violate the rights of those yet to be born?
‘Bad and getting worse’: Labor promises law reform for Australia’s environment. Here’s what you need to know
Bad break-up in warm waters: why marine sponges suffer with rising temperatures
“Bad news for the energy transition:” Far-right extremists score big in German state elections
Bad Writing! Bad!!
Badger admiring art wins wildlife photographer of the year public vote
Badger Badger Badger Strikes Again
Bahamas songbird is under threat of extinction – but preserving old pine forests will help save it
Bail Conditions For Arrested Australian Activists Demand The Impossible: No Using Encrypted Applications
Baiting foxes can make feral cats even more ‘brazen’, study of 1.5 million forest photos shows
Bake Sale
Bake your own playable Angry Birds cake (with video)
The Bakery That’s Owned by an Idea
Bald eagles seen nesting in Toronto for first time in city’s recorded history
Bald Phil
Baldur's Gate 3 Is Very Anxious About Automation
‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ became the surprise hit of 2023 by upending conventional wisdom about what gives video games broad appeal
Bali Has Had Enough of ‘Naughty Tourists’ Who Have Sex in Public and Break Traffic Laws
Balkan Bass & Yug Modnar - Borscht Soup
Ball Pit + Mongooses = Awesome
Ball-riding robots
Ballet was Catherine's entire life, but it caused her years of 'irreparable' damage. Now she's making sure the next generation is better off
Balloon Bass and Box
Balloon Dog anatomy
Balloon Fashion
Balloon molecules
Balloon Sculptures
Balloon tank
Balloon Weirdness
Ballooning into the Sky
Baltic cod walloped as stocks crash
Baltimore Athletic Director Arrested Over AI 'Recording' of School's Principal
Baltimore bridge collapse: a bridge engineer explains what happened, and what needs to change
"Bambi Meets Godzilla: The Restoration"
Bamboo bonanza: how a village in India used its forest to go from poverty to prosperity
Bamboozled… Are Bamboo Sheets & Socks Eco Friendly?
Ban Bottom Trawling on Seamounts
Ban male comedy writers? Of course not – but do more to give women a chance
Ban on hunting birds with lead shot in EU wetlands hailed as ‘huge milestone’
Ban on single-use restaurant tableware hailed as fast-food ‘revolution’ in France
Banana Museum
Bananas in Bogota
Band Aid sang ‘feed the world’ 40 years ago – where is hunger still an issue today?
Bang Bang Crazy, Part 14: The Cowardice of Responsibility
Bangkok mobilizes volunteers to combat stray pet crisis
Bangkok's idle taxis turned into vegetable patches
Bangladesh apparel industry makes progress in ‘eco-friendly’ manufacturing
Bangladesh attains huge success in reducing infant, maternal mortality
Bangladesh eliminates lymphatic filariasis
Bangladesh protests are not the first time student uprisings have helped bring about radical change
Bangladesh's critically endangered Asian elephants get court protection
Banished to a Remote Idaho Valley, Beavers Created a Lush Wetland
Bank finance helps clear swaths of threatened species habitat
Banking on the Seaweed Rush
Banking the Most Valuable Currency: Time
Bankruptcy is very, very good
Banks have given almost $7tn to fossil fuel firms since Paris deal, report reveals
Banks put family violence perpetrators on notice. Stop using accounts to commit abuse or risk being ‘debanked’
Banksy in Ukraine: how his defiant new works offer hope
Banksy's "Village Pet Store And Charcoal Grill"
The banned 400-year-old Shakespearean speech being used for refugee rights today
Banned from using the name HERMES
Banning artificial stone could prevent 100 lung cancers and 1,000 cases of silicosis, where dust scars the lungs
Banning social media for under-16s won’t help – teaching digital media literacy will
Banning under-16s from social media may be unconstitutional – and ripe for High Court challenge
Banpresto showers Gundam fans with gadgetry, doodads
Banquet room with preserved frescoes unearthed among Pompeii ruins
Baobab trees all come from Madagascar – new study reveals that their seeds and seedlings floated to mainland Africa and all the way to Australia
Bar Jokes Involving Grammar and Punctuation
The Bar That Saved Me
Barack Obama, Ferguson, and the Evidence of Things Unsaid
Barack Obama, Stephen Harper, Tony Abbott, John Key: Fully adopt the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Barbados PM asks Donald Trump for face-to-face meeting on climate
Barbara Ehrenreich never stopped trying to change the world
Barbara Kingsolver on climate change: ‘Words are what I have to offer’
Barbara Kingsolver returns to Appalachia to tackle opioid crisis, in Dickens-inspired novel Demon Copperhead
Barbershop Quartet from the Awesome Side
BarbershopMe - GQ - Something Tells Me I'm Into Something Good
Barbie Career of the Year as a Window on Centrist Feminism
Barbie Scoops Poop, Dog Desperately Hungry
Barcelona Is Turning Subway Trains Into Power Stations
Barcelona issues annual public transport tickets to former car owners
Barcelona records lowest nitrogen dioxide levels in 25 years
Barcelona rolls out first EV chargers powered by regenerative train braking
Barcelona tells landlords: Find tenants or we will rent your property as affordable housing
Barcelona's car-free 'superblocks' could save hundreds of lives
Barcelona’s ‘Bold Strategy’ to Quell the Tourism Crisis
Barclays to adopt fresh curbs on oil and gas financing
Bard, Bing and Baidu: how big tech’s AI race will transform search – and all of computing
The ‘Barefoot College’ Reinventing Rural Education
“Barefoot” Matriarchs Take On India’s Electricity Gap
Barenaked Ladies - "Odds Are" (Official Music Video)
Barkindji custodians near Broken Hill continue to care for ancestral dingo remains with help from archaeologists
Barking mad mechanic made Wallace and Gromit style breakfast machine
The Barlowian Internet: The Faults Of The Internet Are Also Its Opportunity, But It's Up To Us To Embrace Them
Barnaby Joyce among politicians gifted trips to Jordan Peterson-led conservative conference
Barnaby Joyce ditched his RM Williams to protest against green energy … Wait until he finds out about his new boots
Barnaby Joyce has refused to support doubling Australia’s 2030 emissions reduction targets – but we could get there so cheaply and easily
The Baroque Music Library
Baroque-Inspired Portraits Of Black Girls Highlight Their Amazing Natural Hair So Other Girls Would Stop Hiding It
Barriers to the Success of the Poor
Barrington Wildlife Sanctuary celebrates birth of 500th Tasmanian devil in Aussie Ark program
Barry's Grand Design
BART to offer final rides on original equipment on April 20
Base editing: Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer
Base Load Solar Power Beamed WIRELESSLY From SPACE?! 🤯
Baseload coal and peaking gas paradigm “no longer fit” for modern grid, says AEMO chief
Baseload power generators not needed to guarantee supply, say science and engineering academies
BASF, Eramet drop $2.6b Indonesian nickel project that threatens isolated tribe
Bashar al-Assad’s regime has fallen in Syria. How will this change the Middle East?
Basic Heating Isn’t Sexy, But That Doesn’t Stop Hype Monsters From Emerging
Basic income 'unlocked dozens of doors for me,' supporter says amid call for national program
Basic income and other ways to fix capitalism | Federico Pistono | TEDxHaarlem
Basic Income is now a dominant discussion in India's 2019 general election
Basic income support in South Africa: risks, rewards and what it will take
Basic income versus the robots
Basic income works, a quick case study approach to debunking some basic income myths
Basic Income, Job Guarantees, and Invisible Labor
Basically Half of All Known Bird Species Are Grappling With Population Declines
Bathtub IV
Batman Dance Party
Batman is a Hoarder!
The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center
‘Battered and broken. I must get out’: what staff told us about teaching and working in universities today
Battered but not broken: how global trade is responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Batteries are the environmental Achilles heel of electric vehicles – unless we repair, reuse and recycle them
Batteries of gravity and water: we found 1,500 new pumped hydro sites next to existing reservoirs
Batteries on wheels: Energy retailer Amber launches trial for bi-directional EV charging
Batteries on wheels: EVs can deliver huge amount of low cost storage for wind and solar
Batteries on wheels: Germany to slash grid fees to encourage bi-directional charging for EVs
Batteries on wheels: If Australia really wants smart EVs with V2G, it will have to say so
Battery Bonanza Is Being Sparked by Coal’s Exit in Australia
Battery breakthrough as 99.99% of lithium extracted from old cells
Battery costs plunge, solar and wind undercut new coal and gas “in almost every market”
Battery electric trucks best option to cut transport emissions, hydrogen models almost non existent
Battery Makers Plow $31 Billion Into Remaking Korean Steel Hub
Battery-Electric Fishing Vessel Marks A Sea Change For Small Commercial Fishers
Battery-electric is now the most popular for new city buses in the EU
Battery-farmed eggs to be phased out by 2036 as Australian animal welfare reforms are brought in
Battery-powered Greek island bets on green future
Battery-powered GWR train 'breaks UK record'
Battery-powered trains are picking up speed
The battle over Australia's brumbies intensifies in a clash of culture, colonialism and conservation
The Battle Over Gender Therapy
The battle to rebuild centuries of science after an epic inferno
Battlelines are now drawn in the war against transparency and truth
Batzilla the Bat
Bay of Bengal: depleted fish stocks and huge dead zone signal tipping point
BBC admits ‘we get climate change coverage wrong too often’
BBC Institutes Changes to Prevent "False Balance" in Science Reporting
The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download
BBC releases 'Curse of the Fatal Death,' Steven Moffat's first Doctor Who episode from 1999
BBC reveals new archive that allows access to 200,000 programmes – and early editions of Radio Times
BBC says Chinese police assaulted and detained its reporter at Shanghai protest
BBC to celebrate Kenny Everett
BBC to launch refreshed Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Game
The BBC’s Marianna Spring: ‘The more violent the rhetoric, the more important it is I expose it’
BC just announced a game-changer for old-growth forests
bdaul sent you a video!
Be a water bear
Be Good To Each Other, Folks. Because This Could Happen.
Be More Dog
Be Prepared
Be reassured: the world is not as divided as we might think
Be safe on the internet.
Be Your Own Boss: More Co-op Businesses Are Returning Workers’ Power
Beach cleaners notice big increase in plastic waste from merchant ships washing up on our shores
The beach is an amazing place to teach kids about science. Here are 3 things to try this summer
Beach wheelchair at Wilson's Promontory gives better experience for people with disabilities
Beaded moccasins confiscated from a Pa. school 100 years ago return to Native tribe
Beaker: the Decentralized Read-Write Browser
Beam me up Scotty in its infancy?
beamz music performance system
Bear Simulator
Bear-Dar Warns of Approaching Polar Bears
Bearded vultures continue comeback in southeast France
Bears Doing Human Things
bears playing with dogs
The Bear’s Lair: The untold story of systemic gender discrimination inside UC Berkeley’s IT Department
The Beast in the Basement: 1960's sound-effect pipe organ
Beasts of Maravilla Island-a magic wildlife photography game
Beat the Cheat
Beatboxing Flute
Beate Gordon obituary
Beatle v mobster: the day John Lennon put paid to a shady record label boss
The Beatles of Comedy
Beautiful and Surprising Sculptures
‘Beautiful and terrifying’: how artist Richard Mosse brings us the vast, significant and urgent story of the Amazon’s destruction
Beautiful computer art
Beautiful electronic easy listening music from the USSR (1960)
Beautiful examples of eyes in nature
Beautiful Highly Detailed Bamboo Insects
Beautiful Nautilus House
Beautiful Nouveau art
Beautiful old-school 8-bit colour cycling art in HTML5
Beautiful Photo of Adorable Hare in a Field Wins Nature Photography Contest
Beautiful photos
Beautiful Photos of Artfully Arranged Microscopic Diatoms
Beautiful Puma Rescued From a Russian Contact Zoo Lives a Happy Life as a Domestic House Cat
Beautiful Renaissance Paintings, All Done Up Real Handsome-Like as Photographs
Beautiful Science: Picturing Data, Inspiring Insight
"Beautiful" Squirrel-Tail Dinosaur Fossil Upends Feather Theory
Beautiful, rare ‘purple cauliflower’ coral off NSW coast may be extinct within 10 years
The Beauty and Brilliance of Germany’s ‘Cow Chapels’
The Beauty of Japan’s Artistic Manhole Covers
The Beauty of Space Photography
The Beauty of Uncertainty: How Heisenberg Invented Quantum Mechanics, Told in Jazz
Beaver families thriving in the West Country after unofficial reintroductions
Beaver pair reducing flood risks, scientists say
Beaver releases into wild to be allowed in England for first time in centuries
Beaver restoration program brings furry species back to habitats, tribal land across California
Beavers Are Back in London — and They’re Thriving
Beavers are engineering a new Alaskan tundra
Beavers to return to London as part of urban rewilding
Bebe Rexha. Harry Styles. Drake. How Did Concert Etiquette Get Here?
Fwd: Because you're just too darned cheerful :-)
Become a beach scientist this summer and help monitor changing coastlines
Become a Wikipedian in 30 minutes
Bed Bath & Beyond, Toys ‘R’ Us and RadioShack all shut down for the same reason
Bedford and the Normalization of Deviance
Bedouin (Extended Sunrise Set) @ Echoes From Agartha 2023 (Cappadocia, Türkiye)
Beds made using recycled plastic could last generations and be a key strategy in fighting plastic waste
Bee and PuppyCat
The bee population is dying. Researchers have created the first global map of the species to save them
The Bee Whisperers
BEEBOT Wooden Puzzle Drone for Kids
Beef farmer working to bring back native grasslands from brink of extinction
Bees Are Dropping Dead Across Brazil, And The Reason Is Absolutely Devastating
‘Bees are sentient’: inside the stunning brains of nature’s hardest workers
Bees can do so much more than you think – from dancing to being little art critics
Bees can learn, remember, think and make decisions – here’s a look at how they navigate the world
Bees count from left to right just like some humans, apes and birds – new research
The Beetaloo gas field is a climate bomb. How did CSIRO modelling make it look otherwise?
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony at 200: Revolutionary work of art has spawned two centuries of joy, goodwill and propaganda
Before "The Last of Us", I was part of an international team to chart the threat of killer fungi. This is what we found
Before & After
Before 9/11, Australia had no counter-terrorism laws, now we have 92 — but are we safer?
Before and After with Art
Before Ships Used GPS, There Was the Fresnel Lens
Before the 1980s, Australian teachers could be banned for being gay. A new report wants to protect them at religious schools too
Before the colonists came, we burned small and burned often to avoid big fires. It’s time to relearn cultural burning
Before there was diving and relays, there was the Poetry Olympics
Before Trump, there was a long history of race-baiting, fear-mongering and building walls on the US-Mexico border
Before you die: 100 things you simply must do
Before-and-After Photos Reveal the Destruction of Ancient Forests
Bega's bid to become a circular economy to reduce waste
'The beginning of great change': Greta Thunberg hails school climate strikes
‘Beginning of the end’ of fossil fuel era approaching, says IEA
Behind 'miracle' AI is an army of 'ghost workers' — and they're speaking out about Appen
Behind F1's Velvet Curtain
Behind the mangrove restoration movement in the Niger Delta
Behind the Scam: What Does It Take to Be a ‘Best-Selling Author’? $3 and 5 Minutes.
Behind the scenes at NASA Mission Control
Behind The Scenes Look At How Facebook Dealt With Christchurch Shooting Demonstrates The Impossible Task Of Content Moderation
Behind the scenes of 24/7 service: The realities of 'owning' a Japanese convenience store
Behind the Scenes: The pots, pans, and people that make millions of meals
Behind the Scenes: THIS is How Hollywood Flicks Fossil Fuels!
Behold Miss Ukraine's National Costume
Behold the Return of the Amazing New Zealand “Owl Parrot.” Look at It Dance!
Behrouz Boochani, the refugee writer who exposed the cruelty of Australia’s island jail
Beijing court dismisses landmark #MeToo case as authorities censor discussion
Beijing gives up on even the pretense of allowing opposition in Hong Kong
Beijing is moving to stamp out the Hong Kong protests – but it may have already lost the city for good
Beijing tells foreign embassies to remove ‘politicised propaganda’
Beijing using its financial muscle to target Uyghurs living abroad – report
Beijing Was Confident Its Hong Kong Allies Would Win. After the Election, It Went Silent.
Being A Girl: A Brief Personal History of Violence
Being a Queer Parent is Terrifying Right Now
Being a sandpiper
Being Attractive Will No Longer Be an Advantage in the Content World
Being Kind Can Have a Huge Impact on Your Well-Being. Here's How
Being mentally flexible might influence our attitudes to vaccination, a new study shows
Being selective
Being stressed out before you get COVID increases your chances of long COVID. Here’s why
Beirut explosion: how you can help victims in Lebanon
Belarusians fleeing repression at home say they face new threats and intimidation abroad
Belarusians strip naked after accidental order from their president
Belgian Cat Festival is AWESOME
Belgian company unveils bendable, lightweight, and wafer-thin solar panels
Belgium approves four-day week and gives employees the right to ignore their bosses after work
Belgium becomes first country to give sex workers robust labor rights and protections
Belgium found guilty of crimes against humanity in colonial Congo
Belgium votes to make ecocide a crime under international law
Belgium’s AfricaMuseum has a dark colonial past – it’s making slow progress in confronting this history
Belief in alien visits to Earth is spiralling out of control – here’s why that’s so dangerous
Believing that life is fair might make you a terrible person
Belize likely to become republic, says PM as he criticises Rishi Sunak
Fwd: Bella & Tarra: The Odd Couple
Beloved Chinatown restaurant closes as customers stay away over coronavirus fears
Below the Hippolyte Rocks on the Tasman Peninsula lies a colourful reef full of coral, sponges and fish
Below the poverty line: The real cost of being a university student
Ben Folds - "Exhausting Lover" (Official Music Video]
Ben Folds Five with FRAGGLE ROCK
Ben the playing golf cat
Bendigo businesses use food waste, 'ugly fruit' to create a more sustainable food network
Bendy joints, stretchy skin, clumsiness. Why hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is often missed – and what it has to do with autism
Beneath This Sea, a Sculpture Garden Is Saving an Ecosystem
Benedict Cumberbatch's ancestors got rich from slavery in Barbados. Now he could be on the hook for reparations
Benefits of Electric Stoves on Health and Environment in Ecuador
The Benefits of Gardening Just Keep Sprouting
Benin bronzes online database goes live with details of thousands of looted artefacts
Bennelong and Phillip: wrestling with our historical assumptions through the entangled lives of two very different men
Benoit Mandelbrot Fractal Art Contest 2007
Bento Art
Berkeley’s first-in-the-nation natural gas ban is dead. But is the battle over?
Berlin 'borrowing shop' promotes the benefits of sharing
The Berlin Pirate Party
Berliners have shown how to stop the march of the far right
Berlin’s Second-Hand Craze Is Turning It into a ‘Zero-Waste City’
Bernie Addresses the Nation on the Health and Economic Crisis
Bernie Sanders Calls For Federal Investigation Of Exxon
Bernie Sanders meets Spike Lee: ‘Where do we go? Where is the hope?’
Bernie Sanders: America Must Confront Its Long COVID Crisis
Bernie Sanders: ‘Oligarchs run Russia. But guess what? They run the US as well’
Bernie’s New Internationalist Vision
Bespoke: A modular DAW for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Best Ad Ever!
The best adventure stories for kids from 1965
Best Air Purifiers of 2023
Best Aranet4 CO2 Meter Alternatives Under $100?
The Best Astronomy and Space Pictures of 2013
The Best Astronomy Images of 2012
The best beatbox you'll ever hear
The best books on Artificial Intelligence recommended by ChatGPT
The Best Cosplay of Dragon Con 2014, Pt 2
The Best Defense Against Rubber-Hose Cryptanalysis
The best examples of street art in 2012
The best games about home are the ones that make you leave it
The best hope for fairly distributing COVID-19 vaccines globally is at risk of failing. Here’s how to save it
The Best Inventions of 2022
The Best Inventions of 2023
The Best Inventions of 2024
The Best Medicine for My Climate Grief
The best microscope photos of the year reveal a strange and hidden universe in astonishing detail
Best nature pictures of 2012
The best new sci-fi books to escape into on your next holiday
Best of April Fools
Best of ELECTRO SWING Mix August 2016 ◄ ~( ̄▽ ̄)~
Best of Eurovision 2020
Best of Favorite Dance Moves
Best of GLITCH SWING/FUNK Mix June 2016◄ \( ゚▽゚)/
Best path to net zero: Cut short-lived super-pollutants
Best press release ever?
The best recent science fiction and fantasy – reviews roundup
The Best Sci-Fi Characters of All Time: the verdict
The best science images of 2023 – Nature’s picks
Best Selling Organic Chemistry Textbook Goes Open Access After Professor Regains The Copyright
‘Best slow TV ever’: scientists mount cameras on endangered sea lions to map Australia’s ocean floor
The Best Summary Of Australia's News Link Tax / 'Bargaining Code'
The Best Things That Happened For Animals In 2016
The best Twitter alternatives
The best twitter bots of 2015
The best underwater photography awarded in the Through Your Lens contest
The BEST Used Electric Cars To Buy Right Now!
The best way to protect us from climate change? Save our ecosystems
Best. Comics. Ever.
Bestselling Titles
‘Bet you’re on the list’: how criticising ‘smart weapons’ got me banned from Russia
The Betoota Advocate has put a tiny town on the map. But what do the locals think?
Better COVID vaccines are on the way. What do they do? And what technology might we see in future?
Better Man: musical biopic of Robbie Williams as performing monkey will entertain you
Better Place electric car networks
Better Strategies for Equality
Better than net zero? Making the promised 1.2 million homes climate-friendly would transform construction in Australia
Better World: The Samara Story
Between the Sea and the Problem of Humanity: The Mediterranean’s Refugees and the Humanitarian Reason of Rescue at Sea
Between the World Cup and Barbie, we’re finally having an honest discussion about girlhood
Between Trump and Clinton who will win US presidential election?
Beware businesses claiming to use trailblazing technology. They might just be ‘AI washing’ to snare investors
Beware of this deadly mix: oligarchic economics and racist, nationalist populism
Beware terrorists but don't sweat the climate crisis – how blind can Morrison be?
Beware the Gifts of Dragons: How D&D’s Open Gaming License May Have Become a Trap for Creators
BeWifi lets you steal your neighbor’s bandwidth when they’re not using it
Bewitched' broke ground 55 years ago
Bewitched: an entrancing 60s sitcom that brought magic to the small screen
Beyond "Gravity": the complex quest to take out our orbital trash
Beyond a state of sandbagging: what can we learn from all the floods, here and overseas?
Beyond Animation: A Taste of Home in Disney's "Raya"
'Beyond Beyond' takes rabbits to the Feather King's realm
Beyond Blockchain: Simple Scalable Cryptocurrencies
Beyond breathing: How COVID-19 affects your heart, brain and other organs
Beyond Catastrophe: A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View
Beyond electric cars: how electrifying trucks, buses, tractors and scooters will help tackle climate change
Beyond Juukan Gorge: how First Nations people are taking charge of clean energy projects on their land
Beyond Lara Croft: 30 truly interesting female game characters
Beyond microblogging with ActivityPub
Beyond net-zero: we should, if we can, cool the planet back to pre-industrial levels
Beyond Protest: Harnessing People Power For The New Decade
Beyond Rage
Beyond the Barrier Reef: Australia’s 3 other World Heritage reefs are also in trouble
Beyond the Lecture: Keith David Watenpaugh
Beyond the numbers: the real-world impact of the malaria vaccine in Kenya
Beyond the PwC scandal, there’s a growing case for a royal commission into Australia’s ruthless corporate greed
Beyond the stethoscope: Restoring hope, heart and healing in medicine
Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling
Beyond ‘Sesame Street’: African kids’ shows go local
Bezos faces criticism after executives met with Trump on day of Post’s non-endorsement
Bezos says he is ‘very optimistic’ about Trump’s plan to roll back regulations
BHP is selling its dirty oil and gas assets, but hold the applause
BHP ‘doggedly trying to avoid’ responsibility for Brazil dam disaster, English high court hears
Bhutan becomes first country to sterilise all stray dogs after 14-year-long project
Bhutan becomes open defecation free country
Bhutan expands protected area network with new biological corridor
Bhutan has long been called the happiest nation on Earth. Here’s what life is really like in the tiny kingdom
Bhutan holds high-altitude race to highlight climate dangers
Bhutan PM Asks All Citizens to Adopt a Stray Dog or Plant a Tree for King’s Birthday
Bhutan took a step towards queer rights, but its LGBTIQ+ people want a giant leap
Bhutan, Timor-Leste eliminate rubella; Achieve 2023 target of measles and rubella elimination
Bhutanese Community Farm in Victoria helps families build new life in Australia
Bias be gone! Can our unconscious prejudices be overcome?
Bias, politics and protests: how human laws constrain and sometimes liberate animals
‘Biblical proportions’: 3 months’ worth of rainfall floods Nova Scotia, forcing evacuations as crews search for missing people
The bicibús: how Barcelona got kids cycling safely to school – and loving it!
Bicycles can change lives, especially in rural Africa—new report looks at their use in Ghana and Malawi
Bidding on Security
Biden Administration Announces Rule to Cut Millions of Tons of Methane Emissions
Biden administration cancels oil and gas leases in Arctic wildlife refuge
Biden administration invites ordinary citizens to help resettle refugees
The Biden administration is encouraging the conversion of empty office space to affordable housing
Biden administration proposes $106 million for Western salmon and steelhead recovery
Biden administration restores threatened species protections dropped by Trump
Biden Administration to Fine Oil and Gas Companies for Excess Methane
Biden Creates Two National Monuments in the Southwest
Biden designates area sacred to tribes as largest national monument of his presidency
Biden designates new national monument surrounding the Grand Canyon, blocking mining
Biden Hands the Covid Response to the Private Market, Endangering Us All
Biden Is Aiming to Destroy a Historic Climate Change Lawsuit
Biden issues blanket pardon to troops expelled from the military for their sexuality
Biden plan eliminates billions in fossil fuel subsidies
Biden rebukes Trump for saying constitution should be ‘terminated’
Biden restores protections to Alaska's Tongass National Forest
Biden to create monument around the Grand Canyon
Biden to Federal Contractors: Make Plans to Cut Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Biden Unlocks Wind Power In Gulf Of Mexico
Biden uses executive power to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps
Biden Voids Trump-Era Deal to Open Alaskan Wildlife Area
Biden-Harris Administration Invests $660 Million for States to Plug Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells through President’s Investing in America Agenda
Biden-Harris Administration Launches $7 Billion Solar for All Grant Competition to Fund Residential Solar Programs that Lower Energy Costs for Families and Advance Environmental Justice Through Investing in America Agenda
Biden’s $8 billion quest to solve America’s groundwater crisis
Biden’s burden: four percentage points, a struggling economy and a fragile democracy
Biden’s Unheralded War on Poverty
Bids for Australia’s biggest wind and solar tender close on Tuesday. Will it be the last?
Big alcohol and tobacco are the aces of strategic marketing. The gambling industry has adopted the playbook
The Big Apple gets a tiny forest: 1,000 native plants coming to New York
Big Art Thread
Big Auto lies, so we made a video about it
The Big Baltic Bomb Cleanup
‘The Big Bang Theory’ Co-Creator is Looking to Bring Back Muppets Television Series on ABC
Big banks’ trillion-dollar finance for fossil fuels ‘shocking’, says report
Big batteries and EVs to the rescue again as faults with new nuclear plant cause chaos on Nordic grids
Big batteries storm the fossil fuel citadels, and spell the end for coal and gas
Big batteries to shore up power in 20 Victorian tourist towns
Big batteries, green hydrogen and range extenders: The big plan to decarbonise rail fleet
The BIG Battery Breakdown: Fires, Failures and Future Breakthroughs!
Big Bird broke our hearts today
Big brands are 'failing to curb plastic sachet use'
Big Buck Bunny released
big bunny
Big Business can’t stop its illegal, fantastically lucrative gossiping
Big business is hijacking our radical past. We must stop it
Big businesses will this year have to report their environmental impacts – but this alone won’t drive change
Big cars might make you feel safer. But here’s how vehicle size impacts others in a crash
Big cars, red meat, household gas: Consumers still have crucial role to play in cutting emissions
Big Cat Rescue
Big Catch The Movie
Big cats like to play too
Big Change - Mostly Screwed (part 1: the environment)
BIG change: Reigniting Democracy!
Big Changes: New America
The Big Cloud Exit FAQ
Big companies profit from poverty but aren’t obliged to uphold human rights. International law must change – scholar
Big companies, like Nestlé, are funding health research in South Africa - why this is wrong
The big con: how neoliberals convinced us there wasn't enough to go around
The ‘big con’ revealed: Report details fossil fuel industry’s deceptive ‘net zero’ strategy
Big COVID-19 waves may be coming, new Omicron strains suggest
Big data: are we making a big mistake?
The big dry: forests and shrublands are dying in parched Western Australia
Big electric trucks on the roads could be a long haul
Big Horn
The big idea: is it too late to stop extremism taking over politics?
Big investors warn Australia on climate change
Big Kitchen With Food
Big Kitty!
The Big Lie of the Fascists: That Climate Holocaust is Inevitable by Rainer Shea + Can Eco-Socialism Save The World?
The Big Lie that keeps the Uber bezzle alive
Big Mood: New Report Says It’s “Highly Likely” Civilisation Will Be Beyond Saving By 2050
Big national debates sink in the sands of ignorance
Big News In Anti-Poaching Efforts
Big oil all talk, no action on climate change? Researchers say they've got the proof
Big oil and gas kept a dirty secret for decades. Now they may pay the price
Big Oil Bought my Favorite Science Influencer
Big oil is set to spend $5 trillion on fossil fuels we can’t afford to burn
Big Oil is using the coronavirus pandemic to push through the Keystone XL pipeline
Big oil quietly walks back on climate pledges as global heat records tumble
Big oil ‘fully owned the villain role’ in 2023, the hottest year ever recorded
Big Oil’s Talent Crisis: High Salaries Are No Longer Enough
Big Oil’s trade group allies outspent clean energy groups by a whopping 27x, with billions in ads and lobbying to keep fossil fuels flowing
Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism
The BIG Picture of Money, Economics, and Humanity
Big Power Does Not Provide Big Answers
Big publishers think libraries are the enemy
The big question of how small chips can get
Big Red Bow
The Big Red Button Argument for Unconditional Basic Income
Big renewables need big support: Local Energy Hubs can help us through the change
Big Tech Can’t Stop Telling On Itself
Big Tech disrupted disruption
Big W has withdrawn Welcome to Sex from its stores to protect staff – but teen sex education can keep young people safe
Big, Smoggy Bangkok Gets a Badly Needed Breath of Fresh Air
'Biggest Case on the Planet' Pits Kids vs. Climate Change
Biggest ever survey of trans Americans finds 94% happier after transition
The biggest lie we still teach in American history classes
The biggest risk to the global economy no one is talking about
The biggest solar-plus-storage project in the US just came online
“Biggest technology leap in history:” Australia missing out on electric truck revolution
Biggest threat to affordable and reliable electricity in Victoria? It might just be Peter Dutton
The biggest-ever sample of core material from Earth’s mantle could have valuable clues into the origins of life
Bike lanes are good for business
Bike Libraries Are Boosting Access To Bikes Across The U.S.
Bikers Against Child Abuse
Bilbo song
Bilby bonanza brings on burrowing blitz
Bilgin Architects shrouds solar farm hub with mirrored steel in Turkey
Bill Bailey - Cow Bells - Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra
Bill Daul sent you a video: "SOUR"
Bill Gates says NFTs '100% based on greater fool theory' amid crypto cataclysm
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and The Case Against Philanthropy As We Know It
Bill Liao: My First Ever Nerve Wracking Stand Up
Bill McKibben: Climate Crisis Needs Urgent Action as Earth Records Hottest Temps Ever
Bill McKibben: Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Powerful Enough to Overwhelm Fossil Fuel Industry
Bill Murray's Long-Lost Sci-Fi Comedy Is Online
Bill passes to force big Australian companies to report on climate impacts and risks
Bill to jail bosses of polluters to be introduced
Bill Willingham Says Fables Is Released To The Public Domain, DC Comics Says It Most Certainly Is Not
Billboard blunders reveal dangerous double standards on climate change
Billboards doubling as disinfection terminals for phones
Billie Eilish slams Variety for ‘outing’ her sexuality at red carpet: ‘Leave me alone’
Billion Dollar Barbie: what lessons should cinema draw?
Billion-dollar exposure: Investor-state dispute settlement in Mozambique’s fossil fuel sector
Billionaire investor threatens to pull out of UK amid global outcry at new oil rush
Billionaire No More: Patagonia Founder Gives Away the Company
Billionaire Philanthropy is a Marketing Scam
Billionaire stoush over alleged media bias highlights the need for greater media diversity
The Billionaire-Fueled Lobbying Group Behind the State Bills to Ban Basic Income Experiments
Billionaires are building bunkers and buying islands. But are they prepping for the apocalypse – or pioneering a new feudalism?
Billionaires Are Suing the Honduran Government for Blocking Their Profit-Making Scheme
Billionaires at Davos don't think COVID is a cold
Billionaires Should Not Exist — Here’s Why
Billions of devices imperiled by new clickless Bluetooth attack
'Billions of years of evolutionary history' under threat
Billy Bragg - Handyman Blues
Billy Joel and Jimmy Fallon Form 2-Man Doo-Wop Group Using iPad App
The ‘Biloela family’ are going home – but what will Labor do with thousands of other asylum seekers in limbo in Australia?
Bin so long: Adelaide woman puts rubbish out for first time in two years after epic effort to cut waste
Bindeshwar Pathak realised that India’s future depended on toilets
The binomial system of Hispanic nomenclature!
“Biocentrism”: A scientific answer to the meaning of life
Biochar doesn’t just store carbon – it stores water and boosts farmers’ drought resilience
‘Biodegradable’ plastic will soon be banned in Australia. That’s a big win for the environment
Biodiversity can flourish on an urban planet
Biodiversity crisis is about to put humanity at risk, UN scientists to warn
Biodiversity depends on pollinators: a first estimate of how many plants rely on animals
The biodiversity jukebox: how sound can boost beneficial soil microbes to heal nature
Biodiversity’s Greatest Protectors Need Protection
Bioengineering Breakthrough Increases DNA Detection Sensitivity by 100 Times
The Biological Causes of Mental Illness Cannot Be Separated From the Social Ones
Biology with Tibetan Buddhist monks: What I’m taking back to my college classroom from teaching at a monastery
Biomaterials; EVs in China; satellites; bionic organs and rewilding++ #392
Bionic hand solves user's pains in more than one way
Bioprospecting the unknown: how bacterial enzymes encoded by unknown genes might help clean up pollution
Bipedal animals
Bird and Moon: Misheard Birds of North America
bird and moon: Things I've Learned From Snakes
Bird flu 'spills over' to otters and foxes in UK
Bird flu FAQ: What is avian influenza? How is it transmitted to humans? What are the symptoms? Are there effective treatments and vaccines? Will H5N1 become the next viral pandemic?
Bird flu has been detected in a pig in the US. Why does that matter?
Bird flu has killed 20 big cats including cougars at a U.S. wildlife sanctuary
Bird flu is hitting Australian poultry farms, and the first human case has been reported in Victoria. Here’s what we know
Bird flu kills 2 wild cougars in Washington state
Bird flu poses growing pandemic threat as virus evolves
Bird flu pushes US dairy farmers to ban visitors, chop trees
Bird flu sweeps through zoos with ‘grave implications’ for endangered animals
Bird IQ Tests: 8 Ways Researchers Test Bird Intelligence
Bird Photographer of the Year 2024 winners – in pictures
Bird populations are collapsing, and it's a sign of a bigger problem
Bird species are facing extinction hundreds of times faster than previously thought
Birding Like It’s 1899: Inside a Blockbuster American West Video Game
Birds are back, crops are growing – but is the Murray Darling Basin plan working?
Birds are dinosaurs
Birds migrate along ancient routes – here are the latest high-tech tools scientists are using to study their amazing journeys
Birds Nests from Around the World
Birds of east Africa: new book reveals their extraordinary diversity and changing behaviour
Birds, bugs, and beauty: The winners of Wiki Loves Earth 2023
Birdwatching, immune responses and evolutionary mapping honoured at 2023 Eureka Prizes
Birth of a supernova
THE BIRTH OF Homeless Dance Company
The Birth of Race-Based Slavery
Birthday Clock - this is fun!
Birthday party photos
Birthday photos
Bison Are Bringing Back Biodiversity to Britain
Bison return to Texas Indigenous lands, reconnecting tribes to their roots
Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index
Bitcoin is a mouth hungry for fossil fuels
Bitcoin myths: immutability, decentralisation, and the cult of “21 million”
Bitcoin's Climate Impact Is Bigger Than Beef Farming – And It's Only Getting Worse
Bitcoin: Delusions of money
Bitcoin’s stupendous power waste is green, apparently — bad excuses for Proof-of-Work
BitLit Offers Free and Cheap Ebooks If You Own the Physical Copy
The Bittersweet Story of the World’s First Motel
Bittorrent Bundles are awesome.
The Bizarre Reaction To Facebook's Decision To Get Out Of The News Business In Australia
'Bizarre' new mammal discovered
bizarro world of pop music | Postmodern Jukebox | TEDxFoggyBottom
The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of Copyright Policymaking
$BJV(B: The 5 top robots of 2006
Black & White Needlepoint | Sweet Prodigy
Black And Native Lives Need Each Other To Matter
The Black Death Killed Feudalism. What Does COVID-19 Mean for Capitalism?
Black Death, COVID, and Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age and Bad Middle Ages
Black Facebook Workers Write Open Letter to Company: We Are Treated Every Day 'As If We Do Not Belong Here'
Black farmers were deliberately sold ‘fake seeds’ in scheme to steal their land: report
The Black Ferns review shows – again – why real change in women’s high performance sport is urgently overdue
The Black Fish: undercover with the vigilantes fighting organised crime at sea
The Black Gold Tapestry
Black hole confirmed in Milky Way
Black hole, neutron star or something new? We discovered an object that defies explanation
Black Hole: Paint in Motion
Black Joy Is Propelling a Rural Racial Justice Movement
The Black Mambas: South Africa's all-female anti-poaching unit
Black Olive Penguins
Black Panther and Brown Power – how Wakanda Forever celebrates pre-Columbian culture
The 'Black Panther' premiere just put every other red carpet in Hollywood to shame
Black Panther, White Avengers
Black rhino populations are starting to thrive in Zimbabwe for the first time in decades, experts say
The Black Sea drone incident highlights the loose rules around avoiding ‘accidental’ war
Black Sea faces ecological catastrophe due to Bulgaria’s inaction
'Black Superman' champions talent in Adelaide's northern suburbs
Black Swans Could Be Entirely Wiped Out by a Single Virus, Scientists Warn
Black Teens’ Schoolwork Twice As Likely To Be Falsely Flagged As AI-Generated
Black Velvet Nebula Cake
Blackboard Wars
Blackfeet Bring Bison Home to Chief Mountain
“Blackouts and brownouts:” The Coalition’s dystopian and misguided take on a renewable grid
Blackouts, bankruptcy and “bugger off Bowen” posters: Ted O’Brien’s dystopian and error riddled energy vision
BlackRock accused of contributing to climate and human rights abuses
Blade Runner soundtrack at 30: how Vangelis used electronic music to explore what it means to be human
Blade Runner’s Miniature Props Revealed in 142 Behind-the-Scenes Photos
'Blair' doodles amuse Number 10
Blame BP for Deepwater Horizon. But Direct Your Outrage to the Actual Mistake.
Blameless PostMortems and a Just Culture
Blaming Social Media For Suicide Is Taking The Easy, And Likely Wrong, Way Out
Blasting white noise could stop birds slamming into buildings
Blaze destroys multimillion-euro German fire station that had no alarms
'Blazing Saddles' + animation = 'Blazing Samurai'
Bleaching fears along 1,000km stretch of the Great Barrier Reef
Bleaching has struck the southernmost coral reef in the world
Blending science and tradition: Sharing remote sensing technologies with Indigenous communities and their land
Bletchley Park codebreaker Joan Clarke honoured with blue plaque
Bletchley’s forgotten heroes
Blind Bungee Jumpers Welcome
Blind Dog Has His Own Guide Cat
The blind painter and the Cartesian Theater
The Blind Spot
Blistering UN Report: Trump Administration Is Intentionally Exacerbating Inequality
Blob Opera
Blockade Australia plans more climate protests disrupting Newcastle trains, saying disobedience is the only option
Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future
Blockchains, What Are They Good For?
Blockly visual programming language
Blooming magnolias and unseasonable fruit: Australia’s warmer winter is making spring come early
Blowhole wave energy generator exceeds expectations in 12-month test
Blown Glass SpaceCraft
The Blue
Blue carbon: could a solution to the climate challenge be buried in the depths of fiords?
Blue hydrogen from CCS is a con with a big carbon footprint
Blue Marble next generation
Blue Planet II Is the Greatest Nature Series Of All Time
Blue Streak
Blue whales make surprise appearance off Washington coast
"The Blues Brothers" Is a Wild Ride Through 1970s Chicago
Bluesky Plans Decentralized Composable Moderation
BlueWalker 3, an enormous and bright communications satellite, is genuinely alarming astronomers
Bluey was edited for American viewers – but global audiences deserve to see all of us
“Blue” hydrogen is worse for the climate than coal, study says
Blurred Lines may be the biggest music copyright case of 2015
BMW Going With New Batteries For Its Ambitious EV Plans
BMW Is a Surprise Winner in Electric Vehicles
BMW rolls out impressive fuel cell iX5, but the time has already passed for hydrogen cars
BMW’s new factory doesn’t exist in real life, but it will still change the car industry
BNEF says $2.4 trillion needed for Australia’s net zero target, but window to safe climate closing fast
BNP Paribas: will no longer finance development of new oil and gas fields
The boab trees of the remote Tanami desert are carved with centuries of Indigenous history – and they’re under threat
Board game reviews
Board Games Aren’t Great For The Environment
The Board Games That Ask You to Reenact Colonialism
The Board of Lockheed Martin Has Spoken: Climate Change May Proceed
Boat people un-Christian? Wrong, Mr Abbott
Bob Brown Foundation activist Colette Harmsen sentenced to three months' jail over mining protest in Tasmania
Bob Newhart, sitcom pioneer and beloved 'Elf' actor, dies at 94
Bobble Crochet Beard Beanies
Bobby McFerrin at the World Science Festival 2009
Bobby McFerrin Eat Your Heart Out
Bobcat Gives Birth To A Litter Of Kittens On Guy’s Roof, So Next Year He Sets Up A Camera
Bobcats Right at Home
Bodega, bar, corner store: Germany's second home | DW Documentary
‘Bodies start to cook’: poor housing in remote communities puts lives at risk in northern Australia heatwave
Body lotions, mothballs, cleaning fluids and other widely used products contain known toxic chemicals, study finds
‘The Body Shop held our hand’: how the troubled British firm helped a recycling startup in India
The Body Shop shouldn’t have failed in an age when consumers want activism from their brands. What happened?
Boeing's deliberately defective fleet of flying sky-wreckage
Boeing's travails show what's wrong with modern capitalism
Bogi Fabian: UV art
Bohemeow Rhapsody (In celebration of 100.000 subcribers)
Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody and a BBQ: Stephen Colbert visits Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand
Bohemian Rhapsody on FLOPPOTRON
Bohemian Rhapsody...
Bohemian Rhapsody: Star Wars Edition
Bohemian, artist, conservationist: breathing humanity into the man who fought to protect Queensland’s rainforest and reef
Boisterous, destructive and divisive: North America's wild boar population is on the rise
Bold climate action benefits more than just the environment – it’s also great for business
Bold Tali’Zorah cosplay
Boldly inspiring no more
Boldly Textured 3D Animal Illustrations by Maxim Shkret
Bolsonaro must be held criminally responsible for assault on the Amazon, say activists
Bolsonaro responds after 'fascist' supporters storm Brazil's Congress building
Bolsonaro should be tried for crimes against humanity, Indigenous leaders say
Bolsonaro’s 1,000km Amazon railway will cause climate chaos. It must be stopped
Bolt Riley - A Reggae Adventure Game
Bondi beach swallowed by tide waters and other Sydney beaches flooded over
Bones of contention: the West Coast whale fossil and the ethics of private collecting
The Bonfire of the Headscarves
Bongo Cat
Bonn climate talks: Key outcomes from the June 2019 conference
Bonobo & Anna Lapwood perform Otomo live at the Royal Albert Hall
Bonobo builds a fire and toasts marshmallows - Monkey Planet: Preview - BBC One
Bonobos help strangers without being asked
Bonobos recognize when humans are ignorant, try to help
Bonsai Tree Houses by Takanori Aiba
Boo the Ninja Dog
Boogie Storm make Simon’s dream come true! | Auditions Week 5 | Britain’s Got Talent 2016
The Book About Nature Everyone Should Read
Book bans in the US are at an all-time high. Will we see a similar spike in Australia?
Book buyers live
Book Domino Chain World Record
Book extract: ‘Broken’ — requiem for the family court
Book Forest: Berlin Turns Fallen Tree Trunks Into a Free Book Exchange!
The Book No One Read
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Kickstarter - Projection Mapping
Book Publishers Won’t Stop Until Libraries Are Dead
Book Publishing Giant Pulls Nearly 1400 Ebook Titles From GW Library; Forcing Students To Buy Them Instead
[Book Review - for us science geeks]: Einstein's Mistakes: The Human Failings of Genius (LATbkRev)
Book Review: Be Creative: Making A Living in the New Culture Industries by Angela McRobbie
Book review: Geoffrey Robertson makes the case for naming and shaming human rights abusers
Book Review: How Our Roads Have Become an Invasive Species
Book Review: How to Win the War Against Climate Change — Go Electric
The book that changed me: Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem and the problem of terrifying moral complacency
The book that changed me: Hilda Lewis’ The Gentle Falcon, a vivid, touching tale of the court of a medieval child queen
The book that fights sexism with science
Book Towns Are Made for Book Lovers
Book Week: it’s not the costume that matters, but falling in love with reading
Books as home decor
Books offer a healing retreat for youngsters caught up in a pandemic
Bookshelf porn
Booktopia, Australia’s biggest online bookseller, is poised for collapse. That doesn’t mean bookshops are in trouble
Boom and Bust Coal 2023: Tracking the Global Coal Plant Pipeline
‘The boomerang is returning’: life in Russia’s town with Ukrainian roots where Kyiv is now in charge
Boomers vs millennials? Free yourself from the phoney generation wars
Boot camps for young offenders are back – the psychological evidence they don’t work never went away
Booting from a vinyl record
Bootmaker Dr Martens to offer repairs in sustainability step
Borat Thong Swimsuit / Soylent Green pendant
Boring 2010 conference report
Boris Johnson: leadership expert on why not taking responsibility degrades politics
Boris Johnson’s ignominious end: the difference between ‘big tent’ politics and personalised populism
Bornean clouded leopard family filmed in wild for 1st time ever
Bosnia’s endless crisis could be solved by letting it break apart peacefully
‘The boss of Country’, not wild dogs to kill: living with dingoes can unite communities
Boss RC-505 - NASTYA MASLOVA - Russian Beatbox & Live looping Championship
The boss who put everyone on 70K
The BossHoss - My Personal Song
Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot Dances To 'Uptown Funk'
The botanical imperialism of weeds and crops: how alien plant species on the First Fleet changed Australia
Botanist Kingsley Dixon warns WA plants could be lost forever, but there is hope
Both Sides Can Laugh by Garfunkel and Oates
Botswana’s Elephant Crisis: A Cyanobacteria-Driven Tragedy — Project Proposal.
Botswana’s national park struggling to support elephant refugees
Bottled Water Is Packed Full of Up to 100x More Microplastic Than Expected
Bottled water monopolist admits recycling is bullshit
Bottlenose dolphins smile at each other when they play – new study reveals how and why
Bottom trawling releases more carbon than air travel, groups urge Government action
Bouncing between war-torn countries: Displacement in Lebanon and Syria highlights cyclical nature of cross-border refuge
Bounding Toward Recovery
Bounties on exiled Hong Kong activists show the ambitious reach of China’s political repression
Bowen may still fall short of his 82 pct renewables target, but it’s bad news for coal
Bowen says asking Australia to go nuclear is like asking the Swiss to take up surfing
Bowen unveils $250m package for green fuels from canola, sugarcane, tallow and cooking oils
Box Clever - Simon's Cat
Box Fan CR Box, PC Fan CR Box or HEPA Filter. Which one is right for you?
Box Office: Why 'Jem And The Holograms' Flopping Is A Truly (Truly) Outrageous Tragedy
Box seat: scientists solve the mystery of why wombats have cube-shaped poo
Boxing Day tsunami: here’s what we have learned in the 20 years since the deadliest natural disaster in modern history
"The Boy and the Heron" is an autobiographical reflection by Hayao Miyazaki in the twilight of his life
Boy Babydolls and Princess Builders: Rethinking the Pink Aisle
Boy Howdy, This Got Stupid In A Hurry...
Boycott questions over Beijing Winter Olympics raise eerie echoes of 1936
Boyfriend Arm Pillow, Girlfriend Lap Pillow
‘Boys will be boys’: why consumers don’t punish big polluters for greenwashing lies
BP blames ‘misplaced’ faith in green transition for its renewed focus on fossil fuels
BP Chargemaster | Fully Charged Breaking News
BP to abandon renewable targets, divest assets in shift back to fossil fuels
BP unveils its first fast-charging station in Australia
BP’s profits labelled ‘heinous’ as calls grow for tougher windfall tax
Bracing for Bannon: Europe isn't sure it wants to be remade in Trump's image
brain computer interface
‘Brain fog’ from long Covid has measurable impact, study suggests
brain food for hackers
Brain function 'boosted for days after reading a novel'
Brain Implants That Help Paralyzed People Speak Just Broke New Records
The brain is the most complicated object in the universe. This is the story of scientists’ quest to decode it – and read people’s minds
The brain makes a lot of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes
Brain scans show that dogs are as conscious as human children
Brain tumour patient had Centrelink payments suspended while in hospital recovering from surgery
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
The Brains of the Animal Kingdom
Bram Moolenaar, Author of the Open Source Vim Code Editor, Has Died
Bramble Cay Melomys Remembrance Day
Brampton Island Photos
Branching out: the Sydney street libraries where neighbours swap plants instead of books
Brand New Morph: Twin Decks (Episode 01)
The Brand New Testament - Official UK Trailer
Brandis confuses right to be heard with right to be taken seriously
Brandis’ metadata plan won’t stop crime but will crush art
Brands are leaning on ‘recycled’ clothes to meet sustainability goals. How are they made? And why is recycling them further so hard?
The Brave Little Toaster
Brave Robotics Transforming Robot Car
The bravest thing I've ever done
Braving the frozen wilderness: the researchers working to protect Antarctic penguins
Brazen fox demands top prize in animal photography competition
‘Brazen fraud’: Adani shares plummet as company accused of major ‘con’
Brazil boosts protection of Amazon mangroves with new reserves in Pará state
Brazil court bans live cattle exports over animal welfare concerns
Brazil declares emergency over deaths of Yanomami children from malnutrition
Brazil election: what I saw on the streets made me cautiously optimistic
Brazil envoy decries ‘grotesque and failed assault’ on democracy
Brazil evicts miners from Yanomami territory, prepares for more removals
Brazil insurrection: how so many Brazilians came to attack their own government
Brazil Is About To Show The World How A Modern Democracy Collapses
Brazil led the way. Now the UK should get behind the assault on hunger and poverty
Brazil ministers to visit site of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira’s murder
Brazil plans new reserves to curb deforestation near contested Amazon roads
Brazil protests: Lula vows to punish ‘neo-fascists’ after Bolsonaro supporters storm congress
Brazil set to widen lead as cleanest major power sector
Brazil shows why climate hopes will (probably) fail
Brazil strikes intruders of Amazon’s most deforested Indigenous land
Brazil supreme court ruling to reactivate Amazon Fund gives hope in fight to save rainforest
Brazil will have first Indigenous woman chief for key post
Brazil's Lula legalizes more Indigenous reservations in Amazon
Brazil's Lula recognises six new indigenous reserves
Brazil's top court boosts indigenous rights in landmark ruling
Brazil: how populist politicians use religion to help them win
Brazil: swift and robust response to the insurrection highlights the strength of democracy
Brazilian city in Amazon declares emergency after huge sinkholes appear
Brazilian election: Jair Bolsonaro set to lose but his legacy will be harder to remove
Brazilian president Lula pledges ‘new Amazon dream’ at rainforest summit
Brazil’s Lula lays out plan to halt Amazon deforestation
Fwd: bread
Bread and circuses…well, circuses anyway, not so much bread
‘Bread is much easier’: how Japan fell out of love with rice
Bread Shoes
Breaking bones in childhood more than doubles the odds of it happening again as an adult, study finds
Breaking climate vows would be ‘monstrous self-harm’, warns Cop26 president
Breaking the Cycle 🔗💥
Breaking the silence: On being a single parent
Breaking the ‘permanent casual’ oxymoron: will Labor’s new laws make a real difference for workers?
Breaking up over climate change: My deep dark journey into doomer Facebook
Breaking: Officials Report Texan Infected With Bird Flu After Exposure to Cattle
Breakthrough Alzheimer’s blood test could detect disease 15 years before symptoms emerge
Breakthrough Asthma Study Reveals a Trigger We've Never Noticed Before
‘Breakthrough discovery’: Indigenous Rangers in outback WA find up to 50 night parrots – one of Australia’s most elusive birds
Breakthrough in gas separation and storage could fast-track shift to green hydrogen and significantly cut global energy use
Breathtaking bamboo building withstands earthquakes and boasts a zero-carbon footprint
The breathtaking lifesaving impact of vaccines, in one chart
Breathtaking wilderness in the heart of coal country: after a 90-year campaign, Gardens of Stone is finally protected
Brekkies, barbies, mozzies: why do Aussies shorten so many words?
Brenda Matthews was ripped from a loving family twice. But she was born too late to be officially recognised as Stolen Generations
Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation isn't democracy. It's a judicial coup
Brewer Threatens Restaurant For Using The Word 'Hofbrau'
Brewery owner boots sexist customer, unleashes must-read rant about women in the service industry
Brexit rule that makes EU citizens reapply to stay in UK is unlawful, court says
Brexit: a disaster decades in the making
Brexit: What's the f**k is going on?
Brexiters outraged after crowds wave EU flag at Last Night of the Proms
Brian Cox from Wonders of the Universe
Brian Cox Masterclass
Fwd: Brian Dettmer - Book Sculptor (RGS)
Brian Eno calls for “a revolution” in music industry’s approach to climate change
Brian Fargo: "The golden era of computer RPGs is yet to come"
Brian Froud: Dark Crystal Prequels
Brian Merchant’s “Blood In the Machine”
Bricked into a corner: LEGO® AI art debacle is worse than the Willy Wonka AI disaster
Bricking it: Do you actually own anything digital?
Bride hacks into website, decodes proprietary 3D model format to save wedding!!
Bridge over troubled forests: how Java's slow lorises are creeping back
Bridgestone has put more than $100M into eco-tires made of shrubs
Bridging America’s divides requires a willingness to work together without becoming friends first
Bridging the divide: 12 groups working for Israel-Palestine peace
The ‘Brief History Of Graphics’ Video Series Is Your Monday Morning Pong Pick-Me-Up
Brief of The Onion as Amicus Curiae, Novak vs Parma
The Brief – Waking up from hydrogen daydreams
Bright Green Futures Ep 12: Building Movement Through Hopeful Climate Fiction with Editor Tory Stephens
Bright Green Futures Ep 14: Imagining Another Life with Author and Editor Sarena Ulibarri
Bright Green Futures Ep 16: The Shapes of Stories with Author Tashan Mehta
Bright Green Futures Ep 17: Diversity in Climate Storytelling
Bright Green Futures Ep 18: The Power of Hope
Bright Green Futures Ep 9: How to Build a Good Anthropocene
Bright Green Futures Ep. 10: Adaptation in Climate Fiction with Writer Ana Sun
Bright Green Futures Ep. 11: All About Solarpunk: Literature and Movement
Bright Green Futures Ep. 13: Envisioning the Future: Exercising Our Imagination
Bright Green Futures Ep. 15: Climate Fiction Zines and Small Presses
Bright Green Futures Ep. 20: Technofeudalists vs. Solarpunk
Bright Green Futures Ep. 21: Doing Your Part (in the Climate Fight)
Bright Green Futures Ep. 22: Building Resilience for the Future (and Today)
Bright Green Futures Ep. 23: Creating Connection with Solarpunk and Author Sanjana Sekhar
Bright Green Futures Ep. 8: Loneliness, Connection, and Resilience, In Conversation with Writer and Activist Jamie Liu
Bright Green Futures Episode 24: Let's Talk About the Doom Loop
Bright Green Futures Episode 25: Library Economies and Third Spaces
Bright Green Futures: Be a Light in the Dark
Bright Green Futures: Fight Fascism: Don't Be a Snitch
Bright Green Futures: Fresh Hope for 2025
Brighton Kitty Cat Speakers
Brilliant :-)
Brilliant article about marketing
Brilliant Book Dedications
The Brilliant Inventor Who Made Two of History’s Biggest Mistakes
Brindingabba National Park
Bringing 13 million more children into school: Lessons from Punjab
Bringing back California's redwood forests
Bringing back Sri Lanka’s mangroves with science and community spirit
Bringing picture books to life for blind and visually impaired children
Bringing the river into the gallery and the future: reimagining Birrarung 50 years from now
Bringing the tūī back to town – how native birds are returning to NZ’s restored urban forests
'Brink of extinction': Steep drop in platypus numbers as drought bites
Brisbane biotech Vaxxas secures $3.2m from US medical research body BARDA to develop COVID patch
Brisbane council accused of ‘cruel’ and ‘heartless’ crackdown on homeless in wake of Cyclone Alfred
The Brisbane Olympics are a leap into an unknowable future
Brisbane ports deploys first electric truck carrying 88 tonne shipping containers
Bristol Boxkite flight at Centenary of Military Aviation Airshow
‘Britain and the US: How the Oligarchies Posing as Democracies have Been Exposed’
Britain Discovers Food Banks, Can’t Decide If It Likes Them
Britain fell for a neoliberal con trick – even the IMF says so
Britain has closed its eyes to long Covid – which means it will ravage even more lives and livelihoods
Britain is crying out for radical solutions, but Labour still thinks it’s in the 1990s
Britain Pardons All Men Convicted Under Historical Laws That Criminalised Being Gay
Britain ‘not close to being a racially just society’, finds two-year research project
Britain's cranes have most successful year since 1600s
Britain, Canada, EU throw weight behind 2030 biodiversity protection goal
Britain’s 45 remaining cooling towers are architectural gems. Let’s save them
Britain’s best places to see: Historic libraries
Britain’s bitter bread battle: what a £5 sourdough loaf tells us about health, wealth and class
Britain’s climate action plan unlawful, high court rules
Britain’s decrepit homes cause three big problems. Luckily, this green policy could fix them all
Britain’s next election could be a climate change culture war
Britain’s tropical rain and parched Amazon are new norms in a messed-up climate
British airlines forced to fly planes to US for repairs because of Brexit rules
British American Tobacco makes first donation to Nationals in over a decade amid vaping crackdown
British Columbia First Nations Strike Landmark Deals Governing Development on Their Ancestral Lands
British comedians unite for Action on Stroke Month 2014
British diplomat uses social media to draw attention to removal of Chinese mosque minarets
British Documentarian Says Trump’s Delusions Are ‘Terrifying’
British Gas advisers caught making false promises about ‘green’ boilers
British History in LEGO!
British Home Children: Antique box tells heart-breaking history
British investors could sue Australia over climate action if UK joins trans-Pacific trade pact
British king acknowledges colonial atrocities in Kenya – here’s what could happen next
The British Library is racing to save archived sounds from decay
British Library puts 1 million newspaper pages online for free
The British Library Puts 1,000,000 Images into the Public Domain, Making Them Free to Reuse & Remix
The British Library Sounds website
British Pathé on Youtube
British police testing women for abortion drugs
The British Schools Reinventing Themselves as Refugee Sanctuaries
British Steam Car Challenge
British steam enthusiasts build first new engine in 50 years
British university posts exclusive photo scans of space exploration artifacts
The British Wildlife Photography awards 2016 winners - in pictures
British wind power overtakes gas for the first time in Q1 2023 - report
#BritishThreatLevels hashtag delivers stoical humour in the face of terror
Britons increasingly turning to food black market, experts say
The Brittle Grip, Part 2
Broader Lessons About Resilience from Maui’s Fires
Broccoli is bad for you, like, really toxic bad
Broke and disabled in Tory Britain: the reality of life on one meal a day
Broken Hill fiasco shows why we need to rethink the grid, and turn it upside down
Broken Men in Paradise
Broken Peach - Give It Up
Broken Sociality
Broken Zipper? France Will Pay to Get It Fixed
Bronies - BiTS - ARTE
Bronies learning English in the digital wild
Bronwen Bock and Lucy Bradlow want to become Australia's first job-sharing MPs
Brother of man executed by Saudi Arabia says F1 legitimises ‘heinous crimes’
Brown bear population in Pyrenees highest for a century, says study
Brown in America: A lesson in internalized whiteness
'Brown recovery' wipes out hopes that pandemic stimulus would drive climate spending
Brown, red, black, riceberry – what are these white rice alternatives, and are they actually healthier?
Brownies Are Our Future
Browsing the Stacks: A Photo Appreciation of Libraries
BROWZER: Learning To Play The Shenanigan
Bruce Campbell's soup labels
Bruce Schneier on ID cards and the "illusion of security"
Brush your teeth! Bad oral hygiene linked to cancer, heart attacks and renal failure
Brush-tailed bettongs are the ecosystem engineers helping South Australia's Yorke Peninsula
Brussels recommends new EU climate target: a 90% cut of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2040
Brussels terror attacks: Why ramping up online surveillance isn’t the answer
The brutal secrets behind ‘The Biggest Loser’
Bryan Adams: Longer Copyright Term Enriches Intermediaries, Not Creators
Bryan Mumford - The Crackpot Inventor
BT sues Valve over alleged infringement of four patents covering basic online tech
BTS, Blackpink, Squid Game, kimchi … what’s the secret of South Korea’s world-conquering culture?
Bubbles and Magnets
Buck Rogers and the Copyright Trolls
Buckaroo Banzai Q&A
Bucking the trend: Is there a future for ultra long-haul flights in a net zero carbon world?
Buckled lines and landslides: How climate change is hitting Europe’s rail industry
'Buddha would be green': Dalai Lama calls for urgent climate action
Buddhist economics: oxymoron or idea whose time has come?
Budding engineers get to build and drive their own race car, and electric is their choice
Budget blowouts: offshore processing costs $1.2bn for fewer than 300 people
Budget cuts to climate funding mean NZ may now struggle to meet its international obligations
Budget repair less urgent than raising dole payments, leading economist Chris Richardson says
The budget should have been a road to Australia’s low-emissions future. Instead, it’s a flight of fancy
Budget-friendly tips to keep rented homes warm in winter
Budsies: Turning Artwork into Custom Plush Toys
Bugarup University
Bugging out: How rampant online piracy squashed one insect photographer
Bugs in our pockets: the risks of client-side scanning
Build a Rocketship TODAY!
Build a shelf-size vintage computer museum made of paper
‘Build back better’ requires a framework that focuses on the full life of a house – from materials to its end of life
‘Build back better’ sounds great in theory, but does the government really know what it means in practice?
Build with Respect: Pants problems
Build Your Own Adobe Creative Suite with Free and Cheap Software
Build Your Own Edible Chocolate Bonsai Tree
Build your own projection TV
Build your own tiny Dalek army
Building a 13th-Century Castle in the 21st Century
Building a Character: Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi
Building a Cyclotron on a Shoestring
Building A Latino-Muslim Coalition With #TacoTrucksAtEveryMosque
Building a Minecraft Gateway to the World of Books
Building activity produces 18% of emissions and a shocking 40% of our landfill waste. We must move to a circular economy – here’s how
Building an Impossible Clock
Building an open-source battery
Building companies feel they must sacrifice quality for profits, but it doesn’t have to be this way
Building homes with reused materials to reduce construction waste
Building houses in factories for the Commonwealth Games was meant to help the housing crisis. What now?
Building houses with a 3D-printer
Building Human Intelligence at Scale, to Save the Next Generation from ChatGPT
Building in a Bag
Building in the same old ways won’t end the housing crisis. We need innovation to boost productivity
Building More Than Trails
Building nuclear power plants in Australia could cost double CSIRO predictions, energy experts warn
Building the Ventilation Revolution would clear indoor air, helping our kids and older Australians breathe easier
Building the world we want to have
Building the world’s largest electric ferry
‘Building too close to the water. It’s ridiculous!’ Talk of buyouts after floods shows need to get serious about climate adaptation
Buildings as batteries: How basic demand response could shift 12GW of peak demand, save billions
Buildings used iron from sunken ships centuries ago. The use of recycled materials should be business as usual by now
Buildings with slides
'Built-in obsolescence' creates 500,000-tonne e-waste problem
Bullies, thieves and chiefs: the hidden cost of psychopaths at work
Bully Nation: How economic power and inequality are fueling a bullying culture
Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest 2009 Results
The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest 2014 Winners
The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest: 2017 Contest Winners
Bumblebee population increases 116 times over in 'remarkable' Scotland rewilding project
Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality
The Bundle of Holding
Bunnie Huang's tour-de-force "Hardware Hacker" book is finally in print!
Bunnings agrees to trial four-day work week and more holidays for its workers
Bunnings breached privacy law by scanning customers’ faces – but this loophole lets other shops keep doing it
Bunnings, Kmart and The Good Guys say they use facial recognition for ‘loss prevention’. An expert explains what it might mean for you
Bunny & bear amigurumi ukulele duo U900
Bunny Bags From Japan That Turn Your Household Stuff Into Rabbits
Bunny Dresses
bunny short of classic movie
Bunny Trials!
Bunyip birds and brolgas: how can we better protect species important to Indigenous people?
Burberry announces new rainbow flag plaid and support for LGBTQ charities
Buried kelp: seaweed carried to the deep sea stores more carbon than we thought
Buried treasures: how seeds help us learn about fire in the Australian landscape
Burned-out parents seek help from a new ally: ChatGPT
Burnet Oration: Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly urges action for long COVID treatment
Burning Biomass for Electricity is Worse Than Coal
The Burning House ~ or what are we going to do when our world turns to ashes?
The burning of the Library of Alexandria for fandoms
Burning out: how Australia’s bid to cut smoking rates exploded into suburban tobacco wars
Burning plastic for cooking and heating: An emerging environmental crisis
‘Burnt out, tired, frustrated’: how hospital pressures harm doctors’ mental health
Burnt-out nurses at Victorian hospital say government needs to rebuild broken health system amid code yellow emergency
Burt Bacharach mastered the art of the perfect pop song – and that ain’t easy
Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium and transform Hobart – and other cities too
‘The bush calls us’: the defiant women who demanded a place on the walking track
Bushfire destroys at least three homes in traumatised Bega Valley
Bushfire smoke affects children differently. Here’s how to protect them
Bushfire smoke eats up the ozone protecting us from dangerous radiation. The damage will increase as the world heats up
Bushfires flare out of control in south-west Queensland as residents urged to flee
Bushfires focus public attention on climate change for months, but it’s different for storms and floods
Bushfires in a wet year have Australia's scientists looking to climate change
Bushfires in Victoria: how to protect yourself if the air is smoky where you live
Bushfires: Australia’s fire chiefs on how to prepare your home for the upcoming season
‘Busiest Christmas I have seen’: families turn to food banks in Australia’s cost-of-living crisis
Business as usual: Don Dale torture is 200 years in the making
Business basics: where did money come from?
Business can no longer ignore extreme heat events – it’s becoming a danger to the bottom line
The Business Card Menger Sponge
Business owners see cutting carbon emissions as ‘the right thing to do’, despite the challenges of making change
Business wants pay rises for Australia’s lowest paid workers limited to 2% – but what about executives?
Businesses and directors could face multi-million dollar penalties if they fail to disclose their climate impact
Businesses can’t escape the AI revolution – so here’s how to build a culture of safe and responsible use
Businesses rush to install electric vehicle charging to keep tourists coming back
Businesses should dump Windows for the Linux desktop
Busted Knees And A Bursting Heart
The Buster Keaton Shorts Collection Offers Hours of Timeless Laughs (Review)
Busting coronavirus myths will take more than science: lessons from an AIDS study
Busy Winter
‘But how is Labour going to pay for that?’ To Answer Effectively We Must Talk Politics, Not Economics
But how much does it cost?
“But it’s just a joke!”: why comedy’s right to offend doesn’t include the right to harm
“But we’re speaking Japanese!”: Humorous video confronts lingering stereotypes in Japan
But Would You Live There?
Butt plug duels and fanny pack stunts: how Everything Everywhere All At Once fits into the canon of comedy-martial arts films
Butterflies in the U.S. are disappearing at a ‘catastrophic’ rate
The butterfly effect: this obscure mathematical concept has become an everyday idea, but do we have it all wrong?
The Butterfly Redemption
Butterfly sanctuary closes as QAnon believers, thinking it’s home to sex trafficking ring, plot caravan there
Buy Me Once: the online shop for stuff that lasts, from T-shirts to tweezers
Buy organic food to help curb global insect collapse, say scientists
Buying bugs and beetles, or shopping for scorpions and snails? Australia’s pet trade includes hundreds of spineless species
Buying picture books as Christmas presents? These stories with diverse characters can help kids develop empathy
Buying property with a friend to solve home ownership struggles
The Buzzball, A Motorized Hampster Ball For Humans
The Buzzer is Mightier: The Author as a Game Show Contestant
Buzzfeed News: sad demise of a clever, innovative site that led the way in digital journalism
By 2030, it won’t make sense to own a petrol or diesel car
By a nose: Australian science prize goes to team who use odours to distract predators from endangered species
By Adding Timber to Old Buildings, Stockholm Is Expanding Sustainably
By Buying Twitter, Elon Musk Has Created His Own Hilarious Nightmare
By Deconstructing Buildings With Care, Materials Get a Second Life
By Federal Order, All Men Are Now Women
By Fighting the Ozone Hole, We Accidentally Saved Ourselves
By not mining vital minerals, NZ is ‘offshoring its own environmental footprint’ – is that fair?
By pushing for more oil production, the US is killing its climate pledges
By reviewing the name of the Baden-Powell Award, Scouts Australia is grappling with its colonial past
By sharing housing, seniors and migrants in Sweden build bridges
By Toutatis!
BYD ATTO 3 Now Available In 50+ Countries, Neta Auto Enters Central & South America
BYD Is Winning the Global Race to Make Cheaper EVs
The BYD Seagull And The Promise Of The EV Revolution
BYD set to launch next generation blade battery, with more range and life cycle
BYD surges past Honda and Nissan’s sales for the first time, targets Ford with low-cost EVs
BYD to launch electric hatchbacks with new Sodium-ion batteries
BYTE Magazine Covers
C For Cookie
The C0UNTess Report
C64 game musician Rob Hubbard recognized with honorary degree
Cab Ride
Cable News Is Reporting in an Alternate Universe
Cables: A Pandemic Love Story
Cacophony of human noise is hurting all marine life, scientists warn
Cafe opens in Tokyo staffed by robots controlled by paralyzed people
Caged animals always on lockdown, powerful Aardman short reminds humans
Caine's Arcade
Cairns airport closed as Queensland premier declares ‘serious weather emergency’ amid record flood fears
Cake Wrecks and other blogs
Cake Wrecks: Blink 182 And You'll Miss It
Cake Wrecks: Southwestern Sweets
CAKE's Sinje Gottwald completes the first unassisted African continent crossing on an electric motorcycle
Cakes, Custard, Categories and Colbert
Calico House
California cities ban new gas stations in battle to combat climate change
The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Our choices are grim
California Cops Seize Recordings Of Questionable Arrest, Claim They Have The 'Right' To Do So
California enacts unprecedented restrictions on rat poisons in bid to protect wildlife
California flooding: how atmospheric rivers led to a state of emergency
California Is Finally Confronting the Fossil Fuel Industry
California is in a water crisis, yet usage is way up. Officials are focused on the wrong problem, advocates say
California Is Ready To Recognize A Third Gender. Is The Rest Of The Country?
California Is Showing How a Big State Can Power Itself Without Fossil Fuels
California Leads the Way in Low-Carbon School Meals
California mountain lion population is thousands fewer than previously estimated
California moves forward with landmark plastic waste reduction law
California passes first sweeping US law to reduce single-use plastic
California passes right-to-repair act guaranteeing seven years of parts for your phone
California prepares to front up against Trump over EVs, and Musk is not happy
California redwood forest returned to Indigenous guardianship, conservation
California releases final proposal for world-leading climate action plan that drastically reduces fossil fuel dependence, slashes pollution
California seeks federal help for salmon fishers facing ban
California shop owner shot dead over LGBTQ+ Pride flag displayed at store
California Shows an Electric-Car Uprising Headed for the US
California the culprit for spike in little-known greenhouse gas more potent than CO2
California to get first new national marine sanctuary in 32 years, banning offshore oil drilling along miles of coast
California to require half of all heavy trucks sales to be electric by 2035
California tribe becomes the first to manage land with National Park Service
California will help return tribal lands as part of the historic Klamath River restoration
California's largest wildfire explodes in size as fires rage across U.S. West
Californians bet farming agave for spirits holds key to weathering drought and groundwater limits
The Californians Rescuing Surplus Produce to Fight Hunger
California’s Devastating Storms Are a Glimpse of the Future
California’s first Black land trust fights climate change, makes the outdoors more inclusive
California’s first new national marine sanctuary in 32 years to ban offshore oil drilling along 100 miles of coastline
California’s Floodplains Are Coming Back, and So Are Their Salmon
California’s Forever Fire
California’s Gavin Newsom signs law banning all plastic bags at grocery stores
Call Cutta in a Box
Call for assistance
Call for Australia to make wind turbine towers as well as solar PV and battery storage
Call for Australian comic artists
Call for DC sustainability a wake-up call for industry
Call for urgent overhaul of Australia’s monitoring of ‘astronomical’ plastic pollution
Call Me // Blondie // POMPLAMOOSE
Call Me Maybe covers
Call of the huia: how NZ’s bird of the century contest helps us express ‘ecological grief’
Call of the Rewild: Restoring Ecological Health to the Emerald Isle
Call to include electrification in expanded small scale solar scheme to help households dump gas
Call to phase out wood heaters due to health, environmental concerns – but minister says move not supported by community
Calling Bullshit:,Data Reasoning in a Digital World
Calling climate change a ‘crisis’ doesn’t do what you think
Calling drag queens ‘groomers’ and ‘pedophiles’ is the latest in a long history of weaponising those terms against the LGBTIQA community
Calling in the Seabirds
Calls by Zelensky and Biden for UN reform are supported by people around the world – new survey
Calls for a ‘green’ Ramadan revive Islam’s long tradition of sustainability and care for the planet
Calls for a ‘one-child policy’ in India are misguided at best, and dangerous at worst
Calls for Morrison to end fossil fuel stimulus, redirect funds to clean tech
Calls grow in Europe for wealth tax to finance the green transition
Calls to expand fifth COVID vaccine rollout as ATAGI considers guidelines
Calls to roll out ‘e-bikes for clunkers’ to cut emissions
Calls to roll out ‘e-bikes for clunkers’ to cut emissions
Calvin & Hobbes - Art Before Commerce
Calvin Seibert Sculpts Impressive Modernist Sandcastles
Cambodia celebrates 30 years of progress towards landmine-free goal
Cambodia sea turtle nests spark hope amid coastal development & species decline
Cambodia’s Mekong dolphin is dying despite efforts to save it
Cambodia’s new leader may sound like a reformer in Australia next week, but little has changed back home
Cambridge 3D prints game-changing smart concrete structure
Cambridge academic escapes toilet using eyeliner and cotton
Cameroon’s Bouba Ndjidda National Park Is a Beacon of Hope for the Lion in Central Africa
Camouflage Challenge: Simon's Cat
Camp Adventure Treetop Experience, A Gorgeous Circular Walkway That Rises Amongst the Trees
Camp David summit turns attention to North Korea, as well as China
The campaign to outlaw lying in politics
The Campaign to Shut Down Crucial Documentary Tool youtube-dl Continues – And So Does the Fight to Save It
Campaign trail threats and abuse reinforce the need to protect NZ’s women politicians – before they quit for good
Campaigners force Shell to halt oil exploration on South African coast
Camryn Forrest Designs
Can $500 Million Save This Glacier?
Can 3-D Printing Help Solve the Housing Crisis?
Can 3D-printed tiger teeth help save our rarest animals from extinction?
Can a Buddhist eat meat? It’s complicated
Can a child legally take puberty blockers? What if their parents disagree?
Can a four-day-a-week workweek really work?
Can a green transition save the Mekong River?
Can a machine be racist? Artificial Intelligence has shown troubling signs of bias, but there are reasons for optimism
Can a polite sign lead to political change? What kinds of protest work?
Can a Tiny Restaurant Surcharge Move the Needle on Climate?
Can a Waste Plant Become Copenhagen’s Biggest Tourism Attraction?
Can a ‘nature repair market’ really save Australia’s environment? It’s not perfect, but it’s worth a shot
Can a ‘Trumpist’ approach to politics work in Australia?
Can AI help boost accessibility? These researchers tested it for themselves
Can American Democracy be Revived?
Can Americans Escape Sugar Culture?
Can America’s Grid Handle The Rise Of Electric Cars??
Can an empty buildings network revamp communities?
Can Arctic Animals Keep Up With Climate Change? Scientists are Trying to Find Out
Can Australia end homelessness? Yes, we know how, but we must find the will to do it
Can Australia prosecute foreigners for genocide overseas? Here’s how our atrocity laws work
Can Australia’s path to net-zero really be fuelled by carbon capture and LNG?
Can Bankers Behave?
Can Being a Furry Protect You from Coronavirus?
Can board games teach us about the climate crisis? Game creators say yes
Can Cats Solve Puzzles?
Can China use the Beijing Olympics to ‘sportwash’ its abuses against the Uyghurs? Only if the world remains silent
Can China win back global opinion before the Winter Olympics? Does it even want to?
Can Cities Drive SUVs Off Their Streets?
Can civilisation reboot without fossil fuels? – Lewis Dartnell – Aeon
Can clouds of Moon dust combat climate change?
Can communities living side by side with wildlife beat Africa’s national parks at conservation?
Can corals be saved?
Can Crowdfunding Replace Artists’ Day Jobs?
Can Dave Brubeck’s Cantata Bring Black and Jewish Communities Together?
Can Denmark Save Every Smørrebrød?
Can Dirt Save the Earth?
Can drones help save Wales' most threatened bird?
Can earth-covered houses protect us from bushfires? Even if they’re a solution, it’s not risk-free
Can Economic Growth Last?
Can electric motor-bikes save postal workers from dog attacks?
Can Europe decarbonise its heavy industry?
Can Farmers Save the Great Salt Lake?
Can folate ease symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?
Can former “pirates” fix a broken movie market?
Can human moderators ever really rein in harmful online content? New research says yes
Can Humane Prisons Work in America? A Red State Aims to Find Out
Can humanity address climate change without believing it? Medical history suggests it is possible
Can I take your order – and your data? The hidden reason retailers are replacing staff with AI bots
Can ideology-detecting algorithms catch online extremism before it takes hold?
Can Israel and Hamas be held to account for alleged crimes against civilians?
‘Can it really be this bad?’: racism in schools shocks South Australia’s children’s tsar
Can Japan’s First Same-Sex Dating Reality Show Change Hearts and Minds?
Can Killing Cookies Save Journalism?
Can listening to music make you more productive at work?
Can Matt Mullenweg save the internet?
Can Money Buy Happiness?
Can more ethical histories be written about early colonial expeditions? A new project seeks to do just that
Can Nature Reclaim Iowa?
Can neighbourhood batteries really deliver benefits to all consumers?
Can next week’s special meeting in Chile break the deadlock over East Antarctica’s marine park proposal?
Can Our Common Humanity Unite Us?
Can planting billions of trees save the planet?
Can Poland Roll Back Authoritarian Populism?
Can politics ever be compassionate?
Can psychology help solve long-running conflicts?
Can radicalisation be defeated? Yes, if we understand that it happens when people’s bonds are broken
Can reading help heal us and process our emotions – or is that just a story we tell ourselves?
Can renewables replace fossil fuels? Survey finds many Australians not convinced
Can retiring farmland make California’s Central Valley more equitable?
Can School Plays Change Kids’ Lives?
Can Science Fiction Wake Us Up to Our Climate Reality?
Can Science Fiction Writers Inspire the World to Save Itself?
Can seaweed save the world? Well it can certainly help in many ways
Can sniffer dogs really detect COVID almost as well as a PCR test? Turns out they can
Can Social Media Be Saved?
Can some birds be just as smart as apes?
Can Stanford’s Deep Dive Into Virtual Reality Help Save the Oceans?
Can technology rescue the forest elephant? Yes, with your help.
Can the government’s new market mechanism help save nature? Yes – if we get the devil out of the detail
Can the Inner Development Goals help us create a more sustainable future?
Can the new High Speed Rail Authority deliver after 4 decades of costly studies?
Can the US Go Green Without Destroying Sacred Native Lands?
Can the world kick its fossil-fuel addiction fast enough?
Can the world stop Myanmar from becoming a failed state?
Can the ‘sand motor’ save West Africa’s eroding coast?
Can the ‘Slow Flowers’ Movement Make Valentine’s Day Sustainable?
Can there be a Hollywood ending for the 'Brad Pitt of mountain lions'?
Can vaping help people quit smoking? It’s unlikely
Can washing machines change the future? Bogotá’s new ‘care blocks’ show how.
Can We All Be Like Texas?
Can we be inoculated against climate misinformation? Yes – if we prebunk rather than debunk
Can we cut road deaths to zero by 2050? Current trends say no. What’s going wrong?
Can we eat our way through an exploding sea urchin problem?
Can we end racism in Australia? Yes, according to the first-ever national plan
Can We Fix the Global Food System by 2045?
Can We Get a Wrench on the Crowdfunding Spigot?
Can we have fair capitalism?
Can we resurrect the thylacine? Maybe, but it won’t help the global extinction crisis
Can We Save A Truly Global Internet?
Can we solve Australia's housing crisis? Ambitious plan launched to eradicate rental stress and lower homeless rate
Can we still handle the truth? Journalism, ‘alternative facts’ and the rise of AI
Can we sustainably harvest trees from tropical forests? Yes – here are 5 ways to do it better
Can We Talk to Whales?
Can wind propulsion technology really help power modern ships?
Can Wonky Cell Signals Help Track Wildfire Smoke?
Can you change a Brexit state of mind?
Can you change your personality? Psychology research says yes, by tweaking what you think and do
Can you get sunburnt or UV skin damage through car or home windows?
Can you name a single character from Avatar? What is a ‘forgotbuster’ and is Avatar one of them?
Can You Smell Me Now? How ’Bout Now?
Can You Solve The Miserable Being Miserable Online By Regulating Tech?
Can you spot a rip current?
Can You Tell What's Chocolate and What Isn't? Asks Japanese TV Show.
Can you trust the label? Fast fashion under increasing scrutiny over greenwashing
Can you trust your ears? AI voice scams rattle US
Can your suburb help fix Australia’s housing crisis? It all comes down to density
Can your Windows 10 PC be saved in 2025? Yes - for free. Here's how
Can ‘voluntourism’ outgrow the white saviour stereotype and make a positive change post-pandemic?
Can't Pay, Won't Pay: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition
Can't play drums, can't play piano
can't remember if anyone at GW sent this already: vortex
Can't stop the feeling "dutch angel dragons"
Canada announces ban on single-use plastics in ‘historic step’
Canada banning single-use plastics to combat pollution, climate change
Canada battles hundreds of wildfires as smoke still chokes major cities
Canada is a warning: more and more of the world will soon be too hot for humans
Canada is on fire, and big oil is the arsonist
Canada is proposing to lead on climate – but it’s doubling down on oil
Canada is set to make a massive protected area official — and it’s underwater
Canada is the least xenophobic country in the Western world. Here's why.
Canada must stop treating climate disasters like unexpected humanitarian crises
Canada on track for its worst-ever wildfire season
Canada Post loses $1,500 worth of Super 8 film reels, hands empty envelope to stunned artist
Canada Regulates Disinformation, Oil & Gas Industry Freaks Out
Canada resettled more refugees than any other country in 2018, UN says
Canada Steals Cultural Works From The Public By Extending Copyright Terms
Canada to ban single-use plastics as early as 2021
Canada warns of AI-driven Russian 'bot farm' spreading disinformation online
Canada wildfires drive hundreds from homes as more scorching heat forecast
Canada wildfires: 25,000 evacuate Jasper national park amid multiple blazes
Canada Will Ban Plastic Bags, Straws, Cutlery, and Other Single-Use Plastics Starting in 2021
Canada's 1st full-scale, 5-day-a-week free grocery store to open in Regina
Canada, Volkswagen to invest more than C$20 billion in EV battery gigafactory
Canada’s C$80B response to U.S. clean energy push: ‘We will not be left behind’
Canada’s Conservatives Have Become the New MAGA Republicans
Canada’s explosive wildfires have damaged a forest carbon offset project
Canada’s fight with Trump isn’t just economic, it’s existential
Canada’s House speaker quits: What the Hunka scandal reveals about Second World War complexities
Canada’s Secret to Escaping the ‘Liberal Doom Loop’
Canada’s ‘huge’ and ‘remarkable’ immigration offer to Hongkongers is partly political, partly pragmatic
Canadian City Completely Eradicates Homelessness With Brand New Approach
Canadian inferno: northern heat exceeds worst-case climate models
Canadian Music Industry Confirms Once More That For Copyright Companies, Enough Is Never Enough
Canadian officials warn drivers not to let moose lick their cars
Canadian Olympic Committee signs up to explore feasibility of First Nations-led bid for 2030 Winter Games
Canadian Photographer Captures Polar Bears Playing In Flower Fields
Canadian province to give every citizen $1,320 income boost to overcome poverty
Canadian Rapper Sends Rap Video Cease & Desist Letter To Coca Cola For 'Jacking' His Catchphrase
Canadian registry of wrongful convictions shines light on cases the headlines miss
Canadian Rockies town Jasper badly damaged by fast-moving wildfire
Canadian Supreme Court Says It's Fine To Censor The Global Internet; Authoritarians & Hollywood Cheer...
Canadians Adopted Refugee Families,for a Year. Then Came ‘Month 13.’
Canberra gets an internet cat video film festival thanks to the RSPCA
Canberrans urged to be cautious as eighth COVID wave sweeps nation
Cancel the Apocalypse: Here Are 30 Documentaries to Help Unlock the Good Ending
Cancelling Antarctic climate research will damage Australia’s reputation, experts say
Cancelling Bismarck
Cancer and me: My story
Cancer breakthrough is a ‘wake-up’ call on danger of air pollution
Cancer cons, phoney accidents and fake deaths: meet the internet hoax buster
Cancer Council praises sun safety in schools as melanoma rates decrease in under-40s
Candy battle of Pelennor Fields
Candy Cats Trying To Catch Goldfish Stuck In Jelly Created By Mother-Daughter Duo
Cane toads on the barbie? How eating invasive species might help manage them
Cannibal KFC chickens, Cleo’s nude dudes and Whitlam’s fax: the 10 weirdest Australian commercials
Canola oil producer switches on 2.8 MW solar farm to power its crushing plant entirely with PV
Cans to car parts: Inside the complex, crucial world of aluminum recycling
Canvas, Camera, Brush, and Algorithms Enable Robot Artist’s Beautiful Paintings
Can’t find a parking spot? Meet the planner who wants to make it much harder
Capital, dialogue, and community engagement—My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic understood as an alternate reality game
Capitalising on climate anxiety: what you need to know about ‘climate-washing’
Capitalism as the greatest engine of wealth creation -- what is the origin of this claim, and what is the proof?
‘Capitalism incarnate’: inside the secret world of McKinsey, the firm hooked on fossil fuels
Capitalism Is Not the “Market System”
Capitalism vs. Communalism: I Just Spent 24 Hours in a Town That Pools All Their Possessions
Capitalism Will Ruin the Earth By 2050, Scientists Say
Captain Justice Responds to Government's Motion to Ban the Word "Government"
Captain Kirk is Climbing a Mountain
Captain Picard sings "Let it Snow!"
Captain Space!
Captured U.S. Trade Agency Resorts to Bullying Again in 2016 Special 301 Report
Capturing carbon: West Carleton high school grad hopes to use seawater to slow climate crisis
Capybara, Rodent Of Unusual Size, Loves To Hug Cats
Capybaras relaxing in a spring-fed hot tub
Car companies spending up on ads for SUVs despite Australia’s new fuel efficiency standards
Car Lust: "The Chariot" from Lost In Space
Car Prototype Generates Electricity, And Cash
Car rental giant to add 27 Hyundai Ioniq EVs to Australian car fleet
Car tyres shed a quarter of all microplastics in the environment – urgent action is needed
Car Wash
Car-Size Stingray May Be World’s Largest Freshwater Fish
Caravan Palace - About You feat. Charles X (official audio)
Caravan Palace - Dragons
Caravan Palace - Lone Digger (Live)
Caravan Palace - Miracle (official audio)
Caravan Palace - Plume
Caravan Palace - Rock It For Me
Caravan Palace - Suzy
Carbon Budget predicts the world falls 'frustratingly' short as emissions rise in 2024
Carbon capture more costly than switching to renewables, researchers find
Carbon capture technology could make pollution worse, says Stanford report
Carbon capture won’t work for iron makers and steel makers, new report says
Carbon colonialism
Carbon emissions from global SUV fleet outweighs that of most countries
Carbon emissions from indie video game development revealed by Australian researcher
The carbon footprint of Airbnb is likely bigger than you think
Carbon in, carbon out: Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ assessment reveals astonishing boom and bust cycles
Carbon Mapper Coalition launches Tanager-1 satellite to drive transparency of methane and CO₂ super-emitters and prompt global action
Carbon Monitor
Carbon Nanotube Colour A4 E-Paper
Carbon Offsets: The Route to Net Zero or Corporate Greenwashing?
Carbon Pricing Is A Big Broom That Sweeps Up A Lot Of Climate Problems
Carbon removal: why ambitious ‘no nonsense’ plans are vital to limit global heating to 2°C
Carbon time bomb: Dutton’s nuclear plan will blow up Paris and emissions targets, CCA says
Cardboard Blockbusters with Baby
Cardboard Coolness
The Cardboard House
Cardboard Tube Battles
Cards Against Humanity Redistributes Your Wealth
‘Care is in everything we do and everything we are’: the work of Indigenous women needs to be valued
Caribbean Island Nations Are Repealing Colonial-Era Anti-LGBTQ Laws
‘Caring as much as you do was killing you’. We need to talk about burnout in the arts
Caring for community to beat coronavirus echoes Indigenous ideas of a good life
Caring for Country means tackling the climate crisis with Indigenous leadership: 3 things the new government must do
Caring or killing: harmful gender stereotypes kick in early — and may be keeping girls away from STEM
The Caring Owl
Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change
Carl Sagan _ A Glorious Dawn
Carly Rae Jepsen - Now That I Found You [Official Music Video]
Carmakers Can Kiss Pre-Pandemic Combustion Car Sales Goodbye
Carmakers double spending on ads in Australia for SUVs and utes
Carmen in a Garage
Carnegie Hall Is Helping Young People of Color Explore the Music Industry
Carnivorous dinosaurs thrived in Australia 120 million years ago, new fossils show
Carol Ferrone on the dedication to historical accuracy in "Back In Time For The Corner Shop" and what happens behind the scenes
Caroll Spinney, Big Bird’s Alter Ego on ‘Sesame Street,’ Is Dead at 85
The Carousel That Saved a Town
Carp spawning event fills Murray-Darling flood waters with masses of flailing fish
Carpet People - illustrations by the author...
Carpet waste makes concrete crack-proof, boosts strength by 40% — Aussie engineers
Cars are a ‘privacy nightmare on wheels’. Here’s how they get away with collecting and sharing your data
Cars Are Vanishing from Paris
Cars have taken over our neighbourhoods. Kid-friendly superblocks are a way for residents to reclaim their streets
Cars in Australian cities are emitting less – but in the regions exhaust emissions are growing
Cartoon Art
Cartoon Brew
Cartoon detectives: how Australia’s most famous cartoon was lost and found – twice
Cartoon: The Crypto con
Cartoonathons: stimulating dialogue
Cartoonise Your Pet
Cartoons in Renaissance Art
[Bulk] Re: Carved crayons
Carved crayons
‘Cary Grant’s whole life was a civil war’: the TV drama unmasking Hollywood’s permatanned icon
Cascade critter crossings: How I-90 became safer for wildlife, drivers
The Cascading Effects of Bringing Back Sea Otters
The Case Against Hopewashing
The Case Against Reality Winner Was A Travesty
The case for ... truly taking back control – by reversing the privatisation of our cities
The case for boosting JobSeeker for all: younger people report greater financial hardship
The case for compost: why recycling food waste is so much better than sending it to landfill
The case for degrowth: stop the endless expansion and work with what our cities already have
The case for despair is made. Now let’s start to get out of the mess we’re in
The Case For Leaving Twitter
The Case for Less Solidarity
The case for paying ranchers to raise trees instead of cattle
The Case For Shunning
The case for “conditional optimism” on climate change
Case Law Hall of Fame
The Case of the Amazing Gay-Marriage Data: How a Graduate Student Reluctantly Uncovered a Huge Scientific Fraud
The Case of the Missing Vega AVUM Propellant Tanks
The Case of the Vanishing Cafeteria Tray
The Case of,Jane Doe Ponytail
Cases are high and winter is coming. We need to stop ignoring COVID
Cases of flesh-eating invasive strep A bacteria surge in Australian children
Cases rise as new booster shot available for next Covid strain
Cash could be almost gone in Australia in a decade – but like cheques, who’ll miss it?
Cash Transfers Incentivize Social Change for Women and Girls in Egypt
Cash transfers work
Casio Museum
The Cass Review, WPATH Files, and the Perpetual Debate over Gender-Affirming Care
Cassava: The perilous past and promising future of a toxic but nourishing crop
Cassetteboy vs The Snoopers' Charter
Castles in Space: a 50-Year Survey of Gravity-Assist Space Travel
Castoffs to catwalk: fashion show shines light on vast Chile clothes dump visible from space
Casual Viewing
Casual, distant, aesthetically limited: 5 ways smartphone photography is changing how we see the world
Cat abandoned in old age finds loving home — and amazing bucket-list adventure
Cat and dog influencers help Ukrainians cope with war
Cat And Lynx Become Inseparable Friends
Cat Chiropractor
Cat Flushing A Toilet Music Video
Fwd: cat fun
Cat Godzillas: Giant Cats In Cities by Fransdita Muafidin
Cat Haiku
Cat Hangs Around A Hospital For A Year, Ends Up Getting Hired As A Security Cat
Cat Helps Man Pull a Cable Through a Hole
Cat interrupts German weather broadcast and demands cuddles!
The cat is back: Wild Amur tigers rebound in China, thanks to govt policies
Cat Learns New Somersault Trick, But Now He Can’t Stop Doing It...Hee!
Cat lover's fun page
Cat Man Do
Cat Olympics 2016
Cat On Boat Plays With Dolphins
Cat Petting Simulator 2014
Cat Pictures Please
Cat Shop
Cat Silliness
Cat sitter
Cat Sleeps Comfortably Over Piano as Owner Plays a Lively Tune
Cat Structures!
CAT Super Skateboarding Adventure! Go Didga!
Cat Takes Regular Rides on Tokyo Subway Train All By Himself
Cat tourism: Small towns in Asia look to stray cats to lure in tourists and rescue dying communities
Cat Tracks Down Elderly Owner Weeks After She Was Sent To Live In A Nursing Home
Cat videos
Cat videos!
Fwd: : Cat vs. iPad
Cat Walks Into University Lecture, Does What Every Student Would Do
Catalan castellers
‘Catastrophe of epic proportions’: eight drown in Europe amid heavy floods
‘Catastrophic declines’: massive data haul reveals why so many plants and animals suffer after fire
Catastrophic species loss goes unrecorded
'Catastrophic' loss of 10pc of wilderness across the world over past two decades
“Catastrophic:” Coalition plan to stop renewables and push nuclear will result in massive supply gaps
‘Catastrophic’: bird flu reaches Antarctic for the first time
‘Catastrophic’: Great Barrier Reef hit by its most widespread coral bleaching, study finds
Catcerto for Nora The Piano Cat™ and orchestra
Catching COVID may increase chances of developing an autoimmune disease, study says
Catching COVID-19 during childhood could increase risk of type 2 diabetes later in life
Catching the bus can be a bumpy ride. Here’s how we can make it more comfortable, according to experts
Cate Blanchett Teaches You Australian Slang
Caterpillar brings electric equipment ecosystem to CES2024
Cathay Pacific apologises over inflight Family Guy episode with Tiananmen Square scene
Catholic AI Priest Stripped Of Priesthood After Some Unfortunate Interactions
Catholic school sex-ed plan as advertised won't ever be taught, premier says
CATL announces electric vehicle battery with 1.5 million kilometre warranty
CATL unveils “cutting edge” electric bus battery with one million kilometre warranty
Cats and dogs shaped our world – and art: the NGV gives us the definitive exhibition
‘Cats are like mini gurus’: the feline path to inner peace
Cats as Fonts
Cats do have facial expressions, but you probably can’t read them
Cats Don’t Dance imploded just before it could take on Disney
Cats first finagled their way into human hearts and homes thousands of years ago – here’s how
Cats for Gold
Cats found to like humans more than thought
Cats give zero fucks about your yoga video, will interrupt you without hesitation
Cats in Art History: From Antiquity to our times
Cats in Space
Cats on Film
cats on synthesisers in space
Cats playing with robots proves a winning combo in novel art installation
Cats Remember Each Other's Names, Japanese Study Suggests
Cats Taking Selfies
Cats. Where they do not belong.
Cats: Life in the Great Indoors, by Gavin Ehringer
Catsing Call - Animation Short Film 2019
Cattle among the trackers and all-electric cherries: The shift to solar and fossil fuel free farming
Cattle have stopped breeding, koalas die of thirst: A vet's hellish diary of climate change
Caution urged as cases of FU.1 reported in Southeast Asia and India
The Cave Art Paintings of the Chauvet Cave
Cave home for sale
Cazzi Opeia & Jin X Jin – Batman & Robin
CBP Put A Bunch Of Journalists, Immigration Lawyers, And Activists On A Secret Watchlist
CBS Shuts Down Stage 9, a Fan-Made Recreation of the USS Enterprise
CBS Sues Public Domain For Existing
CC Search is out of beta with 300M images and easier attribution
CC-licensed design resources
CD Projekt Red Does Everything Right With Witcher 3 DRM & DLC...And Breaks Sales Records
CD Projekt Red Goes All DLC For The Witcher 3...But It's Completely Free And Doesn't Require Pre-Order
CD-ROM Sculptures
CDC greenlights two updated COVID-19 vaccines, but how will they fare against the latest variants? 5 questions answered
CDC Recommends Multi-layered Protection Against COVID-19 as it recognises SARS-CoV-2 is a Year-round Threat
CDC Warning on Misuse of Pest Strips
The CDC’s new indoor air guidelines are a monumental victory for health
cdza Takes a Stroll Down Comedy Music Memory Lane by Covering 10 Hit Songs in Two Minutes
CEBRA invites employees to prototype denmark workspace with LEGO bricks
CEFC backs low-cost loans to help farmers buy in to carbon removal
CEFC invests $70m to help electrify and decarbonise maritime ports
CEFC’s Debelle says Trump energy moves leave Australia well placed to lure US clean tech investment
Celebrated novelist Arundhati Roy faces prosecution in India – for a speech she gave in 2010
Celebrating 50 Years of American Doctor Who
Celebrating Birds, Together
Celebrating British Eccentricity at the 2016 Chap Olympiad
Celebrating Grandmas and Their Cuisine From Around the World
Celebrating Mighty Girl Heroes: Ten Women You Might Not Know, But Should
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11 in style
Celebrating Victories in Europe and South America, the Rights of Nature Movement Plots Strategy in a Time of ‘Crises’
Celebrities call on UK banks to stop financing new oil, gas and coalfields
Fwd: Celebrity Patents
Celebrity Patents
Cell death is essential to your health − an immunologist explains when cells decide to die with a bang or take their quiet leave
Cell Phones Still Somehow Get The Entirety Of The Blame For Teen Depression
Cellar Door
Cellular Mitosis as Illustrated Using Krispy Kremes
Cellular’s open source future is latched to tallest tree in the village
Cement Demand Will Plummet In Coming Decades & With It Emissions
Cement-based supercapacitor makes a novel energy storage system
Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004
Censorship By Weaponizing Free Speech: Rethinking How The Marketplace Of Ideas Works
Censorship or sensible: is it bad to listen to Fat Bottomed Girls with your kids?
Centering the Ineffable
Central Park introduces new pizza box recycling bin to curb rats
Centuries Before Memes, There Were The LOLCats Of Japanese Woodprints
The century of climate migration: why we need to plan for the great upheaval
Century-Scale Storage
CEO NOTE: Peru passes new law to protect its oceans thanks to artisanal fishers
CEO regrets her firm took on Facebook moderation work after staff ‘traumatised’
CEO Who Took $1M Paycut To Give All Employees $70K Minimum Salary In 2015 Explains How It Affected The Company
CEOs are hugely expensive – why not automate them?
CEOs at Australia’s biggest companies earn 55 times more than typical worker, report finds
'CEOs don't want this released': US study lays bare extreme pay-ratio problem
CEOs Get Paid Too Much, According to Pretty Much Everyone in the World
Cephalopod pancakes
Cephalopods Can Pass a Cognitive Test Designed For Human Children
Ceramics for Breakfast: The Ring
Cerf Warns Of A 'Lost Century' Caused By Bit Rot; Patents And Copyright Largely To Blame
The certainty of ever-growing living standards we grew up with under Queen Elizabeth is at an end
CES 2024: AI pillows and toothbrushes - is it all getting a bit silly?
CES Worst in Show slams gummi gouging, money-wasting mugs, and other dubious kit
CFP Tokyo Documentary Film Festival 2022
CG Animation contest winners
CGI Animated Short Film HD: "Contre Temps" by the Contre Temps Team
Chabuduo! Close enough ...
Chad picks a fight with Germany – what’s behind it and what the consequences are
Chair of Nuclear for Australia denies that calling CO₂ ‘plant food’ means he is a climate denier
Challenge Accepted – Just Let Me Stretch First
Challenge Accepted: High-speed AI Drone Overtakes World-Champion Drone Racers
The challenge for ‘chauffeur mums’: navigating a city that wasn’t planned for women
Challenge to scientists: does your ten-year-old code still run?
Challenge: Waking Up to the Poverty in Your Streets
Challenging the refugee “crisis”
Chances are your child’s school uses commercial programs to support teaching: what parents should know
Chanel Goes After 2 Person Chocolate Company Over The Number Five
CHANGE - A Homeless Survival Game
Change Player Size Watch this video in a new window time displacement experimental video
Change starts here: how collaborative journalism can help save the Amazon
Change Yourself, Change the World
Changes around Māori language come into focus as New Zealand government approaches 100-day milestone
Changes to temporary protection visas are a welcome development – and they won’t encourage people smugglers
Changing attitudes and empowering young girls in Senegal
Changing Australia’s approach to managing COVID-19 pandemic may help reduce burden on health system
The Changing Face of Romance Novels
Changing Lives and Livelihoods in Tanzania, One Electricity Connection at a Time
Changing morals: we’re more compassionate than 100 years ago, but more judgmental too
Changing my (metaphorical) operating system
Changing perspective
Changing the Australian Constitution is not easy. But we need to stop thinking it’s impossible
Changing With Our Climate
Channel 4 News boss says media have right to call politicians 'liars'
Channel Ten running ‘premium’ ads for gas lobby that appear to be part of news bulletin, senators told
The Chaos Machine: massive marble madness!
‘Chaos’: Australian doctors call for renewed focus on Covid-19 as winter sets in
Chaotic scenes at Travis Scott’s Melbourne concert: what is the role of artists in crowd behaviour?
Chaotic scenes in southern Chinese city as Covid curbs fuel unrest
"Chap Hop"
Chap Olympiad
CHAPPIE - Official Movie Trailer Young people turning to AI therapist bots
Charging Past FUD: Chargefox CEO Shares Growth Stats
Charity Can’t Replace the Safety Net. This New Study Is a Reminder Why.
Charity seeks home for kitten that is neither male nor female
The charity shop fashion tastemaker on preloved’s stylish power
Charles Addams Illustrates Mother Goose, 1967
The Charles Dickens Illustrated Gallery
Charles Duhigg on safety habits
Charlie Pickering, the state of satire and the satire of the state
Charlie Stross: Generation Z
Charlie Stross: Why I don't self-publish
Charlie's Diary: Oh, 2022!
Charlie's Diary: The gathering crisis
Charlotte Delbo and the women of Convoy 31000: how researching their stories led me to a forgotten subcamp and Nazi lies in the Auschwitz archive
Charlottesville: Stand with Your Family
Charming ambassadors with big appetites and universal appeal: China’s long history of ‘panda diplomacy’
Chart: Renewables are on track to keep getting cheaper and cheaper
Chart: Solar installations set to break global, US records in 2023
Chartbook 284 The beginning of a new era: How the "global" energy transition is happening in China (Carbon Notes 13)
Charted: The World’s Working Poor, by Country (1991-2021)
Charting the Impact of Everyday Sexism Across the World
The Chase
Chasing Cats
Chasing future biotech solutions to climate change risks delaying action in the present – it may even make things worse
Chasing Hiroshige’s Vision of Japan
'Chasing Ice': Time-Lapse Cameras Capture Rapidly Melting Glaciers
Chat Roulette Funny Piano Improv #1
Chat with any PDF
Chatbots offer cops the “ultimate out” to spin police reports, expert says
Chatbots won’t help anyone make weapons of mass destruction. But other AI systems just might
The ChatGPT chatbot is blowing people away with its writing skills. An expert explains why it’s so impressive
ChatGPT Cheating Fears Seem Overstated
ChatGPT Dreams Up Fake Studies, Alaska Cites Them To Support School Phone Ban
ChatGPT Has Already Decreased My Income Security, and Likely Yours Too
ChatGPT is 'so wildly incorrect' that an Australian whistleblower is suing it for defamation
ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web
ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare. If you’ve ever posted online, you ought to be concerned
ChatGPT is changing the way we write. Here’s how – and why it’s a problem
ChatGPT is confronting, but humans have always adapted to new technology – ask the Mesopotamians, who invented writing
ChatGPT is going to change education, not destroy it
ChatGPT is great – you’re just using it wrong
ChatGPT is making up fake Guardian articles. Here’s how we’re responding
ChatGPT is now better than ever at faking human emotion and behaviour
ChatGPT on the subject of four-digit numbers
ChatGPT predicts tremendous role for ChatGPT in UK government
The ChatGPT secret: is that text message from your friend, your lover – or a robot?
ChatGPT threatens language diversity. More needs to be done to protect our differences in the age of AI
ChatGPT use shows that the grant-application system is broken
ChatGPT, how did you get here? It was a long journey through open source AI
ChatGPT, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI
ChatGPT’s Dirty Secret: It’s Powered by "Grunts" Making $15 Per Hour
Chatting with a hacker
Cheap cab ride? You must have missed Uber’s true cost
Cheap Solar Panels Are Changing the World
Cheap Thrills with Muppets Rawk
Cheap vaccines could prevent millions of deaths from cervical cancer
The Cheap, Clever Promise of ‘Water ATMs’
Cheaper housing and better transport? What you need to know about Australia’s new National Urban Policy
Cheaper to prevent pandemics than 'cure' them
‘Cheaper, better’ Australian solar tiles take on Tesla and the world
Cheaper, more effective malaria vaccine wins WHO approval
The Cheapest Places to Live in the World in 2024
check any of his videos out!!! gorgeous...
Check out the cute and funny winners of The Nature Photography Contest
Check out this fandom-themed short film from promising young director, Yulin Kuang
Check Out This ‘Cat Heaven’ – Built on the Ceiling to Save Space (LOOK)
Check this out: the British Library gets into gaming
Check your tyres: you might be adding unnecessary microplastics to the environment
Cheese or Font
Cheetah Cub Takes Therapeutic Walk & Plays with Puppy Friend
Cheetah surprises tourist by leaping into safari jeep
Cheetahs Play Football - Deadly 60 - Series 3 - BBC
Chefs, doctors and real estate developers among new coalition calling to rid kitchens of gas cooking
Chelsea Australian Garden at Olinda Project
Chelsea Manning: ‘I’m Still Bound to Secrecy’
Chemicals, forever: how do you fix a problem like PFAS?
Chemistry Ph.D. Student Turned Her Thesis Into a Comic Book
Chemistry set pencils can turn life-saving tests into child’s play
Chemists fabricate novel rewritable paper
Chernobyl black frogs reveal evolution in action
Chernobyl was history’s worst nuclear disaster. Now it’s teaching geologists about the history of our planet
Cherokee Nation first tribe in U.S. to send heirloom seeds to global seed vault in Norway
The Cherokee Nation wants a representative in Congress, taking the US government up on a promise it made nearly 200 years ago
Cherokee tribe supports renaming Clingmans Dome in Smoky Mountains National Park
Chia Is a New Way to Waste Resources for Cryptocurrency
The Chicago Neighborhood That Will Generate Its Own Energy
Chicago wants to open a city-run grocery store. It could be the solution to urban food deserts
The chickadee in the snowbank: A ‘canary in the coal mine’ for climate change in the Sierra Nevada mountains
Chickasha Alhiha' Music Video
Chicken, chicken, chicken
Chickens stop rabbits from fighting
Chickens, ducks, seals and cows: a dangerous bird flu strain is knocking on Australia’s door
Chief Engineer Kaylee Frye Can Fix All Fandoms
Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly downplayed long COVID while justifying end of isolation requirements, medical specialist says
Chief of Cherokee Nation says it's time Jeep stop using tribe's name
Chief Standing Bear, Who Fought for Native American Freedoms, Is Honored With a Statue in the Capitol
Chihuahuas wearing sailor costumes!!!
Child Porn Laws Aren’t As Bad As You Think. They’re Much, Much Worse.
Child Safe
Child stars: The power and the price of cuteness
Childhood immunization begins recovery after COVID-19 backslide
Childline reminds kids that nobody is normal, with help from Radiohead
Children are being hit hard this flu season. Some experts are calling for more antiviral use
Children Are Not Property: The idea that underlies the right-wing campaign for “parents’ rights.”
Children aren’t reading for pleasure according to new research – here’s how you can help them love books
Children born today will see literally thousands of animals disappear in their lifetime, as global food webs collapse
Children can now report rights violations directly to the UN – it’s progress, but Aotearoa New Zealand still needs to do more
Children do not understand concept of others having false beliefs until age 6 or 7
Children have a basic understanding of poverty – a more equal society means talking to them about it
Children in Gaza ‘developing severe trauma’ after 16 days of bombing
Children in Palestine and Israel continue to suffer as international law is routinely ignored
"Children of Paradise" is the greatest film to come out of France, even 80 years on
Children of same-sex parents see outcomes as good or better than heterosexual couples: study
Children of the 1960s watch in pain as the story of our lifetime is erased
The children of Windrush: 'I’m here legally, but they’re asking me to prove I’m British'
Children Playing
Children reaching UK in small boats sent to jail that houses adult sex offenders
Children will get sentences ‘more punitive than necessary’ under new crime law, Queensland LNP admits
Children with same-sex parents do better at school than their peers
‘Children won’t be able to survive’: inter-American court to hear from climate victims
Chile couples' joy as first same-sex marriages held
Chile creates national park to save glaciers
Chilean president makes historic trip to south pole amid Antarctica sovereignty claim
The Chilean tree that could help cure malaria (and a host of other diseases)
Chile’s Atacama Desert: Where Fast Fashion Goes to Die
Chilling reason you may never see the new Trump movie
Chilling Report Suggests 1 Out of 5 Countries Could Be Headed For Ecosystem Collapse
The Chilling Truth: Antarctica Just Lost an Ice Mass the Size of My Country
Chimpanzees choose cooperation over competition
Chimpanzees in the wild reduced to ‘forest ghettos’
Chimps And Gorillas Seen Hanging Together In The Wild, And We Wish We Were Invited
China accused of flooding social media with spam to crowd out protest news
China Announces That It Will Cover Nearly A Quarter Of The Country In Forest By 2020…
China approves safety of first gene-edited crop
China bans celebrities with ‘lapsed morals’ from endorsing products
China collides with Earth
China Completely Disappears Famed Online Influencer For (Accidentally) Referencing Tiananmen Square, Causing Lots Of People To Try To Figure Out Why
China confirms that installing solar panels in deserts irreversibly transforms the ecosystem
China continues coal spree despite climate goals
China could face a catastrophic COVID surge as it lifts restrictions – here’s how it might play out
China didn’t violate any rules with its live-fire naval exercises. So, why are Australia and NZ so worried?
China Disappeared My Professor. It Can’t Silence His Poetry.
China Electric Car Market Report For October — Hot & Getting Hotter
China Electric Car Sales — 30% Share Of Auto Sales In August!
China faces a new Covid wave that could peak at 65 million cases a week
China Finalizes Hong Kong Police State By Installing Man Who Led Crackdown On Protests As Its Next Leader
China finances most coal plants built today – it’s a climate problem and why US-China talks are essential
China flexes its media muscle in Africa – encouraging positive headlines as part of a soft power agenda
China floods: Xi Jinping urges action as rains kill 15 and displace thousands
China Focus: 10-year fishing ban improves biodiversity in Yangtze River
China Focus: Biodiversity conservation efforts bear fruit
China gives Ehang the first industry approval for fully autonomous, passenger-carrying air taxis
China has invested billions in ports around the world. This is why the West is so concerned
China has renamed hundreds of Uyghur villages and towns, say human rights groups
China is betting that the West is in irreversible decline
China is criminalising clothing ‘hurtful to the spirit and sentiments of the nation’ – could this mean a kimono ban?
China is financing infrastructure projects around the world – many could harm nature and Indigenous communities
China is going to use less coal, despite reports to the contrary
China is gunning for supremacy in the global green hydrogen race. Will it shatter Australia’s dreams?
China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of five large nuclear power stations per week
China is playing the long game in the Pacific. Here’s why its efforts are beginning to pay off
China is pumping out carbon emissions as if COVID never happened. That’s bad news for the climate crisis
China Is Set To Take A Massive Leap Forward
China launches large-scale ‘seawater rice’ transplanting to boost output
China launches musical in bid to counter Uyghur abuse allegations
China launches new bid for internet dominance
China launches world’s largest electric container ship with 50 MWh battery
China loves the lingo of games
China May Have Just Condemned The Entire World
China needs immigrants
China officials hit by US sanctions over ‘forced assimilation’ of children in Tibet
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time
China played dirty to get Huawei’s 'princess' back — too dirty even to tell its own people
China poised to turn on one of world’s most powerful sources of x-ray light
China puts total fishing ban on ailing Yellow River’s upper reaches
China Reaches Peak Gasoline in Milestone for Electric Vehicles
China reaps most of the benefits of its relationship with Africa: what’s behind the imbalance
China Reassigns 60,000 Soldiers to Plant Trees, Taiwan Sets Aggressive Timeline to Ban Straws and Other Single-Use Plastics
China rights activist goes on trial for ‘inciting subversion of state power’
China Rust Belt Province Plans $87 Billion Clean Energy Overhaul
China sentences Uyghur scholar to life in jail – BBC News
China shows off ocean protection progress
China Sows Disinformation About Hawaii Fires Using New Techniques
China support Virtual Environment
China Takes Its Climate Fight to the Rooftops
China tests a Stirling engine in orbit
China threatens death penalty for Taiwan independence ‘diehards’
China to ban ivory trade by the end of 2017
China turns to private hackers as it cracks down on online activists on Tiananmen Square anniversary
China unleashed ‘wolf warrior’ diplomacy on Canada. It may have backfired
China wants more people to eat potatoes – how changing national diets could help fix our global food crisis
China wants to choose the next Dalai Lama. He has other plans
China will use wind farm cameras to spy on people, cows and crops, say opponents in new conspiracy theory
China ‘barring thousands of citizens and foreigners from leaving country’
China ‘Colonizes’ Space with Its First Rice Harvest
China's 'batwoman' scientist warns another coronavirus outbreak is 'highly likely'
China's cities are sinking, putting tens of millions at risk
China's Covid Testing Booths Get Second Life as Libraries and Food Stalls
China's first desert-based solar and wind energy farm goes online
China's gasoline demand peak nears as EV boom hastens transition
China's green leap forward is a nightmare for Saudi Arabia and Russia
China's latest weapon against Taiwan: the sand dredger
China's Lipstick King Austin Li was a rich influencer adored by Beijing officials. One mistake triggered his downfall
China's Regulatory War On Its Gaming Industry Racks Up 14k Casualties
China's Richest Man Tells MPAA's Chris Dodd To Tell Donald Trump To Be Nice To China... Or Else
China's self-developed airship harvests wind power at record height
China's shrewd grab for green energy recycling dominance
China's treatment of Uighurs amounts to torture, says Dominic Raab
China's young feeling the squeeze of cost of living are finding homes in older cities
China-US tensions: how global trade began splitting into two blocs
China: still the world’s biggest emitter, but also an emerging force in climate diplomacy
China: the rise of gen Z will have massive consequences for business and politics
China: Xi’s new year’s address wasn’t a threat against Taiwan – it was a strategic move for legitimacy
The Chinafication of the internet continues as the UK proposes blocking any service that hosts "illegal" or "harmful" material
Chinavasion wholesale electronics
China’s backlash against Little Mermaid exposes Hollywood bind
China’s Belt and Road mega-plan may devastate the world’s oceans, or help save them
China’s capitalist reforms are said to have moved 800 million out of extreme poverty – new data suggests the opposite
China’s Cement Boom Is Over. We Can All Breathe Easier
China’s censored feminist movement finds solace in Sally Rooney
China’s concerning new strategy on human rights: unite the world behind a ‘selective’ approach
China’s COVID cases may have hit 900 million. What’s headed our way?
China’s COVID crisis and the dilemma facing its leaders, by experts who have monitored it since the Wuhan outbreak
China’s demand for seaborne coal is set to drop fast and far. Australia should take note.
China’s Economy Is Rotting from the Head
China’s economy is way more screwed than anyone thought
China’s economy took centre stage in Xi’s new year address, spinning slow growth as a ‘remarkable’ achievement
China’s efforts to save its wandering elephants are laudable, but let’s not forget its bloody conflicts with the giants
China’s Electric Vehicles Are Going to Hit Detroit Like a Wrecking Ball
China’s EV Market Shows the Future Is Already Here
China’s first carbon border tax? Insiders flag big tariff on imported US gas guzzlers
China’s influence grows at COP29 climate talks as US leadership fades
China’s influence in Myanmar could tip the scales towards war in the South China Sea
China’s most chaotic social network survived Beijing’s censors — until now
China’s new anti-espionage law is sending a chill through foreign corporations and citizens alike
China’s new Moon mission is about to launch, and it’s a rare example of countries working together
China’s population is now inexorably shrinking, bringing forward the day the planet’s population turns down
China’s Qinghai-Tibet ecosystem legislation is a landmark, but for whom? (commentary)
China’s radar with 5,900 miles range detects plasma bubbles over Giza pyramids
China’s Remote Deserts Are Hiding an Energy Revolution
China’s Return to Coal Looks Set to Be Short-Lived
China’s Revolution Turns Green
China’s WeChat is all-encompassing but low-key − a Chinese media scholar explains the Taoist philosophy behind the everything app’s design
China’s youth unemployment problem has become a crisis we can no longer ignore
Chinchilla Enjoys a Massage
Chinese Animated Feature Trailer 我的师父姜子牙 Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms
Chinese animation: "Legend of a Rabbit" and "Dorjee the Tibetan Mastiff"
Chinese anime fan claims police interrogated her for wearing a kimono
Chinese Authorities Call For Internet Companies To Add Bias To AI Algorithms -- In Order To 'Promote Mainstream Values'
Chinese Authorities Demand Global Censorship Of Protest Anthem ‘Glory To Hong Kong’
Chinese auto giant XPeng to debut Australia’s first flying car next month
Chinese Electric Cars Are Here To Stay. Here's Why
Chinese game "Black Myth: Wukong" tops Steam charts. What does it signify for the rest of the gaming world?
The Chinese government claims LGBTQ+ people are protected from discrimination. Our interviews with 26 activists tell another story
Chinese Government Dragnet Now Folding In American Social Media Platforms To Silence Dissent
Chinese Government Is Building A Surveillance System That Will Target, Track Foreign Journalists, Students
Chinese Government Now Using National Security Law To Censor Art Being Displayed In Hong Kong
Chinese imports could undermine Ethiopian manufacturing - leaving women workers worst off
Chinese Internet Companies Are Censoring People Who Write Or Speak Tibetan Or Uyghur, Lending A Hand To China's Cultural Genocides
Chinese investors call for mandatory translation of property rules, as fallout at one of Australia's largest apartment buildings continues
Chinese Monks Get Electricity for the First Time Thanks to Solar
Chinese monks get electricity for the first time, thanks to solar
Chinese Mountain Cat
Chinese nationalist groups are launching cyber-attacks – often against the wishes of the government
Chinese navy destroyer and helicopter shadowed Australian warship during high-profile standoff, documents show
The Chinese paddlefish, one of world's largest fish, has gone extinct
Chinese people are living two years longer thanks to ‘war on pollution,’ report says
Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China
Chinese premier’s Australia visit overshadowed by officials’ apparent attempt to block Cheng Lei’s view at event
Chinese protests are about more than COVID – student discontent has fuelled the biggest movement since Tiananmen Square
Chinese rocket breaks apart after megaconstellation launch, creating cloud of space junk
Chinese security companies are putting boots on the ground in Myanmar. It could go disastrously wrong
Chinese social media users hilariously mock AI video fails
Chinese Space Children
Chinese State Circus adaptation of Swan Lake (video)
Chinese Tour Groups Suck
Chinese White Dolphins: Expert says marine species remains stable thanks to environmental protection
Chinese woman jailed for reporting on Covid in Wuhan to be freed after four years
Chinese women face a complex homecoming after studying in Australia
Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes
Chini Plays Dress Ups
chino otsuka
CHIP - The World's First Nine Dollar Computer
The Chipophone
ChipWits’ 40th Birthday: Original FORTH Code Open Sourced!
Chlorophyll water can’t clear your skin or detox your liver. But this TikTok trend got one thing right
Chloé: how a 19th-century French nude ended up in a Melbourne pub – and became an icon for Australian soldiers
Choco pies: The smuggled treats of North Korea
Chocolate brand develops 'revolutionary' new product packaging: 'We are set to change all that'
Chocolate House UP in the sky!
Chocolate Kraken
Chocolate Makers Agree to Stop Cutting Down Forests in West Africa for Cocoa
Chocolate Sushi
Choctaw Nation Found a Better Way To Deliver Harm Reduction. It’s Working.
Choice shames Coles and Woolworths with Shonky award for ‘cashing in during cost-of-living crisis’
Chokepoint Capitalism: why we’ll all lose unless we stop Amazon, Spotify and other platforms squeezing cash from creators
Choking on Green
Choose Love: the shop where customers buy gifts for refugees
Choose Repairability—Why and How
choreographic installation Ukiyo
Chorus: An Adventure Musical
Chris Bowen says agreement on global fossil fuel phase out central to Australia’s renewable energy plans
Chris Bowen warns global heating will fuel political instability in annual climate statement
Chris Harrison's Visualization Projects
Chris Hedges: How Corporate Tyranny Works
Chris Packham on why he’s angry, yet hopeful
Chris Rock’s Opening Oscar Monologue: A Transcript,,FEB
Chris Uhlmann should mind his language on 'cultural Marxism'
Chris van Buren - Blackbird
Christian church hosts Muslim prayers
Christian nationalism poses a threat to human rights in Ghana
Christina Hess Illustration
Christine Turel on kindness
Christmas 2003
Christmas 2005
Christmas Greetings
Christmas Laser Beam Cats
Christmas Shopping the GW Way
Christmas Special | Fully Charged
Christmas Tinner
Chromebook Churn Could Sink School Budgets
Chronicles of Galdurvale - Legend of the Dragon Rider
The Chronicles of Narnia Don't Deserve a Spot On 21st Century Bookshelves
Chrysotile asbestos finally banned in the US after decades of EPA efforts
Chuck E. Cheese still uses floppy disks in 2023, but not for long
Chuck Jones - The Evolution of an Artist
Chuck Tingle, author "Pounded in the Butt By My Own Butt", buys Texas governor's website to prove love is real
Chuck Tingle: Not Pounded By My Book ‘Pounded In The Butt By My Non-Fungible Tingler That Is Literally This NFT’ Because Of The Current Catastrophic Environmental And Ethical Impact
Chunky Move
Church of England to disinvest from fossil fuels this year
Church of The Donald
The Church of the Right Answer
Cicada Princess
Cicada Safari: Mapping the double emergence,of Broods XIII and XIX
Cigarette advertising aggressively targets kids in low- and middle-income countries, a new study finds
Cinderella's Mice Are Traumatized (Dimension 20 Animated)
Cindy Gallop: ‘I want to be the Y Combinator of sex tech’
Cinema and Sorcery Takes You on an Adventure through Fantasy History
Cinema execs blame piracy for $20 ticket prices
Cinematic Japanese tourism ad draws on martial arts traditions
Circles Of Credulity, Bias & Desperation Fuel Small Modular Nuclear Dreams
Circuit Board Art
Circuitry Snacks
The circular economy is coming to Europe. Here’s how
“Circularity” Claims are the Latest Marketing Mistruth
Circulating Seal
Circus Oz to wind up
Circus Oz: Company members respond
[citation needed] Issue 71 – (Crypto) banks are not your friends
Cities are advertising themselves as ‘climate havens.’ Experts say there’s no such thing
Cities Are Becoming More Like Sponges
Cities are trying to cut down on cars. Some states are standing in their way
Cities must replace harmful lead pipes within 10 years under new Biden administration plan
Cities of Light: A Collection of Solar Futures
Cities Really Can Be Both Denser and Greener
The cities stripping out concrete for earth and plants
Cities Take on a New Front in the Climate Battle: Meat Eating
Cities, just not as we know them – get ready for NSW’s Six Cities Region
Citing Climate Impacts and Grizzly Bear Mortality, Judge Halts Yaak Logging Project
Citing Dignity, Greek Workers Take Over Factory
Citizen scientists can help save Australia’s threatened species if we give them more direction
Citizen scientists collect more nature data than ever, showing us where common and threatened species live
Citizen-run conservation booms in South America, despite state neglect
Citizens’ social media, like Mastodon, can provide an antidote to propaganda and disinformation
Citizen’s arrest
Citroën Oli: The Most Revolutionary EV In The World
The city as laboratory: what post-quake Christchurch is teaching us about urban recovery and transformation
City compost programs turn garbage into ‘black gold’ that boosts food security and social justice
City Hunter VS Street Fighter
‘City killers’ and half-giraffes: how many scary asteroids really go past Earth every year?
City Libraries Eliminated Late Fees Three Years Ago — How Has it Gone?
City light pollution is shrinking spiders’ brains
City liveability rankings tell a biased story – our research in Dhaka explains why
City of Angels - Fursuit Music Video #6 - Willion
The city that solved homelessness
The City Where All the Buses Are Free
The city where ‘the future has already arrived’
The City with 16,000 Electric Buses & 22,000 Electric Taxis
The city with no homeless on its streets
The ‘Civic Soft Power’ of Public Places
Civil rights 'under serious attack' across the globe
Civil Rights Images
Civil Society Calls on Tech Firms to Oppose Protest Song Ban
Civil Society Organizations Urge Ghana’s Parliament to Reject Repressive Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill
Civilians are being killed in Ukraine. So, why is investigating war crimes so difficult?
Civilization-ending climate change is knocking on the door — unless we act now
The claim of a $600bn carbon capture windfall for Australia is based on heroic assumptions and selective analysis
Claims that Qantas is greenwashing build a case for carbon assurance: here’s what it is
Clair de Lune - with synthesizers | A mix of complex midi sequencing and live playing
The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
Clap Or AI Gets It
Clarke and Dawe - The State of Politics.
Clarke and Dawe: "Richard Shinnery, NBN Consultant"
Clarksons: Record Number of Alternative Fuel Capable Newbuildings Ordered in 2022
Clash of the Titans: Bubo the Owl
Classic 1970s UK children's book on computers
Classic F&SF movies as old Russian woodcuts
Classic Line Printer Art from the 1960's through 1970's
Classic Reload Game and Software Preservation
Classic text adventures in your browser
Classic video game scarves
Classic Viral YouTube Videos Reimagined in the Style of Big-Budget Hollywood Movie Trailers
Classical Chaos - VoicePlay ft. Rachel Potter
Classical Music Mashup
Classical Music Mashup IV
Classy Yet Goofy Animal Furniture
Claude Shannon: Tinkerer, Prankster, and Father of Information Theory
Claude’s Constitution
Claudia Goldin wins Nobel economics prize for work on gender pay gap
Claymation Cat Marathon! | Magical Cat Compilation
Clayton’s Apartheid: The Racist Things Alice Springs Does When It Doesn’t Want To Appear Racist
Clean air is possible without lockdowns, new study shows
clean computer screen
Clean Cooking Alliance
Clean Energy Australia 2024
The Clean Energy Future Is Arriving Faster Than You Think
Clean Energy Has a Tipping Point, and 87 Countries Have Reached It
Clean energy is moving faster than you think
Clean Energy Is Suddenly Less Polarizing Than You Think
The clean energy milestone the world is set to pass in 2023
Clean Energy Projects Surge After Climate Bill Passage
The clean energy revolution isn’t just a techno-fix – it’s about capturing hearts and minds
Clean energy slump – why Australia’s renewables revolution is behind schedule, and how to fix it
Clean energy won’t save us – only a new economic system can
Clean energy? The world’s demand for copper could be catastrophic for communities and environments
Clean Is Happy
Clean steam age: Solar thermal can be an economic lifeline for coal and gas regions
Clean technologies are driving job growth in the energy sector, but skills shortages are an increasing concern
Clean-up activities instilled in Japanese people have led to thecollection of trash becoming a sports competition
Clean-up of Indian coal-fired power plants ‘could have saved 720,000 lives’
Cleaning up Australia’s 80,000 disused mines is a huge job – but the payoffs can outweigh the costs
Cleaning up pollution and removing crumbling dams help to restore Michigan rivers
Cleaning Up Pollution Could Help Prevent The Next 'Silent Pandemic'
Cleaning up the Manus damage
Cleantech has an enshittification problem
The Cleantech Revolution
The Cleanup of Seattle’s Only River Could Cost Boeing and Taxpayers $1 Billion. Talks Over Who Will Pay Most Are Secret.
Cleanup volunteer shares sad reality hidden among Hawaiian beaches: 'This plastic comes from all around the world'
clear channel uses digital billboards to help the homeless find shelter in sweden
Clearing the Air
ClearVue trials solar glass and cladding in prefab house pilot, as it enters key global markets
Cleopatra in Spaaace!
Clergy abuse survivors hit out at moves to ban protests outside Australian places of worship
The Cleveland Indians changed their team name – what’s holding back the Atlanta Braves?
Clever advertising campaign
Clever advertising website
Clever cockatoos bend hooks into straight wire to fish for food
Clever minigolf course
Clever Muppets edit & Liverpool Station flashmob
Clever musical phone commercial
Clever New Text Game Asks Whether You'll Trust An Alien
clever sealion
Cleverly Designed Table With a Hole in the Middle That Lets Your Cat Become a Living Centerpiece
The Cleverlys "Gangnam Style"
‘Cli-fi’ might not save the world, but writing it could help with your eco-anxiety
Click Here If You Want to Be Sad
Click on this f**cking outrage (that is not at all what it seems).
Clickbait: Profitable vs. Sustainable
Clicking 'Yes': Amazing marriage proposal via videogame
Client Liaison - Feed The Rhythm
Client Liaison - Strictly Business (Official Video)
Client Liaison - The Beat Supreme (Official Music Video)
Client Liaison - World Of Our Love
Clients, Beulah, Karen, Minnie (Elephants)
Climate 'tipping points' could push us past the point-of-no-return after less than 2 degrees of warming
Climate Action Game Changers: The Solar Story
Climate activist Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco reveals why she was prepared to risk jail time
Climate adaptation funds sow seeds of resilience
Climate adaptation projects sometimes exacerbate the problems they try to solve – a new tool hopes to correct that
Climate and economic risks 'threaten 2008-style systemic collapse'
Climate anger can lead to action – or curdle into despair. We found out why
Climate anxiety fails to translate into votes as German election looms
‘Climate apartheid’: UN expert says human rights may not survive
The climate benefits of a four-day workweek
‘Climate bomb’ warning over $200bn wave of new gas projects
The Climate Book By Greta Thunberg
The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg review – global warning
Climate breakdown is knocking the natural world out of sync – and we should all be worried
The climate cafe helping eco-anxious Africans find hope amid the heat
Climate change 'hitting harder and sooner' than forecast, warn scientists ahead of UN meeting
Climate change and equity: whose language is it anyway?
Climate Change and Globalization
Climate change and nature loss are our biggest environmental problems - so why isn’t the market tackling them together?
Climate change and the intellectual decline of the right
Climate change believers are more likely to cooperate with strangers, new research finds
Climate change can drive social tipping points – for better or for worse
Climate change can't be stopped if we destroy these parts of the world
Climate change could be paused by planting trees, researchers say, as they map out available land
Climate Change Could Cut World Economy by $23 Trillion in 2050, Insurance Giant Warns
Climate change denial is evil, says Mary Robinson
Climate change deniers are over attacking the science. Now they attack the solutions.
Climate change deniers’ new battle front attacked
Climate change drives rise in extreme lake water temperatures
Climate Change from A to Z
Climate change has already hit Australia. Unless we act now, a hotter, drier and more dangerous future awaits, IPCC warns
Climate Change Has Lessons for Fighting the Coronavirus
Climate change has likely begun to suffocate the world's fisheries
Climate change has made old measures predicting weather events in Australia 'essentially worthless'
Climate change hits low-income earners harder – and poor housing in hotter cities is a disastrous combination
Climate change hits some of us much harder than others – but affected groups are fighting back
Climate Change is a Bigger Existential Threat Than AI
Climate Change Is A Disaster Foretold, Just Like The First World War
Climate change is a security threat the government keeps ignoring. We’ll show up empty handed to yet another global summit
Climate change is about to play a big role in government purchases – with vast implications for the US economy
Climate change is already putting the heat on insurance companies – Auckland’s floods could be a turning point
Climate change is causing algal blooms in Lake Superior for the first time in history
Climate change is causing marine ‘coldwaves’ too, killing wildlife
Climate Change Is Causing The Upper Atmosphere To Cool, And The Side Effects Are Terrifying
Climate change is causing tuna to migrate, which could spell catastrophe for the small islands that depend on them
Climate Change Is Coming for Your Coffee. Could Genetic Diversity Save It?
Climate Change Is Coming for Your Favorite Condiments
Climate change is disrupting ocean currents. We’re using satellites and ships to understand how
Climate change is driving a global youth revolution
Climate change is fanning the flames of NZ’s wildfire future. Port Hills is only the beginning
Climate change is forcing Australians to weigh up relocating. How do they make that difficult decision?
Climate Change Is Forcing Cities to Rethink Their Tree Mix
Climate change is forcing us to rethink our sense of ‘home’ – and what it means to lose it
Climate change is fueling mass-casualty heat waves. Here's why experts say we don't view them as crises
Climate change is fuelling the rise of superbugs. What can we do to save ourselves?
Climate Change Is Killing Butterflies in the American West
Climate change is killing off soil organisms critical for some of Earth’s ecosystems
Climate change is killing trees in Queensland’s tropical rainforests
Climate change is leaving African elephants desperate for water
Climate change is making plants less nutritious − that could already be hurting animals that are grazers
Climate change is resulting in profound, immediate and worsening health impacts, over 120 researchers say
Climate change is testing the resilience of native plants to fire, from ash forests to gymea lilies
Climate change is threatening Madagascar’s famous forests – our study shows how serious it is
Climate change is transforming Australia’s cultural life – so why isn’t it mentioned in the new national cultural policy?
Climate Change Is Turning Cities Into Ovens
Climate change is warping our fresh water cycle – and much faster than we thought
Climate change is white colonisation of the atmosphere. It’s time to tackle this entrenched racism
Climate change killed 40 million Australian mangroves in 2015. Here’s why they’ll probably never grow back
Climate change means Australia may have to abandon much of its farming
Climate change novels allow us to imagine possible futures – read these crucial seven
Climate Change Poses Major Risks to Financial Markets, Regulator Warns
Climate Change Progress: Watching the Temperature Rise
Climate change puts African cocoa production under pressure
Climate change solution could come from 'electrifying everything', Australian inventor Saul Griffith says
Climate change splits the public into six groups. Understanding them is key to future action
Climate change talk has been around for 30 years. Where's the action?
Climate change talks lead to heightened pledge to cut emissions
Climate change threatens Australian tourism more than is widely believed. Here’s why
Climate change threatens Germany's fairy tale forests
Climate change threatens the rights of children. The UN just outlined the obligations states have to protect them
Climate change threatens to cause ‘synchronised harvest failures’ across the globe, with implications for Australia’s food security
Climate change threatens to swamp suburbs. Now comes the brawl over what to do about it
Climate change threatens up to 100% of trees in Australian cities, and most urban species worldwide
Climate change triggering global collapse in insect numbers: stressed farmland shows 63% decline – new research
The climate change we caused is here for at least 50,000 years – and probably far longer
The Climate Change We've Already Created Will Last 50,000 Years, Scientists Warn
Climate change will affect solar power and grid stability across Australia – here’s how
Climate change will cause more African children to die from hot weather
Climate change will clearly disrupt El Niño and La Niña this decade – 40 years earlier than we thought
Climate change will force up to 113m people to relocate within Africa by 2050 - new report
Climate change will lead to massive tropical plant losses
Climate change will reshape the world’s agricultural trade
Climate change will strike Australia’s precious World Heritage sites – and Indigenous knowledge is a key defence
Climate change will transform how we live, but these tech and policy experts see reason for optimism
Climate change, mental health services, a better education system: what marginalised young people told us needs to be fixed
Climate change, pandemics, biodiversity loss: no country is sufficiently prepared
Climate change, rising insurance costs, food security singled out in CSIRO megatrends report
Climate Change, the Problem from Hell
Climate change: alarming Africa-wide report predicts 30% drop in crop revenue, 50 million without water
Climate change: Answers to your most asked questions
Climate change: China sets stage for more of its transport to run on solar energy
Climate change: China's green power surge offers hope on warming
Climate change: Couple set for Pole-to-Pole electric car challenge
Climate change: Electric trucks 'can compete with diesel ones'
Climate Change: Even Worse Than We Thought
Climate change: how elephants help pump planet-warming carbon underground
Climate change: Key UN finding widely misinterpreted
Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise
Climate change: Scientists sad, frustrated as extreme weather becomes the new norm
Climate change: Scientists to report on ocean 'emergency' caused by warming
Climate change: six positive news stories from 2019
Climate change: Spike in Amazon emissions linked to [lack of] law enforcement
Climate change: the fairest way to tax carbon is to make air travel more expensive
Climate change: waiting for catastrophe means we will be too late to act
Climate Change: We're Not Literally Doomed, but...
Climate change: West Africa’s oceans at risk because of a lack of monitoring
Climate change: what G7 leaders could have said – but didn’t
Climate change: Why action still ignites debate in Australia
Climate change: Why Australia refuses to give up coal
Climate change: ‘We’ve created a civilisation hell bent on destroying itself – I’m terrified’, writes Earth scientist
Climate chaos certain if oil and gas mega-projects go ahead, warns IEA chief
Climate Clock
The Climate Clock: Counting down to 1.5℃
Climate complacency: study finds even the most informed people would rather take the easy option
Climate crisis driving exponential rise in most extreme wildfires
Climate crisis fills top five places of World Economic Forum’s risks report
Climate crisis fuelled storm that sank yacht in Sicily, say experts
The climate crisis is here. We can still have a better world.
The climate crisis is real – but overusing terms like ‘crisis’ and ‘emergency’ comes with risk
Climate crisis is suffocating the world’s lakes, study finds
Climate Crisis news May 2019
Climate crisis to blame for dozens of ‘impossible’ heatwaves, studies reveal
Climate crisis to shrink G7 economies twice as much as Covid-19, says research
Climate crisis will bring more and worse tropical cyclones to Australia’s east coast, study predicts
Climate crisis – here’s what the experts recommend we do
Climate crisis: 11,000 scientists warn of ‘untold suffering’
Climate crisis: Australia must ready for ‘devastating’ regional disruption, MPs told
Climate crisis: average world incomes to diminish by nearly a fifth by 2050
Climate crisis: carbon emissions budget is now tiny, scientists say
Climate crisis: economists ‘grossly undervalue young lives’, warns Stern
Climate crisis: even temporarily overshooting 2°C would cause permanent damage to Earth’s species
Climate crisis: in coronavirus lockdown, nature bounces back – but for how long?
Climate crisis: keeping hope of 1.5°C limit alive is vital to spurring global action
Climate crisis: past eight years were the eight hottest ever, says UN
Climate crisis: six steps to making fossil fuels history
Climate crisis: what to consider if you’re questioning whether to have children
Climate damage is worsening faster than expected, but there’s still reason for optimism – 4 essential reads on the IPCC report
Climate damage: Australia faces $7 trillion hit to standard of living
Climate denial: Donald Trump mimics criminal behaviour when justifying his stance
'Climate Despair' Is Making People Give Up on Life
The climate disaster is here
Climate Doom Is Out. ‘Apocalyptic Optimism’ Is In.
The Climate Economy Is About to Explode
Climate emergencies threaten our collective security, but governments are flying blind into the storm
Climate emergency not slowed by COVID-19 pandemic and planet's 'vital signs' worsening, scientists say
Climate emergency: world 'may have crossed tipping points'
Climate expert ‘sacked’ after refusing flight to Germany over carbon emissions
Climate explained: what each of us can do to reduce our carbon footprint
Climate explained: why some people still think climate change isn’t real
Climate Fiction for Young Writers
Climate fight 'is undermined by social media's toxic reports'
Climate goal to triple global renewable energy by 2030 within reach, IEA says
Climate group creates satellite to track methane “super emitters” from space
Climate hero or villain? Fossil fuel frenzy challenges Norway’s green image
Climate heroes: the countries pioneering a green future
Climate impacts are forcing people from their homes. When, how and why do they have valid refugee claims?
Climate in the courtroom: all sides are using ‘green lawfare’, and it’s good for democracy
Climate inaction: Assaulting the mental health of kids
Climate isn’t a distraction from the military’s job of war fighting. It’s front and centre
Climate lawsuits build as a Latin American court hears largest case ever
Climate litigation is on the rise around the world and Australia is at the head of the pack
Climate optimism is an illusion, UN chief tells Cop26
Climate paralysis? Try multisolving
Climate Pledges Reach Threshold to Keep Warming Below 2C
Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
Climate protesters won’t be deterred by fines, jail or political mixed messages on the environment
Climate repair: three things we must do now to stabilise the planet
Climate scientist Mark Maslin: ‘We have all the technology we need to move to a cleaner, renewable world’
Climate scientist Susan Solomon: ‘Let’s not give up now – we’re right on the cusp of success’
Climate scientist: our profession is letting down humanity – we must change the way we approach the climate crisis
Climate scientists are becoming climate activists as governments fail to heed warnings
Climate scientists call on Labour to pause £1bn plans for carbon capture
Climate scientists warn of increased climate change events as carbon emissions fail to drop
Climate scientists: concept of net zero is a dangerous trap
Climate stability becomes a relic of the past in B.C. due to loss of hydrologic stationarity
Climate startup develops technology that could disrupt the concrete industry: 'No one in the world has [done this]'
Climate talks: Should rich countries pay for damage caused by global warming?
Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against
Climate TRACE
‘Climate villain’: scientists say Rupert Murdoch wielded his media empire to sow confusion and doubt
Climate warning as world’s rivers dry up at fastest rate for 30 years
Climate, Politics and Religion
Climate-affected produce is here to stay. Here’s what it takes for consumers to embrace it
Climate-conscious investors put nuclear dead last on list of desirable Australian ventures
Climate-exodus expected in the Middle East and North Africa
Climate-friendly beef? Argentina’s new ‘carbon-neutral’ certification could help reduce livestock emissions – if it’s done right
Climate-fuelled disasters: warning people is good, but stopping the disaster is best. Here are 4 possible ways to do it
Climate-fuelled wave patterns pose an erosion risk for developing countries
Climate-protected citadels, virtual worlds only for the privileged: is this the future of inequality?
Climate-related disasters leave behind trauma and worse mental health. Housing uncertainty is a major reason why
Climate-stressed Iraq says will plant 5 million trees
Clinics Offering Child Care Help Parents Clear Arrest Warrants
Clive Hamilton says dreams of a safe climate are ‘wishful thinking’ – but the young and the vulnerable will keep fighting
Clockmaker John Harrison vindicated 250 years after ‘absurd’ claims
CLOCKWRIGHT: Large-Scale Analogue Time Machines
Clones in the classroom: why universities must be wary of embracing AI-driven teaching tools
Close call: most popular Australian baby names of the past century revealed
Close-up Photographer of the Year: Take a tiny peek at these breathtaking winning images
Closer relations between Australia and India have the potential to benefit both nations
Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US
Closing the First Nations employment gap will take 100 years
"Closing the Gap" will fail without ‘fundamental change’, scathing report finds
Clothes destined for landfill become capsule wardrobes for domestic abuse survivors
Clothes piling up in your closet? A landmark California bill would mandate brands recycle them
Clothespin Dolls for Everyone
Clothing industry put on notice as fast fashion and unwanted clothing takes environmental toll
Clothing Recycling Is Taking a Giant Leap Forward
Cloud Cities
Cloud forests risk drying out by 2060
The Cloud Under The Sea
The cloud under the sea
'Cloud': Flip-dot kinetic sculpture at Heathrow
Cloudflare Destroys Another Patent Troll, Gets Its Patents Released To The Public
Clowning around in politics
Clue in the windscreen may be key in legal challenge to Queensland’s AI traffic fine system
Clue Murder Mystery Scandal
Clues left by the Alpine Fault’s last big quake reveal its direction – this will help NZ prepare for the inevitable next rupture
cluppo / Flapping wings (Official Music Video)
CNC Plasma Cut Magnet Levers - Marble Machine X #37
CNN changed a headline about EV sales from a success story to a failure
CNN's top ten web fads
[IP] CNN: The machine that can copy anything
CO2 sensors: Vitalight and Aranet4 review
CO9 by Fatboy
Coal and gas use must peak and decline, “starting today:” BNEF outlook warns world headed to 2.6°C
Coal closures, battery storage, solar generation: The energy transition is everywhere
Coal Declines Amid Solar Boom in South Africa, in Five Charts
Coal generator switches off to make room for solar in significant boost to renewable switch
Coal industry will never recover after coronavirus pandemic, say experts
Coal mine climate change case challenges the government's use of 'drug dealer's defence' on emissions
Coal mine methane mitigation is finally getting real again – but only after huge government handouts
Coal use at U.S. power plants continues downward spiral; full impact on mines to be felt in 2024
The coal whack-a-mole: getting rid of coal power will make prices fall and demand rise elsewhere
Coal will be all but gone by 2034 under Australia’s latest energy roadmap
Coal-filled trains are likely sending people to the hospital
Coalition claims of a nuclear power renaissance in UK further expose its shameless policy con
Coalition frontbencher condemns anti-voice rallies as ‘shameless’ attempt to push ‘extreme causes’
Coalition to dump environment from grid objective in latest bizarre thought bubble on green energy
The Coalition wants nuclear power. Could it work – or would it be an economic and logistical disaster?
The Coalition wants to dump our 2030 emissions target, yet somehow hit 2050’s. Behavioural economics has a name for that
Coalition’s Canavan forgets he’s backing nuclear, calls for new coal power as election looms
Coalition’s nuclear plan most expensive option for Australia, former US climate official says
Coalition’s nuclear plan will hit Earth with 1.7bn extra tonnes of CO₂ before 2050, experts warn
Coalition’s nuclear plan would consume an extra Sydney Harbour’s worth of water a year, Labor says
Coalition’s nuclear SMR poster boy cancels flagship project due to soaring costs
Coal’s high cost in China: 2.5 billion years of life expectancy
Coastal property prices and climate risks are both soaring. We must pull our heads out of the sand
Coastal wetlands can’t keep pace with sea-level rise, and infrastructure is leaving them nowhere to go
Cobb & Co commemorative mail coach run marks 100th anniversary of last great trip
COBOL turns 60: Why it will outlive us all
Coca-Cola Critics Have Never Heard of ‘E Pluribus Unum’
Coca-Cola in Africa: a long history full of unexpected twists and turns
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé are worst plastic polluters of 2020, have made ‘zero progress,’ new report finds
Cochlear Implant Users Face Grim Future Without Repair or Upgrades
Cockatoos and macaws that outlive owners given new homes at Victor Harbor wildlife park
Cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets battle for nest space as the best old trees disappear
Cockatoos learn to make and use a tool
Cockney and Queen’s English have all but disappeared among young people – here’s what’s replaced them
The cocoa price has doubled in mere months, but it shouldn’t add much to the price of chocolate: here’s why
Cocoa prices are surging: west African countries should seize the moment to negotiate a better deal for farmers
Cocoa prices surge to all-time highs as bad weather hurts West Africa crop yield
Cocoa’s child laborers
Coconut-based contraption makes your bike sound just like a horse
Code Abuse
Code Breakers: Women in Games exhibition
Code Golf masterclass: fitting a whole bootable CDROM game into a tweet
Code is law: why software openness and algorithmic transparency are vital for privacy
Code Kept Secret for Years Reveals Its Flaw—a Backdoor
Code Nebula Pavilion
Codebreakers Have Deciphered The Lost Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots
Coercive control is a key part of domestic violence. So why isn’t it a crime across Australia?
Coffee, brought to you by bees: a case study in how restoring habitat is a win-win for forests and farmers
Coffin? Casket? Cremation? How to make your death more environmentally friendly
The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain
CoinDeal’s Bentleys Weren’t Real
Cold, remote and risky: why Australia is turning to robots to boost its presence in Antarctica
Coldplay - Biutyful (Official Video)
Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (Ft. Alex Boye) ThePianoGuys
Coles to stop selling soft-plastic shopping bags by end of June
Coles, Woolworths recycling scheme collapses after secret stockpiles revealed
Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know: The National Anthem Is a Celebration of Slavery
Collagen craze drives deforestation and rights abuses
The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt?
‘Collapse of Civilisation is the Most Likely Outcome’: Top Climate Scientists - Resilience
Collapse, Renewal and the Rope of History
Collapsible, rotating caravan harnesses solar and wind for efficient off-grid living
The Collapsing Empire is a hilarious tale of humanity’s impending doom
Collateral damage: how the war on ‘woke banking’ could backfire on New Zealand
Collection of 2000+ Free Science Images from the NIH
Collective Nouns
Fwd: College Saga - Episode 1 FUNNY video on YouTube
College Students Made the World’s Fastest Solar-Powered EV. It Just Went 621 Miles on a Single Charge.
College-Educated Professionals Are Capitalism’s Useful Idiots
The collision of copyright and e-science
Collisions between planes and birds follow seasonal patterns and overlap with breeding and migration – new research
Colombia and Mali leading efforts to improve air quality, new ranking finds
Colombia deforestation fell to 23-year low in 2023
Colombia deforestation plummets as peace efforts focus on rainforest
Colombia is first in Western Hemisphere to protect 30% of ocean
Colombia joins international alliance calling for treaty to end use of fossil fuels
The Colombian coffee growers protecting the spectacled bear
Colombia’s president signs bill to ban bullfighting in the South American country
Colonists upended Aboriginal farming, growing grain and running sheep on rich yamfields, and cattle on arid grainlands
The Color of Memory
#Color Our Collections
Color-changing material could warm or cool buildings
Colorado is becoming a leader in constructing wildlife crossings — and there's much more to come
Colorado librarians are now front-line crisis workers, managing homeless patrons, mental illness, book-banners
Colorado’s Bold New Approach to Highways — Not Building Them
Colorful Quilled Paper Designs by Sena Runa
Colourful Origami
Columbia House sold!
Columbus who? Decolonizing the calendar in Latin America
Column: Perverted Illinois bald eagle threesome threatens sanctity of marriage. What’s next, hawk orgies?
Column: These ‘experts’ sold the U.S. on a disastrous COVID plan, and never paid a professional price
The Comanagement of Bears Ears Is an Important Step in Tackling Climate Change
Combat robots wow crowds
Combined power of two telescopes is helping crack the mystery of eerie rings in the sky
Combining Solar & Farming Benefits Both
Come for the Free Meals, Stay for the Company
Come to sunny Melbourne! Don’t worry about the AI mutants invading the parks
Come Together: Bridge RNAs Close the Gap to Genome Design
“Come, Come, Whoever You Are.” As a Pluralist Movement Emerges from Gezi Park in Turkey
Comeback on the cards for Asian antelope declared extinct in Bangladesh
Comedian Cal Wilson dies aged 53 after short illness
Comedy can help us tackle the climate crisis – here’s how
Comedy Festival
Comedy Festival Offer
Comedy Gig/Poetry Gig
Comedy Review
Comedy Short: Leading Lady Parts - BBC
Comedy Wildlife Photo Award 2023 finalists revealed
Comedy wildlife photo finalists are every bit as glorious as you'd expect
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2015
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2019
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards: 2020 Winners
Comfort and Creativity
Comic Book Plus
Comic Book Shop [Thrift Shop Parody]
Comic-book superheroine Cat aims to see off gender stereotypes
Comic: how to have better arguments about the environment (or anything else)
COMIC: In the '90s I survived summers in Egypt with no AC. How would it feel now?
Comic: The Life of Sitting Bull, as told by a 10-year-old
Comicmix Wins Against Dr. Seuss Estate On Trademark Infringement Claim, Copyright Claim In Serious Jeopardy
Comics: Old-School Distance-Learning Tools
The Coming AI Bust
The Coming Collision Between EU Privacy Regulation And American Free Speech
The Coming COVID Brain Wreck?
COMING EARTH DAY: Bright Green Futures Anthology
Coming Out in Uganda Was a Death Sentence. The U.S. Border Was a Trap
The Coming Software Apocalypse
Coming soon to the public domain in 2022
Coming to Melbourne
Commemorative T-shirts for Fictional Events
Commencement Speaker Needed
Comment Sections Are Wastelands Ruled by Trolls. Here Are Alternatives
Comment: I complimented a racist and won
Comment: We have a political correctness crisis, but it's not the one you think
Commentary: Cultural Appropriation Is, In Fact, Indefensible
Commercial Flights Are Experiencing 'Unthinkable' GPS Attacks and Nobody Knows What to Do
Commercial tea bags release millions of microplastics, entering human intestinal cells
Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek
commercials as they should be done...with a laugh
Commissioner Oettinger is about to turn EU copyright reform into another ACTA
The Commodordion
Common "Forever Chemicals" May Trigger Cancer Cells to Spread
Common diabetes drug metformin could protect against long COVID
Common misconceptions about Germany's energy transition: No, it did not increase carbon emissions, or reliance on coal, or Russia. It is not increasing blackouts.
Common Plastic Additives May Have Affected The Health of Millions
The common raupō once kept NZ’s wetlands and lakes thriving – now it could help restore them
Commonwealth Bank fined a record $3.55m for breaching spam laws with millions of emails
Commonwealth Bank to stop financing fossil fuel companies that don’t comply with Paris climate goals
Communal living is growing in Australia. Residents say it can create community and reduce cost of living
The Commune in Ethiopia Where Feminism is the Law
The Communist Party claims to have brought prosperity and equality to China. Here’s the real impact of its rule
Communist-era apartment blocks dominate Eastern Europe – now they're being transformed
Community batteries are popular – but we have to make sure they actually help share power
Community care where? Nonprofit COVID-19 denial–The mass disabling elephant in the room
Community Fridges Combat Both Hunger and Climate Change
Community in Bolivia Turns Tragedy into Conservation Opportunity
Community Inspired, Self Powered Paradise?!?
The Community Kitchens as an opportunity for migrant women in Peru
Community legal centres turn away 1,000 Australians each day despite growing need for help
‘Community Ownership’ Might Be the Best Way to Fight Deforestation
Community TV stations Channel 31 and Channel 44 given a month to get off the air
The community-led movement creating hope in the time of coronavirus
The Commuting Principle That Shaped Urban History
Como Is Infosec
Companies are buying up cheap carbon offsets − data suggest it’s more about greenwashing than helping the climate
Companies Are Helping Their Workers Commute Sustainably
Companies are increasingly tracking eye movements — but is it ethical?
Companies portray menopause as ‘medical problem’ and push women towards ineffective treatments, papers find
Companies Respond To The GDPR By Blocking All EU Users
Companies turn obsolete satellite antennas in Swiss Alps into highly efficient power sources: 'Ideal as solar energy systems'
Companies won’t survive in a nature-depleted world – I’ve met the business owners who are taking action
Company Adopts 2 Office Kittens (Debit And Credit) To Boost Employee Morale
Company Serves World's First 'Mammoth' Meatball, But Nobody Is Allowed to Eat It
Comparison of post-acute sequelae following hospitalization for COVID-19 and influenza
comparisons of notable earthquakes
compassion for the computer scientists
The Compassion Gap
Compassionate Risks
Compassionate supermarket manager offers shoplifter a job instead of pressing charges
Compelling Science Fiction
Competing visions? The Green New Deal and the green industrial revolution
Competition From the US Is Forcing Europe to Up Its Green Game
Competition to name Australia’s lunar rover
Competition versus cooperation
Comping White
Complaint made to human rights watchdog after transgender teenager's GP appointment cancelled
Complaints Choirs around the world...including Melbourne!
‘Complete elation’ greeted Plibersek’s big plans to protect nature - but hurdles litter the path
The complete stories (103) and novels (35) of A. E. van Vogt: synopses, comments and ratings
Completely New to Science: Botanists Stumble Upon Unique Exotic Flower in the Philippines
‘Completely unacceptable’: dust from Newcrest Cadia goldmine 11 times the regulatory limit
Completion of Dutch-Jordanian project brings clean water, improved sanitation to 125,000 people in Irbid
The complex climate truth about home-grown tomatoes
The Complexity Of Making An RPG That’s Authentically Australian
The Complexity of Simply Searching for Medical Advice
The Complicated Artist Behind the Moomins
Composing music with AI isn't new, but recent advances have serious implications for the music industry
Compostable electronics could ease the e-waste problem
‘Composting Our Emotions’: How Climate Action Cultivates Well-Being
Comprehensive synthesis of the technological, ecological and political critique of blockchainism
Compulsory voting in Australia is 100 years old. We should celebrate how special it makes our democracy
Computer chess created in 487 bytes, breaks 32-year-old record
The Computer Designed to Last
Computer desk folding bed
Computer Engineering for Babies
Computer Gaming Neko
Computer graphics
‘Computer says no’: more employers are using AI to recruit, increasing the risk of discrimination
Computer science pioneer Niklaus Wirth passes away
Computer, Open That Door!
Computer-written scripts and deepfake actors: what’s at the heart of the Hollywood strikes against generative AI
Computers Are Bad: iron mountain atomic storage
Computing gives us tools to preserve disappearing languages
The concept of class is often avoided in public debate, but it’s essential for understanding inequality
Concern for the Great Barrier Reef can inspire climate action - but the way we talk about it matters
Concerns grow for Chinese citizen journalist after supposed jail release
Concerns mount over 'witch's cauldrons' dumping toxic waste in major tourist destination: 'It can't be good'
Concrete jungle: Cities adapt to growing ranks of coyotes, cougars and other urban wildlife
“Concrete proof:” SunDrive marks major milestone on path to bring low-cost solar cells to market
Concrete: the most destructive material on Earth
Condemning a generation of renters to years of hardship
‘Conditional commitments’: the diplomatic strategy that could make Australia do its fair share on climate change
condom ments
Conduct: No Evil 13
Coney Island taxidermy artist Takeshi Yamada
Confectioner's sweet solution to plastic waste could spark change
Conference Bike: a 7-person tricycle
Confessions from a lifelong Petrol Head. I love electric vehicles and it has nothing to do with politics.
Confessions of a former covert CIA agent - Amaryllis Fox
Confessions of an Ex-Prosecutor
Confirmed: New Study Shows The Gulf Stream Is Definitely Weakening
Conflict between humans and wildlife in Tanzania is being poorly managed – and climate change is making things worse
Conflict in the South China Sea threatens 90% of Australia’s fuel imports: study
Conflict pollution, washed-up landmines and military emissions – here’s how war trashes the environment
Confronting the Covid-19 Crisis: Danger and Opportunity
The Confucian Cure For Tiger Parenting
Confused old man believes economic system that caused climate change will magically solve it
Confused Person Asks Why Millennials Want To Die, Receives A Surprisingly Clear Answer
confusions of a five out of ten
Congo creates first Marine Protected Areas
CONGO: Conkouati-Douli park gets 2,900 km2 marine extension
Congratulations, class of 2014: You’re totally screwed
Connecting Europe by train: 10 EU pilot services to boost cross-border rail
Connecting people, projects and protocols to build a decentralized web
Connecting to culture: here’s what happened when elders gifted totemic species to school kids
Consensus Cloud of Books
Consequences of the defeat of Russia
The consequences of the government’s new migration legislation could be dire – for individuals and for Australia
Consequences ‘dire’ if Human Rights Act ditched, more than 50 groups warn
Conservation and cooperation: How the pirarucu returned to the Amazon
Conservation Area in Ecuador Achieves National Protected Status as a ‘Wildlife Refuge’
Conservation Area in Teoponte, Bolivia Will Protect over 100,000 acres of Forest and Uplift Local Communities
Conservation documents for half of all critically endangered species don’t mention climate change
Conservation efforts celebrated as 26 Australian species no longer need threatened listing
Conservation Imperatives: securing the last unprotected terrestrial sites harboring irreplaceable biodiversity
Conservation in wealthy nations may worsen global biodiversity loss, study finds
Conservation scientists are grieving after the bushfires – but we must not give up
Conservation stories from the front lines
Conservation: Explosion in frog numbers after mass pond digging
Conservation: Rare Caribbean wildlife species saved from extinction
Conservationists Are Saving America’s Prairies by Selling Them Off
Conservationists near goal of turning Orange County oil field into nature preserve
Conservationists see progress for swordfish, problems for sharks at Atlantic fisheries summit
Conservationists use astronomy software to save species
Conservationists welcome gillnet fishing ban in Great Barrier Reef world heritage area
Conservative evangelicals aren’t hypocrites — it’s worse than that
Conservatives and incumbents have predicted the end of wind and solar for decades. They are still wrong
Conservatives have already written a climate plan for Trump’s second term
Conservatives weaponize autism in their fight against transgender
‘conserve the sound’ – listen to sounds made by vintage technology | #history #retro #retrotech
“Conservoltaics:” Developers urged to think of solar farms as artificial reefs
Consider the condor
Conspiracy theorist tactics show it’s too easy to get around Facebook’s content policies
Conspiracy Theorists Think Walkable Cities Are Really Open-Air Prison Dystopias Now
Conspiracy theory on methane-cutting cow feed a ‘wake-up call’, say scientists
‘Constant bird song’ result of conservation on Mercury Islands
Constellation Games: debut sf novel floored me with its brilliance
The Constructed Languages of JRR Tolkien (Feat. Lindsay Ellis) | It’s Lit
construction is completed
Construction starts on new coal plants on track to hit a record low
Consultants like PwC are loyal to profit, not the public. Governments should cut back on using them
Consulting firm KPMG overcharged Defence while raking in billions of dollars, whistleblowers say
Consume, Conform, Obey: What Homeland Security's Targeting Of Anti-Consumerist Activities Says About The Government's Desires
Consumer Conflict: The Story of Consumer Reports
Consumer resistance is rising in the age of Trump. History shows how boycotts can be effective
Consumer Technology vs. 5G
Consumerism and the climate crisis threaten equitable future for humanity, report says
Consumers are wise to ‘woke washing’ – but truly ‘transformative branding’ can still make a difference
Contact lenses or displays
Container deposit schemes reduce rubbish on our beaches. Here’s how we proved it
Contemporary Home Computing
Contempt Culture
Contempt, gagging and UN intervention: inside the UK’s wildest climate trial
Content Creator Of The Month: Realm Pictures Explores New Ways To Tell Stories Online
Content Moderation At Scale Especially Doesn't Work When You Hide All The Rules
Content Moderation is Broken. Let Us Count the Ways.
Content Moderation Is Impossible: Facebook Settles Legal Fight Over Famous Painting Of A Woman's Genitals
Context Clues in the Era of #MeToo
Continental drift: why the need for critical minerals might change the way we define Earth’s zones
Continued logging of NSW koala habitat is ‘a profound tragedy’, conservationist says
Contrary To Popular Opinion, Most Teens Get Real Value Out Of Social Media
Contribution to GTI Forum: Has the time come for a universal basic income?
Controversial Preacher Says Every Church Should Take Over Their Town
Controversial research pulls Westmead children's hospital into centre of fight over gender care
Controversial ‘forever chemicals’ could be phased out in Australia under new restrictions. Here’s what you need to know
Convening on automation, Opportunity and belonging: Vision & Foundations for a better society.
Converting classic cars to electric vehicles is booming in popularity
The Cook Islands have decriminalized homosexuality
Cookie Monster Is Getting His Own Cooking Show
Cookie Monster Slayer!
Cookie Monster Teams Up With Grumpy Cat to Break the Internet
Cookies and candy are latest victims of climate crisis as sugar prices surge
Cookies Have Never Looked As Cute As They Do When You Make Them With This Awesome Kitty Rolling Pin
Cooking (and heating) without gas: what are the impacts of shifting to all-electric homes?
'Cooking alive': The desperate fight to save Australian wildlife from collapse
Cooking chemistry minus heat equals new non-toxic adhesive
Cooking for Copyright campaign sees librarians make vintage recipes in bid to change laws
Cooking for Engineers
Cooking fuels linked to developmental delays in kids
Cooking, Monasteries, Arithmetic: Lorraine Daston on the History of Rules
Cool ambigram T-shirt
Cool car ads
Cool desktop backgrounds
Cool Lights
Cool music videos
Cool pavement covers this LA neighborhood. Does it make a difference?
Cool robot and restoring blurry images
Cool Robots!
“Cool Roofs” Are Helping Women Earn More in India
Cool Scifi & Fantasy Art
Cool sculpture creates moiré pattern when viewed
COOL Sculptures!
Cool Soviet Sci Fi Illustrations
Cool Steampunk Art
Cool Tools by Kevin Kelly
Cool Topiary
Cool Tree Houses
Cool water from the deep could protect pockets of the Great Barrier Reef into the 2080s
Fwd: Cool writing site
Cool! Discordian Colouring Book
Coolant Leak on ISS Raises Concerns Over Russian Space Program
The Coolest Library on Earth
The Coolest Vinyl Releases of All Time
Cooley! (Art prints)
Cooling green roofs seemed like an impossible dream for Brazil's favelas. Not true!
Cooperation with the US could drive Australia’s clean energy shift – but we must act fast
Cooperative Ways to Weather the Silver Tsunami
Cop15: historic deal struck to halt biodiversity loss by 2030
COP15: three visions for protecting nature on the table at the UN biodiversity conference
COP16 - New Marine Protected Area is a 'victory for Puerto Ricans'
Cop16 ends in disarray and indecision despite biodiversity breakthroughs
Cop16 nature summit agrees deal at 11th hour but critics say it is not enough
Cop16: the world’s largest meeting to save nature has ended with no clear path ahead
COP26 failed to address ocean acidification, but the law of the seas means states must protect the world’s oceans
COP26 leaves too many loopholes for the fossil fuel industry. Here are 5 of them
COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report
COP27 shines light on civil liberties in Egypt, but it’ll take work to achieve real freedom
COP27 was disappointing, but 2022 remains an historic year for international climate policy
COP27: a year on from the Glasgow climate pact, the world is burning more fossil fuels than ever
COP27: Brazil is back on the world stage, Lula tells climate summit
COP27: how responsible are industrialised countries for climate change?
COP27: one big breakthrough but ultimately an inadequate response to the climate crisis
COP27: Sharp rise in fossil fuel industry delegates at climate summit
The COP28 climate agreement is a step backwards on fossil fuels
COP28 Climate Stocktake: An Alarming Reality Check
COP28 climate summit just approved a ‘loss and damage’ fund. What does this mean?
COP28 deal confirms what Australia already knows: coal is out of vogue and out of time
Cop28 draft climate deal criticised as ‘grossly insufficient’ and ‘incoherent’
Cop28 host UAE breaking its own ban on routine gas flaring, data shows
Cop28 host UAE has world’s biggest climate-busting oil plans, data indicates
COP28 host UAE pledges to triple renewables
COP28 president is wrong – science clearly shows fossil fuels must go (and fast)
COP28: 7 food and agriculture innovations needed to protect the climate and feed a rapidly growing world
COP28: a year on from climate change funding breakthrough, poor countries eye disappointment at Dubai summit
COP28: Earth’s frozen zones are in trouble – we’re already seeing the consequences
COP28: health is finally on the agenda – but there’s more to do as we face continued climate extremes
COP28: How 7 policies could help save a billion lives by 2100
COP28: inside the United Arab Emirates, the oil giant hosting 2023 climate change summit
COP28: Turning the tap off slowly – why Australia’s decision to end overseas fossil fuel finance matters
COP28: Why China’s clean energy boom matters for global climate action
COP28: with a ‘loss and damage’ fund in place, protecting climate refugees is more urgent than ever
Cop29 at a crossroads in Azerbaijan with focus on climate finance
Cop29 climate finance deal criticised as ‘travesty of justice’ and ‘stage-managed’
Cop29 climate finance deal: why poor countries are so angry
The COP29 climate talks are about to kick off in Baku, Azerbaijan. Here’s what to expect
COP29: Christian institutions divest from fossil fuels
Cop29: five critical issues still left hanging after an underwhelming UN climate summit in Azerbaijan
COP29: who pays for climate action in developing nations – and how much – becomes more urgent
COP29: ‘climate finance’ for the Pacific is mostly loans, saddling small island nations with more debt
The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Climate Science Report
CopyCamp 2014: post-conference publication
Copyleft lawsuit against Vizio will allow anyone to defend the commons
Copyright Abuse Is Getting Luigi Mangione Merch Removed From the Internet
Copyright As Censorship: Abuse Of The DMCA To Try To Delete Online News Is Rampant
Copyright As Censorship: WSJ Identifies Hundreds Of Bogus News Takedowns; People Blame Google Rather Than Copyright
Copyright Collecting Societies A Morass Of Bad Incentives
Copyright Companies Want Memes That Are Legal In The EU Blocked Because They Now Admit Upload Filters Are 'Practically Unworkable'
The Copyright Directive’s Link Tax Has Been A Failure; Will Anyone Learn From This?
Copyright Doesn’t Provide A ‘Living’ For A Successful Author
The Copyright Fights Over The Australian Aborigine Flag Continue To Demonstrate Copyright Insanity
The Copyright Folly: Making A Living As A Creator Has Always Been Difficult, Stronger Copyright Doesn't Fix It
Copyright Fraud Deployed To Silence Journalists In Equatorial Guinea
Copyright Gets In The Way Of Chef Andres' 'Recipes For The People'; Because The DMCA Takedown System Is Still Broken
Copyright Has A Real & Serious Free Speech Problem
Copyright Has Been One Of Life’s Certainties: But Will It Always Be?
The Copyright Industry Is About To Discover That There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Songs Generated By AI Already Available, Already Popular
The Copyright Industry Wants Everything Filtered As It Is Uploaded; Here's Why That Will Be A Disaster
Copyright is broken
Copyright Is Broken: COVID-19 Pandemic Revealing Just How Messed Up Our Permission-Based Culture Is
Copyright Law Stifling Free Speech And Artistic Criticism
Copyright Leads To Internet Fragmentation
Copyright Madness: Blurred Lines Mess Means Artists Now Afraid To Name Their Inspirations
Copyright Maximalists And Lobbyists Celebrate Vancouver Aquarium Censoring Critical Documentary With Copyright
Copyright Maximalists' Incredible Sense Of Entitlement: If It Challenges The Biz Model We Chose, It Must Be Illegal
Copyright means you can’t tweak how a Web page appears on your screen, according to media giant
Copyright Means You May Need Permission To Post Photos Of Your Own Home Online
Copyright Nonsense Is Back? Spain’s On Again, Off Again Telegram Block
Copyright Remains A Complete Mess: A Tale In Two Stories
Copyright, Culture, Sharing, Remix... And A Congresswoman Dancing As A College Student
Coral bleaching is not only heartbreaking, it’s also bad economics
Coral bleaching study off One Tree Island finds 'shocking' damage, but some signs of regrowth
Coral decline in Great Barrier Reef 'unprecedented'
Coral reef: How divers are using antibiotics to save sick corals
Coral Reefs Generate a Hidden Sound Underwater, And It Could Help Us to Save Them
Coral reefs provide stunning images of a world under assault
Coral restoration is a speculative, feel-good science that won’t save our reefs
Coral Scientists Eye ‘Radical Intervention’ To Save The World’s Reefs
Coral, Explained
Corals are starting to bleach as global ocean temperatures hit record highs
CORBEVAX, a new patent-free COVID-19 vaccine, could be a pandemic game changer globally
Cordelia’s Portion: Of Family and Politics
Core memory weavers and Navajo women made the Apollo missions possible
Corgi puppy plays with wolf puppy
Corn ethanol no better—and probably worse—than burning gasoline, study says
Cornify your site!
Cornish farm launches project to triple UK’s temperate rainforest
“Corolla killer:” BYD launches $US15,000 EV in direct attack on legacy makers
The coronavirus crisis has revealed what Americans need most: Universal basic services
Coronavirus has forced many to rely on Centrelink — just like those who have been called 'bludgers' in the past
Coronavirus has sparked racist attacks on Asians in Australia — including me
The Coronavirus Is a Preview of Our Climate-Change Future
Coronavirus Misinformation Spreads Like a Virus
Coronavirus response proves the world can act on climate change
Coronavirus scare: When will 'hamsterkauf' become an English word?
Coronavirus shows we are not at all prepared for the security threat of climate change
The Coronavirus Still Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings
Coronavirus: Australian newspaper prints extra pages to help out in toilet paper shortage
Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now
Corporate America’s Favorite Legal Trick Is Backfiring
Corporate Commitments to “Circularity” Fall Short
Corporate courts vs the environment
Corporate profits heat up inflation: OECD
(Corporate) Information Wants To Be Free
Corporations are Human Creations. We Can't Let Them Threaten Our Survival
'Corporations Are People' Is Built on an Incredible 19th-Century Lie
Corporations prepare to sue over action to save lives as pandemic reveals trade flaws
Corporations using ‘ineffectual’ carbon offsets are slowing path to ‘real zero’, more than 60 climate scientists say
The Corpus Clock and Chronophage
The Corrosion of World Order in the Age of Donald Trump
‘Corrosive impact’: calls to ban political donations from Australia’s big four consultancies after PwC scandal
Corruption in South Africa: former CEO’s explosive book exposes how state power utility was destroyed
Corsi Rosenthal Box | Clean Air Kits
Corvids could save forests from the effects of climate change
Cory Doctorow's new novel
Cory Doctorow: Cambridge Business Lecture on "Life in the Information Economy"
Cory Doctorow: DRM Broke Its Promise
Cory Doctorow: Full Employment
Cory Doctorow: Give Me Slack
Cory Doctorow: Inaction is a Form of Action
Cory Doctorow: IP
Cory Doctorow: Peak Indifference
Cory Doctorow: Red Team Blues — a medium-boiled forensic accountant detective novel, with crypto and gangsters
Cory Doctorow: Skynet Ascendant
Cory Doctorow: Social Quitting
Cory Doctorow: Sole and Despotic Dominion
Cory Doctorow: Teaching Computers Shows Us How,Little We Understand About Ourselves
Cory Doctorow: Terra Nullius
Cory Doctorow: The Swerve
Cory Doctorow: Vertically Challenged
Cory Doctorow: Wealth Inequality Is Even Worse,in Reputation Economies
Cory Doctorow: Zuck’s Empire of Oily Rags
Cory Wong "Bluebird" (feat. Chris Thile) // Official Animated Music Video
Cory Wong // "Power Station"
Cory Wong's new Great British Bass Off comedy skit is a must-watch for bass players
Cosmic Greatness: 21 of the Best Award-Winning Sci-Fi Books
Cosmic Subatomic Particles Might Finally Give Us a Way to Navigate Underground
Cosmos Magazine publishes AI-generated articles, drawing criticism from journalists, co-founders
Cosmos Éclairs, Scrumptious Desserts Decorated With the Ethereal Beauty of the Galaxy
Cosplay aprons
Cosplay Music Video From PAX East 2015 in Boston, Massachusetts Featuring Creative Costumes and Video Games
The Cossack Hetmanate and the Birth of the Ukrainian Identity
The Cost of Climate Change: Who is Really Protected by Urban Mitigation Efforts?
Cost of fixing regional roads destroyed by Victorian floods will be 'huge'
The cost of living is biting. Here’s how to spend less on meat and dairy
Cost of living: A refugee family runs out of food in Hong Kong
Cost of living: if you can’t afford as much fresh produce, are canned veggies or frozen fruit just as good?
Cost of “just transition” from coal cheaper than cost of carbon
Cost to clean up toxic PFAS pollution could top £1.6tn in UK and Europe
The cost-of-living crisis is hitting hard. Here are 3 ways to soften the blow
Costa Rica unveils plan to achieve zero emissions by 2050 in climate change fight
Costly invite? Scientists hit with massive bills after speaking at COVID-19 ‘webinars’
The costly lesson from COVID: why elimination should be the default global strategy for future pandemics
The costs of distraction
Costume and lighting changes
costume swap
Costumes Are Not Consent: Combatting Cosplayer Harassment
Cotton on: one of Australia’s most lucrative farming industries is in the firing line as climate change worsens
Cotuhé: Peru’s Largest Conservation Concession Protects Nearly Half a Million Acres in Yaguas National Park Buffer Zone
Cougars could save lives by lowering vehicle collisions with deer
Could 2014 Be Year One of the Pay Ratio Era?
Could a Landfill Power Your Home?
Could a subway station filled entirely with cat photos improve your commute?
Could a universal basic income work in Australia?
Could a £2-a-day basic income be the key to protecting rainforests?
Could AI help save the planet? Four ways it’s already making a world of difference
Could an afternoon nap help us cope with hotter temperatures? It’s worked for Australia’s First Nations people
Could collaborative living provide an answer to the housing crisis and climate change? Some people think so
Could desert crops become the new sustainable dinner?
Could dinosaurs be the reason humans can’t live for 200 years?
Could Eelgrass Be the Next Big Bio-Based Building Material?
Could gut fungi be linked to severe COVID? What to make of new research findings
Could keeping native species as pets save them from extinction? Here’s why it’s not that simple
Could Low-Carbon Trains Cure Europe’s Flying Addiction?
Could microclots help explain the mystery of long Covid?
Could Permeable Pavement Ease Flooding Woes in New York City?
Could purpose-led firms lift the UK’s flagging economy?
Could Russia collapse?
Could spending a billion dollars actually bring solar manufacturing back to Australia? It’s worth a shot
Could Sri Lanka’s ship fire have been avoided? Here’s what we can learn from the shocking environmental disaster
Could the Depp v. Heard case make other abuse survivors too scared to speak up?
Could the law of the sea be used to protect small island states from climate change?
Could the Senate inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and children prevent future deaths?
Could The Whole World Be Powered by Rooftop Solar?
Could the world’s autocrats successfully plot to defeat the West?
Could This Be Canada’s Most Innovative Food City?
Could THIS Be The Solution For Affordable Housing In Expensive Cities?
Could this beautiful game signal the end of our dystopia fetish?
Could This Mobile, Solar-Powered Livestock Barn Reshape the Corn Belt?
Could this self-driving EV charging robot be a game changer?
Could we learn to love slugs and snails in our gardens?
Could Wild Horses Help Fight Wildfires?
Could wildflowers and bug hotels help avert an insect apocalypse? We just don’t know – yet
Could You Survive the Black Death, the Sack of Rome and Other Historical Catastrophes?
Could You Transform Your Yard into a Flourishing Wildlife Haven?
Could ‘algorithmic destruction’ solve AI’s copyright issues?
Could ‘marine cloud brightening’ reduce coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef?
Council adopts new rules to cut deforestation worldwide
Council On Foreign Relations Burns EARN IT To The Ground In Powerful Post Criticizing Its Anti-Encryption Aims
Councils are opening the door to tiny houses as a quick, affordable and green solution
Councils from Paris to the Yarra want to use parking fees to clamp down on big SUVs. What are they doing and will they succeed?
Count Your Sheep
Countdown at 50: the powerful, messy and sexy music show that changed Australia
Counter Clockwise
Countering climate denialism requires taking on right-wing populism. Here’s how
The Counteroffensive: Crimean Tatars are observing this Ramadan in exile
Countervailing power
CounterVortex: Resisting Humanity's Downward Spiral
Counting Bugs to Save Birds
Counting the economic cost of anti-LGBTQ laws
Countless reports show water is undrinkable in many Indigenous communities. Why has nothing changed?
Countries from Siberia to Australia are burning: the age of fire is the bleakest warning yet
Countries meet in Kenya to thrash out global plastic pollution treaty
Countries must set aside differences and agree climate finance deal, says Cop29 negotiator
Countries pledge to raise $12 billion to fund coral reef protection
Countries that are more compassionate towards refugees have lower levels of violence – new research
Countries That Close Gender Gaps See Substantial Growth Returns
Countries unite to remove mercury from hazardous skin lightening products
County Down woman ‘ecstatic’ to be crowned top in UK Comic Con with Totoro costume
Coup in Gabon: Ali Bongo the eighth west African leader to be ousted by military in two years
The Coup We Are Not Talking About
Couple hand building hemp house in Victoria in pursuit of tranquillity and cheaper power bills
Couple Mistakenly Buys Tickets for Bagpipe Band ‘Red Hot Chilli Pipers’ Not Red Hot Chili Peppers
Couple Plants 2 Million Trees in 20 Years to Turn Destroyed Forest Back Into a Wildlife Haven
Couple Spends 20 Years Planting an Entire Forest and Animals Have Returned
Couple Spends 26 Years Replanting A Rainforest They Bought In 1991, And Here’s How It Looks Today
The Couple Who Saved China's Ancient Architectural Treasures Before They Were Lost Forever
‘Couples’ to include siblings and friends under expansion of Australia’s first home guarantee
Court dismisses challenge to Biden’s restoration of Utah monuments shrunk by Trump
Court Finally Dismisses Bananas Copyright Lawsuit Over Bananas Taped To Walls
Court orders government to protect rare Gulf whales, sea turtles, and imperiled marine species from damaging effects of offshore drilling
Court orders Japanese government to pay damages over forced sterilisations
Court Rules Bulgaria Must Recognize Same-Sex Relationships
Court ruling on Belgium’s conduct in colonial Africa hailed as turning point
Court Rulings Give States New Power to Protect Groundwater
Court Strikes Down Hundreds of Trump-Era Oil and Gas Leases As Violating Sage-Grouse Protections
Court Throws Out Terrorism Conviction in Canada, Citing Police Entrapment
Court To Film Director: You Must First Create An Infringing Work Before We Can Discuss Whether Or Not It's Actually Infringing
Court Won't Rehear Blurred Lines Case, Bad News For Music Creativity
Courtney Woolsey
The Court’s Third Great Crisis
Cousteau grandson builds Tintin-inspired shark sub
The coverage of Laura Tingle’s comments on racism is a textbook beat-up, but she’s not in the wrong
Covered in AWESOME Sauce
Covering Esther, or What Happens When Renaissance Woman Esther Inglis Exchanges Her Brush and Pen for a Needle: Examining Embroidery Through Reproduction
COVID 'is an all-year round virus' expert warns amid summer wave
COVID 5 years later: Learning from a pandemic many are forgetting
Covid backlash hobbles public health and future pandemic response
COVID barely gets a mention these days – here’s why that’s a dangerous situation
COVID changed travel writing. Maybe that’s not a bad thing
COVID complacency as virus becomes third most deadly
COVID complications push Australian deaths to highest numbers in 40 years
Covid Continues to Out-Kill Influenza: Prognosis
Covid crisis offers a chance to act on climate, report says
Covid Data Log
COVID deaths are now barely mentioned in the media. That changes the very nature of grief
Covid deaths are on the rise again, so what happens? Mask-wearing in hospitals is scrapped
Covid disrupts Melbourne comedy festival as calls grow for arts support
COVID exploits our year of living dangerously
Covid has left thousands of US children orphans. Few states are addressing the crisis
COVID has reached Antarctica. Scientists are extremely concerned for its wildlife
Covid hasn’t gone away so where’s the plan?
COVID hasn’t taught the world how to beat the next deadly virus
COVID infection of three lions and a puma in private South African zoo points to need for wider surveillance
COVID infections are causing drops in IQ and years of brain aging, studies suggest
The COVID inquiry report is an excellent guide to preparing for the next pandemic – health cuts put that at risk
COVID is a ‘smart virus’ that can affect DNA – but that doesn’t mean you can pass it on to your kids
Covid is evolving – but the UK is not doing enough to evolve with it
‘Covid is not going to go away’: Australia will require public health measures for foreseeable future, say experts
COVID is surging in Australia – and only 1 in 5 older adults are up to date with their boosters
COVID is surging in unvaccinated Taiwan. Australia should take heed
COVID Is ‘Still a Pandemic,’ WHO Leader Says
COVID Isn’t Going Anywhere. Masking Up Could Save My Life.
Covid keeps killing more people every month than flu does in a year
COVID levels are so high, they’re hovering near 2020’s initial peak, as the WHO urges those at high risk to take any booster they can get their hands on
COVID levels are up to 19 times higher than reported, WHO says as it warns of the potential dangers of repeat reinfection: ‘We don’t know everything about this virus’
Covid linked to 33-fold increase in risk of potentially fatal blood clot
Covid linked to deadly diseases, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, bowel disease
COVID mask mandates might be largely gone but here are 5 reasons to keep wearing yours
The Covid mask rules of Victoria’s major hospitals revealed, as state battles worsening wave
COVID nasal sprays may one day prevent and treat infection. Here’s where the science is up to
Covid numbers increase across Australia in alarming sign before winter
Covid on the rise as experts say England has ‘capitulated’ to the virus
COVID orphans face grief and poverty as world moves on
COVID pandemic 2nd anniversary: 3 things we got wrong, and 3 things to watch out for
Covid pandemic was preventable, says WHO-commissioned report
COVID proved the therapeutic potential of RNA technology – making it more available is the next goal
Covid Rainbow | dayinyourlifeproject
COVID remains a global emergency, the World Health Organization says, but we’re at a transition point. What does this mean?
Covid Safe Furs
COVID Safety For Schools
The Covid Safety Handbook: Staying Safe In An Unsafe World
Covid study finds millions have long-term smell or taste problems
Covid Taught Us a Lot. The CDC Now Wants Us to Forget It.
COVID vaccines offer the pharma industry a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reset its reputation. But it’s after decades of big profits and scandals
Covid vaccines saved 20 million lives in first year: study
COVID vaccines saved at least 1.4 million lives in Europe, WHO says
Covid was vanishing last Memorial Day. Cases are five times higher now.
COVID wave: what’s the latest on antiviral drugs, and who is eligible in Australia?
COVID ‘variant soup’ is making winter surges hard to predict
COVID's Hidden Toll: Full-Body Scans Reveal Long-Term Immune Effects
COVID-19 - Current Situation
Covid-19 case numbers exploding across Australia as fourth wave takes off
COVID-19 cases in Australia were up 35 per cent in March
COVID-19 cases in the NT a worry for Indigenous health group
COVID-19 Fueled Record-Breaking Investments in Global Health
COVID-19 infections in Australia hit worldwide highs — and experts predict another Omicron variant spike is coming
COVID-19 is over? Says WHO?
COVID-19 linked to long-lasting cognitive deficits, study finds
Covid-19 may lead to longest period of peacetime excess mortality, says new Swiss Re report
The COVID-19 pandemic has left millions disabled, including many of us with HIV—It’s time to fight for disability justice
COVID-19 Reinfections Are Further Disabling People With Long COVID
COVID-19 reinfections on the rise across Australia as experts warn Omicron 'has tricks up its sleeve'
COVID-19 situation update - WHO - 06 August 2024
COVID-19 Triggers ME/CFS
COVID-19 Vaccine Prospects, Timeline / Human Rights Amidst Coronavirus / ‘Earth Baby’ By Singer, Songwriter Robin Bacior
Covid-19 vaccines saved an estimated 20m lives during their first year
Covid-19 “long haulers” are organizing online to study themselves
Covid-19's full death toll is nearly three times higher than reported, WHO data suggests
Covid-19: Australia’s future policies will be evidence led after “profound impact” of latest wave, says minister
COVID-19: how rising inequalities unfolded and why we cannot afford to ignore it
COVID-19: Sign the call for global ceasefire!
The COVID-safe strategies Australian scientists are using to protect themselves from the virus
Covid: It's That Bad
COVID: what we know about new omicron variant BF.7
COVID: WHO recommends two new treatments – here’s how they work
Covid’s toll in the U.S. reaches a once unfathomable number: 1 million deaths
“Cowardly decision:” Victorian Labor flinches on fossil exit, says gas cooktops can stay
Cows Are Extremely Curious Creatures
Cows Help Rescue Dog
Cows under panels and energetic pig farts: Farmers want to get more out of renewables
"Coyote & Crow" RPG is a joyous, respectful celebration of Native American storytelling in a world without colonialism
Coyotes are here to stay in North American cities – here’s how to appreciate them from a distance
CP/M: An Unsung Architect of Micro-Computing
cpr compressions
CPU Wars - the card game
“Crabs In A Bucket” As An Analogy For Modern Human Society
Cracker Brand “Triscuit” Rewarded Man For Explaining The Real Meaning Of Its Name
The Crackpot Index
Crafting with Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts to Make with Your Cat
Crafty Geometry
Crafty New Caledonian Crows Can Assemble Tools
Craig Kelly’s move to Palmer’s United Australia Party shows the need for urgent electoral law reform
Cranberry Growers Are Bringing Wetlands Back from the Dead
Cranberry juice can prevent recurrent UTIs, but only for some people
Cranberry juice really can help with UTIs – and reduce reliance on antibiotics
Crash Override: "Our mission is to return control to the victim"
Crashes, blackouts and climate tipping points: how can we tell when a system is close to the edge?
Crater on Mercury Named After Sculptor Ruth Asawa
Cratering motor fuel sales in Norway show the death spiral that can end oil
Crayon Dragon
Crayon Rockets
Crazy computer controlled fountain draws pictures with water
Crazy Illusion Somehow Transforms Rectangles Into Circles in the Mirror
Crazy Wingsuit Flight -- Man Lands on Water Without Parachute?
The Cream of the Crop
Create a nationwide COVID billboard campaign
Create modular cat houses with these carboard building blocks
Create ‘positive tipping points’ with climate mandates, governments urged
Creating a Prosthetic Hand That Can Feel
Creating artificial skin | Anna Maria Coclite | TEDxVienna
Creating ‘sponge cities’ to cope with more rainfall needn’t cost billions – but NZ has to start now
The Creative Apocalypse That Wasn't
Creative Australia's Artists at Work study reveals ongoing economic and gender disparities in Australian arts sector
Creative bureaucracy is possible. Here are 3 things cities do to foster innovative local government
Fwd: Creative Bus Ads
Creative Commons Is Resurrecting Palmyra
Creative Commons' New Strategy for a Collaborative Organizational Structure
The Creative Fund Launches to Back Every Single Project on Kickstarter
Creative Home Engineering
Creative progress or mass theft? Why a major AI art auction is provoking wonder – and outrage
The Creator of Dogecoin Says He Now Believes That All Cryptocurrency Is Horrible
Creator's Rube Goldberg Machines in YouTube Space Tokyo
Creature comforts
The Credit Card Prank II
Cricket Enrichment for Black-Footed Cat Kittens
Crime Against Nature
The criminal legal system does not deliver justice for First Nations people, says a new book
Criminalising and prosecuting torture could deter practices such as solitary confinement in detention
Criminologists debunk claims of 'youth crime crisis' as data shows dramatic declines
Crimson room
Crippling civilian infrastructure has long been part of Russian generals’ playbook – Putin is merely expanding that approach
Crisis in the Navajo Nation: Voter suppression, racism and a deadly pandemic
'The crisis is already here': young strikers facing climate apartheid
The crisis of a career in culture: why sustaining a livelihood in the arts is so hard
The Crisis of Retail
Crisis on the Colorado: The Indigenous fight for water rights
The Crisis Report — 10
Critical minerals for the world – or just for the US? Turning Australia into a green minerals powerhouse comes with risks
Critically Endangered Beluga Whales Protected From Oil Drilling In Alaska’s Cook Inlet
Critically Endangered Parrot Bounces Back in Huge Conservation Victory
Critically endangered scalloped hammerheads gather in seas off Perth. They need protection
Critically endangered western lowland gorillas born in London and Prague
Critically-Endangered West African Lion Going from Strength to Strength in Niokolo Koba, Senegal
Critics are calling MONA ‘childish’, but history shows us how much the public love an art forger
Critics of ‘degrowth’ economics say it’s unworkable – but from an ecologist’s perspective, it’s inevitable
Critics of ‘woke capitalism’ want to return to a time when money was the only value. But it never existed
Fwd: Critters getting along!
Crochet enthusiasts asked ChatGPT for patterns. The results are ‘cursed’
Crochet Playgrounds by Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam
Crocheted Leaves
Crocs love feral pigs and quolls have a taste for rabbit – but it doesn’t solve the invasive species problem
Cross-border rail in 2023
Crossing Bridges
Crossing Lines — A Change in the Leading Cause of Death among U.S. Children
Crossing the Red Line: Behind China’s Takeover of Hong Kong
Crossing the road in the world of autonomous cars
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon star Cheng Pei-pei dies at 78
Crowdfunded TV series: Con Man
Crowdfunding disaster relief offers hope in desperate times. But who gets left behind?
Crowdfunding for science
Crowds, water guns and protests: could ‘slow tourism’ be the answer to an overtourism backlash?
Crown successfully overturns Nuremberg war crimes principles in Australian court
Crows Are Even Smarter Than We Thought
Crows Are Even Smarter Than We Thought Possible
Crows Can Actually Count Out Loud, Amazing New Study Shows
Crows caught on camera fashioning special hook tools
Crucial Computer Program for Particle Physics at Risk of Obsolescence
‘Crucial’ Cop15 deal includes target to protect 30% of nature on Earth by 2030
Cruel 2 B Kind
Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Shame of Three Strikes Laws
Cruel summer ahead – why is Australia so unprepared?
Cruel, costly and ineffective: Australia’s offshore processing asylum seeker policy turns 9
Cruelty, pettiness and real estate: in "Confidence Man", Maggie Haberman wields eye popping anecdotes to plumb the Trump phenomenon
Cruise photos: Juneau, including Humpback whales
Cruise ships are back and carrying COVID. No, it’s not 2020. But here’s what needs to happen next
Cruise ships are coming back to NZ waters – should we really be welcoming them?
Cruise ships shouldn’t be able to flush sick passengers into the community
Cruise ships urged to ‘clean up their act’ amid concerns toxic effluent being dumped on Great Barrier Reef
‘Crunch time for real’: UN says time for climate delays has run out
Cruze the miracle mile
Crying Myself to Sleep on the Biggest Cruise Ship Ever
Crypto + Copyright = 🤡💩
Crypto collapse? Get in loser, we’re pivoting to AI
Crypto Is Not Here to Stay
Crypto reserves: no public good, no principles
Crypto scams will increase over the holidays – here’s what you need to know to not fall victim
Crypto: My Part In Its Downfall
Cryptocurrencies are great for gambling – but lousy at liberating our money from big central banks
Cryptocurrencies aren’t a technology question
The Cryptocurrency Crash Is Replaying 2008 as Absurdly as Possible
Cryptocurrency Is a Giant Ponzi Scheme
Cryptocurrency is an abject disaster
Cryptocurrency price collapse offers hope for slowing climate change – here’s how
Cryptography and elections
Crystal Cave of Giants in Mexico
Crystallised apartment
Crystals can’t bend – or can they? New research sheds light on elusive ‘flexible crystals’
Crystals hold a secret history of volcanoes – and clues about future eruptions
CSIRO & UT Dallas make Carbon Nanotube Yarn
CSIRO defends GenCost – and science – as Coalition and Murdoch go nuclear against key institutions
CSIRO has become ‘extravagant consulting company’, one of its former top climate scientists says
CSIRO patiently and methodically slaps down Peter Dutton’s nuclear nonsense
CSIRO refutes Coalition case nuclear is cheaper than renewable energy due to operating life
CSIRO says Australia can – and must – build its own silicon and solar cell supply chain
CSIRO spin-off raises record amount to fund solar heat and power tech, get industry off gas
CSIRO, WWF and Australian government team up to launch AdaptLog conservation solutions project
CSIRO/AEMO study says wind, solar and storage clearly cheaper than coal
Cthulhu Company Kickstarted Itself to Death, Then This Happened
Cuba boosts marine protected coverage with new area spanning reefs to mangroves
Cuba’s Heroic COVID Response Medical Teams Deserve Nobel Peace Prize
Cuba’s power grid collapse reveals the depth of the country’s economic crisis
The Cubli: a cube that can jump up, balance, and 'walk'
Cuchilla del San Juan Expansion Protects Endemic Species and Benefits Thousands of Local People in Colombia
Cuddle 500 Kitties At This Heavenly Cat Sanctuary In Hawaii
Cuddles and drama as live stream shows secret life of ‘ridiculously fluffy’ greater glider
Cue-Air: Teddy pilot flies over Hokkaido
The Cult of AI
Cult that defines Trump's power is just a few scratches away from the surface in Australia
Cultivate an alien garden on this sunless world
Cultivating Biodiversity at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Cultivating the Next Generation of Farmers in France
Cultural burning is safer for koalas and better for people too
Cultural burning isn’t just important to Indigenous culture – it’s essential to Australia’s disaster management
‘Cultural catastrophe’: Ukrainians fear for art and monuments amid onslaught
Cultural clashes can make it harder for immigrants to parent. Better support can improve their child’s mental health
Cultural cringe: the media sure love a ‘junket’
Cultural Evolution in the Anthropocene
Cultural Footprint
‘Cultural healing’: Q&A as restoration at Bear River Massacre Site begins
Cultural industries have been captured by billionaires – a new book considers what we can do about it
‘Cultural jail’: Brexit could bring booming industry to its knees
‘Cultural misogyny’ and why men’s aggression to women is so often expressed through sex
Culturalism, Gladwell, and Airplane Crashes
Culturally diverse teens greatly benefit from social media – banning it would cause harm
Culture & Empire, Digital Revolution
Culture Enriches Everything: Fair Use and The Office Time Machine
Culture is not about aesthetics. Punk rock is now enforced by law.
The ‘Culture Of Free Speech’ Includes Criticism Of Others’ Speech; Get Over It
Culture of Repair Connects Educators and Students Worldwide
The Culture War
Culture war in the stacks: Librarians marshal against rising book bans
Cultures and Ethics of Sharing (essays)
Cumberland Council’s book ban has been overturned, but what is really happening in Australian libraries?
Cunning Fox
Cupcake Ipsum - Sugar-coated Lorem Ipsum Generator
Cupcake Ninja
The Curative Power of Quieter Cities
Curb ‘stupid plastics’ and stop industry BS: urgent actions to prevent a plastic crisis
Curbing Online Abuse Isn’t Impossible. Here’s Where We Start
Curiosity Show gets a second chance at life, goes viral on YouTube
The Curious Career of Living as a Real-Life Garden Gnome
The Curious Case of Quentell
The curious case of the disappearing Polish S
The Curious Incuriosity of US Immigration Coverage
The curious joy of being wrong – intellectual humility means being open to new information and willing to change your mind
The curious power of hate propaganda in open societies
The Curious World of Tchibo
Current coal phaseout pledges ‘absolutely not enough’, warn experts
Current cultural citizens: the importance of creating spaces in art galleries for young people
Current Favourite Halloween Costume
Custody ruling in same-sex case hailed as LGBTQ+ milestone in China
Custom Hand-Painted Tijuana Black Velvet Paintings
Custom Muppet Whatnots
Custom My Little Ponies
The custom pinball machines of Chicago’s Pinball Expo 2013
Customer Service Wolf: Apex Retail Predator
Customers will take as much wind and solar as they can “because they are the cheapest,” says Brookfield
Cut less, leave longer: decades of data show we are over-exploiting tropical rainforests
cut out toys
Fwd: cut out toys
Cute and Geeky Kinetic Art
Cute and practical
Cute animal videos
Cute animals
Cute Baby Goats Compilation
Cute grandpa or authoritarian in waiting: who is Prabowo Subianto, the favourite to win Indonesia’s presidential election?
Cute Japanese Orange Peel Art
Cute otters intimately filmed by spy camera | Spy in the Wild - BBC
Cute overload - adorable otters
Cute point-and-click puzzle games
Cute stories in the Age today
[OzFurry] Cute Things Exploding
Cute Things Exploding
cute video
CUTE: Loyal puppy camps out in operating room during surgery on cheetah companion
‘Cutest animal in Australia’: keeping watch over greater gliders in a forest targeted for logging
Cutest Big Cat Sound
Cutest Exercise Routine Evah!
Cutest Photos of the Year
The cutest snuggles in the history of snuggles
The Cutest Story Of A Kitten Plotting Revenge With An Unwanted Robot
Cuts to humanities departments are cuts to our ability to reason
Cutting animal-based foods in US diet by half could prevent 1.6 billion tons of GHG emissions by 2030
Cutting COVID isolation and mask mandates will mean more damage to business and health in the long run
Cutting pollution won't cause global warming spike, study finds
Cutting Through An Inundation of Dipshit Racists
Cutting ‘green tape’ may be good politicking, but it’s bad policy. Here are 5 examples of regulation failure
Cutting-edge tech is guiding nature restoration in the UK’s forests
Cutting-edge tech made this tiny country a major exporter of food
The Cuyahoga River was so polluted, it used to catch fire. Now it's making a comeback
Cyber attacks against Ukraine shift to NATO countries
Cyberpunk adventure game Stray will be adapted as an animated movie
Cyberpunk is out and solarpunk is in, according to Figma’s CEO
Cybersecurity as Realpolitik by Dan Geer presented at Black Hat USA 2014
Cybersecurity has never been more important. Here’s how you can keep up.
Cybersecurity Roundup: September 19, 2023
Cyberwarfare leaks show Russian army is adopting mindset of secret police
"Cycles" by Cyriak
Cyclone Freddy was the most energetic storm on record. Is it a harbinger of things to come?
Cyclone Gabrielle broke vital communication links when people needed them most – what happened and how do we fix it?
Cyclone Gabrielle hit NZ’s main fruit-growing region hard – now orchardists face critical climate choices
Cyclone Gabrielle worst storm to hit New Zealand this century, says PM
Cyclone Gabrielle: how microgrids could help keep the power on during extreme weather events
Cyclone Ilsa: how disasters, the housing crisis and underinsurance can conspire to worsen inequality
Cyclone Jasper: how did it cause so much rain and could global heating be to blame?
The Cystic-Fibrosis Breakthrough That Changed Everything
Czech Roll'd
D&D, Once The Subject Of Moral Panic, Found Therapeutic In Autism Cases In Study
D-day: Biden calls for supporting Ukraine in struggle against ‘dark forces’
Dabous Giraffes
Dad appalled Uber Eats driver working while sick with Covid
Dad Of 4 Girls Tweets Conversations With His Daughters, And It’s Impossible Not To Laugh At Them (Part 2)
Daffy Duck (1992 Hi-Tec)
Daft Hands
Daft Lego - Harder Better Faster Stronger
Daft Punk - Doin' It Right - Conte Remix
Daily aspirin doesn’t prevent strokes in older, healthy people after all
The Daily Respite
Daily Show Invites South African Comedian To Give His First Impression Of America – It’s Not Pretty (VIDEO)
DailyDirt: Flying Cars Are Here!
DailyDirt: Who Needs A Mouse And Keyboard Anymore?
Daimler calls for annual petrol price hike “from now until eternity” to support EV switch
Daintree: World Heritage rainforest handed back to Aboriginal owners
The Dalai Lama Is Landing in the Middle of the 2024 Election
Dalai Lama Preps Debut Album of Teachings and Mantras Set to Music
Dalai Lama: Behind Our Anxiety, the Fear of Being Unneeded
The Dalai Lama: Why I’m hopeful about the world’s future
Dalek Dress
Dam collapse a global problem as waters may poison Black Sea, Zelenskiy says
Dam fine work: record number of barrier removals helps restore rivers across Europe
Dam partly collapses in Norway as Storm Hans continues to cause chaos
Dam Removal Europe
Dam Removal on the Klamath: Reflections on How We Got here
Fwd: DAMN those terrorist to hell
Damning silicosis report calls for world-first ban on deadly engineered stone — will governments listen?
Dams have taken half the water from Australia’s second biggest river – and climate change will make it even worse
Damsel in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
Damsel in Distress: Part 3 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
Damsel, Arise: A Westboro Scion Leaves Her Church
Dan Wang: 2022 letter
Dan Wang: 2023 letter
Dana "Rain" Simpson wins Comic Strip Superstar
Dana Cain Reaches for the Stars With a Rock Opera
Dana Simpson explains negative space
Dance 'Til You Stop (feat. Tom Cardy) - NSP
Dance Dance Imolation
Dance Dance Revolution: 1812 Overture Edition
Dance Gooshers
Dance Off with the Star Wars Stars!
Dance Party Succeed
Dance Rebooted Ausdance
'Dance Your Ph.D.' winner on science, art, and embracing his identity
Dance Your PhD
dance-tech SNS
‘Dancing ghosts’: a new, deeper scan of the sky throws up surprises for astronomers
Dancing hexapod robots
dancing huh?
Dancing in the Past
Dancing in the Past Part 2
Dancing in the Street // Silent Music Video
Dancing, feasts and faith mark life on a vanishing island – Tuvalu photo essay
Dandelion Light
The danger of advanced artificial intelligence controlling its own feedback
The Danger Of Ron & Hermione's Relationship
Dangerous Aliens and Stephen Hawking
The dangerous anti-democracy coalition
Dangerous climate tipping points will affect Australia. The risks are real and cannot be ignored
Dangerous selfies aren’t just foolish. We need to treat them like the public health hazard they really are
Dangerously Low on Water, Cape Town Now Faces ‘Day Zero’
The Dangers of Certainty: A Lesson From Auschwitz
Daniel has Long COVID. It has cost him more than $100,000
Daniel Radcliffe to star in Weird Al Yankovic biopic
Daniel Tommerup died 30 years too early when ‘all the hope in his eyes was gone’
Daniel was swept out to sea part way through a 4,500km walk to promote a universal basic income in Australia
Danish anti-piracy lawyers stole millions from their clients, sentenced to years in prison
The Danish City Reimagining Reuse
Danish Rabbit Hopping Championships
Danish Road Safety Council / Helmet has always been a good idea
Danish supermarket gives expired food another shelf life
Danish traveller Thor Pedersen completes 10-year round-the-world journey without flying
Danny DeVito Had the Best Response for a Fan Who Took a Cardboard Cutout of Him to Prom
Danny MacAskill's Imaginate
Danske Bank Quits New Fossil Fuel Financing
Dapper Doge
Darci Lynne: 12-Year-Old Singing Ventriloquist Gets Golden Buzzer - America's Got Talent 2017
Darci Lynne: Kid Ventriloquist Sings With A Little Help From Her Friends - America's Got Talent 2017
Dark corners of Unicode
Dark Emu has sold over 250,000 copies – but its value can’t be measured in money alone
The dark history of how false balance journalism enabled lynching
‘Dark oxygen’ in depths of Pacific Ocean could force rethink about origins of life
The Dark Power of Fraternities
‘Dark proteome’ survey reveals thousands of new human genes
The dark psychology of dehumanization, explained
Dark Roasted Blend
The dark side of .io: How the U.K. is making web domain profits from a shady Cold War land deal
The dark side of Guardian comments
Dark Star at 50: How a micro-budget student film changed sci-fi forever
The Dark Truth in the Movie ‘Truth’
The darker side of human rights for great apes
Darn Scammers!
Darren Hanlon - Butterfly Bones
Darth Baby's Lightsaber
Darth Vera
Darwin’s ‘sustainable’ Middle Arm project reveals Australia’s huge climate policy gamble
Dashcam repo
Data breach disclosure 101: How to succeed after you've failed
Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis
Data centres could soon be heating your local swimming pool
Data ethics is more than just what we do with data, it’s also about who’s doing it
Data From Over 350,000 People Have Really Bad News About 'Moderate' Drinking
Data furnaces arrive in Europe: Free heating, if you have fibre Internet
Data indicates EVs bring significant health benefits for truck drivers
Data poisoning: how artists are sabotaging AI to take revenge on image generators
Data retention will hurt YOU, not criminals. Here’s how
Data retention — what it is and why it’s bad
Data transfer via Giant African Snail
Data visualizations in text
DataViz of Australian COVID-19 Vaccinations and other related statistics
The daunting task facing new Malaysian prime minister Anwar Ibrahim: uniting a divided country
Dave Chappelle has built a reputation for ‘punching down’ on trans people – and now he’s targeting disabled people
Dave's Marble Machine
David and Greta in Conversation: The Planetary Crisis | Wildscreen Festival 2020
David Attenborough backs huge Apollo-style clean energy research plan
David Attenborough calls on ordinary people to help save Africa's elephants
David Attenborough says civilisation will collapse if humanity doesn't take action on global warming at climate change talks
David Attenborough says nature is in crisis but ‘we have the solutions’
David Attenborough sends handwritten letter to four-year-old Laila
David Attenborough to publish 'witness statement' on climate crisis
David Attenborough, the voice of Our Planet: “Things are going to get worse”
David Bowie and the birth of environmentalism: 50 years on, how Ziggy Stardust and the first UN climate summit changed our vision of the future
David Bowie’s BLACKSTAR LP Transforms When Exposed to Light
David Brin on animal intelligence
David Brin's Favorite Science Fiction Films
David Crisafulli faces questions about LNP’s transgender plans after party official’s email revealed
David Graeber argued against ‘Great Man’ approaches to knowledge, but it seems his fate to become one
David Graeber, anthropologist and author of Bullshit Jobs, dies aged 59
David Graeber: “Spotlight on the financial sector did make apparent just how bizarrely skewed our economy is in terms of who gets rewarded”
David Graham Dead: Voice Of ‘Peppa Pig’, ‘Doctor Who’ And ‘Thunderbirds’ Was 99
David Hasselhof
David Hasselhoff - True Survivor
David Kahn, historian who cracked the code of cryptology, dies at 93
David Koch Escaped the Climate Hell He Helped Create
David MacKay
David McBride goes to prison – and Australian democracy takes a hit
David McBride is facing jailtime for helping reveal alleged war crimes. Will it end whistleblowing in Australia?
David Mitchell on Passion
David Olusoga: 'TV industry left me crushed'
David O’Doherty: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)
David Pocock condemns Australia’s fossil fuel projects as an ‘existential threat’ to Pacific neighbours
David Revoy (Comic Artist): “At First, Publishing Under a Free License Scared Me”
David Shrigley wants your balls: ‘Just one of many stupid artworks I have made over the years’
David Simon: 'There are now two Americas. My country is a horror show'
David Zinn’s Quirky Chalk and Charcoal Characters on the Streets of Ann Arbor
Davos 2021: to achieve a ‘great reset’, we can’t count on the same old globalists to lead the way
The Davos oligarchs are right to fear the world they’ve made
Dawit Dersolign creates art pieces with discarded materials in creative war on waste
The Dawn Chapel - Let's make friends and have ourselves an adventure
Dawn Chorus
The dawn of AI has come, and its implications for education couldn’t be more significant
Day Care for Less Than $10: How Canada Is Easing the Burden for Parents
Day for the Poor: Vietnam’s revolution in sustainable poverty reduction
The Day I Met Attenborough
‘The day it goes wrong? We won’t know about it … ’: life next door to a nuclear power station
The Day My Grandfather Groucho and I Saved ‘You Bet Your Life’
The Day My Grandmother Exploded
The day the Pintupi Nine entered the modern world
Daycare apps are insecure surveillance dumpster-fires
Daylesford is the future home of the Big Rainbow — a 'joyous' symbol of LGBTIQA+ inclusion
Daytime wholesale power prices are heading to zero – isn’t that good news?
Daði & Gagnamagnið: Think About Aliens - Official Gameplay Trailer
Daði Freyr (Daði & Gagnamagnið) – 10 Years (Official Video)
Daði Freyr - Never Gonna Give You Up (Rick Astley cover)
Daði Freyr - Think About Things (Daði og Gagnamagnið)
Daði Freyr – Something Magical (Official Lyric Video)
DB Schenker Finland takes delivery of 68-ton Volvo electric truck
DC and Marvel characters get a Pixar makeover
DCC-EX: open-source model railroading
De Fiets is Niets
De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig - Manon
De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption
DEA Accessing Millions Of Travelers' Records To Find Cash To Seize
Dead dogs, leaking oil drums, batteries: Antarctica’s abandoned waste gets funding boost to kickstart the clean up
Dead End Thrills
Dead EV batteries turn to gold with US incentives
Dead Fandoms
The ‘dead internet theory’ makes eerie claims about an AI-run web. The truth is more sinister
Dead native birds and flying foxes found in SA town home to one of world’s largest lead smelters
Dead Politicians Hit The Campaign Trail For India’s Billion-Voter Election
Dead saplings reveal climate risks to forests
Dead spider claws and 'anal-print' toilets: 2023's Ig Nobels
‘The dead zone is real’: why US farmers are embracing wildflowers
The deadliest beings on the planet: can the bacteriophage help in our fight against superbugs?
Deadliest six months on Australian roads since 2010 leaves industry demanding answers
Deadly crowd crush at Indian religious gathering shows how dangerous leaving an event can be
Deadly Fungal Infections Causing a 'Silent Pandemic', Scientists Warn
Deadly Fungi Are the Newest Emerging Microbe Threat All Over the World
Deadly heatwaves threaten to reverse India’s progress on poverty and inequality – new research
Deadly new UK strep A variant leading to disease surge in Australia
Deadly Russian rocket is transformed into musical instrument of hope
‘Dead’ Electric Car Batteries Find a Second Life Powering Cities
The Deal That’s Saving San Francisco’s Restaurants
Deal to curb harmful fishing devices a ‘huge win’ for yellowfin tuna stocks
Dealer lecturing addicts? Australia backs coal power ban but continues to sell the stuff
Dealing With Disrespect
Dear America, I Saw You Naked
Dear America, we can teach you about cruelty to refugees. Love, Australia
Dear Electric Vehicle Owners: You Don’t Need That Giant Battery
Dear parents, you are being lied to.
Dear White Moms
Dear world, refugees are not to be feared
Dearborn Muslims Protested ISIS, and You Can Probably Guess What Happened Next
Death and MetaFilter
Death by Civilization
‘Death hotspot’: we found 145 koalas killed along a single Queensland highway last year
Death Metal - NSP
Death Of A Forum: How The UK’s Online Safety Act Is Killing Communities
The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.
The death of Internet Explorer: Good riddance to bad rubbish
Death of the car: The tech behind Helsinki's ambitious plan to kill off private vehicles
Death of the cheque by 2030 as Australia embraces digital payment reforms
Death spiral: Network blows up renewable gas claims, wants to hit consumers for cost of stranded assets
Death to the chicken finger
Death Toll in Oregon Heat Wave Climbs to 116 as Officials Call It a 'Mass Casualty Event'
Death toll mounts in Italy’s worst flooding for 100 years
Death Valley approaches global heat record as US reels from extreme weather
Deaths From Fungal Infections Have Doubled Worldwide in Just a Decade
Deaths predicted amid the chaos of Elon Musk’s shutdown of USAid
Debate Continues Over What To Do About The Fact That Starlink, Other Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Systems Are Causing Irreversible, Research-Harming Light Pollution
Debate on a World Parliament: “We cannot wait for another disaster”
Debra White Plume, Defender of Her Tribe, Is Dead at 66
Debt - Updated and Expanded: The First 5,000 Years
The Debt We Owe Central America
Debt, danger or a decade of fighting: how a lack of legal services leaves DV victims with dire choices
Debtors' Prisons: Life Inside America’s For-Profit Justice System
Debunking junk: 10 years of rethinking rubbish
Debunking migration myths: the real reasons people move, and why most migration happens in the global south
Debunking Mr Bean’s electric tropes: EVs are far better for the planet than ICE vehicles
Debunking The Biggest MYTHS About EVs
The Decade in Cheer
The decade-long quest to stop “Spamford” Wallace
Decades of less rainfall have cut replenishing of groundwater to 800-year low in WA
‘Decades of neglect’: calls for social housing quota on new Victorian developments as homelessness rises
Decades-Old Computer Science Conjecture Solved in Two Pages
‘Decarbonisation is too expensive’ – how to sell climate change action to bean counters
Decarbonization: Stocks and flows, abundance and scarcity, net zero
Decarbonizing the Energy Sector by 2050 Could Save the World $12 Trillion
Decent living for all does not have to cost the Earth
Decentralization Matters: But Why?
The Decentralized Web Could Help Preserve The Internet's Data For 1,000 Years. Here's Why We Need IPFS To Build It.
Decision time: did habitual liar Boris Johnson tell some lies? It’s going to be tense
"Declaration" music video
Decline in insect populations
Decline of more than 500 species of marine life on Australian reefs ‘the tip of the iceberg’, study finds
The Decolonial Atlas
Decolonization and Imperial Collapse
The Decomposition of Rotten Tomatoes
Deconstructing Astronomy’s Holy Grail
Deconstructing the cult of Winston Churchill: racism, deification and nostalgia for empire
Decontamination of landfill waste leads to increase in toxic chemicals, says study
Decrepit fish camps built on broken promises
Dedicated artists are keeping Japan’s ancient craft of temari alive
Dee Snider on PMRC Hearing: ‘I Was a Public Enemy’
Deep Dive into First Unitarian Church v. NSA: Why Freedom of Association Matters
The deep historical forces that explain Trump’s win
Deep in Florida, an ‘ecological disaster’ has been reversed—and wildlife is thriving
Deep Intellect
Deep Learning is Revolutionary
The Deep Roots of an Italian Song That Sounds Like English—But Is Just Nonsense
The Deep Sea
Deep seabed mining plans pit renewable energy demand against ocean life in a largely unexplored frontier
Deep Time Underground
Deep-Diving Robot Discovers Mysterious and Adorable Octopus Species
Deep-sea mining may wipe out species we have only just discovered
Deep-sea ‘gold rush’: secretive plans to carve up the seabed decried
Deep-seated inequality is fuelling an escalation of violence across Latin America
Deep...Very Deep
Deepfake of U.S. Official Appears After Shift on Ukraine Attacks in Russia
Deepfakes of Australian politicians including Penny Wong and Katy Gallagher used in investment scams
Deepfakes will attack our most precious memories. Are we ready?
Deeply Scary Rabbit
Def Leppard Claims Music Piracy Is Bringing Younger Audiences To Its Concerts
Defence was warned about forever chemicals. They kept it quiet for three decades
Defend yourself against the coming robot rebellion
Defending abuse does not defend free software
Defending Darwin
‘Defending democracy is paramount’: Rula Jebreal warns against Meloni rule
Defending the Humboldt Archipelago
Defi and Shadow Banking 2.0
Define ‘Woman’
Defining and responding to everyday racism
Defining the ’90s Music Canon
The Definition of a Kilogram Just Changed Worldwide
Definitive data on what poor people buy when they’re just given cash
Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon falls 68% in April, first major drop under Lula
Deforestation jeopardises agribusiness and food security in Brazil and worldwide
The deforestation on farms that ‘people don’t even know’ is happening
Defunct satellites burning up in the atmosphere could damage the ozone layer. Here’s how
DefunctTV: The Final Jim Henson Hour
DefunctTV: The History of Fraggle Rock
DefunctTV: The History of Muppet Babies
DefunctTV: The History of the Muppet Show
Degradation of land is threat to human life, Saudi government says
Delaware Passes Law Granting Residents The Right To Pass On Digital Goods To Their Heirs
Delay and deflect: How women gig workers respond to sexual harassment
Delayed environment laws spark calls for urgent government action on water and fracking
Deleting The Digital Divide One Computer at a Time
The Delhi heatwave is testing the limits of human endurance. Other hot countries should beware and prepare
Delhi heatwave: officials investigating if temperature of 52.9C due to faulty sensor
The Delicate Art of Greening a Museum
Delicate Layered Paper Sculptures of Birds and Other Animals by Calvin Nicholls
Delicate ‘Knit’ Glass Sculptures by Carol Milne
Delight as dolphins spotted in New York’s Bronx River
Delightful Experiment Shows Parrots Love to Video Chat With Their Friends
Delightful Japanese wooden toys
Delightfully Surreal Paintings of Plaid Animals by Sean Landers
The Delisting of the Florida Golden Aster
Deliveroo’s exit from Australia shows why gig workers need more protection
Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
Demand an End to Mass Surveillance
Demand for rare-earth metals is skyrocketing, so we’re creating a safer, cleaner way to recover them from old phones and laptops
Demarcation Now! Brazil’s Indigenous Movement Secures Land Recognition Victories at Annual Free Land Camp
The demise of the nation state
Democracies are fragile. Australians must act urgently to safeguard ours
Democracies face ‘truth decay’ as AI blurs fact and fiction, warns head of Australia’s military
Democracies that fail to act on climate change face 'existential' threat
Democracy has always been fragile in Southeast Asia. Now, it may be sliding backwards
Democracy in the digital era
Democracy Sausage: Does Australia need a new COVID-19 strategy?
Democracy spreads in waves – but shared cultural history might matter more than geography
Democracy under attack in Brazil: 5 questions about the storming of Congress and the role of the military
Democracy under siege from the rising forces of plutocracy
Democratising publishing
Democrats Can’t Keep Ignoring Covid in 2024
Democrats erupt with fury after Republican questions ‘loyalty’ of Rep. Chu
Democrats pitch No Kings Act to override supreme court’s Trump immunity ruling
Demolishing buildings is a waste. There's another way: deconstruction
Demolition from the bottom up
Demolition should be the last resort for Melbourne’s 44 public housing towers – retrofit and upgrade instead
Demon-haunted computers are back, baby
Dengue: Brazilian single-dose vaccine could help turn tide in the fight against fever
Denial is over. Climate change is happening. But why do we still act like it’s not?
Denial: The Hidden Link Connecting Mpox, COVID-19, HIV/AIDS
Denmark gets its first wild wolf pack in 200 years
The Denmark secret: how it became the world’s most trusting country – and why that matters
Denmark Trying To Brainwash Schoolchildren With The Tired Old Lie That Copying Is Theft
Denmark will plant 1 billion trees and convert 10% of farmland into forest
Denmark’s Groundbreaking Agriculture Climate Policy Sets Strong Example for the World
Denmark’s Radical Plan for a Plant-Based Future
Dennis Kucinich and “wackiness”
Dense Micro-Forests Are Thriving in France
Denser housing can be greener too – here’s how NZ can build better for biodiversity
Fwd: Fw: dentheren sent you a video!
Fwd: dentheren sent you a video: "Christmas Prank On Louie"
Fwd: dentheren sent you a video: "The Original Human TETRIS Performance by G...
Denver Bets on Rental Cars to Boost EV Adoption
Denver donates 35 bison to Native American tribes
Denver experimented with giving people $1,000 a month. It reduced homelessness and increased full-time employment, a study found.
Denver opens first “micro-community” to house homeless people
Department of Interior Celebrates Recovery of Snail Darter
Depeche Mode - Where's the Revolution
Deploying Redflow Zinc Bromine Batteries from Houses up to Grid Scale
Depressing: Ed Sheeran Films Songwriting Sessions Due To All The Copyright Suits
Depression is probably not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain – new study
Deputies Who Raided Afroman’s House Sue Him For Daring To Turn Footage Of The Raid Into A Viral Video
Des Hommes et des Chatons
Descendants of executed Dakota 38+2 ride to Mankato to honor ancestors
Descendants of Holocaust survivors explain why they are replicating Auschwitz tattoos on their own bodies
The descent of Economic Man by @BloggersRUs
Descriptive norms caused increases in mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic
The desert among the snow: how Anmatyerr ceremony men came to create ground paintings in Switzerland
Desert Critters
Desert elephants pass on knowledge—not mutations—to survive
Desert kurrajongs, the compass and water trees of the outback
Desertification is turning the Earth barren – but a solution is still within reach
Desertification was supposed to be the ‘greatest environmental challenge of our time.’ Why are experts now worried about greening?
Fwd: design
Design as a movement: how First Nations people take ownership of their cultural stories through fashion
Design for internationalization
Design for the First World: The Rest Saving the West
Design lessons from guitar pedals
Design Your Own Cardboard Pinball Machine
Designed in Minecraft, built IRL
The designer bringing Italian furniture to one of Kenya’s oldest slums
Designer layoff stories
Designer Nori: Delicate Laser Cut Seaweed Patterns
Designers & Dragons
Designing a Compassionate Interview for a High Performing Individual
Designing with LibreOffice
Desktop Neo
Despair in Chad camps as violence and hunger in Sudan drive 25,000 across border in a week
Despair is Not a Strategy: 15 principles of hope
Despairing about climate change? These 4 charts on the unstoppable growth of solar may change your mind
Despairing about the Climate Crisis? Read This.
Desperate festivals sector pleads for weather insurance, as $22m Covid fund proves redundant
Desperate for Taylor Swift tickets? Here are cybersecurity tips to stay safe from scams
Desperate Gods - Free Online Board Game
Despicable Me 4 - Minion Intelligence (Big Game Spot)
Despite appearances, digital networking hasn’t killed the business card – yet
Despite improved WHO regulations, the world remains ill-prepared for the next pandemic
Despite its magic and monsters, Dungeons of Hinterberg's developers 'wanted to show a real place' that could explore 'all the layers' of overtourism
Despite Politicians, the Internet Can Save Us from Ourselves
Despite recent increases, JobSeeker still leaves people below the poverty line. Here’s why that affects us all
Despite restrictions elsewhere, NZ still uses a wood preservative linked to arsenic pollution
Despite RIAA's Claim That YouTube-dl Is Infringing, Journalists Use It All The Time
Despite severe drought, Amazon deforestation continues to slow
Despite the myth, deer are not an ecological substitute for moa and should be part of NZ’s predator-free plan
Despite the national apology, abuse in state care is still happening – only systemic change will work
Despite the war, Russia is still part of Europe – for a lasting peace both sides need to remember that
Destruction of nature as dangerous as climate change, scientists warn
Destruction of Ukraine dam caused ‘toxic timebomb’ of heavy metals, study finds
Details Leak On Apple's Secret $275 Billion Deal With The Chinese Government
Detained Australian writer fears he may die of kidney condition in China jail
Detained Australian writer Yang Hengjun given suspended death sentence in China
Detect breaches with Canary credit cards!
The Detectives Who Never Forget a Face
Deutsche Bank tightens finance policy on coal, but not on oil and gas
Devastating coral bleaching will be more common, start earlier and last longer unless we cut emissions
Devastating drought in Amazon result of climate crisis, study shows
Devastatingly low Antarctic sea ice may be the ‘new abnormal’, study warns
Devastation as world’s biggest wetland burns: ‘those that cannot run don’t stand a chance’
Devastation from Kakhovka dam collapse could take decades to heal
The “Developer Experience” Bait-and-Switch
Developer returns to game after four decades, discovers and fixes typo so it works
Developer turns 'future of gaming' talk into a surprise attack on convention's NFT and blockchain sponsors
Developers aren’t paying enough to offset impacts on koalas and other endangered species
Developers Created AI to Generate Police Sketches. Experts Are Horrified
Developers Of Stadia Exclusive Hide Game Inside Other Steam Game To Preserve It
Developing nations are least responsible for climate change but cop it worst. Will the COP29 climate talks tackle this injustice?
Device transmits radio waves with almost no power – without violating the laws of physics
Devil take the hindmost! Inside the IPA and Leyonhjelm's Libertarians
Devil's Bargain: Why Aerosols Pose a Deadly Climate Change Threat
The Devolution Of Hydrogen For Energy Over 25 Years Is A Fascinating Tale
Devon to benefit from The Wildlife Trusts’ Atlantic rainforest recovery programme
DHL Angers Volkswagen, Builds Its Own Electric Delivery Van
DHS Documents Show Harassment And Intrusive Device Searches Are A Common Occurrence At US Borders
Diagnosing Earth: the science behind the IPCC’s upcoming climate report
Diana Beltran Herrera’s Flock of Paper Birds
Diary of a woman on the edge of a fringe festival opening
Dice Collector
Dick Tamimi was accused of smuggling gold into Thailand. Then he produced an all-girl band
Dick Van Dyke on ‘Mary Poppins Returns’ and Dancing at 93
Dick Van Dyke stars in Dustbowl Revival’s music video
The Dickensian Conditions of Life in a For-Profit Lockup
Did Ancient Humans Domesticate Foxes?
Did Australia just make a move to the left?
Did the mayor of this dying California city just spark a universal basic income trend?
Did the Morrison government really prevent 40,000 COVID deaths? A health economist checks claims against facts
Did the Romans play Dungeons and Dragons?
Did this $72m ‘wave house’ inspire Sydney Opera House? Harry Gesner’s California creation up for sale
Did you ever wish that Harry Potter was real? Well it kind of is.
Didn't Used To Be a Pizza Hut
DIE YOUNG- Fan Animated
“Died Suddenly” Is Anti-Vaxxers’ New Favorite Phrase
Dietmar Eckell’s Photos of Plane Wrecks With “Happy Ends”
The difference between poverty and poverty tourism? You’ll never live like common people.
Different rules apply
The difficult necessity of claiming climate victories
'Difficult' G-20 talks show battle lines on coal and climate
‘Difficult, dull and boring’: The HSC subject that students are abandoning
Diffractive Chocolate
Dig this: a tiny echidna moves 8 trailer-loads of soil a year, helping tackle climate change
Digger Unearthed: The Complete 10th Anniversary Collection
Digging Holes
Digging In: Food’s Big, Plastic Problem
Digging up meaning from the rubble of an excavated Atari landfill
DIGIC Services - Cat Reel
The Digital Antiquarian: The Best of Voyager, Part 1
Digital archaeology: How Double Fine, Disney, LucasArts and Sony resurrected Grim Fandango
Digital archive of Molokaʻi history launches with more than 20,000 records
Digital Art
Digital autonomy and the GNOME desktop
Digital Books wear out faster than Physical Books
The digital creator economy: how big is it, and who’s making how much?
Digital Curator
The ‘digital divide’ is already hurting people’s quality of life. Will AI make it better or worse?
Digital game Wayward Strand a Bass Coast airship adventure in multigenerational empathy
Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet
‘Digital inclusion’ and closing the gap: how First Nations leadership is key to getting remote communities online
Digital inequality: why can I enter your building – but your website shows me the door?
Digital Luddites are rising. They want to democratise tech, not destroy it
Digital nomads have rejected the office and now want to replace the nation state. But there is a darker side to this quest for global freedom
Digital Public Library of America
Digital Resource Lifespan
Digital rights activist Ola Bini declared innocent by Ecuadorian court
Digital storytelling can be a powerful tool for water researchers
Digital sundials
Digital technologies have made the wonders of ancient manuscripts more accessible than ever, but there are risks and losses too
The ‘digital town square’? What does it mean when billionaires own the online spaces where we gather?
Digital Transformation Drives Development in Africa
The digital truths traditional publishers don't want to hear
Digital Visual Communication for Public Health: Design Proposal for a Vaccinated Emoji
Digitized Cookbooks on the Getty Research Portal for your Holiday Feasting
Dilbert's Ultimate House Weasel Awards
Dilip Mahalanabis, paediatrician, 1934-2022
Dingoes are being culled in Victoria. How much harm to the species is needed to protect commercial profits?
Dingoes are not mating with dogs – but that could soon change if the culling continues
‘Dingoes were here first’: the landowners who say letting ‘wild dogs’ live pays dividends
Dino and Shark
Dino Run DX
Dinosaur Bones Shimmering With Opal Reveal a New Species in Australia
Dinosaur Comics: Cassandra
Dinosaur Emoji Timeline
Dinosaur Feathers Discovered in Canadian Amber
Dinosaur food and Hiroshima bomb survivors: maidenhair trees are ‘living fossils’ and your new favourite plant
Dinosaur robots
Dinosaur tracksite in Lesotho: how a wrong turn led to an exciting find
Dinosaurs: Okay, I'm heading to LA
Diphtheria is back in Australia, here’s why – and how vaccines can prevent its spread
Diplomacy is essential to a peaceful world, so why did DFAT’s funding go backwards in the budget?
The Dirt On Clothes: Why Washing Less Is More Sustainable
Dirt-cheap Batteries Allow Truck Charging With Low Grid Disruption
DirtPainting, Incredibly Detailed Drawings Created on the Empty Canvases of Dust Laden Vehicles
Dirty Computer Screen?
Dirty Loops - Automatic (Japan Bonus Track) ORIGINAL PITCH
Dirty Mersey makes 'greatest river recovery in Europe' as dozens of fish and shark species found
The dirty secret about success
The Dirty Truth about Combustion Engine Vehicles | An 'Open Source' Animation
Disability Pension Changes Threaten Australians with Disabilities
The disability royal commission delivers its findings today. We must all listen to end violence, abuse and neglect
The disability royal commission heard horrific stories of harm – now we must move towards repair
The disability royal commission recommendations could fix some of the worst living conditions – but that’s just the start
Disabled dolphin jumping again with world's first artificial fin
Disabled people were Holocaust victims, too: they were excluded from German society and murdered by Nazi programs
Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation, not an annoyance
The disappearance of a once-famous 1920s child novelist
The Disappearance of an Internet Domain
Disappearing glaciers are threatening rare alpine plants with extinction
Disappearing teaspoons (British Medical Journal)
‘Disappointment and disbelief’ after Morrison government vetoes research into student climate activism
Disastrous floods in WA – why were we not prepared?
The disastrous voyage of Satoshi, the world’s first cryptocurrency cruise ship
Disbelief and anger among Greek shipwreck victims’ relatives as millions spent on Titan rescue effort
Disco Snails | Vulfmon & Zachary Barker
The Disconnected
Discotheque Futurissimo!
Discover and be inspired by sustainable solutions and innovations
Discover Classical Art
Discover the best in Classical & Modern Art
Discovering Electronic Music (1969-1983)
Discovering the forest wonders of Africa – and the threats they face
Discovering the ‘honeypot’: the surprising way restricting immigration can turn out to hurt the working poor
Discovery of 5,000-year-old farming society in Morocco fills a major gap in history – north-west Africa was a central player in trade and culture
The discovery of a new Earth-like planet could shed further light on what makes a planet habitable
The Discovery of Dolphin Language
Discovery of poliovirus in Gaza ‘incredibly alarming’, Unicef executive director says
Discrimination and the Ice Cream Backlash
Discrimination, internment camps, then deportation: the end of the second world war did not mean peace for Japanese-Australians
‘Discriminatory impact on First Nations people’: coroner calls for urgent bail reform in Veronica Nelson inquest
Discussions On The Abolition Of Patents In The UK, France, Germany And The Netherlands, From 1869
Discworld Documentary
Discworld Game
Discworld wedding cake
Disease in the dirt: how mange-causing mites decimated a Tasmanian wombat population
Disease-causing parasites can hitch a ride on plastics and potentially spread through the sea, new research suggests
Diseases gave us the rise of Christianity, the end of the Aztecs and public sanitation. How might future plagues change human history?
Diseases India eradicated: Important healthcare achievement of the country in the last 75 years
Disempowered, shut off and less able to afford healthy choices – how financial hardship is bad for our health
The disenshittified internet starts with loyal "user agents"
"Disenshittify or Die"
“Disgraceful:” Bowen demands answers as social media giants remove EV and nuclear articles
Disguised ships and front companies: how North Korea has evaded sanctions to grow a global weapons industry
Disinformation and deepfakes played a part in the US election. Australia should expect the same
The Disinformation Campaign That Has Effectively Destroyed The Ability To Combat Disinformation
Disinformation Campaigns Are Murky Blends of Truth, Lies and Sincere Beliefs
Disinformation campaigns are undermining democracy. Here’s how we can fight back
The Disinformation Playbook
Dismantling Sellafield: the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site
Dismay as Rishi Sunak vows to ‘max out’ UK fossil fuel reserves
Dismissed and Disbelieved, Some Long COVID Patients Are Pushed Into Psychiatric Wards
Disney Animator Returns
Disney Deletes Months Old Film From Disney Plus, Ostensibly For More Tax Benefits
Disney films remixed into electronic music
Disney has a kid crisis
Disney Jaeger Pilots from Pacific Rim Fan Art
Disney Must Pay Alan Dean Foster and other authors
Disney Princesses Are My (Imperfect) Feminist Role Models
Disney unveils next-generation robot and other new 'blue-sky' technologies at SXSW
Disney’s Mulan tells women to know their place
Disney’s writer wage theft, a year on.
Disparities in global empathy: why some refugees are more welcome than others
Dispatch from the long Covid frontline
"The Dispossessed" at 50: Ursula K. Le Guin’s ‘anarchist utopia’ was an anguished response to war. Its political power endures
The dispute causing empty shelves at Woolies is a test case for companies using AI and automation on workers
Disquiet in the archives: archivists make tough calls with far-reaching consequences – they deserve our support
Disrupting cyberwar with open source intelligence
The Disruption Machine
Distance education tutors don’t need any formal qualifications – we should make this role a career
The Distress of the Privileged
Distributed Battery Management Inverters: The New Frontier For Life-Extended, Cost-Reduced Batteries
Distributed work: get it right and your organization will benefit
The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think
Ditch brightly coloured plastic, anti-waste researchers tell firms
Ditching fossil fuels improves health: Deaths from particulate pollution have dropped 16% since 2005
Dive into Okinawa’s stunning—but endangered—underwater world
Dive into the Incredible Worldbuilding of Studio Ghibli!
Divers in the Philippines create nurseries for rescued coral
Diverse sexuality reported by more than one in 10 Australian high school students
Diversifying Your Classroom Book Collections? Avoid these 7 Pitfalls
Diversity and recruiting developers
Diversity take to the stage with POWERFUL Black Lives Matter performance | Semi-Finals | BGT 2020
Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace are under attack. Here’s why they matter more than ever
Diversity, Equity, and Sustainability
Diverting children away from the criminal justice system gives them a chance to ‘grow out’ of crime
Divided and paralysed, can the WTO negotiate a pandemic recovery plan that is fair for all?
Divided Screen Mayhem
Divine Etsy
Diving into the anti-sunscreen movement
Diving through time
Diving with penguins: tech gives ocean scientists a bird’s-eye view of foraging in Antarctic waters
‘Divorce’ in songbirds: extreme weather pushes couples past breaking point
DIY biology
DIY Cat sleeping bed
DIY degree? Why universities should make online educational materials free for all
DIY diagnosis: How an extreme athlete uncovered her genetic flaw
DIY dinosaur lights
DIY Inspiration: Rainbow Rose Petal Jewelry!
DIY mineral water
DIY Myazaki ornithopter and Totoro
Diébédo Francis Kéré: how first Black winner of architecture’s top prize is committed to building ‘peaceful cities’
Djab Wurrung Protectors Fund
Django Girls one year later
Djuna, South Korea’s Enigmatic Sci-Fi Legend, Opens Up About Their New Book
DMCA's Notice And Takedown Procedure Is A Total Mess, And It's Mainly Because Of Bogus Automated Takedowns
DMK: Charming Depeche Mode cover band from Columbia
DNA ‘printing press’ could quickly store mountains of data
'DNA' in plastic pollution can be used to hold manufacturers responsible for its clean-up
Do Americans Know How Weird and Extreme Their Collapse is Getting?
Do animals feel empathy? Inside the decades-long quest for an answer.
Do artists have a duty to speak truth to power? Jordan Prosser’s "Big Time" believes the future is ours to make
Do beach cabanas actually protect you from the sun?
Do cats have ‘friends’, or do they always vie for territory? Animal experts weigh in
Do David Attenborough documentaries help the natural world? New research gives cause for hope
Do electric cars greatly increase the average mass of cars on the road? Not in Australia
Do electric cars have an air pollution problem?
Do hypoallergenic cats even exist? 3 myths dispelled about cat allergies
Do It Yourself Kinetic Art
Do natural fabrics really keep us cooler in summer? Here’s the science
Do not adjust your sets: with Truss gone, the UK is about to get yet another prime minister
Do not forget them
‘Do Not Resist’: A chilling look at the normalization of warrior cops
‘Do not use our pain to bring death’: plea to Israel from peace activists’ grieving families
Do phrases like ‘global boiling’ help or hinder climate action?
Do single-sex schools create hotbeds for misogynistic behaviour?
"Do the Cosmonauty" and Pirate Horoscopes
Do truth and reconciliation commissions heal divided nations?
Do We Actually Need the G7?
Do we care enough about COVID?
Do we need a new law for AI? Sure – but first we could try enforcing the laws we already have
Do you care about animals? Then you really shouldn't eat octopus
Do you ever feel that some cities are just more alive than others?
Do You Have Examples Of Constructive Responses To Hateful/Abusive/Trollish Speech Online?
Do You Have “Advantage Blindness”?
Do you really need antibiotics? Curbing our use helps fight drug-resistant bacteria
Do you shop for second-hand clothes? You’re likely to be more stylish
Do you speak Elf?
Do you think you have a penicillin allergy? You might be wrong
Do you toss biodegradable plastic in the compost bin? Here’s why it might not break down
Do you trust AI to write the news? It already is – and not without issues
Do Your City’s Parks Need a ‘Colonial Audit’?
Do Your Part, Rights Holders: Open The Vaults!
Dobby: ‘Hip-hop is a powerful tool to remind people to see past the crap’
Doc Savage Movie Trailer
Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
The Doctor Sings
Doctor Who character breaks record for longest gap between TV appearances
Doctor Who History 1963-2012
Doctor Who joins Pooh on icons list
The Doctor Who theme and beyond: female pioneers of electronic music
Doctor Who: how the Doctor became a man, and why it matters that he’s regenerating into a woman
Doctoral dissertation in graphic novel form
Doctors are being sexually harassed at work. This needs to stop
Doctors Are Soothing Pain with Virtual Reality Worlds
Doctors providing trans care are under increasing threat from far-right harassment campaigns
Doctors Tell All—and It’s Bad
The Document Foundation announces the Document Liberation Project
Documentaries online
Documentary About Freeing Happy Birthday From Copyfraud Comes Out The Day After Happy Birthday Officially Declared Public Domain
Documentary proves girls will play D&D with boys
Documents reveal ‘scramble’ to rubber-stamp NSW bill targeting climate protests
Does Academic Freedom Have a Future?
Does Australia need new laws to combat right-wing extremism?
Does Australia’s harsh asylum seeker policy matter to the average Australian? It depends whether they have to get off the couch
Does bottled water contain plastic particles?
Does Donald Trump really want to be a dictator?
Does Gender Segregation in Online Gaming Matter?
Does Germany Have A Fireworks Problem?
Does history have lessons for the future? Roman Krznaric looks to the past to discover the rules for radical hope
Does Jacinda Ardern’s popularity really qualify as a cult of personality, as some critics claim?
Does No-Resumé, No-Interview Hiring Work? New Data Say Yes
Does private health insurance cut public hospital waiting lists? We found it barely makes a dent
Does public safety trump free speech? History suggests there is a case for banning anti-trans activist Posie Parker from NZ
Does reading fiction make us better people?
‘Does rewilding sort climate change? Yes!’: UK expert says nature can save planet and not harm farming
Does Science Fiction Shape the Future?
Does Taking Down Content Lead Ignorant People To Believe It's More Likely To Be True?
Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims
Does the microbiome hold the key to chronic fatigue syndrome?
Does the UN aviation body have the power to punish Russia for the MH17 downing? An aviation law expert explains
Does This Water Have Legal Rights?
Does tracking your employees actually make them more productive?
Does Yang Hengjun have any legal hopes left after receiving a suspended death sentence in China?
does your cat drink like this?
Dog befriends baby giraffe after abandoned in South Africa
Dog Finds A Tiny Kitten, Risks Everything To Save Her
Dog hops on bus to go to pub
Dog Humour
Dog injures nose
Dog owners 'fleeced' in poodle scam
Dog Wants A Kitty!
Dog x-rays, art history and a ‘never say never’ attitude: the surprising toolbox of professional conservators
Doggy bags packed with seeds to help rewild nature reserve in England
Doggy scuba gear!
The Doghouse
Dogs and wolves both get sad when you don’t treat them fairly
Dogs Annoying Cats with Their Friendship
Dogs are incredible – if unlikely – allies in conservation
Dogs in wheelcart playing with a stick
Dogs successfully reanimated
Dogs Teaching Chemistry
Dogs Use Subway, Cat Takes Bus and Other Adventures in Animal Intelligence
Dogs’ Eyes Have Changed Since Humans Befriended Them
Doing away with COVID isolation rules means increased isolation and risks for people with disability
Doing science in Antarctica has harmed an environment under great pressure. Here’s how we can do better
DOIP - Chalk
DOJ Boss Joins UK, Australian Gov't In Asking Facebook To Ditch Its End-To-End Encryption Plan
DOJ Charges Defendants With Harassing and Spying On Chinese Americans for Beijing
DOJ Using The FOSTA Playbook To Attack Encryption
DOJ: Russia Aimed Propaganda at Gamers, Minorities to Swing 2024 Election
Dolby Kids - Corona and the Pirate Twins
The Dollar-And-Cents Case Against Hollywood’s Exclusion of Women
Dollars and chainsaws: Can timber production help fund global reforestation?
Dollars and scents: how the right smells can encourage shoppers to buy healthier foods
Dolly Parton: Rockstar Forever
‘Dolomite Problem’: 200-year-old geology mystery resolved
Dolph C. Volker (Big Cat Videos)
Dolphin Embassy
Dolphin friendly? New research shows vague environmental labelling is common on NZ seafood products
Dolphin Hear, Dolphin Do: Imitation by Echolocation
Dolphin rescues stranded whales
Dolphin wearable could find cost of habitat disturbance
Dolphins Are Helping Us Hunt for Aliens
Dolphins Are So Smart They're Learning Tool-Use From Their Friends
Dolphins gain unprecedented protection in India
Dolphins have 'longest social memory' among non-humans
Dolphins have similar personality traits to humans, study finds
Dolphins recorded having a conversation 'just like two people' for first time
Dolphins sing 'Batman' theme
Dolphins stampede alongside boat 'like a herd of wild horses'
Dolphins use signature whistles to represent other dolphins – similarly to how humans use names
Dolphins, turtles and birds don’t have to die in fishing gear – skilled fishers can avoid it
Domestic violence and a simple tool called the 'No Test' could identify an abusive partner
Domestic violence perpetrators could be tracked by specialised agency, Australian crime institute says
Domestic Workers in Lebanon Are Making a Dramatic Escape
Dominica High Court overturns ban on same-sex relations
Dominica to create world's first sperm whale reserve
Dominican Republic Formalizes Domestic Work
The Dominican Republic miracle: a fifth of the country regreened in 10 years
Domino Animals
Domino chain reaction
Don Alfonso (English version)- Mike Oldfield
Don't Adjust Your Viewfinder
Don't agree to do record-breaking tricks on Chinese TV. Just don't.
Don't Be A Sucker (1947)
Don't Be Evil
Don't be fooled by fossil fuel industry's 'green' word salads
Don't believe hydrogen and nuclear hype – they can’t get us to net zero carbon by 2050
Don't fall for the PHEV hype – go battery EV or go home
Don't Ignore the Trolls. Feed Them Until They Explode.
Don't Look If You Have Coulrophobia!
Don't Panic about "going dark"
Don't pooh-pooh it: Making paper from elephant dung
Don't Regulate The Internet Like Every Company Is The Same
Don't replace your people with ChatGPT or other AI services
Don't Stay in School / You Look Like a Girl
Don't Stop Believin' - Journey (ONE TAKE Vintage Postmodern Jukebox Cover)
Don't take my word for it: the science shows that wind turbines do not harm birdlife
Don't Use Real Rabbits as Your Smartphone Case
Don't You Dare Judge the Homeless Population
Donald Rumsfeld Quotes
Donald Trump and Ayn Rand
Donald Trump Caused The Techlash
Donald Trump has declared war on international justice. Australia must speak up
Donald Trump insists a ‘strongman’ leader will help America. My new book explains why he’s wrong
Donald Trump wants to be a dictator. It’s not enough just to laugh at him
Donald Trump’s sanity is not the question. The real issue is how he got into office
Donald Trump’s stroll to victory in Iowa was a foregone conclusion. This doesn’t make it any less shocking
Donald Trump’s war on global governance: lessons from the past on how to fight back
Donating to animal shelters
Done with Twitter? Here are the best alternatives
Donkeys in danger of extinction as study shows 10 animals you didn't know were too
Donors making a difference: WHO, communities and partners collaborate to end infectious diseases
Don’t be fooled by brands that do one good ethical thing, say economists
Don’t Be Scared About The End Of Capitalism—Be Excited To Build What Comes Next
Don’t blame workers for falling productivity – we’re not the ones holding it back
Don’t Demolish That House — ‘Deconstruct’ It!
Don’t fall for the snake oil claims of ‘structured water’. A chemist explains why it’s nonsense
Don’t fear the boomers! How Poland is celebrating its old people – and making life better for every age
Don’t fret about students using ChatGPT to cheat – AI is a bigger threat to educational equality
Don’t go chasing waterfalls: slippery rocks, currents and daredevil jumpers make Australia’s waterways surprisingly deadly
Don’t let rising seas drown the Marshall Islands
Don’t Listen to Fox. Here’s What’s Really Going On in Seattle’s Protest Zone.
Don’t listen to Gwyneth Paltrow – IVs are not a shortcut to good health
“Don’t listen to politicians, talk to neighbours:” Slashing home energy bills takes a village
Don’t look Up! has a surprising amount to tell us about economics, much of it useful
‘Don’t Look Up’: Hollywood’s primer on climate denial illustrates 5 myths that fuel rejection of science
Don’t Poke the Bear: Creating Content for Sensitive Situations
Don’t pretend COVID-19 didn’t happen
Don’t put all your eggs in one Facebook basket
‘Don’t read the comments’: misinformed and malicious comments stifle Indigenous voices
Don’t rely on social media users for fact-checking. Many don’t care much about the common good
‘Don’t say anything about it’: why so many LGBTQIA+ Buddhists feel pressure to hide their identities
‘Don’t Say Gay’ rules and book bans might have felt familiar in medieval Europe − but queer themes in literature survived nonetheless
‘Don’t say it with roses’. The school leading a green revolution in floristry
‘Don’t scare us, and use our words’ say teens behind anti-sextortion campaign
‘Don’t shove us off like we’re rubbish’: what people with intellectual disability told us about their local community
Don’t Toss It, Fix It! Europe Is Guaranteeing Citizens the “Right to Repair”
Don’t “Get” People to Do Anything
Doodle 4 Google 2017 - US Winner
The Doodlestation
Doom busters: why some things aren’t (quite) as bad as we think
Doom scrolling
DOOM: The Gallery Experience
The doomed 30-year battle to stop a pandemic
Doomscrolling linked to existential anxiety, distrust, suspicion and despair, study finds
Doomsday bunkers, Mars and ‘The Mindset’: the tech bros trying to outsmart the end of the world
The Doomsday Clock is still at 90 seconds to midnight. But what does that mean?
The Doomsday Clock moves to 90 seconds to midnight, signaling more peril than ever
Doomsday Clock set closer to midnight than ever to stress global catastrophe risks
Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich
“The Door Problem”
Dorkly Brings Us The 30 Best Dr.Seuss Mashups On The Internet
Dos Rios Ranch, California's first new state park in 13 years, is just outside of the Bay Area
DOS_deck offers free, all-timer DOS games in a browser, with controller support
DOTS braille polyhedral dice
Dotted lines by Professor Walter Lewins, MIT
Double Fine Amnesia Fortnight
Double Rainbow meme
The double-standard of making the poor prove they’re worthy of government benefits
Doug Engelbart & Ted Nelson come to dinner
Doughnut economics: an economic model for the future
Douglas Adams made me a writer: Neil Gaiman salutes his friend and inspiration
Douglas Adams' typewriter at Abe Books
Dowara Kanda Tech Uyapï: Preserving Leco Indigenous Culture and Key Ecosystems in Bolivia
Down the rabbit hole with the World's Smallest Postal Service
Down with Unicode! Why 16 bits per character is a right pain in the ASCII
Download "Theft! A History of Music", a New Free Graphic Novel Exploring 2,000 Years of Musical Borrowing
Download 1,000+ Japanese Woodblock Prints by Edo-Era Master Hiroshige
Download 1,600+ Publications from the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Books, Guides, Magazines & More
Download 448 Free Art Books from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Download 6600 Free Films from The Prelinger Archives and Use Them However You Like
Download Every iFixit Guide, Free
Download Free Coloring Books from Nearly 100 Museums & Libraries
Download Linux Voice issue 1 — with audio!
Download Linux Voice issue 2
Download Rocket Fuel: Some of the Best of Non-Fiction for Free!
The downside of digital transformation: why organisations must allow for those who can’t or won’t move online
The Downstream Effects of India’s Green Revolution
Downwind from Standing Rock
Dozens of Museums and Universities Pledge to Return Native American Remains. Few Have Funded the Effort.
Dozens of refugees are still stranded in precarious situations in PNG – and support from Australia is dwindling
Dozens of South Australian townships fear a recurring disaster without future-proofing water supply
Dozens of woodland bird species are threatened, and we still don’t know what works best to bring them back
Dr Seuss and The Seven Lady Godivas
Dr Who & Harry Potter: Two great stories that go great together
The Dr Who That Wasn't
Dr Yunus seeks nation's support to build new Bangladesh
Dr. Demento, comedic song hero and unsung punk rock legend, gets his due on new album
Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"
Dr. Ledoux Critter Splitter Series
Dr. Matthew Rimmer Takes A Closer Look At Fair Use
Dr. Seuss Art
Dr. Who spinoff to star Capt. Jack Harkness!
‘Draconian and undemocratic’: why criminalising climate protesters in Australia doesn’t actually work
🐉 Draconis: The Peaceful Way to Play DND 5E
Draft guidelines for ‘forever chemicals’ have been released. Here’s what it means for drinking water safety in Australia
Draft Israeli law to limit academic speech labelled ‘McCarthyite’
Dragon Dating Simulator - A visual novel
Dragon Necklaces
DRAGON PROJECTION with fire on house front in Italy
Dragon Quest ballet
?: Dragon Quest ballet
Dragon Wing Creation
Dragon Wreath by Haleigh Toney
Dragons at Crumbling Castle
Dragons of Elanthia
Dragonscale: a beautiful approach to solar
Dramatic climate action needed to curtail ‘crazy’ extreme weather
Dramatic X
‘Dramatically more powerful’: world’s first battery-electric freight train unveiled
DRAM’s Damning Defects—and How They Cripple Computers
Drawing lines in the South China Sea: what Beijing’s new claims over a disputed coral reef mean
drawing with HTML
DRC conflict risks spreading: African leaders must push for solutions beyond military intervention
DRC elections: three factors that have shaped Tshisekedi’s bumpy first term as president
DRC-Rwanda crisis: what’s needed to prevent a regional war
‘The dream is to reform Bangladesh’: can a new leader steer the country towards democracy?
Dream Letters - Turn Your Child Into An Avid Reader & Writer
Dream of New Kind of Credit Union Is Extinguished by Bureaucracy
The Dream Was Universal Access to Knowledge. The Result Was a Fiasco.
Dreamlike photos of miniature street scenes
Dreamtroit, a Low-Cost Bohemia for Artists, Revs Up in Motor City
DreamWorld’s King
Dress up a T. REX
Dressage de Chats
Dreyfus ends prosecution of lawyer over alleged leaking about Australian spying in against Timor-Leste
Dried fruit grower saves $10,000 with electric four wheel drives, solar and battery
Driftwood horses
Driftwood Sculpture
Drillers break into magma chamber
Drilling surprise opens door to magma-powered electricity
Drinking fountains in every town won’t fix all our water issues – but it’s a healthy start
Driven out by decades of conflict, native giraffes make a return to Angola
Driver blames crash on pterodactyl
Driving a greener future: how your electric car could help power your neighbourhood
Driving Denial: How Toyota’s Unholy Alliance with Climate Deniers Threatens Climate Progress
Driving Dogs: a brilliant ad campaign
The Driving Force Behind America's Warp Speed Decline into an Unequal Society
Driving out the rainforest invaders: crackdown on illegal mining brings hope after Bolsonaro era
Driving the energy transition, EVs are simply better for the environment
DRM Still Breaking Games Nearly A Decade After Purchase
DRM-Free – A Year On
droid masters traditional Japanese kabuki
Drone Awards 2020: the world seen from above
Drone delivery is a thing now. But how feasible is having it everywhere, and would we even want it?
Drone display sets world record for most UAVs airborne simultaneously
Drone fishing in South Africa is a danger to sharks and may be unfair to other fishers – study
Drone food delivery is spreading across Australia. Research suggests we will eat more junk food as a result
Drone Images of Coastal Kelp Show Recovery is Possible
Drone seeding and E-seeds sound exciting, but ecosystem restoration needs practical solutions
Drone strikes hit Moscow and Kyiv – in the growing world of drone warfare, anything goes when it comes to international law
Drone swarms illuminate Scottish skies as part of Hogmanay festival
Drones and AI help stop poaching in Africa
Drones and DNA tracking: we show how these high-tech tools are helping nature heal
Drones are being used to reseed forests and revitalize ecosystems
Drones are disturbing critically endangered shorebirds in Moreton Bay, creating a domino effect
Drones Are Whizzing Lifesaving Supplies Across the ‘Last Mile’
Drones to unleash vaccine-laced pellets in bid to save endangered ferrets
Drop the talk about ‘mum and dad’ landlords. It lets property investors off the hook
Drought can hit almost anywhere: How 5 cities that nearly ran dry got water use under control
Drought has dried a major Amazon River tributary to its lowest level in over 122 years
‘Drowning for love’ – 5 ways to protect your life while you’re trying to rescue someone in trouble in the water
Drowning in privacy policies: CHOICE calls for reform
Drug companies pay doctors over A$11 million a year for travel and education. Here’s which specialties received the most
Drug detection dogs often get it wrong, and it’s a policing practice that needs to stop
Drug resistance may make common infections like thrush untreatable
Drug that ‘melts away’ tumours hailed as ‘gamechanger’ for some bowel cancer patients
Drugs of the future will be easier and faster to make, thanks to mRNA – after researchers work out a few remaining kinks
Drugs, hormones and excrement: the polluting pig mega-farms supplying pork to the world
Dry Cleaning Chemical Could Be Major Cause of Parkinson's, Scientists Warn
The Dryad’s Shoe by T. Kingfisher
Drylands now make up 40% of land on Earth, excluding Antarctica, study says
DS X E-Tense, Rep AOC & Tesla Solar Roof | Fully Charged News
Dublin to Ban Driving Through Its City Center
Dubstep dispute
Duct tape art
Duct Tape roses
"Duct Tape" - Funky Times feat. Philip Lassiter
Dude, you broke the future!
Dueling Geneiuses The Greatest Highlights of Japanese Artists
Duet - Glen Keane
Dug up in Australia, burned around the world – exporting fossil fuels undermines climate targets
Dugongs and turtles are starving to death in Queensland seas – and La Niña’s floods are to blame
Dumb & Dumber: The Global Assault on Environmental Laws
Dumb Ways to Lie
Dumbed-down curriculum means primary students will learn less about the world and nothing about climate
Dumbing down or wising up: how will generative AI change the way we think?
Dumping open source for proprietary rarely pays off: Better to stick a fork in it
Dunedin’s sea lion population boom
Dungeon Map Doodler
Dungeons & Developers
Dungeons & Dragons & Philosophy
Dungeons & Dragons at 50: How the fantasy world can be a home for everyone
Dungeons & Dragons at 50: the collaborative fantasy role-playing game that builds you up
Dungeons & Dragons Is a Household Name Again
Dungeons & Dragons Promises To Make Its Adventures More Queer
Dungeons & Dragons: The revival of a 'geeky' pastime
Dungeons And Doggos
Dungeons and Dragons 30th anniversary
Dungeons And Dragons Was Honestly Great, And It's Infuriating Its Box Office Might Cost Us A Sequel
The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation
Durable plastic pollution easily, cleanly degrades with new catalyst
During NAIDOC Week, many Indigenous women are assigned unpaid work. New research shows how prevalent this is in the workplace
During the Great Depression, many newspapers betrayed their readers. Some are doing it again now
“During the Pandemic” is Now: Why E&W Still Has a COVID Policy
During the referendum, I was a national scapegoat. I considered quitting but now I have hope
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust reveals major new Scottish rewilding project
Fwd: [Bulk] Dust Art
Dust devils on Mars
Dust drove dinosaurs’ extinction after asteroid impact, scientists say
Dutch art sleuth recovers a further six stolen paintings
Dutch Caribbean islanders sue Netherlands over climate change
Dutch lion-tailed pants in wacky Chinese game
Dutch Muslims fearful for future after ‘shocking’ election results
Dutch nursing home offers rent-free housing to students
Dutch parliament: Vendor dependence too high a cost
Dutch Police Arrest 154 Soccer Fans Over Antisemitic Chants
Dutch Real Estate Broker Installs a Small Roller Coaster in a House to Give Tours to Prospective Buyers
The Dutch Recession, The End of American Pandemic Savings, and Why One House Survived the Hawaii Fires
Dutch Supermarket Adds “Slow Checkout Lanes” for Senior Citizens Who Could Use a Chat
Dutch Windmills Host a Mesmerizing Laser Show
The Dutch ‘tile whipping’ competition to green gardens and streets
Dutton confirms nuclear push and climate denial go hand in hand: The pretence has gone
Dutton hints he’ll sack 36,000 public servants. Voters deserve to know what services will be affected
Dutton wants a ‘mature debate’ about nuclear power. By the time we’ve had one, new plants will be too late to replace coal
Dutton wants Australia to join the “nuclear renaissance” – but this dream has failed before
Dutton’s big nuclear plan: “A serious joke” that is mad, bad and dangerous
Dutton’s dumping of climate target would be a disaster for power prices, families and business
Dutton’s nuclear plan a “con job” and a recipe for blackouts, says Bowen
Dutton’s plan to nuke Australia’s renewable energy transition explained in full
Dutton’s ‘no’ vote reflects 40 years of Coalition partisanship on the Voice
DVD Review of The Star Wars Holiday Special (Platinum Edition)
'Dwarf' foxes, saved from extinction, make an incredible recovery
The Dwarven Lord of Kickstarter
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Donates Unprecedented 7 Figures To Striking Actors
'Dying of thirst' as climate-driven floods mix with oil
Dylan Alcott says he missed out on childhood friends. With support, disabled kids today can have a better shot socially
Dylan Mulvaney and The Failures of Rainbow Capitalism
Fwd: Dynamic Moire: Animated Optical Illusions (YouTube)
Dynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface
Dynamic target tracking camera system keeps its eye on the ball
Dynamicland intro, Aug 2024
The dynamics that polarise us on social media are about to get worse
The Dystopian Lake Filled by the World’s Tech Lust
Déjà vu in New Caledonia: why decades of political failure will make this uprising hard to contain
Détour — A film by Michel Gondry
E for equity? E-scooter and e-bike schemes can help people on low incomes and with disabilities
E-Books Strain Relations Between Libraries, Publishing Houses
E-bus deal puts Oslo on track for zero-emissions public transport goal
E-fuels cannot save Europe from Chinese electric vehicles
e-Fuels Won’t Work! THIS Is Why…
E-fuels: how big a niche can they carve out for cars?
E-scooter riders flouting rules, blocking footpaths and causing accidents? We need to use smart solutions (and bust the myths)
E-scooters are becoming wildly popular – but we have to factor in the weather
E-scooters are linked with injuries and hospital visits – but we can’t say they are riskier than bikes yet
E-waste is overflowing landfills. At one sprawling Vietnam market, workers recycle some of it
E-waste recycler Eric Lundgren loses appeal on computer restore disks, must serve 15-month prison term
E. E. Cummings and Krazy Kat
E.L.O (Electric Light Orchestra) All Over The World
E.P.A. Tells Dozens of States to Clean Up Their Smokestacks
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial at 40 – a deep meditation on loneliness, and Spielberg’s most exhilarating film
Each Antarctic tourist effectively melts 83 tonnes of snow – new research
Each budget used to have a gender impact statement. We need it back, especially now
Each Easter we spend about $62 a head on chocolates, but the cost of buying unsustainable products can be far greater
The Eagles - Hotel California - Reimagined on the Traditional Chinese Guzheng | Moyun
Earliest "recording" in music history! - 220 year old Joseph Haydn Organ
The earliest humans swam 100,000 years ago, but swimming remains a privileged pastime
Early Computer Art in the 50’s & 60’s
Early heat and insect strike are stressing urban trees – even as canopy cover drops
Early skeleton map reveals how bones form in humans
Early warning systems will protect everyone on Earth in 5 years, UN announces
Early warnings for floods in South Africa: engineering for future climate change
Early YouTube Musician Explains How Signing Major Label Deal 'Nearly Destroyed My Career'
Earth 2: the Metaverse as crypto number-go-up
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions
Earth Care Library
Earth Could Feasibly Descend Into Chaos, Physicists Warn
Earth Day at 50: A look to the past offers hope for the planet’s future
Earth Day: How one grocery shopper takes steps to avoid ‘pointless plastic’
Earth from Space: the eye-popping series that zooms in on our planet
Earth harbours 20,000,000,000,000,000 ants – and they weigh more than wild birds and mammals combined
Earth is already shooting through the 1.5°C global warming limit, two major studies show
Earth is getting extra salty, an ‘existential threat’ to freshwater supplies
The Earth Is Telling Us We Must Rethink Our Growth Society
Earth may have breached seven of nine planetary boundaries, health check shows
Earth may soon become “inhospitable to current human societies”
Earth may temporarily pass dangerous 1.5℃ warming limit by 2024, major new report says
Earth on Brink of Five Catastrophic Climate Tipping Points, Report Warns
Earth Restored
Earth Will Likely Be Much Warmer in 2100 Than We Anticipated, Scientists Warn
Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find
Earth's resources consumed in ever greater destructive volumes
Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices
Earthmender Fiction: How to be a Storyteller and an Earthmender
Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: how satellites can help rescue efforts
Earthquakes can change the course of rivers – with devastating results. We may now be able to predict these threats
Earthquakes don’t kill people; buildings do. And those lovely decorative bits are the first to fall
Earthquakes in Japan: We are Always Prepared
Earthshot Prize: William and Kate launch prize to 'repair the Earth'
The Earth’s biodiversity could be much greater than we thought
Earth’s climate will keep changing long after humanity hits net-zero emissions. Our research shows why
‘Earth’s empty quarter’: many Pacific nations now have falling populations
Earth’s oldest impact crater was just found in Australia – exactly where geologists hoped it would be
Earth’s oldest, tiniest creatures are poised to be climate change winners – and the repercussions could be huge
Earth’s ozone layer on course to be healed within decades, UN report finds
Earth’s ‘vital signs’ show humanity’s future in balance, say climate experts
"The Easiest Way to Sell Cover Songs & Original Music Online"
Easily-Triggered Privileged People Have Turned Society Into Their Own Giant Safe Space
Easing Africa’s debt burdens: a fresh approach, based on an old idea
East Africa’s ‘soda lakes’ are rising, threatening their iconic flamingos
East Bay tiny homes mean big changes for homeless residents
easter bunny
Easter bunny name
Eating less food from animal sources is key to reducing the risk of wildlife-origin diseases and global warming
Eating less sugar would be great for the planet as well as our health, say researchers
Eating Spaghetti Ice Cream in Germany
Eavesdropping on the Secret Social World of Giant Otters
'Ebola is defeated,' says Congolese professor who discovered the virus
“Ebola is not a natural disaster. It is a disease fostered by poverty…”
Ebola, Organic Food, and Fukushima. Three Dope Slaps About How We Get Risk Wrong.
EBook Pledge To Protect Libraries & Authors From Publishers’ Growing Abuse Of Copyright
Ebooks and statistics
#ebooksos crisis: price gouging publishers
ECB says bitcoin is on ‘road to irrelevance’ amid crypto collapse
Eccentric Inventor Colin Furze Builds a Gigantic Star Wars AT-AT Walker Clubhouse
Echidnas blow snot bubbles and perform belly flops to stay cool in the heat, researchers find
Eclipse of The Sun
“Eclipsed our wildest dreams:” Trucking industry starts to embrace electric future
Eco Media Player
Eco-concrete is Cementing Itself as a Climate Solution
The Eco-Friendlier Future of the Disposable Spork
‘Eco-friendly’ straws contain potentially toxic chemicals – posing a threat to people and wildlife
‘Ecocide’ is being used as a weapon of war in Ukraine. It should be one of the crimes tried in the International Criminal Court
EcoEDA Integrates Your Junk Bin Into Your Designs
EcoFlow’s Power Hat is a floppy, phone-charging solar panel for your noggin
Ecological 'disaster' warnings as Houthi-sunk ship leaches fertilizer into Red Sea
Ecological art can bring us closer to understanding nature. How does this look in the era of climate change?
Ecological Land Cooperative
EcoLogicStudio turns algae into air-purifying biopolymer "tree"
Ecologists roped in to help hazel dormice bridge the gap
"Ecology of Fear": Mike Davis’ history of LA and natural disaster is re-read whenever fire rages in California
‘Ecology on steroids’: how Australia’s First Nations managed Australia’s ecosystems
The economic and cultural value of the Australian book industry deserves more government support
Economic damage from climate change six times worse than thought – report
Economic estimation of Bitcoin mining’s climate damages demonstrates closer resemblance to digital crude than digital gold
Economic growth is an unnecessary evil, Jacinda Ardern is right to deprioritise it
Economic growth is fuelling climate change – a new book proposes ‘degrowth communism’ as the solution
The Economic Lessons of Star Trek’s Money-Free Society
Economic policies encourage the careless use of people and the planet. Creating caring economies is the answer
Economic reasons for manufacturers to embrace repair
Economic Termites Are Everywhere
The Economics of a Hit TV Show
The Economics of Soaking the Rich
The Economics of Star Trek
Economics ripe for a post-pandemic shake up as COVID kills old assumptions
Economics, Pollution, and Bandits
Economics’ Failure Over Destruction of Nature Presents “Extreme Risks”
Economist examines empirical evidence of file-sharing on box-office revenue
Economist Explains How Copyright Just Isn't Working
The Economist special report on video gaming
Economists say Australia shouldn’t try to transition to net zero by aping the mammoth US Inflation Reduction Act
Economix Comix: The TPP and Free Trade
The economy can’t guarantee a job. It can guarantee a liveable income for other work
Economy’s End
Econophysics: Can antimoney prevent the next financial crisis?
Ecosystems across Australia are collapsing under climate change
‘Ecosystems are collapsing’: one of Australia’s longest rivers has lost more than half its water in one section, research shows
Ecosystems are deeply interconnected – environmental research, policy and management should be too
Ecotourism offers new hopes for Bhutanese youth — and local environments
Ecto-88, the geekiest car ever
Ecuador court upholds ‘rights of nature,’ blocks Intag Valley copper mine
Ecuador leading the way in working alongside Indigenous groups to protect sacred rainforest
Ecuador shuts down oil drilling at nature reserve
Ecuador Strikes a Landmark Deal to Save Nature, and Some Cash
Ecuador’s top court rules for stronger land rights for Indigenous communities
Ed Sheeran cleared of infringing copyright in Marvin Gaye lawsuit
Ed Sheeran Gets It: As He Wins His Copyright Lawsuit, He Decries ‘Culture’ Of Bogus Copyright Suits
Ed Sheeran Just Can’t Get Away From Ridiculous Copyright Lawsuits
The Ed Sheeran Problem, or, How the Record Industry Got What It Asked For
Ed Sheeran, Once Again, Demonstrates How Modern Copyright Is Destroying, Rather Than Helping Musicians
Ed Stone, Former Director of JPL, Voyager Project Scientist, Dies
Eddy's run
The Edelweiss Pirates: The Teenage Rebels Who Defied Hitler
Edify trucks in 100 Tesla Megapacks for final leg of landmark battery project
Edinburgh Fringe funniest jokes 2012 and other comedy
Edinburgh Zoo welcomes baby capybaras for first time in 15 years
Edison, a new low-cost educational robot
Edit -kill- the messenger
Editor of scientific journal says fake study linking whale deaths to wind farms is 'deliberate misinformation'
Editor-In-Chief Of RT, Russia’s Main Propaganda Network, Says Many Of Its Presenters Are AI-Generated – If You Can Believe Her
Editorial: Trump and oil companies are lying to you about electric cars to serve their own interests
Editorial: We need UBI because we all need money, power, and trust
EDITORIAL: What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege
Editorial: Why Games Should Enter The Public Domain
Editors have long been publishing’s hidden handmaidens – what might we gain if we acknowledged their role?
EDL march in Birmingham upstaged by really nice tea party
Edtech is treating students like products. Here’s how we can protect children’s digital rights
Educate Yourself Online For Free
Educating young people about social media would be far more effective than a ban - Finland can show us how
Education expert John Hattie’s new book draws on more than 130,000 studies to find out what helps students learn
Edward Gorey's Trouble with Tribbles
Edward Snowden: public indifference is the real enemy in the NSA affair
Eels are some of nature’s weirdest creatures. Here are 5 reasons why they’re such cool little freaks
Eepy Bird Are At It Again!
EFA's 2016 Wish List
EFF and 45 Organizations Tell UN: Reverse Decision to Host IGF in Saudi Arabia
EFF Award Winner: Alaa Abd El-Fattah
EFF Award Winner: Alexandra Asanova Elbakyan
EFF Statement on the Declaration for the Future of the Internet
Effective Altruism’s Bait-and-Switch: From Global Poverty To AI Doomerism
Effective obfuscation
Effects of climate change such as flooding makes existing disadvantages for Indigenous communities so much worse
Efficiency up, turnover down: Sweden experiments with six-hour working day
Efforts to find safe housing for homeless youth have gone backwards. Here’s what the new national plan must do differently
Efforts to protect endangered seal pups proving successful, conservationists say
The EG.5 COVID variant is spiking in the U.S. Is it time to mask up?
Egg-shaped galaxies may be aligned to the black holes at their hearts, astronomers find
Eggs from men, sperm from women: how stem cell science may change how we reproduce
Egypt discovers underwater royal tombs
Egypt's submarine cable stranglehold
Egypt-Ethiopia hostilities are playing out in the Horn – the risk of new proxy wars is high
EIA Says 40 Percent of US Electricity Is Now Emission-Free for the First Time
Eight changes the world needs to make to live with COVID
Eight countries pledge to ban corporal punishment in ‘fundamental shift’ for children
Eight in 10 people in China caught Covid since early December, say officials
Eight Promising 2024 Video Games You Might Not Know About
Eight Science Fiction Questions from Quora
Eight ways to protect your privacy online
The eight winners of the 2020 BigPicture competition for nature photography
Eight Year Old Rides to a Blaze With His Firefighter Grandfather
Eighteen bodies found in wildfire zone in north-east Greece
The Eighteenth Century
The eighth COVID-19 wave is here. Could catching it trigger Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or autoimmune disorders?
Eighty years after thousands of Greek Jews were murdered, Thessaloniki’s Holocaust museum is finally set to open
Eighty-two Australian children have been abducted in Japan – and it’s legal
Ekaterina Lukasheva, Origami artist
eksoka - Mimosa
El Anatsui review: the great Ghanaian sculptor is the talk of London
EL Comics: Test
El Niño forecast to drive record heat from the Amazon to Alaska in 2024
El Niño is coming, and ocean temps are already at record highs – that can spell disaster for fish and corals
El Salvador Bitcoin: how Chivo doesn’t work; how to fake a Chivo signup
El Soncoyo, the community that traded burning for reforestation
Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know
Elected officials in sweltering US states prioritizing fossil fuel cash over people
The election could be called any day – but Peter Dutton still hasn’t explained how his nuclear proposal will work
The election of Javier Milei and the challenges of an impoverished Argentina
Election scorecard: How the three major parties perform on video games
Elections: a global ranking rates US weakest among liberal democracies
Electric big rigs are going farther and charging faster
The Electric Bikes Facing Off Against Putin’s War Machine
Electric Candela hydrofoil boat sets world record by crossing Baltic Sea
Electric car emissions myth 'busted'
Electric car sales have slumped. Misinformation is one of the reasons
Electric Cars Are Cheaper to Own in New Jersey Than California
Electric cars are the new solar: people will underestimate how quickly they will take off
Electric Cars Could Last Much Longer Than You Think
Electric cars have few downsides except price. One company is looking to change that
Electric Cars Pass a Crucial Tipping Point in 23 Countries
Electric cars to power South Australian homes in new trial
Electric cars were once marketed as ‘women’s cars’. Did this hold back their development over the next century?
Electric Chopsticks Bring The Salt, Not The Pain
Electric Fan Harp in the bathhouse │ 銭湯で扇風琴 ♨️
Electric Ferrari - time to give classic cars a new lease of life? | 100% Independent, 100% Electric
Electric hot water could tame the solar duck, boost renewables and save billions
Electric lawn mowers and solar panels could be “gateways” to home electrification
Electric Lawn Mowers WITH SOLAR PANELS!
Electric marshmallow toaster
Electric Monaros and hotted-up skateboards : the ‘genius’ who wants to electrify our world
Electric on-demand public transport is making a difference in Auckland – now it needs to roll out further
Electric planes sound like a fantasy but they may be the future for short-haul in Australia
Electric Seagliders Could Enable Short-Haul Emissions-Free Air Travel This Decade
The Electric Swing Circus - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat - Electro Swing
Electric Swing Circus Video Diaries - April 2017 - Swingamajig Festival is coming
Electric taxi startup GoBlu lays down green challenge to Uber
Electric truck market to reach tipping point by 2030, new report finds
Electric trucks and buses show staggering sales growth in Europe
Electric two-wheelers are creating a buzz in Asia
Electric ute conversion targets resources sector in $1b deal to displace diesel
Electric utes are finally being shipped to Australia. They're about to boom in popularity, report predicts
Electric utes can now power the weekend – and the work week
Electric vehicle batteries can last almost 40% longer in the real world than in lab tests
Electric vehicle battery prices are falling faster than expected
Electric vehicle fires are very rare. The risk for petrol and diesel vehicles is at least 20 times higher
Electric vehicle sales in Australia overtake petrol-driven cars in medium category for first time
Electric vehicles are here. How can we make them equitable?
Electric vehicles are still too expensive for some budgets, but are they worth it in the long run?
Electric vehicles close to ‘tipping point’ of mass adoption
Electric vehicles help farmers drive savings and lower carbon footprint
Electric vehicles in Africa: what’s needed to grow the sector
Electric Vehicles Keep Defying Almost Everyone’s Predictions
Electric vehicles will start to cut emissions and improve air quality in our cities – but only once they’re common
Electric vehicles won't kill the gas station. They’ll redefine it.
Electric vehicles: Can 'lightweighting' combat range anxiety?
Electric VW Beetle | Fully Charged
Electric Zine Maker
Electricity bills unreadable for thousands of Australians amid a cost-of-living crisis
Electricity from thin air: an enzyme from bacteria can extract energy from hydrogen in the atmosphere
Electricity generated by burning native Australian timber no longer classified as renewable energy
Electricity Market Report Update: Outlook for 2023 and 2024
Electricity prices are rising again. Here’s how to ensure renters can cash-in on rooftop solar
Electrification is efficiency: The world will need less energy after the transition
Electrify Everything in Your Home
Electrify Everything Sure But What About Big Trucks?
Electrify: An Optimist's Playbook for Our Clean Energy Future
Electrifying Cars Is A Great Wedge But Far From The Only One
Electrifying commercial delivery vehicles is the fastest way to decarbonise, report finds
Electrifying everything does not solve the climate crisis, but it is a great start
Electrifying Everything Everywhere All At Once Is Key Climate Wedge
Electrifying homes to slow climate change: 4 essential reads
Electrifying offshore platforms targets a tiny fraction of the oil industry’s emissions
[Electro Swing] Peggy Suave - Braxel Brobots
Electroluminescent dance
Electromechanical Pong!
Electronic Frontier Foundation to Present Annual EFF Awards to Alexandra Asanovna Elbakyan, Library Freedom Project, and Signal Foundation
Electronic Paper
"Electronic Road Signs and Me"
Electronic Spy Camera Shirt
Electronic surveillance law review won’t stop Border Force’s warrantless phone snooping
Electronics That Last: How I Built an Heirloom Laptop
The #Elegram project
Elektro, the Oldest U.S. Robot
Elemental (acapella)
The Elements, Expanded
The elephant as a person
Elephant calves more likely to survive in the care of their grandmothers
Elephant conservation may be undermined by Twitter users who overlook main threats
The Elephant in the Living Room
The elephant in the room
Elephant poaching rates vary across Africa: 19 years of data from 64 sites suggest why
Elephant teeth: how they evolved to cope with climate change-driven dietary shifts
Elephant tracking collars will send alerts if shots are fired
The Elephant's Garden
Elephants are irreplaceable seed dispersers
Elephants are the end of a 60m-year lineage – last of the megaherbivores
Elephants Communicate in Sophisticated Sign Language, Researchers Say
Elephants have different personalities, just like us
Elephants Have Surprising Level of Self-Understanding
Elephants Learn To Work Together - Super Smart Animals - BBC Earth
Elephants no longer made to perform at Singapore Zoo
Elephants return to rainforest after poachers hunted to extinction
Elephants trumpet, squeak and flap their ears after their complex move across an Australian city
Elephants use their smarts to cope with human threats
Elephants, Arts, & Conservation
Elephants, empathy and the consolation of art
Elephants, lions to roam North America once more?
Elephants, Long Endangered by Thai Crowds, Reclaim a National Park
Elevator weatherman
Eleven new biosphere reserves added to global list
Eleven photographs that capture our world’s beauty in close up
Eleven Tweets
‘ELIMINATED’: Israel Brags Of Killing Noted Al Jazeera Journalist In Gaza
Eliminating fossil fuels: it can be done, and must be done
Eliminating most homelessness is achievable. It starts with prevention and ‘housing first’
Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing A Commons
The Elite's War on Remote Work Has Nothing to Do with Productivity
Elizabeth Cameron Dalman at 91: ‘In dance we are ageless’
Elizabeth Warren introduces Senate bill to hold capitalism ‘accountable’
Elizabeth Warren unveils bold new plan to reshape American capitalism
Elizabethan Curse Generator
Elizabethan Superheroes
Ella Enchanted
Ellen Craft, the Slave Who Posed as a Master and Made Herself Free
Ellen Page has super powers, but why is this newsworthy?
Elliot Page, Ariana Grande & other stars speak out against Texas gov’s attack on trans youth
Elon Fires Half Of ExTwitter’s Election Integrity Team, Because A Manager Liked A Tweet Calling Him A Fucking Dipshit
Elon Musk accuses Australia’s ABC of embracing censorship after it shut down Twitter/X accounts
Elon Musk and the Narcissism/Radicalization Maelstrom
Elon Musk and the narratives of decadence that link all anti-democratic movements
Elon Musk and the right’s war on Wikipedia
Elon Musk and the west’s fascist fifth column
Elon Musk calls homelessness a ‘lie’ and ‘propaganda’ — and Trump is listening
Elon Musk Destroys The Rationale For Patents, Opens Up All Of Tesla's
Elon Musk Doesn't Understand AI
Elon Musk is becoming a one-man rogue state – it’s time we reined him in
Elon Musk Is Completely Wrong About Overpopulation
Elon Musk Is Weaponizing Twitter Against Transgender People
Elon Musk is wrong: research shows content rules on Twitter help preserve free speech from bots and other manipulation
Elon Musk Names SpaceX Drone Ships in Honor of Sci-Fi Legend
Elon Musk personally thwarted a Ukrainian attack and saved the Russian Navy
Elon Musk roasted after missing ‘painfully obvious’ message from 1990s sci-fi classic
Elon Musk shares fake news about England rioters being sent to Falklands
Elon Musk takes Twitter private – here’s what that means for the company and its chances of success
Elon Musk thinks the US should leave the UN – what if Trump does it?
Elon Musk's transgender daughter, in first interview, says he berated her for being queer as a child
Elon Musk, Man of Steel, reveals his stainless Starship
Elon Musk’s battle over the Sydney church stabbing video is not about freedom of speech. It’s to titillate his followers
Elon Musk’s Grand Plan to Power the World With Batteries
Elon Musk’s Texts Suggest Way More People In The Silicon Valley Elite Should Have Imposter Syndrome
Elon Musk’s ‘hardcore’ management style: a case study in what not to do
Elsevier Says It's Infringing To Link To Sci-Hub; Hypocrite Elsevier Links To Sci-Hub All The Time
Elsevier strikes again!
Elsevier Tries To Lie About University Of California's Contract Negotiation; UC Shows Its Receipts
Elsevier, that just freaked me out.
Elton, Sting, Lizzo, Miley: The wild collaborations on Dolly Parton's first ever rock album
'Elusive and cryptic' lizard may be first Australian mainland reptile declared extinct
Elvis The Super Cute Coatimundi Wants Your Attention
Email company under fire over police data handover
Email is your electronic memory
The Email Scam That Nearly Worked On Me
Emails Reveal How a Hospital Bowed to Political Pressure to Stop Treating Trans Teens
Embodied Is Actually Trying To Release ‘Moxie’ Robots To The Open Source Community
Embracing the Transformation of My Daughter Into My Son
Embroidered Cat Shirts By Hiroko Kubota Go Viral And Sell Like Hot Cakes
The emergence of JN.1 is an evolutionary ‘step change’ in the COVID pandemic. Why is this significant?
Emergency departments are clogged and patients are waiting for hours or giving up. What’s going on?
Emergency services race to seal Grosvenor Coal Mine near Moranbah as fire burns underground
Emergency viewing: 15 must-see films about the climate crisis
Emerging tech in the food, transport and energy sector can help counter the effects of climate change
Emilio Estevez Uses Some Public Domain Footage In Film, So Universal Studios Forces Original Public Domain Footage Offline
Emily is dying. So why is she selling off her remaining time to strangers?
Emio GrecoPC and Perfume From Dancer's Body
Emission Control: Last year’s fossil fuel subsidies could have paid for an EV charging station every 50km around Australia
Emissions divide now greater within countries than between them – study
Emissions from households’ water use are on a par with aviation. The big cuts and savings they can make are being neglected
Emissions from WA gas project with world’s largest industrial carbon capture system rise by more than 50%
Emissions Map - Climate TRACE
Emissions of Beetaloo Basin gas projects ‘significantly underestimated’ by government, analysis finds
Emissions to impact: How climate science will hold fossil fuel companies to account
Emma Watson goes bright red as she attempts to beat box her way to gender equality
Emmanuel "StanceGrounded" Hurd and kids hip-hop dance to Pakistani music
Emmanuel Macron is reelected but the French are longing for radical change
Emoji to Scale
Emory University Suspends Students Over AI Study Tool The School Gave Them $10k To Build And Promoted
Emotional abuse is a pattern of hurtful messages – building parenting skills could help prevent it
Empathy Cards For Serious Illness
The empathy gap that is imperilling future generations
Empathy: helps on the way
The Emperor Has No Clothes: Socrates Deconstructs Singularity University
Emperor penguin that travelled 3,000km to West Australian beach begins long journey home
Emperor penguins face a bleak future – but some colonies will do better than others in diverse sea-ice conditions
Emperor penguins: thousands of chicks in Antarctica die due to record-low sea ice levels
The Empire is Crumbling
The Empire That Was Russia
Employee Ownership
Employee-owned companies perform better, but are resisted by banks, lawyers and governments
Employers are hiding a secret about strict return-to-office mandates—they’re probably bluffing about how many days they want you back
Employers: Look to gaming to motivate staff
‘Empowering and healing, people’s assemblies are the future of democracy’
Empowering Burundian girls: Leading the way in education
Empowering farmers in Central Europe: the case for agri-PV
Empress of Uruguay-Worlds Largest Amethyst Geode
Empty School
Emu Discovers A Sprinkler And Completely Loses His Mind
The Emulation Station
Enabling Nazis and anti-feminists
Enchanted BBQ For Sale
The Enchanted Highway: The World's Largest Sculpture Project
Encrypting Your Laptop Like You Mean It
Encryption - The low-tech way.
Encryption By Analogy
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction is the Best Place on the Internet
The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer review – a dreamy alternative to the world we live in
End copyright because ‘law for the rich keeps creators poor’, says author Glyn Moody
The End Is Nigh: Failed Stewardship of Planet Earth
‘End justifies the means’: high Russian death toll fails to shift opinion on Ukraine war
The end of capitalism – or the end of civilisation? The choice could be that stark
The end of coal is coming 3 times faster than expected. Governments must accept it and urgently support a ‘just transition’
The end of coal-fired power is in sight, even with private interests holding out
The End of Days?
The End of Higher Education’s Golden Age
The End of Inevitability
The end of kindness: weev and the cult of the angry young man
The End of News
The end of offshore oil and gas exploration in NZ was hard won – but it remains politically fragile
The end of Oppenheimer’s nuclear energy dream: Modular reactors supported by ideology alone
The End Of Ownership: How Big Companies Are Trying To Turn Everyone Into Renters
The End of Programming
The End of Retirement
The end of Roe v. Wade would likely embolden global anti-abortion activists and politicians
The End Of Roe Will Bring About A Sea Change In The Encryption Debate
The end of superpower conflict was ‘a fantasy era’. The West underestimated Russia and China – the cold wars are back
End of the American dream? The dark history of 'America first'
The End of the American Experiment
The End of the Australian Dream?
End of the avocado: why chefs are ditching the unsustainable fruit
The End of the Internet Dream: the speech that won Black Hat (and Defcon)
End of the line for corporate sovereignty
End of the line: Friedrichsdorf
The end of the oceans
The End of the Road to Serfdom
The End of the Sun - The Adventure in Slavic Fantasy World
‘End of the world vibes’: why culture can’t stop thinking about apocalypse
The end of the world's capital of brown coal
The end of tourism?
The end of wild elephants? Why we must not let Africa become one giant food farm
The end of workplace loyalty
The End Will Come for the Cult of MAGA
End-To-End Encryption is Too Important to Be Proprietary
Endangered Bonobos Reveal Evolution of Human Kindness
The endangered gibbons who’ve been reunited after 132 years
Endangered mouse returns after almost half a century
Endangered red wolf pups are born in the wild for the first time in years
Endangered sea turtle rebounding thanks to COVID-19 and indigenous peoples
The Endangered Species Act Has Been a Success for 50 Years. Its Work Is Just Beginning
The Endangered Species Act Turns 50: Assessing Successes & Failures
Endangered species makes incredible comeback with over 16x population growth: 'We feared it might be the end'
Endangered tigers have made a remarkable comeback in five countries
'Endangered' status for shy albatross, recognising threats from climate change and fishing
'Endemic' SARS-CoV-2 and the death of public health
Ending Bully Culture - It’s not just about kids
Ending native forest logging would help Australia’s climate goals much more than planting trees
Ending Nigeria’s fuel subsidy pushes a shift to solar. Without a climate plan, progress is at risk
Ending online anonymity won’t make social media less toxic
Ending Roe Is Institutional Suicide for Supreme Court
Ending the neglect: lessons from a decade of success in responding to Neglected tropical diseases in Africa
The Endless Present, or Why You’re Getting Disclaimers On The Muppets These Days
‘Endless record heat’ in Asia as highest April temperatures recorded
Endonyms of the World
Endonyms of the World Map
The ends of education
Endure – or peter out? Here’s what Northern Rivers organisers and Stop Adani can teach us about building climate groups
The enduring allure of retro tech
The Enduring Magic of the Angel Oak
The Enduring Solidarity of Whiteness
Enel is deploying 6,000+ sheep to 8 Texas solar farms
Enemies of the Internet 2014: entities at the heart of censorship and surveillance
Energy Agency Sees Peaks in Global Oil, Coal and Gas Demand by 2030
Energy bills are spiking after the Russian invasion. We should have doubled-down on renewables years ago
Energy crisis: Government has been thinking about batteries the wrong way
The Energy Department’s fusion breakthrough: It’s not really about generating electricity
Energy efficient cars
Energy ministers release strategy to give agency to First Nations in transition to renewables
Energy providers and renewable technology companies developing 'novel' electric car charging prototypes for the bush
Energy Return On Investment Rears Its Misshapen Head Again
Energy savings drive directs EU parliament to turn down heat
The Energy Transition in Five Charts and Not Too Many Numbers
Energy transition titan Hugh Saddler’s quest to cut emissions leaves lasting legacy
Engare review: The geometry of Islamic art becomes a treasure of a game
Engineer's guide to cats & Theremin-playing cat
Engineered stone kills tradies. Bunnings and IKEA stopping its sales is a big win for public health
Engineers of the Soul: Ideology in Xi Jinping's China by John Garnaut
Engineers to assess flood-damaged bridges on key WA route amid concerns some could take years to fix
England brings in biodiversity rules to force builders to compensate for loss of nature
England's first wild beavers for 400 years allowed to live on River Otter
The English Apple Is Disappearing
The English language dominates global conservation science – which leaves 1 in 3 research papers virtually ignored
English loanwords in Korean
English writer’s forgotten ‘masterpiece’ predicting rise of Nazis gets new lease of life
Engrish and the inverse
Enjoy Digital Ownership And Public Libraries While You Still Can
Fwd: enjoy the imagery :-)
enjoy the imagery and philosophy that goes with them
Fwd: Enjoy!!
Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy of Gold - Theremin & Voice
Enormous Condor Thanks Man Who Saved His Life
‘Enormously exciting’: farm to create biggest natural grassland in southern England
‘Enough is enough’: former Coalition environment minister joins push for a national ban on native forest logging
Enough MEPs Say They Mistakenly Voted For Articles 11 & 13 That The Vote Should Have Flipped; EU Parliament Says Too Bad
Enough with the koala cakes – the government’s annual Threatened Species Bake Off seriously neglects fish, plants and other lesser-loved species
Enough with “the Colbert Defense”: Why criminals, bigots and jerks cry “satire!” when exposed
Enough, already: why humanity must get on board with the concept of ‘sufficiency’
Enshittification as Overproduction in Software, Part 1: Seeing Overproduction
The enshittification of garage-door openers reveals a vast and deadly rot
The Enshittification Of Streaming Accelerates With Price Hikes, More Password Sharing Crackdowns
Enter an Archive of 6,000 Historical Children’s Books, All Digitized and Free to Read Online
Enter the Grief Police
Entering Our Orbit: Apsis
Entertaining science videos
Enthusiast uses Google to reveal Roman ruins
Entire Earth vibrated for nine days after climate-triggered mega-tsunami
‘Entire ecosystem’ of fossils 8.7m years old found under Los Angeles high school
Entire hillsides of trees turned brown this summer. Is it the start of ecosystem collapse?
‘The entire industry is based on hunches’: is Australian publishing an art, a science or a gamble?
The entire modern copyright was built on one fundamental assumption that the Internet has reversed
The Entire Run Of IF Magazine Is Now Freely Available Online!
The Entitlement of Privileged White People Who Flaunt Awful Grammar
Entrepreneur Transforms Old Cement Bags into Solar-Charging Backpacks to Help Children Read at Night
Entropic Time (Backwards Billy Joel Parody) | A Capella Science
Environment groups accuse MasterChef of greenwashing after gas sponsorship deals unveiled
Environment groups call for urgent action on hazardous waste from e-cigarettes
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has been taken to court over 11 threatened species. Here’s why
Environment poses greatest risk to global prosperity, say experts
The environment was meant to be ‘back on the priority list’ under Labor. Instead we’ve seen a familiar story
‘Environmental accounting’ could revolutionise nature conservation, but Australia has squandered its potential
Environmental advocates lodge ACCC complaint over 'ocean plastic' products
Environmental and youth groups win climate court case against the Norwegian State
Environmental Catastrophe is Coming. The Rich Will Be Just Fine.
Environmental defenders celebrate a ‘huge’ win for ‘unique’ Tasmanian rainforest
The environmental disaster lurking beneath your neighborhood gas station
Environmental disasters and climate change force people to cross borders, but they’re not recognised as refugees – they should be
Environmental education gains ground in Latin America
Environmental groups celebrate a victory for the planet as Chevron surrenders 19 offshore oil and gas exploration permits in B.C.
The environmental impact of Russia’s invasion goes beyond Ukraine – how do we deal with ‘problems without passports’?
Environmental Journalism is More Than Just Climate Change
The Environmental Lawyer Chevron Put Behind Bars Is Finally Free
Environmental message as plastic bottle survives for decade after being dropped in ocean off Portland
The Environmental Pawprint of Cats
Environmental pollution and human health – how worried should we be?
The environmental price of fast fashion
Environmental tragedy as fires burn through one-fifth of Northern Territory national park
Environmentalists celebrate surrender of offshore oil permits in B.C.
Envisioning the urban skyscraper of 2050
Envy’s hidden hand
Enya Is Everywhere
Eoin Colfer to write sixth Hitchhiker's Guide book
EPA doubles money for electric school buses as demand soars
EPA posts databases of pesticide harm to people, pets and wildlife for first time in agency history
The EPA proposes tighter limits on toxic emissions from coal-fired power plants
EPA Restores Clean Water Act Protections for Streams and Wetlands
EPA Scientists Said They Were Pressured to Downplay Harms From Chemicals. A Watchdog Found They Were Retaliated Against.
EPA sets ‘groundbreaking’ limits on toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water
EPA staffer leaves with a bang, blasting agency policies under Trump
EPA tightens rules on some air pollution for the first time in over a decade
EPA will withdraw approval of Chevron plastic-based fuels likely to cause cancer
The EPA’s plan to eliminate lead in buildings is a ‘gigantic leap forward’ for public health
Epbot Exemplars: "My First Con" Edition!
Epbot November Art Roundup
Ephemeral Compositions Use Sand and Stone to Create Hypnotic Works on Land
Epic Bunny's Adventure
Epic Games’ Sale of Bandcamp Has Left the Artist-Friendly Music Platform in Limbo
The epic journey of a refugee cat to find its family
Epic Run
Epic Stair Design Fails That May Result In Some Serious Injuries
Epic’s latest tool can animate hyperrealistic MetaHumans with an iPhone
Epson starts New Year with augmented reality greeting cards
Equality and fairness: vaccines against this pandemic of mistrust
Equatorial Launch Australia boss flags $100m space development in Nhulunbuy
Equinor admits it “over-reported” amount of carbon captured at flagship project for years
Equitable Retreat: The Need for Fairness in Relocating Coastal Communities
The equivalent of “It’s all Greek to me” in 30 other languages
Equivalent to 1,800 tonnes of TNT: what we now know about the meteor that lit up the daytime sky above New Zealand
The ERA Gives Us a Chance to Fix the Constitution. We Need to Take it.
The Era of Faked CCTV Has Truly Arrived
‘Era of global boiling has arrived,’ says UN chief as July set to be hottest month on record
The Era of High-Paying Tech Jobs is Over
The era of the megalopolis: how the world’s cities are merging
The Era of the Wood Skyscraper Is Arriving
Eraring deal signals death of baseload power in Australia, and Dutton’s nuclear fantasy
ERASING WOMEN: The Importance of "Agent Carter" to Comic Culture
Eric Chien 2018 Fism Grand Prix Act -Ribbon-
Eric Clapton Pretends To Regret The Decision To Sue Random German Woman Who Listed A Bootleg Of One Of His CDs On Ebay
Eric Flint on Copyright
Eric Idle on the beginnings of Monty Python
Eric Standley’s Intricate Laser Cut Stained Glass Paper Windows
Eric's Heroes: A Seattle man uses his unique gift to create art
Erica Chenoweth: Confronting the myth of the rational insurgent
Erin Bromage: Professor’s Blog Post on New Tips to Avoid Coronavirus Goes Viral
Ernest and Celestine
Ernie Kovacs - Kitchen Symphony
ESA Once Again Comes Out Against Video Game Preservation Efforts
ESA partners with startup to launch first debris removal mission in 2025
Escape from the terrordome: how Netherlands panopticon prisons are being reborn as stunning arts hubs
Escape From the USA
Escape the echo chamber
"Escape to Freedom" now also available in Mandarin and Spanish
Escaped pet parrots threaten New Zealand’s vulnerable native birds – why a ban is the best solution
Escaping Together
Escher for Real
[ Escher in Lego]
Escher-inspired floor tiles
The Escherian Stairwell
Escher’s impossible stairs inspired by high school stairwell
Espresso Stories
Esquire feature on Dean Kamen
Essay: Pyramid of Technology
Essential fruit and veg pickers 'homeless' due to coronavirus, meaning crops may be left to rot
‘Essential to act now’ to prevent chaotic climate breakdown, warns UN chief
Establishing Order Over Tall Orders
Estonia becomes first ex-Soviet state to legalize same-sex marriage
Estonians rescue wild wolf from ice thinking it was a dog
Estonia’s first female prime minister vows to tackle climate crisis
Estonia’s language and culture are becoming battlegrounds for independence from Putin’s Russia
Estonia’s parliament declares Russia a ‘terrorist regime’
Estuaries and coastlines capture most plastic before it gets out to sea, giving us a chance to stop ocean pollution
The Eternal October: Bringing Back Tech Optimism, Without The Naivety
Ethereal, evocative, and inventive: why the music of Kate Bush spans generations
Ethical pitch: ‘You wouldn’t expect Jane Goodall to be fronting a campaign for underwear’
Ethics in a machine-learning world
Ethiopia plants 350m trees in a day to help tackle climate crisis
Ethiopia Shows Us Just How Fast The Transition To Electric Mobility Can Happen In Africa
Ethiopia’s largest community conservation area brings Indigenous communities into the fold
Ethiopia’s Utopian Experiment in Gender Equality
Ethiopia’s war in Tigray risks wiping out centuries of the world’s history
Ethnicity is a useful shortcut for identifying need – without it, targeting public services will get harder
Etihad accused of misleading customers with greenwashing in ‘net zero’ ads
Etisalat - Moonwalk
Etran de L'Aïr - Imouha (Official Music Video)
EU adopts new law banning greenwashing and misleading product information
EU agrees law to curb methane emissions from fossil fuel industry
EU agrees law to hit fossil fuel imports with methane emissions limit
EU agrees new cars must be emissions-free after 2035
EU agrees to push for worldwide phaseout of fossil fuels at COP28
EU agrees €50bn package for Ukraine as Viktor Orbán bows to pressure
The EU ban that spurred a crackdown on illegal fishing
EU bans microplastics added to consumer products
EU bill and new green policies spur progress on Brazil’s cattle tracking
EU blindsided by ‘spectacular’ solar rollout
EU citizens can sue over health problems caused by missed emissions targets
EU climate czar: Putin’s war accelerated green transition
The EU Copyright Directive Is So Bad It’s Proving Really Hard To Transpose Into Decent National Laws
EU countries already hitting some of their sustainable energy targets for 2030
EU cracks down on pollution as survey reveals people want tougher regulations on clean air
EU criminalises environmental damage ‘comparable to ecocide’
EU cuts toxic air limits but still falls short of WHO guidelines
EU elections: how Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni framed her politics throughout the campaign
EU fossil fuel burning for electricity fell to lowest on record in 2023, data shows
EU imports of Russian liquified gas leap by 40% since Ukraine invasion
The EU Just Banned Microplastics. How Are Companies Replacing Them?
EU lawmakers impose single charger for all smartphones
EU Lawmakers Must Reject This Proposal To Scan Private Chats
EU lawmakers pass nature restoration bill in razor-thin vote
EU legislators vote to slash the use of pesticides
EU ministers opt to continue overfishing, despite 2020 deadline
EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters’: €106 million for 18 new projects for protection, conservation, depollution and innovation
EU Moves Forward With Agreement To Fundamentally Change The Internet From Open To Closed
EU moves to tackle deforestation caused by chocolate and other products
EU Parliamentarians buckle under ExxonMobil lobby pressure
EU passes law to restore 20% of bloc’s land and sea by end of decade
EU reaches first ever agreement to eliminate violence against women
EU research ‘moonshots’ focus on climate crisis
The EU showed it's possible to reduce carbon emissions while posting economic growth
EU strikes deal to impose 40% quota for women on boards of large companies by 2026
EU Strikes Deal to Reduce Packaging Waste and Ban Single-Use Plastics
EU strikes deal to reduce super-potent greenhouse gases
EU strikes ‘ground-breaking’ deal to cut maritime emissions
EU targets food and fast fashion in new war on waste
EU to ban ‘climate neutral’ claims by 2026
EU will force cosmetic companies to pay to reduce micropollutants
The Euclid spacecraft will transform how we view the ‘dark universe’
Eulogy for a Fairy Princess
Eurasia Group's Top Risks for 2024
Eurasian Beaver now legally protected in England
Eurocats - Surfen Multimedia - Deutsche Vorentscheidung Eurovision
‘The Eurocentric fallacy’: the myths that underpin European identity
Europa Film Treasures
Europe Frees Zorro From Trademark Restrictions
Europe Has Green-Energy FOMO
Europe hits roadblocks in the race to switch to electric cars
Europe jumps on the train
Europe looks to heat pumps as Russian war accelerates pivot from gas boilers
Europe may have to double its aid for Ukraine under Trump, diplomats fear
Europe on high alert after suspected Moscow-linked arson and sabotage
Europe saved its predators from the brink of extinction. So why is it killing thousands of bears, wolves and lynx?
Europe says no to data retention, so why is it an option in Australia?
Europe Turned an Energy Crisis Into a Green Energy Sprint
Europe warming at twice the global average, UN report warns
Europe's "The Final Countdown" as a spaghetti western theme
Europe's Ariane-6 rocket blasts off on maiden flight
Europe's surging, far-right, "anti-establishment" parties: funded by billionaires, voting for billionaire-friendly policies, lining their own pockets
Europe: “Any fears of a coal rebound are now dead”
European Art
European Battle for Air Quality Heats Up as EU Parliament Votes to Toughen Rules
European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs
European cities embrace nature-based solutions and other urban transformation stories you need to read
European Commission's Attempt To Backtrack On Its Promise To Defend Fundamental Rights In Upload Filter Implementations May Backfire Badly
European countries pledge huge expansion of North Sea wind farms
The European country where “replacement theory” reigns supreme
European Court of Human Rights Confirms: Weakening Encryption Violates Fundamental Rights
European court rules that Caster Semenya’s human rights were violated
European design firm
European Electricity Review 2023
European far-right leaders gather ahead of EU elections
European heatwave: what’s causing it and is climate change to blame?
European Human Rights Courts Rules That Encryption Backdoors Are Illegal Under European Law
European leaders breathe a sigh of relief as pro-EU candidate wins Moldova election
European Turtle Dove increases dramatically following hunting ban
Europe’s banks helped fossil fuel firms raise more than €1tn from global bond markets
Europe’s Biggest Pension Fund Issues ESG Warning to Banks
Europe’s climate warming at twice rate of global average, says report
Europe’s crackdown on air pollution found to cut heart disease deaths
Europe’s deepest mine to become giant gravity battery
Europe’s Energy Crisis That Isn’t
Europe’s fishing industry to battle with conservationists over bottom trawling
Europe’s love of vans is like Australia’s obsession with utes: And they are going electric
Europe’s new normal: High energy bills, fading industry and one chance to fix it
Europe’s New Trams Are Reviving a Golden Age of Transit
Europe’s olive oil supply running out after drought – and the odd hailstorm
Eurovision party 7pm Saturday 18 May 2013!
Eurovision Song Contest
Eurovision under the shadow of war: how the 2023 contest highlighted humanitarianism, empathy and solidarity
EV advocates frustrated as vehicle emissions can kicked down the road again
EV battery myths (busted!)
EV battery prices to fall by nearly 50 pct and near ICE parity by 2026, says Goldman Sachs
EV conversions: Classic cars from Porsche 911s to Citroën gelato vans get an electric shock
EV culture war: Ford Ranger driver arrested for vandalising four Tesla Superchargers
EV Explainer: Eight reasons to start driving an electric vehicle
EV forecasts slashed as new vehicle standards allow car makers room to push hybrids
EV incentives focused on urban centres leave rural Australians stranded with fossil fuels
EV owners turn to their batteries on wheels to power homes amid Alfred blackouts
EV policy and Australia's "Future Fuels Strategy"
The EV revolution is here. It’s happening on two wheels.
The EV Revolution Isn’t Dead Yet, Although Some Would Like You To Think So
The EV Revolution Isn’t Only Arriving on Four Wheels
EV sales boom in Nepal, helping to save on oil imports and alleviate smog
EV sales have not fallen, cooled, slowed or slumped. Stop lying in headlines.
EV shipping is set to blow internal combustion engines out of the water
EV touring: What happened when we ran our BYD Atto 3 battery down to zero
EV “batteries on wheels” could save hundreds of billions in grid costs by 2040, report finds
Eva Orner on Chasing Asylum: ‘Every whistleblower that I interviewed wept’
Evacuating in disasters like Hurricane Milton isn’t simple – there are reasons people stay in harm’s way
Evaluating and elevating the role of wildlife road crossings in climate adaptation
Evaluation of Russia by Finnish Intelligence Colonel - Tiedustelueverstin arvio Venäjästä
Evan Gershkovich: Wall Street Journal reporter latest in long line of journalists punished for doing their job
Evanston, Illinois Is the First City to Offer Reparations to Black Residents
Even After Its Own Data Protection Agency Said There’s No Safe Way To Do Age Verification, France Wants To Do Age Verification For The Internet
Even after the rains, Australia’s environment scores a 3 out of 10. These regions are struggling the most
Even as the fusion era dawns, we’re still in the Steam Age
Even as the tide turned for fur, crocodile leather kept selling in high-end fashion. But for how much longer?
Even Churchill used an OMG! ;-)
Even Dimming The Sun Wouldn't Save Antarctica's Ice Now, Scientists Say
Even dynamite could not destroy the people of the Budj Bim stones
Even experts struggle to tell which social media posts are evidence-based. So, what do we do?
Even far from the ocean, Australia’s drylands are riddled with salty groundwater. What can land managers do?
Even If Climate Change Wasn't Happening, Phasing Out Coal Is A 'No-Regret' Solution
‘Even Lucifer was using a fan’: Brazil bakes as mercilessly hot spring begins
Even many critics of the Rwanda deportation policy are missing the point of why it’s wrong
Even marine protected areas are in hot water
Even mild COVID can cause brain shrinkage and affect mental function, new study shows
Even mild COVID raises the chance of heart attack and stroke. What to know about the risks ahead
Even platypuses aren’t safe from bushfires – a new DNA study tracks their disappearance
Even Republicans like Richard Nixon were once champions of the environment. What happened?
Even temporary global warming above 2°C will affect life in the oceans for centuries
Even The Currents in The Ocean's Depths Can't Escape The Effects of Climate Change
Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows
Even The Most Well-Meaning Internet Regulations Can Cause Real Harm
‘Even the worst possible scenario is not actually all that bad.’ Alexei Navalny’s memoir is a testament to resisting authoritarianism
Even vaccinated people can get long COVID
Even without new fossil fuel projects, global warming will still exceed 1.5℃. But renewables might make it possible
Event held in Japan to increase Wikipedia articles on women
Ever feel like your life is a performance? Everyone does – and this 1959 book explains roles, scripts and hiding backstage
Ever heard of ocean forests? They’re larger than the Amazon and more productive than we thought
Ever heard of the Maritime Continent? It’s not far from Australia – and channels heat around the world
Every Australian will be touched by climate change. So let’s start a national conversation about how we’ll cope
Every Book Lover Should Fear This Graph
Every country can make a difference – but carbon reductions need to be realistic and fair
Every COVID Infection Increases Your Risk of Long COVID, Study Warns
“Every decision matters:” Australian university replaces hybrid buses with fully electric ones
‘Every donation at our op-shop carries a story. Why didn’t the 1960s newlyweds open their gifts?’
Every household will go on a journey of electrification. We can make that easier, or harder
Every new mom in this U.S. city is now getting cash aid for a year
Every Noise at Once
‘Every person deserves to rest in peace': American Muslims raising money to repair vandalized Jewish cemetery
Every Sci-Fi Movie in the 50s
Every science lab should have an artist on the team – here’s why
‘Every square inch is covered in life’: the ageing oil rigs that became marine oases
Every time Morrison invokes the 'Canberra bubble', he undermines parliament itself
Every Week, 2 Anonymous Students Sneak Into A Classroom And Proceed To Blow Everyone’s Mind.
Every worker is entitled to be safe at work, but casual workers can fall through the cracks
‘Everybody has not won’: trickle-down economics was an idiotic idea. How do we fix the inequality it causes?
Everybody in dresses: Why does gender neutral clothing always mean ‘boy’ clothes for girls?
Everybody is asking for their art back
“Everybody Loves a Lover” Arlene & The Vantastix
Everybody Loves Walter
Everybody's Brain Knows How to Run a Tail
Everyone can be an effective advocate for vaccination: here’s how
Everyone Creates: New Empirical Data Shows Just How Much The Internet Has Enabled A New Creative Economy
‘Everyone else does it, so I can too’: how the false consensus effect drives environmental damage
Everyone In Denny’s Freezes When Dick Van Dyke Starts Belting ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’
Everyone in Japan will be called Sato by 2531 unless marriage law changed, says professor
“Everyone is absolutely terrified”: Inside a US ally’s secret war on its American critics
‘Everyone is looking for options’: Russian women fly to Argentina to give birth
‘Everyone thought it would cause gridlock’: the highway that Seoul turned into a stream
Everyone to live 15 minutes from green space or water in England under plans
‘Everyone wants a piece’: Are electric vehicles Australia’s opportunity of a lifetime?
Everyone Wants You To Have Security, But Not from Them
Everyone was very excited to see the government’s new climate change plan!
Everyone will want to see Yayoi Kusama at the NGV. Those who don’t will spend a lifetime regretting it
Everyone's still looking for the copywriter behind these unnecessarily wordy spice labels
Everyone, everywhere: the global challenge of climate change
Everyone’s a sellout now
Everyone’s having a field day with ChatGPT – but nobody knows how it actually works
Everyone’s Mad At Cloudflare; Is There Room For Principled Takes On Moderation?
‘Everyone’s pretty gutted’: New Zealanders struggle to pick up pieces after Cyclone Gabrielle
Everything advertised on social media is overpriced junk
‘Everything has gone’: a world-first study looks at what happens when MPs lose their seats
Everything I Can Remember
Everything I Know About Storytelling I Learned From The BBC’s “Planet Earth II”
Everything Is A Remix (Full Film)
Everything is a Remix: Five Year Anniversary Celebration
Everything is coming together for launch of NASA’s mission to a metal asteroid
‘Everything is Country’: these 4 projects blend First Nations knowledge and science to rewrite our understanding of the past
‘Everything is fake’: how global crime gangs are using UK shell companies in multi-million pound crypto scams
Everything is Open
‘Everything is over. Ciao!’ Death of a salesman loved by a city
Everything Made By an AI Is In the Public Domain
Everything Open 2023 March 14-16 2023
Everything That's Wrong With Social Media And Big Internet Companies: Part 1
Everything you ever wanted to know about building a secure password reset feature
Everything you need to know about Theresa May’s Brexit nightmare in five minutes
Everything You Think You Know About Politics Is Wrong
Everything you think you know about the Winchester Mystery House probably isn't true
Everything you've been told about plastic is wrong – the answer isn't recycling
‘Everything you’ve been told is a lie!’ Inside the wellness-to-fascism pipeline
‘Everything, everywhere, all at once’: Australia’s survival in a warmer world will be a mammoth multi-tasking effort
‘Everything’s gone’: eerie silence on Enid Street provides a glimpse into Australia’s climate future
Evicted by Matthew Desmond review – what if the problem of poverty is that it’s profitable to other people?
Evidence Grows That Trump's Trade Wars Are Hitting U.S. Economy
The evidence is clear: A liquid-only diet before a colonoscopy is unnecessary
The evidence shows that chiropractors do more harm than good
Evil Mad Scientist Labs: Bat Costume
Evil Monkey’s Guide to Kosher Imaginary Animals
Evolution Is Not the Cause of Selfish Capitalism
Evolution journal editors resign en masse [UPDATED]
Evolution not revolution: why GPT-4 is notable, but not groundbreaking
The Evolution of an Accidental Meme
Evolution of Dance by NAO robot
Evolution of Game Music - 1972-2018 | ALL 41 GAMES (Plus 3 New Games)
Evolution of Get Lucky [Daft Punk Chronologic cover by PV NOVA]
Evolution of Music - Pentatonix
The evolution of physical music formats - an interactive timeline
The evolution of self-driven cars
"Evolution Of Tap Dance" - Postmodern Jukebox ft. Sarah Reich
The evolving art and science of agrivoltaics
EVs Are at a Turning Point, It May Not Be What You Think
EVs are being driven much further than fossil cars – and battery prices are still plunging
EVs are easy to fall in love with, but only once you’re in one
EVs are just going to win
EVs are starting to overtake gas-powered cars in a surprising place
EVs Enhanced To Offer 16 Blade LFP Battery Packs For Nissan Leaf
EVs for All: How Car Shares Are Making Electric Vehicles Accessible
EVs Take 55% Of The German Auto Market In December!
Ewok Karaoke
Ex-New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is chosen for Harvard fellowships
Ex-Twitter worker wins £470,000 for unfair dismissal over Musk ‘hardcore’ email
Ex-UN chief Ban Ki-moon says US healthcare system is 'morally wrong'
Excel 4, Yes Excel 4, Can Haunt Your Cloud Security
Excel autocorrect errors still plague genetic research, raising concerns over scientific rigour
Exceptional new fish fossil sparks rethink of how Earth’s geology drives evolution
‘Exceptional’ trove of 24 ancient statues found immersed in Tuscan spa
Excessive strip-searching shines light on discrimination of Aboriginal women in the criminal justice system
Excessive water extractions, not climate change, are most to blame for the Darling River drying
Excited Lioness Gleefully Greets the Man Who Raised Her with a Great Big Hug
Exclusive Clip: Michel Gagné Crafts an Epic Fox Tale in ‘The Saga of Rex’
Exclusive: 'locked-up' Saudi princesses' message for Obama
EXCLUSIVE: 100 years later, long-lost silent film found in Omaha parking lot
Exclusive: Brazil launches first anti-deforestation raids under Lula bid to protect Amazon
Exclusive: Citi, HSBC, Prudential hatch plan for Asian coal-fired closures – sources
Exclusive: Huge chunk of plants, animals in U.S. at risk of extinction
Exclusive: India amends power policy draft to halt new coal-fired capacity
Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war
Exclusive: Jungle Puppies Captured on Film for the First Time
Exclusive: Major world economies seek to halt new private sector coal financing
EXCLUSIVE: Naomi Wu and the Silence That Speaks Volumes
EXCLUSIVE: On Election Eve, PM’s Office Gave $15m To Rich Party Donor From Money Set Aside To Tackle Black Poverty
Exclusive: Putin's plans to keep the Baltics in check
Exclusive: The Discworld RPG gleefully ignores "modifiers to dice, and anything crunchy" in favor of puns
Exclusive: Trump-linked religious ‘extremists’ target women with disinformation worldwide
Excuse Us While We Kiss The Sky
Excuseflation: Monopolists will never let a good emergency go to waste.
Exercise bike inspired by Ukraine war provides backup power during emergencies
The existential crisis of peak car ownership
‘Existential threat to our survival’: see the 19 Australian ecosystems already collapsing
Existing EV batteries may last up to 40% longer than expected
Exit Interview: I Curated Rare Books for a 200-Year-Old Library
Exit the Fatherland
Exmouth, gateway to Ningaloo, to go 80 per cent renewables with help of solar and battery
Exoplanet photos
‘Exorbitant’ fees paid to academic publishers better spent on Australian research and education, report finds
Exoskeleton for farmers
Exotic, fifth state of matter created on the space station
Expanding coal mines – and reaching net zero? Tanya Plibersek seems to believe both are possible
Expanding seaweed farms pose a risk to vital marine life
The expansion of natural gas infrastructure puts energy transitions at risk
Expansive, exciting and free: how Zelda’s Tears of the Kingdom unlocks the potential of open world gaming
The Expedition 42 Poster!
Expensive dental care worsens inequality. Is it time for a Medicare-style ‘Denticare’ scheme?
Expensive failure: Flagship Gorgon CCS collects less CO2 in worst year
Experience some of the world’s most beautiful places with Wiki Loves Earth 2022
Experience: I am the dullest man in Britain
Experience: I own the world’s oldest living cat
Experience: I’m a record-breaking wing-walker
Experience: my face became a meme
Experiments in folding
Expert: Iran protests are part of a long struggle for freedom and equality
Experts call for comprehensive mitigation strategy for Covid-19, RSV & influenza – Expert Reaction
Experts call on the G7 to adopt new conception and measures of prosperity
Experts Estimate The Scale of The Nord Stream Pipelines Methane Leak
Experts Explain Why We Need to Stop Treating Back Pain With Opioids
Experts grade Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube on readiness to handle midterm election misinformation
Experts Say Decades of Recycling Hype Has Backfired Dramatically
Experts say the net zero concept is often used to delay taking action against emissions
Experts Worry Active Shooter Drills In Schools Could Be Traumatic For Students
Explain that Stuff
Explainer: Advances in LGBTQIA+ rights across Asia and the Pacific
Explainer: How the “climate trigger” could be the answer to Australia’s fossil fuel problem
EXPLAINER: Is Meloni a far-right firebrand or moderate?
Explainer: the complex question of Taiwanese independence
Explainer: what are Labor and the Coalition promising on an anti-corruption commission and what is the government’s record?
Explainer: what is Ramadan and why does it require Muslims to fast?
Explainer: what is the ‘tort of misfeasance’ and how might it apply in the case of robodebt?
Explainer: what was the Chinese laser attack about and why does it matter?
Explainer: why are Covid infection rates in Australia so high compared with other countries?
Explainer: Why it’s still a good idea to avoid COVID (and how to do it)
Explainer: why was the winner of Thailand’s election blocked from becoming prime minister?
Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person
Exploding carp numbers are ‘like a house of horrors’ for our rivers. Is it time to unleash carp herpes?
Exploitation, brutality and misery: how the opium trade shaped the modern world
Explore Banned Books
Explore the FUN-damentals of coding and computing
Explore the Secret Lives of Animals With These Marvelous Maps
Explorer ‘who named Australia’ to be reburied in Lincolnshire village where he was born
Exploring the extraordinary potential (and avoiding the pitfalls) of your local Buy Nothing group
Exploring the mathematical universe – connections, contradictions, and kale
Exponential growth devours and corrupts
Exporting gas can more than double the emissions compared to using it in Australia. So why are we doing it?
Exposed: How British Gas debt agents break into homes of vulnerable
Exposed: The smear tactics against wind and solar
Exposing Australia’s online trade in pest plants – we’ve found thousands of illegal advertisements
Exposure to humorous memes about anti-vaxxers boosts intention to get a COVID-19 vaccine, study finds
Exquisitely Detailed Watercolor and Pencil Illustrations of the Animal World in Miniature
Extinct but not gone – the thylacine continues to fascinate us
Extinct or just missing? The curious case of the native blue-grey mouse
Extinct ‘mountain jewel’ plant returned to wild - in secret location
Extinction alert issued over critically endangered vaquita
Extinction crisis: native mammals are disappearing in Northern Australia, but few people are watching
‘Extinction crisis’ of sharks and rays to have devastating effect on other species, study finds
Extinction obituary: why experts weep for the quiet and beautiful Hawaiian po’ouli
Extinction Rebellion and Attenborough put climate in spotlight
The Extinction Rebellion scorecard: what did it achieve?
Extinction Rebellion: Labor members say 'chilling' mass arrests have echoes of Bjelke-Petersen era
Extinction vs. Collapse: Does it matter?
Extinctions Might Screw Up Madagascar for 20 Million Years
‘Extinct’ parrots make a flying comeback in Brazil
Extra 10,000 Australians becoming homeless each month, up 22% in three years, report says
Extra Sex Chromosomes in Men Seem to Be Much More Common Than We Realized
‘Extractivism’ is destroying nature: to tackle it Cop15 must go beyond simple targets
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec
“Extraordinary find:” Offshore wind seabed survey solves century old maritime mystery
The extraordinary life and death of the world’s oldest known spider
Extraordinary Toroidal Vortices
'Extraordinary' 500-year-old library catalogue reveals books lost to time
Extreme Cute Alert
The extreme floods which devastated Spain are hitting more often. Is Australia ready for the next one?
Extreme heat could put 40% of land vertebrates in peril by end of century
Extreme heat hurts human health. Its effects must be mitigated – urgently
Extreme heat in oceans ‘passed point of no return’ in 2014
Extreme heat is a killer for outdoor sporting events – let’s plan properly to keep everyone safe
Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to Spain’s mass tourism industry
Extreme heat waves threaten honeybee fertility and trigger sudden death
Extreme modding project adds a 61 TB SSD to Valve's Steam Deck
Extreme poverty rate dropped faster than ever during the past decades
Extreme Puppy Makeover - Prank it FWD
Extreme Sticky Notes Experiments
Extreme weather caused 18 disasters in US last year, costing $165bn
Extreme weather caused by climate change has damaged 45% of Australia’s coastal habitat
Extreme weather continues across Europe as further heatwave looms
Extreme weather has already cost vulnerable island nations US$141 billion – or about US$2,000 per person
Extreme weather is landing more Australians in hospital – and heat is the biggest culprit
Extreme wildfires are on the rise globally, powered by the climate crisis
Extremely Close up elephant bathing with my Gopro
Extremely cute handmade hats
Extremely Good Cat Learns to Copy Human Movements
‘Extremely impressive’: melanoma jab trial results excite doctors
Extremism, interest rates and tariffs: the political and economic challenges the Trump administration will impose on Brazil
Extremists use video games to recruit vulnerable youth. Here’s what parents and gamers need to know
Exxon scientists accurately forecast climate change back in the 1970s – what if we had listened to them and acted then?
Exxon's climate lie: 'No corporation has ever done anything this big or bad'
Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago
ExxonMobil's "Let's Deliver" Commercials Are Malicious Propaganda
ExxonMobil, Chevron and Toyota accused of being corporate "influencers" that are blocking action against global warming
Exxon’s new ‘advanced recycling’ plant raises environmental concerns
EY Oceania accused of potential conflict of interest over government contracts on climate policy
Eye on Climate Goals, China Names 15 Cities as New Energy Hubs
Eyes of the energy world on Australian vanadium battery tech
Eyes on the pies: how Mabel Normand, Chaplin’s mentor, changed cinema
Eyewitness: With Gillian Triggs on Christmas Island to inspect child detainees
‘F*** your metaverse’: Kara Swisher, tech’s most feared journalist, dishes the dirt on Silicon Valley
Fabio and the Goose
Fable creator releases free RPG 'because everyone is poor and stressed'
Fable the Raven
Fabulon - Redgum
Fabulous Beasts - a new kind of game
Facebook Accused of 'Full-Frontal Suppression of Dissent' After Independent Media Swept Up in Mass Purge
Facebook And Google Finally Take First Steps On Road To Transparency About Content Moderation
Facebook ate and then ignored the news industry. It's hard, but we should leave it be
Facebook Bans White Nationalism and White Separatism
Facebook Derangement Syndrome: The Company Has Problems, But Must We Read The Worst Into Absolutely Everything?
Facebook from beyond the grave
Facebook has scraped public data from Australian users without an opt out. What can we do?
Facebook Is Being Overrun With Stolen, AI-Generated Images That People Think Are Real
Facebook Is NOT The Internet; Stop Regulating As If It Was
Facebook Is So Sure Its Erroneous Blocking Of Music Is Right, There’s No Option To Say It’s Wrong
Facebook Manners And You
Facebook Only Cares About Facebook
Facebook pages fall quiet as administrators fear legal action over defamatory comments
Facebook Users Liable for All Comments Under Their Posts, According to Australia High Court
Facebook versus Australia: the government hands Facebook a free pass
Facebook's Latest Scandals: The Banality Of Hubris; The Messiness Of Humanity
Facebook's Privacy Problems Are Piling Up Too Quickly To Chronicle
Facebook, Twitter Consistently Fail At Distinguishing Abuse From Calling Out Abuse
Facebook: I want out
Facebook’s New Currency Has Big Claims and Bad Ideas
Facebook’s Not Designed to Create A “Global Community”
Faced with dwindling bee colonies, scientists are arming queens with robots and smart hives
Faced With Fear, A Muslim Woman Makes A Stand — By Setting One Up
FaceRig videos
Facial recognition is on the rise – but the law is lagging a long way behind
Facial recognition isn't just bad because it invades privacy: it's because privacy invasions fuel discrimination
Facial Recognition Still Struggles To Recognize Faces As More People Are Misidentified As Criminals
Facing a Future of Drought, Spain Turns to Medieval Solutions and ‘Ancient Wisdom’
Facing extinction, Tuvalu considers the digital clone of a country
Facing floods: What the world can learn from Bangladesh's climate solutions
Facing increasing pressure from customers, some miners are switching to renewable energy
Facing the Age of Chaos
Facing the Challenge of Online Harassment
The Fact That The US Intelligence Community So Readily Admits To Fantasies Of Killing Ed Snowden Shows Why They Can't Be Trusted
The Fact These Disney Princesses Look Strange Highlights a Huge Problem with Society
Fact-bombing by experts doesn’t change hearts and minds. But good science communication can
Fact-checking can actually harm trust in media: new research
Factcheck: 18 misleading myths about heat pumps
Factcheck: 21 misleading myths about electric vehicles
Factchecking Donald Trump’s claims about the war in Ukraine
Factoria Circular and their giant musical wheel
Factory farms of disease: how industrial chicken production is breeding the next pandemic
The facts about COVID in Australia
The facts about ‘boat people’ – The government & media are lying
“Facts, not politics:” Kean fights Coalition attempts to silence him, but will he stand alone?
Fader Automation Groove
Fading fun at Norwescon 46 on Friday … and the future?
Fail: our report card on the government’s handling of Australia’s extinction crisis
The Failed Promise of Trustlessness
The failed referendum is a political disaster, but opportunity exists for those brave and willing to embrace it
Failing to See, Fueling Hatred.
Failing union of capitalism and democracy fuels rise in inequality
‘Failure is not an option’: after a lost decade on climate action, the 2020s offer one last chance
Failure of Cop28 on fossil fuel phase-out is ‘devastating’, say scientists
Failure of Francis Scott Key Bridge provides future engineers a chance to learn how to better protect the public
Failures of the Cloud Czars
Fair representation in news makes multicultural Australians feel more at home: new research
Fair trade ebooks: how authors could double their royalties without costing their publishers a cent
Fair-minded, down to earth and unusually gifted: George Negus dies at 82
Fairphone 2 hands-on: Modular phones are finally here
Fairtrade: study finds premium label does not always benefit workers on South African wine farms
Fairytale Portraits Of Redheads With A Red Fox By Uzbek Photographer
Faith in Daisy Chains
“Faith-based arguments that deal with climate change are a smokescreen that mask the real problem”
Fake climate negotiations produce real impacts
The fake election bomb threats caused chaos online. It’s a perfect breeding ground for conspiracies
Fake Geek Guys: A Message to Men About Sexual Harassment
The "Fake Geek" is Not The Problem When It Comes to "Fake Geek Girls" by Chris Brecheen
The Fake News Pipeline: How A Small-Time Clickbait Farmer Is Spreading the Gospel of Big Oil
Fake News Reports and Videos Seek to Undermine the Paris Olympics
Fake papers are contaminating the world’s scientific literature, fueling a corrupt industry and slowing legitimate lifesaving medical research
Fake Picassos in a ladies toilet: why the saga at MONA is one of the most effective pieces of performance art I’ve seen
Fake podcast clips are misleading millions of people on social media. Here’s how to spot them
Fake Science
Fake Writer Girls!
Faking a Mandate
Faking William Morris, Generative Forgery, and the Erosion of Art History
Falklands Falcons Are As Brainy As Cockatoos
The Fall of Google+
The Fall: Some Things are Worth Losing for the Greater Things We Gain
Fallen ancient civilizations show us why we must not ignore climate warnings
Falling felines: Keeping cats in high-rise flats safe
Falling Lithium Prices Are Making Electric Cars More Affordable
The Falling Man
Falling vaccination rates put children at risk of preventable diseases. Governments need a new strategy to boost uptake
The False Dichotomy of Merit and Inclusion
The false dichotomy of systemic and individual behaviour change
False divisions and dubious equivalencies: Children’s rights during the COVID-19 pandemic
The False Promise of Meritocracy
Families of Boeing crash victims demand prosecution for ‘deadliest corporate crime in US history’
The Family Guide to Digital Freedom
Family of Discworld illustrator seek wealthy patron to conserve legacy of ‘one of the great artists of our time’
Family Of Marcel Duchamp Gets 3D Print Design For Duchamp Chess Set Removed Back Into History Over Copyright
‘Family Portrait’, Photos of Movie & Comic Book Characters Dressed Up & Posing Together for Classic Flemish Paintings
Family support protects trans young people – but their families need support too
Family violence perpetrators using COVID-19 as 'a form of abuse we have not experienced before'
Family's Aussie road trip adventure debunks common EV 'misconceptions'
Family-meal image wins international food photo contest
Famine should not exist in 2022, yet Somalia faces its worst yet. Wealthy countries, pay your dues
Famous artist says a painting isn't by him, gets sued for ruining its value
Famous first words: how celebrities made their way on to children's bookshelves
Famous Movie Data Visualizations
Famous Sounds
Fan Creates a Fantastic Parody Website for the Ministry of Magic from ‘Harry Potter’
Fan fiction: Creative river runs ever on
Fan films and the future of fantasy
Fan Prints of Humorous and Miscellaneous Subjects
Fan-O-Rama, The Live-Action Futurama Fan Film
Fanboys Hit the Shows: Taylor Swift, Def Leppard, 'Weird Al' Yankovic
Fans Aren’t Going To Pay For Music Anymore. And That’s Ok.
Fantagraphics 2014 Spring Season: 39 Graphic Novels & Books
Fantasia 2000: celebrating 25 years of a concertless film in search of a concert
Fantastic arctic fox: animal walks 3,500km from Norway to Canada
'Fantastic day for elephants': court rejects ivory ban challenge
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
The Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009 stop-motion feature film)
Fantastic Redesigns Of Women Characters By Women Science Fiction Artists
The Fantastic Ursula K. Le Guin
Fantastical plates of food art
Fantasy & Science Fiction giveaway
The Fantasy and Abuse of the Manipulable User
Fantasy Architecture
Fantasy Art
Fantasy food at exhibition by famed Japanese animator Studio Ghibli
Fantasy Map Brushes
Fantasy Webcomic: Gaia
Fan’s Rare Recordings Of Lost Beatles’ Performances Can’t Be Heard, Because Copyright Ruins Everything
Far right and extremist groups are targeting military veterans for recruitment. Does the ADF owe them a duty of care?
‘The far right wants us to play by their rules’: Can German Greens survive ‘witch-hunt’?
The far-reaching influence of Alaska's sea otters
Far-right activists from Germany spent US election day at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
Far-right voice opponents co-opt comments from controversial New Zealand speaker
Far-right ‘tradwives’ see feminism as evil. Their lifestyles push back against ‘the lie of equality’
The Far-Right's Culture Wars Are Just a Distraction So Oligarchs Can Keep Looting the Working Class
Farewell to Tanaka Atsuko
Farewell to the Internet’s Master Timekeeper: David Mills
Farewell Tolstoy, An African Giant
Farewell, #Queenoftheskies
Farm fences trouble turtles in search of water. Here’s how to help
Farm floods will hit food supplies and drive up prices. Farmers need help to adapt as weather extremes worsen
Farm robots ripping out weeds the old-fashioned way to reduce herbicide use, strengthen harvest
Farmed salmon or chicken? Environmental footprint research can guide eco-conscious consumers
Farmed seafood supply at risk if we don’t act on climate change
Farmer builds 36ft meerkat sculpture from bales of straw
The Farmers Abandoning Big Ag to Grow Mushrooms and Herbs
Farmers and communities to reap billions for hosting wind and solar projects, report finds
Farmers Are Creating a Brighter Future for Bolivia’s Red-Fronted Macaws
Farmers are famously self-reliant. Why not use farm dams as mini-hydro plants?
Farmers reduce plastic waste in supermarkets with cardboard berry punnets
Farmers switch banks, super funds to discourage fossil fuel investment
Farmers ‘crippled’ by satellite failure as GPS-guided tractors grind to a halt
Farmers, Elephants, and Bees: A Winning Combination
Farmers, investors, miners and parents: how unconventional climate advocates can reach new audiences
Farming has always been gambling with dirt – but the odds are getting longer
Farming needs to adapt to climate change: PM
Farming the Sun
Farms to fame: How China’s rural influencers are redefining country life
Fart Proudly
‘Fascinating and troubling’: Australians would rather save a single human life than prevent an entire species from becoming extinct
Fascinating Look at the World's First Steampunk Restaurant
The fascinating truth behind all those ‘great firewall of China’ headlines
The fascinating world of Voronoi diagrams
Fascism Is Not "That Which Hurts My Feelings"
Fascism Runs in My American Family
The Fascist Bogeyman
Fashion Meets Geek With New BioWare Line
Fashion of the Future
Fashion of the Future-ture-ture!
Fashion that’s begging for love: ‘Designers want to create meaningful stuff’
Fast charge with frites: McDonald’s in France gets 150-200kW EV chargers
Fast Fashion: Why garment workers’ lives are still in danger 10 years after Rana Plaza — Podcast
Fast food chains are mushrooming across Australia – but at what cost?
Fast Track - Simon's Cat
Faster disaster: climate change fuels ‘flash droughts’, intense downpours and storms
Faster Internet video
Faster with wings: Ghana’s immunisation rates soar in Zipline-served districts
The fastest growing metro in the US is looking to a shrinking reservoir to keep the boom going
The Fastest Maze-Solving Competition On Earth
Fasting is a key part of Ramadan, but for many Muslims, climate change is making food scarce all year
Fatal heart attacks have surged in Australia. Here’s why
The fate of our planet depends on the next few days of complex diplomacy in Glasgow. Here’s what needs to go right
Fates of humans and insects intertwined, warn scientists
Fatigue Can Shatter a Person
‘The fatigue is not only real, it is absolutely legitimate’: why are so many of us so tired right now?
Favourite Etsy's
Fawlty Towers gets a four-star facelift
FBI arrests two New Yorkers accused of running covert Chinese police station
FBI Checks Wrong Box, Places Student on No-Fly List
FCC bans robocalls using deepfake voice clones − but AI-generated disinformation still looms over elections
FDA approves first nasal spray to treat dangerous allergic reactions
FDA Approves First Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill
FDA bans Red 3 dye from food and drugs – a scientist explains the artificial color’s health risks and long history
The FDA no longer requires all drugs to be tested on animals before human trials
FEAR & UNbalanced: Confessions of a 14-Year Fox News Hitman
Fear and anger are dominating our world right now, but are we being manipulated for profit?
Fear and loathing in South Africa: book examines how anxiety plays out in everyday life
Fear the Bogeyman: Sex Offender Panic on Halloween
Fear triumphs over hope as Trump wins the presidency – how did it happen?
Fear truly is the mind killer
The feared other: Peter Dutton's and Australia's pathology around race
THE FEARLESS FLYERS /// Introducing Delta Force
Fears many Australians will abandon home insurance as premiums jump 50% in high-risk areas
Fears of 'Collateral Damage to Democracy' as Trump Weighs Withdrawing From Global Postal Pact
Fears over Antarctic sea ice as yearly ozone layer hole forms ‘very early’
Feast your eyes on the winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2024
Feast Your Eyes on These Soothing Pics Shortlisted For Astro Photographer of The Year
Feasts of Fiction
February Art Roundup: Trek Ladies, Potter Cards, & Squee-Worthy Owl Dolls!
Feckless Axios Fired A Reporter For Correctly Identifying DeSantis Propaganda
Fed-up school principal says critics ‘have no idea’
Federal Agency Busted in Elaborate Scheme to Sell Native American Land to Corporations
Federal agency erased data to hide mismanagement of Native American remains, says whistleblower
Federal budget: $160 million for nature may deliver only pork and a fudge
Federal Court recognises four-nation clan's 95,000-square-kilometre native title claim in Western NSW
The federal government is planning to phase out single-use plastics at national parks
The Federal Government Just Acknowledged the Harm Its Dams Have Caused Tribes. Here’s What It Left Out.
Federal Government’s $20 Billion Embrace of ‘Climate Smart’ Farming
The Federal Reserve Is Catastrophically Wrong About Climate Change
Fediverse and Scuttlebutt
Feeding 'Supplements' to Corals Could One Day Help to Regrow The Great Barrier Reef
Feeding the Revolution
Feeding Wildlife during drought and bushfires
Feel Good Stories of the Year
Feeling flat now you’re #BackToWork? A post-holiday slump is normal, but these clues signal it’s time for a new job
Feeling frozen? 4 out of 5 homes in southern Australia are colder than is healthy
Feeling helpless about climate change? This doco is the uplifting call to arms you need right now
Feeling like an ‘oddity’, forced to come out: how Australian healthcare still fails to meet queer needs
Feeling lonely? Too many of us are. Here’s what our supermarkets can do to help
Felt made by hand - unique textile art by Gladys Paulus
Felt Synthesisers
Female artists earn less than men. Coming from a diverse cultural background incurs even more of a penalty – but there is good news, too
Female authors help broaden men's horizons
Female elephants rumble to say ‘let’s go!’ New study in Namibia shows males do too, a sign of unexpected social bonds
Female scientists found to be almost entirely absent from Australian high school curriculum
Feminism has failed and needs a radical rethink
Feminist politics and investigative journalism combine in a moving story of a sister murdered
Feminist theatre on trial in Russia – the latest in Putin’s purge of contemporary culture
Fence me in: the bold plan to save native species on Wilsons Promontory
Fennec Fox Adorably Chases Soap Bubbles Around a Giraffe-Print Blanket
Fennec Fox Digs Tunnel of Love
Feral cats to friendly pets as woman rehabilitates wild moggies wandering streets
Feral horses an ‘imminent threat’ that could cause extinction of several endangered Australian species, inquiry warned
Feral horses in Australia’s high country are damaging peatlands, decreasing carbon stores
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition [Full List*]
Fermented clothing? Here’s how the biofilm on kombucha can be turned into green textiles
Ferrari exec foils deepfake attempt by asking the scammer a question only CEO Benedetto Vigna could answer
Ferrets: Man’s Other Best Friend
Ferrofluid kinetic sculpture
Fertility declines, tapering populations, soaring life expectancies: What the U.N. population report shows about us and our future on this planet
Fertilizer could be made much more sustainably
Festo's New Bionic Robots Include Rolling Spider, Flying Fox
Few Australians have the right to work from home, even after COVID. Here’s how that could change
‘Few other countries go to such lengths to deliberately inflict suffering’
Few restrictions, no spending limit, and almost no oversight: welcome to political advertising in Australia
Fewer children in England having teeth out since sugar tax began, study finds
Fewer of us are cycling – here’s how we can reverse the decline
Fewer wildfires, great biodiversity: what is the secret to the success of Mexico’s forests?
The Feynman Lectures on Physics /
Fiber Optic Dress by Natalina
Fictional Victorian-era Robots
Field Trip - Simon's Cat
Fields of southern Ukraine could ‘turn into deserts’ after dam destruction
Fieldwork can be challenging for female scientists. Here are 5 ways to make it better
Fieldwork Fail: the Messy Side of Science
‘Fierce repression’ of Venezuela election protests must end, UN rights team says
Fiery Death, A Trillion Dollars and 30 years of payback
FIFA won't recognise them. So this team can only watch on during the Women's World Cup
Fifteen Theses On The Clownfall
Fifty shades of open
Fifty States of Fear
Fifty years ago, Cyclone Tracy devastated Darwin. The lessons from it have still not been learnt
Fifty Years of Tax Cuts for Rich Didn’t Trickle Down, Study Says
Fifty-year extension for one of Australia’s biggest CO₂ emitters likely after WA ditches emissions-reduction rules
Fight at the Museum: Confronting Visitor Biases
Fight Fire With — AI? Artificial Intelligence Tackles Wildfires
‘Fight for our lives’: Fiji calls world leaders ‘selfish’ as it lays out climate crisis blueprint
The fight for the Galápagos: race to expand reserve as fishing fleets circle
Fight or Flee: Tuvalu’s residents prepare for mass displacement as nation forecast to be among first to disappear due to climate change
The fight to preserve a 44,000-year-old painting
The fight to save the endangered southern brush-tailed rock wallaby
The fight to stop Nestlé from taking America's water to sell in plastic bottles
The Fight to Stop Poaching: What If We’ve Been Doing It Wrong?
‘Fight waste to fight hunger’: food banks embrace imperfection to feed millions in Brazil
Fighting climate change by tackling food waste
Fighting for our web
Fighting for the truth about climate change
Fighting Global Warming, One Abandoned Oil Well at a Time
Fighting hatred with hatred at Reclaim Australia rallies is a failure of progressive politics
Fighting junk fees is "woke"
Fighting Misogyny In The Gay Community
Fighting the Forces of Evil at the Dungeons & Dragons-Themed Picket Line in Hollywood
Figuratively Shiny: A Firefly Video
Figure Nausicaa
Figures like Andrew Tate may help spread misogyny. But they’re amplifying – not causing – the problem
Fiji is officially ‘open for happiness’ – will that apply to its tourism workers too?
Fiji’s other crisis: away from the COVID emergency, political dissent can still get you arrested
Fika, four-week holidays – and zero overtime: Sweden’s stunningly healthy work culture
Filenames and Pathnames in Shell: How to do it Correctly
Filipinos are embracing electric three-wheelers faster than officials can regulate them
Fill Your New Kindle, iPad, iPhone, eReader with Free eBooks, Movies, Audio Books, Online Courses & More
Film Star
Filmmaker: Officials arrest Iran movie industry workers
Filmmakers fighting “Happy Birthday” copyright find their “smoking gun”
Filthy Lucre
"The Final Battle": A Road Trip through Trump's America
Final Call: Strange Blessings
The Final Days Of Japan's Most Incredible Arcade
Final donation for man whose blood helped save 2.4 million babies
The Final Pandemic Betrayal
Final recount confirms Georgia ruling party victory, says electoral commission
Finalists Of The 2014 Wildlife Photographer Of The Year Competition Will Leave You Wanting More
Finally A Normal No-Frills Electric Car! BYD ATTO 3
Finally bold and imaginative: the first major redesign of the National Museum of Australia is a triumph
Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics – the doughnut
Finally, A Climate Change Documentary That Will Get You Excited To Fix It
Finally, A Comedian Actually Got Cancelled
Finally, a Viral Post Generator for LinkedIn posts so you can spend more time on #career #goals
Finally, Australia sees video games are important – but it can’t be only because they make money
Finally, Presidential Candidates Are Talking About Poverty
Finally, she can speak
Finally: Countries Start To Rebel Against Corporate Sovereignty, But Ten Years Too Late
Finally: Danish Supreme Court Overrules Lower Courts On Newspaper’s Little Mermaid Cartoons
Finance caused the fall of Rome
Financial hardship is the biggest driver of loneliness. Here’s why – and how to tackle it
Find a piano
Find out more about inequality
Finding a fix: Nigerian women lead drive to upcycle plastics
Finding Dory Isn't So Great for Our Fish Friends
Finding Infinity develops $100 billion zero-carbon strategy for Melbourne "that would pay for itself in less than 10 years"
Finding my way out of the fog
Finding Rover, An App That Uses Facial Recognition to Help Reunite Lost Dogs with Their Humans
Finding the Mother Tree: An Interview with Suzanne Simard
Finding the statistical fingerprints of election thieves
Finding Your Way in the World: Kiki’s Delivery Service and Whisper of the Heart
The Fine Art of Bullshit: Killed by Google
The Fine Print Society
Finger Nose
The fingerprints of climate change are all over a budget navigating an economy in transition
The Finkbeiner Test
Finland considers basic income to reform welfare system
Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need
Finland is the happiest country in the world – but our research suggests the rankings are wealth and status-oriented
Finland is winning the war on fake news. What it’s learned may be crucial to Western democracy
Finland passes new, progressive trans rights laws on gender recognition
Finland sets world’s most ambitious climate target in law
Finland warns of hostile activities by Russia
Finland's homeless crisis nearly solved. How? By giving homes to all who need.
Finland: Thanked or Bombed Off the Planet?
Finland’s Position Is One of the Big Surprises of the Ukraine Invasion
Finland’s ‘visionary’ fight against disinformation teaches citizens to question what they see online
Finn Magee
Finnair is selling its airplane food in grocery stores
Finnish basic income pilot improved wellbeing, study finds
Finnish researchers win award for carbon-negative precast concrete
Finnish town offers locals cake (and other rewards) for cutting CO2 emissions
Finnish Wildlife Photographer Captures the Many Ways That Foxes Use Their Faces To Communicate
Fiona Hill: ‘Elon Musk Is Transmitting a Message for Putin’
Fiordichthys slartibartfasti
Fire (and lots of it): Berkeley researcher on the only way to fix cryptocurrency
Fire and flood: 'Whole areas of Australia will be uninsurable'
Fire at Kalka in APY Lands burns through 65,000 hectares in parts of SA, NT and WA
Fire authorities are better prepared for this summer. The question now is – are you?
Fire in northern Australia’s tropical savanna is a threat to endangered fairy-wrens
Fire is a chemical reaction. Here’s why Australia is supremely suited to it
Fire is consuming more than ever of the world’s forests, threatening supplies of wood and paper
Fire Juggling!
Fire management in Australia has reached a crossroads and ‘business as usual’ won’t cut it
Fire on the doorstep: how residents and firefighters from two states combined to save NSW-Qld border towns
Fire regimes around Australia shifted abruptly 20 years ago – and falling humidity is why
Fire Sprinklers in Kayabuki-no-Sato, Kyoto are Camouflaged as Huts
Fire-retardant paint first to protect homes from extreme fire conditions
Fire-smart farming: how the crops we plant could help reduce the risk of wildfires on agricultural landscapes
Fireball Fennec Fox at San Diego Zoo
Fireflies, brain cells, dancers: new synchronisation research shows nature’s perfect timing is all about connections
Firefly Aerospace Becomes First Commercial Company to Successfully Land on the Moon
Firefly Poster Sets
The Firefly Season 2 Project
Firefly's Whole Cast Will Reunite for Firefly Online
Firefox crop circle
Firefox fights back
Firehouse Five and the Cinderella Surprise
Fires broke out in a Melbourne landfill site four years ago. Residents are still waiting for them to end
Fires burn on Sydney’s fringe in taste of hot summer ahead
Fires used to terrify city residents. New research suggests climate change could see this fear return
Firevase is a vase that doubles as a fire extinguisher
'Firmageddon': Researchers find 1.1 million acres of dead trees in Oregon
First 100,000 KG Removed From the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The first all-electric tugboat in the US is about to launch
First all-new, electric commuter airplane takes flight at Moses Lake
First antenna is installed on Square Kilometre Array Low telescope, as traditional owners welcome project
First Arab female astronaut reaches space station
The first Asian screenwriter in Hollywood’s 1920s ‘dream factory,’ Winnifred Eaton, challenged its racism
The first Australian First Nations anthology of speculative fiction is playful, bitter, loud and proud
First Australian-made electric hydrofoil boat unveiled to “revolutionise boating”
The first baby bison has been born in UK ‘rewilding’ program
First breathtaking images from Euclid telescope's map of the universe
First Came 'Furries' In Schools. Now There Are 'Fuzzies,' Says Grown Adult GOP US Senate Candidate
First cheetah cubs born in India since extinction 70 years ago
The First Computers in East Africa –and what became of them
The First Country in The World Has Given Legal Rights to Individual Wild Animals
First Criminal President: Donald Trump Didn’t Do It Alone
The First Crispr-Edited Salad Is Here
First Dog on the Moon: Why didn’t humanity save the planet? Perhaps they were busy
First Draft
First electric cars. Next, electric factories?
First electric concrete mixer truck begins trials in Australia
First electric truck to do lap around Australia completes journey after heatwaves and headwinds
First evidence of ancient human occupation found in giant lava tube cave in Saudi Arabia
The First Female Gamers
The First First Responders
The first generation of solar panels will wear out. A recycling industry is taking shape
First heatwave of 2025 engulfs Australia's south-east while monsoon and cyclones mysteriously missing in action
First Human-Pig Chimera Is a Step Toward Custom Organs
The first ice-free day in the Arctic Ocean could occur before 2030
First malaria vaccine slashes early childhood mortality
The first modern pandemic
First Mover Advantage Shows How Copyright Isn’t Necessary To Protect Innovative Creativity
First Nation chief on the difference between 'freedom' and 'privilege'
First Nation declares protected area in northern B.C.'s Taku River watershed
First Nations anti-coal mine activist Murrawah Johnson wins 2024 Goldman Environmental Prize
First Nations Anzacs sacrificed life and limb for Country. Why aren’t their stories shown onscreen?
First Nations children are still being removed at disproportionate rates. Cultural assumptions about parenting need to change
First Nations dancing as one, Yuin Nation gathers community
First Nations imprisonment is already at a record high. Unless government policy changes, it will only get worse
First Nations kids make up about 20% of missing children, but get a fraction of the media coverage
First Nations people have made a plea for ‘truth-telling’. By reckoning with its past, Australia can finally help improve our future
First Nations people must be at the forefront of Australia’s renewable energy revolution
First Nations superhero ‘Condoman’ was a world leader in HIV prevention. Aunty Gracelyn Smallwood made it happen
First Nations-led child protection, independent police oversight amongst Yoorrook recommendations
First new asthma attack treatment in 50 years
The First New Vacuum Tube Computer Design For Well Over Half A Century
First Peoples in Victoria have a right to the truth about the impact of colonisation
First Peoples’ land overlaps with 130 imperilled bird species – and their knowledge may be vital to saving them
The first photograph of the entire globe: 50 years on, Blue Marble still inspires
First polar bear to die of bird flu – what are the implications?
The first published results from Juukan Gorge show 47,000 years of Aboriginal heritage was destroyed in mining blast
First radioactive rhino horns to curb poaching in S.Africa
First Rate, Second Grade, Party
First Rule Of Censorship Club Is You Don’t Talk About Censorship Club
The First Rule Of Owning A Toyota Tundra In Australia Is You’re Not Allowed To Talk About Your Toyota Tundra
The first socialist
First the floods, then the diseases – why NZ should brace for outbreaks of spillover infections from animals
First They Got Sick, Then They Moved Into a Virtual Utopia
First three marine areas receive highest levels of protection
The First Time My White Husband Witnessed Someone Discriminate Against Me for the Color of My Skin
First wearable heart ultrasound is powered by an AI brain
The First White President
First women-only rooftop solar project powers up in Victoria, sets higher bar for industry
The First Year of AI College Ends in Ruin
The First-Ever Community Red Panda Conservation Area
The first-ever drive from North to South pole is complete – and it was all-electric
The first-ever elephant herpesvirus vaccine injected in Houston Zoo
First-Ever Fine Issued Over Space Junk
First-ever footage of wolves eating blueberries in Northern Minnesota
First-ever International Day of Play
The first-ever mission to pull a dead rocket out of space has just begun
The first-ever survey on Australian attitudes towards space is out. So, what do we think?
Fish and chips shouldn’t come with a catch: how Australia can keep illegal seafood off our plates
Fish Are Thriving in the River Seine
Fish Below Your Feet and Other Solutions for a Living Harbor
Fish eggs return to Bangladesh’s Halda River following conservation efforts
Fish habitrail
Fish leather is here, it’s sustainable – and it’s made from invasive species to boot
The Fish That Gave Too Much
Fish Under Threat From Ocean Oxygen Depletion, Finds Study
Fished for their meat and liver oil, many remarkable deep-water sharks and rays now face extinction
Fisher Price's Iconic Toy Telephone Now Actually Makes Phone Calls
Fisheries: End to bottom fishing on protected deep-sea ecosystems in EU waters
Fishery collapse ‘confirms Silent Spring pesticide prophecy'
Fishing communities create marine refuges to protect Chile’s biodiversity
Fishing for data: commercial fishers help monitor rising temperatures in coastal seas
Fishing net deaths of endangered sea lions drastically reduced in SA
Fisker Ocean: The Cure To Boring Overpriced SUVs?
Five big challenges for Lula’s presidency of Brazil
Five Black British figures history forgets
Five Classic SF Works About Cosmic Warmongering
The five corrupt pillars of climate change denial
Five COVID Numbers That Don’t Make Sense Anymore
The five data retention lies you were told
Five Destructive Myths Perpetuated by Roleplaying Games
Five disinformation tactics Russia is using to try to influence the US election
Five firms in plastic pollution alliance ‘made 1,000 times more plastic than they cleaned up’
Five games about cats for you to try
Five hotspots where floating plastic litter poses the greatest risk to North Atlantic marine life – new study
Five Journalists and Pop Star Denise Ho Arrested in Hong Kong for Sedition
Five key moments in the crushing of Afghan women's rights
Five lesser-known Godzilla films to watch before the king of monsters turns 70
The Five Letter Word That Spells the End of Societies
Five myths about capitalism
Five Myths About Young People and Social Media
Five new puppy owners who can't contain their happy tears
Five of the world’s tiniest robots
Five options for restoring global biodiversity after the UN agreement
Five reasons to heat your home using infrared fabric
Five Sci-Fi Children's Books
Five SF Stories Set in Eco-Friendly Futures
Five Shocking Animal Hybrids That Truly Exist in Nature, From Narlugas to Grolar Bears to Coywolves
Five Signs Your Story Is Sexist – Against Men
Five species face immediate concern of extinction, scientific committee warns Labor
Five things the “nuclear bros” don’t want you to know about small modular reactors
Five things we learned about the state of the planet at the world’s biggest meeting of biodiversity experts
Five things you need to know about the Ottoman empire
Five unbelievably cool research facilities (DD)
Five Vintage SF Anthologies That Are Too Good to Be Forgotten
Five Vintage SFF Novels That Are Too Good to Be Forgotten
Five ways community is at the heart of Brighton Festival
Five women building peace that you should know
Five Worlds of AI (a joint post with Boaz Barak)
Five Years of Staring Into the Sun
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
Five years on, Brisbane’s e-scooters and e-bikes are winning over tourists and residents as they open up the city
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
The five-minute city: inside Denmark’s revolutionary neighbourhood
Fix The News 282: Brain-Washing Machine
Fix the News 283: How To Survive Being Online
Fix the News 284: Life's Key Ingredients
Fix the News 285: Principles for the Permaweird
Fix the News 286: Iron Winds
Fix the News 287: The Secret Pattern
Fix the News 288: Hofstader's Butterfly
Fix the News: More to Give
Fixing broken flood gauges is important. But most of us don’t evacuate even when we know the water is coming
Fizzy and Frank
Flash droughts are becoming more common in Australia. What’s causing them?
The Flashlight-Wielding, Frog-Taxiing Guardians of Spring’s ‘Big Night’
Flatpack: Fix the Future - Optimistic Apocalyptic Roleplaying
Fleeing bloodshed in Gaza, Palestinians arriving in Australia find they have no place to call home
The Fleet-Winged Ghosts of Greenland
The Fleeting Utopia: Navigating The Euphoria Of New Digital Communities
Fletcher Capstan Tables
Fleuron: A Database of Eighteenth-Century Printers' Ornaments
Flexible Electroluminescent Lighting
“Flexible exports” vital to the value of rooftop PV, and could help avoid the big solar button
Flight Attendant Garb
The Flight of the Birdman: Flappy Bird Creator Dong Nguyen Speaks Out
Flight Report: Aloft in a Zeppelin Airship
‘Flight shame is dead’: concern grows over climate impact of tourism boom
Flight to Survive
"Flightline" hand-crafted PC case
Flipcharts on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Flipper Zero Panic Spreads To Oz: Cars Unaffected
Flipping FLIP ship saved from scrapyard at last minute
FLiRT was dominating COVID-19 cases, now we're onto the FLuQE subvariants
Flirtation or sexual harassment? Here's how to tell the difference
Flirting with Magic
The Floating Health Clinics Delivering Care to Isolated Island Dwellers
Floating PV reduces water evaporation in Brazilian reservoir by 60%
Floating robots reveal just how much airborne dust fertilises the Southern Ocean – a key climate ‘shock absorber’
Floating Seawer Skyscraper Rids The World’s Oceans Of Plastic While Generating Clean Energy
Floating Solar Farms Are a Game Changer
Floating solar farms could cool down lakes threatened by climate change
Floating solar farms: what are they and can they help us reach net zero?
Floating solar panels could completely power thousands of cities
Floating solar panels could provide much of Africa’s energy – new research
Floating Solar Panels Turn Old Industrial Sites Into Green Energy Goldmines
Floating solar project converts former gravel pit into 20 MW power generating pond
Floating solar tech that harvests clean power and water heads to Australia under new deal
Floating spiders and insect-eating plants: leaky dams revive Dorset’s bogs
The FLOK Society Project: Making The Good Life Possible Through Good Knowledge
Flood protection based on historical records is flawed – we need a risk model fit for climate change
Flood warning: NZ’s critical infrastructure is too important to fail – greater resilience is urgently needed
Flooded and forgotten: How Europe's disused coal mines are successfully being used to heat our homes
Flooding in Pakistan shows that climate adaptation requires international support and regional co-operation
Floods and environmental flows a boon for south-east Australia’s waterbirds, survey shows
Floods and mudslides kill six in Japan as scientists warn extreme rainfall events will get worse
Floods are natural, but human decisions make disasters. We need to reflect on the endless cycles of blame
Floods can be a disaster for humans – but for nature, it’s boom time
The floods have killed at least 21 Australians. Adapting to a harsher climate is now a life-or-death matter
Floods in Victoria are uncommon. Here’s why they’re happening now – and how they compare to the past
Floods left thousands without power. Microgrids could help communities weather the next disaster
Floods turn world’s biggest heavy metal festival into mudbath
Floods, cyclones, thunderstorms: is climate change to blame for New Zealand’s summer of extreme weather?
Flop rock: inside the underground floppy disk music scene
Floral print tools
Florence Bell died unrecognised for her contributions to DNA science – decades on female researchers are still being sidelined
Florida Department of Health altered data to make vaccines look dangerous
Florida is building the world's largest environmental restoration project
The Florida Neighborhood Hurricanes Can’t Gentrify
Florida schools plan to use only excerpts from Shakespeare to avoid ‘raunchiness’
Florida Turtle Nests Are Recovering. When They Hatch, Expect Mostly Girls.
Florida’s balloon ban will protect sea turtles, birds and other marine life
Floridians should slow down for the rarest whales on Earth
Floss the dog goes on epic Australian road trip to find home, with animal shelters inundated amid rental crisis
Flour power: the campaign to get real bread to more people
Flowchart: How not to design a "woman’s" tech product
Flower @ danmala: mandala art
Flower power: lavender oil for longer-lasting sodium-sulfur batteries
Flower-Power Could Help Clear Land mines
Flowers Are Evolving to Self-Pollinate, And It Could Be a Big Problem
Flowers Opening Timelapse
FlowState: The FPV Drone Documentary (Full Film Official Release)
Flu cases are on the rise across Australia. Do I need a winter vaccination?
Flu may be back, but COVID is far from over. How do they compare?
Flu or COVID? You can now test for both at home with a single swab. Here’s what you need to know
Flu shots play an important role in protecting against bird flu. But not for the reason you might think
Flu, COVID-19 jabs encouraged before a ‘triple pandemic’ arrives
Fluffier, Brighter, Weirder Dinosaurs
Fluffy Black Cats Adorably Illustrated as Expressive Balls of Fur
Flunkies, goons and managerial feudalism: why David Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs is the book that keeps on giving
Fluoride in drinking water at twice safe limit linked to lower IQ in children
Fluoride in drinking water is in the spotlight again. Let’s not forget how it transformed our oral health
Fly around Ares Vallis on Mars
Fly Glass Wings
Fly Glass Wings!
Fly infertility shows we’re underestimating how badly climate change harms animals
Fly me to the moon
Fly Me to the Saitama (Tonde Saitama) international theatrical trailer - Hideki Takeuchi movie
Fly season: what to know about Australia’s most common flies and how to keep them away
Flying around the Earth
Flying cars
Flying drones and chasing data, Indigenous women in Guyana join fight against climate change
Flying electric cars have landed and there will be races in late 2020
The FLYING electric taxi that costs as much as an Uber! Vertical VX4 eVTOL
Flying foxes pollinate forests and spread seeds. Here’s how we can make peace with our noisy neighbours
Fwd: flying silently through the skies with tamed hawks in Nepal
Flying under the radar: Australia’s silent and growing competition crisis
The Focal Camera Is An Awesome Open-Source DIY Modular Camera System
Focusing on Food Miles is a Mistake
Fodor’s No List 2023
Fodor’s No List 2024
Folding electric scooter can be carried in the hand or in a backpack
Follow the Crypto
The Follower
Following the Voice failure, Indigenous politicians are calling for the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to be implemented. What is it and what would it mean?
The folly of making art with text-to-image generative AI
Folly, Vice, and Madness
food and fat
The food animation (Alimation) of Alexandre DUBOSC
Food apartheid: the root of the problem with America's groceries
Food Art
Food forests rise in Boston. Edible lots create green space – and community.
The food in "Final Fantasy XV" looks amazing
Food plays a role in children's mental health — and some schools are stepping in to help those going hungry
Food prices will climb everywhere as temperatures rise due to climate change – new research
Food security at risk as web of life unravels
Food Shortages From Climate Crisis Expected in Decades, Experts Fear
Food travels through many cold spaces on its journey to our plate. Here's how refrigeration was invented
Food waste cafes and urban orchards: five ways people are building a new economy
Food waste is a major contributor to global warming, but a Thai company is trying change that
Food waste warriors redirect unwanted produce to homes, charities
Food, feed and fuel: global seaweed industry could reduce land needed for farming by 110m hectares, study finds
Football Fans Are Organising Against the Far Right
For #nerdy9th, I'm going to share my love of the TV series Japanology.
For $50, you can build a custom Android or Linux mini-computer
For 'BoJack Horseman,' It Matters If A Cartoon Dog Is A Man Or A Woman
For 110 years, climate change has been in the news. Are we finally ready to listen?
For 18 years, I thought she was stealing my identity. Until I found her
For 1st time, Indonesia government recognizes ancestral forests in Aceh — but only some
For 20 years, Comoros had only 1 national park. It’s now creating 5 more
For 50 Years, Tech Companies Have Tried to Increase Diversity by Fixing People Instead of the System
For a fairer greener Melbourne, take a bite from the doughnut
For A Modest Personality Trait, ‘Intellectual Humility’ Packs A Punch
For a New Generation of Fish Farmers, the Ocean is Becoming Obsolete
For Amusement Only: the life and death of the American arcade
For an Inclusive Culture, Try Working Less
For Australia to lead the way on green hydrogen, first we must find enough water
For Burlington, Vermont, Going 100% Renewable Was Just the Start
for cat lovers
For China’s Auto Market, Electric Isn’t the Future. It’s the Present.
For Deaf people, train travel can be a gamble. But an AI-powered Auslan avatar can help
For decades, governments have subsidised fossil fuels. But why?
For Decades, Our Coverage Was Racist. To Rise Above Our Past, We Must Acknowledge It
For decades, we’ve been told 80% of the world’s biodiversity is found on Indigenous lands – but it’s wrong
For democracy's sake, give power to the people
For domestic violence victim-survivors, a data or privacy breach can be extraordinarily dangerous
For female athletes of color, scrutiny around gender rules and identity part of long trend
For First Time Ever, Scientists Identify How Many Trees to Plant and Where to Plant Them to Stop Climate Crisis
For Four Years I Was “Randomly Selected”for Special Security Checks at Airports Throughout the U.S.
Fwd: [NextNow] [for fun - and to test your ability to understand!]: Dementia Test-No Cheating
For generations, killer whales and First Nations hunted whales together. Now we suspect the orca group has gone extinct
For Good Men To See Nothing
For his 80th birthday, my dad asked for the gift of time. What we gave him will last generations
For hydrogen to dominate the low-carbon world, batteries must fail
For Indian Farmers, Artificial Glaciers Are a High-Altitude Antidote to Drought
For Indigenous Peoples With Deep Ties to the Land, Climate Change Is Personal
For International Youth Day, three youth conservation success stories
For Joe Biden, the indictment of Donald Trump carries a heavy responsibility – and a risk
For kids of all ages and lover's of life
For kids with long COVID, "back to school" often means not returning at all
For Linux Enthusiasts Especially, The Steam Deck Is An Incredible & Fun Device
For lobster industry, $82M right whale study grant is a hopeful sign
For Low-Income Victims, Nuisance Laws Force Ultimatum: Silence Or Eviction
For More Sustainable Affordable Housing, Just Add Mushrooms
For Mother's Day
For Muslim refugees in immigration detention, another sombre, isolated Eid holiday
For my great-grandparents, for all Jews, for all humanity, I say never again
For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War
For one tide only: modernist sandcastles – in pictures
For Outdoor Workers, Learning About Heat Protection Is a Lifesaver
For Parents Stressed by a Crying Baby, Help Is on the Way
For People in Prison, Career Training Begins in a Virtual World
For punctuation nerds
For remote Aboriginal families, limited phone and internet services make life hard. Here’s what they told us
For research, we pretended to be crooks and terrorists and tried to buy shell companies. The results were disturbing.
For richer, for poorer: how married CEOs are less prone to risky investing and insider trading
For sale: Swiss Scrooge McDuck swimming pool/vault full of shiny coins
For sharing a scientific paper, a young researcher faces jail time
For Some Native Americans, Uranium Contamination Feels Like Discrimination
For some transgender students, the school bathroom is a battleground
For some workers, low-paying jobs might be more of a dead end than a stepping stone
For the First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter the Public Domain
For the First Time, Part of the Ocean Has Been Granted Legal Personhood
For the Housing Market’s Greenest Buyers, ‘Earthships’ Are Taking Off
For the Love of Culture
For the Love of God, Stop Microwaving Plastic
For the Love of Money
For the love of: A river
For the New Year, Try Cultivating Hope
For the person who has everything
For the sake of life on Earth, we must put a limit on wealth
For the sake of our democracy, Australia urgently needs a whistleblower protection authority
for the thrill of a lifetime...maybe not
For the traumatised Australian children escaping Syrian detention camps, help here will be life-changing
For third year in a row, Trump’s budget plan eliminates arts, public TV and library funding
For those in science
for those of you that watch the Discovery Channel...they have a bunch of spoofs to watch!
For Trump, the cruelty is the point. But it’s actually worse than that.
For US Independence Day, January 6th Hearings Reveal Authoritarianism’s Achilles Heel
For Valentino Dixon, a wrong righted
For volunteers, repopulating Chesapeake Bay with oysters is personal
For Want of a Dollar
For World 'Intellectual Property' Day, A Reading From Thomas Macaulay
For years, Japan tried to keep their existence a secret, but the Ainu people refuse to disappear
For you cat owners with senses of humor...
The Forbes Fictional Fifteen
The Force Awakens Soundtrack on Vinyl Has Spinning Holograms Etched Into the Records
THE FORCE: A musical tribute to Princess Leia
Forced Out: The Electrical Engineer
The forces driving ‘white fright’
Forcing Kids To Stick To Gender Roles Can Actually Be Harmful To Their Health
Forcing people to repay welfare ‘loans’ traps them in a poverty cycle – where is the policy debate about that?
Foreign healthcare volunteers in Africa can harm local relationships – Zambian study
Foreign states including repressive regimes pay peers over £3m in two years
The Forest Beyond
Forest Fantasy Toadstools And Ladybirds Inside Cake
Forest Islands in The Amazon Host Unique Ecosystems, But They're Doomed
Forest regeneration that earned multimillion-dollar carbon credits resulted in fewer trees, analysis finds
Forests in the tropics are critical for tackling climate change – yet the people showing how are being exploited
Forests with multiple tree species are 70% more effective as carbon sinks than monoculture forests, study finds
‘Forever chemicals’ have made their way to farms. For now, levels in your food are low – but there’s no time to waste
The Forged Apple Employee Badge
Forget 'The Kids These Days'; It's The Adults And Their Moral Panics To Worry About
‘Forget about your worries or dying’
‘Forget all the excuses’: Arnold Schwarzenegger expresses regret over groping claims
Forget Comcast. Here’s The DIY Approach to Internet Access.
Forget Crop Circles!
Forget Electronics: Here Come “Orbitronics”
Forget EVs, the Coalition has a plan for nuclear-fuelled hydrogen cars
Forget JobSeeker. In our post-COVID economy, Australia needs a ‘liveable income guarantee’ instead
Forget massive seawalls, coastal wetlands offer the best storm protection money can buy
Forget net zero – let’s have a ‘fossil freedom day’
Forget nuclear: 5B says plunging price of PV means giga-scale solar farms the future for old coal plants
Forget plans to lower emissions by 2050 – this is deadly procrastination
Forget Quibi. Chinese streamers are hooking Americans with werewolf love triangles
Forget Survival of the Fittest: It Is Kindness That Counts
Forget the conspiracies, 15-minute cities will free us to improve our mental health and wellbeing
☀🕕 Forget the Doomsday Clock. We need a Genesis Clock.
Forget the Rules! Come play instead!
Forget the rules! Voting ends 9am Thursday
Forget Where's Wally
Forgiveness requires more than just an apology. It requires action
Forgiveness, Apologies, and Just Relations
‘Forgotten archive’ of medieval books and manuscripts discovered in Romanian church
Forgotten Books And How To Save Them
The Forgotten Kenyans Who Excavated Ancient Monuments
The Forgotten Life of Einstein's First Wife
Forgotten Muppet Stuff
The forgotten oil ads that told us climate change was nothing
Fork the Economy
Former Apple designers say the company has lost 'the fundamental principles of good design'
Former Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull says leaders must stand up to bullies after being lashed by Donald Trump
The former fracking site now tapped for clean geothermal heat
Former Gun Company Executive Explains Roots of America’s Gun Violence Epidemic
Former Hertz Employee Says Company Is Outsourcing Its Collection Efforts To Law Enforcement
Former IT salesman: 'In part I blame the American mindset that took hold'
Former Miss America’s Australian nuclear tour clouded by Chinese AI blow to her employer
Former neo-Nazi and counter-violent extremism experts issue warning to Australia
Former Patent Troll Admits That Patent Trolls Are Bad For Business And Innovation
Former Refrigerator Manufacturer Says Companies Using Open Source, Royalty-Free Video Technology Must Pay To License 2,000 Patents
Former Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson arrested on a Japanese warrant from 2012 – what next?
Former Shipbuilder Creates Spectacular Wooden Bathtubs That Resemble Small Vessels
Former spy for China's secret police reveals operations targeting dissidents in Australia and overseas
Former Teacher Shares Genius Game That Teaches Kids Politics And Economics
Former World Leaders Urge Ratification of Nuclear Arms Ban Treaty
The Formula for Green Eggs and Ham
Formula One is moving towards hybrid engines and renewable fuel. Major environmental progress or just ‘greenwashing’?
Formula Pi - Self-driving robot racing with the Raspberry Pi
'Formula Zero' racing
Forrest says no reason world can’t stop burning fossil fuels by 2040, hints at hydrogen breakthrough
Forrest strikes $4 billion deal for electric trucks and dozers to eliminate fossil fuels at giant mines
Fort Knutz – Squirrels Go All Mission Impossible
Fortescue accelerates “real zero” campaign amid grim times for climate action
Fortescue and Liebherr to develop first zero emissions autonomous haul trucks for mines
Fortescue electric excavator reaches million tonnes milestone, outperforms diesel
Fortescue sees billion dollar windfall from electric truck deal, but Trump throws spanner into green timelines
Fortescue signs $600m deal for battery electric mining equipment in pursuit of real zero
Fortescue to build and test world’s most powerful electric fast charger
Fortescue Zero to provide EV chargers as official “Pit Boost” for Formula E
Fortescue’s 6MW electric vehicle charger stuns the EV and mining industries
Fortified with Coconuts, ‘Living’ Shorelines Are Stopping Coastal Erosion
‘Fortress USA’: How 9/11 produced a military industrial juggernaut
Fortunate Son
Forty-Five: A Republic, if you can keep it
Forty-two Indigenous-led conservation projects across Canada receive federal funding to protect more nature
Forums Are Still Alive, Active, And A Treasure Trove Of Information
FOSS wins again: Free and Open Source Communities comes through on 19th Century Newspapers (and Books and Periodicals…)
FOSSDA: Preserving the history of open-source and free software
Fossil beetles found in a Botswana diamond mine help us to reconstruct the distant past
Fossil CO₂ emissions hit record high yet again in 2023
Fossil fools and climate change, or Goldilocks and the Three Fears
“Fossil fuel behemoth:” The climate cost of Australia’s bipartisan addiction to coal and gas
Fossil fuel cars make 'hundreds of times' more waste than electric cars
Fossil Fuel Companies Build Structures To Hide Methane Flaring From Satellites
Fossil Fuel Companies Want Governments To Pay $18 Billion For Bringing In Laws Tackling The Climate Crisis Largely Caused By Fossil Fuel Companies
Fossil fuel companies won’t save us from climate change. We need governments to step up
Fossil fuel emissions to peak within two years as global decarbonization picks up steam
'Fossil Fuel Exit Strategy' Shows Transition to Renewable Future Totally Doable
Fossil fuel firms could be tried in US for homicide over climate-related deaths, experts say
Fossil fuel firms forcing countries to compensate them, Mary Robinson says
Fossil fuel giants play home ground advantage as climate COP despairs about 1.5°C
The Fossil Fuel Industry Is a Jobs-Killer
Fossil fuel industry may have lost power, but it’s still got its foot on the brakes
Fossil fuel industry says it understands climate risks. But just doesn’t care
Fossil fuel industry’s anti-climate and anti-renewables playbook goes back 57 years – they are still hard at it
Fossil Fuel Investments Hold Back Portfolios, New Report Finds
Fossil fuel lobby shares global “toolbox of tactics” to fight Victoria’s gas phaseout
Fossil fuel misinformation may sideline one of the most important climate change reports ever released
Fossil fuel production on track for double the safe climate limit
Fossil fuel projects awaiting approval could blow Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ tenfold, climate groups say
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Surged to Record $7 Trillion
Fossil fuel supply: the elephant in the room at climate change conferences
Fossil Fuels Are Wildly More Expensive Than Previously Thought, Study Says
Fossil fuels being subsidised at rate of $13m a minute, says IMF
Fossil fuels fall to record low in power grid as renewables hit new high
Fossil gas death spiral: Regulator caps exit fee to “socialise” cost of mass disconnection
Foster an Orphan Elephant
Fostering Innovation in Web Security
Fotovergleich: Berlin mit und ohne Mauer
‘Foul and loathsome’ or jewels of the natural world? The complicated history of human-frog relations
Foul-mouthed Minions? Some myths about children and swearing
Found in a Trunk: The Lost Avant-Garde Movement that came Decades before Dada
Found in Translation
Found in Translation - Why "Kemono Friends" is Great Sci-fi
‘Founder Mode’ Explains the Rise of Trump in Silicon Valley
The four accounting tricks behind Peter Dutton’s nuclear cost claims
The four astronauts NASA picked for the first crewed moon mission in 50 years
Four Black women who have advanced human rights
Four Charts Reveal Seismic Shifts in Global Energy Within One Lifetime
Four Climate Scientists on How to Take On Climate Change Today
Four delicious reasons to make Hampton Park your next dinner destination
Four Great Myths of the McCarthy Era
Four health-conscious cities putting pedestrians first
Four Indie Games You Should Play
Four New Seamounts Discovered in the High Seas
Four on climate change
Four Reasons Why Digital Transformation Matters for the Community Services Sector
Four reasons why restoring nature is the most important endeavour of our time
Four seismic climate wins show Big Oil, Gas and Coal are running out of places to hide
Four States Enact Extended Producer Responsibility Laws for Packaging
The Four Undramatic Plot Structures
Four ways AI is making the power grid faster and more resilient
Four ways you can design social media posts to combat health misinformation
The four ways your social network is different to real life networks
Four Wild Ways to Save the Koala (That Just Might Work)
Four years after Fukushima, just one man lives in the exclusion zone – to look after the animals
Four years on: the career costs for scientists battling long COVID
Four-day week trial ends and some firms make it permanent
Four-day week: 3,000 employees in the UK to take part in the biggest trial of its kind
Four-day work week to be trialled in Dominican Republic
The four-day workweek works
The Fourth Annual Academics with Cats Awards 2017 – Winners!
Fourth Australian state to allow heavy duty electric trucks on some major routes
Fourth Global Mass Coral Bleaching Prompts Emergency UN Measures
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: a seductive idea requiring critical engagement
The fourth leading cause of death in the US? Cumulative poverty
Fourth of July Celebration Fireworks Come With a Side of Dangerous Air Pollution
Fourth of July overshadowed by 16 mass shootings across US
The Fox News Theory of Art
Fox News' Bizarre Crusade to Convince Viewers That Children Are Dangerous
Fox News’s ‘vitriolic lies’ threaten democracy, says disinformation expert suing channel
[OzFurry] Fox on a trampoline!
Fox Pups Playing with Dog's Ball
Fox Village In Japan Is Probably The Cutest Place On Earth
Fox Village in Zao Japan! 蔵王きつね村・kitsune mura
Foxes That Endure Despite a Lack of Genetic Diversity
Foxtail - classic point and click adventure game
FoxType Sentence Tree
Foxx Nolte's "Hidden History of Walt Disney World"
Fractal Cutlery
Fractal drawers
Fractional Reserve Crypto-Banking
Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling and why that’s bad news
Fraggle Rock 30th Anniversary — Ask a Fraggle!
Fraggle Rock!!!
Fragranced Products Could Hurt Your Health
The Framework Laptop
The Framework Laptop 13 has just been upgraded to AMD’s Strix Point
Framework Laptop 13 review: cracking modular PC gets all-round upgrade
The Framework Laptop 16 is trying to bring back snap-on removable batteries
Framework Laptop 16 review: the ultimate in modular PCs
Framework Laptop Teardown: 10/10, But is it Perfect?
Framework Previews 16-inch Laptop With Upgradeable Graphics, Adds Ryzen Mainboards
Framework’s Latest Upgrade Shows a Promising Future for the Self-Repairable Laptop Brand
France backs plans for tribunal for Russian officials over Ukraine war
France becomes first European country to ban fossil fuel ads - but does the new law go far enough?
France implements compulsory composting. Here’s how it will help slash emissions
France Is Freeing Fruit and Veg from Its Plastic Prison
France is raising taxes on flights to pay for trains: Should other European countries do the same?
France riots: when police shot a teenager dead, a rumbling pressure cooker exploded
France struggled to relinquish Algeria as a nuclear test site, archives reveal
France to Airlines: Go Green If You Want a Bailout
France to ban smoking on beaches and public parks
France to require all large parking lots to be covered by solar panels
France votes to ban deep-sea mining in its waters: Why is this practice so controversial?
France Will Spend €2 Billion To Double Bike Lanes, Expand Cycling
France's new medieval castle
France’s browser-based website blocking proposal will set a disastrous precedent for the open internet
France’s government has fallen and political chaos has returned. Here are 3 scenarios for what could happen next
France’s headscarf ban in the 2024 Summer Olympics reflects a narrow view of national identity, writes a scholar of European studies
Francois Macre - Starlight
Frank Auerbach, leading figurative painter who fled Nazis, dies aged 93
Frank Gehry’s Luma Arles tower to open in south of France
Franka: A Robot Arm That’s Safe, Low Cost, and Can Replicate Itself
Franklin Frye Died in Custody After Serving 45 Years Over a $20 Necklace
Franklin’s Charging Shows Us What EV Charging As A Small Business Looks Like
Franz Kafka’s It’s a Wonderful Life
FraudGPT and other malicious AIs are the new frontier of online threats. What can we do?
Freaky Dates
Frederick McCubbin descendant backs WA Museum acquisition of perspex vandalised by climate protesters
Frederick McCubbin’s descendants back protesters who defaced artwork
"Frederick Noronha (FN)": <nettime> GNU/LinuxIndia Sept 2004
Free Access To Academic Papers For Everyone In India: Government Proposes 'One Nation, One Subscription' Approach As Part Of Major Shift To Openness
Free Access To Dozens of Anonymous VPNs Via New University Project
Free Admission – Twelve of Tokyo’s Best Kept Secrets
Free and discounted ebooks
Free and Open Source Software internships for women
Free Anime DVD from Madman
Free book: The best of Quora 2010-2012
Free broadband: internet access is now a human right, no matter who pays the bills
Free Bus Passes Are Giving Indian Women More Financial Freedom
Free Comic Book Day
Free Comic Book Day 2007
Free Comic Book Day 2009
Free culture and the gender gap
Free eBooks
Free eBooks from Del Rey
Free Guide to Scribus Can Quickly Give You Publishing Prowess
Fwd: Free Hugs by Juan Mann
The Free Learning List
Free lunches, brain breaks and happy teachers: why Estonia has the best schools in Europe
Free Music: Kevin MacLeod Composes for the Internet
[Free Pattern] Adorable Fierce Little Dragon
Free public education
Free rent, never bored
Free Sci-Fi Anthology About the Future of Solar Power from Arizona State University
Free SF Classics
Free software and fashion tech
Free sound samples from NASA
Free Speculative Fiction Online
Free Speech and Hate Speech
Free Speech and the Paradox of Tolerance
Free speech or ‘genocide cheering’? Ukranian authors withdraw from Adelaide Writers’ Week
The Free Store Wellington
Free stuff!
Free to be... You and Me
Free travel expanded for homeless and disadvantaged Victorians
Free Wallpapers
Free, open-source mod lets TI graphing calculator make sweet 1-bit music
Free-to-air group rubbishes claims Australian government wants to ‘control your TV’
Free: 356 Issues of Galaxy, the Groundbreaking 1950s Science Fiction Magazine
FreeCAD 1.0: new features and the larger picture
Freedom for Chagos Islands: UK’s deal with Mauritius will be a win for all
“Freedom from blackmail:” Baltic states cut their link to Russia grid in dramatic switch to EU network
Freedom of information laws are key to exposing AI wrongdoing. The current system isn’t up to the task
Freedom of what?
Freedom Ship, City at Sea
Freedom: the government's inconsistent approach
FreedomFI: Do-it-yourself open-source 5G networking
FreeDOS turns 30
Freeing Mickey, Unconstitutionally
Freexian: Debian Long Term Support
Freight expectations: if Booktopia closes, where can I buy books online?
Freight operators will buy new diesel trains if governments don’t back green alternatives, industry says
Freight train derails in wet Victorian paddock, investigation underway
The French Democracy
French Film Company Somehow Trademarks 'Planet', Goes After Environmental NGOs For Using The Word
French Government Takes 172 Million Euros From Citizens To Pay Publisher For Access To Research Public Already Paid For Once
French inspection team says abandoned Wilkes Station poses 'clear risk' to Antarctic environment
French insurer AXA vows to stop insuring fossil fuel-dependant companies
French policing called into question again after brutal arrest at peaceful march
French publisher arrested in London on terrorism charge
French Repair Index: One Year Later
French riots follow decades-old pattern of rage, with no resolution in sight
French say ‘non’ to Le Pen’s National Rally – but a messy coalition government looks likely
French ski resorts risk becoming hooked on artificial snow
French theatre's Sixties rebel child still going strong 50yrs on
French to get bonus to make do and mend clothes
French uranium mine leaves 20 million tonnes of radioactive waste in Niger
French woman tackles Islamophobia in four steps
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
Fresh COVID wave threatens Christmas for third year in a row
Fresh Off the 3D Printer: Henry Segerman’s Mathematical Sculptures
Freshwater habitats have super high biodiversity for tiny area
Friday cuteness
Friday essay: 1 in 25 Australians have been estranged from their families. True stories about this can make people feel less alone
Friday essay: 60 years old, the Yirrkala Bark Petitions are one of our founding documents – so why don’t we know more about them?
Friday essay: a rare bird — how Europeans got the black swan so wrong
Friday essay: a slave state - how blackbirding in colonial Australia created a legacy of racism
Friday essay: a world of pain – Australian theatre in crisis
Friday essay: are wars and violence inevitable, or is there another way to live?
Friday essay: as the legacy media have dumbed down, The New Yorker has dumbed up
Friday essay: Australia may ban WeChat – but for many Chinese Australians, it’s their ‘lifeline’
Friday essay: Australia’s dangerous obsession with the Anglosphere
Friday essay: blind people are often exhausted by daily prejudice – but being blind is ‘inherently creative’
Friday essay: can marriage be feminist? – a ‘hopeless romantic’ says no, but a same-sex newlywed says yes
Friday essay: cancellation or conflicted joy – grappling with the work of our ‘art monsters’
Friday essay: crimes, redemption and rebellion – the truths told in 65,000 years of Australian art are essential for national healing
Friday essay: cure or kill? The deadly serious world of poison gardens – and why I planted my own
Friday essay: do readers dream of running a bookshop? Books about booksellers are having a moment – the reality can be less romantic
Friday essay: empathy or division? On the science and politics of storytelling
Friday essay: exhilaration and fear – Dennis Altman on the global gay rights divide
Friday essay: from angry gods and fertile myths to battleships and new technologies – how the wind shapes our world
Friday essay: George Orwell is everywhere, but Nineteen Eighty-Four is not a reliable guide to contemporary politics
Friday essay: how a bike accident changed me, by a philosopher of hope
Friday essay: how do I understand who I am, when my family have hidden themselves from recent history?
Friday essay: how many climate crisis books will it take to save the planet?
Friday essay: how policies favouring rich, older people make young Australians Generation F-d
Friday essay: how the West betrayed Syria
Friday essay: how the West discovered the Buddha
Friday essay: if the world’s systems are ‘already cracking’ due to climate change, is there a post-doom silver lining?
Friday essay: in an age of catastrophe is there still a place for utopian dreams? Or might our shared vulnerability be the key?
Friday essay: invisible no more – putting the first women archaeologists of the Pacific back on the map
Friday essay: is ‘wokeness’ killing comedy – or are ageing comedians crying wolf?
Friday essay: it’s ‘the intelligence age’, say tech titans – but information will not save us
Friday essay: jilted lovers could once sue for breach of promise – did we lose something in abolishing this law?
Friday essay: love and loss in outer space – Ceridwen Dovey on how scientists feel about space objects
Friday essay: matrilineal societies exist around the world – it’s time to look beyond the patriarchy
Friday essay: neither a monster nor a saint … Sir Samuel Griffith, Queensland’s violent frontier and the rigours of truth-telling
Friday essay: on birds — feathered messengers from deep time
Friday essay: Our utopia … careful what you wish for
Friday essay: Project 2025, the policy substance behind Trump’s showmanship, reveals a radical plan to reshape the world
Friday essay: public ‘pash ons’ and angry dads – personal politics started with consciousness-raising feminists. Now, everyone’s doing it
Friday essay: romance fiction rewrites the rulebook
Friday essay: searching for sanity in a world hell-bent on destruction
Friday essay: Sex, power and anger — a history of feminist protests in Australia
Friday essay: shaping history – why I spent ten years studying one Wikipedia article
Friday essay: Simon During on the demoralisation of the humanities, and what can be done about it
Friday essay: single parenting with a disability – how my 9-year-old daughter became my carer in shining armour
Friday essay: the forgotten female soldiers who fought long ago – and why their stories matter today
Friday essay: the guitar industry’s hidden environmental problem — and the people trying to fix it
Friday essay: the koala – when it’s smart to be slow
Friday essay: Tongerlongeter — the Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero
Friday essay: trees have many stories to tell. Is this our last chance to read them?
Friday essay: Ukraine is the world’s most heavily mined country. Meet some of the people cleaning up this deadly mess
Friday essay: we knew we were Bundjalung – but I was shocked to discover a pardoned convict slave trader among my ancestors
Friday essay: what the migrant workers who made my iPhone taught me about love
Friday essay: why it’s time to move beyond truth-telling to Indigenous resurgence
Friday essay: why soldiers commit war crimes – and what we can do about it
Friday essay: why we need children’s life stories like I Am Greta
Friday essay: will the perfect men’s dress ever exist – and would men wear it?
Friday essay: ‘A future of dust’ – Jeff Sparrow on Gaza and why, in evil times, writers have a responsibility to take sides
Friday essay: ‘but we already had a treaty’ – Tom Griffiths on a little known 1889 peace accord
Friday essay: ‘I claimed our data’ – confronting the colonial archive is ‘intense Aboriginal love’ in action
Friday essay: ‘I feel my heart breaking today’ – a climate scientist’s path through grief towards hope
Friday essay: ‘I hope eventually to become a woman’ – trans life in Australia from the 1940s to 1970s
Friday essay: ‘I said no’ – Nie’s refusal and the troubling question of Pacific slavery in Australia
Friday essay: ‘I trained to be an engineer … now I am a pickle seller’. What does migration do to a wife?
Friday essay: ‘I was unseen, even to myself’ – as many as half of people with anorexia are autistic. Fiona Wright is one of them
Friday essay: ‘killed by Natives’. The stories – and violent reprisals – behind some of Australia’s settler memorials
Friday essay: ‘me against you’ – Jon Ronson investigates the perpetual outrage of the culture wars
Friday essay: ‘mourning cannot be an endpoint’ – James Bradley on living in an Age of Emergency
Friday essay: ‘murdered because he was a Jew’ – Robert Manne on his grandfather Chaim and the hell of Vienna’s 1938 pogrom
Friday essay: ‘My family are always trying to buy us a house.’ We asked couples how class affects their relationships
Friday essay: ‘not for me’ – Amy Thunig on the stigma of having a dad in ‘lock-up’, and the embrace of Indigenous academia
Friday essay: ‘too many Aboriginal babies’ – Australia’s secret history of Aboriginal population control in the 1960s
Friday essay: ‘why is it always on public transport?’ – racist threats have shaped, but not defeated me
Fridays for Future: Greta’s school strikes led a third of Swiss citizens to change their habits
The Friend
'Friendliest,' not fittest, is key to evolutionary survival, scientists argue in their new book
Friendly fire: a nuclear push by allies at COP29 poses a sticky problem for Albanese
Friendly Mentors Help Ukrainians Find Their Footing in Vilnius
Friendly Robots of the Soviet Union
‘Friends for life’: how living with locals helped refugees feel at home in a new country
Friends Without Benefits
The Friendship
Friendship Is a Lifesaver
‘Frightening’ number of plant extinctions found in global survey
‘Frightening’ Taliban law bans women from speaking in public
Frog Fractions
Frog makes a strawberry pie for Toad
Frog Migration: Omen to China Earthquake Disaster
‘Frog saunas’ could save species from deadly fungal disease, study finds
The Frogs Vanished, Then People Got Sick. This Was No Harmless Coincidence.
From 1m trees to a tree graveyard: how Dubai’s conservation plans went awry
From 3 to 2D Art
From 30 Million Cases to Zero
From 300,000 rabbits to none: a Southern Ocean island is reborn
From a 30sqm house to a slice of urban parkland: Australia’s most sustainable homes of 2023 – in pictures
From a Detour to Global Dominance
From a ghostly mushroom to hairy crayfish and the Tarkine reflected: Stunning photos of Australian nature from ecologists
From a US$300 billion climate finance deal to global carbon trading, here’s what was – and wasn’t – achieved at the COP29 climate talks
From a ‘magic mineral’ to the stuff of nightmares: a 6,700-year history of asbestos
From Asphalt to Inspiration: The Student-Led Transformation of America’s Schoolyards
From Austin to Anchorage, U.S. cities opt to ditch their off-street parking minimums
From Beirut to Khartoum, the Arab world is changing beyond our recognition
From besting Tetris AI to epic speedruns – inside gaming’s most thrilling feats
From Bieber to Embalming and Back Again
From Blacktop to Green: Cities Are Depaving for a Cooler Future
From Blue Pacific to Indo-Pacific: how politics and language define our ‘Indigenous ocean’
From Bruce Lee to Shang-Chi: a short history of the kung fu film in cinema
From cauldrons to cardigans - the lurking prejudices behind the name ‘Granny’
From Centaurus to XBB: your handy guide to the latest COVID subvariants (and why some are more worrying than others)
From Chicago to Uganda, scientists track the wildlife diseases that could infect humans—or spark the next pandemic
From climate change to landfill, AI promises to solve Earth’s big environmental problems – but there’s a hitch
From cod logs to frog bogs: we catalogued 400 ways to help species survive a warmer world
From CODA to Hawkeye, the surge of sign languages on screen is a sign of better things to come for the Deaf community
From coelacanths to crinoids: these 9 ‘living fossils’ haven’t changed in millions of years
From commonplace to rarer tragedy - declining child mortality across the world
From COVID control to chaos – what now for Australia? Two pathways lie before us
From COVID to climate: Queensland’s new emissions pledge shows state governments are once again leading change
From COVID to gastro, why are cruise ships such hotbeds of infection?
From creating D&D to making Baldur's Gate 3: meet the man who coined the term XP
From crumbling rock art to exposed ancestral remains, climate change is ravaging our precious Indigenous heritage
From dead galaxies to mysterious red dots, here’s what the James Webb telescope has found in just 3 years
From Deadheads on bulletin boards to Taylor Swift ‘stans’: a short history of how fandoms shaped the internet
From debt to diversity: A journey of rewilding, carbon capture and hope
‘From denial to delay’: a forehead-slapping week in Australian climate policy
From diagnosis to services and support: how Australia’s long COVID response is falling short
From dispossession to massacres, the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission sets a new standard for truth-telling
From Doge to Smoge, Peter Dutton’s Coalition is an eerie echo of Trump (and Musk’s) America
From drone swarms to tree batteries, new tech is revolutionising ecology and conservation
From dump to urban wetland, wildlife returns to river in Chile's capital
Fwd: From DVICE:Boycott printing: Inkjet printers have a dirty little secret
Fwd: From DVICE:Hyper-cute puppies, live on puppycam, show the Internet at its best
From DVICE:Unbelievable animation: close encounters of the desktop kind
From excessive drinking to a ‘self-care journey’: how the schoolies tradition is shifting
From farming to fermentation: how New Zealand could ‘brew up’ new foods to reduce agricultural emissions
From fiction to reality: Could airships be the key to greener travel?
From field to store to plate, our farmers are increasingly worried about climate change
From fires to forests: UN recognizes largest-ever restoration initiative across the Mediterranean
From FLiRT to FLuQE: what to know about the latest COVID variants on the rise
‘From flood to fires’: Locals anxious as firefighters race to tame blaze ahead of heatwave
From floppy disks to the crowdfunding revolution, adventure RPG pioneers Lori and Corey Cole have seen it all
From furry families to fungi: the World Nature Photography awards – in pictures
From future lawyer to betrothed to a Taliban fighter: August in Kabul shows how life changed overnight for so many in Afghanistan
From glowing cats to wombats, fluorescent mammals are much more common than you’d think
From hapless parody to knight crusader – how far-right nationalism hijacked the real Don Quixote
From humble roots, a restoration plan in Brazil aims for 1.5m hectares of forest
From Idea to Icon: 50 Years of the Floppy Disk
From invisible segregation to the visible heart: what 100 years of kitchens can tell us about domestic labour
From Japan to Brazil: Reforesting the Amazon with the Miyawaki method
From Japan to the world: my experience in the space field
From Jaws to Star Wars to Harry Potter: John Williams, 90 today, is our greatest living composer
From jellyfish to basking shark, we’re developing 100 new signs to deepen deaf people’s connection with the ocean
From laggard to leader? Why Australia must phase out fossil fuel exports, starting now
From lollies and baked beans to internet cafes and selfie sticks — the long history of the Australian corner shop
From London to New York: Can quitting cars be popular?
From Long COVID Odds to Lost IQ Points: Ongoing Threats You Don’t Know About
From Luna Park to neo-Nazis – why the Middle Ages still matters to middle Australia
From mangroves to fjords, coastal ecosystems can take up or emit greenhouse gases. But globally, they’re a vital sink
From mass deportations to huge tariff hikes, here’s what Trump’s economic program would do to the US and Australia
From meerkat school to whale-tail slapping and oyster smashing, how clever predators shape their world
From microbes to forest bathing, here are 4 ways healing nature is vital to our recovery from COVID-19
From microbes to mammals: we tracked the rapid rise of new ecosystems as glaciers retreat and ice sheets melt
‘From mountaintop to seafloor’: First Nation declares new 40,000-hectare protected area on B.C. coast
From Myanmar to Gaza, Ukraine to Sudan – 2024 was another grim year, according to our mass atrocity index
From Myspace To Sharing Space
From Nazi bunker to hipster hub
From net zero to Indigenous knowledge, Australia has finally set new science priorities. How can we meet them?
From Nissan ICE Pickup To BEV With Nissan Leaf Heart
From Nixon to Trump: The Decline of the Common Good in American Politics
From October, it will be all but impossible for most Australians to vape — largely because of Canberra’s little-known ‘homework police’
From oil well to wetland: meet the B.C. First Nations reclaiming old oil and gas wells on their homelands
From Overfished to Sustainable Harvests: Pacific Bluefin Tuna Rebound to New Highs
From poachers to conservationists
From poo politics to rubbish disposal: 5 big questions about the International Space Station becoming a movie set
From pop songs to baby names: How Simeulue Island’s ‘smong’ narrative evolves post-tsunami
From radiation to water pollution to cities, humans are now a driver of evolution in the ‘natural’ world – podcast
From rebel to retail − inside Bob Marley’s posthumous musical and merchandising empire
From respair to cacklefart – the joy of reclaiming long-lost positive words
From running the world's first electric cherry orchard to helping electrify New Zealand
From runways to film: the untold story of trailblazing First Nations fashion designer Stephen FitzGerald
From Scotland to Malawi: climate survivors are rebuilding with world first loss and damage fund
From Sea to Plate to Sea: How Oyster Shells Are Shoring Up Coastlines
From sea to table to sea: How recycled oyster shells are restoring the Alabama coast
From securing pets to building ‘insect hotels’ – here are 7 ways to attract birds to your garden
From Separate Drinking Fountains to Separate Lunch Tables
From sexual liberation to fashionable heels, new research shows how women are changing North Korea
From showing animals for profit to protecting them: the reinvention of Buenos Aires zoo
From SimCity to, well, SimCity: The history of city-building games
From sketch to sea: diving into Wales’ underwater farming revolution
From spiral galaxies to volcanic eruptions on Jupiter moon, see these amazing space images
From Tahrir to Trump: how the internet became the dictators' home turf
From Taylor Sheesh to The Smyths: why tribute acts can no longer be considered just cheap copies
From Textile Waste to Refugee Livelihoods
From the Amazon to Australia, why is your money funding Earth’s destruction?
From the ashes: how a mayor beat the loggers to turn the Amazon green again
From the basement to the big screen: how Dungeons & Dragons evolved from a game to a multi-media franchise
From the Big Bogan to Larry the Lobster, why do towns build Big Things?
From the dingo to the Tasmanian devil - why we should be rewilding carnivores
From the GNR Newsroom, its the Monday Good News Roundup
From the Makers of Happy Feet...
From the outside, Biblioteca Vasconcelos seems uninviting. But wander in and you’ll surely be amazed.
From the sea to your plate: how to choose more sustainable salmon
From the sublime to the cringeworthy: Tim Ross on Australia’s housing dream (and nightmare)
From theatre director to crisis co-ordinator... and game show host
From Treeless Hills to Emerald Woods
From tuxedos to tattoos, Eleanor Medhurst’s Unsuitable traces a hidden history of lesbian fashion
From TV to TikTok, young people are exposed to gambling promotions everywhere
From Up On Poppy Hill
From urchin crushing to lab-grown kelp, efforts to save California’s kelp forests show promise
From waste to power: how floating solar panels on wastewater ponds could help solve NZ’s electricity security crisis
From Wasteland to Wonder—a Book by Basil Camu
From wastelands to wetlands: The fight to save Sri Lanka's natural flood buffers
From wolf to chihuahua: new research reveals where the dingo sits on the evolutionary timeline of dogs
From Yosemite to Bears Ears, Erasing Native Americans From U.S. National Parks
From ‘Coraline’ to ‘Kubo’: A Look at the Evolution of LAIKA’s Stop-Motion Animation
From ‘get married’ to getting elected – women a record one-third of candidates in Japan poll
From ‘pretty communist’ to ‘Jabcinda’ – what’s behind the vitriol directed at Jacinda Ardern?
From “A New Hope” to no hope at all: “Star Wars,” Tolkien and the sinister and depressing reality of expanded universes
The frozen carbon of the northern permafrost is on the move – we estimated by how much
Frozen in time: old paintings and new photographs reveal some NZ glaciers may soon be extinct
Frozen sperm and assisted reproduction: time to pull out all stops to save the endangered koala
The Frozen Waterfall Deal That Eased a Colorado Town’s Water Crisis
Frozen’s 10th anniversary: how the musical reignited our love for sing-along cinema
Fruity Silliness
The Fry’s Era
ftfy: fixes text for you
Fuck the Bread. The Bread Is Over.
Fuel firms should pay for climate harm, UN leaders told
Fuel Subsidies: Governments' Dirty Secret
Fuel Switching 2.0: Carbon Price Index for Coal-to-Clean Electricity
Fuente de Vida: New Conservation Area Protects Freshwater Sources for Bolivia’s Largest City and Expands a Wildlife Corridor
Fugitive turned Sydney identity Darko ‘Dougie’ Desic granted permanent visa
Fujii Kaze - Feelin’ Go(o)d [Official Video]
Fukuro No Mise Owl Cafe Review
Fwd: Full Earth-rise taken by the KAGUYA HDTV
Full of beans: scientists use processed coffee grounds to make stronger concrete
Full Text of Remarks by Top State Dep’t Official Discharged by Trump’s White House
Full-Color Printing With Aluminum Nanostructures As A Palette
Full-motion video on a 1981 IBM PC
Full-sized spaceships made from plywood
Fully Charged Live confirms return to Australia in 2024, but at bigger venue
Fully fenced dog parks alongside nature reserves could help protect wildlife
Fully recovering Australia’s threatened species would cost 25% of GDP. We can’t do it all at once – so let’s start here
Fun and Danger with Science!
Fun and Games
Fun Animal Stories
Fun article
fun CAT and MISC articles
Fun in the comments section
Fun with Cliches
Fun With Dancing Bears!
Fun with Diving Boards
Fun with LEDs and CircuitPython
Fun with Myths
‘Funai is ours’: Brazil’s Indigenous affairs agency is reclaimed under Lula
“Fundamental rethink:” One third of people willing to give up owning cars, nearly half in big cities
The Fundamentals of the Economy are People
Funding cuts could mean death of Sámi languages, say Indigenous parliaments
Fungi could be the next frontier in fire safety
Fungi to the rescue: South African scientists use innovative approach to protect apple trees
“Fungi tree” by Tom Beddard
Funky AI-generated spiraling medieval village captivates social media
FUNKY Mad Dancing
Funniest RELAXING MUSIC ever! - comedy classical music LIVE - Rainer Hersch conductor
Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt 2019-03-17
Funny Nazis
Funny Poem
Funny Story, Funny Translation
FurBox! Furry Care Packages!
Furious at Musk? Don’t Buy a Tesla.
Furious Hungary summons US envoy over Biden’s ‘dictatorship’ comment
Furniture of Champions: How Paris Olympics Tables and Chairs Are Finding a Second Life Online
Furno bets that super-efficient, modular kilns will turn the cement industry upside down
Furries Are Leading the War Against a Book-Banning Mississippi Mayor
Furries For Kids
Furry Fandom
‘Furry Potter and The Goblet of Cookies’, A ‘Sesame Street’ Parody of the ‘Harry Potter’ Series
Fury after Exxon chief says public to blame for climate failures
Fury road: a forlorn hope that, for once, Australia would choose the hard path on climate
‘The Fuse Has Been Blown,’ and the Doomsday Glacier Is Coming for Us All
The 'Future Book' Is Here, but It's Not What We Expected
The Future Costs of Emissions Are Drastically Higher Than Anticipated, Scientists Say
The future for general-purpose computing
The future is becoming a burden on the young. These three principles could change that
The Future Is Here: Electric Flying Car Takes a Successful Flight in Germany
The Future Is Inside Out
Future Made in Australia: A plan to super-charge renewables, or a stalking horse for gas expansion?
The Future of Books
The future of energy is community energy, and 100 per cent renewable
The future of fish farming is on land
The Future of Long COVID
The future of motorcycles could be hydrogen
The Future of Recycling Is Sorty McSortface
The future of solar could be over our highways and up our walls
The future of tabletop role-play is hope
The Future of the Humanities: Reading
The future of the Regent Theatre: why we must preserve not only architecture, but also public use of our community spaces
The Future of Two Wheel Riding Is In Recline!
The Future of Work: Owning What We Share
The Future--The Apple
‘Futuring’ can help us survive the climate crisis. And guess what? You’re a futurist too
Futuristic Tree Houses Take Us Back To Nature
Fuzzballs and other cre'atures
FX Just Gave A Pilot Production Order To A WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS Series
Fwd: FYI: Secret Power of Time - nice short presentation
G-Dog robot dog kit
G/O Media Execs Full Speed Ahead On Injecting Half-Cooked ‘AI’ Into A Very Broken US Media
G/O Media Gives Another Crash Course On Perils Of Replacing Human Journalists With Half-Baked ‘AI’
The G20 may be a talk fest, but it’s a talk fest we need at a time of growing division
G20 scientists urge pandemic preparedness and climate action: 4 steps countries can take following Bali summit
G7 agrees 'concrete steps' to phase out coal
G7 countries to stop funding fossil fuel development overseas
Gabe Newell: Reflections of a Video Game Maker
Gabon military officers declare coup after Ali Bongo wins disputed election
Gabon takes major step to fight corruption and promote sustainable forestry
Gabon: post-coup dialogue has mapped out path to democracy – now military leaders must act
GABON: when marine biodiversity reduces foreign debt by $450 million
Gabriel Re-Shocks the Monkey Online
Gadrian Hoosan: When water is death
The Gaeneviad
Gaia And The Climate Emergency
Galactic Dimension – a supersized DIY pinball machine
The Galapagos Are Going Green
Galapagos giant tortoises make a comeback, thanks to innovative conservation strategies
Galapagos Giant Tortoises Prove Their Worth as Ecosystem Engineers
The Galapagos penguin, one of the world's rarest, sees a glimmer of hope
Galapagos Pink Land Iguanas on Verge of Extinction, Experts Say
Galavant trailer "All About That Bass"
Galaxy Dynamics
Galaxy Magazine on the Internet Archive
Galaxy Quest Alien School Creating the Thermian Race
Gallery of Famous Artist's Cat Art
Gallery of London's urban foxes
Gallery of overloaded vehicles
Gallery of Physical Visualizations and Related Artifacts
Gallery of Scavenged Art
Gallery: BrickCon, The biggest LEGO convention we’ve ever seen
Gallery: Japan’s gaming centers provide joy for the kid inside
Gallery: Our Beautiful, Fragile World
Gallery: Taking a look back at some choice Sierra gaming moments
Gallup data says our emotions hit a decade-low in 2017. Here's what psychologists say we should do about it.
Gambitious - crowdfunding for games
The gambling industry is pulling out all the stops to prevent an ad ban, but the evidence is against it
Gambling is causing great harm. Here’s how to tip the odds back in the community’s favour
Game Critic Keeps YouTube Vids Ad-Free By Creating ContentID Feeding Frenzy
Game Developer Embraces Modding Community So Much They Made Their Work An Official Release
Game Jam Winner Spotlight: Art Apart and There Are No Eyes Here
Game Jam Winner Spotlight: Millions Of Cats
Game Jam Winner Spotlight: Not A Fish
Game Jam Winner Spotlight: To And Again
Game Not Over
Game of Thrones effect fires up reissues of ‘lost’ fantasy fiction classics
Game of Thrones panic: a skeleton army to fight piracy
Game Over by PES (Official HD Version)
Game theory explains why the four day work week is stalled in America
Game-Changing COVID-19 Nasal Vaccine Passes Initial Tests
Gamechangers: the sports stars speaking out on the climate
Gamers Have Become the New Religious Right
Gamers solve molecular puzzle that baffled scientists
Gamers spend hours customising characters, but don't you dare mention fashion
Games Are The Ideal Place For Telling Great Stories
Games blamed for moral decline and addiction throughout history
Games Workshop declares war on its customers (again)
The gaming audience is ‘queerer than ever’ – so how are game creators responding?
Gaming for Fun (Part 1): Eight Kinds of Fun
Gaming for social good is more than an ethical diversion
Gaming Like It's 1925: Get Ready For The Next Public Domain Game Jam
Gaming While Old
Gang violence leaves Haiti facing ‘worst hunger emergency in the western hemisphere’
Gangnam Style by PSY
Gangs, kidnappings, murders: why thousands of Rohingya are desperately trying to escape refugee camps by boats
Ganz Grumpy Sitting Cat 8" Plush
Garbage Day: Criticism is WWE
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19
The garden-artwork that positively reframes ‘weeds’
Garth and Ginny's Pixel Films: 2500 Pixels is Enough
Gary Gygax R.I.P.
Gary Younge: Farewell to America
Gas boiler lobby trying to delay UK’s heat pump plans, leak shows
Gas can’t compete with wind, solar and storage, even in world’s biggest market
Gas Companies Are Abandoning Their Wells, Leaving Them to Leak Methane Forever
Gas hob can raise indoor air pollution higher than busy UK road, study finds
Gas industry cooks up a “culture war” as the electrification of everything gathers pace
Gas industry in damage control as landmark study finds LNG 'worse than coal' for the climate
Gas industry knew about air pollution problems from stoves in early 1970s
Gas industry still talking garbage about big batteries, knowing they will kill its dirty cartel
Gas lawn equipment is horrible for health – here’s how these cities are fixing it
Gas network death spiral: Pressure mounts to protect consumers from cost of stranded assets
Gas networks resort to fanciful modelling in new scare campaign against electric homes
Gas shortage that never was is over as government agrees to find out how polluting it really is
“Gas shortage? Yeah, nah.” A Fact Check on Labor’s fossil gas future strategy
Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study
“Gas Trojan horse:” Coalition nuclear push slammed as fossil wedge aimed at renewables
The gas war is heating up and it’s only just getting started
Gastro Obscura: The Definitive Guide to Unique Places to Eat and Drink
Gate A-4
The Gateway Games of Legend (Preceded by the Legend of Gateway)
Gathering Sun Rays
Gauvain Manhattan
The Gay Penguins of Australia
Gay sex ban in Namibia ruled unconstitutional
Gaza and Ukraine are separate conflicts, but conspiracy theorists are trying to link the two on social media: new research
Gaza conflict: snapshot of a population being starved into submission
‘Gaza is being strangled’: why Israel’s evacuation order violates international law
The Gaza Strip − why the history of the densely populated enclave is key to understanding the current conflict
‘Gaza this … Hamas that’: the rise of antisemitism and Islamophobia in Australia
Gazing at your dog can connect your brain with theirs, research shows
Gazprom Postpones Arctic Gas Exploration Projects After Record Loss
Gazprom Will Not Recover for At Least 10 Years
GDP misses out the value of stuff the net makes free
Geek Alert!
The Geek Alphabet
Geek Girl Bill of Rights
Geek Jewelery
Geek Jewelry Roundup: Sherlock Apples, Hat Box Ghosts, & Toothless!
Geek Love: On the Matter of Bronies
The Geek Must Have List
Geek Out to the MAX
Fwd: [Nuffs] Geek portraits
[Bulk] Geek Rock: Lemon Demon
Geek Rock: Lemon Demon
Geek stars: The secret (nerdy) life of celebrities
The Geek Travel Guide
GeekMan Action Figure
Geeknerd Zen
The Geeky Chick Filter
Geeky Pet Art
Geeky Xmas Tree
The Geek’s Guide To Long Covid
Geena Davis meets Paul Feig: ‘I had an audition cancelled when I wouldn’t have dinner with the producer’
Geena Davis' Two Easy Steps to Make Hollywood Less Sexist
geert: ::fc-announce:: Lawrence Lessig in Sydney (fwd from link list)
The Geico STD story is the new McDonald’s Hot Coffee story
Gel manicures and acrylic nails might look beautiful but they come with ugly health risks
Gems of the Rainforest
Gen Z and the Future of English
Gen Z is Glitching in Our Corporate Dystopia
Gen Z supports sustainability – and fuels ultra-fast fashion. How does that work?
Gen Z teens tell us why they stopped trusting experts in favor of influencers on TikTok
Gen Z Tinikling (Georgia Tech Filipino Students Association)
GenAI's dirty secret: It's set to create a mountainous increase in e-waste
Gender (and race) bent Disney
Gender and Lies-To-Children
Gender apartheid: oppression of women should be made a crime against humanity – feminist academic explains why
Gender Decoder
Gender Discrimination in Geek Culture
Gender equality gains momentum in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gender Nonconformity Has Always Existed
The Gender Police
Gender Queer was the last book an Australian council tried to ban. It’s still being appealed in federal court
Gender-based Discrimination in the Arts Exists, And Here’s the Research Behind It
Gender-based violence is a big concern in hospitality – and women bear the brunt of managing it
Gender-Neutral Pronouns 101: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know
Gender-specific books demean all our children. So the Independent on Sunday will no longer review anything marketed to exclude either sex
Gene editing company hopes to bring dodo ‘back to life’
Gene Kelly's Widow Claims Copyright In Interviews Done By Gene Kelly, Sues Over Academic Book
Gene pools are getting dangerously shallow for many species. We found 5 ways to help
Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy’s sight. Similar treatments could help millions
General Monitoring is not the Answer to the Problem of Online Harms
General Unstructured Thoughts On “Being Cancelled”
The General’s Report
Generating Life on the Baja Peninsula, One Mangrove at a Time
GENERATING POSITIVE ENERGY | Follow FULLY CHARGED for your daily dose of good news
Generation spite: is that really how we want our kids to remember us?
The generation we love to dump on
‘Generational change’: why more young Australians are identifying as LGBTQ+
Generational tensions flare as Japan faces the economic reality of its ageing baby boomers
Generative AI and deepfakes are fuelling health misinformation. Here’s what to look out for so you don’t get scammed
Generative AI hype is ending – and now the technology might actually become useful
Generative AI in the classroom risks further threatening Indigenous inclusion in schools
Generative AI is already being used in journalism – here’s how people feel about it
Generators ‘as important as armour’ to Ukraine surviving winter, says Zelenskiy
genes to music
Genetically engineered bacteria can detect cancer cells in a world-first experiment
Genetically engineered kittens
Genetically modified banana resistant to Panama disease given approval for Australian consumption
The Geneva Conventions at 75: do the laws of war still have a fighting chance in today’s bloody world?
Genome sequencing developed to trace COVID is now protecting babies in intensive care from infectious diseases
Genso Kukan Aurora
Geoffrey Chaucer Hath A Blog
Geometric Sculpture by George W. Hart
Geomys, a blueprint for a sustainable open source maintenance firm
Geopolitical Hedging as a Service
The Geopolitical Streisand Effect: The More China And The WHO Try To Silence Taiwan, The More Attention Its Success Fighting COVID-19 Gets
George Carlin obituary
George Floyd protests show how the US has retreated from its position as a world leader
George Harrison - My Sweet Lord (Official Music Video)
George Lucas Epically Trolls Rich Neighbors By Building Affordable Housing For The Poor
George Soros: Remarks delivered at the World Economic Forum
George Takei 'Lost Freedom' some 80 years ago – now he's written that story for kids
George Takei on his childhood in internment camps — and his faith in the future
George Takei posed 5 important questions to me. Here are my answers
George Takei: The Challenge Ahead Under President-Elect Trump
George taught himself how to build an electric bike, car and yacht. He says anyone can do it
Georgia just broke its state record for the number of sea turtle nests
Georgia Senate passes bill banning American Library Association from state libraries
Georgia Senator Vows to Protect Girl, But Then Runs Away After Learning She Is Trans
Georgia Tech deploys SlothBot in Atlanta Botanical Garden
Georgia: ‘foreign agent law’ protests show disconnect between pro-Moscow government and west-leaning population
Georgian opposition leader arrested after fourth night of protests
Georgian parliament overrides veto by president on ‘foreign influence’ law
Georgian president does not recognize election results, calls for protests
Georgian trans model murdered after parliament passes ‘anti-LGBTQ+’ law
Georgina Ward - The River ( Official Music Video)
Geraldine Brooks’s Horse is a richly detailed examination of the violence of America’s past
The German and British children who became post-war friends
German artist nearing 100,000 cobblestones to mark victims of Nazis
German car industry frets that China tariffs will slow transition to electric mobility
German City Installs Sleep Pods for People Experiencing Homelessness
German coal use plunges nearly 40 per cent in 2024, despite nuclear exit
German Director Proposes 'One-Stop Shop' For Free, Instant, But Non-Exclusive Licenses To Offer Films Online
German Domino Enthusiasts Set World Record by Toppling More Than 50,000 Dominoes in a Circle Formation
German government in crisis over EU ban on car combustion engines
The German government is throwing a Battlestar Galactica LARP on a battleship
The German model for America
German police carry out sweeping raids as neo-Nazi group banned
German punk band ‘humiliated’ after being refused UK entry due to post-Brexit rules
The German robots hunting the sea for WW2 bombs
German sculpture demonstrating Moore's Law
German sea captain faces 20 years in jail for migrant rescue efforts
German supermarket trials charging true climate cost of foods
German tourist confuses Sidney, Montana with Sydney, Australia
German town digs deep for hot rock geothermal energy to replace gas networks
German Virologist Christian Drosten on the Ongoing Battle Against COVID
Germans turning 18 to be offered €200 culture pass ‘birthday present’
Germany accuses Russia of ‘massive’ effort to stop Moldovans abroad voting
Germany approves self-ID to make transitioning easier for trans people after year in legal limbo
Germany explores 4-day workweek amid labor shortage
Germany Has a Problem
Germany is beginning a universal-basic-income trial with people getting $1,400 a month for 3 years
Germany Is Leading the World Toward a Green Recovery
Germany is returning Nigeria’s looted Benin Bronzes: why it’s not nearly enough
Germany Lines Up €50 Billion to Help Heavy Industry Go Green
Germany lowers voting age to 16 for the European elections – but is it playing into the far right’s hands?
Germany may take another 50 years to find final repository for waste from shuttered nuclear power
Germany pledges $222 million for Brazil environment, Amazon
Germany returns artefacts taken from Africa during colonial rule
Germany speeds up renewable energy push due to Ukraine invasion
Germany Still Locking Up Some Laws Behind Copyright
Germany strikes a brave new deal on immigration
Germany suspects “serious environmental crime” from fake Big Oil carbon offset projects
Germany Tests a Dutch Fix for Energy-Guzzling (and Ugly) Buildings
Germany to adopt 2060 target for net-negative greenhouse gas emissions
Germany to ban new gas and oil heating from next year
Germany to massively expand electric car charging network
Germany to pull out of fossil fuel treaty
Germany's biggest power producer RWE to phase out coal by 2030
Germany's most famous mouse, born of an artist's frustration
Germany's pioneer 'edible city' on the Rhine
Germany, Japan and the War on Rationality
Germany: Church, Funfair and Cultural Traditions – Paderborn Celebrates 500 Years of Libori
Germany: Inaction on Heat Plans Threatens Health
Germany’s Cheap Transit Ticket Is Starting to Boost Train Trips
Germany’s far-right AfD makes key political gains as Olaf Scholz’s governing coalition wobbles
Germany’s genocide in Namibia: deal between the two governments falls short of delivering justice
Germany’s new migration policy could take away vital talent from several African countries
Germany’s post-Holocaust moral remaking is being challenged by wars in Gaza and Ukraine – and the rise of the far-right
Germany’s top climate envoy says ‘this is the critical decade’ after Dutton ditches 2030 target
Germany’s turning point: 2 years into strategic pivot, progress made bodes well for the US, NATO and the world
Germany’s Ultra-Cheap Train Ticket Saved 1.8 Million Tons of CO2
Germinating Utopia
Gerry Anderson’s Firestorm | Exclusive FULL Minisode
Get away, grizzly: why scientists are chasing bears with drones
Get Beyond Good & Evil For Free On PC
Get inspired by the winners of Wiki Loves Monuments, the world’s largest photo contest
Get Off My Desktop! Windows Needs to Stop Showing Tabloid News
Get on my land! The farmers opening up their patches for nature connection
Get out and go fungal: why it’s a bumper time to spot our native fungi
The Get Out Clause, Manchester stars of CCTV
Get out your glitter and head down the Atlanta Highway – the B-52s are setting out on their final dance party!
Get Ready for the Forever Plague
Get rich or die vlogging: The sad economics of internet fame
Get set for more extreme weather across Australia this spring and summer
‘Getting a bike was a resurrection’: the project donating bicycles to refugees
Getting an Itemized Hospital Bill Is Basically Impossible
Getting Called Out: How to Apologize
Getting COVID-19 Multiple Times Is Risky for Your Health
Getting fresh water from renewable power
Getting humans to learn to live in harmony with wildlife
Getting ID after exiting prison is harder than you might think. So we built a chatbot to help
Getting in deep with denialism
Getting JRPGs Out In English Is Harder Than You Think
Getting Kicked Off Social Media For Breaking Its Rules Is Nothing Like Being Sent To A Prison Camp For Retweeting Criticism Of A Dictator
Getting on Disability Showed Me Everyone Should Have Basic Income
‘Getting onto the wait list is a battle in itself’: insiders on what it takes to get social housing
Getting people out of their cars is possible with the right plans and policies – case study
Getting Ready for Halloween
Getting Ready for More mRNA Vaccine Fear-Mongering: A Compendium
Getting the Soil Right: How Carbon Farming Combats Climate Change
Getting to 350: What It Will Take to Fix Global Warming
Getting to ‘net-zero’ emissions: How energy leaders envision countering climate change in the future
The Getty Gets It: 'Open Content, An Idea Whose Time Has Come'
Getty Images Tries To Copyright Troll 2600 Magazine Over Content It Has No Copyright Over
The Getty Makes Nearly 88,000 Art Images Free to Use However You Like
Ghana offers free long-term contraception in a ‘game changer’ for women’s reproductive health rights
Ghana parliament votes to abolish the death penalty
GHANA: plastic producers soon to be obliged to manage their waste
Ghetto Kids: what’s behind the moves of the Ugandan dance troupe that stormed the world
Ghibli news!
Ghibli theme park scheduled to open on former Aichi expo site in 2020s
Ghost fish: after 420 million years in the deeps, modern gillnets from shark fin trade drag coelacanths into the light
‘Ghost flights’: Qatar Airways flying near-empty planes in Australia to exploit legal loophole
‘The ghost has taken the spirit of the Moon’: how Torres Strait Islanders predict eclipses
Ghost islands of the Arctic: The world’s ‘northern-most island’ isn’t the first to be erased from the map
‘Ghost Janitor’, A Peppy Animated Short About a Friendly Spirit Who Cleans Offices After Hours
Ghost rodents: get ready to fall in love with Australia’s albino rats and mice
The Ghost Statistic That Haunts Women’s Empowerment
Ghostly Creature Deep in The Ocean Is Like Nothing We've Seen Before
The Ghosts in the Machine
Ghosts of species past: shedding new light on the demise of NZ’s moa can help other flightless birds
Ghosts of White People Past: Witnessing White Flight From an Asian Ethnoburb
Giant 'living tractors' are bringing nature back to post-industrial wastelands
Giant Anglepoise lamps
Giant batteries drain economics of gas power plants
Giant bear fursuit/sleeping bag/art
Giant Bouncy Bridge
Giant Caribbean Mountain Chicken Frog On The Brink Of Extinction
Giant clock made out of tiny clocks
‘Giant colouring book’: how money and paint mix in Melbourne’s street art scene
Giant Cracks Emerging Across US Southwest, Scientists Warn
Giant eagles and scavenging vultures shared the skies of ancient Australia
Giant Gummy Bear ... on a Stick
Giant isopod stuffed toys!
Giant kelp forests on Tasman Peninsula survive marine heatwave, brings 'hope' amid climate change
Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption
‘Giant obstacle course’: call to reroute major shipping lanes to protect blue whales
Giant old trees are still being logged in Tasmanian forests. We must find ways of better protecting them
Giant pangolin rediscovered in Senegal
Giant Pouch Rats detecting land mines
Giant Publisher Macmillan Goes To War Against Libraries
Giant pumpkin paddler Adam quite possibly the first person to float in one down Tumut River
Giant rainbow road commemorates the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia
Giant redwoods: World’s largest trees 'thriving in UK'
Giant River Otter Believed to Be Extinct Has Been Spotted in Argentina
Giant Robots
Giant sea lizards: fossils in Morocco reveal the astounding diversity of marine life 66 million years ago, just before the asteroid hit
Giant singers from neighboring oceans share song parts over time
Giant snacks
Giant Starling Mural In Berlin Filled With Tons Of Tiny Surprises
Giant Study Identifies Dominant Force Driving Evolution on Earth Today
Giant tortoises have returned to Madagascar 600 years after they were wiped out
Giant tree-kangaroos once lived in unexpected places all over Australia, according to major new analysis
Giant Trees of the Amazon State Park established in the Brazilian State of Pará
Giant waves, monster winds and Earth’s strongest current: here’s why the Southern Ocean is a global engine room
Giant Wind Farms Arise Off Scotland, Easing the Pain of Oil’s Decline
Giant, Sparkly Clams Hide the Most Efficient Solar Panels Ever Found
Giants Beware!
Gibberish Research Paper Quotes "My Cousin Vinny", Tells The Reader (Repeatedly) The Paper Is A Fraud...
The GIF Is Dead. Long Live the GIF.
gift for the day...If you haven't seen this you will be amazed. ---bill
Gift Ideas
Gift Madness Day
The Gift-Giving Argument for Universal Basic Income
Giga-scale desert region solar plants may have positive climate impact
‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds
Giganto Rubber Duckie
Gila River Indian Community breaks ground on 2 water conservation projects
Gila River Indian Community turns on power for first ever solar-over-canal project
Gilmour Space's Eris rocket to ignite crowds at Abbot Point's new Bowen Orbital Spaceport launch pad
The Gimmick Economy: how central banks pretend software isn't eating the world
GIMP: Happy 27!
Fwd: Gin the Dancing Dog (Incredible)
Gina Rinehart says renewable energy could use one-third of Australia’s prime agricultural land. Is she right?
Ginger, tortie, calico – the mystery gene responsible for orange colour in cat coats has been found
Gingerbread PC and Geekmas Tree
Girl Genius - Adventures In Castle Heterodyne
The girl who gets gifts from birds
Girl who had her third birthday party gatecrashed by Sir David Attenborough in a hot air balloon is reunited with TV legend
“Girls Don’t Like Toys?” President Takes Annual Toys For Tots Sort Event From Stereotypical To Awesome
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references
Giuliani’s lies turned my life ‘upside down’, election worker testifies
Give It Away - '60s 'Austin Powers' - Style RHCP Cover ft. Aubrey Logan
Give the Robot a Beard
Give This Hero Target Employee A Whopping Raise And Reserved Parking Please
Give Ukrainians a Shelterbag against the cold
“Give Up”
Giving Away Money Is Good for You
Giving Big Corporations “Closed Generic” Top-Level Domain Names to Run as Private Kingdoms Is Still a Bad Idea
Giving ex-prisoners public housing cuts crime and re-incarceration – and saves money
Giving First Nations names to our bird species is a lot more complex – and contentious – than you might think
Giving housing to the homeless is three times cheaper than leaving them on the streets
Giving out flowers on TikTok: is this a ‘random act of kindness’ or just benevolent ageism?
Giving Up Is Not an Option: Book Censorship News, March 3, 2023
GIY Stick. Let Nature self-water your pots.
Glacier mass loss passes the point of no return, researchers report
Glaciers draining Antarctic basin destabilized, big sea level rise all but certain
Glaciers in the Alps are melting faster than ever – and 2022 was their worst summer yet
Gladys Hargraves v Susan Eveston [2018] NSWSC 505
Glasgow man 'hasn't switched on heating for two years' after high flats refurbishment
Glass Art
Glass art
Glass barriers keep St Mark’s Basilica dry during Venice floods
Glass beads in lunar soil reveal ancient asteroid bombardments on the Moon and Earth
Glass Half: The latest open movie from the Blender Institute
Glass harp
Glass Igloos with Magnificent Northern Lights Views
Glass Sculptures
Glass Wings 10th Anniversary!
Glass Wings 20th Anniversary
Glass Wings Blog
Glass Wings Blog with cat photos
Glass Wings celebrates 10 years online
Glass Wings Diaspora*
Glass Wings Presents: coexist
Glenn Greenwald on How to Be a Terror "Expert": Ignore Facts, Blame Muslims, Trumpet U.S. Propaganda
Glide poles: the great Aussie invention helping flying possums cross the road
Gliding treefrogs, mini-males and burrowing frogs in trees: why Melanesia is the world’s tropical island frog hotspot
The glistening ecstacy of Namco's WiiWare Muscle March
Glitch in the Afterlife
Glitter Has a Dark Side, And It's Causing Even More Harm Than We Realized
Glitter has lost its shine – but scientists may have found a safer substitute
Glitterbomb Trap Catches Phone Scammer (who gets arrested)
Global air pollution is a major health risk
Global average sea and air temperatures are spiking in 2023, before El Niño has fully arrived. We should be very concerned
Global biodiversity offsetting doesn’t work – keep schemes local, say experts
Global calls to revoke ‘misleading’ sustainable farming certification for salmon in Tasmania’s Macquarie Harbour
Global carbon emissions at record levels with no signs of shrinking, new data shows. Humanity has a monumental task ahead
Global carbon emissions inch upwards in 2024 despite progress on EVs, renewables and deforestation
Global climate policy forecast predicts ‘well below 2°C’ Paris Agreement climate goals will be met
Global coal use in 2022 is reaching an all-time high, but Australia is bucking the trend
Global coral bleaching caused by global warming demands a global response
Global corporate power is ‘out of control’, but reports of democracy’s death are greatly exaggerated
The Global Crisis: Seeing It Whole
Global demand for oil could peak soon – NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up
Global Ecosystems Risk Collapsing Decades Before We Predicted
Global EV Sales Hit A Near-Record 1.2 Million Sales In August 2023
The global fight against polio — how far have we come?
Global Food Crops Also Face Earth's Sixth Great Mass Extinction
Global food industry on course to drive rapid habitat loss – research
The global food system is owned by an ever smaller number of companies – it’s damaging our health, our communities and the planet
Global Forest Watch Fires
Global fossil fuel output set to swamp Paris climate goals, UN report warns
Global Fund partnership achieves record breaking results, with 59 million lives saved since 2002, thanks to U.S. investments
Global gas lobby tries to hamper Victoria's electrification efforts by stoking fear, researchers say
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development
Global health at mercy of fossil fuel addiction, warn scientists
Global heating could stabilize if net zero emissions achieved, scientists say
Global heating is making El Niño and La Niña forecasts less reliable, BoM says
Global heating is turning white Alps green, study finds
Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert
Global heating making extreme rain and catastrophic flooding more likely
Global heating pace risks ‘unstoppable’ sea level rise as Antarctic ice sheet melts
Global heating pushes coral reefs towards worst planet-wide mass bleaching on record
Global heating risks most cataclysmic extinction of marine life in 250m years
Global heating to drive stronger La Niña and El Niño events by 2030, researchers say
Global heating will pass 1.5C threshold this year, top ex-Nasa scientist says
Global heating, land clearing and the ‘extinction vortex’: the fight to save Australia’s koalas
Global herd immunity remains out of reach because of inequitable vaccine distribution – 99% of people in poor countries are unvaccinated
The Global Hunt for Putin’s ‘Sleeper Agents’
Global hydrogen vehicle sales plunge further to be tiny fraction of EV sales
Global Inequality in Well‐Being Has Decreased across Many Dimensions
Global Internet Experts Reveal Plan for More Secure, Reliable Wi-Fi Routers - and Internet
Global investigation exposes alleged billion-dollar Russian money-laundering network
The Global Jukebox
Global markets are likely to withstand a Trump-led US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
Global mortality trends in the last 12 months
Global Network on Copyright Users’ Rights: Model Flexible Copyright Exception
Global Peace Index Map » The Most & Least Peaceful Countries
Global pledges to remove greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero unrealistic, report finds
Global Plug-In Car Sales Started 2024 With A Bang: 1 Million Sold In January
Global pollinator losses causing 500,000 early deaths a year – study
Global recession looks likely. Even if Australia escapes it, we are in for a bad couple of years
Global Risks Report 2023
Global shipping is under pressure to stop its heavy fuel oil use fast – that’s not simple, but changes are coming
The global South has lost $152 trillion through unequal exchange since 1960
Global spending on subsidies that harm environment rises to $2.6tn, report says
Global status report highlights parlous state of nuclear power sector
Global status report,on road safety 2023
Global Street Art
Global study maps most detailed tree of life yet for flowering plants
Global success of Cult of the Lamb showcases Australia’s video games development talent
Global temperature rises in steps – here’s why we can expect a steep climb this year and next
Global temperatures passed critical 1.5°C milestone for the first time in 2024 – new report
The global Transition tipping point has arrived - vive la révolution
Global treaty to tackle plastic pollution gains steam without US and UK
The Global Trust Crisis
Global university fossil fuel divestment ‘nearing tipping point’
Global warming is changing Canada’s boreal forest and tundra
Global warming is unstoppable while capitalism blocks prevention
Global warming puts Arabica coffee at risk, and we’re barrelling towards a crucial threshold
Global warming to bring record hot year by 2028 – probably our first above 1.5°C limit
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
Global Warning: 2023 Will Be The Hottest Year On Record
Global water crisis leaves half of world food production at risk in next 25 years
Global Water Shortage Risk Is Worse Than Scientists Thought
Global weekly COVID cases are falling, WHO says — but ‘if we stop fighting it on any front, it will come roaring back’
‘Global weirding’: climate whiplash hitting world’s biggest cities, study reveals
The Global Whole Earth Catalog: A Proposal from 2002
Global Wind Report 2023
Global wishes for 2022: a gift box for everyone, greater girl power, vertical gardens
Global ‘gigantism’ hotspot: Tasmanian tree standing at almost 100m tallest in the country
Globalization Is Not in Retreat
Globally representative evidence on the actual and perceived support for climate action
GlobeAir to serve Southern France and Italy with the Lilium Jet
Gloomy 1970s predictions about Earth’s fate still hold true
Glooscap cartoon series recorded in Wolastoqey language an attempt to revive the language
Glorious New Saturn Image: JWST Has Now Captured All 4 Giant Planets
The Gloriously Immortal Life of “My Immortal”
Glove and Boots Gloriousness
Glove and Boots Sing About the Legal Battle Between Robin Thicke’s Hit Song ‘Blurred Lines’ & Marvin Gaye’s Kids
The gloves are off: ‘predatory’ climate deniers are a threat to our children
The gloves come off!
Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath
Glowing hair gel
Glowing Wombats: Scientists Discover 125 New Species of Fluorescent Mammals
'Glum future for the platypus': why the elusive mammal is disappearing under our noses
Gmail Motion
GMOs could reboot chestnut trees
Go Ahead and Call Me a Climate Change Doomer
Go Dog Go
‘Go hard and go big’: How Australia got solar panels onto one in every three houses
Go on a journey with these 7 intrepid women characters
Go Speed Go
Go to the cinema and star in the film you're about to see
Go-Go Godzilla
Goats and sheep deploy their appetites to save Barcelona from wildfires
Goats are as loving and clever as dogs, say smitten scientists
Goats Can Understand Human Expressions And Are Drawn To Smiling Faces
God Loves Little Girls Who Stand Up For Others
God save us all: Britain is about to get the king it deserves
‘Godfathers of climate chaos’: UN chief urges global fossil-fuel advertising ban
Gods in the machine? The rise of artificial intelligence may result in new religions
Godzilla (Gojira) statue unveiled
Godzilla 50th anniversary
Godzilla Christmas Tree
Godzilla Haiku: Awesomeness Meter Just Broke
Godzilla’s creators shared a short film confirming that the monster’s child is transgender
Goffin’s Cockatoos Join Humans and Chimps as Third Species Shown to Carry Toolsets for Future Tasks
GOG is offering 27 free games to help you relax at home
GOG Launches FCKDRM to Promote DRM-Free Art and Media
GOG: Preserving Gaming's Past & Future
GOG’s managing director: Gamer resistance to DRM is stronger than ever
Going Big on Biodiversity
Going for a Gimmick To Bring Home the Beans
Going for Gold—Creating iFixit’s Gold Standard of Repair
going to Capy Neko Cafe in Tokyo|カピねこカフェ吉祥寺に行きました🐾
Going viral: How to make content shareable
Going with the Flow: Looking beyond lithium batteries
The gold jewellery made from old phones
‘Gold mine’ of century-old wheat varieties could help breeders restore long lost traits
Gold Nanoparticles Could Transform Trees Into Street Lights
The Golden Age of computer user groups
“Golden age of gas” has not paid off for Australian consumers, manufacturers
The Golden Age Of Tech Support
Golden eagles in Scotland at highest levels in 300 years
The Golden Giraffes 2015
Golden mole that swims through sand is rediscovered in South Africa after 86 years
The golden ratio has spawned a beautiful new curve: the Harriss spiral
‘Goldilocks’ of Latin America democracy? Uruguay’s model of stability.
Goldmine’ of century-old wheat varieties could help to feed the world, scientists say
Golf courses can be safe havens for wildlife and beacons of biodiversity
Gollum star Andy Serkis releases hilarious Brexit deal parody of Theresa May
Golriz Ghahraman’s exit from politics shows the toll of online bullying on female MPs
The Gomeroi win puts native title holders in a stronger position to fight fossil fuel projects on their land
Gone for Thousands of Years, Wild Bison Return to the UK
Gone in a puff of smoke: 52,000 sq km of ‘long unburnt’ Australian habitat has vanished in 40 years
Gone In Six Characters: Short URLs Considered Harmful for Cloud Services
Gone to the dogs
Gonorrhea became more drug resistant while attention was on COVID-19 – a molecular biologist explains the sexually transmitted superbug
Good And Bad News On Attempts To Implicate DNS Services For Copyright Infringement At The Domains They Resolve
Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal: And Generative AI Does The Marketing For Both
Good Bad Attitude
Good Boy Gets Good Food
The Good Censor Document Shows Google Struggling With The Challenges Of Content Moderation
Good Cop, bad Cop: what the Cop28 agreement says and what it means
The Good Country
The ‘good fire’: Prescribed burning can prevent catastrophic wildfires in the future
The good foresters: Inside the Gabonese rainforest supplying Amsterdam’s lock gates
GOOD Guide: to the Shadowy Organizations That Rule the World
The Good Guy/Bad Guy Myth
The Good Guys
Good Idea: As Video Game Preservation Often Falls To Fan Groups, Release Every Game's Source Code
“Good luck with your EV in outback WA!” On the slow road to stunning Karijini
The 'good luck' snack that makes Taiwan's technology behave
Good news for Africa’s elephants: China is losing its taste for ivory
Good news for chocolate lovers as Swiss scientists find way to make the treat more sustainable
Good news for climate comes from the world’s greatest user of coal
Good news for some threatened species as numbers rise
Good news for the oceans: Amazon single-use plastic packaging declines by over 11% in one year
Good news for the only place on Earth where tigers, rhinos, orangutans and elephants live together
Good News in January (you might have missed)
The Good News Network: Positive Stories 24/7
Good news – there’s a clean energy gold rush under way. We’ll need it to tackle energy price turbulence and coal’s exodus
The good news: 25 Australian birds are now at less risk of extinction. The bad news: 29 are gone and 4 more might be
Good news: highway underpasses for wildlife actually work
Good news: Some toxic insecticides are vanishing from the atmosphere
Good news: Whale and dolphins are friends
Good Omens: Lockdown
"The Good Place" Star Jameela Jamil Talks Beauty, Boyfriend and Backlash
Good posture, no bumps and ‘immaculate health’: what it takes to win top frog or reptile
Good riddance: the costs of Morrison’s voter ID plan outweighed any benefit
‘Good soup is one of the prime ingredients of good living’: a (condensed) history of soup, from cave to can
Good vibrations: how listening to the sounds of soil helps us monitor and restore forest health
The Good War
Goodbye Google+, you beautiful, squandered opportunity
Goodbye Microplastics: New Recyclable Plastic Breaks Down Safely in Seawater
Goodbye Mr Fabulous, the giant cuttlefish who let us into his world and changed ours for the better
Goodies star Brooke-Taylor dies with coronavirus
Goodwill letters to asylum seekers on Nauru returned unopened
Google and Facebook Can’t Just Make Fake News Disappear
Google And MIT Researchers Demo An Algorithm That Lets You Take Clear Photos Through Reflections
Google Arts & Culture
Google Arts & Culture: Collections
Google built a tiny Street View car to map out one of the world's largest model cities, and the results are incredible
Google Contributor lets public pay to remove ads from select websites
The Google Cultural Institute adds 3D models
Google Drive flags nearly empty files for 'copyright infringement'
Google has a new tool to outsmart authoritarian internet censorship
Google launches Flood Hub in the U.S., which predicts when rivers will flood and warns people to evacuate
Google Loved Me, Until I Pointed Out Everything That Sucked About It
Google makes millions on paid abortion disinformation
Google Maps Goes to the Movies
Google Maps Safari
Google moon
Google Promises Unlimited Cloud Storage; Then Cancels Plan; Then Tells Journalist His Life’s Work Will Be Deleted Without Enough Time To Transfer The Data
Google reduces JPEG file size by 35%
Google releases new open-source security software program: Scorecards
Google researchers create amazing timelapses from public photos
Google Searches For Its Future
Google settles with book publishers, becomes bookseller
The Google Stadia Backlash Has Begun
Google Teams With the Internet Archive to Revive Cache Feature
Google unveils Street View across Australia
Google used millions of Android phones to map the worst enemy of GPS
Google's crash is a very positive sign
Google's New AI: Dog Goes In, Statue Comes Out! 🗽
Google's Self-Driving Car Already Drives Better Than You Do
Google’s Got a Fun Wonder Woman Game to Teach Kids to Code
Google’s New AI Learned To See In The Dark! 🤖
Google’s RT-2 AI model brings us one step closer to WALL-E
Google’s Scans of Private Photos Led to False Accusations of Child Abuse
Goolwa research centre to focus on climate change solutions for Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth
Goose has epic response to humans taking her injured boyfriend
GOP is banning TikTok because young people are using it to defeat Republicans
GOP mocked Al Gore as "Ozone Man": But he was right the whole time — and they knew it
GoPro Video of a Scuba Diver Swimming With Giant Manta Rays Off the Coast of Equador
Gordon Bell, an architect of our digital age, dies at age 89
Gordon Moore, Intel Co-Founder, Dies at 94
Gorgeous art nouveau-inspired portraits of Miyazaki's characters
Gorgeous Floating Research Station Wins the 2020 Grand Prix Award
Gorgeous Handmade Cakes With Buttercream Icing Styled to Look Like Colorfully Patterned Shag Rugs
Gorgeous Paper Sculptures of Endangered Species
Gorgeous Tiny CHicken Machine Show
Gorgeously Realistic Hand-Crafted Butterfly Wing Scarves, Capes and Cloaks
Gorilla Encounter (4 minutes of love - worth watching!)
Goro Miyazaki to Direct Studio Ghibli TV Series
Got Broken Stuff? The Tool Library Has a Fix
Got Invasive Plants? Call a Herd of Goats
Gothic Fantasy Art
Goths Up Trees
Fwd: Gotta Love Kids
Gov't hails successes of plastic ban
Government analyst resigns over blocked climate change testimony: reports
Government announces six new South Island marine reserves
Government by Jury
Government defeated in High Court over climate plans
The government giving up on COVID protections means throwing immunocompromised people to the wolves
The government has been forced to talk about climate change, so it’s taking a subtle – and sinister – approach
The government hopes private investors will help save nature. Here’s how its scheme could fail
Government in £9 million payout after single letter blunder causes business to collapse
The government is clamping down on charities — and it could have a chilling effect on peaceful protest
The government is in authoritarian mode and now is not the time for complacency
The government is under pressure to ban gambling ads. History shows half-measures don’t work
The government is well behind on Closing the Gap. This is why we needed a Voice to Parliament
Government launches porn site age checks consultation
Government must use trauma-informed approach to end uncertainty on refugee visa applications
The Government of Mongolia and The Nature Conservancy secure ‘Eternal Mongolia’, a Pathway to Achieve the Nation’s Climate and Biodiversity Goals
The government says more people need to use AI. Here’s why that’s wrong
Government Shmovernment
Government test shows humans far outperforming AI because they understand the task better
Government to replace minimum wage with living wage by 2025
The government wants to fast-track approvals of large infrastructure projects – that’s bad news for NZ’s biodiversity
The government will underwrite risky investments in renewables – here’s why that’s a good idea
Governments 'not on track' to cap temperatures at below 2 degrees: U.N.
Governments and environmental groups are turning to international courts to address the impacts of climate change — podcast
Governments and hackers agree: the laws of war must apply in cyberspace
Governments are criminalizing homeless people to distract from their own failures
Governments are failing to share decision-making with Indigenous people, Productivity Commission finds
Governments are pushing teen social media bans – but behind the scenes is a messy fight over science
Governments housed the homeless in hotels during lockdowns — but now many are back sleeping rough
Governments looked at the climate crisis – and decided to persecute the activists
Governments love to talk about ‘shared responsibility’ in a disaster – but does anyone know what it means?
Governments spend US$22 billion a year helping the fishing industry empty our oceans. This injustice must end
Governments undermining encryption will do more harm than good
Governments urged to end the neglect of long COVID prevention and treatment
The government’s idea of ‘national environment standards’ would entrench Australia’s global pariah status
The government’s Murray-Darling bill is a step forward, but still not enough
The government’s social media ban for kids will exempt ‘low-risk’ platforms. What does that mean?
Governor Newsom Announces Statewide Expansion of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to Provide Universal Access to Free Books for Young Children
Governor reflects on Chickasaw Nation’s strong foundation and embraces bright future
GPD Pocket: 7.0' UMPC-Laptop 'Ubuntu or WIN 10 OS'
GPS Only Exists Because Of Two People: Albert Einstein And Gladys West
GPs vaccination efforts 'vital' to curbing COVID hospital admissions
GPT4All: Running an Open-source ChatGPT Clone on Your Laptop
Grab The Cat!
Grace Blakeley: The World Must be Saved from ‘Financialization’
Grace Kelly ft. GRACE KELLY?!??! // Mika // POMPLAMOOSE
Graceful Cheetahs Happily Retrieve Balls Launched Into Their Enclosure by a Custom Made Catapult
Graduate Student Solves Decades-Old Conway Knot Problem
Graffiti Animation
Grampians National Park is still burning – here’s what we can expect will survive and recover
Grand Canyon National Monument Offers New Protections for Lands Sacred to Tribes
Grand Canyon Uranium Mining
Grand designs? Why many Australian architects say their career makes them unhappy
Grand Rapids home for sale has hidden 2,300-piece pipe organ
''Grandma's Girlfriends'' opens new chapter in lifeーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
Grandma's Superhero Therapy (18 photos)
The Grandmas and Grandpas Brewing Beer in Vienna
Grandma’s Retweets: How Suburban Seniors Spread Disinformation
Grandparents Watching the Kids? Your Job Could Be Paying Them
Grant Snider Illustration
Granting legal ‘personhood’ to nature is a growing movement – can it stem biodiversity loss?
Grants for home batteries could “save billions” in shift to renewables
Grape growers are adapting to climate shifts early – and their knowledge can help other farmers
GraphCast: AI model for faster and more accurate global weather forecasting
Graphemica: For people who ♥ letters, numbers, punctuation, &c
Graphene at 20: still no sign of the promised space elevator, but here’s how this wonder material is quietly changing the world
‘Graphene will change the world’: the boss using the ‘supermaterial’ in the global microchip war
Graphene: Coming of age
Graphic design to fight poverty
Graphic novels
Graphic novels help teens learn about racism, climate change and social justice – here’s a reading list
Graphic Truth: World literacy reaches new heights
Grass Art
Grassroots mojo and 4 other reasons Starbucks workers have been so successful unionizing
Grattan on Friday: Albanese needs to step up (and mask up) to help create a new mindset to meet the COVID crisis
Grattan on Friday: Experts want Albanese to lead on indoor air quality as part of pandemic planning
Grave cleaning videos are going viral on TikTok. Are they honouring the dead, or exploiting them?
GRAVITY - Exclusive Alternate Scene (Redefines Entire Movie)
Gravity powered standing lamp
Gravy Boat: My Week on the High Seas With Paula Deen and Friends
Gray wolf personality research uses puzzle boxes, rain sticks
Grazing sheep among solar panels could produce higher quality wool, study finds
The great abandonment: what happens to the natural world when people disappear?
The Great Abdication: Why No One Can Be Bothered Anymore
The great African regreening: millions of 'magical' new trees bring renewal
The great Amazon land grab – how Brazil’s government is turning public land private, clearing the way for deforestation
The Great American Science Heist
Great anniversary article
Great Art Great Cat
Great Art, Great Cats
The Great Australian Dream? New homes in planned estates may not be built to withstand heatwaves
The great Australian water grab
Great Barrier Reef discovery overturns belief Aboriginal Australians did not make pottery, archaeologists say
Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching event ahead of UN delegation visit
Great Barrier Reef fish evidence suggests shifts in major global biodiversity patterns
The Great Barrier Reef Is Dying While The Government Continues To Invest In Coal
Great Barrier Reef on one-way path to decay thanks to climate change with no end in sight, report says
Great Barrier Reef scuba diver reunites Victorian couple with mobile phone lost at sea
Great Barrier Reef sees record coral cover, but it is highly vulnerable
Great Barrier Reef should be placed on world heritage ‘in danger’ list, UN-backed report says
Great Barrier Reef suffering ‘most severe’ coral bleaching on record as footage shows damage 18 metres down
Great Barrier Reef undergoing mass bleaching event leaving 200-year-old corals devastated
Great Barrier Reef: aerial survey reveals extent of coral bleaching
The Great Barrier Reef’s latest bout of bleaching is the fifth in eight summers – the corals now have almost no reprieve
Great Barrier Reef’s worst bleaching leaves giant coral graveyard: ‘It looks as if it has been carpet bombed’
The Great Barrington Declaration and “natural herd immunity” versus public health three years later
Great Bear Sea: vast new marine zone a ‘mindset shift’ for conservation
Great Big Stuff
The great cancellation: why megabucks TV shows are vanishing without a trace
The Great Cash-for-Carbon Hustle
The Great Convergence: Global Equality and Its Discontents
“The Great Dying” –Our Evolving Sequel May Be More Like Science Fiction Than Anything in Earth’s History
Great Fire of London: how we uncovered the man who first found the flames
The Great Green Wall
The Great Green Wall of Africa: Is this the next wonder of the world?
The Great Green Wall: Africa’s Ambitious Attempt To Fight Desertification
The Great Grocery Squeeze
Great maps
The Great Moon Hoax
The Great Moose
Great News for Clean Power and Storage
Great News for Elephants: UK to Introduce Legislation Banning Its Ivory Market
'Great news': Ecuador river is granted the right to not be polluted in historic court case
‘Great news’: EU hails discovery of massive phosphate rock deposit in Norway
The Great Nile Migration
The great ocean white-out
'Great Pacific garbage patch' far bigger than imagined, aerial survey shows
Great Problems: An Epidemic of Rent-seeking
The great question of the 21st century: Whose black box do you trust?
Great Reads of 2024
The Great Replacement (Not That One, the Real One)
The ‘great resignation’ didn’t happen in Australia, but the ‘great burnout’ did
Great Salt Lake will disappear in 5 years without massive ‘emergency rescue,’ scientists say
The Great Social Media–News Collapse
The Great Southern Reef is in more trouble than the Great Barrier Reef
The Great Stink
Great way to get yourself in shape and start every day! :-)
Great white sharks off South Africa’s coast are protected by law, but not in practice. Why this needs to change
The Great Wonders Beyond the Great Reef
The Great Works of Software
Great, Lapland Just Recorded Its Hottest Temperature in 100 Years
Greater gliders are hurtling towards extinction, and the blame lies squarely with Australian governments
Greater One-Horned Rhino Population Reaches New High
The Greatest Divide of All
The greatest magic of Harry Potter: Reducing prejudice
‘The greatest propaganda op in history’: Trump’s reshaping of US culture evokes past antidemocratic regimes
The Greatest Science Fiction-Themed Bars and Restaurants on Earth
The greatest surge of renewable dealmaking ever
Greece becomes the first country in Europe to ban bottom trawling in marine protected areas
Greece begins net-zero journey with new climate law
Greece to step up Parthenon marbles pressure amid signs tide is turning
Greece wildfire declared largest ever recorded in EU
Greece ‘at war with fire’ amid chaotic evacuation of tourists from Rhodes
Greece’s Islands Are Zero-Waste Laboratories
Greece’s record rainfall and flash floods are part of a trend – across the Mediterranean, the weather is becoming more dangerous
‘Greed is amoral’: how Wall Street supermen cashed in on pandemic misery and chaos
The Greek migrant shipwreck is another preventable tragedy at the borders of Europe
‘Green Banks’ Are Turning Climate Action Dreams into Realities
Green Deal: pioneering proposals to restore Europe's nature by 2050 and halve pesticide use by 2030
Green economy summit: how can Australia get more from its relationship with Vietnam?
The green energy surge still isn’t enough for 1.5 degrees. We’ll have to overshoot, adapt and soak up carbon dioxide
The ‘Green Energy’ That Might Be Ruining the Planet
Green Factories Are Changing Minds in More Conservative US States
Green gains: Localized efforts leave a mark, notably in drier areas, study shows
Green growth is trusted to fix climate change – here’s the problem with that
Green growth or degrowth: what is the right way to tackle climate change?
Green hydrogen could be a game changer by displacing fossil fuels – we just need the price to come down
Green hydrogen has a leakage problem that may cancel out some of its climate gains
Green hydrogen pathways, energy efficiencies, and intensities for ground, air, and marine transportation
The Green Jobs Boom Is Benefiting the People Who Need It Most
Green lending: world’s biggest banks’ latest initiative at COP26 is a step backwards
Green light for Red Panda Ravi’s health check-up
Green power: young environmentalists look to shake up Panama’s politics
‘Green Roads’ Are Plowing Ahead, Buffering Drought and Floods
Green roofs and solar chimneys are here – experts say it’s time to use them
Green Sand Beaches Could Erase Carbon Emissions
Green steel industry could secure jobs future for Australia's coalmining heartland
‘The Green Steel of the 21st Century’
Green streets: why protecting urban parks and bush is vital as our cities grow and become denser
Green washed: LNG emits 33% more carbon than coal, new report finds
Greener ‘water batteries’ a step closer thanks to breakthrough by Melbourne researchers
The greenest games ever? How claims of Olympic sustainability hit a reef in Tahiti
The Greenhouse Gamble wheels
Greenhouse gas emissions are at an all-time high and Earth is warming faster than ever – report
Greening Concrete: A Major Emitter Inches Toward Carbon Neutrality
The Greening of Coal Country
The Greening of Milan: Porta Nuova and Vertical Forest
Greening the greyfields: how to renew our suburbs for more liveable, net-zero cities
Greenland ice sheet loss already 'unprecedented' and set to accelerate
Greenland Is Melting Away
Greenland is melting: we need to worry about what’s happening on the largest island in the world
Greenland losing 30m tonnes of ice an hour, study reveals
Greenland permanently bans all oil and gas exploration
Greenland shark is oldest vertebrate with lifespan of up to 400 years, scientists say
Greenland startup begins shipping glacier ice to cocktail bars in the UAE
Greenland votes on March 11. Independence was the key issue, but Trump has changed the campaign
Greenland's Glaciers Seem to Be Melting Much, Much Faster Than We Thought
Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s
Greenland’s Melting Ice Nears a ‘Tipping Point,’ Scientists Say
Greenland’s rapidly melting ice and landslide-prone fjords make the oil and minerals Trump covets dangerous to extract
Greenland’s Wishes Don’t Matter to Trump
Greenpeace legal action alleges Woodside lied about climate performance
Greenpeace opposes nuclear energy. Young climate activists say that's 'old-fashioned'
Greenpeace Stands Up Against SLAPPs And Wins
Greens attack Woodside proposal to bury CO₂ from WA gas project under pristine reef
The Greens want a super-profits tax. Labor and business used to like the idea too
Greenscreen Grandmas
Greensync launches world-first exchange to trade stored household solar power
The Greens’ liveable income guarantee is a serious idea the major parties won’t touch – yet
Greenwashing claims on trial: should NZ ban fossil fuel advertising?
Greenwashing Governments and Oil Companies Turned COP27 Into a Climate Disaster
Greg Bear (1951-2022)
Gregory Colbert
Gregory Day’s essays are immersed in the natural world, but think beyond the category of ‘nature writing’
Grenfell report blames decades of government failure and ‘systematic dishonesty’ of companies
Greta Thunberg Addresses UN Climate Action Summit Through Tears
Greta Thunberg arrested at London oil summit protest
Greta Thunberg condemns UK firm’s plans for iron mine on Sami land
Greta Thunberg condemns UK's climate stance in speech to MPs
Greta Thunberg doesn’t want you to talk about her anymore
The Greta Thunberg effect: are climate crisis documentaries feeling it?
The Greta Thunberg Helpline | 7.30
Greta Thunberg isn’t alone in rejecting the UN climate conference, but we still have to be there
The Greta Thunberg Lovely award for driving bitter old white men apoplectic goes to ...
Greta Thunberg on Gaza: “This has shown the true colours of the world”
Greta Thunberg on the climate delusion: ‘We’ve been greenwashed out of our senses. It’s time to stand our ground’
Greta Thunberg: The show is over.
Greta Thunberg: We cannot overestimate how storytelling can help climate crisis
Greta: We must fight the climate crisis and pandemic simultaneously
Grey-headed flying-fox population is stable – 10 years of monitoring reveals this threatened species is doing well
Grid revenue fantasies holding back rollout of electric car V2G technology in Australia
Grieving and unheard, the British public has voted for change – in weariness more than in hope
Griffin's Story (one of the most amazing and heartfelt stories you will every see)
Grim Study Shows 10 Years of 'Carbon Offsets' in California Had No Climate Benefit
The Grim Worldview Behind Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Push, the Hong Kong Protests, and the Kashmir Crisis
The grim, necessary optimism of sci-fi author Becky Chambers
The Grimy Residue of the AI Bubble
The Grind Of Touring With A (No Longer Relevant) Rock Band
Gripping photos capture the beauty and plight of the world's elephants
Grong Grong: Australia’s first crowdfunded solar farm powers up
Groovy Datasets for Test Databases
Gross domestic product is destroying nature, says landmark UK government report
The Grotesque Legacy of Music as Property
Groundbreaking studies of Earth’s churning oceans recognised at Australia’s most prestigious science prizes this year
Groundbreaking trial shows how VPPs can pay for home batteries, slash costs on the grid
‘Groundbreaking’: How children in Hawaii won landmark climate case
Groundhog vs Bieber
Groundwater is heating up, threatening life below and above the surface
Group therapy helps scientists cope with challenging ‘climate emotions’
Grow your own meat
Growing African mangrove forests aim to combat climate woes
Growing Corn in the Desert, No Irrigation Required
The growing indigenous spiritual movement that could save the planet
Growing number of countries consider making ecocide a crime
Growing NZ cities eat up fertile land – but housing and food production can co-exist
Growing Trump-Putin detente could spell trouble for the Arctic
Growing winter food – and community spirit – in a geothermal greenhouse
Growing your own food and foraging can help tackle your ballooning grocery bill. Here’s how
Growing, Growing, Gone: Reaching the Limits – An interview with Dennis Meadows
‘Grownup’ leaders are pushing us towards catastrophe, says former US climate chief
Grumpy Cat dies aged seven: 'Some days are grumpier than others'
Grumpy Cat joins the Broadway cast of Cats
Grumpy Cat Party Supplies
Grumpy Cat Stars in "Hard To Be a Cat at Christmas" Music Video
Grumpy Cat unimpressed with figure at Madame Tussauds wax museum in London
Grumpy Cat Wore Pharrell’s Hat To The MTV Movie Awards.
"Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever" Wraps Filming in Vancouver
Grumpy Disney
Grunts, boops, chatters and squeals — fish are noisy creatures
The Guam Kingfisher Could Soon Return to the Wild After a 30-Year Absence
Guaranteed $20K income for all Canadians endorsed by academics
Guaranteed income is graduating from charity to public policy
Guardian owner apologises for founders’ links to transatlantic slavery
The Guardian view on climate crisis: what can we do?
The Guardian view on Covid-19 and transport: walk to the future
The Guardian view on endangered languages: spoken by a few but of value to many
The Guardian view on remembering Tiananmen 1989: mourning for those who cannot
The Guardian view on Saudi Arabia’s repression: the rebranding of Riyadh won’t wash
Guardian will no longer post on Elon Musk’s X from its official accounts
The Guardian: 1821 Mode
Guardians of the Golden Gate
"Guardians' Inferno" | Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Guatemala arrests anti-corruption lawyer, prompting international outcry
Guatemala Just Ran January 6th In Reverse
Guelph prof works to save U.S. climate data before it's scrubbed from websites
Guerilla Gardeners
Guerrilla festival no-photo2024 is highlighting the unseen work of Palestinian photographers in Gaza
Guerrilla Innovation...
Guess What? Mem Fox’s children’s book was banned in Florida over ‘nudity’ – but bathing is not a sexual act
Guest Post: Stop Judging Me for Being on Welfare
Guide to NPR's List of Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
Guide to the classics: Immanuel Kant’s "Toward Perpetual Peace" and its relevance to the war in Ukraine
Guide to the classics: the sophisticated aesthetics of Sei Shōnagon’s "The Pillow Book"
Guide to the Lord of the Rings
Guiding Stars in Astronomy: Williamina Fleming
The Guild Goes Bollywood
Guilt, shame, dissatisfaction: workers and customers on the gig economy (and how to make it better)
Guinea Pig Adventures
Guitar Hero Christmas
Gulf Stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests
Gummi Bear Chandelier
Gummi Bears Cake!
Gummi Bears on CakeWrecks
Gummis go to Adelaide
Gummy bear hugs...
Gunditjmara Community honoured with 2023 UNESCO-Greece Melina Mercouri Prize for Cultural Landscape Conservation
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator
Gunned down and burned by the Nazis: the shocking true story of Bambi
‘Gut-wrenching and infuriating’: why Australia is the world leader in mammal extinctions, and what to do about it
Gutenberg In The Whirlwind
Guy Builds Giant Dragon Shaped Cardboard Cat House
Guy Creates Images That Show How Earth Would Look If Cats Were A Lot Bigger (30 Pics)
Guy makes “dodgy e-bike” from 130 used vapes to make point about e-waste
Guy who took in 24 refugees posts viral message about his 'disappointing' experience.
Gygax Magazine: Dragon reborn
Gâteau Gato - Alexandre DUBOSC
Gödel, Escher, Bach, and AI
G’day, the short film (2022) | Official Film | Tourism Australia
H-Bombs: The Need to Not Have Them
Habeas corpus victory for bear in Colombia encourages animal rights lawyers
Habitat restoration is a long-haul job. Here are 3 groups that have endured
‘Habits of civilised life’: how one state forced Indigenous people to meet onerous conditions to obtain citizenship
Habitual mask-wearing is likely helping Japan, Singapore and South Korea bring daily Omicron deaths down, epidemiologists say
Hackers Can Jailbreak Digital License Plates to Make Others Pay Their Tolls and Tickets
Hackers email stolen student data to parents of Nevada school district
Hackers red-teaming A.I. are ‘breaking stuff left and right,’ but don’t expect quick fixes from DefCon: ‘There are no good guardrails’
The Hackers Who Recovered NASA’s Lost Lunar Photos
‘Hacking Hate’: The Real-Life Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Battling Online Nazis
Hacksplaining. Learn to hack, learn to protect yourself
Hadeda ibises’ ‘sixth sense’ works best in wet soil: new research is a wake-up call for survival of wading birds with this superpower
The Hagia Sophia Housecat
The Hague becomes world’s first city to pass law banning fossil fuel-related ads
Hague climate change judgement could inspire a global civil movement
Hail the maintainers
Hairless Head in a Clueless Photo Booth
Hajime Robot Restaurant
Half a million Australians could soon be experiencing long COVID. So what do we know, and what support is available?
Half a million kids survived Romania's 'slaughterhouses of souls.’ Now they want justice.
Half a million stateless people got citizenship in past decade: UN
Half of all marine life lost in 40 years: WWF report
Half of Americans Are Effectively Poor Now. What The?
Half of Australia’s biggest companies have net-zero emissions plans, but climate action may come too late
Half of Bangladeshi drinking water is polluted with arsenic - and climate change is making it worse
Half of crypto ads on Facebook are scams or violate Meta’s policies, consumer regulator alleges
Half of global methane emissions come from aquatic ecosystems – much of this is human-made
Half of Melbourne’s famous live music venues could soon be dead
Half of migrant and refugee women we spoke to have been sexually harassed in Australian workplaces
Half of petrol stations expected to close in next decade
Half of pre-mixed alcohol features nutritional claims as industry targets young Australians, study finds
Half of the world is past a peak in fossil power
Half Of TSA's 30,000 Employees Accused Of Misconduct; Nearly A Third Multiple Times
Half of Western Sydney foodbowl land may have been lost to development in just 10 years
Half the price in half the time: solar storage innovation harnesses new energy frontier
‘Hall of Heroes’, Illustrations of 80 Famous Female Characters From Films and Television
Halliburton equipment worth $7.1m imported into Russia in past year, customs records show
Halloween Cause for Inspiration or Whimpering
Hallucinating copy/paste plagiarism robots are everywhere! What a time to be alive!
Halsey’s record label won’t release a new song until it goes viral on TikTok. Is this the future of the music industry?
Halt destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say world’s top scientists
Hamburg is burying the Autobahn and putting parks on top
Hamilton cat burglar nabs neighbours undies in the night
‘The Hamilton Polka’ - Weird Al Yankovic
Hamlet's Cat's Soliloquy
Hammond XK-3c evening play 10/8/2017
Hamster steers iRobot
Han And Leia Get Genderbent [Cosplay]
Han River ecosystem shows substantial recovery after city's restoration initiatives
Hand Animals
Hand Crafted, Comfy Looking Seating Sculptures Depicting Endangered Species by Designer Porky Hefer
Hand dryers v paper towels: the surprisingly dirty fight for the right to dry your hands
Hand in Hand
Hand Painted Tulip Cookies
Hand-crafted mechanisms
Hand-selected seeds are set to bring riot of colour and life to new road in Cornwall
Hand-stitched Calvin and Hobbes embroidery
Handcrafted 1873-style Monocycle for sale
Handcrafted wooden tablet stands with input devices
Handful of countries responsible for climate crisis, top court told
Handkerchief or tissue? Which one’s better for our health and the planet?
Handling Pandemic-Scale Cyber Threats: Lessons from COVID-19
Hands off My TikTok. Banning It Would Hurt the Most Marginalized
Hands on: striking action game Apotheon plays as well as it looks
Hands On: Vertiginous Golf
Handyman Blues
Hanging at home with Jonas the tiger! (video)
Hanging by a thread: How the online nerdy T-shirt economy exists in an IP world
Hanging Flower Art
Hannah Gadsby navigates the mirror maze of trauma as an autistic, gender queer comedian
Hannah Gadsby on culture wars, pot-stirring and Picasso: ‘I created that circus. I don’t need to watch it’
Hannah Peel
Hanoi declared world's most polluted city, authorities seek action
Happier Employees, Higher Profits: Covid’s Surprising Lesson for Restaurants
Happiest elephant plays w/ Ribbon
Happiness is a glass half empty
"Happiness-Producing Questions"
Happy - Pharrell Williams (on 10 Different Musical Instruments Cover) (ft. Gunhild Carling)
Happy 1234567890 day!
Happy 160th birthday Dame Nellie Melba: 5 surprising facts about the canny songstress
Happy 200th Birthday Ada Lovelace – Ada’s bicentenary – Let’s make more Adas together
Happy 20th Birthday To 'No One Lives Forever', The Classic PC Game That Can't Be Sold Today Thanks To IP
Happy 400th birthday to the world’s oldest bond
Happy 75th Birthday Jim Henson
Happy Birthday from Tokyo
Happy Birthday Glass Wings!
Happy Birthday Sesame Street!
Happy Birthday to Me, Here’s a Story For You: “Regarding Your Application Status”
'Happy Birthday' Song Copyright Ruled to Be Invalid
Happy Birthday, Statute of Anne
happy doggie
Happy Earth Day 2024! NASA picks 6 new airborne missions to study our changing planet
Happy Easter :-)
Happy End of the World
HAPPY FLIGHT Trailer 【Fuji TV Official】
Happy Halloween!
Happy Hippie Presents: Don't Dream It's Over (Performed by Miley Cyrus & Ariana Grande)
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays 2023!
Happy Holidays!
Happy New Year 2013
Happy New Year 2017!
Happy New Year 2021!
Happy New Year 2022!
Happy New Year 2023!
Happy New Year 2024!
Happy New Year 2025!
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year!
Happy Pretend to be a Time Traveller Day
Happy Public Domain Day 2020!
Happy Public Domain Day 2024!
Happy Slideshow
Happy tapir receives massage -- exclusive video
Happy the person
Happy To Be Here
Happy Together | The Turtles | Pomplamoose
Har Gobind Khorana: The chemist who cracked DNA’s code and made the first artificial gene was born into poverty 100 years ago in an Indian village
Harassed, afraid, a North Country immigrant fights back with love
Hard 'n Phirm: Gersberms (Yer Gervin Mah)
The hard right and climate catastrophe are intimately linked. This is how
Hard work and happy accidents: why do so many of us prefer ‘difficult’ analogue technology?
Hard-fought COP28 agreement suggests the days of fossil fuels are numbered – but climate catastrophe is not yet averted
The Hardest Phrase in the World to Translate: 'A Nice Cup of Tea'
The Hardest Places in the World to Visit
‘Hardly seen as human at all’: will fantasy ever beat its dwarfism problem?
The Hardware Hacker: Bunnie Huang's tour-de-force on hardware hacking, reverse engineering, China, manufacturing, innovation and biohacking
Harlan Crow Sure Isn’t Paying for Your Kid’s School
Harlan Ellison's The Last Dangerous Visions may finally be published, after five-decade wait
The harm JobMaker will do to women and older workers far outweighs any benefits
Harmy's Star Wars: Despecialized Edition v2.5 - Video Sources Documentary
Harnessing AI to improve eye health
Harnessing Hamster Power with a Nanogenerator
Harpoons, robots and lasers: how to capture defunct satellites and other space junk and bring it back to Earth
Harrison Ford: "Stop Giving Power to People Who Don't Believe in Science"
Harry & Meghan – what the first episodes reveal about Meghan’s reputation within the royal family
Harry Belafonte leveraged stardom for social change, his powerful voice always singing a song for justice
Harry Potter and the Author Who Failed Us
Harry Potter and the Disenchanted Wildlife: how light and sound shows can harm nocturnal animals
Harry Potter and the Extreme Goth Makeover
Harry Potter and The Rehabilitation of Rowling
Harry Potter as a Teen Comedy
Harry Potter Christmas Party Photo Blitz! Come See ALL THE THINGS!
Harry Potter Dances
Harry Potter Expo at Universal Orlando
Harry Potter Fringe show is reclaiming magic from you-know-who: ‘Nobody owns imagination’
Harryhausen100 tribute
Haruki Murakami
Harvard Has Become a Tax Shelter for Billionaires as Public Education Languishes
Harvard historian: strategy of climate science denial groups 'extremely successful'
Harvesting Waste Plastic In Emerging Economies As A Currency, To Reduce Pollution And Improve Lives
Harvey Birdman's Coming Back To Adult Swim And He's Got A Fancy New Job
Has a big village of tiny homes eased homelessness in Austin?
Has coronavirus killed our chance to stop climate change getting worse, or given us a opportunity to act?
Has France really gone to hell? Its catastrophist discourse is at odds with the facts
Has Japan improved on the fortune cookie? (+video)
Has logging really stopped in Victoria? What the death of an endangered glider tells us
Has plastic pollution reached its tipping point?
Has the 3D printing revolution finally arrived?
Has the cyberattack on DP World put Australia’s trade at risk? Probably not … this time
Has the solid-state battery riddle been solved? This start-up thinks so
Has the world become less colourful?
Has US-style politicisation of the courts come to Australia?
Hate speech on X surged for at least 8 months after Elon Musk takeover – new research
Hats for Cats
Hatshepsut obelisk re-erected in original location at Karnak Temple
‘Hatsune Miku has a special part in my heart’: the 16-year-old pop sensation who does not exist
haunting and SPOOKY
Haunting Animation Shows All The Fires Burning in Northern Australia The Past 2 Months
'Hauntingly beautiful' image of a golden horseshoe crab wins wildlife photography competition
Have Australians in India been abandoned because people of colour are seen as ‘less’ Australian?
have fun with these special effects and Donald Rumsfeld
Have hen will travel: the man who sailed round the world with a chicken
‘Have I just joined another cult?’: Daniella grew up in The Family, then joined the army – where she experienced toxic control, again
Have some economists severely underestimated the financial hit from climate change? Recent evidence suggests yes
‘Have some guts’: Sarah Hanson-Young challenges Labor to keep its environmental promises
[Have to share this 3:55 animation with you...THANKS BONNIE D. for sending it to me!]
Have we been duped by the primary energy fallacy?
Have we been talking about climate change all wrong?
Have we fallen out of love with voice assistants?
Have we reached the end of nature? Our relationship with the environment is in crisis
Have you driven a Fjord lately?
Have you ever wondered what happens when you forget to turn your p.c. off ?
Have you heard soy is linked to cancer risk or can ‘feminise’ men? Here’s what the science really says
‘Have you recently had an abortion?’ Australian transiting through US questioned then deported
Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again: Rethinking Tech Regulation and Creative Labor
Haven’t had COVID or a vaccine dose in the past six months? Consider getting a booster
Having Conquered The Internet, Cats Set Their Sight On The Art World
Having Vin Diesel as your dungeon master is really soothing
Having ‘good’ posture doesn’t prevent back pain, and ‘bad’ posture doesn’t cause it
Hawai'i photos
Hawaii Becomes First U.S. State to Ban Shark Fishing
Hawaii is "on the verge of a greater catastrophe," locals say, as water crisis continues
Hawaii just received its last shipment of coal ever
Hawaii's beaches are disappearing: The uncertain future of Oahu's iconic Waikiki
Hawaiian Airlines employee terminated for her traditional Samoan tattoo
Hawaiian crow that went extinct in the wild decades ago released on Maui
Hawaii’s climate future: Dry regions get drier with global warming, increasing fire risk
Hawaiʻi is saying no to seabed mining. Will international authorities listen?
Hawks' Forbidden Love Results In A Rare Hybrid
Hayabusa2 re-entry capsule to land in South Australia
Hayao Miyazaki Donates His Personal Car to Ghibli Park
Hayao Miyazaki Ends Retirement to Direct a New Feature-Length Animation
Hayao Miyazaki isn't making features but is at work on manga
Hayao Miyazaki Picks His 50 Favorite Children’s Books
The Hayao Miyazaki Sequences That Changed Animators’ Lives
Hayao Miyazaki Tribute "Pixel Art"
Hayao Miyazaki wins Golden Globe for The Boy and the Heron
Hayao Miyazaki’s Beautiful, Broken Worlds
Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli Releases Free Backgrounds for Virtual Meetings: Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away & More
The Hazards of Gambling
Hazel the Donkey Loves the Wizard Over the Rainbow
Hazel The Sugar Glider
‘He could have killed my dog’: ride-share drivers accused of refusing passengers with guide dogs
He Got A Bad Grade. So, He Got The Constitution Amended. Now He's Getting The Credit He Deserves.
‘He had no symptoms’: how wearable tech can help older Indigenous people catch heart problems – and save lives
‘He has come out an old man’: joy and grief as loved ones released from Assad prisons
‘He is one of us!’: US anti-vaxxers rejoice at nomination of David Weldon for CDC
‘He likes scaring people’: how Modi’s right-hand man, Amit Shah, runs India
He Really Let Himself Go
‘He was always voraciously watching’: Scorsese’s secret life as an obsessive VHS archivist
‘He was deadly, a deadly man’: remembering the incredible life and work of Uncle Jack Charles
‘He was in fear of his life’: bullying can be a major factor in deciding to homeschool
He was licked by a mountain lion, and instead of getting scared, he was fascinated
‘He Who Must Not Be Named’: Australian council told not to mention Harry Potter-themed event in local park
He's Just Woven The World's Finest Panama Hat. But Who Will Buy It?
Head Like An Orange
Head of Independent Sage to launch international climate change group
Head Spa Massager
Headcovers have always been political in Iran – for women on all sides
‘Headed for technofascism’: the rightwing roots of Silicon Valley
‘Headed off the charts’: world’s ocean surface temperature hits record high
Heading to Bali or somewhere tropical these holidays? Here’s what you need to know about dengue fever
Headlines That Need to Be Read Twice
Headphones, saw blades, coat hangers: how human trash in Australian bird nests changed over 195 years
Headwear and hegemony: how ‘turban tossing’ protests are threatening Iran’s ruling clergy
Healing a scarred land
Healing Chile’s Huapi island
Healing the divide
Health at a planetary scale
Health care offered to women in prison should match community standards – and their rights
Health evidence against gas and oil is piling up, as governments turn a blind eye
Health experts say COVID-19 complacency has restricted freedoms of the immunocompromised and elderly
The health impacts of climate change and why calls for action are growing louder
The Health Risks of Gas Stoves Explained
Health star labels move closer to being mandatory. But food companies could still (legally) game the system
Health Star Rating only on about a third of Australian supermarket products that should carry it, report shows
Health worker burnout and ‘compassion fatigue’ put patients at risk. How can we help them help us?
Health, nutrition and heroes in rural Afghanistan
Health-care workers should not be a target. In Gaza, their detention and death affect the entire population
Healthier, happier, fairer: new research shows major life benefits from decarbonising transport
Healthy Country, healthy people: how shared knowledge is helping to restore a World Heritage area
Healthy humans drive the economy: we’re now witnessing one of the worst public policy failures in Australia’s history
Hear Seven Hours of Women Making Electronic Music (1938- 2014)
Hear that? It’s the sound of leaf blower bans.
Heard of Elephants Song!
Heard of Elephants tickets now available
Heard of ‘kindy flu’? There’s no such thing. But kids are at risk this flu season for one simple reason
Hearing loss is twice as common in Australia’s lowest income groups, our research shows
Heart Aerospace unveils new airplane design, confirms Air Canada and Saab as new shareholders
The Heart of Storytelling
The Heart of the Matter: The Security of Women, The Security of States
Heartbleed as Metaphor
Heartwarming Photos of Acts of Kindness
Heat Death of the Internet
‘Heat dome’ probably killed 1bn marine animals on Canada coast, experts say
‘Heat engine’ fuelled by climate crisis bringing blast of summer weather to Australian winter
Heat exposure of older people across world to double by 2050, finds study
Heat from an Amazon Data Center Is Warming Dublin’s Buildings
Heat from El Niño can warm oceans off West Antarctica – and melt floating ice shelves from below
Heat from sewers, tube and Thames could soon warm London buildings
Heat is coming for our crops. We have to make them ready
The heat is on: what we know about why ocean temperatures keep smashing records
Heat Pumps Are An Essential Wedge But Have A Hidden Downside To Fix
Heat Pumps Are Not Fair Weather Friends Any More
Heat pumps can cut your energy costs by up to 90%. It’s not magic, just a smart use of the laws of physics
Heat pumps twice as efficient as fossil fuel systems in cold weather, study finds
Heat pumps, heat pumps, heat pumps!!
Heat Pumps, Hooray!
Heat pumps: how to reduce your carbon footprint while saving money this winter
Heat stress: how soaring temperatures are taking their toll on migrant workers in India’s garden city
Heat waves impair bumblebees' ability to detect floral scents, study finds
Heat your House with a Mechanical Windmill
Heat, cold, pollution, noise and insects: too many apartment blocks aren’t up to the challenge
Heat: the next big inequality issue
Fwd: Heathrow Airport - YOU NEED UPLIFT FOR THE DAY, this is IT!....spend 3 minutes on this
Heatwave descends on south-east Australia with temperatures forecast to exceed 40C
Heatwave in south and wildfire smoke in north buffet US from both sides
Heatwave scorches US over weekend as midwest sees deadly flooding
Heatwave to turn parts of Australia into ‘one of the hottest places in the world’ this week
Heatwaves and bushfires can be a dangerous mix for the electricity grid. Here’s how to shore up your supplies this summer
Heatwaves may mean Sydney is too hot for people to live in 'within decades'
Heavenly heathers: nightjar and other rare species ‘flourish’ in south England’s heathland
“Heaviest road going electric truck in the world:” First electric road train takes to Australian roads
Heavily persecuted, highly influential: China’s online feminist revolution
Heavy Metal Man: 50-ton Gigantor Statue Gives Kobe Hope
Heavy Snowfall Hits Tokyo, And The Results Are Pretty Much What You’d Expect
Heavy truck drivers prefer electric, but roadblocks stand in their way
Heavy-lift cargo drones are now being used at offshore wind farm in world first
HeavyBubbles™ – Sprudelwasser, das dich zum Schwitzen bringt
HECS for farmers? Nature repair loans could help biodiversity recover – and boost farm productivity
Hedgehog Facts
Heidi C. Vlach
Heidi Kenney
Heirs of Infocom: Where interactive fiction authors and games stand today
Helen Ahpornsiri
helga stentzel hangs clothes to create surreal farm animal illusions
Hell hath no fury like a librarian scorned in the book banning wars
Hello in Elephant, A Wonderful Online Tool That Translates Human Speech Into Elephant Language
Hello Kitty at 50: a Japanese success story of simplicity and cuteness
Hello Kitty kaleidoscope projector
Hello Kitty Kat-astrophe
Hello Kitty Origami 3D
Hello Kitty's Best Friend
Hello Ruby kids' coding book raises $185k (and counting) on Kickstarter
Help A Blind Person Identify Everyday Things, Via Smartphone App
Help End the Long COVID Crisis (U.S. Letter)
Help people in Iran reconnect to Signal – a request to our community
Help Rebuild the Birthplace of the Rock-afire Explosion!
Help the Moomins save #OURSEA
Help the O’Reilly animals
Help Us Keep the Archive Free, Accessible, and Reader Private
Helping the Pacific financially is a great start – but Australia must act on the root cause of the climate crisis
Helsinki Built a Library That Brings a Whole City Together
Helsinki is building the world’s largest heat pump to keep its homes warm
Henry 8.0 - The Book of Faces
Henry Farrell – On post-democracy
Henry Kissinger, 1923-2023. War criminal
Henry VIII Pants
Henson to Do Monster Blood Tattoo
Her car died, so she walked to work. One day on the walk, she found $15,000.
Her Retirement Home Said ‘No’ to Solar Panels. She Got It to Buy 1,344.
[IP] Her Royal Early Adopter
Her son was an accused cult leader. She says he was a victim, too.
Her work as a pioneering animator was lost to history — until now
Herbert Kroemer, Nobel winner who developed laser tech, dies at 95
Herd of puppets to trek 20,000km to highlight urgency of climate crisis
Herd the news? Australian alpaca numbers near 400,000 after baby boom
Here are 4 things you definitely didn’t know about Aussie magpies
Here Are 5 Infuriating Examples of Facts Making People Dumber
Here are 5 ways to flatten the climate change curve while stuck at home
Here are all the positive environmental stories from 2023 so far
Here are the countries leading the way on recycling, and how Australia can catch up
Here Are the Winners of National Geographic's Traveler Photo Contest
Here are the winners of the 2022 Ig Nobel Prizes
Here are the winners of the 2022 Nebula Awards
Here are your 2018 Ig Nobel Prize winners
Here Be Dragons
Here be dragons
Here comes Camp Terra Livre
Here Comes The Sun on a Kalimba
‘Here comes the sun’: Zadie Smith on hope, trepidation and rebirth after 14 years of the Tories
Here is a global solution to the plastic waste crisis - and A$443 million to get it started
Here is How We Will Boycott Injustice and Police Brutality in America
Here is Today
Here It Goes Again | OK Go | Pomplamoose
Here lies the internet, murdered by generative AI
Here We Go Again: All The Works That Should Now Be In The Public Domain, But Aren't
Here We Go Again: Sony Disappears Digital Content That Was Pitched To Customers As ‘Forever’
Here's 150+ Sources on Covid to Share with Everyone You Know
Here's how $4 billion in government money is being spent to reduce climate pollution
Here's how the data we feed AI determines the results
Here's How The Next 5 Years Might Look: Scientists Outline 3 Likely Pandemic Outcomes
Here's my plan to save Twitter: let's buy it
Here's part of @larissawaters' incredible speech about raising Newstart. Drop everything and watch this.
"Here's the Plan" - CG animated short film
Here's What Happened When A Neighborhood Decided To Ban Cars For A Month
Here's why bird flu fears are intensifying
Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It)
Here, here: the Swedish online love army who take on the trolls
Here’s a Bunch of Science Fiction Books with Cats on the Cover
Here’s a scheme Labor should ditch in its bid to boost productivity. It’s the ‘patent box’
Here’s a simple way to stop governments giving jobs to mates
Here’s another type of COVID test to get your head around. But is this new home kit worth the cost?
Here’s how a TV series inspired the KeepCup revolution. What’s next in the war on waste?
Here’s How To Eat Everything You’ve Ever Wanted From A Miyazaki Film
Here’s how to fix Australia’s approach to soil carbon credits so they really count towards our climate goals
Here’s how wastewater facilities could tackle food waste, generate energy and slash emissions
Here’s how we track down and very carefully photograph Australia’s elusive snakes
Here’s how ‘microgrids’ are empowering regional and remote communities across Australia
Here’s some context missing from the Mparntwe Alice Springs ‘crime wave’ reporting
Here’s the science behind the Brexit vote and Trump’s rise
Here’s the truth about Sunak’s plans for the North Sea: he will sell out the planet to the dirtiest bidders
Here’s what Europe’s largest floating solar farm is going to look like
Here’s what happened when Iran introduced a basic income
Here’s what happened when we endowed volunteers with a sixth finger
Here’s what happens to workers when coal-fired power plants close. It isn’t good
Here’s What It’s Like At The Headquarters Of The Teens Working To Stop Mass Shootings
Here’s what the major parties need to do about higher education this election
Here’s What the Regenerative Cities of Tomorrow Could Look Like
Here’s what we’ll be telling COP29 about how climate change is harming young people’s mental health
Here’s where we really need microgrids in the US
Here’s who decides cause of death, how death certificates work – and whether a person died with or of COVID
Here’s why Europe is abandoning plans to fly aboard China’s space station
Here’s why having chocolate can make you feel great or a bit sick – plus 4 tips for better eating
Here’s why misinformation is a smaller problem than you think
Here’s why more Australian scientists should team up with authors on books about animals
Here’s why the best IMAX movies still need a Palm Pilot to work
Here’s why The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is big news – even among those who don’t see themselves as ‘gamers’
Here’s why we need a disability rights act – not just a disability discrimination one
Here’s why we’re not prepared for the next wave of biotech innovation
Here’s why you might need a 4th COVID vaccine dose this winter
Here’s why you should (almost) never use a pie chart for your data
Here’s Why You’re Seeing Gross Viral Recipes on Your Subway Commute
Here’s your first look at the magical ‘Ghibli Park’
Hero Otter Saves iPhone from Watery Depths
'Hero' cat saves owner from Melbourne house fire
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption
Heroes and Villains (Common Grounds)
Heroes Get Better with Age: 10 Middle-Aged Protagonists in SFF
Heroes in pink: Lao midwives supporting rights and saving lives
Heroes of the Great Patriotic Trade War
Heroes, villains … biology: 3 reasons comic books are great science teachers
Heroine Boys and Princely Girls: How Nozaki-kun is Challenging Gender Roles in Fiction
Hertz Still Refuses To Drop Prosecutions Despite Being Sued For Bogus Theft Reports
Hertz to Pay $168M for Falsely Accusing Customers of Stealing Cars
#HerUniverseFashionShow 2019
Hew Locke’s British Museum looting exposé: ‘inescapably, deeply shocking’
Hey Bambi! Those aren't deer
Hey Elon: Let Me Help You Speed Run The Content Moderation Learning Curve
Hey Elon: You Don’t Just ‘Ooopsie’ The Destruction Of Ebola Prevention
Hey haole! If you’ve taken a trip to Maui, you need to give back
Hey Ocean! - If I Were A Ship
Hey Pandas !! Today Is The International Day Of The World’s Indigenous People. Let’s Celebrate With A Bit Of Culture !!
Hey! What's That in the Backpack?
Hey! Where's Sigmund?
Hey, Chat
Hey, Garth McVicar, we reject your insulting ‘congratulations’ at a fatal shooting
He’s 130, with three eyes and two girlfriends: meet New Zealand’s beloved tuatara Henry
‘He’s a villain’: Joe Manchin attracts global anger over climate crisis
‘He’s dog-whistling’: Trump denounced over anti-immigrant comment
Hi, I'm Liz
Hibbert’s flowers and Hitler’s beetle – what do we do when species are named after history’s monsters?
The Hidden Automation Agenda of the Davos Elite
The Hidden Billionaires
The Hidden Butterfly Trade
Hidden carbon: Fungi and their ‘necromass’ absorb one-third of the carbon emitted by burning fossil fuels every year
The hidden cost of gasoline
The hidden cost of the AI boom: social and environmental exploitation
Hidden costs, manipulation, forced continuity: report reveals how Australian consumers are being duped online
The hidden culprit driving America’s apocalypse of boarded-up storefronts
The hidden energy cost of smart homes
Hidden gems: Translators and interpreters in Australia play a critical if seldom seen role
Hidden in Paradise: Fascinating, Rare Dolphins and Whales You’ve Never Seen Before
‘Hidden Language’: Hong Kongers Get Creative Against Security Law
The hidden long-term risks of surgery: ‘It gives people’s brains a hard time’
The Hidden Message in Pixar’s Films
The hidden plastics in our clothes – and how to avoid them
Hidden women of history: disabled Australian author Dorothy Cottrell was ‘the Liane Moriarty of the Jazz Age’ but is almost unheard of here
Hidden women of history: Eliza Hamilton Dunlop — the Irish Australian poet who shone a light on colonial violence
Hidden women of history: Ennigaldi-Nanna, curator of the world’s first museum
Hidden women of history: how ‘Lady’ Williams founded a great Australian apple
Hidden women of history: Hélisenne de Crenne, the first French novelist to tell her own story
The Hidden World of Electrostatic Ecology
The hidden world of LOONEY TUNES' background art
Hidden World of Octopus Cities Shows We Must Leave These Sentient Creatures Alone
The Hidden World of Undersea Cables
The Hidden World of ‘Hedgehog Highways’
Hiding America From Americans
Higgs Boson as Papercraft
The high and mighty Himalayas: A biodiversity hotbed facing significant challenges
High Aspirations
High coral cover amid intense heatwaves and bleaching? Here’s how both can be true on the Great Barrier Reef
High Court blocks appeal for Bylong coal mine in likely fatal blow to project
The High Court of Australia has a majority of women justices for the first time. Here’s why that matters
High Hopes - DRUM TAO (Panic! At The Disco Cover) Japanese Traditional Drums "太鼓" feat. HIDEHARU
“High rewards, no regrets:” Council gas bans could save new-build home owners $600 a year on energy
High School Dance Team Performs Impressive Harry Potter Themed Routine
High School Principal Cancels Entire Reading Program To Stop Students From Reading Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother'
High Schooler Builds Fully Functional Wooden Car Model in 300 Hours for Physics Project
The high seas are supposed to belong to everyone – a new UN treaty aims to make it law
High Seas Treaty: Palau and Chile first countries to ratify deal to protect international waters
High time to end this immoral drugs war
High-definition space movies
High-flying life of Australia’s birds revealed in new detail – thanks to weather radars
High-Speed Robot Hand Demonstrates Dexterity and Skillful Manipulation
Higher Education and the Politics of Disruption
Highest resolution photo in the world
Highest-paid CEOs run worst-performing companies, research finds
The highly secretive Five Eyes alliance has disrupted a China-backed hacker group – in an unusually public manner
The highly sensitive person
The Highway of Tears: Canada’s Genocide is Not Distant History
Highway to hack: Why we’re just at the beginning of the auto-hacking era
The hijab is not a symbol of gender oppression – but those who choose to wear it risk Islamophobia
'Hijacked by anxiety': how climate dread is hindering climate action
Hike the Stairizona Trail in Globe
Hikers are infecting Virginia wildlife with COVID-19, study finds
Hikikomori: Why are so many Japanese men refusing to leave their rooms?
The hiking movement to reclaim green spaces
hilarious - Avatar: The Making of the Bootleg
Hilarious Medieval Illuminations
Hilarious Tableware
Hilarious Travel Accomodation
Hilariously terrifying talk about security
Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting 65% Faster Than Just 10 Years Ago
Hippy, capitalist, guru, grocer: the forgotten genius who changed British food
Hipster Disney Princesses
Hipsters in Space
Hiroshima attack marks its 78th anniversary – its lessons of unnecessary mass destruction could help guide future nuclear arms talks
His Wealth Has Made Him Dog-Gone Crazy!
HISD to eliminate librarians, turn some libraries into discipline centers at 28 campuses
Historians are learning more about how the Nazis targeted trans people
The historic COP15 outcome is an imperfect game-changer for saving nature. Here’s why Australia did us proud
‘Historic development’ in Thailand as it moves to end statelessness for nearly 500,000 people
Historic Indigenous-Led Conservation Agreement for Northwest Territories Nears Completion in Canada
Historic investment in urban trees underway across the U.S.
Historic land win for Ecuador’s Siekopai sets precedent for other Indigenous peoples
‘Historic moment’ for nature as Europe’s first wild river national park announced in Albania
Historic Pairing: Shuttle Docked to the ISS : Big Pic
Historic return of elephants in KwaZulu-Natal’s Babanango Game Reserve
Historic rewilding of 120 rhinos into the Greater Kruger National Park area
Historic transfer protects the largest intact bay in coastal South Carolina
Historic UN conference marks watershed moment to tackle global water crisis and ensure water-secure future
Historical Context and “Men of Their Times”
Historical markers are everywhere in America. Some get history wrong
The Historical Reason The British Drive On The Left (And Why Most People Don’t)
Historical revisionism on Covid threatens NZ’s pandemic preparedness
‘Historic’ deal to protect high seas agreed by UN member states
The history and mystery of Tangram, the children’s puzzle game that harbours a mathematical paradox or two
The History Behind the Supreme Court Showdown Over Tribal Land Is Bloody and Violent. For Rebecca Nagle, It’s Also Personal.
History in Ink: Preserving the World’s Largest Cartoon and Comic Collection
History Must Be Curved
The History of Cartography, the “Most Ambitious Overview of Map Making Ever,” Is Free Online
History of Information
history of japan
History of Violin (THE INSTRUMENTALS - Episode 7)
The history of visual and special effects
History Repeating: Google Glass Getting Same Treatment As Walkman And Cameras Once Did
History shows American political violence is nothing new: Thomas Jefferson said ‘the blood of patriots’ is liberty’s ‘natural manure’
History Shows That Sustained, Disruptive Protests Work
History tells us what may happen next with Brexit & Trump
History wars: Malcolm Turnbull has fallen off the cliff of reason
History's solutions to runaway inequality: warfare, revolution, state collapse and plague
History’s Greatest Obstacle to Climate Progress Has Finally Fallen
Hitchhiker's Fan-Site Started By Douglas Adams Shows Why Authors Shouldn't Panic Over Derivative Works
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Game - 30th Anniversary Edition
Hitler wanted to kill me because I'm Jewish. Putin wants to kill me because I'm Ukrainian
Hitting the beach this summer? Here are some of our top animal picks to look out for
Hitting toughest climate target will save world $30tn in damages, analysis shows
HIV breakthrough: drug trial shows injection twice a year is 100% effective against infection
HIV Denial in the COVID Era
HK Devblog
HKFP Lens: The best of Peter Yuen’s wildlife rescue photography
HMD Skyline: A New Twist on Repairable Smartphone Design
Hoag's Object
The Hoard Must Precious
Hobart and Canberra ranked among top 10 global cities with lowest air pollution, analysis finds
Hobart endures hottest night in 112 years as severe heatwave hits south-eastern Australia
Hobbit advance payment fraud letter
The Hobbit at 48fps
Hobbit Hole Doll House
Hobbyist archaeologists identify thousands of ancient sites in England
Hobbyist Group Flies Drone Over World's Tallest Building
Hobo Lobo of Hamelin
Hogswatch Sausage Supper attended by hundreds of Discworld fans
Hogwarts Legacy does not deserve to be reviewed on its own merits
Hokusai: More than 100 lost works by non-western world’s most famous artist rediscovered
Hold the beer: how university O-Week swapped parties and pranks for picnics and friendship bracelets
The Hole in Our Collective Memory: How Copyright Made Mid-Century Books Vanish
Holiday home tax to triple after three years under deal between Allan government, Greens
holiday music like you have NEVER heard before
HOLIDAZE (Short Film)
Holland covers hundreds of bus stops with plants as gift to honeybees
The Hollow Men Of Silicon Valley
Hollywood Accounting Rears Its Ugly Head Again: Fox's 'False Testimony' And 'Aversion For The Truth' Leads To $179M Fine
The Hollywood economy is reeling as streaming can’t turn a profit and residuals disappear for writers and actors
Hollywood Has Been Pressuring Australian Attorney General To Pressure ISPs Into Being Copyright Cops
Hollywood is the single best example of mature labor power in America
Hollywood Needs The Internet More Than The Internet Needs Hollywood
Hollywood on the picket line – 5 unsung films that put America’s union history on the silver screen
Hollywood Pretends There Is No Pandemic
Hollywood Screenwriters Worry About Aggressive Copyright Enforcement And Threats To An Open Internet
Hollywood Whines About Mandatory Release Windows (Which They Used To Support) Fueling Piracy
Hollywood’s Insistence on New Draconian Copyright Rules Is Not About Protecting Artists
Hollywood’s love of guns increases the risk of shootings – both on and off the set
Holodecks For Aged Care Facilities?
Holograms and AI can bring performers back from the dead – but will the fans keep buying it?
Holy CRAP the UN Cybercrime Treaty is a nightmare
holy moly what a rabbit!
Holy Shit, I Interviewed the President
Homage, pilgrimage and protest: why Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade should go back to the streets
Home Depot Suggestion Box
Home Free & Moonspike
Home insurance bills are soaring as climate risks grow. The government should step in
Home insurance costs spike, with parts of Australia at risk of becoming uninsurable
Home Is Where the Art Is
Home Is Where the Noise Is
Home of endangered marsupial hit by state-sanctioned logging in NSW, environmentalists say
Home schooling is surging, but lax regulation can leave kids vulnerable to abuse
Home Taping Is Killin Music
Home truths: TV’s Kevin McCloud thinks Australia should stop building such big houses
Homebrew electricity in Malawi
Homeland Security Relies On Secrecy To Violate People's Rights And Humiliate Them At The Border
Homeland Security Uses AI Tool to Analyze Social Media of U.S. Citizens and Refugees
Homeless Australians are dying at age 44 on average in hidden crisis
Homeless Dance Company
Homeless mom left her dog with note, ‘please love me.’ A shelter reunited them.
Homeless numbers have jumped since COVID housing efforts ended – and the problem is spreading beyond the big cities
Homelessness and overcrowding expose us all to coronavirus. Here’s what we can do to stop the spread
Homelessness is common for teens leaving out-of-home-care. We need to extend care until they are at least 21
Homelessness much worse than before COVID leaves agencies battling a perfect storm
Homelessness today sees workers and families with nowhere stable to live. No wonder their health is suffering
Homemade cat éclair for Japanese Cat Day
Homeowner Sues Police After Pursuit Of Shoplifter Leaves Him With No Home To Own
Homes built with clay, grass, plastic and glass: How a Caribbean island is shying away from concrete
Homes of journalists at India news site critical of government raided, fueling press freedom fears
Homes that ditch gas for electric heating can recoup extra costs in as little as 10 weeks
Homework is wrecking our kids: The research is clear, let’s ban elementary homework
Homme de Plume: What I Learned Sending My Novel Out Under a Male Name
Homosexuality explained
Honda's U3-X Personal Mobility Device
Honda’s Chili-Flavored Wire Wrap Could Save Your Car From a Rodent Invasion
Honduran city’s air pollution is almost 50 times higher than WHO guidelines
Honduras Takes Key Steps in Ocean and Coastal Conservation
Honest Government Ad | A message to whistleblowers
Honest Government Ad | AI
Honest Government Ad | Canada 🇨🇦
Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture and Storage
Honest Government Ad | Carbon Credits & Offsets
Honest Government Ad | Congratulations President Trump (2025 Election)
Honest Government Ad | COP31 Australia & the Pacific
Honest Government Ad | Democracy™ [Blocked in 🇮🇳]
Honest Government Ad | Electric Vehicles
Honest Government Ad | FOI Laws
Honest Government Ad | How to rig elections
Honest Government Ad | How to state capture (feat. Punter's Politics)
Honest Government Ad | Japan vs Paul Watson 🐋🇯🇵
Honest Government Ad | Labor
Honest Government Ad | Nuclear
Honest Government Ad | Our Last Fair Election?
Honest Government Ad | the Safeguard Mechanism
Honest Government Ad | TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🦅
Honest Government Ad | Visit Myanmar! 🇲🇲
Honest Government Ad | Visit Tasmania!
Honest Government Ad | Visit the UK! 🇬🇧
Honest Government Ad | Visit Western Australia
Honesty About Covid is Essential for Progress
Honey Badger Houdini - Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem - Natural World - BBC Two
Honey is said to help with hay fever symptoms – here’s what the research says about this claim
Honeybees cluster together when it’s cold – but we’ve been completely wrong about why
Honeybees join humans as the only known animals that can tell the difference between odd and even numbers
Hong Kong court rules that same-sex couples hold equal inheritance rights
Hong Kong few select powerful new ‘patriots only’ committee
Hong Kong Government Arrests Four Members Of Pro-Democracy Hong Kong Alliance, Shuts Down Its Online Presence
Hong Kong imprisons pro-democracy activists in landmark national security case
Hong Kong issues arrest warrants for eight overseas democracy activists
Hong Kong lawmakers pass new measures to quash dissent
Hong Kong police arrest pro-democracy figures on Tiananmen Square anniversary
Hong Kong primaries: China declares pro-democracy polls 'illegal'
Hong Kong protests: "Might as well go down fighting"
The Hong Kong Protests: A Quick (and by no means complete) Summary
Hong Kong sci-fi film mixes robots and Chinese opera
Hong Kong to scour old films for subversive themes under new censorship law
Hong Kong's last pro-democracy paper sells out final edition
Hong Kong: No Accountability 5 Years after Mass Protests
Hong Kong: Quash Baseless Convictions of Activists
Hong Kong: Tech Firms Should Oppose Protest Song Ban
Hong Kong: Warrants Aim at Activists Abroad
Hong Kong’s Puppet Government Convicts Two More Journalists On Sedition Charges
Hong Kong’s top court rules in favor of equal inheritance and housing benefits for same-sex couples
Hong Kong’s Zero-Opposition Legislature Aims To Up Oppression With New ‘National Security’ Law
Hoof It
Hook Turn: How the Aussie game industry turned a corner
Hop licking the cats ear
Hope and disparity: a colorful new way to visualize air quality around the world
Hope Floats in Maine
Hope for Great Barrier Reef? New Study Shows Genetic Diversity of Coral Could Extend Our Chance to Save It
Hope for North America’s Most Endangered Bird
‘Hope has to be a strategy’: the scientist who refused to let the climate warmongers win
Hope is not optimism
Hope or hype? NZ needs to be realistic about the clean energy potential of green hydrogen
Hope springs in old-growth forests with new federal Spotted Owl recovery strategy
Hopeful Climate Fiction
Hopepunk, the latest storytelling trend, is all about weaponized optimism
Hoppy Holidays!
The Hopscotch Experiment | Dirty Data | Cut
Horrible Histories: Guide to Internet Privacy
The Horrifically Dystopian World of Software Engineering Interviews
‘Horrific’ incidents revealed in Australia mining inquiry
‘Horrific’ stats show how most disability benefit fraud allegations are false
Horrified B-Movie Victims Figure Set
Horror Movies for your Pets
Horses can use symbols to talk to us
‘The horses don’t choose to take part’: should equestrian sports be removed from the Olympics?
Horses Get Blinky Rainbow Tails
Horses read each other's ears
Hoshino, a Star Wars Fan Film Masterfully Tells the Story of a Blind Jedi’s Lightsaber
Hospitals are killing patients because they don't feel like doing infection control
The Hospitals That Send Patients Home With Nutritious Food
‘Host-directed therapy’ could treat infectious diseases – including COVID – and limit drug-resistance
Hosting Cop in 2026 could be the incentive Australia needs to turbocharge climate action
Hot Air by Peter Stott review – the battle against climate change denial
Hot Earth Dreams: What if severe climate change happens, and humans survive?
Hot frogs and sizzling salamanders: climate change is pushing amphibians to their limits
The Hot New Luxury Good for the Rich: Air
The Hot New Millennial Housing Trend Is a Repeat of the Middle Ages
Hot Tub (the first track on our album!!!) - Pomplamoose
Hot tub hack reveals washed-up security protection
Hot Tub Monkeys!
Hot Water - Simon's Cat
Hotel booking sites actually make it hard to get cheap deals, but there’s a way around it
Hotter Kalahari desert may stop hornbills breeding by 2027
Hottest ocean temperatures in 400 years an ‘existential threat’ to the Great Barrier Reef, researchers find
Hottest summer ever? Experts reveal what could be in store for Europe in the next few months
Hourglass Clock
Hours After Aussie Gov’t Greenlights Online Age Verification Pilot, Breach Of Mandated Verification Database For Bars Is Revealed
Hours on hold, repeated calls, months of delay: Maryanne’s struggle to get urgent jobseeker payments
House On Fire: Why The U.S. Has Most To Lose In A Warming World
House Party
House sales are cratering but inventory is soaring
The House That Sweaters Built
"House" music
Household solar and storage: It’s time to rethink the energy system
Households are burning plastic waste as fuel for cooking and heating in slums the world over
Households find low-waste living challenging. Here’s what needs to change
Houseplants don’t just look nice – they can also give your mental health a boost
Houses set alight as lava from volcano eruption reaches Icelandic town
The houses that build themselves - BBC REEL
The Housewives of White Supremacy
The housing wealth gap between older and younger Australians has widened alarmingly in the past 30 years. Here’s why
Housing: the hidden health intervention
Houston's only lesbian bar denied insurance for hosting drag shows
Houston, We Have A Public Domain Problem
How "Baldur’s Gate 3" and "Honor Among Thieves" Finally Captured the Soul of D&D
How 'Just Metadata' Helped Ruin A Career Diplomat's Life
How 'Maintainers,' Not 'Innovators,' Make the World Turn
How (and Why) SpaceX Will Colonize Mars
How (and why) to stay optimistic when it feels like the environment is falling apart
How 130,000 Flamingos Changed Mumbai
How 1970s conservation laws turned this ‘paradise on Earth’ into a tinderbox
How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world
How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe
How 5 Young Women in Montana Scored a Landmark Climate Victory
How a 27-year-old busted the myth of Bitcoin’s anonymity
How a billionaire's mediocre pump-and-dump "book" became a "bestseller"
How a breakthrough gene-editing tool will help the world cope with climate change
How a Buddhist-inspired high school is boosting Hungary’s Roma
How a cat rescue worker created an internet splash with a 'CatVana' adoption campaign
How a catastrophic global pandemic has given Australia a new lens on New Zealand
How a century-old drug could revolutionise cobra bite treatment
How a cheap component could help kill off combustion cars
How a City in France Got the World’s First Short-Story Vending Machines
How a Coast Miwok Group Is Buying Back a Piece of Their Ancestral Land in Marin
How a Colombian City Cooled Dramatically in Just Three Years
How a Colombian Influencer Made Recycling Cool
How a Country Embraced the River It Feared
How A Danish Town Helped Young Muslims Turn Away From ISIS
How a deluge of lockdown volunteers rescued UK’s hidden weather history
How A Dream To Bring Back Wild Buffalo Is Slowly Decolonizing Tribal Land
How a dubious statistic convinced U.S. courts to approve of indefinite detention
How a fake ‘free speech crisis’ could imperil academic freedom
How a festival in Mongolia is keeping the tradition of hunting with eagles alive
How A Feud Among Wolf-Kink Erotica FanFic Authors Demonstrates What The Copyright Office Got Wrong In Its DMCA Report
How a filmmaker, a pile of old shells and a bunch of amateurs are bringing our oyster reefs back
How a focus on girls has nurtured the rebirth of one of Africa’s great wildlife parks
How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service
How a Guatemalan river clean-up could help save the oceans
‘How a healthy community should be’: how music in youth detention can create new futures
How a Homeless Shelter in a School Paid Off in the Classroom
How a Hotel Is Empowering Locals in Cambodia
How a kid cartoonist avoided Scholastic's digital sharecropping trap
How a leaked USB stick became the Nauru files – a tale of brutality and despair told in 160,000 words
How a lethal fungus is shrinking living space for our frogs
How a little brown bird could sound the alarm on lead poisoning in Australian children
How a long-lost fish species was brought back to Bendigo
How a Melbourne recycling program is using old hotel soap to solve a global health problem
How a mom’s “This Is My Son” anti-feminist brag went viral — and completely backfired
How a monk and a Hippo joined forces to tackle Bangkok’s plastic pollution
How a mountain lion injured by CA wildfire shows that fish skin could help heal burn wounds
How a musical indie game went against the grain to explore the Deaf experience
How a Nation of Beekeepers Protects Pollinators
How a new generation of gamers is pushing for inclusivity beyond the table
How a New Global Citizens’ Assembly Can Revive Climate Action
How a new Sesame Street show is bringing Muppet magic to refugee camps
How a perfect storm of events is turning Myanmar into a ‘super-spreader’ COVID state
How a Phone Glitch Sparked a Teenage Riot
How a picture of girls playing D&D went from cool to awesome
How a plant identification app helped me find happiness and satisfaction
How a Portuguese-to-English Phrasebook Became a Cult Comedy Sensation
How a Professional Climate Change Denier Discovered the Lies and Decided to Fight for Science
How a rare butterfly returned
How a real-life monopoly made Monopoly the world’s biggest board game
How a scandal over sanitary pads is shaping feminist activism in China
How a Secretive Billionaire Handed His Fortune to the Architect of the Right-Wing Takeover of the Courts
How a Self-Published Writer of Gay Erotica Beat Sci-Fi’s Sad Puppies,at their Own Game
How a Simple Browser Add-On is Changing the Way Visually Impaired People Use the Web
How a single word sparked a four-year saga of climate fact-checking and blog backlash
How a sketch blossomed into Pakistan's first Ghibli-style animation
How a small town's trajectory changed after the construction of a 600-hectare solar farm
How a small update in global standards can contribute to climate change awareness
How a Solar Revolution in Farming Is Depleting World’s Groundwater
How a son spent a year trying to save his father from conspiracy theories
How a South American Surplus Flooded Philadelphia With Free Avocados
How a St. Louis church is teaching teens to fly. ‘It really changed everything for me.’
How a St. Louis Spice Drive Offers Refugees a Taste of Home
How a Supermarket Sales Gimmick Has Become a Major Driver of Climate Change
How a teenager helped identify a new species of giant marine reptile
How a TikToker Brought Hundreds of Transplants to a Midwestern City
How a tiny airport town near Seattle led the new movement against low wages
How a trans man from a small Yukon town had a big impact on the MMIWG inquiry
How A US Burger Chain Brought 'Ruby Tuesday' Full Circle Through Trademark Bullying
How a video game has revolutionised the way farmers are buying tractors
How a viral song became the unofficial anthem of Iran’s protests
How a Wandering Cat Became a Work of Art
How a Wikipedia editor became one of the loudest Web3 skeptics
How a wireless keyboard lets hackers take full control of connected computers
How a Wolf Named Romeo Won Hearts in an Alaska Suburb
how about these monkeys?
How about unpaid internships for new managers?
How About Using AI To Determine Whether Or Not Something Is Creative Enough To Get Copyright Protection
How Afghan women secretly learn judo — over WhatsApp
How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education | Sal Khan | TED
How AI could take over elections – and undermine democracy
How AI images are ‘flattening’ Indigenous cultures – creating a new form of tech colonialism
How AI is helping airlines mitigate the climate impact of contrails
How air pollution is making life tougher for bugs
How air travellers can cut their door-to-door emissions right now – by as much as 13% on the Sydney-Melbourne route
How airships could return to our crowded skies
How algae conquered the world – and other epic stories hidden in the rocks of the Flinders Ranges
How Allowing Copyright On AI-Generated Works Could Destroy Creative Industries
How Amazon transformed the EU into a planned economy
How America Gets Freedom Wrong
How American Men Become Addicted to Toxic Masculinity
How America’s First ‘Heat Officers’ Are Cooling Miami and Los Angeles
How America’s Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future
How an Academic Journal Censored My Review on Xinjiang
How an Afghan girls’ school principal fled the Taliban
How an Astonishing Holocaust Diary Resurfaced in America
How An Engineering Toy For Girls Went From Kickstarter To Bestseller
How an Iberian rewilding plan aims to repopulate ‘empty Spain’
How an Iconic Jam Maker Got Smart About Water Use
How an Interactive Database Brought Earthquake Relief to Off-the-Map Villages
How an internet mapping glitch turned a random Kansas farm into a digital hell
How an Oil Theft Investigation Laid the Groundwork for the Koch Playbook
How an Organized Republican Effort Punishes Companies for Climate Action
How an underwater sculpture trail plays a role in the health – and beauty – of the Great Barrier Reef
How an unpaid UK researcher saved the Japanese seaweed industry
How and where we build needs to change in the face of more extreme weather – the insurance industry can help
How and Why Anti-Science Propaganda Works
How and why Australian whistleblowing laws need an overhaul: new report
How and why I switched to an electric car
How and why to use whom in a sentence - The Oatmeal
How anger at Australia’s rollout of renewables is being hijacked by a new pro-nuclear network
How Animals Perceive the World
How Anti-Racist Demonstrators Overwhelmed Far-Right Riots in Britain
How archaeologists can help us live with wild animals
How Architecture Can Make Indigenous Traditions Visible
How Architecture Could Help Us Adapt to the Pandemic
How are Australians feeling after more than two years of Covid? Exhausted, mostly
How Are Cruises Still A Thing?
How Art Can Take Us to the Stars
How Australian companies can fudge their numbers to show social and environmental progress
How Australian economist Sean Turnell came to be in and freed from a Myanmar jail
How Australia’s expanding environmental movement is breaking the climate action deadlock in politics
How Australia’s geology gave us an abundance of coal – and a wealth of greentech minerals to switch to
How Australia’s handling of Djokovic exposed its flawed immigration system to the world
How Australia’s huge superannuation funds can do much more to fight climate change, with a little help
How Australia’s infant food labelling’s ‘health halo effect’ risks leaving babies under-nourished
How Australia’s richest have got 50 times richer in 35 years
How Bad Is It to Be a Software Engineer in Today's Market?
How bad is vaping and should it be banned?
How batteries on wheels and bidirectional EV charging could kill VPPs
How bees can monitor pollution for us – everything from toxic metals to antimicrobial resistance
How Berlin Lets the Whole City Care for Its Trees
How big are the fires burning in Australia’s north? Interactive map shows they’ve burned an area larger than Spain
How Big Food Companies Are Greening the Farms That Supply Them
How Big Oil Is Hijacking The Climate Conference
How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled
How birds of prey are exposing a toxic time bomb
How Books Are Reaching Kids in ‘Book Deserts’
How Survives—and Thrives—in Amazon’s World
How Borrowing Ideas Can Offer a Fresh Perspective Through the Changing Context of Time
How both health and safety are compromised for people living with long COVID and intimate partner violence
How Brazil is working to save the rare lion tamarins of the Atlantic Forest
How Brisbane EV-charger company Tritium made it to the White House, selling 'picks and shovels to the gold rush'
How bubble curtains protect porpoises from wind farm noise
How Burrowing Owls Lead To Vomiting Anarchists (Or SF’s Housing Crisis Explained)
How Business Schools Destroyed Silicon Valley, are Destroying America, and Could Destroy our Planet
How butterflies conquered the world: a new ‘family tree’ traces their 100-million-year journey across the globe
How California’s ambitious new climate plan could help speed energy transformation around the world
How can Aboriginal communities be part of the NSW renewable energy transition?
How can activists change the world? Experts offer seven strategies
How Can Art Move Us Beyond Eco-Despair?
How can art respond to stories on institutional child sexual abuse?
How can Australia pay $368 billion for new submarines? Some of the money will be created from thin air
How can I become a palaeontologist? 5 tips from a professional fossil hunter
How can I keep my cat happy? 5 tips from a vet to help your feline friend live their best life
How can I write a game about [some marginalized group] without being insensitive?
How Can Literature Resist Islamophobia? One Writer Answers: Gay Muslim Furry Romance.
How can News Corp call its gas splash an ‘exclusive’ and a ‘special report’ when it’s paid for by industry?
How can the law account for the value of natural places?
How can we bolster Australia’s depleted army of volunteers to match the soaring demand for their services?
How can we improve public health communication for the next pandemic? Tackling distrust and misinformation is key
How can we save ourselves?
How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
How Canadians Raised Millions to Save 2,000 Pristine Acres
How Capitalism Drives Cancel Culture
How Capitalism Torched the Planet and Left it a Smoking Fascist Greenhouse
How Capitalist Utopia Became Everyone Else’s Dystopia
How Carly Rae Jepsen Inspired One of the Best Tabletop RPGs of the Year
How Certain Movies Were Made
How Changing Diets Leave Us Exposed to War, Extreme Weather and Market Turbulence
How Children’s TV Is Helping Families Grapple With the Climate Crisis
How Chile engineered the developing world’s fastest coal phaseout
How China is increasing its influence in central Asia as part of global plans to offer an alternative to the west
How China is remaking the world in its vision
How China lost central and eastern Europe
How China used the media to spread its COVID narrative — and win friends around the world
How China Uses Western Influencers As Pawns In Its Propaganda War
How China's buses shaped the world's EV revolution
How China’s Downturn Could Save the World
How China’s high speed rail KILLED the short haul flight
How Chinese citizens use puns to get past internet censors
How Chinese courtyard housing can help older Australian women avoid homelessness
How Chris Christie Used A Manufactured Terrorist Plot To Boost His Political Career
How Christianity was weaponised to justify theft in Australia
How cities like Portland and Chicago are breathing new life into their urban rivers
How Citipointe Christian College's 'sexuality contract' brought queer students out of the shadows and onto the national stage
How classic psychology warped our view of human nature as cruel and selfish - but new research is more hopeful
How climate change could affect the microbes that ferment grapes and give wine its specific flavours
How climate change is altering Sami language
How climate change is causing a communication breakdown in the animal world
How Climate Change is Fueling Stronger Hurricanes
How climate change is turning remote Indigenous houses into dangerous hot boxes
How climate change will affect your pet – and how to help them cope
How climate scepticism turned into something more dangerous
How climate scientists keep hope alive as damage worsens
How climate-friendly is an electric car? It all comes down to where you live
How climate-friendly waterwheels are coming around again
How Close Are Today’s Book Bans to Book Burnings?
How close are we to reading minds? A new study decodes language and meaning from brain scans
How Close Is Humanity to the Edge?
How closely monitoring households’ energy data can unleash their solar outputs and (possibly) make them more money
How Comic CARTOONS Make Fortunes
How common are severe side effects from COVID vaccines? And how are they detected?
How Commonwealth universities profited from Indigenous dispossession through land grants
How compassion and understanding can end the economy of shame
How consecutive Conservative governments destroyed union rights – a timeline of the UK’s anti-strike laws since the 1970s
How Constructive Kindness Is More Effective Than Constant Criticism
How Copenhagen cleaned up
How Copyright Forced A Filmmaker To Rewrite Martin Luther King's Historic Words
How Copyright Hinders The Preservation Of Modern, Digital Culture
How Copyright Is Being Used To Destroy Property Rights
How Copyright May Destroy Our Access To The World’s Academic Knowledge
How Corporate America Invented Christian America
How could Australia actually get to net zero? Here’s how
How COVID has affected the control of neglected tropical diseases
How Covid has plunged Asia's captive elephants into fresh crisis
How COVID has shone a light on the ugly face of Australian antisemitism
How COVID Helped Trump Win
How COVID lockdowns triggered changes in peregrine falcon diets – and what this means for urban pest control
How Covid-19 upended our understanding of migration, citizenship and inequality
How creating wildlife crossings can help reindeer, bears – and even crabs
How culling Australia’s feral water buffalo could help tackle climate change
How Cultures of Reciprocity Can Create More Just Communities
“How Dare They Peep into My Private Life?”
‘How dare you do this’: How Defence’s river of poison put thousands of years of culture in jeopardy
How dark is ‘dark advertising’? We audited Facebook, Google and other platforms to find out
How dash for African oil and gas could wipe out Congo basin tropical forests
How debt-for-nature swaps have protected the world’s tropical forests for 25 years
How Decades of Hard-Earned Protections and Restoration Reversed the Collapse of California’s Treasured Mono Lake
How Degrowth Can Save The World
How did Australia get this stupid about clean energy?
How did Australia’s university system get so broken? Pretty much the same way as everything else
How did CEO pay get to 500 times the wages of ordinary workers?
How did China come to dominate the world of electric cars?
How Did I Miss This?
How did liberal democracies emerge?
How did millions of fish die gasping in the Darling – after three years of rain?
How did Taylor Swift get so popular? She never goes out of style
How did the media perform on the Voice referendum? Let’s talk about truth-telling and impartiality
How did they get my data? I uncovered the hidden web of networks behind telemarketers
How Did This Many Deaths Become Normal?
How did Uruguay cut carbon emissions? The answer is blowing in the wind
How did Victoria cut emissions by almost 30% - while still running mostly on coal?
How did we get Covid so disastrously wrong?
How digital marketing of legal but harmful products escalates health threats to the most vulnerable
How dirty old used cars from the US and Europe carry on polluting … in Africa – podcast
How disappearance became a global weapon of psychological control, 50 years on from Chile’s US-backed coup
How disgust stops us from living sustainably — and how to stop it
How Disinformation Became a Winning Strategy
How disposable tech is feeding an e-waste crisis
How do 4,500 people become 250? The stark reality of life on Japan’s rapidly depopulating Gotō Islands
How do bacteria actually become resistant to antibiotics?
How do economists judge Australia’s response to the COVID pandemic?
How do ecosystems collapse? Our study shows evolution plays a role – and can delay a disaster
How do fishes scratch their itches? It turns out sharks are involved
How do I choose a more climate-friendly phone?
How do pandemics begin? There's a new theory — and a new strategy to thwart them
How do planets form? A ‘baby Jupiter’ hundreds of light-years away offers new clues
How Do Societies Recover After Years (Even Decades) of Lies?
How do we evaluate people for their technical leadership?
How do we halt the next pandemic? Be kind to critters like bats, says a new paper
How do we keep women’s football clean? Start paying players a fair wage
How do we make workplaces work for autistic people?
How do we teach young people about climate change? We can start with this comic
How do you accidentally run for President of Iceland?
How Do You Care for One of the World’s Oldest Aquarium Fish?
How Do You Decode a Hapax? (Also, What’s a Hapax?)
How Do You Keep an Elephant Warm? Knit a Giant Blanket
How Do You Know If You’re Living Through the Death of an Empire?
‘How do you live?’ Australia’s rental crisis is pricing low-income workers out of a home
How do you make a giant gold nugget? Take a vein of quartz, add a few thousand earthquakes
How Do You Paint 10,000 Paintings a Month?
How Do You Preserve A Video Game?
How Do You Retrofit Heat Pumps Into High-Rise Apartments?
How Do You Say ‘Danger’ in Sperm Whale Clicks?
How do you stop elephant herds from trashing crops and trees? Target sensitive nostrils with a ‘scent fence’
How do you teach a primary school child about consent? You can start with these books
How Doctors Take Women's Pain Less Seriously
How does Australia’s health system stack up internationally? Not bad, if you’re willing to wait for it
How does ice cream work? A chemist explains why you can’t just freeze cream and expect results
How does land abandonment affect biodiversity?
How Does Paris Stay Paris? By Pouring Billions Into Public Housing
How does today’s extreme heat compare with Earth’s past climate?
How Donald Trump’s attacks on Canada are stoking a new Canadian nationalism
How Douglas Engelbart Invented the Future
How drag as an art form sashayed from the underground and strutted into the mainstream
How drawing cups is helping me keep it together during the coronavirus pandemic
How drone submarines are turning the seabed into a future battlefield
How drought in Central America is pushing up the cost of living in Australia
How dung beetles, a tiny molecule and a giant extension cord could help solve our climate mess
How E Ink Developed Full-Color e-Paper
How E-Bike Rebates Will Make Cycling Safer
How Economic Inequality Inflicts Real Biological Harm
How effective is fear as a teaching tool? How and what do we learn when we are scared?
How El Paso Is Fighting Back Against Book Bans In Texas
How El Paso’s Streetcars, Left for Dead in the Desert, Rose Again
How Elaborate Cakes Make Science Sweet
How Electric Harps Are Protecting Honey Bees
How electricity could help tackle a surprising climate villain
How Elizabethan law once protected the poor from the high cost of living – and led to unrivalled economic prosperity
How else Heart.Break() turns players into coders
How Erdogan held onto power in Turkey, and what this means for the country’s future
How Europe Ditched Russian Fossil Fuels With Spectacular Speed
How Europe turned a crisis into a clean energy revolution
How Europe’s Conspiracy Influencers Went From Covid-19 to the Climate
How Evangelicals Use Digital Surveillance to Target the Unconverted
How evasive and transmissible is the newest omicron offshoot, BA.2.86, that causes COVID-19? 4 questions answered
How Extraordinarily Subtle Online Self-Promotion Is Done
How extreme isolation warps the mind
How extreme weather and costs of housing and insurance trap some households in a vicious cycle
How Facebook got addicted to spreading misinformation
How Facebook Is Saving Snakes
How Fake Stories Reported in Russia's News Media Regularly Fool Everyone
How False Rumors Can Cost Lives
How Far Should Humans Go to Help Species Adapt?
How far to the next electric vehicle charging station – and will I be able to use it? Here’s how to create a reliable network
How Farmers Are Preparing for a Saltier Future
How farmers in Earth’s least developed country grew 200 million trees
How Farmers Used California’s Floods to Revive Underground Aquifers
“How Fascism Works”: Jason Stanley on Trump, Bolsonaro and the Rise of Fascism Across the Globe
How fast, cheap, and online became the new king of comedy
How feelings of disconnection and lack of control fuel conspiracy beliefs – new research
How Final Fantasy maestro Nobuo Uematsu legitimised video game music
How Finland Conquered Homelessness
How First Contact With Whale Civilization Could Unfold
How First Nations fashion design can rewrite painful memories and be a powerful method of healing
How fish-safe hydropower technology could keep more renewables on the grid
How flat-pack homes could help solve the housing crisis
How Floating Wetlands Are Helping to Clean Up Urban Waters
How Fonts Are Fueling the Culture Wars
How Food Banks Are Making All Feel Welcome
How forest fires also have an impact on lakes
How fossil fuel cash is powering Peter Dutton’s anti-climate election push
How fossil fuel companies won COP28
How Four Cities Are Cooling Down Creatively
How France Brought Brown Bears Back to the Pyrenees
How free software hijacked Philip Hazel's life
How Frozen Should Have Ended
How gender inequality is hindering Japan’s economic growth
How gene mapping almost all remaining kākāpō will help NZ’s rare night parrot survive
How Germany closed its coal industry without sacking a single miner
How Germany is kicking its meat habit
How Germany is on track to fully transition to renewables in record time
How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels
How Germany’s ‘Orchestra of Change’ Inspires Action
How getting a second opinion can stop you being ripped off
How giant rodents could rat on wildlife traffickers
How Giving Up Flying Helped Me Rediscover the World
How global economic growth will drown in Trump’s oil glut after 2018
How global warming is reshaping winter life in Canada
How Save And Restore Classic Videogames
How Google is killing independent sites like ours
How Google, Microsoft, And Big Tech Are Automating The Climate Crisis
How governments are (still) failing the public on COVID control
How governments use IMF bailouts to hurt political opponents – new research
How Greenland’s tourism industry lobbied for a green tax, and won
How Growing Up in the Broken-Hearted Fringes Can Cripple a Life
How growing up in Ukraine made me different from you
How hackers can steal your 2FA email account by getting you to sign up for another website
How Haiti became a failed state
How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind
How hard is it to cheat in technical interviews with ChatGPT? We ran an experiment.
How Harry Potter shaped a generation
How has COVID affected Australians’ health? New report shows where we’ve failed and done well
How hate speech during the Voice campaign can harm personal wellbeing, as well as democracy
How Hawaii brought its population of girls in prison to zero
How healthy is the Internet?
How heat pumps became a Nordic success story
How Hillary Clinton uses feminism to advance her neoliberal, hawkish agenda
How history can challenge the narrative of blame for homelessness
How HIV elimination is within Australia's reach
How Hogwarts Legacy Became A Battleground
How housing made rich Australians 50% richer, leaving renters and the young behind – and how to fix it
How Houston Moved 25,000 People From the Streets Into Homes of Their Own
How Humanity Gave Itself an Extra Life
How humans are engineering the future of coral reefs
How Hurricane Response Efforts Are Sorting People into Deserving and Undeserving Poor
How I Broke Into a Bank Account With an AI-Generated Voice
How I convinced my government to apologise to Alan Turing
How I Defeated the Tolkien Estate
How I Detect Fake News
How I Discovered Gender Discrimination
How I discovered my great-great-grandfather started one of first EV companies a century ago
How I Got Hooked on Solutions Journalism
How I Learned to See Through Propaganda and Disinformation
How I Managed to Design the Most Successful Educational Computer Game of All Time
How I managed to raise a little bookworm in the age of smartphones and tablets
How I Reverse Engineered Google Docs To Play Back Any Document’s Keystrokes
How I Used & Abused My Tesla — What a Tesla looks like after 100,000 Miles, a 48 State Road trip, 500 Uber Rides, 20 Rentals & 2 AirBnB sleepovers.
How I used alien quantum Internet medicine on my cat
How I used lies about a cartoon to prove history is meaningless on the internet
How identical twins Paula and Bridgette Powers save Australia's seabirds with 'Twinnies magic'
How Ignorance of The World Gave White People a Superiority Complex
How images of the 2011 tsunami in Japan led me to examine connections with water in photography, sound and sculpture
How immigration changed Australia – an interactive journey through history
How India electrified 45% of its railway network in just five years
How India's tiger protection project saved trees and 1 million tonnes of carbon emissions
How Indian health-care workers use WhatsApp to save pregnant women
How India’s First ‘Green Village’ Turned Hunters Into Conservationists
How India’s ‘slum-free’ redevelopment fails residents by ignoring their design insights and needs
How indigenous conservation protects Canada's environment
How Indigenous peoples are reclaiming their celebrations of the summer solstice − and using them to resist
How inequality persists
How international recognition of cultural practices could be a new way to protect refugees
How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger
How investing in green buildings, including cheaper home loans, is a win for banks, people and our planet
How is Antarctica melting, exactly? Crucial details are beginning to come into focus
How is China shifting its foreign policy to counter moves to ‘contain’ it from the West?
How is NSA breaking so much crypto?
How is the world really doing on the SDGs?
How Is the World Really Doing on the SDGs?
How Is ‘Dune’ So Prescient About Climate Change? Thank This Native American Tribe.
How Islam Can Fight the Patriarchy
How islanders are saving their Indian Ocean coral reef
How It Should Have Ended
How Japan Won its ‘Traffic War’
How Jaya bought the ‘Australian dream’ for $30,000 in Japan
How JD Vance emerged as the chief saboteur of the transatlantic alliance
How John Steinbeck tricked his kids into reading great books
How journalists are using Spotify to circumvent press censorship
How journalists should not cover an online conspiracy theory
How Jurassic Park changed film-making and our view of dinosaurs
How Kenya Became the World’s Geothermal Powerhouse
How King County’s $500-a-month guaranteed income program fared
How Kit-Kat made chocolate part of Ramadan
How Kosovo made high-speed internet access a reality for everyone
How Laika Pushed 3D Printing to New Heights with ‘The Boxtrolls’
How Languages Divide the World
How learning about the science of shyness helped me
How Liberia’s frontline health workers are protecting us all
How Libraries Are Becoming ‘Sustainable’
How libraries can save the Internet of Things from the Web's centralized fate
How Libraries Save Lives
How Life Became an Endless, Terrible Competition
How life goes on after an earthquake: The ‘Lego schools’ of Lombok
How LIFE pulled one of Europe’s rarest birds back from extinction
How Life Really Works
How light can vaporize water without the need for heat
How light helped shape our skin colour, eyes and curly hair
How Living Abroad Gave Me a Stunning Insight Into the American Psyche
How Local Communities Are Taking Back Their Rivers
How Locals Saved ‘the Yosemite of South America’
How lock-in hurts design
How London’s new Elizabeth line has created a sanctuary for birds
‘How long before climate change will destroy the Earth?’: research reveals what Australian kids want to know about our warming world
How long does immunity last after a COVID infection?
How long does it take for skin to repair after sun exposure?
How low can we go? To cut the carbon that goes into buildings to net zero, we need radical change
How Lower Ninth Ward Residents Created a Haven for Birds and People
How Lufthansa Cares for Passengers’ Medical Needs
How Lush Hillside Farms Are Protecting Nairobi’s Water Supply
How Madagascar is rising to the challenge of vaccinating its unprotected kids
How Madrid reclaimed its river
How MAGA Media Is Like Improv Theater
How Maine got more than 100,000 residents to install heat pumps
How mainstream climate science endorsed the fantasy of a global warming time machine
How making a film exploring Indigenous stories of the night sky enriched my perspective as a scientist
How Malcolm Turnbull has trashed the Liberal Party record and betrayed our oceans
How Many Books Are Published Each Year? [2023 Statistics]
How many cattle are there in Australia? We may be out by 10 million
How Many Dinosaurs Remain Undiscovered?
How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb?
How many giraffe species are there? Understanding this is key to their protection
How many satellites can we safely fit in Earth orbit?
How Many Things Must One Analyst Get Wrong In Order To Proclaim A Convenient Decarbonization Minerals Shortage?
How Many Times A Day Do You Violate Copyright Laws Without Even Realizing It
How Many Variants And Deaths Are We Willing To Accept, Before We Protect The Whole World?
How mates and grey corruption rig the political game
How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class
How Medellin is beating the heat with green corridors
How megacities are tackling air pollution
How Melbourne eradicated Covid-19
How memes transformed from pics of cute cats to health disinformation super-spreaders
How Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Källenius is refocusing for an electric future
How Mexican Public Health Advocates Fought Big Soda and Won
How Mexico City Averted All-Out Drought
How Mexico City's biggest wholesale market is combating food waste
How Microsoft is making a mess of the news after replacing staff with AI
How might the Melbourne factory fire affect health and the environment? An air pollution expert explains
How might we build trust in an untrusting world?
How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation
How misinformation about 5G is spreading within our government institutions – and who’s responsible
How mistaken identity can lead to wrongful convictions
How Money is Born out of Public Spending and Dies by Taxes
How Monopoly Destroys Democracy
How Moral Panics Can Turn Into Therapeutic Tools: The Dungeons And Dragons Edition
How MSG Got A Bad Rap: Flawed Science And Xenophobia
How much destruction is needed for us to take climate change seriously?
How much do marine heatwaves cost? The economic losses amount to billions and billions of dollars
How much do we really care about nature? A new report reveals all
How much is a whale worth?
How much microplastic are you drinking? New tool can tell you in minutes
How much more revenue would the Australian government have if it taxed gas companies properly?
How Much Netflix Can the World Absorb?
How much of the world’s oil needs to stay in the ground?
How Much Will New Fossil Fuel Projects Harm Polar Bears? We Can Now Calculate It
How My High School Destroyed An Immigrant Kid's Life Because He Drew The School's Mascot
How My Husband Ended Up in Jail After Walking Our Dog
How My Instagram Hacker Changed My Life
How my negative review of Legend was spun into movie marketing gold
How My Poet-Refugee Mother Became A Trump Supporter
How Nairobi police failures let people get away with murder
How Narendra Modi’s cult of personality was formed by a powerful Hindu nationalist group with a dark history
How national parks failed nature – and how to fix them
How nature turned a failed communist plan into Bucharest's unique urban park
How Neighbors in the Borderlands Fought Back Against Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s Illegal Wall — and Won
How Nepal Grew Back Its Forests
How New Mexico made child care free for most families
How Nextdoor reduced racist posts by 75%
How Nigeria can turn its huge cashew waste into valuable citric acid
How Norway Avoided Becoming a Fascist State
How Norway Can Help Cure America’s “Range Anxiety”
How Norway KILLED the Petrol Car
How Norway Popularized an Ultra-Sustainable Heating Method
How Norway turns criminals into good neighbours
How not to be a dick at an art fair.
How not to build a capital: what Indonesia can learn from other master-planned cities’ mistakes
How Not to Order Water from a Robot Waiter
How Not to Respond
How not to solve the climate change problem
How NOT to write a Catsitting List
How Octavia E. Butler mined her boundless curiosity to forge a new vision for humanity
“How old is the shepherd?” — The problem that shook school mathematics
How one Argentinian city overhauled its waste management to tackle one of the world's largest rubbish dumps
How one Austin neighborhood paved the way for a culture of central air conditioning
How one company’s plan to help the planet went off the rails
How one country set aside nearly $500M for electric vehicle subsidies, but not for cars
How one device could help transform our power grid
How one Indian couple has helped thousands of sugarcane cutters
How One Indian State Went 100% Organic
How One Mashup Artist Got Legal Permission to Pair Calvin & Hobbes with Dune
How one NASA image tells dozens of stories
How One Nigerian State Overcame Vaccine Hesitancy and Eradicated Polio
How One of the Internet’s Biggest History Forums Deals With Holocaust Deniers
How one of the most obese countries on earth took on the soda giants
How one simple rule change could curb online retailers’ snooping on you
How one student forced the government to admit the economic risks of climate change
How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life
How One Woman Protected Millions of Acres
How our album of birdsong recordings rocketed to #2 on the ARIA charts
How our bushfire-proof house design could help people flee rather than risk fighting the flames
How our cities’ lost rivers are being revived
How Our Convoluted Copyright Regime Explains Why Spotify Chose Joe Rogan Over Neil Young
How our drinking water could come from thin air
How our founders’ links to slavery change the Guardian today
How our regions can help make Australia’s growing cities more sustainable
How Our Visions of Virtual Reality Have Changed in the Past 40 Years
How Oyster Growers Use Mangroves to Fend Off West Africa’s Rising Seas
How palm oil became the world’s most hated, most used fat source
How Parts Pairing Kills Independent Repair
How patriots resist unjust wars
How Peace Activists Are Beating the U.S. Military at its Own (Video) Game
How People Actually Use Their Smartphones
How people around the world see democracy in 8 charts
How people imagine the future post-COVID
How people in 24 countries view same-sex marriage
How Perfectly Can Reality Be Simulated?
How Peru fell in love with a sea giant worth far more alive than dead
How pesticides threaten our daily cup of coffee
How Phar Lap’s skin, bones and heart became ‘holy relics’ in colonial Australia and New Zealand
How Philadelphia Is Giving Fallen Trees New Life
How Piketty's Bombshell Book Blows Up Libertarian Fantasies
How place names impact the way we see landscape
How Platform Coops Can Beat Death Stars Like Uber to Create a Real Sharing Economy
How Political Opinions Change
How politics works in Australia, and how to fix it
How portable X-ray machines are helping remote patients
How poverty and racism 'weather' the body, accelerating aging and disease
How prisons, drug smugglers and the war in Ukraine made Australia's DroneShield a global success
How pro-LGBTQ+ is Kamala Harris?
How problematic is mineral mining for electric cars?
How Programmable Calculators and a Sci-Fi Story Brought Soviet Teens Into the Digital Age
How Publicity Works (And Doesn't)
How Putin’s War Marks the End of the Fossil Fuel Era
How Q Became Everything
How Qantas Ferried an Engine on the Wing of a 747
How Qatar hacked the World Cup
How Queensland’s blue card system ‘disproportionately disadvantages’ Indigenous people
How quickly does groundwater recharge? The answer is found deep underground
How raising tobacco taxes can save lives and cut poverty across the Asia-Pacific
How Reading Books Instead Of News Made Me A Better Citizen
How Reclaimed Wastewater Is Reviving Tribal Land
How Record Labels Conspired To Kill Off Public Domain Beatles Music In Canada
How record-breaking Hurricane Beryl is a sign of a warming world
How record-setting heat waves in cities across UK, US and mainland Europe could punish economies already reeling from inflation
How recording Yellowstone wolves’ howls could help save them
How Refugee Applications Are Being Lost In (Machine) Translation
How reindeer help fight climate change
How religious worship is boosting conservation in India
How removing parenting payments when children turned 8 harmed rather than helped single mothers
How Repeat Covid Infections Can Harm Your Health
How Republicans killed Oregon’s climate crisis bill – by fleeing the state
How researchers remade ‘the world’s most widely used petrochemical’ – without using fossil fuels
How restoring rivers' natural curves can prevent flooding
How Reykjavik's Sheet-Metal Homes Beat the Icelandic Winter
How Richard Scarry updated his children’s book to be more progressive and inclusive
How Ricoh Returned 90,000 Photos to Victims of the 2011 Tsunami in Japan
How rising sea levels will affect our coastal cities and towns
How rising water vapour in the atmosphere is amplifying warming and making extreme weather worse
How Risky Are Repeat COVID Infections? What We Know So Far
How Rohingya activists are using art, food and storytelling as a form of resistance
How Ronald Reagan led the 1960 actors’ strike – and then became an anti-union president
How Rupert Murdoch Is Influencing Australia’s Bushfire Debate
How rural landsharing and co-housing are helping Australians enter the property market and find community
How Russia Exports Ukrainian Grain As Its Own: An Investigation
How Russia Meddles Abroad for Profit: Cash, Trolls and a Cult Leader
How Russian disinformation toppled government after government in Africa
How Russian gender-based disinformation could influence the 2024 U.S. presidential election
How Russian is Ukraine? (Clue: not as much as Vladimir Putin insists)
How Russian Trolls Helped Keep the Women’s March Out of Lock Step
How Russia’s recognition of breakaway parts of Ukraine breached international law – and set the stage for invasion
How Russia’s War Against Ukraine Is Advancing LGBTQ Rights
How San Francisco Cracked the Urban Composting Code
How satellites are mapping the future of turtle conservation
How satellites, radar and drones are tracking meteorites and aiding Earth’s asteroid defence
How Saudi Arabia came to be at the centre of a global golf merger
How scammers like Anna Delvey and the Tinder Swindler exploit a core feature of human nature
How scammers use psychology to create some of the most convincing internet cons – and what to watch out for
How sci-fi has changed over the last 70 years, analyzed with data.
How science fiction predicted recent high-tech developments in chemistry
How scientists and a community are bringing a Bornean river corridor back to life
How Scientists Are Using AI to Talk to Animals
How scientists are using artificial intelligence
How Scientists From the “Global South” Are Sidelined at the IPCC
How self-publishing, social media and algorithms are aiding far-right novelists
How serious is Norway about climate change? So much that its streetlights self-dim
How sharing stories about river restoration can inspire others to take care of waterways
How shoring up drones with artificial intelligence helps surf lifesavers spot sharks at the beach
How should a robot explore the Moon? A simple question shows the limits of current AI systems
How should an Australian ‘centre for disease control’ prepare us for the next pandemic?
How should Australian media cover the next federal election? Lessons from the US presidential race
How should we manage COVID without rules? Keep testing and stay home when positive
How should we teach climate change in schools? It starts with ‘turbo charging’ teacher education
How Simply Acknowledging Another Person’s Pain Can Help Them More Than Telling Them to Cheer Up
How Sketchy Data Scavengers Are Using Hatred Of 'Big Tech' To Attack Plans To Make The Web More Private
How slowing Amazon's deforestation improved Brazil's health
How small wealthy suburbs contribute to regional housing problems
How Snoopy Killed Peanuts
How social media is breathing new life into Bhutan’s unwritten local languages
How Solar Panel Waste Is Paving the Way to a More Sustainable Future
How Solutions Journalism Is Sparking Change
How some countries are using digital ID to exclude vulnerable people around the world
How Soon Might the Atlantic Ocean Break? Two Sibling Scientists Found an Answer—and Shook the World
How South Korea Puts Its Food Scraps to Good Use
How South Korea’s Feminist Movement Saved My Life
How Southern Africa’s Elephants Bounced Back
How Spain is shutting down its coal industry to transition to renewables
How Spain’s radically different approach to migration helped its economy soar
How Specialty Recyclers Are Reducing Waste
How Stable Are Democracies? ‘Warning Signs Are Flashing Red’
How Stanford Built a Humanoid Submarine Robot to Explore a 17th-Century Shipwreck
How Star Trek: Discovery’s Anthony Rapp Found Dungeons & Dragons Again
How Steam changed Japan's doujin games from elusive treasures to international hits
How Steve Perlman's "Revolutionary" Wireless Technology Works - and Why its a Bigger Deal than Anyone Realizes
How Stochastic Terrorism Uses Disgust to Incite Violence
How Stockholm Is Sprouting Healthy Trees From Concrete
How stories are told around the world
How Street Art in Singapore Is Helping People With Dementia Get Around
How Stuff Really Works
How superblocks can free up and improve CBD space for the people of Melbourne – a step-by-step guide
How sustainable is your weekly grocery shop? These small changes can have big benefits
How Sweden Sends Just 1% of Its Trash to Landfills
How Sydney's most toxic river is fighting back
How Sydney’s cultural festivals cultivate a sense of hope and optimism for Australia’s future
How synthetic textiles made from plastic took over the fashion industry
How Tearing Down Small Dams Is Helping Restore Northeast Rivers
How technology allows us to reveal secrets of Amazonian biodiversity
How technology disrupted the truth
How Teen Girls in Mumbai Are Learning to Stand Tall
How teen movies became hooked on classic literature
How Tesla Will Change The World
How Thailand’s TV lesbian romances captured a global audience
How That Monkey Selfie Reveals The Dangerous Belief That Every Bit Of Culture Must Be 'Owned'
How the 1% tricks you into thinking climate change is your fault
How The ACORN Scandal Seeded Today's Nightmare Politics
How the ancient Greeks kept ruthless narcissists from capturing their democracy – and what modern politics could learn from them
How The Antifa Fantasy Spread In Small Towns Across The US
How The Arts Are Shaping Your Politics (Whether You Realize It Or Not)
How the BBC let climate deniers walk all over it
How the Biggest Fraud in German History Unravelled
How the Christmas pudding, with ingredients taken from the colonies, became an iconic British food
How the circular economy can help us stay within planetary boundaries
How the coronavirus defeats the innate immune response
How the coronavirus pandemic could shift the multicultural make-up of our society
How the country's largest ferry system is going green
How the Death of Mid-Budget Cinema Left a Generation of Iconic Filmmakers MIA
How the decades-long fight to save WA's old growth forests was finally won
How The DMCA Is Being Weaponized Against E-Commerce Sites
How the Dominant Business Paradigm Turns Nice People into Psychopaths
How the Dutch Mastered Bike Parking at Train Stations
How The EU May Be About To Kill The Public Domain: Copyright Filters Takedown Beethoven
How the far-right is turning feminists into fascists
How the fear of death makes people more Right-wing
How The Friedman Doctrine Leads To The Enshittification Of All Things
How the furry community rallied when Zarafa Giraffe lost his head
How the German government was divided by a Chinese investment in the Port of Hamburg
How the humpback whale made a massive comeback in the Salish Sea
How the Inflation Reduction Act Has Reshaped the U.S.—and The World
How the Internet Can Save the World
How the Internet Gave Mail-Order Brides the Power
How the Internet works: Submarine fiber, brains in jars, and coaxial cables
How the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed a surprisingly bright, complex and element-filled early universe
How the keffiyeh – a practical garment used for protection against the desert sun – became a symbol of Palestinian identity
How the Kremlin launders disinformation around the globe
How the Kuttamperoor River Came Back to Life
How the livestock industry has shaped climate policy
How The Lord of the Rings Changed Publishing Forever
How the Miccosukee Tribe plans to stop oil drilling in the Everglades once and for all
How the Mindset of Rural Tribalism Has Held Me Back My Entire Life
How The Most Expensive Game Jam In History Crashed And Burned In A Single Day
How the National Trust fought back against the culture warriors
How the Netherlands built a thriving circular economy
How the New York Public Library made ebooks open, and thus one trillion times better
How the newspapers tried to kill an independent ABC news before it even began
How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment
How the NSA Threatens National Security
How the oligarchy shrank America’s middle class (Why American capitalism is so rotten, Part 8)
How the Omicron wave smashed hospitals
How the One Percenters Divorce: Offshore Intrigue Plays Hide and Seek with Millions
How The Other EV Transition — To E-bikes — Is Changing The World
How the overseas owners of England’s water companies clean up by polluting our rivers
How the Philippines sequestered carbon while reducing poverty and creating jobs
How the philosophy behind the Japanese art form of "kintsugi" can help us navigate failure
How the political system affects happiness – Benjamin Radcliff – Aeon
How the press manufactured consent for never-ending COVID reinfections
How the push to end tobacco advertising in the 1970s could be used to curb gambling ads today
How the QAnon conspiracy theory is tearing family and friends apart in Australia
How the Ratatouille Musical Went From TikTok Sensation to All-Star Broadway Production
How the Rich are Different from the Poor II: Empathy
How the Right Wing Convinces Itself That Liberals Are Evil
How the shadow of slavery still hangs over global finance
How the small Pacific island nation of Vanuatu drastically cut plastic pollution
How the Smithsonian is restoring the original USS Enterprise to full 1967 glory
How the South Pole research station could run on 100% renewable energy
How the Taliban are erasing Afghanistan’s women – photo essay
How the town of Whitefish defeated its neo-Nazi trolls — and became a national model of resistance
How the U.S. Lost Control of Bird Flu, Setting the Stage for Another Pandemic
How the UK transformed its electricity supply in just a decade
How the UK's biggest pharmacy chain went from family-run public service to debt-laden hedge-fund disaster
How the UK's biggest solar project could be shaped by sheep farmers
How the UK’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is 21st-century imperialism writ large
How the unemployed ‘disappear’ and why it matters
How the US election turned ‘weird’ – and why it’s working for the Democrats
How The US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim American Man's Entire Family After He Refused To Become An Informant
How The War Against Free Lunch Targets Black School Children
How the Web Became Unreadable
How the weird and wonderful microbes in wastewater can make our cities more sustainable
How the West is Destroying Itself Through Its Fear of Migrants
How the Windrush generation changed stories of Britain forever – ten recommended reads
How the world's first electric Porsche ended up in Melbourne via Pennsylvania
How the world's loneliest tree is helping scientists advance climate change research
How the world’s EV capital is reacting to Elon Musk’s meltdown
How the World’s Largest Book Sorter at The New York Public Library Processes 5,000 Books Per Hour
How the ‘Cozy’ trend in Sci-Fi and Fantasy came about
How the ‘Diamond of the Plant World’ Helped Land Plants Evolve
How There’s More to Economics Than the Science of Scarcity
How this Australian-run network of secret schools is helping Afghan girls defy the Taliban
How this Brazilian doc got nearly every person in her city to take a COVID vaccine
How this little marsupial’s poo nurtures urban gardens and bushland (and how you can help protect them)
How this sleek affordable housing project in Maryland became a reality
How tiger conservation in India may be helping to mitigate climate change
How Tiny Wetlands in the Midwest Are Combating the Gulf of Mexico’s ‘Dead Zone’
How to act less stupid, according to psychologists
How to adopt an elephant
How to alleviate the refugee crisis
How to Avoid Being Psychologically Destroyed by Your Newsfeed
How to avoid having a racist Halloween costume
How to be a Good Loser: A Guide to being a Refugee
How to be a man? Josh Hawley has the (incoherent) answers.
How to be a non-conformist
How To Be a Nonconformist: 22 Irreverent Illustrated Steps to Counterculture Cred from 1968
How to Be a ‘Woman Programmer’
How To Be Here Sign
How to Be Polite
How To Be Poor And Not Piss Off Those In Power
How to Be Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Israeli and Pro-Iranian
How to be Young in a Climate Emergency
How to beat the backlash that threatens the liberal revolution
How to beat ‘rollout rage’: the environment-versus-climate battle dividing regional Australia
How to Befriend Crows? (Step-By-Step Guide)
How to break games out of the “act like a man” box
How to break out of your own little corner of the Internet: Rewire, reviewed
How to Bring Caring for Kids and Elders (and Other Acts of Love) Into the Economy
How To Brush Your Cat's Teeth
How to build a dragon
How to Build a Video Wall for VFX! (Everything you Need to Know)
How to Build Culture That Lasts
How to buy authentic First Nations designs that benefit creators and communities
How to Calculate Pi by Throwing Frozen Hot Dogs
How to change our collective mindset to tackle ecological crisis?
How to clean up the mess we've made that's orbiting the Earth
How to Control Those Extra Robotic Limbs You've Always Wanted
How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail
How To Create Responsible Social Criticism
How to cut stray cat numbers in a way that works better for everyone
How to deal with fossil fuel lobbying and its growing influence in Australian politics
How to design a metaphor
How to destroy a ‘forever chemical’ – scientists are discovering ways to eliminate PFAS, but this growing global health problem isn’t going away soon
How to Destroy the Earth
How to ditch disposable cups – and transform the way you enjoy coffee
how to do nothing
How to ensure the world’s largest pumped-hydro dam isn’t a disaster for Queensland’s environment
How to fall to your death and live to tell the tale
How to Fire the Bosses, Create a Four-day Work Week, and Thrive
How to Fix Cars* By Breaking “Felony Contempt of Business Model”
How to fix Nature and avoid human misery: UN report
How to fix the internet
How to Flatten A Hamster
How to Flawlessly Predict Anything on the Internet
How to Free People From the Gravitational Pull of Hatred
How to get battery electric vehicles to the mainstream
How to get rich quick in Silicon Valley
How to Get Tips
How to Give Repairable Gifts
How to have better arguments online
How to Help Homeless Families
How to Hide a Pandemic
How to Hire Remote Workers from Economically Distressed Countries
How to Honor the Seven Generations
How To Improve Online Comments: Test Whether People Have Read The Article Before Allowing Them To Respond
How to improve the migration system for the good of temporary migrants – and Australia
How to invent in an age of information overload
How to keep coal unprofitable in China
How to Keep the NSA Out of Your Computer
How To Kill Your Tech Industry
How to know if a country is serious about net zero: look at its plans for extracting fossil fuels
How to Load Downloaded Books Onto Your E-Reader
How to maintain a healthy gut microbiome in 2024
How to make "Normal" (Breakfast omelette / egg pancake / fake vomit)
How to Make a Schadenfreude Pie
how to make a starship enterprise out of an old floppy disk
[FW: how to make a starship enterprise out of an old floppy disk]
How to Make Dungeons & Dragons a $1 Billion Brand
How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware
how to make Totoro cream puffs
How to make use of all of a tree
How To Make Your Dreams Come True
How to meet the climate crisis? Redefine ‘abundance.’
How to Not Get Arrested After Killing Someone in Public
How to organize your books, according to people with thousands of them
How to Prepare to Lose Your Home in a Climate Disaster
How to Prevent Crime Without Relying on Police
How to Prevent the next Heartbleed
How to Protect Elections—From the President
How to protect more Australian homes from the growing risks of floods, fires and other climate disasters
How to protect people displaced by the climate crisis
How to put an electric car on your driveway for as little as £900
How to Raise Your Artificial Intelligence: A Conversation with Alison Gopnik and Melanie Mitchell
How to Read Sheet Music
How to Reduce Your Exposure to Plastic in Food (and Everywhere Else)
How to Renovate Your Home for a Billion Children
How to Respect a Transgender Person
How to restore a landscape
How to Reuse Your N95/KN95 Mask
How to reverse global wildlife declines by 2050
How To Run a Ukrainian IT Business When the World is Falling Apart
How to save $4 billion a year: reform a fuel tax credit scheme with no real rationale
How to Save Planet Earth
How to say a beautiful ‘hello’ – inspired by philosophy from non-English speaking cultures
How to see into the future
Fwd: How to sing like a planet (SFChron)
How to skip the too-hard basket and recycle Australia’s most challenging household items
How To Solve The Piracy Problem: Give Everyone A Basic Income For Doing Nothing
How To Spot A Chinese Domain Name Scam
How to spot a cyberbot – five tips to keep your device safe
How to stay COVID-safe this festive season, from the latest vaccine advice to tips for shopping and socialising
How to suppress women's coding
How to survive a disaster
How to Survive America's Kill List
How to Survive New York and Stay Polite in GIFs
How to Talk to Little Girls
How to talk to someone about conspiracy theories in five simple steps
How To Talk To Someone About Privilege Who Doesn’t Know What That Is
How to talk to your child about their autism diagnosis – the earlier the better
How to Talk to Your Loved Ones About Covid
How to Title Your Art: Why Art Titles are Important
How to Turn a Desert into a Forest
How to turn a school around with love: ‘People are so very grateful that we care’
How to Undress a Victorian Lady in Your Next Historical Romance
How To Use 'Intellectual Property' Properly
How To Use Social Media To Change The World, One Mind At A Time
How to use the Japanese Latrine
How to Use Your Cat to Hack Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi
How to waste over half a trillion dollars: The economic implications of deflationary renewable energy for coal power investments
How to Win Every Argument
How to Win the Abortion Argument
How to Write a History of Writing Software
How Tokyo’s Farms Have Survived for Centuries
How Toronto’s Don River, once declared dead, is roaring back to life
How Toxic Men Want To Make You Believe Women Aren’t Interested in Tech
How toys became gendered – and why it’ll take more than a gender-neutral doll to change how boys perceive femininity
How Tracking Someone’s Movements Can Make Them Look Guilty, Even When They’re Not
How trade regulations may be opening up a new era of sustainable growth in the Global South
How trade secrets swallowed your right to know
How treaties protecting fossil fuel investors could jeopardize global efforts to save the climate – and cost countries billions
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet
How Trump Radicalized ICE
How Trump, Musk, and DOGE are undermining US intelligence and national security
How Two Bored 1970s Housewives Helped Create The PC Industry
How two brothers plan to save the world by packing a whole farm into shipping containers on a Denver used car lot
How Two Former Debt Collectors Made $6.7 Billion in Medical Debt Disappear
How Two Indigenous Solar Engineers Changed Their Village in Chile
How Typography Can Save Your Life
How Ukraine’s Power Grid Survived So Many Russian Bombings
How undercover sting outwitted pangolin traffickers
How Unfamiliar Fish Are Helping Mainers Fight Food Insecurity
How Universal Are Our Emotions?
How US policy on abortion affects women in Africa
How used clothes became part of Africa’s creative economy – and fashion sense
How Valve is Changing Game Console Design
How Veena Sahajwalla's 'green ceramics' made from glass and clothes are revolutionising manufacturing
How Vegemite can help break down your old computers, phones and TV sets
How Video Games Helped Me Accept My Queerness
How Vladimir Putin projects his image as a modern-day Peter the Great
How Volvo crossed the Valley of Death in transition to all electric cars
How Vulnerable Are Undersea Internet Cables to Russian Attacks?
How war became a crime
Fwd: FW: How was I born?
How Washington State Redefined ‘Homeless’
How wasted heat from our bodies could generate green energy
How we accidentally planned the desertion of our cities
How We Are Losing The Battle To Keep Carbon In The Ground
How we brought mistletoes back to the trees of Melbourne – while warding off hungry possums
How we built a less-explodey lithium battery and kickstarted the EV revolution
How we can redesign cities to fight future pandemics
How we can use gaming to support positive ageing (and support our relationships with our pets, too)
How we collaborated in creating "The First Inventors" to celebrate extraordinary Indigenous peoples’ knowledges and technologies
How we communicate, what we value – even who we are: 8 surprising things data science has revealed about us over the past decade
How we created a beautiful native wildflower meadow in the heart of the city using threatened grassland species
How we discovered that sea turtles in Seychelles have recovered from the brink
How we drained California dry
How we found microbes rarer than a ticket to the Moon
How we made a video game based on medieval records
How We REALLY Deal with Climate Crisis
How we solved the mystery of the pink sand on South Australia’s beaches – podcast
How we taught dozens of refugees to code, then helped them get developer jobs
How we were fooled into thinking that sexual predators lurk everywhere
How we will fight climate change
How We Won the World Robot Soccer Championship
How wealthy "super emitters" are disproportionately driving the climate crisis — while blaming you
How Western civilization could collapse
How we’re recovering priceless audio and lost languages from old decaying tapes
How we’re using the Vietnamese ethnic savings scheme ‘Hụi’ to buy back our cultural heritage
How We’re Winning The Fight to Defend Trans Rights
How White People Stole Affirmative Action — and Ensured Its Demise
How Will Ezra Klein's 'Project X' Add Context to News?
How will the war in Ukraine end?
How Will the “Disruption” of Hollywood Play Out?
How women in Israel and Palestine are pushing for peace — together
How women’s basic rights and freedoms are being eroded all over the world
How Xbox's Video Game, Skate, Helps My Special Needs Son Safely Navigate His Environment
How Yackandandah reached 60 per cent clean energy use, and its plans to be totally renewable
How Years Of Copyright Maximalism Is Now Killing Pop Music
How you can help the Amazon Rainforest–today
How young Black African Australians use social media to challenge anti-Black narratives and reclaim racial dignity
How Your Data is Stored, or, The Laws of the Imaginary Greeks
How your money is helping subsidise sexism in academia – and what you can do about it
How Your Name Became Japan’s Biggest Movie in Years
How Ziga Dorkic built a solar powered electric van from a boxy Daihatsu he bought for $100
How Zipline’s instant delivery is changing public health in Ghana
How Zoos Victoria is using technology to transform conservation efforts
How ‘Climate Investment Traps’ Create A Vicious Cycle For African Nations
How ‘Coffee Breaks’ for Colorado Farmers Cultivate Better Mental Health
How ‘Deconstructing the Sneaker’ Is Protecting the Amazon
How ‘Farmfluencers’ Are Making Vietnam’s Rice Fields More Sustainable
How ‘freedom rally’ protesters and populist right-wing politics may play a role in the federal election
How ‘Harry Potter’ fans won a four-year fight against child slavery
How ‘In God We Trust’ bills are helping advance a Christian nationalist agenda
How ‘Pollinator Pathmaker’ Can Help Us See Like a Bee
How ‘TeachTok’ is helping teachers connect with their students on TikTok
How ‘world-changing’ solar tech could mean the death of batteries
How ‘world’s first oil town’ is wrestling with fossil fuel legacy
HOW-TO: Upgrade your organic dog
‘Howard The Duck’: The Oral History
Hoxton Street Monster Supplies
HP builds one desktop PC around a speaker, another in slices
HP CEO evokes James Bond-style hack via ink cartridges
HP Dev One - A Great, Well Engineered AMD Ryzen Linux Laptop
HP museum and its prized 2116a 16-bit computer lives on as legacy of mountaineer Jon Johnston
HP Tries Desperately To Make ‘Printer As A Subscription’ A Thing
HP's new Webcam tracker's blindspot now a 'racist' sensation
HSBC joins major miners in turning away from further metallurgical coal mine development
the html review
HTML Tags Jokes
HTML-909 Rhythm Composer
HTML5 is the Future of Book Authorship
HUD Secretary Ben Carson has been illegally withholding aid to Puerto Rico for months
Fwd: Hudson River Crash
Huge Cadia gold mine ordered to reduce polluting dust. Is it safe to live near a mine like this?
Huge companies are a problem. So are tiny ones.
Huge deforested areas in the tropics could regenerate naturally, study finds
‘Huge environmental win’: Australia to protect 52% of its oceans, more than any other country, Plibersek says
Huge EV charging hub to service electric grocery deliveries in Australia’s biggest city
The huge fandoms of stars like Harry Styles are underestimated – but these highly creative communities can teach young people useful skills
Huge Four Level Christmas Tree – a Maze For The Cat!!
Huge Freakin’ Hares!
Huge gas fields – under a coral reef. Will a rejection on environmental grounds stop Woodside’s Browse project?
Huge housing costs make us slaves to our jobs and unsustainable growth. But there’s another way
Huge new no-fishing zones give Antarctic marine predators and their prey a break
Huge New Study Finds Almost No Evidence That Social Media Makes Kids Unhappy
Huge New Wave Is the COVID Nightmare Scientists Feared Most
Huge News: Biden Administration Announces All Publicly Funded Research Should Be Available For Free To The Public
Huge park in Melbourne’s north to be returned to traditional owners
Huge protest in Israel over rightwing government’s judicial changes
Huge volumes of whey go to waste. We could do much more with this nutrient-rich liquid
Huge waves in the atmosphere dump extreme rain on northern Australia
Huge wooden digital clock runs manually using people power
Huge “first-of-its-kind” rewilding project to bring back lost species and create ecotourism paradise in South Africa
Huge, FREE covid safety resource list
Huge, FREE covid safety resource list (Updated January 2025)
The Huge, High-Tech, Low-Carbon Kitchens Feeding Young Kenyans
‘Huge’ proportion of mental health conditions in Australia found to be caused by childhood maltreatment
The Hugo Awards just made history, and defied alt-right extremists in the process
Hula Hoop Dude
Hull: The city set to give people the 'right to grow'
The Human Cost Of FOSTA
Human development falling behind in ninety per cent of countries: UN report
"The Human Division" gets serialized and serious about experimentation
Human error is the weakest link in the cyber security chain. Here are 3 ways to fix it
HUMAN excerpt
The human factor: why Australia’s net zero transition risks failing unless it is fair
Human growth robs other species of space
Human impact on wildlife to blame for spread of viruses, says study
Human mirror
Human Population Growth and extinction
Human progress is no excuse to destroy nature. A push to make ‘ecocide’ a global crime must recognise this fundamental truth
The human right to science is 76 years old. It’s a reminder for us all to be more curious
Human Rights Are Universal
The Human Rights Case for Open Science
Human Rights Day - UN Chief's Message | United Nations
Human rights declined during the COVID-19 pandemic, in countries from Angola to the US to New Zealand
Human rights have improved in all world regions over the last century
Human rights in decline globally as leaders fail to uphold laws, report warns
Human rights report lashes Australia’s ‘diabolical’ asylum seeker treatment and ‘appalling’ youth crime laws
Human rights violated by Swiss inaction on climate, ECHR rules in landmark case
Human rights wins to celebrate in 2022
The Human Slinky
Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth's natural life
Human success at the expense of other species is “a pretty awful legacy”
Human trafficking and slavery still happen in Australia. This comic explains how
The 'Human-Caused' Sixth Mass Extinction Is 'Likely Accelerating,' Study Suggests
Human-made materials now outweigh Earth's entire biomass – study
Human-to-lion COVID transmission confirmed: Singapore study rings alarm bells for endangered species
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Humanity at the climate crossroads: highway to hell or a livable future?
‘Humanity is failing’: official report warns our chance to save the Great Barrier Reef is fast closing
Humanity is on the verge of ‘shattering Earth’s natural limits’, say experts in biodiversity warning
Humanity needs more rare earth elements. Extinct volcanoes could be a rich new source
The Humanity Star
Humanity will survive information deluge
Humanity’s future depends on our ability to live in harmony with nature
Humanity’s greatest ally against climate change is Earth itself
‘Humanity’s signature’: study finds plastic pollution in the world’s lakes can be worse than in oceans
Humanity’s tipping point? How the Queen’s death stole a climate warning’s thunder
Humankind 1, Oceans 0
Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman review – a tribute to our better nature
Humans And Cockatoos Are Embroiled in an Escalating 'Arms Race' in Australia
Humans Are Biased. Generative AI Is Even Worse
Humans are changing fire patterns, and it’s threatening 4,403 species with extinction
Humans Are Disturbing Earth's Carbon Cycle More Than the Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Did
Humans are driving one million species to extinction
Humans are going back to the Moon, and beyond – but how will we feed them?
Humans Are Hardwired to Dismiss Facts That Don’t Fit Their Worldview
Humans are killing off the old and wise animals that hold nature together. Here’s what must change
Humans are still hunting for aliens. Here’s how astronomers are looking for life beyond Earth
Humans aren’t the only great apes that can ‘read minds’
Humans can work with nature to solve big environmental problems – but there’s no quick fix
Humans damaging the environment faster than it can recover, UN finds
Humans Find AI-Generated Faces More Trustworthy Than the Real Thing
Humans force wild animals into tight spots, or send them far from home. We calculated just how big the impact is
Humans generate 62 million tonnes of e-waste each year. Here’s what happens when it’s recycled
Humans Have Altered 97 Percent of Earth’s Land Through Habitat and Species Loss
Humans infecting animals infecting humans − from COVID-19 to bird flu, preventing pandemics requires protecting all species
Humans just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals – study
Humans Just Held Another Funeral For a Glacier, And It May Not Be The Last
Humans threaten the Antarctic Peninsula’s fragile ecosystem. A marine protected area is long overdue
Humans will soon be able to mine on the Moon. But should we? 4 questions to consider
Humble Book Bundle: A Galaxy of Stars in Sci-Fi & Fantasy by Open Road
The Humble Book Bundle: Save the Unicorns presented by Peter S. Beagle
Humble Book Bundle: Stellar Sci-Fi and Fantasy by Tachyon
Humble Book Bundle: Stranger Creatures supporting Jane Goodall Institute
Humble Book Bundle: The Star Trek Library by Hero Collector
Humble Freebie: Tacoma
The Humble Music Bundle
The humble spotted gum is a world class urban tree. Here’s why
Hummingbird Mind
Hummingbird music notation
Humor:Richard Stallman sings The Freesoftware Song
Humpback whales have been spotted ‘bubble-net feeding’ for the first time in Australia (and we have it on camera)
Humpback Whales Have Made a Remarkable Recovery, Giving Us Hope for the Planet
Humpback whales hold lore for Traditional Custodians. But laws don’t protect species for their cultural significance
Humpback whales may have bounced back from near-extinction, but it’s too soon to declare them safe
Humpback Whales Separated by a Continent Are “Remixing” Each Other’s Songs
Humpbacks Rebound in 20th-Century Whaling Hotspot
Humza Yousaf: Scotland gets a Muslim leader in a moment of extraordinary change for British politics
Hundreds arrested as activists pick up where Martin Luther King left off
Hundreds call for help in Victoria and SA amid heavy rain and severe storms
Hundreds die of COVID after catching virus while in hospital
Hundreds feared dead as Cyclone Chido devastates French island of Mayotte
Hundreds of animals were rescued after the Black Summer bushfires – but how many actually survived?
Hundreds of Australian lizard species are barely known to science. Many may face extinction
Hundreds of cities have achieved zero road deaths in a year. Here’s how they did it
Hundreds of firefighters battle raging Greek wildfires
Hundreds of fish species, including many that humans eat, are consuming plastic
Hundreds of lynx to be hunted in Sweden following biggest ever wolf cull
Hundreds of patients died after catching COVID in Victorian hospitals, new data shows
Hundreds of racist plant names will change after historic vote by botanists
Hundreds of scientists issue emergency warning following 'catastrophic' shift in Antarctica: 'Nowhere on Earth is there a greater cause of uncertainty'
Hundreds of Women ‘Denied Healthcare for Being Virgins’
Hundreds of young people join Greta Thunberg in climate protest outside UN
Hungary and the EU are in an endless dispute that challenges the very foundations of the union
Hunger is increasing worldwide but women bear the brunt of food insecurity
The Hunger Shames
Hungry Stingray Jumps Water Ramp to Make Itself Known to a Pair of Tourists Who Were Tossing Chum Into the Water
The hunt for the most efficient heat pump in the world
Hunter and bear's 2012 birthday party
Hunters shoot dead 54 wolves in Sweden’s largest ever cull
Hurricane Beryl a Stark Warning of Things to Come as Our Planet Heats Up
Hurricane Beryl’s rapid intensification, Category 5 winds so early in a season were alarming: Here’s why more tropical storms are exploding in strength
Hurricane forecast points to a dangerous 2024 Atlantic season, with La Niña and a persistently warm ocean teaming up to power fierce storms
Hurricane Irma Inspired Engineers To Invent Self-Watering Planter
Hurricanes Grow Stronger in New Era of Superstorms
Hurricanes push heat deeper into the ocean than scientists realized, boosting long-term ocean warming, new research shows
Hush, Hush Sweet Charlottesville
‘Hustling’: Australian companies embracing the four day work week
Hu’s parents spent $260,000 sending him to Australia to study. Now he lives in a tent
HVDC Transmission Is A Key Climate Wedge & Spreading Rapidly
Hybrid 'Brolar Bears' Could Spread Through The Arctic as The Planet Warms
Hybrid cars are having a moment – even though they’re dirtier than we think. What’s behind their popularity?
Hybrid cars can be nearly five times dirtier than battery electric cars, new report finds
Hybrid electric car comparisons
Hybrid electric Mini Cooper
Hybrid future? Interbreeding can make heat-averse species more resilient to climate change
Hybrid solar and battery project dubbed first of its kind gets green light for construction
Hybrid-Electric addon for ordinary cars
Hydroelectric dams take toll on endangered big cats, study shows
Hydrogen 101: What it must do, what it might do, and what it probably won’t do
Hydrogen car is dead and buried, just three years after Morrison hailed it a “game changer”
The Hydrogen Economy — Dead In The Water
Hydrogen expert says blending green fuel into gas network an “expensive” waste
Hydrogen Firm Ballard Lost $1.3 Billion Since 2000, Zero Profits
Hydrogen for ground transportation and heating is a bad idea
Hydrogen For Shipping Claims Hit Iceberg Of Reality
Hydrogen Hype is Dying, And That's a Good Thing
Hydrogen Is As Broadly Useful As Hemp, And Will Be Used Just As Much
Hydrogen Is the Future—or a Complete Mirage
Hydrogen is unsuitable for home heating, review concludes
Hydrogen Ladder Version 5.0
Hydrogen Ships Are Seeing Same Pattern As All Hydrogen Fleets
The hydrogen train of the future is a lot like the train of today
The hydropower industry is talking the talk. But fine words won’t save our last wild rivers
The hype is out of this world, but mining in space won’t save the Earth
Hyped and expensive, hydrogen has a place in Australia’s energy transition, but only with urgent government support
Hyper Earth: the New World in 4k UHD
Hyperbole and a Half: Menace
Fwd: [hyperscope-dev] multi-touch screens
Hypertension, diabetes, stroke: they kill more people than infectious diseases and should get a Global Fund
Hyphen, minus, en-dash, and em-dash: difference and usage in English
Hypocrisy and projection: the right’s cynical "culture wars"
‘Hypocrites and greenwash’: Greta Thunberg blasts leaders over climate crisis
Hypothetical Tokyo Ghibli Land Created by Japanese Illustrator TAKUMI
I almost didn't read. And then I did. And I am glad I did
‘I almost lost my will to live’: preference for sons is leaving young women in China exploited and abused
I also have a rant about Taylor Swift
‘I always have trouble with forms’: homeless people on how poor literacy affects them – and what would help
I Always Knew I Was Different. I Just Didn’t Know I Was a Sociopath.
I am a citizen of a nation in which slavery is legal.
I am a climate scientist – and this is my plea to our newly elected politicians
I am a Refugee. I am a Doctor. I am Your Tour Guide
‘I am exhausted’: Australian teachers speak about how compassion fatigue is harming them and their work
‘I am more worried than ever’: Scientists explain why record-shattering 2023 heat has them on edge
I am my own legal department: the promise and peril of “just go independent”
‘I am not a typo’ campaign urges tech giants to correct their autocorrect systems in the name of inclusivity
I am not their nanny, I am their mom. And I’m American Indian.
I am not white on the inside, yellow on the outside. I’m what you call an Asian American.
'I am proven joyously wrong': picture book about trans child wins major prize amid moral panic
I Am Such A Geek
I am sure many of you have seen this...(TED talk) NEED INSPIRATION? (this will make your weekend!)
I am tired of AI
I am what’s wrong with America*
I analysed more than 10,000 Reddit posts on supermarket pricing. 5 key themes emerged
I Asked ChatGPT to Create Comics, Then I Drew Them.
I assure you, an AI didn't write a terrible "George Carlin" routine
I avoided plastic for a week. Here is what I learned about a plastic-free life
I Believe You - Rosie & the Riveters (Official)
I bought my mom a Chevy Bolt EV – Here’s how it went
I Bought Myself A Politician - MonaLisa Twins (Original)
I bought some awful light bulbs so you don't have to
‘I broke the contract’: how Hannah Gadsby's trauma transformed comedy
I Built a HUGE Lego Railway - Up Stairs & Underwater!
‘I can make a band play like a singer sings’: Quincy Jones shaped our listening for seven decades
‘I can see the characters’: how reading aloud to patients can break through ‘cancer fog’
I can’t afford olive oil. What else can I use?
I Can’t Answer These Texas Standardized Test Questions About My Own Poems
‘I can’t argue away the shame’: frontier violence and family history converge in David Marr’s harrowing and important new book
‘I can’t be friends with the machine’: what audio artists working in games think of AI
‘I can’t breathe!’ Australia must look in the mirror to see our own deaths in custody
“I can’t even.”
I Can’t Live in an American City Again
I Can’t Stop Thinking About the First Chapter of This Climate Change Novel
I collect marsupial poo. A crack team of volunteers across Australia helps me out
[I couldn't resist sending this diversion from your real work] : wedding .......pretty entertaining
‘I couldn’t do it any more’: family lawyers quit amid burnout and pain of billing DV victims
‘I couldn’t love her’: the last UK child migrants to Australia on the long, lonely search for their mothers
‘I couldn’t see a future’: what ex-automotive workers told us about job loss, shutdowns, and communities on the edge
‘I couldn’t stand the pain’: the Turkish holiday resort that’s become an emergency dental centre for Britons who can’t get treated at home
I Create Guardians Of The Forest Inspired By Miyazaki
‘I cried, I cried. I had no one’: the brutal child kidnappings that shamed Belgian Congo
I Dated Christian Grey: How Women Are Groomed For Abuse
‘I didn’t cry until I knew I was going to live’: Monty Python’s Eric Idle on surviving pancreatic cancer
‘I didn’t feel alone’: how governments can help schools address school refusal
I didn’t get the credit for my bestselling book: the secret life of the celebrity ghost writer
‘I didn’t have a single audition for a year’: Goonies and Indiana Jones child star Ke Huy Quan on finding fame again
I discovered the wreck of the Titanic – but seeing these vents in the sea floor was far more exciting
I Don't Know What We're Talking About - NSP
'I don't want to be seen as a zealot': what MPs really think about the climate crisis
‘I don’t believe this anymore’: What it’s like to escape an abusive, right-wing religion
I Don’t Feel Your Pain
‘I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine’: what a JD Vance vice presidency could mean for the world
‘I don’t think I developed emotionally’: Earl Spencer on the pain of boarding-school abuse
‘I don’t think the police would do much’: new research shows racism during COVID is rarely reported
I don’t want to revisit the time and the fallout of the voice referendum. But we cannot maintain the status quo
I Draw Dragons To Destroy The Stereotypes About Them
I Draw Thousands Of Tiny Dots To Create These Wild Illustrations
I drove 6,000 miles across the US in an EV. Here’s what I learned
‘I feel constant anxiety’: how caring for a seriously unwell pet can lead to stress and burnout
I Feel Good - James Brown - Pomplamoose
‘I feel like I love everyone here’: Notting Hill carnival continues to defy division – photo essay
‘I feel like I’ve been able to create more awareness’: what is it like for Indigenous men at top-ranked universities?
I feel responsible for my role in fracking agreements signed long ago. But I won’t stop fighting to save the Beetaloo basin
I feel sick. How do I know if I have the flu, COVID, RSV or something else?
‘I felt I had no choice’: why Deborah did her schoolwork using the shopping centre wifi
'I felt like dirt': disabled Canadian woman told to leave UK after 44 years
‘I fly, I drive. We’re all complicit’: Richard Flanagan on vanishing species and refusing the Baillie Gifford prize money
I Followed My Stolen iPhone Across The World, Became A Celebrity In China, And Found A Friend For Life
I Fooled Millions Into Thinking Chocolate Helps Weight Loss. Here's How.
‘I gave up on life’: The dark side of becoming the talk of the internet
I got a $1,000 electric boat from China two years ago. Here’s what it looks like now
I got generative AI to attempt an undergraduate law exam. It struggled with complex questions
I guess cowboys just hate Indians
I had no photos of my mother’s pregnancy and migration, so I found a way for AI to help fill in the gaps
‘I had threats to my life’: how mob attacks on social media are silencing UK teachers
I had two options – die or find a way to live as a transgender man
I hate RUOK Day. Here’s why.
"I have a favour to ask."
‘I have been ground down’: about 50% of Australian principals and other school leaders are thinking of quitting
I have COVID. How likely am I to get long COVID?
‘I have done nothing wrong’: Juanita quit her job at a Melbourne brothel to work from home. Now she’s being evicted
i have new respect for joan kirner
‘I have no rights’: what happens to stateless people in Australia after the High Court’s ruling?
I have suicidal depression—and board games saved my life
I have told this story before, but it is worth repeating.
'I haven't left my building': life gets harder for vulnerable Australians during coronavirus crisis
I heard you guys like introverts...
I helped expose insurers for denying medical claims. 15 years on, a court has found what they did is illegal
I Hid My True Identity For Decades. Here's What Happened When I Finally Revealed Myself At 63.
i hope we choose love: notes on the application of justice
I Illustrated National Parks In America Based On Their Worst Review And I Hope They Will Make You Laugh (16 Pics)
I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print, and I regret nothing
“I just choose to not listen”: why Trump supporters are tuning out the scandals
I Just Saw this Picture and I’m So Disturbed. Because it’s Me.
I knew one day I’d have to watch powerful men burn the world down – I just didn’t expect them to be such losers
I knew the facts about millennials but I wasn’t ready to admit the life my parents had would never be mine
I know a lot about exactly one thing
I Know a Place
"I Know That Voice"
I Know Where Your Cat Lives
I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump
I Know Why Rural Populations Are Vulnerable To The Lies Of Tyrants
I know you have better things to do than watch video but...this is all about a viral hypertext world...thought you might appreciate it
‘I left my daughter at nursery. I didn’t see her for a month’: how UK splits migrant families
‘I left with the kids and ended up homeless with them’: the nightmare of housing wait lists for people fleeing domestic violence
i like the way this site is set up for aussie history....
'I like to operate': Bhutan's PM spends weekends as a surgeon
I Listened to a Trump Supporter
I Lived Through Collapse. America Is Already There.
I Looked Into 34 Top Real-World Blockchain Projects So You Don’t Have To
I lost my sense of smell after Covid. Here’s what I’ve learned about life without it
I love music...I wish I could sing!
I Love People: 5,000 Miles, 930 People, 162 Seconds
‘I love the smell of success more than petrol’: investors break with tradition in world-leading climate campaign
I Love To Go A Wandering...
I Lubs This House
I Made 13 Animals Out Of 13 Perfect Circles
I made a fake ad agency to annoy fossil fuel marketers
I made a song entirely from artists singing "yeah"
I Made the Most Banned Book in America
I manage an employee who pushes too much positivity on her team
"I Mask" images
I Met The World's Smartest Dog
'I might have died if they hadn't rescued me': life inside the new hotels for the homeless
‘I miss out on a family experience’: the deaf Victorians taking legal action against cinemas over captions
I moved to Finland believing it was a progressive dream. It hasn’t turned out that way
I never thought I'd see the Australian rainforest burning. What will it take for us to wake up to the climate crisis?
‘I never wanted to be with a man’: escaping Russia for Canada
I Paint The Beauty I See In Animals To Remind Us To Preserve Nature
I Painted A New Species I Wish Existed – Meet The Mouserflies
‘I play with happiness’: the table tennis star making her Olympic debut at 58
‘I pretty much already know what Australia’s like’: what Aussie teenagers told us about not watching local TV
I proved that austerity destroys lives and all the government has done is try to discredit me
I pushed for press freedom in Hong Kong. The Wall Street Journal fired me.
I Put A Trans Character In A Game And Gamers Went Insane
I read more news than anyone. Trust me, people are better than we’re led to think.
I realised the fat-tailed dunnart was under threat. Here’s how I got the species officially listed
I Remember the Shame of Witnessing My Peers Protest the Ojibwe
I research mass shootings, but I never believed one would happen in my own condo in Vaughan, Ont.
'I saved her life, while she saved mine': The animals that bring love to a life on the streets
‘I saw how grotesquely unqualified so many of us were’: Rory Stewart on his decade as a Tory MP
I Saw the Face of God in a Semiconductor Factory
‘I saw the possibility of what could be done – so I did it’: revolutionary video game The Hobbit turns 40
I Scanned the Websites I Visit with Blacklight, and It’s Horrifying. Now What?
I See The Angry Bunny!
‘I simply haven’t got it in me to do it again’: imagining a new heart for flood-stricken Lismore
I Spent 5 Years With Some of Trump's Biggest Fans. Here's What They Won't Tell You.
I spent months with Amazon workers in Coventry before they narrowly voted against unionising. This is what I learned
I Spoke With the Female Asylum Seekers Being Held in Prison. What They Told Me Is Haunting.
‘I spot brand new TVs, here to be shredded’: the truth about our electronic waste
I Stood Up for Indigenous Rights at Mount Rushmore. Now I'm Facing 17 Years
‘I stopped sleeping’: the sometimes difficult path off antidepressants
I studied how rumours and misleading information spread on X during the Voice referendum. The results paint a worrying picture
I study collapsed civilizations. Here’s my advice for a climate change apocalypse.
I taught my black kids that their elite upbringing would protect them from discrimination. I was wrong.
‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom
‘I think I was good, though I could have been better’: Terry Pratchett and the writing of his life
‘I think kissing is beneficial, actually’: the whistling prodigy courted by Dr Dre, Barbie and Karen O
‘I think, boy, I’m a part of all this’: how local heroes reforested Rio’s green heart
I thought all anti-vaxxers were idiots. Then I married one.
I thought I wasn’t the “programmer type”
I Thought This Was Terrific
‘I thought, I’ll show you guys’: eye-popping artist Lesley Dumbrell finally gets her due at 82
I took a fun photo celebrating my disability. Then a stranger shared it
I tried the Replika AI companion and can see why users are falling hard. The app raises serious ethical questions
I Tried to Befriend Nikolas Cruz. He Still Killed My Friends.
I Tried to Power Three Electric Vehicles With Solar Panels
I Turned 19 Famous Disney Characters Into Evolving Pokemon
I understand climate scientists’ despair – but stubborn optimism may be our only hope
I Used to Run a Popular Newsletter. Then Things Started Getting Weird.
I Used to Write for Sports Illustrated. Now I Deliver Packages for Amazon.
I visited nuclear shelters in Prague to see how cities could prepare for nuclear war
I walked ‘like a man’ for a week, and here’s what I realized.
I wanna be like you: Kanzi, the ape who HAS learned the secret of man's red fire
I Want Americans to Know That Guantánamo Happened Not to Monsters, But To Men
I want this to draw on my walls!
‘I want to get bogged at a beach in my wheelchair and know people will help’. Micheline Lee on the way forward for the NDIS
‘I want to see the first African woman in space’: the Kenyan stargazer bringing astronomy to the people
I Was A Cable Guy. I Saw The Worst Of America.
I Was a Chinese Helpline’s Number One Caller. I Had a Problem.
I was a geriatrician on Old People’s Home for Teenagers. Here’s why I joined this TV experiment
I was a neo-Nazi. Then I fell in love with a black woman
I was a ward of the state. The horrors of the Parramatta Girls’ Home were legendary
‘I was always curious’: Indian woman, 104, fulfils dream of learning to read
I was an athlete – now I’m 30 and in a wheelchair thanks to long Covid
‘I was in denial about it’: actor Matt McGorry on having long Covid
I was jailed for four years for a non-violent climate protest – this is my prison diary
I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous
I was poor, but a GOP die-hard: How I finally left the politics of shame
‘I was scared’: many student teachers had bad maths experiences at school. Here’s how they can do better
‘I was sleeping on a gravesite’: Rottnest Island’s complex history brought to light
‘I was thrilled and shocked’: images raise hopes of return of wild jaguars to the US
‘I was told to return to work as soon as I regained consciousness.’ Why only a third of assaulted nurses report it to police
I was wrong (and so was everyone)
‘I was wrong’: how Covid conspiracies became a gateway to extreme views
‘I wasn’t crazy’: Homeless woman proves the U.S. government owes her $100,000
I Watched An 857-Hour Movie To Encounter Capitalism’s Extremes
I watched Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer in Ukraine: his Greek tragedy is our reality
I Went To China And Drove A Dozen Electric Cars. Western Automakers Are Cooked
I Went to Mexico to Meet Asylum-Seekers Trapped at the Border. This Is What I Saw.
I Will Always Remember You
I Will Fucking Dropkick You If You Use That Spreadsheet
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
‘I will miss them if they are gone’: stingrays are underrated sharks we don’t know enough about
I will never get to go to Hong Kong
‘I will not’: how Julia Gillard’s words of white-hot anger reverberated around the world
I wish I’d been a grown-up and taken that mask out of my bag
I Wish the World Was Kinder to Artists
I wore men’s clothes for a month – and it changed my life
I Worked in a U.S. Embassy and Saw How the Travel Ban Set the Stage for Family Separation
I Would Rather See My Books Get Pirated Than This (Or: Why Goodreads and Amazon Are Becoming Dumpster Fires)
I Yearn For Faster Video Game Beginnings
I'll take that by mrs1989
I'm a college philosophy professor. Jordan Peterson is making my job impossible.
I'm a Computer
I'm an Ex-Westboro Church Member Who Has Renounced the Group My Grandfather Founded
I'm Bringing Skeksis Back: 10 Dark Crystal Sweets!
I'm Guessing They Didn't Have a Matching Card
I'M NERDY! [Parody]
I'm Now Terrified of AI, And You Should Be Too
I'm on the Kill List. This is what it feels like to be hunted by drones
I'm On Vacation (Song)
I'm one of thousands of Australians with chronic fatigue syndrome but I'm lucky: I've become a human experiment
I'm the Welsh Bus Driver Who Had His Life Ruined by 'Tiger Porn'
I'm Too Busy To Date Your Avatar!
I'm Trans & Society Removed My Comfort Around Children
I'm Very Worried About the 2024 Presidential Election
I've been sanctioned by China – but that won't stop me speaking out over Xinjiang
I've Traveled Across The Country To Attend Trump Rallies. Here's What You Won't See On TV.
I, plural
i, robot by Cory Doctorow
I-SoDog - Your Robot Best Friend
Ian Hickson on DRM
Ian Irvine: The Truth About Publishing
Ian Roberts weeps as working-class fans go wild for Macklemore's NRL show
IBM Apologizes For Firing Computer Pioneer For Being Transgender...52 Years Later
The IBM Muppet Show
IBM Scientists First to Distinguish Individual Molecular Bonds
ICANN eliminates .org domain price caps despite lopsided opposition
ICC arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin: a king-size dilemma for South Africa
ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian officials over alleged Ukraine war crimes
Ice Balls
Ice Cream Gyoza
ICE Defied a Court Order in Vendetta Against Deportee
Ice Sheet Collapse at Both Poles to Start Sooner Than Expected, Study Warns
Ice sheets can collapse at 600 metres a day, far faster than feared, study finds
Ice shelves hold back Antarctica’s glaciers from adding to sea levels – but they’re crumbling
ICE Takes To Twitter In Ridiculous Attempt To Defend Interrogating A Man In A Movie Theater For Wearing Google Glass
Ice world: Antarctica’s riskiest glacier is under assault from below and losing its grip
Ice-free summers in Arctic possible within next decade, scientists say
Iceland Exits Commercial Whaling, Citing Lack of Demand
Iceland Fights Climate Change the Same Way It Beat the Banking Crisis
Iceland holds funeral for first glacier lost to climate change
Iceland Invites You to Relax While a Horse Replies To Your Emails
Iceland misses out on Europe's first female-majority parliament after recount
Iceland outlaws conversion therapy in landslide vote
Iceland will tunnel into a volcano to tap into virtually unlimited geothermal power
Icelandic Hymn
Iceland’s first full-day women’s strike in 48 years aims to close pay gap – as it happened
The "Icon Of The Seas" Is 250,000 Tons Of Floating Carbon-Emissions Horror
Iconic Animal Art
The iconic Aussie animals disappearing from our backyards
The iconic Boston bombing photograph isn't about my legs – it's about a rescue
Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old
Iconic Puerto Rico telescope to be dismantled amid collapse fears
Iconic Star Trek Writer Dorothy “D.C.” Fontana Passes Away at 80
The iconic text editor Vim celebrates 25 years
Iconographic Encyclopædia of Science, Literature, and Art
IDA Helps to Weave the Fabric of Global Social Protection
Idaho’s Far Right Suffers Election Loss to 18-Year-Old Climate Activist
Idea Channel
Idea of green growth losing traction among climate policy researchers, survey of nearly 800 academics reveals
The idea of “one true calling” is a romanticized lie
The Ideal Workweek, According to Science
IDEFIX's instagram
Identity of a Copper Age Ruler in Ancient Spain Isn't at All Who We Expected
Identity-Based Politics are Not the Problem, Identity-Based Oppression Is
Idiotfruit and tree kangaroos: here’s why the ancient rainforests of Queensland’s Wet Tropics are so distinctive
Idling is the new smoking: Health experts call for anti-idling zones for ICE cars
Idol Words
idoru these days in Tokyo
IEA 10-Point Plan To Cut Demand For Oil By 2.7 Million Barrels A Day
IEA data exposes “technology not taxes” myth of former Morrison government
If a woman had nine children by three fathers, could she be a CEO like Elon Musk?
If all 2030 climate targets are met, the planet will heat by 2.7℃ this century. That’s not OK
If Australia wants to fast-track 100% renewables, it must learn from Europe’s risky path
If Authors Were Programmers
If Boys Really Won’t Read Books about Girls, We Have a Problem
If Cartoons Were Real
If Creators Suing AI Companies Over Copyright Win, It Will Further Entrench Big Tech
If crypto is incorporated into Australia’s financial system, we will be lucky to avoid contagious collapse
If Earth’s ecosystem was a company, Climate Ltd would have a problem
If enough of us decide that climate change is a crisis worthy of Marshall Plan levels of response, then it will become one
If EV sales are supposed to be going down, why are they still going up?
If Fantastic Beasts made by Studio Ghibli
If Finland Joins NATO, it’s ‘Game Over’ for Russia
If governments were really concerned about tax and the cost of living they would cut the cost of childcare
If Harry Potter Was An Academic Work
If Hill of Content bookshop dies, a piece of Melbourne dies with it
If humans disappeared, what would happen to our dogs?
If I could go anywhere: a world through the eyes of botanical artist Marianne North at Kew Gardens
If I could go anywhere: Château La Coste, a sculpture and wine walk in Provence holds random surprises
If I could go anywhere: German Modernism at the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart — beauty, play and the horror of war
If I could go anywhere: Greek cake shops, the Athenian countryside and the sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron
If I could go anywhere: Japanese art island Chichu, a meditation and an education
If I could go anywhere: the deep mountains and mysterious valleys of Tokyo’s Nezu Museum
If I fits I sits: A citizen science investigation into illusory contour susceptibility in domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus)
If I Fits, I Sits: 20 Cats That Prove There Is No Space Too Tight… (PICS)
‘If I left, I’d have to go without a word’: how I escaped China’s mass arrests
If I Ran a Newspaper….
‘If I Sleep for an Hour, 30 People Will Die’
If I was feeling hopeless about the climate, what of the scientists? So I asked them
If it Ain’t Real, Don’t Fix It
If It Seems Too Easy, It Probably Isn’t
If I’m really good, in my next life I get to be a librarian
If motorists knew more about electric cars, they’d be more willing to buy them
‘If only they made better life choices’ – how simplistic explanations of poverty and food insecurity miss the mark
‘If our food is good enough, they will come’: the hidden dining gems at Australian petrol stations and carwashes
If our hot water heaters ran off daytime solar, we would slash emissions and soak up cheap energy
If Patents Are So Important To Innovation, Why Do Innovative Companies Keep Opening Up Their Patents Rather Than Enforcing Them?
If Peter Dutton has a better understanding of the cost of building nuclear, then let’s see it
If plants can pick fungi to help fight pests and diseases, it opens a door to greener farming and ecosystem recovery
If plastic manufacturing goes up 10%, plastic pollution goes up 10% – and we’re set for a huge surge in production
If robots are taking our jobs, then everyone should get a universal basic income
If Shards of Honor had been written by...
If so many experts oppose a social-media age ban, why is the government intent on rushing it through?
If someone ever complains about welfare collectors, show them this.
If something can happen once, it can happen again – Dennis Glover’s reading of history sounds an alarm about the present
If the budget ditched the Stage 3 tax cuts, Australia could save every threatened species – and lots more
If the economy's in recession, shouldn't stimulus payments be automatic?
If the first solar entrepreneur hadn't been kidnapped, would fossil fuels have dominated the 20th century?
‘If the GOP is not yet a fascist party, it is well on its way to becoming one’: A historian reflects on the return of Fascism
If the government listened to business leaders, they would encourage humanities education, not pull funds from it
If the Justice League Were Samurai…
‘If the land is sick, so are we’: Australian First Nations spirituality explained
If the opposition wants a mature discussion about nuclear energy, start with a carbon price. Without that, nuclear is wildly uncompetitive
If the Point of Capitalism is to Escape Capitalism, Then What’s the Point of Capitalism?
if the robots win...
If the UN wants to slash plastic waste, it must tackle soaring plastic production - and why we use so much of it
If these lies are all Johnson has, Sadiq Khan is on course for a second term as London mayor
“If they don’t believe the science, they can fuck off:” Forrest backs coal and gas ban
‘If they don’t comply, they die’: families demand royal commission after fatal NSW police shootings
If Trump wins the election, this is,what's at stake
If We all Made Our Living By Helping People it Would Heal the World
‘If we burn … then what?’ A new book asks why a decade of mass protest has done so little to change things
If we can farm metal from plants, what else can we learn from life on Earth?
If we can put a man on the Moon, we can save the Great Barrier Reef
If we could design JobKeeper within weeks, we can exit coal by 2030. Here’s how to do it
If We Dig Out All Our Fossil Fuels, Here’s How Hot We Can Expect It to Get
If we do it right, we can replant trees and shrubs to store carbon – and restore biodiversity
"If We Don't Protect Nature We Can't Protect Ourselves" Harrison Ford | Extinction Rebellion
If We Don't, Remember Me
If we perfect cultivated meat, we could hedge against food shortages as climate chaos intensifies
If we protect mangroves, we protect our fisheries, our towns and ourselves
If we realised the true cost of homelessness, we’d fix it overnight
‘If we stop communicating, Putin wins. Propaganda wins’: how a Norwegian organisation is supporting Russian protest art
If we stop using the unemployed to control inflation, will we all be better off?
If We Want Kids to Stop Killing, the Adults Have to Stop, Too
If we want more solar and wind farms, we need to get locals on board by ensuring they all benefit too
If We're Going To Fix Copyright, We Need Much More Transparency
If you build it, will they come? Insect community responses to habitat establishment at solar energy facilities in Minnesota, USA
If you buy it, why can’t you fix it? Here’s why we still don’t have the ‘right to repair’
If you cry while watching movies, it is probably a sign of your emotional strength
If you demonstrate that 'Black Lives Matter,' others will too
If You Don’t Already Live in a Sponge City, You Will Soon
If you haven't seen this I think you will love it...bridleless Bareback
If you haven’t joined a union, it’s time you paid to benefit from union deals
If You Like "Mille Bornes", You’ll Love "One Billion Users"
if you like Star Wars...look at these!
If you love Australia, climate change should scare the hell out of you
'If you make China the enemy, China will be the enemy': Beijing's fresh threat to Australia
If you squat in a vacant property, does the law give you the house for free? Well, sort of
If You Suffer from Urgent Normal Syndrome, Ask for Help
If You Think Big Internet Companies Are Somehow To Blame For The New Zealand Massacre, You're Wrong
If you think Labor's 'too progressive', you couldn't be more wrong
If you think scrapping COVID isolation periods will get us back to work and past the pandemic, think again
If You Think The Reason Internet Companies Snarf Up Your Data Is Because Their Services Are Free, Allow Me To Introduce You To The Telcos
‘If you want to abuse your workers, that’s fine’: UK modern slavery watchdog’s funding cut
If you want to avoid ‘giving away your first born’ make sure you read the terms and conditions before signing contracts
If You Want to Be Creative, Don’t Be Data Driven
If You Want To Be Friends, Then Why Aren’t You Friendly?
‘If you win the popular imagination, you change the game’: why we need new stories on climate
If you would like to send your name to the have a few days to get it listed...see below
If YouTubers were Completely Honest with us...
If You’re Feeling Down, These 30 Pics Of Baby Otters Will Make You Smile
If you’re not using ChatGPT for your writing, you’re probably making a mistake
If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Turns out it’s just chance.
If You’re Stuck Inside, Might As Well Enjoy This List of Animal Cams
If you’re worried about inflammation, stop stressing about seed oils and focus on the basics
If You’ve Had Covid, Watch Out for Stroke Symptoms
If ‘correlation doesn’t imply causation’, how do scientists figure out why things happen?
iFixit and Google are Launching a Genuine Pixel Parts Program
iFixit Celebrates 20 Years of Fixing the World
Ig Nobel prizes awarded to research on beards, upside-down airborne rhinos and obese politicians
Iggy Pop's humorous rider by roadie Jos Grain
Ignore the doomsayers, the sky won’t fall if Australian workers get a pay rise
The Iguana Whisperer – Mexican Man Spends 40 Years Setting Up Unique Sanctuary for Iguanas
Iguanas reproducing on Galapagos island, more than a century after disappearing
iheartneedlework handmade hats for cats
iiNet CEO: The Copyright Agenda Has Been Hijacked By Studios
Ikaho Onsen
Ikea Built a Room in One of Its Stores to Look Like a Damaged Home in Syria
IKEA Bullies Indie Developer Into Changing Game Set In A Furniture Store
IKEA of energy delivers clean, green solar power-plant in a box
Ikea takes in stray dogs that need a place to sleep
Ikea to build electric truck charging network across Australian stores
Ill-judged tree planting in Africa threatens ecosystems, scientists warn
Illegal Eviction Moving Expenses
Illegal immigration bill does more than ‘push the boundaries’ of international law
The illegal killing of 265 trees on Sydney’s North Shore is not just vandalism. It’s theft on a grand scale
Illegal overfishing by Chinese trawlers leaves Sierra Leone locals ‘starving’
The illusion of moral decline
The Illustrated Aliens Project
Illustrated Cross-Sections of Major Train Stations in Tokyo by Tomoyuki Tanaka
The Illustrated Guide to (US) Law
Illustrated Japanese traditional Folk Tales (with translations)
Illustrating Weird Searches
illustrations: Open source illustrations kit
Illustrator Uses Clever 3D Tricks To Bring His Cartoons To Life
Image Based Relighting Using Neural Networks
imagery: this should be relevant for you
Images of Untranslatable Words
Imaginary Factories
Imaginary Friends
Imaginary Worlds, An Exhibition of Mosaiculture Living Sculptures at the Atlanta Botanical Garden
Imagination becomes reality in the winners of the 2019 Wiki Loves Earth photo contest
Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors
Imagine 2200: Write the future
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
Imagine if just $500 could fuel your electric car … for the next 20 years
Imagine it’s 2030 and Australia is a renewable energy superpower in Southeast Asia
Imagine more dragons: US biotech firm aims to breed tiny Australian lizard that is near extinction
Imagine the outcry if factories killed as many people as wood heaters
Imaging Neuroscience: An open access non-profit journal of brain imaging
Imagining COVID is ‘like the flu’ is cutting thousands of lives short. It’s time to wake up
Imagining the End of Capitalism With Kim Stanley Robinson
Imagining the endgame of the US-China rivalry
Imbalanced 'Incentives' Hurt Creativity More Than They Help
The IMF Confirms That 'Trickle-Down' Economics Is, Indeed, a Joke
IMF Says Carbon Tax Is Most Powerful Way to Fight Climate Crisis
Imgur Is About to Break the World Wide Web
Imitation, not artificial, intelligence
Immediate action is needed to reduce Hospital Acquired COVID-19 Infections and deaths
Immediate fossil fuel phaseout could arrest climate change – study
Imminent Win For The Public Domain: Court Likely To Compel Musée Rodin To Release Its 3D Scans Of Sculptor's Works For Free
The Immortal Myths About Online Abuse
Immune Attack
Immunisation rates fall among Australia’s vulnerable as experts blame pandemic misinformation and practical barriers
‘Immunity debt’ is a misguided and dangerous concept
Impact of Long COVID on productivity and informal caregiving
Impact of the 100 days mission for vaccines on COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study
“Impact printing” is a cement-free alternative to 3D-printed structures
Impasse on climate could last for years
Impatient Lady Driving Her Jaguar On the Grass Turns Out to Be Queen Elizabeth
Imperfect match: Australian renters in the dark over use of data by tech company Snug
Imperial Measures: Confected Culture Wars & National Identity
Imperial Oil, Canada’s Exxon Subsidiary, Ignored Its Own Climate Change Research for Decades, Archive Shows
The Importance of Kindness
Important And Needed New Report: Scaling Trust On The Web
Imports of ivory from hippos, orcas and walruses to be banned in UK
The Impossibility Of Content Moderation Extends To The People Tasked With Doing Content Moderation
The impossibility of intelligence explosion
Impossible Content Moderation Dilemmas: Talking About Racism Blocked As Hate Speech
Impossible made perfect: builders of the Sydney Opera House look back in wonder
The Impossible Suddenly Became Possible
The "Impossible" Rebellion
Imposter syndrome: Game developers who feel like frauds
Impress your demanding Russian in-laws in this cute, weird game
Impressive bionic hand
Impressive fan music video: "Picture Perfect Pony"
Impressive HDR photography
Impressive jelly bean animation for music video
Impressive Liara T’Soni Costume
Impressive Miniature Houses Made by Narcissa Ward Thorne
Impressive new plastic self-heals, can be recycled and feeds marine life
Impressive new zooming & 3D UI from MS Labs
‘Impressive rafting skills’: the 8-million-year old origin story of how rodents colonised Australia
?: Improv Everywhere
Improv Everywhere
Improv Everywhere 2008
Fwd: Improv in action . . .
Improved Forest and Landscape Management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Improving gender equality will help end violence against women, but it’s only part of the puzzle
‘Impulsive psychopaths like crypto’: research shows how ‘dark’ personality traits affect Bitcoin enthusiasm
In "A Nighttime Travesty", First Nations women embrace Indigenous futurism – and push the boundaries of theatre
In "Doppelganger", Naomi Klein says the world is broken: conspiracy theorists ‘get the facts wrong but often get the feelings right’
In "Slick", Royce Kurmelovs exposes just how long, and hard, the fossil fuel industry has worked to advance its interests
In 10 Years Of Existence, The Long-Running French Farce Known As Hadopi Has Imposed Just €87,000 In Fines, But Cost Taxpayers €82 Million
In 10 Years, Australia Will Decide the Fate of Our Planet
In 1614, a mother of eight put on a play about her cheating neighbour. The scandalous story changes what we know about women in theatre
In 1825, Haiti Paid France $21 Billion To Preserve Its Independence -- Time For France To Pay It Back
In 1835, John Batman attempted to make a treaty with Melbourne's Aboriginal owners. Here's what happened
In 1930 the Indiana Bell Building was Rotated 90° While Everyone Inside Still Worked
In 1951, corroboree dancers in Darwin went on strike: their actions would reverberate as far as Melbourne
In 20 years of studying how ecosystems absorb carbon, here’s why we’re worried about a tipping point of collapse
In 2022, Australia’s governments finally got moving on climate. Here’s how
In 2025, let’s make it game on – not game over – for our precious natural world
In 5 years, this Australian astrophysics lab reached 50% women. Here’s how they did it
In a Barbie world … after the movie frenzy fades, how do we avoid tonnes of Barbie dolls going to landfill?
In a climate crisis, how do we treat businesses that profit from carbon pollution?
In a crisis, Optus appears to be ignoring Communications 101
In a dangerously warming world, we must confront the grim reality of Australia’s bushfire emissions
In a first, a solar microgrid will directly power an industrial plant
In a first, U.S. appoints a diplomat for plants and animals
In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S.
In a Growing Share of U.S. Marriages, Husbands and Wives Earn About the Same
In a landmark judgment, the Federal Court found the environment minister has a duty of care to young people
‘In a lot of the world, the clock has hit midnight’: China is calling in loans to dozens of countries from Pakistan to Kenya
In a market swamped with streaming services, Netflix’s massive loss of subscribers is a big deal
In a milestone, the US exceeds 5 million solar installations
In a new manifesto, OpenAI’s Sam Altman envisions an AI utopia – and reveals glaring blind spots
In a record-breaking drought, bush birds from around Perth flocked to the city
In a remote corner of California, a state program successfully shelters homeless people
In a time of COVID and climate change, social sciences are vital, but they’re on university chopping blocks
In a US first, fossil fuel power plant workers will be retrained for offshore wind
In a Voice campaign marked by confusing, competing claims, there’s a better way to educate voters
In a win for Traditional Owners, Origin is walking away from the Beetaloo Basin. But the fight against fracking is not over
In a world first, NASA’s DART mission is about to smash into an asteroid. What will we learn?
In A World Where AI Art Is Cheap And Easy To Generate, Do We Still Need Copyright?
In a world where cars can drive
In a year of global elections, how do we stop the spread of misinformation? ‘Prebunking’ is part of the solution
In Afghanistan, families are forced to sell children to survive. Trump’s USAID cuts will be devastating
In African Villages, These Phones Become Ultrasound Scanners
In an era of brutal cuts, one ordinary place has the imagination to fight back
In Argentina, cheap government-issued netbooks sparked a musical renaissance
In Australia and South Africa, construction has started on the biggest radio observatory in Earth’s history
In Australia, it's 'easier to get a permit to destroy nature' than fix it. Here's why
In Australia, Mental Healthcare is a Luxury Not Everyone Can Afford
In Australia, Russians and Ukrainians unite against Putin’s war
In Australian media, women’s voices are still not heard
In Australia’s Election, Rupert Murdoch Was a Surprise Loser
In Austria, the Government Pays to Repair Your Stuff
In Bahamas, a struggle to save conch, and a way of life
In Bali, paradise is being upcycled
In Bali, water temple priests guide a sustainable rice production system
In Baltimore, Healing Trauma Is Now Official Policy
In Bangladesh, olive ridley turtles break 4-year record with 53% increase in eggs
In Barcelona, Kids Bike to School in Large, Choreographed Herds
In Berlin, refugees become friends—through board games
In Bolivia, a 'conservation mosaic’ gets another (big) piece
In Bolsonaro’s burning Brazilian Amazon, all our futures are being consumed
In botched DEI purge, OSHA trashes workplace safety guidelines
In broadest view yet of world's low oxygen, scientists reveal dangers and solutions
In California, Tribal Members Are Reclaiming the ‘Land of the Flowing Water’
In case you're wondering what it's like to weigh a Penguin.
In Chile, a ‘sacrifice zone’ waits on a better future
In China, Women Are Defying ‘Beauty Duty’ — With a Bold Haircut
In Cleveland and beyond researchers begin to unravel the mystery of long COVID-19
In Coastal British Columbia, the Haida Get Their Land Back
In Conservation Success Story, Once-Extinct UK Butterfly Has Best Summer in 150 Years
In Conversation: Chris Rock
In Defence of 15 Minute Cities
In Defense of Studying “Basket Weaving” At College
In defense of the Google chef
In dogs’ play, researchers see honesty and deceit, perhaps something like morality
In Each Other We Trust: Coining Alternatives to Capitalism
In early 2029, Earth will likely lock into breaching key warming threshold, scientists calculate
In Ecuador's Amazon, indigenous forest defense gains legal ground
In Ecuador, a ‘milestone’ effort to protect mangroves — and people
In Europe’s Clean Energy Transition, Industry Looks to Heat Pumps
In Fiji, the climate crisis is no longer off in the future – it's a daily reality
In Florida, the Miccosukee fight to protect the Everglades in the face of climate change
In freezing foreign aid, the US leaves people to die – and allows China to come to the rescue
In Ghostly Graveyards, Biodiversity Is Nourishing the Living
In Hawaii, parasites and viruses team up in the battle against fruit flies – an entomologist explains the implication for global pest control
In Hawai‘i, American Farmers Believe They Do Cacao Better
In heatwave conditions, Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests no longer absorb carbon
In heavily militarised Kashmir, the upcoming India elections do not inspire much hope
In hot water: here’s why ocean temperatures are the hottest on record
In India, an algorithm declares them dead; they have to prove they’re alive
In Israeli desert, wolves and hyenas cooperate on hunts
‘In it for the ride’: who are Voyager, the synth-metal band representing Australia at Eurovision?
In Italy’s Motor City, Car-Free Options Are Growing
In Japan, a million people have shut themselves in their rooms. One mother is helping them come out
In Japan’s ageing countryside, some villages face extinction
In Juneau, Alaska, a carbon offset project that’s actually working
In just a few keystrokes and five scenes, the most striking game about guns
In Kabul’s ‘Saigon moment’, Australia faces the shame of repeating its mistakes exiting the Vietnam war
In Kazakhstan, Russia follows a playbook it developed in Ukraine
In Kenya, a river restoration initiative pays for itself, and then some
In Kenya, Nigeria and Malawi, gene-editing is saving crops
In Kenya, One Solution to Contaminated Water Comes From Above
In Kyrgyzstan, creeping authoritarianism rubs up against proud tradition of people power
In landmark ruling, South Korea's top court confirms state benefits for gay couples
In Memoriam Author and Grand Master Gene Wolfe, 1931-2019
In Memoriam – Janet Asimov
In Memoriam: Donald Bitzer, 1934–2024
IN MEMORIAM: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Edward Cornish, Pioneering Futurist & Founder of the World Future Society 1927-2019
In Mexico City, the pandemic revived Aztec-era island farms
In Mexico, a divine bird inspires a community’s sustainable forestry efforts
In Move to Protect Whales, Polynesian Indigenous Groups Give Them ‘Personhood’
In much of Asia, tiger populations are rebounding
In Namibia, Lions Are King of the Beach
In Nebraska, Bighorn Sheep Reclaim Their Former High Plains Home
In Nepal, a eucalyptus boom became an ecological cautionary tale
In New Zealand, a Translated ‘Moana’ Bolsters an Indigenous Language
In New Zealand, The Land Can Be A Person. Meanwhile, in Australia…
In Norway, A Prison Built On Second Chances
In Norway, the Electric Vehicle Future Has Already Arrived
In Odisha’s Mangalajodi wetland, youth strive to build a healthier ecosystem and generate livelihoods
In Oregon Timber Country, a Town Buys the Surrounding Forests to Confront Climate-Driven Wildfires
In our schools, many families speak Mixteco. So we decided to translate children’s books into the Indigenous language.
In Panama, legal rights given to sea turtles, boosting the 'rights of nature' movement
In pictures: Bouncing beneath Blaenau
In pictures: French schoolboys wear skirts to fight sexism
In pictures: Ladybirds, geckos and gorillas
In pictures: Royal Society photo award winners
In Pictures: The activists who helped win LGBTI+ rights in the Cook Islands
In Pictures: The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018
In Pieces
In Praise of Bin Animals
In praise of celestial mechanics
In Praise of Parasols
In praise of the weird
In praise of trigger warnings
In Praise of Whistleblowers
In Praise of “Plant Vaccines”
In Rare Move, Japanese Pop Star Comes Out Publicly as Gay
In rare show of solidarity, 14 key nations commit to protect oceans
In re-electing its government, Taiwan has kept the status quo, but the victory hides a transformed political landscape
In Rehab Clinics, a Possible New Role for Brain-Computer Interfaces
In Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the US has put a conspiracy theorist in charge of public health
In Romania and Ukraine, the Danube Delta Is Hurting. Can We Do Anything to Heal It?
In Russia’s war against Ukraine, one of the battlegrounds is language itself
In Science, There Should Be a Prize for Second Place
In Scotland, making whisky with energy from wind, wood chips and tides
In Search of Cool Green Spaces, Paris Turns to an Old Rail Line
In Search Of Wikipedia’s Shrug Guy
In September we went past 1.5 degrees. In November, we tipped over 2 degrees for the first time. What’s going on?
In siding with Russia over Ukraine, Trump is not putting America first. He is hastening its decline
In Slovakia, a frenzy of cultural repression is under way, as we turn back to Soviet times
In southern India’s tea country, small but mighty efforts are brewing to bring back native forests
In Sub-Saharan Africa, Nature-Based Solutions Take Root
In Thailand, Farmers Are Using an App to Reduce Smog
In Thailand, student protesters take a leaf out of Harry Potter and Hunger Games books
In the 1800s, colonisers attempted to listen to First Nations people. It didn’t stop the massacres
In the Amazon, Brazilian ecologists try new approach against deforestation and poverty
In the Arctic, planting more trees actually makes the world warmer
In The Australian Wars, Rachel Perkins dispenses with the myth Aboriginal people didn’t fight back
In the battle of Internet mobs vs. the law, the Internet mobs have won
In the Container Village of “Poliopolis,” a Vaccine Trial Like No Other
In the Developing World, Solar Is Cheaper than Fossil Fuels
In the fight against climate change, China is doing more than you think, but still not enough
In the fog of Grosvenor fire, has Labor gone backwards on coal mine methane emissions reporting?
In The Future, Only One Thing Will Matter. And It's Not Money
In the future, we could snuff out cyclones. But weather control comes with new risks
In the Name of Love
In the no-go zone near a crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, one man chose to stay behind
In the Race to Electrification, the Humble Bus Is in the Lead
In the rarified world of Jewish letters, a mind-boggling font of Jewish history
In the Tech World, It Really Helps When People Think You’re Male
In the U.K., a Disaster No One Wants to Talk About
In the US, political division can take a significant toll on people’s health. Australia should pay attention
In the wake of Alfred, how do we think about and measure the cost of catastrophes?
In the wake of bushfires and coronavirus, it’s time we talked about human security
in the wild
In the world’s northernmost town, temperatures have risen by 4C, devastating homes, wildlife and even the cemetery. Will the rest of the planet heed its warning?
In the Year of the Rabbit, spare a thought for all these wonderful endangered bunny species
In Their Legal Victory over Shell, South Africa’s Indigenous Communities Continue to Assert Their Power
In these new-build homes, no fossil fuels are allowed
In This Arizona City, Kids With Autism Are More Than Welcome
In this crisis, God bless the net
In Time for Endangered Species Act’s Golden Anniversary, a Golden Flower is Recovered
In Tokyo, a Ghetto of Geeks
In Victoria, animal abuse may soon be considered a form of family violence. Here’s why that matters
In Vietnam, farmers reduce methane emissions by changing how they grow rice
In Washington, Students Learn About Climate Change Like Nowhere Else
"In which my daughter plays Dungeons and Dragons, sort of"
In win for butterflies and loss for Texas Republicans, feds move to protect rare plant
In Wisconsin, the Menominee Tribe’s Sustainable Forestry Is Visible From Space
In Your Arms - Kina Grannis (Official Music Video) Stop Motion Animation
In your face: our acceptance of facial recognition technology depends on who is doing it – and where
In ‘Air,’ Michael Jordan’s silence speaks volumes about the marketing of Black athletes
In-depth: Russia’s war means fossil fuels will peak within five years, IEA says
In-Flight Anomaly Sends NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter on a Wild Ride – Here’s What Happened
InAnimate character stickers
Incarcerated people with disability don’t get the support they need – that makes them more likely to reoffend
The incarceration of children in Australia
‘Incel’ violence is a form of extremism. It’s time we treated it as a security threat
Incendiary Clergy
‘The incentive to steal isn’t there’: the lost cause of tracking library theft
Incidental comics
Incitement to violence is rarely explicit – here are some techniques people use to breed hate
Inclusion means everyone: 5 disability attitude shifts to end violence, abuse and neglect
Income inequality in America is the highest it’s been since Census Bureau started tracking it, data shows
Income inequality makes the 1% sad, too
Income inequality surges as richest group gets more than 90 per cent of the gains, Australia Institute finds
Incoming! How UBI could change work (and the world)
Incomplete vs. overshoot
Incongruity = Hilarity
The incontrovertible truth about World War I
The inconvenient truth of global warming in the 21st century
Increase in atmospheric methane set another record during 2021
Increased e-buses in Delhi could reduce pollution-related mortality, morbidity: study
Increasing open-source inclusivity with paper circuits
‘Increasingly worried’: more than a quarter of a million waterbirds disappear from eastern Australia
Incredible Dark Crystal Wedding Cake
Incredible Experiment Reveals How Rats Use Their Imagination
Incredible footage shows the moment a manta ray asks a diver for help off Ningaloo Bay
Fwd: Incredible HD Mars photos
Incredible New Drone Footage Flies Over the Latest Eruption of Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall Volcano
Incredible Nurse Cat From Poland Looks After Other Animals At Animal Shelter
Incredible Octopus Behavior Nearly Caused Scientist To Drown From Laughing
The Incredible Reason You Might Start Seeing Safety Pins Everywhere
The Incredible Resurgence of Blue Whales in California Waters
The incredible shrinking heat pump
Incredible StarCraft Hydralisk Cosplay
The incredible tale of irresponsible chocolate milk research at the University of Maryland
Incredible Tap Dancing Medley ft. Sarah Reich - Postmodern Jukebox
‘Incredible Things Are Possible’: The Power and Potential of New York’s Public Spaces
Incredible wildlife photography exhibition showcases the beauty of big cats
Incredible Winners of the 17th Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest
Incredibly Cute Animal Illustrations By Sydney Hanson Will Make You Smile
Incredibly Realistic 3D Papercraft Birds
‘Incredibly worrying’: legal fight looms around Australia over clampdown on protest
Incremental environmental change can be as hazardous as a sudden shock – managing these ‘slow-burning’ risks is vital Your tools shouldn’t spy on you
Indefensible Industries
Independent running against Dutton wants bipartisan focus on home batteries after cyclone outages
Index Index
India Banned TikTok, It Didn’t Go Well
India Declares Dolphins & Whales As ‘Non-Human Persons,’ Dolphin Shows Banned
India elections: ‘Our rule of law is under attack from our own government, but the world does not see this’
India has almost wiped out extreme poverty: International Monetary Fund
India is Fighting Heatwaves With Solar Cycle Tracks
India is in the midst of an electric vehicle revolution – and Australia should tap in
India Is What Happens When Rich People Do Nothing
India lands spacecraft near south pole of moon in historic first
India looking at record high solar capacity addition at 17 GW this year
India makes history, launches Tricolour on moon
India Plans $10 Billion Electric Bus Contract to Curb Emissions
India secretly works to preserve reputation on global Democracy Index
India snow leopards: First-ever survey puts population at 718
India targets Apple over its phone hacking notifications
India to extend free food grains programme by five years, says Modi
India's electric car boom: What's fuelling the soaring popularity of EVs?
India's Female Superhero And Her Flying Tiger Are Out To Fight The Pandemic
India's first openly gay prince endured years of torturous conversion therapy. Now, he's fighting to make the practice illegal.
India's Ladycops
India's religious chatbots condone violence using the voice of god
India: Authorities Revoke Visa Privileges of Diaspora Critics
India: Leopards in the Backyard
Indian Comedy
The Indian doctor taking care of thousands of elephants
Indian experts hail breakthrough in bid to save huge native bird
Indian government accused of rewriting history after edits to schoolbooks
Indian Government Agencies Demand Access To WhatsApp Messaging Groups
Indian Government Cuts Off Internet Access To 27 Million Punjab Residents As It Continues Its Targeting Of Sikhs
Indian government ordered killings in Pakistan, intelligence officials claim
Indian Matchmaking: English can be a valuable asset for young women seeking husbands – but it can also backfire
Indian Ocean marine parks off Christmas Island and Cocos Islands get the go-ahead
The Indian sanitary pad revolutionary
The Indiana Jones of collapsed cultures: Our Western civilization itself is a bubble
India’s alternative facts: how the government of Narendra Modi invents its own kind of ‘experts’ to legitimise its policies
India’s Community Radio Brings Its Villages Crackling to Life
India’s elephant-friendly tea garden 🐘☕️🌱
India’s endangered tiger population is rebounding in triumph for conservationists
India’s Experiment in Basic Income Grants
India’s Inadvertent Missile Launch Underscores the Risk of Accidental Nuclear Warfare
India’s Report Card Against Short List Of Climate Actions Is Better Than Most Realize
India’s Retired Sex Workers Get a Second Act
India’s rich are not the only ones fleeing the Covid crisis on private jets, says CEO
India’s water crisis: alarm bells for Australia, world economy
India’s wicked problem: how to loosen its grip on coal while not abandoning the millions who depend on it
India’s Women Are Building An Alternative To Toxic Masculinity
India’s ‘Open Prisons’ Are a Marvel of Trust-Based Incarceration
India’s ‘untouchable’ women face discrimination even in schemes meant to help them
Indict Jair Bolsonaro over indigenous rights, international court is urged
The Indie Game Market (2014)
The IndieBox
Indigenous affairs minister says Dutton ‘unfit to be prime minister’ after he pledges not to display First Nations flags
Indigenous and local communities see big gains in land rights, study shows
Indigenous Australian Solar Energy Company Takes On Tesla
Indigenous children set to receive billions after judge rejects Trudeau challenges
Indigenous communities get tech and training on vital early warning systems
Indigenous communities in Colombia’s Amazon move closer to self-governance
Indigenous community in Ecuador wins legal fight to reclaim ancestral land after more than 80 years
Indigenous cultural burning managed Australia’s bushfires long before colonisation. It’s needed now more than ever, a study says
Indigenous deaths in custody at record high and public perception of police worst in 10 years, report finds
Indigenous effort in Bangladesh helps reverse endangered fish’s slide to extinction
Indigenous fire management began more than 11,000 years ago: new research
Indigenous Geographies Overlap in This Colorful Online Map
Indigenous governments in the N.W.T. sign $375M deal to protect their land
Indigenous historian Bruce Pascoe says we’ve got our story all wrong
Indigenous knowledge and the persistence of the ‘wilderness’ myth
Indigenous Knowledge Has Been Warning Us About Climate Change for Centuries
Indigenous knowledge merges with science to protect people from fish poisoning in Vanuatu
Indigenous knowledges informing ‘machine learning’ could prevent stolen art and other culturally unsafe AI practices
Indigenous leader inspires an Amazon city to grant personhood to an endangered river
Indigenous leaders have long called self-determination the key to Closing the Gap — but what does it mean?
Indigenous Ogiek win ‘landmark’ reparations ruling from African Court
Indigenous people and NGO grow a wildlife corridor in the world’s oldest rainforest
Indigenous people in the Amazon are helping to build bridges & save primates
Indigenous People Mix Ancient and Modern Science to Protect Salmon and Bears
Indigenous peoples across the globe are uniquely equipped to deal with the climate crisis - so why are we being left out of these conversations?
Indigenous Peoples Day: What can be done to save dying languages?
Indigenous peoples still face effects of mass bison slaughter
Indigenous rangers are burning the desert the right way – to stop the wrong kind of intense fires from raging
Indigenous Reserve in Colombia Achieves Major Expansion, Advancing Territorial Rights for Four Indigenous Communities
Indigenous Ryukyuans say it’s time for US military to leave
Indigenous science can help solve some of the great problems of our time. Here’s how
Indigenous Shuar community in Ecuador wins decades-long battle to protect land
Indigenous trailblazer Lowitja O'Donoghue dies aged 91
Indigenous voice: no campaign’s deep links to conservative Christian politics revealed
Indigenous voices can be heard without being constitutionally enshrined, just look at the US
Indigenous women are most affected by domestic violence but have struggled to be heard. It’s time we listened
Indigenous Wonder Woman
Indigenous-led bison repopulation projects are helping the animal thrive again in Alberta
Individual action on climate was tarred as greenwashing or virtue signalling. But it still has a place
Indonesia announces plan to protect 10% of its seas by 2030, and 30% by 2045
Indonesia backs global fight against plastic waste
Indonesia is one of the world’s largest democracies, but it’s weaponising defamation laws to smother dissent
Indonesia is suppressing environmental research it doesn’t like. That poses real risks
Indonesia on track with peatland restoration, but bogged down with mangroves
Indonesia's Raja Ampat: 'The last paradise on Earth'
Indonesia, Malaysia Have Cut Deforestation in Half in Last Half-Decade
Indonesia, Malaysia to hold joint patrols against illegal fishing
Indonesian president says palm oil expansion won’t deforest because ‘oil palms have leaves’
Indonesia’s new criminal code isn’t just about sex outside marriage. It endangers press and religious freedom
Indonesia’s new president, Prabowo Subianto, finds democracy ‘very tiring’. Are darker days ahead for the country?
Indoor air is full of flu and COVID viruses. Will countries clean it up?
Indoor recreated English churches in Japan
'Indoor solar power' could replace disposable batteries and charger cables with photovoltaic strips
Indoor tropical island
Industrial heavyweights call for urgent action on cutting Australia’s emissions
Industrial wastelands to wildlife oases: Five nature wins that have actually worked
Industry calls for $3 billion fund to clean dirty big trucks
Industry shutdowns are messy and painful: 4 lessons Australia’s coal sector can learn from car-makers about bowing out
Industry-Hated Game Emulators Save Two Video Games For Posterity
Ineffective altruism — FTX and the future robot apocalypse
‘Inequality is deepening’: demand for Australia’s support services rockets as cost of living bites
‘Inequality serves no-one’: Australia finally has a strategy to achieve gender equality - but is it any good?
Infectivity of exhaled SARS-CoV-2 aerosols is sufficient to transmit covid-19 within minutes
The Infinite Desire For Growth: a review
The Infinite Drum Machine
Infinite Flowers
Infinite lives: the company saving old arcade machines
Infinite Mac
Infinity: a computer anyone can build and explore
Inflatable buildings
Inflatable space stations, Reusable rockets and Spiderfab for the 2020s
Inflation is caused by too little capacity
Influential Comic Book Artist Mystery Solved
Influenza vaccinations recommended as cases of respiratory illness rise across Australia
The Infocom Cabinet: Binders and Folders of Infocom, Inc. (1981-1987)
Infographic: how are we progressing on the Sustainable Development Goals?
The Infopocalypse Goes South
Information Consumerism: The Price of Hypocrisy
Information Geographies
Information Underload
THE INFORMATION: How the Internet gets inside us
Infosec is a sham: The reality of IT security
Infoxchange Group Annual Report 2019
The infrastructure behind ATMs
ING Further Cuts Fossil-Fuel Financing in New Climate Pledge
The Ingenious Ship That Will Revolutionise The World
Inglip Summoned
Initiative sets sights on rewilding three New Zealand islands
The Inner Beauty of Basic Electronics
Innocent Queensland children pleading guilty to avoid harsh bail laws, lawyers say
Innovation Asymmetry: Why The Copyright Industry Always Freaks Out About New Technologies
INNOVATION from the beginning (very worth watching with or without kids!)
Innovation should be legal; that's why I'm launching NeTV2
Innovation Works Better, Faster With Openness, Not Lock-In
Innovations to Improve Television Watching
Innovative charging system allows electric ferries in the Netherlands
The Innu have lived in eastern Canada for thousands of years, yet their rights to this land are increasingly threatened by the question: who is Indigenous?
Inquiry raises deep concerns over Labor’s $1.5 billion cash splash for new NT gas hub
Inquiry warns distrustful public wouldn’t accept COVID measures in future pandemic
Insane Victorian Names
Insanely Cute Cat Commercials from Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki’s Legendary Animation Shop
Insanity Wins As Appeals Court Overturns Google's Fair Use Victory For Java APIs
The Insect Apocalypse Is Here
Insect Armageddon
'Insect Armageddon': Europe reacts to alarming findings about decline in insects
Insect collapse: ‘We are destroying our life support systems’
Insect-based treats could be coming to a supermarket near you
Insects and Other Animals Have Consciousness, Experts Declare
Insects and spiders make up more than half NZ’s animal biodiversity – time to celebrate these spineless creatures
Insects in flight | 11 incredible species in SLOW MOTION
Insects will struggle to keep pace with global temperature rise – which could be bad news for humans
Insecure renting ages you faster than owning a home, unemployment or obesity. Better housing policy can change this
Inside a 50-year journey to reopen the ‘lungs’ of the Squamish River
Inside a French Museum Filled With Miniature Movie Sets
Inside a hollow library book, a secret library
Inside a radical new project to democratize AI
Inside Africa’s Trailblazing Solar Repair Movement
Inside America's Last Great Pinball Factory
Inside Asia's Forests of Hope: A Photo Essay
Inside Australia’s Secret Rich List
Inside Australia’s university wage theft machine
Inside Conservative Groups’ Effort to ‘Make Dishwashers Great Again’
Inside Google’s Internet Justice League and Its AI-Powered War on Trolls
Inside India’s Gargantuan Mission to Clean the Ganges River
Inside Israel and Jordan’s new bid to rehabilitate the Jordan River
Inside Karijini: A perfect electric drive through an ancient land
Inside Kenya's landmark queer rights victory
Inside Medium’s decade-long journey to find its own identity
Inside Meow Wolf, the amusement park for people who want a weirder Disneyland
Inside OK Go's Latest Record-Breaking Music-Video Marvel
Inside OpenAI, Elon Musk’s Wild Plan to Set Artificial Intelligence Free
Inside Printrbot: One of the rising, inexpensive 3D printer manufacturers
Inside Science Fiction’s Compassionate Revolution
Inside Sony Pictures Animation - Director Lauren Faust
The inside story of Recovery: how the world’s largest COVID-19 trial transformed treatment – and what it could do for other diseases
Inside the "sweatshop" terminally ill Britons must call to get benefits
Inside the 'pig-butchering' scams seeing thousands trafficked into cyber slavery
Inside the Billion-Dollar Effort to Clean Up the World’s Most Romantic River
Inside the bizarre recruitment tactics of the Shincheonji ‘doomsday’ church
Inside the Bungled Bird Flu Response, Where Profits Collide With Public Health
Inside the Campaign That Put an Oil Boss in Charge of a Climate Summit
Inside the Dirty Business of Hit Songwriting
Inside the DIY Movement to Fight Coastal Erosion
Inside the exquisite Tibetan monasteries salvaged from climate change
Inside the Federal Bureau Of Way Too Many Guns
Inside the fight for Kickstarter’s union
Inside the fight to save video game history
Inside the Frozen Zoo, where scientists put disappearing species on ice: ‘It’s banking hope’
Inside the Global Effort to Keep Perfectly Good Food Out of the Dump
Inside the Global Race to Tap Potent Offshore Wind
Inside the Last Old-School Seltzer Shop in New York
Inside the mind of a sceptic: the ‘mental gymnastics’ of climate change denial
Inside the Nisga’a Nation’s Fight to Get a 36-Foot Totem Pole Back From Scotland
Inside The Online Community Where Home-Schoolers Learn How To Turn Their Kids Into ‘Wonderful Nazis’
Inside the sick, sad world of the Q Society and the Australian Liberty Alliance
Inside the UK’s First Open-Access, Pay-As-You-Go Factory
Inside the vast digital campaign by Hindu nationalists to inflame India
Inside the vault
Inside the World's Chicest Cult
Inside the world’s biggest tech bazaars
Inside the ‘Energy Villages’ Powering Germany’s Green Transition
Inside Trump’s Cruel Campaign Against the U.S.D.A.’s Scientists
Inside Two Bit Circus, LA’s new VR and arcade amusement park
Insider threat: cyber security experts on giving Elon Musk and DOGE the keys to US government IT systems
Insight: Amazon rainforest gold mining is poisoning scores of threatened species
[INSPIRATION to the MAX!] Harnessing The Power Of The Brain (60mins)
Inspiration, influence and theft: what the Ed Sheeran case can tell us about 70 years of pop music
Inspiration, mentor and a truly great man: Tim Flannery farewells scientist James Lovelock, who has returned to Gaia at 103
Inspired by Nature: Scientists Find Groundbreaking Solution for Solar Storage
Inspired by Singapore’s education system, Bangladeshi migrant worker starts polytechnic
Inspired by Trump, the world could be heading back to the 1930s
Inspiring Jim Henson
Inspiring The Future - Redraw The Balance
Inspirograph, A Highly Customizable Browser-Based Version of the Classic Spirograph Drawing Toy
Instagram and Facebook are stalking you on websites accessed through their apps. What can you do about it?
Instagram is making you a worse tourist – here’s how to travel respectfully
Installing Linux on a Dead Badger
Installing solar-powered refrigerators in developing countries is an effective way to reduce hunger and slow climate change
Instant Crush | Daft Punk | Pomplamoose
Instead of banning kids from online spaces, here’s what we should offer them instead
Instead Of Fearing & Banning Tech, Why Aren’t We Teaching Kids How To Use It Properly?
Instead of Plane Making Emergency Landing, Engineer Fixes Medical Device Using Only a Pen
Instead of putting more massive trucks on our roads, we need to invest in our rail network
Instead of Trump’s propaganda, how about a nice ‘truth sandwich’?
Institutional COVID denial has killed public health as we knew it. Prepare to lose several centuries of progress.
Instructional Video
Instructions for Soft Toys During Hurricane
Insurers pull back as US climate catastrophes intensify
Insurrection, One Year On
Intel ME controller chip has secret kill switch
Intel unveils real-time deepfake detector, claims 96% accuracy rate
The Intellectual Dishonesty Of Those Supporting The Existing Text Of The EU Copyright Directive
Intellectual humility is a key ingredient for scientific progress
Intellectual Property Is Neither Intellectual, Nor Property: Discuss
Intellectual property waiver for COVID vaccines should be expanded to include treatments and tests
Intelligence Community Feels It Might Be Time To Start Stuffing Surveillance Gear Into People’s Pants
Intelligence Project Poll on Extremism Shows Divide in How Americans Understand Racism, Reveals Deep Unpopularity of Paramilitary Groups
the intelligent hand
Intelligent recycling machine starts service in Beijing Subway Line 10
'Intelligent' crows to pick up litter at French theme park
Intense heat changes our biology and can make us age significantly faster: study
Intense Heatwaves Persist Far Longer in The Deep Ocean, Scientists Find
Intent: Just How Magic Is It?
Interactive Version of Life on Mars
Interactive water
Interactive: pick an Australian CEO and compare their salary with a childcare worker, nurse or teacher
Interactive: What Earth’s 4.54 billion-year history would look like in a single year
Intercepto's DeviantArt Gallery
The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald on What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media
Interested, curious and empathetic, Michael Parkinson helped bridge the gap between Australia and England
Interesting Animated Story
interesting fun stuff
Interesting John Gilmore interview
interesting stuff on here
The Interesting Thing About Google's Delivery Drones Is Not The Drones, But Massive Societal Shift They Envision
interesting wikileak home in stockholm: a bunker
Fwd: interesting...
Interface in game | Creative tool for video games lovers and game designers
Intergenerational report highlights the threat of a hotter, less productive Australia due to global warming
The intergenerational report tries to scare us about ageing. It’s an old fear, and wrong
The Interim Government of Bangladesh launches the final phase of the HPV vaccination campaign, targeting over 6.2 million girls, to achieve nationwide coverage
Interim housing isn’t just a roof and four walls. Good design is key to getting people out of homelessness
Interim UW president has plan to fight racism, inequity
Interior Department Delivers $46 Million for Klamath Basin Restoration
Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s charged mission of healing
International aviation industry roiled by Belarus jet diversion
The International Correspondent: Saving Yolo Art Center
International Court Issues First-Ever Decision Enforcing the Right to a Healthy Environment
The International Court of Justice has ordered Russia to stop the war. What does this ruling mean?
International Criminal Court has cited Russia’s deportation of Ukrainian children a war crime: on Russia’s long history of weaponising deportation
International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women: 163 women political prisoners in Belarus
International Day of People with Disability: What happens when you've had an often debilitating condition your whole life and only just find out?
International E-Waste Day Reminds Us Devices Need to Last Longer
International Energy Agency warns against new fossil fuel projects. Guess what Australia did next?
The International Institute of the Bleeding Obvious has its verdict on the four day work week
International Plastic Overshoot Day: Which countries are best at recycling the polluting material?
International Red Cross investigates abduction of children from Ukraine by Belarusian Red Cross
International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge 2008
International Silliness
International Talk Like A Pirate Day
International task force finds COVID-19 origins 'most likely zoonotic' and warns of a failure to reduce animal-to-human transmission
International Week of Science and Peace
Internet access linked to higher wellbeing, study finds
Internet acronyms illustrated
Internet Arcade
Internet Archive brings bygone games and programs to the browser
The Internet Archive Console Living Room
Internet Archive Files Appeal Brief Defending Libraries and Digital Lending From Big Publishers’ Legal Attack
The Internet Archive has lost its first fight to scan and lend e-books like a library
Internet Archive posts millions of historic images to Flickr
Internet Archive Seeks Summary Judgment in Federal Lawsuit Filed By Publishing Companies
Internet Archive turns 20, gives birthday gifts to the world
Internet Archive, repository of modern culture, turns 20
The Internet Archive’s Fight to Save Itself
The internet can be toxic. But there are also online oases where mutual care flourishes
The Internet Could Be So Good. Really.
Internet Credit Union
Internet Freedom in Asia Hits Unprecedented Low
Internet in a Box
The Internet Is Broken. How Do We Fix It?
The Internet Is Not Disneyland; People Should Stop Demanding It Become Disneyland
The Internet Is Rotting
The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
The Internet Isn’t What We Fight FOR, It’s What We Fight WITH, with Cory Doctorow
The internet makes it too easy to ‘fall down a rabbit hole of hate’. So, what works to curb online extremism?
Internet Memes timeline
The internet of animals? An inside account of an ambitious plan to track animal movements across the globe
Internet of Dildos: A Long Way to a Vibrant Future – From IoT to IoD
The Internet of Things That Talk About You Behind Your Back
Internet Sensation Grumpy Cat Not Happy To Be Named First Madame Tussauds Cat
Internet trolls are even more hostile when they’re using their real names, a study finds
Internet trolls are not who I thought — they're even scarier
Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People
The Internet Twenty-Five Years Later
The Internet will always suck
internet! forever!
The Internet: Missing the Light
Internet: Quo Vadis (Where are you going?)
The Internet’s Lonely Urban Design
Interoperability: Fix the Internet, Not the Tech Companies
Interpol anti-fraud operation busts call centers behind business email scams
Interpretive Dance
Interregnum, Part 1: Collapse
Interrupting Lion - #SaveLions
Intersex children in New Zealand are routinely undergoing unnecessary surgery – that needs to change
Interview with Kim Stanley Robinson about his book “The Ministry for the Future”
Interview with Mitchell Baker, trapeze artist and Mozilla Chief Lizard Wrangler
Interview with Ursula K. Le Guin
Interview: Dan Wang, China specialist
Interview: Kevin Kelly, editor, author, and futurist
Interview: Neil Gaiman and Joss Wedon
Interview: Photographer Captures Visual Love Letters to Earth with Striking Landscapes
Interview: Professor Jun Murai – The Father of the Internet in Japan, the Past 40 Years, and the Future to Come
Interview: Surreal Paintings of Sharks “Swimming” in Mid-Air Show a More Peaceful Side
Interview: Victory for People with Disabilities and Older Persons in Mexico
Interviews with Walter Koenig, George Takei and Terry Pratchett
Intimate and immense: remembering Kaija Saariaho, one of the greatest composers of our time
Into the Black Hole: What’s at Stake for Comedy/Variety Writers in the WGA Strike
Into the ocean twilight zone: how new technology is revealing the secrets of an under-researched undersea world
Intolerant Liberals
Intricately layered laser-cut plywood sculptures
Intro to Drums
Introduced species are animals too: why the debate over compassionate conservation is worth having
Introducing David Card, the 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics winner who made the minimum wage respectable
Introducing Eco: An ecosystem sim where everyone must nurture a shared planet
Introducing DRM-Free Movies
Introducing Hearing Birdsong, beautifully transforming hearing health
Introducing Long COVID Essentials, a new resource series
Introducing Mimic 3
Introducing Neo900
Introducing Open Salaries at Buffer: Our Transparent Formula and All Individual Salaries
Introducing Precursor
Introducing PyScript
Introducing the Atlantic Archive
Introducing the Australian Progressives
Introducing the Icelandverse
Introducing the Income To Support All Foundation
Introduction to Linux
Introduction to the Holocaust
The invasion of America
Invasive Ants Disrupt Lions' Hunting Behavior In Kenya
Invasive grasses are worsening bushfires across Australia’s drylands
Invasive species cost humans $423bn each year and threaten world’s diversity
Invasive species lead driver of biodiversity loss in Australia – and feral cats have biggest impact, report finds
Inventor of optical recording
Investigating The Real Detective Charlie Chan
Investigation reveals global fisheries are in far worse shape than we thought – and many have already collapsed
Investigative Report Proves What Most People Already Suspected: The ‘War On Woke & DEI’ Mostly Pushed By A Bunch Of Censorial, Racist Shitheads
Investment giant faces fine in first greenwashing action brought by ASIC
Investors and unions press Labor to invest $100bn to compete in global green economy
The Invisibility of Small-Town Homeless People
The Invisible Man
Invisible Manipulation: 10 ways our data is being used against us
The invisible problem
Invisible Rope
The invisible Ukrainian who walked 225km to safety from Mariupol
‘Invisible’ consultants help companies write sustainability reports. Here’s why that’s a problem
Invitation to Senses Places dance-technology Workshop 4
FW: invitation to UK premiere of 'Ukiyo' [moveable world]
Iona Craig Won a Polk Award for Her Investigation of a SEAL Team Raid That Killed Women and Children in Yemen. Here’s How She Did It.
IP Slapstick: How Everyone From Funko To A Registrar Fucked Up And Briefly Took Down
IPA 2022 Winners
IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023
IPCC finds the world has its best chance yet to slash emissions – if it seizes the opportunity
IPCC report: Coastal cities are sentinels for climate change. It’s where our focus should be as we prepare for inevitable impacts
IPCC report: the world must cut emissions and urgently adapt to the new climate realities
IPCC reports are a climate science beacon. So why do these scientists say they have to stop?
IPCC says Earth will reach temperature rise of about 1.5℃ in around a decade. But limiting any global warming is what matters most
IPCC says the tools to stop catastrophic climate change are in our hands. Here’s how to use them
IPCC WGI Interactive Atlas
The IPCC’s calls for emissions cuts have gone unheeded for too long – should it change the way it reports on climate change?
IPFS is a new peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol.
ipod cm sazae-san version
Iran arrests woman who stripped in protest at ‘abusive’ dress code policing
Iran executions: the role of the ‘revolutionary courts’ in breaching human rights
Iran on fire: Once again, women are on the vanguard of transformative change
Iran probes 'deliberate' poisoning of schoolgirls across the country
Iran protest at enforced hijab sparks online debate and feminist calls for action across Arab world
Iran protests: majority of people reject compulsory hijab and an Islamic regime, surveys find
Iran protests: Police fire on Mahsa Amini mourners - witnesses
Iran Protests: What makes this time different, and why it matters for all of us
Iran stops Mahsa Amini’s family from travelling to receive human rights prize
Iran: mass strike starts amid mixed messages about abolishing morality police
Iran: Persecution of Baha’is
Iran: the hijab protests are now massive, but a revolution will need the military to change sides
Iran: ‘hijab’ protests challenge legitimacy of Islamic Republic
Iranian authorities plan to use facial recognition to enforce new hijab law
Iranian Baha'i Women Languishes in Jail After Fifth Arrest
Iranian Children's Rights Activist Handed Prison Term
Iranian couple filmed dancing in Tehran are jailed for 10 years
Iranian parliamentary election: what people are voting for and why it’s different this time
Iran’s new president rekindles faint hopes of rapprochement with west
Iraq war, 20 years on: how the world failed Iraq and created a less peaceful, democratic and prosperous state
The Iraq war’s damage to public trust in experts has consequences right up to today
Iraqi journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad watched Saddam’s statue topple in 2003. His ‘standout’ war memoir de-centres the West
Ireland has lost almost all of its native forests – here’s how to bring them back
Ireland: Wind generation exceeds demand for electricity for the first time ever
Irish names you’re probably saying wrong and how to pronounce them
Irish PM at Davos: 'Fight for Ukraine is a fight for wider European values'
Irish Times apologises for hoax AI article about women’s use of fake tan
Irma Gruenholz Clay Illustration
Iron Frog Productions: Library Cats Map
Iron Man in Cardboard by the Taiwanese Tony Stark
Ironically, modern surveillance states are baffled by people who change countries
‘Ironic’: climate-driven sea level rise will overwhelm major oil ports, study shows
Is 'Irregardless' a Real Word?
Is a 400k salary too much for a university president? Four academics apply to share one lucrative U of Alberta position
Is a previously unheard-of First Nation just Canada’s latest Pretendian case?
Is a world without trash possible?
Is America enduring a ‘slow civil war’? Jeff Sharlet visits Trump rallies, a celebrity megachurch and the manosphere to find out
Is American Journalism Headed Toward an ‘Extinction-Level Event’?
Is American Nonviolence Possible?
Is an electric bike right for you? Here’s what to consider before you buy
Is Australia a racist country? We asked 5 experts
Is Australia becoming a dumping ground for unrepairable appliances?
Is Australia in the firing line of a new Chinese campaign against the US?
Is Australia ‘giving away’ its natural resources?
Is Australia’s climate confusing you? Here’s why rainfall and temperatures don’t always behave as expected
Is Australia’s golden age of third-party fact checking over?
Is B.C. finally getting real about protecting nature?
Is Biodegradable Plastic Really a Thing?
Is bioenergy ever truly green? It depends on 5 key questions
Is capitalism an efficient economic system?
Is capitalism dead? Yanis Varoufakis thinks it is – and he knows who killed it
Is ChatGPT Getting Dumber?
Is Christian Nationalism “Proto-Fascism?” Research Says Yes.
Is climate change outpacing our ability to predict extreme heatwaves?
Is climate change supercharging Tropical Cyclone Alfred as it powers towards Australia?
Is cold water bad for you? What about drinking from the hose or tap? The facts behind 5 water myths
Is collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation really imminent? Icebergs’ history reveals some clues
Is David Littleproud prepared to switch off rooftop solar to jam nuclear into the grid?
Is democracy getting in the way of saving the planet?
Is Donald Trump a fascist? No – he’s a new brand of authoritarian
Is Dr. Bronner’s the Last Corporation With a Soul?
Is drone delivery a modern miracle or a band-aid fix for poor urban planning? I went to Australia’s ‘drone zones’ to find out
Is Elon Musk taking over the US government? Here’s how ‘state capture’ works – and why we should be concerned
Is fake meat healthy? And what’s actually in it?
Is fashion ready to say goodbye to leather?
Is fashion’s problem overproduction or overconsumption?
Is fragile masculinity the biggest obstacle to climate action?
Is Gender-Flipping The Most Important Meme Ever?
Is Google Wrecking Our Memory?
Is green the new black? New sustainable fashion show to kick off
Is hake's remarkable recovery in the Atlantic a sign of hope for our oceans?
Is hard work enough to lift anyone out of poverty? This question divides the nation
Is Hercule Poirot autistic? Here are seven clues that he might be
Is herd immunity to COVID-19 possible? Experts increasingly say no.
Is inequality a natural phenomenon? Thomas Piketty argues it isn’t – and proposes a way forward
Is Infrared Heating the Holy Grail of Electric Heating?
Is international law powerless against Russian aggression in Ukraine? No, but it’s complicated
Is it a cost-of-living election or a nuclear power election? Peter Dutton can’t have it both ways
Is it an invasion of your kids’ privacy to post pictures of them on social media?
Is It Dangerous to Keep Getting COVID-19?
Is it ever OK for white people to wear dreadlocks?
Is it finally time to ban junk food advertising? A new bill could improve kids’ health
Is it OK to kick a robot dog?
Is it possible to heal the damage we have already done to the Earth?
Is it right to be worried about getting stranded in an electric car?
Is It Time to Break Up With Fireworks?
Is It Time to Give Up on Hydrogen?!
Is it time to reconsider the idea of ‘the banality of evil’?
Is it worth investing in a battery for your rooftop solar? Here’s what buyers need to know (but often can’t find out)
Is job insecurity really the great motivator some managers believe it is? We crunched the numbers to find out
Is Joko Widodo paving the way for a political dynasty in Indonesia?
Is leaving dog poo in the street really so bad? The science says it’s even worse than you think
Is legal jargon actually a ‘magic spell’? Science says maybe
Is linking time in the office to career success the best way to get us back to work?
Is Migaloo … dead? As climate change transforms the ocean, the iconic white humpback has been missing for two years
Is Narcissism Treatable?
Is NATO to blame for the Russo-Ukrainian war? It’s complicated, explains historian Serhii Plokhy
Is News Corp following through on its climate change backflip? My analysis of its flood coverage suggests not
Is Now and Then really a Beatles song? The fab four always used technology to create new music
Is nuclear the answer to Australia’s climate crisis?
Is Old Music Killing New Music?
Is OpenAI A Ponzi Scheme?
Is our education system teaching us to learn but not to think?
Is Peak Climate Alarmism Behind Us?
Is policing in Australia corrupt and abusive? An eye-opening new book investigates
Is Reading a Dying Pastime?
Is red meat bad for you? And does it make a difference if it’s a processed burger or a lean steak?
Is Russia Finally Ready to Tackle Climate Change?
Is Russia looking to put nukes in space? Doing so would undermine global stability and ignite an anti-satellite arms race
Is Saudi Arabia using ‘sportswashing’ to simply hide its human rights abuses – or is there a bigger strategy at play?
Is Scott Morrison's Government 'authoritarian populist' with a punitive bent?
Is Sky News shifting Australian politics to the right? Not yet, but there is cause for alarm
Is social media making you unhappy? The answer is not so simple
Is temporary the new permanent? COVID street experiments open our eyes to creating better cities
Is Thailand's 'Clean Air Act' enough to end pollution?
Is the Anthropocene a world of hope or a world of hurt?
Is the Army’s New Tactical Bra Ready for Deployment?
Is the Barbie movie a bold step to reinvent and fix past wrongs or a clever ploy to tap a new market?
Fwd: Is the day
Is the DJI Mini 2 a good BEGINNER DRONE?
Is the Economic System Incompatible with Climate Action?
Is the global decline in democracy linked to social media? We combed through the evidence to find out
Is the Great Barrier Reef reviving – or dying? Here’s what’s happening beyond the headlines
Is The Inflation Reduction Act Enough To Fuel US Made Electric Vehicles?!
Is the Library of Things an answer to our peak stuff problem?
Is the metaverse really the future of work?
Is the Oil Industry Dying?
Is the poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran a new front in the war against girls’ education?
Is the UK in a recession? How central banks decide and why it’s so hard to call it
Is the Way Australia Funds the Arts a Recipe for Mediocrity?
Is the web actually evaporating?
Is The World Worth Saving?
Is The Zero Marginal Cost Society The End Of Capitalism... Or A Way To Fix Capitalism?
Is Theater Ridiculous? Movies, TV and Books Seem to Think So
Is there a Correlation between the Use of Swearwords and Code Quality in Open Source Code?
Is there a fundamental problem with the definition of long COVID?
Is there a law against colons?
Is there a Social-Media Fueled Protest Style?
Is there a way to pay content creators whose work is used to train AI? Yes, but it’s not foolproof
Is there a ‘right to disobey’? From the Vietnam War to today’s climate protests
Is There Any Evidence In The World That Would Convince Intelligence Community That More Surveillance Isn't The Answer?
Is there hope for a Hong Kong revolution?
Is this plug taken? EV charging etiquette comes to “Modern Manners” book.
Is This RUBBISH Electric Vehicle Britain's BEST EV?!
Is this the blueprint for a food bank that’s more human?
Is This the Most Efficient Electric Boat? Meet the Vessev VS9 Hydrofoil!
Is this the most powerful word in the English language?
Is this the protein plant of the future? New study finds ‘sweetness gene’ that makes lupins tastier
Is This the World’s Most Eco-Friendly Landfill?
Is this the ‘most Melbourne conversation’ ever?
Is thunderstorm asthma becoming more common?
Is Toxic Masculinity The Reason We Can't Address Climate Change?
Is Trump’s assault on Canada bringing Québec and the rest of the country closer together?
Is Twitter’s ‘blue tick’ a status symbol or ID badge? And what will happen if anyone can buy one?
Is Unconditional Basic Income a Trap Being Laid by Global Elites to Control and Enslave Us All?
Is Vladimir Putin the greatest Russophobe of all?
Is web3 bullshit? (Transcript)
Is Winston Peters right to call state-funded journalism ‘bribery’ – or is there a bigger threat to democracy?
Is Your Boss a Psychopath?
Is your gas stove bad for your health?
Is ‘Africa’ a racial slur and should the continent be renamed?
Is ‘climate anxiety’ a clinical diagnosis? Should it be?
Is ‘Toadzilla’ a sign of enormous cane toads to come? It’s possible – toads grow as large as their environment allows
Isaac Asimov on Optimism vs. Cynicism about the Human Spirit
Ise Jingu and the Pyramid of Enabling Technologies
Ish: How A Suffix Became A Word
Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music
Isidore of Seville: the patron saint of the internet who shaped knowledge for generations
The ISIS Files
The Islamic State flag hijacks Muslim words of faith. Banning it could cause confusion and unfair targeting of Muslims
Islamic State remains a potent threat five years after its military defeat
Islamophobia is surging throughout Europe. Here’s how we stop it
Islamophobic and antisemitic incidents record large spike in Australia, advocates say
'Island of Rats' recovers
Islanders determined to keep hope, culture alive as Torres Strait rises
Islands in the sky: could steep-sided hilltops offer safe haven to our threatened species?
The islands that went from whale hunting to whale watching
Isle of Tune
Isolation inspiration: free access to Crafts magazine’s 50-year archive
The ISP Column: Another 10 Years Later
ISPs Launch Legal Attack On Italy’s ‘Pirate Shield,’ Blocking Law
Israel accused of using AI to target thousands in Gaza, as killer algorithms outpace international law
Israel enters a dangerous period – public protests swell over Netanyahu’s plan to limit the power of the Israeli Supreme Court
Israel has banned the UN secretary-general. Is this legal – or right?
Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians, UN rights expert says
Israel isn’t complying with the International Court of Justice ruling — what happens next?
Israel now ranks among the world’s leading jailers of journalists. We don’t know why they’re behind bars
Israel perpetrating war crimes in plain sight in Gaza, says ex-UK diplomat
Israel tried to frustrate US lawsuit over Pegasus spyware, leak suggests
Israel-Gaza conflict: when social media fakes are rampant, news verification is vital
Israel-Palestine conflict: How sharing the waters of the Jordan River could be a pathway to peace
Israeli journalist describes threats over reporting on spy chief and ICC
Israeli strike on World Central Kitchen aid convoy shows growing danger of humanitarian work in conflict zones
Istanbul’s Most Famous Cat Honored With Its Own Statue At Its Favorite Spot
‘It a punitive f***ing system’: Brooke Oliver spent a majority of her life as a ward of the state, now she helps kids coming out of care
It All Comes Right Back To You
It all started with a mouse
‘It allowed us to survive, to not go mad’: the CIA book smuggling operation that helped bring down communism
'It always hits me hard': how a haunting album helped save the whales
It begins: Ethiopia set to become first country to ban internal combustion cars
‘It brings back a sense of belonging’: Bakhmut was destroyed by Russia – but the town lives on through its newspaper
‘It can be done. It must be done’: IPCC delivers definitive report on climate change, and where to now
It can be hard to challenge workplace discrimination but the government’s new bill should make it easier
‘It connects us to nature’: the Muslim women finding joy in England’s woodlands
‘It could be the death of the museum’: why research cuts at a South Australian institution have scientists up in arms
‘It does not have to be this way’: the radical optimism of David Graeber
‘It doesn’t matter where you come from’: regional youth orchestras help fight music education inequality
‘It doesn’t reflect us’: Global mockery of Raygun’s Paris Olympics performance affecting Australian scene, local B-girls say
It even has a talking cat
‘It feels enveloping and calming’: the London house wrapped in cork
‘It gets more and more confused’: can AI replace translators?
It had to happen - Spam/Python co-marketing
It Happened Again: Child In UK Initially Denied Passport Over Copyright
It happened there: how democracy died in Hungary
‘It is ambitious, but ambition builds the world’: can the Gambia’s bold plan to cut plastic pollution work?
It is as if you were doing work
It is Elon Musk who is now running the United States. Not Donald Trump
It Is Expensive to Be Poor
It is January 6. All Over
It Is Ludicrous That a Canadian Oil Company Wants To Drill For Oil Near the Okavango Delta
'It is not a pipe dream': five things Australia could do now to end poverty
It Is Really Important to Humanize Evil
‘It is shameful’: why the return of Victorian-era diseases to the UK alarms health experts
‘It is so beautiful’: rare inland rainforest in B.C. declared Indigenous protected area
It is time for Australia to establish a national Ministry for Culture
It is time to draw down carbon dioxide but shut down moves to play God with the climate
It is time to move the UN and international law out of the West
It Isn’t WebAssembly, But It Is Assembly In Your Browser
‘It just didn’t work’: how businesses are struggling with re-useable packaging
‘It just lifted me’: new research suggests shared reading groups combat loneliness – and the effects can be astounding
'It looks like snow': how Australia plans to fix the 'horrifying' blight of expanded polystyrene
‘It made me cry’: photos taken 15 years apart show melting Swiss glaciers
“It makes my blood boil:” Bowen fumes as Dutton leads new attack on CSIRO integrity
“It makes no sense:” How fossil gas industry is blocking electrification and consumer savings
‘It Makes You Human Again’
It may be time to eliminate the best-before date on food packaging, say smart packaging researchers
It may have seemed like the world fell apart in 2016. Steven Pinker is here to tell you it didn’t.
It may not be cute, but here’s why the humble yabby deserves your love
‘It needs to stay in the loop’: German reuse schemes turn shopping upside down
It never rains but it pours: intense rain and flash floods have increased inland in eastern Australia
It Pays to Be Kind. People Live Longer in Societies That Share More Across Generations
‘It shouldn’t be a bucket list place’: these people went to Antarctica. They hope you don’t
It sounds deceptively simple — but 'risky play' could be one of the fixes to the teen mental health crisis
It sounds like science fiction. But we can now sample water to find the DNA of every species living there
'It spares no one': New study reveals frightening Covid side-effect
It Starts With Fear, It Must End With Peace
It Takes Planning, Caution to Avoid Being 'It'
It took 68 years for the world to reach 1 terawatt of solar PV capacity. It took just two years to double it
It took a 15-year fight to be allowed to use an existing DRM exception: who still thinks copyright is fair?
It Turns Out Charging Stations Are Cash Cows For Nearby Businesses
It turns out NASA’s Mars helicopter was much more revolutionary than we knew
It was a toxic wasteland. Now it’s a national park.
‘It was all for nothing’: Chinese count cost of Xi’s snap decision to let Covid rip
‘It was bloody amazing’: how getting into social housing transforms people’s lives
‘It was incredible to see’: Kenyans dig deep on first national tree planting day
‘It was like the wild west’: meet the First Nations guardians protecting Canada’s pristine shores
It was long thought these fossils came from an eagle. Turns out they belong to the only known vulture species from Australia
‘It was the beginning of feminism’: how higher education paved the way for the women of Albury-Wodonga
It Was War. Then, a Rancher’s Truce With Some Pesky Beavers Paid Off.
It wasn’t just a tree: why it feels so bad to lose the iconic Sycamore Gap tree and others like it
It Will Come in Time // POMPLAMOOSE ft. Benny Sings
It would cost billions, but pay for itself over time. The economic case for air conditioning every Australian school
"It'll all be over by Christmas"
It's 2050 And This Is How We Stopped Climate Change
It's a 2-acre farm, packed into a shipping container that doubles as a farm building
It's a great life if you don't weaken.
It's A Holiday Today!
It's a maze Jim, but not as we know it
It's a still life
It's All Percussion
"It's almost like grooming": how anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, and the far-right came together over COVID
'It's amazing what people give away': The joy and savings of a buy-nothing group
It's Been 50 Years: Take Some Time This Weekend To Watch Doug Engelbart's Mother Of All Demos
It's Called A Hustle, Sweetheart
'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch
It's five minutes to midnight
It's fun to think about a Moomin videogame
It's good to be American (and wealthy).
It's got mame it's got Linux and the Who factor
It's Great That Winnie The Pooh Is In The Public Domain; But He Should Have Been Free In 1982 (Or Earlier)
It's Like You're Always On My Mind | Pomplamoose Original
It's not about sex, it's about identity: why furries are unique among fan cultures
It's not all bad news: Wonderful and wild stories about tackling climate change
It's not just fish, plastic pollution harms the bacteria that help us breathe
It's not rocket surgery
It's not the morphine, it's the size of the cage: Rat Park experiment upturns conventional wisdom about addiction
It's Okay. You Are Living Through Collapse.
It's one of the world's toughest anti-smoking laws. The Māori see a major flaw
'It's pretty staggering': Returned online purchases often sent to landfill, journalist's research reveals
It's really simple: EVs mean cleaner air in our cities
It's salmon season on this live Alaskan bear cam
'It's shocking, it's horrendous': Ellen MacArthur's fight against plastic
"It's the Biggest Genocide in Our History"
It's the elephant in the room: can we grow the economy without destroying nature?
It's Time For The Academic World To See The Positive Side Of Negative Results
It's time for the world to recognize Haudenosaunee sovereignty (Commentary)
It's time to define a covenant of human ethics
It's Time: Scientists Urge The World to Declare a New Epoch on The Moon
It's WWI that has the lessons for our time
Italian bear famous for bakery break-in dies after being hit by car
Italian climate activists sue government over inaction
Italian company behind “carbon dome” energy storage sets up a base in Melbourne
Italian hospitals report sharp rise in emergency cases as Rome hits 41.8C
Italian neighbours build their own social network, online and off
Italian PM warns migration an issue for all of Europe on Lampedusa visit
Italian scientists create Butterfly Forest in tropical mountain greenhouse
Italian Spiderman
Italy Decides That Leonardo da Vinci’s 500 Year Old Works Are Not In The Public Domain
Italy Is Giving Away Old Castles For Free, And Here’s How You Can Get One
Italy’s Piracy Shield Moving From Digital Farce To National Tragedy
ITPA's Response to the 2018 Federal Budget
ITSA Newsletter: Giving Tuesday
ITSA Newsletter: January 2025
ITSA Newsletter: June 2024 Edition
ITSA Newsletter: May 2024 Edition
It’ll be impossible to replace fossil fuels with renewables by 2050, unless we cut our energy consumption
It’s 30 years since Freddie Mercury died. His music is still the soundtrack of our lives
It’s 4 years since the first COVID case in Australia. Here’s how our pandemic experiences have changed over time
It’s a $69 Million JPEG, but Is It Art?
It’s a big deal if Australia and the Pacific are chosen to host UN climate talks. Here’s why
'It’s a game-changer': Victoria commits $5.3bn to 12,000 social housing homes
‘It’s a lie. Pure and simple’: Kevin Rudd’s office bluntly rejects USAid claims circulating online
‘It’s a Miracle’: Helsinki’s Radical Solution to Homelessness
‘It’s a net zero cargo solution’: could Victoria become home to an airship renaissance?
It’s A Time For Disobedience: MIT Media Lab Will Pay $250,000 To Support It
It’s a wonderful raven’s life
“It’s a Worldwide Problem”: How North American and Australian Firefighters Work Together
It’s About Ethics in Comic Book Journalism: The Politics of X-Men: Red
‘It’s about making our children feel proud’: how schools can learn about local Indigenous language and culture
“It’s all about the money:” US town saves $80,000 a year by switching to electric police vehicles
It’s All In The Presentation
‘It’s almost carbon-negative’: how hemp became a surprise building material
"It’s Alright" (From the Netflix film "My Little Pony: A New Generation" / Lyric Video)
It’s been 3 years since COVID entered New Zealand – here are 3 ways to improve our response
It’s beginning to look a lot like burnout. How to take care of yourself before the holidays start
‘It’s disgusting that they can get away with this’: here’s how eviction can affect tenants’ lives
‘It’s fun to cook up the stupidest idea’: the people competing to make the worst computer games possible
‘It’s gang-gang country’: the landholders restoring farmland to forest in the Victorian alps
It’s getting even harder to find full-time work. So more people are taking second part-time jobs
It’s getting hot down under: Hot rock geothermal energy is making a comeback in Australia
‘It’s going gangbusters!’ How Britain fell in love with bubble tea
‘It’s gone forever’: Wildfires ravage town at heart of Hawaiian culture
It’s Good That AI Tech Bros Are Thinking About What Could Go Wrong In The Distant Future, But Why Don’t They Talk About What’s Already Gone Wrong Today?
‘It’s greenwash’: most home compostable plastics don’t work, says study
It’s Happening: See-Through Solar Windows Kick Fossil Energy To The Curb
‘It’s honest beauty’: the net-zero homes paving the way for the future
It’s hot, and your local river looks enticing. But is too germy for swimming?
‘It’s just crazy’: Republicans attack US child labor laws as violations rise
‘It’s kind of suffocating’: queer young Australians speak about how they feel at school and what they think of politicians
‘It’s kind of whispered in corridors’: women being forced into underground abortion networks in rural NSW, study finds
‘It’s like a gift from God’: the program letting Melbourne’s long-term homeless catch their breath
It’s like a Little Free Library, but there’s art inside. People are flocking to it, tiny art in hand.
‘It’s like finding needles in a haystack’: the mission to discover if Jupiter’s moons support life
It’s Like They Picked Them Off A Shelf…
‘It’s like they’re impervious’: fury at let-off for Queensland police staff in racist recordings
‘It’s like you’re a criminal, but I am not a criminal.’ First-hand accounts of the trauma of being stuck in the UK asylum system
It’s Murder on the Dancefloor: Incredible Expressionist dance costumes from the 1920s
It’s natural to want to feed wildlife after disasters. But it may not help
‘It’s nice to help a life to live’: meet Sri Lanka’s turtle guardians
It’s not about mental illness: The big lie that always follows mass shootings by white males
‘It’s not about you’: how to be a male ally
It’s not all about gender or ethnicity: a blind spot in diversity programs is holding equality back
It’s not all nomadland: how #vanlife made mobile living a middle-class aspiration
‘It’s not an Oedipus complex’: why Japan’s ‘silver porn’ market is booming
It’s not an ‘electric bike craze.’ You’re looking at the future of transportation
It’s Not Climate Change — It’s Everything Change — Matter
‘It’s not even ugly’: the Australian businesses rescuing ‘imperfect’ fruit and veg
‘It’s not game over – it’s game on’: why 2024 is an inflection point for the climate crisis
It’s not just about more homes: unpacking the housing challenges migrants face in Australia
It’s not just Australian students who need more food, university staff are also going hungry
It’s not just climate – we’ve already breached most of the Earth’s limits. A safer, fairer future means treading lightly
It’s not just Greta Thunberg: why are we ignoring the developing world’s inspiring activists?
It’s Not Just POP Vinyls – Actual DARK CRYSTAL Action Figures Are on the Way!
It’s not just tax. How PwC, KPMG and other consultants risk influencing public health too
It’s not just Twitter. The whole Internet is broken and we’d better fix it soon
It’s not just Victoria’s iconic mountain ash trees at risk – it’s every species in their community
It’s not nostalgia. Stranger Things is fuelling a pseudo-nostalgia of the 1980s
It’s not official yet but Mount Fuji gets its trademark snowcap after the longest delay in 130 years
It’s not Orwellian for publishers to edit Roald Dahl, just commercially savvy
It’s not the quarantine that made so many other diseases surge: It’s the COVID
It’s not too late for Australia to forestall a dystopian future that alternates between Mad Max and Waterworld
It’s not ‘fair’ and it won’t work: an argument against the ACCC forcing Google and Facebook to pay for news
It’s now or never: Scientists warn time of reckoning has come for the planet
It’s official! According to science, reading fiction makes you nicer.
It’s official: Australia is set for a hot, dry El Niño. Here’s what that means for our flammable continent
It’s official: Australia’s ocean surface was the hottest on record in 2024
It’s official: the Murray-Darling Basin Plan hasn’t met its promise to our precious rivers. So where to now?
It’s oh so quiet: silent whale watching on Iceland’s first electric boat tour
It’s Okay to be Neither
‘It’s our problem’: Brazilian drama brings Amazon rainforest battle to screen
‘It’s path-breaking’: British Columbia’s blueprint for decolonisation
It’s Personal Now: How My State Solidified My Resolve to Fight for Change
It’s science, not fiction: high-tech drones may soon be fighting bushfires in Australia
It’s Science, Stupid: Why Do Trump Supporters Believe so Many Things That Are Crazy and Wrong?
‘It’s soul-destroying’: how people on a housing wait list of 175,000 describe their years of waiting
It’s the big issue of COP27 climate summit: poor nations face a $1 trillion ‘loss and damage’ bill, but rich nations won’t pay up
It’s the criminal economy, stupid!
‘It’s the first time I’ve woven in 27 years’: Peruvian women revive arts lost to trauma of forced sterilisations
‘It’s the perfect place’: London Underground hosts tests for ‘quantum compass’ that could replace GPS
It’s the S-Curve, stupid: New model predicts half of world’s energy will come from solar by 2035
It’s the world’s first Indigenous-led ‘blue park.’ And Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation pulled it off without waiting on Canada
‘It’s the worst feeling’ – young New Zealanders regret their vaping addictions but feel unsupported to quit
It’s time Biden started making good on his big climate change promises
It’s Time for Pharmaceutical Companies to Have Their Tobacco Moment
It’s time to add climate change and net-zero emissions to the RBA’s top 3 economic goals
It’s time to come clean on Lismore’s future. People and businesses have to relocate away from the floodplains
It’s time to end Western Australia’s $4 billion-per-year GST bonus
It’s time to future-proof Australia’s copyright laws for the 21st century
It’s time to give Australian courts the power to break up big firms that behave badly
‘It’s time to give up on normal’: what winter’s weird weather means for the warm months ahead
It’s time to kill the MCU
It’s time to rethink the climate emergency narrative
It’s time to say it: the US supreme court has become an illegitimate institution
It’s time to strike an environmental grand bargain between businesses, governments and conservationists – and stop doing things the hard way
It’s time to talk about gay reparations and how they can rectify past persecutions of LGBTQ people
It’s time to talk about how the media talks about sexual harassment
It’s time to tax mining and energy giants properly. Struggling Australians should share in their record profits
It’s time we learned to love the dark
It’s time we stopped exploiting interns and paid them for the hours worked
It’s time-out for leap seconds: an expert explains why the tiny clock adjustments will be paused from 2035
It’s too hard to make business decisions in the face of climate uncertainty – here’s how ‘storylines’ could help
It’s tradition: Indigenous designs have been on Australian money since decimalisation
It’s True: Trump Is Lying More, and He’s Doing It on Purpose
‘It’s very big’: new species of giant trapdoor spider discovered in Queensland
‘It’s Warlpiri identity’: Indigenous photos, drawings and sacred objects come home after 60 years
IV infusion enables editing of the cystic fibrosis gene in lung stem cells
Ivan Lovatt Chicken Wire Sculpture
Ivor Cutler
‘Iyashikei’ healing manga comforts readers with attention to small joys
I’ll never bring my phone on an international flight again. Neither should you.
I’m a bit brown. But in America I’m white. Not for much longer
I’m a black UChicago graduate. Safe spaces got me through college.
‘I’m a blue whale, I’m here’: researchers listen with delight to songs that hint at Antarctic resurgence
I’m a children’s writer – and celebrity children’s books undervalue my craft
I’m a chronically ill student, and one-way masking isn’t enough
I’m a climate scientist. "Don’t Look Up" captures the madness I see every day
I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Anymore.
I’m a female chef. Here’s how my restaurant dealt with harassment from customers.
I’m a Journalist but I Didn’t Fully Realize the Terrible Power of U.S. Border Officials Until They Violated My Rights and Privacy
I’m a Luddite. You should be one too
I’m a neuroscientist who taught rats to drive − their joy suggests how anticipating fun can enrich human life
I’m a psychologist – and I believe we’ve been told devastating lies about mental health
I’m A Refugee From A Banned Country— This Is My American Story
I’m a reporter in Mexico. My life is in danger. But the United States wouldn’t give me asylum
I’m a scientist. I’m blowing the whistle on the Trump administration.
‘I’m all for climate change’: Axel Springer CEO faces heat over leaked messages
I’m an expert in what makes good policy, and the Morrison government’s net-zero plan fails on 6 crucial counts
I’m an Illawarra-based marine ecologist. I want an honest discussion about offshore wind
I’m an OT and the biggest lesson for parents is in Bluey’s episode Muffin Cone
‘I’m Carmen. Nice to meet you again’: why I faced my rapist in prison
I’m committing $30 million to reforming the Supreme Court. It’s a small price to pay to protect our democracy
I’m descended from a Baloch-Afghan cameleer and a Badimiya Yamitji woman: they battled racist government policies to save our family
‘I’m Dropping My COVID Hubris,’ Vows a Top Immunologist
‘I’m home’: how co-operative housing could take pressure off Australia’s housing crisis
‘I’m in shock:’ Russia’s mass attack on Kyiv shatters lives and dreams
‘I’m not buying new stuff any more’: the young people getting into ‘degrowth’
“I’m not interested in the fanatics:” Dutton responds to science academy’s report on nuclear SMRs
I’m not “that creepy guy from the Internet”: How Gamergate gave the geek community a bad name
‘I’m obviously not first choice’: rental crisis forcing older Australians back into share houses
I’m Praying Dell Finally Releases Its Ultra-Repairable Laptop
‘I’m really stuck’: how visa conditions prevent survivors of modern slavery from getting help
I’m Running Out of Ways to Explain How Bad This Is
‘I’m scared I’m going to die’: a rising number of Australians are sleeping rough as the housing crisis bites
‘I’m selling the Nazi mobile’: Tesla owners offload cars after Musk’s fascist-style salutes
I’m sorry for coining the phrase “Manic Pixie Dream Girl”
I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet
‘I’m the king and I will destroy you!’: Argentinian president stages frenetic stadium appearance
I’m the most magnanimous motherfucker you know.
‘I’m the Operator’: The Aftermath of a Self-Driving Tragedy
I’m Tired of Star Wars - The MCU, too
I’m watching ‘AI upscaled’ Star Trek and it isn’t terrible
I’ve been homeless 3 times. The problem isn’t drugs or mental illness — it’s poverty.
I’ve been listening to seagrass meadows to understand how their underwater soundscapes reflect biodiversity
‘I’ve been on the waiting list for over 20 years’: why social housing suitable for people with disabilities is desperately needed
“I’ve Got A Little List”: The Next Six Months Under Trumpism
I’ve Had a Cyberstalker Since I Was 12
I’ve had COVID and am constantly getting colds. Did COVID harm my immune system? Am I now at risk of other infectious diseases?
‘I’ve never actually met them’: what will motivate landlords to fix cold and costly homes for renters?
‘I’ve never seen heat this bad. It’s not normal’: Italy struggles as temperature tops 40C
‘I’ve never seen that before’: Lord, how do you get rid of 200,000 rats on an island?
‘I’ve seen the dark, fat grease stuck to the leaves’: oil and gas encroach on Peru’s uncontacted peoples
I’ve seriously tried to believe capitalism and the planet can coexist, but I’ve lost faith
I’ve spent 40 years studying Antarctica. The frozen continent has never needed our help more
I’ve spent 5 years researching the heroic life of Black musician Graham Jackson, but teaching his story could be illegal under laws in Florida and North Dakota
I’ve studied geopolitics all my life: climate breakdown is a bigger threat than China and Russia
I’ve studied sand dunes for 40 years – here’s what people find most surprising
I’ve travelled the world researching patriarchy – and found it is far from inevitable
J-Pop translation of Tom Lehrer's "The Elements"
J.K. Rowling’s transphobia is a product of British culture
J.U.L.I.A.: Among The Stars Sci-fi Adventure Released On Linux, Plus Some Thoughts
Jaber DJ – Search For You (Vocal) [Italo-Disco 2018]
Jabiluka decision ends long-running battle and preserves ‘some of the oldest rock art in the world’
Jacinda Ardern resignation has people wondering when to quit – but that’s the wrong way to think about burnout
Jacinda Ardern Says Economic Growth Is Pointless If People Aren't Thriving
Jacinda Ardern says goodbye to parliament: how her politics of kindness fell on unkind times
Jacinda Ardern’s resignation: gender and the toll of strong, compassionate leadership
Jack Conte, Patreon, and the Plight of the Creative Class
Jack Dorsey, Bluesky, decentralised social networks and the very common crowd
Jack Layton’s final public words: “Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear.”
Jack Rickard, local entrepreneur, dies at 65
Fwd: Jack the cat chases black bear up tree
Jackalope Wives
The Jackhammer Parents Are Here and They’re Destroying School
Jackie Chan - How to Do Action Comedy
Jackie Chan Goes Undercover on Reddit, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram | Actually Me | GQ
Jackie Chan: Chinese attitudes to illegal wildlife products are changing
Jackson 5 and Bach were funky way before Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk! - "I Want You Bach" -ThePianoGuys
The Jacob’s Ladder of coding
Jail terms for exploiting migrant workers to be introduced in Australian government crackdown
Jailed Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi wins the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting women’s oppression
Jailing Indonesians for shark finning in Australian waters doesn’t solve the real driver – poverty
Jaipur protest demands end to use of elephants to carry tourists
Jair Bolsonaro Is a Mass Murderer Who Deliberately Spread Covid-19, Brazilian Senate Panel Finds
Jake fishes metal litter out of Melbourne's waterways with magnets. It's helped his recovery from substance abuse
Jal Jeevan Mission: 52% rural households covered, tap water mission in key phase
Jamaica should repeal homophobic laws, rights tribunal rules
Jamaican Government Steals Years Of Public Domain Works From Its People
James Bridle’s “Ways of Being”
James Corden: It's Time for Change in the US
James Earl Jones Dies: Revered ‘Field Of Dreams’ Star, Darth Vader Voice & Broadway Regular Was 93
James Earl Jones has died – but as the voice of Darth Vader, he will live forever
James Hance: Relentlessly Cheerful Art
James Hansen: The One Thing We Should Be Doing to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change
James Lovelock: Influential green thinker dies aged 103
James Madison, Father Of The Constitution, 4th US President... And Fan Fiction Writer
The James Webb Space Telescope
James Webb Space Telescope: An astronomer on the team explains how to send a giant telescope to space – and why
Jamie Oliver wrote First Nations characters the wrong way. Non-Indigenous writers need to listen to Indigenous writers first
JAMIE'S POND | Short Film
Jamiroquai Bee Gees Mashup - Pomplamoose
Jan. 6 hearing gives primetime exposure to violent footage and dramatic evidence – the question is, to what end?
Jane Caro: Sanna Marin – Too pretty for PM
Jane Discusses the Horrors of Trophy Hunting
Jane Goodall calls for global ban on wildlife trade and end to ‘destructive and greedy period of human history’
Jane Goodall inspires generations of conservationists – we need her education program in schools
Jane Goodall Joins Wyoming Protestors in Buying Up Grizzly Hunt Tickets
Jane Goodall Sings
Janelle Monae: Sci Fi Queen Yet Uncrowned
Janelle Monáe’s exhilarating Dirty Computer celebrates queer love as defiance
January 1, 2023 is Public Domain Day: Works from 1927 are open to all!
January 2024 Breaks Global EV Sales Record: Take That, Haters
Japan Announces Manned Moon Flight by 2025
Japan Approves New Law To Make Manga Piracy A Criminal Offense
Japan Fans Did What No Other Soccer Fans Would After Their World Cup Team Lost
Japan Gears Up to Launch “Ikaros” Solar Sail Spacecraft
Japan Has a New Emperor. Now It Needs a Software Update.
Japan Has A Train Station Just So People Can Enjoy The Beautiful Scenery
Japan is about to land its first lunar probe. As more nations race to the Moon, how will we keep the peace?
Japan is Giving Away Abandoned Homes for Free
Japan Is Giving Away Abandoned Houses for Free
Japan Is Not the High-Tech Paradise You Think It Is
Japan is Not Your Candyland
Japan is now the 5th country to land on the Moon – the technology used will lend itself to future lunar missions
Japan Keeps This Train Station Running for Just One Regular Passenger
Japan ninja student gets top marks for writing essay in invisible ink
Japan pharma startup developing world-first drug to grow new teeth
Japan ponders custody changes as Australia sends Hogwarts-style letters to abducted kids
Japan Releases a Range of Miniature Furniture for Cats
Japan should cut its losses and tell the IOC to take its Olympic pillage somewhere else
Japan succeeds in soft landing on the moon, but its lander has a power problem
Japan Supreme Court Ruling a Victory for Transgender Employees
Japan to End Financing of Key Coal Projects Under Climate Pledge
Japan to End Restrictions on Women Remarrying After Divorce
Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution
Japan to recognise Indigenous Ainu people for first time
Japan vending machines to automatically offer free food if earthquake hits
Japan wants its hardworking citizens to try a 4-day workweek
Japan Wants To Turn The Moon Into A Giant Power Plant
Japan was the future but it's stuck in the past
Japan's extreme heat is causing a rethink of school sports
Japan's Hometown Tax
Japan's Mitsubishi Chemical to slash solar panel recycling costs 20%
Japan's robot hotel: a dinosaur at reception, a machine for room service
Japan's Straw Beasts
Japan's Suzuki to invest $35 bln through 2030 in EVs
Japan: Equality Act Before Tokyo Olympics
Japanese Ads with Cats
Japanese aid to China for COVID-19
japanese artist brings ukiyo-e woodblock prints to life through animated gifs
Japanese baker
Japanese bookshop stocks only one book at a time
Japanese Chef Has Filled Notebooks with Delectable Illustrations of All of His Meals for 32 Years
Japanese company uses video game-style hit point badges to help employees know who needs a hand
Japanese cover "We Are The World"
Japanese design - not for use by ninjas
Japanese Doctor Who
Japanese Documentary Film Magazine
Japanese Dog Show
The Japanese Electric Sports Car You’ve Never Heard Of
Japanese Emperor Naruhito: The man taking Japan into a new era
Japanese Film Festival
Japanese firm installs vending machine selling nothing but munchable insects
Japanese girl battles with her baby red pandas
Japanese icecream flavours
Japanese Illustrator Imagines A World Where Humans Live Among Giant Animals (30 Pics)
Japanese Marine Atlas
Japanese Master Restores Old Books
Japanese monks hit Twitter to protest driving ticket in the most brilliant way
Japanese moon probe photos
Japanese Paper Toys With A Surprise
Japanese pop star revealed to be computer generated
Japanese quake benefit art
Japanese Researchers Are Making Wooden Satellites Because We Have a Space Trash Problem
Japanese robots and exoskeletons
Japanese Rube Goldberg Machine Becomes An Epic Adventure Story
Japanese scientists find microplastics are present in clouds
Japanese shrine creates special water fountain for thirsty bees
Japanese spa offers the option of a back massage from a cat
Japanese Space Food
"Japanese Spider-Man"
Japanese Stone Artist Paints Realistic Looking Animals Onto Smooth Rocks
Japanese Street Fashion - 10 Things You Need To Know in 2016
Japanese sugar artist astounds fans with edible robot from Laputa: Castle in the Sky【Video】
Japanese Sweet Potato Vendor
Japanese telecom tests online aromatherapy service
Japanese Twitter user spends three hours knitting an edible scarf out of gummy candy
Japanime Weirdness
Japan’s #MeToo, ominous guinea fowls and a grandma out for revenge: top 5 picks from the Melbourne International Film Festival
Japan’s Eiko Kadono, author of ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service,’ wins Hans Christian Andersen Award
Japan’s Government Wants a Baby Boom — What Am I Missing?
Japan’s haiku poets lost for words as climate crisis disrupts seasons
Japan’s HD photos of the Moon are the coolest thing you’ll see today
Japan’s Old Enough and Australia’s Bluey remind us our kids are no longer ‘free range’ – but we can remake our neighbourhoods
Japan’s Only Mascot School Teaches the Art of Cuddly Cuteness
Japan’s path to becoming a leader in Western science: an Asian perspective on science and other forms of knowledge
Japan’s Prisons Are a Haven for Elderly Women
Japan’s push to make all research open access is taking shape
Japan’s Rent-a-Family Industry
Japan’s ‘waste not, want not’ philosophy has deep religious and cultural roots, from monsters and meditation to Marie Kondo’s tidying up
Japan’s ‘Zero Waste’ Village Is a Model for Small-Town Sustainability
Jared Diamond: There’s a 49 Percent Chance the World As We Know It Will End by 2050
Jason Momoa's 1929 Rolls-Royce converted to electric by Kidlington company
Jason Steed Doesn’t Think Trump Was ‘Just Joking’
Javier Milei sworn in as president in ‘tipping point’ for Argentina
Javier Milei: Argentina's far-right outsider wins presidential election
Jaw-dropping video shows every nuclear explosion from 1945-1998
Jay Walker's Library
Jazamiti: Kenya’s Digital Leap Towards 15 Billion New Trees
JD Vance Really Hates The Cat Ladies
Jean-Luc Godard has died. He redefined what film is, and leaves a staggering legacy
Jean-Michel Jarre - Coachella Opening (Official Music Video)
Jean-Michel Jarre is world’s first passenger to take off in KleinVision’s flying AirCar
Jean-Michel Jarre: how we made Oxygène
Jeep’s Electrification Game Plan: Wrangler, Wagoneer, & More Going Electric!
Jeff Bezos’s $10 Billion Climate Pledge Is Actually Tiny
Jeff Bezos’s Master Plan
Jeff Carlisle: Another Night at the Warp Core Cafe
Jeff Sparrow says we've been duped into believing environmental blame rests with us
The Jenkins review has 28 recommendations to fix parliament’s toxic culture – will our leaders listen?
Jennell Jaquays, 67, Dies; Unlocked Fantasy Dungeons for Gamers
Jennifer Aniston criticises JD Vance’s ‘childless cat ladies’ comment
Jennifer Maestre: Pencil sculptures
Jenny Mysterious and Stardrop on Patreon - Time Stuck "Always Been You"
Jeremy Grantham on Tesla, Fertilizer Wars
Jerry Lawson revolutionized video gaming from his Silicon Valley garage. Then the world forgot him
Jess Day is Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Jess Wade
Jessica Joslin's Animal Alchemy 2014
Jessika feat. Jenifer Brening - Who We Are - San Marino - LIVE - Second Semi-Final - Eurovision 2018
Jet Charge to help Australia’s largest insurer electrify vehicle fleet
Jet Man
The jet set: 200 celebrities’ aircraft have flown for combined total of 11 years since 2022
“Jet zero:” Rolls-Royce completes maiden flight of all-electric plane
Jet-powered wheelchair surprise
Jetsetting Terrorist
JetZero’s Next-Gen Aircraft Could Change How We Fly for the First Time in Decades
Jewelry Roundup! Bugs & Books & Beautiful Dinos, OH MY
Jewish leaders use Holocaust Day to decry persecution of Uighurs
Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down
Jezebel’s new owner has a request for advertisers: Please stop hurting journalism
Jim Abrahams, ‘Airplane!,’ ‘Naked Gun’ and ‘Hot Shots!’ Master of Mirth, Dies at 80
Jim Crow Killed Voting Rights for Generations. Now the GOP Is Repeating History.
Jim Henson 1963 short film explains "Data Communications"
The Jim Henson Company
The Jim Henson Company and Neil Gaiman Have Teamed Up To Reboot The 80s Anthology Series THE STORYTELLER
The Jim Henson Company Developing a KNIGHTS OF PANTERRA Series
Jim Henson in 1969: HOWTO make a puppet
Jim Henson’s kids explain why Dark Crystal and Labyrinth would never get made today
Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Firey Plush Figure Featuring Removable Head and Limbs
Jim Larkin, Backpage Exec, Dies By Suicide A Week Before His Trial
Jim's Pancakes
Jimmy Carter at 100: how his life outside the White House proves he’s long been ahead of his time
Jimmy Carter: the American president whose commitment to Africa went beyond his term
Jimmy Carter’s idealism and humility left a lasting imprint on American life
Jimmy Fallon & The Cast of Sesame Street Photobomb a Bunch of Children During a Photoshoot With Adorable Results
Jimmy Fallon, Sesame Street & The Roots Sing "Sesame Street"
Jimmy Lai has been China's target for decades. Now a small change to Hong Kong's legal tradition could see him jailed for life
Jimmy Lai trial in Hong Kong hears evidence from ‘tortured’ witness
Jinja Safari - Dozer
Jitendra Patil's answer to "Who was the best customer you ever had and why?"
jk rowling
Fwd: JK Rowling
Jo Brand translated my science. I’m certain that comedy can connect people to climate change Gallery
Joan Jett in new Blondie video
Joanna Russ Was Sci-Fi’s Most Outspoken Feminist
Job Sharing Is Helping Parents Keep Their Careers on Track
Job title of the future: Space debris engineer
Jobactive workers speak out: 'How the hell did I end up doing this to these people?'
Jobs vs. death toll: Calculating corporate death penalties
Joby, Volocopter fly electric air taxis over New York City
Joe Biden to support Haudenosaunee Nationals
Joe Biden's Gonna Secretly Replace Your Ceiling Fan With Commie Crystals. Let's Watch!
JOE SATRIANI & STEVE VAI ' The Sea Of Emotion, Pt.1' - Official Video
Joel McKerrow & the Mysterious Few- Welcome Home
Johannesburg fire disaster: why eradicating hijacked buildings is not the answer
John Chowning, Computer Music, DX7 & FM Discovery
John Cleese on Creativity
John Cleese writing Aardman film
John de Lancie & Son Interview: FanFair Signatures & Q's Star Trek Legacy
John Deere’s repair fake-out
John Green's commencement address
John Gustafson presents: Beyond Floating Point – Next Generation Computer Arithmetic
Fwd: John Kao: Can Governments Till the Fields of Innovation? (NYT)
John Kerry says we can't leave climate emergency to 'neanderthals' in power
John Lennon’s Imagine at 50: a deceptively simple ballad, a lasting emblem of hope
John Lewis Christmas Advert 2013 - The Bear & The Hare
John Lopez Studio
John Major: Trump’s US isolationism threatens global democracy
John Marsden had no biological children but raised generations of kids
John Neumeier
John Oliver Tries To Scare DC Into Doing Something About The Privacy Dumpster Fire That Is Adtech
John Oliver, Edward Snowden, and Unconditional Basic Income
John Perry Barlow, Internet Pioneer, 1947-2018
Johnson & Johnson hides its 120-year-old baby powder business behind one-week-old company
Joi Ito Explains Why Donald Trump Is Like the Sex Pistols
Joi Ito: My comments at the John Perry Barlow Memorial Symposium
Join the global call for sharing
Join the Million Cool Roofs Challenge
JoinedTheHerd - Faith
The joke was that Obama wasn’t joking
The joke’s on us – how big tech is replicating our laughter online
Jokowi wants to build a political dynasty in Indonesia. A once-pliant court and angry public are standing in the way
Jokowi was once seen as Indonesia’s ‘new hope’. Instead, he leaves a legacy of democratic backsliding
Jon Foreman (Sculpt the World)
jonathan frakes is the best dad i never got to have
Jonathan Haidt’s Book ‘The Anxious Generation’ Is Coddling The American Parent; Giving Them Clear, Simple & Wrong Explanations For What’s Ailing Teens
Jonathan Haidt’s Claims On Kids & Tech Crumble Under Scrutiny From Top Expert, Candice Odgers
Jonathan Pie explains the Party Gate scandal for the NYT.
Jonathan Pie: How Putin Weaponized London’s Greed | NYT Opinion
Jonathan Pie: The Extinction Rebellion
Jonathon Fletcher: forgotten father of the search engine
Jordan becomes first country to receive WHO verification for eliminating leprosy
Jordan’s $1.5 Billion Star Trek Theme Park to be Powered by Alternative Energy
Jordan’s $1.5 Billion Star Trek Theme Park to be Powered by Alternative Energy
Jordan’s Bedouins take on the struggles of climate change
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Will Produce and Star in an Upcoming ‘Fraggle Rock’ Movie Based on the 1980s Television Show
Joseph Stiglitz: tax high earners at 70% to tackle widening inequality
Josh Gluckstein
Josh Joshi and the Great Divides
Joshua trees are in peril. California has a plan to save them
Joshua Trees win long term protection in environmental victory
Joss Whedon Shows How Being Awesome Rewards Creators
The Journal of Universal Rejection
Journalism crisis leads to shameful compromises
Journalism fails miserably at explaining what is really happening to America
Journalism’s trust problem is about money, not politics
Journalist Hit With $5,500 Judgment By Italian Court For Mocking Far-Right Politician’s Height
Journalists in Indonesia are being killed, threatened and jailed. A new draft law could make things even worse
Journalists must be protected in police investigations. Here’s our five point plan for reform
Journalists reporting on the Voice to Parliament do voters a disservice with ‘he said, she said’ approach
Journey LIVE by Fifth House Ensemble
Journey of Mankind
Journey through the heavens with 30 amazing stargazer pictures
Journey to Antarctica: What Scientists Think of Trump’s Latest Climate Tweet
Journey to the centre of the Earth
Journey's end; won't be attending @chicagoworldcon.
Joy // Gardenview came out today! // Nataly Dawn of POMPLAMOOSE
The joy of clutter
The Joy of getting lost in Shape of the World
The joy of reading role-playing games
The joy of sets
Joy, joining together and giant veg: highlights from the Portrait of Britain prize
Jscrab, Scrabble Game in JavaScript
Juan arrived in Australia to a stocked pantry and kind faces. The government pilot that allowed it is here to stay, too
Judge caught trying to sneak knife on aircraft
Judge Experiments With ChatGPT, And It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds
Judge in Brazil orders slaughterhouses to pay for Amazon reforestation
Judge Kozinski: There's Very Little Justice In Our So-Called 'Justice System'
Judge orders lawyers to play game
Judge Otis Wright Slams 'Made Up' Government 'Plot' Designed To Ensnare Gullible Poor People
Judge Rules in Favor of Montana Youths in a Landmark Climate Case
Judge throws out Trump-era rollbacks on endangered species
Judge Tosses Twin Metals Lawsuit, Halting Mine’s Threat to Boundary Waters
Judged by Your Accent
Judges need better education and structures to improve impartiality: report
Judging a Book by Its Cover
Judith Butler: their philosophy of gender explained
Judy Blume: 'I thought, this is America: we don't ban books. But then we did'
Judy Garland at 100: more than just a star, Garland shaped the modern movie musical
The Juice Media Came Out With The “Quiet Australia Policy” Honest Government Ad & It’s Surprisingly Honest & Informative
Juicy Licensing Deals With AI Companies Show That Publishers Don’t Actually Care About Creators
Julian Assange is free, but curly legal questions about his case remain
Julian Burnside Oration: Fear is the great threat to multiculturalism in Australia
Juliana Hatfield's new album is all ELO covers: Listen to 'Don't Bring Me Down'
Julianne Moore’s children’s book about redheads is under ‘review’. What’s happening with US book bans under Trump?
Julie Peters on 50 years at the ABC and 30 years blazing a trail as a trans woman
July was world’s hottest month on record, climate scientists confirm
Jumbo Hostel in Stockholm
Jump back in time with this super high-quality video of Tokyo taken right after WWII
June Art Roundup: S.P.E.W., Park Sweets, & Grumpy Dragons
June Foray, R.I.P.
June was UK’s hottest on record, says Met Office
The Jungle and the Sea reminds us war is profoundly local, with the intimate negotiation of human relationships
Junicode: the font for mediaevalists
Junior staff are finding better contracts, senior staff are burning out: the arts are losing the war for talent
Junk fees and drip pricing: the underhanded tactics we hate yet still fall for
Junk food is promoted online to appeal to kids and target young men, our study shows
‘Junk science’ is being used in Australian courtrooms, and wrongful convictions are at stake
Junkfunnel Labs: Art and Technology
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune: why our next visit to the giant planets will be so important (and just as difficult)
Jurassic Park...The Musical
Jury acquits Extinction Rebellion protesters despite ‘no defence in law’
Just 'good company' and 'no worries' for intergenerational housemates Quinta and Zac — despite 54-year age gap
Just (Tap) Dance - Vintage 1940's Jazz Lady Gaga Cover
Just 1 in 5 employees in the space industry are women. This lack of diversity is holding us back
Just 15 centimetres of water can float a car – but we are failing to educate drivers about the dangers of floodwaters
Just 16% of the world’s coastlines are in good shape – and many are so bad they can never fully recover
Just 57 companies linked to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions since 2016
Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world
Just a lick of paint: CEFC backs Aussie coating innovation to slash transport emissions
'Just a matter of when': the $20bn plan to power Singapore with Australian solar
Just a small thing that made me wonder a lot...
Just Another Day In Academic Publishing: Professor Posts His Own Article On His Own Website, Gets Takedown Notice Alleging Copyright Infringement
‘Just as important as English or maths’: how mentoring is bringing music alive for primary school students
Just don’t do it
'Just four citizens': the Australians who confronted Adani in India, and made a difference
“Just get it done:” Survey finds public support for tax on fossil exports
Just how hot will it get this century? Latest climate models suggest it could be worse than we thought
Just How Smart Are Ravens?
“Just like a normal digger but quicker:” BHP switches on its first giant electric excavator
Just like the satire in "The White Lotus", tourism campaigns often perpetuate colonial stereotypes about the countries they are selling
Just One Ocean Is Absorbing Nearly All The Excess Heat. The Effects May Be Profound
Just Right
“Just the ‘flu” hampers our response to the current Covid pandemic and future pandemics
Just Two Things,11 March 2024: Carbon | Miners
just went to see this show Fringe Festival: excellent
Just when in history did men decide that women are not funny?
The Just-World Fallacy
Justice Dept. Official Says She Was Fired After Opposing Restoring Mel Gibson’s Gun Rights
Justin B Rye: Essays on SF, Linguistics and more
The Justin Trudeau of the Netherlands is schooling the left on how to tackle far-right populism
Justin Trudeau quits: How his focus on social policy will be his legacy
Justine Larbalestier: On Being a Nice Author
JWST Spots Giant Black Holes All Over the Early Universe
K-pop hits become anthems of South Korea’s protests against President Yoon
K-pop: The rise of the virtual girl bands
Kabi Kabi people recognised as native title holders over the Sunshine Coast
The Kafkaesque Nightmare of Attorney Steven Donziger, a Literal Prisoner of the Chevron Corporation
‘Kafkaesque’ true stories of ordinary people: inside the first days of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
Kafka’s Joke Book.
Kagemono: The Shadow Folk
Kaiju Big Time Wrestling!
Kakhovka dam collapse before and after: satellite images reveal extent of flood disaster in Ukraine
Kaleidoscopic Floor Installations Made of Mirrors, Crystals and Glass by Suzan Drummen
Kamala Harris agrees that Donald Trump is a fascist: ‘Yes, we can say that’
Kamala Harris is the worst nightmare of America’s far right
‘Kamala IS brat’: how the power of pop music has influenced 60 years of US elections
Kami Robo
Kangaroo and pig share intimate relationship
Kangaroos can communicate with humans, researchers say
Kannon and Moki enjoying an afternoon nap
Kano: A computer anyone can make
Kansas City Made Transit Safer by Making It Free
Kanye West Vocoder v Talkbox BATTLE ft. Jake Sherman & Swatkins
Karakuri Cards
Karen Anderson (1932-2018)
Karl Marx: his philosophy explained
Katamari Damacy earmuffs
Kate Micucci: Saucy Ukulele
Kate Tempest: 'There is a damaging and poisonous racism at root in Australia'
Katharine Hayhoe: 'A thermometer is not liberal or conservative'
Katherine and The Tiki Gods
Katherine's Super Face Paint Recipe
Kathleen Folbigg is free. But people pardoned and exonerated of crimes face unique challenges when released from prison
Kathleen Folbigg pardon shows Australia needs a dedicated body to investigate wrongful convictions
Kathleen Hanna, Tegan and Sara, More Back Internet Archive in $621 Million Copyright Fight
Kathy Griffin on the Donald Trump fiasco and why she has stopped saying sorry
Kawaii Computing: what VTubers can teach us about design
Kawasaki unveils a bizarre ridable robot goat instead of a new electric motorcycle
Kazakhstan Cheers New Alphabet, Except for All Those Apostrophes
Kazakhstan Cops Protect Citizens' Free Speech Rights By Arresting A Protester Holding A Blank Sign
Kazakhstan’s Snow Leopard Population Reaches Near-Historic Levels
KBG84: Japan's new 'girl band', average age 84
Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter Confirmed For BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC Which is Officially in Pre-Production!
Kebu - Dream of Hope (late-night rehearsal)
Kebu - Le Carnaval des Étoiles (Radio Edit from Live in Oslo)
Kebu - Super Troopers (Live Online bonus track)
Keen to get off gas in your home, but struggling to make the switch? Research shows you’re not alone
Keep an Artist in Clothes
Keep fossil fuel lobbyists out of policymaking — just as we did with the tobacco industry
Keepers of the Seed
Keeping People Out of Jail Keeps People Out of Jail
Keeping the Lights On Is About to Get Less Deadly
Keeping up with Commodore
'Keeping Up With The Kattarshians' Is Iceland's New Reality TV Show About Cats
Keepon & the BeatBots
Keir Starmer to unveil ambitious new UK climate goal at Cop29
Kelly and Zach Weinersmith's "A City On Mars"
Kelly Link in Praise of Ursula K. Le Guin’s Genuine Magic
Kelp Farming Is Reviving an Ancient Practice — and a Modern Economy
Ken Burns At 70 Turns His Spotlight On ‘The U.S. And The Holocaust,’ Says “I Won’t Work On A More Important Film”
Kenneth N. Waltz Lecture in International Relations: Is The U.S. Headed Toward A Second Civil War?
Kenya at 60: how the British used street names to show colonial power
Kenya Is Poised to Become the ‘Singapore of Africa’
Kenya on track to reduce teenage pregnancies
Kenya's announcement to expand use of landmark malaria vaccine gives hope to millions
Kenya, Uganda cross-border polio vaccination reaches 6.5 million children
Kenyan Court First To Tell Meta It Can’t Walk Away From A Lawsuit Just By Claiming It’s Not From Around Here
Kenyan fishers put new twists on an age-old marine conservation system
Kenya’s devastating floods expose decades of poor urban planning and bad land management
Kenya’s Samburu warriors still practise a rock art tradition that tells their stories
‘The Kerala Story’: How an Indian film ignited violence against Muslims and challenges to interfaith marriage
Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy Join Elliot Morgan to Share a Series of Facts About the Muppets
Kernit: a Jim Henson-inspired font and pun that will turn you green
The Kevin Kelly interview: The power of “radical optimism”
Fwd: Kevin Kelly on the next 5000 day of the Internet
Kevin Kelly: Retooling Cool
Kevin Richardson (zookeeper)
Key findings from the European State of the Climate Report
The Key to Reviving Urban Rivers? Recreation, Not Regulation
“Key turning point:” Express freight giant makes biggest order for electric trucks in Australia
Keynes was wrong. Gen Z will have it worse.
Keynote: Beyond
"Keynote: Hugh Blemings" (Everything Open 2023)
Kharkiv at risk of becoming ‘second Aleppo’ without US aid, mayor says
Kharkiv mayor dismisses Russian claims of ‘terrorism’ over Crimean bridge attack
Kick Drum Soundcheck - Marble Machine X #74
Kicking gas and electrifying households can slash energy bills by billions a year
Kicking out gas: Canberra lays out plan to become Australia’s first all electric city
Kickstarter as a Subversive Activity
Kickstarter Is a PBC. Here’s What That Means and Why It Matters.
Kickstarter Pledges Are Risky Investments, Not Purchases
Kickstarter Simulator 2015
Kickstarter: Animusic 3, Lunatics, Project Giana
Kickstarter: Introducing Our AI Policy
Kickstarter: Just the Beginning Episode 7
Kickstarter’s Mission Is Non-Negotiable
Kid President and Craig Robinson Go Cat Caroling
Kid Snippets: "Proposal" (Imagined by Kids)
Kid Snippets: Salesman
Kiddie Rekord King
‘Kidfluencer’ culture is harming kids in several ways – and there’s no meaningful regulation of it
Kids and teachers being sick all the time is not normal
The Kids And Their Algo Speak Show Why All Your Easy Fixes To Content Moderation Questions Are Wrong
Kids are digital natives. They have ideas to help protect children from being harmed online
The kids are not ok
Kids around the world are suing governments over climate change—and it’s working
Kids comment on early video games
Kids dressing up as older people is harmless fun, right? No, it’s ageist, whatever Bluey says
Kids Explain Art to Experts: Alexa (5) vs Frida Kahlo | Name That Art
‘The kids had all been tortured’: Indonesian military accused of targeting children in West Papua
Kids in France Are Pedaling Toward Two-Wheeled Equality
Kids Pitch A New TV Show: 'Strangest Things: The Golden Mysteries'
Kids Practice Reading to Shy Shelter Dogs at Missouri Humane Society
Kids Read to Cats with the “Book Buddies Program” at The Animal Rescue League of Berks County, Pennsylvania
Kids, courts, canines: can justice facility dogs like Winston help children and the broader court system?
Kids, the Internet and the end of privacy
Kids’ sport always cancelled due to rain-soaked grounds? Green infrastructure can help
“Kill the Armenian/Indian; Save the Turk/Man: Carceral Humanitarianism, the Transfer of Children and a Comparative History of Indigenous Genocide”
Killer Rabbits in Medieval Manuscripts: Why So Many Drawings in the Margins Depict Bunnies Going Bad
‘Killer robots’ will be nothing like the movies show – here’s where the real threats lie
The Killer Whale Dagger
The Killer Whales of Eden and the ‘Law of the Tongue’
Killers in the suburbs
Killing dingoes is the only way to protect livestock, right? Nope
Killing Queensland hydrogen project is a spectacular own goal by LNP at the worst possible time
Killing The Golden Goose (Again); How The Copyright Stranglehold Dooms Spotify
Killing The Golden Goose: Copyright Holders Demand More Cash Even As Streaming Music Services Struggle To Be Profitable
Kim Jong Un wants North Korea to be a nuclear superpower – the real risk is a regional arms race
The Kimba nuclear waste plan bites the dust. Here’s what went wrong and how to do better next time
Kinahan Cartel: Wanted Narco Boss Exposes Whereabouts by Posting Google Reviews
Kind Engineering: How To Engineer Kindness
Kind of Bloop
Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)
Kind Words lets you share caring messages with strangers
Kinda Horrible (kinda amusing)
The Kindergarten Tribes
Kindle Giveaway Jun 2017
The Kindness Pandemic
Kindness, Tech Staffing and Resource Allocation
‘Kindness’ is named Oxford Children’s Word of the Year for 2024
Kinetic Sculpture
Kinetic sculptures made from popsicle sticks
Kinetic Steampunk-Inspired Sculptures Move Gracefully Using Salvaged Metal Parts
Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco
Kinetic wave sculpture
KINETIC | John Buck
The King of Bullsh*t News
King Peggielene
King tides cause new levels of devastation in Tuvalu, as nation weighs up Falepili Union treaty
King Trump Is Not Inevitable
The King's Singers - Masterpiece
KING: The ‘Trump Effect’ is terrifying children across America — including my own 9-year-old son
Kinga Głyk - Joy Joy
The Kings of Q*bert
Kioski social experiment
Kiri and Lou
Kirigami – Japan’s Other Paper Art
Kissing Is All Better
Kissinger’s obsession with Chile enabled a murderous dictatorship that still haunts the country
Kitbull | Pixar SparkShorts
Kitteh Wants to Play...
kitten and donkey
Kitten escapes pet store enclosure to play with puppy
Kitten Refuses to Leave Warm Bath!
Kitten Sneak Attack Wins Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Fwd: Kittens
Kittens in Space
Kittens On The Beat
Kitty Animation!
Kitty Nativity
Kitty Pincusions
[ Kitty training]
Fwd: Kitty training
Kiwi Crate
Kiwix lets you access free knowledge – even offline
KKK Member Walks up to Black Musician in Bar-but It’s Not a Joke
Klamath Tribes all hands on deck to save endangered C’waam and Koptu suckerfish
Klein bottles and more
KNIFONIUM SteampunkSpaceSpies
Knit Olympics
knitting with 1000 yarns
Knock Knock: The Persistence Behind the Grand Prix Winner That’s a Lifeline for Korea’s Crime Victims
Knock Off Toys
[Fwd: Know anyone who would enjoy exploring Oxford's dreaming spires for a few months?]
Know thyself − all too well: Why Taylor Swift’s songs are philosophy
KNOW what you are asking for!
Know Your Double, A doppelgänger field guide
Know Your Human Rights
Know Your Meme
Knowing polluting impact of home fires could modify behaviour, study finds
‘Knowledge keeps the fires burning’: how ancient Indigenous wisdom can transform our battle against climate change
Koala listed as endangered after Australian governments fail to halt its decline
Koala-sniffing detection dog the latest weapon in saving wildlife after devastating bushfires
Koalas drinking from human hands is not normal
Koalas need their booster shots too. Here’s a way to beat chlamydia with just 1 capture and less trauma
Koalas suffer in the heat – here’s how to help this summer
Koalas, parrots, frogs and orchids share our cities. Their fate depends on protecting each one’s habitat, not just 30% of all land
Koichi Iwabuchi
Kollektivet: 2manybuttons
Kommentti: Donald Trumpin ajatuksia yli analysoidaan – tässä on yksinkertaisempi selitys
Konstrui Pli Bonan Lingvon (To Build a Better Language)
Kora: in search of the origins of west Africa’s famed stringed musical instrument
The Koreas' DMZ: Once a bloodshed scene, now a wildlife sanctuary
Korgi (Book 1): Sprouting Wings!
KR0NPR1NZ's deviantART Gallery
Kraftwerk: their 30 greatest songs, ranked!
The ‘kraken’ COVID variant XBB.1.5 is rising quickly in the US – here’s what it could mean for the UK
Kremlin confirms Putin meeting as Kim reportedly boards armoured train
The Kremlin Jails the Father of Russia’s Internet
Kremlin promotes ‘traditional values’ – but leaves some battles to the governors
Kris Kringles and yuletide jingles: unboxing the wonders of Christmas lingo
Kronos Quartet and the secret life of lemurs
Kronos Quartet: Making free music for the future
Ksenia & BCN Jazz Dancers "Baa Baa Black Sheep" (by Jazz at Lincoln Center & Wynton Marsalis)
Kuma Phone teddy bear from Willcom
Kunbarrasaurus is Australia’s new armoured dinosaur
Kung Fu Cat
Kurdish refugee nominated for top Australian art prize
Kurdish women’s experience of state violence in Turkey
Kuwait overturns law used to prosecute transgender people
Kyiv’s White House wooing implodes as Zelenskyy tells the truth about Trump
Kylie Moore-Gilbert’s 804 days in an Iranian prison were a travesty - but the West is in no position to lecture
Kyoto book cafe serves up cute cat parfaits in traditional Japanese machiya townhouse
The Kyoto climate treaty is hailed on stage but reality tells a different story
Kyoto University and Sumitomo Forestry unveil world's first wooden satellite
L'Homme Chat
L.A.’s New Reflective Streets Bounce Heat Back into Space
[L/V] Water in the world (acapella)
La importancia de la accesibilidad
LA is on fire. How will Australia cope when bushfires hit Sydney, Melbourne or another major city?
La Linea
La Niña is coming, raising the chances of a dangerous Atlantic hurricane season – an atmospheric scientist explains this climate phenomenon
The LA River Kayaker on a ‘Re-Naturalization’ Mission
LA Times Billionaire Owner Hilariously Thinks He Can Solve Media Bias With ‘AI’
Lab-grown blood stem cells could replace bone marrow transplants
Labels like ‘psycho’ or ‘schizo’ can hurt. We’ve workshopped alternative clinical terms
Labor caves in to fossil fuel cartel as it locks in gas beyond 2050 amid deepening climate crisis
Labor condemned for ‘abhorrently cruel’ decision to put 100 people back in immigration detention
Labor has adopted its own ‘nature positive’ approach to the environment. But is it just a ‘snazzy slogan’?
Labor has passed its proposed social media ban for under-16s. Here’s what we know – and what we don’t
Labor is promising a national food security strategy – but there’s no mention of Australians who are going hungry
Labor isn’t rising to the climate occasion – their own projections prove it
Labor made a mess of Queensland youth justice – now the LNP seems hellbent on making it worse
Labor promised to fix Australia’s big water problem. These 6 things must top the to-do list
Labor proposes discounts for electric cars and ‘community batteries’ to store solar power
Labor to scrap ‘equal time’ test for parents in custody disputes, with child welfare paramount
Labor to speed up new anti-racism strategy amid voice and Israel-Hamas war tensions
Labor won’t overhaul environment laws until next year. Here are 5 easy wins it could aim for now
Labor’s climate change bill is set to become law – but 3 important measures are missing
Labor’s climate policy is too little, too late. We must run faster to win the race
Labor’s deportation bill could be used to blacklist entire countries’ citizens from obtaining visas to Australia
Labor’s dumping of Australia’s new nature laws means the environment is shaping as a key 2025 election issue
Labor’s electric vehicle policy drives Australia forward – but not far
Labor’s electric vehicle strategy promises new fuel efficiency standard and battery recycling
Labor’s EV strategy ‘hamstrung’ by delayed fuel efficiency standard, advocates say
Labor’s fuel-efficiency standards may settle the ute dispute – but there are still hazards on the road
Labor’s green aluminium play is canny politics, not least for exposing Dutton’s wilful energy ignorance
Labor’s love lost: the tide is turning on private ownership of electricity grids
Labor’s new Murray-Darling Basin Plan deal entrenches water injustice for First Nations
Labor’s plan to green the Kurri Kurri gas power plant makes no sense
Labor’s plan to save threatened species is an improvement – but it’s still well short of what we need
Labor’s proposal to fix broken environmental protection system comes with big question marks
Labor’s scheme to cut industrial emissions is worryingly flexible
Labor’s ‘sensible’ budget leaves Australians short-changed on climate action. Here’s where it went wrong
Labour’s ‘rooftop revolution’ to deliver solar power to millions of UK homes
‘Labyrinth’ becomes a board game, complete with ‘Goblin King Jareth’ figure!
Lachlan Murdoch Is Big Mad That Crikey Called Him Out On His Bullshit; So Now He’s Suing To Shut Them Up
Lack of diversity in clinical trials is leaving women and patients of color behind and harming the future of medicine
Ladies Who Lab: Lesser-Known Women in Science, 1920–1970
Lady Tilda and the Dragon
Ladybeard is back in new band called Deadlift Lolita – check out debut music video
lageneracion (assemblage art)
‘Laid awake and wept’: destruction of nature takes a toll on the human psyche. Here’s one way to cope
Laid Back - Groovy Sunshine
Lake Superior’s largest private island to be sold to Nature Conservancy of Canada
Lake Victoria is turning green – the deadly bacteria behind it
Lakota elders helped a white man preserve their language. Then he tried to sell it back to them.
Lalah the cat is a master of the climbing wall
Laleh - Kristaller (Kebu Remix)
Lamborghini has sold its last fully gas-powered supercar
Land clearing and fracking in Australia’s Northern Territory threatens the world’s largest intact tropical savanna
Land down blunder: teen heading to Australia lands in Sydney, Nova Scotia
‘The land is tearing itself apart’: life on a collapsing Arctic isle
Land of opportunity or bicultural nation? Twin visions of national identity face off over the Treaty principles
The Land Remembers: Why Farmers Are Bringing Back ‘Prairie Potholes’
Land twice the size of Toronto gets momentous conservation deal
Land ‘that belongs to everyone’
Landlords should reveal homes’ energy efficiency to help Australia’s renters cut power bills, advocates say
Landmark California Law Bars Prosecutors From Pursuing Murder Charges Against People Who Didn’t Commit Murder
Landmark deal recognizes Haida Nation's title over Haida Gwaii
Landmark new research shows how global warming is messing with our rainfall
Landmark ruling in Suriname grants protections to local and Indigenous communities — for now
Landmark space mission set to create artificial solar eclipses using satellites
Landmark study definitively shows that conservation actions are effective at halting and reversing biodiversity loss
Landmark US Trial Rules Young People Have a Right to a Clean Environment
Landsat turns 50: How satellites revolutionized the way we see – and protect – the natural world
Landslides and law: Cyclone Gabrielle raises serious questions about where we’ve been allowed to build
Landslides in South Korea
The language of capitalism isn’t just annoying, it’s dangerous
Language wars: the 19 greatest linguistic spats of all time
Lantern: One Device, Free Data From Space Forever
Large battery trial aims to improve renewable energy use in SA towns
Large French Alpine ski resort to close in face of shrinking snow season
The Large Hadron Rap
Large mammals shaped the evolution of humans: here’s why it happened in Africa
Large old trees are vital for Australian birds. Their long branches and hollows can’t be replaced by saplings
“Large, immediate shift” looms, with one in three households open to quitting gas
‘Larger than Everest’ comet could become visible to naked eye this month
The Largest Buildings In The United States
The largest campaign finance violation in US history
The largest cleanup in history
The largest dam demolition in history is approved for a Western river
The LARGEST Electric Vehicle In The World?!
Largest Insect on Earth Headed For Extinction Thanks to Our Love of Chocolate
Largest river and wetland restoration initiative in history launched at UN Water Conference
Largest Vehicle-To-Grid Charging Project On The Planet?
Larry Griswold
Laser projection using computer-generated holograms
Laser projections
Laserman Electronica 2011 - Laser show Disney California
Lasers reveal massive, 650-square-mile Maya site hidden beneath Guatemalan rainforest
Lasso: The power to change recycling for good
Last Chance to See 2
Last chance: CHANGE - A Homeless Survival Game
Last Christmas - Vintage Andrews Sisters - Style Wham! Cover - Postmodern Jukebox
Last coal power station in UK shuts down, brings coal era to end after 143 years
The Last Decade and You
“Last ditch:” Australia’s richest woman takes on local environment laws in Canada coal power play
The Last Gasp of American Democracy
The last gasp of theatre restaurants in Melbourne? Witches in Britches prepares to take a final bow
The Last Glimpses of California's Vanishing Hippie Utopias
Last major Arabic-style mosque in China loses its domes
The Last Of Coronavirus
The last of the Zoroastrians
Last orders: how we fell out of love with alcohol
The last ozone-layer damaging chemicals to be phased out are finally falling in the atmosphere
‘Last resort’: government faces legal action to force repatriation of Australians from Syrian refugee camps
Last Sandbox Land
The last scan
The Last Slave
The Last Starfighter
Last Summer Was So Hot It Killed Over 60,000 People in Europe
Last Supper (Star Wars)
The last time it was legal, exports of sea sand destroyed dozens of Indonesian islands. Now, the ban is being lifted
"The Last Unicorn" Returns Home: Renowned Fantasy Author & Screenwriter Peter S. Beagle Prevails After Multi-Year Legal Battles Against Elder Abuse and to Regain Control of His Literary Legacy
"The Last Unicorn" sequel: "Two Hearts"
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap (HBO)
The lasting scars of war: How conflict shapes children’s lives long after the fighting ends
The Late, Great Stephen Colbert
The latest COVID booster will soon be available. Should I get one? Am I eligible?
The Latest Dangerous Conspiracy Theory: That Conspiracy Theory Research Is Part Of A Big Conspiracy
Latest Draft of UN Cybercrime Treaty Is A Big Step Backward
The Latest from Rather Good
The latest maps of the world's eighth continent
The Latest Moral Panic Focuses On Discord
Latest news from the Automatically Generated Paper guys
The latest polio cases have put the world on alert. Here’s what this means for Australia and people travelling overseas
Latest Trade Agreements Are About The Opposite Of Free Trade: Protectionism For Big Business
Latest Trade Agreements Are Re-defining Cultural Choices As 'Non-Tariff Barriers' That Need To Be Eliminated
The latest update of EU clean air standards could benefit Poland greatly
Latin America could become this century’s commodity superpower
Latin America poised to become renewable energy giant: report
Latin American countries join reserves to create vast marine protected area
The Lato Font
Latvia donates drunk drivers' cars to Ukraine's war effort
Laundry Birds
Laundry is a top source of microplastic pollution – here’s how to clean your clothes more sustainably
Laura Jean McKay wins the Arthur C Clarke award
Laura Mathews Puppet Festival Video
Lauren Fensterstock’s Cosmic Mosaics Map Out the Unknown in Crystal and Gems
Lauren Ipsum: The Phantom Tollbooth meets Young Ladies' Illustrated Primer
Laurie Anderson on making an AI chatbot of Lou Reed: ‘I’m totally, 100%, sadly addicted’
Laurie Spiegel inducted into National Women’s Hall of Fame
Laurie Spiegel Interview
Law Enforcement Is Not About Generating Revenue
Law geek marriage proposal
The law that could make climate change illegal
Lawmakers agree tougher standards to tackle marine pollution
Laws targeting protesters are being rushed through state parliaments. But they are often poorly designed and sometimes, unconstitutional
The laws that sex workers really want
Lawsuit Filed To Prove Happy Birthday Is In The Public Domain
Lawsuit Over DHS First Amendment-Violating Suspicious Activity Reports Given Green Light By Judge
Lawsuit: "Happy Birthday" is not in copyright, and Warner owes the world hundreds of millions for improperly collected royalties
Lawyer by day, dinosaur by night: Meet the man who keeps Dolores Park weird
Lawyers who won Happy Birthday copyright case sue over “We Shall Overcome”
Layoffs and AI sour annual Game Developers Conference: ‘The vibe is rancid’
LB.1, or D-FLiRT, is the newest COVID subvariant. What do we know about it? Where has it come from?
Leaded petrol is gone – but lead pollution may linger for a very long time
Leaded petrol probably affected the mental health of millions of Americans – new study
Leaders condemn Russian missile attacks that killed 36 across Ukraine
Leaders of Japan and South Korea Vow to Deepen Ties
Leaders urge stronger action to defend Europe after Trump’s re-election
Leading Ladies Big list of Games
Leading the Charge Against Biodiversity Loss with Innovative Restoration Efforts
Leading ‘Save The Kids!’ Advocate Pushing Absolutely Dangerous ‘Protect The California’ Ballot Initiative That Will Do Real Harm To Children
Leaf Dinnerware to Replace Plastic and Styrofoam
Leaf oysters: the unsung heroes of estuaries are disappearing, and we know almost nothing about them
Leaf Sheep: The Only Animal That Can Photosynthesize
Leak suggests UN agency self-censors on climate crisis after US pressure
Leakage or spillover? Conservation parks boost biodiversity outside them – but there’s a catch, new study shows
Leaked Emails Reveal MPAA Plans To Pay Elected Officials To Attack Google
Leaked UNHCR report: Manus Island world’s worst
Leandro Erlich Art
Learn how to support women in open source
Learn to be a journalist
Learn to Live with Others at the Library
Learning From History: How One Lying Liar Almost Screwed The Comic Book Industry
"Learning to live with COVID" means upgrading air quality, now
Learning to Speak Raven
The Least Racist People We’ve Ever Interviewed
Leave the damn fossil fuels in the ground, says big nerdy study
Leave the Internet Archive alone!
Leaving dog and cat poo lying around isn’t just gross. It’s a problem for native plants and animals, too
The Lebanese farm regenerating soil and promoting food security
Lebanon’s crisis has gone from bad to worse. But is anyone listening?
Fwd: RE: Lecture by Janine Benyus, UC Berkeley, October 25/2006
LED Light Ballerinas
LED lighting for the home
LED Throwie Rat (or Mouse)
LED watch with a wooden face and bracelet
LEDARE: Efter flyktingkrisen går Sverige lysande
Lee Warren and Dancers
Leeton migrants share stories of life in Australia's friendliest town with Back Roads
Left behind: the Australians neither political party wants to discuss
Left over PV panels and battery storage help solar farm builders dump diesel
Left-wing activists across the former USSR launch "September," to rally opposition to far-right movements
Legacy auto faces disaster in China with unsellable cars as pollution crunch looms
Legacy Copyright Industries Lobbying Hard For EU Copyright Directive... While Pretending That Only Google Is Lobbying
The Legacy of Victor Gollancz: Publishing Pioneer
Legal aid is a lifeline for vulnerable Australians, but consistent underfunding puts the system at risk
Legal bid for Ecuador forest to be recognised as song co-creator
Legal experts worldwide draw up ‘historic’ definition of ecocide
Legal fight to save their island homes from the rising sea
Legal in one state, a crime in another: laws banning hate symbols are a mixed bag
Legal reprieve for asylum seekers ordered to live on Dorset barge
Legal Right to Free Education Grows Globally
Legalize It All
Legally sourced chocolate could help end deforestation in West Africa
Legendary Arecibo telescope will close forever — scientists are reeling
Legendary astronauts Koichi Wakata, Shawna Pandya get quokka selfies at Rottnest to mark end of WA Space Week
Legendary Instruments - Jean Michel Jarre
'Legendary Insult Comic' Jabba the Hutt teaches a MasterClass on comedy
Legendary Japanese animator Miyazaki comes out of retirement for new film
The Legendary Ocean Explorer Protecting ‘Hope Spots’ Around the World
Legendary Science Fiction Author Ben Bova Has Passed at the Age of 88
Legislation mandating rooftop solar panels passes Legislature
Lego & Kenna
Lego Friends
Lego launches first LGBTQ set
LEGO pirate theatre automaton
Lego plans to replace oil-based bricks with renewable plastic as profits soar
Lego Town promo video does not go as planned
Lego's "Dungeons & Dragons" Set Is One Hell of an Adventure
Lego, the world’s largest tyre manufacturer, shifts to recycled materials
Legolas Sings LOTR Version of White Christmas
Lego’s ESG dilemma: Why an abandoned plan to use recycled plastic bottles is a wake-up call for supply chain sustainability
Lego’s return to gender neutral toys is good news for all kids. Our research review shows why
Leigh Sales: 'It just started to feel like nothing was safe'
Leiji Matsumoto, known for antiwar anime, space tales, dies
Leila Elkhalidy: Cat Piano
The Lemon Market of Programming Language Adoption
Lemur Species Named After John Cleese
Lennon & Maisy - "That's What's Up" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Lenovo exec promises 80 percent of its devices will be consumer-repairable by 2025
The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is the Surface Neo I always wanted
Lens flair: the 2023 Bowness photography prize – in pictures
Leonard Nimoy Loved Space Shuttle Enterprise's Final Flight (Exclusive Video)
Leonard Peltier Supporters Walk Over 1,000 Miles To Demand Freedom For Native American Activist
Leonardo Imagination Fellowship
The Leopard Cub With the Lioness Mom
Leopard DNA study in South Africa traces ancestry to ice age – and will guide conservation
Leopards find a Mirror
Les Historiettes de Mr Sandalette
Les Pyramides d'Égypte
"Lesbian Space Princess" is South Australia's ticket to Berlin International Film Festival
The less equal we become, the less we trust science, and that’s a problem
Less than illustrious: remembering the Anzacs means also not forgetting some committed war crimes
Lessig for the Internet Archive
Lesson for Australia. Make it hard for people to get benefits, and they’ll stop, but they mightn’t get jobs
Lesson of a Lifetime
Lessons for the next pandemic: where did Australia go right and wrong in responding to COVID?
Lessons From a Decade of IT Failures
Lessons From a Historic Decline in Child Poverty
Lessons from Cyclone Gabrielle: 5 key health priorities for future disaster response
Lessons from the death and rebirth of Thunderbird
Lessons learned from COVID-19 crisis: Improving protection through early response, rapid tracking and impact monitoring
Lessons learned from open source communities
Lessons Learned Trailer
Lessons on How to Draw by Hokusai
Lest we remember: how Britain buried its history of slavery
Let buyers jump the queue for electric cars by importing them directly
Let it bee: The women on a mission to save Mexico City’s bees
Let sleeping bears lie: Photo of snoozing polar bear wins prestigious wildlife photography award
Let Sleeping Koalas Lie
Let the community work it out: Throwback to early internet days could fix social media’s crisis of legitimacy
‘Let the Fire Teach Us’: How L.A. Is Building Back Better
Let there be night: digital billboards to be turned off to curb light pollution under Melbourne city proposal
Let's chat about child porn
Let's get organized
Let's Go and Meet the Bronies
Let's Play Cop Simulator.exe (a game I made up)
Let's Save The Earth - NSP
Let's start a solar-powered chocolate factory in rural Ghana
Let's talk about the BBC report and Ukraine....
Lethal autonomous weapons and World War III: it’s not too late to stop the rise of ‘killer robots’
Lethal bird flu could decimate Oceania’s birds. From vigilance to vaccines, here’s what we’re doing to prepare
Lethal second-generation rat poisons are killing endangered quolls and Tasmanian devils
Letter from indigenous Mexican man who was denied a US visa to receive an award for internet development
Letter to America: A Rewilding
Letters from an American: April 18, 2023
Letters from an American: April 2, 2024
Letters from an American: April 28, 2024
Letters from an American: April 4, 2024
Letters from an American: April 7, 2024
Letters from an American: August 1, 2024
Letters from an American: August 16, 2024
Letters from an American: December 10, 2024
Letters from an American: December 17, 2023
Letters from an American: December 3, 2024
Letters from an American: December 8, 2023
Letters from an American: February 10, 2023
Letters from an American: February 12, 2024
Letters from an American: February 16, 2025
Letters from an American: February 19, 2023
Letters from an American: February 19, 2024
Letters from an American: February 19, 2025
Letters from an American: February 23, 2024
Letters from an American: February 5, 2024
Letters from an American: January 10, 2023
Letters from an American: January 13, 2024
Letters from an American: January 30, 2024
Letters from an American: July 10, 2022
Letters from an American: July 10, 2024
Letters from an American: July 15, 2024
Letters from an American: July 17, 2023
Letters from an American: July 18, 2024
Letters from an American: July 30, 2024
Letters from an American: July 4, 2024
Letters from an American: July 5, 2023
Letters from an American: June 17, 2024
Letters from an American: June 4, 2023
Letters from an American: June 6, 2024
Letters from an American: March 10, 2023
Letters from an American: March 10, 2024
Letters from an American: March 11, 2024 (Monday)
Letters from an American: March 12, 2025
Letters from an American: March 14, 2024
Letters from an American: March 15, 2023
Letters from an American: March 17, 2024
Letters from an American: March 21, 2024
Letters from an American: March 29, 2024
Letters from an American: March 5, 2023 (Sunday)
Letters from an American: March 5, 2025
Letters from an American: March 8, 2024
Letters from an American: May 21, 2023
Letters from an American: May 29, 2023
Letters from an American: May 6, 2024
Letters from an American: November 11, 2024
Letters from an American: November 20, 2023
Letters from an American: October 13, 2024
Letters from an American: October 21, 2024
Letters from an American: October 26, 2021
Letters from an American: October 26, 2024
Letters from an American: October 28, 2024
Letters from an American: October 6, 2024
Letters from an American: September 14, 2024
Letters from an American: September 6, 2024
Letters from Nauru
Letting the social ladder rot away is unjust. It is also a stupid waste
Let’s be honest: Australia’s claim to have cut climate pollution isn’t as good as it seems
Let’s bring back the remarkable gift of wearing a mask
Let’s do a Brexit deal with the Parthenon marbles
Let’s End the Peril of a Nuclear Winter
Let’s engage young men to stamp out ‘locker room’ culture
Let’s face reality. Fossil fuel interests have destroyed the Cops – we need something new
‘Let’s get real’: scientists discover a new way climate change threatens cold-blooded animals
Let’s heed the UN’s dire warning and stop the east African oil pipeline now
Let’s not kid ourselves: ‘Trumpification’ is becoming our problem, too
Let’s Not Pretend Planting Trees Is a Permanent Climate Solution
‘Let’s rip it off her head’: new research shows Islamophobia continues at disturbing levels in Australia
Let’s say it plainly: Fact-checking is not censorship
Let’s show a bit of love for the lillipilly. This humble plant forms the world’s largest genus of trees – and should be an Australian icon
Let’s Start World War 3, A Synchronized Robotic Dance Video by World Order About Current Events
Let’s Talk About Wabi Sabi, Kintsugi, and Invisible Illness
Let’s talk nuclear, the Coalition says – just don’t mention cost or how long it would take
Let’s tax carbon: Ross Garnaut on why the time is right for a second shot at carbon pricing
Let’s Unpack the Damage of Being Labeled High- or Low-Functioning
Leunig: It's a curly old world
Leval On Fair Use And Google Books: A Sketch Of A Story
LeVar Takes a Ride in a Driverless Car| Reading Rainbow uTech| 06.03.15
Levelling up: why Netflix and TikTok are turning to gaming to secure their future
‘Levels are dropping’: drought saps Zambia and Zimbabwe of hydropower
Leviathans in the Harbor
Levitating Superconductor on a Möbius strip
Lewy and Chilli among members of therapy dog program providing comfort for hospital staff
Lez miserable: I came out in a country town, and everything changed in an instant
LG kicks off colossal ramp-up of US factories for EV and grid batteries
LGBT Navajos Discover Unexpected Champions: Their Grandparents
LGBT+ history: The Amazing Life of Margot Heuman – how theatre gave voice to a queer Holocaust survivor
LGBTQ+ advocates call for stronger legal protections across Australia after attacks
LGBTQ+ couple in Nepal are first in south Asia to be legally married
LGBTQ+ people are facing increasing persecution globally, but refugee status is still extremely hard to get
LGBTQIA+ seniors have limited choices for aged care. Julie Peters went searching for options
LG’s new thin and stretchable displays could be used to wrap skin, cars, and furniture
Lib-Ray: an Open Standards video format
Liberal Democracy Is Under Attack
The Liberal Party’s Vision | Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL
Liberals joined conservatives to mainstream anti-vax beliefs about viruses and public health
Librarian Bans Book to Teach Lesson About Censorship
Librarian photographs all the beautiful libraries he visits
Librarian Rhapsody - Shoalhaven Library Staff
Librarians have good reasons to ‘weed’ books from their shelves. Why is book removal so controversial?
“Libraries Are That Safe Place for Discussion of Ideas.”
Libraries don't have to be a thing of the past - just look at Melbourne's
Libraries Offer Music Streaming Services That Really Support Local Musicians
Library Cat's Job Is Saved
Library Holdings from the University of Tokyo Now Available Through the Internet Archive
‘The Library of Everything’ With Brewster Kahle
Library Socialism: a utopian vision of a sustainable, luxuriant future of circulating abundance
LibraryBox v2.0: Portable Private Digital Distribution
Libre Arts Weekly-ish recap — 26 October 2022
LibreArts: Looking back at 2021, looking forward at 2022
LibriVox: Free public domain audiobooks
Libya dam collapse: engineering expert raises questions about management
Libya floods: why cash is the best way to help get humanitarian aid to people affected by disasters
Licensing and Business Models for "Lunatics!"
Lichee Pi Zero: A 6$ Linux Machine.
Lidar mapping reveals mountainous medieval cities along the Silk Road
Lie detection tests have worked the same way for 3,000 years – and they’re still hopelessly inaccurate
The lie of aqua nullius, ‘nobody’s water’, prevails in Australia. Indigenous water reserves are not enough to deliver justice
The Lie That’s Taught as Truth in Rural America
Liebherr electric excavator reaches million ton milestone, scores more orders
Liebreich and McCrone: Electric vehicles – It’s not just about the car
Liebreich: Net Zero Will Be Harder Than You Think – And Easier. Part II: Easier
Liebreich: The Next Half-Trillion-Dollar Market – Electrification of Heat
Liechtenstein legalizes same-sex marriage in near-unanimous vote
The Lies Russia Tells Itself
Lies, damned lies and Coalition energy economics: Dutton’s latest nuclear claim slammed
Lies, Damned Lies, and Manometer Readings
Lies, damned lies, and Uber
Lies, debates, and silences
Life After Factory Farming: ‘The Longer They’re Out, the Happier They Are.’
‘Life changing’ – what 50 years of community-controlled housing at Yumba-Meta tells us about home and health
Life During Interesting Times
Life expectancy goes backwards for the first time in 30 years
Life expectancy improves in some countries after big drops in 2020 – but US and others see further falls
The Life in "The Simpsons" Is No Longer Attainable
Life in Quarantine
Life in Technicolor—One month wearing EnChroma’s color blindness-fixing glasses
Life in the ashes: Lisa lost her Grampians home to a bushfire. Ten months later, it almost burned again
Life in The National Security State
Life Is Stupider Than Fiction
The Life of a Honeybee Has Been Cut in Half in Just 50 Years
Life on Our Planet: evolution experts review this ‘hugely entertaining’ Netflix docuseries
LIFE Programme: €380 million for 168 new green projects all around Europe
Life Without The Tech Giants
The Life-Changing, Solar-Charged Power of ‘Regenerative Travel’
Life’s Preference for Symmetry Is Like ‘A New Law of Nature’
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Light at the end of the tunnel: Restored forest now shelters dozens of endangered species
Light entertainment
Light Fingers
Light in Victoria’s lockdown: ‘We’ve turned Hurstbridge yellow’
The light of human rights is fading in Australia
Light Photos
Light pollution affects coastal ecosystems too – this underwater ‘canary’ is warning of the impacts
Light pollution is key 'bringer of insect apocalypse'
Light-Up Clothes and Costumes By Enlighted Designs
The lightbulb of the 21st century: The battery revolution illuminates a new era
Lighting up Long Covid
Lightning Over Shipping Lanes Suddenly Halved Following New Regulations
Lightpaint Piano Player
Lightpaintings: The First Unique Art Form Of The XXI Century
LightSail 2 spacecraft ends its solar-sailing mission in a blaze of glory
‘Like a gothy yoghurt starter’: how Neil Gaiman and an Australian string quartet fell in love
‘Like a little dragon’: new gecko species discovered on rugged Queensland island
Like A Real Author With Pants: "Nine Goblins"
‘Like a sylvan spa!’ Inside Zurich’s staggering, revolutionary new hospital for kids
‘Like being buried alive’: Australian journalist Cheng Lei on life in a Chinese prison
‘Like butter for bears’: the grizzlies who dine on 40,000 moths a day
Like Captain Planet with marsupials: First Dog on the Moon steps on stage
Like Clockwork
Like COVID, TB is a pandemic and must be treated as an emergency
‘Like Finding a Unicorn’: Researchers Rediscover the Black-Naped Pheasant-Pigeon, a Bird Lost to Science for 140 Years
‘Like finding gold’: plains-wanderers spotted in Melbourne’s west for first time in 30 years with help of AI
Like Finland, Imagine Everything That Could Go Wrong
‘Like Guantánamo’: the children locked in solitary for weeks at a time in Queensland youth prison
Like human societies, whales value culture and family ties
‘Like hunting for unicorns’: Australians on the search for adequate, affordable mental healthcare
Like it or not, history shows that taxes and bureaucracy are cornerstones of democracy
‘Like ocean rips’: CSIRO report identifies 7 ‘global megatrends’ shaping the 21st century
'Like penpals, but with snacks!' Unable to travel, strangers mail each other tastes of home
Like plumbing did for water, Australia’s ‘consumer data right’ could make your personal data safer and easier to share
Like pop music, humpback whale songs spread, mutate, and fall out of fashion
Like rivers in the sky: the weather system bringing floods to Queensland will become more likely under climate change
Like running Hazelwood for 106 years: Labor says Dutton’s nuke plan will be akin to a carbon bomb
Like the gig economy, crypto gaming is sold with promise of convenience and riches. In practice it’s deeply exploitative
‘Like unscrambling an egg’: scientists alter DNA to save Scottish wildcats
Like ‘the tolling of a distant temple bell’, Ibuse Masuji’s Black Rain remembers the horrors of Hiroshima and warns of the inhumanity of war
Liked to death? The social media race for nature photos can trash ecosystems – or trigger rapid extinction
Lillian Schwartz, Pioneer in Computer-Generated Art, Dies at 97
Lily Gladstone on How Using She/They Pronouns Is Connected to Indigenous Background, “A Way of Decolonizing Gender for Myself”
Lily Seika Jones
Lima’s neurodivergent picnic movement is liberating Peruvians from stigma and abuse
"Limited Edition" by Tim Maughan
Limited Liability Is a Scam That Allows Corporations To Loot Your Planet and the Economy
Limiting the damage from cultures in collision
Limitless power arriving too late: why fusion won’t help us decarbonise
‘Limitless’ energy: how floating solar panels near the equator could power future population hotspots
The limits of ice: what a 19th century expedition trapped in sea ice for a year tells us about Antarctica’s future
Limits to Growth at 50: the groundbreaking study that failed to change the world
Lina: Tales of the M1 GPU
Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, tries new approach to school discipline — suspensions drop 85%
Lindsey Stirling
LinkedIn to introduce 'stay-at-home' parenting option in profiles
LinkedIn's Hostile Takeover Of The Job Market
LinkedIn's Verification System Is Sexist
Links to the 2023 Nebula Awards nominees you can read for free
Linux Foundation and OpenTreatments Foundation team up to fight rare genetic diseases
Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
The Linux Scheduler: a Decade of Wasted Cores 2019: Using Open Hardware from my shirt to OS testing for Google's Fuchsia
Lion Cubs Hug Trainer On His Last Day At Park (VIDEO)
Lion Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Dev Patel Movie
Lion Sees His Adoptive Dad After 7 Years - Truly Heart-warming
Lions are still being farmed in South Africa for hunters and tourism – they shouldn’t be
Lions in a Uganda park make a perilous journey across a 1.5km stretch of water: study suggests the drive is to find mates
Lions rescued from Mideast war zone find new home in Africa
Liquid Floor Tiles
Lisa Kudrow to Star in Taika Waititi’s ‘Time Bandits’ Series at Apple TV+
Lisa’s Final Act: how Apple invented its future by burying its past
Lisbon Bars Cars From Driving Through City Center
Lismore faced monster floods all but alone. We must get better at climate adaptation, and fast
List of 2024 Leap Day Bugs
List of common misconceptions
List of Internet phenomena
List of lists of lists
The List of Trump’s Forbidden Words That Will Get Your Paper Flagged at NSF
Listen Live to Whale Songs From Hawaii
Listen to nature sounds, fall in love with the Earth
Listen To Stephen Fry Perfectly Analogize The Moral Panics Around Facebook To The Ones Over The Printing Press
Listen to the Albert’s lyrebird: the best performer you’ve never heard of
Listening to everything: how sound reveals an unseen world
Listening To The Creatures Of The World
Literacy for all: The story of Sobral
Literal Star-Crossed Lovers: A Reading List of Space Operas with Romance Subplots
(Literally) moving house: how home relocations can help address the housing crisis
Literary Devices
The literary life of Octavia E. Butler
The Literary Prize for the Refusal of Literary Prizes
Literature Professor Rides Bicycle-Powered Mobile Library to Bring Books to the Homeless
Lithium to overtake fossil fuels as WA's second-most valuable resource, WA budget reveals
Lithuania bans fur farming, offering compensations to farmers
Lithuania refers the Situation in Belarus to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to investigate the crimes against humanity committed by the authoritarian regime of Lukashenko
Little Asia Dance Exchange Network 2004/Ms.Motoko Ikeda
‘Little by little, the truth is being discovered’: the archive rescuing China’s forbidden films
Little changemakers boost vaccination efforts in Yemen
The Little Engine That Couldn't: How We're Preparing Ourselves and Our Children for Extinction
Little Evidence Of 'Infringement Risk' For 'Copyright Intensive' Companies
Little Free Libraries Are Turning Into Ground Zero for Religious Proselytizing
Little free libraries become pantries to address growing hunger, cost of food
The Little Girl from the 1981 LEGO Ad is All Grown Up, and She’s Got Something to Say
little girls R better at designing heroes than you
The Little Mermaid has always been a story about exclusion – and its author was an outsider
Little Nemo archive
Little tech wins big as nanocar inventor takes top science award
The little-known political confidant who ‘helped steer’ Australia’s leaders is finally remembered
The little-known Soviet mission to rescue a dead space station
The Little-Known Tool Protecting California Towns from Polluters
Live animal exports are being used as cover by smugglers, say NGOs
Live art exists only while it is being performed, and then it disappears. How do we create an archive of the ephemeral?
Live better, live longer: the retirement home that’s more like an alpine spa
live flight tracker
‘Live in the light, but carry the dark’: John Marsden’s books are his legacy – but so is his empathy
‘Live sick or flee’: pollution fears for El Salvador’s rivers as mining ban lifted
Live streaming wildlife webcams
Live the Lie: how narrative is used in crowdfunding
Live-Action Kiki's Delivery Service Film's On-Set Footage Posted
Livers for transplant can now be kept alive at body temperature
Lives at ‘grave risk’: Trump’s withdrawal from the WHO is a hit to global health
Lives saved by public health restrictions over the Victorian COVID-19 Delta variant epidemic wave, Aug-Nov 2021
The Lives They Live: Building houses keeps his dream alive
Living Alone: The Rise of Capitalism and the Decline of Families
Living and Dying on Airbnb
Living and working from an all-electric VW ID Buzz
Living fossils and rare corals revealed
Living in Bomb Time — 26
Living in the 70s: why Australia’s dominant model of unemployment and inflation no longer works
Living in the Margins
Living Planet Report 2022
Living room conservation: Gaming & virtual reality for insect and ecosystem conservation
Living through Antarctic snowstorms, Australian scientists are undertaking some of the 'most ambitious' research
Living With Cats - House Guest Edition
Living With Miyazaki, Part 6— PORCO ROSSO
Living With The UK’s CHEAPEST New Car
The living world above our heads: how city trees help shape biodiversity
"Livingstones" pillows that look like rocks
Liz Cheney trounced: ‘Black sheep effect’ and GOP partisan identity explain her decisive defeat after criticizing Trump
Liz Truss is now a case study in poor leadership
Liz Truss: what happened in the night of Westminster chaos that triggered the PM’s resignation?
Lizard in your luggage? We’re using artificial intelligence to detect wildlife trafficking
LJ Hooker branch used AI to generate real estate listing with non-existent schools
Ljubljana, Slovenia: Cyanometer
LLMs and Phishing
LLMs can solve any word problem! As long as they can crib the answer
LLMs have a strong bias against use of African American English
Lo Manh Hung: The Story of South Vietnam's Youngest Photo Journalist, 1968
Lo-Fi Let's Play: LOOM
Loans for petrol and diesel cars to end, bank declares
Loathe fascism? Then don’t be a health supremacist
Lobby pushing for Australian piracy crackdown donates millions
Lobsters versus right whales: The latest chapter in a long quest to make fishing more sustainable
Local businesses overconfident, underestimating future risks
Local efforts have cut plastic waste on Australia’s beaches by almost 30% in 6 years
Local governments are using AI without clear rules or policies, and the public has no idea
Local knowledge adds value to mapping flood risk in South Africa’s informal settlements
Lock-Down Under
Locked Out Of The Sixth Amendment By Proprietary Forensic Software
Locking up kids has serious mental health impacts and contributes to further reoffending
Locking up young people might make you feel safer but it doesn’t work, now or in the long term
The Logic of Stupid Poor People
Logitech Quickcam Orbit
Logitech's 1 billionth mouse
LogoFAIL exploit bypasses hardware and software security measures and is nearly impossible to detect or remove
LOLarts - LOLcats art show! Kthx!
LOLcats in the WSJ
London Brawling
London demonstrates the stupid, janky future of Smart Cities
London Is “Rewilding” and Native Species Are Flocking In
The London Library announces Helena Bonham Carter CBE as President
london tables
London underground dinner party
London Zoo Cat Survey
The London Zoo is hosting a Pride celebration for its same-sex penguin couples
London's Low Emission Zones improve air quality, health, and people's well-being, says new analysis
London’s new urban greening structure is a ‘garden for insects and people’
London’s Pointe Black ballet school aims to break racial barriers
Lonely American seniors help Brazilian kids learn English via webcam
Lonely Boy by Mnozil Brass
Lonely tunes: Humpback whales wail less as population grows
The long and storied history of transgender people in Australia and beyond
Long before politicians called to ‘stop the boats’, First Nations people welcomed arrivals from Indonesia
Long before Silicon Valley, scholars in ancient Iraq created an intellectual hub that revolutionised science
Long before women police officers came police ‘matrons’: who were they and what did they do?
The long con of military decline: How the right uses the armed forces to lie about America
Long COVID affects 1 in 5 people following infection. Vaccination, masks and better indoor air are our best protections
Long Covid and the Economy: There Is Money in Prevention
Long COVID appears to be driven by ‘long infection’. Here’s what the science says
Long Covid clinic wait times blow out to five months as Australia’s health experts call for national approach
Long COVID cost the Australian economy almost $10 billion in 2022 – new research
Long Covid Costs Australia Economy $3.6 Billion a Year: Report
Long COVID could be caused by the virus lingering in the body. Here’s what the science says
Long covid debuts on ME/CFS registry
Long Covid disabled them. Then they met a ‘broken’ Social Security disability process
Long Covid expert: all infections have "prolonged consequences"
Long Covid experts most worried about younger demographic
The Long COVID Game
Long COVID has cost the Australian economy billions in lost work hours, new research says
Long covid has derailed my life. Make no mistake: It could yours, too.
Long COVID Has Forced a Reckoning for One of Medicine’s Most Neglected Diseases
Long COVID Has Never Been Taken Seriously. Here’s Where It Left Us
Long COVID has some weird symptoms. Face blindness may be one them.
Long COVID is a "public health crisis for kids," experts say
Long COVID is a $1 trillion problem with no cure. Experts plead for governments to wake up
Long COVID is becoming a serious social and economic issue for Australia
Long COVID Is Being Erased—Again
Long COVID is devastating and far from rare. As infections rise again, why are we still ignoring it?
Long COVID Is Harming Too Many Kids
Long Covid Is Real. Now the Evidence Is Piling Up.
Long COVID may be an autoimmune disease
Long Covid may be ‘the next public health disaster’ — with a $3.7 trillion economic impact rivaling the Great Recession
The long Covid nightmare is far from over, especially for women of color
Long COVID patients need scientific ambition, not defeatism
Long COVID Persists as a Mass Disabling Event
Long COVID puts some people at higher risk of heart disease – they need better long-term monitoring
Long COVID puzzle pieces are falling into place – the picture is unsettling
Long COVID Rate in Africa Is Almost 50% of Cases, Researchers Warn
Long COVID research pledge prompts push to consider mystery links to other illness
Long COVID science, research and policy
Long COVID should make us rethink disability – and the way we offer support to those with ‘invisible conditions’
Long COVID stemmed from mild cases of COVID-19 in most people
Long COVID symptoms can improve, but their resolution is slow and imperfect
Long COVID will take your health, your wealth — then it will come for your marriage
Long COVID: 3 years in
Long COVID: how lost connections between nerve cells in the brain may explain cognitive symptoms
Long covid: the doctors’ lives destroyed by an illness they caught while doing their jobs
Long COVID: The health and economic impacts in Australia
Long COVID’s Impact on Patients, Workers, & Society: A review
Long Exposure Photos of Fireworks
The Long Game
Long live intrinsic motivation. Or why it’s time to ditch the carrots and the sticks
‘Long Ma’, A Massive Fire-Breathing Kinetic Sculpture of a Horse-Dragon
The Long Reach of China’s Demographic Destiny
The long sleep of capitalism's watchdogs
The Long View
The long, incredibly tortuous, and fascinating process of creating a Chinese font
Long-COVID sufferers unable to access disability payments say they need more support
Long-hidden ruins of vast network of Maya cities could recast history
Long-lived civilisation may be a dream
Long-lost film that predicted rise of anti-Semitism has ominous message for today’s world
Long-lost footage of John Farnham preserves a moment in Australian TV history
Long-lost Lewis Chessman found in Edinburgh family's drawer
The Long-Range EV Boom Has Arrived
Long-Range EVs Now Cost Less Than the Average New Car in the US
Long-term outcomes following hospital admission for COVID-19 versus seasonal influenza: a cohort study
The long-term quest to build a 'galactic civilisation'
Longer copyright protection means fewer books are available, and they cost more
Longer-lasting ozone holes over Antarctica expose seal pups and penguin chicks to much more UV
Longleat Meerkats take photos of themselves
Look around you. The way we live explains why we are increasingly polarized
Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk
Look at the photos and videos of thousands of youth demanding climate change action NOW.
Look at this frickin’ cat BIOS for this frickin’ cat motherboard
Look at This Incredible My Neighbor Totoro Stage Production
Look Out to Your Neighbour, Look Up to Something Better
Look to the mainstream to explain the rise of the far right
Look up this spring – you might see little ravens build soft, cosy nests from your garden trees
Look up! A once-in-a-lifetime explosion is about to create a ‘new’ star in the sky
Look What I Found!: Baby in the Mulch
Looking for health advice? Don’t consult health magazines, try Dolly
Looking For Tom Lehrer, Comedy’s Mysterious Genius
Looking on the bright side: the risks - and rewards - of political optimism
Looking Out For Others Is The Cat’s Meow
The Looming Economic Catastrophe: China on the Brink of Collapse
‘Looming global health crisis’: urgent action needed to prevent spread of drug-resistant superbugs, CSIRO says
Loona Robot
Loopwheels system abandons spokes for springs to give a smoother ride
Looted antiquities are in the spotlight in new digital museum
Lord Howe island faces ‘major’ coral bleaching as ocean temperatures continue to break records
Lord of the Rings Tarot
Lord Vetinari takes control of the UK
The Lords of the Rhymes
Lorem Ipsum and Ursula Vernon on the editing process
Los Angeles fires burn through city as death toll expected to rise
Los Angeles Has Promised a ‘Car-Free’ Olympics in 2028. Can It Do It?
Los Angeles Just Proved How Spongy a City Can Be
Losing a calf to wolves in Sweden hurts. But if lions take one in Uganda, a farming family’s income is gone
Losing Earth: The Decade We,Almost Stopped Climate Change
Losing the natural world comes with major risks for your super fund and bank
Loss and damage: Who is responsible when climate change harms the world’s poorest countries?
Loss of forests brought new birds to NZ during the last Ice Age – we’re witnessing a similar process now
Loss of fossil fuel assets would not impoverish general public, study finds
Loss, decay and bleaching: why sponges may be the ‘canary in the coal mine’ for impacts of marine heatwaves
The lost apps of the 80s
Lost comedy precursor to Monty Python starring John Cleese and Graham Chapman is found after 48 years
LOST EMBER - More HQ gameplay GIFs
Lost for words: fears of ‘catastrophic’ language loss due to rising seas
The lost history of the electric car – and what it tells us about the future of transport
Lost in the Stock
Lost in translation: the geopolitical risks of declining foreign language learning in Australia and NZ
Lost in translation: What spirituality and Einstein’s theory of time have to do with misunderstandings about climate change
The lost infrastructure of social media
Lost Maya city with temple pyramids and plazas discovered in Mexico
Lost Myths and Cryptomythology
Lost parrot tells veterinarian his address
The Lost Picture Show: Hollywood Archivists Can’t Outpace Obsolescence
Lost Pictures of Blizzard
Lost poems of Douglas Adams and Griff Rhys Jones found in school cupboard
Lost something? Search through 91.7 million files from the ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s
Lost Star Wars Movie
"The Lost Tiger": first animated film by an Indigenous woman explores heritage and identity through a thylacine
The Lost Ways of Programming: Commodore 64 BASIC
Lost your wallet? It may not end badly
Lots O'News
The Lotus Sutra − an ancient Buddhist scripture from the 3rd century − continues to have relevance today
Louie Zong: Sing a Note
Louisa Lim’s ‘outstanding’ portrait of a dispossessed, defiant Hong Kong is the activist journalism we need
Louise Hardman's Shruder invention recycles plastic cleaned from ocean
Louisiana forbids public health workers from promoting COVID, flu and mpox shots
Louvre puts entire collection online
Love for cats lures students into this course, which uses feline research to teach science
‘The Love in the Air Is Thicker Than the Smoke’
Love in the Time of Cryptography
Love Is Not Capitalist
Love is the Sun!
Love it or hate it, TikTok is changing the music industry
Love it or Leave it? Study Shows How People Perceive AI-created Content
Love Japan’s realistic fake food? Now you can wear it on your head as an accessory! 【Pics】
Love Labyrinth?
Love languages are hugely popular – but there’s very little evidence they exist at all
Love on the spectrum: Meet Ruth and Thomas
Love Picking: Locksport meets love locks
Love Rats
love this guys talent
Love Your Blender Talk to Your Blender
Love, from Ghibli’s Perspective
Love, Tolerance and Other Myths
Loved to death: Australian sandalwood is facing extinction in the wild
‘Lovejoy’s Law’ And Tech Moral Panics
Lovely Image Manipulation Photos
Lovely mathematical art
Lovely Story
'Loverless' feat. George the cat - Ayleen O'Hanlon
Loving Maternal Siberian Husky Dog and Her Two Canine Brothers Adopt a Tiny Kitten as Their Own
The Low Down on the Greatest Dictionary Collection in the World
Low emission zones are improving health, studies show
Low income and frontline workers to access cut price loans in new bid to boost EV sales
Low Orbit Satellite Companies Respond To Scientists’ Concerns About Light And Environmental Pollution With Even Bigger, Brighter Satellites
Low vaccination and immunity rates mean NZ faces a harsh whooping cough winter – what needs to happen
The low-carbon energy transition will need less mining than fossil fuels, even when adjusted for waste rock
Low-cost production will mean the end of jobs
Low-Traffic Neighborhoods Are Reclaiming London’s Streets From Cars
Lower Klamath River dams set for removal in project touted by California tribal leaders
Loyalty programs may limit competition, and they could be pushing prices up for everyone
LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites
Lucas the Spider / TINK
The Lucky Country
The 'lucky country' is facing a crucial test. The result will affect us all
‘Lucky Dragon’ fire-breathing boat in Osaka
Lucy’s job should be more secure – but at Australian universities, labour laws are having the opposite effect
Lugaru HD: now fully free
Lula launches alliance to combat world hunger as Brazil hosts G20
Lula vows to win ‘war’ against illegal miners invading Indigenous lands
Lula wants to mirror Amazon’s lessons in all biomes, but challenges await
Lula’s victory in Brazil comes just in time to save the Amazon – can he do it?
Lululemon Billionaire Pledges $76 Million to Save Wilderness
Luminous ‘mother-of-pearl’ clouds explain why climate models miss so much Arctic and Antarctic warming
‘The lunacy is getting more intense’: how Birds Aren’t Real took on the conspiracy theorists
Lunatics! - Patreon Trailer 2015
Lunatics! Project is creating Animated Video Episodes
Lunchbox Dad Creates Pop-Culture Meals For His Kids
Lundy Island wild bird numbers soar
The Lurker
‘Lush bread – for all.’ Placing affordable loaves where they’re most needed
Luxuriate in the season: five reasons to enjoy a long festive period
Luxury cars and high-end labels: shocked Syrians roam Assad family residences
Lynnwood’s Greg Bear, stalwart of modern science fiction, starts writing his life story
Lynx Climbs up to Have a Look at Human || ViralHog
Lynx, wild horses and vultures return to eastern Spain in latest rewilding project
Lyrebird/Penguins/The Gorillas Meet Attenborough ft. Aardman Animations #Attenborough90 - BBC Earth Unplugged
Lyrebirds...they are so weird
Lyric Opera's new SoundShirts let deaf patrons feel the music
Lyrical lyrebird also an ecosystem engineer
L’Art Moyenâgeux de Simon De Thuillières
M*A*S*H, 50 years on: the anti-war sitcom was a product of its time, yet its themes are timeless
Ma Yan Yan - An awesome magic ballet performance at Amazing Chinese 2014
The macaque monkeys of Mauritius: an invasive alien species, and a major export for research
Macaulay Library of animal sounds
The Maccabeats - Latke Recipe - Hanukkah
Machinery & Electronics wolf fursuit
Machines can’t always take the heat − two engineers explain the physics behind how heat waves threaten everything from cars to computers
Mackay man put in wheelchair for months by rare case of myelitis likely caused by COVID-19
Macklemore surprises his grandma with a 'Glorious' 100th birthday
Macky Sall throws Senegal’s democratic credentials into doubt
Macquarie Island Marine Park set to triple in size
Macquarie Island remains pest free 10 years after eradication program, but new threats loom
Macquarie solar breakthrough gives Aussie researchers unexpected recycling win
Macron hits out at ‘hidden Brexiteer’ European nationalists
Macron launches ‘ecological plan’ to cut France’s dependency on fossil fuels
Macron warns Netanyahu against ‘sowing barbarism’ in remarks on Lebanon
The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS
Mad magazine legend Al Jaffee retires at age 99 after a record-breaking career
Mad Science: Deconstructing Bunk Reporting in 5 Easy Steps
Mad world: global flashpoints to watch in 2023 in the era of ‘polycrisis’
Mad! Tuba
Madagascar: giant tortoises have returned 600 years after they were wiped out
Madagascar’s ancient baobab forests are being restored by communities – with a little help from AI
Madam Misfit - The Wombling Song (Electro Swing)
The maddening saga of how an Alzheimer’s ‘cabal’ thwarted progress toward a cure for decades
Made in 1972, the documentary Ningla-A’Na is a powerful look at establishment of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy
Made in America: how Biden’s climate package is fuelling the global drive to net zero
Made in Australia? The electric vehicle revolution gives us a chance to revive an industry
Made in the USA: Ramping up clean energy manufacturing
Made with Creative Commons
Made with Creative Commons: A book on open business models
Made With Molecules
Made Your Day Magical
Madeleines, creme brulee and banana bread: Philip Khoury’s plant-based baking recipes
Madeon - Pay No Mind (ft. Passion Pit)
Madhatter's Tea Party
Madis - Cracow Sunset (Live Performance on The Vistula River)
Madison Zombie Lurch 2005
“Madmen fuelling the madness:” UN chief demands end to fossil fuel advertising
Maersk Dual Fuel Ships Won't Decarbonize Methanol
Maestria, A Beautiful Puzzle Game, Is Now Free On The Play Store
MAGA sinks GOP trolling to genocidal lows
Magawa, the landmine-sniffing hero rat, dies aged eight
The Magazine of F&SF in the news again for bad reasons
Magazines were supposed to die in the digital age. Why haven’t they?
Maggie Beer’s aged care eating mission is feel-good TV – but is it a recipe for real change?
Maggie Smith, Oscar-winning star of stage and screen, dies aged 89
Maggots to the rescue: innovative food waste solution may help wild fish populations too
Magic Goes Wrong
Magic Highway
the magic in unbelonging
‘Magic in your own back yard’: Danish artist hides enormous trolls deep in Western Australia
Magic of Free Parking
The magic of Japanese space-saving products
The Magic of the Blackboard
The magic of touch: how deafblind people taught us to ‘see’ the world differently during COVID
The Magic Portal
Magic trick reverso: putting the tablecloth back on the table!
Magical Chinese Parlours
The magical thinking of guys who love logic
The Magical Thinking of the Far Right
‘Magical thinking’: hopes for sustainable jet fuel not realistic, report finds
Maglev toy train
Magma and hot rocks: Iceland seeks the future of geothermal energy
Magnetic Scrolls Original Games Source Code Recovered!
Magnetic Wiener Dog
The magnificent Lake Eyre Basin is threatened by 831 oil and gas wells – and more are planned. Is that what Australians really want?
Magnus Hirschfeld Founded the First Transgender Clinic
The magpie is the winner in our search for Australia's favourite animal sound
Magpies are self-aware!
Magpies face bleak future as heat rises with climate change
Magpies swoop bald men more often, eight-year-old's viral survey finds
Magpies swooping? You should try making friends with them, expert says
Magpies, curlews, peregrine falcons: how birds adapt to our cities, bringing wonder, joy and conflict
Mahsa Amini: a year into the protest movement in Iran, this is what’s changed
Maiah the Wolf Surprisingly Loves A Belly Rub
maid cafe
Maine Coon acts as deaf sailor’s ears at sea
Maine Warns Hunters to Avoid Eating Deer and Turkey Due to Possible PFAS Contamination
Maine’s puffin colonies recovering in the face of climate change
Mainstream NDIS providers failed Will, so he built his own support service for neurodiverse people to game together
"Maintenance: Of Everything" by Stewart Brand
Major airlines say they’re acting on climate change. Our research reveals how little they’ve achieved
Major Cities on The US East Coast Are Sinking Faster, Scientists Warn
Major climate changes inevitable and irreversible – IPCC’s starkest warning yet
Major corporations sponsor "anti-woke" conference headlined by far-right activist
Major Cute Kitty and Puppy Fixes
Major cyberattack on Australian ports suggests sabotage by a ‘foreign state actor’
Major Floods, More Cracks in Russian Society
Major Japanese ramen chain’s logo confuses Honda cars’ AI
Major multinational port operator paid zero tax in Australia while raking in billions
Major New Study Finds Kids Raised By Same-Sex Couples Are ‘Healthier And Happier’
Major plug-in hybrid cars pollute more than official measures suggest
Major Publishers Sue The Internet Archive's Digital Library Program In The Midst Of A Pandemic
Major report joins dots between world's nature challenges
Major research suggests humans can break free from tribalism
Major Victory for Immigrant Workers in the US
Major Victory! Canada Bans The Trade Of Elephant Ivory & Rhino Horn In Historic Decision
Major win: 100% of McDonald’s eggs in the US now come from cage-free hens
Major work-from-home update impacting millions of Aussie workers: 'Disrupt push back to office'
Majority of ASEAN people favor China over U.S., survey finds
Majority of Australian voters expect fair and humane approach to refugees, poll shows
Majority of Australians back taxing fossil fuel companies’ super profits, survey shows
Majority of Australians on jobseeker and parenting payments live in poverty, study finds
Majority of Australians support UNESCO Great Barrier Reef ‘in danger’ listing
Majority of household appliances packaged in unsustainable material, Choice says
Majority of voters want Labor to support Indigenous Australians but are split on how: Guardian Essential poll
Make a noise or work with the system? New research reveals 4 ways to create real change for nature
Make America Bohemian Again
Make environmental damage a war crime, say scientists
Make it precious
Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons From Science Fiction
Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way
‘Make me a sandwich’: our survey’s disturbing picture of how some boys treat their teachers
Make Mine Crafty
Make my drive fun
Make My Logo Bigger Cream
MAKE presents: The LED
Make Sarcasm Obvious: One $2 Method and Five Free Methods
Make the Great Barrier Reef an Australian citizen and protect her right to live.
Make This Yoda Doll You Must
Make way for InvestEGGator, the decoy egg shedding light on the illegal trade of wildlife
Make Your Own Masterpiece With the Rijksmuseum
Maker Naomi Wu is Silenced by Chinese Authorities (And Why I Blame Elon Musk)
The maker of the electric USPS truck is also building garbage robots and EV firefighters
The Maker Space Where Members Are More Than Their Pasts
Makers and takers
The makerspace is the next open source frontier
Maki-e: A Sumptuous World of Gold and Black - Core Kyoto mini
Making a Desk with 10,000 Recycled Chopsticks
Making a mechanical whale - Short Version
Making a name in the film industry isn't easy, but this Queensland animation duo is going from strength to strength
Making a new dog
Making AI Less "Thirsty": Uncovering and Addressing the Secret Water Footprint of AI Models
Making an exhibition of yourself: the gallery where anyone can add to the walls
Making art is a uniquely human act, and one that provides a wellspring of health benefits
Making better contact lenses
Making change, making history, making noise: Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame at the National Press Club
Making cities 'spongy' could help fight flooding — by steering the water underground
Making Comics on Cool Tools
Making dragons: a speculative scientific adventure
Making Eye Contact with Homeless People Is Important
Making fossil fuel companies accountable for their products’ emissions would support the clean energy transition
Making friends with a paedophile: 'We can't kill him, so we help him not to do it again'
Making Fun: Tooth Fairy Tooth Transport
Making Infrared Cooling Paint From Grocery Store Items (w/Novel CaCO₃ Microsphere Synthesis)
Making institutional free software successful
Making merry: how we brought Melbourne’s Merri Creek back from pollution, neglect and weeds
Making money green: Australia takes its first steps towards a net zero finance strategy
The making of Australia’s first Dark Sky Community at Carrickalinga
The Making of Beautiful People
The Making Of The Sonic Murder Game That Took The Internet By Storm
The Making of Walkabout Mini Golf: Labyrinth - out July 28, 2022
Making Our Choice
Making Sense Of Complexity
Making Sense of Nonsense: A MOOC About Climate Change Denial
Making The Case For Wooden Wind Turbines With Swedish Modvion
Making the Gig Economy Work for Everyone
Making The Internet Weirder One Picture At A Time
Making the tobacco industry pay for cigarette litter could stop 4.5 billion butts polluting the Australian environment
Making the web better. With blocks!
Making tracks: how linking patches of wilderness is saving Borneo’s wildlife
Making visible the invisible: Supporting long COVID patients and the people caring for them
Making workers return to the office might not make them any more productive, despite what the NSW premier says
Malaria vaccine rollout shines light on value of renewable power
Malarndirri McCarthy received a standing ovation for her first Senate speech
Malawi emerges as a leader in family planning
Malawi’s tiny Chapman’s chameleons are holding on for dear life
Malaysia ends mandatory death penalty for serious crimes
Malaysia has sent back tons of plastic waste to rich countries, saying it won't be their 'garbage dump'
Malaysia to impose total ban on plastic bags by 2025
Malaysian Government Asks Interpol To Arrest An American Comedian Over Her Airline Crash Joke
Malaysian mosques of remarkable architecture
Maldives aims to buy new homeland
The Maldives As Microcosm Of Climate Collapse
Maldives leader in climate change stunt
Male artists dominate galleries. Our research explored if it’s because ‘women don’t paint very well’ – or just discrimination
Male birth control options are in development, but a number of barriers still stand in the way
Male voices dominate the news. Here’s how journalists and female experts can turn this around
Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger want to leave Ecowas. A political scientist explains the fallout
MALI: the World Bank finances $150 million to restore degraded land
Mallacoota cut off after landslide, Victoria’s east on flood alert
Maluku earthquake: why do some ocean earthquakes cause tsunamis while others don’t?
The Mamalilikulla’s long journey home
The Mambo Craze- De Phazz
Mambolero - PiSk ( Official ) Carmen Miranda x Electro Swing REMIX 2018
Mamika does it again!
Mammals cannot evolve fast enough to escape current extinction crisis
Man builds his own prosthetic arm
Man Keeps Rock For Years, Hoping It's Gold. It Turns Out to Be Far More Valuable
Fwd: Man levitates videos
Man paints apartment building rainbow colors to get back at anti-gay neighbor
Man repatriates 19 antiquities after reading Guardian article
Man Saves Wife’s Sight by 3D Printing Her Tumor
Man to tackle Australia on electric motorcycle after riding across the world to combat range anxiety
Man trains rat to sit on cat to sit on dog
Man Trapped Overnight at Vegas Airport Shoots Ridiculous Music Video
Man Turns His House Into Indoor Cat Playland and Our Hearts Explode
Man Walks All Day to Create Massive Dragon Mural in Snowy Siberia
The Man Who Invented Fantasy
The Man Who Killed Google Search
The Man Who Predicted Climate Change
The man who saves forgotten cats in Fukushima's nuclear zone
The Man Who Sold The Moon by Cory Doctorow
The man who studies the spread of ignorance
The Man Who Talks to Sperm Whales
The man who took on the coal industry to save a forest - and won
The man who was fired by a machine
Man wins $1.6 million for 'hidden' invention from the 1980s
Man's best friend (outside of a dog)
Man's Best Friend Indeed!
‘Managerial Myopia’: How CEOs Pump Up Earnings for Their Own Gain
Manawanui sinking: an expert explains why a speedy cleanup will be crucial – and the main challenges ahead
Manchester Museum hands back 174 objects to Indigenous Australian islanders
Mandatory consent education is a huge win for Australia – but consent is just one small part of navigating relationships
Mandatory minimum sentencing is proven to be bad policy. It won’t stop hate crimes
Mandatory Student Spyware Is Creating a Perfect Storm of Human Rights Abuses
Mandelbox trip - 3D Fractals
Mandelbrot the fractal teddy-bear
Mandelbrot’s fractals are not only gorgeous – they taught mathematicians how to model the real world
Manga of Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, MirrorMask, plus Dark Crystal sequel
Manga: Quick Start!!
Mangrove forest loss is slowing toward a halt, new report shows
Mangrove Forest Thrives Around What Was Once Latin America's Largest Landfill
Mangrove reforestation to be initiated along 52 rivers and canals near Sundarbans
Maniac // Michael Sembello // POMPLAMOOSE
The Maniacal Street Art of Mr. Thoms
Manifest van 170 wetenschappers: het is een blunder als we niet groener uit de coronacrisis komen
Manifesto: Let my upload bandwidth flow!
Manila is reeling after a super typhoon. We must prepare fast-growing megacities for worsening disasters
Manitobans reimagine Canada Day celebrations in wake of residential school revelations
Manta Ray
manta ray
Manta rays are local commuters, not long-distance travelers, study finds
Mantas Dancing
Manufacturers are Joining the Fight for Repair
Manufacturing crisis: the challenge of Trump 2.0’s ‘power in chaos’ for other democracies
Manufacturing Garfield
Many Animals Can’t Adapt Fast Enough to Climate Change
Many Australians are frustrated by hard-to-recycle items. These women want to change that
Many Canadians have had long COVID for almost 4 years. Researchers say there's hope
Many coral reefs are dying. This one is exploding with life.
Many First Nations communities swelter without power. Why isn’t there solar on every rooftop?
Many forests will become highly flammable for at least 30 extra days per year unless we cut emissions, research finds
Many global corporations will soon have to police up and down their supply chains as EU human rights ‘due diligence’ law nears enactment
The Many Ingenious Ways People in Prison Use (Forbidden) Cell Phones
Many local councils still officially pray to God. Here’s why this may be unlawful and should be abandoned
Many of Australia’s top car sellers are collecting and sharing driver data, Choice investigation finds
Many of us can save a child’s life, if we rely on the best data
Many people are feeling ecological grief. How can we help those whose work puts them at risk?
Many people are still shielding from COVID – and our research suggests their mental health is getting worse
Many people feel they work in pointless, meaningless jobs, research confirms
Many people hate wasps, but they’re smarter than you might think – and ecologically important
Many people in the Pacific lack access to adequate toilets – and climate change makes things worse
Many Personal Care Products Contain Harmful Chemicals. Here’s What to Do About It.
Many prisoners go years without touching a smartphone. It means they struggle to navigate life on the outside
Many urban waterways were once waste dumps. Restoration efforts have made great strides – but there’s more to do to bring nature back
many versions and takes of the Heathrow Flash Mob
Many-shot jailbreaking
Man’s best friends
The Map of Engineering: A New Animation Shows How All of the Different Fields in Engineering Fit Together
Map of Indigenous massacres grows to include more sites of violence across Australia
Map of relationships among scientific paradigms
Mapping food supply chains, nanotech cancer diagnosis, and tracking bushfire recovery winners at 2022 Eureka Prizes
Mapping Iran’s biodiversity hotspots to create new protected areas covering 20% of the landscape
Mapping the Future
Mapping the scale of Canada’s record wildfires
Maps of Wikipedia
Mar Menor: cleaning Europe's largest saltwater lagoon
Marbelous, a wooden table with built-in marble tracks
Marble Conveyer Belt 2.0 - Marble Machine X #61
Marble Machine X Plays Drums!
Marble machines
Marc Randazza Emasculates Pick-Up Artist, Legal Counsel In Hilariously Brutal Response To A Bogus Takedown Demand
Marc Randazza Wrote An Amicus Brief About Klingon, And It's Magnificent
March Art Roundup: "Stained Glass" Star Trek, Watercolor Kylo Ren, & Geeky ABCs!
Marchers across the world demand justice for wildlife
Marcos junior is the latest beneficiary of ‘bloodlines’ in Southeast Asian politics
Margaret Atwood on What ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Means in the Age of Trump
Margaret Atwood: It's Not Climate Change - It's Everything Change
Margaret Atwood’s flamethrower of a stunt and the misguided moral certainty of book burning
Margaret Hamilton Recalls Her Life as a Programming Pioneer
Margaret Hamilton, lead software engineer, Project Apollo
Margaret River 'climate refuge' for vulnerable possums affected by hotter temperatures, researchers say
Maria Anna Mozart was a musical prodigy overshadowed by her brother. A new documentary tells her story
Marie Antoinette Robotic Doll
Marimo, the Legendary Cat
Marine conservation effort in U.S. Virgin Islands aids key fish species, research finds
Marine CO₂ removal technologies could depend on the appetite of the ocean’s tiniest animals
Marine ecologists fear Australia's kelp forests will disappear unnoticed
Marine heatwave leaves warm water in its wake along the South Coast
Marine heatwaves don’t just hit coral reefs. They can cause chaos on the seafloor
Marine life is fleeing the equator to cooler waters. History tells us this could trigger a mass extinction event
Marine life will face mass extinction if oceans continue to warm
Marine protected areas safeguard more than ecology – they bring economic benefits to fisheries and tourism
Marine species are being pushed towards the poles. From dugong to octopuses, here are 8 marine species you might spot in new places
Marion Pritchard, Dutch rescuer of Jewish children during the Holocaust, dies at 96
Maritime sector seals carbon-cutting deal but sparks criticism
The Marjorie Taylor Greene-ing of the GOP
Mark Crilley's "How to draw" videos
Mark Hamill, Star Wars' Luke Skywalker himself, is now the voice of Ukraine's air raid alert app
Mark Kroos Plays Dueling Banjos From Deliverance by Himself
Mark McGowan phone call allegation puts fossil fuel influence in WA under spotlight
Mark Oakley on self-publishing online
Mark Zuckerberg can sack 11,000 workers but shareholders can’t dump him: it’s called ‘management entrenchment’
Mark Zuckerberg wants business to ‘man up’, but what it really needs is more women entrepreneurs
Marker Wadden
Market Forces
Market forces have rendered artists risk averse managers of content
Market with a mission: non-profit grocery stores help heal ‘food deserts’
Market-based schemes not reducing deforestation, poverty: Report
Marketers Helped Fake News Kill Real News With Bullets Supplied By Ad Tech
Marketing a tote bag as reusable is silly. Let’s say no to more stuff
Marketing at it's best!
The Marketing Buzzwords That Developers Hate
Marking 50 Years in the Struggle for Democracy
Marking One Year Of Total War In Ukraine
Marking time, more thoughts (Charlie Stross)
Marmota Café
Marrakech artisans – who have helped rebuild the Moroccan city before – are among those hit hard in the earthquake’s devastation
Mars has pledged $1 billion to fight climate change
Mars launches “Australia first” thermal energy battery to cook petfood
Marshall Islands, a nation at the heart of global shipping, fights for climate justice
Marsupials and other mammals separately evolved flight many times, and we are finally learning how
Martial law came to South Korea – and my friends and I doomscrolled through the night
Martian Skies
Martin Luther King Jr.’s moral stance against the Vietnam War offers lessons on how to fight for peace in the Middle East
Martin Luther King Was A Democratic Socialist
Marvel, DC Lose ‘Superhero’ Trademarks After Failing To Respond To Cancellation Petition
Marvelous wooden kinetic art
Mary and the Witch's Flower
Mary Maxfield on Intersectionality
Mary Sue
Mary-Louise McLaws, renowned epidemiologist who helped guide Australia through the pandemic, dies aged 70 from brain tumour
Maryland Wants to Be the First US State to Adopt a 4-Day Work Week
Masculine Policy: The GOP’s Plan To Outlaw ‘Porn’ And Suspend The First Amendment
Masher Menace: When American Women First Confronted Their Sexual Harassers
Mask mandates – will we only act on public health advice if someone makes us?
“Mask off at the door” policies undermine our rights as disabled people
Masking could fight the ‘tripledemic’, experts say. Will anyone listen?
Masks are ‘strongly suggested’ by health authorities as the winter COVID wave hits. Here’s how effective they are
Masks for all.
Masks for COVID: Updating the evidence
Masks matter for more than mandates
Masks work, our comprehensive review has found
Maslow's Hierarchy of Robot Needs
Masnick's Impossibility Theorem: Content Moderation At Scale Is Impossible To Do Well
Mass animal extinctions: our new tool can show why large mammals – like the topi – are in decline
Mass Effect developer makes emotional plea to eliminate social injustice in games
Mass Extinction: Entire Branches on Tree of Life Are Dying, Scientists Warn
Mass Incarceration in the US
Mass retrofit: 12 start-ups selected to help switch existing car fleet to fully electric
Mass shooters celebrate while Republicans vow to protect us from librarians and history teachers
Mass starvation, extinctions, disasters: the new IPCC report’s grim predictions, and why adaptation efforts are falling behind
Massachusetts Blues
Massachusetts farmers turn cranberry bogs back to wetlands in $6m initiative
Masses of scalloped hammerheads have returned to one of Australia’s busiest beaches. But we don’t need to panic
Massive Australia-to-Singapore clean energy cable gets green light
Massive offshore wind project to play host to floating seaweed farm
Massive oil spill from mystery shipwreck causes 'national emergency' in Trinidad and Tobago
Massive outages caused by Cyclone Gabrielle strengthen the case for burying power lines
Massive Permafrost Thaw Documented in Canada, Portends Huge Carbon Release
Massive renewables hub gets all clear from locals, but long distance activists complain about the view
Massive restoration of world’s forests would cancel out a decade of CO2 emissions, analysis suggests
Massive Study Links Vaping to a Much Higher Risk of Heart Failure
'Massive' coral reef taller than the Empire State Building discovered in Australia
Master copy of the Voyager Golden Record, designed as an audio postcard for intelligent aliens, is up for auction
Masterfully Designed LEGO Animals by Felix Jaensch
Matchcraft pioneer Len Hughes still making mind-blowing models from matchsticks after 60 years
Material Design and the Mystery Meat Navigation Problem
Mathematically Correct Breakfast
Mathematician claims breakthrough in complexity theory
Mathematicians have finally discovered an elusive ‘einstein’ tile
Mathematicians Make a Major Discovery About Prime Numbers
Mathew Lawrence on why privatisation has been a costly failure in Britain
Mathigon: World of Mathematics ebook
Maths tackles an eternal question: where to park?
Matt Bruce poured his life savings into a tiny home. Now Byron Shire council wants to demolish it
Matt Canavan says Australia doesn’t subsidise the fossil fuel industry, an expert says it does
Matt Kean says suggestion Coalition could sack him if it wins election is ‘concerning threat’
Matt Linton: Lifeguard story
‘Matter of national destiny’: China’s energy crisis sees the world’s top emitter investing in more coal
Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane Honor Mel Brooks | 14th Governors Awards (2024)
The Mature Artist
Maui celebrates recovery of 151-year-old banyan tree after 2023 wildfire damage
Maui's cultural landmarks burned, but all is not lost
Maurice Sandalette in Need of Support
Mauritius ecosystem needs its original animals
Mauritius has won back Chagos – but not all of it. Why the largest island, Diego Garcia, is so important to the UK
Mauritius is first in Africa to adopt WHO full-scale tobacco control measures
Max Headroom: one of sci-fi TV’s strangest characters deserves a comeback
Max Richter - Voices | Full Album
Max X is at it again
Max X Takes a Holiday
Max's Adventures
Maxime Bernier Attacked Greta Thunberg’s Autism. Naomi Klein Says Autism Made the Teen a Global Voice of Conscience
Maxwell Smart and Dr. Smith
Maxwell's equations: 150 years of light
May 1, 1969: Fred Rogers testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on Communications
May Our Nowruz Be Victorious One Day!
May we have the envelope, please
Maybe in Your Lifetime, People Will Live on the Moon and Then Mars
Maybe Someday: Stories of Promise, Visions of Hope
Maybe visiting Adelaide
Maybe you'll realise what you have is good enough': Why influencers are facing a pushback
'Maybe you'll realise what you have is good enough': Why influencers are facing a pushback
Mayor Wu bans fossil fuels from new municipal buildings and major renovations
MayTree - Looney Tunes (acapella)
MBAs and wage stagnation
MC Frontalot - Stoop Sale
McDonald's Gave Me the “Girl's Toy” With My Happy Meal. So I Went to the CEO.
McDonalds gives away MP3 players with free malware
McDonalds staff recipes
McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King and Wendy’s Rely on Alabama Prison “Slavery”
McKinsey paid $1.6m to ‘guide’ Australian climate policy despite working for fossil fuel companies
ME! - Taylor Swift (Mid '80s/Yacht Rock Style Cover) ft. Sara Niemietz & Ryan Quinn
Meal kits are booming – but how do they stack up nutritionally?
The Meaning Of Kawaii
The meaning of Morrison's mantra about getting a fair go is clear. It's conditional
Measles cases surge nearly 80% in wake of Covid chaos, with fears other diseases could follow
Measles has been identified in NSW, Qld and SA. 5 things to know about the virus
Measles is now an imminent global threat, WHO and CDC say in a new report
Measles is on the rise around the world – we can’t let vaccination rates falter
Measles is surging, and Uzbekistan is bolstering its defences
Measles: why the World Health Organization has declared it an ‘imminent global threat’
Measuring the speed of light with chocolate
Meat and Dairy Industry ‘Weakening’ Climate Policy in the EU: Report
Meat and masculinity: why some men just can’t stomach plant-based food
The meat industry blocked the IPCC’s attempt to recommend a plant-based diet
The Meat Lovers' Guide to Plant-Based Meat
Meatspace twiddling
mechanical tales, some of my wood automata toys
Media Coalition Declares That Journalism Should Reflect 'Climate Emergency Is Here'
Media coverage of climate change research does not inspire action, say scientists
Media coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s death began well, but quickly descended into farce
Media Manipulation, Strategic Amplification, and Responsible Journalism
‘The media normalises war-mongering’: how Chinese Australians respond to talk of war in mainstream media
Media release: Baby fish will be lost at sea in acidified oceans
Media sensationalism is demonising vulnerable children, UQ researcher says
Media silence as gang rape survivor from northern Iraq wins Nobel Peace Prize
Media unites to rally for press freedom, taking campaign to front pages and airwaves
The Media's Paywall Obsession Will End In Disaster For Most
Media’s Grim Addiction to Perseverance Porn
Medical boards almost never discipline doctors who peddle false COVID claims, legal researcher says
Medical journal editors must resist CDC order and anti-gender ideology
Medical myths
Medicare turns 40: since 1984 our health needs have changed but the system hasn’t. 3 reforms to update it
Medicine Hat becomes the first city in Canada to eliminate homelessness
The medicines we take to stay healthy are harming nature. Here’s what needs to change
The medieval 'New England': a forgotten Anglo-Saxon colony on the north-eastern Black Sea coast
Medieval and Renaissance Women: full list of the manuscripts
Medieval Book Paintings
The Medieval Queens Whose Daring, Murderous Reigns Were Quickly Forgotten
The Medieval Town Generator
The Mediterranean has experienced record sea temperatures this summer: this could devastate marine life
Medium COVID Could Be the Most Dangerous COVID
Meerkat Saved!
Meet 2 ‘Lost’ Species—A Flightless Bird And Gliding Mammal—Rediscovered 50+ Years Later
Meet 31 year old Ashish Thakkar – Africa’s Youngest Billionaire
Meet 5 marvellous mammals of the South Pacific you’ve probably never heard of
Meet 5 of Australia’s tiniest mammals, who tread a tightrope between life and death every night
Meet 5 remarkably old animals, from a Greenland shark to a featherless, seafaring cockatoo
Meet Adrenaline, Asterix's first heroine
Meet AdVon, the AI-Powered Content Monster Infecting the Media Industry
Meet America’s Newest Red State: Britain
Meet Australia's 'MONSTER' EV! And other tales from 'Down Under'.
Meet Australia’s Batshit Insane Mining Billionaires
Meet Chimbu, the blue-eyed, bear-eared tree kangaroo. Your cuppa can help save his species
Meet Corsica's New Mammal Species, The 'Cat-Fox,' Which Has Been Terrorizing Shepherds
Meet Europe’s Big Five: wolf, lynx, brown bear, wolverine & bison
Meet Fantastic Muppets Costumes
Meet four dedicated Australian women changing the face of activism
Meet Guard Dog
Meet Hawaii's 'jewels of the forest' — some of the rarest animals on Earth
Meet Hertha Ayrton, the mathematician who cleared WW1 trenches of poisonous gas
Meet Katsura Niyō: the young female rising star in the traditionally male Japanese art form, rakugo
Meet Latifa Nabizada, Afghanistan's first woman military helicopter pilot
Meet Montjiro
meet nigeria’s most famous gay activist
Meet Paris’ black dandies, the Sapeurs
Meet Saya: the incredibly realistic computer-generated Japanese schoolgirl
Meet Spacetop, a radical new laptop with no screen
Meet the 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners
Meet the 2024 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners
Meet the all-female patrol guarding Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest
Meet the Arizona Nonprofit Working to Transform Urban Food Deserts
Meet the biggest and most bizarre skink ever found in Australia. It became extinct 47,000 years ago
Meet the broad-toothed rat: a chubby-cheeked and inquisitive Australian rodent that needs our help
Meet the cloud that will keep you warm at night
Meet the Companies Literally Dropping ‘Irish’ Pubs in Cities Across the World
Meet the Competitors Who Dominated the First Cyborg Olympics
Meet the Cyberpunk Albatrosses Scanning for Secret Explosions
Meet the Death Metal Baron Giving His Irish Estate Back to Nature
Meet the defiant grazier using feral donkeys to regenerate his land at Kachana Station in an 'illegal' experiment
Meet the eastern bristlebird: tragically under-appreciated, and one fire away from local extinction
Meet the first star system to “solve” the 3-body problem
Meet The Food Delivery Workers In The Decentralised Dickensian Online Gig Economy.
Meet The Germaniac Family
Meet the ghost hunters: the volunteer divers cleaning up UK seas
Meet the high school sport that builds robots — and the next generation of engineers
Meet the Kenguru, the world’s first EV made specifically for wheelchair users
Meet the kids who can't go to school, and are pursuing their passions instead
Meet the kipunji: A rare primate success story in Tanzania
Meet the kiwi who's spent over 30 years reforesting a corner of New Zealand
Meet the kowari: a pint-sized predator on the fast track to extinction
Meet the leader of a billionaires’ club determined to stop Trump from destroying the world
Meet the Liveable Income Guarantee: a budget-ready proposal that would prevent unemployment benefits falling off a cliff
Meet The Man Who Invents Languages For A Living
Meet the mathekniticians - and their amazing woolly maths creations
Meet the microbes that transform toxic carbon monoxide into valuable biofuel
Meet the Millennium Forest: A unique tropical island reforestation project
Meet the mom who took on toxic waste—and won
Meet The Most Beautiful Twin Cats In The World
Meet the most overpaid CEOs in America
Meet the multimillion-dollar building deliberately built to drown
Meet The Musicians Behind Japan's Vibrant Bluegrass Scene
Meet the Navajo Nation Skateboarder Going Viral on TikTok
Meet the neuroscientist shattering the myth of the gendered brain
Meet the outsider who accidentally solved chronic homelessness
Meet the Pass It On 2023 Award Winners
Meet the Perennials
Meet the power plant of the future: Solar + battery hybrids are poised for explosive growth
Meet the Pranksters Behind Goody-2, the World’s ‘Most Responsible’ AI Chatbot
Meet the Robin Hood of Science
Meet the Sex Workers Replacing Cops in Sandinista-Run Nicaragua
Meet the Shadowy Global Network Vilifying Climate Protesters
Meet the small startup taking on Big Banana in the fight for wage equity
Meet the street animals that stole scientists’ hearts
Meet the team smashing down doors to rescue Wuhan’s abandoned pets
Meet the tree tenders
Meet the Vietnamese Grandmother Fighting Misinformation One YouTube Video at a Time
Meet the Windows servers that have been fueling massive DDoSes for months
Meet the Woman Who Invented Cosplay
Meet the world’s largest plant: a single seagrass clone stretching 180 km in Western Australia’s Shark Bay
Meet the Young Animator Channeling Studio Ghibli in Pakistan
Meet the ‘Change Agents’ Who Are Enabling Inequality
Meet the ‘Future Generations’ Commissioner of Wales
Meet TIME's First-Ever Kid of the Year
Meet Willow, the Bidens' new, very presidential-looking cat
Meet Window Snyder, the trailblazer who helped secure the internet and billions of devices
Meet Your Creator: Dana Simpson (Heavenly Nostrils; Ozy and Millie)
Meet Your iPhone’s Grandparent
Meg 2: the truth about the extinct mega shark – and why even this ridiculous film could inspire future palaeontologists
Mega meteorite tore up seabed and boiled Earth's oceans
The megabats of Adelaide: SA adjusts to new and growing colonies of flying foxes
Megacities: life in the cities home to more than 10 million people – photo essay
MegaCon 2016: The Best Cosplay, Pt 1
Megadroughts helped topple ancient empires. We’ve found their traces in Australia’s past, and expect more to come
The megafires and pandemic expose the lies that frustrate action on climate change
Megafires are increasing with climate change, experts say — but could the emissions they pump out change the climate?
MegaPortraits: One-shot Megapixel Neural Head Avatars
The Megaprocessor
Megawatt charging stations able to re-power electric trucks within regulatory rest breaks
Meghan Markle’s podcast sparked a global discussion around colourism. What is it and how does it look in Australia?
Mein Kleiner Grüner Kaktus: German novelty tune WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY
Melania Trump Inspires Americans to Say ‘I Care’
Melanoma treatment pioneers joint Australians of the Year
Melbourne Artists
Melbourne Australia 1920s travelogue
Melbourne bookshops like Readings and Paperback Bookshop are part of the city’s culture
Melbourne Comedy Festival Preview Night at The Gin Mill
Melbourne Fringe
Melbourne furniture icon Franco Cozzo dies, aged 87
Melbourne has a new hero. He is the Voice of Flinders Street Station
Melbourne has entered its first COVID winter without lockdowns. How will it turn out?
Melbourne International Comedy Festival Time!
Melbourne International Comedy Festival: Child Safe
Melbourne International Comedy Festival: Strange Blessings
Melbourne man wins National Geographic's 2015 Photo Contest with shot of Colorado tornado
Melbourne now has chief heat officers. Here’s why we need them and what they can do
Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Get Smart (Official FULL Version)
Melbourne Ska Orchestra - We're All Fruit Salad (The Wiggles)
Melbourne Today (1931)
Melbourne tops Sydney as Australia’s biggest city – on a technicality
Melbourne tried to bring butterflies back to the CBD. It worked
The Melbourne women diverting tonnes of clothes from landfill
Melbourne Zombie Shuffle 2006
Melbourne zoos are now live-streaming their penguins, lions and baby snow leopards
Melbourne's 'Doctor Who' synthesiser EMS Synthi 100 given engineering heritage award
Melbourne's birth destroyed Bunurong and Wurundjeri boundaries. 185 years on, they've been redrawn
Melbourne's newest playground the result of asking children what they want
Melbourne's Shrine of Remembrance cancels rainbow light plan, citing threats and abuse
Melbourne’s Capitol Theatre turns 100. A look back at the radical Modernist marvel that almost met an early end
Meloni urged to ban neofascist groups after crowds filmed saluting in Rome
Meltdown of the Phantom Snowflakes
Melting Antarctic ice predicted to cause rapid slowdown of deep ocean current by 2050
Melting Antarctic ice will slow the world’s strongest ocean current – and the global consequences are profound
The melting Arctic is a crime scene. The microbes I study have long warned us of this catastrophe – but they are also driving it
Melting of Alaska’s Juneau icefield accelerates, losing snow nearly 5 times faster than in the 1980s
Meltwater from Greenland and the Arctic is weakening ocean circulation, speeding up warming down south
Meltwater is hydro-fracking Greenland’s ice sheet through millions of hairline cracks – destabilizing its internal structure
Mem Fox on being detained by US immigration: 'In that moment I loathed America'
The Memeocene: Humanity’s New Epoch
Memes About Animal Resistance Are Everywhere — Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Laugh Off Rebellious Orcas and Sea Otters Too Quickly
Memo to the family dogs
Memoirs from a Japanese internet cafe
Memories of disaster fade fast
Memristors Run AI Tasks at 1/800th Power
Men and women who hold sexist views are less responsive as parents: new research
Men On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown
Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
Men's Restroom Mural
Mending hearts: how a ‘repair economy’ creates a kinder, more caring community
‘Menopause market’: Australian women being driven to treat symptoms with unnecessary products, study reveals
Menswear Dog
The Mental Disease of Late-Stage Capitalism
Mental health crisis in teens is being magnified by demise of creative subjects in school
Mental health woes are rife in the arts – no wonder
The Mental Imagery Alone Is Both Adorable And Terrifying
The mental model mismatch
Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful
Meowingtons: Designed by Cats, Made For Humans
Meowy Christmouse!
MEPs: Hungary can no longer be considered a full democracy
Mercedes begins testing solid-state battery that can deliver 1,000 km range
Mercedes Is Humiliating Tesla
Mercedes opens first EV battery recycling plant, using Australian technology
Mercedes says electric car market is ‘brutal’ for manufacturers
Mercedes — Last ICE Platform 2023, Midsize EV Sedan 2024
Mercedes' weird "Trolley Problem" announcement continues dumb debate about self-driving cars
Merchants of Doubt
Mercy dash family denied entry to US
Merkel adviser lashes Abbott's 'suicide strategy' on coal
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year—From Covid
Merry Christmas from Japanese human beatbox
Merry Christmas!
Merry Menagerie: The Hidden Holiday Gem At Disney's Animal Kingdom
The Message Behind Daughters and Overprotective Dads
Messages can trigger the opposite of their desired effect − but you can avoid communication that backfires
Messages sent to artists wanting them to work for free
The Messengers
‘The Messenger’ Implosion Once Again Shows The Real Problem With U.S. Journalism Is Shitty Management By Visionless, Fail-Upward Brunchlords
[London] Met police found to be institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic
Met police to stop attending emergency mental health calls
Met police ‘regret’ arrest of anti-monarchy protesters at coronation
Meta and Google opt out of Sydney Mardi Gras amid move away from DEI in US
Meta is abandoning fact checking – this doesn’t bode well for the fight against misinformation
Meta just closed a vital online research tool. It’s bad news for the fight against misinformation
Meta-analysis of current global warming impacts suggests a third of all species could be extinct by 2100
Metal Cats
Metal Clay Art By Wanaree
MetaLimbs Gives You an Extra Pair of Robotic Hands
The metamorphosis of J.K. Rowling
Meta’s failures contributed to abuses against Tigrayan community during conflict in northern Ethiopia
Meta’s lost revenue is a huge hit for public interest journalism, which was already reeling from cutbacks
Meta’s Moderation Modifications Mean Anti-LGBTQ Speech Is Welcome, While Pro-LGBTQ Speech Is Not
Meta’s shift to ‘community notes’ risks hurting online health info providers more than ever
Meteorite strike captured in rare video from Canadian home’s doorbell camera
Meteors, supermoons, a comet and more: your guide to the southern sky in 2024
Methane emissions are at new highs. It could put us on a dangerous climate path
Methane emissions are the low-hanging fruit of the climate transition
Methane from tropical wetlands is surging, threatening climate plans
Methane in the atmosphere is surging, and that’s got scientists worried
Methane is turbocharging unnatural disasters – Australia must get serious about reducing emissions
Methane rises to highest level on record
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Puts 490,000 High-Res Images Online & Makes Them Free to Use
The Met’s helicopter snap of Michael McIntyre is a wake-up call to all of us
MEUTE - Aurora
Mews: Maru and Hana have a new toy!
Mexican Masks as Furniture
Mexican Wolf Population Grows for Eighth Consecutive Year
Mexican wolf program is making strides after 25 years of effort
Mexico announces 13 new protected areas, with more to come
Mexico announces 20 new protected areas despite budget cuts
Mexico has elected its first female president. Claudia Sheinbaum inherits a country ravaged by violence – and searching for hope
Mexico Wants to Decriminalize All Drugs and Negotiate With the U.S. to Do the Same
Mexico was once a climate leader – now it's betting big on coal
Mexico's Butterfly Warriors
MH17 convictions pave the way for war crime prosecutions from Ukrainian invasion
MH17: Three guilty as court finds Russia-controlled group downed airliner
Mi Angel | Pogo & John Sean
Miami's little-known Indigenous history
Mice Just Passed the Mirror Test. Here’s What That Says About Our Sense of Self
Mice, a small story (2018)
Michael Bloomberg pumps $500 million into bid to close all US coal plants
Michael Gove’s guide to Britain’s greatest enemy... the experts
Michael Hart, Project Gutenberg's e-book loving founder, passes away
Michael Hawley, Programmer, Professor and Pianist, Dies at 58
Michael Jackson - Bad (Euphonium Cover)
Michael Lewis on why Americans don’t trust experts
Michael Mosley reportedly died from heat exhaustion. How can extreme heat turn deadly?
Michael Palin to narrate Clangers revival
Michael Pascoe: China’s leader takes a turn for the particularly stupid… and ours is no better
Michael Pascoe: The $2 trillion question hanging over the economic recovery
Michael Rosen absolutely nails why Britain’s obsession with immigration is complete and utter nonsense
Michael S. Deak presents...
Michael Tiemann on YouTube copyright claims
Michel Gagne's "The Saga of Rex" animated film
Michelle Telfer has been a lifesaving advocate for hundreds of trans children. But her work doesn't come without controversy
Michelle Yeoh honoured with doctorate by AFI: 'You have made my mother the happiest mother in the world today'
Michigan Lawmakers: McDonald's Should Stop Asking, "Boy or Girl Toy?"
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
Micky Dolenz Remembers Michael Nesmith: ‘He Was Our Leader the Whole Time’
Micro-aggressions are repeated acts that send women backwards. Here’s how micro-accommodations can fight back
Microbes in your food can help or hinder your body’s defenses against cancer – how diet influences the conflict between cell ‘cooperators’ and ‘cheaters’
Microblogging with ActivityPub
Microchip Paintings
Microchips, 3D printers, augmented reality: the high-tech tools helping scientists save our wildlife
Microfilm Lasts Half a Millennium
Microgrid powers progress in Uganda
Microplastics are common in homes across 29 countries. New research shows who’s most at risk
Microplastics are everywhere but there are ways to reduce your consumption
Microplastics are in the air we breathe and in Earth’s atmosphere, and they affect the climate
Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’
Microplastics Are Messing with Photosynthesis in Plants
Microplastics Could Trigger Inflammation in Human Brain Cells
Microplastics detected in all human placenta samples
Microplastics found in clouds could affect weather and global temperatures
Microplastics hinder plant photosynthesis, study finds, threatening millions with starvation
Microplastics may slow the rate at which carbon is pulled from the sea surface to the depths
microscopic art
Microsoft Attacks The Open Web Because It's Jealous Of Google's Success
Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says
Microsoft Helps Get A Computer Recycler Sentenced To 15 Months In Prison For Offering Unapproved Recovery Disks
Microsoft outage: how Australian airports, banks and supermarkets were affected by major IT meltdown
Microsoft the company should big improve Word grammar check.
Microsoft Tried To Cozy Up To Newspaper Publishers… Who Are Now Claiming Microsoft Is Trying To Stiff Them
Microwave tech cuts perovskite cell cook time from 30 mins to just 30s
Mid Air Repair - Gladys Ingles
Mid-'80s Synth Pop / Italo Disco with DrumTraks & DW-8000
Midas the Four-Eared Kitten is an Instagram Star
The Middle | Jimmy Eat World | Pomplamoose
Middlemen without enshittification
Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories
The midwife who saved intersex babies
Migrant groups urge reform of Australia’s ‘broken’ skills recognition process
Migrant numbers are rising: conflict, climate and harassment are forcing tens of millions to leave their homes
Migrant workers have long been too scared to report employer misconduct. A new visa could change this
Migrants Are on the Rise Around,the World, and Myths About,Them Are Shaping Attitudes
Migrants scapegoated as cause of Australia’s housing crisis a ‘disturbing’ trend, advocates say
Migrating animals face collapsing numbers – major new UN report
Migrating birds could bring lethal avian flu to Australia’s vulnerable birds
Migration has been in the news a lot lately. What’s going on?
Migration of 6m antelope in South Sudan dwarfs previous records for world’s biggest, aerial study reveals
Migration review warns against Australia becoming nation of ‘permanently temporary’ residents
Migration: Fact versus fiction
Migratory Birds yet again find haven in revived Wullar Lake
Migratory freshwater fish populations ‘down by more than 80% since 1970’
Miike Snow - Genghis Khan / Lisa Crawley - SHOWGIRL
Mike Cannon-Brookes lodges AGL takeover bid to ‘accelerate coal exit’
Mike Godwin Remembers John Perry Barlow
Mike Pompeo Threatens To Intervene In British Democracy To Stop Corbyn Becoming Prime Minister
Mike Resnick, RIP
Mike Smyth's Walking Robots
miku from different countries, states, and cultures ; a 🧵
Milan Is Winning the Fight Against Food Waste
Milestone for vanadium flow battery technology after electrolyte tests for Australian project
Militaries plunder science fiction for technology ideas, but turn a blind eye to the genre’s social commentary
Military Leaders Tired Of Being Upstaged By Little Girls
Military rule is on the rise in Africa – nothing good came from it in the past
Military violence in Myanmar is worsening amid fierce resistance and international ambivalence
Fwd: Milky Way Time Lapse From South Dakota (VIDEO)
The Millennial Jews Taking on ICE
Millets Are Making a Comeback in India
Millie Bobby Brown’s debut novel is a bestseller. Does it matter that the 19-year-old actor didn’t write it?
the million dollar question!
Millionaire Buys Daycare and College for Crime-Filled Neighborhood, Turns it Around
Millions Are at Risk of Flooding Due to Climate Change – But Not Where You'd Think
Millions in US under warnings as record heat expected to continue next week
Millions of Aussies ruled ineligible for improved COVID vaccines
Millions of Australians at risk of being stung by fire ants each year, experts warn
Millions of Australians have a chronic illness. So why aren’t employers accommodating them?
Millions of Australians still haven’t had their COVID boosters. What message could convince them now?
Millions of face masks are being thrown away during COVID-19. Here’s how to choose the best one for the planet
Millions of high-risk Australians aren’t getting vaccinated. A policy reset could save lives
Millions of Leftists Are Reposting Kremlin Misinformation by Mistake
Millions of people eat octopus- here's why we shouldn't
Millions of people have long COVID brain fog — and there's a shortage of answers
Millions of plastic bags go to landfill as recycling scheme restart hit by delays
Millions of satellite images reveal how beaches around the Pacific vanish or replenish in El Niño and La Niña years
Millions of Wireless Keyboards Can Let Hackers See What You're Typing
Millions under US heat warnings as record temperatures to continue
Millions Upon Millions Of 'Takedown' Notices To Google... For Links That Aren't Even In Google
‘Milo Murphy’s Law’ proves Weird Al is still pop culture’s greatest man-child
The Milton Friedman Doctrine Is Wrong. Here’s How to Rethink the Corporation.
“Mind blowing” reintroduction of endangered frogs to Yosemite
Mind-bending new screen technology uses ‘magic pixel’ to display different content to multiple people
Mind-bending, body-snatching, blood-sucking: parasites are bizarre yet vital for life on Earth
Mindblowing Cyberpunk 3D Renderings #ArtTuesday
Minding the gap, blind
The Mine at Oak Flat: A Timeline of Government Bad Faith
Mine Kafon Drone
Minecraft: We Are the Rangers
Mineral claims require First Nations consultation, B.C. Supreme Court rules
Minerals in hot springs performed a key chemical reaction for early life on Earth, new study confirms
The Miner’s Daughter
Mingyang’s two-headed floating wind turbine begins operations, despite fractures in giant blades
Mini creatures with mighty voices know their audience and focus on a single frequency
Mini David Attenboroughs
Mini Fashion Designer Creates Amazing Dresses Out of Paper and Tape
Mini Metro
Mini rope bridges built in Forest of Dean to help dormice
Mini Tokyo 3D
Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
Miniature Bag End model
Miniature Calendar
Miniature crochet animals
Miniature libraries of Marc Giai-Miniet
The minimalism trend has waged a war on bookshelves – but I’m not ready to Marie Kondo my home library
The Minimally-nice Open Source Software Maintainer
Minimizing Coronavirus’ impact is a race against time - this chart explains why
Minimum energy standards urgently needed for space heaters, hot water systems and cooktops
Minimum Viable Transformation — Daniel Stillman
Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest in scathing attack on oil and gas industry
Mining giant Fortescue says it’s time to walk away from the ‘proven fantasy’ of net zero
Mining giant Liebherr is developing a Segway-style autonomous electric haul truck
Mining the depths: Norway’s deep-sea exploitation could put it in environmental and legal murky waters
Mining the seabed for clean-tech minerals could destroy ecosystems. Will it get the green light?
Mining town Coober Pedy shows the rest of Australia how to turn to renewables
Mining vs rivers: a single line on a map could determine the future of water in the Northern Territory
Miniscule sculpture
Ministerial interference is an attack on academic freedom and Australia’s literary culture
Ministers hope to ban solar projects from most English farms
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley review – a seriously fun sci-fi romcom
Minnesota Bans Commercial Trapping of Wild Turtles
Minus18 photoshoot
Minuscule Valley Of The Lost Ants - Official Trailer
The miracle of the commons
The Miraculous Resurrection of Notre-Dame
Miranda July’s Internet Interventions
Miriam Margolyes: 'The government is utterly deplorable. The world is in chaos'
Mirrored keyboard for one-handed input
Mirrors have revealed something new about manta rays – and it reflects badly on us
Mirume: A New Eco-Friendly Green Tea Cafe in Nagoya
Misao the Big Mama and Fukumaru the Cat.
Miscarriages due to climate crisis a ‘blind spot’ in action plans – report
Mischievous Kitten Plays With the Feathers of a Peacock in Full Plumage Display
Misery Bear
The Misfit Who Built the IBM PC
Fwd: mishasky sent you a video: "Stavros Flatley - Britain's Got Talent - Sho...
Misinformation expert says she was fired by Harvard under Meta pressure
Misinformation is derailing renewable energy projects across the United States
Misinformation is rife and causing deeper polarisation – here’s how social media users can help curb it
Misinformation on refugees and migrants is rife during elections. We found 6 ways it spreads – and how to stop it
Misinformation, abuse and injustice: breaking down the Olympic boxing firestorm
Misleading and false election ads are legal in Australia. We need national truth in political advertising laws
Misleading food labels contribute to babies and toddlers eating too much sugar. 3 things parents can do
Misleading on Marriage: how gay marriage opponents twist history to suit their agenda
Misogyny In Tech: The Open Source Truth And How To Rewrite the Code
The Misogyny of Climate Deniers
Misogyny, Sexism, And Why RPS Isn’t Shutting Up
Miss Piggy Receives Her Feminist Award and Talks About Feminism
Miss Universe Japan picks Sailor Moon ninja transformation dress as national costume for 2018
The Missing 11th of the Month
‘Missing half the equation’: scientists criticise Australia over approach to fossil fuels
Missing Hong Kong protester Alexandra Wong 'was held in mainland China'
Mission Creep: When Everything Is Terrorism
Mission to clean up space junk with magnets set for launch
Mistake discovered in autism guidelines – many could have missed a diagnosis
The mistake we all make... and the simple experiment that reveals it
The Mistrust of Science
Mistrust, Efficacy and the New Civics — a whitepaper for the Knight Foundation
Misunderstanding Locks Amazon User Out Of ‘Smart’ Home Voice Control For A Week
MIT researchers’ new rapid liquid printing technique is 10x faster
MIT Unveils a Megawatt Motor for Electric Aircraft
MIT’s New Battery Will Change The World
Mix of pride and pain as Queen Liliʻuokalani's portrait debuts in Washington, D.C.
Mixed-Race In America
Mixergy Hot Water Tank | Fully Charged
Mixing it up: hybrid work models can offer the best of both worlds for worker wellbeing and productivity
Mixtape for the Milky Way - Video Games
Mixue on the march: ice cream serves soft power for China in Southeast Asia
Miyazaki Already Working On Next Project
Miyazaki on the Flawed Concept of “Good vs. Evil”
Miyazaki tribute by The Simpsons
Miyazaki’s Magical Food: An Ode to Anime’s Best Cooking Scenes
MMP in New Zealand turns 30 at this year’s election – a work in progress, but still a birthday worth celebrating
MNT Pocket Reform
The Moana effect: how small island developing states are bringing their struggle against climate change to the world
Mobile factory makes Lego-style mortarless building bricks from rubble
Mobile home park residents form co-ops to save their homes
Mobile wardrobe to visit Victoria's Central Highlands to provide clothes to people hit by rising cost of living
The MobilECG Business Card, A Tiny Portable Heart Monitor That Fits in a Wallet
Mobilising Assam’s ‘hargila army’: how 10,000 women saved India’s rarest stork
Mocagua, Macedonia, El Vergel and Zaragoza Indigenous reserves expanded in Colombian Amazon
Model cars at 1/25th and full scale
Modelling reveals first Australians arrived in large groups using complex technologies
Modems, wArEz, and ANSI art: Remembering BBS life at 2400bps
Moderator Mayhem: A Mobile Game To See How Well YOU Can Handle Content Moderation
Moderators protect us from the worst of the internet. That comes at huge personal cost
Modern art was CIA 'weapon'
Modern cars are surveillance devices on wheels with major privacy risks – new report
Modern clothes, ancient stories: From Country to Couture 2024 – in pictures
Modern Daydreams 1: Deere John
Modern economics has lost sight of people
Moderna Will Develop mRNA Vaccines for 15 of the World’s Worst Diseases
Modernist homes get a Thomas Kinkade-style makeover
Modi Supporters' Hate Speech Belies Claims of Indian Democracy During US Visit
modular pie-cosahedron
Moe Turaga was a modern slavery victim on an Australian farm for 2 years before escaping
Mohsin Hamid on the dangers of nostalgia: we need to imagine a brighter future
Moiré no more
Moki photos
Moldova is trying to join the EU, but it will have a hard time breaking away from Russia’s orbit
Moldova narrowly votes to secure path toward EU membership after accusing Russia of interference
Moldova Says Russia Channeling Millions to Thwart EU Path
Moldova votes for president in runoff election as Russia hovers
Molecules with silly or unusual names
Molly Hill reveals how dream trip to Hawaii turned into a nightmare
Molly Meldrum at 80: how the ‘artfully incoherent’ presenter changed Australian music – and Australian music journalism
Molly White’s Space Opera recommendations
Molly's world opened up when she discovered cosplay
Fwd: mom song
Mom Who Made American Boy Doll for 6-Year-Old Son: 'There's No Such Thing as a Boy's Toy and a Girl's Toy'
Mom's Cancer. | Access to Tools
The Moment of Truth for Brexit and Trump
‘Momentous:’ US advances largest dam demolition in history
Moments of hope and resilience from the climate frontlines
'Momentum is growing': reasons to be hopeful about the environment in 2019
The momentum of the solar energy transition
Moms for Liberty meets its match: Parents in this swing suburban district are fighting back
Moms Launch Stereotype-Bashing Clothing Line That Challenges What It Means To Be 'Girly'
Monarch butterflies are in decline in NZ and Australia – they need your help to track where they gather
Monarch butterflies join the Red List of endangered species, thanks to habitat loss, climate change and pesticides
Monaspace: An innovative superfamily of fonts for code
Monday was the warmest day recorded on Earth. But how do scientists actually measure that?
Money City: Our New Game To Explore The Future Of Money Is Now Available To Everyone
Money for dams dries up as good water management finally makes it into a federal budget
Money Talks In The World Of Copyright Legislation; And That’s A Big Problem For Ordinary Internet Users
‘The money that’s needed’: B.C. announces $300-million Indigenous conservation fund to protect old-growth forests
Money transporter Armaguard is in peril. Could cash be dead sooner than we think?
Monica Lewinsky calls for presidential age limits and ban on self-pardons
Monitoring (Lack Of) Progress, Part 2
Monitoring Progress in Urban Road Safety: 2022 Update
Monitoring the Arctic in Russian invasion of Ukraine
The Monkees - "She Makes Me Laugh" [Official Lyric Video]
Monkees’ Micky Dolenz, The Final Daydream Believer
Monkey Loves Cat
Monkey the Cat Hunts for Dinner
Monkeypox – the next global vaccine equity failure?
Monkeypox: World Health Organization declares it a global health emergency – here’s what that means
Monkeys’ cosy alliance with wolves looks like domestication
Monody (Furry Music Video) | by Wolvinny & Keks | feat Jail
Monopoly’s event-horizon
monster bunny!
Monster laptop sleeves (and more)
Monster Mashup - Pomplamoose feat. Tessa Violet
“Monster Profits” Highlight Fossil Fuel Industry’s Destructive Resilience
"Monster Roll"
Monster toadstools
Monsterise Those Paintings!
Monsters or masters of the deep sea? Why the deepest of deep-sea fish aren’t as scary as you might think
Montana rabbi removed from state House prayer schedule
Monterey Bay Aquarium live webcams
Month in Space: How to experience the overview effect
Months after being diagnosed with COVID-19, one in five people are still suffering from symptoms, new research finds
Months after student strikes for climate action, some teachers still find the topic 'too controversial' to tackle
Montreal Adds Nine More Car-Free Streets after ‘Mind Blowing’ Success
The Montreal Protocol Turned Out to Have an Amazing World-Changing Side Effect
Montreal Swing Riot 2014 - Invitational Battle Part 3
Monty Python "The Silly Walks Song" (New Music Video)
Monty Python - I’m (Still) So Worried (Music Video)
Monty Python Gets A New Trailer For 40th Anniversary Plus Never-Before-Seen Animations By Terry Gilliam
Monty Python meets Kraftwerk: Introducing Australia’s new Eurovision entry
Monty Python on YouTube
Monty Python Perform Beloved ‘Spanish Inquisition’ Sketch at Their Live (Mostly) Reunion Show in London
Monty Python with Cats
Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme
Monty Python's Personal Best - new series!
Monty Python's silly walk: A gait analysis and wake-up call to peer review inefficiencies
Monumental folly and needless greed: how nature is suffering the consequences of climate change
‘Monumental’: Louisiana takes major step toward unprecedented coastal restoration project
The MOOC revolution that wasn’t
Mood Beams
Moody Andean Bear Portrait Wins Nature Photographer of the Year 2023
Moog brings back its famed 1973 modular synthesizers
The Moon As a Giant Solar Plant
Moon Day 2015 – Projections and Progress
Moon discovered around 10th planet "Xena"
Moon Hoax Not
Moonlight basking and queer courting: new research reveals the secret lives of Australian freshwater turtles
Moooove over: How single-celled yeasts are doing the work of 1,500-pound cows
Moore Foundation pledges extra $300m to boost conservation of Amazon
The Moral Arc of the Universe Bends Towards Justice, But It Will Not Happen on Its Own
The moral case for destroying fossil fuel infrastructure
The moral injury of having your work enshittified
Moral injury: what happens when exhausted health workers can no longer provide the care they want for their patients
The Moral Metaphors of Fantasy
Moral panic is sown to make us scaredy-cats – that’s nothing new
Morality and Michael Cohen
‘Morally, nobody’s against it’: Brazil’s radical plan to tax global super-rich to tackle climate crisis
Moravian artist
More Adorable Art
More affordable housing with less homelessness is possible – if only Australia would learn from Nordic nations
More AMAZING marketing - youtube - wait till you see this one!
More Americans are now seeking UK citizenship. Three of them tell us why
more anime fun
More Australian wildlife added to threatened species list in 2023 than ever before, conservationists say
More coal and gas, less renewables: what a nuclear power plan for Australia would really mean
More consumption, more demand for resources, more waste: why urban mining’s time has come
The More Copyright Holders Move Up The Stack, The More They Put Everyone At Risk
More corrupt, fractured and ostracised: how Vladimir Putin has changed Russia in over two decades on top
More Cowbell!
More Creative Hollywood Accounting Revealed In Goodfellas Lawsuit
More cute plushies!
More desalination is coming to Australia’s driest states – but super-salty outflows could trash ecosystems and fisheries
More Details On How Corporate Sovereignty Provisions, Like Those In TPP & TTIP, Are Dangerous
More dry lightning in Tasmania is sparking bushfires – challenging fire fighters and land managers
More efficient cars could almost halve Australians’ yearly petrol costs, new analysis shows
More Encryption Is Not the Solution
More Evidence Of How Copyright Makes Culture Disappear In A Giant Black Hole
More evidence that humans were in North America over 20,000 years ago
More Financial Scandals Involving A Collecting Society: Remind Me Again Why They Are Credible Representatives Of Artists?
More forced marriages and worker exploitation – why Australia needs an anti-slavery commissioner
More from the True News Digest (abridged)
more great art
More Hawai'i photos including submarine trip
More heat waves will put more older adults in danger
More Hevisaurus
More households than ever are under-insured. Here’s what needs to be done
more inspiring paintings
More Interesting War News from Ukraine
More Lights, Animation and Music
More livestock, more carbon dioxide, less ice: the world’s climate change progress since 2019 is (mostly) bad news
More marine protected areas planned for Indonesia’s Maluku after 2022 spree
More news on feathered dinos
More of London from above, at night
More on Dark Crystal sequel
More Optical Illusions...kinda
More Pentatonix
‘More potent than cyanide’: how to stay safe from blue-ringed octopus this summer
‘More profitable than farming’: how Ecuador’s birding boom is benefiting wildlife
More proof COVID is a multi-system cluster bomb
More reasons for optimism on climate change than we’ve seen for decades: 2 climate experts explain
More Renters Added To Lawsuit Against Hertz Over False Car Theft Claims
More rooftop solar in cities would help solve NZ’s energy crisis – and build disaster resilience
More Semiconductors, Less Housing: China’s New Economic Plan
more silly stuff
More states are banning plastic bags. Florida is not among them
More states enact salary transparency laws to fight gender, racial pay gaps
More states strive to make parks, trails accessible to people with disabilities
More Steampunk
More Strange Blessings
More than 1,300 Hajj pilgrims died this year when humidity and heat pushed past survivable limits. It’s just the start
More than 1,600 Australians pushed into homelessness each month as housing crisis deepens, report finds
More than 10,000 First Nations people killed in Australia’s frontier wars, final massacre map shows
More than 100 nations take action to save oceans from human harm
More than 100,000 protest across Germany over far-right AfD’s mass deportation meetings
More than 100,000 tourists will head to Antarctica this summer. Should we worry about damage to the ice and its ecosystems?
More than 120,000 acres set aside in Idaho as conservation area
More than 170m Americans under heat alerts as heatwave expands
More than 20% of Earth’s plant species are found only on islands – and time is running out to save them
More than 200 Australian birds are now threatened with extinction – and climate change is the biggest danger
More than 200 scientists from 19 countries want to tell us the Southern Ocean is in trouble
More than 30 countries condemn Australia at UN over high rates of child incarceration
More than 30 countries have legalized same-sex marriage
More than 4 billion people are eligible to vote in an election in 2024. Is this democracy’s biggest test?
More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis
More than 6,000 sheep now call Australia’s largest solar farm home
More than 60 billion leaf litter invertebrates died in the Black Summer fires. Here’s what that did to ecosystems
More than 60 dinosaur footprints found on boulder that sat at Queensland school for 20 years
More than 650 refugees arrived in this regional town. Locals’ welcoming attitudes flipped the stereotype
More Than 75 Percent of Earth’s Land Areas Are ‘Broken,’ Major Report Finds
More than 90% of marine animals caught in NSW shark nets over summer were non-target species
More than a century after their land was ravaged by the California gold rush, Yurok Tribe to reclaim territory
More than a million gambling ads aired on Australian TV and radio in a year, research finds
More than a piece of furniture: it is sometimes as if these old pianos have souls
More than a story of treasures: revisiting Tutankhamun’s tomb 100 years after its discovery
More than a third of COVID survivors in Italy had persistent symptoms at 2 years
More than coral: the unseen casualties of record-breaking heat on the Great Barrier Reef
More than ever, it’s time to upgrade the Sydney–Melbourne railway
More Than Exxon: Big Oil Companies for Years Shared Damning Climate Research
More than half of NSW’s forests and woodlands are gone as ongoing logging increases extinction risks, study shows
More than just risk: LGBTQIA+ young people use social media to sustain and make sense of family relationships
More than mumblecore and bigger than Barbie – who is Greta Gerwig?
More than one journalist per day is dying in the Israel-Gaza conflict. This has to stop
More than one million African children protected by first malaria vaccine
More Torque than a Ferrari?! Verge hubless electric motorbike
The more valuable your work is to society, the less you’ll be paid for it
The more video streaming services we get, the more we’ll turn to piracy
The more violence, the less revolution
More vulnerable people live in Philadelphia neighborhoods that are less green and get hotter
More women are studying STEM, but there are still stubborn workplace barriers
More workers are being forced back to the office – yet a new study shows flexibility is the best way to keep employees
The more you know: people with better understanding of Australia’s colonial history more likely to support moving Australia Day
The Morevna Project: Anime with Synfig and Blender
Mork and Mindy Was One of the Most Unlikely Miracles in the History of Television
Morning or evening type? Choice of hours is the next big thing in workplace flexibility
Moroccan Farmers Are Banking Traditional Seeds for a Hotter, Drier Future
Morocco earthquake: experts explain why buildings couldn’t withstand the force of the 6.8 magnitude quake
Morocco quake survivors call for more help after entire villages destroyed
Morocco rolls out a phosphorous-fueled plan to heal soils across Africa
Morocco’s earthquake and Libya’s floods highlight obstacles to relief efforts, from botched disaster diplomacy to destroyed infrastructure
Morons at the Gate: Part 2
The Morris JE Is The Electric Van Of The Future In Retro Clothes
Morris Library receives Buckminster Fuller’s books for research, study
Morrison finds shameless new way to fake climate action as world steps up
Morrison government finally accepts deal with New Zealand to resettle refugees
Morrison government spends $50 million saving koalas while taking away their homes
The Morrison government wanted tax cuts for the wealthy, and that is what they have delivered
The Morrison government’s $50 million gas handout undermines climate targets and does nothing to improve energy security
Morrison's Jig Epic Bagpipe & Orchestra Version - The Snake Charmer (feat. Trust Orchestra, Danezh)
Morrison’s Christian empathy needs to be about more than just prayer – it requires action, too
Morrison’s claim of an Australian gold in per capita renewables is not true
Morrison’s media code could be catastrophic for climate and energy news
Morrison’s political judgement goes missing on rapid antigen test debacle
Morrison’s ‘new deal’ for a return to post-COVID normal is not the deal most Australians want
Morse code beats txting at Sydney Powerhouse Museum
Mortality in First Eight Months of 2024 2% Higher Than Predicted
Mortdecai - Trailer #1
Mosaic: The Publishing Of Science, And The Science Of Publishing
Moscow Cat Theatre
Moscow's Invasion Of Ukraine Triggers 'Soul-Searching' At Western Universities As Scholars Rethink Russian Studies
Moscow: Futuristic Concepts from 1900 (!)
Mosque clean-up shows Hong Kong is a city that stands up for everyone’s rights
Mosquitoes can spread the flesh-eating Buruli ulcer. Here’s how you can protect yourself
The Most Amazing Lie in History
Most Australian households are well-positioned for electric vehicles – and an emissions ceiling would help
Most Australian welders are exposed to high levels of dangerous fumes. More than 40,000 may be at risk
Most Australians are worried about artificial intelligence, new survey shows. Improved media literacy is vital
The Most Awesome Dalek of them all
The Most Awesome Waste of Time - Milk Crate Sea Dragon
The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World
The Most Clever And Thought-Provoking #YesAllWomen Tweets
The Most Dangerous Woman in Videogames - Anita Sarkeesian
Most data lives in the cloud. What if it lived under the sea?
The Most Depressing Discovery About the Brain, Ever
“The most dumb thing" for energy storage: Hydrogen
Most east African refugees are hosted close to borders – it’s a deliberate war strategy
‘Most have thrown their hands up’: has the US forgotten about Covid?
Most high-income countries ban direct advertising of prescription drugs – why does NZ still allow it?
The most horrifying part of Halloween is the useless piles of waste it creates. Why not do it differently?
The most humorous table-tennis match ever
The Most Important Image Ever Taken - "10,000 Galaxies in a spot of nothing"
The Most Important Invention of the 20th Century: Transistors
The most impressive thing about Google's self-driving car
The Most Influential Sci-Fi Books of the Past 10 Years
Most Information About Disinformation Is Misinformation
Most laws ignore ‘human-wildlife conflict’. This makes us vulnerable to pandemics
Most libraries to provide ‘warm banks’ again this winter
Most Life on Earth Is Dormant, After Pulling an ‘Emergency Brake’
Most NZ dairy farmers put profitability first – but some are planting native trees anyway
Most of Australia’s First Nations languages don’t have gendered pronouns. Here’s why
‘Most of Australia’s literary heritage is out of print’: the fight to rescue a nation’s lost books
‘Most of it was dead’: scientists discover one of Great Barrier Reef’s worst coral bleaching events
Most of the world has long feared US power. Now its allies do too.
Most of us are wrong about how the world has changed (especially those who are pessimistic about the future)
Most of us trust scientists, shows a survey of nearly 72,000 people worldwide
Most older Australians aren’t in aged care. Policy blind spots mean they live in communities that aren’t age-friendly
Most people already think climate change is ‘here and now’, despite what we’ve been told
Most plastic recycling produces low-value materials – but we’ve found a way to turn a common plastic into high-value molecules
Most plastics are made from fossil fuels and end up in the ocean, but marine microbes can’t degrade them – new research
The Most Powerful Man in the U.K. Thinks Trans Women Are Bullying Him
Most pregnant women and unborn babies who contract bird flu will die, study finds
Most prisoners never receive visitors, and this puts them at a higher risk of reoffending
most relaxing tune ever....
Most states now have affirmative sexual consent laws, but not enough people know what they mean
Most teens who start puberty suppression continue gender-affirming care, study finds
The most terrifying graph on democracy is a flat line
‘The most terrifying moments’: India counts down to risky Moon landing
The most unethical thing I was asked to build while working at Twitter
The Most Wanted Man in the World
Most Wonderful Time (of the year) - Christmas Film - VivziePop
Most ‘words of the year’ don’t actually tell us about the state of the world – here’s what I’d pick instead
Mostly Screwed (part 2: power)
Mosul faced mass heritage destruction by the Islamic State. We asked residents what they thought about rebuilding
Mothers have long been absent from dystopian stories. ‘Maternal cli-fi’ is changing the narrative
Mother’s little helper: interviews with Australian women show a complex relationship with alcohol
The Motions of Kayaking and Canoeing Recorded through Light Painting on Canadian Waterways
Motor emissions could have fallen 30% more without SUV trend, report says
Motoring clubs to double size of Australia’s biggest EV charging network after buyout
Motorists in California could soon be paid to convert old cars to electric
Mould and damp health costs are about 3 times those of sugary drinks. We need a healthy housing agenda
Mount Fuji snowless for longest time on record after sweltering Japan summer
Mount Gambier woman enjoys freedom through 'addiction' to V/Line after life in institutions
Mount Kosciuszko: how Australia’s highest peak came to be named for a freedom fighter against Russian aggression
Mount Saint Helens
Mountain Bikers Are Rewilding Land by Paying the Government to Do It
The mountaineers and hikers collecting data in extreme environments that scientists can't reach
‘Mountain’ of electronic waste from this year alone will weigh as much as Great Wall of China, experts warn
Mounting research shows that COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain, including with significant drops in IQ scores
Mourning the Loss of the Tiger
MouseCraft - The Cheesiest Game Ever
Move Fast and Break the Planet
Move over Brian Froud
Move over Olympians, Australia’s wildlife are incredible athletes
Move Over, Men: Women Were Hunters, Too
Move over, Merlion
The move to digital movies
Move to sustainable food systems could bring $10tn benefits a year, study finds
The Movement to Elect More Women in the UK
The Movement to Give ‘Personhood’ Rights to Animals
The Movement to ‘Make America Rake Again’
Movie Award Leftovers
Movie Posters Collection
Movie Release: Journey to Planet X
Movie Title...Academy Award Winning Trailer
Movie trailers
The movie ‘Barbie’ has put the phrase ‘toxic femininity’ back in the news – here’s what it means and why you should care
Movies | SBS On Demand
MOVIES: Talking 'Muppet Guys Talking' with Frank Oz & Victoria Labalme
Moving beyond the media’s ‘deficit lens’ is essential for racialised peoples to claim belonging. Here’s how they’re doing it
Moving mirrors make light from nothing
Moving the Maasai: Tanzania is repeating Kenya’s colonial past
‘Moving to the mountaintops’: rising seas displace tens of thousands in Papua New Guinea
Mower at Wired NextFest 2008
Moyenne Island: The world's smallest national park
Mozzies are everywhere right now – including giant ones and those that make us sick. Here’s what you need to know
Mozzies may be carrying Japanese encephalitis this summer. Here’s what to know if you’re spending time outdoors
MP3s of 78 RPM records
MPAA Report Shows How The Internet Is Saving The Film Industry, Not Destroying It
Mpox in the DRC: residents of the slum at the centre of Kinshasa’s epidemic have little chance of avoiding this major health crisis
Mpox is on the rise in Australia. Here’s what to know about the virus – and who should get vaccinated
Mpox outbreak in Africa is public health emergency, declares WHO
Mpox outbreak in Africa was neglected – it could now turn into the next global pandemic
Mpox: Sweden confirms first case of ‘more grave’ variant outside Africa
Mr Bean at 25: animating the legacy
Mr Bean in Cyberpunk 2077
Mr Chickpea and Friends
MR-808 - mechanic drum robot
Mr. Blue Sky | Electric Light Orchestra | Pomplamoose
"Mr. Cat"
Mr. Lee CatCam
Mr. Maezawa, Would you like to go to the Moon with me? / Dearmoon / Spacex
Mr. Rogers Introduces Kids to Experimental Electronic Music by Bruce Haack & Esther Nelson (1968)
MRI study spotlights impact of long COVID on the brain
Ms. Darcy's Knitted Cupcakes
MTV Music Videos online
Mucca Pazza: Boss Taurus (official music video)
Much cagou about something: New Caledonia’s favourite bird thriving after conservation push
Much of Australia enjoys the same Mediterranean climate as LA. When it comes to bushfires, that doesn’t bode well
Much of the Emerald Isle Is an Ecological Desert. He’s Trying to Change That.
Much of west and central Africa without internet after undersea cable failures
Much wow, very meme: what the revival of the ancient doge meme tells us about the lifecycle of the internet
Mudcrab makes history: how a home-made electric car broke world records under water
Muddy Paws - Simon's Cat
Muji Has a Prescription for the Loneliness Epidemic in Japan
Mullet Champ USA: 2023 Kids Top 25
Multibillion-dollar strategy with no end in sight: Australia’s ‘enduring’ offshore processing deal with Nauru
Multicolored Paper Art of the Human Microbiome Mimics Textures Found in Coral Reefs
Multidimensional poverty slumped in Nepal before Covid-19, global report says
Multinational CEOs petition world leaders to 'supercharge' climate action
Multinationals including Nestlé and Roche push back against scope of Australia’s planned tax transparency laws
Multiplayer online birdwatching
Multiple David Sosas Ask Supreme Court To Overturn Decision Saying It’s Fine To Arrest ANY David Sosa When Cops Are Seeking A SPECIFIC David Sosa
Multiple New Studies Again Suggest The Internet Is Not Creating An ‘Infodemic’; Cable News, On The Other Hand…
Multiple WA teriyaki shops deluged with hate after sheriff wrongly accuses one of banning cops
‘Multipolarity’, A New Synchronized Robotic Dance Music Video by World Order
Mum's anger over Game of Thrones passport mix-up
'Mummy, I could have done that' - new book pokes fun at modern art
MUNGO MacCALLUM. Captain Cook.
Munich Airport trials autonomous ‘evoBOT’ robot
Municipal Conservation Area in El Oro, Ecuador Adds to a Mosaic of Protected Dry Forests
Munsell Hue test
"Muppet Guys Talking" explores Jim Henson’s tech, genius, generosity
Muppet Mash by Pogo
Muppet Movie 1979 camera test: The banter is so hilariously improvised.
Muppet Movie Frog-E-Oke: Can You Picture That?
Muppet power! RSC uses puppet legends for My Neighbour Totoro extravaganza
The Muppet Show cake
The Muppet Show in: (The Battle of) "Ham's Deep"
The Muppet Show Theme - Otamatone Cover
Muppets rated Britain's favourite TV scientists
The Muppets sit down with Brett Goldstein to reminisce about making "The Muppet Christmas Carol"
The Muppets Take the Smithsonian
The Muppets' Dr. Teeth & The Electric Mayhem Outside Lands 2016
The Muppets: Pöpcørn
Murderbot, She Wrote
Murdoch Free World
Murdoch Seeks Takeover of Australia’s Online Market
Murdoch v Crikey highlights how Australia’s defamation laws protect the rich and powerful
Murphy's Law calculator
Murray Darling’s reintroduced Numbat populations recovering post-drought
Murray Gell-Mann, The Physicist Who Came Up With Quarks, Has Died
Murray Valley encephalitis has been detected in mozzies in NSW and Victoria. Here’s what you need to know
Murray Valley encephalitis: summer is over but mosquito-borne disease remains a risk in northern Australia
Murray-Darling Basin Plan to be extended under a new agreement, without Victoria – but an uphill battle lies ahead
Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission slams authority for 'maladministration'
The Murray-Darling Basin shows why the ‘social cost of water’ concept won’t work
Murray-Darling water buybacks won’t be enough if we can’t get water to where it’s needed
The Murrumbidgee River’s wet season height has dropped by 30% since the 1990s — and the outlook is bleak
Murujuga’s rock art is at risk – where is the outrage?
Muscle, wood, coal, oil: what earlier energy transitions tell us about renewables
Museletter 258: The Climate-PR Puzzle
Museum of Animal Perspectives
“Museum of Austerity” tells story of those killed due to punitive UK benefits system
The Museum of Endangered Sounds
The Museum of Obsolete Media
The Museum of Scientifically Accurate Fabric Brain Art
Museums Are Improving Life for People With Dementia
Mushrooms, Fossils, And A Pen To Draw Them With: Beatrix Potter, Naturalist
Music and The Brain
Music Box & Modulin - 2 new music instruments ("All Was Well" by Wintergatan)
Music Distributor Claims Right to Monetize JFK Speech
Music for one apartment and six drummers
Music for sleeping children
The music industry’s sense of entitlement. How to get the money rolling again.
Music labels will regret coming for the Internet Archive, sound historian says
Music Making Otter
Music Mouse on the web
Music of the day
Music Publishers Sue Roblox In Full Frontal Assault On The DMCA
Music Really is a Universal Language
Music Streaming Royalty Hacking Shows How Desperately The System Needs To Be Overhauled
Music video with simulated special effects
Music, literature and First Nations at the forefront of a $300m boost to the arts, Labor to announce
The Musical Ghost - Potato Chips [Electro Swing] [CC BY]
Musical gutters in Neustadt
Musical links
musical prodigy
Musical Puns
Musical Stairs
Musical Theatre: changing the world one song at a time
Musicians dedicated to saving electronic instruments for the future
Musicians only got 12% of the $43 billion the music industry generated in 2017, and it mostly came from touring
Musk Overruled Tesla Engineers, And Now They Are In Serious Trouble
Musk's Junta Establishes Him as Head of Government
Musk’s Attempt To Get Out Of The Twitter Deal Proceeding Exactly As Predicted; What Happens Next?
Musk’s ‘Doge’ claim about USAid funds for India sets off political firestorm
Muslim Lolita Fashion Is A New Trend Inspired By Japan
Muslim-owned restaurant offers elderly and homeless free meals on Christmas Day so ‘no one eats alone’
Mussel Farming Is Healing the UK’s Coastal Food Chain
Fwd: Must see - imaginative way to quit a job
must see this artwork...ah, the Japanese mind!
[MUST VIEW and THINK ABOUT]: TED Talks Jonathan Drori: Why we don't understand as much as we think we do
Fwd: [MUST VIEW/LISTEN!] TED TALK: Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity
MUST watch this...diversion
The Mutant Wolves of Chernobyl Have Evolved to Survive Cancer
‘Mutant’ Covid-19 wave hits Queensland
MVRDV's angular Valley skyscraper opens in Amsterdam
My '70s TV!
My Adopted Cat Is The Best Climbing Partner Ever
My advice to graduates: Host a potluck
My big move: I was a single mum living in a sharehouse. A commune gave us a stable place to call home
Fwd: My Blackberry is not working!
My Bologna | "Weird Al" Yankovic Stop Motion Fan Film
‘My brother will pick it up, what’s your PayID?’ How to avoid this scam when selling stuff online
My cat does it better than you!
My child is at camp and my phone pings nonstop with photos. Does anyone really want this?
My Closing Keynote Speech at England's Basic Income North 2023 Conference
My daughter is trans. She was nearly taken away from me because I let her transition
My Dentist Was Made To Believe I Was Dead And It Made Me Realize Why I Shouldn't Kill Myself And You Shouldn't Either
My Depression Is A Gift
My Dinner With Andreessen
My disabled son’s amazing gaming life in the World of Warcraft
My Distaste For Your Solution Does Not Mean Disregard For The Problem
My dream died, and now I'm here
My End of Life Document: What Covid Means for the Chronically Ill
My Experience After One Year of Going Full "EV"
My experience applying to work at Sega, as an average-looking foreign woman in Japan
My experience as a nurse on Christmas Island changed the core of my being
My Family History Isn’t the Ming Dynasty
My family lived the horrors of Native American boarding schools – why Biden’s apology doesn’t go far enough
My Family’s Slave
My father Frank Habicht, the photographer who captured the ‘heart and restlessness’ of 1960s London
My Favorite Teacher
My Favourite Cult Film: Harold and Maude
My first electric flight, and why electric planes will follow same path as EVs
My Fridge Food
My friend, the robot
My Grandmother Ironed the King's Shirts
My Happy American Multicultural Family Is Frightened
My Heart Is For You | Pomplamoose Christmas Original
My Heat Set Insert Tool- Now in my New Online Store!
‘My home city was destroyed by war but I will not lose hope’ – how modern warfare turns neighbourhoods into battlefields
My Instagram account was hacked and two-factor authentication didn't help
My life as a ‘Jillposter’: the radical feminist poster group that pasted prints around Melbourne in the ‘80s
My Life in the New American Minimum Wage Economy
My Little Pony Feminism is Magic
My Little Pony meets Dungeons & Dragons
My Little Pony Resume
My Little Pony: A New Generation | Official Trailer | Netflix
My Little Pony: The Movie - Official 'Rainbow' 🌈 Lyric Music Video by Sia
My Mannequin Family: Living the American Dream
My McLuhan lecture on enshittification
My Modern Met
My MP husband Andrew Bridgen was captured by antivax ‘cult’
My name is Mike Prysner
My name is Wil Wheaton. I live with chronic Depression, and I am not ashamed.
My Neighbor Doctoro Who Cake
My no-plastic life: I tried to cut out single-use items for a month – and it almost broke me
My OCD (Song)
My Open Letter to Elon Musk
My parents give me $28,000 a year
My Position
My Religion and My Banned Books
My research on the politics of smell divided the internet – here’s what it’s actually about
My secret debate with Sam Harris: A revealing 4-hour dialogue on Islam, racism & free-speech hypocrisy
My Shattered Istanbul
My So-Called (Millennial) Entitlement
My Son Wears Dresses; Get Over It
My Son’s Crushing Long-COVID Journey
My Summer Vacation: Three Weeks with Elephants
My White Boss Talked About Race in America and This is What Happened
‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services
My wife had long Covid and killed herself. We must help others who are suffering
My wife surprised her coworkers when she came out as trans. Then they surprised her.
My work investigating the links between viruses and Alzheimer’s disease was dismissed for years – but now the evidence is building
Myanmar camera trap survey reveals endangered tigers, elephants and leopards – in pictures
Myanmar junta reducing Aung San Suu Kyi’s sentence is an empty gesture from a failing state
Myanmar’s junta has suffered a humiliating military defeat. Could it be a turning point in the war?
Myanmar’s military coup is a blow to democracy, and the nation’s stunning biodiversity
Myanmar’s military rule is crippling hope for young people like never before
Myanmar’s misery: 3 years after the military coup, is there any end in sight for a ravaged country?
The Myopic Focus On TikTok Privacy Issues Remains Kind Of Weird
Myrtle rust is devastating Australian forests. A new high-tech spray holds out hope for native trees
Myrtle rust is lethal to Australian plants. Could citizen scientists help track its spread?
Myspace lost all the music its users uploaded between 2003 and 2015
MySpace Tries To Play Dead To Avoid Lawsuits
Myst uses emptiness to calm you; its sequel uses emptiness to provoke you
The Mysterious Floating Orb
The mysterious inner life of the octopus
The Mysterious Life (and Death) of Africa’s Oldest Trees
The mysterious origins of an uncrackable video game
Mysterious paper sculptures
Mystery disease kills dozens in Congo – what we know so far
Mystery in Japan as dangerous streptococcal infections soar to record levels
Mystery of Australia’s five-legged animals cracked
The mystery of Biden’s deadlocked FCC
The mystery of Ireland's worst driver VERY AMUSING! --bill
The mystery of the blue flower: nature’s rare colour owes its existence to bee vision
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Definitive Oral History of a TV Masterpiece
Myth Busted: Electric Vehicles Particulate Pollution Higher Than ICE Vehicles
The Myth of America’s Mayor: Will the Real Rudy Giuliani Please Stand Up?
The Myth of Creative Success
The myth of low-hanging fruit
The Myth of the Responsible Gun Owner: An American Nightmare
The Myth of the Secret Genius
The myth of the visionary leader
The Myth of the ‘Dark Ages’ Ignores How Classical Traditions Flourished Around the World
The Myth of Welfare’s Corrupting Influence on the Poor
The myth that men hunt while women stay at home is entirely wrong
Myth-busting study of teenage brains wins Royal Society prize
MythBusters' Kari Byron Explains How to Safely Blow Stuff Up When You're Pregnant
Myths are clouding the reality of our sustainable energy future
N.I.H. Head Calls for End to All-Male Panels of Scientists
N.J. environmentalists credit plastic bag ban with reducing litter along the shore
N.S. to protect 684 hectares of wilderness, lake eyed by mining company
N95 Masks vs. KN95 Masks: Which Face Coverings Should We Be Wearing Right Now?
NAACP issues travel advisory for Florida, says state "has become hostile to Black Americans"
NAACP’s Florida Travel Advisory: What Is It Good For?
Nagorno-Karabakh: crisis in the Caucasus could destabilise the whole of Eurasia
Nala From The Lion King Should Be a Disney Princess
“Name Ten”: The journalism of Andrew Bolt
Name them
Namespaces, Intellectual Property, Dependencies And A Big Giant Mess
Namibia and Angola’s remote Ovahimba mountains reveal a haven for unique plants – new survey
Namibia is Ahead of Schedule in Targets To End HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Namibia: Live stream in the Namib Desert
Naming and shaming domestic violence perpetrators doesn’t work to keep women safe. Here’s why
The Nand Game
The Nannies Are Okay
'The Nanny' Raised Curious Questions in TV Comedy's Rebirth
NaNoWriMo: Punctuation Tips
Naomi Klein: 'We are seeing the beginnings of the era of climate barbarism'
Naomi Klein: “We Have to Rebuild From the Wreckage of Neoliberalism”
Naomi Oreskes, a Lightning Rod in a Changing Climate
Napa Vineyards Are Pairing Wine With ‘Fish Friendly Farming’
Napping cats take over northern Thailand rice paddies in carefully planned artworks
Narendra Modi loses aura of invincibility as predicted landslide fails to materialise
Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech sounded more like a snake oil salesman than a statesman
Narlugas Are Real
Narrative jailbreaking for fun and profit
Narrative over numbers: Andreessen Horowitz's State of Crypto report
NASA 3D Models
NASA Adviser Resigns Over Giant Homophobic Telescope
Nasa aims to mine resources on moon in next decade
NASA Astronaut Is Sharing Amazing Photos From His Spacecraft Window Seat
NASA congratulates Tidbinbilla with space message
NASA Deploys Sail of Experimental Spacecraft Propelled Purely by Light
NASA game: "Moonbase Alpha"
NASA has done this with a number of missions! - Mars Science Laboratory: Send Your Name to Mars
NASA images
NASA is crashing a spacecraft into an asteroid to test a plan that could one day save Earth from catastrophe
NASA Is Developing an All-Electric X-57 X-Plane: A Cleaner Way to Fly
NASA is launching a major mission to look for habitable spots on Jupiter’s moon Europa
NASA is looking for commercial Mars missions. Do people still want to go to Mars?
NASA Just Opened Up Access To 2.95 Million Images Of Earth
NASA just shut down a planetary defence mission that tracks asteroids. Now what?
NASA launches a billion-dollar Earth science mission Trump tried to cancel
Nasa leads push for electric planes in next frontier of cutting emissions
NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson Is Honored With a New Spacecraft Named After Her
NASA misses a chance to promote the best-ever ad for the space station
NASA Picture of the Day
NASA pulls out incredibly high-res global map of asteroid Bennu
NASA Rover Encounters Spectacular Metal Meteorite on Mars
NASA scientist fights climate change with comedy
NASA smacked a spacecraft into an asteroid – and learned details about its 12-million-year history
NASA Space Educators' Handbook
NASA spacecraft returns to Earth with pieces of an asteroid
NASA successfully shifted an asteroid’s orbit – DART spacecraft crashed into and moved Dimorphos
NASA to launch 3 rockets from Northern Territory in boost for Australian space efforts
NASA turns 55: An Ars Technica tribute to space flight
NASA Turns to AI to Design Mission Hardware
NASA's Deep Impact Films Earth as an Alien World
NASA's ISS Star Trails Photos
NASA's LEAPTech X-plane Will Fly with 18 Electric Motors and Tiny Wings
Nasa's Messenger Sends First Full Fly-By Image of Mercury
Nasa's secret art studio: how to make rocket science beautiful
NASA-Funded Study Warns of 50% Glacier Loss at 1.5°C Warming
Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?
NASA: First launch from commercial space centre outside of US takes off from Australia
NASA: July Was Hottest Month on Record, But 2024 Looks Even Hotter
NASA’s Artemis 1 mission to the Moon sets the stage for routine space exploration beyond Earth’s orbit – here’s what to expect and why it’s important
NASA’s best-yet photo of asteroid Bennu nails the dramatic lighting
NASA’s Curiosity rover has captured amazing images of clouds on Mars
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Uncovers Trove of Yellow Crystals on Mars
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has reached its destination, 1.5 million km from Earth. Here’s what happens next
NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter just hit an absolutely crazy milestone
NASA’s New Hubble Focus E-Book Provides a Front Row Seat to a Sky Full of Stars
NASA’s new telescope will create the ‘most colourful’ map of the cosmos ever made
NASA’s Psyche asteroid mission: a 3.6 billion kilometre ‘journey to the centre of the Earth’
NASA’s robotic, self-assembling structures could be the next phase of space construction
Nat Bullard's state of decarbonization and how to think about net zero
Nat Paull made the tough call to close her bakery after pandemic burnout — and then her customers turned on her
NatGeo Traveler Photo Contest 2012
Nathan J. Robinson Wants You to Be a Socialist
Nathan J. Robinson’s “Responding to the Right: Brief Replies to 25 Conservative Arguments”
Nation-building or nature-destroying? Why it’s time NZ faced up to the environmental damage of its colonial past
National Bad Poetry Day
National Cabinet’s new housing plan could fix our rental crisis and save renters billions
The National Cartoon Gallery has been closed down. Where to next for Australia’s valuable cartoon heritage?
‘National disgrace’: protest after tree estimated to be hundreds of years old cut down in Tasmania
National Film and Sound Archive raises alarm that older video games are at risk of completely disappearing
National Film Board of Canada Archives
National Gallery of Australia hands back ninth-century Cambodian sculptures it believes were stolen
National Gallery of Victoria displays 3D-printed artificial reefs, showcasing fusion of art and science
National Geographic 2012 photo contest
National Geographic Reveals its 2022 Pictures of the Year
National History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022
The national movement to make school lunches free has hit six states
National Museum of Australia acquires collection of Mr Squiggle creator, Norman Hetherington
National park innovations see humans, nature flourish together
National parks and other protected areas often fail to conserve Earth’s forests, research finds
National parks are not enough – we need landholders to protect threatened species on their property
National pride and sorrow: attending the 150th Latvian Song and Dance Festival as the daughter of refugees
‘National security’ once meant more than just conjuring up threats beyond our borders
National Sorry Day is a day to commemorate those taken. But ‘sorry’ is not enough – we need action
National Space Society Space Settlement Art contests
National summits have their place — but what will it really take to achieve equality for Australian women?
National Theatre at Home: Frankenstein
National Threatened Species Day
National Trust to plant 1,200 hectares of flower-filled grassland in Devon
National Trust to restore nature across area bigger than Greater London
Nationals threaten to tear up wind and solar contracts as nuclear misinformation swings polls
The Nationals want renewables to stay in the cities – but the clean energy grid doesn’t work like that
Nations agree 'significant' plastic cuts
Nations at Cop29 have emphasised the role culture can play in climate recovery – as a playwright, I’m sceptical
Native America Calling: One fan’s vision to share his collection of Native music
Native Americans are building their own solar farms
Native birds have vanished across the continent since colonisation. Now we know just how much we’ve lost
Native raspberries, limes and geraniums: how did these curious plants end up in Australia?
Native tribes celebrate Montana land ownership and bison range restoration
Native Tribes Could Lose Federal Recognition of Tribal Sovereignty Under Trump
NATO and EU condemn Russia's cyberattacks against Germany, Czechia
Nato at 75: a muted celebration for an alliance facing uncertain times
Nato chief says Trump remarks may put US and EU lives at risk
Nato flotilla assembles off Estonia to protect undersea cables in Baltic Sea
NATO is no longer bound by commitments to Russia and will beef up Eastern Europe presence, says deputy secretary general
Natural Carbon Capture Is A Dead End
Natural disasters cost the nation: we’ve calculated the income tax revenue lost in their wake
Natural Gas Is Bringing Down Big Oil
Natural history: Restore our sense of species
Natural landscapes? Scientists call for a paradigm shift in restoration projects
Natural systems in Australia are unravelling. If they collapse, human society could too
The natural world can help save us from climate catastrophe
Nature Cam
The Nature Conservancy Announces Innovative Nature Bonds project in The Bahamas
Nature Conservancy’s global photo contest winners 2019
Fwd: Nature film satire--psa
‘Nature has priority’: Rewilding map showcases nature-led restoration
‘Nature Has Rights’: Aruba Could Become 2nd Country to Recognize Rights of Nature in Constitution
Nature Is Healing: A Seal Now Lives on My Lawn
Nature is in crisis. Here are 10 easy ways you can make a difference
Nature is not healing
‘Nature Knows No Borders’: UN Conference on Migratory Species Concludes With Landmark Agreements
The Nature Lover’s App That Became a Catalog of Earth’s Biodiversity
‘Nature markets’ may help preserve biodiversity – but they risk repeating colonial patterns of Indigenous exploitation
‘Nature needs money’: Lula tells rich countries to pay up and protect world’s rainforests
The Nature of Our Power: A Conversation with Political Scientist Erica Chenoweth
Nature Photographer of The Year 2019 results
‘Nature positive’ isn’t just planting a few trees – it’s actually stopping the damage we do
'Nature prescriptions' can improve physical and mental health: study
Nature religions are growing in Australia – though witchcraft was illegal in some territories just 10 years ago
Nature restoration: Parliament adopts law to restore 20% of EU’s land and sea
Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2023
Nature-based solutions can help cool the planet — if we act now
Nature’s deteriorating health is threatening the wellbeing of Australians, the State of the Environment report finds
Nature’s ghosts: how reviving medieval farming offers wildlife an unexpected haven
Nature’s Recyclers: Can Bacteria and Fungi Win the War on Plastic?
NatWest to end new business loans for oil and gas extraction
Nauru detainee speaks out as new boat arrivals near 100
The Nauru files: cache of 2,000 leaked reports reveal scale of abuse of children in Australian offshore detention
Nauru sells citizenship to help fund relocations as sea levels rise
Navalny dies in prison − but his blueprint for anti-Putin activism will live on
Navalny’s mother shown body and ‘blackmailed by authorities’ over funeral
Navigating online geo-blocking
Navigating the unpredictability of everything
Nazi salutes, memes and assaults: Jewish students say state schools unsafe
Nazi-looted Monet artwork returned to family generations later
Nazis are Funding YouTubers to Spread Pseudoscience
Nazis Burned Trans Books To Usher In Fascism: Now Trump Does The Same
The Nazis hated the Bauhaus. Now the AfD is picking a fight with its legacy too
NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’
nbn Fixed Wireless towers boast new bird’s eye views
NBN protester's problem solved by police called to remove him from Telstra store
Neal Stephenson Thinks Greed Might Be the Thing That Saves Us
The near and far future of libraries
Near-extinct crocodiles make comeback in Cambodia
NearbyWiki: Wikipedia places nearby
Nearly $2tn of damage inflicted on other countries by US emissions
Nearly 1,000 endangered animals repatriated to Madagascar in anti-trafficking landmark
Nearly 150 Spanish Cities Rolling Out Low-Emission Zones In 2023
Nearly 20% of the cultural differences between societies boil down to ecological factors – new research
Nearly 20,000 refugees to get same rights as other permanent residents after being kept ‘in limbo’
Nearly 200 Countries Approve a Biodiversity Accord Enshrining Human Rights and the ‘Rights of Nature’
Nearly 25% of European landscape could be rewilded, say researchers
Nearly 25% of Major Fashion Brands Lack a Decarbonization Plan, Report Finds
Nearly 30% of cats, dogs owned by COVID patients had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies by 2021
Nearly 400 Scientists Tell Biden to 'Embrace Demands of the March to End Fossil Fuels'
Nearly 6 months on, flood victims are still waiting to be housed. This is what Australia must do to be ready for the next disaster
Nearly 8 million kids lost a parent or primary caregiver to the pandemic
Nearly all countries agree to stem flow of plastic waste into poor nations
Nearly all major car companies are sabotaging EV transition, and Japan is worst, study finds
Nearly all of US states are facing droughts, an unprecedented number
Nearly half of US honeybee colonies died last year. Struggling beekeepers stabilize population
Nearly third of Earth’s surface must be protected to prevent mass extinction, warn leading scientists
Nearly two-thirds of the top fossil fuel producers in Australia and the world aren’t on track for 1.5℃ climate target
Neat Experiment Suggests Crows Are Even Better Toolmakers Than We Thought
Nebula Award-winning author Rebecca Roanhorse is indigenizing the future of science fiction and fantasy
The Necessity of Kindness
Need a lift? Here’s 53 easy ways to add cheer to your life as winter looms
Need a new outfit? Try the library.
The need to house everyone has never been clearer. Here’s a 2-step strategy to get it done
Needs-Based Salaries Are Upending Workplace Norms
‘Negative news publications should come with a health warning’
Negativity drives online news consumption
Neglecting our nukes
The Neighborliness Option
Neil Gaiman - 'Bad Gaiman Challenge' - Wits
Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell on why we need libraries – an essay in pictures
Neil Gaiman on the meaning of fairy tales
Neil Gaiman Speech as Comic
Neil Gaiman Speech London Book Fair Full Transcription
Neil Gaiman: "My friend told me a story he hadn’t told anyone for years"
Neil Gaiman: 'my parents didn’t have any kind of rules about what I couldn’t read'
Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming
Neil Gaiman: ‘Terry Pratchett isn’t jolly. He’s angry’
Neil Innes obituary
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography
Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars
Neither Money Nor Manpower: The story of the de Havilland Comet and the crash of BOAC flight 781
Nel Law, the first Australian woman in Antarctica, fought society's expectations to get there
Neligh never forgot: 140 years after White Buffalo Girl's death, town still tends to her grave
The Neo-Classical Interactive Fiction of 1995
Neoliberalism creates appetite for inequality
Neoliberalism Drives Climate Breakdown, Not Human Nature
Neoliberalism has led to a society impervious to climate reality, argues a psychologist
Neoliberalism’s Bailout Problem
Neom: Saudi Arabia sentences tribesmen to death for resisting displacement
Neon cities, cyber nightmares and yum cha: Cao Fei, the visionary artist charting China’s past and future
Neon Pegasus
Neoplants bioengineers houseplants to use them as air purifiers
Neospace - Flying to the Stars, Album Promomix
Nepal launches new plan to boost critically endangered Bengal florican
Nepal registers first same-sex marriage hailed as win for LGBT rights
Nepal's tiger revival: benefits for people, prosperity, and planet
Nepal’s first bird sanctuary takes flight, raising hope for conservation
Nerd Glass
Nerd Love
Nerdy Love Song with Added Kitten Bonus!
Nerf guns, marbles and Einstein: schools taking quantum leap to halt Australia’s Stem crisis
Nestlé Is Sucking the World’s Aquifers Dry
Net gains: how Pacific Island states are securing the future of tuna - and their own
Net zero by 2050 will hit a major timing problem technology can’t solve. We need to talk about cutting consumption
Net zero by 2050? Even if Scott Morrison gets the Nationals on board, hold the applause
Net zero by 2050? Too late. Australia must aim for 2035
The Net Zero Challenge
‘Net zero hero’ myth unfairly shifts burden of solving climate crisis on to individuals, study finds
“Net zero is a con:” Forrest outlines how Fortescue mines will eliminate fossil fuels by end of decade
Net zero policy for new gas projects abandoned after industry objected
Net zero: what if Australia misses the moment on climate action?
Netflix and other streaming giants pay to get branded buttons on your remote control. Local TV services can’t afford to keep up
Netflix codes
Netflix's 2022 Darling "The Sea Beast" is Getting a Sequel
Netflix's lackluster management team embraces enshittification
Netflix’s big bet on foreign content and international viewers could upend the global mediascape – and change how people see the world
Netflix’s You Are What You Eat uses a twin study. Here’s why studying twins is so important for science
The Netherlands Is Building an Ark for Its Bees
Netherlands Set to Close Europe’s Biggest Gas Field in 2023
Netherlands to Australia-Overland | Fully Charged
Neuroaffirming care values the strengths and differences of autistic people, those with ADHD or other profiles. Here’s how
Neuromancer today
Neurotechnology is becoming widespread in workplaces – and our brain data needs to be protected
neurowear "shippo / brain controlled tail" concept movie(脳波で動くしっぽ)
Neutrinos Lead to Unexpected Discovery in Basic Math
The never ending property
Never fly again? Go vegan? It was too hard. But I still cut my emissions by 61% and it made life simpler and better
Never Forget: They Knew
Never Give a Mad Scientist Nitric Acid
‘Never given a chance’: freed asylum seekers lament lost decade in immigration detention
Never Gonna Give You Up (Medieval Cover)
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley - not FUNK cover feat Reeve Carney!!
Never mind Hitler: "Late Fascism" is here, and it doesn't need Hugo Boss uniforms
'Never seen anything like it': locals watch helplessly as floodwaters rise across New South Wales
NEVER Shake a Baby
The never-ending fallout of the northern rivers floods: ‘People are just worn down’
New "James Burke's Connections"
New "Where the Heck is Matt?"
New $150m fund targets net zero “disruption” start-ups across energy, transport, recycling
New 15 minute Spinal Tap video
New 3D cosmic map raises questions over future of universe, scientists say
New ABC show "The Assembly" highlights how neurodivergence can enhance jobs or study
New ad urges us to ‘take on winter’ by getting COVID and flu vaccines. But it misses some key things
New AI Makes Amazing DeepFakes In a Blink of an Eye!
New album of Muppet covers: "The Green Album"
The New American Nazism
New analysis of asteroid dust reveals evidence of salty water in the early Solar System
New analysis reveals global distribution of toxic pollution and climate change
New and improved Australian citizenship test
New animation of original Star Trek opening
New Aquatic Nature Reserve Protects Critically Endangered River Dolphins in Borneo
New Argentinian president Javier Milei promises to ‘take a chainsaw’ to country’s crippled economy
New Arroyo Guarichona Protected Area in Beni, Bolivia Conserves Threatened Floodplains
New asteroid sample study offers further hints of space origin for the building blocks of life on Earth
New Australian Book Review Site
New Australian climate developing
New Australian laws for ‘engineering’ the ocean must balance environment protection and responsible research
New automaker backed by Volkswagen debuts first EV with novel battery: 'An entirely new battery chemistry'
New battery recycling rules could be a game-changer in the EU’s search for EV minerals
New Belconnen apartment block to add EV charger to every car space in Canberra-first
New bill paves way to get gas out of Victorian homes, just days after cooktop concession
New Birthday Song!
New blood types are often discovered following medical disasters
New Bond Movie, Loads of Bond Sendups!
New book details Steve Bannon’s ‘Maga movement’ plan to rule for 100 years
New boosters add limited protection against Covid-19 illness, first real-world study shows
New Breakthrough Makes Painkillers Out of Paper Waste Instead of Oil
New Caledonia expands strictly protected coverage of its swath of the Pacific
New California law inspired by Ubisoft and Sony requires retailers to warn consumers that the digital games they buy can be taken away at any time
The new car batteries that could power the electric vehicle revolution
New climate change report underscores the need to manage land for the short and long term
New clinic to provide COVID-19 prevention treatment for immunocompromised patients
New Clues
New Coastal Books for Curious Kids
New Cochamó Valley nature sanctuary officially declared
New Coke Didn’t Fail. It Was Murdered.
New concept to see older women living together to avoid homelessness, loneliness
New Conservation and Sustainable Use Area in Ecuador Protects Water Sources for over 180,000 People
New Conservation Area in the Colombian Chocó is a Victory for Afro-Descendant Communities and Biodiversity
The New COVID Subvariant BA.4.6 Is Spreading. Here's What We Know
New Covid test that can detect virus before aged care staff become infectious
New COVID variant ‘taking off like a rocket’
New Covid variants are circulating. What do we know and will the Omicron-specific booster be effective?
New COVID variants have changed the game, and vaccines will not be enough. We need global ‘maximum suppression’
New Covid-19 wave to hit NSW within weeks, chief health officer says
New creative project Beeyali is a call to look after Country and its endangered ecosystems
New data explodes myth of crime wave fueled by migrants
New data from 'the last ice area' may help long-term conservation efforts in the Arctic
New data on violence against LGBTQ+ people makes ‘grim reading’ – and undermines NZ’s inclusive reputation
New data reveals extraordinary global heating in the Arctic
The New Deal and the Green New Deal
New decisions by global conservation group bolster efforts to save Africa’s elephants
New discoveries: three tiny species added to South Africa’s spectacular marine life
New DNA testing shatters ‘wild dog’ myth: most dingoes are pure
The New DOCTOR WHO (via BadSignal)
New docu-series about Vancouver Island wildlife coming to Netflix this October
New Documents Reveal Oil And Tobacco Industries’ Dirty History Of Working Together
New DOJ Boss Says He Hasn't Read DOJ Investigations Into Abusive Policing, Calls Them 'Anecdotal'
New drone imagery reveals 97% of coral dead at a Lizard Island reef after last summer’s mass bleaching
New ecosystems, unprecedented climates: more Australian species than ever are struggling to survive
New electric cars for under $45,000? They’re finally coming to Australia – but the battle isn’t over
New elements to the VW story shed interesting light
The new elite’s phoney crusade to save the world – without changing anything
“New era:” SunDrive wins funds to scale up Australia made solar cell production
‘New era’: more than 360,000 hectares of Queensland’s Cape York returned to traditional owners
New EU ‘right to repair’ laws require technology to last for a decade
New Europe-wide campaign shows path to renewables-based power system by 2035
New evidence suggests octupuses aren't loners
New evidence that sperm whales form clans with diverse cultures and languages
New exposé of Australia’s exotic pet trade shows an alarming proliferation of alien, threatened and illegal species
New Eyemaze game: "Grow Tower"
New Eyezmaze game: Grow Valley
New Female Village Chief Annuls 850 Child Marriages And Puts Girls Back In School
New fence for Stella
New film documents struggle of Wet’suwet’en land defenders
The new Firefox lets you stop websites from asking to send you notifications
New Flexible Plastic Solar Panels Are Inexpensive And Easy To Make
New flying reptile species was one of largest ever flying animals
New fossil foot analysis reveals the surprising and varied lifestyles of dinosaur bird ancestors
New from ThinkGeek
New gadget could reduce shark bycatch by 90%
The New Generation of Hydropower Dams Let Fish Swim Straight Through
The New Generation of Online Culture Curators
New German leader proposes a ‘climate club’ of leading economies that would punish free riders like Australia
The New Ghibli Park in Japan: Redefining Theme Parks Through Adaptive Reuse and Sustainability
New global biodiversity fund to restore nature worldwide by 2030 officially launches
New government grants to help business ditch gas for efficient electric alternatives
New grant program asks residents to ‘throw shade,’ foster climate resiliency in Flint
New Great Sandy Marine Park plan is a win for conservation, tourism & recreational fishing
New Groo
New Hampshire Farm Offers Yoga Classes With Baby Goats Who Are Happy to Help Stabilize Cores
New Hampshire’s GOP Is Taking a Stand—Against the Polio Vaccine
New Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Broadcast!
New ice core analysis shows sharp Greenland warming spike
New immigration detention bill could give Australia a fresh chance to comply with international law
New Indiana Jones Bar at Disney Springs: Photo Tour!
New Indonesia capital at Nusantara imperils ancient Eden with 'ecological disaster'
New IPCC report shows Australia is at real risk from climate change, with impacts worsening, future risks high, and wide-ranging adaptation needed
New IPCC Report Shows We Can Still Ensure a 'Livable Future' if We Act Now
‘New jobs, new industries, new wealth’: Kevin Rudd’s vision for a green recovery out of the pandemic
New large study indicates vaccines protective against long COVID
New Laser Network Could Make Space-to-Earth Contact 1,000X Faster
New law will ban rat poison that was harmful to wildlife
New laws to tackle technology-based abuse in NSW are welcome. But police and courts also need to step up
New laws will allow the use of military to break protests
New legislation on corporate emissions reporting has made it through parliament. Will it lead to real action on climate change?
New Lego Master Builders chosen
New Life for Old Classics, as Their Copyrights Run Out
New Lincolnshire national nature reserve a 'landmark moment'
The New Livestock Farm Is a Forest, Too
New logging rules in NSW put the greater glider closer to extinction. When will we start protecting these amazing animals?
The new major players in conservation? NGOs thrive while national parks struggle
New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists
New malaria vaccine proves highly effective – and COVID shows how quickly it could be deployed
New Marine Protected Area Isla Ají Safeguards Important Coastal Ecosystems
The New Media Goliaths
New Method Can Break Down 95% of Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' in Water in Just 45 Minutes
New Methods of Animation
The New Mexico Electricity Co-op Breaking Up With Fossil Fuels
New MPA Tic-Toc Golfo Corcovado a safe haven for blue whales in Chile
New Muppety Movie!
New near-real-time tool reveals Earth’s land cover in more detail than ever before
New NOAA app brings earth and space animations to your phone
New oilfield in African wilderness threatens lives of 130,000 elephants
The New Old Age
New Orchestral Manoevres in the Dark album!
New Order Unveil New Song “Be a Rebel”: Stream
New Order, olden style: A unique take on Blue Monday
New Orleans Likes to Drink. They Spotted a Huge Recycling Opportunity
New PACC program pairs orphaned kittens with elderly
New paint gives extra insulation, saving on energy, costs, and carbon emissions
New Paper Says It's Time To Reasonably Decrease Copyright Term And Rethink Putting Copyright In Treaties
New passport rankings show that the world is opening up – but not for everyone
The new Patreon fee structure
New PC feature: Aromatherapy!
New PCB design is repeatably recyclable — vitrimer PCBs could save millions of tons in eWaste, say UW researchers
New peregrine in town: female falcon becomes latest to nest atop Melbourne skyscraper
New photos: Hahndorf
New Pixar short: "Burn-E"
New planetary dashboard shows 'Great Acceleration' in human activity since 1950
New Pogo Remix
New Police Strategy in New York – Sexual Assault Against Peaceful Protestors
New Prada-designed spacesuit is a small step for astronaut style, but could be a giant leap for sustainable fashion
New Private Conservation Area in Peru Conserves High-Priority Dry Forests and Endemic Species
New Project Aims to Protect South America's Chaco-Pantanal Wildlands
The New Propaganda War
New Protections Declared for Nearly 200,000 Acres in Ecuador, Safeguarding Iconic Species and Water Sources
New protections for sharks, songbirds, frogs and more at CITES trade summit
New Rankings Score Chocolate Companies on Environmental and Labor Issues
New recycling method makes solar cells even more environmentally friendly
New report a ‘stark indictment’ of rich nations’ climate failure
New report calls for “deep decarbonization” to stay within 2°C limit
New Report Challenges The Whole 'IP Intensive Industries Are Doing Well Because Of Strong IP' Myth
New Report Lists 5 Reasons to Think Plastic Recycling Is a "Failed Concept"
New Report Points to Sharing as Unifying Force for Global Change
New report reveals grim lack of progress to cut overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids in out-of-home-care
New report reveals shocking state of prisoner health. Here’s what needs to be done
New report shows alarming changes in the entire global water cycle
New Report Shows How 2016 ‘DNC Hacked Itself’ Story Was Fabricated Garbage And The Nation Ran With It Anyway
New report skewers Coalition’s contentious nuclear plan – and reignites Australia’s energy debate
New report slaps an official price tag on Australia’s precious natural assets
New report: COVID more severe, longer-lasting than other respiratory diseases
New research helps explain why Indian girls appear to be less engaged in politics than Indian boys
New Research Protecting Victorians From Poor Air Quality
New research reveals harrowing stories of murdered Indigenous women and the failure of police to act
New research reveals how Australia and other nations play politics with World Heritage sites
New research reveals how forests reduce their own bushfire risk, if they’re left alone
New Research Reveals Scale and Success of Seabird Recovery Efforts Worldwide
New research reveals why the mighty Darling River is drying up – and it’s not just because we’re taking too much water
New Research Reveals: The New York Bight Is an Important Year-Round Habitat for Endangered Fin Whales
New research shows how Indigenous-owned businesses are creating better outcomes for their employees
New research shows how rapidly ice sheets can retreat – and what it could mean for Antarctic melting
New research shows most space rocks crashing into Earth come from a single source
New research shows planting trees and shrubs brings woodland birds back to farms, from superb fairy wrens to spotted pardalotes
New research shows renewables are more profitable than nuclear power
New Research Shows Social Media Doesn't Turn People Into Assholes (They Already Were), And Everyone's Wrong About Echo Chambers
New research shows South Africa’s levy on sugar-sweetened drinks is having an impact
New Research Shows That Copycats Lead To More Innovation
New Research Shows the Major Benefits of Giving Money to People Experiencing Homelessness
New research shows trolls don’t just enjoy hurting others, they also feel good about themselves
New Research Sparks Concerns That Ocean Circulation Will Collapse
New research to help preserve the benefits people receive from nature
New research: 77% of LGBTQ young people have faced workplace sexual harassment
New research: nitrous oxide emissions 300 times more powerful than CO₂ are jeopardising Earth’s future
New reserve in Ecuador secures over 3 million acres of forest
New results from NASA’s DART planetary defence mission confirm we could deflect deadly asteroids
New robot designs for 11th annual Robocup
New Robots Walk Like Humans
New rock art discoveries in Eastern Sudan tell a tale of ancient cattle, the ‘green Sahara’ and climate catastrophe
New RSV vaccines are coming. This is very, very good news.
New Rules of Fantasy #1: Evil is a Choice
The new science of cute
New Scientist 50th: Weird and Wonderful
New sex discrimination commissioner urges wider lens to tackle inequality
New Simon's Cat
New solar farms can benefit nature – here’s how
New solution for e-waste: repurpose devices into processors
New South Wales parliament passes bill to strengthen LGBTQ+ rights
New space survey uncovers hidden dance of stellar nurseries
New spacesuit design
New Steam Powered Giraffe songs
New studies find millions of young nonbinary and transgender Americans
New studies highlight challenge of meeting Paris Agreement climate goals
New studies show how to save parasites and why it's important
New study casts doubt on ethanol's climate benefits
New study finds “vast majority” of EV batteries will outlast the vehicle
New study helps solve a 30-year-old puzzle: how is climate change affecting El Niño and La Niña?
New study highlights 'hidden figure' of sun-watchers
New Study In The Journal Of Pediatrics Says Maybe It’s Not Social Media, But Helicopter Parenting That’s Making Kids Depressed
New study links low incomes, stressed parents and child behaviour – better support would bring lifelong benefits
New study pinpoints the places most at risk on a warming planet
New study provides the "definitive answer on masks." They work.
New study reveals unexpected benefit of solar farms — here's what it could mean for farmers
New study seeks to explain the ‘Mandela Effect’ – the bizarre phenomenon of shared false memories
New study shows building code reform is crucial to cutting power bills
New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer, bathing Earth in radiation for years
New Study Shows That High R&D Costs Don’t Explain High Drug Prices
New study shows we can create value from food waste by turning it into a highly desirable material – nanocellulose
New Study: No, Social Media Does Not Hurt Offline Friendships For Kids
New study: Risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease increases by 50-80% in older adults who caught COVID-19
New System of Protected Areas in Ecuador’s Pichincha Province Safeguards 13 Ecosystems
New technology can keep whales safe from speeding ships
New theory reveals the shape of a single photon
The new threat: 'Racism without racists'
The New Trailer For Mary Poppins Returns Reveals A Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Emily Blunt
New transmission lines are controversial for nearby communities. But batteries and virtual lines could cut how many we need
New Tree Tech: Cutting-edge drones give reforestation a helping hand
New Type of Optical Disk Can Store Data for More Than 600 Years
New type of speed dating matches refugees with jobs
The New U.N. Climate Report Has Arrived. Resist the Urge to Despair
New UBC water treatment zaps ‘forever chemicals’ for good
New Ukrainian nanotech 'cloak' can hide people from drones
New UN report finds almost no industry profitable if environmental costs were included
New unified theory shows how past landscapes drove the evolution of Earth’s rich diversity of life
New Uses for Old Digs: Excavating & Adapting Underground Architecture
New vaccine (for cats) nixes allergic reactions for humans
New video game: Okami
New Video! “The Tap Awakens” – ‘Star Wars’ Medley feat. Sarah Reich
New Virtual Library Offers over 250 Art Books for Free Download
New virus uncovered in China – is this a sign tick-borne diseases are on the rise?
New Whistleblowers Highlight How Russia's Information War On U.S. Was Larger Than Initially Reported
New Wind and Solar Are Cheaper Than the Costs to Operate All But One Coal-Fired Power Plant in the United States
New World Atlas of Desertification shows unprecedented pressure on planet's resources
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve Party
New year, new rant: Linus Torvalds rails at Intel for 'killing' the ECC industry
New York Bans Sale of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits in Pet Stores
New York City looks to clear $2 billion in unpaid medical bills for 500,000
New York City Ready to Expand Greenways Along Rivers, Railways and Parks
New York City Residents Will Soon Have to Compost Their Food Scraps
New York City’s ‘Living Breakwaters’ Brace for Stormier Seas
The New York Fabric Convenience Store-An Art Installation
New York high-rise uses heat pumps and waste heat to cut fossil fuels
New York is suing the world’s biggest meat company. It might be a tipping point for greenwashing
New York just made the largest state renewables investment in US history
New York Museum Unearths 9,000-Pound Amethyst Geode
New York Protects “the Birds & the Bees” with Nation-Leading Legislation
The New York Public Library is giving away 500,000 books for free
New York Public Library Puts 20,000 Hi-Res Maps Online & Makes Them Free to Download and Use
New York Public Library turns subway cars into mobile ebook libraries
New York State Common Retirement Fund takes action to protect New Yorkers from further losses from oil and gas company investments
New York Times bestselling author Kelly Rimmer buys regional NSW bookshop
New York Times faces backlash for essay speculating on Taylor Swift’s sexuality
New York Times Public Editor Scolded For Suggesting Websites Should Treat News Commenters Like Actual Human Beings
New York Times Writers Call Out the Paper’s Anti-Trans Onslaught
New York to require all new car sales to be zero-emissions vehicles by 2035
The New Yorker: The Climate Crisis
New York’s Own “Pizza Rat” on Making Performance Art Accessible
New York’s waters are being reborn
New Zealand bans all new offshore oil exploration as part of 'carbon-neutral future'
New Zealand bans live animal exports from April 2023
New Zealand bans thin plastic fruit and vegetable bags in world first
New Zealand former sex worker becomes a dame in Queen's birthday honours
New Zealand halves public transport fares as petrol prices soar amid Russia-Ukraine war
New Zealand has announced a biofuel mandate to cut transport emissions, but that could be the worst option for the climate
New Zealand has launched a plan to prepare for inevitable climate change impacts: 5 areas where the hard work starts now
New Zealand has lost thousands of hectares of wetlands in past decades, study shows
New Zealand is a poster child for industrial electrification. Can Australia follow suit?
New Zealand is about to commit copyright theft – the real kind
New Zealand is introducing law to create a smokefree generation. Here are 6 reasons to support this policy
New Zealand is touting a green hydrogen economy, but it will face big environmental and cultural hurdles
New Zealand joins Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, focuses on digital, climate, health and other areas
New Zealand motorcycle maker bringing electric Streetdog to Australia
New Zealand newsrooms saw the rise of ‘mob censorship’ in 2023, as journalists faced a barrage of abuse
New Zealand Parliament passes gay marriage bill -- and a love song
New Zealand Police like a good yarn
New Zealand reclaims world record for largest mass haka
New Zealand seeks to exterminate predators to save native birds
New Zealand to ban PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ in cosmetics in 2026
New Zealand unveils plan to tackle climate crisis by adapting cities to survive rising seas
New Zealand wants to tax cow burps – here’s why that’s not the best climate solution
New Zealand will make big banks, insurers and firms disclose their climate risk. It’s time other countries did too
New Zealand's Covid-19 response saved 20,000 lives - research
New Zealand's crowdfunded beach becomes public park
New Zealanders are learning to live with COVID – but does that mean having to pay for protection ourselves?
New Zealand’s biggest solar farm secures finance to go ahead at Christchurch Airport
New Zealand’s BMI threshold for publicly funded fertility treatment is outdated and unethical. Here’s why it should go
New Zealand’s carbon emissions are on the way down – thanks in part to policies now under threat
New Zealand’s new cut-down COVID response is a missed opportunity – here are 5 ways to improve it
New ‘Avatar’ animated series following Aang and Korra’s successor announced
New ‘clean girl’ and ‘old money’ aesthetics on TikTok make the same old link between hygiene and class
New ‘Oregon Trail’ Game Revisits Westward Expansion From Native Perspective
New ‘wilderness development’ takes shape in the Zulu heartland – Babanango Game Reserve
New “Camino del Jaguar” Conservation Area Represents Hope for Ecuador’s Last Chocó Rainforests and its Protectors
The (New) Adventures of Spot (Superdog): Spot and the Cost of Business
New, portable antenna could help restore communication after disasters
Newark may have found a fix for chronic homelessness
Newcastle Might Win The S**** B*** Ad Championship With An Ad It Didn't Make And Can't Afford To Buy
newest fitness craze
Newfound antibodies neutralize all COVID variants, other viruses
Newly created super-black wood can improve telescopes, optical devices and consumer goods
Newly discovered protein stops DNA damage
Newly Found Tapes Capture John Cleese and Graham Chapman, Pre-Python
The newly renovated Bibliothèque Nationale de France is a bookworm’s dream
News Corp gasses up ‘green’ fossil fuels in a series on future energy – but does it pass the sniff test?
News Corp might end democracy
News Corp's CEO Bizarre Obsession With Made Up Lies About Google
News outlets producing ‘covert marketing’ for McDonald’s, KFC and Domino’s, study finds
News spotlight: Mangrove deforestation drops, but new protections still needed
Newsletter: COVID still rages, and the Biden administration isn’t helping
Newspapers cannot justify running Clive Palmer’s Trumpet of Patriots ads as freedom of speech
The next big financial crisis could be triggered by climate change – but central banks can prevent it
The Next Big Thing You Missed: Why the Most Ambitious of Tech Startups Should Fail Slowly
Next Big Thing: Communicating the next pandemic
The Next Big Thing: Responsive Icons
Next big thing: Selling solar power to the neighbours
Next Big Thing: Sustainable sodium – the next battery of the future
The Next Climate Perception Battle
The next Dalai Lama
'Next generation of laptops': Intel unveils blueprints for a fully repairable and modular computer
The next generation of mRNA vaccines is on its way
The next generation of Python programmers
Next month’s federal budget is the time to stop talking about aged care and start fixing it
Next Muppets film will be "Wizard of Oz" remake
The next pandemic? It’s already here for Earth’s wildlife
The Next Reckoning: Capitalism and Climate Change
The Next Six Years Will Make or Break Our Climate Goal of 1.5°C Warming
Next slide, please: A brief history of the corporate presentation
Next time you see a butterfly, treasure the memory: scientists raise alarm on these 26 species
The Next Trend In Travel Is… Don’t.
Next-Gen and Siemens partner to make battery materials in Australia
NFTs Aren’t As Stupid As You Think
NFTs: crypto grifters try to scam artists, again
NGV’s Reko Rennie retrospective asks whether he should be considered Australia’s Keith Haring
NHS could use honey and vinegar for ‘low-cost’ wound care
NHS warns of potential 'quad-demic' as flu, norovirus, Covid and RSV cases on the rise
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Nice Guys Finish First
the nicest place on the internet
Niche - a genetics survival game
Niche Museums
Nicholas Galanin Hews Visions of the Present From Indigenous Knowledge, Land, and Memory
Nickelodeon Is Opposing A 12 Year Old New Zealand Girl's 'Slime' Trademark For Some Reason
Nicolas Bourbaki: The greatest mathematician who never was
Nicolas Dominique - Expedition (Full Album)
Nicolas Dominique - On the Move
Nicotine pouches are being marketed to young people on social media. But are they safe, or even legal?
Nifty typography tools for websites
Nigel Farage, Jordan Peterson & co worship each other in alt-right heaven
Niger and Russia are forming military ties: 3 ways this could upset old allies
Niger coup: Britain cuts aid and neighbours ‘may use force’ to restore president
Niger coup: Military takeover is a setback for democracy and US interests in West Africa
Niger Delta oil spills bring poverty, low crop yields to farmers
Niger junta cancels France military ties as Biden calls for Bazoum’s release
Nigeria risks losing all its forest elephants – what we found when we went looking for them
Nigeria Takes Action to Protect its Surviving Elephants
Nigerian Children Branded as Witches Get a New Chance at Life
Nigerian king faces Shell in London high court over decades of oil spills
Nigeria’s AIDS-related deaths decline to 51,000 -FG
Nigeria’s Lagos State Bans Single-Use Plastics and Styrofoam
Night Light by Qing Han
Night of the Cleaning Lady
The Night Watch
Nightmare at PDX
The Nightmare COVID Variant That Beats Our Immunity Is Finally Here
“Nightmare” Zipcar outage is a warning against complete app dependency
Nike Pledged to Shrink Its Carbon Footprint. It Just Slashed the Staff Charged With Making That Happen.
Nikon Small World in Motion winners transport you to a tiny dimension
Nikon UP like dragon ball
Nimble Electric Trucks Are Supercharging African Trade
Nimble ‘Maker Pods’ Give Fashion Jobs a Light Footprint
NIMBYism in Sydney is leading to racist outcomes
Nine activists defending the Earth from violent assault
Nine countries sign global pact to protect endangered river dolphins
Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, says ‘alarming’ UN report
Nine out of 10 people found to be biased against women
Nintendo Hates You: Company DMCAs Over 100 Videos Celebrating Nintendo Game Music
Nintendo Hates You: More DMCA Takedowns Of YouTube Videos Of Game Music Despite No Legit Alternative
Nintendo Hates You: Scans Of ‘Super Mario 64’ Manual Taken Down Via Copyright Claim
Nintendo Japan Says It Recognises Same-Sex Marriages, Even Though Japan Doesn't
Nintendo Opens Up New Front In War On Fans: ROM Mods
Nintendo Using Copyright To Erase Video Game History
Nintendo’s design guru Shigeru Miyamoto: ‘I wanted to make something weird’
Ninth Circuit Decision Upholds Earlier Court Ruling Ordering Partial Removal of Washington’s Electron Dam
Nio completes 60 million EV battery swaps in China
Nio to offer low-priced EV with battery swap capabilities
Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger
Nissan Commercial Highlights Some Japanese Craftspeople Being Incredibly Good at Their Jobs
The Nissan Pivo
Nissan's Autonomous Car Is Road Legal in Japan
Nissan's Secret CHEAP Electric Car
Nixie Tubes in Australia
The Nixie Watch
Niéde Guidon’s 50-year fight to protect Serra da Capivara, the Americas’ largest prehistoric site
No 10 criticises Elon Musk for ‘civil war is inevitable’ post on England riots
No Australian city has a long-term vision for living sustainably. We can't go on like this
No back door for 5 years: remote community’s High Court win is good news for renters everywhere
No ban on gas cooktops yet, but new sweetener urges homes to ditch “last appliance”
No campaign’s ‘fear, doubt’ strategy revealed
No climate for cricket: how global warming is putting the heat on NZ’s summer game
No Copyright Lives Forever: How The Apathy Of IP Rights Holders About Their Copyrights Killed A Game Re-Release
No Country Should be Making Speech Rules for the World
'No downside': New Zealand firm adopts four-day week after successful trial
No dungeon but fantasy gaming room completes Burnie man's dream castle
‘No end to this’: six visas, six migration agents, four jobs in regional Australia and still no permanent residency
No Escape: The Weaponization of Gender for the Purposes of Digital Transnational Repression
No evidence that increased unemployment benefits act as disincentive for job seekers, economists say
No girl wins: three ways women unlearn their love of video games
No glue, chains or locks: Victoria’s antisemitism crackdown a smokescreen to target climate protesters, critics say
No hate, no fear
No Health Care in School? Anti-LGBTQ Moms Sacrifice Kids to Ideology.
No home left behind: a postcode approach to electrification
‘No idea what he’s talking about’: Dutton’s nuclear plan could raise – not cut – electricity bills, experts warn
No justifications, excuses or box-ticking: the art of a successful celebrity apology
No less comfortable than regular high heels
No loans at this library, but playing helps keep the synthesisers alive
No Longer at the Kids Table: Bisexuality A Useful Fiction, a Response
No love for letters: Australia Post’s daily deliveries under review as traditional mail declines
'No Man's Sky' Was All Of Our Mistake
‘No Man’s Sky,’ Don Draper, and Why My Optimism Has Fists
No Matter Who Wins, the Real Work of Sustainability Will Continue
‘No miracles needed’: Prof Mark Jacobson on how wind, sun and water can power the world
No more acting like ‘stunned mullets’ — bigger, better, faster responses needed to meet future bio-threats
No more bad accents, stereotypes or cringe: why the rise of multilingual TV is good news for everyone
No more BMI, diets or ‘bad’ foods: why changing how we teach kids about weight and nutrition is long overdue
No more chocolate, coffee or wine? ‘Last supper’ shows stakes of climate crisis
No more excuses: restoring nature is not a silver bullet for global warming, we must cut emissions outright
No more hydrogen trains | Rail company that launched world's first H2 line last year opts for all-electric future
No more stressful than road traffic noise: New study adds to debunking of “wind turbine syndrome”
No More Tuna for Japan’s Sushi?
No mullets, no mohawks, no ‘awkwardly contrasting colours’: what are school policies on hair and why do they matter so much?
No need for countries to issue new oil, gas or coal licences, study finds
No need to ‘iel’: why France is so angry about a gender-neutral pronoun
‘No new extinctions’: Federal government vows to protect ever-growing list of threatened native species
‘No normal seasons any more’: seed farmers struggle amid the climate crisis
No one buys books
‘No one is talking about it’: the cruelty of long Covid in the global south
'No one should die penniless and alone': the victims of Britain's harsh welfare sanctions
‘No one wanted to read’ his book on pandemic psychology – then Covid hit
‘No one wants to be right about this’: climate scientists’ horror and exasperation as global predictions play out
No park, no problem: Car space rules could be ditched in areas with good public transport
No Parking Here
No people, no problem: AI chatbots predict elections better than humans
No Picnic Safe: Smart Bears Use Tools
No Pigs Were Harmed for These Pork Sausages, But They’re Real (Cultured) Meat
No plastic bottles, utensils or cups? That’s what some lawmakers are proposing
No power bill for 10 years for wool mill that switched to renewables
No pubs, no kissing, no flying: how Covid-19 is forcing authors to change their novels
No questions asked: money laundering thrives in Australia because of professionals willing to facilitate it
No room for nuclear power, unless the Coalition switches off your solar
No room for nuclear: AGL says flexibility is key as it plans to dump coal for renewables in a decade
No Russian
‘No safe space in society’: new UN report reveals the extent of systemic racism faced by people of African descent in Australia
No sex in the bunkbeds! Tales from the most intimate sharing economy startup yet
No Smoking — Ever? New Zealand’s Plan to Stub Out Cigarettes
No spare change: how charities, buskers and beggars aren’t feeling so festive in our cashless society
No Spare Parts: How Great Lakes Fisheries Are Creatively Minimizing Waste
No Swimming Allowed: Bulgarian Roma Face Racial Discrimination At Public Pools
No teacher lets them suffer: inside the German schools taking in refugees
No threat to farm land: just 1,200 square kilometres can fulfil Australia’s solar and wind energy needs
No time for complacency: Somalia’s unfolding famine catastrophe
No time for vaccine complacency as COVID and flu cases soar
‘No time to waste’: getting Australian homes off gas crucial for meeting net zero targets, report says
No Way But Nauru
‘No woman could paint’: The Story of Art Without Men corrects nearly 600 years of male-focused art criticism
'No Wonder I'm Weird' by Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer
No wonder no one wants to be a teacher: world-first study looks at 65,000 news articles about Australian teachers
No, AI probably won’t kill us all – and there’s more to this fear campaign than meets the eye
No, Aussie bats won’t give you COVID-19. We rely on them more than you think
No, Australia is not the US. Our shocking racial injustice is all our own
No, Barnaby. The UK energy crisis has nothing to do with its net-zero target, and to suggest otherwise is outrageous
No, BlackRock is not leading a Marxist assault on capitalism
No, but in all seriousness…
No, Getting Rid Of Anonymity Will Not Fix Social Media; It Will Cause More Problems
No, Growing Inequality Won’t Solve Itself
No, I Am Not Crowdfunding This Baby (an open letter to a worried fan)
No, I Won’t Be Just Fine
No, It's Not OK to 'Steal Kisses' -- Here's Why
No, people aren’t unemployed because they’re lazy. We should stop teaching children myths about work
No, RIAA, It's Not The End Of The World For Musicians
No, Science Clearly Shows That COVID-19 Wasn’t Leaked From A Wuhan Lab
No, signing the global methane pledge won’t end the backyard barbecue – it’ll strengthen Aussie industries
No, Social Media Is Not The Same Thing As Lead Paint
No, sunscreen chemicals are not bleaching the Great Barrier Reef
No, Tech Adoption Is Not Speeding Up
‘No, that’s fascism’: the librarian who defied Russia’s purge of LGBTQ+ books
No, that’s not the law: the danger of using pseudolegal arguments against COVID-19 rules
No, the federal government didn’t spend $4 billion on COVID support for culture and the arts
No, the Fukushima water release is not going to kill the Pacific Ocean
No, The Internet Hasn't Destroyed Quality Music Either
No, the Kids Aren’t Reading the Classics and Why Would They
No, the Liberal Party does not have a history of upholding the right to protest in Australia - just look back to the Vietnam War
No, The Public Standing Up For An Open Internet Is Not A Criminal Google Conspiracy
No, the West is not to blame for Russia’s war in Ukraine. Why this myth – and others – are so difficult to dispel
No, Trump isn’t the worst president ever
No, Ukraine did not just introduce Universal Basic Income. Here is what it did do.
No, vapes aren’t 95% less harmful than cigarettes. Here’s how this decade-old myth took off
No, we can’t treat COVID-19 like the flu. We have to consider the lasting health problems it causes
No, you cannot ‘devaccinate’ yourself with snake venom kits, bleach or cupping
No, You Didn't Imagine It: That Wolf Really Did Recognize Your Voice
No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn
No, you’re not entitled to your opinion
No, you’re not that good at detecting fake videos – 2 misinformation experts explain why and how you can develop the power to resist these deceptions
No-interest micro loans: Philanthropist’s new tool in preventing homelessness
No-Nonsense Musing on the Energy Transition
No-one is talking about ABC funding in this election campaign. Here’s why they should be
Noahpinion: My sci-fi novel recommendations
Noam Chomsky Talks Climate and Racial Justice
Noam Chomsky turns 95: the social justice advocate paved the way for AI. Does it keep him up at night?
Noam Chomsky: America Is a Terrified Country
Nobel economics prize: how colonial history explains why strong institutions are vital to a country’s prosperity – expert Q&A
Nobel peace prize awarded to Japanese atomic bomb survivors’ group for its efforts to free the world of nuclear weapons
Nobel peace prize: Narges Mohammadi wins on behalf of thousands of Iranian women struggling for human rights
The Nobel Prize for Climate Catastrophe
Nobel Prize for groundbreaking way of building molecules that made chemistry greener
Nobel prize in medicine awarded for discovery of microRNAs, the molecules that control our genes
Nobel prize: why climate modellers deserved the physics award – they’ve been proved right again and again
Nobel prizes most often go to researchers who defy specialization – winners are creative thinkers who synthesize innovations from varied fields and even hobbies
Nobel-nominated vaccine expert warns of Covid complacency: ‘We’re still losing too many lives’
Nobleman, soldier, revolutionary, humanist – who was Tadeusz Kościuszko, the man behind the mountain?
Nobody beats a bacterial or viral infection by arguing it to death
‘Nobody can hold a candle to it’: David Attenborough backs BBC’s nature shows
Nobody can predict earthquakes, but we can forecast them. Here’s how
‘Nobody ever saw anything like this before’: how methane emissions are pushing the Amazon towards environmental catastrophe
‘Nobody is coming to help us’: Afghan teenage girls on life without school
Nobody Knows What’s Happening Online Anymore
Nobody reads T&C’s – but the High Court’s Ruby Princess decision shows consumer law may protect us anyway
Nobody Seems To Have An Answer For Propaganda Posing As Local News
‘Nobody should have to choose whether to feed or read’
Nobody Wants To Host The Olympics Anymore
Nocturnal basking and deep diving may not be enough to keep crocodiles cool in a warming world
NoDAPL: Standing Rock and the 'Deep North'
Nodosaur Dinosaur ‘Mummy’ Unveiled With Skin And Guts Intact
Noise from traffic stunts growth of baby birds, study finds
Noise pollution: how the sounds of the city were redefined as ‘urban music’ in 1920s Japan
Noisy boats may drown out beluga whale chatter
‘Noisy’ autistic brains seem better at certain tasks. Here’s why neuroaffirmative research matters
NOMAD SQUADRON 🚀 ᴀ NO MAN'S SKY ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ (ft. Austin Creed & Greg Miller)
Nomads no more: why Mongolian herders are moving to the city
Non-disclosure agreements are commonplace in sexual harassment cases, but they’re being misused to silence people
Non-Infringing Sites As Collateral Damage In Music Industry’s War On Stream Ripping Sites
Non-Luddite Alternative To The Authors Guild Launching
Non-native English speaking scientists work much harder just to keep up, global research reveals
Non-photorealistic Camera - Multi-Flash Imaging
Nonagenarian model citizen wants secret surveillance data on him deleted
None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use
The (nonexistent) Centrists
Nonnas of the World
Nonprofit Takes Aim At Fox News By Demystifying Ad Exchanges
Noor Inayat Khan: The forgotten Muslim princess who fought Nazis
Nor a Lender Be
Nora, the piano-playing cat
The Nord Stream breaches are a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities in undersea infrastructure
Nordic criminal justice: How does it differ from Australia and does it work?
Nordic cuddly capitalism: Utopia, no. But a global model for equity
'Normal' Barbie
The Normalization of Hate
North American Scum | LCD Soundsystem | Pomplamoose
North America’s Native nations reassert their sovereignty: ‘We are here’
North Carolina Judge Sentences Fellow Veteran to Jail – Then Goes Behind Bars With Him: 'We're in the Foxhole Together'
North Island brown kiwi 'no longer threatened' as population swells to 20,000
North Korea has demolished its monument to reunification but it can’t fully erase the dream
North Korea ramps up military rhetoric as Kim gives up on reunification with South
North Korea: fears of a new famine after three years of COVID isolation and harsh repression
North Korea: record number of missile tests in 2022 has raised fears of nuclear confrontation with the South
North Korean hackers target Python devs with malware disguised as coding tests — hack has been underway for a year
North Koreans deployed alongside Russian troops in Ukraine, sources say
North Korea’s nuclear program is funded by stolen cryptocurrency. Could it collapse now that FTX has?
North Queensland’s record-breaking floods are a frightening portent of what’s to come under climate change
Northanger Abbey has attracted a trigger warning for ‘toxic relationships’ but I love its gentle romance. Bookworm Mr Tilney is my favourite Austen hero
Northeast Corridor secures $US 16.4bn in US federal government funding
Northern California Esselen tribe regains ancestral land after 250 years
Northern Europe faces biggest relative increase in uncomfortable heat and is dangerously unprepared – new research
Northern Ireland protocol explainer: why the UK government’s plan to change it violates international law
Northern Lights
The Northern Territory does not have a crocodile problem – and ‘salties’ do not need culling
Northvolt, BYD Announce Sodium Ion Battery Plans
Norway Became The World's First Country To Ban Deforestation
Norway Is Entering a New Era of Climate-Conscious Architecture
Norway made a mistake in its decision to move towards deep-sea mining
Norway Offers Migrants a Lesson in How to Treat Women
Norway To Digitize All Norwegian Books
Norway's Insanely Efficient Scheme Recycles 97% of All Plastic Bottles They Use
Norway's prison without bars: 'It's a trust thing'
Norway's wealth fund tells firms to set net zero emission goals
Norway’s Ambitious Plan to Designate 10 New National Parks
Norway’s Electric Car Triumph Started With an ’80s Pop Star
Norway’s Equinor forced to withdraw key carbon capture claim
Norway’s largest electric truck is a 66t monster that will cut out 156 tons of CO2 annually
Norway’s left-wing opposition wins election in a landslide
Norwegian black metal musician unexpectedly elected to town council
Norwegian Pearl cruise ship photos
Norwegian scientists discuss Santa Claus
Norwegians campaign to give Finland a mountain
Nose-to-tail mining: how making sand from ore could solve a looming crisis
The Nostalgia Nerds Who Rescue Old Games From Oblivion
Nostalgia vs. narrative: A series of adventure game letters
‘Nostalgic’ classics, or edgy contemporary texts? What books are kids reading in Australian schools – and does it matter?
Not a Deer, Wolf or Fox, the Maned Wolf is Fascinating
'Not a Radical Idea': Bernie Sanders Unveils 32-Hour Workweek Bill
‘Not a scrap of vegetation’: The decades-long fight to bring Phillip Island back from the brink
“Not a single year to lose:” Auto industry is pushing world well beyond 1.5°C
'Not a suitable candidate': climate groups urge OECD not to appoint Mathias Cormann as next head
Not a Tea Party, a Confederate Party
Not Actually Gay But It’ll Make The Boss Pay
Not all carbon-capture projects pay off for the climate – we mapped the pros and cons of each and found clear winners and losers
Not all mental health apps are helpful. Experts explain the risks, and how to choose one wisely
Not all of us have access to safe drinking water. This clever rainwater collector can change that
Not all parts of the rainforest have suffered equally. Satellite images plot a path for Amazon protection.
Not all porn is created equal - is there such a thing as a healthy pornography?
Not All the Knights of the Round Table Were White
Not all ultra-processed foods are bad for your health, whatever you might have heard
Not asking for it
Not Big Brother, but close: a surveillance expert explains some of the ways we’re all being watched, all the time
Not burning, drowning: why outdoor festivals like Burning Man are reeling from extreme weather
Not convinced on the need for urgent climate action? Here’s what happens to our planet between 1.5°C and 2°C of global warming
Not cool: push for insulation in all Australian rental homes as study shows dangerous heat levels
Not Dead Yet: How Some Video Stores Are Thriving in the Age of Netflix
Not declaring the Great Barrier Reef as ‘in danger’ only postpones the inevitable
‘Not defensible, not debatable’: Charlotte Wood makes impassioned plea for Australian writers
Not Doctor Livingstone, They Presume
Not even bankers wear ties and blazers any more. So why should schoolchildren?
Not Even Your ‘Smart’ Jacuzzi Is Safe From The Internet Of Broken Things
Not Everything Needs Copyright: Lawyers Flip Out That Photos Taken By AI May Be Public Domain
Not everything we call AI is actually ‘artificial intelligence’. Here’s what you need to know
Not Fit For Purpose: Libraries Explain How Copyright Failed Libraries During The Pandemic
Not for Wusses
Not if, but when: unless Papua New Guinea prepares now, the next big earthquake could wreak havoc in Lae
Not In My Name
Not just a girl…..
Not just a joke: we scoured TikTok for anti-Asian humour during the pandemic, and found too many disappointing memes
‘Not just a museum’: Kenya’s seed bank offers unexpected lifeline for farmers
Not just a youth movement: history too often forgets older protesters
Not Just Academics Fed Up With Elsevier: Entire Editorial Staff Resigns En Masse To Start Open Access Journal
Not just for the rich: Why Australia might be great place for electric flying taxis
Not just Greta: These are the other times teenagers have influenced world politics
Not just kids: Everyone to be age verified for social media
Not just ramps and doorways – disability housing is about choosing where, how and who you live with
Not just space rocks: 6 things we’ve learned about Earth from meteorites and comets
Not keeping up with the Joneses: the one factor that makes us less likely to emulate our neighbours on climate action
Not like udder milk: ‘synthetic’ dairy milk made without cows may be coming to a supermarket near you
‘Not my boy.’ When teachers are harassed by students, some schools and parents fail to help
Not My King: it’s not a crime to say it
‘Not my king’: do we have the right to protest the monarchy at a time of mourning?
Not Only The Hottest On Record, Summer 2023 Was Hottest For 2,000 Years
Not quite a street, not quite a road – why ‘stroads’ are disasters of urban planning, and how to fix them
Not quite medicine, not quite food: how a product like mushroom gummies can fall through the regulatory cracks
NOT SHINY, NOT NORMAL: Chevron Allowed To Literally Prosecute Lawyer For Winning Judgment Against It
Not so cheap: Australia needs to acknowledge the real cost of coal
Not So Humble Pie: Science Cookies
Not so random acts: Science finds that being kind pays off
Not such a bright idea: cooling the Earth by reflecting sunlight back to space is a dangerous distraction
Not the affirmative action you meant, not the history you’re making
Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie review – an optimist’s guide to the climate crisis
Not the time to share: NZ needs to rethink multi-bed hospital rooms
“Not useful:” Electric air taxis an option for wealthy, but won’t save emissions or time
Not waving, drowning: why keeping warming under 1.5℃ is a life-or-death matter for tidal marshes
Not your average bank statement: what 10 years of impact investing looks like
Not your father's Soap Box Racing
Not Your Usual Magic Trick
Not ‘if’, but ‘when’: city planners need to design for flooding. These examples show the way
Notes on bookmarks from 1997
Notes on Excessive Wealth Disorder
Notes on Japan
Nothing Defines America’s Social Divide Like a College Education
Nothing exists in a vacuum
Nothing in budget for electrifying transport, which will be highest emitting sector by 2030
Nothing Is Inescapable
Nothing new under the sun: Australia’s long history of missed chances to build sustainable homes
Nothing personal: The questionable Myers-Briggs test
Nothing succeeds like success
NOTHING TO HIDE - The Documentary
Nothing To Hide Is A Very Smart Anti-Stealth Game
Nothing to Prove - Geek Girls & The Doubleclicks
Nothing to see here
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Celebrates 30 Years, as 2023 Marked First Year Without Any Elephant Poaching Detected
Nova Kakhovka dam: everything you need to know about Ukraine’s strategically important reservoir
Nova Scotia government announces more protected areas, strategy to reach 2030 target
Novak Djokovic was detained for five days – refugees in the same hotel have been there for years
The Novel Solutions of Utopian Fiction
Novel technologies could reduce agriculture emissions by 70%
November 16, 2009: The Murder of Sergei Magnitsky
Now diphtheria: is northern NSW incubating another Australian health crisis?
Now that Ikea has colonized Earth, it’s going after Mars
Now we know how COVID attacks your heart
Now we know the flaws of carbon offsets, it’s time to get real about climate change
Now You, Too, Can Be a Comedian
Now, we begin: 10 simple ways to make Australia’s climate game truly next-level
Npm Security Woes Continue Amidst a Series of CDN Attacks
NPOTY 2022 results - Nature Photographer of the Year
NPR Was Twitter’s Example Of What Should NOT Be Labeled ‘State-Affiliated Media.’ Then Musk Added The Label And Retconned The Policy
NSA and GCHQ: the flawed psychology of government mass surveillance
NSA releases copy of internal lecture delivered by computing giant Rear Adm. Grace Hopper
NSA Screws Up Another Thing: EU Court Of Justice Throws The Internet For A Loop In Ending Safe Harbor
The NSA’s SKYNET program may be killing thousands of innocent people
NSW and Queensland flooded the same week a major climate report was released. We need to talk about it
NSW can avoid electricity shortages without paying hundreds of millions to keep Eraring open, expert says
NSW farmer fined record $1m for wiping out critical koala habitat for private airstrip larger than Sydney airport
NSW government says state’s biodiversity ‘in crisis’ as it pledges first steps to reverse decline
NSW has phased more single-use plastics: Everything you need to know about state's new ban
NSW Labor eyes vacant offices as option to boost social housing stock
NSW minister concedes social housing situation ‘desperate’ as waitlist for most in need doubles in a decade
NSW police drop claim that protest involving Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco blocked ambulance
NSW police use force against Indigenous Australians at drastically disproportionate levels, data shows
NSW push to stop climate protesters livestreaming on Facebook labelled ‘profoundly anti-democratic’
NSW set to enshrine net zero emissions by 2050 in law and create monitoring panel
NSW stops logging in 106 ‘hubs’ on mid-north coast amid plans for koala national park
NSW to double penalties for worst environmental crimes in wake of asbestos crisis
NSW urged to remove 51 shark nets after hundreds of dolphins and turtles caught last summer
NSW will remove 65,000 years of Aboriginal history from its years 7–10 syllabus. It’s a step backwards for education
NT election: promises for Indigenous people buckle under history’s weight
NT government accused of lying about meeting climate condition before it greenlit ‘carbon bomb’ Beetaloo fracking
NT strips funding from green groups, boosts fossil fuels, in foretaste of Dutton administration
NTP's Fate Hinges On 'Father Time'
The nuclear and renewable myths that mainstream media can’t be bothered challenging
Nuclear Crocodiles Invade Florida — in a Good Way
Nuclear energy creates the most dangerous form of radioactive waste. Where does Peter Dutton plan to put it?
Nuclear energy debate draws stark gender split in Australia ahead of next year’s election
‘Nuclear energy won’t stop cows from burping’: Peter Dutton needs a plan that goes beyond the electricity sector
The Nuclear Fallacy: Why Small Modular Reactors Can’t Compete With Renewable Energy
Nuclear option costs “six times more” than renewables, study finds
Nuclear plan is fiscal irresponsibility on an epic scale and rank political opportunism
nuclear plant fukushima: Tokyo and nothern Japan in danger
Nuclear plant trips due to fire, and battery storage steps in to stabilise the grid
Nuclear power in Australia is a really bad idea. The ban ensures that is all it is
Nuclear power makes no sense for Australia – but it’s a useful diversion from real climate action
Nuclear power plan puts thousands of farms in “radiation alert zone”
Nuclear power struggling to maintain current level of stagnation, let alone achieve any growth
Nuclear power too expensive and slow to be part of Australia’s plans to reach net zero, study finds
Nuclear War Would Be Worse For Our Climate Than Predicted in The Cold War
Nuclear waste management could add billions to electricity supply costs
Nuclear Water Wonderland
Nuclear won’t cut it: CCA says Australia must go all in on renewables to meet climate targets
Nukit Tempest review
The Nullarbor is riddled with wombat and rabbit warrens. Scientists are watching them from space
The Nullarbor’s rich cultural history, vast cave systems and unique animals all deserve better protection
Numato Opsis: FPGA-based open video platform
Numbats at brink of extinction, not seen in NSW wild for more than 100 years, hang on with pest fence
Number of nesting seabirds on Lundy island at nine-decade high
Number of NSW children in youth detention up by one third, new data shows
Number of Pixels Used in These Photos Is the Number of Animals Left of Each Species Featured
Number of poor people in India fell by about 415 mn between 2005-06 and 2019-21, a 'historic change': UN
Number of populist world leaders at 20-year low
Number of sea turtle nests on Florida coasts exploding, even tripling in some regions, conservationists say
Numbers of Yangtze finless porpoise increasing
Numlock News: May 24, 2024 • Bathwater, Bitcoin, Hieroglyphs
Nuns Having Fun
Nurdles: the worst toxic waste you’ve probably never heard of
The Nursery of the FUTURE-TURE-ture!
Nursery rhyme to the editor: There was a whole country who swallowed a lie
Nuzzles: Giant Koosh Balls of Warmth
NY Jedi Academy
The NY Police vs. the Mayor
NY Public Library Embraces The Public Domain Big Time: Releases 180,000 High Resolution Images
The NY Times Lawsuit Against OpenAI Would Open Up The NY Times To All Sorts Of Lawsuits Should It Win
NY Times Tried To Block The Internet Archive
Nyamal Traditional Owners celebrate first new Pilbara conservation estate in more than a decade
nyango star drum perfomance
NYC Guaranteed Income Program Goes From Pilot to Permanent
NYC Has Left People With Long COVID Behind
NYC's Underground Steam System May Be Key to a Greener Future
NYC’s first all-electric skyscraper doesn’t use a drop of fossil fuel
The NYPD Took This Dog Into Custody Because His Owner Filmed the Police
The NYT Uses Trans Hate to Discipline Its Workers
The NZ ad industry wants to clean up its climate act – but will agencies drop their fossil fuel clients?
NZ aid worker remains missing in Ukraine: the tragedy of people motivated to help in war zones becoming victims themselves
The NZ anti-vax movement’s exploitation of Holocaust imagery is part of a long and sorry history
The NZ aviation industry is making bold climate claims – and risking anti-greenwashing litigation
NZ biggest firms will soon have to disclose their climate risk – but will it really curb climate change?
NZ children face a ‘perfect storm’ of dangerous diseases as immunisation rates fall
NZ climate activist faces up to 10 years in prison over fake letter saying fossil fuel event cancelled
NZ depends on the rules-based world Trump is dismantling – why the silence?
The NZ government’s plan to withhold COVID inquiry findings until 2026 leaves the country ill-prepared for the next pandemic
NZ has the energy resources to adopt alternative food technologies – it just needs a plan
NZ hopes to store carbon in marine ecosystems – but some are so degraded they’re already a source of emissions
NZ industry burns the equivalent of 108 litres of petrol every second – that has to reduce to meet our carbon targets
NZ is consulting the public on regulations for puberty blockers – this should be a medical decision not a political one
NZ music schools under threat: we need a better measure of their worth than money
NZ must step up to protect its own oceans to match international commitments made at Commonwealth leaders’ meeting
The NZ pilot held hostage in West Papua is the pawn in a conflict only real international engagement can resolve
NZ police need better training in privacy and human rights law – here is what should happen
NZ wants more seasonal workers – but Pacific nations no longer want to be the ‘outposts’ that ‘grow’ them
NZ’s big chill was an early winter warning: power should be subsidised for struggling households
NZ’s climate policies are no longer enough to keep warming at 1.5°C – here’s what needs to happen
NZ’s electricity market is a mess. Rolling out rooftop solar would change the game
NZ’s evidence-based response to COVID has saved lives – we could do better when it comes to other major diseases
NZ’s food manufacturers are embracing the idea of a circular economy but are slow to implement it
NZ’s gas problem: phasing out natural gas in homes demands affordable alternatives first
NZ’s geothermal wells offer a cheap way of storing carbon permanently – equivalent to taking 600,000 cars off the road
NZ’s glaciers have already lost nearly a third of their ice – as more vanishes, landscapes and lives change
NZ’s government may ask the public to underwrite the risk of fossil fuel exploration – this could be unlawful
NZ’s government wants to kick-start a mining boom – but they’re unlikely to hit paydirt
NZ’s housing market drives inequality – why not just tax houses like any other income?
NZ’s inaction on turtle bycatch in fisheries risks reputational damage – and it’s pushing leatherbacks closer to extinction
NZ’s most walkable towns and cities ranked: see how your neighbourhood stacks up
NZ’s vital kelp forests are in peril from ocean warming – threatening the important species that rely on them
O RLY owl soft toy!
'Oak Flat' Tells The Story Of An Apache Tribe Fighting To Save Its Land From Mining
Oaxaca, Endless OS, and indigenous languages
Obama like you have never seen him before, as Ash from Army of Darkness!
Obama uses 1953 law to block Arctic drilling under Trump
Obduction marks a comeback for the makers of Myst
The obesity era
Obituary for Marlene June Mallicoat (1944-2015)
Obituary: Kumantjai L Namatjira Lankin
Obituary: Queen Elizabeth II
Objection to sexual, LGBTQ content propels spike in book challenges
Obligations to the world’s children in the climate emergency
The Obscure Egyptian God Medjed and His Bizarre Afterlife on the Japanese Internet
The obscure Russian-linked ‘news’ outlet fuelling violence on Britain’s streets
Observations of an Internet Middleman
Observations on MLP: Embracing Girliness
The Observer view on Boris Johnson undermining British politics
Obsessed with Cats: The Ukiyo-e Prints of Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Obsession, A Mesmerizing Music Video by OK Go Featuring Colorful Paper Coming Out 567 Printers
Obsessives could be an asset to society
Obsolescence Guaranteed: PiDP-8/I
Obsolete Sounds
Obsolete, but not gone: The people who won't give up floppy disks
Obvious Plant: I gave these adoptable cats some interesting likes
Ocado starts trial selling everyday products in refillable packaging
Ocasio-Cortez Blasts Moderate “Meh” Policies: “We View Cynicism as an Intellectually Superior Attitude”
Ocasio-Cortez destroys Republicans with her BEST speech yet
Occupy was right: capitalism has failed the world
Ocean Acidification
Ocean cleanup group removes record 25,000 pounds of trash from Great Pacific Garbage Patch in one extraction
The Ocean Cleanup project sails out to sweep Pacific plastic
Ocean conservation: 6 reasons you can be optimistic about the future of our planet
Ocean data need a sea change to help navigate the warming world
Ocean eddy currents funnel extreme heat and cold to the life-filled depths
Ocean heat around Florida is ‘unprecedented,’ and scientists are warning of major impacts
Ocean heat is changing marine food webs – with far-reaching consequences for NZ fisheries and sea life
The ocean is essential to tackling climate change. So why has it been neglected in global climate talks?
The ocean is our greatest climate regulator. It must be a stronger part of climate policy and action
Ocean Piglets, Shield Toads and Naked Snails
Ocean Plastic Is Bad, but Soil Plastic Pollution May Be Worse
Ocean protection accounts for 10% of fish in the world’s coral reefs – but we could save so much more
Ocean Protection Around Hawaiian Islands Boosts Far-Flung ‘Ahi Populations
Ocean Sculptures
Ocean spray emits more PFAS than industrial polluters, study finds
Ocean Voyages Institute Sets Record with Largest Open Ocean Clean-up in History
Ocean weather
Oceana applauds the designation of seven new marine protected areas in Spain
Oceana Finds Hundreds of Vessels Vanishing Along Argentina’s Waters
Oceana’s first North Sea expedition - in pictures
Oceans absorb 30% of our emissions, driven by a huge carbon pump. Tiny marine animals are key to working out its climate impacts
Oceans can be restored to former glory within 30 years, say scientists
Oceans conference comes up with $16b in pledges to safeguard marine health
Oceans face ‘triple threat’ of extreme heat, oxygen loss and acidification
Oceans of Energy gets Bureau Veritas’ nod of approval for offshore floating solar system
Oceans under greatest threat in history, warns Sir David Attenborough
Ocelot ATTACK!
Octacube: 3D sculpture of 4D shape
octo-pied building
October is Co-op Month — here’s how we’re celebrating.
October’s Very Bad, No Good, Totally Stupid Patent of the Month: Filming A Yoga Class
Octopus And Squid Evolution Is Officially Stranger Than We Could Have Ever Imagined
The octopus fishermen protecting Portugal's largest reef
octopus steals my video camera and swims off with it (while it's Recording)
Octopuses and their relatives are a new animal welfare frontier − here’s what scientists know about consciousness in these unique creatures
Octopuses are taking over the oceans, and no one knows why
Odd Art Fabricators
‘Odds are against you’: the problem with the music streaming boom
Odesa suffers ‘hellish night’ as Russia attacks Ukraine grain facilities
Odisha's turnaround in disaster management has lessons for the world
Odour of oil and return of Trump hang heavy over Cop29 in Baku
Odyssey - Creperie - Paris
OEDILF The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form
Of 16 Billion Mobile Phones Possessed Worldwide, 5.3 Billion will Become Waste in 2022
Of Course Australia Has Drop-Off Centers for Deadly Spiders
Of course rich people think inequality doesn’t matter. They don’t see it
Of Course Tesla Wasn't Just Being Altruistic In Opening Up Its Patents: That's The Whole Point!
Of course the girls are reading horny fairy books. It’s cheaper than travel and more fun than therapy
Of COURSE ‘She-Hulk’ Is the Latest Marvel Property Review-Bombed by Crybaby Men
Of Fair (And Balanced) Reporting
Of ice and fire: what sea salt in Antarctic snowfall reveals about bushfires worse than the Black Summer
Of mice and mines: trained rats search for explosives, tuberculosis
Off-grid solar and battery system “twice the size of the MCG” slashes almond farm energy bill
‘Off-the-charts records’: has humanity finally broken the climate?
Office 365 alternative: Consider LibreOffice for your next PC office suite
Offices For All! Why Open-Office Layouts Are Bad For Employees, Bosses, And Productivity
The Official Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Coloring Book (1979)
[OFFICIAL VIDEO] Bohemian Rhapsody – Pentatonix
[OFFICIAL VIDEO] Imagine - Pentatonix
Official World Record! Fantastic Classical Music Medley played by a Train
‘Offscreen Colonies’, A 64-Kilobyte Real-Time Computer Art and Music Demo Featuring Futuristic Sights and Sounds
Offshore hydrogen “energy islands” could save Germany €4 billion per year – report
Offshore oil regulator ‘avoiding scrutiny’ over approval for Woodside blasting and drilling
Offshore wind will come to Australian waters – as long as we pave the way for this new industry
Oh and I love this too...
Oh gosh, some t-shirts!
oh my
oh my - children
Oh My Dog, A Clever Animation About a Competitive Dog Show With One Very Passionate Human
Oh My God, Scott; Watch Out!
Oh My Gosh, Japan's Animal Donuts Are Too Cute
Ohio farmer known for ‘It ain’t much, but it’s honest work’ meme dies at 76
Ohmie Go! Car sharing EVs about to “ruin” working week, as well as weekend
OhPonyBoy - Turbulences [Piano/Dubstep at Dijon's train station, France]
Oil and gas communities are a blind spot in America’s climate and economic policies
Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Marketplace
Oil and gas firms 'have had far worse climate impact than thought'
Oil and gas firms planning ‘frightening’ fossil fuels growth, report finds
Oil Companies Are Still Determined to Burn the Planet Down
Oil Fail
Oil firms knew decades ago fossil fuels posed grave health risks, files reveal
Oil industry has sought to block state backing for green tech since 1960s
Oil prices will whipsaw as we move to net zero, which could be disastrous for low-income producer countries
Oil Set to Become as Obsolete as Landlines, Experts Warn
Oil's slick rebranding is more like disinformation
‘OK Boomer’ Marks the End of Friendly Generational Relations
‘OK Boomer’: how a TikTok meme traces the rise of Gen Z political consciousness
“OK boomer” isn’t just about the past. It’s about our apocalyptic future.
OK Go - All Together Now (Official Video)
OK Go - I Won't Let You Down
OK Go - The Writing's On the Wall - Official Video
OK Go - Upside Down & Inside Out
OK Go Creates Madcap Music Video Commercial for Chinese Furniture Store Red Star Macalline
OK Go Video about doggies!
OK, I've had my fun for the day...
Okay, I Found It Funny
Okay, I Thought It Was Funny
‘Okay, it’s done!’ Stranger floors parents, crochets their baby a hat mid-flight.
Okay, My Last Ananova Article
Oklahoma City Museum's Resident Cat Is Stealing Guests' Hearts
Oklahoma has restored nearly 100 unhealthy streams thanks to water monitoring, regenerative agriculture
Oklahoma Wants Teachers to beat disabled kids into submission
Oktavists Can Sing a Full Octave Below the Bass and It Sounds Awesome
Okuda Hiroko: The Casio Employee Behind the “Sleng Teng” Riddim that Revolutionized Reggae
Olaf Falafel wins Dave's Joke of the Fringe
Olaf Scholz: giving young voters hope is best way to win them back from far right
Old apartment blocks struggling to support charging needs of EV adopters
Old cars forced off road as Europe’s clean air zones nearly double
‘Old ladies’ welcome: How senior swimmers clean up Cape Cod’s ponds
Old matter, new purpose as Australian students help Polestar in quest for net-zero cars
The old news business model is broken: making Google and Facebook pay won’t save journalism
Old news goes viral
Old petrol stations present a $6.7 billion problem that fuel excise must address
Old School Sweets: Retro Video Game Cakes!
Old wind turbines could be 'tiny houses' of the future
Old, Online, And Fed On Lies: How An Aging Population Will Reshape The Internet
Old-school animation
Old-school computing: when your lab PC is ancient
Older women are doing remarkable things – it’s time for the putdowns to end
Older women often rent in poverty – shared home equity could help some escape
The Oldest Company in Almost Every Country (That is Still in Business)
The oldest DNA ever found reveals a snapshot of a vanished world
Oldest known alphabet unearthed in ancient Syrian city
Oldest known Scottish tartan ‘brought back to life’ for people to wear
Oldest platypus found in the wild is ‘beyond all our expectations’, say researchers
Oldest Southern Resident killer whale considered dead
OldMaps Online
The Oligarchs Who Came to Regret Supporting Hitler
Oligarchy is not just a Russian phenomenon. It exists right here in the USA.
Olive oil fraudsters have sown the wind, and are reaping the whirlwind
Olivetti’s Ivrea: How an Italian Tech Giant Built the World’s Most Progressive Company Town
Oluwaseyi Sosanya invents 3D-weaving machine
The Olympic movement claims political neutrality. In reality, that ideal is often selectively applied
The Olympics are profitable for every host city (that lies about the numbers)
Oman: New Social Security Law Step in the Right Direction
Oman’s Mangrove Restoration Could Generate $150 Million in Carbon Credits
Oman’s mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future
Omar Musa blends words and the wood carving of Borneo to explore beauty, rage and history
Omicron-specific vaccines may give slightly better COVID protection – but getting boosted promptly is the best bet
OMNI Magazine Collection
Omniglot: A guide to Written Language
On "Adiemus" and the world's music
On a climate rollercoaster: how Australia’s environment fared in the world’s hottest year
On Australia’s climate and extinction crises, the major parties both have questions to answer
On Being Useful
On Bullshit
On Car-Free Streets, Many New York Restaurants Thrived
On climate change, the international court of justice faces a pivotal choice
On Complexity and Collapse
On criminal justice, don't just focus on bad news. We ignore progress at our peril.
On Designing Better Women in Games
On ecryption and privacy
On Elon Musk And Free Speech
On eve of first launch, Relativity Space seeks to join SpaceX as “disruptor”
‘On every roof something is possible’: how sponge cities could change the way we handle rain
On hot days, up to 87% of heat gain in our homes is through windows. On cold days, it’s 40% of heat loss. Here’s how we can fix that
On Human Rights and the Environment
On its 100th birthday in 1959, Edward Teller warned the oil industry about global warming
On Max Headroom: The Most Misunderstood Joke on TV
On Moderation
On my second birthday we landed on the moon.
On Navajo Lands, Ancient Ways Are Restoring the Parched Earth
On Nerd Entitlement
On origami, and why STEM and arts belong together
‘On par with cancer and heart disease’: Experts, patients warn Congress about the burden of long COVID as the government blows through $1.15 billion without finding a cure
On Persistence, And The Long Con Of Being A Successful Writer
On Policing Disability
On Postmodern Literary Criticism
On race, discrimination and white men’s privilege
On Shaming People Online “For Their Own Good”
On successor states and websites
On Systemic Debt
On the 3rd Anniversary of J.K. Rowling’s Pledge for Trans Rights
On the 3rd anniversary of the Christchurch attack, the Ukraine crisis asks the West to rethink its definitions of terrorism
On the Battle of Seattle’s 20th anniversary, let’s remember the Aussie coders who created live sharing
On the Beating of Children and Other Apparently Fine Things
On the Front Line of an Education Revolution
On the frontlines of drought, communities in Mexico strive to save every drop of water
On the Ground With the Volunteers Running Community Fridges
On the history of concentration camps, and what Trump's doing on the border
On the importance of Magical Girl Heroines & Weaponized Femininity
On The Internet, Everyone Is A Creator
On the Loss and Preservation of Knowledge
On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America’s New Right
On the Navajo Nation, Accurate Mailing Addresses Save Lives
On the Perch Aviaries Kalaru NSW
On the Rise of the Feminist Internet
On the trail of a missing elephant with latest surveillance tech
On this day of freedom, let’s talk about how bald eagles are queer!
On top of drastic emissions cuts, IPCC finds large-scale CO₂ removal from air will be “essential” to meeting targets
On Trans Issues, Wikipedia is a Bulwark Against Disinformation
On Vancouver Island, residents are paying voluntary rent to First Nations
On Vinyl: A brief history of East Palestine’s toxic train disaster
On World Rhino Day 2024, a mixed story for the world’s five species of rhinos
On your bike: If we all cycled like the Dutch, global emissions would drop nearly 700 million tonnes
On ‘Alternative Walking Tours,’ Formerly Homeless People Share Their Perspectives
On “Geek” Versus “Nerd”
Once Again, Mainstream Media Falls For A Fake TikTok Challenge, Creating Yet Another Moral Panic
Once again, wealthy nations are letting down poor nations at the Egypt climate talks
Once Again: The Sky Is Rising When It Comes To Creative Output
Once an Open Sewer, New York Harbor Now Teems With Life. Thank the Clean Water Act.
Once devastated, these Pacific reefs have seen an amazing rebirth
Once eager to drill, oil companies exit leases in Arctic refuge
‘Once in a generation’ scheme to restore nature in 22 areas across England
Once More, With Feeling: Sherlock Holmes Is In The Public Domain
Once nearing extinction, Brazil’s golden monkeys have rebounded from yellow fever, scientists say
Once nearly extinct, bison are now climate heroes
Once Public Schools are Largely Dead, Here's What Happens Next...
Once the fish factories and ‘kidneys’ of colder seas, Australia’s decimated shellfish reefs are coming back
Once thought a fantasy, effort to sequence DNA of millions of species gains momentum
The Once Unthinkable Revolution Coming to Figure Skating
Once unthinkable, more British jews seek German citizenship
Once Upon a Time in Taiwan…
Once You Have Made Pornography
Once, I Had a Mind Like a Steel Trap. Brain Fog Changed Everything.
‘Once-in-a-lifetime event’: rare chance to see explosion on dwarf star 3,000 light years away
Ondophone - A New Music Instrument | Marble Machine X 111
One Ad to Rule Them All
ONE BIG FAMILY - 49 children from all over the word get together l ZIPPY
One Big Thing I Learned About The Industry By Helping Start An EV Conversion Business
One Book, Many Readings
One California City Ran A Universal Basic Income Experiment. Employment Rates Went Up | Katy Tur
"The One Called Wander"
One Careless Act of War Could Destroy All Satellites in Just 40 Years
One Chinese company now controls most of the metal needed to make the world’s advanced batteries
One Clear-Cut Fix Would Speed Up Europe’s Heat Pump Rollout
One Climate Action that Really Matters: Buy an EV
One climate crisis disaster happening every week, UN warns
One Day Old Goat Kids On First Adventure
"One Day" animated short film
The One Expression That Epitomizes the Japanese Approach to Life
One Fish Two Fish, We Will Sue Fish: Seuss Lawyers Hop On Pop Art
One Health: why we need to combine disease surveillance and climate modelling to preempt future pandemics
“One household at a time:” 50,000 homes with batteries could displace a gas peaker plant
One Huge Contradiction Is Undoing Our Best Climate Efforts
One Hundred Percent EDIBLE Googly Eyes!
One in 10 homes could become uninsurable by 2035, analyst warns
One In a Billion Moments In Nature
One in Eight Bird Species Threatened With Extinction, Study Finds
One in five Australians lack ‘basic’ electricity protections against issues such as disconnections during heatwaves
‘One inch from a potential civil war’ – near miss in Trump shooting is also a close call for American democracy
one last PURE glass-wings item for my TENTY O Nine
One Liners from Edinburgh Fringe
One Love: Why We Need a Political System Driven by Compassion
One man and his drone: ‘My hope is to shut down the coal industry’
One Man Single-Handedly Repopulates Rare Butterfly Species In His Own Backyard
One Man. One Cat. Multiplied
One Man’s Quest to Heal the Oceans—And Maybe Save the World
One million homes were unoccupied on census night. How that could help people struggling to find housing
One million people are living below the poverty line in NSW, census data has revealed
One Minute Park
One More Time With Feeling: No, The Internet Is Not Making Us Dumber
One of 2023’s most extreme heatwaves is happening in the middle of winter
One of Africa’s Biggest Dams Is Falling Apart
One of Australia’s most expensive commutes becomes the cheapest, as Queensland’s 50c public transport trial begins
One of Australia’s oldest wind farms could nearly double capacity by “repowering” with bigger turbines
One of Australia’s tiniest mammals is heading for extinction – but you can help
One of Europe’s Most Endangered Birds Is Bouncing Back
One of Long COVID’s Worst Symptoms Is Also Its Most Misunderstood
One of NZ’s most contentious climate cases is moving forward. And the world is watching
One of science’s greatest achievements: how the rapid development of COVID vaccines prepares us for future pandemics
One of the greatest science fiction magazines is now available for free online
One of the Luckiest Lightning Strikes Ever Recorded
One of the most British things you'll ever see
‘One of the most important species for science’: how the humble fruit fly transformed 4 fields of research
‘One of the most progressive and environmentally conscious legal texts on the planet’: Chile’s proposed constitution and its lessons for Australia
one of the most wonderful inspirational "sings" - start your day by watching this whole 7 minutes
One of the New Paintings
One of these things is not like the others: why Facebook is beyond our control
One of these underrated animals should be Australia’s 2032 Olympic mascot. Which would you choose?
One of Us
One of world's largest glacier floods triggered in Greenland
One of world’s largest shipping tanker operators signs up for wind-assisted propulsion systems
One of World’s Priciest Cities Turbocharges Affordable Housing
One Page Dungeon by watabou
One Person One Price
One Professional Russian Troll Tells All
One quarter of German car exports in 2023 were fully electric, earning $62 billion
One Red Paperclip
One ship load of solar PV is worth more to the grid than 100 ships of coal: IEA says fossil fuels losing race
One Simple Trick Could Make More People Eat Vegan Food
‘One sip can kill’: why a highly toxic herbicide should be banned in Australia
One Small Sketch for Man
The One Thing That Changes Everything in the Climate Fight
One Type of Misinformation Is Commonly Overlooked as Benign. Here's Why It Isn't.
One way to combat Russia? Move faster on clean energy
One Way to Tackle Extreme Poverty: Replace Dirt Floors
One Wealthy Family’s Immigration Story Told Three Ways
One weird trick to make monopolies self-destruct
The one where Bandit gives birth: is America ready for the banned Bluey episode?
One woman's mission to photograph every Native American tribe in the US
One woman’s race to defuse the genetic time bomb in her genes
One Year After Declaring Climate Emergency, Scientists Say 'Massive-Scale Mobilization' Necessary
One year into Taliban control, Afghans face poverty and repression. Australia cannot turn a blind eye
One year on from Cyclone Gabrielle, NZ still needs a plan to fix its failing infrastructure
One year on, El Salvador’s Bitcoin experiment has proven a spectacular failure
One YouTuber’s Quest For Political Action To Preserve Old Video Games
One-Fingered Dinosaur
One-of-a-kind power plant has a mind-blowing hidden feature on its roof: ‘More enjoyable for the lives of its citizens’
One-of-a-kind Tron light cycle board game
One-quarter of freshwater fauna threatened with extinction
One-third of the world’s tree species are threatened with extinction – here are five of them
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
ONI: Thunder God's Tale
The Onion
ONIONS (animated short film)
Online abuse against women is rife, but some women suffer more – and we need to step up for them
Online Art Communities Begin Banning AI-Generated Images
Online database features more than 180,000 specimens of Hawaiian plants
Online games should not be included in Australia’s social media ban – they are crucial for kids’ social lives
The online marketplace saving ‘wonky’ beauty products from landfill
Fwd: Online Performance
Online Python Tutor
Online retailer Book Depository closing after nearly 20 years, customers lament decision
Online safety: what young people really think about social media, big tech regulation and adults ‘overreacting’
Online Trolls Actually Just Assholes All the Time, Study Finds
Online university offers Syrian refugees an opportunity to study for free (+video)
The Only "Exit Strategy" for Ukraine is Survival
Only 10% of native plants can be bought as seed – a big problem for nature repair. Here’s how we can make plantings more diverse
Only 100 years ago the Milky Way was visible from central Paris. Here’s how we can get the night sky back
Only 12% Of Music Revenue Goes To Actual Artists
Only 15 known underwater internet cables connect Australia to the world – and they’re under threat from fishing boats, spies and natural disasters
Only 25% of older Queenslanders are aware of the risks heatwaves put on their health – new study
Only 57 producers are responsible for 80% of all fossil fuel and cement CO₂ emissions since 2016 – new report
Only 6% of gen Z actually favour dictatorship – not half, as some reports would have you believe
The only artist in the world to embed gold leaves in glass; kirikane | Yamamoto Akane: Making Beauty
The Only Harry Potter Fanfic I Will Ever Write (Probably)
‘Only hope we’ve got’: the audacious plan to genetically engineer Australia’s endangered northern quoll
Only Mass Deportation Can Save America
The Only One In Here
Only one-third of Europe’s surface water qualifies as good or better, study finds
Only rebellion will prevent an ecological apocalypse
Only seven countries worldwide meet WHO dirty air guidelines, study shows
Only The Copyright Office Would 'Fix' The Problem Of Orphan Works By Doubling Down On The Problem Itself
Only the Emergency Has Ended
Only the richest ancient Athenians paid taxes – and they bragged about it
The only way out is through: Embracing the existential weirdness of the era of climate change
OnlyFans has a split identity – it needs to declare its support for adult content creators
Ontario pilot project puts universal basic income to the test
Ontario’s huge nuclear debt and other things Dutton doesn’t understand about cost of electricity
Op shops give away clothes as surging donations put pressure on global fabric recycling system
Op-Ed: On the climate crisis, delay has become the new form of denial
Op-ed: Why my first novel will only cost you $0.99
OPEC again cuts 2024, 2025 oil demand growth forecasts
Opec rails against fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28 in leaked letters
Open Access As The Antidote To Privatizing Knowledge And Learning
Open access image libraries – a handy list
Open access journals get a boost from librarians—much to Elsevier’s dismay
Open Access Makes Research More Widely Cited, Helping Spread Knowledge
Open access: All human knowledge is there—so why can’t everybody access it?
Open Canvas - art with heart
Open Cooperativism
Open Data Day: Access Info calls on governments to collect and publish all SDG data
Open Food Facts - World
Open for Business
Open Future Foundation - a new think tank for the Open Movement launched with support from the Arcadia Fund
"Open Life: The Philosophy of Open Source"
The Open Polar Sea: a creative call for climate action and musical tribute to the late Professor Tony McMichael
Open Source Could Be a Casualty of the Trade War
Open source DIY electric car can be built in less than an hour
Open source hardware 2008
Open source is actually the cradle of artificial intelligence. Here's why
Open Source Is Struggling And It's Not Big Tech That Is To Blame
Open source POWER ISA takes aim at Intel and Arm for accelerator-driven computing
The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy
Open source sustainability
Open source typeface “Hack” brings design to source code
‘Open Source’ Seeds Loosen Big Ag’s Grip on Farmers
“Open Source” Seeds Loosen Big Ag’s Grip on Farmers
Open sourcing our Android and iOS apps!
Open Systems and Glass Ceilings
Open tools: Booktype and PlayFic
Open world paint 'em up Eastshade arrives February 13th
Open Your Mind to Unicorn Meat
Open-plan classrooms are trendy but there is little evidence to show they help students learn
Open-source camera could revolutionize digital photography
Open-source drug discovery
Open-source games and cloning
Open-source software starts with developers, but there are other important contributors, too. Who exactly? Good question
Open-source software vs. the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (NLnet Labs)
OpenAI Wants To Help You Figure Out If Text Was Written By OpenAI; But What Happens When It’s Wrong?
OpenAI’s new ‘deep research’ agent is still just a fallible tool – not a human-level expert
Opening 10 new oil and gas sites is a win for fossil fuel companies – but a staggering loss for the rest of Australia
‘Openly authoritarian campaign’: Trump’s threats of revenge fuel alarm
OPENSCORE: Join the sheet music revolution!
Operation Fox Hunt: How China Exports Repression Using a Network of Spies Hidden in Plain Sight
Operation Overload: how pro-Russian actors flood newsrooms with fake content and seek to divert their efforts
Opinion: Authoritarianism and hatred are no match for a politics of love
Opinion: Big Oil should help pay for the climate mess it created
Opinion: Is it time for an ACT-UP for Long COVID?
Opinion: Long COVID is debilitating to me and 65 million other people. Where is the urgency to treat it?
Opinion: Ours is the most wasteful civilization in history. Here’s how to stop that
Opinion: Russia just took a big step back toward the Soviet Union
Opinion: She was immortalized by Joni Mitchell - and if you love comics, she touched your life
Opinion: Sick of your kids being sick? Clean air in schools may be the answer
Opinion: This is a pandemic of attrition
Opinion: To Fight Anti-Semitism, German Tabloid Prints Cutout Kippah
Opinion: U.S. faces biggest COVID wave since omicron. Why are we ignoring?
The opioid crisis isn’t just the Sacklers’ fault – and making Purdue Pharma pay isn’t enough on its own to fix the pharmaceutical industry’s deeper problems
Oppenheimer’s warning lives on: international laws and treaties are failing to stop a new arms race
The Opposite of Rape Culture is Nurturance Culture
Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution by U.S. Stuns World Health Officials
Optical Illusions
Optical Illusions - the top 20
Optical Illusions Magically Appear When You Fill These Soy Sauce Dishes
Optical storage on human fingernails
Optimistic Scenarios for Our Future World
Optimized Origami
The Optus chief was right to quit but real change is unlikely at the telco until bigger issues are fixed
Optus demonstrates public relations skills
Optus went down and the smart lights came on. And then Marayke was stranded in bed
Opus Dei and the Moneybags Kid
Oracle's Projection: As It Accuses Google Of Snooping On You, It Has Built A Huge Data Operation That It Doesn't Want Regulated
Oracle, how do I live forever? - The Oatmeal
Oracle, Which Promised To Protect TikTok User Data From China, Helps Chinese Law Enforcement Snarf Through Lots Of Private Data
The oral history of the Hampsterdance: The twisted true story of one of the world's first memes
Orange-bellied parrot shows there’s more to saving endangered species than captive breeding
Orangutan killings in Borneo likely still occurring in large numbers
Orangutan seen treating wound with medicinal herb in first for wild animals
Orangutans can play the kazoo – here’s what this tells us about speech evolution
Orangutans in Melbourne Zoo playing interactive videogames using Xbox technology
Orangutans: could ‘half-Earth’ conservation save the red ape?
Orbital by Samantha Harvey wins the 2024 Booker prize – a short but powerful story urging us to save the planet
Orbán arrives in Georgia after hailing ruling party for ‘overwhelming victory’
The Orc Renaissance: Race, Tolerance and Post-9/11 Western Fantasy
Orcas Are Swimming Towards Extinction
The Orchestral Sample: Stravinksy Does Hip-Hop
Ordinary Americans carried out inhumane acts for Trump
Ordinary people, extraordinary change: addressing the climate emergency through ‘quiet activism’
Ordinary people, lending a hand
The ‘ordinary’ family at No 35: suspected Russian spies await trial in Slovenia
Oregon Banning Polystyrene Foam and PFAS in Food Containers
Oregon county sues major gas provider for allegedly sowing climate doubt
The Oregon militia revolt recipe: timber, despair and a crippling political isolation
Oregon Supreme Court Applies SCOTUS Ruling Retroactively, Overturns All Non-Unanimous Jury Convictions
Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation
Organizers Offer Zoom Video Conferences With Elephants in Northern Thailand
Orientalism: Edward Said’s groundbreaking book explained
Origami & Lego
Origami by Brian Chan
Origami modules could build bridges, shelters, and stuff in space
Origami Simulator
Origin Energy to shut Australia's largest coal-fired power plant, Eraring Power Station, by 2025
The original indie dev: How one man made 22 games in 22 years, mostly from his basement
-Original- when she is Lylah Ninja Warrior in the City Finals!!
Origins of Parkinson’s may lie in the gut. Researchers hope to prove it.
The Orion Nebula Is Full of Impossible Enigmas That Come in Pairs
Orkestra Obsolete play Blue Monday using 1930s instruments - BBC Arts
Orkney council to look at proposals to become territory of Norway
Ornithologists, Birdwatchers Uncover Staggering Magnitude of Bird Population Decline
Orthodox thinking won’t cut it: why Mathias Cormann’s leadership of the OECD has economists worried
OS-Climate unleashes power of open source to develop data and tools required to meet the Paris climate goals
The Osage want you to know their story doesn’t end with "Killers of the Flower Moon"
Oscar-nominated documentary produced in Sydney kept secret for a year due to fears of Russian interference
Oscars 2023: Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio offers a new vision for animated films that explore our humanity
The Oscars Finally Find Their Rightful Winners
OSI: The Internet That Wasn’t
Ospreys make triumphant return as breeding pairs spread across UK
Ostracised and fetishised: The perils of travelling as a young black woman
OSVehicle: Modular Open Source Electric Car Platform
Otacool Worldwide Cosplayers
The Other Autistic Muppet
The other big event happening in the first week of November
The Other Big Reason To Decarbonize The Way We Drive
Other countries have struggled to control how kids access the internet. What can Australia learn?
The other side of paradise
Otherworldly, life-giving: award-winning photos on the theme of 'water'
Ottawa bans captive monkeys and elephants
Ottawa says it's making Canada's largest ever investment in protecting fresh water
otter who can not sleep without holding a kitten
The Otters That Love Sushi
otto and victoria
OTYKEN - CHUKOTKA (Official Music Video)
Our analysis of wealth trends suggests Australia’s middle class may be ‘shrinking’
Our Bar-Napkin Presidency
Our beef with ‘Big Meat’: the power perpetuating Australia’s live export trade is at play elsewhere
Our biggest enemy is no longer climate denial but climate delay
Our brains take rhythmic snapshots of the world as we walk – and we never knew
Our buildings are driving us closer to ‘climate hell’ – how do we get back on course to net zero?
Our buildings aren’t made to keep out bushfire smoke. Here’s what you can do
Our Campus. Our Crisis. Inside the encampments and crackdowns that shook American politics.
Our cemeteries face a housing crisis too. 4 changes can make burial sustainable
Our child protection system is clearly broken. Is it time to abolish it for a better model?
Our children are victims of road violence. We need to talk about the deadly norms of car use
Our cities are widening the divide between the well-off and the rest. How can we turn this damaging trend around?
Our cities will need to harvest stormwater in an affordable and green way – here’s how
Our cities’ secret gardens: we connect with nature in neglected green spaces just as much as in parks
Our climate projections for 2500 show an Earth that is alien to humans
‘Our community deserves beauty’: one man’s mission to green a UK tree desert
‘Our community is small, but our spirit is strong’: how art forms the heart of Cobargo’s Black Summer fires recovery
Our cruel and costly offshore processing system was a failure. We have a better solution on asylum policy
Our current methods of food production are unsustainable – in his latest book, George Monbiot considers the alternatives
Our dogs can terrify (and even kill) wildlife. Here’s how to be a responsible owner this summer
Our environmental responses are often piecemeal and ineffective. Next week’s wellbeing budget is a chance to act
Our food system isn't ready for the climate crisis
Our Galaxy Is Home to Trillions of Worlds Gone Rogue
Our Generation Ships Will Sink
Our GoFundMe nation is about to collapse
“Our hands are tied:” Australian councils call for tough fuel standards to drive EVs
Our health system is like a ‘worn pair of shorts’. This latest COVID wave will stretch it even thinner
Our Humanity
Our hybrid media system has emboldened anti-LGBTQ+ hate – what can we do about it?
Our iconic giant clams face new threats from warmer waters and acidic oceans – let’s buy them time
Our Inability To Recognize That Remixing Art Is Transformative Is Now Leading To Today’s AI/Copyright Mess
Our laws fail nature. The government’s plan to overhaul them looks good, but crucial detail is yet to come
Our leaders are collaborators with fossil fuel colonialists. This is the source of our communal dread
Our leaders look climate change in the eyes, and shrug
‘Our lives are shattered’: Teachers’ legal fight for long Covid support
'Our living dinosaurs'
Our Living World Constitution: Charter for Human and Environmental Rights
Our Lost Culture: What We Lose From Having Killed The Public Domain
Our love of cheap books is hurting independent bookstores and writers. But there may be a solution
Our minds handle risk strangely – and that’s partly why we delayed climate action so long
Our model suggests that global deaths remain 5% above pre-covid forecasts
Our mood usually lifts in spring. But after early heatwaves and bushfires, this year may be different
Our Murrow Moment
Our mysterious night parrot has terrible vision – but we discovered it might be able to hear like an owl
Our national water policy is outdated, unfair and not fit for climate challenges: major new report
Our native animals are easy prey after a fire. Could artificial refuges save them?
Our new high-resolution climate models are a breakthrough in understanding Australia’s future
Our new study provides a potential breakthrough on school bullying
Our new study shows teen vaping is linked to childhood trauma. Here’s why it might be harder to quit
Our new vaccine could protect against coronaviruses that haven’t even emerged yet – new study
‘Our now-weary bodies have held on’: 109-year-old Tulsa massacre survivors get day in court
Our obsession with GDP will lead to madness—but there are alternatives
Our Oceans Are Changing Color, And It Could Affect How Life Within It Thrives
Our oceans are in deep trouble – a ‘mountains to sea’ approach could make a real difference
Our Oceans Have Gotten Much More Stable, Which Sounds Great. It Isn't.
Our Online Behavior is a Design Problem
'Our plan worked': How Vienna prepared itself for a 5,000-year flood
Our planet is burning in unexpected ways - here’s how we can protect people and nature
Our readers respond to Peter Dutton: We charge our EVs and home batteries with solar every day
Our regulators fail to protect the vulnerable from the greedy. Let's find out why
Our research shows COVID has made Australians more conservative and care less about others
Our research shows higher carbon emissions increase costs for Australian businesses
Our research shows what the rental market is really like for international students
Our Rivers’ Keepers: How the Ohio River’s trash collectors transformed the waterway
Our Road to Self Driving Victory
Our secret shame: Mothers, grandmothers living rough on Queensland's streets
Our Self-Flying Car Future
Our sky turned red. In black summer, Australia stepped off ‘some kind of precipice’
Our Solar Powered Future Is Already China’s Reality
Our Solar System is filled with asteroids that are particularly hard to destroy, new study finds
'Our souls are dead': how I survived a Chinese 're-education' camp for Uighurs
Our tall, wet forests were not open and park-like when colonists arrived – and we shouldn’t be burning them
‘Our thighs are aquiver!’ Inside the Siegfried and Roy opera with magic, tiger puppets and ‘hysterical sex’
Our Toyota Was Fantastic
Our tropical fruits are vulnerable to climate change. Can we make them resilient in time?
Our United States of Fear: Meet the right’s ridiculous new bogeyman
Our unsung farm dams provide vital habitat to threatened species of frogs
Our way of life is fragile. Only trust can preserve it
Our Wonderful Nature - The Common Chameleon
Our ‘frog saunas’ could help save endangered species from the devastating chytrid fungus
Out from behind the razor wire.
Out of alignment: how clashing policies make for terrible environmental outcomes
Out of bounds: how much does greenwashing cost fossil-fuel sponsors of Australian sport?
‘Out of control’ fires burn across Canada as poor air quality expected to persist
Out of danger because the UN said so? Hardly – the Barrier Reef is still in hot water
Out of the Blue? How Aviation Accidents Shaped Safer Skies
Out of touch
Out-of-Control Invasive Crab Species Has Met its Match: Cute and Hungry Otters
Outback truckie drives 28 hours every fortnight getting food to community's only grocery shop
Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection
Outcry as more than 20 babies and children deported by US to Haiti
The outlook for coral reefs remains grim unless we cut emissions fast — new research
The outlook for older women in Australia is dire – but no one seems to care
Outlook? Terrifying: TV weather presenters on the hell and horror of the climate crisis
Outrage culture is a big, toxic problem. Why do we take part? And how can we stop?
Outrage is a key performance indicator for Peter Dutton, the ‘bad cop’ of politics. But what does he value?
'Outrage is justified': David Attenborough backs school climate strikers
'Outrageous': Coal mine gets expansion nod despite secret, incomplete studies
‘Outsider’ Glenn Greenwald discusses surveillance, journalism and partisan politics
Ovejas Telefónicas
Over 1,000 scientists from around the world take to the streets in week-long climate protests
Over 100,000 Vinyl Records Are Being Digitized for Anyone to Listen to Online
Over 2,000 Companies Buy and Sell Recycled Plastic at This Online Marketplace
Over 20,000 died in western Europe’s summer heatwaves, figures show
Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S.
Over 4,500 manuscripts now online
Over half of Clayoquot Sound’s iconic forests are now protected — here’s how First Nations and B.C. did it
Over half of eligible aged care residents are yet to receive their COVID booster. And winter is coming
Over the holidays, try talking to your relatives like an anthropologist
Over the Top Cakes - St. Albert
The Over-50s Turning to Teaching
Over-the-top Hackerspace Donation box Brings out the Brony in you
Overcoming bias in the next generation: 5 unmissable Australian queer picture books
Overcoming the climate crisis with trade-based strategies
The Overdose: Harm in a Wired Hospital
Overfishing and modern-day slavery
Overland Partners designs binational park "as a prototype for border cities"
The Overlooked Curiosity That Is the Air Traffic Tower
The Overlooked Lesson of "The Parable of the Sower"
The overshoot myth: you can’t keep burning fossil fuels and expect scientists of the future to get us back to 1.5°C
Overthinking games: designing natural beauty in Eastshade
Overtly handmade and so very moving: Adam Elliot’s "Memoir of A Snail" is a stop motion triumph
Overtourism Is Bringing Europe To The Point Of Revolution
Overview: Stories in the Stratosphere
Overwhelmed By All The Generative AI Headlines? This Guide Is For You
Overwhelmed by ever more clothing donations, charities are exporting the problem. Local governments must step up
Overwhelmed by group chat messages? You’re not alone
The Overwhelming Racism Of COVID Coverage
‘Overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic’: new report shows diversity still lacking on Australian free-to-air TV news
‘Overwhelming’ support for regulation of vape imports amid ‘health emergency’, TGA reports
Owl boards helicopter fighting California wildfire
Own Music! Own Books!
Owning the Sun: A People’s History of Monopoly Medicine from Aspirin to Covid-19 Vaccines | Alexander Zaitchik
Oxford University experts say octopuses 'likely to take over world'
Oxford University Is Older Than the Aztecs
Oxford vaccine professor: rich countries have a moral duty to share their COVID-19 shots
Oxygen in the St. Lawrence Estuary is decreasing – and having a major impact on small animals living there
Oyster mushrooms expected to break down toxins and microplastics in cigarette butts in Australian trial
Oyster ‘blood’ holds promise for combating drug-resistant superbugs: new research
Oysters back from the brink thanks to novel restoration
Oysters doing well in Firth of Forth after reintroduction, say experts
Oysters once crowded Europe’s coast – here’s how we discovered these long-forgotten reefs
OzAsia festival 2024: a celebration of Asian culture and art – and what it means to be Asian-Australian
The ozone hole above Antarctica will keep opening up each spring for decades to come – here’s why that still matters
Ozone Hole Continues Healing in 2024
Ozone hole: Why Antarctic wildlife is being 'sunburnt’
The ozone layer is on track to recover in the coming decades, the United Nations says
Ozzy the Weasel Adorably Interrupts His Human’s Video Games by Playing With His Thumb
P Is for Pterodactyl, A Hilarious Alphabet Book That Highlights the Bizarre Rules of the English Language
P!nk Accepts the 'Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award' | 2017 VMAs | MTV
Pac-Man Dungeons, PDP-11
Pac-Man Illusion and Other 3-D Perspective Tricks
Pac-Man, A Previously Unreleased ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Parody of ‘Taxman’ by The Beatles
Pacific alliance adopts moratorium on deep-sea mining, halting resurgent PNG project
Pacific Island bats are utterly fascinating, yet under threat and overlooked. Meet 4 species
Pacific Islanders have long drawn wisdom from the Earth, the sky and the waves. Research shows the science is behind them
Pacific Islands are back on the map, and climate action is not negotiable for would-be allies
Pacific Islands Forum communique taken down after Chinese envoy calls Taiwan reference ‘unacceptable’
Pacific Islands Forum: Australia under pressure to rein in fossil fuel subsidies
Pacific nations are extraordinarily rich in critical minerals. But mining them may take a terrible toll
Pacific nations grapple with COVID’s terrible toll and the desperate need for vaccines
Pacific nations want ecocide to become a crime – here’s why NZ should support the proposal
Packaging made from food waste could save millions of tonnes of produce from landfill
PacMan & Ms. PacMan on the iPod Nano
"Paddington in Peru" is another heart-warming and humorous tale of kindness, community and family
Paddy Compass Namadbara: for the first time, we can name an artist who created bark paintings in Arnhem Land in the 1910s
‘Paedophiles’: Protesters opposed to drag queen event hurl abuse at councillors
Pager attack on Hezbollah was a sophisticated ‘booby-trap’ operation − it was also illegal
Paichit – the baby elephant saved from a palm oil plantation in Indonesia
Pain of police killings ripples outward to traumatize Black people and communities across US
Pain, fatigue, fuzzy thinking: How long COVID disrupts the brain
The painstaking race to save a renowned Victorian experience
Painted Into Corners
Painted Silos Are Turning the Outback Into an Alfresco Art Gallery
Painted Wolves: The Colorful Carnivores of the African Wild
Painting a greener future: how an art brand became a B Corp
Painting Creature Fur
‘Painting with fire’: how northern Australia developed one of the world’s best bushfire management programs
Paizo Announces System-Neutral Open RPG License
Pakistan bucks global trend with 30-year mangrove expansion
Pakistan floods: will rich nations ever pay for climate loss and damage?
Pakistan is planting lots of mangrove forests. So why are some upset?
Pakistani Musicians Play a Delightful Version of Dave Brubeck’s Jazz Classic, “Take Five”
Pakistan’s drive to end tuberculosis
Pakistan’s Mangroves Are a Coastal Conservation Marvel
Pakistan’s rising feminist movement
Pakito - Living on Video - Piotr Zylbert Extended Remix 2020 - Shuffle Dance Video Music
Palaces of Self-Discovery: Amazing Libraries Across Europe by Thibaud Poirier
Palau's world-first 'good traveller' incentive
Pallas Cat Kittens Halloween Fun
Palm oil firms depriving tribes of millions of dollars
Palm oil is actually not that bad (anymore)
Palm Oil Is the Worst. Could This Replace It?
Palm Oil Was Supposed to Help Save the Planet. Instead It Unleashed a Catastrophe.
Panama Enacts a Rights of Nature Law, Guaranteeing the Natural World’s ‘Right to Exist, Persist and Regenerate’
Panama ocean conference draws $20 billion, marine biodiversity commitments
Pancakes on a stick are Japan’s hottest new food trend
The Pandemic As Spectacle
Pandemic Crash Shows Worker Co-ops Are More Resilient Than Traditional Business
Pandemic greed killed more than 1 million people globally, study says
The Pandemic Is Over. What Does That Even Mean?
The Pandemic Is Turning the Natural World Upside Down
The Pandemic Isn’t Over
Pandemic Nihilism, Social Murder, and the Banality of Evil
Pandemic pain remains as Australia’s economic recovery leaves the poor behind
Pandemic policing in ‘multicultural’ Australia
Pandemic Resistance Inc.
Pandemic Roundup: 2023 year in review
The Pandemic to Come
The Pandemic Will Be Livestreamed
‘Pandemics Come in Predictable Cycles. If I’m the Smartest Guy in the Room, We’re in Big Trouble’
The pandemic’s disproportionate impact on women is derailing decades of progress on gender equality
The Pandemic’s Legacy Is Already Clear
The pandemic’s true death toll
Pando, One of the World’s Largest Organisms, Is Dying
Pandoravirus: the melting Arctic is releasing ancient germs – how worried should we be?
Panel Says That Innovative Sickle Cell Cure Is Safe Enough for Patients
Pangolins in Africa: expert unpacks why millions have been traded illegally and what can be done about it
Pangolins thrown a lifeline at global wildlife summit with total trade ban
Panhandler Party
Panic, horror and chaos: what went wrong at the Champions League final – and what needs to be done to make football safer
Pantheism and how it could offer a new approach to preserving the planet
Pantheon: Mapping historical cultural production
Paper Birds
Paper chase: why Kevin Rudd’s call for a royal commission into News Corp may lead nowhere
Paper Coffee Cups and the Decline of Society as We Know It
Paperback Art
Papering over “overshoot”
Papers & Paychecks
Papua New Guinea Triples Ocean Protection, Announcing Two New Marine Protected Areas
Parable of the Polygons
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial
Paradis - Wintergatan LIVE
Paradise Foundation Honors African Rangers Protecting Wildlife
Paradox Fully Embraces Fan-Games With Developer Affiliate Program
The Paradox of Universal Basic Income
Paragliding Circus
The Parallel Universe of Peace
Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete
Paramount Kills ‘MTV News’ Archives, Because Who Cares About History?
Paramount pulling titles they can’t maximize for profit is an early warning sign of what might be a massive period of library loss for streaming services
Paramount The Latest To Pull Titles From Paramount Plus Streaming Catalog For A Tax Cut And To Skimp On Paying Residuals
Parched south-west is 'canary in the coal mine' reflecting Australia’s climate change reality
Pared-down electric experience: Driving one of the first Model 3s off the line
Parent/Child Halloween Costumes
Parental leave: offer dads proper benefits and they will take time off to care for their children
Parents are waiting more than 30 years for an Australian visa. The new home affairs minister needs to act
Parents cannot dictate what other parents’ children can read
Parents have been spanking children for millennia. 50 years of scientific evidence says they were wrong.
Parents have just started their own school in Sydney – this is part of a long tradition in Australia
The Parents in My Classroom
Parents may wait up to 40 years to join family in Australia. Is a visa lottery the answer?
Parents overestimate sons’ maths skills more than daughters’, study finds
Paris 2024 Olympics to debut high-level breakdancing – and physics in action
The Paris Agreement is working as intended, but we’ve still got a long way to go
The Paris Agreement Is Working … for Now
Paris follows major European cities with introduction of car-free zones - and residents don't notice
Paris is transforming an industrial neighborhood into the Olympic Village—and then turning it into permanent housing
Paris Is Undergoing a Water Revolution
Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain
The Paris Olympics Are a Lesson in Greenwashing
The Paris Olympics horse-whipping scandal shows the dangers of ‘Disneyfication’ in horse sports
Paris Plans to Plant Trees That Can Survive Climate Change
Paris Plans to Replace 60,000 Parking Spots With Trees by 2030
Park partnerships expand rewilding in the Southern Carpathians
The Park Where Conservation and Indigenous Rights Go Hand in Hand
Parken Überall — The Very German Culture War No One Likes To Talk About
Parking apps are sweeping Australia’s cities. Here’s what you may not know about them
Parking ticket chat bot now helps refugees claim asylum
The parlance of pilots
Parliament now has to justify keeping the voting age at 18 – it’s a hard argument to make
Parliamentarians deserve our wrath for 30 years of inaction, not climate protesters
Parliamentary inquiry hears of impacts of long Covid
Parliamentary report slams mutual obligation, calling for total overhaul of employment services
Parody songs: five of the best
Parov Stelar - Catgroove (TSC - Forsythe)
Parov Stelar Trio - Doctor Foo (Smooth Version)
Parrot listens to Scissor Sisters' music
Parrots Are Only The Second Kind of Animal We've Found That Can Grasp Probabilities
Parrots find ‘laughter’ contagious and high-five in mid air
Parrots taught to video call each other become less lonely, finds research
Part-time work holds women back from executive positions and accentuates gender pay gap: new data
The Parthenon marbles: George Osborne wants to return the statues to Athens, but can he? A legal expert explains
The Particle Adventure
Partnerships delivering 400+ hectares for koalas in South East Queensland
Parts of Great Barrier Reef record worst coral loss in 39 years, early AIMS survey results show
Parts of The World Now Have Drought Patterns That Haven't Been Seen in 1,200 Years
Party All Right!
Party Dresses as Art
The Party Princess for Hire!
Pass the Ball
Passed the Brush
Passion of the Spaghetti Monster
Passive vaping – time we see it like secondhand smoke and stand up for the right to clean air
Passover Pesach 2015 Seder Rube Goldberg Machine from Technion in Israel
The past in a different light: how Māori embraced – and rejected – the colonial camera lens
Past policies have created barriers to voting in remote First Nations communities
The Past Re: [OzFurry] Fox on a trampoline!
Past the Salt
Patagonia’s Profits Are Funding Conservation — and Politics
Patema Inverted
Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, Outweighing Benefits
The Patent Troll Lobby Set Up An AI-Powered Comment Creator To Support Its Bad Patent Policy
Patent Troll Sable Networks Apparently Needs To Learn A Lesson: Cloudflare Wants To Destroy Another Troll
Patent Troll Uses Ridiculous “People Finder” Patent To Sue Small Dating Companies
‘Patently ridiculous’: state government failures have exacerbated Sydney’s flood disaster
Patents based on traditional knowledge are often ‘biopiracy’. A new international treaty will finally combat this
Patents were meant to reward inventions. It’s time to talk about how they might not
The path forward for astronomers and native Hawaiians
Patients Are Being Left High And Dry When Medical Implant Makers Implode
Patreon Moves To Give Users A Chance To Respond To DMCA Notices *Before* Taking Down Content
Patreon: crowdfunding for ongoing art projects
Patricia Renick's dinosaur sculptures
Patrick Stewart Gives Passionate Response to Question At Comicpalooza 2013
Patronage systems, Authoritarian Spaces, Conformity
Patterned by Nature
Patti Smith’s Eternal Flame
Paul Friedlander's kinetic light sculpture
Paul Friedlander, Kinetic light sculptor: scientific artist
Paul Graham is Still Asking to be Eaten
Paul Mason: ‘Post-capitalism will set you free’
Paul McCartney and Elton John to appear in Spinal Tap sequel
Paving roads in plastic can help with pollution problem
Paweł Zadrożniak: The Floppotron
Paws, Pee and Mice: Cats among Medieval Manuscripts
Paxlovid ‘last drug in the cupboard’ for Covid as variants in Australia evade other treatments
The "Pay For It" Scam
Pay secrecy clauses are now banned in Australia; here’s how that could benefit you
Pay what you like for DRM-free, award-winning Canadian sf
Pay what you want for 5 great computer games
"Pay what you want" bundle at
Pay ‘with a smile or a wave’: why Mastercard’s new face recognition payment system raises concerns
Paying for it doesn't make it a market
PayPal freezes Canadian media company's account over story about Syrian family
The Paywall Conundrum: Even Those Who Like Paying For News Don't Pay For Much News
‘PBS Idea Channel’ Explores Whether ‘The LEGO Movie’ Makes a Case Against Copyright
PC Building Simulator is (most of) the fun of building a PC—without pricey GPUs
PC Comedy and Paul Revere
PDF, text and fonts, a design by The Devil & Associates
Peace Day 2018!
Peace in Ukraine doesn’t ultimately depend on Putin or Zelensky – it’s the Ukrainian people who must decide
Peace Like A River
Peace One(sie) Day
Peace Party
Peace symbol-wearing Muslim girl to Trump: I heard you wanted us to wear badges so I chose one for myself
Peaceful Piano for Studying & Relaxing | Best of Seycara Vol.2
Peak in global oil demand ‘in sight before end of decade’
Peak Phosphorus May Be More Alarming Than Climate Change
Peanuts’ New Franklin Special Fixes 50 Years of Race Controversy
Peat was historically mined overseas because it burns so well. But Australia’s subtropical peat bogs need fire to survive
Peatlands worldwide are drying out, threatening to release 860 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year
The peculiar history of thornapple, the hallucinogenic weed that ended up in supermarket spinach
Pedal-Powered Roller Coaster Will Send Your Heart Racing
Pedro Macedo Camacho - Awakening City
Pee-wee’s Big Comeback
Peep Dioramas
PeerTube, a free and federated video platform
PeerTube: A ‘Censorship’ Resistent YouTube Alternative
Pelicans return to nest at Great Salt Lake island for 1st time in 81 years
Pellegrini's Espresso Bar in Melbourne farewells beloved server Rocco Eliche after 50 years
Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan raises temperatures, but it’s in everyone’s interest to cool them down again
Pence, Mulan, and Women in Military: An Argument Graph
Pencil Shavings
The Pencilsword: What about the renters?
Penguin Breeding Colonies Catastrophically Failing as Ice Vanishes in Antarctica
Penguin paradise and geological freak: why Macquarie Island deserves a bigger marine park
Penguin Random House Demands Removal Of Maus From Digital Library Because The Book Is Popular Again
Penguin Random House, PEN America, authors and parents sue Florida county for removing books on race and LGBTQ themes
Penguin swims 5,000 miles every year for reunion with the man who saved his life
Penguins in the pond, kiwi in the back yard: how a city brought back its birds
Penguins show us the Pipeline of Dreamworks Animation Studios
Penguins starving to death is a sign that something’s very wrong in the Antarctic
Penn Jillette Wants to Talk It All Out
Penn Jillette: With game design, “the challenge is precisely the same as magic”
Pennies from heaven
Penny Floor
Pentagon Blocks Sharing Evidence of Possible Russian War Crimes With Hague Court
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
The Pentagon’s Twisted Potlatch
Pentatonix & Dolly Parton - Jolene
Pentiment review – a Renaissance murder mystery with an eye for historical detail
The Pentium as a Navajo weaving
‘People are at their best when they have a choice’: Aussie bosses give up on ending WFH
‘People are dying waiting for a house’: how Australia’s healthcare system leaves rough sleepers with nowhere to turn
‘People are dying': Ocasio-Cortez delivers fiery speech on climate inaction – video
People are embracing a buy-nothing, fix-everything attitude to end throwaway culture
‘People are happier in a walkable neighborhood’: the US community that banned cars
People Are Knitting Giant Sweaters To Keep Rescued Elephants Cozy
People Are Loving the World’s Biggest Four-Day Workweek Trial—and They’re Just as Productive
People Are People
People are pretending to be ‘NPCs’ on TikTok and it’s not just weird, it’s also lucrative
People Are Sharing Fake Hurricane Helene Photos for Profit and Political Gain
People are shivering in cold and mouldy homes in a country that pioneered housing comfort research – how did that happen?
People around the world are living in non-traditional housing to cope with rising cost of living
People believe lab animals have less mental capacity than other animals, research shows
'People can be a positive force for nature': The fishermen reviving Finland's scarred wastelands
People Can Be Convinced They Committed a Crime That Never Happened
People can't make "risk assessments" without knowing the risks
People do care about extinct species, but not for long – new study
People doing amazing things for animals (28 Pictures)
People Don't Like Google Glass Because It Makes Them Seem Weak
People don’t actually like creativity.
People don’t mate randomly – but the flawed assumption that they do is an essential part of many studies linking genes to diseases and traits
People From 14 Countries Reveal the Most Annoying Things Foreigners Do When They Visit
People hate flight shame – but not enough to quit flying
'People hope my book will be China's Star Wars': Liu Cixin on China's exploding sci-fi scene
The People in Charge See an Opportunity
People kept working, became healthier while on basic income: report
People must understand: we in Malawi are paying for the climate crisis with our lives
‘People need to be riled up’: meteorologist names US heatwaves after oil and gas giants
The People of the World Need a Much Better Way to Curtail the Power of Multi-National Corporations
People or profit: How does the Greens' corporation plan stack up?
People Over 40 Should Only Work Three Days a Week, Study Concludes
The People Own Ideas!
The people paid to spot risks see high chance of ‘global catastrophe’ within 10 years
People power: seven grassroots conservationists who are ‘saving the world’
People Search Data Brokers, Stalking, and ‘Publicly Available Information’ Carve-Outs
The people versus the political class
People Who Ban Books are Never Right
People who feel out of control of their lives are more likely to believe in conspiracies
People Who Have Never Lived In Poverty Should Stop Telling Poor People What To Do
The people who started again in their 90s: ‘I was in the closet for 95 years. Then that door blew open!’
People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office
People With Complete Paralysis Walk Again After Nerve Stimulation Breakthrough
People with hypermobility may be more prone to long Covid, study suggests
People working on climate solutions are facing a big obstacle: conspiracy theories
People worry Christmas beetles are disappearing. We’re gathering citizen data to see the full picture
‘People would abuse me’: how a ‘climate capitalist’ learned to sell solar in Victoria’s coal country
The people ‘possessed’ by computers
PEPFAR at 20—Looking Back and Looking Ahead
PEPFAR has made so much progress against AIDS. We can’t let up now.
Peppa Pig has introduced a pair of lesbian polar bears, but Aussie kids’ TV has been leading the way in queer representation
Pepper & Carrot (MOTION COMIC) Episode 6: The Potion Contest
Pepper & Carrot Episode 24: The Unity Tree
Pepper & Carrot Episode 26: Books Are Great
Pepper&Carrot Board Game on Kickstarter by Loyalist Games
Percussion Table Makes for Musical Chairs
Peregrine falcons, once extremely endangered, now stable in Iowa skies
“Perfect storm” of criminalization: Analyzing mask bans
performance in au
The perils of flying while brown
Perils of the Lady Gamer
The Perils, Challenges, and Uncertainty of Collecting and Preserving Video Games
Periodic Charts Can Be Cool
The Periodic Table of Periodic Tables
The Periodic Table of Storytelling
Permaculture showed us how to farm the land more gently. Can we do the same as we farm the sea?
The Pernicious Myth of Meritocracy (Why American capitalism is so rotten, Part 5)
Perovskite: new type of solar technology paves the way for abundant, cheap and printable cells
The Persecution of Daniel Lee
Persepolis Reimagined
Persistent Five-Year-Old Girl Performs Incredible Trick Shots With Household Items and Foods
Persistent protection efforts lead to significant growth in nation's mangrove forests
The personal blimp
Personal Chemistry and the Healthy Body
Personal computer CPU pioneer Chuck Peddle dies at 82
Personal names around the world
Perspective Makes All the Difference
Perth bus depot to receive massive overhaul to charge 90 electric buses
Perth company successfully switches on solid state battery using table salt
Perth man rows from Australia to Africa to raise funds for youth mental health
Perth’s Optus Stadium has drawn more consumer anger after the outage. Another case of the ‘stadium curse’?
Peru Makes Headway in the Fight Against Wildlife Trafficking
Peru protests: What to know about Indigenous-led movement shaking the crisis-hit country
Peru riots: unrest in southern Andes lays bare an urgent need to decolonise
Peru signs $20-million debt-for-nature swap with focus on Amazon rainforest
Peruvian court opens door to legally recognize same-sex couples
Perverse incentives leave young Australians locked out of community housing, study finds
Pest plants and animals cost Australia around $25 billion a year – and it will get worse
Pesticide residue from farms and towns is ending up in fresh oysters
Pet Capybaras
Pete Seeger and the NSA
Peter Dutton is promising to slash the public service. Voters won’t know how many jobs are lost until after the election
Peter Dutton says nuclear power plants “burn energy.” No they don’t
Peter Dutton vows to scrap offshore wind zone, “rip up contracts” and sink $10 billion project
Peter Dutton wants a social media ban. April thinks it is a bad idea
Peter Dutton’s bid to politicise top science agency is ‘absurd’, former CSIRO energy director says
Peter Dutton’s latest salvo on Australia’s emissions suggests our climate wars are far from over
Peter Dutton’s nuclear accounting trick #2: Pretend petrol and gas are free
Peter Dutton’s nuclear accounting trick #3: Hide the costs of keeping coal
Peter Dutton’s nuclear accounting trick #4: Assume climate change has no cost
Peter Dutton’s nuclear fantasy could slam brakes on EV uptake
Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could blow out household electricity bills by up to $600 a year by 2030
Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan still has no costings, and no grid connection: It’s a political hoax
Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan: Mad, bad, and extremely dangerous
Peter Dutton’s plan to cut the 2030 climate target would be an own goal for Australia’s Pacific ambitions
Peter Dutton’s plans will breach the Paris agreement on climate – that much is clear
Peter Dutton’s revisionist rhetoric is dangerous
Peter Dutton’s “always on” nuclear power is about as reliable as wind and solar – during a renewables drought
Peter Higgs obituary
Peter Higgs was one of the greats of particle physics. He transformed what we know about the building blocks of the universe
Peter Higgs, physicist who proposed Higgs boson, dies aged 94
Peter Paul & Mary Talk about The March On Washington & Sing Songs 1963
Peter Schickele Dies: “P.D.Q. Bach” Parodist & Film/Broadway Composer Was 88
Peter Singer’s fresh take on Animal Liberation – a book that changed the world, but not enough
Peter Susanto becomes first NT youth delegate to attend annual UN climate change conference COP
Peter the Elephant Plays the Red Clarinet
Petra Hadens' stunning a capella cover of the Blade Runner theme
The Petrie Multiplier: Why an Attack on Sexism in Tech is NOT an Attack on Men
Petrol and diesel cars 20 times more likely to catch fire than EVs
The petrol engine looks doomed, but should we ban the SUV instead?
Petrol Station Gets A Facelift
Petroleum drilling technology is now making carbon-free power
Pets in Crisis program helps people under threat of violence keep their pets while finding safe homes
Pets of the Homeless Australia
PFAS for dinner? Study of ‘forever chemicals’ build-up in cattle points to ways to reduce risks
‘Phantom decoys’ manipulate human shoppers – but bees may be immune to their charms
The Phantom Tollbooth: Beyond Expectations
Pharrell Williams - Happy - Alex Boye' (Africanized Tribal Cover) Ft. One Voice Childrens Choir
Pharrell Williams Released A LEGO Set And Included Me In It
The PhD student game
Philanthropist group buys up large tracts of land in Romania to create ‘European Yellowstone’
Philanthropists acquire nearly 4,000 hectares of NSW koala habitat for conservation
Philip K. Dick android lost its head
Philip Morris lobbying to stop WHO ‘attack’ on vapes and similar products
Philip Pullman: 'Loosening the chains of the imagination'
Philippine Indigenous communities restore a mountain forest to prevent urban flooding
Philippines accuses Beijing of ‘dangerously’ firing flares near its aircraft in South China Sea
Philippines prison an unlikely place for one of YouTube's biggest hits
Philips Lumalive light emitting textiles
Philly’s ban has prevented 200 million plastic bags from being used
Philosophy Referee Signals
Philosophy with children
Phoebe and Her Unicorn launches in newspaper syndication!
Phoebe and Her Unicorn on play
"Phoebe and Her Unicorn" Is Funny, Fantastical and - for Creator Dana Simpson - Personal
'Phoebe and Her Unicorn' cartoonist makes magic
Phoebe and Her Unicorn: A Heavenly Nostrils Chronicle
Phone cameras can take in more light than the human eye − that’s why low-light events like the northern lights often look better through your phone camera
The 'phone lady' made a career out of teaching people how to speak on the phone. She's in high demand
The phony in American politics: how voters turn into suckers
Phosphorus supply is increasingly disrupted – we are sleepwalking into a global food crisis
Photo art doors
Photo Essay: Urban Farming Around the World
Photo Essay: “I want to live in peace”
photo shopped magical images ( i send WRONG URL)
Photo tool could fix bad images
PHOTO TOUR: Atlanta's Jaw-Dropping New Labyrinth Exhibit
PHOTO TOUR: Orlando's New Steampunk Chocolate Factory!
Photo-Overray of The aftermath in Japan from New York Times.
Photograph confirms a far-flung planet
Photograph of a Leopard With a Black Panther Shadow Is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Shot
Photographer Breaks "Crazy Cat Lady" Stereotype by Featuring Grown Men with Their Adorable Cats
Photographer Captures The Soul Of The Forest With His Unbelievably Intimate Animal Shots
Photographer Documented The Friendship Between A Grey Wolf And A Brown Bear
The photographer documenting Tokyo's homeless teens
Photographer Documents the Magical Moments When Indigenous Peruvians Visited Machu Picchu for the First Time [Interview]
Photographer follows red squirrels daily for six years: here are 30 of his best and cutest shots
Photographer says Italian artist used daughter’s picture in pro-Russia mural
Photographer Shoots Anti-War Squirrel Photos as a Message of Peace
Photographer Spends Almost 10 Years Photographing the Most Beautiful Libraries Around the World
Photographer Tracks Down People He Snapped In His Hometown Almost 40 Years Ago To Recreate The Remarkable Images
Photographer Uses LED Lights To Capture The Movement Of String Musicians
Photographer's decade-long, 600,000-mile journey shows Indigenous life in new book
Photographers And Filmmakers Call For Encryption To Be Built Into Cameras As Standard
Photographers and Patient Pets
Photographers Create the Tiniest of Dramas
Photographers Make Kids' Wildest Dreams Come To Life
Photographing one of the world’s tallest trees
Photographing the Microscopic: Winners of Nikon Small World 2021
Photos are everywhere. What makes a good one?
Photos from OSDC 2009 in Bardon, QLD
Photos from the field: diving with Tasmania’s rare and elusive red handfish, your new favourite animal
Photos from the field: our voyage investigating Australia’s submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons
Photos from the field: spying on Antarctic moss using drones, MossCam, smart sensors and AI
Photos from the field: the stunning crystals revealing deep secrets about Australian volcanoes
Photos from the field: why losing these tiny, loyal fish to climate change spells disaster for coral
Photos from TIME on Animals that Can Think
Photos Tour Downunder
PHOTOS: Angola thought women couldn't clear landmines. These women proved them wrong
Photos: Graves sink, fisheries shrink as climate change hits Fiji
Photos: Rice paddy crop art (2009)
Photos: The Culture Of Whales
Photos: Time Capsule Mansion Opened After 100 Years
Photoshop disasters of the year
PhotoSketch picture software
Phrase Finder
Physical buttons outperform touchscreens in new cars, test finds
Physicist MV Ramana on the problem with nuclear power
Physicists discover first “black hole triple”
Fwd: Physicists uncover Eurovision biases
Physics for Cats
Pia Andrews (Waugh) – To do something so well that you transcend the act itself
Pianist emerges from TARDIS to play 'Doctor Who' theme song cover
Pianist Plays a Moving Version of Debussy ‘Clair de Lune’ for a Beautiful Eighty Year Old Elephant
The Piano Guys
Pick a Repairable Laptop for School, Not a Chromebook
Picked up our electric car today
Picking Locks with Audio Technology
“Picking losers:” Choosing nuclear over renewables and efficiency will make climate crisis worse
Picking up the pieces after the @N Twitter account theft
Picopico’s Monster Suit Paradise!
Picture this: Renewables project viewing tool seeks to demystify wind, solar and storage
Picture This: The Periodic Table
Pictures: An Elite Viking’s Prized Possessions
Picturing Dragons
Pie Net Zero
'Piecing together a broken heart': Native Americans rebuild territories they lost
The Pig and the Box
Pig-nosed turtle and Pugh’s frog among new species added to Australia’s endangered species list
Pigeon Enabled Internet
Pigeon: Impossible
Pigs with human brain cells and biological chips: how lab-grown hybrid lifeforms bamboozle scientific ethics
Piip Show...not Peep Show
Piketty challenges us to consider if we need to rein in wealth inequality
The Pile On Blaming Video Games For Texas Shooting Begins
Pillar of Shame: Hong Kong's Tiananmen Square statue removed
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Backer Update 45 - Sailing the Deadfire Archipelago
Pillow Fighting As A Sport
Pilot Program
Pilot Zac Cox explains how he kept calm during emergency landing at Archerfield Airport
Pimp My Book Cart 2007 Winners
Pinball Map
Pine martens return to Dartmoor after 150-year absence
Pink Glove Dance
Pink Tentacle: News from Japan
?: Pink Tentacle: News from Japan
Pink to Give Away Banned Books at Florida Tour Stops
Pink Trombone
The Pinkertons' plan for climate change: a mercenary army that guards one-percenters as the seas rise
Pinkie and the Brain
Pinky And The Brain Theme - Postmodern Jukebox (ft. Emily Goglia, Rob Paulsen, Maurice LaMarche)
Pint-sized crustacean named after New Zealand brewery to boost interest in marine life
Pioneering Australian company marks new milestone on “mission” to upcycle end-of-life solar panels
The Pioneering Paralegals Helping Women Take Back Their Land
Pioneering solar garden prepares for its first harvest
Pioneering wind-powered cargo ship sets sail
Pipe Band (Rock mix , joke)
The Pipe Organ Desk
The Pipeline: How Russian propaganda reaches and influences the U.S.
Piracy crackdown misses the real crime
Piracy gave me a future
Piracy Is Surging Again Because Streaming Execs Ignored The Lessons Of The Past
'Piracy' That Creates Amazing New Music
“Pirate Bay Bundle” shares 101 little-known indie games via BitTorrent
‘Pirate birds’ force other seabirds to regurgitate fish meals. Their thieving ways could spread lethal avian flu
Pirate Care, a syllabus
Pirate Cats (and a rover)
The Pirate Parrrty
Pirate porn and candle wax: review of Australian film classification recommends end to ban on fetishes
Pirate Site Blocking Is Making Its Way Into Free Trade Agreements
Piratebox 1.0: anonymous, go-anywhere wireless file-sharing
Pirates vs Ninjas Day!
Pismo Beach butterfly grove sees 3,500% increase in monarch count. ‘We’re thrilled’
Pit bulls went from America’s best friend to public enemy – now they’re slowly coming full circle
The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats
Pivot to AI: Hallucinations worsen as the money runs out
Pivot to AI: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Pivotal Moment For Humanity as Disasters Threaten to Converge
“Pivotal moment” for ClearVue as it lands first order for solar cladding on iconic Perth building
Pixar before Pixar (two historic CG videos)
Pixar short 'Out' makes history with gay protagonist.
Pixar story rules (one version)
Pixel Art
Pixel: A Mesmerizing Dance Performance Incorporating Interactive Digital Projection
Pizza Cats
Pizzicato Five
The Places You’ll Go
Plagues, poisons and magical thinking – how COVID lab leak hysteria could be straight from the Middle Ages
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) free download
Plan emerges to rebuild collapsed Arecibo telescope, with early $8 million pledge from Puerto Rico
The Plan Is There Is No Plan — We’re Supposed to “Learn to Live With” Collapse
The plan to revive the UK’s ancient woods (and seven species that live in them)
Plan Your Career Around Problems
Plane, Motorcycle, Wire Walker in Crazy Triple Stunt
Planes, trains and monster diggers: The vehicles pushing the limits of electric power
Planet Earth II is “need a new TV” propaganda—if you get the right version
Planet is entering ‘new climate regime’ with ‘extraordinary’ heat waves intensified by global warming, study says
The Planet Is Undergoing an Ecological Transformation, Imperiling Biodiversity Everywhere
Planet Plastic
Planet Snapshots Issue 91: Tipping Points: Coral Reefs
Planet Snapshots Issue 93: Tipping Points: Boreal Forests
Planet Snapshots Issue 94: Future Cities
Planetary boundaries assessment of deep decarbonisation options for building heating in the European Union
The planet’s burning. Can the Global South save it?
Planning approval given for Australia’s biggest battery to soak up solar and replace coal
Planning laws protect people. A poorly regulated rush to boost housing supply will cost us all
Plans to present meat as ‘sustainable nutrition’ at Cop28 revealed
Plans To Protect Pacific Humpback Whales From Deadly Entanglements Finally Put In Place Following Major Court Win
Plans to stabilise Earth’s climate rely on emerging carbon removal technology – we need to get moving
Plant diversity in urban green spaces led to sevenfold increase in insect species, study finds
Plant power: Scientists generate electricity from a shrub in renewables breakthrough
Plant-based patties, lab-grown meat and insects: how the protein industry is innovating to meet demand
The "Plantasia Moog" Modular Synth - An Untold Story
‘Planting a tree is hope in action’: the people regenerating urban habitats and growing community
Planting crops with trees drives ‘magical’ reforestation in Costa Rica
Planting English trees to protect the Peruvian rainforest
Planting Mangrove Forests Is Paying Off in Indonesia
Planting pine or native forest for carbon capture isn’t the only choice – NZ can have the best of both
Planting Trees and Equity in the Arizona Desert
Plants and bookcases in, living rooms and blank walls out: how your Zoom background can make you seem more competent
Plants are likely to absorb more CO₂ in a changing climate than we thought – here’s why
Plants vs. Zombies
Plastic action or distraction? As climate change bears down, calls to reduce plastic pollution are not wasted
The plastic backlash: what's behind our sudden rage – and will it make a difference?
Plastic bag bans have already prevented billions of bags from being used, report finds
Plastic Free July is a waste of time if the onus is only on consumers
Plastic Free July: recycling is the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. It’s time to teach kids to demand real change from the worst plastic producers
Plastic in the ocean kills more threatened albatrosses than we thought
‘Plastic Is Lethal’: Groundbreaking Report Reveals Health Risks at Every Stage in Plastics Life Cycle
'Plastic is literally everywhere': the epidemic attacking Australia's oceans
Plastic Musik
Plastic never dies: the museum of vintage waste – in pictures
Plastic paving: Egyptian startup turns millions of bags into tiles
Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution hotspots pinpointed in new research – India ranks top due to high levels of uncollected waste
Plastic pollution is a global problem – here’s how to design an effective treaty to curb it
Plastic pollution is changing entire Earth system, scientists find
Plastic pollution on coral reefs gets worse the deeper you go, study finds
Plastic production is the problem, and not plastic waste
Plastic recycling: A panacea or environmental pollution problem
Plastic rocks, plutonium, and chicken bones: the markers we’re laying down in deep time
Plastic Trash in the Ocean is a Global Problem, and the US is the Top Source
Plastic trash in the ocean is a global problem, and the US is the top source – a new report urges action
Plastic waste ‘spiralling out of control’ across Africa, analysis shows
Plastic wet wipes ban planned in England to tackle pollution
Plastic-choked rivers in Ecuador are being cleared with conveyor belts
Plastic-Free Shopping Is Going Mainstream
Plastic-production emissions could triple to one-fifth of Earth’s carbon budget – report
Plastics companies blocked mitigation efforts and may have broken US laws – study
The plastics industry says this technology could help banish pollution. It’s ‘an illusion,’ critics say
Platform Cooperatives Like Stocksy Have A Purpose Uber And Airbnb Never Will
Platforms Systematically Removed A User Because He Made “Most Wanted CEO” Playing Cards
Platforms, Speech And Truth: Policy, Policing And Impossible Choices
Plating it forward
The Platinum Decade: Accelerating health for billions: WHO South-East Asia Region 2014–2023
Platypuses Return to Australia’s Oldest National Park
Play CLASSIC games,online, in a web browser!
Play classic video games in your browser
Play Dates
The play deficit
Play Emulator Online
Play Rabbits
Play Robot Odyssey – a 1984 Computer Game
The Play that Goes Wrong performing at The Royal Variety Performance 2015
Play With Spider (Flash)
playdate is a retro handheld game system with new games weekly
Playful whales can use seaweed as a hat – or exfoliant. This “kelping” behaviour is more common than we realised
Playful young male dolphins grow up to have more offspring
Playing between the lines: the orchestra that performs in car parks
Playing It Again
Playing on good feelings: when ‘eudaimonic’ social media goes bad
Playing sea soundscapes can summon thousands of baby oysters – and help regrow oyster reefs
Playing with privilege: the invisible benefits of gaming while male
‘Please do not assume the worst of us’: students know AI is here to stay and want unis to teach them how to use it
Please Don't Ask if an Open Source Project is Dead
Please Donate 78rpm Records to the Internet Archive’s Great 78 Project
Please Enjoy - the work of Ji Lee
Please Enjoy These Really Clever Jokes
Please Let "The Lost City" Be as Much Fun as Its Trailer Suggests
: PLEASE SCROLL BELOW and click on the link to YOU TUBE
Please shut up: Why self-promotion as an author doesn't work.
Please Stop Calling Everything a "Hack"
Please Stop Saying 108 to Siri
Please switch off bench when leaving
Please, no more questions about how we are going to pay off the COVID debt
Plen the Robot
The plight of Australia’s casuals
The plight of the bitter nerd: Why so many awkward, shy guys end up hating feminism
The plight of the Japanese giant salamander: ‘23m years of DNA might die out’
The plight of the pig-nosed turtle, one of the unlucky 13 added to Australia’s threatened species list
Plot twist: how giving old graveyards new life as parks can improve our cities
Plugging a 1986 Mac Plus into the modern Web
Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'
Pluralistic: "Brand safety" killed Jezebel
Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing"
Pluralistic: AI's "human in the loop" isn't
Pluralistic: Conspiratorialism as a material phenomenon
Pluralistic: Freedom of reach IS freedom of speech
Pluralistic: Greenwashing set Canada on fire (16 Sept 2023)
Pluralistic: Happy Public Domain Day 2025 to all who celebrate
Pluralistic: How I got scammed
Pluralistic: Netflix wants to chop down your family tree
Pluralistic: The long lineage of private equity's looting
Pluralistic: The true, tactical significance of Project 2025 (14 Jul 2024)
Pluralistic: The urinary tract infection business-model (03 Dec 2022)
Pluralistic: You should be using an RSS reader
‘Plus-size people face a lot of barriers’: the campaigners helping larger walkers to enjoy the great outdoors
#PMJTour Mr Blue Sky (Electric Light Orchestra) Allison Young | Tivoli, Copenhagen, Denmark 15/05/23
Poachers Are Using Cyanide to Slaughter Entire Elephant Herds
Poaching behind worst African elephant losses in 25 years
Poaching drives 80 percent decline in elephants in key preserve
Pockets of opportunity: Seattle startup’s clothing line looks to end inequality in women’s workwear
Pockit: A tiny, powerful, modular computer (2022 demo)
Pocock seeks to impose duty of care on Australian government over climate harm
Podcast Episode: Dr. Seuss Warned Us
Podcast Episode: Safer Sex Work Makes a Safer Internet
Podcasting "How To Make a Child-Safe TikTok"
Podcasts have helped sway many young American men to the right. The same may well happen in Australia
Poe vs. Property
Poetic Insanity
Poetic Kinetics
Poetry, parties and ‘strong Australian tea’. The surprising story of how Anzac Day has been marked in the US for over 100 years
Point of no return: Australians fight for the right to work from home permanently
Pointless Waste of Time
Pokemon Battle Royale
Pokemon Go: There's a level 200 Squirtle in this think piece
Pokémon Concierge Review
‘Pokémon Go with a social conscience’ to fight homelessness
Poland has changed beyond recognition – and so has its place in Europe’s pecking order
Poland has opened its arms to nearly 1 million Ukrainian refugees, but will they be able to stay for the long term?
Poland to halt logging in 10 of its most ancient forests
Poland votes for change after nearly a decade spent sliding towards autocracy – but tricky coalition talks lie ahead for Donald Tusk
Poland: hundreds of thousands march against rightwing populist government
Poland’s border wall to cut through Europe’s last old-growth forest
Poland’s border wall will cut Europe’s oldest forest in half
Poland’s Gain, Ukraine’s Loss: A Hot Job Market Welcomes Refugees
Polar Bear Flip-Flop: People Hated, Then Loved These Photos. What Changed?
Polar Bears and Spy Cameras
Polar bears frolic in flowers in Churchill, Man.
Polar bears may struggle to produce milk for their cubs as climate change melts sea ice
Polar ice caps melting six times faster than in 1990s
Polarising, sensational media coverage of transgender athletes should end – our research shows a way forward
Polestar gets order boost after offering big lease discounts to disgruntled Tesla owners
Police Chief's Perfect Response: Respect Protestors, Keep an Open Mind
Police Chief: Not Wanting To Talk To Police Officers Is 'Odd'
Police gun violence is glorified on screen. But more armed and aggressive policing doesn’t actually make us safer
Police Killing of Unarmed Native American Continues To Receive Little Media Attention
Police killings of Black Americans amount to crimes against humanity, international inquiry finds
The police officer who searched for a book in a Great Barrington classroom also used a body camera. The ACLU has ‘deep concerns’
Police raid Moscow gay bars after a Supreme Court ruling labeled LGBTQ+ movement ‘extremist’
Police-speak: An appreciation
Policies of China, Russia and Canada threaten 5C climate change, study finds
Policing is a Dirty Job, But Nobody's Gotta Do It: 6 Ideas for a Cop-Free World
Policing Isn’t Working for Cops Either
The policing of Australian satire: why defamation is still no joke, despite recent law changes
Policy experts, scientists, disability groups urge Biden to address the Long Covid crisis
Polish Foreign Ministry suggests Hungary leave EU and NATO after Orbán's claims
Political affiliation can predict how people will react to false information about threats
Political chaos in South Korea: what is martial law and what comes next after Yoon Suk Yeol’s U-turn?
Political Chips
The Political Economy of Technology
Political failure modes and the beige dictatorship
Political instability and damage to infrastructure: how climate change could undermine Australia’s national security
Political interference: when politicians try and steal the show
Political power in Australia is still overwhelmingly male. But beneath the despair, there’s reason for hope
The political subjugation of First Nations peoples is no longer historical legacy
Political support for surveillance of Covid waning in Australia despite ‘waves of mutations’, scientists say
Politicians are failing to deliver climate justice. Lawyers and scientists could do it in court
Politicians Are Using Kids As Props To Pass Terrible, Harmful Legislation. Don’t Let Them Get Away With It
Politicians criticising women for ‘outsourcing’ parenting need a reality check. Here it is
Politicians in high-vis say they love manufacturing. But if we want more Australian-made jobs, here’s what we need
Politicisation of research grants ‘beggars belief’
The Politics of Fake Documentaries
The Politics of Going to the Bathroom
The Politics of Love - Speech
The Politics of Optimism
The Politics of the Sharing Economy
Politics urgently needs more imagination. Competence alone will not save us from this ‘polycrisis’
Politics with Michelle Grattan: Clive Hamilton on how Australians must adapt to ‘Living Hot’
Politics with Michelle Grattan: Professor Joseph Ibrahim on COVID in aged care – and the end of nursing homes
Politics, flashmobs, Yolngu dancers: the Australian story of Mikis Theodorakis’ legendary song Zorba
Pollen does more than make you sneeze. It can cause thunderstorm asthma, even if you’re not asthmatic
Polluted Lakes Are Being Cleansed Using Floating Wetlands Made of Trash
Pollution affecting pollinators and other beneficial insects, study finds
Pollution at Australia’s largest Antarctic research station exceeded guidelines for almost 20 years
Pollution from coal power plants contributes to far more deaths than scientists realized, study shows
Pollutionwatch: wood fires are bad for planet, more evidence shows
The Polyphonic Spree - "Raise Your Head" (feat. The Umbilical Brothers)
Pommel Horse Routine
Pomplamoose - The Internet Is Awesome
The Pomplamoose Problem: Artists Can't Survive as Saints and Martyrs
Ponies Playing Poker
Pony Wings: An Open Source HTML5 game
Ponying up radical inclusion at BronyCon
Pooch portraits: Dog Photography awards – in pictures
Poor compliance and broad exemptions mean land clearing continues apace in northern Australia – despite our laws and pledges
Poor People Deserve To Taste Something Other Than Shame
Poor people don’t plan long-term. We’ll just get our hearts broken
The Poor People's Campaign
Poor teeth
Poorer countries must be compensated for climate damage. But how exactly do we crunch the numbers?
Poorly ventilated buildings are allowed under Australia rules – it’s time to fix it
Pop culture characters organized by color
Pop goes the science song
Pop icon Olivia Newton-John was the rare performer whose career flourished through different phases
Pop Mashup: Happy Birthday Doctor!
Pop Middle Ages
Pop Sonnets
Pop Stars Made Millions From Russian Oligarchs. Now Some Have Regrets
Pop Up Paper
Pop-Culture Recreations of Classic Hellenistic Sculptures
Pop-up houses create a new village after Maui fire disaster
Popcorn as Kinetic Sculpture
Popcorn Remix [4K] - Piotr Zylbert - Poland
Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples
Pope Francis calls Trump’s family separation border policy ‘cruelty of the highest form’
Pope, calling migrants' exclusion 'criminal', on collision with Meloni
Popular entertainment is violent, so why aren’t we allowed to talk about it?
The popularity of the Korean "oegugin" (foreign) influencer is on the rise. But there is a dark side to this pop-nationalism
The Population Bust: Demographic Decline and the End of Capitalism as We Know It
Population can’t be ignored. It has to be part of the policy solution to our world’s problems
Population Decline Isn’t a Problem (and ‘More Babies’ Isn’t a Solution)
Population panic: how demography is used for political gain
Porn blocking - a survivor's perspective
Porsche and Frauscher unveil electric sports boat – yours for nearly a million dollars
Porsche Says Its EVs Will Soon Be More Profitable Than Its Gas-Powered Cars
Portable battery storage system made from second-hand electric Range Rover batteries
Portal available for free today
The Portal Bedroom
‘Portal: Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game’, A Board Game Based on Hit Video Game Franchise ‘Portal’
The Portland Airport’s Astonishing New Roof Tells a Local Timber Story
The Portland Art of Feel-Good Densification
Portland proposes a special tax on companies where CEOs make 100X more than median employee
The Portlanders Going Electric
Portrait of a Pinball Wizard
Portrait of a planet on the verge of climate catastrophe
Portrait of Humanity: moving photos of beauty and resilience
Portraits of Matriarchy: Where Grandmothers Are Still in Charge
Portraits of One Person as Two Genders
Portugal's EDP to invest $27 billion to nearly double renewable capacity
Portugal. The Man - Who’s Gonna Stop Me (feat. “Weird Al” Yankovic) [Official Music Video]
Portugal’s radical drugs policy is working. Why hasn’t the world copied it?
Poseur Pastor Pouts, Pursues Preposterous Proceeding, Procures Painful Penalty
“Positive thinking” has turned happiness into a duty and a burden, says a Danish psychologist
Positive tipping points could save the climate – this man is showing us how
POSSE: Reclaiming social media in a fragmented world
Post apocalypse: the end of daily letter deliveries is in sight
Post Collapse Computing
Post Collapse Computing Part 1: The Crisis is Here
Post Collapse Computing Part 3: Building Resilience
Post Mortem on Cloudflare Control Plane and Analytics Outage
Post-Christmas blues as UK bosses try to turn back clock on hybrid working
Post-Christmas COVID wave looms as some get infected for a fifth time
Post-Covid, post-bankruptcy Hertz is all-in on electric, with big implications for the EV, auto and rideshare market
Post-It Note Deadline
Post-Neo-Brutalism: foreshadowing Figma's next aesthetic ethos
Post-pandemic future; epidemics and social inequality; older means kinder; ancient rain forest in antarctica; elijah and the research on conformity
The Post-Snowden Surveillance World: Network Effects, Low Marginal Costs, And Technical Lock-in
Postcapitalism and the city
Postcards From a World on Fire
Postcards from the frontlines of climate change
Poster of recommended and forbidden words for Chinese store clerks
Poster Time
Postmodern Jukebox
Potential for a catastrophic flood event to unfold across parts of central Europe
Potentially Big News: Top CEOs Realizing That 'Maximizing Shareholder Value' Isn't A Great Idea
Potholes, warped rail lines and washed-away roads: flood-hit regions face infrastructure crisis
Potter Party Pajamas: Come See What All Our Friends Wore!
Potty Trained Cows Are No Joke for the Climate
Pour One Out
Poverty and the “Just World hypothesis”
Poverty Is a Systemic, Not Individual, Failure
Poverty isn’t a temporary experience in Australia. We need urgent policy tackling persistent disadvantage
Poverty Isn’t What It Used To Be
"Poverty, By America" by Matthew Desmond review – how the rich keep the poor down
Power and purity
Power Broken
Power cuts in Ukraine after Russia’s biggest drone attack yet
Power from flower: Albanian farm plants suck EV battery metal from soil
Power Laws in Culture
Power makers: First Nations leaders take intensive renewable energy training course
Power makes people 'more likely to lie, to cheat, to swear' at work, experts say
The Power of Compassion
The Power of Cozy Management Simulation Games
The Power Of Ethereum's Merge
The Power of Fear in Networked Publics
The Power of Kawaii: Viewing Cute Images Promotes a Careful Behavior and Narrows Attentional Focus
‘Power of music’: steel pan bands foster joy and resilience at Trinidad and Tobago carnival
The Power of Sharing Patients’ Life Stories With Caregivers
Power of social media in a health crisis: Real-life stories
Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about it
The Powerball lottery: is it really a stupidity tax?
The Powerful New Financial Argument for Fossil-Fuel Divestment
'Powerful signal': In a single day, Big Oil suffers historic blows on climate
POWERHOUSE AUSTRALIA? Oz's global opportunity in clean energy & electric vehicles | FULLY CHARGED
Powerhouse Museum acquires David Jones’ archive, brimming with forgotten stories of Australia’s past
Powering communities with clean energy
Practical Applications For Massive Surveillance Databases: Timely Birthday Cards, Travel Diaries
Practical paths to home electrification – quality of service matters too
Practicing Empathy
Prairie Dogs Kinetic LEGO Sculpture
Prank Greeting Cards that don't stop playing music
Fwd: Prank Mike
Pranks Destroy Scam Callers- GlitterBomb Payback
Pratham Books
Pre-Pesticides, Pro-Farmer: The Rise of Agroecology
Precambrian plushies
Precarious employment, hiring discrimination and a toxic workplace: what work looks like for Australian cinematographers
The 'precariously balanced boulders' that offer a window into seismic history
Precaritize bosses
The predator survives – but the ecosystem crashes
Predators Need A Lot Of Luck To Survive — And We’re Rigging the Game Against Them
‘Predatory’ shops are selling lollies and vapes to children across Australia, with no date set for import ban
Predicted risk of heart failure pandemic due to persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection using a three-dimensional cardiac model
Fwd: Predicting Where You'll Go and What You'll Like (NYT)
Predictive Policing Makes Everyone A Suspect, Even EU Officials
Prefabs and the ‘missing middle’: how to get Australia back on track to build 1.2 million homes in the next 5 years
Prefiguring Degrowth
Pregnant rats pass nanoplastic bits to unborn pups
Prehistoric bird once thought extinct returns to New Zealand wild
Prejudice, poor pay and the ‘urinary leash’: naming and claiming Australia’s forgotten women scientists
Prejudice, “Political Correctness,” and the Normalization of Donald Trump
Premature deaths due to air pollution continue to fall in the EU, more efforts needed to deliver a toxic-free environment
Premières images de Marnie, le nouveau film de Ghibli
Preparation, cooperation, adaptation: what Australia’s music festivals are thinking about in an era of climate change
Preparing for the Incoming Computer Shopper Tsunami
Preparing homes for wildfires is big business that's only getting started
Preparing Students for a World that No Longer Exists
Preprint ban in grant applications deemed ‘plain ludicrous’
Prescription Meal Kits Are a New Tool for Managing Diabetes
The Present
Preservation Matters: Disasters - Saving Wet Books After A Flood
Preserving community character is impossible
Preserving old games was seen as a non-commercial 'art project' until recently, says Nightdive director
President Says Georgia's Survival 'At Stake' After Controversial Law Approved
Press Release from Malcolm Fraser on the HRC Enquiry into children in detention
Press Release: Long COVID Awareness Day Campaign
The Press should not give publicity to terrorists
‘Press together and celebrate’: urban olives turned to oil in homage to Melbourne’s heritage
The pressing case for a new emergency visa to help people fleeing Gaza and other conflicts
‘Pressured to withdraw’: BJP accused of intimidation tactics in India polls
Prestigious journals make it hard for scientists who don’t speak English to get published. And we all lose out
Prestigious Rome hotel welcomes guests to its over 1,000 piece private art collection
Pretend Big Photos
Pretend you're not in quarantine with these 7 beach livestreams from around the world
Pretty girls, pockets, and possibilities: how fashion traps girls
Pretty Snowflakes
Pretty Timelapse
Pretty Yende, a South African opera star with a voice that shatters glass ceilings
Preventing Ukraine From Spiraling Out of Control
Preview of This Year's SciFi-Fantasy Films
Previews of the amazing CGI and audio tech coming at SIGGRAPH
Previously Considered Safe – Low Levels of Air Pollution Much Deadlier Than Scientists Thought
The Price We Must Pay: Navigating Emissions Trading Schemes
Prices that change by the second: why shopping around for deals online isn’t always worth it
Pride 2023: What's changed since last year?
Pride against Prejudice
Prigozhin’s rockstar exit from Rostov shows public support for ‘traitor’
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's statement to the United Nations General Assembly
Prince Albert had nothing to do with the lyrebird bearing his name. Should our birds be named after people?
Prince Harry Pines For Fictional, Pre-Social Media, Olden Days When Parents Had Full Control Over Their Children
The Prince of Evolution: Lee Alan Dugatkin on Peter Kropotkin, Anarchism, and Cooperation in Nature
The Princess and the Pony, from Kate "Hark a Vagrant" Beaton
Princess as Gender Allegory in 'Dealing With Dragons'
The Princess Bride Roleplaying Game
Princess Bride Themed Restaurant
Princess Princess by Strangely Katie
Princesses and action heroes are for boys and girls
Priscila, Queen of the Rideshare Mafia
Prison Libraries: How Do They Work? Why Are They Important?
‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
The Prison Special: One Last Push for Women's Suffrage
Prison turns life upside down – giving low-risk prisoners longer to prepare for their sentences would benefit everyone
The Prison-to-Hollywood Pipeline Is the Stuff of Cinematic Dreams
Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands
Pristine rainforest, 'dirty' power: The diesel vs solar energy debate raging inside the Daintree
Privacy Advocates Continue To Warn That Modern Toys Are A Privacy Mess
Privacy for Tigers
Private Equity Is Using Copyright To Cannibalize The Past At The Expense Of The Future
Private Gender Affirming Care Ban Fails To Advance In England After "Ferret Filibuster"
Private jet sales likely to reach highest ever level this year, report says
Private jets: can the super-rich supercharge zero-emission aviation?
Private landholders control 60% of the Australian continent – so let’s get them involved in nature protection
Private opulence, public squalor: How the U.S. helps the rich and hurts the poor
Private planes, mansions and superyachts: What gives billionaires like Musk and Abramovich such a massive carbon footprint
Privatising the sky: drone delivery promises comfort and speed, but at a cost to workers and communities
The Privilege To Shut Up
Priya Nadesalingam hits out at migration bill, saying Biloela return ‘impossible’ without mobile phone
Priya’s Shakti - free comic
Prize of a lifetime: London bookshop offers free books for the rest of your life
Pro surfer Josh Kerr makes world-first surfboard from recycled wind turbine blades
Pro-nuclear lobby group ramps up social media ad spend by nearly 150 pct
Pro-Putin Disinformation on Ukraine Is Thriving in Online Anti-Vax Groups
Probably Still the Chosen One
The problem isn’t AI, it’s requiring us to work to live
The problem of mindfulness
The Problem Was Never Burnout
The Problem When Sexism Just Sounds So Darn Friendly…
The Problem with 'Boys Will Be Boys'
The Problem with 'Strict Father' Values
The Problem With Common Sense: One Person’s No Brainer Is Andrew Bolt’s Latest Conspiracy
The Problem with Electric Vehicles
The problem with empathy games
The problem with negative comments
The problem with Oodies: hooded blankets are cosy but they are not great for oceans or our health
The problem with plug-in hybrids? Their drivers.
The Problem With Police Reform Is That Police Already Know It's Bad To Beat People To Death
The problem with pronatalism: Pushing baby booms to boost economic growth amounts to a Ponzi scheme
The problem with road-hogging ‘wankpanzers’: Even when electric, they are a hazard
The Problem with Sarcasm
The Problem With Stories
The problem with the English: England doesn’t want to be just another member of a team
The problem with the populists "free thinkers" — they are just lazy
The Problem With ‘Self-Investigation’ in a Post-Truth Era
Problematic Paper Screener: Trawling for fraud in the scientific literature
Problems Only Book Lovers Understand
The problems with dating apps and how they could be fixed – two relationship experts discuss
The Problems with First Past the Post Voting Explained
The Procedural Animation of Gibbon: Beyond the Trees - Wolfire Games
Procedural planets
Proceeds of crime: gambling firms keep millions when Australians steal to fund addiction
Produce-grower Plenty opens world’s most advanced indoor vertical farm
The Productivity Commission wants to axe a key tax break for private school donations – but the government is determined to keep it
Prof Danny Altmann: the burden of long COVID
Professional climate denial took hundreds of millions from the CO2 industries, then slipped off their leash
Professor Calls Student's Idea To Teach Class On Twitch 'Terrible,' Does It Anyway
Professor Elemental & Tom Caruana: Don't Feed The Trolls
Professor Elemental - It's Great To Be Me (nothing bad will ever happen) (dir. John Callaghan)
Professor of Fire: safety laws 'absurd'
Professor Peter Gøtzsche to deliver a powerful critique of psychiatry
Profile of Dr. Peter G Neumann
PROFILE — This teen animated a scene in an Oscar-nominated Spider-Man movie
Profiles in courage
The profit motive in Vic. public housing sell-off
Profit-Price Spiral: Excess Profits Fuelling Inflation & Interest Rates, not Wages
Profits from community windfarm to fund a million native trees in Hebrides
Profits push up prices too, so why is the RBA governor only talking about wages?
The Profound Loneliness of Being Collapse Aware
Program to plant 20 million trees prioritised cost-saving over gains for nature, research finds
The “Programming for Cats” aptitude test
Programming is Forgetting: Toward a New Hacker Ethic
Programming Languages ABC++
Programming Sucks
The programming talent myth
Progress in the clean energy transition
The progressive case for replacing the welfare state with basic income
Prohibition-era murals discovered during renovations of former Louisa Hotel
Project 2025 calls for the imprisonment of conservatism's enemies—and all of America is their enemy
Project aims to make concrete ‘ultra green’
Project Ara: Inside Google’s Bold Gambit to Make Smartphones Modular
Project Drawdown
Project Gooseberry
Project Hieroglyph: Fighting society's dystopian future
Project Loon update
Project Naptha
Project To Digitize Every SNES Game Manual Now Complete
Projects hijacked by ‘political actors like Peter Dutton suddenly pretending to care about whales’
The Prom Date
Prominent Australians call for climate laws to protect future generations
Promised Land: LGBTQ Children's Book Read Aloud [FULL]
Promises to get tough on youth crime might win votes – but the evidence shows it hasn’t worked for NZ
Promotion for Japan’s stationmaster cat
Promotional techniques on junk food packaging are a problem for children’s health – Australia could do better
Prompt and accurate information is vital in a pandemic – the climate and biodiversity crises demand the same urgency
Prompt engineering: is being an AI ‘whisperer’ the job of the future or a short-lived fad?
Pronatalism is the latest Silicon Valley trend. What is it – and why is it disturbing?
Pronghorn Success! And Other Yellowstone Wildlife We’re Protecting
Pronoun hysteria is pure MAGA politics, with a side of devastation for vulnerable trans kids
Proper Computer Messages
Property developers installing as few as half of promised ecological features – new report
‘Property poetry’? Real estate ads and literature have more in common than you might think
ProPublica Exposes Even More Cop Junk Science: Using 911 Calls To Determine If People Are Lying
The prosecution of Arundhati Roy is business as usual for the Modi government – and bad news for freedom of expression in India
Prosecutor Wants to Charge 14-Year-Old Girl with Sexual Exploitation for Taking PG-13 Pictures of Herself
Protect sacred Native sites. Don't raise the Shasta Dam.
Protect the Rare and Elusive “Asian Unicorn”
Protecting 30% of Australia’s land and sea by 2030 sounds great – but it’s not what it seems
Protecting biodiversity – and making it accessible – has paid off for Costa Rica
Protecting just 0.7% of world's land could help save a third of unique and endangered species
Protecting Natural Forests, Regenerating, Mimicking Old Forests to Create New Ones
Protecting nature is vital to escape 'era of pandemics’ – report
Protecting private land to save the plains-wanderer, a bird ‘teetering on the edge of extinction’
Protecting your privacy: Our stand against ‘mandatory data retention’
Protecting yourself from COVID-19 these days is hard. And it comes at a cost.
Protest is dangerous, but feminists have a long history of using humour, pranks and stunts to promote their message
Protest Slogans That Will Grow on You
Protesters disrupt US panel's fossil fuels pitch at climate talks
Protesters rally in Georgia for fourth night as opposition grows to freeze on EU talks
Protesters, pop stars and pioneers: 38 images that changed the way we see women (for better and for worse)
Protests against strict COVID-zero policy are sweeping China. It’s anyone’s guess what happens now
Protests around the world in pictures
Protests erupt across Georgia in defiance of government's anti-EU stance
Protocol-Based Social Media Is Having A Moment As Meta, Medium, Flipboard, And Mozilla All Get On Board
Proton Mail goes AI, security-focused userbase goes ‘what on earth’
Prototype robot teddy bear car navigation system
Proven Lands, 3D sci-fi sandbox survival game
Proving that Android’s, Java’s and Python’s sorting algorithm is broken (and showing how to fix it)
Proving the wealthiest New Zealanders pay low tax rates is a good start – now comes the hard part
Przewalski's Ponies x Adam Sporka - Dutch Tune (For Ember) (feat. Kirya)
Prélude n°1 aux tubes musicaux (boomwhackers)
PSA: Ignore the news
PSA: Universal Music Group Has Copyrighted The Moon. That is All.
PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical
The pseudo-science of Alcoholics Anonymous: There’s a better way to treat addiction
The psychological importance of wasting time
Psychologists have surprising advice for people who feel unmotivated
The psychology of a loss of place: when we demolish socially significant places, we demolish part of who we are
Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK
Pubic hair, nudism and the censor: the story of the photographic battle to depict the naked body
Public consultation ‘overwhelmingly’ supports fuel efficiency standard for cars, Labor says
Public divide on climate change: Right wing nature or human nature?
Public Domain Day 2022
Public Domain Day 2025
Public Domain Image Archive
Public domain NASA paintings by Don Davis
[Bulk] Re: Public domain NASA paintings by Don Davis
The Public Domain Review
The public health campaign that you asked for...
Public Hearings in Menindee: ‘ground zero’ of the Darling River crisis
The public history, climate change present, and possible future of Australia’s botanic gardens
Public humiliation is still a common teaching tool in medical education. Here’s how it leaves patients worse off
Public land is being sold exactly where thousands on the waiting list need housing
The Public Library: A Photographic Love Letter to Humanity’s Greatest Sanctuary of Knowledge, Freedom, and Democracy
Public outrage is not enough: NZ needs to develop a legal remedy for cultural misappropriation
Public Relations and news
The public should be concerned when academics must battle bureaucrats for academic freedom
Public Work
Public.Work Is an Amazing Visual Resource for Public Domain Content
‘Publication Laundering’: How Publishers Happily Accept Fake And Nonsense Conference Papers In The Pursuit Of Profits
Publish books using Git and Markdown
The ‘publish or perish’ mentality is fuelling research paper retractions – and undermining science
Publisher Decries Damn Libraries Entertaining The Masses Stuck At Home For Free
Publisher Deletes Race From Rosa Parks Story for Florida
Publisher Of ‘Carcassonne’ Sends C&D Notices Over Use Of The Word ‘Meeple’
Publisher Wants $2,500 To Allow Academics To Post Their Own Manuscript To Their Own Repository
Publishers And Authors Misguided Freakout Over Internet Archive's Decision To Enable More Digital Book Checkouts During A Pandemic
Publishers are absolutely terrified "preserved video games would be used for recreational purposes," so the US copyright office has struck down a major effort for game preservation
Publishers Are Taking the Internet to Court
Publishers Have Finally Said The Quiet Part Out Loud About Retro Games
Publishers Lobbied To ‘Axe The Reading Tax’ On Ebooks, Then Paid It To Themselves
Publishers Lose Their Shit After Authors Push Back On Their Attack On Libraries
Publishers must let online readers pay for news anonymously
Publishers vs the Internet Archive: why the world’s biggest online library is in court over digital book lending
Publishing A Book Means No Longer Having Control Over How Others Feel About It, Or How They’re Inspired By It. And That Includes AI.
Puerta Amazónica: New Bolivian Protected Area Safeguards Critical Yungas Forests
Puerto Rico files $1 billion suit against fossil fuel companies
Puerto Rico has been part of the US for 125 years, but its future remains contested
Puerto Rico’s LGBT Community is Ready to Kick the Door Down
Puffin numbers up on Isle of May
Pugs Being Rediculousmus
Pull Yourself Up by Bootstraps? Go Ahead, Try It
Pulled Over By The Police With A Smile
pulling out the stops looking for a connection with Duncan or Catherine Roads, Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Editor NEXUS Magazine
The Pulpit of Fear: How Religious Leaders Inflame Violence in America
Pulses are packed with goodness: Five cool things you should know about them
Pumping loud music is putting more than 1 billion young people at risk of hearing loss
Pumpkins and carrots and Klingons, oh my!
Pumpkins for Halloween
Pun Hunting at the Grocery Store
The punishment for felling Australia’s foreshore trees is a mere pittance against developers’ obscene profits
Pupils protest over toilet rules: why school responses should consider children’s rights
Puppet Comedy Fantasy
Puppeteer Caroll Spinney Announces Retirement from Sesame Street - Sesame Workshop
Puppetry Film Archive
Puppy and Kitten Have Amazing Adventures
Purdue University Rube Goldberg Machine Contest Winners Show Off Their Contraption on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’
Pure capsicum - deadly spice!
Pure Imagination - Lindsey Stirling & Josh Groban with The Muppets
Purebred dingo pup that dropped from the air into a backyard garden turns out to be endangered breed
“Purely phenomenal:” AEMO says world is watching as rooftop PV leads surge to 100pct renewables
Purified Wastewater Is the Drink of the Future
Puritanical Facebook Censors Parody Publication, Makes Appeal Process A Threat
Purl | Pixar SparkShorts
Purple squirrel baffles experts
PurpleUrchin: GitHub Actions Hijacked for Crypto Mining
The purpose of publications in a pandemic and beyond
PURR ELISE Piano Meowssage - Dream of Haburu
🐱 PurrCrypt 🐶
The Purrfect Home For A Serious Cat Lover
Purrfect match: cats and their human doubles
The purrfect prom date!
The Purring Quest
Purrli®: The Internet has a Cat
The Pursuit of Truth: for inclusive, democratic societies
The push for nuclear energy in Australia is driven by delay and denial, not evidence
Push to allow pets into Australian workplaces, as report shows human benefits to office companion animals
Push to extend mobile ownership lifespan
Push to weatherproof Australia’s electricity grid as 77,000 still without power in Victoria
Pushing Buttons: Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto – what we owe the most influential game designer
Pushing Buttons: Why it’s getting harder to play your old favourite games
Pushing water uphill: Snowy 2.0 was a bad idea from the start. Let’s not make the same mistake again
Put a finger down if you know this song: how TikTok music challenge memes build community
Put Down That Knife And Check Out Weird Al Yankovic’s All-Time Greatest Videos
Put the evil bastards on trial: The case for trying Bush, Cheney and more for war crimes
Put Them Back In Their Place
Putin and Xi announce plans to strengthen military ties in Beijing
Putin has destroyed Russia for a generation
Putin has no successor, no living rivals and no retirement plan – why his eventual death will set off a vicious power struggle
Putin hijacked Austria’s spy service. Now he's going after its government
Putin Orders Russian Tech Companies To Somehow Make Competitive Game Console In 3 Months
Putin praises North Korea for Ukraine support ahead of visit to Pyongyang
Putin prepares Russia for ‘forever war’ with west as Ukraine invasion stalls
Putin preparing major offensive in new year, Ukraine defence minister warns
Putin says Russia will halt participation in New Start nuclear arms treaty
Putin says Russia will use experimental missile again after Ukraine strike
Putin shows us why the Queen matters
Putin waged a trade war long before bombing Ukraine. Which side is winning?
Putin’s claim to rid Ukraine of Nazis is especially absurd given its history
Putin’s fascists: the Russian state’s long history of cultivating homegrown neo-Nazis
Putin’s Forever War
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine attacks its distinct history and reveals his imperial instincts
Putin’s lethally negligent failure can’t be covered up. The Moscow attack leaves him weaker than ever
Putin’s Russia: how the ex-KGB strongman has gradually turned the clock back to Soviet repression
Putin’s visit to Mongolia defies ICC warrant and tests neutral nation’s ‘third neighbor’ diplomacy
Putin’s War Is Slowly Destroying Europe’s Breadbasket
Putting American climate denial to good use
Putting design first: six social housing projects from around the world
Putting Green Jobs in the Curriculum
Putting Indigenous Place-Names and Languages Back on Maps
Putting the Silicon in Silicon Valley
Putting Time In Perspective
Puzzle Pirates
PV self-consumption rising as batteries cut grid imports by 94%, says Relectrify
PwC scandal shows consultants, like church officials, are best kept out of state affairs
"Pwned", The Book, Is Now Available for Free
The Pyra Handheld Linux PC is Shipping
PythagoraSwitch and the Algorithm Exercise/March
‘The pāua that clings to the sea’: a new species of abalone found only in waters off a remote NZ island chain
Q&A: Adele Goldberg on the Legacy of Smalltalk
Q&A: What does the EU ‘nature restoration’ law mean for climate and biodiversity?
Q&A: Why are the Scottish and UK governments going to court over gender recognition laws?
QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded
Qantas accused of greenwashing as climate advocates lodge complaint over sustainability, net zero claims
Qantas and Virgin Australia put on notice over offsets after landmark decision on greenwashing
QANTAS pays women 37% less, Telstra and BHP 20%. Fifty years after equal pay laws, we still have a long way to go
Qatar World Cup ambassador criticised for ‘harmful’ homosexuality comments
Qatar’s death row and the invisible migrant workforce deemed unworthy of due process
QFS declares catastrophic fire danger for Queensland's Granite Belt, Darling Downs
Qld breaks down gender barriers as birth certificate changes made easier
The Quad has a strategy to counter China and Russia: be a force for global good without ideological warfare
Quadruple Take Masterclass with Sir Patrick Stewart
Qualcomm Used Patent Monopolies To Shake Down The Entire Mobile Phone Industry For Decades
Quality costs more. Very few aged care facilities deliver high quality care while also making a profit
Quantum dots − a new Nobel laureate describes the development of these nanoparticles from basic research to industry application
Quantum microscopy study makes electrons visible in slow motion
Quantum Vibe by Scott Bieser
Quarantine + Creativity = Quarantivity
The Queen and Sir David Attenborough team up to protect forests in new documentary film
Queen launches YouTube channel
Queen Margrethe II is the first Danish monarch to abdicate in 900 years – but it is just a sign of the times
The Queen of the Hurricanes
Queensland announces more than $24m for koala population and habitat protection
Queensland children as young as 10 face life sentences for murder as tough new laws pass parliament
Queensland council moves to evict homeless people from parks with public camping ban
Queensland graziers unearth 100m-year-old plesiosaur remains likened to Rosetta Stone
Queensland has an important network of private conservation areas, but they’re dangerously exposed to mining
Queensland identifies ‘renewable energy zones’ as part of $62bn ‘super grid’ plan
Queensland is not only trampling the rights of children, it is setting a concerning legal precedent
Queensland man quits job to create successful Aussie-themed video game 'Dinkum'
Queensland officially drought-free for first time since 2013
Queensland police killings show the threat posed by conspiracy theories – how should police respond?
Queensland still opposes handing over Aborigines' unpaid wages
Queensland storm, cyclone recovery to take years, Premier Steven Miles says
Queensland teachers forced to work while sick due to struggling relief system cracking under pressure
Queensland woman uses electric car to run her son’s dialysis machine during power cut
Queensland’s fires are not easing at night. That’s a bad sign for the summer ahead
The queer subtext of Superman comics has long been suppressed. Here’s to the original justice defender coming out
The quest to save the world’s largest CRT TV from destruction
The quest to save today’s gaming history from being lost forever
Queueing for food, sleeping in cars: at the coalface of Sydney’s cost of living crisis
Quick and stealthy ‘Scrabble variants’ are poised to drive a winter Covid-19 surge
Quick, How Might the Alien Spacecraft Work?
Quick-change artists
Quiet and Efficient – New Propeller Advance Paves Way for Electric Planes
The Quiet Devastation of Extinction Capitalism
Quiet on Set highlights how we don’t keep child stars safe – in Hollywood or online
Quieting the Global Growl
The Quilt Index
Quincy Jones obituary
Quincy Jones, producer and entertainment powerhouse, dies aged 91
Quirky hotel becomes world's largest building shaped like a chicken
Quit the quarry mentality or miss the green iron opportunity
‘Quite dodgy’: what kind of outfit does $80 buy at Temu and Shein?
‘Quite irreparable damage’: child family violence survivors on how court silenced and retraumatised them
Fwd: quite wonderful
Quolls and bettongs join bilbies and bandicoots as locally extinct species reintroduced to NSW national park
R. J. Blain: A Fantasy author who could use some help.
Rabbit Cafe Offers Bunny Snuggles
Rabies could become a disease of the past. Here's what it would take
Raccoons Pass Famous Intelligence Test—By Upending It
The race against time to breed a wheat to survive the climate crisis
Race and erasure: why the world’s other humanitarian crises don’t see the same response as Ukraine
Race is on to produce a super-coral to survive world’s warming seas
Race Movies and the Black-Owned Studios that Thrived Next to Hollywood
The race to build climate-resilient coral reefs
The Race to Build the Supergreen Car
The race to defuse an oil ‘time bomb’ disaster threatening the Red Sea
The race to reclaim the dark
The race to rescue corals from a blistering marine heat wave
Race to save hidden treasures under threat from climate change
The race to save our online lives from a digital dark age
Race to the bottom: the disastrous, blindfolded rush to mine the deep sea
Race to Zero: European heavy-duty vehicle market development quarterly (January–December 2023)
Racial diversity in RPG and sandbox games
Racial history lingers
Racism and democracy: why claims of ‘division by race’ in the NZ election and Voice referendum need challenging
Racism at work: a call to anti-racist action for Australian organisations
Racism is still an everyday experience for non-white Australians. Where is the plan to stop this?
Racism’s sinister word games: What a white-supremacist talking point tells us about modern politics
Racist and sexist depictions of human evolution still permeate science, education and popular culture today
The Racist History Behind Facial Recognition
'Racists aren't welcome here!': how we kicked a racist passenger off the bus
Racists Take DNA Tests To Reveal True Ethnicity — The Results Bring Them To Tears
RACV launches solar and battery VPP, asks commercial customers to join
Rada proposes to establish cultural, information centres of enslaved nations of Russia in Ukraine
RadFatDad making MooMoo the Bobcat PURR!
Radical change needed to upgrade system to handle tidal effect of renewables, EVs and rooftop solar
Radical climate action 'critical' to Great Barrier Reef's survival, government body says
The Radical Dissent of Helen Keller
The radical idea that people have value
The Radical Plan to Save the Planet by Working Less
Radical Plan to Stop 'Doomsday Glacier' Melting to Cost $50 Billion
Radical Sandcastles
Radical Terraces Are Transforming the Hills of Rwanda
Radical ways to fix the Earth: are they magic bullets or just band-aids?
Radicalism mixed with openness: how Desmond Tutu used his gifts to help end Apartheid
Radio 4 Extra to celebrate 42 years of Hitchhiker's Guide
Radioactive waste isn’t going away. We’ve found a new way to trap it in minerals for long-term storage
Radiooooo - The Musical Time Machine - The Musical Time Machine
Rafts of garbage, kelp and other debris could transport alien invaders to a warming Antarctica
Ragtime Piano Cover of ‘Buddy Holly’ by Weezer
Rah-Bop's Rue cosplay
Rain Lamp with Actual Water
Rain makes coal heavy, slippery and harder to dig up. So what does La Niña mean for this already disrupted industry?
Rainbow Connection - my birthday with Save the Children
Rainbow Mountains In China's Danxia Landform Geological Park Are Very, Very Real (PHOTOS)
Rainbow Town!
Rainbow Wings Backpack
Rainforest Trust and its Partners Have Protected More Than One Million Acres to date in 2022
RainFurrest 2016 Post-Mortem
Rainier's largest glacier is melting. Here's what that means downstream
Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds
‘Raised on fantasies’
Raising a Moral Child
Raising interest rates to tame inflation will only cause more pain
Raising jobseeker is not ‘fiscally sustainable’? Sorry, but that is flat out wrong
Raising the age of criminal responsibility is only a first step. First Nations kids need cultural solutions
Raising the retirement age won’t defuse China’s demographic time bomb – but mass immigration might
Raising UnAustralia: Eva Orner’s asylum seeker documentary
Rajasthan hits record-low share of fossil fuel generation for four consecutive months in 2023
Rajasthan: Improvement in social metrics, but sustaining welfare measures can be fiscally challenging and were released
Rally betrays anti-renewables desperation, as Joyce calls on “army” to go home and recruit
Ralph Embarks on a New Adventure in This First Teaser Trailer For RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET: WRECK-IT RALPH 2
Random Mosaic – Detecting unauthorized physical access with beans, lentils and colored rice
Randy Suess, Computer Bulletin Board Inventor, Dies at 74
The rangers turning the DRC’s ‘triangle of death’ back into a thriving wildlife reserve
Rape, Race and a Decades-Old Lie That Still Wounds
“Rapid and irreversible:” AEMO says energy crisis is accelerating switch to renewables
Rapid biodegradation of microplastics generated from bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane
The Rapid Decline Of The Natural World Is A Crisis Even Bigger Than Climate Change
Rapid ice melt in west Antarctica now inevitable, research shows
Rapid progress of key clean energy technologies shows the new energy economy is emerging faster than many think
Rapidly urbanising Africa to have six cities with populations above 10m by 2035
Rare butterflies thriving after reintroduction bid
Rare Color Film Of New York City In The Summer Of 1939 Is Gorgeous (VIDEO)
Rare color photos capture England at work and play, 1928
Rare examples of 17th-century paper-cutting ‘saved from skip’ to go on display
Rare megamouth shark found in east Africa for the first time – why so little is known about it
Rare Ocelot Encounter In 360!!
Rare photographs of Japanese pearl divers, 1950s
Rare rhinos dodge poachers in world's top reserve for first time since 1977
Rare, critically endangered gecko making dramatic recovery in Caribbean
Rarely Seen Paintings by J.R.R. Tolkien Portray a Lush ‘Lord of the Rings’ Landscape
‘Rarest of the rare’: B.C’s newest conservancy protects globally imperilled rainforest
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ on sale now at $35
Raspberry Pi 400 is a $70 personal Pi computer built into a keyboard
Raspberry Pi Synthesizers – How the Pi is transforming synths
Rat killers in paradise: An eradication program remakes a tropical atoll
Rat poison is killing our beloved native owls and tawny frogmouths – and that’s the tip of the iceberg
Rat slippers!
Ratan Tata: a compassionate industrialist who cared about employees and citizens as well as profit
The ratchet: even demonstrably ineffectual and unnecessary copyright laws are never repealed
The Ratchet: Even Demonstrably Ineffectual And Unnecessary Copyright Laws Are Never Repealed
Rate of species decline 'no longer within safe limit' for humans, experts warn
Rather than an endlessly reheated nuclear debate, politicians should be powered by the evidence
Rather Than Making The Internet Safe For Kids, Make Your Kids Safe For The Real World
Rational Accidents: Reckoning with Catastrophic Technologies
RatLab: Where All the Mad Scientists Go
Rats at the police station, filth on L.A. streets — scenes from the collapse of a city that’s lost control
RATs for flu exist – should we be self-testing for that too?
Rats love driving tiny cars, even when they don’t get treats
Rats taught to drive tiny cars to lower their stress levels
Rats Will Avoid Actions That Hurt Others -- Even If It Earns Them A Treat
Ravaged by civil war, how a national park was restored in Mozambique
Ravaged jungle: just 25% of the world’s surviving tropical rainforests are in good condition
Ravens Can Plan for the Future
Raves, repairs, and renewal: how young Ukrainians are bringing joy to the rebuilding effort
Raw Color's Temperature Textiles wrap wearers in climate-change data
The Raycat Solution
Raymond Scott, American genius
Raze paradise to put in a biofuel crop? No, there are far better ways to tackle climate change
Razer on Romance writers: These broads have no time for nonsense
RBA accused of ‘dereliction of duty’ for dismissing corporate profiteering as a cause of inflation
RBG's family condemns the selection of recipients of an award named in her honor
Re FBI complains about phone encryption being too effective
Re-creating European cities China's latest housing trend
Re-imagining democracy for the 21st century, possibly without the trappings of the 18th century
Reaching the Light of Day
Reactions to Marin and Albanese show how women’s alcohol consumption is treated differently from men’s
Read a bold new magazine for interactive fiction fans
Read All of Shakespeare’s Plays Free Online, Courtesy of the Folger Shakespeare Library
Read J.K. Rowling's new post for the latest Harry Potter 'gossip'
Read the letter a trans boy wrote to his neighbor, making her cry
Read the room, Premier. Performance pay for teachers will make the crisis worse
Read the student survey responses shared by academics and you’ll see why Professor Hambling is justified in burning hers
Read this free comic about the history of climate change denial propaganda
Read tons and tons of amazing Golden/Silver age comic books for free
Read, swap, repeat: secondhand book recycling platform launches in the UK
Read: Jeannette Ng's Campbell Award acceptance speech, in which she correctly identifies Campbell as a fascist and expresses solidarity with Hong Kong protesters
READ: Teen activist Greta Thunberg's 8-sentence testimony to Congress
Reading Banned Books Out Loud
Reading between the lines: the book club boom
Reading desert sands – Indigenous wildlife tracking skills underpin vast monitoring project
Reading the bones of the dead: the painstaking, painful process of returning genocide victims to their families
The Real 'Danger' Of Snowden And Manning: The US Can't Get Away With Its Powerful Hypocrisy Anymore
The real AI fight
'Real and imminent' extinction risk to whales
The Real Causes Of Depression Have Been Discovered, And They’re Not What You Think
Real community batteries are uninsurable in energy game of “snakes and ladders”
The real cost of New Zealand’s two-tier health system: why going private doesn’t relieve pressure on public hospitals
The real cost of your chocolate habit: new research reveals the bittersweet truth of cocoa farming in Africa’s forests
Real criminals, fake victims: how chatbots are being deployed in the global fight against phone scammers
real feminists don’t gaze at males.
The real forces driving Australia’s rental crisis
The Real Gift Is A Relative Who Understands Your Pets
Real Google Earth
‘Real hope’ for cancer cure as personal mRNA vaccine for melanoma trialled
Real innovation vs Silicon Valley nonsense
Real Life First Person Shooter (Chatroulette version)
real moewe: opensky 2.0
The Real Money In Modern ‘Journalism’ Now Involves Filling The Internet With ‘AI’-Generated Garbage
Real Native history in a video game: An Indigenous take on The Oregon Trail
The Real Novelty of the ARPANET
The real price of gas: massive Santos pipeline would destroy rare native grasslands
The Real Real Genius
The Real Reason for Germany's Industrial Expansion?
The Real Reason People Don’t Trust in Science Has Nothing to Do with Scientists
The real reason some scientists downplay the risks of climate change
The real reason why open source software is better
The real reasons people don’t want to talk about Climate Collapse
Real Reporting Is About Revealing Truth; Not Granting 'Equal Weight' To Bogus Arguments
Real Rukshan: the live streamer who took Melbourne’s protest to the world stage
The Real Story Behind ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ is Much Worse
The Real Threat AI Poses to Writers and Artists
Real Ways to Support Mothers Beyond Mother’s Day
Real-time environmental surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols
Realistic Handmade Fantasy Creature Dolls
Realistic miniature model house with electricity is a marvel
Realistic Rocket Raccoon Costume
Reality bites for COVID tree-changers called back to city offices
Reality Hits AI Very Hard Again
The reality of Italy’s 1-euro-house dream
The Reality Stars and Russian Trolls of the Brand-New ‘Busytown’
Reality Winner profile is a beautiful portrait of a brilliant, principled patriot who messed up
'Really encouraging': Plastic bag bans work, say campaigners. Where is Europe lagging behind?
'Really extreme' global weather event leaves scientists aghast
'Really jarring moment': Historian lays out 'alarming' parallels to turbulent time period
Reanimating the 1882 Transit of Venus
Reaping What They Sowed: Recording Industry Now Quite Upset About Copyright Run Amok
The Reappearing Forests of West Bengal
The reason every book about Africa has the same cover—and it’s not pretty
The reason you can't buy a car is the same reason that your health insurer let hackers dox you
Reasonable Agreement
Reasons to be Cheerful
Rebates and incentives needed as misinformation undermines shift to EVs
Rebates for buying e-bikes and e-scooters are good but unlikely to greatly boost sustainable transport on their own
Rebecca Giblin on chokepoint capitalism
Rebecca Huntley on why it's time to get emotional about climate change
Rebecca Solnit: JD Vance is Just Another Know Nothing Nativist
The ReBoot Reboot Has A Real Title And Teaser Image, Is Actually Going To Exist
Rebuilding After Fire
Rebuilding After the Replication Crisis
Rebuilding Gaza was seen as a ‘Herculean’ task before Oct. 7; six months of bombing has led to crises that will long outlive the war
Rebuilding homes after a disaster is an opportunity to build back better – why isn’t the insurance industry on board?
Rebuilding Ukraine: The imminent risks from asbestos
The Rebuttal of Schrödinger's Cat by Sarah Donner
Recalculating the Climate Math
Recasting masculinity: the cheerleaders subverting Austria’s gender stereotypes
Recent acceleration in global ocean heat accumulation by mode and intermediate waters
recipe for liquid nitrogen ice cream
Recipes For An Off-Grid 'Internet'
Reciprocal Water Agreements protect millions of hectares of Bolivian forest
‘Reckless, Spiteful’ Pipeline Project May Stumble on Failing Gas Markets
‘Reckless’: G20 states subsidised fossil fuels by $3tn since 2015, says report
The Reckoning - Ben Ferencz - POV | PBS
Reckoning: creative writing on environmental justice
Reclaim Democracy
Reclaiming Control: The Internet Archive Empowers People. Gatekeepers Keep Suing
Reclaiming My Power From White Women
Reclaiming the Narrative: Nemonte Nenquimo’s Fight for Her People and the Earth
Recognising Indigenous knowledges is not just culturally sound, it’s good science
Recognising the warriors: Henry Reynolds on the war memorial’s surprising change of direction
Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools
Recognizing the Rights of Nature and the Living Forest
Recomendo: 500 brief reviews of cool stuff
Recommendation: Video of cat vs. robot (Spoiler: cat OWNS the robot!), on DVICE
Reconnecting ‘island habitat’ with wild corridors in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest
Reconsidering Revenge: How Revenge Of The Nerds‘ Misogyny Is Evident In Current Nerd Culture
Reconsidering Watership Down Going Into COP28
Reconstructing heritage after war: what we learned from asking 1,600 Syrians about rebuilding Aleppo
Record 212 land and environment activists killed last year
Record broken as EV enthusiast charges around Australia in just 10 days
Record coral cover doesn’t necessarily mean the Great Barrier Reef is in good health (despite what you may have heard)
Record heat for Australia in driest April for 21 years
Record heatwave persists in US as 130 million under alerts in 22 states
Record immigration will put pressure on NZ’s population, infrastructure and productivity – where’s the election debate?
Record labels forgot these songs existed. One man rescued them
Record levels of heat-related deaths in 2023 due to climate crisis, report finds
Record low Antarctic sea ice is another alarming sign the ocean’s role as climate regulator is changing
Record measles outbreak in Oregon blamed on vaccine exemptions
Record Mexican Wolf Pup Foster Year
Record number of breeding puffins recorded on island in Gulf of Maine
Record number of Saimaa seal pups born this year, wildlife agency says
Record numbers of Cinereous Vulture and Griffon Vulture pairs observed in Bulgaria since conservation efforts began
Record renewables help bring down Australia’s energy prices and emissions
Record year for olive ridley turtles in Bangladesh as conservation work pays off
Record-breaking increase in CO₂ levels in world’s atmosphere
Record-breaking number of sea turtle nests found on Jupiter-area beaches, researchers say
Record-breaking temperatures mean we must change the way we talk about the climate emergency
RECORDER: The Marion Stokes Project
Recording the Sounds of Extinction
Recovering coral reefs
Recovering From Shock: Antifascist Struggle in an Ongoing Pandemic
Recovering lost wages is nearly impossible for Australia’s underpaid migrant workers. Here’s how to fix the problem
Recovery of Great Barrier Reef stalls as scientists point to bleaching, disease and starfish attacks
Recreating Ghost in Hong Kong
recreating medieval illustrations...
Recreating Van Gogh's "Starry Night" on Second Life
Recreation of the Apollo moon landing as art
Recyclable, Plant-Based Material Could Take a Spin on Next Generation of Wind Turbines
Recycled and reused food contact plastics are ‘vectors’ for toxins – study
Recycled Glass, Turned into Sand, Is Restoring Louisiana’s Coastline
Recycling Batteries With Bacteria
Recycling can release huge quantities of microplastics, study finds
Recycling computer parts
Recycling hub turns garbage into gold
Recycling in Australia is in crisis. Can it be fixed?
Recycling is a Lie. Plastic Manufacturers Spent $1B to Make You Think It’s Working
Recycling to Create Art - Computer Component Bugs
‘Red alert’: last year was hottest on record by clear margin, says UN report
Red Back School Project
Red dirt, yellow sun, green steel: how Australia could benefit from a global shift to emissions-free steel
Red Dwarf Returns]
The red flowering gum: a perennial favourite and a summer stunner
Red Lobster was killed by private equity, not Endless Shrimp
The Red Navy Singers
Red Sea crisis: Suez Canal is not the only ‘choke point’ that threatens to disrupt global supply chains
Red squirrels number on the rise in Scotland, survey finds
REDcycle’s collapse and the hard truths on recycling soft plastics in Australia
REDcycle’s collapse is more proof that plastic recycling is a broken system
Reddish Studio
Reddit Experiments With Removing Mods, Blocking Attempts To Switch Subs To NSFW
Reddit investors use GameStop proceeds to help protect gorillas
Reddit Tells Mods That Protesting By Changing Sub To NSFW Violates The Rules
Redditor shares shocking image of what their school is throwing away: ‘That is so disheartening’
Redecentralize Digest — April 2022
Redecentralize Digest — August 2020
Redecentralize Digest — June 2022
Redecentralize Digest — May 2022
The Redemption of Rosa Bonheur
Redonda: Tiny Caribbean island’s transformation to wildlife haven
Redrawing Taylor Swift - Shake it Off Rotoscoped
RedSands and Roev to make Australia’s first fully electric 4WD camper
'Redshirts' Author John Scalzi's Suicidal Journey Through 'No Man's Sky'
Reduce methane or face climate catastrophe, scientists warn
Reduce, reuse, redirect outrage: How plastic makers used recycling as a fig leaf
Reducing Alcohol-Related Deaths in Lithuania
Reducing COVID transmission by 20% could save 2,000 Australian lives this year
Reducing inequality could see world population fall to 6 billion
Reducing nicotine in tobacco would help people quit – without prohibiting cigarettes
Reef in crisis: Scientists despair – and are reduced to tears – as corals perish
Reef revival: Fiji's corals bouncing back after ruinous cyclone
Reel Anime 2012
Reflection on the Upcoming 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Reflections from Dr. Pepperberg
Reflectors in space could make solar farms on Earth work for longer every day
Reforesting the world: the Australian farmer with 240m trees to his name
Reform delay causes dental decay. It’s time for a national deal to fund dental care
Reforming our political system is not a quick fix. Here’s a step-by-step guide to how to do it
Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian wins Iran presidential election
Reforms needed after ‘horrendous’ Catholic church approach in paedophile priest cases, lawyers say
Reframing Progress
Refuge Restrooms
Refugee camps are the "cities of tomorrow", says humanitarian-aid expert
The Refugee Crisis Is Humanity’s Crisis
Refugee deported to Nauru had arrived in Australia on cruise thinking he had valid visa
The Refugee Rethink: Part Two
Refugees alleging horrific treatment in Australian detention centres face lengthy court delays
Refugees breathe new life into rural town
Refugees held offshore plead with Australia to be moved, saying ‘every day is suffering’
Refugees in Australia are miles behind in health and wellbeing outcomes. Here’s why
Refugees in PNG told they will be evicted after Australian-sponsored housing bills not paid
Refugees trying to reach Italy die after boats sink off coast of Tunisia
Regenerating Australia | Official Trailer
Regenerating Oceania: the ‘unique and unifying’ Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture makes a comeback
‘Regenerative agriculture’ is all the rage – but it’s not going to fix our food system
Regional Australia needs health workers and teachers – but it has to have childcare first
Regional Australians have opened their hearts to refugees – we should open pathways to match
Regional journalism is dying: advertising subsidies won’t help
Regional network operator trials EV chargers installed in streetlight poles
Regional towns are at risk of being wiped out by the move to net-zero. Here’s their best chance for survival
Reglue: Opening Up the World to Deserving Kids, One Linux Computer at a Time
Regressive changes to Northern Territory water laws could undermine Indigenous rights
Regulating political misinformation isn’t easy, but it’s necessary to protect democracy
Regulations reducing lead and copper contamination in drinking water generate $9 billion of health benefits per year, according to new analysis
Regulator agrees to “smooth” cost of gas network death spiral as electrification reality dawns
Regulator to force gas companies to be “clear and accurate” when comparing electric appliances
Regulators Vote To Halt All Pacific Sardine Fishing
Reincarnation in Exile
Reindeer eyes change color, putting Rudolph’s red nose in the shade – new research podcast
Reindeer Pavilion in Norway Naturparks Norsk Villreinsenter
Reinfection will be part of the pandemic for months to come. Each repeat illness raises the risk of long COVID
Reinventing Concrete, the Ancient Roman Way
Rejected Princesses
‘The relation between politics and culture is clear and real’: how Gough Whitlam centred artists in his 1972 campaign
Relax, it’s just a ringlight for kids. Toys like the ‘vlogger set’ prepare them for a digital world
‘Relax, nothing is under control’ – and other sentiments that changed how you think
Relax, Parents
Released Occupy Activist Cecily McMillan: "There's No Sense in Prison"
Relentless warming is driving the water cycle to new extremes, the 2024 global water report shows
Relief as Australian Sean Turnell to be released from prison in Myanmar, but more needs to be done
Religious freedom is routinely curbed in Central Asia – but you won’t often see it making international news
Religious Terrorism meets Religious Liberalism
Remake the Future
Remaking history: how recreating early daguerreotype photographs gave us a window to the past
Remaking our suburbs’ 1960s apartment blocks: a subtle and greener way to increase housing density
Remaking universities: notes from the sidelines of catastrophe
The remarkable career of Tito Mboweni: from South African freedom fighter to central bank governor and trusted politician
The remarkable new hotel built above the ruins of ancient Antioch
Remarkable photos expose folly of the location of Snowy’s Hunter gas power plant
Remember the climate map from your school atlas? Here’s what climate change is doing to it
Remember this girl when you watch the Rio Olympic Games
Remembering Daniel Ellsberg
Remembering Dave Smith, inventor of MIDI and the Prophet-5 synthesizer
Remembering James Darren, 1936-2024
Remembering LIL BUB, an Internet Cat Sensation
Remembering Martha, the last passenger pigeon, with hope for those we might yet save
Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.: 5 things I’ve learned curating the MLK Collection at Morehouse College
Remembering Simon Townsend as a conscientious objector and fearless anti-Vietnam War activist
Remembering the actors, musicians, writers and artists we lost in 2024
Remembering the Australian Women’s Weekly birthday cake book: ‘A phenomenal cultural icon’
Remembering the Black abolitionists of slavery in Yorkshire
Remembering the Forgotten Chinese Railroad Workers
Remembering the late David Bowie
Remembering the past, looking to the future: how the war in Ukraine is changing Europe
Remembering the Poly-1: what NZ’s forgotten homegrown school computer can teach us about state-led innovation
Remind me again, why is salt bad for you?
Reminder: Gold Farmers Are People, Too
Reminder: kangaroos are ‘vegetarian gladiators’ with kicks that can kill. An expert explains why they attack
Remixes by Pogo
Remote employees ‘don’t work as hard’, says head of world’s biggest commercial landlord
Remote First Nation Taps ‘Exceptionally Great Value’ in EVs, Batteries
Remote Indigenous community pioneers 3D-printed homes set to change rural lives
The remote island where giant tortoises clear runways for albatrosses
Remote learning was even tougher for migrant parents. Here’s what they want schools to know in case lockdowns return
Remote rescue: how aviation skills picked up in the RAF during the second world war can save lives today
Remote social housing to get $10m efficient electric heating and cooling
Remote Work Is a Chance to Do Something Meaningful
Remote Work Is Here to Stay, Mostly for the Better
Remote Work Isn’t Dead – An Inevitable Uprising is Brewing
Remote work won, don't let anyone gaslight you to believe otherwise
Remote working: how a surge in digital nomads is pricing out local communities around the world
Removing antimicrobial resistance from the WHO’s ‘pandemic treaty’ will leave humanity extremely vulnerable to future pandemics
Removing babies is still harming First Nations families, almost two decades after the apology to Stolen Generations
Renault aims to set new efficiency record with single seater electric car
Renault starts heavy vehicle production for electric trucks
Renderings vs. Reality: The Improbable Rise of Tree-Covered Skyscrapers
Renewable energy deployment surge puts global power system on track for the IEA’s ambitious net-zero pathway
Renewable energy growth must double to meet Australia’s emission goals, Clean Energy Council says
The renewable energy hidden in our wastewater ponds – here’s how it could work
Renewable Energy Investment Hits Record-Breaking $358 Billion in 1H 2023
Renewable energy is now cheap—what’s next?
Renewable energy stimulus can create three times as many Australian jobs as fossil fuels
Renewable hydrogen: Superpower, or green mask for fossil super villains?
Renewable interconnectors to “span the globe,” as costs fall, technology improves
Renewable power on course to shatter more records as countries around the world speed up deployment
Renewable projects are getting built faster – but there’s even more need for speed
The Renewable Revolution
Renewables and climate champion Mark Carney picked as Canada PM to take on Trump and Musk
Renewables caught in misinformation crossfire from Australia’s nuclear cheerleaders
Renewables continue to vastly outscale nuclear in China
Renewables crucial for green steel, but policy must call time on coal-fired furnaces
Renewables predicted to avert risk of blackouts as scorching summer looms for Australia
Renewables roadshow: how the 'nonna effect' got Darebin's pensioners signing up to solar
Renewables sail past 70 pct on Australia’s main grid, send coal to fresh lows
Renewables superpower or climate coward? Albanese needs to make a choice before election
Renewables will be world’s top electricity source within three years, IEA data reveals
Renewables ‘have won the race’ against coal and are starting to beat natural gas
Renewed calls for Labor to ditch work for the dole scheme as major charity walks away
Rent-a-friend in Japan
Rental properties 3C hotter indoors, survey of Australian tenants over summer finds
Renting Is Terrible. Owning Is Worse.
The Rent’s Too Damned High
René Auberjonois, ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Boston Legal’ Actor, Dies at 79
Rep Rap disruptive technology
Rep. AOC Delivers Major Floor Speech on Articles of Impeachment Against Justices Thomas and Alito
Repair cafes
Repair cafés' popularity on the increase, says report
Repair is as important as innovation
Repair Manifesto
Repairing a landscape
Repairing gullies: the quickest way to improve Great Barrier Reef water quality
Reparations over formerly enslaved people has a long history: 4 essential reads on why the idea remains unresolved
Repeat COVID-19 infections increase risk of organ failure, death
Repeat product recalls don’t always prompt change
Repeating aids believing: climate misinformation feels more true through repetition - even if you back climate science
Repeating mistakes: why the plan to protect the world’s wildlife falls short
RePhone Kit - World's First Open Source and Modular Phone
replacer + koa - unicycle groove [ponies at dawn: blossom]
Replacing Australia’s retiring coal power stations with small nuclear reactors could cost $387bn, analysis suggests
Replacing gas heating with reverse-cycle aircon leaves some people feeling cold. Why? And what’s the solution?
Replacing NSW coal plant with renewables would create thousands more jobs than gas, report says
Replacing Your Lawn With Wildflowers Has Loads of Benefits
Report finds Colorado was built on $1.7 trillion of land expropriated from tribal nations
Report Finds Investments in U.S. Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Reach $120 Billion, Create 143,000 New Jobs
Report Heartland Institute sent to influence US teachers on climate change earns an “F” from scientists
Report of Queen's 1947 wedding
Report on the 2005 Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race
Report Says 17 Percent of Gamers Identify as L.G.B.T.Q.
Report Shows CBP Officers Rarely Punished For Abusive Actions
Report Shows ICE Almost Never Punishes Contractors Housing Detainees No Matter How Many Violations They Rack Up
Report: Most Mental Health, Prayer Apps Have Abysmal Security And Privacy Standards
Report: Prison labor programs violate human rights
Report: Rebalancing The Internet Economy
Report: Russia has laundered $2.5 billion of African gold since February 2022
The Reporters Without Borders index 2022
Reporter’s Diary: The Lost Art of Storytelling
Reporting in India ‘too difficult’ under Modi, says departing Australian journalist
Reporting on Long Covid Taught Me to Be a Better Journalist
Repowering Britain: how ‘super turbines’ could turbocharge green energy
Reptile loss is a big deal on small islands
Republicans once championed immigration in the US. Why has the party’s rhetoric – and public opinion – changed so dramatically?
Republicans Promised to Banish Jan. 6 Insurrectionists. A Year Later, They’ve Purged Jan. 6 Critics
Republicans terrified of crossing Trump due to physical threats, Democrat says
Republicans to meet allies of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán on ending Ukraine aid
Reputation systems work because people are mostly good
Rescue rats with backpacks trained to sniff out earthquake survivors
Rescuer Uses Pineapple To Rescue Elephant Chained For 31 Years | The Dodo
Rescuing Cats From Super Tall Trees
Rescuing the Great Barrier Reef: how much can be saved, and how can we do it?
Research brief: Protecting rare species can benefit human life
Research Confirms The Anecdotal Evidence: Internet Content Filters Are A Waste Of Money
Research Finds Big Oil’s Trade Group Allies Outspent Clean Energy By A Whopping 27x
Research finds dogs are more relaxed in electric vehicles (EVs)
Research on 2,400 languages shows nearly half the world’s language diversity is at risk
Research reveals 45,000 marine species are at risk due to climate change
Research reveals fire is pushing 88% of Australia’s threatened land mammals closer to extinction
Research reveals majority of gig economy workers are earning below minimum wage
Research reveals shocking detail on how Australia’s environmental scientists are being silenced
Research reveals who’s been hit hardest by global warming in their lifetime - and the answer may surprise you
Research Shows Mass Surveillance Fails 'Drastically' In Striking Balance Between Costs And Benefits To Society
Research shows shrinking Arctic glaciers are unearthing a new source of methane
Research shows that if you remove anonymity, you won’t hear from most of your readers
Research shows that, when given the choice, most authors don’t want excessively-long copyright terms
Research suggests those who use buy-now-pay-later services end up spending more
Researcher says furries, people who dress like animals, offer important support system
Researchers Again Show How Major VPNs Quietly Undermine User Security
Researchers analysed 1,500 climate policies to find what works. These are the lessons for Australia
Researchers are studying long COVID in kids -- here's what they know so far
Researchers create interactive touchscreen for dolphins
Researchers create soft, weavable LED fibers for truly flexible wearable displays
Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer
Researchers Develop Free Software That Can Create Japanese Wood Joinery
Researchers Developed a Technique to Turn Nearly a Quarter of Our Plastic Waste into Fuel
Researchers discover elephant extinction could have major impact on atmospheric carbon levels
Researchers discover simple secret to extend battery lifespans by 50 pct
Researchers discover that COVID-19 can cause brain cells to fuse
Researchers Doubt That Certain Mental Disorders Are Disorders At All
Researchers Find A Remarkable Ripple Effect When You Give Cash To Poor Families
Researchers find oddities in high-profile gender studies
Researchers found 37 mine sites in Australia that could be converted into renewable energy storage. So what are we waiting for?
Researchers Gave Homeless People $750 Per Month and the Results Were Incredible
Researchers hacked a robotic vacuum cleaner to record speech and music remotely
Researchers have found an 'octopus village' off Australia that reveals the creatures' social side
Researchers Have Recorded Rare Sounds of Echidnas Cooing, And We Can't Even Deal
Researchers invent process to make sustainable rubber, plastics
Researchers jailbreak AI robots to run over pedestrians, place bombs for maximum damage, and covertly spy
Researchers make a solid-state EV battery breakthrough
Researchers make surprising discovery about lifespan of EV batteries: ‘That was a shock’
Researchers Pinpoint Brain's Sarcasm Sensor
Researchers recycle perovskite solar cells using water-based “green solvent”
Researchers Reveal Details Of Printer Tracking Dots, Develop Free Software To Defeat It
Researchers say an AI-powered transcription tool used in hospitals invents things no one ever said
Researchers say there’s a simple way to reduce suicides: Increase the minimum wage
Researchers solve an age-old problem: How do you animate humans putting on trousers?
Researchers Solve One of the Most Notorious Open Problems in Math
Researchers strapped video cameras on 16 cats and let them do their thing. Here’s what they found
Researchers trained an AI model to ‘think’ like a baby, and it suddenly excelled
Researchers warn we could run out of data to train AI by 2026. What then?
Researchers' metallic glue may stick it to soldering and welding
Researchers: We've Underestimated The Risk of Simultaneous Crop Failures Worldwide
Resident Visitor: Laurie Spiegel's Machine Music
Residents of volcano-threatened Icelandic town allowed brief visit home
Resilience Is Futile: How Well-Meaning Nonprofits Perpetuate Poverty
Resistance to mega-tourism is rising in the South Pacific – but will governments put words into action?
Resistance to Public Health, No Longer Fringe, Gains Foothold in G.O.P. Politics
Resisting Reduction: Designing our Complex Future with Machines
Resisting the Urge to Pet Panasonic's Farting Robot Sock Cat Might Be Impossible
Resonance in Rainbow Bridge: Study listens to the natural bridge vibrate and sing
ReSource RICA tree-planting project turns 'ugly' hill in central Victoria into 'paradise' over 20 years
Respiratory infections like whooping cough and flu have plummeted amid COVID. But ‘bounce back’ is a worry
Responsible Cat Ownership Course
Responsible gambling – a bright shining lie Crown Resorts and others can no longer hide behind
The rest of the world can learn from Namibia, says Joseph Stiglitz
The rest of the world is building subways like crazy. The U.S. has pretty much given up
Restating the case against trickle down (updated)
Restaurant Cloaked in 250,000 LED Lights Offers an Out-of-This-World Dining Experience
Restaurant manager pens letter to autistic girl's mum
Restaurant owner thrilled after game-changing kitchen investment significantly improves waste management: 'We plan to order four more'
The restaurant staffed solely by people who’ve experienced homelessness
Restoration is helping native raptors thrive in Scotland, report shows
Restoration is possible: the hunt for Scotland’s ancient wild pinewoods
Restoration of Maple River offers hope for future conservation initiatives
Restoration turns pastures into wildlife haven in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest
Restore our Planet
Restoring and conserving nature in the Anthropocene means changing our idea of success
Restoring coastal habitat boosts wildlife numbers by 61% – but puzzling failures mean we can still do better
Restoring ecosystems to boost biodiversity is an urgent priority – our ‘Eco-index’ can guide the way
Restoring forests often falls to landholders. Here’s how to do it cheaply and well
Restoring Indigenous aquaculture heals both ecosystems and communities in Hawai‘i
Restoring logged forests doesn’t mean locking them up as ‘wilderness’ – it means actively managing them
Restricting Flipper Is A Zero Accountability Approach To Security
Results are looking promising for a combined COVID and flu vaccine. Here’s how it could benefit public health
The results of the biggest study on guaranteed income programs are finally in
Retailers join calls for ‘urgent’ action to restrict harmful tuna fishing methods
Retailers Selling Thousands Of Identical, Easily-Hacked ‘Smart’ Doorbells
Rethinking Columbus
Rethinking COVID hegemony
Rethinking Facebook: We Need To Make Sure That 'Good For The World' Is More Important Than 'Good For Facebook'
Rethinking Human Exceptionalism
Rethinking recycling: could a circular economy solve the problem?
Rethinking roads as public spaces – what NZ cities can learn from Barcelona’s ‘superblock’ urban design
Rethinking Screen Time: Not All Screen Time Is The Same
Rethinking the big spring clean chuck-out frenzy: how keeping old things away from the landfill can ‘spark joy’ in its own way
Retiring the US debt would retire the US dollar
'Retreat by Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer'
Retro Freak Lets You Rip Your Classic Video Games And Take Them Anywhere
Retro Future Space Art
Retro Muppet Concert Posters
Retro No More: Interactive Fiction of the Early Comp Era
Retro tech tip
Retrofit nation: Call for mass conversion of Australia’s truck fleet to spark battery industry
Retronator Pixel Art Academy
The return of Bladerunner the humpback and Split Fin the killer whale – a cautionary tale about seafaring vessels
Return of the bison: new American national symbol tells story of strife
The Return of the Bookstore: Brick and Mortar Shops Making Stunning Comeback
The Return of the Jaguar
The return of the kinga (saltwater crocodile)
Return of the lions: Large protected areas in Africa attract apex predator
Return of the Muppets!
The Return of the Platypuses
Return of the ‘consultocracy’ – how cutting public service jobs to save costs usually backfires
Returning a 170-year-old preserved lizard to Jamaica is a step toward redressing colonial harms
Returning a name to an artist: the work of Majumbu, a previously unknown Australian painter
Returning the Amazon Rainforest to Its True Caretakers
Reuse, Rejoice, Recycle: The Vibrant, Low-Waste Indian Wedding
Revealed: 1,000 super-emitting methane leaks risk triggering climate tipping points
Revealed: almost everyone in Europe is breathing toxic air
Revealed: Amazon linked to trafficking of workers in Saudi Arabia
Revealed: Big Oil given direct influence over university courses
Revealed: documents detail key players behind vast Australian fossil fuel expansion
Revealed: documents shed light on shadowy US far-right fraternal order
Revealed: Glencore bankrolled covert campaign to prop up coal
Revealed: How copyright law is being misused to remove material from the internet
Revealed: how the gas industry is waging war against climate action
Revealed: How To Get The IFPI To Issue Bogus DMCA Takedowns On Just About Anything, With No Questions Asked And No Review
Revealed: International ‘race science’ network secretly funded by US tech boss
Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry
Revealed: major Australian supermarkets almost never the cheapest place for your fresh produce
Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest provider are worthless, analysis shows
Revealed: Nearly Half The Adults In Britain And Europe Hold Extremist Views
Revealed: oil sector’s ‘staggering’ $3bn-a-day profits for last 50 years
Revealed: Saudi Arabia’s grand plan to ‘hook’ poor countries on oil
Revealed: Shell oil non-profit donated to anti-climate groups behind Project 2025
Revealed: the 1,200 big methane leaks from waste dumps trashing the planet
Revealed: The Antarctic iceberg that looks like a giant humbug
Revealed: the growing income gap between Europe’s biggest and smallest farms
Revealed: the places humanity must not destroy to avoid climate chaos
Revealed: the secret algorithm that controls the lives of Serco’s immigration detainees
Revealed: the secretive rightwing firm providing ‘clout’ for voice no campaign
Revealed: the world’s ‘most liveable’ cities in 2023
Revealed: the ‘buried’ Powerhouse Museum report that could have stopped $500m redevelopment
Revealed: the ‘carbon bombs’ set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown
Revealed: US airlines lobbied EU over its plan to monitor plane emissions
Revealed: US and UK fall billions short of ‘fair share’ of climate funding
Revealed: US utility firms offer builders cash and trips to fit new homes with gas appliances
Revealed: wealthy western countries lead in global oil and gas expansion
Revealed: ‘extremist’ Trump economist plots rightwing overhaul of US treasury
Revenge of the Covid Conspiracy Theorists
The revenge of the video game manual
"Revenge" by Elisa Chavez
Reverence For The Blue
Reversing the Freight Train
Reversing Vandalism
Review : Utopia For Realists
Review bombing is about power, politics and revenge - but it’s not about art
Review: 'The Sakai Project: Artists Celebrate Thirty Years of Usagi Yojimbo'
Review: Blackbird Secure Desktop – a fully open source modern POWER9 workstation without any proprietary code
Review: Cards Against Humanity
Review: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
Review: Inheritors of the Earth by Chris D. Thomas
Review: Juvenile felis catus
Review: Mindtouch (The Dreamhealers #1) MCA Hogarth
Review: Studio Ponoc's New 'The Imaginary' is Darkly Fantastical
Review: The New Essential Guide To Electronics In Shenzhen
Review: ‘KHAN!!!: The Musical’ Is A Loving Send-Up Of Star Trek And Broadway
Reviews of "The Last Starfighter: The Musical"
Revisit Vintage Issues of Astounding Stories, the 1930s Magazine that Gave Rise to Science Fiction as We Know It
Revisiting Open Source Social Networking Alternatives
The Revival of Germany’s Carbon-Sequestering Peatlands
The Revival of India’s Stunning Stepwells
Reviving Hope and Sustainability in Senegal’s Tocc Tocc Community Nature Reserve
Reviving the Hershey fonts
Reviving the Lost Waterways of India’s ‘City of Lakes’
Reviving Uyghur Culture In Kazakhstan, One 'Reel' At A Time
Revocation of Independence
Revolution in architecture opens in Curitiba, Brazil
The Revolution of Rising Expectations
The Revolution Will Not Be Ableist
Revolutionary changes in transportation, from electric vehicles to ride sharing, could slow global warming – if they’re done right, IPCC says
Revolutionary earbuds developed in Vancouver to dramatically change life for disabled
The Revolutionary Influence of the First English Children’s Novel
'Revolutionary' funding to support gender diverse Victorians
Revolutionising the truck stop: NewVolt unveils plans for charging network to electrify Australia’s road freight
Revolving Door: MPAA Hires Chief USTR Negotiator Behind ACTA And TPP's IP Chapter
Rewarding Disobedience
Rewards for tourists who litter pick in Copenhagen
Rewild to mitigate the climate crisis, urge leading scientists
Rewilder Derek Gow on turning his farm into an ark for lost species
Rewilding efforts throw a lifeline to Brazil’s most trafficked endangered bird
Rewilding in Argentina helps giant anteaters return to south Brazil
Rewilding Japan With Clearings in the Forest and Crowdfunding Campaigns
Rewilding landscapes can help to solve more than one problem
Rewilding Nation declaration call for Scotland as Charter launched
Rewilding plans for Loch Katrine
Rewilding sites have seen 400% increase in jobs since 2008, research finds
Rewilding the UK, one abandoned lot at a time
Rewilding ‘not just for toffs’ as one in five councils in Great Britain get onboard
Rewilding: Before and after photos reveal stunning transformation of Scottish glen
Rewilding: conservationists want to let elephants loose in Europe – here’s what could happen
Rewiring Australia founder Saul Griffith is a man on a mission to electrify the nation, one suburb at a time
Rewiring Australian households could save them up to $6,000 a year, research finds
Rezone more land to get more housing, NSW government says – but that could be a recipe for disaster
RFK Jr’s claim about Black people’s immune systems is ‘unscientific and terrifying’
Rheumatic heart disease in Indigenous children could be spread by throat bacteria, researchers find
Rhianna Pratchett On Working From Bed, Retrofitting Story, And Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Rhine River could fall below critical mark, risking industry
Rhino horn consumers reveal why a legal trade alone won’t save rhinos
Rhinos can’t sweat, making them vulnerable to overheating: global warming could wipe them out in southern Africa
RHS launches digital library of over 10,000 items, including rare treasures from their collections
RIAA Launches Brand New Front Group Pretending To Represent Independent Artists
RIAA Piles On In The Effort To Kill The World’s Greatest Library: Sues Internet Archive For Making It Possible To Hear Old 78s
Rice Farming Gets an AI Upgrade
Rice field art
The Rich And Powerful Are Abusing ‘Privacy’ Laws To Silence Journalists And Authors
Rich countries are hoarding COVID-19 vaccines. Elsewhere, the pandemic may keep killing for years
Rich countries are illegally exporting plastic trash to poor countries, data suggests
Rich countries only took in 16% of the world’s refugees in 2018
Rich countries should stop pushing fossil fuels on Africa – don’t we deserve a renewable future too?
Rich countries silencing climate protest while preaching about rights elsewhere, says study
Rich Nations, After Driving Climate Disaster, Block All Progress at U.N. Talks
The Rich Shouldn't Be Trusted To Make Decisions
The rich, summed up: Nepotism, cronyism, narcissism
The rich, white powerbrokers in A.M. Homes’ new novel plot to be kingmakers – in the name of ‘democracy’
Richard Bruce - OLEV - Carpool | Fully Charged
Richard Hill – Too Big to Be (Review of Wu, The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age)
Richard Scarry and the art of children’s literature
Richard Shilling's Lovely Land Art
Richard Tandy, ELO keyboardist who shaped band’s futuristic sound, dies aged 76
Richest nations ‘exporting extinction’ with demand for beef, palm oil and timber
Richie Merzian: Net zero by 2050 is a fraud if fossil fuels flourish
Rick Astley - Forever and More (Official Video)
Rick Astley - Keep Singing
Rick Astley - She Makes Me (Official Video)
Rick Astley with Choir! Choir! Choir! - Never Gonna Give You Up!!!
Rick Loomis Could Use Your Help
Ridding Macquarie Island of pests pays off as seabirds come back from the brink – but recovery has just begun
Ride a bus, take a package with you – how crowdshipping reduces the impacts of millions of deliveries
Ride London’s abandoned underground “Mail Rail”
Ride-share companies are losing billions, so why their interest in unprofitable public transport?
Rideable animatronic dino toy
The Rideau Canal Skateway: How can we promote resilience in the face of a changing climate?
'Ridiculed and not taken seriously': why fan fiction deserves more credit
Ridiculously simple idea cuts cargo ship emissions by 17.3% in first trials
‘Ridiculous’: Greta Thunberg blasts decision to let UAE oil boss chair climate talks
Riding the rail revival: how holidays by train are drawing the discerning traveller
‘The right direction’: new B.C. plan could actually protect old-growth forests
The right has its own version of political correctness. It’s just as stifling.
Right now, the Sun is far more active than predicted – and small satellites are paying the price
The Right Stuff: the new conservative dating app which has unsurprisingly, failed to attract women
“The Right to Have Rights” and the Plight of the Stateless
The Right Way to Repair a Mountain
The Rights And Liberties Of Our Parents
Rights groups cheer as Mauritius top court decriminalises same-sex relations
Rights Groups in Canadian Court Because 'The US Cannot Be Considered a Safe Country for Refugees'
The Rights of Nature Prevail Again in Ecuador
‘Rights of nature’ are being recognised overseas. In Australia, local leadership gives cause for optimism
The Right’s War on Wikipedia is Just a Repackaging of its War on Journalism
Rihanna - Diamonds (Cover by Steam Powered Giraffe)
Rik Mayall: A video tribute
Riken Yamamoto, who designs dignity and elegance into daily life, wins Pritzker Prize
RimbaTubes: Daft Punk Medley
Rimono: A tiny two-seater car that is really easy to drive
Ring discovered around dwarf planet Quaoar confounds theories
Ringing in 2015 with 40 Linux-friendly hacker SBCs
The ‘Ringo Starr’ of birds is now endangered – here’s how we can still save our drum-playing palm cockatoos
‘The Rings of Power’: Every adaptation is re-interpretation so ignore the haters
Rio Tinto to trial battery swap technology for electric trucks in giant Mongolia mine
Rio Tinto writes off $1.7bn of aluminium refineries, citing costs of Australia’s carbon emissions reduction scheme
Rioters try to torch Rotherham asylum seeker hotel amid far-right violence
RIP Abraham Lempel
RIP Bill Paxton
RIP Ghosts: a joyful comedy that lit up this bin fire of a world
RIP Harry Harrison
RIP Kannon Phelps 2001-2021
RIP Kate Wilhelm, science fiction great and co-founder of the Clarion Workshop
RIP Marlene Mallicoat
RIP Tripitaka Phelps-Pam b.2000-08-22 d.2011-12-23
RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language
RIP: Software design pioneer and Pascal creator Niklaus Wirth
"Rippled" by All India Radio
The rise and fall of Adobe Flash
The rise and fall of antibiotics. What would a post-antibiotic world look like?
The rise and fall of Flash, the annoying plugin that shaped the modern web
The Rise and Fall of Internet Art Communities
The rise and rise of Harry Styles: how did the former boyband member become the biggest name in pop?
Rise in activity from rightwing extremists who want to trigger ‘race war’ in Australia, Asio warns
The rise of a ‘dangerous’ ideology among parents is causing havoc in custody disputes
The rise of African prophets: the unchecked power of the leaders of Pentecostal churches
Rise of AI and loneliness drives demand for robot pets
Rise of almost untreatable superbug linked to a common antibiotic
The rise of American authoritarianism
The rise of anti-trans “radical” feminists, explained
The Rise of Batteries in Six Charts and Not Too Many Numbers
Rise of drug-resistant superbugs could make Covid pandemic look ‘minor’, expert warns
The rise of micro-labour
The Rise of Nintendo: A Story in 8 Bits
Rise of renewables may see off oil firms decades earlier than they think
The Rise of the 'Bike Bus' Movement
The Rise of the Brutal American
The Rise of the Carbon Farmer
Rise of the machines
The rise of the ‘machine defendant’ – who’s to blame when an AI makes mistakes?
The rise of Yevgeny Prigozhin: how a one-time food caterer became Vladimir Putin’s biggest threat
Rise of ‘fuel-guzzling’ SUVs costing Australians $13bn extra at the pump per year, report finds
Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer’s election debate: an audience asking for a way out of hopelessness and getting nothing in response
Rishi Sunak announces U-turn on key green targets
Rishi Sunak to launch bill to stop people arriving on small boats claiming asylum
Rising and shining: one woman’s mission to demystify the baking of bread
Rising Australian ballet star's ongoing nine-month battle with long COVID
Rising corporate profits major factor in Australia’s escalating inflation, report finds
The Rising Cost of the Oil Industry’s Slow Death
Rising on pause; Dark Mofo ticket sales delayed. The government must insure our arts events
Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move – we need a national conversation about relocation now
Rising sea levels may threaten 70% of Africa’s heritage sites by 2050
Rising sea levels pose threat to homes of 300m people – study
Rising seas and a great southern star: Aboriginal oral traditions stretch back more than 12,000 years
Rising temperatures in tropics to lead to lower coffee yields and higher prices, study suggests
Risk of bird flu spreading to humans is ‘enormous concern’, says WHO
Risk of heart attack tripled by exercising while angry, study finds
Risk of Preterm Birth Is Dramatically Rising as The World Gets Hotter
Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in professional settings, shops, shared transport, and leisure activities in France, 2020–2022
Risking His Own Extinction to Rescue the Rarest of Flowers
The Risks Digest on COVID-19
Risky Bulletin: The growing influencer problem to national security
Riven by Deceit: The crash of Partnair flight 394
River Champions
River Guardians
‘The river has been destroyed’: expert says agriculture has overshadowed science in the Murray-Darling Basin
River restoration is encouraging Atlantic salmon to return to heart of the UK
Riverdance at 30: how Riverdance shaped Irish dance, and reflected a multicultural Australia
Rivian R1T is the first EV to win the longest off-road competition in the US
RMI Analysis: With Smart Policy, Truck Electrification Is Within Reach
The road is long and time is short, but Australia’s pace towards net zero is quickening
Road safety experts propose levy on large SUVs in city to curb rising Victorian road deaths
The road that's the 'Eighth World Wonder'
Road to close for six weeks to allow toads to cross
The road to March 15: ‘networked white rage’ and the Christchurch terror attacks
Road to nowhere: why the suburban cul-de-sac is an urban planning dead end
The Road to Pokémon Go—and Beyond
The road to recovery: conservation management for the Critically Endangered Bali myna shows signs of success
Roadmap unveiled to help guide Gladstone from fossil fuel capital to green energy superpower
Roads of destruction: we found vast numbers of illegal ‘ghost roads’ used to crack open pristine rainforest
Roadside colossi: the global allure of a really Big Thing and the Queensland expert plotting their rise
Roadside trees stitch the ecosystems of our nation together. Here’s why they’re in danger
Roald Dahl museum acknowledges author’s antisemitism
Roald Dahl was a bigot and beloved children’s author. Wes Anderson shows both sides of this complicated persona
Roanoke Pinball Museum
Robber barons and high-speed traders dominate Australia’s water market
The Robber, the Judge, and the Case for Leniency
ROBBIE ROTTEN BEST MOMENTS | Stefán Karl Stefánsson Tribute
Robert Eklund records the purring cheetah Caine at the Dell Cheetah Centre, Parys, South Africa
Robert F. Kennedy Jr says vitamin A protects you from deadly measles. Here’s what the study he cites actually says
Robert Fico: why the attempted assassination of Slovakian prime minister could fuel the information war between Russia and Europe
Robert Fico’s allies warn of political war – they will use it to justify the dismantling of our democracy
Robert Llewellyn on News v Ideas
Robert Putnam Knows Why You’re Lonely
Robert Reich: How Increasing Numbers of Americans are Saying 'No Deal' to Absurd Inequality
Robert Scoble and Me
Robert Sobukwe, the South African leader once as revered as Mandela
Robert's Thoughts on Petro-States, Dirty Governments & Superyacht owning Tossers!
Roberta and Ken Williams are back after 25 years with 'Colossal Cave 3D Adventure'
Roberta Flack, soul and R&B icon behind Killing Me Softly, dies aged 88
Robo-1 Grand Championship
The Robodebt scheme failed tests of lawfulness, impartiality, integrity and trust
Robot & The Robots
Robot Dance Competition 2010
Robot Decathlon
Robot ethics
Robot Hand With Working Tendons Printed in One Go
Robot Kitty
Robot lamp
Robot lecture
Robot Legs for Paul
Robot makers say World Cup will be theirs by 2050
Robot Metalsmiths Are Resurrecting Toroidal Tanks for NASA
Robot performs Nativity play
Robot recruiters: can bias be banished from AI hiring?
Robot Repair Shop
Robot Vacuums That Collect Photos, Videos And Audio Of Users To Train AI Models Start Yelling Obscenities And Chasing Dogs
Robotic elephant's trunk
Robotic insects set to invade your home
Robotic Sculptures
Robotic Tortoise Helps Kids to Learn That Robot Abuse Is a Bad Thing #MakeRobotFriend
Robotic toy makes a big impression
Robotic toy makes a big impression at the DEMO convention
Robotics in Japan, Australia etc
Robots are creating images and telling jokes. 5 things to know about foundation models and the next generation of AI
Robots are performing Hindu rituals – some devotees fear they’ll replace worshippers
Robots Get Flexible and Torqued Up With Origami Wheels
Robots take scientists into sea depths
The Robots Won't Cause Massive Unemployment This Time, Either
Robots! Robots! Robots!
Robyn Williams, host of ABC RN's The Science Show, on 50 years of broadcasting and the day Norman Swan saved his life
Rock Dog 2015 Trailer
Rock painting art by Roberto Rizzo
Rock-Paper-Lizard: The evolutionary dynamics of reproductive strategies | @GrrlScientist
Rocket on two wheels
Rockstar just proved how important piracy is for game preservation
Rod McKuen Was the Bestselling Poet in American History. What Happened?
Rodney Brooks: Predictions Scorecard, 2025 January 01
Roger Ailes' Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News
Roger Davies died with nine broken ribs. Police deemed his death non-suspicious and sent him to a pauper’s grave
The rogue rewilders taking Britain’s biodiversity into their own hands
Rogue waves in the ocean are much more common than anyone suspected, says new study
Rogue WHOIS server gives researcher superpowers no one should ever have
Rohingya Refugees Capture the Reality of Their Lives One Photo at a Time
Roll out the PV: CSIRO opens flexible solar facility
Roll-Up Solar Panels Could Fundamentally Alter How We Power the World
‘Rollercoaster of a sickness’: how a horror flu season is catching Australian families off guard
RollerCoaster Tycoon at 25: ‘It’s mind-blowing how it inspired me’
Rolling back on climate actions may spell rise in preventable illness – study
Rolls-Royce completes ground-testing of technology set to power the world’s fastest all-electric plane: ACCEL
‘Roman Biro’ – complete with joke – found at London building site
Romance bookstores are booming in Australia and worldwide – and fans are lining up for love
Romania must recognise same-sex civil unions, EU top rights court rules
Romanian City Gives Free Bus Rides To Passengers Who Read Books Inside
Ron DeSantis and the Third Wave of American Fascism
Ronnie Corbett
Roof Not Suitable For Solar? Here's The Solution!
Rooftop PV propels renewables to 75 pct share for first time, sends coal and grid demand to record lows
Rooftop solar poised to become Australia's biggest power source amid coal's demise
Rooftop solar smashes records, sends coal and demand to new lows as it reshapes the grid
Rooftop wind energy innovation claims 50% more energy than solar at same cost
‘Room for everyone’: how Kīngi Tūheitia’s message of unity offered an alternative to divisive Treaty politics
The Room of Requirement
Roots of human family tree are shallow
Rory Cormac’s "How to Stage a Coup" is an entertaining critique, not a how-to manual
Rosalynn Carter's quiet victory: How she saved thousands and took no credit
Rosenzweig: The federation fallacy
Ross Garnaut and Rod Sims have proposed a $100 billion-a-year fossil fuel tax – and it’s a debate Australia should embrace
Ross Garnaut thinks Australia can become a low-carbon superpower; Clive Hamilton is not convinced
Ross Garnaut’s "Superpower" follow-up tells a story of promise but also of peril
The Ross sisters (1944)
The Rot Goes To The Core
Roundup of bento blogs
Roving bandits and looted coastlines: How the global appetite for sand is fuelling a crisis
The row over Boris Johnson’s resignation honours list highlights why it should be the last
ROWAN & MARTIN's LAUGH IN (2nd season) - Davy Jones, Robert Wagner, Greer Garson
Rowan Atkinson rode around London on top of a car to celebrate Mr. Bean’s anniversary
Roxanne Tickle’s win in the federal court is a historic victory for transgender women
Roxeanne Hazes - Spaceman, Remix by Chris van Buren
The Royal Academy of Dance acquires Dancing Times photographic archive
Royal Mint starts turning e-waste into gold
Royal Observatory announces the winners of its 2013 photography contest
Royal Society of Biology photography competition 2021 – in pictures
Royal visits to Australia can be disaster magnets. In the first one, the prince barely made it out alive
Royals 2Pac Beck Mashup - Pomplamoose
Royce Mann, Age 14, "White Boy Privilege", Slam Poem
RPG a Day: Gamer nest, Unlimited Budget Edition!
The RPG Scrollbars: A Quest For Heroes
RSA Animate - The Power of Outrospection
RSA Shorts - The Power of Empathy
RTHK: How authorities cracked down on Hong Kong's only public broadcaster
RTO doesn’t improve company value, but does make employees miserable: Study
Ruapehu’s slippery slopes: the uncertain future of snow sports in a climate emergency
Rubber Duckies!
Ruble Makes Putin Tremble
"Ruby" by Emma Allen (video)
Rude vs. Mean vs. Bullying: Defining the Differences
Rudy Rucker's Complete Stories online
Rugby stadiums are sold as an economic asset – but NZ needs to ask if they’re really worth it
Rules of attraction: Why white men marry Asian women and Asian men don’t marry white women
The Rules of Magic, According to the Greatest Fantasy Sagas of All Time
Rules should ensure households have the financial freedom not to choose gas
‘RUN and RUN’ by Lyrical School, A Clever Music Video Made Specifically for Smartphone Viewing
Run for your life!!.... A Princess is attacking Japan!!
Run out of butter or eggs? Here’s the science behind substitute ingredients
Run Putin Run. Ukraine is not the enemy you think they are.
Runner says no to competing for GB in Australia over flight climate concerns
Running a business with boobs: the things I never say
Running Cover for Death: Pandemic Minimizers Normalize an Inhumane Baseline
Running Kamala Harris may actually be a political masterstroke for the Democrats
Running Out of Children, a South Korea School Enrolls Illiterate Grandmothers
Running Up That Hill: How Stranger Things and TikTok pushed Kate Bush’s 1985 pop classic back to the top of the charts
Rupert Murdoch Admits, Once Again, He Can't Make Money Online -- Begs Facebook To Just Give Him Money
Rupert Murdoch's attack on 'our ABC' like a mediaeval siege
Rupert Murdoch’s reign at Fox News is over. But the damage he did may last forever
Rupert Murdoch’s succession plan reveals a lot about his empire – and most of it is not pretty
Rural Kenyans power West’s AI revolution. Now they want more
Rural Women's Award winner Kate Lamason's Australian-made alternative to imported tuna
The rush to renewable energy means a new mining boom. But first, Australia needs to make some tough choices
Ruskin and Morris: The Arts and Crafts Idealists
Russell Brand and the GQ awards: 'It's amazing how absurd it seems'
Russell Brand Improvises Shakespeare
Russell Brand: how the comedy industry uses humour to abuse and silence women
Russia accused of taking Belarus ‘nuclear hostage’ with deal to station missiles there
Russia and China block every proposal at Antarctic marine life conservation conference in Hobart
Russia and Noise
Russia and the West are at a stalemate over Ukraine. Is Putin’s endgame now war?
Russia and the west are entering the ‘grey zone’ of warfare – and the oceans are a key battleground
Russia and Ukraine are important to the renewables transition. Here’s what that means for the climate
Russia begins annexation vote, illegal under international law, in occupied Ukraine
Russia Carves Out Commercial Surveillance Success Globally
Russia Disconnects Itself From The Internet, Asks UN To Let It Have More Control Of Internet Usage Around The World
Russia disrupts internet access in multiple regions to test ‘sovereign internet’
Russia gives Navalny lawyers multi-year sentences for relaying his messages
Russia has declared a new space race, hoping to join forces with China. Here’s why that’s unlikely
Russia is about to hold another presidential election. It needn’t bother
Russia is building its own kind of sovereign internet — with help from Apple and Google
Russia Is Censoring the Internet, With Coercion and Black Boxes
Russia Is Commandeering the U.N. Cybercrime Treaty
Russia is fighting three undeclared wars. Its fourth – an internal struggle for Russia itself – might be looming
Russia is forcing Western companies exiting its market to make a donation to the country — and it's making it harder for them to leave
Russia Is Stepping Up Its Covert War Beyond Ukraine
Russia is using drones to target Ukrainian electricity and erode morale
Russia launches huge missile attack on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure
Russia launches major Christmas Day attack on Ukraine’s energy system
Russia outlaws ‘international LGBT public movement’ as extremist
Russia passes law banning ‘LGBT propaganda’ among adults
Russia planned to steal grain and starve Ukrainians ahead of invasion, evidence shows
Russia says decision not to extend Black Sea grain deal is final
Russia shares AI images of Hurricane Milton as disinformation abounds in US
Russia strikes Kyiv in huge drone attack hours after Trump win
Russia targets Ukraine’s power grid in biggest missile strike in months
Russia tried to stage coup in Armenia, prosecutors allege
Russia trying to meddle in Moldovan polls, say UK, US and Canada
Russia Uses Every Missile in Arsenal in Largest Attack Since Start of Ukraine War
Russia vetoes UN security council resolution linking climate crisis to international peace
Russia Was Running Out of War Veterans, So It Made New Ones
‘Russia wins by losing’: Timothy Snyder on raising funds for Ukrainian drone defence
Russia ‘aggressive’ and ‘reckless’ in cyber realm and threat to Nato, UK minister to warn
Russia's Paradox of Plenty
Russia-linked cable-cutting tanker seized by Finland ‘was loaded with spying equipment’
Russia-Linked Hackers Attack Japan's Govt, Ports
Russia-Ukraine tensions: power posturing or trouble on the home front for Putin?
Russia-Ukraine war: In Chinese media, the US is the villain
Russia/Ukraine grain export deal promises major benefits for poor countries. If it holds
The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" Propaganda Model
Russian Artist Creates Fantasy Animal Sculptures From Velvet Clay (15+ Pics)
Russian artist Tebe Interesno
Russian capture of Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear plant threatens future research on radioactivity and wildlife
Russian Centenarians
Russian conservationists hail rare sighting of Amur leopard with cubs
Russian court jails US-Russian woman for 12 years over $50 charity donation
Russian dad on the run after daughter's art triggers prison sentence
Russian defector sheds light on Putin paranoia and his secret train network
Russian Fairytale Palaces
Russian government accounts are using a Twitter loophole to spread disinformation
Russian journalist auctioning his Nobel prize for Ukrainian refugees
Russian minister says G20 summit a success after criticism over war blocked
Russian missile strike on Kharkiv postal centre kills six people, officials say
Russian Musical Comedy
Russian occupation authorities seize Eurovision winner Jamala’s home in Crimea
Russian Photographer
Russian Photographer Captures The Cutest Squirrel Photo Session Ever
Russian Photographer...Forget Disney Princesses
Russian police arrest over 100 people nationwide in crackdown on Navalny support
Russian Prisoner of War Says He Joined Army to Pay Off ‘World of Tanks’ Debt
Russian Satellite Explodes
Russian spies surveilled Ukrainian troops at US base, trial hears
Russian spy ship fire exposes poor state of Mediterranean fleet, say experts
Russian strike on crowded Ukraine market leaves at least 17 dead
The Russian takeover of the defunct Chernobyl site challenges the ‘peaceful, safe and sustainable’ branding of nuclear energy
Russian tanker sinks in Black Sea spilling 4,300 tonnes of oil
Russian War Is Actually Reducing Fossil Fuel Use, Study Says
Russian ‘double tap’ missile strike kills seven near hotel used by journalists
Russian-Style Kleptocracy Is Infiltrating America
Russians flee the draft as the reality of the war in Ukraine hits home
Russians who promote 'child-free movement' could soon face hefty fine
Russia’s alleged deportation of Ukrainian children has caused a UN standoff – what international law says and why it matters
Russia’s blockade could cause mass famine beyond Ukraine – but it’s a crime without a name
Russia’s Brics summit shows determination for a new world order – but internal rifts will buy the west some time
Russia’s Crackdown on Human Rights Defenders Escalates
‘Russia’s dirty money will hijack our democratic process’: how tiny Moldova fears Kremlin is fixing EU referendum
Russia’s foreign minister got laughter, cheers and shrugs in India. Outrage over the war isn’t universal
Russia’s influence in the Balkans is growing just as the region’s fragile peace is threatened
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has Kremlin battling for hearts and minds at home
Russia’s latest attack on Ukraine shows maximalist war aims remain unchanged
Russia’s Muslim Reawakening
Russia’s next election is likely to put Putin in power for longer than anyone since Peter the Great
Russia’s Ukraine invasion is slowly approaching an inflection point. Is the West prepared to step up?
Russia’s Ukraine invasion won’t be over soon – and Putin is counting on the West’s short attention span
Russia’s war in Ukraine has been devastating for animals – but they’ve also given the nation reason for hope
Russia’s war in Ukraine threatens students daily and forces teachers to improvise
Russia’s war is now focused and defensive. Ukraine must prepare for a tough winter
Russia’s war on Ukraine is driving up wheat prices and threatens global supplies of bread, meat and eggs
Russia’s war with Ukraine accelerating global climate emergency, report shows
Russia’s withdrawal from the International Space Station could mean the early demise of the orbital lab – and sever another Russian link with the West
Rutgers Scientist Develops Antimicrobial, Plant-Based Food Wrap Designed to Replace Plastic
Ruth Coker Burks, the cemetery angel
Ruth Ozeki: Author and Buddhist priest wins Women's Prize for Fiction
Ruthie Tompson, an animator with the longest history at Disney, dies at 111
Rwanda deportations: what is the European Court of Human Rights, and why did it stop the UK flight from taking off?
Rwanda’s Health-Care Success Holds Lessons for Others
RWDS: A Massacre in Texas and a Warning to Us All
Rx for the Anthropocene?
Ryan North’s ‘How to Take Over the World’
Ryuichi Sakamoto, a godfather of electronic pop, has died
Ryuichi Sakamoto: the avant gardist who became a groundbreaking pop star
Rāhui and the Ancient Art of Marine Conservation
Saber-toothed cat struts down Wilshire Blvd in L.A. and comes home to the Tar Pits!
SAC on Youtube
Sachal Studios' Take Five Official Video
Sacheen Littlefeather reads the Oscar's speech she wasn't allowed to give
The Sacred Balance: blending Western science with Indigenous knowledges, David Suzuki’s influential book has been updated for this moment
‘Sad and distressing’: massive numbers of bird deaths in Australian heatwaves reveal a profound loss is looming
Sad Baby Monsters
Sad Cat Diary
‘The sad reality is many don’t survive’: how floods affect wildlife, and how you can help them
The Sad Story of the Moriori, Who Learned to Live at the Edge of the World
Sad Vacation Guy Wins Second Vacation, Takes His Wife And Baby, Has Much Better Time
The sad, stupid rise of the sigma male: how toxic masculinity took over social media
Sadly, It's Not 'Just Another Summer.' We Must End the Fossil Fuel Industry
Safe for autocracy: the world according to Putin and Trump
Safer Gatherings Toolkit
Safety vests and helmets make cyclists look ‘less human’ to other road users
The Saga of Rex animation
The Saga of Rex Sets Course for Belgium to Become an Animated Feature Film
The Saga of Rex: The Animated Film Project
Sagebrush Rebellion Politics
The Sahara Desert used to be a green savannah – new research explains why
Saiga antelopes have increased 10-fold after mass die-off in 2015
Saitama priest near tears after researchers solve ceiling art puzzle
Sales of electric vehicles in the US are accelerating
Sally Cruikshank videos
Salmon are struggling to migrate in hot waters along their route. So they're driving
Salmon Make a Long-Awaited Return to the Klamath River for the First Time in 112 Years, After Largest Dam Removal in U.S.
Salmon won't return to the Klamath River overnight, but tribes are ready for restoration work
Salon therapy: the Ivory Coast hairdressers tackling a mental health crisis
Salt Lake's Dem Mayor Goes Undercover As A Homeless Man For Three Days. Pledges Vital Assistance.
Salt-free diet ‘can reduce risk of heart problems by almost 20%’
Salt-Water Fish Extinction Seen By 2048
Saltwater crocodiles are slowly returning to Bali and Java. Can we learn to live alongside them?
Salty foods are making people sick − in part by poisoning their microbiomes
Salty Sea (prairie) Dog
Salut Salon "Wettstreit zu viert" | "Competitive Foursome"
Sam Altman Is Spouting Weapons Grade Copium
Sam Altman rebrands Worldcoin to ‘World’, still wants your eyeballs
Sam Bankman-Fried is going to prison. The crypto industry isn’t any better for it
Sam Bankman-Fried is not a child
Sam Harris and the Myth of Perfectly Rational Thought
Sam Kerr’s alleged comments may have had a racial element, but they were not ‘racist’
Same-sex couples divide household chores more fairly – here’s what they told us works best
Same-sex couples will now have full adoption rights in Taiwan
Same-Sex Kiss Restored in Pixar’s ‘Lightyear’ Following Staff Uproar Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill (EXCLUSIVE)
Same-Sex Marriage Around the World
Same-sex marriage now legal in every Mexican state
Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration
Samoan democracy hangs in the balance as a constitutional arm wrestle plays out — with the world watching
Samoa’s first female leader has made history — now she faces a challenging future at home and abroad
Samsung is testing a new ‘Safety Truck’ that could change the way people drive
Samsung Redesigned Its TV Boxes To Be Easily Converted Into Cat Houses And Entertainment Centres
Samuel L. Katz, a Developer of the Measles Vaccine, Dies at 94
Samurai Star Wars
Samurai Versus
San and Khoe skeletons: how a South African university sought to restore dignity and redress the past
San Clemente Island plants, bird succeed despite obstacles
San Diego Closes Popular Beach for Seven Years to Protect Sea Lions
San Diego Comic-Con Cosplay Spotlight: Gender Bent Justice League
San Diego Fires
San Diego’s Frozen Zoo Is Bringing Species Back from the Brink
San Francisco 1945
San Francisco’s best bargains are piled high in SCRAP's chaotic warehouse
San Jose high school issues student body card to campus cat
Fwd: Sand & Stone
Sand Animation
Sandbox Land Launches!
Sandbox Land: Euromania Songfest
Sandbox Land: Roaring Twenties
Sanders, Warren, Ocasio-Cortez, and Other Lawmakers Sign Pledge to End America’s “Forever Wars”
Sandra and Woo [0636] Hodge Theater
Sandra Boynton is tweaking some of her beloved children’s books. But why mess with perfection?
Sandra Boynton's C. A. T.
Sandra Boynton’s CHANSON PROFONDE with Yo-Yo Ma
Sandro Miller: Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich: Homage to photographic masters
SANS ICS HyperEncabulator
Santa Muerte, Full of Grace
Santa Will Know Who’s Nicer Than Nice
Santastic: The Christmashes
Santos uses new tactic to fight climate change movement after traditional owners lose court challenge against Barossa gas project
Santos whistleblower accuses company of covering up extent of Australian oil spill that killed dolphins
Santos windfall: Australia is swimming in subsidised gas and we’re giving it away
Santos, now booted from the House, got elected as a master of duplicity – here’s how it worked
Sanzoku no Musume Rōnya
Sao Paulo: The City With No Outdoor Advertisements
sappy but so touching...even if you have seen it before...
Sarah Cooper: ‘Trump has bigger fish to fry than me’
Sarah Horn Shares Inspirational Story of Singing with Kristin Chenoweth at the Hollywood Bowl and Going Viral!
Sarah Rees Brennan on fanfiction
Sarah Stillman: The Use and Abuse of Civil Forfeiture
Sarantaporo Residents Create Commons in Rural Greece Through a DIY Wireless Mesh Network
SARS-CoV-2 airborne infection probability estimated by using indoor carbon dioxide
SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers pro-atherogenic inflammatory responses in human coronary vessels
SARS-CoV-2 serosurvey of healthy, privately owned cats presenting to a New York City animal hospital in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021)
Sarychev Peak eruption photos from the International Space Station
‘Satanic worship, sodomy and even murder’: how Stranger Things revived the American satanic panic of the 80s
Satellite data shows entire Conger ice shelf has collapsed in Antarctica
The Satellite Hack Everyone Is Finally Talking About
Satellite Image Shows Construction of World's First Floating City
Satellite Images Reveal Beavers Are Transforming The Arctic "Like Wildfire"
Satellite images reveal the total collapse of the Conger-Glenzer ice shelf in East Antarctica
Satellite images show melting glaciers are shifting national borders in EU
Satellite to ‘name and shame’ worst oil and gas methane polluters
Satellites are making the night sky brighter – as a launch site, NZ has a duty to combat light pollution
Satellites collide
Satellites show world's glaciers melting faster than ever
Satellites spot methane leaks – but ‘super-emitters’ don’t fix them
Satellites zoom in on cities’ hottest neighborhoods to help combat the urban heat island effect
Satin Velvet - Trey Magnifique
Saturation point: Australia’s best known carbon-neutral farm can no longer offset its emissions
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: Marine Biology
Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Patriotic Cookies
Saudi Arabia Angles to Keep Oil at Centre of Global Economy
Saudi Arabia Imprisons An American Citizen For 16 Years Over Critical Tweets
Saudi Arabia squandered its groundwater and agriculture collapsed. California, take note.
Saudi Arabia: Government Agents Infiltrate Wikipedia, Sentence Independent Admins to Prison
Saudi Arabia’s goin sicko mode on its sci-fi city-state
Saudi Aramco’s $161bn profit is largest recorded by an oil and gas firm
Saudi Prosecutors Are Targeting A US Citizen For Tweets Criticizing The Government
Saudis in US targeted as kingdom cracks down on dissent
Savanna & grassland carbon storage slows climate change
Save lives in Puerto Rico. Fully fund disaster relief and rebuilding.
Save lives or save the economy? That's a false choice – and it's obscene
Save The Asian Elephants
Save The Elephant Day!
Save the Pangolins
Save the world like Notre-Dame, says Swedish activist Thunberg
Saving 4 Million Books From Landfill
Saving Africa's elephants: 'Can you imagine them no longer existing?'
Saving Australia's sea turtles, one at a time
Saving bluefin tuna: The sushi delicacy threatened by climate change
Saving Brazil’s golden monkey, one green corridor at a time
Saving broadcasting’s past for the future – archivists are working to capture not just tapes of TV and radio but the experience of tuning in together
Saving forests to protect coastal ecosystems: Japan sets historic example
Fwd: Saving Grendel: Preserving Australian Animation History
Saving humanity: here’s a radical approach to building a sustainable and just society
Saving Mar Menor, Europe’s largest salt lagoon
Saving Michoacán forests: Purépechas plant millions of trees
Saving Surf Breaks to Fight Climate Change
Saving the 78s
Saving the albatross: 'The war is against plastic and they are casualties on the frontline'
Saving the Bald Eagle – a Conservation Success Story
Saving the Bears of Abruzzo
Saving The Day
Saving the forests won’t be enough to stop climate change — we need substantial emission cuts
Saving the Great Barrier Reef: these recent research breakthroughs give us renewed hope for its survival
Saving the Mary River turtle: how the people of Tiaro rallied behind an iconic species
Saving the planet, one magic trick at a time
Saving the world is cheaper than ruining it
Saving the world is cheaper than ruining it - April 15, 2022
Saving the ‘Kidneys’ of the Great Barrier Reef
Saving Whales From Ship Collisions With Warnings and Letter Grades
Saving Yellowstone for the Grizzlies
Say Goodbye To 2020 With The Year’s Top 10 Hubble Photos
Say goodbye to the video store, hello to the non-profit foundation
Say hello to Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy
Say Hello To The Inspirational, Feel-Good Side Of Russian Dash Cams
Say It to My Face
say something.
Saying Goodbye to Tokyo's TINIEST Shop | Akihabara
SBS butchered my movie, and there’s nothing I can do about it
The Scale of the Universe
The scaling back of Saudi Arabia’s proposed urban mega-project sends a clear warning to other would-be utopias
The Scalzi Gender
The Scalzi super bundle
Scam Factories: The inside story of Southeast Asia’s fraud compounds (part 2)
Scammers are cashing in on Worldcoin’s chaotic Kenya launch
Scammers are targeting Ticketek accounts. Here's how to protect your concert tickets
Scammers Are Tricking Anti-Vaxxers Into Buying Bogus Medical Documents
Scammers can slip fake texts into legitimate SMS threads. Will a government crackdown stop them?
Scammers demanded $10,000 from Josh’s grandma so he made a movie where she hunts them down
Scammers impersonate guest editors to get sham papers published
Scammers target travellers with fake listings on accommodation platforms, including
Scams, deepfake porn and romance bots: advanced AI is exciting, but incredibly dangerous in criminals’ hands
Scan the World Offers 17,000+ Scans of Famous Artworks You Can Download and 3D Print
Scanadu: The medical Tricorder from Star Trek is here
The Scandinavian way to zero-carbon construction
‘Scanners are complicated’: why Gen Z faces workplace ‘tech shame’
Scanning the future: the startup behind chipless, metal-free, paper RFID tags
The scariest metric of the climate change era: Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
Scary Poppins - Scary Pockets feat. Larry Goldings (SCARY GOLDINGS)
Scary Smash
Scarygirl: the richly built world of this new Aussie film tells a story of human-nature connection
‘The scenery bursts into life’: making Scotland wild again
Schadenfreude Interactive
Schlock Mercenary 2000-2020
Schneier on Security: Our Newfound Fear of Risk
The scholar whose career began in the books section of his local newsagent
Scholars: AI isn’t “hallucinating” — it’s bullshitting
Scholastic, and a Faustian Bargain
School District Bans All Books with Gay Characters, in Iceberg-Tip Move
School Districts Still Face Fights—and Confusion—on Integration
School ditches rules and loses bullies
School libraries are an ally to students needing an escape. We can’t let them vanish
Fw: School Lunches
School uniforms go unisex as Japanese schools seek better fit for LGBT students
Schoolchildren Are Reviving Slovenia’s Sustainable Culinary Heritage
Schooling for Myths and Powerlessness
Schools close and crops wither as ‘historic’ heatwave hits south-east Asia
Schools closed and people evacuated as torrential rain returns in Spain
Schools still assume students have a mum and dad who are together. This can leave separated parents ‘completely out of it’
School’s out: how climate change is already badly affecting children’s education
Schroedinger’s streaming service just died
Schwarzenegger to Sue Big Oil for ‘First Degree Murder’
Sci-Chi: Tai Chi for science fiction fans
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books with a Powerful Message of Social Justice
Sci-fi books are rare in school even though they help kids better understand science
Sci-Fi Doesn't Have to Be Depressing: Welcome to Solarpunk
Sci-Fi Icon Neal Stephenson Finally Takes on Global Warming
Sci-Fi Lovers Owe a Debt of Gratitude to Betty Ballantine
Sci-Fi Short Film: "Laura & Vineta" | DUST
Sci-Fi talent quest
Sci-Fi themed home theatres
Sci-Fi Writers Are Imagining a Path Back to Normality
Sci-Fi’s Hugo Awards and the Battle for Pop Culture’s Soul
Sci-Hub is providing science publishers with their Napster moment
Science Announces Positive Preliminary Results For Vision Restoration In Pivotal Clinical Trial
Science as Art: Nanoscale Materials Imitate Everything From Flowers to Frost
The science behind fonts (and how they make you feel)
Science confirms it: Websites really do all look the same
Science continues to exclude Indigenous communities. Fixing this benefits everyone
Science Creative Quarterly
Science experiments traditionally only used male mice – here’s why that’s a problem for women’s health
Science fatigue keeps us clinging to bad health habits
Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels That Take Us Beyond the Gender Binary #SciFiSunday
Science Fiction and the Death of the Sun
Science fiction builds mental resiliency in young readers
Science fiction master Vernor Vinge dead at 79
Science Fiction Recommended by Scientists
Science Fiction Terms and from Whence They Came
Science Fictions
Science Has a Nasty Photoshopping Problem
Science has answers to why conservatives fall so easily for COVID-19 and Russian propaganda
Science is a human right − and its future is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Science news
[Fwd: [IP] The Science News Cycle]
The science of happier dogs: 5 tips to help your canine friends live their best life
The science of the ideal salad dressing
The Science of Why Comment Trolls Suck
The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science
The Science of “Enlivenment” and the Commons
Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits
Science Valentines
Science! T-shirts
(Science) Fiction and Design
Science, Cats, and Flatulence
The Science, Fiction, and Fantasy of Genre
ScienceVet explains biological sex
Scientific American Loses Its Bold Leader
Scientific discoveries
Scientific fraud is rising, and automated systems won’t stop it. We need research detectives
The scientific genius who eschewed fame: remembering Thomas Harriot, 400 years on
The Scientific Paper Is Obsolete
Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free
The scientist and the Bats
Scientist Resurrects Ancient Creatures by 3D-Printing Them in Metal
The scientist who tested his revolutionary medicine on his own brain cancer: ‘It seemed worth it to give it a crack’
Scientist ‘Photographs’ Sounds By Using ‘Simple’ Cymatics Technique And The Results Are Out Of This World
Scientist's theory of climate's Titanic moment the 'tip of a mathematical iceberg'
Scientists 'speechless' at Arctic fox's epic trek
Scientists and comedians join forces to get climate crisis message across
Scientists Are Decoding Long Covid Immunology
Scientists are divining the future of Earth’s ice-covered oceans at their harsh fringes
Scientists are recruiting elephant seals to eavesdrop on whales
Scientists are shocked as a tiny endangered sea turtle returns to the Gulf Coast
Scientists are testing a “vaccine” against climate change denial
Scientists are trying to save coral reefs. Here's what's working.
Scientists at Spain meeting sound alarm over ocean warming
Scientists Attached Tracking Devices to Magpies. But Nobody Asked The Magpies
Scientists brace for possibility of ‘severe’ damage to Great Barrier Reef from ex-Cyclone Jasper
Scientists call for a moratorium on climate change research until governments take real action
Scientists Call For The Ocean to Be Recognized as a Living Being With Inherent Rights
Scientists caution against a reliance on mechanical devices to clear water bodies of plastic
Scientists claim PV systems combined with thermoelectric cooling may achieve 6-year payback time
Scientists Confirm You Can Communicate With Your Cat by Blinking Very Slowly
Scientists contest environment minister’s claim of ‘blitzing’ Australia’s ocean reserve expansion goal
Scientists count whales from space
Scientists counted 49 ways Australia is destroying the ecosystems we hold dear – but there is hope
Scientists decry death by 1,000 cuts for world’s insects
Scientists deliver ‘final warning’ on climate crisis: act now or it’s too late
Scientists demand end to dingo baiting after research reveals most are genetically pure
Scientists develop fully woven, smart display
Scientists Developing Floating Solar Farms That Can Withstand Rough Oceans
Scientists discover 100 potential new deep-sea species, including mystery creature
Scientists Discover a Giant Manta Ray Population, 10 Times Bigger Than Any Other
Scientists discover heat-tolerant corals hidden in plain sight. Could it help protect the Great Barrier Reef?
Scientists Discover New Rainbow-Colored Fish Species in the Maldives
Scientists discover plastic-eating fungi that could help clean up world’s oceans
Scientists discover sperm whale ‘phonetic alphabet’
Scientists discover why dozens of endangered elephants dropped dead
Scientists Extract Rocks From Earth’s Mantle
Scientists find 5,000 new species in Pacific, warn of mining risk
Scientists find desert moss ‘that can survive on Mars’
Scientists Find the Largest Known Genome Inside a Small Plant
Scientists find the last remnants of the human genome that were missing in the Y chromosome
Scientists find visions of a benevolent future society motivate reform
Scientists Gave Homeless People $7,500, Here’s How They Spent It
Scientists get tool to mark online climate science media coverage and it's not a rusty teaspoon
Scientists hail discovery of hundreds of new species in remote New Guinea
Scientists have beaten down the best climate denial argument
Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Pace of Climate Change
Scientists Have Created Transparent Wood
Scientists have discovered that Earth’s carbon sinks are not really carbon sinking at the moment
Scientists have figured out way to make algae-based plastic that completely decomposes
Scientists have found carbon dioxide on Pluto’s largest moon – offering clues about how it formed
Scientists Have Found There's a Crucial Change We Can Make to Better Serve Our Planet
Scientists have just told us how to solve the climate crisis – will the world listen?
Scientists have traced Earth’s path through the galaxy via tiny crystals found in the crust
Scientists have used mushrooms to make biodegradable computer chips
Scientists investigate why crows are so playful
Scientists issue warning about increasingly alarming whale behavior due to human activity: 'Distinct and concerning changes'
Scientists Just Laid Out a Detailed Plan to Replenish Marine Life by 2050
Scientists made an unsettling discovery in the Antarctic. It's likely an omen.
Scientists make stunning discovery after examining how wildlife impacts agriculture: 'Reducing the need for chemicals'
Scientists mapped the world’s rivers over 35 years. They found shocking changes
Scientists May Have Found a Way to Save The Banana From Extinction
Scientists need help to save nature. With a smartphone and these 8 tips, we can get our kids on the case
Scientists Need to Stop “Othering” the General Public
Scientists Open Their Labs to Colleagues Stranded by Trump’s Immigration Ban
Scientists predict the hole in the ozone layer will close in the next 50 years
Scientists propose rethinking 'endangered species' definition to save slow-breeding giants
Scientists protest Toyota's hydrogen car for being too dirty
Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient
Scientists Put Prisoners In A Luxury 5-Star Prison, This Is What Happened
Scientists raise alarm over ‘dangerously fast’ growth in atmospheric methane
Scientists Reintroduce 5,000 Snails to French Polynesian Islands
Scientists Release Record-Breaking Number of Baby Seahorses Into Sydney Harbor
Scientists report 'remarkable' return of rare endangered frog species: 'Future projects like this will assist in the recovery of these threatened species'
Scientists reviewed 7,000 studies on microplastics. Their alarming conclusion puts humanity on notice
Scientists say they've made a breakthrough in efforts to bring back the extinct Tasmanian tiger
Scientists shocked by Arctic permafrost thawing 70 years sooner than predicted
Scientists shocked to discover new species of green anaconda, the world’s biggest snake
Scientists sound the alarm after finding thousands of seabirds dead on beaches: 'The message is clear'
Scientists Studying Earth's Trees Issue a Bleak Warning to Humanity
Scientists Studying Earth's Trees Issue a Stark Warning to Humanity
Scientists Studying Earth's Trees Issue Stark Warning to Humanity
Scientists Taught Rats How To Play Hide And Seek And Found Out They Actually Really Enjoy Playing
Scientists Teach Cockatoos to Play 'Golf', Showing Off The Birds' Clever Tool Use
Scientists tell us their favourite jokes
Scientists Translate Dolphin Whistles
Scientists Uncover Hidden Long COVID Cases, Tripling Previous Estimates
Scientists Unite Against Accelerated Habitat Loss in Australia
Scientists urge end to fossil fuel use as landmark IPCC report readied
Scientists vindicate 'Limits to Growth' – urge investment in 'circular economy'
Scientists Warn Brain Diseases Are Getting Worse as Climate Change Intensifies
Scientists warn Coldplay fans to dust off face masks ahead of Perth concerts
Scientists Warn Multiple Overlapping Crises Could Trigger 'Global Systemic Collapse'
Scientists warn of the ‘sunscreen paradox’
Scientists Warn The Atmosphere Hasn't Been Like This in 14 Million Years
Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism's Imminent Demise
Scientists whose work enabled mRNA Covid vaccine win medicine Nobel prize
Scientists' Letter for MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary
Scientists’ experiment is ‘beacon of hope’ for coral reefs on brink of global collapse
The scifi fans are alright: I saw the future at the Hugo Awards — and it will never belong to the toxic right-wing trolls
Scifi Remodel: People Who Have Converted Their Homes into Imaginary Worlds
SciShow and Gendered Language
Scooby-Doo Art by Sakimi Chan
Scotland is planning a transition to a 4-day workweek for civil servants and wants the private sector to follow suit
Scotland Is Poised to Become the World’s First “Rewilding Nation”
Scotland launches an ad campaign that confronts homophobes and racists
Scotland the Brave India the Bold (Bagpipes) Official Music Video - The Snake Charmer ft. Poczy
Scotland Tourism
Scotland’s Billionaires Are Turning Climate Change Into a Trophy Game
Scott McCloud on artistic frustration, optimism, and evolution in 7 comic books
Scott Morrison and the big lie about climate change: does he think we're that stupid?
Scott Morrison is hiding behind future technologies, when we should just deploy what already exists
Scott Morrison says Australia's emissions record is better than the US, NZ, Canada, Japan and many European countries. Is that correct?
Scott Morrison threatens crackdown on protesters who would 'deny liberty'
Scott Morrison's calculated cruelty is his legacy
Scott Morrison's climate change policy is being left behind by corporate action
Scott Santens: Basic Income Might Be The Answer To Society's Productivity Crisis
Scottish Castles are Rare, Huge and Very Expensive
Scottish Children’s Futures Are At Risk as Long Covid Takes Hold
Scottish democracy takes step towards 'gold standard' – Willie Sullivan
Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre
Scottish government hails ‘historic day’ as MSPs pass gender recognition bill
The Scottish pioneer whose plan for a basic income could transform Britain
Scottish scientist uncovers astonishing evidence that whales 'talk'
Scottish Town Raises $8,000 for Statue of Stray Cat
Scottish wildcat kitten spotted in new footage near Cairngorms
Scottish wildcats to be released in Cairngorms
The Scramble for Africa looks different this time
Scrappy Farmers in Bangladesh Are Growing Pumpkins in Sand
Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share
Screen Australia Is Funding All 31 Of These Aussie-Made Games
Screenplays for Movies and TV Shows
Screenplays vs Game Scripts: 5 Differences
Sculpture around the world
Sculpture Boxing to form your lamp
Scurvy is largely a historical disease but there are signs it’s making a comeback
SDGs: the five major projects of Bassirou Diomaye Faye, Senegal’s president-elect
SEA charges up Australian electric truck transition
Sea Ice Surrounding Antarctica Hit a New Record Low, Putting Ice Shelves at Risk
Sea level rise from ice sheets track worst-case climate change scenario
Sea level rise inevitable for Pacific Islands despite future greenhouse gas emissions reduction, NASA finds
Sea Level Rise is Scary, Sea Water Warming is Worse
Sea lions wearing cameras and trackers map new habitats
“Sea of Plastic” Discovered in the Caribbean Stretches for Miles
Sea otters ahead of dolphins in using tools
Sea otters’ love of crabs gives salt marshes a second chance
Sea turtle conservation project ripples into ecological and awareness gains across the region
The Sea Witch Sets The Record Straight
Sea-level rise 'could last twice as long as human history'
Seabed trawling found to be a major source of global CO2 emissions
Seabirds that swallow ocean plastic waste have scarring in their stomachs – scientists have named this disease ‘plasticosis’
🌎 Seaflooding
The Seafloor Is Eroding Faster Than Scientists Thought
"SEAGULLS! (Stop It Now)" -- A Bad Lip Reading of The Empire Strikes Back
Seals, swimmers, bat carers – exploring the world of the pale brown, oft-maligned Yarra River
Sean Williams' "The Crooked Letter" free download
Search for missing pilgrims continues after hajj heat deaths
The search for photos of China's past
The Search for Silverspear - Teaser trailer
The Search For Simon Official Trailer
The search for the Higgs boson – and why science will defeat stupidity
The Search for the Perfect Natural Period Product
Search the Internet
Searching for an elusive orchid pollinator
Searching for Susy Thunder
The seas are coming for us in Kiribati. Will Australia rehome us?
Season's Greetings
Seasonal festive movies
Seasonal festive music
Seasteading meets the shock doctrine in Puerto Rico, where ethnic cleansing precedes Going Galt
Seastock completes first harvest of methane-reducing seaweed asparagopsis in Western Australia
Seattle firm raising pay of all staffers to minimum $70,000
Seattle Has Figured Out How to End the War on Drugs
Seattle residents go wildly off-script with Fox News reporter
Seattle’s Black Farmers Collective nurtures communities and crops
Seattle’s unbelievable transportation megaproject fustercluck
Seaweed farmed by Port Lincoln tuna company to become fertiliser, chicken feed and food pigment
Seaweed is taking over coral reefs. But there’s a gardening solution – sea-weeding
Second Circuit Says Libraries Disincentivize Authors To Write Books By Lending Them For Free
Second Infection Hikes Long COVID Risk: Expert Q&A
Second-hand panels: Australia’s massive wasted solar opportunity
Second-hand tech booms as shoppers look for bargains
Second-Rate Democracy
Secondary crises after the Turkey-Syria earthquakes are now the greatest threat to life
Secret 'sky island' rainforest saved by new discoveries
The Secret Behind Germany’s Record Renewables Buildout
Secret documents reveal the No campaign's strategy to manipulate you
The Secret Furry Patrons Keeping Indie Artists Afloat
The Secret History And Strange Future Of Charisma
The Secret History of How the Super-Rich Have Kept the Working Class Out of Work
The Secret History of the Hashtag, Slash, and Interrobang
The secret inside "One Million Checkboxes"
The Secret Life of Bots
The Secret Life of Cats
The Secret Life of Passwords
The secret life of puddles: their value to nature is subtle, but hugely important
The Secret Life of the 500+ Cables That Run the Internet
The secret lives of polar bear families
The secret lives of silky sharks: unveiling their whereabouts supports their protection
The secret movement bringing Europe’s wildlife back from the brink
The Secret Nuclear History of Cat Videos
The Secret Power Plants Revolutionising Zero-Carbon Heating and Cooling in Cities!
The Secret Programming Language Every 10x Programmer Recommends!
The Secret promises we can ‘manifest’ what we want. But if that’s true, why aren’t we all rich and famous?
The secret rules of the internet
The secret sauce of Coles’ and Woolworths’ profits: high-tech surveillance and control
The Secret Teacher of Al-Hol
The Secret to Happiness May Not Be Low Expectations After All
The Secret to Moonshots? Killing Our Projects
The Secret UX Issues That Will Make (Or Break) Self-Driving Cars
Secretive Seattle startup Picnic unveils pizza-making robot — here’s how it delivers 300 pies/hour
‘Secretive, adorable weirdos’: rare possum caught in the Northern Territory for first time
Secrets in the canopy: scientists discover 8 striking new bee species in the Pacific
Fwd: [NextNow] [STORY] The Secrets of Storytelling: Why We Love a Good Yarn
The Secrets of Storytelling: Why We Love a Good Yarn
Secrets, lies and Snowden's email: why I was forced to shut down Lavabit
Securing a swift return: how a simple brick can help migratory birds
‘Securing native title gives people authority’ – the Kimberley set to be 93.5% determined
Security Engineering — Third Edition
Security experts have cloned all seven TSA master keys
Sediment runoff from the land is killing NZ’s seas – it’s time to take action
'Seductive names' make vegetables more appealing
The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets
See 11 Breathtaking Space Images From the Astronomy Photographer of the Year Contest
See a Secret...Share a Secret
see anything wrong with this image?
See Dazzling Botanical Imagery Through the Ages
See how Australia’s first 3D-printed multi-storey house is being built: four bedrooms in five weeks
See No Evil: The Morality of Collapse
See Something, Cite Something
See the First “Drum Machine,” the Rhythmicon from 1931, and the Modern Drum Machines That Followed Decades Later
See the New Tartan Pattern Created to Honor Women Accused of Witchcraft in Scotland Between 1563 and 1736
See the Winning Cakes From Melbourne’s Architectural Baking Contest
See the world’s oldest trees by starlight
See your identity pieced together from stolen data
Seed-Planting Drones Are Reforesting Canada With Lightning Speed
Seeding Hope
Seeing 1,000 glorious fin whales back from near extinction is a rare glimmer of hope
‘Seeing her hurt was more than I could bear’: the family pets left in limbo amid Australia’s domestic violence crisis
Seeing is believing: your neighbour’s choice to go solar might have influenced you more than you think
Seesaw hula hoop acrobatics
Seesaws are out, saws are in: the rise of risky playgrounds
Sega Takes Potshots At DMCA-Happy Nintendo While Being Cool About Fan Games
Sega Toys presents a new robot animal, the dream hamster
Seijin Shiki
Seismic echoes reveal a mysterious ‘donut’ inside Earth’s core
Seismologists can’t predict an impending earthquake, but longer-term forecasts and brief warnings after one starts are possible
Seismology of elephants investigated
Seizing the means of computation – how popular movements can topple Big Tech monopolies
Select Star SQL
(Self) Employment Practices in Games.
Self-drive delivery van can be 'built in four hours'
Self-Driving Cars Are Too Good at 3-Point Turns, So Google Dumbed Them Down
Selfish People Need Selfish Stories
The sell-off of Channel 4 won’t benefit anyone but Boris Johnson
Sellafield: ‘bottomless pit of hell, money and despair’ at Europe’s most toxic nuclear site
Selling Off Apache Holy Land
Selling the Green New Deal With Positivity
The Selma March In Some Rare Photos, And The Obligation To Speak
Semeru volcano: 2,000 evacuated as Indonesia issues highest warning
Sen. McConnell the Elder and the fall of the American Republic
The Senate has voted to reject critical race theory from the national curriculum. What is it, and why does it matter?
Senate Ratifies Pact to Curb a Broad Category of Potent Greenhouse Gases
Senate Report Says CIA Repeatedly Lied About The Fact That Its Torture Efforts Were Useless In Finding Bin Laden
Senate’s vote to ban slave-made imports shows the weakness of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act
Senator David Pocock creates AI deepfakes of Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton to call for ban ahead of election
Senator Markey Demands Answers From Keystone Pipeline Operator in Wake of Latest Oil Spill
Senator Nova Peris OAM. Maiden speech, 13 November 2013
Senators Launch Full On Nuclear War Against Encryption: Bill Will Require Broken Encryption, Putting Everyone At Risk
Send money directly to the extreme poor.
Fwd: send u tube video
Sending teens to maximum security prisons shows Australia needs to raise the age of criminal responsibility
Sendit, Yolo, NGL: anonymous social apps are taking over once more, but they aren’t without risks
Senegal’s Cryptocurrency City Has Evaporated
Senegal’s pink lake is on the verge of disappearing – how to protect it
The Sensation Novelist Who Exposed the Plight of Victorian Women
SenshiStock: reference stock art of people in real poses
Sentinels of the sea: ancient boulder corals are key to reef survival in a warmer world
Sentris: Unleash Your Inner Musician
Seoul Observation Wheel
Seoul Searching
Separated by travel ban, Iranian families reunite at border library
Sepsis: why this deadly condition is so hard to diagnose
September 87 & Dream Fiend - Light Years (Official Video)
Sequencer 64
Ser Brony: PARÓDIA Trem Bala - Casal BRony
Serbia is facing its largest-ever protest movement – why is Europe looking away?
The Serengeti Lion
Serenity Forge Makes Weird Games with a Purpose
The Serenity Of Hayao Miyazaki's Films Is Perfectly Captured In These Posters
"Serenity" Lego model
The Serial Golf Cheat in the White House
Serious Cat House
‘Serious concerns’: national assessment reveals rivers flowing into the Great Barrier Reef are getting more polluted
The Serious Make-Believe of E. Nesbit
Seriously Fun House
Seriously ugly: here’s how Australia will look if the world heats by 3°C this century
"Serverless" is a Lie - Confessions of an AWS Addict
Service of women veterans still challenged ahead of Anzac Day commemorations
Fwd: Fw: Service Outage Over
The Servitude Bubble
Sesame Street has been trolling Trump for three decades
‘Sesame Street’ Celebrates Numeric Con, A Convention for Number Lovers
‘Sesame Street’ hilariously parodies Oscar Best Picture favorite ‘Birdman’
‘Sesame Street’ Is Highlighting a Forgotten Skill: Failing
Sesame Street’s Number 3 Ball Film
Set more ambitious climate targets to save Great Barrier Reef, Unesco urges Australia
Set Phasers to Silly!
Set the elephants free
Seven Clean Seas removes 2 million kg of ocean plastic
The seven megatrends that could beat global warming: 'There is reason for hope'
Seven quiet breakthroughs for climate and nature in 2024 you might have missed
Seven Rules For Internet CEOs To Avoid Enshittification
Seven solutions to ease the UK’s housing crisis
Seven technologies to watch in 2024
Seven times size of Manhattan: the African tree-planting project making a difference
Seven top oil firms downgrade assets by $87bn in nine months
Seven Ways to Build the Solidarity Economy
Seven Worlds, One Planet: Extended Trailer (ft Sia and Hans Zimmer) | New David Attenborough Series
Seven Years Ago, CERN Gave Open Access A Huge Boost; Now It's Doing The Same For Open Data
Seventy years after Hiroshima, who was Australian war correspondent Wilfred Burchett?
Seventy-plus nations sign historic high seas treaty, paving way for ratification
Severe heatwave engulfs Asia causing deaths and forcing schools to close
‘Severely threatened and deteriorating’: global authority on nature lists the Great Barrier Reef as critical
sew desu ne? - Free Patterns
Sew Nerdy
Sew sisters: the Melbourne gala where ‘it’s not weird to touch each other’s clothes’
Sex and gender in biology textbooks don’t mesh with science
Sex and lies are used to sell vapes online. Even we were surprised at the marketing tactics we found
Sex and power in the animal kingdom: seven animals that will make you reconsider what you think you know
Sex and sexuality: The Jane Austen game breaking the MMO rules
‘Sex bubbles’: Why Victorians should keep a list of their sex partners
Sex Ed For All
Sex life discovery raises IVF hope for endangered purple cauliflower soft coral
Sex on the beach might be fun for people – but it’s bad for dunes and wildlife
Sex redefined
Sex, birth and whalesong: life on the humpback highway
Sex, Lies and Offshore Vehicles: How Russia Became the Country It Is Today
Sex, plants and colonisation: reclaiming botany from the tendrils of empire
'Sexism stands at the door': 11 female film-makers written out of mainstream Hollywood history
Sexism Starts in Childhood
Sexist Internet Trolls Are Targeting Women Climate Scientists Now
The Sexist Legacy in Star Trek’s Progressive Universe
Sexual exhibitionism, Riot Grrrl and climate change activism: 30 years of raging by Peaches, Bikini Kill and Björk, still going strong
Sexual exploitation by UN peacekeepers in DRC: fatherless children speak for first time about the pain of being abandoned
seycara | illusions of the heart [full album]
Seycara | It's A Winter Wonderland! (ft. @Samantha Rossi) | ✨ Season Finale 2021 ✨
Seychelles: floating baby corals can help save damaged reefs – new study
SF illustrations and an optical illusion
SF quotes of the year 2012
SFWA Names Susan Cooper the 40th Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master
Shackleton’s wrecked Endurance to get extra protection
‘Shadow fleets’ and subaquatic sabotage: are Europe’s undersea internet cables under attack?
Shadow puppetry
Shadow Regulation: the Back-Room Threat to Digital Rights
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Shake It Off-Taylor Swift / Cover by TEAM KOZAN(光山組)
Shakespeare's Hokey Pokey
Shameful: Perfectly Reasonable Academic Book On Gene Kelly Killed By Bogus Copyright Claims
“Shameful”: Victoria follows South Australia and imposes electric car road tax
Shaming actors for their day jobs is classism disguised as entertainment
Shanghai to Speed Up Decarbonization of Steel Production
Shanghai, Tokyo, New York, Houston spew most greenhouse gas of world cities
Shankari Chandran wins the Miles Franklin with a sophisticated take on racism, cultural erasure and what it means to belong
Shankari Chandran’s Safe Haven, a gripping and persuasive novel of asylum seekers, reads like an open wound
Shanthi the musical elephant
The Shanzhai of China
Shape Shifters
Shaping the Future with Sawalni: The Dawn of Moroccan AI
Share of wealth held by Australia’s poorest falls sharply since 2004 – report
Share This With All the Schools, Please
Share with parents or rent forever: ‘I have put life on hold while trying to buy a house’
Share: Love is the Sun
The ‘Shared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists
Sharehousing can be fun, but fraught with risk – and the law offers little protection. These 3 changes could help
The Shareware Scene, Part 1: The Pioneers
Sharing Cities: Why Ownership, Governance and The Commons Matter More Than Ever
The "Sharing Economy" is the Problem
Sharing is a cultural right, not a market failure
Sharing Vouchers Offer a Simple Way to Share Anything
Shark bites are rare. Here are 8 things to avoid to make them even rarer
Shark ignores human
Shark, ray populations have declined by 'alarming' 70 per cent since 1970s, study finds
#SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby!
Sharks longer in the tooth than we thought
Sharna is sick of educating her GP. A landmark plan for LGBTQ+ Australians may help
Sharon & Stan Sakai fundraising & call for submissions: hardcover to be published by Dark Horse Comics
Sharp and curious, my 85-year-old neighbour wades into conversations with a joyful openness
The sharp, smart humour of Mel Brooks’ Young Frankenstein – and Gene Wilder’s genius performance – still stands up after 50 years
Sharpest ever view of the Andromeda Galaxy
Fwd: Shaun (the Sheep)
Shaun the Sheep completes astronaut training with ESA
Shaun the Sheep Movie 2: Farmageddon – Teaser Trailer
She flew from Australia to England for a first date
'She is so old': One-eyed wolf in Yellowstone defies odds by having 10th litter of pups in 11 years
'She just started blooming': the trans kids helped by a pioneering project
She kills to be kind: the mastermind ecologist eliminating invasive predators
The She Made Him Do It Theory of Everything
She Outsmarted Jamie Oliver — And Figured Out The Future Of School Lunch
‘She played it down’: Bletchley Park codebreaker dies aged 99
She was accused of faking an incriminating video of teenage cheerleaders. She was arrested, outcast and condemned. The problem? Nothing was fake after all
She was sterilized without her consent at 14. Now she wants the practice made a crime
[Fwd: Sheep are RAD!]
Sheep farms master the art of solar agri-voltaics in New Zealand
Shell called out for promoting fossil fuels to youth via Fortnite game
Shell carbon-capture facility found to be generating more emissions than it prevents
Shell chief’s pay package rose by more than 50% to nearly £10m in 2022
Shell Is Immediately Closing All Of Its California Hydrogen Stations
Shell to go ahead with seismic tests in whale breeding grounds after court win
Shell: leave the whales alone!
Shelling of Zaporizhzhia is playing with fire, says UN nuclear chief, as blasts reported
Shelter - a badger simulation
Shelter 2 game
Shelter Pet Project Ad
Shenzhen to be protection hub for mangroves
Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware (Part 1) | Future Cities | WIRED
Sherlock Holmes Is Now A Housewife In Latest Korean Export, Mystery Queen
She’s had a whip-smart Hollywood facelift, but Barbie still isn’t much of a role model
She’s Supposed to Protect Americans From Toxic Chemicals. First, She Just Has to Fix Trump’s Mess and Decades of Neglect.
She’s the New Face of Climate Activism—and She’s Carrying a Pickax
Shiba Inu Puppy Cam
Shift Happens celebrates 150 years of typewriters, keyboards, and the people who use them
Shift Happens: A book about keyboards
Shift to renewable energy eases key environmental burdens, EU says
Shifting ocean currents are pushing more and more heat into the Southern Hemisphere’s cooler waters
Shifting seasons: using Indigenous knowledge and western science to help address climate change impacts
Shigeru Miyamoto Wants to Create a Kinder World
Shingles cases are increasing in New South Wales. Experts say COVID might be why
Shining a light on the entertainment industry’s mental health crisis
Shining example? Solar power boosts struggling Tunisian school
Shiny New Technology, Same Old Funny Business
Ship shape: a classic art deco villa in Belgium with a touch of oceanic chic
Ship taller than Eiffel Tower will build biggest offshore wind farm
The Ship That Became a Bomb
Shipments to African countries herald final steps toward broader vaccination against malaria: Gavi, WHO and UNICEF
Shipping Contributes Heavily to Climate Change. Are Green Ships the Solution?
Shipping emissions must fall by a third by 2030 and reach zero before 2050 – new research
Ships Are Dumping So Much Human Waste in Seas It Can Be Seen From Space
Ships moved more than 11 billion tonnes of our stuff around the globe last year, and it’s killing the climate. This week is a chance to change
The Shirley Exception
Shirts And Shirtiness
Shit I've learned since coming to Holland
The Shitty Tech Adoption Curve Has a Business Model
Shock and Care
‘Shock of our lives’: Philippines reels as five major storms strike in three weeks
Shock Pop Comic Con, 2015
Shocked into action
The shocking reasons why rental homes are not getting energy upgrades
Shocking Wake-Up Call: First Marine Fish Declared Extinct Due to Humans
“Shocking, shameful, abhorrent:” Coal mine approvals slammed for reckless disregard of climate
Shoe kick-starts active lifestyle
‘The shoes needing filling are on the large side of big’ – Jacinda Ardern’s legacy and Labour’s new challenge
Shoeshops, tailors, TV repairs: a photographic homage to Melbourne’s vanishing small businesses is a form of time travel
Shoot two exposures at once with Magic Lantern
Shooter Boys and At-Risk Girls
Shopping Cart Hero
Shopping ‘Wonky’ Keeps Imperfect Goods From Going to Waste
Shorewood Lip Dub
The Short List Of Climate Actions That Will Work
Short selling Adani: how an obscure US firm profited from triggering the Indian giant’s price plunge
Short Trip
Short-term politics keeps stalling long-term fixes. This bill offers a way forward
Short-term thinking keeps Australia stuck in crisis
Should Australia make electric vehicles?
Should Australia mandate cancer warnings for alcoholic drinks?
Should cuddling koalas be legal? Here’s why there’s a push to ban it in Queensland
Should flying between Canberra and Sydney be abolished?
Should I get a flu vaccine this year? Here’s what you need to know
Should internet firms pay for the data users currently give away?
Should King Charles apologise for the genocide of First Nations people when he visits Australia?
Should misogyny be treated as a form of extremism?
Should public health measures like masking continue beyond the pandemic? Data on viral infections shows their benefits
Should Taylor Swift be taught alongside Shakespeare? A professor of literature says yes
Should the census ask about race? It’s not a simple question and may reinforce ‘racial’ thinking
Should The Punishment For Falsely Accusing People Of A Crime Match The Punishment For The Crime Itself?
Should the voting age in Australia be lowered to 16?
Should the West negotiate with Russia? The pros and cons of high-level talks
Should We Be Offended That Germans Are Obsessed With North American Indigenous Culture?
Should we ditch big exam halls? Our research shows how high ceilings are associated with a lower score
Should we fight climate change by re-engineering life itself?
Should we protect nature for its own sake? For its economic value? Because it makes us happy? Yes
Should We Provide Emergency Universal Basic Income to Everyone or Just Those Who Need It?
Should Whales and Dolphins Have ‘Human Rights’?
Should women be allowed to wear pants? It was a topic of contention in Australian parliament in 1933
Should you need a permit to protest? Here’s why that’s a bad idea (and might be unlawful)
Should you start going to business conferences again?
Should You Wear a Mask?
Shovel-ready but not shovel-worthy: how COVID-19 infrastructure projects missed the opportunity to transform the way we live
Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.
The Show Steven Universe’s Terrible Approach to Fascism
Showy, impractical to play, and looks like the 1980s: why we keep falling for the keytar
‘Shred your Christmas tree, not your gadgets’ urges e-waste charity
Shrimpers Get Paid to Clear ‘Ghost Fishing’ Crab Traps From Mississippi Waters
Shrinking wings, bigger beaks: birds are reshaping themselves in a warming world
Shut down fossil fuel production sites early to avoid climate chaos, says study
Shuttered car factories in Australia could be repurposed to make houses faster and cheaper
Siberia Feels the Brunt of Climate Change as Wildfires Rage
Sick of this market-driven world? You should be
Sick of toxic TV? Here are 7 reality shows that don’t rely on the ‘villain edit’
‘Side job, self-employed, high-paid’: behind the AI slop flooding TikTok and Facebook
Sidelined no longer, Claudia Goldin wins the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics for examining why gender pay gaps persist
SIDEWALK (an instructional film)
Sierpinski Hamantaschen: Sierpinskitaschen (First in the world?!)
Sierra Leone’s president defends large education budget as ‘necessary risk’
SIGGRAPH 2012 technical papers preview trailer
SIGGRAPH 2013 : Technical Papers Preview Trailer
SIGGRAPH 2014 : Technical Papers Preview Trailer
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Technical Papers Trailer
Signapse: Breaking Barriers with our AI Sign Language Translator
The significance of plot without conflict
‘Significant’ moves on climate disaster funds lift Cop27 hopes
Signs of autoimmune disease, difficulty exercising noted 1 year after COVID
Signs on a Train
Sikh action figures aim to make children proud
Sikh separatist leader survives alleged assassination attempt in California
Sikhs in California vote on independence from India
The silence of the owls
The silenced: meet the climate whistleblowers muzzled by Trump
Silhouette (Owl City) - Fan Animated - VivziePop
Silicon Valley Fairy Dust
Silicon Valley Isn’t a Meritocracy. And It’s Dangerous to Hero-Worship Entrepreneurs
Silicon Valley makes everything worse: Four industries that Big Tech has ruined
Silicon Valley Starts Hiring Poets To Fix Shitty Writing By Undercooked “AI”
Silly Versions of Star Trek
Silly walks: Python fans get into their stride in Budapest
Silos, Centralization And Censorship: Losing The Promise Of The Internet
Silverbacks and greenbacks: the catch-22 at the heart of gorilla conservation
The Silverfish Aquarium
SilverSpookGames and Neofeud
[Retro] Sim Gretina - Wanderlust
Similar long-COVID symptoms noted after Omicron, Delta
Simon Hackett's blog on driving the Tesla Roadster in the Global Green Challenge
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's Star Wars
Simon's Cat Strikes Again!
Simple FOSS versus Complex Enterprise Software
The simple Japanese method for a tidier and less wasteful fridge
‘Simply mind-boggling’: world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe
Simpsons Animator Illustrates Awkward Everyday Lives Of Lovable Animals, Amasses 619k Instagram Followers
The Simpsons anime makeover has to be seen to be believed
Sims 4 Updates To Include ‘Safe To Stream’ Setting Because Copyright Is Broken
'Sin City could be called Solar City': How Las Vegas is going green
Since the Gaza war began, violence against Palestinians has also surged in the West Bank – and gone virtually unnoticed
Since the late 19th century, adventurous female ‘eclipse chasers’ have contributed to science in Australia
Sincerely Deeply Weird
Singapore approves 16 types of insects as food for humans, amid the sector’s growing buzz
Singapore Is Fighting Rising Seas to Save $50 Billion in Real Estate
Singapore's dengue 'emergency' is a climate change omen for the world
Singapore's first inter-generational playground, childcare centre in a nursing home launched
Singapore’s Public Housing Gets Open-Plan Makeover as Design Tastes Shift
Singing Christmas Hedgehogs
Singing Japanese plants
Singing Tesla Coils
Singing the dictionary
Single older women living in converted tiny homes, cabins at caravan parks amid housing crisis
Single Parents Should Get as Much Paid Leave as Couples, Spanish Court Rules
Single-bladed floating wind turbine promises half the cost, more power
Single-molecule motor
Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England
Single-use plastic plates and bowls and cotton buds next to be banned in South Australia
Single-use take-away cups of paper are as toxic to aquatic midge larvae as plastic cups
Singular "they"
Singular “They” and Neopronouns
Singularity & Co. - Save the SciFI!
Sino-English neologisms
Sion solar car prototype shows how it can charge other electric vehicles
THE SIOUX CHEF: A Native American Restaurant
Siphonophore: Deep-sea superorganism (video)
Sir David Attenborough narrates Adele's Hello
Sir David Attenborough slams PM Scott Morrison’s climate change track record
Sir David Attenborough | A message to world leaders
SIR JARLSBERG - Teach Thee How to Curtsy
Sir Patrick Stewart Reads Negative One Star Reviews of Iconic Monuments From Around the World
“Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Marcus. Do bots really need a gender?”
Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure
'Sisters With Transistors': Pioneers Of Electronic Music
Sisyphus: Mesmerizing Kinetic Sand Drawing Tables By Bruce Shapiro
Sita Sings the Blues!
Site-Blocking In Australia Expanded Again To Include 105 More Sites, Including A Search Engine
Sites certified as secure often more vulnerable to hacking, scientists find
‘The situation has become appalling’: fake scientific papers push research credibility to crisis point
The situation in Afghanistan is beyond horrifying: this is what you can do to help
Six Australians share their bully stories: 'I lost faith'
Six Billion Smartphones on Earth, but Who Will Fix Them?
Six Cats Under by Team Bean Loop
Six Clicks: More Linux single-board computers
Six common COVID myths busted by a virologist and a public health expert
Six decades, 210 Warlpiri speakers and 11,000 words: how a groundbreaking First Nations dictionary was made
Six Free Natural History Programs Streaming in January
Six game-changing EVs we hope will come to Australia
Six major nature recovery schemes across England unveiled
Six Months After Being Reintroduced to the Royal National Park, Platypuses Are Loving Their New Home
Six months into Lula’s presidency, Amazon deforestation is dropping rapidly
Six months of wins for human rights
Six new sites added to UNESCO World Heritage list following IUCN recommendations
Six new species of miniature frog have been discovered in Mexico
Six Politicians Walk Into A Bar
Six Portuguese youth take 32 nations to European court over climate change
Six Studies That Show Everything Republicans Believe is Wrong
Six surprising things about placebos everyone should know
Six things we learned about the Australian government’s response to the climate crisis
‘Six times the size of Yosemite’: the new tribal sanctuary off the super-rich California coast
Six ways to improve ecosystem outcomes of renewable energy
Six Ways to Think Long-term
Six-word memoirs by writers famous and obscure
The Sixsmiths
Sixteen EU countries denounce Hungary's new anti-LGBT law
Sixth form of matter created
Sixty years ago, 29 students took a bus ride that changed the way Australia thought about race
Sixty years of climate change warnings: the signs that were missed (and ignored)
Size comparison chart of Science Fiction Spaceships
Size Matters
SKA! (Nov 8, 2019)
Skateboarding’s Latest Trick: Reviving Cities
Sketch furniture
Sketch up free 3D sketching /modeling tool
Ski Resorts Are Turning Wastewater into Snow
Skinny's brother Fatty makes his piano debut
Skullgirls Creator Combats Piracy With Humor And By Being Awesome
Sky Bathing
Sky Blue and Grass Green
The Sky is Rising
The Sky Is Rising 2024 Edition: Rather Than Destroying Culture, The Internet Has Saved The Content Industries
The Sky Is Rising: The Entertainment Industry Is Thriving, Almost Entirely Because Of The Internet
The sky isn’t just blue – airglow makes it green, yellow and red too
Sky News Australia is a global hub for climate misinformation, report says
Sky News Australia is increasingly pushing conspiracy theories to a global audience online
Sky News Australia’s Outsiders breached industry code for accuracy on climate science, media watchdog finds
Sky-high vanity: constructing the world’s tallest buildings creates high emissions
Skylifter: Australian Flying Saucers
The Sky’s the Limit
Slamazon: 7 Kitten T-Shirt
Slashing salt can save lives – and it won’t hurt your hip pocket or tastebuds
Slavery by Another Name
Slaves to speed, we’d all benefit from ‘slow cities’
Slayer, Striker, Shooter and the Rise of the Extreme Baby Boy Name
Sleep in a bookshelf at the new bookstore-themed hostel in Kyoto
Sleeper Agents: Training Deceptive LLMs That Persist Through Safety Training
Sleeping with a Gentrifier
Sleigh Ride | Pomplamoose Christmas
Sleight of hand: Australia’s Net Zero target is being lost in accounting tricks, offsets and more gas
Slime after slime: why those biofilms you slip on in rivers are vitally important
The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees
Sloths are too slow to adapt to climate change – new study
Slovakia plans to be coal-free by 2024, 6 years earlier than originally planned
Slovenia becomes first post-communist country to legalise same-sex marriage and adoption
Slovenia’s Beautiful Beehives Turn Apiaries Into Art
The Slow Death of the University
Slow down Simeon Brown – bilingual traffic signs aren’t an accident waiting to happen
Slow Down: It’s The Best Way To See Climate Change Solutions
Slow Ideas
Slow Mo 4K Kittens
Slow Motion Lightning
“Slow moving train wreck:” Gas prices triple since Woodside cut special deal with state government
Slow Poison
Slow recovery from IT outage begins as experts warn of future risks
Slow solutions to fast-moving ecological crises won’t work – changing basic human behaviours must come first
Slow train coming: only a genuine shift to rail will put NZ on track to reduce emissions
Slow Tuesday Night by R. A. Lafferty
The Slow Winter
The Slow, Powerful Work of Bridging the Women’s Health Gap
The Slowdown in US Electric Vehicle Sales Looks More Like a Blip
Slowing ocean current caused by melting Antarctic ice could have drastic climate impact, study says
The Slum-Inspired Apartment Complex Designed by Its Own Residents
Small acts of kindness are frequent and universal, study finds
Small and lethal: adapted drones carrying explosives ‘hunt’ civilians in Kherson
Small business ombudsman says banks are ‘discriminating’ against the legal sex industry
Small communities could be buying, selling and saving money on electric power right now – here’s how
The Small Country Where Women in Tech Are Flourishing
Small Green Penguin
The Small Island Where 500 People Speak Nine Different Languages
The small Melbourne company doing incredibly unique electric car conversions
Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Put Dollar Sign Dreams In Nuclear Industry’s Eyes
Small Modular Reactors Aren’t Silver Bullet for Nuclear Energy Challenges
Small modular reactors have promise. But we found they’re unlikely to help Australia hit net zero by 2050
Small North Carolina town sues energy ‘Goliath’ in historic climate action
Small Solar Is Driving Biggest Green Market in Latin America
Small step for Nature, giant leap across the gender gap: leading journal will make sex and gender reporting mandatory in research
Small, Electric, Traffic Beating Vehicles For Every Occasion!
Small, family owned trucking firms encouraged to go electric
Smaller batteries mean cheaper and cleaner EVs, and no range anxiety for most drivers
Smaller brains? Fewer friends? An evolutionary biologist asks how AI will change humanity’s future
Smart Asian women are the new targets of CCP global online repression
Smart Birds Open Doors
Smart charging with rooftop solar: It is possible with a laptop and the right software
‘Smart drugs’ make you worse at solving complex problems, new study finds
Smart lifts, lonely workers, no towers or tourists: architecture after coronavirus
Smart Parking Solution
Smart Phones but Dumb Designs, Advocates Push EU on its Eco-Design Proposal
Smart Transformers Will Make the Grid Cleaner and More Flexible
Smart TV Surveillance? How Samsung and LG’s ACR Technology Tracks What You Watch
Smart TVs are like “a digital Trojan Horse” in people’s homes
Smart TVs, smart fridges, smart washing machines? Disaster waiting to happen
'Smart' Stuffed Animal Company Leaves Voice, Other Data Of Millions Publicly Exposed
The smarter the magpie, the better they can handle our noisy cities
Smartphones Can Now Last 7 Years. Here’s How to Keep Them Working.
Smartphones mean we’re always available to our bosses. ‘Right to disconnect’ laws are a necessary fix
Smartphones with wheels: how modern transportation brings new privacy problems
Smash and Grab | Pixar SparkShorts
‘Smashed’: summer of 2023 the hottest ever recorded
‘Smells like sewage’: blackwater from Victorian floods causes mass fish deaths
Smile Happy 4th weekend to all
Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World by Barbara Ehrenreich
Smith College 2012 Commencement Speaker Jane Lynch
Smithsonian Digitizes & Lets You Download 40,000 Works of Asian and American Art
Smithsonian National Zoo animal webcams
Smithsonian Releases 2.8 Million Images Into Public Domain
Smoke exposure from intense fires linked to long-term respiratory and cardiovascular disease
Smoke from the Black Summer fires could have made the triple La Niña more likely
Smoke pollution from wildfires may be killing an extra 12,000 people a year, new research suggests
The Smokestacks Come Tumbling Down
‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show
Smoking Gun: MPAA Emails Reveal Plan To Run Anti-Google Smear Campaign Via Today Show And WSJ
Smoking to be banned outside schools and hospitals in England, but pubs get reprieve
SMS delivers world’s largest excavator – Komatsu PC8000 – to Copper Mountain
Snack company releases first-of-its-kind chip bag: 'The potential to revolutionize packaging as we know it'
Snail's House - Imaginary Express (Official MV)
Snail's House - Magical Holiday (Official MV)
Snail's House - Snailchan Adventure (Official MV)
Snail's House - Sound Traveller (Official MV)
Snail's House - Twinklestar (Official MV)
Snail's House - ラ・ム・ネ (ra-mu-ne)
Snail's House × In Love With a Ghost - "Journey" Official Music Video
Snail's House ”Restart!” MV
Snake Charmer - Viola Smith Drums with Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes
Snakebites: we thought we’d created a winning new antivenom but then it flopped. Why that turned out to be a good thing
Snarky Puppy - Lingus (We Like It Here)
Sneak a Peek at the Year's Best Wildlife Photography
Sneaky Cards
Sneaky cat can’t get enough of Pets at Home
Sneezing with hay fever? Native plants aren’t usually the culprit
Snippet Taxes Not Only Violate The Berne Convention, But Also Betray The Deepest Roots Of Newspaper Culture
Snoqualmie Tribe Acquires 12,000 Acres of Ancestral Forestland in King County
Snoring Fox Emits Adorable Trilling Sounds While Sleeping Upside Down on a Cabinet Shelf
snortly laughing
Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal TRAILER (2015) Li Bingbing Fantasy Movie
The Snow Job
Snow joke: Icelandic glacier makes presidential bid
Snow Leopard hunt by Adam Riley
Snow leopard wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award
Snow leopards, elephants and pangolins to be better protected with funding boost for world’s most endangered animals
Snowball Fights in Art (1400–1946)
Snowden And Schneier Point Out Another Reason Not To Undermine Internet Security: Information Asymmetry
The “Snowden is Ready to Come Home!” Story: a Case Study in Typical Media Deceit
The Snowden leaks; a meta-narrative
Snowden made cyber-geek nightmares true. Can 'private' be normal again? Funding for free projects
Snowmachiner says he and buddies dug moose out of avalanche in Hatcher Pass
The Snows of Churyumov-Gerasimenko
"Snufkin: Melody Of Moominvalley" Review - They Love The Laughter And They Love The Living
Snug but unsafe: your heater may be harming your health. What are your safest choices?
So a helicopter flew on Mars for the first time. A space physicist explains why that’s such a big deal
So A Seagull Walks Into A Shop
So Cute Illustrations
so futuristic! looks like something from a SCIFI movie
So Let's Talk About Patreon...
So long, Loy Yang: shutting Australia’s dirtiest coal plant a decade early won’t jeopardise our electricity supply
So Proud to be a Jew Today
So the west is winning, is it? Only if you’re a delusional Trump toady, Mr Pompeo
So this is how it feels when the robots come for your job: what GitHub’s Copilot ‘AI assistant’ means for coders
So what do you have to do to find happiness?
So what do you have to do to find happiness? WITH LINK
'So What? Maybe It Is a Concentration Camp'
So you want to cat-proof a bettong: how living with predators could help native species survive
So You Want to Learn Physics…
So You've Been Threatened With A Defamation Suit
So your teenager tells you they want to 'make video games' for a living...
So You’ve Decided to Unfollow Me
So, about this Googler’s manifesto.
So, an update on Finland's journey toward NATO
So, this happened earlier today
So, you’ve been scammed by a deepfake. What can you do?
The So-Called War on Terror Has Killed Over 801,000 People and Cost $6.4 Trillion: New Analysis
'Soaring' over hills or 'playing' with puppies, study finds seniors enjoy virtual reality
Soaring, leaping, swooping … a world of wildlife by the world’s top photographers
Social cohesion lowest on record as Australia reels from cost of living, inequality concerns and voice debate
Social cohesion under strain as equality, climate and inflation woes heighten Australians’ fears, research finds
The social determinants of justice: 8 factors that increase your risk of imprisonment
Social determinants – how class and wealth affect our health
The Social Dilemma Manipulates You With Misinformation As It Tries To Warn You Of Manipulation By Misinformation
The social housing secret: how Vienna became the world’s most livable city
Social housing solar and energy efficiency upgrades get a $500 million boost
Social Justice Warriors and the New Culture War
The social lives of kangaroos are more complex than we thought
Social Media (An Apology)
Social media accelerates trolling – just look at Raygun. How can we stop viral moments from spiralling?
Social media algorithms are shrouded in secrecy. We’re trying to change that
Social media campaign linked to Chinese government spreading disinformation about Australian politics, thinktank says
Social media can in fact be made better: Research shows it is possible to reward users for sharing accurate information instead of misinformation
Social media firings, anti-union contracts and corporate surveillance: are employers our biggest threat to free speech?
Social media is like sex – young people need education, not unrealistic bans
The Social Media Moral Panic Is All About Confusing Risks & Harms
Social media snaps map the sweep of Japan’s cherry blossom season in unprecedented detail
Social media spreads rumours about COVID vaccine harms … but it doesn’t always start them
The social media star helping people fall in love with libraries
Social Media Was Useful For Me, As An Ill, Nerdy Teenager
Social robot or digital avatar, users interact with this AI technology as if it’s real
SocialAI offers a Twitter-like diary where AI bots respond to your posts
Socialism with a spine: the only 21st century alternative
Sociology of Gender Bias in Science
The Sociopaths Among Us—And How to Avoid Them
Sodium-ion batteries are set to spark a renewable energy revolution – and Australia must be ready
Soft Baby Goat Love Pile
The soft life: why millennials are quitting the rat race
Soft medium, hard truths - National Endowment for the Arts recognizes a Navajo quilter
Soft plastics, glass bins and bans on compostable liners: will Victoria’s new recycling proposal be a step forward?
Software Engineering Made a Woman Outta Me
Software Freedom Day
Software Freedom Day 2010
Software platforms for open-source projects and foundations
Software vendors dump open source, go for the cash grab
Soho House corners
Soil abounds with life – and supports all life above it. But Australian soils need urgent repair
Soil degradation threatens food supply and scientists are calling for action
Soil is our best ally in the fight against climate change – but we’re fast running out of it
Solar above, batteries below: here’s how warehouses and shopping centres could produce 25% of Australia’s power
Solar adoption in India entering “accelerating growth” phase
Solar and batteries steal the show, but world needs more renewables quickly to meet 1.5°C target
Solar and battery energy hubs provide resilience as storms and fires cause havoc on grid
Solar and battery microgrid saves Lord Howe Island $1.5m in diesel fuel costs in two years
Solar and Wind Are Growing Faster Than Fledgling Nuclear and LNG Once Did
Solar and wind keep getting cheaper as the field becomes smarter
Solar balconies are booming in Germany. Here’s what you need to know about the popular home tech
Solar battery deal for giant smelter is a stunning game-changer for Australian energy
Solar battery surge expected for plugged-in households seeking to cut costs
Solar Built on Trash Offers Solution to Renewable Energy’s Space Problem
Solar bus shelters deliver clean power for electric transport
Solar car parks: Australia’s great untapped PV potential
Solar cells produce rain - weather models show the effects
Solar chargers for electric cars
Solar charts record growth to overtake coal in EU power mix, send fossil fuels to 40-year low
Solar Death Ray
Solar developer unveils plan for “world’s deepest” undersea cable to link Australia and NZ grids
Solar doesn’t need a toxic “friendship” with nuclear power
Fwd: Solar Eclipse (amazing imagery and I mean amazing!)
Solar energy could power all health facilities in poorer countries and save lives, experts say
Solar energy from discarded car batteries
Solar farms are booming in the US and putting thousands of hungry sheep to work
Solar farms can benefit nature and boost biodiversity. Here’s how
Solar farms can eat up farmland – but ‘agrivoltaics’ could mean the best of both worlds for NZ farmers
Solar farms can host up to three times as many birds as crop fields – new research
Solar Farms Out at Sea Are Clean Energy’s Next Breakthrough
Solar giant inaugurates landmark agrivoltaic project combining modules with a yam crop in Japan
Solar glass manufacturing breakthrough could slash costs, says ClearVue
Solar handbag lights up contents
Solar hits new global peak in northern summer solstice, and Australia still leads per capita
Solar is a market for (financial) lemons
Solar is the cheapest power, and a literal light-bulb moment showed us we can cut costs and emissions even further
Solar micro-grid helping public-housing residents save money
Solar milking tech boosts dairy farms in Malawi
Solar module prices are falling, with no end in sight
Solar News Large And Small — Abu Dhabi, Six Flags, And Arizona
Solar panel technology is set to be turbo-charged – but first, a few big roadblocks have to be cleared
Solar panels above orchards lower temperature, help conserve water
Solar panels aid ecological restoration in Tengger Desert, NW China
Solar panels cast shade on agriculture in a good way
Solar panels could be a lifesaver for public housing tenants grappling with Australia’s soaring energy costs
Solar Panels Floating in Reservoirs? We’ll Drink to That
Solar panels on big Denver buildings throw shade that helps crops grow — and the plants return the favor
Solar panels set to be mandatory on all new buildings under EU plan
Solar Parking Lot
Solar Philippines to break ground on world’s ‘largest’ solar farm this year
Solar power and a composting toilet: what it takes to live off the grid in regional Australia
Solar power can cut living costs, but it’s not an option for many people – they need better support
Solar power five times more popular than fossil fuels: survey
Solar Power Helps Raise Income Levels In Kenya
Solar power investment to exceed oil for first time, says IEA chief
Solar power is booming in Brazil. Can it be a boom for all?
Solar power is turning the tide on energy inequality in the Amazon
Solar Power Plants Are More Missile Resistant
Solar power poised for even greater breakthroughs
Solar power: Printed flexible solar achieves efficiency record
Solar Power’s Giants Are Providing More Energy Than Big Oil
Solar Pumps Are Empowering Women Farmers in India
Solar recycling machine powers up as key export market closes to used Australian panels
The solar rush
Solar set to overtake other energy sources by 2027
“Solar shepherds” make big money grazing sheep among panels – and it benefits everyone involved
Solar surging 58% in 2023, 413 GW of installations expected globally
Solar switch off: Dutton’s nuclear plan amounts to declaration of war against household energy systems
Solar Tuk Tuk
Solar will leap four-fold by 2030, ending the rule of King coal and overtaking all other grid supplies
Solar, Hope, Cosy, and Functional
Solar-leader Chile got 63% of its power from renewables in 2023
Solar-powered desalination system requires no extra batteries
Solar-powered Farm From a Box is a compact farm kit that feeds 150 people
Solar-Powered Generators Are Fueling Hurricane Relief in North Carolina
Solar-Powered Planes Take Flight
SolarCity to build its own power grids
Solarge Debuts Lightweight Fully Recyclable Solar Panels
Solarpunk started out as a speculative fiction genre. Now it informs sustainable architecture and design
Solarpunk: a new movement sees the future in a positive light
Solastalgia's growing influence is 'bittersweet' success
Sold out: why Australia doesn’t have enough electric vehicles to go around
Solid-state batteries are finally making their way out of the lab
'Solitary' lyrebirds band together to save themselves in 'incredible' show of unity under bushfire threat
Solo Tabletop RPGs Are Really Fun, Actually
The Solution to Our Housing Crisis Is to Let Communities Own Property
Solving Google’s, Facebook’s, and Twitter’s Russian (and other) Ad Problems
Solving the climate crisis will help both ‘sacrifice zones’ and ‘cute’ puffins
Solving the lithium question will facilitate sustainable electrification
Solving the puzzle of Long Covid
Solving the supermarket: why Coles just hired US defence contractor Palantir
Somali piracy, once an unsolvable security threat, has almost completely stopped. Here’s why
Some Birds Are Just As Smart As Apes
‘Some buy the propaganda. Many have changed their minds’: life in Russia after the invasion
Some clips you may or may not have seen.
Some councils still rely on outdated paper maps as supercharged storms make a mockery of flood planning
Some Countries Are Sew Respectful Of Their Elders!
Some deaf children in China can hear after gene therapy treatment
Some endangered species can no longer survive in the wild. So should we alter their genes?
Some hilarious editorial errors
Some houses are being built to stand up to hurricanes and sharply cut emissions, too
Some Ideas About Kindness
Some journalists seem bored by the biggest story of our lifetimes
Some kids, teens have long-term lung damage after COVID-19
Some New Zealand homes are becoming uninsurable because of natural disasters – but all may not be lost
Some of Australia’s largest companies are failing to ‘know and show’ their respect for human rights
Some of Earth’s most ancient lifeforms can live on hydrogen – and we can learn from their chemical powers
Some of our favorite deep-sea moments of the year—in stunning 4K
Some of the Best from 2014 is Free to Download Now!
Some of the finalists in the 2016 Antarctic Photography Exhibition
Some of the world’s biggest cities are so polluted they’re warming slower
‘Some of them do treat you like an idiot’: what it’s like to be a casual academic
Some of These Are Funnier Than Others
some of these paintings are great
Some of us don’t have high-quality drinking water, and it’s putting public health at risk. How do we deliver universal access?
Some People Seem Determined To Waste Everyone’s Time
Some People Started Filing Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
Some people think income tax is illegal. It’s pseudolaw, and it’s damaging the legal system
Some people who share fake news on social media actually think they’re helping the world
Some Reasons to Hope
Some short term fixes to grid constraints that are putting brakes on EV charger rollout
Some simple thoughts for people who blame Muslims
Some suggestions for sad, rich people
Some Surprising Good News: Bookstores Are Booming and Becoming More Diverse
Some thoughts about ongoing “Trans Genocide” narratives
Some US embassies fly rainbow flag despite rejected requests from Trump admin
Some women may see 100 million colors, thanks to their genes
Some ‘nicotine-free’ vapes high in addictive substances, tests reveal
Someone Asked People To Share Red Flags From Employers That Potential Workers Might Not Immediately Spot, 30 Deliver
Someone I Like - Zootopia Fandub
Someone just dropped the mic on the burkini ban in the most British way possible
Someone Tries to Sell Belgium on eBay
Someone’s Trying To Copyright A Rhythm
Somerset’s new Roman mosaic painstakingly recreated
Something for Nothing? How Growing Rent-seeking is at the Heart of America’s Economic Troubles
Something for the ladies...LED eyelashes make you look futuristic, somewhat crazy
Something Is Broken in Our Science Fiction
Something is happening to Norway
Something Must Be Done About LED Bulbs
Fwd: Something really magical...worth back if not satisfied --bill
Something remarkable has happened to Australia’s book pages: gender equality has become the norm
Something Super Cool Just Turned Up in Your Digital Toolbox
Something you don't do every day...let us get a bunch of people going to Mars!
Sometimes Kindness Comes In The Roughest Packaging
Sometimes You Have To Let Those On The Outside In
“Sometimes Your Whole Life Boils Down To One Insane Move”
somewhat profound video
Songs and Lyrics by Tom Lehrer
Songs of the 86 Tram
Songsmith fed with Stock Charts
'Sonia Kruger is not evil': Waleed Aly defends Today Extra host, calls on Australians to stop 'cycle of outrage'
Sono Motors Sion | Fully Charged
Sony "odo" environmentally friendly devices
Sony and other music labels sue Internet Archive for digitizing old records
Sony Demands Removal of Open-Source Indie Short ‘Sintel’ From YouTube [Updated]
Sony is erasing digital libraries that were supposed to be accessible “forever”
Sony's dirty little secrets
Sophie Cunningham’s pandemic novel admits literature can’t save us – but treasures it for trying
Sophie McDougall brilliantly explains the problem with “Strong Female Characters”
Sophie Trevitt’s indomitable spirit and deep commitment to equity will continue to shape the world she left behind
The Sore Tooth and the Broken Umbrella: Brexit and the Crisis of Nationalism - Fintan O’Toole
“Sore winner” syndrome: Why are Donald Trump’s supporters still so angry? Abraham Lincoln understood
"Sorry I'm Late"
Sorry to disappoint climate deniers, but coronavirus makes the low-carbon transition more urgent
Sorry, Australia
Sorry, Earth, The Ozone Layer Isn't Healing Itself After All
Sorry, No, AI Girlfriends Are Not Destroying The Birthrate Or Killing Medicare & Social Security
Sorted Books project
Sorting algorithms as dances
Sorting fact from fiction in dole policy
Sorting fact from renewable fiction: Handy resources for debunking solar and wind myths
Soul Snatchers: How the NYPD’s 42nd Precinct, the Bronx DA’s Office, and the City of New York Conspired to Destroy Black and Brown Lives (Part 1)
Sound Bottle
The Sound Effects Genius Behind The Looney Tunes And Merrie Melodies
Sound Matrix (Tenori-on)
Sound of Music | Central Station Antwerp (Belgium)
Sound the trumpet: Clive Palmer’s carpet-bombing begins again
Sound-powered sensors stand to save millions of batteries
The Sounds of Healing
Soup on Van Gogh and graffiti on Warhol: climate activists follow the long history of museums as a site of protest
Source of "Dramatic Chipmunk"
Sources of Power
Sourcetrail is now free and open-source software
The Sourdough Framework
South Africa grants Putin and Brics leaders diplomatic immunity for summit
South Africa is failing to live up to its constitution. Gains made since democracy are being squandered – report
South Africa Is Pioneering a Better World for Domestic Workers
South Africa is to shut down captive lion farms. Experts warn the plan needs a deadline
South Africa passes its first sweeping climate change law
South Africa to introduce shared parental leave after landmark judgment
South Africa's Proposed Fair Use Right In Copyright Bill Is Surprisingly Good -- At The Moment
SOUTH AFRICA: Kavango-Zambèze, an area of stability for elephants
South Africa: new Drakensberg nature reserve will protect ancient rock art, wildlife, livelihoods, grasslands and water
South African floods wreaked havoc because people are forced to live in disaster prone areas
South Africans are fed up with their prospects, and their democracy, according to latest social attitudes survey
South Africa’s biggest cities are out of water, but the dams are full: what’s gone wrong
South Africa’s drinking water quality has dropped because of defective infrastructure and neglect – new report
South Africa’s great white sharks are changing locations – they need to be monitored for beach safety and conservation
South Africa’s move to green energy was slowed down by government to protect coal mining
South Africa’s pact with Russia – and its actions – cast doubt on its claims of non-alignment
South Australia enjoyed 82 pct wind and solar for entire December quarter. So it can be done
South Australia has the most wind and solar and no baseload: So why is it the only state not fretting about a vulnerable grid?
South Australia is banning fast food ads on public transport – will it have the desired effect?
South Australia locks in federal funds to become first grid in world to reach 100 per cent net wind and solar
The South Australian Greens wants to mandate use of expiry dates for electronic devices
South Australia’s 100% renewable energy transformation
South Australia’s enigmatic pink sand was born in ice-covered Antarctic mountains, new research shows
South Australia’s renewable triumph is stunning proof that Dutton’s nuclear plans are a folly
South Australia’s upper house narrowly rejects ‘Trumpian’ bill to wind back abortion care
South Australia’s world-leading renewable transition is attracting flood of new industry
The South is building the most vibrant EV and battery hub in the US
South Korea court recognises same-sex couple rights for first time
South Korea had martial law for 6 hours. Why did this happen and what can we expect now?
South Korea has almost zero food waste. Here’s what the US can learn
South Korea plagued by high rates of teacher suicide driven by pressure and a lack of support
South Korea recycles 98% of its food waste. What can it teach the world?
South Korea reveals new evidence of ‘violent and systemic’ forced adoption abroad
South Korea sold its 69-hour working week idea as a family-friendly solution. But women say the culture is stacked against them
South Korea U-turns on 69-hour working week after youth backlash
South Korean gay couple sees court win as breakthrough for equality
South Korean woman who grabbed soldier’s gun says ‘I just needed to stop them’
South Koreans become younger overnight after country scraps 'Korean age'
South Korea’s president, Yoon Suk Yeol, facing impeachment after martial law shock
South-east Australia marine heatwave forecast to be literally off the scale
‘Southerly busters’ are becoming more frequent but less severe as the climate changes, stirring up east coast weather watchers
Southern Africa Elephant Population Increases Amid Concerns Over Mortality Rate
Southern Africa’s Namaqualand daisies are flowering earlier: why it’s a red flag
Southern Brazil Battles Against the Elements Like 'Never Before'
Southern Californians know: climate change is real, it is deadly and it is here
Southern conifers: meet this vast group of ancient trees with mysteries still unsolved
Southern Europe and north Africa count heavy cost of wildfires
Southern Europe braces for second heat storm in a week
The Southern Hemisphere Is Slowly Drying Out, Scientists Report
The Southern Ocean has the cleanest air on Earth. We have just discovered why
The Southern Ocean upwelling is a mecca for whales and tuna that’s worth celebrating and protecting
Southern right whales grow in number along Brazil’s coastline
‘Sovereign citizen’ conspiracists targeting Aboriginal Australians put native title claims at risk
Soviet Bus Shelters
The Soviet-Era, Z80-based Galaksija Dared to Be Different
Space - Magic Fly (French Rel. 1977)
Space Age Hair Fashions
Space agriculture boldly grows food where no one has grown before
Space cat Hob
Space Cats — Magic Fly
Space Colonies
Space Command: Redemption
Space Elevator
Space Elevator progress
Space Geekery
Space Houses on Earth
Space is Dead. Why Do We Keep Writing About It?
Space isn’t all about the ‘race’ – rival superpowers must work together for a better future
Space junk comes to life in Ceridwen Dovey’s aching and profound tales of fallen astronauts
Space junk removal is not going smoothly
Space Junk Targeted For Removal May Already Have Been Struck… by Space Junk
Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente
Space Opera Novels by Cisgender Women, Non-Binary, and Trans People
Space Pioneer
Space Pirats Episode 1
Space researchers call for government action
Space Ring Could Shade Earth and Stop Global Warming
Space Rock Hits House
Space solar inspires hope and skepticism as it inches closer to reality
Space Stallions
‘Space Station 76′, A Retro-Futurist Science Fiction Space Comedy Film Starring Patrick Wilson and Liv Tyler
Space Taxi
Space Teriyaki
Space travel goes sailing
Space Unicorn
Space Western Limerick Contest Winners
SpaceForge Might Just Revolutionise The Space Industry
Spacerella Help
Spacerella: Dimensional Adventurer
SpaceShipOne soars into history
Spacesuits for preserving human health
Spacesuits need a major upgrade for the next phase of exploration
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk reveals radical Starlink redesign for 60-satellite launch
SpaceX Falcon 1 launch live webcast on now
SpaceX Falcon 1 launch to orbit successful!
Spain and Portugal recruit bison and rare horses to help reduce risk of blazes
Spain braced for record April temperature of 39C as extreme heat causes misery
Spain floods death toll passes 150 as country begins three days of mourning
Spain floods disaster: death toll rises to 205 as extra troops mobilised
Spain floods: searchers scour car parks and malls amid fears death toll will rise
Spain makes history by giving personhood status to salt-water lagoon, thanks to 600,000 citizens
Spain’s apocalyptic floods show two undeniable truths: the climate crisis is getting worse and Big Oil is killing us
Spain’s plan to ban domestic flights where you can take a train in under two and half hours
The spam came from inside the house: How a smart TV can choke a Windows PC
Spam, junk … slop? The latest wave of AI behind the ‘zombie internet’
Spanish minister hails deal to save Andalucía wetlands as a model for green transition
Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez denounces Elon Musk at Franco anniversary event
Spanking and crime rates
Spare a thought for air-conditioning repair people. As the planet warms, they’re really up against it
Sparkies to upskill ahead of the decade of electric vehicles
Sparks - Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is (Lyric Video)
Sparks - Please Don't Fuck Up My World (Official Lyric Video)
Sparks - The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte (Official Video) - Starring Cate Blanchett
Sparks of AGI: early experiments with GPT-4
Speak Freely
Speak Up: Responding to Everyday Bigotry
Speakers, vacuums, doorbells and fridges – the government plans to make your ‘smart things’ more secure
Speaking Aussie
Speaking of Nature
Speaking Piano
Special effect contact lenses
Special Report: Is the Amazon near a tipping point? Three real-world studies are ominous
Special Report: Studio Musicians Are Still Waiting For Credit In The Streaming Era
‘Special thanks’: how comic book writers and artists are forgotten during the superhero film boom
Species boundaries and sexual selection
Species don’t live in isolation: what changing threats to 4 marsupials tell us about the future
Species living closely together in symbiosis is far older and way more common than you might think
Specks of dust on the microscope slide? No, we are looking at the building blocks of our genome
The Spectacle of Policing
Spectacled flying fox declared endangered after Queensland heatwave wipeout
The spectacular collapse of a $30 billion crypto exchange should come as no surprise
The Spectacular Comeback of the American Farmers Market
The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel
Spectacular Helicopter Static-Electricity Phenomenon
'Spectres of the past': Angela Merkel sounds alarm over antisemitism
Speech pathologist teaches her dog to use a soundboard and now it communicates in sentences
Speech-Enabled Avatars
Speech: Security and Privacy in the Internet Age
Speed in Software Development
Spending $200b to relocated doomed communities will save $1T
Spettacolo: Tension between tradition and the future take center stage in Italy
Spheres of Power
Spider Robinson reads "Chronic Offender"
The spider that looks like bird poo – and other amazing (and gross) tricks animals deploy to survive
‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Is Superhero Perfection
Spies, bikes and smuggled ink: Fighting pollution and the Stasi in the shadow of the Berlin Wall
Spinning its wheels: the new national transport plan steers NZ back to a car-dependent past
Spirit Island review: Finally, an anti-colonialist board game
The Spirit Level
Spirited Away Minecraft Recreation
The Spirited Away stage show looks absolutely transcendent
Spiritualism’s Shadows: On COVID-19 and false consolation
Spitting out the Red Pill: Former misogynists reveal how they were radicalised online
Split decision: Telstra’s carve-up plan comes 23 years too late for competition and customers
Splitting the atomic scientists: how the Ukraine war ruined physics
Spock VS Q (Leonard Nimoy & John de Lancie)
SpoGomi: World Cup Exhibition Match Arc
Spongebob Squarepants voice actors do classic movies
Sponsor an ocean? Tiny island nation of Niue has a novel plan to protect its slice of the Pacific
Spooky, stealthy night hunters: revealing the wonderful otherworld of owls
The Sport of Spacing Out
Sport produces mountains of high-tech waste. We are finding new ways to recycle it
Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers
Sports Illustrated Threw Lavish Parties As It Was Shit-canning All Its Actual Journalists
Sports product of the Year - NuMetrex Heart Rate Monitor Sports Bra
Sportswashing is just about everywhere – but it may be backfiring on the countries that do it
Sportswashing: how mining and energy companies sponsor your favourite sports to help clean up their image
Spot the difference: as world leaders rose to the occasion at the Biden climate summit, Morrison faltered
Spotlight on green news & views: Paradise lost, a year later; a new ice age is not on the way
Spotting plastic waste from space and counting the fish in the seas: here’s how AI can help protect the oceans
The spread of coronavirus in Australia is not the fault of individuals but a result of neoliberalism
The spread of true and false news online
Spring Heats Up Down Under
Sprinklers to cool Victoria’s largest permanent flying fox colony over summer
Spy fact meets spy fiction
Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed
Spying, sabotage, subversion, people-smuggling: the brave women who resisted the Nazis through non-violence
SQL Keys in Depth
Squashed Philosophers
Squee-Worthy Geeky Plush Roundup
Squid fishing grew by 68% in just three years, raising fears the industry is out of control
Squirrel Island
Squirrel Island - stop motion animation short film
Squirrel Who Survived A Hurricane Is Living The Dream
Sri Lanka crisis: Daily heartbreak of life in a country gone bankrupt
Sri Lanka scrambles for aid – but Australia still seems preoccupied by boats
Sri Lanka's economic crisis has turned into a national emergency, and its people are now calling for help to save lives
Sri Lankans throw out old guard in election upset: What nation’s new Marxist-leaning leader means for economy, IMF loans
Sri Lanka’s crisis is not just about the economy, but a long history of discrimination against minority groups
Sriracha Boss On Trademark: Mmmmm, No Thanks
St Baker battery giga factory starts commercial production in the Philippines
St Helena has been declared an International Marine Hope Spot
St Kitts and Nevis to ban use of styrofoam, plastic products
Stable Doodle
Stable Video AI Watched 600,000,000 Videos!
Stack the cats
Stacked can art
The stadium scam
The Stagnation Of eBooks Due To Closed Platforms And DRM
‘The stakes could not be higher’: world is on edge of climate abyss, UN warns
Stalled weather: how stuck air pressure systems drive floods and heatwaves
Stallman: How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?
Stamp of approval for disposable camera
Stan Grant stands up to racist abuse. Our research shows many diverse journalists have copped it too
Stan Grant's speech on racism and the Australian dream goes viral
Stan Lee Teaches Cameo School in a Funny, Star-Studded Audi Commercial Directed by Kevin Smith
Stand By Me
‘Stand your ground’ laws empower armed citizens to defend property with violence – a simple mistake can get you shot, or killed
Stand-up for International Peace
Stand-Up for International Peace Part 2
Standard Ebooks
Standing naked in front of an audience: Amanda Palmer and a new way to make art
Standing Rock Sioux Launch Wind & Solar Renewable Energy Projects After Winning Henry Wallace Award
Standing up for the free press: here’s what abuse of media power looks like in Australia
Standing Up To Trump
Stanford Computer Science 2005 Video Game Competition
Stanford philosopher examines why some things should not be for sale
Stanford researcher declares that the sixth mass extinction is here
Stanford Researchers Have an Exciting Plan to Tackle The Climate Emergency Worldwide
Stanford University Creates World’s First Peel And Stick Solar Cells
Stanley Submarines
Star Control lawfight settled by bees
Star Trek + Design
Star Trek / Simpsons theme mash-up
Star Trek Cat Tree (with Enterprise and Romulan Bird of Prey)
Star Trek Has A Lot to Say About Fascism
Star Trek Help!
Star Trek Meets Batman
Star Trek needs less logic and more crying
Star Trek The Original Series poster
Star Trek TNG Theme done RAGTIME
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine accidentally predicted the 2020s by writing about the 1990s
Star Trek: Discovery stars share their exploits and lessons from playing Dungeons & Dragons together
‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 Almost Didn’t Happen — but Had 1 Guiding Ethos When It Did
Star Trek: Renegades
Star Trek: Renegades - finally, an official trailer!
Star Trek: The Deep Space Nine episode that predicted a US crisis
Star Trek: The Middle School Musical
‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture’ Is Finally Released as Director Robert Wise Intended — 43 Years After He Made It
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Animated Series
‘Star Trek: Voyager’ Co-Creator Jeri Taylor Has Passed Away
Star Trekkin with Whangamatta Dance School
Star Wars Battle Droid Prepares For the Prom
Star Wars Cantina Band Auditions
Star Wars cloak sells for £54,000
Star Wars Downunder Trailer
Star Wars Gangsta Rap
Star Wars Group, Weird Al Strike Back Against 8-Year-Old Fangirl’s Bullies
Star Wars Humour
Star Wars in manuscript
Star Wars on the Subway
Star Wars Origami
Star Wars Reimagined as a Muppets Comic: A 1983 Mashup
"Star Wars" - an a cappella tribute to John Williams
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Negative Buzz Amplified by Russian Trolls, Study Finds
“Star Wars” lets Princess Leia age realistically: Is this an alternate Hollywood universe?
StarCrete is a concrete-like material that could be made from extraterrestrial dust
Stares and ear-twitches: The linguist learning to speak the expressive language of cows
Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 have reignited the 'quantity vs quality' debate around RPGs that promise a billion hours of gameplay, but I think they can actually deliver
Starfield is the latest game to be boycotted by conservatives. This time because of pronouns
Staring at the tsunami
Staring down the trolls: Mute, block or resort to 'digilantism'?
Stark before-and-after images reveal the obliteration of Bakhmut
Stark choice for Israel as voters head to polls for fourth time in two years
Starlink is a very big deal
Starlink satellites are ‘leaking’ signals that interfere with our most sensitive radio telescopes
Starmachine 2000 - Live at Haldern Pop 2016
Starmer says he wants to ‘look forward’ and not talk about slavery reparations
Stars and Stripes and ISO Codes
Stars hit the right notes in charity remake of Beach Boys' 'God Only Knows'
Start date for Australia’s biggest renewable energy hub pushed out to end of decade
The start-up converting semis into electric trucks
Startup Generator
Startup makes old cargo plane technology new again with cost-cutting approach to shipping: 'The physics are in our favor'
Startup revives 140-year-old tech to generate energy for remote areas: 'Marks the beginning of a renewable transition'
Startups Implosion Will Render $800 Emotional Support Robots For Children Into Useless Bricks
'Starvation event' shows wildlife may need human help to survive
Starving civilians is an ancient military tactic, but today it’s a war crime in Ukraine, Yemen, Tigray and elsewhere
The Starward Bound Bundle
State aims to revoke license of teacher over books
State Borders
State capture report chronicles extent of corruption in South Africa. But will action follow?
State Department Funded Trolls To Attack Journalists Against Iran War
State Dept. Now Trolling Twitter Terrorists
State government offers big grants for electric delivery vans and cargo e-bikes
State governments forced to indemnify church bodies for child abuse due to insurance ‘market failure’
State libraries need our support and participation to survive
The State Library of Victoria is in crisis. Is it time to rethink how libraries are governed?
The State of Digital Rights: A 2021 Retrospective
The state of Linux gaming in the SteamOS era
State of Text Rendering 2024
The state of the art in androids
State of the Climate 2024: Australia is enduring harsher fire seasons, more ocean heatwaves and sea-level rise
State of the climate: five big issues from the report that will affect every Australian
State of the climate: Hotter and hotter, and we are blowing our budget
State of the climate: what Australians need to know about major new report
State of the science on plastic chemicals
The state of the war
'State Secrets,' Non-Denials And Lies: How The Government Tried To Bury Its 'No Fly' List Screwup
State secures $50 million for Pee Dee River basin conservation
‘State-sanctioned violence’: US police fail to meet basic human rights standards
Statement of Concern: The misuse of Council Local Laws to restrict protest
“States haven’t delivered:” Report finds just 0.2 pct of Australia’s buses are electric
States housed 40,000 people for the COVID emergency. Now rough sleeper numbers are back on the up
‘Statistically impossible’ heat extremes are here – we identified the regions most at risk
Statistics Done Wrong
Status of World Nuclear Forces
Stay As You Are
Stay behind the register
Stay or go? Most older Australians want to retire where they are, but renters don’t always get a choice
‘Stay safe’ – Vale Mary-Louise McLaws, a champion for the power of clear science communication
Steadfast Stanley
‘Stealth privatisation’ in iconic national parks threatens public access to nature’s health boost
Steam Powered Bicycles
Steam Powered Giraffe - Transform
Steam punk
Steam punk PC
Steam Trek: The Moving Picture
Steam Tricycle!
Steamboat Willie, reborn in peace
Steampunk Computer
Steampunk Octopus
Steampunk Sculpture
Steampunk Stuff
Steampunk Workstation Is a Victorian Crapper for Keyboard Tappers
Steel Is Getting Cleaner
Steeleye Span bring Terry Pratchett's Wintersmith to musical life
Steer Madness
Stefan Karl's Year of Healing
Stelarc's latest project
Stella Chiweshe: Zimbabwe’s mbira queen, rebel music star and pioneer
Stem cell therapies: why they’re expensive, unproven and often dangerous
Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first
Step Inside The Wondrous World of Spirited Away With The Oculus Rift
Step into a Miniature World of Animated Paper Wildlife
Stephen Fry "Jeeves" alarm clock and audio samples
Stephen Fry: An Open Letter to David Cameron and the IOC
Stepping into math: Open-sourcing our step-by-step solver
Stepping stones for wildlife: how linking up isolated habitats can help nature thrive in our cities
The steps being taken to get better treatment for Australia’s autistic people
Stereo Eclipse
Steve Jobs’ custom Apple I and other historic machines are on display at Seattle museum
Steve Kirsch’s “mother of all revelations” about the “deadliness” of COVID-19 vaccines goes poof
Steve Langasek, One of Ubuntu Linux’s Leading Lights, Has Died
Steve Silberman, who changed autistic lives with "Neurotribes", has died. He captured ‘a civil rights movement being born’
Steve Wozniak Destroys Apple In Less Than 2 Minutes
The Steve ‘N’ Seagulls Perform a Live Bluegrass Cover of AC/DC’s 1990 Rock Song ‘Thunderstruck’
Steven Thrasher on Campus Protests and The Viral Underclass
Steven Tyler, Don Henley And Others Join Forces To Fight A Compulsory License For Remixes
Stevenson engineering archive fetches £115,000 at auction
Stevie Nicks says Fleetwood Mac would have been ‘done’ without 1977 abortion
Sticky Tape
Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals
Stigma around same-sex marriage affected Australians’ health. Here’s what happened in your electorate
'Still a drastic disease': Is Australia facing a Christmas COVID wave?
Still Alive - Frank Sinatra Big Band Swing Version (The 8-Bit Big Band)
Still Around
Still fab after 60 years: how The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night made pop cinema history
‘Still in the stone age’: movie world in shock as Germany’s MeToo moment arrives
Still Loving You - Steve'n'Seagulls
Still Plenty of Strange New Worlds for Star Trek to Explore | The Agenda
Still under the bed? Red-baiting’s long history in Australian politics – and why it’s unlikely to succeed now
Still wearing a face mask? Your choice may be influenced by your race
Stinky seaweed is clogging Caribbean beaches – but a New Zealand solution could turn it into green power and fertiliser
Stirling engine heatsinks for PCs
stock photos jobs...
Stockholm Bans Diesel, Petrol Cars in City Center From 2025
Stockton’s Basic-Income Experiment Pays Off
[OzFurry] Stolen camels
Stoltenberg assures EU that Nato would survive second Trump presidency
Stone the crows! Could corvids be Australia’s smartest export?
Stoneflies change colour in response to deforestation, suggesting humans can alter evolution – new research
‘Stop all time wasting’: Woolworths workers tracked and timed under new efficiency crackdown
STOP and Smell The Roses
Stop asking me ‘what about men?’
Stop blaming yourself for the climate crisis
Stop Damaging Ourselves
Stop hating on pasta – it actually has a healthy ratio of carbs, protein and fat
Stop Interrupting Me: Gender, Conversation Dominance, and Listener Bias
Stop killing brown snakes – they could be a farmer’s best friend
Stop Making Sense
?????????????????Stop motion with wolf and pig
Stop Pitting Women Against Each Other
Stop Recycling — You’re Killing the Planet
Stop renewables and wait for nuclear: Nationals stunning rejection of science and industry
Stop Rushing To Copyright As A Tool To ‘Solve’ The Problems Of AI
Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media
Stop the Amazon from burning
Stop the blame game on the tech skills shortage
STOP THE PRESSES! The Independent is Dead. Long Live the Independent.
Stop tossing your spent vapes and e-cigs: you’re breeding a new waste pandemic
Stop trying to turn Dungeons & Dragons into a Marvel-esque cash cow – it won’t work
Stop Writing Dystopian Sci-Fi—It’s Making Us All Fear Technology
Stop-and-frisk as the most visible element of deep, violent official American racism
Stop-motion music video with animated pencils
Stop-motion remake of Jonny Quest opening titles
#StopBurningStuff - A special episode ahead of the UN Climate Change Convention (COP26)
Stopping China and decarbonization: what kind of sense does that make?
Stopping Trillions In Subsidies To The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Key To Climate Action
Store Buyout: the Art of Convenience
The Stores Without Staff
The Stories Behind 20 Inventions That Changed the World
'Stories from Norway' is the comedy musical mash-up of your dreams
Stories I Will Not Write
Stories Make the Future: Introduction
Stories Make the Future: Utopia
The stories of Australia’s Muslim Anzacs have long been forgotten. It’s time we honour them
Stories Over Tea: The Power of Reminiscence Therapy
Storing Electricity On The Grid Is Part Of Climate Short List
Storj: Decentralized Cloud Storage
Storm Ciarán: Seven people killed and dozens injured in Europe
Storm-ravaged Bahamas rebuilding its power grid with emphasis on solar energy
Storms and fires will not bring an escape from America’s stuck climate politics
Storms and steep utility bills drive US rooftop solar boom
Storms and wildfires kill seven in Italy as extreme weather continues
Storms that slammed Central America in 2020 just a preview, climate change experts say
Stormy Daniels gets more than $1m from GoFundMe after alleged threats
Stormy Daniels, Porn Star Suing Trump, Is Known for Her Ambition: ‘She’s the Boss’
The story behind 'Blue Check Homes': How an SF artist created a fake company that fooled thousands
The Story Behind Margaret Atwood's Bonkers New Comic About a Flying Cat-Bird Superhero
The Story Behind That ‘Future That Liberals Want’ Photo
The story of Carrolup
The Story of George McGovern's Failure to Guarantee Every American $1,000
The story of how Swahili became Africa’s most spoken language
The story of how the tin can nearly wasn't
The Story of Jess & Russ
The Story of Leo, Baloo and Shere Khan: The Inseparable Bond Between a Bear, Lion and Tiger
The story of Nina Paley's "Sita Sings the Blues"
The story of Queenie Chan, a manga artist crushing sexism and stereotypes
The story of Rum Jungle: a Cold War-era uranium mine that’s spewed acid into the environment for decades
The story of the Dumpling emoji 🥟
Storybook Whale Fail
StoryBundle: pay what you want for DRM-free ebooks
StoryShift is a new storytelling medium. Why hasn’t it caught on?
Storytelling at Butterfly Club
Straight from the Strait review – a joyous musical inspired by a little-known Australian story
Straight man’s pickup truck goes viral for supporting Pride in rural Oklahoma
Straight to the pool room: a love letter to The Castle on its 25th anniversary
Stranded assets: Chinese fossil car production plunges amid surging EV demand
Stranded at LAX since Christmas Eve. Homeless. Then the coronavirus hit
Stranded at sea: the humanitarian crisis that’s left 400,000 seafarers stuck on cargo ships
Strange Blessings
The Strange Death of the Uyghur Internet
The strange history of ice cream flavours – from brown bread to Parmesan and paté
The Strange History of the Worst Sentence in English Literature
Strange Horizons: Stories We've Seen Too Often
“Strange New Worlds” Pissing Off Conservatives? GOOD!
Strange rock formations beneath the Pacific Ocean could change our understanding of the early Earth
The strange story of Britain's oldest sweet
Strange Stuff with Legos
The Strange Tale of the First Woman to Run for [US] President
"Strange Worlds" dioramas
‘Strange World’ Is Disney’s First Animated Movie With a Gay Lead. Why Is It Being Buried?
The Strange, Secret Evolution of Babylon 5
The Stranger, Australia's answer to Doctor Who, premieres on ABC iview after decades in the vaults
The strangers stepping up to finish craft projects that loved ones leave behind
Strategic Sympathy Reserves
Strategies for success in the ivory war
Straw Dinosaurs Appear in Japanese Fields, Try To Eat Humans
Strawhatz - Kimono
Stray Cats Save Osaka Restaurant from Going Out of Business During Pandemic
Streamer In Japan Gets 2 Years Jail Time For Uploading Let’s Plays, Anime Spoilers
Streaming Music is Ripping You Off
Streaming services are removing original TV and films. What this means for your favourite show – and our cultural heritage
streaming visual image of Japanese dance
Streamline Moderne architecture was meant to capture the spirit of a society gliding into the future
Fwd: Street art
Street Art Utopia
Street Cat Bob Memorial Statue
The Street Medicine Team Bringing Care to L.A.’s Homeless
Street Monsters!
Street-racing in Nissan Leaf, EV enthusiast pushes Texans to go electric
StreetFire Sound Labs open-sources CD music
Streets of purple haze: how the South American jacaranda became a symbol of Australian spring
Strep A cases are rising. We must remember our earliest hygiene lessons as vaccine trials continue
Strep A: cases of rare fatal infection hit record levels in Japan – here’s what risk these bacteria pose to global health
Stress levels in Australian workplaces among the highest as we battle constant interruptions and irritating colleagues
'Stress relief puppies', procrastination classes for pressured uni students
Strict new-car emissions standards coming to Australia from 2025, utes and 4WDs among hardest hit
Strides and backslides: How to tackle diversity in comics
Strike threats in Italy and stoppages in Greece as workers struggle with heat
Strikes, protests and collective action: how fighting a cost-of-living crisis wasn’t always about tightening your own belt
Striking Satellite Images Reveal Antarctica Is 10 Times Greener Than 35 Years Ago
Strikingly Imaginative Structures for Housing LA’s Homeless
Stripping carbon from the atmosphere might be needed to avoid dangerous warming – but it remains a deeply uncertain prospect
Stripping Russia’s veto power on the Security Council is all but impossible. Perhaps we should expect less from the UN instead
Strong progress – from a low base: here’s what’s in NSW’s biodiversity reforms
Stronger and lighter: Wooden towers to be used for bigger wind turbines
The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi
The Struggle to Save Pacific Salmon
Stubborn fossil fuel emissions threaten to blow global carbon budget
Stuck at home? These 12 famous museums offer virtual tours you can take on your couch
Student creates captivating display of “floating whales” to symbolise Buddhism’s Six Realms
Student Groups Are Distributing Free Emergency Contraceptives on Campus
Student Monitoring Tools Should Not Flag LGBTQ+ Keywords
Student photographer imagines herself as a teenager from every decade in the last hundred years [20 pics]
Student sentenced to 10 days in jail for peaceful protest of anti-trans policies
Students around the globe collect quality, eye-opening research data on mammals
students in india fight plastic by sending back waste wrappers to manufacturers
Students left with $13 a day as youth allowance falls behind rent rises, analysis finds
Students' 'homemade' rocket soars faster and farther into space than any other amateur spacecraft — smashing 20-year records
Studio 100 Int’l Announces HD Remasters of Classic Animated Series
Studio C - Phone Magician
Studio Enjoy: Supaman - 'Prayer Loop Song'
Studio Ghibli Characters Look Even Better in Traditional Japanese Wood-Cut Style
Studio Ghibli Film Adapts 12th Century Manga
Studio Ghibli Inspired Watercolor Paintings By Louise Terrier (14 Pics)
Studio Ghibli releases 300 more free images from six films including ‘Princess Mononoke’
Studio Ghibli Releases 400 Images from Its Iconic Movies for Free
Studio Ghibli releases new plush characters that turn into eco-friendly reusable shopping bags
Studio Ghibli – The Amount Of Work Required Is Unimaginable
Studio Ghibli’s first TV series getting English dub courtesy of Amazon
Studio Ghibli’s ‘The Red Turtle’ Will Premiere At Cannes
Study debunks notion that men and women are psychologically distinct
Study finds 17 mountains at high risk of losing biodiversity under climate change
Study finds 2 billion people will struggle to survive in a warming world – and these parts of Australia are most vulnerable
Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI
Study finds famous Australian caves are up to 500,000 years older than we thought - and it could help explain a megafauna mystery
Study finds local fidelity key to ocean-wide recovery of humpback whales
Study finds major Earth systems likely on track to collapse: 5 things to know
Study finds major public knowledge gaps on renewables – and they’re being filled with misinformation
Study finds mercury pollution from human activities is declining
Study finds Western megadrought is the worst in 1,200 years
Study links microplastics with human health problems – but there’s still a lot we don’t know
Study Links Permian Blowouts With Wastewater Injection
Study mapping how SARS-CoV-2 disrupts mitochondria suggests a cause for long Covid
Study maps human uptake of microplastics across 109 countries
The study on collapse they thought you should not read – yet
Study on Pacific sperm whales suggests culture isn't just for humans
Study on return-to-office mandates gets international attention
Study quantifies the under-appreciated ways in which wildlife are part of the carbon equation
Study Reinforces How Much The Internet Has Enabled Content Creators To Make Money
Study Reveals an Unexpected Side Effect of Traffic Safety Messages
Study reveals how SARS-CoV-2 alters mitochondria, leading to energy outages and organ failure
Study reveals huge potential for increasing transboundary conservation across Africa
Study shows dogs can detect COVID-19 faster, better than most PCR tests
Study shows enforced masking on long flights prevents SARS-CoV-2 transmission
Study Shows Fossil Fuel Pollution Killed 8.7 Million People in 2018—Almost One-Fifth of Global Deaths
Study shows hot leaves can’t catch carbon from the air. It’s bad news for rainforests – and Earth
Study Shows How Notice-And-Takedown Reduces Transaction Costs In Making Works Legally Available
Study shows how rudeness leads to anchoring, including in medical diagnoses
Study shows one way that scientific progress is broken
Study shows ‘catastrophic’ 10-year low for female representation in film
Study Suggests Shutting Down Filesharing Sites Would Hurt Music Industry, New Artists
Study uncovers surprising fact about wildflowers in urban areas: 'No difference … between the meadow types'
Study: 1 in 6 kids have persistent COVID symptoms for 3 months after infection
Study: 58% of world's richest companies quietly lobby against climate policies
Study: Air purifier use at daycare centres cut kids' sick days by a third
Study: Climate change causing more ‘heat stress’ in Europe
Study: File Sharing Leads To More, Not Fewer, Musical Hits Being Written
Study: Folklore structure reveals how conspiracy theories emerge, fall apart
Study: Immigration has not raised German crime rate
Study: Kids with COVID but no symptoms play key role in household spread
Study: The Overwhelming Majority Of Historical Video Games Are Endangered
Stuff in Space
Stuffed fleece teddy bear - Zombie
Stunning 2200-Year-Old Mosaics Discovered in Ancient Greek City
Stunning color postcards show the idyllic life at end of the 19th century Norway, 1890
Stunning Footage From Space
Stunning Japanese Railway Posters
Stunning libraries from around the world – in pictures
Stunning Life-Size Photos Capture Close Encounters With Whales
Stunning Lifelike 3D Paper Sculptures
Stunning Lost City
Stunning New Laser-Cut Wood Relief Sculptures by Gabriel Schama
Stunning New Species of Tarantula Shimmers Like an Electric-Blue Jewel
Stunning Papercraft
The stunning photographs of Australian artist Anne Zahalka: remembering the past and recording the present
Stunning photographs of the Great Barrier Reef’s pink manta ray
Stunning Photos Capture the Majestic Beauty of Ravens
Stunning Photos of Human Figures in Landscapes
Fwd: Stunning pictures from Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremonies (not shown by NBC)
The stunning recovery of a heavily polluted river in the heart of the Blue Mountains World Heritage area
Stunning rediscovered photos show life in Japan 100 years ago
Stunning solar milestone as Australia passes 25GW mark
Stunning Stained Glass
Stunning Tiffany Stained Glass Debuts After 100 Years of Obscurity
Stunning underwater photography
Stunning World Pictures
STUNNING: Seattle Judge Hands Activist Kids Landmark Victory For Climate Justice (VIDEO)
Stupendous library cake
Stupid Patent of the Month: Elsevier Patents Online Peer Review
Stupid Patent of the Month: Selfie Contests
Stupidity and Malice
Stuxnet-style code signing is more widespread than anyone thought
Style Engineers Worldwide
The style guru taking charity shop fashion to the next level
Stylish Animals Take Over The Buildings Of Paris
Stylophone fever!
Fwd: SU: wildcard
Subbable and Patreon are Joining Forces
Subjective and Objective Measurement of Democratic Backsliding
Submarine cables keep the world connected. They can also help us study climate change
Subsidies for fossil fuel company cars are costing taxpayers tens of billions
Substack Turns On Its ‘Nazis Welcome!’ Sign
The Subterranean Theme Park 390ft Down in a Transylvanian Salt Mine
Subtle Patterns
The subtle sophistication of Bluey’s soundtrack helped propel it to stardom
Subtle Yoyo Vandalism
Subtract: Why Getting to Less Can Mean Thinking More
The Suburbs Are Making a Comeback. Have We Learned Nothing?
Success in America has nothing to do with hard work — and we're in the middle of a 'war on normal people'
The Success of the Voter Fraud Myth
Successful Swift Fox Reintroduction Program at Fort Belknap Celebrates Third Year
Succession on the Tibetan plateau: what’s at stake in the battle over the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation?
Such A Loser by Garfunkel and Oates
Sucking carbon from the air essential to limit warming, but it’s going to need a lot of energy
Sudan food emergency: local researcher unpacks scale of the disaster and what action is needed
Sudan is burning and foreign powers are benefiting – what’s in it for the UAE
Sudan is now confronting its most severe food security crisis on record
Sudan's Forgotten Films
Sudan’s civil war has left at least 62,000 dead by our estimate − but the true figure could be far higher
Sudan’s civilians urgently need protection: the options for international peacekeeping
Sudan’s conflict has its roots in three decades of elites fighting over oil and energy
Sudan’s national treasures have been stolen – we spoke with the director of museums
Sudan’s people toppled a dictator – despite the war they’re still working to bring about democratic change
Sudan’s protestors aren’t giving up despite heavy odds: here’s why
Suddenly dodging potholes after all this rain? Here’s how drones could help with repairs
‘Suddenly it’s cool’: children believe use of influencers in gambling ads makes it seem fun
Suddenly, It Looks Like We’re in a Golden Age for Medicine
Suddenly, the US is a climate policy trendsetter
Sufferers of chronic pain have long been told it’s all in their head. We now know that’s wrong
The sugar conspiracy
Sugar in baby food: why Nestlé needs to be held to account in Africa
‘Suicide for democracy.’ What is ‘bothsidesism’ – and how is it different from journalistic objectivity?
Suissa Computers: Expensive designer wood-case PCs
The suitcase-sized kit helping to rid the Philippines of one of history’s great killers
Sukhdeep wants to see her mother while she is still alive – but Australia’s visa rules have left her in limbo
Sulfuric acid: the next resource crisis that could stifle green tech and threaten food security
The Sultan's Elephant
Summary Bug
Summer 2023 was northern hemisphere’s hottest for 2,000 years, tree rings show
Summer Daze at Hero-U
Summer In Space Vol. 3
Summer In Space Vol. 6
Summer of Rage
Summer Sea Ice May Vanish From The Arctic in Just 10 Years, Scientists Warn
Summer Synthwave Sensation
Summer’s over, so how much sun can (and should) I get?
‘The SummHarry’, An Illustration That Sums Up the Entire Plot of ‘Harry Potter’
Sumo Olympics
Fwd: The Sun (BostonGlobe)
The Sun Cruise Resort, A Cruise Ship Resort That Never Leaves Land
Sun Fun
Sun Machines
Sun Table
Sunak’s family firm signed a billion-dollar deal with BP before PM opened new North Sea licences
The Sunday Read: Weird Al Yankovic’s Weirdly Enduring Appeal
Sunday Sweets and Halloween Treats!
Sunday Sweets Celebrates All Things CANDY
Sunday Sweets Celebrates Kids' Movies
Sunday Sweets Celebrates Mid-Century Modern
Sunday Sweets For "Tell A Joke" Day
Sunday Sweets For Book Lovers Day
Sunday Sweets for J.R.R. Tolkien's Birthday
Sunday Sweets For Roy G. Biv
Sunday Sweets Gets Crafty
Sunday Sweets Goes Art Deco... Again!
Sunday Sweets Goes Crazy Cat Lady
Sunday Sweets Goes FULL UNICORN
Sunday Sweets Goes Wild!
Sunday Sweets Hitches A Ride
Sunday Sweets Is Blinding Me With SCIENCE
Sunday Sweets Makes Sure You Eat Your Greens
Sunday Sweets Special Feature: The "Mirror Cakes" of Olga Noskova
Sunday Sweets Splits Up! 11 Gorgeous Double-Sided Cakes
Sunday Sweets With Character
Sunday Sweets... In... SPAAAACE!
Sunday Sweets: 10 Cakes With Curtain Calls
Sunday Sweets: 80s Movie Night
Sunday Sweets: Art Nouveau
Sunday Sweets: Cake of the Doctor
Sunday Sweets: CAKE-CEPTION!
Sunday Sweets: Classic Kids' Books!
Sunday Sweets: Deco-licious
Sunday Sweets: Doctor Who Day...ish
Sunday Sweets: Dragon Con Treats
Sunday Sweets: Filibuster Edition
Sunday Sweets: Fine Art Cakes
Sunday Sweets: Fraggles and Dragons and Groot, Oh My!
Sunday Sweets: Geek Chic Wedding Cakes
Sunday Sweets: Gettin' Geeky Wit It
Sunday Sweets: Half And Half
Sunday Sweets: Jim Henson Tribute
Sunday Sweets: Kids Cartoons!
Sunday Sweets: Leggo My LEGO
Sunday Sweets: Minion Mashup
Sunday Sweets: Mythical Beasts & Where to Devour Them
Sunday Sweets: No Dungeons, Just Dragons
Sunday Sweets: Pixar Pretties!
Sunday Sweets: Rainbow Connection
Sunday Sweets: Seuss Day Treats
Sunday Sweets: Stained Glass
Sunday Sweets: Story Time Sweets
Sunday Sweets: Studio Ghibli
Sunday Sweets: Tolkien Treats!
Sunday Sweets: Toons From Our Childhood
Sunday Sweets: WHO LOVES YA?!
Sunday Sweets: Wild Kingdom
Sunday videos
Sunday was world’s hottest ever recorded day, data suggests
Sundays Sweets: Tim Burton Treats!
Sunflowers Linked to Reduced Varroa Mite Infestations in Honey Bees
Sunglasses reflect more than the light: a brief history of shades, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
Sunny Specks in Thine Eye - The Bully
Sunshine state to transform solar heavy towns into bespoke local renewable energy zones
Supaman - Why
Super Awesome Sylvia's WaterColorBot
Super funds back fossil “climate wreckers” over clean energy
Super funds should use their substantial holdings for public good
SUPER Heroes
Super Mario Brothers Parkour [In Real Life]
"Super Mario" puppet show
Super Nebula Author Showcase Book Bundle
Super Typhoon Yagi hits China’s Hainan, killing two people and forcing 1 million to leave their homes
Super Useless Super Powers
The Super-Cheap Solar-Powered Car Is Finally Here!
Super-realistic prosthetic eyes made in record time with 3D printing
Super-Resolution From a Single Image
The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse
The super-rich, ‘sissy boys’, celebs – all targets in Xi’s bid to end cultural difference
Superannuation is complicated. A guaranteed government income in retirement would be simpler
Supercharged thunderstorms: have we underestimated how climate change drives extreme rain and floods?
Supercomputers can take months to simulate the climate – but my new algorithm can do it ten times faster
Supercon 2015: The Best Cosplay
Superconductivity Dance Flash Mob (
Superfoods Are a Marketing Ploy
Superhero Ancient Greek Pottery
Superhero Generator
Superhero License Plates
Superhero Sweets For SDCC
Superhero: The Flipside
Superior National Forest and northern Minnesota tribes make 'historic' agreement
‘SuperLimbs’ could help astronauts recover from falls
The Superman Crossover That Perfectly Explained White Privilege Decades Ago
Superman in London
Superman's Next Big Fight Is Against Climate Change
The supermarket cow dance
Supermarket facial recognition failure: why automated systems must put the human factor first
The Supermarket Helping Shoppers Get Loans for Groceries
Supermarket monsters
Supermarket plastic bag charge has led to 98% drop in use in England, data shows
Supermarket shelves were empty for months after the Lismore floods. Here’s how to make supply chains more resilient
Supermarkets, airlines and power companies are charging ‘exploitative’ prices despite reaping record profits
Supermoons are boring – here are 5 things in the sky worth your time
Supernovas, auroral sounds and hungry tides: unpacking First Nations knowledge of the skies
Supernumerary Rainbows over New Jersey
Supernumerary Robotic Limbs: robotic arms that will lend a helping hand
Superpower rivalry is making Pacific aid a bargaining chip – vulnerable island nations still lose out
Supervillain Baby
Supervised AI isn’t
Supply Chain
Support 0 A.D., an Open-Source Strategy Game
Support APOPO's HeroRATs' life-saving missions!
Support cat who 'hears' for deaf owner wins national award
Support for leaving EU has fallen significantly across bloc since Brexit
Support for Same-Sex Marriage Falls as Right Intensifies ‘War on Trans’
Support Free eBooks
Support Liam Dawe creating gaming articles
Support Peter S. Beagle
Support Shava Nerad creating commentary on the international and american netizen zeitgeist
Support Sweet Singing Silliness
Support “Public Money? Public Code!” with a SharePic
Supporting vaccinations and strengthening health systems in 16 African countries
Supportive housing is cheaper than chronic homelessness
Supposed 'Free Speech' Warrior Jordan Peterson Sues University Because Silly Professor Said Some Mean Things About Him
Supreme Court Declines To Take Case Aimed At Overturning 100-Year-Old Racist Precedents
Supreme Court grapples with animal welfare in a challenge to a California law requiring pork to be humanely raised
The Supreme Court Is on the Verge of Criminalizing Homelessness
Supreme court rules Rwanda plan unlawful: a legal expert explains the judgment, and what happens next
Supreme court throws out parts of Adani’s ‘embarrassing’ case against activist
Sure it's Tyr's Day, but...
Sure puts things into perspective
Surf and Turf: Saving a Wave by Protecting the Land
Surface tension: could the promised Aukus nuclear submarines simply never be handed over to Australia?
The surfer and tribal chief fighting to save a 550km South African coast
Surge in Australian fossil car advertising undermining efforts to clean up transport
Surge in transphobic speech among politicians sparks concern ahead of EU elections, new report warns
Surge of new US-led oil and gas activity threatens to wreck Paris climate goals
The Surgeon General Is Wrong. Social Media Doesn’t Need Warning Labels
Surgical and engineering innovations enable unprecedented control over every finger of a bionic hand
Surging global tourism emissions are driven by just 20 countries – major new study
Surging renewable energy sees record supply to Australia’s electricity grid
Surprise! Electric cars are already making California healthier
Surprise: American voters actually largely agree on many issues, including topics like abortion, immigration and wealth inequality
Surprise: ASCAP and Music Labels Colluded To Screw Pandora
Surprises of the Faraday Cage
The surprising afterlife of used hotel soap
The surprising biodiversity of abandoned coal mines
The surprising history of how electric vehicles have played the long game and won
The surprising key to magpie intelligence: it’s not genetic
The Surprising Link Between Tapirs and Climate Change
The Surprising Lives of Germany’s ‘Basic Income’ Raffle Winners
The Surprising Reason Astronomers Are Vital in Legal Proceedings
The surprisingly Australian history of Chinese dragon parades
The Surprisingly Radical Roots of the Renaissance Fair
The Surprisingly Rich History of ASCII Art
Surreal NASA Footage Reveals What a Solar Eclipse Looks Like on Mars
surreal photos
Surrealism Featuring Endangered Animals
Surrealism, cafes and lots (and lots) of cats: why Japanese fiction is booming
The ‘surreal’ art of worm charming – and why we’re all being urged to try it
Surveillance Cameras Debunk the Bystander Effect
Surveillance tech is changing our behaviour – and our brains
Survey finds generative AI proving major threat to the work of translators
Survey finds homes poorly prepared for heatwaves – here’s what needs to change
Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution
Survey of Australian Children's SF
The survival of the endangered monarch butterfly depends on conservation beyond borders
Survival of the Richest
‘Survival sex’, ‘mob justice’ and more: the first independent study of abuse in the Australian Defence Force is damning
Surviving Germany’s Neo-Nazi Resurgence
Surviving the Next Four Years
Surviving the post-employment economy
Survivors of abuse in care know how redress should work – will the government finally listen?
Survivors unite to deliver message on Holocaust remembrance
Sushi Cats: 13 Cute Felines Rolled Up in a Bed of Rice
Sushi Conveyor (回転寿司 Kaitenzushi) videos
Sushi Pillows and other cute stuff
Suspended Floral Installations by Rebecca Louise Law
Sustainability is often an afterthought in space exploration – that needs to change as the industry grows
The sustainability of open source for the long term
Sustainability, cultural significance, and high fashion: the top five uniforms to look out for at the 2024 Paris Olympics
Sustainability: 5 Practical Tips to Make Your Life Greener in 2024
Sustainability: Suddenly the action is local.
Sustainable City | Fully Charged
Sustainable development goals: all you need to know
Sustainable Plastic Solutions becomes world leader in farm waste recycling
Sustainable Style: What happens to the clothes you donate to op shops?
Sustainable use of natural resources: lessons from Pantanal communities
Sustaining People and Place
SUV and ute sales slowed due to NZ’s Clean Car Discount – expect that to reverse under a new government
Suzuki Beane: lost 1961 beatnik kids' book
Suzume builds on a long line of Japanese art exploring the impacts of trauma on the individual and the collective
Svalbard’s doomsday vault gets record batch of global crop seeds
SVB bailouts for everyone — except affordable housing projects
Swallows in a Land Rover
The Swamp; or, Inside the Mind of Donald Trump
Swan Brothers
Swap and go: electric trucks to run between Sydney and Brisbane using exchangeable batteries
Swap salmon for sardines to keep four million tonnes of fish in the sea
Swathes of Melbourne could face flooding from rising sea levels, new long-term modelling suggests
Sweatshirt that gives your pet a special cuddle pouch is half cat, half kangaroo, all adorable
Swede plans to put little red cottage on the moon
Sweden close to becoming first "smoke free" country in Europe as daily cigarette use dwindles
Sweden is joining Nato: what that means for the alliance and the war in Ukraine
Sweden is paying people to fix their belongings instead of throwing them away
Sweden Launches an Official Phone Number That Connects Callers to a Random Swede for a Chat
Sweden launches groundbreaking new childcare law
Sweden opens inquiry into damaged undersea cable as Nato deploys ships
Sweden passes law lowering age to change legal gender from 18 to 16
Sweden: a history of neutrality ends after 200 years
Sweden’s biggest wolf cull starts but campaigners fight on
Sweden’s feminist foreign minister has dared to tell the truth about Saudi Arabia. What happens now concerns us all
Sweden’s Tesla Blockade Is Spreading
Swedes launch boycott of US goods in response to recent policy shifts
The Swedish 15-year-old who's cutting class to fight the climate crisis
The Swedish City That Asked Its Banks for an Ultimatum
Swedish firm deploys crows to pick up cigarette butts
Swedish government criticised for curbing green policies in budget
♻ Swedish record in recycling
Swedish Scientists Study How Cats Respond to the Way Humans Communicate With Them
Swedish startup promises “massless” carbon fibre battery for wind blades, EVs and aircraft
Swedish ‘Spotify of heat pumps’ hopes to reach more UK homes
The Sweet and Sticky History of the Date
Sweet Dreams: Young widow holds tight to the big life her husband left behind
Sweet Guy
Swept Away: What Cities Really Take When They Sweep Homeless Encampments
SWERUS-C3: First observations of methane release from Arctic Ocean hydrates
Swimming mouse among 27 new species discovered in Peru
Swing and Electro Swing Collection No.2
SWINGROWERS - HYBRID (Official Animation Video) 2021
Swingrowers - That's Right! (Official Music Video)
Swinomish Tribe builds U.S.’s first modern ‘clam garden,' reviving ancient practice
Swiss glaciers lose 10% of their volume in two years
Swiss pilot to install solar panels in-between railway tracks
Swiss satellite antennas make a comeback as solar powerhouses
Switch to electric heat pump heating and avoid freezing with gas
Switching to Hydrogen Fuel Could Cause Long-Term Climate Consequences
Switzerland has been a lab for toxic rightwing politics. We took that on
Switzerland is covering the Alps with solar panels, achieving the impossible: challenging everything we believed
Switzerland referendum: Voters back carbon cuts as glaciers melt
Switzerland votes to adopt a global minimum tax
Switzerland, Italy to redraw borders because of glacier melt
SXSW Sydney explained: how will the Austin festival work in Australia – and who is it for?
Sydney at risk of being like San Francisco, Mookhey warns
Sydney council reverses ban on same-sex parenting books after fiery meeting
Sydney factory to share excess rooftop solar power with employees
Sydney ferry fleet to go fully electric, with first on the harbour in 2026
Sydney Opera House at 50: the stories behind the superstitions, sleepovers and scene-stealing moments
Sydney Opera House: 85,000 oyster shells tell of site’s true story in major public artwork
Sydney Powerhouse ‘a half-empty neglected mess’ amid redevelopment, museum staff claim
Sydney to become home to world's tallest 'hybrid timber' tower
Sydney to London flight emissions can be halved depending on route, plane and seating
Sydney-Melbourne railway could be affordably upgraded to slash travel times to six hours, expert says
Sydney’s abandoned tram tunnels transformed into light spectacle for Vivid
Sydney’s drinking water quality under threat from climate crisis, report finds
Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary Art is now charging for entry. It’s a sign our cultural sector needs help
Sydney’s newspaper rebellion: the night the censors called armed officers on the press
Sydney’s shiny new Metro service is great – now can we fix the city’s busted bus stops?
Symone Sanders on Life After Bernie
Synchronised Robot Dance
Synchronized Wind Tunnel Dancing Should Be the Next Olympic Sport
Syncopated Ladies Tap Dance Salutes A Legend
Synthetic biology 2020–2030: six commercially-available products that are changing our world
Synthetic futures: my journey into the emotional, poetic world of AI art making
SynthMania: 1960s-style jazz organ
Syria: The visionary reconstruction of Raqqa | DW Documentary
Syrian Children Saved a German Village. And a Village Saved Itself.
Syrian refugee children in Jordan draw pictures for Australian bushfire survivors
Syrian refugees are now paying smugglers to take them back
Syrian Refugees Helped Rescue Far-Right Anti-Immigrant German Politician After Car Crash
Syrian refugees in Canada got housed in same hotel as VancouFur furry convention and the children loved it
The System Design Primer
‘The system is the problem, not people’: how a radical food group spread round the world
System to protect Australia’s threatened species from development ‘more or less worthless’, study finds
‘Systemic crisis’: Tyre Nichols beating fuels calls for broad police reforms
Systems Can Change — And So Can We
São Paulo nurseries bring the city’s rare and forgotten trees back to life
T & P Makeup Look
T is for “Thanks”
T-Mobile giving free ownership shares to postpaid customers
T-shirt War
Ta-Nehisi Coates describes what he saw in Palestine as ‘apartheid’, resembling America’s segregated Jim Crow South
‘Taaaake onnn meee!’ The unkillable, oh-so-profitable afterlife of a-ha’s ’80s classic
Table for one: How to play board games without a group
Tables of vampire traits
Tabletop Game: Dungeons The Dragoning
Tabletop Simulator’s Steam Reviews Descend Into Culture War Nightmare Factory
Tabletop Whale science illustrations
The taboo of animal friendship, an evolutionary advantage not exclusive to humans
The taboos are falling fast as the EU embraces the far-right racist approach to migration
Tabs give me superpowers
Tackle climate crisis and poverty with zeal of Covid-19 fight, scientists urge
Tackling the 15-minute cities conspiracy means fixing inequality
Tackling the monopoly problem
Tackling the mysteries of evolution: Peter Watts talks about consciousness, publishing, and his Hugo nominated novel Blindsight
Tahoe avalanches: What causes innocent-looking snow slopes to collapse? A physicist and skier explains, with tips for surviving
Taibbi: Why Aren’t We Talking More About Trump’s Nihilism?
Taikomochi or Houkan, the Male Counterpart to the Geisha
Tail first and making an early splash, some whales just can’t wait to be born
Taiwan detains China-linked cargo ship after undersea cable disconnected
Taiwan draws hundreds of thousands in East Asia’s largest Pride march
Taiwan election: global leaders draw Beijing’s ire for congratulating new president
Taiwan is a civilization
Taiwan is transforming unused metro stations into underground vertical farms
Taiwan's Digital Democracy
Taiwanese banned from all UNESCO events
Taiwan’s government wins a third term, delivering a blow to Beijing’s ambitions for the democratic island
Taiwan’s Indigenous languages are under threat – what can NZ learn from their successes and failures?
Takahata Textbook
Take a peek at the world's most exquisite libraries
Take a tour of this deserted Japanese village populated with scarecrows
Take Back Halloween! A costume guide for women with imagination.
Take heart at what’s unfolded at COP26 in Glasgow – the world can still hold global heating to 1.5℃
‘Take It Down and They’ll Return’: The Stunning Revival of the Penobscot River
Take On Me: Literal Video Version
Take unprecedented action or bear the consequences, says eminent scientist and advisor
Taking Children from Their Parents Is a Form of State Terror
Taking more than 5 pills a day? ‘Deprescribing’ can prevent harm – especially for older people
Taking my cats for a walk
Taking politics into account helps craft effective recycling message
Taking the ‘forever’ out of ‘forever chemicals’: we worked out how to destroy the PFAS in batteries
Taking Trump voters’ concerns seriously means listening to what they’re actually saying
Tala - An Explorational Puzzle Game - RELAUNCH!
The Tale of the Three Beautiful Raptor Sisters, and the Prince Who Was Made of Meat
The Tale of Two Photos
The Talented 7-Year-Old Ukrainian Refugee Painting Her Way Through War
Talented Pianist Plays Beautiful Classical Music for Blind Elephants at a Sanctuary in Thailand
Tales of Something Or Other #6
Tales of the unexpected: inside the thriving world of independent bookshops
The Taliban are outlawing women’s beauty salons in Afghanistan
Taliban ban women from national park in Afghanistan
Taliban mark 1st year back in power, but for many Afghans there’s nothing to celebrate
The Taliban suspends polio vaccine campaign in Afghanistan – here’s the likely impact
Taliban to be taken to international court over gender discrimination
'The Taliban took our last hope': College education is banned for women in Afghanistan
The Taliban’s war on women in Afghanistan must be formally recognized as gender apartheid
Talislanta Library
Talk About It: How Climate Conversation Groups Inspire Action
Talk isn’t enough: Pacific nations say Australia must end new fossil fuel projects
Talk Like A Pirate Day
Talk Like A Pirate Day 2005
Talk Like a Pirate Day 2006
Talk to Me: Design and the Communication Between People and Objects
Talking about eating less red and processed meat provokes strong feelings. That’s why this new evidence-based report is welcome
Talking conspiracy theories with the historian who defeated a Holocaust denier in court
Talking Female Circumcision Out of Existence
Talking Hamsters comedy sketch
Talking Tapes
Tall timber buildings are exciting, but to shrink construction’s carbon footprint we need to focus on the less sexy ‘middle’
Tamaine's Toccata
Tambacounda: The power interconnection project that is transforming an entire region
Tamela D’Amico, Wolfgang Lohr & Ashley Slater - Boring 20s (Electro Swing)
Tamil Nadu: Chief Minister’s Breakfast Scheme—An exemplary initiative
Taming the machine: should the technological revolution be regulated – and can it be?
Taming wild northern rivers could harm marine fisheries and threaten endangered sawfish
Tanegashima Space Art Festival
Tang Yau Hoong - Negative Space
Tank Cosy and other pink tanks
Tank Girl/Doctor Who director Rachel Talalay on industry sexism: “You have to be some version of perfect.”
Tanya Plibersek killed off Clive Palmer’s coal mine. It’s an Australian first – but it may never happen again
Tanya Plibersek urged to intervene to stop stockpiled soft plastics from being dumped
Tanzania takes historic step to save dwindling elephant population
Tanzania to complete rural electrification by June 2024
Tanzanian Farmers Face 12 Years In Prison For Selling Seeds As They've Done For Generations
Tapping mineral wealth in mining waste could offset damage from new green economy mines
Tar Sands Pollution Forces Native Community To Confront The Loss Of Its Oldest Tradition
Taranaki healthcare staff volunteer to help colleagues with Long Covid
The TARDIS at Pooh Corner
TARDIS Playhouse for Cats
Target date for cleaning up waterways in England is moved back by 36 years
Taronga Zoo welcomes energetic fennec fox baby as it emerges from nesting box
Tarras Valley Nature Reserve: Buyout success biggest-ever for south of Scotland
Taryn was deported from Australia with $300 and a bag of clothes. Now, she's taking on the government
TASAT (There’s A Story About That): The What-If Scenarios Database
Tasmania Becomes Third in the World to Reach Negative Carbon
Tasmania fires destroy huge swath of wilderness and could ‘burn for weeks’
Tasmania fires: more homes lost amid calls to combat world heritage 'tragedy'
Tasmania Police are still mistaking family violence victims for abusers. For too many women, correcting the record is impossible
Tasmania's south-east coast 'glows' with bioluminescent algae, pointing to imbalance in marine ecosystem
Tasmanian devil whiskers hold the key to protecting these super-scavengers
Tasmanian devils look set to conquer their own pandemic
Tasmanian garden wins prize for world’s ugliest lawn
Tasmanian salmon farms could face restrictions to save endangered fish
Tasmania’s forests are burning more as climate change dries them out. Our old tools can’t fight these new fires
Tasmania’s salmon industry detonates underwater bombs to scare away seals – but at what cost?
Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests will be wiped out by heatwaves unless we step in to help them
The Tau Manifesto
Tauriel Refuses To Get Into Butt Pose In Hobbit Poster, Makes Legolas Do It Instead
“Tax excess profits:” Higher taxes, not subsidies, could be key to solving energy crisis
Tax havens don’t need to be reformed. They should be outlawed
Tax on Europe’s frequent flyers could raise €64bn a year – study
The tax sharks are back and they're coming for your home
Taxes out, subsidies in: Australia and the US are passing major climate bills – without taxing carbon
Taxing big fossil fuel firms ‘could raise $900bn in climate finance by 2030’
Taxing The Internet To Bail Out Media Won’t Solve The Fundamental Problems Of The Media Business
Taxing the rich could solve many problems. Why is it so difficult in the UK?
Taxpayers Could Pay Billions To Clean Up Old Mines, Report Says
TAYLOR MALI: What Teachers Make
Taylor Mason Orchestrates Puppets
Taylor Swift deepfakes: new technologies have long been weaponised against women. The solution involves us all
Taylor Swift has been writing personal, inspiring, sometimes hilarious comments all over Instagram
Taylor Swift: Singer, Songwriter, Copyright Innovator
Taylor Swift’s Brazil concert was hammered by extreme heat. How to protect crowds at the next sweltering gig
Taylor Swift’s grammar marked down incorrectly
Taylor Swift’s ‘Time’ Cover Is Breaking Far-Right Brains
TB in Africa: global report shows successes, but Nigeria and DRC remain important hotspots
TB in children isn’t being controlled - it’s key to fighting the disease for everyone else
TB is once again the deadliest disease in Africa - what went wrong
TDK claims insane energy density in solid-state battery breakthrough
Te Ata
Teacher finds stone with ancient ogham writing from Ireland in Coventry garden
Teacher sacked for reading bum book to students: the latest conservative book ban
Teacher Sounds Alarm On 'Elephant In The Room' Reason Kids Are So Much Harder To Manage Now
Teacher Stumbles Upon Baby Bears ‘Dancing’ In Finland Forest, Thinks He’s Imagining It
Teaching a ‘hatred’ of Australia? No, minister, here’s why a democracy has critical curriculum content
Teaching and research are the core functions of universities. But in Australia, we don’t value teaching
Teaching Consent to Small Children
Teaching kids about Thanksgiving or Columbus? They deserve the real story
‘Teaching our children from books, not the sea’: how climate change is eroding human rights in Vanuatu
Team 6502: The story of the team behind the chip that launched a revolution
'Team Human' Stresses That The Future Lies In Connection And Cooperation
#TeamMopra - Save the Mopra Telescope & Map the Milky Way
Tear Gas Is A Banned Chemical Weapon, But US Lobbying Made It Okay For Domestic Use... And, Boy, Do We Use It
Tears as landholder gives Flinders Ranges land to traditional owners
Tears, compromise, divorce – what it’s like to leave the UK because of Brexit
Tech and the Fake Market tactic
Tech billionaire Elon Musk is on track to become the world’s first trillionaire. It’s a sign markets aren’t working
Tech Billionaires Need to Stop Trying to Make the Science Fiction They Grew Up on Real
Tech can help kids connect with nature and go outdoors – here are tips to make it work
Tech companies claim AI can recognise human emotions. But the science doesn’t stack up
The Tech Is Finally Good Enough for an Airship Revival
Tech platforms’ playbook inevitably produces dumpster-fires
Tech solutions to limit kids’ access to social media are fraught with problems, including privacy risks
Tech Weekly: Making Magic
The tech world is rallying around a young developer who made a huge, embarrassing mistake
The tech world is ‘disrupting’ book publishing. But do we want its effortless art?
Tech's broken promises
Techdirt Reading List: How To Fix Copyright
Techdirt Reading List: Information Feudalism: Who Owns The Knowledge Economy?
Techdirt Reading List: Moral Panics And The Copyright Wars
Techdirt Reading List: Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars From Gutenberg To Gates
Techdirt Reading List: The Piracy Crusade
Techdirt Reading List: The Public Domain: Enclosing The Commons Of The Mind
Techdirt's First Amendment Fight For Its Life
Technical Cutaway Illustration
Technically Correct: The Best Kind Of Correct, Part 4
The Technium, A Conversation with Kevin Kelly
Techno solutionism—very few things actually need to be an app.
The Techno-Militarization Of America
‘Technofossils’: how humanity’s eternal testament will be plastic bags, cheap clothes and chicken bones
Technological progress + outdated copyright laws = huge swathes of our cinematic culture lost forever
Technologies of Resistance from Nazi Germany to Myanmar
Technology Advancements Could Unlock 80% More Wind Energy Potential During This Decade
Technology and the death of civilisation
Technology denial: Columbia Law School debunks 33 biggest myths about solar, wind and EVs
Technology didn't kill middle class jobs, public policy did
Technology is changing the lives of female lawyers, in ways that are bad as well as good
Technology Is Not Driving Us Apart After All
Technology should be used to create social mobility – not to spy on citizens
Technology will never be a god – but has it become a religion?
Technology-enabled abuse: how ‘safety by design’ can reduce stalking and domestic violence
Technovelgy, where science meets fiction
TechScape: How cheap, outsourced labour in Africa is shaping AI English
TechScape: With a $67bn takeover in the works, is it finally game on for Microsoft?
Ted Nelson in Australia
Ted Nelson’s Unfinished Revolution
TED talk: Talks Joshua Klein: The amazing intelligence of crows
Teddy bear astronaut
Teddy Bear Gun
Teddy holidays
tee hee
tee hee!
Teen activist Anjali Sharma wages war on government climate inaction from dorm room
Teen Climate Activist to Crowd of Thousands: 'We Can't Save the World by Playing by the Rules Because the Rules Have to Change'
Teen climate activists speak on Standing Rock Sioux Reservation
Teen compiles 700-page list for anyone who thinks Muslims don't condemn terrorism
Teen Creates an Online Shop That Secretly Helps Victims of Domestic Violence
Teen takes on donor's immune system
Teen Top - Rocking (Dance Practice)
Teen tram thief may yet work as tram driver
Teen turning e-waste into working technology for overseas charities
Teen Who Hacked CIA Director’s Email Tells How He Did It
Teenage mullets are freaking me out – but I’m all for them
Teenage prodigy Gukesh D defeats Ding Liren to become youngest world chess champion
Teenagers will eat veggies—if you tell them they’re sticking it to the man
Teens aren’t abandoning “social.” They’re just using the word correctly.
Teens don’t know everything − and those who acknowledge that fact are more eager to learn
Teens Survive Horrific Crash In Tesla Model S
Teens who discovered new way to prove Pythagoras’s theorem uncover even more proofs
Teens who met in Ukrainian hospital after Putin bombed their homes have a message for the world
The Teens Will Save Us
Teens wrote plays about gun violence — now they are being staged around the U.S.
Teeny Tiny Houses
Telcos And Rupert Murdoch Pushing Nonsense Story That Google Helping Keep Your Internet Activity More Private Is An Antitrust Violation
The "Telectroscope"
[IP] Telegrams are finally obsolete STOP]
TeleMonster's 'Monster Time' melds K-pop with canids
Tell Me a Dragon by Jackie Morris
Tell Me More About How Much You Hate Millennials, You Old Fart
‘Tell students they can do it’: how Aboriginal people can inspire each other to become teachers
Telling Right from Wrong
Telstra dumps offsets and “carbon neutral” claims: Whistleblower says others should do the same
Telstra-owned Pacific mobile network likely exploited by spies for hire
Temperature Check
Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data shows
Temperatures at north pole 20C above average and beyond ice melting point
Temperatures break monthly records in India as heat wave scorches region
Temperatures to soar 8C above average as ‘heat bubble’ brings scorcher to Australia’s east coast this weekend
Tempted to buy a UV light disinfection gadget? Some can be dangerous – here’s what you need to know
Temu: China’s answer to Amazon is already Australia’s most popular free app. What makes it so addictive?
Ten Amazing American Arcades (That You Can Still Visit)
The Ten Commandments of Peer Production and Commons Economics
Ten COVID Facts Health Officials Dangerously Downplay
Ten facts humanity must face if it wants to survive on a livable planet
Ten Good News Stories for Kids in 2022
Ten Inspiring Signs of Progress From the Past Year
Ten is just the beginning.
Ten Myths About Machine Learning
Ten Organizations Join Forces To Combat Illegal Wildlife Trafficking In Global Supply Chains
Ten reasons why Australia urgently needs a space agency
Ten species comprise half of the bacteriology literature, leaving most species unstudied
[IP] Ten Technologies That Deserve to Die
Ten Treasures from the Dead Media Museum
Ten Ways AI Will Change Democracy
Ten Years Later, The EU Orphan Works Directive Is Officially A Failure – Just As The Copyright Industry Intended
Ten years of Rana Plaza: How safe is Bangladesh garment industry?
Tenants forced to consider sharing rooms as rental crisis bites
Tend a family of lifelike succulent plants on your desktop
Tennis anyone? Bad news for skiers as snow season could shrink by 78% this century
Tens of millions under air quality alerts in US as Canada fire smoke drifts south
Tens of thousands in South Korea protest lack of climate progress
Tens of thousands of fires are pushing the Amazon to a tipping point
Tensions and war undermine climate cooperation – but there’s a silver lining
Tensions heighten in Taiwan Strait as China acts to extend military operations
Tentacle Arm!
Teratogenic Effects of Pure Evil in Ursus Teddius Domesticus
Teri Garr, the offbeat comic actor of ‘Young Frankenstein’ and ‘Tootsie,’ has died
The Terminal: This Syrian Refugee Has Been Marooned in an Airport for a Month, With No End in Sight
Terminate negativity
Termination Zero: Our Predicament May Be Totally Unprecedented
Termites love global warming – the pace of their wood munching gets significantly faster in hotter weather
Terms and Conditions: A movie about privacy policies you’ll actually want to watch
Terms of Service; Didn't Read: a browser add-on that warns you about the terrible fine-print you're about to "agree" to
Terra nullius has been overturned. Now we must reverse aqua nullius and return water rights to First Nations people
“Terracotta” solar: New 400W PV modules blend in with red clay rooftops
“Terrific news:” Battery boom and rebound in wind projects put renewables target back on track
Terrifying New Study Finds That Ocean Currents Will Soon Collapse
The terrifying phenomenon that is pushing species towards extinction
Terrorism by association: FBI files on Food Not Bombs
Terry Irving spent 1,671 days in jail for a crime he didn’t commit – and 25 more years seeking justice
Terry on Folklore
Tesla accuses Australian car lobby group of making ‘false claims’ about Labor’s vehicle emissions plan
Tesla and EV Expert Sandy Munro: Solid State Batteries are "Kiss of Death" for Gas Cars
Tesla announced it will open source ALL OF ITS PATENTS
Tesla big battery defies skeptics, sends industry bananas over performance
Tesla CEO Elon Musk Decides Established Medical Term Is A 'Slur'
Tesla Co-Founder JB Straubel Built an EV Battery Colossus to Rival China
Tesla Coil Electricity Fight
The Tesla Dividend: Better Internet Access
Tesla driver clocks 908km in one day in Australian outback
Tesla in OZ
Tesla owners across America are selling, or even rebadging their EVs as a Honda or Audi
Tesla sales continue to plummet across Europe despite overall EV market growth
Tesla sales plunge 75 pct in Germany as consumers react to Musk’s far right meddling
“Tesla Takedown:” Protests erupt across US to rally against Elon Musk
Tesla: what 2023 holds for the electric vehicle company and why it might be time for Musk to go
Tesla’s Dieselgate
Tess Finch Lee: Children are not immune to Covid, so we must pull out all the stops to protect them
‘Test and treat’ is being used to tackle HIV. Why not TB?
Test drive of a petrol car
Test flight held for small jet modeled after Miyazaki anime
Testimonials of the Collectively Abandoned
Testing the stress levels of rescued koalas allows us to tweak their care so more survive in the wild
Testosterone Rex triumphs as Royal Society science book of the year
Tests confirm avian flu on New Mexico dairy farm; probe finds cats positive
Tests that diagnose diseases are less reliable than you’d expect. Here’s why
Tetris - Theme 'B' Acapella
Tetris / Korobeiniki - Fast Ragtime Piano Cover
Texans came together to save more than 1,500 bats from wintery doom
The Texas Shrimper Holding Industrial Polluters Accountable
Texas Utility Will Close Remaining Coal-Fired Units
Text Adventures: A Brief History of Interactive Fiction Games
Text Adventures: How Twine remade gaming
Text Dump: Sloths, Politics, Narratives
Text of SXSW2013 closing remarks by Bruce Sterling
Text vs. World Trumps
TextBin: Architecture of the Japanese Bubble
The “Textbooks” Misnomer
Thai tiger numbers swell as prey populations stabilize in western forests
Thailand bans imports of plastic waste to curb toxic pollution
Thailand deports dozens of Uyghurs to China despite torture fears
Thailand poised to legalise same-sex marriage after parliament passes bill
Thailand ramps up shift to renewables
Thailand: Constitutional Court Dissolves Opposition Party
Thailand’s budding mangrove restoration plans spark both hope and concern
Thailand’s conservative elites oust prime minister and ban opposition
Thailand’s democracy has taken another hit, but the country’s progressive forces won’t be stopped
"Thank God You’re Here" is back. Its success proves Australian TV is the perfect home for improv comedy
Thank You for the Music - Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain
Thanks Complicated Music Licensing Schemes: ‘Alan Wake’ Updated To Remove Bowie Song From Credits
Thanks for the free rent’: Cheng Lei jokes about China detention in comedy debut
Thanks To Automated Copyright Claims And A Troll, Infamous CounterStrike Clip Gets A DMCA Takedown
Thanks to heavy rain, Australia’s environment scores a 7 out of 10 – but the future remains bleak
Thanks to U.S. copyright laws, nothing has entered the public domain in nearly 40 years.
Thanksgiving Promotes Whitewashed History, So I Organized Truthsgiving Instead
Thanksgiving Rap
That Asian Mom Is Not The Nanny, But We Are Too Lazy To Prove That Fact
‘That damned kitchen!’ How the inventor of the fitted kitchen came to see it as a curse
That dangerous TikTok trend on the Today Show? It was fake.
That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief
That Drink Sounds Really Nice, Actually…
That Emoji Does Not Mean What You Think It Means
That Mitchell and Webb look
That One Dirty Rat Who Started All This Racism
That One Insight (to save the world)
‘That patch of bush is gone, and so are the birds’: a scientist reacts to the State of the Environment report
That siren-imitating lyrebird at Taronga Zoo? He lost his song culture – and absorbed some of ours
That thing about how cats think humans are big kittens
That Time When People Thought Playing Chess Would Make You Violent
That Ultra-White Paint That Helps Cool Surfaces? Make Your Own!
Fwd: that's and fawn
That's Flemish not Phlegmish
That’s a wrap: French plastic packaging ban for fruit and veg begins
‘That’s my car, you fascist thugs’: far-right rampage engulfs Middlesbrough
That’s One Wholesome Coping Mechanism
Thawing Permafrost In Sweden Releases Less Methane Than Feared, Study Finds
Thawing permafrost is roiling the Arctic landscape, driven by a hidden world of changes beneath the surface as the climate warms
Theater der Zeit 10/2011
Theater never recovered from COVID — and now change is no longer a choice
‘Theatre and pop at its absolute excess’: William Shakespeare meets Britney Spears as "& Juliet" comes to Australia
Theatrics, hatred and Linda McMahon: how pro wrestling explains Donald Trump
Thefts expose British Museum’s ‘ridiculous’ stance on return of artefacts, says MP
Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported
Their Mothers Were Teenagers. They Didn’t Want That for Themselves.
Their parents died during COVID. Now, a Birmingham nonprofit is helping them out of homelessness
‘Their Voices Will Be Heard Now’: How a Colorado Community Preserved Affordable Housing
Theme park cast member stories: Why you have to be 40 inches tall to ride Disney's Big Thunder Mountain
Theoretical Physicists Say 90% Chance of Societal Collapse Within Several Decades
There are 10 catastrophic threats facing humans right now, and coronavirus is only one of them
There are 26 jobseekers for every entry-level position in Australia, report finds
There Are 8 Boundaries For a Safe Planet. To Be Fair, Earth Would Fail 7 of Them.
There are 8 years left to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but is it enough time?
There are 94 million craters on Mars. Scientists found the one this meteorite called home
There Are Lots Of Ways To Punish Big Tech Companies, But Only A Few Will Actually Help Improve The Internet
There are new flu vaccines on offer for 2024. Should I get one? What do I need to know?
There are new scientific insights into long Covid – but political will is waning
there are some things in here that made me laugh, I think you will laugh too.
There are still good reasons to avoid catching COVID again – for one, your risk of long COVID goes up each time
There are systems ‘guarding’ your data in cyberspace – but who is guarding the guards?
There are too few toilets in Africa and it’s a public health hazard – how to fix the problem
There Are Two Types of Narcissist, And The Difference Is Crucial, Research Shows
There are ‘forever chemicals’ in our drinking water. Should standards change to protect our health?
There aren’t enough trees in the world to offset society’s carbon emissions – and there never will be
There could be alien life on Mars, but will our rovers be able to find it?
“There has to be a better way to do this:” The dawn of an Australian solar Maverick
There have been attempts to censor more than 1,900 library book titles so far in 2023
There Is A Pot Of Feel-Good Gold At The End Of This Rainbow
There is No Difference Between Fur and Hair
There Is No Good Reason To Just Let Unsupported Video Games Die
‘There is no hope here’: young Africans explain why they would risk death to leave home
'There Is No Human Right To Patent Protection' -- UN Special Rapporteur
‘There is no standard’: investigation finds AI algorithms objectify women’s bodies
There is No Such Thing as Irrational Jealousy
There is no ‘getting back to normal’ with climate breakdown
There is, in fact, a ‘wrong’ way to use Google. Here are 5 tips to set you on the right path
"There She Is"
There was some good climate news in 2023. Really.
There were more than 38,000 entries in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award — these ones were shortlisted
There's a link between being kind to others and happiness, UBC researcher says
There's a new call in Australia to ban petrol car sales. How do we compare to the rest of the world?
There's an Unsettling Racial Bias in How Well AI Faces Can Fool Us
There's No Such Thing As a Smart Fascist
There's Trouble Bubbling Up in Newly Formed Alaskan Lakes, And Scientists Are Worried
Theresa Andersson
Theresa May’s threat to the privacy of reading
There’s a Battle Over Carbon Emerging from the War in Ukraine
There’s a buzz about ‘sustainable’ fuels – but they cannot solve aviation’s colossal climate woes
There’s A Genius Street Artist Running Loose And Let’s Hope Nobody Catches Him (30 New Pics)
There’s a growing gap between countries advancing LGBTQ+ rights, and those going backwards
There’s a hidden source of excess nutrients suffocating the Great Barrier Reef. We found it
There’s a Huge Covid Surge Right Now and Nobody Is Talking About It
There’s a huge surge in solar production under way – and Australia could show the world how to use it
There’s a lot we don’t know about the UK trade agreement we are about to sign
There’s a new outbreak of bird flu in Australia. Here’s what you need to know
There’s a new tactic for exposing you to radical content online: the ‘slow red-pill’
There’s a place in Germany where you can ride Falkor and see the props from ‘The Neverending Story’
There’s a renewed push to scrap junior rates of pay for young adults. Do we need to rethink what’s fair?
There’s a serious ethical problem with some sunscreen testing methods – and you’re probably not aware of it
There’s a smart way to push Labor harder on emissions cuts – without reigniting the climate wars
There’s a Term for What Trump and Musk Are Doing
There’s A Village In Wales That Is Basically One Big Library
There’s Amazon Prime, and Then There’s Shipping by Schooner
There’s an Amazingly Simple, Beautiful Way to Fix Midwestern Farmlands
There’s an outbreak of melioidosis in north Queensland. Here’s what to know about this deadly ‘mud bug’
There’s another wildfire burning in Hawaii. This one is destroying irreplaceable rainforest on Oahu
There’s evidence that climate activism could be swaying public opinion in the US
There’s microplastic in my beer?!
There’s More Evidence That Welfare Work Requirements Don’t Lift People Out of Poverty
There’s never been a better time for Australia to embrace the 4-day week
‘There’s no end of war for us’
There’s No Scientific Basis for Race—It's a Made-Up Label
There’s no such thing as a new nuclear golden age–just old industry hands trying to make a buck
There’s Nothing Virtuous About Finding Common Ground
There’s plenty of money: its just that the very rich have got it all
‘There’s quite a similarity’: US civil rights pioneers warn of ‘surge backwards’ under Trump
‘There’s still a stigma’: UK raccoon rescuer on mental health, animal wit – and not startling skunks
‘There’s still beauty’: a national park bounces back after California’s biggest single fire
Thermostat 6 - Animation Short Film 2018 - GOBELINS
These 'Fabergé Fractals' will blow your mind
These 20 Adorable Art Plushies Will Make You Melt
These 22 Photos Will Make You Fall In Love With Foxes
These 5 Charts Show What You Can Do Right Now to Fight Climate Change
These 5 equity ideas should be at the heart of the Universities Accord
These 5 spectacular impact craters on Earth highlight our planet’s wild history
These 5 ‘post-truth’ claims are fuelling the water wars in Australia
These Alternative Economies Are Inspirations for a Sustainable World
These American Climate Corps Workers Are Paving a Just, Green Future
These animals went extinct in the wild. Scientists brought them back
‘These are all fake news,’ said the honor student. He was wrong.
These are Tesla’s stunning new solar roof tiles for homes
These are the 13 books now banned statewide from Utah schools
These are the countries ranked best - and worst - at governing
These Are the Drag Artists and Organizers Fighting to Make Queer Spaces More COVID Safe
These are the most magnificent green buildings around the world
These Are the Most Mind-Blowing Birdhouses You’ve Ever Seen
These are the plastic items that most kill whales, dolphins, turtles and seabirds
These artificial snowdrifts protect seal pups from climate change
These Aussie teens have launched a landmark climate case against the government. Win or lose, it’ll make a difference
These Beautiful Scarves Will Give You Wings
These cat-laden sweets are too cute to eat…but we still want to!
These Caves in Bermuda Inspired the ’80s TV Show “Fraggle Rock”
These cities are building solar plants on trash to save space
These Cities’ Car-Free Streets Are Here to Stay
These Comics Capture Society's Ridiculously Unfair Expectations Of Women
These Companies Kept Silent About 'Forever Chemicals' For Decades
These conservation-minded Illinois farmers are in a race against climate change to save their soil
These Countries Are Most Vulnerable to Dangerous Heat Waves This Century
These creatures eat, excrete, and transform microplastics into a much bigger threat
These Dolphins Are Using Sea Sponges as Tools
These EU countries are aiming for 100 per cent clean power by 2030
These extraordinary Australian islands are teeming with life – and we must protect them before it’s too late
These Farmers Recharged Groundwater by Catching Atmospheric Rivers
These Farms Are Living a Double Life
These fierce, tiny marsupials drop dead after lengthy sex fests – and sometimes become cannibals
These Four Startups Are Redefining Sustainability
These Glowing Mushroom Lamps Are Pure Magic And I Want Them All, Please
These Glue-Free Sneakers Are Designed To Be Healthier For Factory Workers
These Hobbit-like homes in Japan are a lesson in sympathetic design
These homes replaced their gas stoves – and saw a huge drop in indoor pollution
These horses are having an excellent hair day
These kids and young adults want their day in court on climate change
These Layered Wood & Paper Pendants Are Tiny Wearable Shadowboxes!
These magnificent 107-million-year-old pterosaur bones are the oldest ever found in Australia
These Maps Reveal the Hidden Structures of ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Books
These men want an apology from the Australian government. Here's why
These Microsoft Office security signatures are 'practically worthless'
These Museums Are Curated by The People They Represent
These new Texas homes come with free backup batteries
These New-Fangled Books Will Doom Us All!
These photos prove a future with no waste is possible
These plastics were ‘unrecyclable’. An Australian invention is changing that
These rare Indian records survived over a century and are now online
These Record-Breaking Twins Are The 'Oldest' Babies Ever Born
These redesigned airplane amenities could change how we fly
These Reviews Of A Sexy PHD Costume For Women Are Utterly Brilliant
These robot boats are cleaning up Asia’s waterways
These robots might build your house
These sacred artefacts were thought lost forever, but one phone call changed everything
These scientists can prove it's possible to reduce prejudice
These Scientists Sent a Rocket to Mars for Less Than It Cost to Make “The Martian”
These Smart Light Bulbs Play Music, Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal, and More
These Stories Will Help You Understand Why It Can Be Hard To Be A Woman In Science
These stunning satellite images look like abstract art – and they reveal much about our planet
These underwater photos show Norfolk Island reef life still thrives, from vibrant blue flatworms to soft pink corals
These Unresolved Ethical Questions Are About to Get Real
These unusual moths migrate over thousands of kilometres. We tracked them to reveal their secret navigational skills
These Ursula K. Le Guin Collections Would Make a Mighty Fine Gift for Your Favorite Reader (Or Yourself)
These wondrous sea wolves swim for miles and live off the watery wilds
These zigzag walls help keep buildings cool during heat waves
#TheSoapbox: The Third World War is climate change and we’re in the thick of it
‘They are despairing’: climate crisis weighs heavy on mental health of young Australians
They are relics of the Gondwana age but five years after Australia’s black summer these trees are dying a ‘long, slow death’
They are terrified, but determined to keep fighting.
They Built a Utopian Sanctuary in a Minneapolis Hotel. Then They Got Evicted.
‘They can’t ignore us any more’: five women on long Covid and medical misogyny
‘They do not respect our land. They do not respect our people’. Brazil’s traditional people take on BHP in one of the world’s biggest class actions
They Don’t Fear The Gays, They Fear Being Treated How They Treat Women
‘They eat snacks during class and swing on chairs’: the worrying, sexist behaviour of some young men at uni
They Go Together: Freedom, Prosperity, and Big Government
‘They hate us so much’: villagers flee flooding after dam attack
They Have No Idea
“They just fit in with what we do:” Farmers reap rewards as they play host to wind and solar
They live for a century and clean our rivers - but freshwater mussels are dying in droves
‘They lost our receipts three times’: how getting an insurance payout can be a full-time job
They might not have a spine, but invertebrates are the backbone of our ecosystems. Let’s help them out
‘They miss out’: soaring rents and insufficient support force more uni students in Australia to live with parents
They once worked for big oil’s enablers. Now they refuse to be complicit
‘They phone you up during lunch and yell at you’ – why teachers say dealing with parents is the worst part of their job
They Praised AI at SXSW—and the Audience Started Booing
They say we know more about the Moon than about the deep sea. They’re wrong
They sense electric fields, tolerate snow and have ‘mating trains’: 4 reasons echidnas really are remarkable
They Should Stop Their Crying. They Hate Their Country …
They survived and thrived in a hostile Britain. That’s why we revere the Windrush pioneers
‘They thought this would never happen here’: attack on Melbourne synagogue revives memories of past atrocities
They Told Their Therapists Everything. Hackers Leaked It All
‘They treat you like an it’: people with intellectual disability on seeing medical professionals
They turned cattle ranches into tropical forest — then climate change hit
They turned college into McDonald’s: Adjunct professors, fast-food wages and how colleges screw more than just students
‘They were tiny’: the Indonesians still fighting their conviction as adults in Australia
‘They weren’t there when I needed them’: we asked former prisoners what happens when support services fail
‘They Will Kill Us’: Afghan Translators Plead for Delayed U.S. Visas
'They Will Never Change on Their Own': Top Oil Giants Have No Serious Plans to Curb Emissions
‘They’re meant to help and did the complete opposite’: many children feel silenced by family courts
They’re on our coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania. Rewilding with emus will be good for the island state’s ecosystems
They’re openly saying it: Brexit has failed. But what comes next may be very dark indeed
They’re the refugees that Trump tried to stop. But now they’re here, and they’re ‘becoming Americans.’
They’re young and athletic. They’re also ill with a condition called POTS.
‘They’ve been following the science’: How the Covid-19 pandemic has been curtailed in Cherokee Nation
Thiaz Itch
Thief Steals Genshin Impact Fan Art Using AI, Demands Credit From Creator
The Thieves of Time
Thin Yet Repairable Devices: HP Proves They Exist
Thing Said To and By a Two Year Old
Things Could Be Worse
Things fall apart in the United States — and Canada takes a hard look in the mirror
Things I learned in 10 episodes
Things I Learned Today: Barbie Is Based On A Bachelor Party Gag Gift?!
things ive learnt from anime
The things nobody wants to pay for
‘Things started to look dire’: our deep dive into past climates sounds a warning for this unique corner of Australia
Things that go buzz in the night – our global study found there really are more insects out after dark
Things you're allowed to do
Think $5.50 is too much for a flat white? Actually it’s too cheap, and our world-famous cafes are paying the price
[think about this] : food for thought ...
Think curbing overseas migration will end the housing crisis? It won’t – and we can’t afford to do it
Think private renting is hard? First Nations people can be excluded from the start
Think storms are getting worse? Rapid rain bursts in Sydney have become at least 40% more intense in 2 decades
Think Trump is done for? Think again
Think you could pick a criminal suspect out of a lineup? If they’ve shaved or changed their clothes, you’d probably fail
Think your efforts to help the climate don’t matter? African philosophers disagree
ThinkGeek April Fools items
Thinking About Art on the 10th Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street
Thinking about taking your computer to the repair shop? Be very afraid
Thinking of buying a battery to help power your home? Here’s what you need to know
Thinking of buying an electric vehicle for your next car? Here’s the market outlook and what to consider
Thinking of having a baby as the planet collapses? First, ask yourself 5 big ethical questions
Thinking Of Privacy As A Property Right Will End Badly
Thinking outside the box: eco concerns prompt greener funeral options
"The Third & The Seventh"
Thirsty in paradise: Water crises are a growing problem across the Caribbean islands
Thirsty tomatoes emit ultrasonic sounds – and other plants may be listening
Thirty, Birdy and Thriving
This $2.75 Billion Company Employs Only Remote Workers. Here's How It Works
This 'zero fuel' electric VW bus conversion features its own rooftop solar array
This 330kW battery generator uses a giant kite to charge itself
This 43-tweet story explains how black kids are treated by America’s criminal justice system
This 51-year-old pays $725 a month to live in a ‘tiny home on wheels’ in someone’s backyard—take a look inside
This 95-year-old Perth driver wants older motorists to go electric
This actual anime VR high school where you'll be able to get proper qualifications is the first metaverse-based project that makes any kind of sense to me
This adblocker-blocker helps you get around sites that ban you for hiding ads ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This adorable mouse was considered extinct for over 100 years — until we found it hiding in plain sight
This adult pajama onesie looks just like a full business suit -- one guy wore it for a week and no one noticed
This Adventure Game's Characters Were All Embroidery First
“This ain’t a royalty payment:” Traditional Owners lead massive new Pilbara renewables project
This Algae Canopy Produces The Same Amount Of Oxygen As Four Hectares Of Woodland
This alternative to supermarkets can help you save on groceries, but most people don't know it exists
This American Indian Dungeons and Dragons lets you weave powerful stories
This apartment building needed new balcony railings. So the landlord put in solar panels
This Arkansas school turned solar savings into better teacher pay
This Art Exhibit For Dogs Is Best In Show
this art installation lets you poke, inflate, or add a disco ball to famous paintings
This artist reimagines pop art with a Plains Indian perspective
This Australian grasshopper gave up sex 250,000 years ago and it’s doing fine
This baby elephant playing and chasing birds is exactly what we need this weekend!
This Baker Has Mastered The Art Of Decorative Macarons And Here Are 27 Of The Best Ones
This Bar In Japan Is Built Entirely From Trash
This beautiful peacock spider was only found two years ago. Now it could be dancing its last dance
This beautiful tiny house looks like an orange and was built for less than $9,000
This beautifully designed 'dumb phone' can only make calls and send texts -- and it might be the key to curing our addiction to apps
This bird came back from extinction - now scientists in an aircraft are teaching it to migrate
This bird’s stamina is remarkable: it flies non-stop for 5 days from Japan to Australia, but now its habitat is under threat
This Black Professor Wrote About the Harrowing Reality of Fitting a Police Description
‘This black smoke rolling through the mulga’: almost 70 years on, it’s time to remember the atomic tests at Emu Field
This bold new space mission will intersect ‘incoming asteroid’ heading towards Earth
This Bold Plan to Kick the World’s Coal Habit Might Actually Work
This Bonobo Starts Fires, Cooks His Own Food, AND Knows 3,000 English Words [Watch]
This Buddhist sculpture probably won’t ‘rewrite history’ – Western Australia already has a rich Chinese past
This budget, amid talk of deficits, consider the lessons we ought to have learned
This building can be flat-packed like an Ikea bookshelf and moved to a new location
This camel has a very important job
This Canadian river is now legally a person. It’s not the only one.
This Carbon-Negative Generator Makes Drinkable Water out of Thin Air
‘This case has made legal history’: young Australians just won a human rights case against an enormous coal mine
This Cat Has A Crush On A Human And Isn't Afraid To Show It
This Chart Compares 81 Hacker Friendly Single Board Computers
This Cheap Street Fix Saves Lives. Why Don’t More Cities Do It?
This Chinese EV Shows Why Western Brands Are In Trouble...
This City Eliminated Poverty, And Nearly Everyone Forgot About It
‘This community’s beautiful’: Machans Beach residents band together after devastating floods
This company can convert your fuel car into an EV — in just a day
This Company Has A 4-Day Work Week, Pays Its Workers A Full Salary And Is Super Successful
This company has found a way to retrofit planes so they fly with electric power
This company is turning old tyres into paving bricks, floor tiles, and even flip-flops
This computer game takes you into Wes Anderson's Grand Budapest Hotel
This Computer Language Is Feeding Hacker Values into Young Minds
This coral reef resurrected itself — and showed scientists how to replicate it
'This could be the holy grail to replace palm oil' - research team
'This country has been violated': Trump's wall ignites tensions in Arizona – video
This course examines the dark realities behind your favorite children’s stories
This coyote was stealing newspapers, so here's what the delivery man did
This Creative Woman Excels at Baking Art Pies with Avant-Garde Crust Designs
This critically endangered marsupial survived a bushfire – then along came the feral cats
This Custom Pancake Printer Is an Engineering Marvel
This Danish ad will challenge you to step outside your defining box
This Deadly COVID Twist Is Like Nothing We’ve Seen Before
This Designer Is Fighting Back Against Bad Data–With Feminism
This doctor wants to prescribe a cure for homelessness
This Dog Left His Toy Outside and A Fox Found It. The Dog’s Reaction? Hilarious
This E-Scooter Proves All The Stereotypes WRONG
This Ecuadorian forest thrived amid deforestation after being granted legal rights
This Electric Pickup Truck Is INSANELY Good Value
This element is critical to human flourishing — yet missing from the news
This Entire Country Is Uploading Itself to The Metaverse
This Europe Day we send a message of solidarity and friendship to British people
This Evolving 3,000-Mile-Long Park Is Already Improving Cities Along Its Path
This Ex-Astronaut Is Stalking Asteroids to Save Civilization
‘This factory kills everything’: the red dust of death in Italy’s under-developed south
This Far-Right Tweet About "The Future That Liberals Want" Backfired Into A Huge Meme
This farm animal sanctuary's rotating cow brush is a huge hit
This Fatal Flaw Could Kill The AI Industry
This Feminist Twist On “The Princess Bride” Will Give You Life
This Food Does Not Exist 🍪🍰🍣🍹
This free course can teach you music programming basics in less than an hour
This free virtual gallery lets you curate your own online exhibition of Japanese art
This French company has designed the first e-bike that doesn’t need a battery
This French Pianist Has Been Playing For 102 Years And Just Released A New Album
This French Town Has Welcomed Refugees for 400 Years
This Futuristic Electric Boat Is Transforming Cities!
This giant 3D printer can build houses from mud in the poorest regions
This GIANT Electric Mining Truck Charges in Under 30 minutes!
This GIANT Electric Semi Can Swap Out Its Batteries!
This Giant Tamiya R/C Car Is Every ‘80s Kid’s Dream!
This Girl Takes Mirror Selfies To The Next Level
This gorgeous indie game is like a Ghibli film brought to life
This Grasshopper Mouse Hunts Scorpions, Howls at Moon
This ground breaking invention just may be about to revolutionise commuter cycling forever
This Group Of Women Tried To Break Into Astronaut Program In 1960s; One Just Made It
This group rid one Australian river of its privet problem – and strengthened community along the way
this guy does amazing stickwork
‘This guy doesn’t know anything’: the inside story of Trump’s shambolic transition team
This Guy Found Something Very Unexpected Staring Through His 3rd-Floor Windows
This Guy Improves Hollywood Movies By Editing His Cat Into Them And The Result Is Hilarious
This Guy is Plating Junk Food Like High End Cuisine and It’s Awesome
Fwd: This Guy paints himself!!
This Guy Was Shocked When His Facebook Rant About Immigration Started Going Massively Viral
This Heartwarming Story About A Selfless Farmer Is Making People Tear Up
This High School Gave Spending Power to Students
This High Schooler Invented Color-Changing Sutures to Detect Infection
This hospital allowed a dying police officer a final visit from his horse...
This Hubble Anniversary Pic of Unusual Galaxies Is Out-of-This-World Gorgeous
This Idea Can Literally Change the World: Partial Basic Income through Universal Carbon Dividends
This illustrated collection of Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea books finally does the series justice
‘This image has been digitally altered’: disclaimer labels are meant to protect viewers’ body image, but do they work?
This Indonesian company wants to replace plastic with edible seaweed packaging
This Innovative Map Tracks The Ocean To Help Save It
‘This is a part of history’: Kyiv citizens delighted by Joe Biden’s surprise visit
This is absolutely phenomenal
‘This is an old story of heroism, of feminism’: the truth behind The Woman King
This is Australia’s most important report on the environment’s deteriorating health. We present its grim findings
This Is Autism
‘This is barbarism’: shock at Russian strike on Odesa cathedral
‘This is climate change’: Scottish beach eroding by 7 metres a year
This Is Everything I Know: A 24-Hour Comic About Comics
This is fricken amazing....How to get drunk without drinking
This is how a 3-year-old sees a city—and it’s not very pleasant
This Is How Big Oil Will Die
This Is How Fox News Brainwashes Its Viewers: Our In-Depth Investigation of the Propaganda Cycle
This is How Holocausts Happen, How Nations Lose Their Humanity
This is how ignorant you have to be to call Haiti a ‘shithole’
This Is How Much Fossil Fuel The World Is Sitting on, And It's a Time Bomb
This is how Republics die
This is how scientists feel
This Is How Tesla Will Die
THIS Is How The Cloud Will Heat Your Water For FREE!
THIS is How to Speed Up The Heat Pump Rollout
This is How We Cope
This is how we defeat Putin and other petrostate autocrats
This Is How We Radicalized The World
This Is How You Kill a Profession
This Is How Your Fear and Outrage Are Being Sold for Profit
This is London's first cat cafe, Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium
This Is Neoliberalism
This is not my cat...
‘This Is Not of God’: When Anti-Trump Evangelicals Confront Their Brethren
This Is Not the Apocalypse You Were Looking For
This Is Not the Sixth Extinction. It’s the First Extermination Event.
The 'This Is Not What We Were Promised' Stage Of Covid
This is Not Your Father's Patriotism
This is Our Best Attempt at a Functioning STAR TREK Tricorder
‘This is survival’: 20 readers on how Australia’s housing crisis has changed their lives – interactive
This Is The First EVER Lightweight Electric Sports Car!
This is the most ambitious game in the universe
This is the most sobering report card yet on climate change and Earth’s future. Here’s what you need to know
This is the Problem
This is the world’s best investment
This Is The World’s CHEAPEST Solar Powered Car
[Fwd: Fwd: This is VERY Cool]
‘This is what a river should look like’: Dutch rewilding project turns back the clock 500 years
This is what an unmoderated internet looks like
This is what Australia needs to bring to Egypt for COP27
This Is What Earth Could Look Like After A Nuclear Attack
This is what happened when we posted Monica Lewinsky’s TED Talk
This is what happens every time you try to take a break at our animal rescue centre. So much love.
This is what happens to Australia if we don’t act
This Is What Happens When You Let Random People Lead An Orchestra
This is what it is like to travel as a stateless person
This Is What It Sounds Like When Someone Has Never Read A Book Before
This Is What It’s Like To Be Wrongly Accused Of Being A Paedophile Because Of A Typo By Police
This Is What Tech’s Ugly Gender Problem Really Looks Like
This Is What the World’s First All-EV Car Market Looks Like
This is where we live: has Australia been a good neighbour in the Pacific?
THIS is Where We Should Be Placing Solar Panels!
This is why I support a SAG-AFTRA strike authorization for video games — and it isn’t about money.
This Is Why Manatees Need Space Suits
This is Your Brain. This is Your Brain on Covid.
This isn't extinction, it's extermination: the people killing nature know what they're doing
This Japanese Artist's Balloon Animals Will Blow Your Mind
This Japanese city is piloting EV wireless charging at traffic lights
This Japanese Island Lifted Its Coronavirus Lockdown Too Soon and Became a Warning to the World
This Japanese Shop Is 1,020 Years Old. It Knows a Bit About Surviving Crises.
This Japanese Sleep Cafe Will Let You Nap in a $9,000 Bed
This judge and this man will put a smile on your face :)
This LA Restaurant Serves Up Empowerment for Refugees
This law makes it illegal for companies to collect third-party data to profile you. But they do anyway
This legacy school bus maker just delivered its 1,000th electric school bus
This Louisiana town moved to escape climate-linked disaster
This lynx became buddies with cameraman after spending months together in the Canadian north
This Man Mastered The Art Of Animal Selfies
This man saved his town from deadly floodwaters. So why did the US government try to stop him?
This Man Woke Up To A Strange Noise, Then He Saw This On His Porch (16 Pics)
This mangrove reforestation project shows how technology can scale nature-based solutions
This MASSIVE Electric Truck Can Battery Swap In 4 Minutes!!
This Mexican Village’s Embroidery Designs Are Admired (and Appropriated) Globally
This might be the most beautiful place on Earth. But only half of it is protected — for now
this might make you touching --bill
This model forecast the US's current unrest a decade ago. It now says 'civil war'
This Mom Spent 35 Days In Jail For Bouncing A $29 Check
This mosquito species from Papua New Guinea was lost for 90 years – until a photographer snapped a picture of it in Australia
This mother made six attempts to raise the alarm about her sick toddler. Doctors told her he’d be fine. They were fatally wrong
This movie starring Jackie Chan, Adrien Brody, and John Cusack is huge in China right now
This mum and son set up a vital app to help keep LGBTQ+ people safe in public
This mum perfectly summed up the case for a second Brexit referendum in 45 seconds
This new bladeless fan is the future of wind turbines
This new data poisoning tool lets artists fight back against generative AI
This new provincial park is the largest created in B.C. in a decade
This New Report Reveals Everything The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About Nauru
This new robot cleans solar panels without using any water
This New Tire Has No Air And Is 3D Printed From Biodegradable Materials
This new ‘risky’ playground is a work of art – and a place for kids to escape their mollycoddling parents
This Nigerian school accepts plastic bottles as school fees
This nonprofit is repairing Philly rowhouses one block at a time to keep residents in their homes
This Northern Manhattan Wetland Has Faced Climate-Change Induced Erosion and Sea Level Rise. A Living Shoreline Has Reimagined the Space
This One Legged Athlete Is Famous For His Brilliant Halloween Costumes
This one small language tweak could change our views of refugees
This One Thing Is Killing The Planet
This one weird trick will not convince conservatives to fight climate change
Fwd: This ought to keep your minds busy for awhile...
This Page Is All About Sharing Cases Of “Mild Vandalism” And Here Are The 50 Best Pics
This Paris Olympics pool has an unusual heat source: a data center
This peanut looks like a duck
This Penn professor has been offending minorities for years. Will tenure save her?
This Performer’s Ring Manipulation Skill Will Amaze and Hypnotize You! [Video]
This project is cleaning up abandoned fish farms in the seas around Greece
This Quiet Book is Quietly AWESOME!
This Quirky Medieval 'Manga' Is The Cutest Japanese History Lesson Ever
This Radical Plan to Fund the Green New Deal Just Might Work
This rare white flying fox is the cutest thing you'll see all week
This Rat-Free City Park Is a Paradise of Rare Birds
This Reading Nook Wraps You In A Glorious Cocoon Of Books
This Revolutionary Technology Could Unlock The World’s Cleanest Energy
This right-wing lawsuit against San Francisco is a preview of what’s to come under Trump and Project 2025
This rollercoaster doesn't stop automatically
This salt alternative could help reduce blood pressure. So why are so few people using it?
This scarily detailed Witcher 3 mod forces Geralt to fight a new foe: long Covid
This Scientist Has an Antidote to Our Climate Delusions
This shy little wallaby has a white moustache and shares its name with a pub meal. Yet it’s been overlooked for decades
This Small Caribbean Island Is Waging A Big War Against Plastic
This small Finnish city will be carbon neutral in just a few years
This smart hairclip translates sound to vibrations for the hearing impaired
This smart skin is more sensitive than your fingertip
This Species Is Slowly Becoming Nocturnal For a Very Disturbing Reason
This spider-eating, nest-sharing bat was once safe from fire – until the Black Summer burnt its rainforests
This Startup Is Making Ultra-Strong Building Panels Out of Grass
This Startup Is Transforming Used Chopsticks Into Beautiful Furniture
This startup is using robots to 3D print giant wind turbine blades
This student film is an amazing love letter to Hayao Miyazaki
This Subtle Dementia Symptom Sends Warning 9 Years Early
This summer will likely be wetter and warmer for most Australians, bureau forecast says
This summer, hundreds of China’s young gay people took their parents on a sea voyage of reconciliation
This summer, please leave the sea shells by the seashore
This Synchronized Swimming Team Pushes Conventional Boundaries When Led Zeppelin Begins To Play
This Team of Indigenous Women Sculpts Stories in Snow
This techno-loving grandpa has turned the streets of Berlin into his dance floor
This teddy bear is the hardest working waiter in Japan
This teenager has offers from three Australian universities but can't accept any
This Tiny Car Solves The BIGGEST Problem With Electric Vehicles
This Tiny Country Feeds the World
This Tiny Electric Van Means BIG Business!
This Tiny Sports Car Is The Future Of EVs
This Tiny, Old Book Can Do Something That Most Modern Books Can't
‘This too shall pass.’ World-first study proves the power of mental health recovery stories
This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us - "Weird Al" Yankovic
‘This town might be over’: Grindavík residents face uncertain future after volcano erupts again
This Town Needs a Better Class of Racist
This typeface hides a secret in plain sight. And that’s the point
This Underwater Canyon Could Become America’s Newest Marine Sanctuary
This Underwater Computer Will Let Humans And Dolphins Talk To Each Other
‘This used to be a beautiful place’: how the US became the world’s biggest fossil fuel state
This Utah County Will Buy Your Lawn to Save Water
This Video Will Make You Angry
This WA town just topped 50℃ – a dangerous temperature many Australians will have to get used to
‘This way of farming is really sexy’: the rise of regenerative agriculture
This will really get you thinking and appreciating : must MUST MUST see - Fwd: This is amazing
This woman offered to be the ‘mom’ at any gay wedding. Her post went viral.
This Woman Only Discovered She Was Intersex After Watching A Viral Video About It
This Won't Go Away
This Year at Davos: A Referendum on Davos Itself
This Year’s British Wildlife Photography Awards Revels in Oceanic Journeys and Flamboyant Courtships
This year’s Nobel prize exposes economics’ problem with colonialism
This ‘climate-friendly’ fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk
This ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’ Episode is Suddenly Very Relevant
Thom Yorke and Julianne Moore join thousands of creatives in AI warning
Thomas Dolby: a tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto
Thomas Piketty Goes Global
Thomas Piketty is a rock-star economist – can he re-write the American dream?
Thomas Piketty Knew This Was Coming
Thomas Piketty Thinks America Is Primed for Wealth Redistribution
Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century
Those Anti-Covid Plastic Barriers Probably Don’t Help and May Make Things Worse
"Those People"
Those Terrible Takedowns Aren't Mistakes, They're Intentional Fakes
Those Who Forget History
Those Who Teach, Can – A Formal Reply to Ryan Boudinot’s Post on Teaching
Thoughts about Internet Surveillance
Thoughts and Prayers
Thoughts from a Japanese Media Pirate
Thoughts on privacy
Thoughts on the Creative Career
Thousands flee homes as collapse of dam is blamed on Russian forces
Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown
Thousands more Australians died in 2022 than expected. COVID was behind the majority of them
Thousands of Australian visa decisions may be affected by high court ruling, experts warn
Thousands of barges could save Europe from deep freeze
Thousands of doctors sound alarm on health risks linked to fossil fuel pollution
Thousands of flights to and from Europe affected by suspected Russian jamming
Thousands of Free Public Domain Scans of Retro Comics
Thousands of giant crabs amass off Australia’s coast. Scientists need your help to understand it
Thousands of Girls Are Locked Up for Talking Back or Staying Out Late
Thousands of LGBTQ+ Australians got a long-awaited apology – but many weren’t alive to receive it
Thousands of migratory birds will make NZ landfall in spring – will they bring a deadly bird flu with them?
Thousands of new virus transmissions from bats projected due to climate change, scientists forecast
Thousands of original Thomas Edison recordings digitized, available for free streaming
Thousands of our native plants have no public photographs available. Here’s why that matters
Thousands of patients caught COVID in NSW hospitals last year and hundreds died, new data shows
Thousands of photos captured by everyday Australians reveal the secrets of our marine life as oceans warm
Thousands of seaweed pods will replace single-use plastics at the London Marathon
Thousands of seniors are still dying of Covid-19. Do we not care anymore?
Thousands of ships fitted with ‘cheat devices’ to divert poisonous pollution into sea
Thousands of stars turning into crystals
Thousands of Tasmanian devils are dying from cancer – but a new vaccine approach could help us save them
Thousands of tractors block Berlin as farmers protest over fuel subsidy cuts
Thousands of Years Ago, a Dog Gave Rise to an Immortal Entity
Thousands protest plan to raze German village for coal mine
Thousands rescued from illegal scam compounds in Myanmar as Thailand launches huge crackdown
Thread by @2FBS: "I'm with a young Indigenous lad at Children's Court. He is one of my wife's students. He is 14 . He has no family willing to attend with him […]"
Thread by @JeffSharlet: "What do you tell your kids about borders?"
Thread by @machineiv: "So game design."
THREAD: Lots of us learned classical music from watching old cartoons, so I’m going to identify the pieces that frequently popped up.
Threadcakes 2013 winners
Threat from climate change to some of India’s sacred pilgrimage sites is reshaping religious beliefs
Threatened Australians
Threatened by Sea Level Rise, This New Jersey Town is Taking Matters Into Its Own Hands
Threatened species have declined 2% a year since 2000. Nature positive? Far from it.
Threatened species recover in fenced safe havens. But their safety is only temporary
Threats and challenges to Australia’s democracy are well outlined in government report. Now for some action
Three - #SingItKitty - cat advert
Three animals that can detect disease in humans
Three Big Questions We Face in the Age of Extinction
Three Computer Games That Make Assembly Language Fun
Three from Gizmag
Three good things: linking people and place via sound
Three good things: projects clearing up junk that’s hidden from view
Three good things: tour operators innovating for blind and neurodiverse people
Three good things: transformative educational projects
Three Gray Fandoms
Three Indigenous Reserve Expansions in Colombia Protect Traditions and a Quarter Million Acres of Amazonian Biodiversity
Three key reasons why the world is falling behind on its renewable energy targets: report
Three Kobolds in a Trenchcoat (Animated Music Video)
The Three Ladder System of Social Class in the US
Three lessons from a man who averted nuclear war by not trusting a computer
Three letters, one number, a knife and a stone bridge: how a graffitied equation changed mathematical history
Three minutes with Hans Rosling will change your mind about the world
Three more UK farms diversifying with nature connection in mind
Three myths about COVID-19 — and the biggest challenge that lies ahead
Three on China
Three on Climate Change
Three passengers with Covid on board cruise ship grounded off Greenland
Three plant species and the humpback whale are back from the brink of extinction
Three pregnant refugees and nearly 50 others denied medical transfers from Nauru
Three reasons why disinformation is so pervasive and what we can do about it
Three ways Cop15 can help save a million species from extinction
Three ways the upcoming UN biodiversity summit could make a difference
Three Ways to Celebrate the Public Domain in 2022
Three ways to reduce Europe’s flood risk
Three ways you can stop corporate climate insanity
Three ways your wardrobe could help you avoid fast fashion
Three weeks ago, I had a miscarriage
Three weeks and 39 mass shootings. This is America in 2023.
Three years into the pandemic, it’s clear COVID won’t fix itself. Here’s what we need to focus on next
Three Years Later, Covid-19 Is Still a Health Threat. Journalism Needs to Reflect That
Thrill seekers can now travel to the edge of space space in a giant hot air balloon for £100k
Thriving Habitats by Stéphanie Kilgast Emerge from Plastic Bottles and Recycled Objects
Through gardens, these Native communities are cultivating a solution to climate change
Through the magnifying glass: how cutting-edge technology is helping scientists understand baby corals
Through the roof: how a Brisbane shed is turning old solar panels into silver and copper
Throwing Away My Harry Potter Books
Throwing voting-age legislation onto the ‘policy bonfire’ only delays a debate that has to happen
ThruYOU - YouTube mashup music
Thumb Portraits
Thurloo Downs: The largest acquisition in NSW national parks history.
Thursday Appointment l
TIA researchers developing new technology called QUOLL that can sniff soil to detect its quality in rapid time
Tiananmen: Hong Kong students hide tiny “democracy goddesses” on campus
Tibet is one of the most linguistically diverse places in the world. This is in danger of extinction
Tibet: ‘Colonialism with Chinese Characteristics’?
Ticket to freedom: free bus rides for women spark joy for millions in Karnataka
Tickle vs Giggle: in a world where transgender people are under attack, this is a test case for Australia
The Ties That Bind Us
Tiger in the Bathroom
Tiger populations grow in India and Bhutan
Tiger Rag on a Callioforte (video)
Tiger shark regurgitates whole echidna, leaving Australian scientists ‘stunned’
Tiger Tops Elephant Camp Walking Safari
Tigers in South Africa: a farming industry exists – often for their body parts
Tight-Knit Communities Are a Secret Weapon Against Climate Change
Tights Were Made for Dancing
Tigray war: two years on, the AU has failed to broker peace and silence the guns
Tigray’s ancient rock-hewn churches are under threat: why it matters
Tijuca Forest, Brazil’s Largest Urban National Park, Undergoes Rewilding To Preserve Its 40 Sq Km Green Haven
Tiktaalik art
TikTok is facing its own Napster moment
TikTok Is For Millennials, It Turns Out
TikTok is teaching the world about autism – but is it empowering autistic people or pigeonholing them?
TikTok promotes vaping as a fun, safe and socially accepted pastime – and omits the harms
TikTok teens aren't stanning Osama bin Laden
TikTok Users Gleefully Embrace Even More Chinese App To Spite US TikTok Ban
TikTok’s Lucky Girl Syndrome isn’t new – and it has a dark side
Tilling the Floodplain: How Farmers Embrace the Power of Floods
Tim "Net Neutrality" Wu on the case for breaking up Facebook
Tim Berners-Lee: 25 years on, the Web still needs work (Q&A)
Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to save the internet: give us back control of our data
Tim Flannery’s message to all: rise up and become a climate leader – be the change we need so desperately
Tim O'Reilly schools Paul Graham on inequality
Tim Winton goes cli-fi – his dystopian novel Juice breaks new ground to face the climate emergency
Tim Winton's Palm Sunday plea: Start the soul-searching Australia
Tim Winton: Labor hasn’t delivered on more effective nature laws. It’s not just embarrassing, it’s calamitous
Timber venues, river swimming and re-use: how the Paris Olympics is going green – and what it’s missing
TIMBER- SVA Thesis Film
The Timbuktu Manuscripts
Timbuktu manuscripts: Mali's ancient documents captured online
Time after time, tragedies like the Titan disaster occur because leaders ignore red flags
Time Bandits map
Time Cloak Hides Very Brief Events
Time Enough At Last
Time for a reckoning: Cricket Australia, fossil fuel sponsorship and climate change
Time for Utopia
The Time I Took a Job From a Man
"Time is running out": Neil Gaiman on why Radio 4's Good Omens is really for Terry Pratchett
‘Time is their secret weapon’: the hidden grey army quietly advancing species discovery in Australia
Time Machine For Sale
Time Machine, A Remix of the 1985 Sci-Fi Comedy Film ‘Back to the Future’ by Pogo and Skye
The time SUSE, the German Linux company, banned mentioning Jewish holidays
Time Titties - TV Pitch Promo Reel
Time to branch out? Trees put lawns in the shade when it comes to tackling climate crisis
Time to break academic publishing’s stranglehold on research
“Time to come back:” Sunman unveils plans to make flexible solar panels in Australia
The time to create better indoor climates is now — we need an inside equivalent of EPCs
Time to Dump Time Zones
Time to Expose the Women Still Celebrating the Confederacy
Time to Get Real about Climate Change
Time to get real: amid the hydrogen hype, let’s talk about what will actually work
*** time to have your spirits uplifted - WORLD BUILER video
Time to remove vaccine mandates? Not so fast – it could have unintended consequences
Time to Retire ‘Hard to Abate’ as Climate Solutions Become More Affordable
The Time to See -- and Save -- Africa's Elephants is Now
The Time Traveler Convention
Time Traveler...The Real Thing?
Timeline tool
Times Buckaroo Banzai’s oscillation overthruster was used as a prop on Star Trek
Times have changed: why the environment minister is being forced to reconsider climate-related impacts of pending fossil fuel approvals
Time’s up: why Australia has to quit stalling and wean itself off fossil fuels
Tina Turner 'Nutbush' flash mob at Australian US Embassy
Tinners Hounds
Tiny and alternate houses can help ease Australia’s rental affordability crisis
Tiny and mysterious: research sheds light on sub-Saharan Africa’s seahorses, pipefish and pipehorses
The Tiny Australian Territory That Avoided the Global Energy Crisis
Tiny Awards
Tiny but tenacious: arctic-alpine plants are engineers and warning bells
The Tiny Detail In a Finnish Newspaper That Said a Lot
The Tiny Electric Car Made By A Scooter Company!
The Tiny Electric Car “Designed For Women”…
‘Tiny Farms’ Bring Agriculture Jobs to the Work-Life Balance Generation
Tiny Forests With Big Benefits
Tiny homes have existed ‘under the radar’. But changing rules are making the lifestyle more permanent
Tiny homes help young people in state care gain independent living
Fwd: Tiny houses
Tiny houses and alternative homes are gaining councils’ approval as they wrestle with the housing crisis
Tiny hybrid robot can identify, capture a single cell
Tiny island's giant war on waste
Tiny Linux device offers free unlimited DropBox alternative
Tiny Oregon town hosts 1st wind-solar-battery ‘hybrid’ plant
Tiny Pacific island nation declares bold plan to protect 100% of its ocean
Tiny satellites are changing the way we explore our planet and beyond
Tiny splendid peacock spiders have the fastest known jump among their kin – new study
Tiny town in Victoria hits go on edgy community energy concept
Tiny Worlds
TINY-G(타이니지) _ MINIMANIMO(미니마니모) MV
Tip shops can save items that are too good for landfill from going to waste
Tip The Cat
Tipping screws poor people, women, brown people, restaurateurs, local economies
Tips for Change
Tips for Public Speaking
Tire ski jump
Tired of being humiliated, these girls fought the school dress code. And won.
Tired of feeling hopeless about climate change? Take a look at these charts.
Tired of hearing men talk to men about music? This Woman’s Work changes the narrative brilliantly
Tired of shrinking pay? The real drain on Australians’ productivity is falling wages
Tires are saving us — and killing us, too
Tis Film Season
The Titan Submersible Disaster Was Years in the Making, New Details Reveal
Titanic at 25: like the ship itself, James Cameron’s film is a bit of a wreck
Titanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before
Title Drops, A Montage of 150 Movie Characters Saying the Actual Title of Their Film
Tiwi Islands offshore gas fight shows public banks are under real pressure over fossil fuel funding
TNR Explained: Saving the Lives of Street Cats
To abandon vaccination targets is to abandon the mantle of leadership
To avert climate disaster, we need resilient societies built on love, not just technology
To Beat Trump, Mock Him
To beat Trump, we need to know why Americans keep voting for him. Psychologists may have the answer
To Become a Better Tourist, Aim for Slowness and Imperfection
To Boldly Go Where No Internet Protocol Has Gone Before
To Bond With Humans, Robots Are Learning to Laugh at the Right Time
To build back better, we need to plan now
To catch a rare-book thief
To clean up Australia’s power grid, we’re going to need many thousands more skilled workers – and fast
To defuse political violence across US, conflict mediators apply lessons from gang disputes and foreign elections
To deliver enough affordable housing and end homelessness, what must a national strategy do?
To download or stream: 1000 hours of classic jazz, mixed and annotated by a master collector
To End Hate, We Gotta Walk the Talk
To engage students in math, educators try connecting it to their culture
To Farm or Not to Farm?
To Fight Deforestation, Amazon Guardians Embrace a Tech Boom
To fix Australia’s environment laws, wildlife experts call for these 4 changes — all are crucial
"To France" on microSTATION
To get to net zero, policymakers need to listen to communities. Here’s what they can learn from places like Geelong
To get to the rainforest canopy, it helps to have a crane
To Grow Coral Reefs, Get Them Buzzed
To have better disagreements, change your words – here are 4 ways to make your counterpart feel heard and keep the conversation going
To help stop global warming, curb short-lived pollutants
To help us stay in our apartment
To hit 82% renewables in 8 years, we need skilled workers – and labour markets are already overstretched
To infinity and beyond: A computer designed to outlast a childhood
To infinity and beyond: Linux and open-source goes to Mars
To Keep Clean Drinking Water Flowing to Paris, Farmers Are Going Organic
To learn Klingon or Esperanto: What invented languages can teach us
To lock out foot-and-mouth disease, Australia must help our neighbour countries bolster their biosecurity
To Long for a Language
To Make Cities More Sustainable, Let Go of Tradition
To make our wardrobes sustainable, we must cut how many new clothes we buy by 75%
To map the vibration of the universe, astronomers built a detector the size of the galaxy
To move forward on reconciliation, Australia must recognise it has a race relations problem
To my daughter's high school programming teacher
To navigate all the junk on the internet, you need powers of critical thinking — but also critical ignoring
To protect endangered sharks and rays, scientists are mapping these species’ most important locations
To Protect Rainforests’ Biodiversity, Listen Closely
To protect vulnerable Australians from COVID this winter, we need to pick up the pace on third doses
To reach net zero the world still needs mining. After 26 years, here’s what I’ve learned about this ‘evil’ industry
To reach net zero, we must decarbonise shipping. But two big problems are getting in the way
To read or not to read? Is that the question?
To really address climate change, Australia could make 27 times as much electricity and make it renewable
To Rebuild a Universal Welfare State, We Need to Scrap Means-Testing
To Reduce Infant Mortality, Just Add Stable Housing
To Restore Watersheds, Think Like a Beaver
To Revive a River, Restore Its Liver
'To right a past wrong': Australia to return ancient temple tundal to Nepal
To safeguard a rare Brazilian woodpecker, an NGO bought out its habitat
To save a generation from despair, it’s not enough to hassle them into low-paying jobs
To save its tigers, India has relocated thousands of people – it could enlist their help instead
To save the monarch butterfly, Mexican scientists are moving a forest 1,000 feet up a mountain
To Save the Planet, Should We Really Be Moving Slower?
To save their soil, Kansas tribe shifts to regenerative agriculture—and transforms their farms
To Save Whales From Ship Strikes, Listen Closely
To See Black Holes in Stunning Detail, She Uses ‘Echoes’ Like a Bat
To Slow Climate Change We Need to Save Large Fruit-Eating Mammals
To Slow Down Climate Change, We Need To Take On Capitalism
To solve climate change and biodiversity loss, we need a Global Deal for Nature
To stop new viruses jumping across to humans, we must protect and restore bat habitat. Here’s why
To stop risky developments in floodplains, we have to tackle the profit motive – and our false sense of security
To Swim in the Seine
To tackle the climate crisis we need more democracy, not less
To the friend who said I should be thankful for my online harassment while cosplaying: I ain’t thankful for shit
To the Princeton Privileged Kid
‘To truly forget life for a while – a reprieve and a reward’: why Australians love going to the cinema
To Truly Understand the Past, Pick Up an Old Magazine
To walk the talk on climate, Labor must come clean about the future for coal and gas
'To-day and To-morrow': The 100-year-old book series that predicted a wild and wonderful future
Toad Words
Toasted Cake 138: Un Opera nello Spazio (A Space Opera) by Oliver Buckram
Tobacco use declines despite tobacco industry efforts to jeopardize progress
Toby Froud’s New Puppet Film Returns Us to the Magical World of ‘Labyrinth’ and ‘The Dark Crystal’
Toby Little, the boy who decided to write a letter to every country in the world
‘Today is not my day’: how Russia’s journalists, writers and artists are turning silence into speech
Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users
Today we are getting an update on the Great Barrier Reef. No I don’t want to either
Today's Special Google Doodle Is Not a Cute Cartoon – It's Our Stark Reality
Today, Australia’s Kyoto climate targets end and our Paris cop-out begins. That’s nothing to be proud of, Mr Taylor
Today, California is hammered by extreme weather. Tomorrow, it could be your area
Today’s aged care falls well short of how we’d like to be treated – but there is another way
Today’s disappointing federal court decision undoes 20 years of climate litigation progress in Australia
Toddler Best Friends With Giant Rabbit
Toddler milks are marketed as beneficial, but they're unnecessary and could be harmful
Together, we can empower millions of people to access clean water resources.
Together: Amna & Saif
Toilet roll cakes
Tokaido Shinkansen marks 60th anniversary
Tokyo Documentary Festival
Tokyo Documentary Film Festival
Tokyo Olympics: how hosting the Games disrupts local lives and livelihoods
Tokyo Passes Ordinance to Recognize Same-Sex Partnerships
Tokyo Toy Show 2008 with video and photos
Tokyo wants new homes to have solar panels from 2025
‘Tokyo would lose its soul’: anger over plans to redevelop historic city park
Tokyo zoo penguins in awe of giant on April Fool's Day
Tokyo’s oldest train line – in pictures
Tolerance is not a moral precept
Tolkien Jr completes Lord of Rings
Tolkien Leaves Small Footprint in Birthtown
Tolkien's Hobbit drawings published to mark 75th anniversary
"Tom and Jerry" remake and comparison: 霊夢とレミリアの「トムとジェリー」ごっこ_Full
Tom Countryman’s Farewell: A Diplomat’s Love Letter to America
The Tom Cruise deepfake that set off 'terror' in the heart of Washington DC
Tom Giesler
Fwd: Tom Mabe
Tom Swifties
Tomato Sauce Robot
Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, It's About Blackmail, Not National Security
Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, Challenging the Divine Right of Big Energy
Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, The War Is Over (If You Want It), Feminism and Men
Fwd: Tommy Douglas and Mouseland
Tomoe Shinohara and Robin Williams
Tomorrow Corporation : Human Resource Machine
Tomorrow's cities: How big data is changing the world
Tomorrow’s COVID safety guidelines will be different from today’s – but that doesn’t mean yesterday’s were wrong
Tone Of Comments Affects Perception Of Online Article's Content
Tonga is running out of space for more than 30,000 abandoned cars. But it has a plan to fix that
The Tonga volcanic eruption has revealed the vulnerabilities in our global telecommunication system
Tonga’s volcanic eruption could cause unusual weather for the rest of the decade, new study shows
The Tongues of Rogues
Tonnes of microplastics infiltrate Australia’s agricultural soils each year, study shows
Tons of Chocolate and Wine Arrive on World’s Largest Cargo Sailboat
Tony Bennett: the timeless visionary who, with a nod to America’s musical heritage, embraced the future
“Too afraid of China:” Meyer Burger chief quits and lambasts EU for failing to defend solar industry
Too big to care
Too big, too heavy and too slow to change: road transport is way off track for net zero
Too Cool
Too Cute
Fwd: too good
Too good to be missed: An entire school electric bus fleet is sending power the grid
Too hard basket: why climate change is defeating our political system
‘Too hard to get to work’: climate change is making workers’ lives more difficult
Too hot for humans? First Nations people fear becoming Australia's first climate refugees
Too late now to save Arctic summer ice, climate scientists find
Too Little, Too Late, WTO Finally Eases Patent Rights On COVID Vaccines
Too many Australian students don’t have the basic technology they need for school – here are 5 ways to fix this
Too many Australians aren’t getting a flu vaccine. Why, and what can we do about it?
Too many children with long COVID are suffering in silence. Their greatest challenge? The myth that the virus is 'harmless' for kids
Too many Māori and Asian people are drowning – can better cultural understanding reverse the trend?
Too many new coal-fired plants planned for 1.5C climate goal, report concludes
Too many patients are catching COVID in Australian hospitals, doctors say. So why are hospitals rolling back precautions?
Too many products are easier to throw away than fix – NZ consumers deserve a ‘right to repair’
Too many renters swelter through summer. Efficient cooling should be the law for rental homes
Too Many Santas!
Too many smelly candles? Here’s how scents impact the air quality in your home
Too many young people who’ve been in detention die prematurely. They deserve better
Too much heat in the kitchen: survey shows toxic work conditions mean many chefs are getting out
Too much rain, not high temps, threaten giraffes survival
Too right it's Black Friday: our relentless consumption is trashing the planet
‘Too shameful to acknowledge’: Biden delivers historic apology for Indian boarding schools
Too slow and too risky, and waste won’t fit in a coke can – engineers debunk Coalition nuclear plan
‘Too small and carefree’: endangered animals released into the wild may lack the match-fitness to evade predators
Tool Generates Interactive PCB Diagrams From KiCAD
Tool silverware
Toothless costume
The Toothpaste Argument for Universal Basic Income
The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure
The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That’s Made the U.S. Less Secure
The Top 10 Apology Cakes Of All Time
Top 10 books about remaking the future
The Top 10 Films that Explain Why the Occupy Movement Exists
Top 10 jokes at the Edinburgh Fringe 2013
Top 10 Signs the U.S. Is the Most Corrupt Nation in the World
The Top 100 Science Fiction-Themed Songs Of All Time
Top 12 Mean-But-Funny Cakes
Top 15 Best Linux Games For 2015
The top 15 JWST images of 2023
Top 75 Spaceships in movies and TV
Top democracy activists were executed in Myanmar – 4 key things to know
Top Dinosaur Discoveries of 2010
Top Economists Endorse Universal Basic Income
Top EU Court Advisor Says Technical Standards, Like Laws, Should Not Be Locked Down By Copyright
The Top F2P Monetization Tricks
Top films all children should see
Top Graphic Novels Starring Mighty Girls
Top green energy award for Maria Island’s 13,000-litre diesel reduction solar project
Top Mental Health and Prayer Apps Fail Spectacularly at Privacy, Security
Top Misconceptions People Have about Pulp-Era Science Fiction
The Top News Stories of 2023, Based on Google Search Trends
Top oil firms’ climate pledges failing on almost every metric, report finds
Top open source creative tools in 2016
Top Oracle Lawyer Attempting To Gaslight Entire Software Community: Insists APIs Are Executable
Top scientists warn of an Amazon ‘tipping point’
Top Secret Drum Corps
The top ten Sputniks
The Top Ten Weirdest USB Drives Ever
Top Ten Zoomorphic Buildings
Top UN court says Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian territories is illegal and should end
topher fixed it
Torching the Modern-Day Library of Alexandria
Tories’ failure to halt ivory trade ‘risks extinction of elephants’
Toronto dumps Tesla from grants program as Canadians react to White House trade war
Torrents of Antarctic meltwater are slowing the currents that drive our vital ocean ‘overturning’ – and threaten its collapse
Torture Prevalent, Effective in Popular Movies, Study Finds
Tory MP’s historic family links to slavery raise questions about Britain’s position on reparations
Tory-linked lobbying firm agreed to help swing DRC election, leak suggests
Totalitarianism on My Block
Totally Bogus DMCA Takedowns From Giant Publishers Completely Nuke Book Review Blog Off The Internet
Toto, I Don't Think We're In The Public Domain Anymore
Toto: how we made Africa
Totoro & Brown Bear Pull-Apart Bread
Totoro And Company: furniture collection – Dot & Bo
Tottori Prefectural Museum held a special event, where visitors could view the dinosaur exhibits, while wearing Tyrannosaurus costumes.
Tough car emissions ceilings could get us well on the road to net-zero
Tough choices for the media when climate science deniers are elected
“Tough cop on the beat,” or new plod enforcing old “broken laws”? Labor’s EPA gets a grilling
“Tough to forge” digital driver’s license is… easy to forge
Toughness has limits: over 1,100 species live in Antarctica – but they’re at risk from human activity
Tour Downunder
Touring the Recreated 1969 Birthplace of the Internet at UCLA
Tourism desperately wants a return to the ‘old normal’ but that would be a disaster
Tourism Has A Cost
The Tourism Industry Is Finally Meeting Its Maker
Tourist taxes became more common in 2024. Do they solve over-tourism?
Tourists Awake to a Trio of Thirsty Lionesses Licking Water Off the Side of Their Tent in a Botswana Park
Tourists flock to the Mediterranean as if the climate crisis isn’t happening. This year’s heat and fire will force change
Tourists gone, Bali’s young entrepreneurs eye sustainable future
Toward an Anthropological Understanding of Masculinities, Maleness, and Violence
Toward an Information Operations Kill Chain
Toward Human-Understandable, Explainable AI
Towards a taxonomy of cliches in Space Opera
Towards Urban Cottagecore
Towards zero hunger in Africa: 5 steps to achieve food security
Towel Day 2006
Towel-folding robot
Town feels 'Wrath of Con'
The Towns Outsmarting Airbnb
Toxic chemicals found in vapes seized from NSW schools and retailers
“Toxic contagion:” Tesla sales plunge in Europe as consumers, and cartoonists, respond to Musk
‘Toxic cover-up’: 6 lessons Australia can draw from the UN’s scathing report on greenwashing
Toxic Culture: Childhood Abuse
‘Toxic masculinity’: what does it mean, where did it come from – and is the term useful or harmful?
Toxic pollutants can build up inside our homes. Here are 8 ways to reduce the risks
Toxic work cultures start with incivility and mediocre leadership. What can you do about it?
Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in toilet paper around the world
Toxins hidden in plastics are the industry’s dirty secret – recycling is not the answer
The Toxoplasma Of Rage
Toy Girl Robots
Toy Movies
Toy of Nausicaa
Toy Store Commercial Casually Tosses Gender Norms Aside, Is Great as a Result
Toy Stories
Toy Wars
Toyota apologizes for cheating on vehicle testing and halts production of three models
Toyota could face $50 million “greenwashing” fine after referral to consumer watchdog
Toyota faces disaster unless new CEO performs miracle pivot to electric vehicles
Toyota has built an EV with a fake transmission, and we’ve driven it
Toyota Hilux and Ford Ranger utes to go electric as pricing revealed for mass EV conversions
Toyota hybrid among cars found to guzzle more petrol than advertised, study finds
Toyota shows mechanised mobility suits
Toyota: Car location data of 2 million customers exposed for ten years
Toyota’s plug-in hybrids emit four times more CO2 than company claims
Toys Turned to Art
TPP And TAFTA/TTIP Done Right: The Alternative Trade Mandate
Tracking and combatting our current mass extinction
Tracking national ambition towards a global tripling of renewables
'Trade Deals' & Corporate Sovereignty: How Convicted Executives Escape Punishment
Trade School: Learning Spaces that Run on Barter
Trademarks for open collaboration
Trademarks that will never be used can be ‘bad faith’ business – a UK case has lessons for NZ and Australia
Trademarks: the good, the bad and the ugly
Trader slams "stupid" seafront scaremongering
Trading Standards squad targets anti-5G USB stick
Trading with the Grandparents
Tradition and innovation: how we are documenting sign language in a Gurindji community in northern Australia
Traditional Cheesemaking Is Restoring Bosnia’s Landscapes and Livelihoods
Traditional Japanese Carpenters Exhibit Master Craftsmanship When Constructing Durable Buildings Without Nails
Traditional owners and scientists worked together on ‘coral IVF’ projects. Here’s what we found
Traditional owners take majority stake in $3 billion Western Australian green energy project
Traffic Is Fake, Audience Numbers Are Garbage, And Nobody Knows How Many People See Anything
Traffic sign makes people do the Monty Python Silly Walk
Tragedy and video game violence
Tragedy in storytelling
The Tragedy of the "Tragedy of the Commons"
The "Tragedy of the Commons" was invented by a white supremacist based on a false history, and it's toxic bullshit
The Tragedy of the Commons: How Elinor Ostrom Solved One of Life’s Greatest Dilemmas
The Tragic Misfit Behind “Harriet the Spy”
The trailblazing Australian women who showed magic was not just for men
The Trailblazing First Generation Computer the World Forgot
The Trailers for Ghostbusters (2016) and the Art of Editing Comedy
Train Of Thought
Train Station Renovation has both powerful graffiti and powerful weirdness
Trampling plants, damaging rock art, risking your life: taking selfies in nature has a cost
Trans debates: only the facts
Trans men enter Miss Italy pageant in droves after trans women are told they can’t compete
Trans or cis, women are stronger united
Trans people aren’t new, and neither is their oppression: a history of gender crossing in 19th-century Australia
Trans Visibility Is Nice. Safety Is Even Better.
Trans women transferred to men’s prisons despite rulings against Trump’s order
Trans YA Books by Trans Authors
Trans youth are already among Australia’s most marginalised people. The social media ban could make this worse
Trans, Bans, and Elephants, Oh My! A Discussion With a 4th Grader
Transcend Air Corporation Announces the Vy 400, the World’s First Affordable City-to-City VTOL Aircraft
Transcendence (Orchestral) - Lindsey Stirling
Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Brian Christian
Transcript: Interview with Yanis Varoufakis
The transformation of Greta Thunberg
'Transformational change' needed in all regions and sectors now to mitigate climate change: IPCC
Transformational therapy cures haemophilia B
‘Transformative change’: idea will be key in fight for climate and wildlife
Transformer houses
Transformer Mobile Homes
Transforming lives in Mauritania through adaptive social protection
TRANSFORMING OUR SYSTEMS: The 2022 Report of the National Advisory Council on Poverty
Transforming seaweeds into raw materials for aviation fuel and pharmaceuticals
Transforming the world: by design
Transgender activists celebrate legal advances in India, Pakistan
Transgender women in women’s restrooms: A purely imagined harm
Transgrid to invest $11 billion to ready Australian state for 100% renewables
Transmedia and Crossmedia Convergence in a Connected World
The transmission challenge ahead
Transparent concrete
Transphobes Now Attacking Cis Women* For Participating In The Olympics
Transphobia and The Manufacturing of Moral Panics
Trapped in a hoax: survivors of conspiracy theories speak out
Trapped: Australia’s extraordinary alpine insects are being marooned on mountaintops as the world warms
Trash Cans as Art
Trash Cat
Trash TV: streaming giants are failing to educate the young about waste recycling. Here’s why it matters
#Trashtag is Trending and It’s Actually Awesome, Let’s Keep It Going!
Traumatized Autistic Boy Called Transgender, Ejected From Cinema
Travel Photographer of the Year Winners’ Galleries
Traveling through the world’s most traffic-heavy city just got a lot quicker—and greener
Traveling While Muslim: The Case of the Exploding Chocolate
Travellers with disability often face discrimination. What should change and how to complain
Travelling around Australia this summer? Here’s how to know if the water is safe to drink
Travelling the Buffalo road: Indigenous nations are rematriating bison to the prairies
The Treasurer says his ‘patent box’ will boost innovation. The evidence says it won’t
Treat Studios’ Holographic Swimming Whale Synergy
‘Treated like a criminal’: Nepali student wrongly detained at UK border loses uni place
Treated wastewater in Victoria is still contaminated, study finds. So are we and the environment safe?
Treaties, truth and equality: how NZ, Australia and Canada are all struggling with colonial politics
Treating kids as invulnerable is treating them as disposable
Trebor Scholz’s New Report on Platform Cooperativism
Tree Change Dolls
Tree hunter Alistair Watt nurtures rare plants in his garden in Victoria's Otway Ranges
Tree Keepers: Where Sustaining the Forest Is a Tribal Tradition
Tree weighing eight tonnes pulled from South Australia's Murray River as floodwater recedes
Tree-climbing robot
Tree-Free Paper Is Saving Forests and Farmers in Washington State
Treehouse Point Eco Resort Helps You Reconnect With Nature in Washington
Trees and land absorbed almost no CO2 last year. Is nature’s carbon sink failing?
The trees arrived with Polynesian voyagers. After Maui wildfire, there’s a chance to restore them
Trees can be weeds too – here’s why that’s a problem
Trees: why they’re our greatest allies against floods – but also tragic victims - A Visual Bibliography of Tree Visualization 2.0 by Hans-Jörg Schulz
Trek parody videos
#TrekClass: The Galaxy's Only Fun and Free Course on Star Trek
Trends 2018
Trevor McDougall wins $250,000 science prize for researching ‘thermal flywheel’ of climate system
TRI: Of Friendship And Madness
Trial results for new lung cancer drug are ‘off the charts’, say doctors
Tribbles in the style of Gorey
Tribe catches coho salmon on free-flowing Elwha River, a first since dam removals
Tribe getting piece of Minnesota back more than a century after ancestors died there
Tribute to Hayao Miyazaki
Trickle recharging using a combination of pumped hydro and battery storage can get rid of gas
Trickle-down theory all washed up now
The Tricky (And Necessary) Business Of Being A Male Advocate For Gender Equality
Tricky conversations with kids - we’ve all had them.
The Tricky Economics of Obsolescence
Tridashie on YouTube Kids: ???
The Trigger Warning Myth
Trillions of tonnes of carbon locked in soil has been left out of environmental models – and it’s on the move
Trina unveils world’s first fully recycled silicon solar module
Trinity College Dublin to return skulls stolen from Inishbofin
triple j's Hottest 100 Official Trailer (2015)
Triple vaccination seems to reduce the chance of long COVID – but we still need to prepare for a jump in cases
Tripling Global Renewables by 2030
Tripling renewable power capacity by 2030 is vital to keep the 1.5°C goal within reach
Tripsdrill: The amusement park dedicated to Swabian culture and quirky humor
Triumph of the mall: how Victor Gruen’s grand urban vision became our suburban shopping reality
The triumph of vinyl: Vintage is back as LP sales continue to skyrocket
Triumph, tragedy and climate change: telling the stories of the Sherpas of Everest
The Troll Taunter
The Trolley Problem and Vaccinating Young People Against COVID-19
Tromelin Island’s Impressive Comeback
Tron meets Monkey
Tropes Wiki
Trophy hunting will not save Africa’s lions – so the UK ban on imports is a positive step for wildlife conservation
Tropical forests losing their ability to absorb carbon, study finds
Tropical Storm Hilary pounds Southern California with heavy rain, flash flooding
The Trouble with Conspiracy Science
The Trouble With Meritocracy
The Trouble With Scientists
The Trouble with Trademarks
The Trouble | Pogo & Jeesh
Troubled waters: how to stop Australia’s freshwater fish species from going extinct
Troubling new research shows warm waters rushing towards the world’s biggest ice sheet in Antarctica
The Trouvelot astronomical drawings
Trove’s funding runs out in July 2023 – and the National Library is threatening to pull the plug. It’s time for a radical overhaul
Truck runs on waste chocolate
Truckies Going Electric in Australia
Trudeau says Trump is serious about wanting to annex Canada
True 3D display
The true cost of the government’s changes to JobSeeker is incalculable. It’s as if it didn’t learn from Robodebt
The true damage of invasive alien species was just revealed in a landmark report. Here’s how we must act
The True Face Of America
True Heroes
True Justice Is Restitution, Not Punishment
True Survivor (from Kung Fury) - The Cybertronic Spree
True Tail
Trump administration cancels National Nature Assessment, authors look to independently publish report
Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on Climate Science
Trump administration pushes anti-LGBTQ “religious freedom” at the UN as European countries boycott
Trump administration retreats in fight against Russian cyber threats
The Trump Administration Said These Aid Programs Saved Lives. It Canceled Them Anyway.
The Trump administration’s refugee and border policies cruelly ignore the lessons of the past
Trump Advisor Pens Almost Totally Clueless Piece About 'Intellectual Property Theft'
Trump Allies Try to Bully Dems, Media to Shut Up About His Fascist Plans
Trump and Musk pull plug on national EV network as they wage war on other people’s EVs
Trump and the Reverse Cargo Cult
Trump Budget Showers Pentagon with Cash—Preparing for War? – Wilkerson & Jay
Trump calls Zelenskyy a dictator amid fears of irreconcilable rift
Trump Can’t Hide the Real Killers of the American Dream—or the Homeless People Being Left Behind
Trump Exceptionalism Will Kill Every Last One Of Your Brain Cells
Trump fools the New York Times on climate change
‘Trump has been explicit about revenge’: Asif Kapadia on his new film about the threat to democracy
Trump has begun dismantling America’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. Here’s why Australia may not follow suit
Trump has called time on working from home. Here’s why the world shouldn’t mindlessly follow
Trump has fired a major cyber security investigations body. It’s a risky move
Trump has withdrawn the US from the Paris Agreement. Here’s why that’s not such a bad thing
Trump Is a Mental Health Story
Trump is disposing of a great American value: concern for human rights
Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance
Trump Is Nero While Washington Burns
Trump is ruling like a ‘king’, following the Putin model. How can he be stopped?
Trump is undermining the entire US judicial system with another big lie
Trump joins Putin, Xi and Modi as the ‘four horsemen’ of global authoritarianism
Trump launches immediate attack on climate, renewables and EVs. How worried should we be?
Trump leaving the Paris Agreement is ‘mostly symbolic.’ What does it actually mean?
Trump May Be Even More Unpopular Than His Approval Rating Shows
Trump may cancel Nasa’s powerful SLS Moon rocket – here’s what that would mean for Elon Musk and the future of space travel
Trump Pentagon pick Pete Hegseth’s books foreground anti-Muslim rhetoric
The Trump presidency should not be shocking. It’s a symptom of our cultural malaise
Trump promised to scrap climate laws if US oil bosses donated $1bn – report
Trump promises to deport all undocumented immigrants, resurrecting a 1950s strategy − but it didn’t work then and is less likely to do so now
Trump secretly gave Putin Covid test machines, Bob Woodward book says
Trump University and the art of the get-rich seminar
Trump Wages War Against The True Enemy Of The State: LED Lightbulbs
Trump Wants Immigrants to ‘Go Back.’ Native Americans Don’t.
Trump wants to do a deal for Ukraine’s critical minerals. Will Zelensky give him what he wants – or will Putin?
Trump won’t rule out force to take Greenland – a country with a complex colonial history
Trump ‘will not give a penny to Ukraine’ if he wins, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán says
Trump's middle class tax hike
Trump's reality show and the process of 'making the court jester the king'
Trump, Covid, the climate crisis – we’ve had a hard few years. The wounds linger
Trump-appointed judge blocks Biden administration climate metric
Trump-lite: Coalition promises purge of experts who call out nuclear bunkum
“Trumped" Starring Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane
“Trumpian Thinking” Is Why the World Has an Empathy Problem
Trumpists Are Fighting Against Everything the Heroes of D-Day Fought For
Trump’s biggest Facebook supporter is a Chinese cult hoping for the apocalypse
Trump’s Bloody Campaign Promises
Trump’s Canadian tariffs include lumber. He is pushing to cut down American trees instead.
Trump’s Death Cult: How the Trauma of COVID Fueled MAGA Madness
Trump’s economic vision is no longer a ‘maybe’. Here’s what it might mean for Australia and the world
Trump’s EV Charger Purge Could Cost Taxpayers Over $1 Billion
Trump’s Massive Deportation Plan Echoes Concentration Camp History
Trump’s new ‘Director of National Intelligence’, Tulsi Gabbard, belongs to a secretive cult
Trump’s Paris cop-out is bad news for climate, but could give Australia a boost
Trump’s PCLOB Purge Risks Banning Meta, ExTwitter, Google, And Even Truth Social From Europe
Trump’s return is a catastrophe for climate and US energy transition, and China wins the cleantech race
Trump’s senseless capitulation to Putin is a betrayal of Ukraine – and terrible dealmaking
Trump’s tariff threat sets stage for bitter global trade war
Trump’s threatened 25% tariffs on EU imports could trigger ‘economic turmoil’
Trump’s ugly speech threatens our ideals and our safety
Trump’s war on climate science is pushing us into a dystopian future
Trump’s War on Knowledge
Trump’s “drill baby, drill” plan is a disaster for energy security, and prices
Trung Dong’s Aerial Street Photos Highlight the Fruit Merchants of Hanoi
Truss learns the hard way that Britain isn’t America
Trust & Safety Tycoon: Try Your Hand At Managing A Social Media Trust & Safety Team
Trust matters but we also need these 3 things to boost vaccine coverage
Trust Us, We’re Secretly Working for a Foreign Government: How Australia’s Proposed Surveillance Laws Will Break The Trust Tech Depends On
Trust, Conflict, Resistance
Trusted partner to the Pacific, or giant fossil fuel exporter? This week, Australia chose the latter
The truth about "political correctness" is that it doesn't actually exist
The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
The Truth about Classism
The Truth About Google X: An Exclusive Look Behind The Secretive Lab's Closed Doors
The Truth About Inflation: Why Milton Friedman Was Wrong, Again
The truth about lying
The Truth About Our Civilization’s Fascism Problem Is Even Worse Than You Think
The Truth About “Dramatic Action”
Truth and Storytelling Consequences
The truth behind corporate climate pledges
Truth Hurts: The Science Behind Why People Don't Care About The Death Of Our Planet And Democracy
Truth is a lost game in Turkey. Don’t let the same thing happen to you
Truth telling or economic development? To deliver for Indigenous people, the government must do both
Truths programmers should know about case
Try Fedi Friday: Just One Day A Week, Experiment With Alternative Social Media
‘Try harder. Try harder’: Today, COP26 negotiators will fight to save life on Earth. The next decade will reveal if they succeeded
‘Try to stop me’ – the mantra of our leaders who are now ruling with impunity
Trying Out the Pinebook Pro - a $200 ARM Laptop
Trying to Be Happier Works When Listening to Upbeat Music
Trying to follow what is going on in Syria and why? This comic will get you there in 5 minutes
Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn
TSA argues for impunity for checkpoint staff who rape travelers
TSA destroys custom-made instrument, says Malian musician Ballaké Sissoko
TSMC’s debacle in the American desert
TSUNAMI of Homelessness and Poverty set to hit on JUNE 4
TTIP explained: The secretive US-EU treaty that undermines democracy
TTRPG Icon And Game Designer Jennell Jaquays Has Passed Away At Age 67
Tu Whit Tu Whoo
Tuatara are returning to the mainland – but feeding the hungry reptiles could be more difficult than expected
The tube at a standstill: why TfL stopped people walking up the escalators
The Tube Open Movie
Tuberculosis isn’t just a historical disease. Here’s how it spreads and who is at risk
Tuberculosis rates plunge when families living in poverty get a monthly cash payout
Tuberculosis response recovering from pandemic but accelerated efforts needed to meet new targets
Tuberculosis, the forgotten pandemic relying on a 100-year-old vaccine
Tubular Bells by the Brooklyn Organ Synth Orchestra
Tucker Carlson interview with Putin to test EU law regulating tech companies
Tucker Carlson’s departure and Fox News’ expensive legal woes show the problem with faking ‘authenticity’
Tucker Is Gone, but the Hate Remains
Tuesday was world’s hottest day on record – breaking Monday’s record
Tumbleweed Tango
Tumblr Users Create A Spy Movie Plot With Reversed Genders Roles And It Will Crack You Up
Tunisia's revolutionary constitution
Tunisia’s president is targeting migrants to divert attention from serious domestic problems – a classic tactic
Turag given ‘legal person’ status to save it from encroachment
Turbo Heather & Turbo Heather Extreme
Turbosonic Tokyo - vintage Boom Boxes
Turkey earthquakes one year on: the devastation has exposed deep societal scars and women are bearing the brunt
Turkey parliament descends into chaos as dozens of MPs take part in fistfight
Turkey shaped food
Turkey Using US Border Agents' Harassment Of Canadian Journalist To Defend Jailing Over 100 Journalists
Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria hit by fatal flash floods
Turkey-Syria earthquake: Assad blames west as agencies struggle to get aid to his desperate people
Turkish Star Trek
Turning An Old Engine Block and Lava Into A Heat Battery!
Turning camels into cows: megafarms are being set up to produce camel milk on industrial scales
Turning Old Electronics Into Gold: A Recycling Breakthrough
Turning on, Booting up, and Jacking into Neuromancer
Turning Pages, Transforming Lives: Cameroon’s Textbook Revolution
Turning the housing crisis around: how a circular economy can give us affordable, sustainable homes
Turning the Lights Back on in Scotland’s Empty Homes
Turning the Tide on Plastic Waste
Turning Trash Into Treasure: How AI Is Revolutionizing Waste Sorting
Turning Waste Into Charcoal in Uganda
Turns Out All That Plastic Currently Sitting in US Landfills Is Worth BILLIONS of Dollars
Turns Out Being In Hospital Doesn’t Excuse You From Work For The Dole
Turns Out Nature Didn't 'Heal' While Humans Were in Lockdown
Turns Out Taser’s ‘Tragic’ Backstory Is Mostly Just Alternate Facts Cooked Up By Its Founder
Turtle Journey: the crisis in our oceans
The turtle moms that ‘talk’ to their eggs before they hatch
Turtle Taxi, A Japanese Car Service That Drives Slowly for Safety and Environmental Reasons
Turtles on the tarmac could delay flights at Western Sydney airport
Tuvaluans prepare for life in Australia as rising tides swallow their country
The Twelve Apostles are back in Aboriginal hands after Vic's first native title determination in 10 years
Twelve European countries broke temperature records in 2022
Twenty-First Century Victorians
‘Twenty-Sided Tavern,’ First Official Dungeons & Dragons Theater Show, Sets New York Premiere
Twice as good for half the respect: Kamala Harris’ battle for the White House
The Twilight of Combustion Comes for Germany's Empire of Engines
Twilight of the Populists?
Twilight of the Racist Uncles
The Twilight Sparkle In Their Eyes
twin baby boys have a conversation - part 1 and 2
Twins separated and sold illegally at birth reunite years later thanks to TikTok video
The twisted history of the Happy Birthday song—and the copyright shenanigans that keep it profitable
The twisted psychology of capitalism—and why it won’t hold sway forever
Twitch’s Bob Ross marathon is the most beautiful thing the Internet has ever created
Twitter and Elon Musk: why free speech absolutism threatens human rights
Twitter Bans Sci-Hub's Account Because Of 'Counterfeit Goods' Policy, As Indian Copyright Case Heats Up
Twitter combines everything in man's inventory to help him escape pit
Twitter Contest Winning as a Service
Twitter is Going Great!
Twitter lifted its ban on COVID misinformation – research shows this is a grave risk to public health
Twitter Sues Nonprofit That Tracks Hate Speech
Twitter turns its back on open-source development
Two Adorable But Incredibly Defensive Tamanduas (Anteaters) Meet for the Very First Time
Two Angry Camels in a Car
Two authors are suing OpenAI for training ChatGPT with their books. Could they win?
Two books on our future
Fwd: Two bulls adopt a wild piglet
Two charts in Australia’s 2023 climate statement show we are way off track for net zero by 2050
Two Chinese retirees win hearts on epic American road trip
Two decades after decriminalisation, NZ’s sex workers still need protection from discrimination
Two degrees, How the world failed on climate change
Two experts break down the James Webb Space Telescope’s first images, and explain what we’ve already learnt
‘Two extinction rebellions’: Climate and migration fears to shape EU election, study says
Two Failure Modes of Emerging Technologies
Two from Inhabitat: Elastic Water, Pokeberry solar panels
Two from the LA Times
Two Great Things That Go Great Together
Two great war leaders united by American isolationism: Charles de Gaulle and Volodymyr Zelensky
Two guys Take On Laundry!
Two Hong Kong universities remove Tiananmen artworks after Pillar of Shame dismantled
Two in five scientists in our survey reported harassment and intimidation. Often, the perpetrators are inside the institution
Two in three women say they've experienced medical misogyny. It's not just frustrating — it can kill
Two Lands - Greenland | Iceland
The two largest reservoirs in California are already at 'critically low levels' and the dry season is just starting
Two Lifelong Peas in a Pod
Two major Sunshine State airports make switch to 100 pct renewables
Two Mathematicians Just Solved a Decades-Old Math Riddle — and Possibly the Meaning of Life
Two memorials to burnt books
Two Men Created “Leather” From Cactus to Save Animals and the Environment
Two Neighbors - Y2K (Official Music Video) [7clouds Release]
Two new Australian mammal species just dropped – and they are very small
Two new malaria vaccines are being rolled out across Africa: how they work and what they promise
Two of the US’s biggest newspapers have refused to endorse a presidential candidate. This is how democracy dies
Two on mass surveillance
Two on ocean health
Two on the pernicious influence of copyright collection societies
Two Psychologists Say Your Climate Anxiety Isn't Actually About Personal Risk
‘Two sides of the same coin’: governments stress links between climate and nature collapse
Two sisters capture the beauty of Ukraine’s villages before it’s gone
Two Technologies That Were Way Ahead of Their Time
Two thirds of Australian authors are women – new research finds they earn just $18,200 a year from their writing
Two trillion tonnes of greenhouse gases, 25 billion nukes of heat: are we pushing Earth out of the Goldilocks zone?
Two undersea cables in Baltic Sea disrupted, sparking warnings of possible ‘hybrid warfare’
Two women, one Social Security number, and a mighty big mess
Two years into the pandemic, unequal access to COVID-19 treatments threatens the global recovery
Two years into the pandemic, why is Australia still short of medicines?
Two Years of Amazing Images From the James Webb Space Telescope
Two ’80s Fantasy Classics Get Awesome Upgrades
Two-thirds of new-build homes don’t have solar: Report calls to plug holes, double rooftop PV capacity
Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record heat in 2024. See where and by how much – visualised
Two-thirds of us support banning pet cats from roaming. A ban would save millions of native animals – and billions of dollars
Two-thirds of women report bias or discrimination in Australian healthcare in national survey
TWRP - Content 4 U (Official video)
TWRP - Inspector Gadget
TWRP - Starlight Brigade (feat. Dan Avidan) [Official video]
Tylenol, now from palm trees instead of petroleum
Tyler Austin Harper on How to Fix American Universities
Typeset In The Future: Alien
Typeset in the Future: WALL·E
The Typewriter - The Israeli Vocal Octet --- הכתבנית - שמיניית ווקאל
Typhoon Kong-rey: biggest storm in decades wreaks destruction in Taiwan
‘Typhoons have prevented me going to school’: The children behind South Korea’s landmark climate win
Typing these four characters could crash your iPhone
Typography in 8/16 bits
The typography of Blade Runner
Typosquatting programming language package managers
The Tyranny of the Minimum Viable User
Tyrus Wong, ‘Bambi’ Artist Thwarted by Racial Bias, Dies at 106
The U.N. chief tells the climate summit: Cooperate or perish
U.N. climate change report ‘a wake up call,’ says activist Greta Thunberg
U.N. Makes a Bold Move to Protect Marine Life on the High Seas
U.N. puts nature's value on the balance sheet. Will it work?
U.N. Report: In The Age Of Humans, 'The Dominant Risk To Our Survival Is Ourselves'
The U.N. Sent 3 Foreign Women To The U.S. To Assess Gender Equality. They Were Horrified.
The U.S. at a crossroads: How Donald Trump is criminalizing American politics
U.S. bans on gasoline-powered leaf blowers grow, as does blowback from landscaping industry
U.S. blocking G20 mention of climate change in draft communique, diplomats say
U.S. border agents wrote fake court dates on paperwork to send migrants back to Mexico
U.S. Cancels Journalist’s Award Over Her Criticism of Trump
U.S. Circuit Court Rules in Favor of the Seneca Nation in Case Against State of New York
U.S. coal generation falls to record first-quarter low
U.S. egg industry sees record chicken deaths from bird flu outbreak
U.S. Government Publishes First Thorough Analysis of Harm Done to Indigenous Groups by Columbia River Dams
The U.S. has Gone F&*%ing Mad
U.S. House passes a major wildlife conservation spending bill
U.S. Indicts Two Men for Running a $20 Million YouTube Content ID Scam
The U.S. is facing the biggest COVID wave since Omicron. Why are we still playing make-believe?
The U.S. is on track to close half of its coal-fired generation capacity by 2026
The U.S. military is a national security threat
The U.S. Never Banned Asbestos. These Workers Are Paying the Price.
U.S. One of Five Countries to Oppose UN Environment Pact
The U.S. Promised Tribes They Would Always Have Fish, but the Fish They Have Pose Toxic Risks
U.S. says Russia is laying the groundwork to attack civilian ships and blame Ukraine
The U.S. Senate Is a Global Problem
U.S. solar generation has grown 12x in a decade
U.S. State Department in Australia apologises for accidental cat pic
U.S. State Department Shuts Down Pollution Monitoring Abroad
U.S. Supreme Court Unanimously Sides with Transgender Refugee, Affirming Her Identity in Historic Ruling
U.S. Terminates Funding for Polio, H.I.V., Malaria and Nutrition Programs Around the World
The U.S. Thinks ‘It Can’t Happen Here.’ It Already Has.
U.S. to restore more bison herds on tribal lands by tapping Indigenous knowledge
U.S. Wind Power Just Crossed an Important Milestone
U.S., Allies Issue Rare Warning on Chinese Hacking Group
U.S.A.I.D. Memos Detail Human Costs of Cuts to Foreign Aid
U.S.D.A. Approves First Vaccine for Honeybees
UAE and Egypt advance development of Africa's biggest wind farm
UBC Library digitizes Indigenous language dictionaries
Uber Cool Music Video
The Uber files: leaked documents reveal a strategy of chaos – has anything changed?
Uber plans a kids service to replace mum and dad’s taxi. What’s wrong with that? Plenty
Uber to target second hand electric cars from Japan in Australian trial
Uber told to pay banned Sydney driver $10,000 after failing to prove passenger’s complaint
Uber-Cool Bubble Tents
The ‘Uberisation’ of work is driving people to co-operatives
The UBI already exists for the 1%
Ubitricity | Fully Charged
UC Davis Expert Assesses Impact Of US Troop Withdrawal From Syria
UChicago's anti-safe spaces letter isn’t about academic freedom. It’s about power.
UE5 Environment Art "Cliffwood Village"
Uganda’s Communal Food ‘Epicenters’ Aim to End Hunger Forever
Uganda’s first wildlife vet on her revolutionary gorilla conservation
Uganda’s new anti-LGBTQ+ law could lead to death penalty for same-sex ‘offences’
Fwd: Ugliest dog competiton
The Ugly Backlash to Brown v. Board of Ed That No One Talks About
Ugly Christmas Sweaters
The Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant 2024: RESULTS!
Uighur family freed after three years, and reunited in Australia
UK among rich countries not paying fair share to restore nature – report
UK Artists Develop 24-inch Flexible Remote Control Tail for Humans
UK breakthrough could slash emissions from cement
UK calls for India to cooperate with Canada’s legal process as row deepens
UK cannot ignore calls for slavery reparations, says leading UN judge
The UK city taking a stand on palm oil in the fight against deforestation
UK Court Ruling Has Potential To Free Up The Public Domain; But Museums Might Still Block It
UK election: Tory downfall is democracy rectifying its mistakes
The UK Faces a Steep Climb Out of a Deep Hole
UK Filters And The Slippery Slope Of Mass Censorship
UK fishing vessels ‘underreporting’ whale, dolphin and porpoise bycatch
UK Gardeners Are Planting the Seeds of a More Resilient Food System
UK Gov't Pushing For 10-Year Jail Sentences For Copyright Infringement Based On ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
UK government and royals called on to investigate slavery links after Guardian apology
UK government puts animal welfare policies on pause
UK Government Secretly Shuts Down NHS Pride Programme
UK government to block Scottish gender bill
UK governments announce ban on wet wipes containing plastic
The UK just hit 40℃ for the first time. It’s a stark reminder of the deadly heat awaiting Australia
UK Labour to double onshore wind, triple solar power, and quadruple offshore wind by 2030
UK less prepared for pandemic than pre-Covid, former vaccine chief warns
UK Libraries Protest Ridiculous Copyright Laws By Showing Empty Cases Of Works They Can't Display
UK maps out pathways to clean grid by 2030: Three-fold increase in wind and solar, and no new nuclear
UK minimum wage set to rise in 2024
UK moves to copy Australia’s cruel asylum-seeker policy – and it will have the same heavy human toll
UK MPs In Full Moral Panic Decide To Ignore The Research, Push For Dangerous Ban On Phones For Kids
UK Music Rights Group Demands Payment From A Pub That Isn't Playing Any Music Because It's Closed Due To COVID
The UK National Videogame Arcade is the inspirational mecca that gaming needs
UK Now Proposes Ridiculous Plan To Fine Internet Companies For Vaguely Defined 'Harmful Content'
UK Oak Doors hides famous geeky doors in their site
The UK plans to phase out smoking. What does this new law mean for tobacco control in Australia?
UK Politician's Campaign Staff Tweets Out Picture Of Login And Password To Phones During Campaign Phone Jam
UK rail faces fight to stay on track as climate crisis erodes routes
UK records 4,950 excess winter deaths amid cost of living crisis
UK riots: five essential reads on what triggered a week of violence
UK scientist wins prize for invention that could help avert ‘phosphogeddon’
UK sets “shining example” for 2035 targets as COP29 gathers pace. Will Australia match its ambition?
UK student invents repairable kettle that anyone can fix
UK Teachers Report 4 Year Old Boy To The Terrorism Police For Drawing A Cucumber
UK to deport Californian who lived 48 years in country
UK urged to sack Tony Abbott as trade adviser for joining climate sceptic group
UK use of predictive policing is racist and should be banned, says Amnesty
The UK Wants A Trade Deal With India That Would Boost The Already Healthy Profits Of Big Pharma, And Cause Millions Of People To Sicken
UK Woman Denied Passport Because Her Name Might Infringe On Disney's Copyright
UK ‘net zero’ project will produce 20m tonnes of carbon pollution, say experts
The UK's eccentric book-loving 'kingdom'
(UK) Green party outlines plan for basic citizen’s income for all adults
UK-based lawyers for Hong Kong activist Jimmy Lai targeted by Chinese state
UKIP campaign against comedy duo backfires
Ukiyo-e Heroes
Ukiyo-e Inspired Illustrations Capture the Relatable Moments of Modern Everyday Life
Ukiyoe Small Museum - Kyoto December 2015
Ukraine a year on: the invasion changed NZ foreign policy – as the war drags on, cracks will begin to show
Ukraine and Russia traded barbs in the UN’s top court over the legality of the invasion. What could happen next in the case?
Ukraine claims it damaged prized Russian jets using 'cardboard' drones from Australia in a daring raid
Ukraine crisis raises question: Does food aid go equally to 'Black and white lives'?
Ukraine desperate for help clearing mines, says defence minister
Ukraine faces ‘winter humanitarian crisis’ with energy grid on the brink
Ukraine fury as Australia offloads military gear on ‘military eBay’
Ukraine is losing the war and the west faces a stark choice: help now or face a resurgent and aggressive Russia
Ukraine is losing this war at the moment. The west needs to massively step up its military aid
Ukraine Is Riddled With Land Mines. Drones and AI Can Help
Ukraine Is the Next Act in Putin’s Empire of Humiliation
‘Ukraine is unlikely ever to return to the Russian Empire’: in a new book, Mark Edele unpacks what’s at stake in a bloody war
Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating
Ukraine produced a lot of grain – can farmers elsewhere replace the crops lost to war?
Ukraine recap: fresh nuclear threats from Putin as France talks of western boots on the ground
Ukraine receives nearly 6,000 solar panels to power hospitals
Ukraine refugees need urgent, ongoing health care. We’ve worked in refugee camps and there’s a right way to do it
Ukraine Retro Game Museum Destroyed By Russian Bombing
Ukraine Rewilding: Will Nature Be Allowed to Revive When War Ends?
Ukraine says frozen Russian assets should be used to rebuild war-hit economy
Ukraine says Russia looted ancient gold artifacts from a museum.
Ukraine Update July 04
Ukraine Update June 26
Ukraine war 12 months on: the role of the Russian media in reporting – and justifying – the conflict
Ukraine war briefing: ‘Human wave’ of North Korean troops being sent to their deaths, says US
The Ukraine war is no excuse for endless fossil fuel expansion
Ukraine war: a desperate Russia defaults to attacking civilians
Ukraine war: as 2025 approaches, Kyiv is left with few good options and allies in a Trump 2.0 world
Ukraine war: fresh warning that Africa needs to be vigilant against Russia’s destabilising influence
Ukraine war: how the economy has kept running at a time of bitter conflict
Ukraine war: Kursk offensive has taken the war into Russia and put Putin on the back foot – for now
Ukraine war: mixed signals among Kyiv’s allies hint at growing conflict fatigue
Ukraine war: Putin calls up more troops and threatens nuclear option in a speech which ups the ante but shows Russia’s weakness
Ukraine war: reclaiming Snake Island is Kyiv’s biggest strategic victory so far – here’s why
Ukraine war: reports suggest that Russia has been deliberately targeting journalists – which is a war crime
Ukraine war: Serbia is shifting closer to Russia – here’s why
Ukraine war: two good reasons the world should worry about Russia’s arms purchases from North Korea
Ukraine war: west condemns ‘sham’ referendums in Russian-occupied areas
Ukraine war: what we know about the Nova Kakhovka dam and who gains from its destruction
Ukraine war: why a ceasefire based on partition of territory won’t work
Ukraine war: why Russians fleeing conscription should be treated as refugees
Ukraine war: why the G20 refused to condemn Russian aggression – and how that might change
Ukraine war: ‘soccer plot’ raises fears of fresh Russian attempts to destabilise neighbouring Moldova
Ukraine's "Russian warship, go f... yourself" post stamp wins world's most prestigious award celebrating achievements in mail industry
Ukraine: 500 Days
Ukraine: India doctor stranded with a jaguar and panther
Ukraine: Russia’s losses mount – but self-sacrifice in war is part of the country’s mythology
Ukraine: the UN’s ‘responsibility to protect’ doctrine is a hollow promise for civilians under fire
Ukraine: the world’s defence giants are quietly making billions from the war
Ukraine: what anti-war protesters in Russia risk by speaking out
Ukraine’s capture of North Koreans offers rare insight into Russian alliance, says Zelenskyy
Ukraine’s cross-border incursion challenges Moscow’s war narrative – but will it shift Russian opinion?
Ukraine’s cultural heritage faces destruction as Russian bombing continues
Ukraine’s death-defying art rescuers
Ukraine’s defence minister says half of western arms arrive later than promised
Ukraine’s green fightback: Wind farms, solar schools and counting the cost of ‘destroying nature’
Ukraine’s natural resources are at centre stage in the ongoing war, and will likely remain there
Ukraine’s Other Front: The War on Corruption
Ukrainian Indie Games Bundle
Ukrainian Librarian, 81, Salvages Books From Ruined School As New Academic Year Begins
Ukrainian NGO has developed #NoMoreGringe inclusive thinking game for teens
Ukrainian NGO opens art therapy workshop to support veterans' rehabilitation
Ukrainian people are resisting the centuries-old force of Russian imperialism – Ukraine war at 6 months
Ukrainian Publishers Fight On
Ukrainian refugees might not return home, even long after the war eventually ends
Ukrainian Soldiers Recreate 19th Century Painting in Defiance of Russia
Ukrainian teens’ voices from the middle of war: ‘You begin to appreciate what was common and boring for you’
Ukrainian woman risks her life to rescue wild animals from war with Russia, going $290,000 in debt
Ukrainian woman, 98, walks six miles alone to escape Russian-held territory
Ukrainians wrap up landmine clearance exercises in Cambodia
UK’s Fastest Declining Mammal Thriving on the River Ver
UK’s MI6 apologizes for past treatment of LGBT spies
UK’s Online Safety Bill Gets Ridiculous: Includes Jail Time For Tech CEOs
The UK’s Online Safety Bill Would Be A Complete And Utter Disaster For An Open Internet
UK’s top climate adviser launches scathing attack on Australia on eve of Cop26
The UK’s Warning: We Are Not Prepared for Climate Change
Ulie - Great Horned Owl
Ultimate Electronics: Practical Circuit Design and Analysis
The ultimate food geek
The Ultimate Gift
Ultimate Guitar launches Muse Group and acquires Audacity
The Ultimate In CwF: How Lovers Of Stardew Valley Fought Piracy By Buying The Game For Pirates
Ultimate in Geekitude
‘The ultimate invader’: high-tech tool promises scientists an edge over the cane toad scourge
The Ultimate List of Wonderfully Specific Museums
Fwd: ultimate mentos and diet coke
Fwd: Fw: ultimate mentos and diet coke
The ultimate source for icons.
Ultra Deep Field in 3D: The most profound animation in history
The Ultra-Efficient Farm of the Future Is in the Sky
Ultra-fast fashion is a disturbing trend undermining efforts to make the whole industry more sustainable
The ultra-polluting Scarborough-Pluto gas project could blow through Labor’s climate target – and it just got the green light
Ultra-processed foods are not only bad for our bodies, their production damages our environments
Ultra-processed foods are trashing our health – and the planet
Ultra-processed foods: here’s what the evidence actually says about them
Ultra-Rich 'Philanthrocapitalist' Class Undermining Global Democracy: Report
Ultra-white ceramic cools buildings with record-high 99.6% reflectivity
Ultraviolet light and indoor air disinfection to fight pandemics: A technology long overdue
UM Research: AI Tests Into Top 1% for Original Creative Thinking
Um, I think we all just won
Um, yes, well...
UMaine’s new 3D printer smashes former Guinness World Record to advance the next generation of advanced manufacturing
Umbilical Brothers - It's a New Dawn
Umi Hashi / 海洋箸: Chopsticks made from ocean plastic
Umi no Ue no Oshiro (A Castle On the Ocean), 海の上のお城
UN adds Israel to list of states committing violations against children
UN adopts new global rules to reduce chemicals harm
The UN and the multilateral system are in crisis – what the Global South must do
UN appeals for urgent humanitarian assistance as war rages on in Ukraine
UN award for Nepal’s tiger range restoration spurs euphoria amid challenges
UN calls for push to cut greenhouse gas levels to avoid climate chaos
UN chief António Guterres to seek world leaders’ backing for vision of the future
UN chief demands Taliban revoke ban on women staff
UN chief issues climate SOS, warns of ‘unimaginable’ catastrophe
UN Chief: Those Expanding Fossil Fuels—Not Climate Activists—Are the 'Truly Dangerous Radicals'
The UN committee against torture has found Australia still has work to do
UN committee rules anti-lesbian sex laws breach human rights in landmark decision
UN condemns arbitrary detention of Iranian refugee in Australia
UN COP25 summit ends with anger with global warming's 'window of escape' getting harder
UN Cultural Rights Rapporteur Delivers Report Condemning Prevailing Copyright Laws
UN Cybercrime Treaty: A Trojan Horse For Transnational Repression
UN discusses how not to kill the planet
UN ends Australia anti-torture mission after inspectors barred
UN Expert Slams Taliban Crimes Against Afghan Women, Girls
UN experts demand crackdown on greenwashing of net zero pledges
UN General Assembly calls for Russia to pay Ukraine reparations
UN General Assembly declares access to clean and healthy environment a universal human right
UN global climate poll: ‘The people’s voice is clear – they want action’
UN head accuses fossil fuel firms of business models ‘inconsistent with human survival’
UN Head Decries 'Senseless and Suicidal' Destruction of Nature as New Report Urges Systemic Solutions
UN highlights ‘psychological harm’ to UK man jailed since 2012 for phone theft
UN Human Rights Committee Finds US in Violation on 25 Counts
UN Human Rights Committee rules in favour of First Nations people
UN Human Rights Council Debates Report Criticising Copyright
UN International Day of Peace
The UN is asking the International Court of Justice for its opinion on states’ climate obligations. What does this mean?
The UN is calling the Israel-Hamas war a ‘graveyard of children’. In an adult conflict, the young are suffering most
UN livestock emissions report seriously distorted our work, say experts
UN ocean treaty is ‘once in a lifetime’ chance to protect the high seas
UN offers new solutions to limit global warming
UN recognizes 10 pioneering initiatives that are restoring the natural world
UN report finds no evidence migration causes terror attacks and warns anti-refugee laws could worsen risk
UN report on global warming target puts governments on the spot
UN report on Xinjiang abuses leaves no room for plausible deniability
UN report says up to 850,000 animal viruses could be caught by humans, unless we protect nature
UN report: Humans accelerating extinction of other species
UN reports ‘alarming’ rise in Rohingya deaths at sea in 2022
The UN says access to a healthy environment is a human right. Here’s what it means for Australia
The UN says Australia violated human rights law, but it’s unlikely to change the way we treat refugees
UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That.
UN Security Council is powerless to help Ukraine – but it’s working as designed to prevent World War III
UN security council: African countries face hurdles and dangers in getting permanent seats
UN Sustainable Development Goals: How Companies Stack Up
UN Takes Step Toward New Way of Tracking Greenhouse Gases
The UN Wants to Curb Anti-Satellite Missile Tests
UN warns of looming sand crisis as population and city growth lead to surging demand
Unambitious and undermined: why NZ’s latest climate pledge lacks the crucial ‘good faith’ factor
The Unbearable Ambiguity of Emoji
The unbearable fussiness of the smart home
The Unbelievable Story Of The Plot Against George Soros
‘Unbelievable’ renaissance of rare cloud forest as unique species reclaim paradise
The Unbelievably Sweet Alpacas
Unboxed?! Solar EV Charging Installed In A Day!
Unboxing & Setting Up New IBM PC AT Built in 1988
Unbuilding cities as high-rises reach their use-by date
The Uncanny Resurrection of Dungeons & Dragons
The Uncensored Library
The uncertain future of Amazon river dolphins amid historic drought
Uncertainty, money worries and stress – gig workers need support and effective ways to cope
Fwd: Uncle Norman's Obituary in the Gilroy Dispatch
Unconditional Basic Income is a Pigovian Subsidy for Unpaid Work
Unconditional Basic Income Would Fix a Major Flaw in Markets
Unconditional charity: Why it's okay to give money to homeless people
The unconscionable prosecution of Bernard Collaery was an assault on the values Australia holds dear
Uncovering the genetic basis of mental illness requires data and tools that aren’t just based on white people – this international team is collecting DNA samples around the globe
‘Under a White Sky’ explores whether we must tinker with nature to save it
Under attack, Ukraine's musicians become war reporters and military fundraisers
Under God
Under-counting, a gendered industry, and precarious work: the challenges facing Creative Australia in supporting visual artists
The underappreciated art of furniture in video games
Undercover Police, Just About Everywhere
Undercover: Exposing the Far Right review – the bravest documentary of the year so far
Underground - Lindsey Stirling
The Underground Boys of Tana
Underground cave found on moon could be ideal base for explorers
'Underground Climate Change' Threatens to Destabilize Buildings
Underground Empire
Underground living
Underlying Australia’s inflation problem is a historic shift of income from workers to corporate profits
Underpaid at home, vulnerable abroad: how seasonal job schemes are draining Pacific nations of vital workers
The underrated Star Trek: why you should watch Deep Space Nine
The Undersea Art Gallery That Ensnares Illegal Trawlers
Undersea cables are the unseen backbone of the global internet
Understand 1,700 Mechanical Linkages with these Helpful Animations
Understandably Cause for Alarm
Understanding brain damage
Understanding Job Burnout
Understanding Long Covid
Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security
Understanding the Anti-Trans Parent Movement
Understanding “New Power”
Underwater cultural heritage: why we’re studying ‘orphaned objects’ to work out which shipwrecks they came from
Underwater haptic feedback glove gives users "dolphin power"
Underwater Photographer of the Year 2024: Take a dive into the stunning winning images
The Undeserving Rich
Unemployment support will be slashed by $300 this week. This won’t help people find work
UnEnchanted Princess
UNEP/MAP welcomes the announcement of a protected area in Porto-Palermo Bay in Albania
Unequal? Our analysis suggests Australia is a more equal society than has been thought
“The unequivocal path forward:” EU adopts strong pollution laws for trucks and buses
UNESCO adds 18 new sites to its global geoparks network
UNESCO adds Ukrainian egg decoration to intangible cultural heritage list
UNESCO designates 11 new biosphere reserves
UNESCO Just Named 42 New World Heritage Sites—Here’s the Full List
Unevenly distributed futures: an interview with @internetofshit
Unexpected number of whales currently swimming off the coast of New England
Unexpected Performance
The unexpected poetry of PhD acknowledgements
The Unexpected Power of Random Acts of Kindness
Unexpected Things: Guy Capitalizing On The Concept Of Music SEO By Recording 100 Songs A Day
Unexpected Visitors Dropping In For A Drink
Unfettered Capitalism has Broken Boots Theory
Unfettered online hate speech fuels Islamophobia in China
The unfinished business of COVID-19 vaccination
Unfortunately, Paying For The Public Domain Already Exists In Many Countries
Unfunded excellence: on the mid-career crisis for Australian artists
The unhappier you are, the more ice cream you get
The Unheard Results of The Finnish Basic Income Experiment
Unicorn Pasties
Unicorn vs. Goblins: Another Phoebe and Her Unicorn Adventure
Unicorns explained
Unified Physics Theory Explains Animals' Running, Flying And Swimming
Unilever accused of breaking plastics pledge as sachet sales approach 53bn
The Unimaginable
Union slams “false hope” in nuclear push, warns energy jobs at risk
Unique study shows we can train wild predators to hunt alien species they’ve never seen before
‘Unique’ frogs in NSW rainforests feared locally extinct after black summer bushfires
Unis are killing the critical study of religion, and it will only make campuses more religious
Unisex toilet doors
Unitarian Universalists of UNL group values open minds, others’ beliefs
Unite Against Book Bans: Book Résumés
United Airlines Destroys the Life of Another Disabled Person
United Kingdom: Electro Velvet
United Nations adopts historic, first-ever resolution on rights of intersex people
United Nations urges world leaders to declare a state of climate emergency
United Nations, World Economic Forum and partners unite to address e-waste
United States Announces $94 Billion Of Global Public Funding To Accelerate Clean Energy Worldwide
United States Announces Nearly $2.1 Billion in Humanitarian Assistance at the 79th UN General Assembly
The United States is gearing up for midterm elections. What are they and what’s at stake?
The United States Is Not an Apocalyptic Wasteland, Explains Steven Pinker
The United States was founded on allegiance to laws, not leaders. The Jan 6 rioters turned that on its head
The United States’ Unamendable Constitution
Universal Access to New Vaccines in 2023: A Necessity for Public Health
Universal Basic Assets Could Be The Foundation To Build An Equitable Society
Universal Basic Income Could Double World's GDP And Slash Emissions
Universal basic income could improve the nation’s mental health
Universal Basic Income Cryptocurrencies Like Manna are Pioneering the Way Towards Decentralized Targeting
Universal Basic Income Has Been Tested Repeatedly. It Works. Will America Ever Embrace It?
Universal basic income hasn’t made me rich. But my life is more enriching
Universal Basic Income is the 'vaccine' for poverty, says researcher Scott Santens
Universal Basic Income or Universal High Income?
Universal basic income seems to improve employment and well-being
Universal basic income wouldn’t make people lazy–it would change the nature of work
Universal Basic Income: What Simple Soundbites Aren't Telling You @ScottSantens
Universal basic income: ‘The power to say no and the freedom to say yes’
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Animated
Universal free lunch ballot measure passes easily in Colorado
Universal Masking in School Works. New Data Shows How Well
Universal Music Cashed In On Insurance After It Let Thousands Of Master Recordings Burn... And Didn't Give Any To Artists
Universal Paperclips
Universal ‘chasing arrows’ recycling symbol could be dumped in US
Universities can’t fulfill the myth, but they can’t become vocational schools either
University funding from fossil fuels slowing switch to green energy – report
University isn’t right for everyone. Pushing young people to go can have devastating effects
University of Houston researchers make nasal vaccine that prevents COVID from spreading
University of Melbourne vice-chancellor calls for free university education
The (unjustly forgotten) genius of pianist Clara Haskil
Unlearning the myth of American innocence
Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050
‘Unlike anything today’: Gippsland fossil unlocks secrets of kangaroo that died out 46,000 years ago
unlikely animal friendships
Unlikely Friendships
The unlikely pioneers fighting climate change
Unlikely Rebels With a Very Good Cause
The unlikely species entangled in Ukraine's resistance to Russia
UNLIMITED BUDGET home YouTube studio
‘Unliveable’: Delhi’s residents struggle to cope in record-breaking heat
Unmarked graves, violent repression and cultural erasure: the devastating human toll of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Unmissable ebay Listing
Unmitigated COVID is overwhelming hospital systems- globally.
Unpapering the cracks: sugar, slavery and the Sydney Morning Herald
The Unperson Of 2023
Unprecedented Image Shows a Dolphin's Echolocated Impression of a Submerged Human
Unprecedented peril: disaster lies ahead as we track towards 2.7°C of warming this century
Unprecedented €2.2bn drought response plan approved in Spain
‘Unprecedented’ climate extremes are everywhere. Our baselines for what’s normal will need to change
‘Unprecedented’: domestic violence shelters reach capacity amid Queensland housing crisis
Unputdownable! The bookshops Amazon couldn't kill
Unravelling DNA’s structure: a landmark achievement whose authors were not fairly credited
Unreal Engine 4 demos
‘Unreasonable, unjust, oppressive’: how a police program targeted Indigenous kids
Unregulated antibiotic use in animal research likely contributes to human drug resistance, study finds
Unrest in Bangladesh is revealing the bias at the heart of Google’s search engine
Unrest: Honest Postmortem of a Kickstarter Success
The unsafe Safeguard Mechanism: how carbon credits could blow up Australia’s main climate policy
The Unsafety Net: How Social Media Turned Against Women
Unseen colour footage of David Attenborough's Zoo Quest series unearthed from BBC archive
'Unseen Empire' turns a huge wildlife camera trap study into a game
The Unseen Sea
‘Unseen world’: researchers capture fascinating footage of the world’s smallest penguins in a bid to save them
Unsettling Study Finds People Just Don't Care That Much if Humans Go Extinct
Unsexy but vital: why warnings over grid reliability are really about building more transmission lines
The unsexy solution to smashing Melbourne’s traffic congestion woes
The Unshakeable Resilience of Lahaina, One Year After the Wildfires
The unspoken rule of conversation that explains why AI chatbots feel so human
Unstoppable eating machines: why Australian farmers are renting out goats for weed control
The Unsurprising Reason Turbulence May Get Worse While Flying
‘Unsustainable’ for ADF to help with natural disasters and defend Australia, inquiry told
UNSW develops novel eco-friendly, high-performance organic battery that could be key to future
Untangling Threads
The untapped power of ocean winds – why New Zealand is looking offshore for future renewable energy
The Unthinkability of Climate Change: Thoughts on Amitav Ghosh’s The Great Derangement
Until now, sellers have used AI to get the best deal for themselves – those tables are about to turn
Until They Killed Them… 100 Crucial Seconds of A Story Buried
The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret
The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History
The Untold Truth Of Schoolhouse Rock!
Unusual Art
Unusual cars
Unusual Family Photos
Unusual Friendship Between Wolf And Bear Documented By Finnish Photographer
Unusual Perfumes
Unusual perfumes
'Unusual' Mystery of Dead Whales Washing Up on US Coast May Be Solved
Unveiling the Birdbox Christmas card
Unveiling the enigmatic world of moths: from ancient pollinators to whistling wonders
Unveiling the Hidden Material That Weaves Together Our Digital Lives
The UN’s Climate Disaster Plan Is Not What Liberals Would Expect
The UN’s New Climate Change Report Should Make You Mad as Hell
UN’s pact to protect future generations will be undermined by Security Council’s veto and its use in cases of mass atrocity
UN’s ‘global stocktake’ on climate offers a sobering emissions reckoning − but there are also signs of progress
Up and Coming: Stories by the 2016 Campbell-Eligible Authors
Up to 1 in 6 recent migrants get less than the minimum wage. Here’s why
Up to 2,000 feared drowned after Libyan city hit by ‘catastrophic’ storm floods
Up to 220 Indonesians could be compensated after children wrongly jailed in Australia as people smugglers
Up to 40% of bushfires in parts of Australia are deliberately lit. But we’re not doing enough to prevent them
Up to 48 species saved from extinction by conservation efforts, study finds
Up to 5 billion people to be hit by rainfall changes this century if CO₂ emissions are not curbed, research shows
Up to three insect species become extinct in Australia every week, report says
Up-Close Ecotourism Is Nurturing Gray Whales in Mexico
Upcoming Cybercrime Treaty Will Be Nothing But Trouble
Upcoming Harry Potter game keeps brewing trouble
Upcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy Movies That Aren’t Remakes, Sequels or Prequels
UPDATE about the 🇺🇦 cats (and dogs)!
Update on new Dark Crystal and Fraggle Rock films
UPDATED - If you think things are bad now, some perspective
updated email address.
Updating The Verge’s background policy
Upgrade rage: why you may have to buy a new device whether you want to or not
Upgradeability Is Sustainability: Pass It On
[UPLIFT #2] - one a day for the holidays
Uplifting photography
Upload Filters Will Always Be A Bad Idea, But Germany's New Implementation Of Article 17 Is An Attempt To Provide Some Protection For Users, Which Others May Follow
Upload filters: unjustified blocks, unfair appeals process, and a system rigged in favour of Big Content
The Upside Down: How A 1980s Afghan Refugee Doesn’t Belong in 2016
"Uptown Funk" - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars (Japanese KABUKI Funk ver.)
Urban Cactus
Urban camouflage
Urban growth is leading to more intense droughts for most of the world’s cities – and Sydney is a case study for areas at risk
Urban owls are losing their homes. So we’re 3D printing them new ones
Urban patchwork is losing its green, making our cities and all who live in them vulnerable
Urban planning has long ignored women’s experiences. Here are 5 ways we can make our cities safer
Urban planning is now on the front line of the climate crisis. This is what it means for our cities and towns
Urban Residents Are Tracking ‘Indoor Heat Waves’
Urban sprawl is ‘not a dirty word’? If the priority is to meet all kids’ needs, it should be
Urban Typhoon Workshop in Shimokitazawa
Urgent Call for a Global Pact to protect 80% of the Amazon by 2025
The urgent need for tougher trucking rules to protect communities around warehouses
Urgent new ‘roadmap to recovery’ could reverse insect apocalypse
Ursula K. Le Guin, the spiritual mother of generations of writers; John Scalzi pays tribute
Ursula Le Guin Has Stopped Writing Fiction—but We Need Her More Than Ever
Ursula LeGuin's Lathe of Heaven on YouTube
Ursula Vernon on Self-Publishing
Ursula Vernon's "Digger" now available for free
Ursula Vernon: "It Was A Day"
Ursula Vernon: Charming Stupidities
Ursula von der Leyen attacks Viktor Orbán over pro-Russia stance
The Uruguayan company teaching people how to turn regular cars into EVs
Uruguay’s green power revolution: rapid shift to wind shows the world how it’s done
US accuses Indian agent of directing plot to assassinate American citizen
US added to international watchlist for rapid decline in civic freedoms
US Air Guitar, San Francisco Regional Championships
US airline uses AI to guide planes, eliminates plastic to reduce carbon footprint
The US And EU Have Unsustainably Plundered Natural Resources For Decades, Study Shows
US and Russia ally with Saudi Arabia to water down climate pledge
The US and UK have decimated their aid spending. Australia has a unique opportunity to help fill the vacuum
US anti-abortion “gag rule” hits women hard: what we found in Kenya and Madagascar
US Atlantic coast now a breeding ground for supercharged hurricanes – study
US banks abandon ‘bare minimum’ environmental standards project, alarming climate groups
The US Banning TikTok Would Play Right Into China’s Hands, And Destroy Decades Of US Work On Promoting An Open Internet
US bans anti-satellite missile tests
US bans Vegemite
US behind more than a third of global oil and gas expansion plans, report finds
US braces for ‘dangerous’ conditions as heatwave to hit midwest and north-east
US buildings kill up to a billion birds a year. These architects want to save them
The US Center for Disease Control proposes to scrap its five-day COVID-19 isolation recommendations. What are the rules in Australia?
US Christian right has taken aim at LGBTIQ+ rights, sex education and abortion in Africa – new book
US city tells residents to stop sticking googly eyes on its statues
US clean energy drive fuels shortage of engineers in Australia
US climate envoy meets Chinese counterpart on hottest ever day in China
US climate objections sink Arctic Council accord in Finland
US companies tell Apple and Amazon to put planet before profits
US condemns arrest of WSJ journalist as Russia accused of ‘hostage taking’
US Congress considers seating Native American tribal delegate
US Copyright Lobbyists Equate Fair Dealing To Piracy And Copyright Infringement
US Council of Economic Advisors: Delay on climate action will cost us
US debt default could trigger dollar’s collapse – and severely erode America’s political and economic might
US decides to rejoin UNESCO and pay back dues, to counter Chinese influence
US dispatches warships after China and Russia send naval patrol near Alaska
US DoE report busts LNG myth, says fossil gas exports are bad for consumers and the planet
US DOI Takes Action to Strengthen Endangered Species Protections
The US economy lost 140,000 jobs in December. All of them were held by women
US election 2024: Trump victory in Iowa caucus not as big as he may have hoped – here’s why Biden still wants him to get GOP nomination
The US election has put the spotlight on Haiti. Its history reveals extensive exploitation by the US – and France
US Electric Car Sales Increased 65% In 2022
US ends year on environmental high with increased pollution inspections and protection for forests
US energy secretary tells UK and Australian conservatives that net zero is “sinister” and “unachievable”
The US FDA has moved to ban menthol cigarettes. Australia should do that and more
US firm to bid to turn DRC oil permits in Virunga park into conservation projects
US fracking boom could tip world to edge of climate disaster
The US Gov't Paid For Moderna To Develop Its Vaccine; But Moderna Wants To Keep The Patent All To Itself
The US Government Has Abandoned Us to Endless COVID. We Can Do Better.
The US government is trying to stop the merger of two of the world’s biggest publishers – but will it help authors?
US Government Threatening To Kill Free Trade With South Africa After Hollywood Complained It Was Adopting American Fair Use Principles
The US has finally passed a huge climate bill. Australia needs to keep up
The US has ruled all taxpayer-funded research must be free to read. What’s the benefit of open access?
The US highway that helped break segregation
US homelessness up 12% to highest reported level as rents soar and coronavirus pandemic aid lapses
US hostility towards the ICC is nothing new – it supports the court only when it suits American interests
The US invented shopping malls, but China is writing their next chapter
The US is about to blow up a fake warship in the South China Sea – but naval rivalry with Beijing is very real and growing
The US is about to get its first solar-covered canal
US Is an Oligarchy Not a Democracy, says Scientific Study
US is becoming a ‘developing country’ on global rankings that measure democracy, inequality
The US isn’t the only country voting on Nov 5. This small Pacific nation is also holding an election – and China is watching
The US jumps on board the electric vehicle revolution, leaving Australia in the dust
The US just issued the world’s strongest action yet on regulating AI. Here’s what to expect
US justice department announces investigation into Tulsa race massacre
US LGBT nightclub shooting shows why Australia must reform hate crime laws
US midterm elections: Does Finland have the answer to fake news?
The US Military Is Not Ready for a Constitutional Crisis
US military launched a secret anti-vax campaign in the Philippines – here’s why I’m not surprised
US military plans to unleash thousands of autonomous war robots over next two years
US moves to repeal water heater efficiency standards in all-in attack on decarbonisation
US Native American tribes seek to reintroduce indigenous wildlife
US neo-Nazi accused of sniper plot appears to have shared instructions with Australian far-right figures
US Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Number Declassified: Only 309 Warheads Cut By Obama Administration
US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction
US PBS network engages with Internet culture
US Postal Service honors civil rights leader, Ponca tribe Chief Standing Bear, with stamp
US power grid added battery equivalent of 20 nuclear reactors in past four years
US Prevents UN Council Vote On Pandemic Truce: Diplomats
US Prison Labor Creates $11 Billion in Value
US reportedly foiled Russian plot to kill boss of German arms firm supplying Ukraine
US researchers identify new sugar-based resin for easily recyclable wind turbine blades
US rightwing conspiracy theory touts Taylor Swift as ‘Pentagon asset’
US robot builds copies of itself
US rolls out funding for wildlife crossings along busy roads
US Should End Solitary Confinement of Immigrants
US solar sites linked to higher levels of insects
US state department falsified report absolving Israel on Gaza aid – ex-official
US support to maintain UK’s nuclear arsenal is in doubt, experts say
The US supreme court just completed Trump’s January 6 coup attempt
US takes a renewed interest in the Pacific – and China’s role in it
US teacher faces sacking after reading Australian children’s book to class
US to cancel Alaska oil, gas leases issued under Trump
US to support global treaty aiming to reduce production of plastic
US trade wars with China – and how they play out in Africa
US transition to electric vehicles would save over 100,000 lives by 2050 – study
US verges on vaccination tipping point, faces thousands of needless deaths: FDA
US war on science ‘undermining war on coronavirus’
US ‘TikTok refugees’ are fleeing to Chinese app RedNote. It’s a new phase of the digital cold war
US's 'Naughty List' Of Countries Whose Intellectual Property Rules We Don't Like Is A Joke That's No Longer Funny
US-inspired rightwing extremism an 'insidious' threat to Australia, study finds
The US-Russia prisoner swap shows how journalists risk being used as geopolitical bargaining chips
Usagi Yojimbo - "The Last Request"
USAID official placed on leave after saying barriers to lifesaving programs will cause ‘preventable death’
USAid shutdown isn’t just a humanitarian issue – it’s a threat to American interests
Use Apple’s App Store and Google Play like they would have looked in the 1980s
Use of AI in property valuation is on the rise – but we need greater transparency and trust
Use of antiviral may be fuelling evolution of Covid, scientists say
Use of encryption powers doubles but still no terrorism cases
Use ‘Upscaler’ to Enhance Low-Res Images with AI on Linux
Use ‘Upscaler’ to Enhance Low-Res Images with AI on Linux
Used thin client PCs are an unsexy, readily available Raspberry Pi alternative
Used wool craftsman adds voice to calls for textile recycling in Australia
Useful reference information for Citizens of Earth
Useless Flyers
Using BMI to measure your health is nonsense. Here’s why
Using Computer Modern on the web
Using computers made from e-waste and jerrycans, kids in Chad use internet for first time
Using cute animals in pop culture makes public think they're not endangered – study
Using electric water heaters to store renewable energy could do the work of 2 million home batteries – and save us billions
Using HTTPS Properly
Using information security to explain why disinformation makes autocracies stronger and democracies weaker
Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene
Using photos to create 3D models is helping us understand – and protect – complex marine environments
Using Restorative Justice To Deal With Internet Trolls And Jackasses
Using social media for your holiday ‘inspo’ can be risky and even dangerous – here’s why
Using The Law To Enforce Better Infection Controls
Using the ocean to fight climate change raises serious environmental justice and technical questions
Using Trash to Track Other Trash
USPS’ long-awaited new mail truck makes its debut to rave reviews from carriers
USS Enterprise model tested at Mach 5
The USSR Sprinkled More Than 2,500 Nuclear Generators Across the Countryside
The US’s Easternmost City Could Be a Model for the Country’s Renewable Future
Utah’s Great Salt Lake rings climate alarm bells over release of 4.1m tons of carbon dioxide
Utility Busted Using Fake Consumer Group To Scuttle Eugene, Oregon’s Environmental Reforms
Utopia now
Utopia Science Fiction
Utopian for Beginners
Utopian Realism, a speech by Bruce Sterling
Utrecht restores historic canal made into motorway in 1970s
'Utterly Shameful': Uyghurs' Frustration Grows Over Lack Of International Action Against China
UW alumnus and Diné scientist co-finds Project Enable, a new Navajo-English dictionary for scientific terms
UW professor: The information war is real, and we’re losing it
UW study finds tie between inflammation and long COVID symptoms
Uzbekistan plants a forest where a sea once lay
Užupis: A tiny republic of free spirits
Vacation on the Riviera with the Moomins
Vaccination Dramatically Lowers Long COVID Risk
Vaccination rates among Australian teens are dropping. Here’s how we can get back on track
Vaccination, testing, clean air: COVID hasn’t gone away – here’s where Australia needs to do better
Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing strains
Vaccine hesitancy affects dog-owners, too, with many questioning the rabies shot
Vaccine hesitancy is one of the greatest threats to global health – and the pandemic has made it worse
Vaccine resistance has its roots in negative childhood experiences, a major study finds
Vaccine trial for killer elephant virus begins
Vaccines accounted for 40% of the decline in infant mortality over the last 50 years
Vaccines are no match for long Covid. Treating it is science’s next great challenge
Vacuuming, moving house, unpacking are boring in real life – so why is doing them in a video game so fun?
‘Vague, confusing, and did nothing to improve my work’: how AI can undermine peer review
Vale Judith Durham, the cuddly Aussie ‘girl-next-door’ whose soaring voice found international fame
Vale Leon Paroissien: the first director of the Museum of Contemporary Art who shaped how Australians experience art
Vale Vonda N. McIntyre
Vale ‘sister suffragette’: how Glynis Johns became a pop-culture icon in the story of votes for women
Vale: enforcing style guidelines for text
Valentine's and Dinosaur Sex
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day chocolate beetles
Valhalla Arms F&SF art
Valor Anthology: Volume 2
The value in telephoning the dead
Value in the meantime: the social enterprise transforming London’s empty buildings
The Value of Money for Nothing
The value of non-instrumental computer use: Skills acquisition, self-confidence, and community-based technology training
Values and vaccines
Valve hits a Linux landmark—1,500 games available on Steam
The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet
'Vampire' squirrel has world's fluffiest tail
Vampires Run
Van Sessions by Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers
Vanadium flow battery hopeful says long duration vanadium storage can compete with li-ion on costs
Vancouver Gave Homeless People $5,800. It Changed Their Lives.
‘Vandals’: Victoria, Queensland fume over federal climate intervention
Vanessa was ‘kidnapped’ by the family policing system aged 10. Now, she’s fighting for other First Nations families
The vanishing Arctic
Vanishing Asia
Vanishing bird: the mystery of the ‘near-mythical’ Australian painted-snipe
Vanuatu is holding its first-ever referendum – here’s what’s at stake
Vape stores clustered around schools and in the most disadvantaged suburbs, Australian study finds
Vaping damages young people’s lungs as much as smoking, study suggests
Vaping found to be the biggest risk factor for teenage tobacco smoking
Variety kicks off “Big Electric Adventure” with 10,000 km EV drive through outback
Vast New Study Shows a Key to Reducing Poverty: More Friendships Between Rich and Poor
Vast swaths of US will be exposed to polluted air by 2054, says report
Vast ‘doughnut’ discovered in molten metal of Earth’s core
Vastly bigger than the Black Summer: 84 million hectares of northern Australia burned in 2023
Vatican gets its first electric Popemobile, designed for slow speeds and swivel seats
The Vatican says gender theory threatens human dignity – but Judith Butler believes the ‘threat’ is social change
Vatican to install solar farm on farmland in defiance of Italy ban
Vegan cheese: what you should know
Vegan diet massively cuts environmental damage, study shows
The Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame astounds us with a huge, rare collection
The Vegetable Museum
Vegetarian diets may be better for the planet – but the Mediterranean diet is the one omnivores will actually adopt
Vehicle efficiency laws passed after Greens secure deal to prevent fast-tracking of gas projects
Vehicle to grid trial to test EVs as “batteries on wheels” in remote off-grid towns
Velcro, bullet trains and robotic arms: how nature is the mother of invention
The velvet monkey wrench
Venetian Blue Beads Found in Alaska Predate Arrival of Columbus
Venezuela becomes first nation in the Americas to lose all glaciers
Venezuela may be first nation to lose all its glaciers
‘Ventilation Corridors’ Funnel Cool Mountain Air Into Steamy Stuttgart
Ventilation matters - why clean air is vital to health
Ventilation reduces the risk of COVID. So why are we still ignoring it?
Ventilation Should Be A Larger Focus In Our Fight Against Covid-19
Fwd: Ventriloquist without a Dummy -- too funny
The Venture Capitalist Who Is Both A Man And A Woman
The venture capitalist's dilemma
Venus is losing water faster than previously thought – here’s what that could mean for the early planet’s habitability
Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009
Verification Handbook
Verizon doesn't understand the difference between dollars and cents
Vermont becomes 1st state to require oil companies to pay for climate change damages
Vernor Vinge obituary
Vertical farming
Vertical, all-black solar system seeks to power through the winter snow
Very Cool Anamorphic Sculpture
very cool old videos of Melbourne CBD (and one of carts and all)
Very cool: trees stalling effects of global heating in eastern US, study finds
“Very cost effective:” Regional Australia Post contractor goes fully electric
Fwd: Very Funny Ad of the Day: Don't Underestimate the Flightless Bird
Fwd: Very Funny Ad of the Day: Welcome a little fun with this classic
Very Helpful Hints
‘Very precarious’: Europe faces growing water crisis as winter drought worsens
‘Very real risk of violence’: The growing fear within NSW’s LGBTQ community
The very shady way that Donald Trump’s new lawyer got very, very rich
Very, Very Bad Ideas: Ukraine Asks ICANN To Disconnect Russia From The Internet
Very, Very Little Of ‘Content Moderation’ Has Anything To Do With Politics
The vet, the tortoise and the airport
Vetinari Clock - the clock that ticks randomly but still keeps accurate time!
VGHF opens free online access to 1,500 classic game mags, 30K historic files
VGHF, Libraries Lose Again On DMCA Exemption Request To Preserve Old Video Games
Vi Hart Doodle Music
Vibes Cat
The Vice Media Collapse Was Entirely The Fault Of Incompetent, Fail-Upward Brunchlords
The Vice of Spice: Confronting Lead-Tainted Turmeric
Vice surrenders
The Vicious Hand of Blood and Soil Reaches Out
Victims now know they were right about robodebt all along. Let the royal commission change the way we talk about welfare
Victims of the green energy boom? The Indonesians facing eviction over a China-backed plan to turn their island into a solar panel ‘ecocity’
Victoria Amelina, killed by Russian rockets, joins a procession of Ukrainian writers whose lives were cut short by oppressors
Victoria bans gas rebates and incentives for homes as shift to all-electric gathers pace
Victoria commits to 600 new battery electric buses by 2035
Victoria faces a grave climate and energy crisis. The new government’s policies must be far bolder
Victoria fast-tracks coal exit with target for 95 pct renewables by 2035
Victoria has rediscovered a dragon – how do we secure its future?
Victoria just gave 2 billion litres of water back to Indigenous people. Here’s what that means for the rest of Australia
Victoria just got a new zoo and it’s twice as large as Melbourne Zoo
Victoria lays out plan for 95 pct renewables, with no coal, not much gas and a big lift in demand
Victoria networks want to be first to own and install EV kerbside chargers on their power poles
Victoria records grim pandemic milestone with COVID deaths surpassing 4,000
Victoria signals end of coal by announcing a new 95% renewable target. It’s a risky but vital move
Victoria to halve gender pay gap in public service – and name 70% of new streets after women
Victoria to restore area five times size of Melbourne with $31m boost to private land conservation
Victoria unveils roadmap to electrify bus fleet
Victoria will begin pill testing this summer. Evidence shows it reduces harm (and won’t increase drug use)
Victoria's single-use plastic ban starts today, but experts worry it does not go far enough
Victorian COVID hospital admissions soar as Omicron sub-variants spread
Victorian flood victim 'first private resident' to import US military-grade protection for her home
Victorian government bans gas in new homes from 2024
Victorian government to provide hundreds of millions in support for workers leaving embattled logging industry
The Victorian government wants to trial electronic monitoring devices on young people. It’s a bad idea
Victorian Liberals embarrassed by extremists within: how does this keep happening?
Victorian recycling company found to have systematically underpaid refugees and asylum seekers
Victoria’s brand new zoo has officially opened to the public
Victoria’s fire alert has knocked Australians out of complacency. Under climate change, catastrophic bushfires can strike any time
Victoria’s gas ban for new homes expected to reap significant emissions cuts
Victoria’s new outbreak marks the limits of finger-pointing
Victoria’s plans for engineered wetlands on the Murray are environmentally dubious. Here’s a better option
‘Victory for the planet’: South African court revokes Shell’s oil and gas exploration rights
Victory in Austria is another step in far right’s march across Europe
Victory! Court Unseals Records Showing Patent Troll’s Shakedown Efforts
Victory! L.A. Will Ban All New Oil Drilling and Phase Out the Rest
Victory! NACES seafloor designated for protection
Victory! New Zealand’s Ban On Live Animal Export Finally Goes Into Effect On April 30th Saving Millions Of Lives
Victory: Biden Administration Protects Chaco Canyon Cultural Landscape
Video game box is played by inserting your finger
Video Game History Foundation: Nintendo Actions 'Actively Destructive To Video Game History'
Video Game Industry Embraces Internet And New Business Models: Others Should Pay Attention
Video game locations 2
The Video Game Pianist
Video game worlds are often devoid of children – here’s why
Video games and musical theatre: 2023’s most unlikely crossover?
Video Games Are Boring
Video Games Are Giving Up On The Idea That We Can Save The World
Video Games are the new medium for propaganda
Video games come of age in Valiant Hearts
Video games designer Grace Bruxner completes her charming Frog Detective trilogy
Video Killed the Radio Star - Pomplamoose
Video Killed The Radio Star - The Buggles (Queen / Freddie Mercury Style Cover) ft. Cunio
Video of BigDog Quadruped Robot Is So Stunning It's Spooky
Video of ceramic storage system prototype surfaces online
Fwd: Video of the Week: Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
(Video) A Greek Couple That Lives Greek Hospitality Nightly By Opening Their Restaurant to Refugees
(Video) NOW That's What I Call Polka! - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Video-based Cryptanalysis
Video: 20 robots dancing in perfect sync
Video: David Templeman does Mandurah proud with end-of-year parliament song
Video: High-speed humanoid feels like a step change in robotics
VIDEO: Is the current public health strategy for dealing with COVID working?
Video: METRO by Jacob Wyatt
Video: the Rabbit Grand National, Yorkshire
Video: The shocking truth about the cost of fuel and electric
Video: Watch Flying Robots Cooperate, Throw and Catch Balls
The Videogame Industry Does Not Exist, says Brendan Keogh
The Videogame Industry Does Not Exist: Why We Should Think Beyond Commercial Game Production
Videos of Biden looking lost are a viral political tactic: ‘low-level manipulation’
Videos: Early Man, Skydiver loses shoe, Material Girl
Videoverse review – a profound exploration of love, games and fandom
Vienna's first Cat Cafe
Vienna’s Albertina Museum Puts 150,000 Digitized Artworks Into the Public Domain: Klimt, Munch, Dürer, and More
Vienna’s co-housing model offers a key to keeping families in the city
Vienna’s Refugee-Run Hotel Is Thriving
Viennese Winemakers Are Using an Ancient Method to Make Climate-Resilient Wine
Vietnam’s $15.5 Billion Just Energy Transition Partnership Explained
Vietnam’s wild elephants get unique ‘ID cards’ in novel conservation plan
View a SKU
The View From Somewhere: The Press Needs To Be Anti-Partisan, Not Bi-Partisan
View from The Hill: tariff rebuff feeds into debate about how Australia handles Donald Trump
View from The Hill: The challenge of ‘grey’ corruption and creating a culture of integrity
View-Master World: The Addams Family
Viewpoint: Why fake news is a story we all share
Viktor Orbán Versus the Enlightenment
Village has a model village which contains a model model village which contains a model model model village...
Village People Puppets
Villagers knit jumpers for Indian elephants to protect the large mammals from near-freezing temperatures
Villains Inc. Official Movie Trailer
Vintage cartoons
Vintage Home Plans
Vintage Magazine Covers
Vintage Muse du Jour: The Queen of Mars
Violence and Civil Disobedience
‘Violence at all levels’: UN report into the abuse of women and girls in sport is a wake-up call for Australia
Violence is Boring: The Tedium of Violence as Progression
Violent and disturbing war images from the Mideast can stir deep emotions − a PTSD expert explains how to protect yourself and your kids from overexposure
Violet Blue's "Threat Model - Cybersecurity": February 11, 2025
Violet Blue's "Threat Model - Cybersecurity": February 4, 2025
Violet Blue's Threat Model - Covid: February 27, 2025
Violet Blue’s Theat Model - Covid: February 20, 2025
Violet Blue’s Threat Model - Cybersecurity: February 18, 2025
Violet Climbs a Rock
The Violin Doctor
Viral Epidemics Could Kill 12 Times as Many People by 2050. Here's Why.
Viral infections including COVID are among the important causes of dementia – one more reason to consider vaccination
Viral Instagram photographer has a confession: His photos are AI-generated
Viral Satire Over Student Suspended For Saying 'Merry Christmas' Leads To Real Problems For Elementary School
Virgin Galactic successfully flies tourists to space for first time
Virgin Galactic’s use of the ‘Overview Effect’ to promote space tourism is a terrible irony
Virgin spaceport and narwhal tusks
Virginia Prosecutor Educates Sexting Teens Rather Than Prosecuting Them
Virginia Trioli on being a difficult woman in a difficult world
Virtual assembly adopts declaration, addresses demands to the UN
Virtual Cities: An Atlas & Exploration of Video Game Cities
Virtual Gallery of Transportation Futuristics
Virtual influencers: meet the AI-generated figures posing as your new online friends – as they try to sell you stuff
Virtual Peace
Virtual property market booming
Virtual reality is helping Olkola Traditional Owners get back on Country
Virtual reality, autonomous weapons and the future of war: military tech startup Anduril comes to Australia
Virtual Reconstruction Of Ancient Temple Destroyed By ISIS Is Another Reason To Put Your Holiday Photos Into The Public Domain
virtual sibuya tour
Virtual tour of the HNF
Virtual walks
Virtually all children infected with COVID-19 show signs of blood vessel damage, study shows
Virus Behind COVID-19 Now Rampant in Wild Animals, Study Finds
Virus exposure and neurodegenerative disease risk across national biobanks
Virus lifespan and transmission boosted by high CO₂ levels
Virus soup: The five things making Sydney sick
Visibility, Connection, and Community: How we create change and stay safe in a hostile political climate
Visible Mending
Vision 2024: aim to “make Australia a better quarry” … and a CO2 dump
'Vision for Justice': 117 Rights Groups Offer Roadmap to Transform US Criminal-Legal System
The Vision of Crazy-Wool
Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures
Visit a Citizens Advice and see: the ‘cost of living’ doesn’t capture this emergency
Visiting Canada’s $50 million 1980s ghost town
Visiting One of Japan's Most Remote Islands
Visiting the New Jersey State Museum: Dryptosaurus gets a Mount (FINALLY)
Visiting the Quirky Cat Boat in Amsterdam
Visiting the Trinity Site featured in ‘Oppenheimer’ is a sobering reminder of the horror of nuclear weapons
The Visual 6502
Visual Anagrams: Generating Multi-View Optical Illusions with Diffusion Models
Visual Cryptography
Visual effects model design
The Visual Intelligence of Pacific Rim
Visualisation of meteorites
Visualised: Europe's population crisis
Visualising 70 years of refugee journeys
Visualising the global flow of 35 million refugees
Visualize Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++ programs
Visualizing the Accumulation of Human-Made Mass on Earth
Vital green spaces are disappearing in NZ cities – what can central and local government do?
Vital Signs. Google shouldn’t subsidise journalism, but the government could
Vital Signs. Laugh at the US if you will, but Australia narrowly escaped a debt ceiling
Vital Signs: a simple way to cut carbon emissions — don’t let polluters hide
Vitalik Buterin’s philosophical essays: they’re not good
Vitamin B3, niacinamide and reducing skin cancer risk: what does the research say?
The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements
Vladimir Putin is increasingly isolated in Russia and abroad. Does he have an exit strategy?
Vladimir Putin: The invader making the EU green
Vladimir Putin’s Asia-Pacific trip was intended to send a message. Here’s why we should be taking notice
Vladimir Putin’s gold strategy explains why sanctions against Russia have failed
VoCore 2
Vodka maker Stoli files for bankruptcy in US after ransomware attack
The Voice defeat set us all back. And since then, our leaders have given up
The Voice is a simple and enduring idea with a past – and a promise
The Voice is a test of enlightened democracy
The voice referendum turned into an overdue civics lesson. Sadly, many failed the test
Voice referendum: Lies fuel racism ahead of Australia's Indigenous vote
Voice, treaty, truth: compared to other settler nations, Australia is the exception, not the rule
The Voice: what is it, where did it come from, and what can it achieve?
Voiceless and vulnerable, NZ’s gig workers faced more risk with fewer protections during the pandemic
Volcanic microbe eats CO2 ‘astonishingly quickly’, say scientists
Volcano eruptions are notoriously hard to forecast. A new method using lasers could be the key
Volkswagen EV Sales Growing 50% In 2023
Volkswagen Had A Great 2022: 26% More EVs, More Than 15,000 Rapid Charging Stations
Volkswagen ID.7 electric car covers 794 kms with single battery charge
Volkswagen introduces ID 2all affordable EV concept with nearly 300 miles range
The Volkswagen Scandal Is Just the Beginning
Volunteers Gather in India to Plant 250 Million Trees to Combat Climate Change
The volunteers helping to fix your broken household items — and solve a $13 billion problem
Volunteers Needed for Research. Must Like Talking About Your Cat
Volunteers plant mini-forests in Paris to slow climate change, tackle heatwaves
The volunteers welcoming refugees on Canada's 'new underground railroad'
Volvo Cars dumps 2030 all-electric target, to ramp up hybrids as it weakens climate goals
Volvo CE presents new electric construction machines
The Volvo EX30 Is A Bargain Baby Polestar!
Volvo launches new city truck with electric drive only
Volvo Trucks have logged over 50 million battery electric miles (!)
Volvo Trucks Is Making Great Progress On Electric Truck Sales, But Isn’t Letting Safety Slide
Volvo unveils heavy duty electric truck with 600km range
Vote for Xanni on JPG Magazine!
Vote to join the Netherlands, Dutch satirist urges Russians
Voters are distressed by the 'moral blindness' of corporate Australia, says Roy Morgan
Votes for children! Why we should lower the voting age to six
Voting for the 2014 Ursa Major Awards now open
Voyager - Promise | Australia 🇦🇺 | Official Music Video | Eurovision 2023
The Voyages Issue: Six Photographers on Their Dream Journeys
VULF SANS /// Font Release Promo
VULFPECK /// Birds of a Feather, We Rock Together (feat. Antwaun Stanley)
VULFPECK /// Darwin Derby (feat. Theo Katzman & Antwaun Stanley)
VULFPECK /// Earworm
VULFPECK /// Lonely Town (feat. Theo Katzman)
VULFPECK /// Sky Mall
‘Vulkan files’ leak reveals Putin’s global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics
Vulpine: Be a Fox with a Sword
VW to use old EV batteries to build massive grid battery to store wind and solar
VW wouldn't help find kidnapped child because his mother wasn't paying for find-my-car subscription
W-ORD Channel 7 News With John Oliver & Cookie Monster
W. Jason Morgan, Who Developed Theory of Plate Tectonics, Dies at 87
The WA election campaign has been about big promises, but culture wars are inescapable in contemporary politics
Wage theft has reached pandemic proportions, so why hasn’t the Albanese government criminalised it?
Wagner chief warns of revolution and says 20,000 fighters killed in Bakhmut
Wagner debacle in Russia raises red flags for African states and how they manage their security
Wagner's fearsome mercenaries were forced out of Ukraine after a failed mutiny. Many are now unleashing horrors in Mali
Wagner’s rebellion may have been thwarted, but Putin has never looked weaker and more vulnerable
Wait goes on for effective long Covid treatments
Waiting for the fallout: Australia and return of the patrimonial society
Waiting for Trump to be re-elected is wrong – Nato leaders need to Trump-proof their policies now
Waitress drags massive goanna from restaurant as shocked diners watch
Wakamaru robot appears in new play
Wake County SPCA Adoption Video
Wake Me Up (Old English Version)
Wake up, Mr Morrison: Australia’s slack climate effort leaves our children 10 times more work to do
‘Wake-up call to humanity’: research shows the Great Barrier Reef is the hottest it’s been in 400 years
Waking a sleeping language – our plan to revive the speaking of ta rē Moriori
Waking the dead
Waking up
Wales becomes first part of the UK to ban snare and glue traps to catch animals
Wales’s “One Planet” Policy Is Transforming Rural Life
The Walker Library: Video Tour
Walking house
Walking octopuses
Walking While Fat and Female
The Walkley awards were begun by a prominent oil baron. How do we reconcile their history and future?
Walkthrough maps for classic D&D adventures
Wallace and Gromit: Trouble At' Mill
‘Wallace And Gromit’ Creators Release New 360-Degree Animation for Google’s Spotlight Stories (Exclusive)
Walled Culture: The Book
wally and molly
Walter Chandoha, pioneer of the cat meme
Wampanoag, who helped Pilgrims survive, win rights to tribal lands
The Wanamaker organ has been part of a treasured holiday tradition in Philly for over 100 years − a historian explains its illustrious past and uncertain future
WANDER - (Original Song) Black Gryph0n & Baasik
Wanderhome is a Redwall-inspired RPG that arms players with dialogue, not daggers
Wandering Around an Albuquerque Airport Terminal
The wandering bears
Wangari Maathai – Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Lecture
[NASA] Wanna go to Space (Sort of)?
Wanna Have Breakfast with 7 Doctors Who?
Wanna limit global warming to 1.5°C? Get cracking
Want a Picasso? UChicago students borrow original art for their dorms
Want a side of CO₂ with that? Better food labels help us choose more climate-friendly foods
Want a Smart Home Assistant? Invite This Artist to Watch You for Three Days Instead #ArtTuesday
Want an easy $400 a year? Ditch the gas heater in your home for an electric split system
Want Drastic Climate Action? Maybe It’s Time to Sue the Government
Want Fewer Abortions? Legalize Them
Want Safer Streets? Cover Them in Art
Want to be in a Bollywood film?
Want to cut your summer road trip fuel bill by 75 per cent? Take an EV
Want to feel unique? Believe in the reptile people
Want to get into stargazing? A professional astronomer explains where to start
Want to hack a car? Don’t try hacking a Tesla
Want to help Maui’s animals after the wildfires? Send cash, not kibble
Want to help our precious nocturnal bugs during Matariki’s longer nights? Turn the lights down low
Want to Help Rid the Ocean of Plastic? Grab an Oar
Want to learn how to make a video game?
Want to Limit Respiratory Virus Infections? Mask and Test in Hospitals
Want to make land use sustainable? It’s a wicked problem
Want to see a quokka eat a leaf?
Want to slash social housing waitlists? We should allow tenants to swap homes
Wanted: Lost Crab Traps. Reward: $5
Wanting to ‘move on’ is natural – but women’s pandemic experiences can’t be lost to ‘lockdown amnesia’
Wanting to ‘return to normal’ after a disaster is understandable, but often problematic
‘The war had come to us too’: how Ukraine’s Danube ports became vital hubs – and targets
War in Ukraine: Conflict, Strategy, and the Return of a Fractured World
War in Ukraine: has the time for EU enlargement arrived?
War is destroying Ukraine’s cultural heritage
War leaves a toxic legacy that lasts long after the guns go quiet. Can we stop it?
War Memorial digs deep to slash energy costs using geothermal heat exchange
War of the Roses: Brian Blessed
The war on boats: Let’s bring facts to national conversation
'War on plastic' could strand oil industry's £300bn investment
War on Privacy, Tor and Forgotten Hero: An Interview with Shava Nerad
The war on the 'hoverboard'
The War Over Control Of The Net Is A War Over Information Advantage
The war to free science
Warm is the new norm for the Great Barrier Reef – and a likely El Niño raises red flags
Warm winters are waking snakes early. Here’s what that means for them and us
Warmer winters and more flooding will be the norm in the UK, scientists warn
Warming oceans are disrupting the entire global weather ecosystem
Warming oceans may force New Zealand’s sperm and blue whales to shift to cooler southern waters
Warned of ‘massive’ climate-led extinction, a US energy firm funded crisis denial ads
Warner Bros Discovery Eyes Paramount Merger, Because Its Last Two Disastrous Mergers Apparently Weren’t Disastrous Enough
Warner Bros. is now erasing games as it plans to delist Adult Swim-published titles
Warner Bros. Turns Harry Potter Fan Events Into Events For The Franchise That Must Not Be Named
Warner Brothers Is Mysteriously Dumping Obscure and Wonderful Movies on YouTube for Free
‘The warning lights are flashing.’ Report finds nations failing to protect biodiversity
Warning: Apparently Literary Agent Catfishing is a Thing
Warning: viewing these baby animals in cute outfits may kill you
Warren Ellis on How To See The Future
Was Tricia the elephant happy? Experts on the ethics of keeping such big, roaming creatures in captivity
Was Ukraine’s incursion of Russia a tactical stroke of genius? It sent a strong message to Putin – and the West
Wasabi Boosts Cognitive Ability in Older People, Study Shows
Wasabi could help preserve ancient Egyptian papyrus artefacts
Washed away
Washington Becomes 10th State To Give Fleeing Trans People Protection From Other States
The Washington Blade interviews President Joe Biden
Waste from one bitcoin transaction ‘like binning two iPhones’
‘Waste has value’: how surfing helps Colombia solve its plastic problem
Waste not want not: Sweden to give tax breaks for repairs
The waste-busters: six European companies on a mission to design out waste
Wasted spaces — old quarries, mines and empty city sites — find new lives as places to love again
Fwd: [Bulk] Watch "POUND (a short film by Evan Bernard)" on ViralVideoChart
Watch 222 Great Films in the Public Domain: Alfred Hitchcock, Fritz Lang, Buster Keaton & More
Watch an Elephant Invite a Rhino to Play
Watch Ancient Wonders Get Digitally Restored to Their Original Glory
Watch And Learn: Robot Picks Up New Skills In Seconds
Watch Chatty Beluga Families Migrate With These Stunning Live Cams in Canada
Watch Devo play NPR's Tiny Desk
Watch Four-Part '10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki' Documentary for Free
Watch him grow up with them…
Fwd: watch if you will---
Watch Neil Patrick Harris open the Oscars with song, dance, and Anna Kendrick
Watch the Aquatic Animals at Monterey Bay Aquarium via These Free Live Streams
Watch the Celebrity-Filled Fan-Film Version of The Princess Bride
Watch the Crazy Moment This Helicopter Lands on a Road Railing
Watch The Movements Of Every Refugee On Earth Since The Year 2000
Watch The Swedish Chef Explain What Curling Is
watch the video on Edward Tufte's page (upper right-hand corner)
Watch These Drones Flawlessly Perform With a Talented Dance Troupe
Watch this delightful handmade 3-minute marble run
Watch This: The Longest Cycle Tunnel in the World is Opening Next Month
Watch Thunderbirds Are Go! teaser trailer for upcoming ITV remake
Watch your language! 44 of them, actually.
Watch: Animated ‘Indiana Jones’ Movie ‘The Adventures of Indiana Jones’ From Patrick Schoenmaker
Watch: Chipotle's New Kitchen Robot Can Peel and Core 25lbs of Avocados In Half the Time It Takes a Human
WATCH: Choreographed LED hula hooping
Watch: Fran Drescher delivers fiery speech on SAG-AFTRA strike
WATCH: Our mobile phones are covered in bacteria and viruses… and we never wash them
Watch: The eco-innovator weaving natural waste into fabric in India
WATCH: Winds of Change (1979)
Watchdog rules “clean gas” claims from Gina Rinehart company are false, misleading
Watching a coral reef die as climate change devastates one of the most pristine tropical island areas on Earth
Watching Casablanca on its 80th anniversary, we remain in awe of its simplicity – and profound depth
‘Watching extinction in real time’: conservationists losing hope for Australia’s swift parrot if logging continues
Watching over wildlife together
Watching Soap Operas with the Repo Men
Watching the doom loop: Sydney Festival artists witness climate change, and imagine our post-apocalyptic future
Water and air are all you need to make one of world’s most important chemicals
Fwd: water bridge
Water Experiment No. 33 Automata Video
Water jetpack can fly for hours
Water quality expert calls for wider PFAS ban as NSW community seeks blood tests on ‘poisoned’ land
Water theft laws and penalties in the Murray-Darling Basin are a dog’s breakfast. Here’s how we can fix them
Water utility completes switch to 100 per cent renewables
Water-Soluble PCBs Are Major Step Towards Recyclable Electronics
Water: the weirdest liquid on the planet
Watered-down LGBTQ ‘understanding’ bill shows how far Japan’s parliament is out of step with its society – and history
Watergate at 50: the burglary that launched a thousand scandals
Wave of Bills Banning Topics in US Schools Threatens Human Rights and Free Knowledge
Wave of new Australian citizens celebrated in Merri-bek after Australia Day ceremonies rule repealed
Wax worm saliva rapidly breaks down plastic bags, scientists discover
Way Cool Clock
“The Way Things Were”: How the Association for Computing Machinery Is Opening the Doors to Its Archives
The way we use air conditioning is changing, and it’s time we talked about it, expert says
The way whales communicate is closer to human language than we realized
‘WA’s Christmas tree’: what mungee, the world’s largest mistletoe, can teach us about treading lightly
WCS Library and Archives Unveils Digitized Historic Film Collection
We all know about JobKeeper, which helped Australians keep their jobs in a global crisis. So how about HomeKeeper?
We all know the Great Barrier Reef is in danger – the UN has just confirmed it. Again
We all lose when charities compete with each other. They should join forces
We all need toilets – expert insights into what happens when there aren’t enough of them
We analysed 35,000 Wikipedia entries about Australian places. Some of them sanitise history
We analysed almost 1,000 social media posts about 5 popular medical tests. Most were utterly misleading
We analysed citizen science to find Australia’s top 10 most elusive birds
We analysed data from 29,798 clean-ups around the world to uncover some of the worst litter hotspots
We analysed the entire web and found a cybersecurity threat lurking in plain sight
We are all each other’s emergency contact. We just don’t know it yet.
We are all nerds now
We are all playing Covid roulette. Without clean air, the next infection could permanently disable you
We Are Borg: Crowdsourced Engineering and the Collective Mind of the Internet
‘We are buzzed with euphoria’: Electric Fields to represent Australia at Eurovision
We are closer than ever to being able to 3D print medicines. Here’s why that’s important
‘We are done with corruption’: how the students of Serbia rose up against the system
We are Experiencing the Longest Heatwave in 75 Years
‘We are gambling with the future of our planet for the sake of hamburgers’: Peter Singer on climate change
We Are Here (no matter how hard you try look away)
We are in danger of forgetting what the climate crisis means: extinction
We are in denial about the huge consequences of long COVID on Canadians’ health
‘We are just getting started’: the plastic-eating bacteria that could change the world
We are not being honest with ourselves about the failures of the models we depend upon
We are not colonists
We are not empty
We Are Not Terrorists
We are Number One but You are a Pirate but contain ponies
We are on the brink of losing Indigenous languages in Australia – could schools save them?
We are poised to pass 1.5°C of global warming – world leaders offer 4 ways to manage this dangerous time
We are professional fire watchers, and we’re astounded by the scale of fires in remote Australia right now
We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score
We are seeing the very worst of our scientific predictions come to pass in these bushfires
‘We are seeking to discriminate’: lesbian group wanting to exclude trans women compares itself to Melbourne gay bar
We Are Siamese If You Don't Please
'We are the forgotten people': the anguish of Australia's 'invisible' asylum seekers
We are the Global EV Alliance
We Are The Scientists Against A Fascist Government
‘We are very strong’: Georgia’s gen Z drives protests against return to past
We are watching the brutal reality of what climate scientists told us would happen. How will we respond?
We Are Watching The Death Of Tesla
We are witnessing a cultural bloodbath in Australia that has been years in the making
We aren’t doing enough about the risk of bird flu – but we can
We aren’t doomed by climate change. Right now we are choosing to be doomed.
We aren’t your scapegoats. End of story.
We asked a young Afghan seeking a new life in Europe to take pictures of his family’s journey from Turkey to Switzerland. The photos tell his story
We asked Australian children what they needed from their communities. Here’s what they said
We asked children how they experienced poverty. Here are 6 changes needed now
We asked English footballers about the traumatic impact of racial abuse – their answers were sobering
We asked hundreds of Aussies whether they’d eat insects, and most said yes – so what’s holding people back?
We asked people to do climate change maths. Their answers depended on their politics
We asked young people if they wanted tighter vaping regulation to phase out nicotine – here’s what they said
We asked, you answered: What's your secret to staying optimistic in gloomy times?
‘We basically live in the jungle’: how one couple cooled their home naturally
We be Cyborgs!
'We Became Like a Big Startup.' How Kyiv Adapted the City's Tech to Save Lives
We blew the whistle on Australia’s central climate policy. Here’s what a new federal government probe must fix
We built a tiny electronic nose that can beat a mouse at its own game
We Built This City ...on Sausage Rolls (Official Music Video) - LadBaby
We calculated the impact of ‘long COVID’ as Australia opens up. Even without Omicron, we’re worried
We Can Be Light
‘We can continue Pratchett’s efforts’: the gamers keeping Discworld alive
We can have a different web
We can learn a lot about long COVID from years of diagnosing and treating chronic fatigue syndrome
‘We can live again’: Belgian nursing home residents hit the nightclubs
“We can make it happen:” Trina says timing right to make solar in Australia with SunDrive
“We can make lighter batteries:” Australia start-up gets funding for new facility
‘We can no longer justify unpaid labour’: why uni students need to be paid for work placements
‘We can now explore any sea on the planet’: Aboard the ‘Odón de Buen,’ the largest scientific ship in Spain
‘We Can Only Be Enemies’
We can predict final school marks in year 11 – it’s time to replace stressful exams with more meaningful education
We Can Protect the Economy From Pandemics. Why Didn't We?
We Can Start Thinking in Centuries
We can still prevent the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet – if we act fast to keep future warming in check
'We can't stay here': five case studies in decay and neglect in remote NT
We cannot adapt our way out of climate crisis, warns leading scientist
‘We cannot simply go, go, go.’ What is girl mossing, the wellness trend that rejects hustle culture?
We can’t afford to offset our aviation emissions
‘We can’t carry on’: the godfather of microplastics on how to stop them
We can’t eradicate deadly cane toads – but there’s a way to stop them killing wildlife
‘We can’t go shopping without police coming’: north Queensland’s at-risk youth feel excluded and heavily surveilled
We can’t just walk away after the logging stops in Victoria’s native forests. Here’s what must happen next
We can’t keep putting apartment residents’ waste in the too hard basket
We can’t keep relying on charities and the food industry to supply food after disasters – the government must lead
We can’t pretend we’re doing enough if we want to give the Great Barrier Reef a chance to survive
We can’t rely on the ‘dogs breakfast’ of disaster warnings to do the hard work of building community resilience
We can’t say yet if grid-breaking thunderstorms are getting worse – but we shouldn’t wait to find out
We Can’t Talk Climate Change Without Talking Environmental Racism
“We can’t trust capitalism to just fix this” global warming mess
We Care Solar
We come to bury ChatGPT, not to praise it.
We compared land transport options for getting to net zero. Hands down, electric rail is the best
We composted ‘biodegradable’ balloons. Here’s what we found after 16 weeks
We could be a superpower: 3 ways Australia can take advantage of the changing geopolitics of energy
We Could Have Saved Our World, but the Solution Was Too Expensive
We could need 6 times more of the minerals used for renewables and batteries. How can we avoid a huge increase in mining impacts?
We could see thunderstorm asthma in south-eastern Australia this season – here’s how to prepare
‘We couldn’t wait’: Ukrainian farmers improvise to clear their land of mines
We created the world’s first donkey embryo using IVF in a bid to save species from extinction
We Created the ‘Pandemicene’
We decided not to hide
'We declare our support for Extinction Rebellion': an open letter from Australia's academics
‘We did it so badly … it’s now backfired’: women and minority US forces reflect on the invasion of Iraq – now 20 years ago
We discovered a new species of owl – but we already think it’s in danger
We discovered two new Australian native mammals – the first of their kind this century
We do not have to worry about paying off Australia's coronavirus debt for generations
‘We do not want to be like Russia’: a first-hand account of Georgia’s fight for democracy
We don’t all need regular skin cancer screening – but you can know your risk and check yourself
‘We don’t know his real name’: George Santos’s unravelling web of lies
‘We don’t know what tomorrow will bring’: how climate change is affecting Fijians’ mental health
‘We don’t know where the tipping point is’: climate expert on potential collapse of Atlantic circulation
We Don’t Need An Economy (srsly)
We Fact-Checked 8 Animal Emojis—Here's What We Found
We Finally Know What Drives Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (and Long-Covid)
We flooded our dating app with bots…to scam scammers
We followed 14 ‘long haulers’ for 3 months. Here’s what they told us about living with long COVID
We found 1 in 6 Australian reptile species traded as pets overseas, despite the export ban
We found 29 threatened species are back from the brink in Australia. Here’s how
We found 3 types of food wasters, which one are you?
We found a hidden source of greenhouse gases – organic matter in groundwater
We found methane-eating bacteria living in a common Australian tree. It could be a game changer for curbing greenhouse gases
We found three new species of extinct giant kangaroo – and we don’t know why they died out when their cousins survived
We gave 60,000 food products a ‘planetary health’ star rating – see how your favourites stack up
We get Huck Finn all wrong: Race, Mark Twain, children and myths of an American classic
‘We get the raw deal out of almost everything’: a quarter of young Australians are pessimistic about having kids
We got some key things wrong about long COVID. Here are 5 things we’ve learnt
‘We had to hide them’: how Ukraine’s ‘kidnapped’ children led to Vladimir Putin’s arrest warrant
We have a moral responsibility to help low-income nations restore coral reefs
‘We have a new Hitler in Russia’: Pussy Riot’s Maria Alyokhina on Putin’s crimes and her years of resistance
We have all heard social media can impact women’s body image – but it isn’t all bad
We Have Always Been Here, Motherfucker
'We Have Always Fought': Challenging the 'Women, Cattle and Slaves' Narrative
We have been fooled into driving large, dangerous vehicles, and they are killing us
We Have Daleks in Australia!
‘We have emotions too’: Climate scientists respond to attacks on objectivity
We Have Enough
We have food safety laws thanks to 19th century “poison squad”
We have forgotten what is important let alone how to fight for it
We have international laws to stop plastic pollution from fishing vessels now. Why are we not enforcing them?
‘We have no dry land left’: impact of Pakistan floods to be felt for years
'We Have Not Come Here to Beg World Leaders to Care,' 15-Year-Old Greta Thunberg Tells COP24. 'We Have Come to Let Them Know Change Is Coming'
We Have The Power
We have the tools and technology to work less and live better
‘We have thousands of Modis’: the secret behind the BJP’s enduring success in India
We Have to Protect the Trees We Have Left
We have too few aged care workers to care for older Australians. Why? And what can we do about it?
‘We haven’t built it, and they’ve come’: the e-change pressures on Australia’s lifestyle towns
‘We haven’t got anybody’: new research reveals how major parties are dying in remote Australia
We haven’t had a recession in decades, so why do Australians feel so poor?
We helped fill a major climate change knowledge gap, thanks to 130,000-year-old sediment in Sydney lakes
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal the secrets of long life. And some don’t seem to age at all
We Hope Business Booms For This Boomer
We identified the 63 animals most likely to go extinct by 2041. We can’t give up on them yet
We identified who’s most at risk of homelessness and where they are. Now we must act, before it’s too late
We ignored AIDS. Let’s not repeat the mistake on long COVID
We just blew past 1.5 degrees. Game over on climate? Not yet
We Just Got More Evidence That Great Apes Possess 'Theory of Mind'
We knew offshore detention was bad for the mental health of people seeking asylum. Our new research shows exactly how bad
We know heatwaves kill animals. But new research shows the survivors don’t get off scot-free
We know how to cut off the financial valve to Myanmar’s military. The world just needs the resolve to act
We know parents shape their children’s reading – but so can aunts, uncles and grandparents, by sharing beloved books
We know politicians lie – but do we care?
We know social media bans are unlikely to work. So how can we keep young people safe online?
We know sweatshop clothing is bad – and buy it anyway. Here’s how your brain makes excuses
We know the seas are rising – so why are Australian governments not planning for it?
'We know we may be killed': the rangers risking their lives for Virunga's gorillas
We know what to eat to stay healthy. So why is it so hard to make the right choices?
We know you hate the Internet of Things, but it’s saving megafauna from poachers
We landed a camera on Venus before seeing parts of our own oceans – it’s time to ramp up observations closer to home
We live in a time of ‘late capitalism’. But what does that mean? And what’s so late about it?
We live in times of multiple entwined crises – but our policy responses aren’t keeping up
We looked at 700 plant-based foods to see how healthy they really are. Here’s what we found
We looked at all the recent evidence on mobile phone bans in schools – this is what we found
We looked at genetic clues to depression in more than 14,000 people. What we found may surprise you
We looked at what supermarkets in 97 countries are doing to our waistlines. Here’s what we found
‘We lose ourselves’: carers talk about the lonely, stressful work of looking after loved ones
We lost the plot on COVID messaging – now governments will have to be bold to get us back on track
We managed to toilet train cows (and they learned faster than a toddler). It could help combat climate change
We mapped a lost branch of the Nile River – which may be the key to a longstanding mystery of the pyramids
We mapped a massive explosion in space, showing how galaxies ‘pollute’ the cosmos
We mapped the entire bilby genome – and now we can use poo to save Australia’s ‘Easter bunny’ from extinction
‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far
We may be underestimating just how bad carbon-belching SUVs are for the climate – and for our health
We measured vaccine confidence pre-pandemic and in 2022 – it’s declined considerably
‘We miners die a lot.’ Appalling conditions and poverty wages: the lives of cobalt miners in the DRC
We must assess ‘cumulative impacts’ to protect nature from death by a thousand cuts
We must demand to know what is happening on our behalf, here and in Nauru and Manus Island
We Must Face Down the Expanding Anti-Reality Industry
We must fight climate change like it’s World War III – here are 4 potent weapons to deploy
We must mobilise for the climate emergency like we do in wartime. Where is the climate minister?
We must rapidly decarbonise road transport – but hydrogen’s not the answer
We Must Reclaim Solarpunk from Authoritarian Regimes
We Must Start Thinking Again about the Unthinkable
'We must use this time well': climate experts hopeful after Cop26 delay
We need 100 million new electric machines, and we’ve got 17 budgets to get it right
We need a definitive exit from our Covid-19 pandemic. Here’s the roadmap
We need a global treaty to solve plastic pollution – acid rain and ozone depletion show us why
We need a lot more electricians if we’re going to electrify everything
We need a National Energy Transition Authority to help fossil fuel workers adjust
We Need a Revolution in Clean Indoor Air
We need a single list of all life on Earth – and most taxonomists now agree on how to start
We need a ‘lemon law’ to make all the homes we buy and rent more energy-efficient
We Need an Operation Warp Speed for Long COVID
‘We need dramatic social and technological changes’: is societal collapse inevitable?
‘We need help’: traditional owners accuse land council of ‘facilitating fracking’
We Need Mandatory Masking in Healthcare, and We Need it Now
We Need More Quizzes Like This
We need more than a definition change to fix Australia’s culture of permanent ‘casual’ work
We Need Pandemic Solidarity: A Blueprint for the Long Future
“We need renewables and storage now” to cut costs and grow economy, says US energy giant
We need the toolkit of utopian thinking, now more than ever
We need to brace for a tsunami of long COVID. But we’re not quite sure the best way to treat it
‘We need to break down their power’: why Australian music is facing an ‘existential threat’
We need to break the cycle of crisis in Aotearoa New Zealand’s arts and culture. It starts with proper funding
We Need to Bring Back Webrings
We need to call American breakfast what it often is: dessert
We need to change how antibiotics target bugs if we want them to keep working
We need to decarbonise our electricity supply, and quickly – Alan Finkel shows how green energy can be a reality, and bring economic benefits
We need to defend Asgard and Valhalla
We Need to Literally Declare War on Climate Change
‘We need to restore the land’: as coal mines close, here’s a community blueprint to sustain the Hunter Valley
We Need To Rewild The Internet
We Need To Save The Children From QAnons
We Need to Save What Made Linux and FOSS Possible
We Need To Stop Devaluing Femininity
We need to talk about covid and pets
We need to talk about digital ownership
We need to talk about gas emissions, and the climate methane bomb
We need to talk about growth. (And we need to do the sums as well.)
We need to talk about monkeypox without shame and blame
We Need to Talk About Ron DeSantis’s Fascist Paradise
We Need To Talk About The Carbon Footprints Of The Rich
We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men
‘We need trees’: green vision struggles to take root in Europe’s cities
We need urban trees more than ever – here’s how to save them from extreme heat
We Never Thought We'd Live To See Gavin Newsom Turning San Quentin Into Norwegian-Style Prison
‘We never thought we’d have a Monet on our farm’: $174m artwork heads to regional Australian gallery
We Now Face an Army of COVID Viruses
We now have a treaty governing the high seas. Can it protect the Wild West of the oceans?
We Now Know Why Naval Sonar Leads To Mass Whale Strandings
We now know ‘troubled teen’ memoirs like Go Ask Alice were a Mormon wife’s fiction – so why are we still treating them as truth?
We once killed 600,000 koalas in a year. Now they’re Australia’s ‘teddy bears’. What changed?
‘We painted our fear, hope and dreams’ − examining the art and artists of Guantánamo Bay
We pay billions to subsidise Australia’s fossil fuel industry. This makes absolutely no economic sense
‘We picked you up from a bin’: Sex education in China
We provided health care for children in immigration detention. This is what we found
We published an analysis from a leading economist on soaring nuclear costs. Facebook removed it
We rated the urban forests of 8 global cities – only Singapore passed the 30% canopy test
We read the paper that forced Timnit Gebru out of Google. Here’s what it says.
‘We realized that there’s no way we can return’: Russia’s best and brightest are leaving the country in record numbers. 6 young Russians explain why they left
We rely heavily on groundwater – but pumping too much threatens thousands of underground species
We reviewed over 60 studies about what makes for a dream job. Here’s what we found.
We reviewed the arguments for and against ‘high-stakes’ exams. The evidence for using them doesn’t stack up
We saw one of the most powerful magnets in the Universe come to life – and our theories can’t quite explain it
'We see huge benefits': firms adopt four-day week in Covid crisis
‘We sell it in secret, like drugs’: Brazil’s appetite for shark meat puts species under threat
We Should Be Meaner to Racists
We Should Probably Stop Blaming Technology For The Failings Of Human Beings
We should thank the unemployed for their service. They've been used to control inflation
We Should Try to Prevent Another Alex Jones
We should use Australia’s environment laws to protect our ‘living wonders’ from new coal and gas projects
We shouldn't be surprised that Melbourne's inner west floods. It's always been a swamp
‘We sold everything off, even the semen flasks’: the film about the farming couple who struck gold by rewilding
We spent 2 years in deep underground caves to bring this extraordinary fossil to light
We spent six years scouring billions of links, and found the web is both expanding and shrinking
We spoke to the exhausted flood-response teams in the Hunter Valley. Here’s what they need when the next floods strike
We Still Got Us - Nataly Dawn & David Choi
We studied how the Antarctic ice sheet advanced and retreated over 10,000 years. It holds warnings for the future
We studied more than 1,500 coastal ecosystems - they will drown if we let the world warm above 2℃
We teach school kids about safe sex. We need to teach safe sexting too
We think we control our health – but corporations selling forever chemicals, fossil fuels and ultra-processed foods have a much greater role
We Thought These Animals Were Silent. Scientists Just Found Their Voices
We thought we’d find 200 species living in our house and yard. We were very wrong
We Throw Away A Lot of Energy Which Is Why Electrifying Everything Matter
We tracked secret Russian missile launchers in Ukraine using public satellite data
We tracked the mental health of trans and gender-diverse Australians for over 20 years. And we’re worried
We tracked the Tasmanian boobook as it flew a remarkable 250 kilometres non-stop across Bass Strait
We treat one elephant culled as a tragedy, 20, 000 poached as a statistic
We treat one elephant culled as a tragedy, 20,000 poached as a statistic
We turned “Beautiful People” into a musical.
We underestimated the size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch—by 16 times
We urgently need $100bn for renewable energy. But call it statecraft, not ‘industry policy’
We used 1,000 historical photos to reconstruct Antarctic glaciers before a dramatic collapse
We used AI and satellite imagery to map ocean activities that take place out of sight, including fishing, shipping and energy development
We used DNA from Beethoven’s hair to shed light on his poor health – and stumbled upon a family secret
‘We used to give hope to the world’: is Costa Rica’s green halo fading?
‘We used to think the ice was eternal’: Colombia looks to a future without glaciers
We want more climate ambition in our foreign policy – here’s how we can do it
‘We want to be part of that movement’: residents embrace renewable energy but worry how their towns will change
We Wasted 20 Years Fighting the War on Terror Instead of Climate Change
‘We water, rest, water’: the green belt of vegetable plots cooling a city
We were on a global panel looking at the staggering costs of COVID – 17.7m deaths and counting. Here are 11 ways to stop history repeating itself
‘We were trapped like rats’: Spain’s floods bring devastation and despair
We who spoke LOLcat now speak Doge
‘We will coup whoever we want!’: the unbearable hubris of Musk and the billionaire tech bros
‘We will win’: Tiwi Islanders draw a line in the sand against Santos gas project and ‘white fella rule’
We won’t always have to use animals for medical research. Here’s what we can do instead
We won’t get real equality until we price breastmilk, and treat breastfeeding as work
We won’t save the Earth with a better kind of disposable coffee cup
We worked out how many tobacco lobbyists end up in government, and vice versa. It’s a lot
"We would look at all the American RPGs and the JRPGs at the time and just go, 'Right, if they're doing it, we're not": Peter Molyneux and John McCormack talk the development of Fable 20 years on
We'll meet again
The "We're All In This Together" Video
We're Apparently Scanning Our TVs For Viruses Now
'We're doomed': Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention
We're Gonna Be Ok (Dragon x Unicorn) AMV
We're in today's newspaper, with a photo
We're Living Through The Biggest Drop in Childhood Vaccination Rates in 30 Years
We're losing our digital history. Can the Internet Archive save it?
We're losing species at shocking rates – so why is conservation failing?
We're Now At A Million Plastic Bottles Per Minute - 91% Of Which Are Not Recycled
We're on The Verge of Breaching a Key Global Warming Limit
'We're screwed': the New Zealanders left stranded in Australia
We're Sick of Getting Sick All The Time. Clean The Air.
We've barely scratched the surface of how energy efficiency can help the energy transition
We've been in bushfire hell in Glen Innes – and the scientists knew it was coming
We've Been Misreading a Major Law of Physics For The Past 300 Years
We, the media, must take some of the blame as Australia burns
Weak Institutions
‘Weak link’ in Sydney’s waste disposal infrastructure could leave city with piles of uncollected garbage
Weakening currents in the Atlantic may mean a wetter northern Australia and drier New Zealand
Weakening or collapse of a major Atlantic current has disrupted NZ’s climate in the past – and could do so again
‘Weak’ political leadership putting Australians at risk of long Covid unknowns, AMA says
The wealth gap: how changing fortunes tear close friends apart
Wealthy countries still haven’t met their $100 billion pledge to help poor countries face climate change, and the risks are rising
Wealthy nations breaking climate pledge with gas dash in global south
Wealthy Nations Offer Indonesia $20 Billion to Curb Coal
Wealthy nations starved the developing world of vaccines. Omicron shows the cost of this greed
Weapons of War Litter the Ocean Floor
‘Wear a mask’: NSW Health responds to a rise in cases in light of new subvariant strains
Wearable devices can now harvest our brain data. Australia needs urgent privacy reforms
The Wearable Instrument Shirt
Wearing shoes in the house is just plain gross. The verdict from scientists who study indoor contaminants
Weasel Words
Weather experts in Midwest say climate change reporting brings burnout and threats
Weather forecasts have become much more accurate; we now need to make them available to everyone
Weather patterns may lead to flooding in February, Met Office warns
Weathering With You, Your Name Creator Discusses Climate Change and More
Weatherwatch: an unsung climate hero comes in from the cold
Web Design History Timeline
Web Designers
Web fonts: when you need them, when you don’t
Fwd: web of letters
Web Zen 6th anniversary: Feline Zen 2008
web zen: zen zoo revisited
Fwd: WEB2DNA - Convert your website into DNA art
“Web3 thinking” and the obfuscation of late-capitalism
Webcomic: Pepper & Carrot
WebGL Water
Webroach - xroach for webpages
Website documents “Shit People Say To Women Directors”
The Website Obesity Crisis
WebVM 2.0: A complete Linux Desktop Environment in the browser via WebAssembly
Week in wildlife in pictures: a hunting osprey, a golf-loving snake and a hedgehog in a war zone
The week in wildlife – in pictures
The week in wildlife – in pictures 2021-12-31
The week in wildlife – in pictures 2022-07-08
Week in wildlife – in pictures: amorous frogs, battling stallions and an overaffectionate jaguar
The week in wildlife – in pictures: greedy pelican and capricorn rising
The Week's Picker-Upper
Weekend Diversion: Why Cons Matter
Weekend Update #104: Georgia Shows Why Ukraine Must Win
‘Weekend warriors’ not enough for intensifying Australian fire season, firefighters say
Weekend Watch: The Delightful Automata of Cabaret Mechanical Theatre
The Weekly Anthropocene Interviews: Mary Yap, CEO of Lithos Carbon
The Weekly Planet: An Outdated Idea Is Still Shaping Climate Policy
The Weeknd + Michael Jackson + Justin Timberlake Mashup - Pomplamoose
Weezer (w/ Weird Al Yankovic ) - Africa (The Forum, Los Angeles CA 8/8/18)
Weezer - Rosanna
Weezer - Take On Me (Official Video)
Weighing up trade-offs between food security and climate mitigation
Weird Al just got his star on the Walk of Fame
Weird Al Pinball Machine!
Weird Al will not PLAY BY YOUR RULES.
Weird Al Yankovic Explains How Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Changed His Life
Weird Al Yankovic gets ‘Tacky’ with Pharrell’s ‘Happy’
Weird Al Yankovic singing "Yoda" with a thirteen year old autistic girl on Comedy Central's Night Of Too Many Stars.
Weird Al Yankovic visits Japan, takes hilarious travel pics around the country 【Photos】
Weird Al! and Autotune
"Weird Al" teaches grammar
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Polkamania! (Official Music Video)
"Weird Al" Yankovic Birthday SmashUp
"Weird Al" Yankovic – Sports Song
'Weird Al' Yankovic: The Stories Behind The Songs
Weird Al's First TV Appearance
‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Explains Why Top Secret! Is the Funniest Film Ever Made
‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Performs ‘Tacky’ While Making His Way to the Stage at Each Show During ‘Mandatory World Tour’
‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Wraps 8 Days of Videos With ‘Mission Statement’ (Exclusive)
Weird Children Shows
[OzFurry] Weird Cool Disturbing
Weird Cool Disturbing
Weird Food
Weird Foods
The weird materials behind sustainable furniture
The Weird Myth of the “Alpha” Male
The Weird Of Wendy Pini
The Weird Redemption of SF’s Most Reviled Tech Bro
Weird Skin Color Illusion Can Reduce Racism
The Weird Trademark Issue That Shows Up In The Harlan Crow / Clarence Thomas Mess
Weirdest and sexiest costumes from Star Trek TOS
The Weirdness That is Mid-Century Cooking
Welcome back to Wintergatan Wednesdays (and Mondays!)
Welcome Moki
Welcome to 2020 and your annual State of the World discussion with Bruce Sterling, Jon Lebkowsky and The WELL
Welcome to Australia, a thrilling experiment in carbon capture
Welcome to Brandon Sanderson's Fantasy Empire
Welcome to Cheapassic Park.
Welcome to Country
Welcome to Diversity Debt: The Crisis That Could Sink Uber
Welcome to English Disco Lovers (EDL)
Welcome to Hawaii's 'plastic beach', one of the world's dirtiest places
Welcome to May 9 – the true Australia Day
Welcome to Open Source Watch
Welcome To The A.I. Arms Race
Welcome to the big blimp boom
Welcome to the Big Blur
Welcome to the Golden Age of DnD-Inspired Fantasy Romance!
Welcome to the Internet - Bo Burnham
Welcome to the Next Generation of Agricultural Drones
Welcome to the Palmerverse
Welcome to The Sick Times, a letter from our co-founder Miles W. Griffis
Welcome To The Space Show Trailer
Welcome to the world of oligarchy.
Welcome to the YOLO Economy
Welcome to Twitter, Mr. Musk! Here’s your accordion
Welcome to Walled Culture
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™
Welcome to Your Friendly Neighborhood Mental Health Center
The Welcoming Climate Shelters of Barcelona
Welcoming Relatives Home
Welcoming Relatives Home: Bringing Back the Bighorn
Welfare Agency Responds To Criticism By Feeding Complainant's Personal Info To Obliging Journalist
Well behind at halftime: here’s how to get the UN Sustainable Development Goals back on track
Well versed: the pharmacy that dispenses poems instead of medicine
‘Well-placed for growth’: Booktopia has been saved by an online electronics store – which plans to invest millions
‘Wellbeing’. It’s why Labor’s first budget will have more rigour than any before it
Wellington's native bird numbers continue to soar
Wellness Brands Like Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP Wage War on Science
Wellness is not women’s friend. It’s a distraction from what really ails us
Were It Not for White Supremacy, America Would Have Single-payer Healthcare
Werewolf article
Wes Anderson has an obsessive, systematic repetition of stylistic choices. He’s perfect for this TikTok meme
Wes Anderson's next film to be canine animation with Bill Murray and Yoko Ono
Wes Anderson’s Offbeat Debut as a Curator Drove a Storied Museum’s Staff Crazy. The Results Are Enchanting
West Africa could soon have a jihadist state – here’s why
West Africa’s fashion designers are world leaders when it comes to producing sustainable clothes
West Antarctica Glacier's Retreat Unstoppable: Study Says Tipping Point Crossed
West Antarctica’s ice sheet was smaller thousands of years ago – here’s why this matters today
West Aussies should prepare to get COVID three times a year, warns leading expert
The West Australian goes big on Woodside’s ‘keeping lights on’ claim but keeps readers in dark on climate
The West can’t ‘solve’ its Russia problem. Here’s how it should handle 6 more years of Vladimir Putin
The West has lost the plot in the Balkans
The West Is Being Won by Tiny Bits of Plastic
West Papua is on the verge of another bloody crackdown
West Texas Oil Country Is Revealing a Sky Full of Stars
Western Monarch Count Tallies Over 330,000 Butterflies
Western monarchs make a spectacular comeback in California
The Western space community should put Dmitry Rogozin on “ignore”
Western Sydney’s childcare ‘desert’ locks women out of the workforce. Universal childcare could be a game-changer
Westminster Abbey isn't actually an abbey... and it hasn't been for 464 years
The westward spread of zebra and quagga mussels shows how tiny invaders can cause big problems
The West’s wetlands are struggling. Some have been overlooked altogether.
Wetlands have saved Australia $27 billion in storm damage over the past five decades
Wetter the better: Gothenburg’s bold plan to be world’s best rainy city
Wework founder raises $70m for blockchain-based, “voluntary” carbon credits
‘We’ll Never Make That Kind of Movie Again’
We’ll Never See These Animals Again
‘We’re all trained to be good obedient children, but what do you want?’ Delving into the inner lives of women in neoliberal China
We’re Already Barreling Toward the Next Pandemic
‘We’re an evolving laboratory’: the island on a quest to be self-sufficient in energy
We’re building harder, hotter cities: it’s vital we protect and grow urban green spaces – new report
‘We’re building our own history’
We’re burning too much fossil fuel to fix by planting trees – making ‘net zero’ emissions impossible with offsets
We’re Calling It: Australia’s music video of the year has dropped
We’re closer to tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 than we look – IEA
We’re entering a new phase of COVID, where we each have to assess and mitigate our own risk. But how?
“We’re going to miss the bus” if we wait for nuclear, says new chief scientist
We’re helping farmers access future climate projections as easily as checking the weather
We’re in a new age of obesity. How did it happen? You’d be surprised
We’re in a new COVID wave. What can we expect this time?
We’re in another COVID wave. But it’s not like the others
We’re innovative when housing bushfire victims. Why not all the homeless?
We’re Letting a Public Health Disaster Unfold In Slow Motion
‘We’re looking at losing 20% of Olympic nations’: how the climate crisis is changing sport
‘We’re losing decades of our life to this illness’: long Covid patients on the fear of being forgotten
“We’re making history:” Ørsted shuts last coal-fired heat and power plant
We’re not as selfish as we think we are. Here’s the proof
“We’re not predicting blackouts:” AEMO boss says storm response builds confidence in green transition
“We’re not taking on the big guys:” Australia’s first indigenous energy retailer opens its doors
We’re now finding out the damaging results of the mandated return to the office–and it’s worse than we thought
We’re obsessed with shows about con artists like Inventing Anna: the fascination lies in how easily these people can dupe us
We’re on track to eliminate hepatitis C, but stigma remains and reinfection is a risk
‘We’re playing with fire’: US Covid cases may be 30 times higher than reported
We’re putting gender at the heart of the Fair Work Act, but there’s still no compassionate leave for abortions
We’re rewiring the Internet for freedom.
‘We’re running out’: decline of Australia’s piano tuners hits a sore note
We’re Russian. We know what happens when Big Tech coddles dictators.
We’re So Sorry about This
We’re starting a new band called Magaziine, and this is our first song
We’re Still Getting Our Pandemic Preparation Horribly Wrong
We’re thinking about climate risk the wrong way
‘We’re tired of waiting’: the First Nation that unilaterally declared a marine protected area
We’re two physios who ran away with the circus. Here’s what we learned
‘We’re witnesses to the horror of the world’: the one-of-a-kind Italian clinic treating refugees for trauma
‘We’ve all done the right things’: in Under Cover, older women tell their stories of becoming homeless
'We’ve been forced into this': Australia's school climate strikes to go global
We’ve been studying the same people for 76 years – this is what we’ve found out about Alzheimer’s disease
We’ve come a long way on gender diversity but what about class? How networks of private school privilege dominate Australian society
We’ve committed to protect 30% of Australia’s land by 2030. Here’s how we could actually do it
We’ve created a device that could allow instant disease diagnosis – while fitting inside your phone lens
We’ve created a new lens that could take thermal cameras out of spy films and put them into your back pocket
We’ve decoded the numbat genome – and it could bring the thylacine’s resurrection a step closer
We’ve detected a star barely hotter than a pizza oven – the coldest ever found to emit radio waves
We’ve Forgotten what Money is
‘We’ve got baby owls again’: how farming policy is helping English wildlife
We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality
‘We’ve lost some parts of nature for ever’: Ukraine war’s impact on environment – photo essay
We’ve missed many chances to curb global warming. This may be our last
We’ve smelted a billion tonnes of recyclable aluminium. Do we need to make more?
We’ve taken smoking from ‘normal’ to ‘uncommon’ and we can do the same with vaping – here’s how
WFH Jammies
Whakaari/White Island court case will change the level of accepted risk in NZ’s tourism industry
Whale and dolphin communication research
Whale Art
Whale makes epic migration, astonishing scientists
Whale of a time: pod of 30 orcas bring killer moves to a California bay
Whale strandings: what happens after they die and how do authorities safely dispose of them?
Whale-watching guidelines don’t include boat noise. It’s time they did
Whaleback Pack Delivers California’s Largest Known Wolf Litter in Over 100 Years
Whales are dying, but it’s not because of wind farms
Whales can live way longer than scientists had thought, with potential lifespans as much as double previous estimates
Whales sing when they’ve had a good meal – new research
Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: how seismic surveys can harm marine life
Whales, From Above
Whalesong patterns follow a universal law of human language, new research finds
What $500 Means to Zinida Moore
What 2,500 years of wildfire evidence and the extreme fire seasons of 1910 and 2020 tell us about the future of fire in the West
What a bioluminescent petunia had to teach me
What a carve up! Playful, intricate Japanese leaf art – in pictures
What A Crappy Present
What a disaster: federal government slashes COVID payment when people need it most
What a Society Designed for Well-Being Looks Like
What a U.S.-China Climate Deal Means for COP28
What actually are a snowball's chances in hell?
‘What am I supposed to do about all this really bad stuff?’ Young people identify 7 ‘superpowers’ to fight climate change
What an Olympic medalist, homeless in Seattle, wants you to know
What ancient farmers can really teach us about adapting to climate change – and how political power influences success or failure
What another Lukashenko ‘victory’ will mean for Europe’s security – and that of Belarus’ citizenry
What are 'orphan crops'? And why is there a new campaign to get them adopted?
What Are Cats Thinking?
What are farm animals thinking?
What are fire ants, and what will happen if these tiny killers take hold across Australia?
What are microaggressions? And how can they affect our health?
What are our rights in the 21st century?
What are postbiotics and how can they improve our gut health?
What are the best programming fonts?
What are the best ways to get off gas? Ask the Tesla-driving sparkie
What are the downsides of a QANTAS stopover in Dubai, UAE?
What are the limits of free speech? We may have arrived at them
What are the long-term effects of quitting social media? Almost nobody can log off long enough to find out
What are the most reliable rapid antigen tests?
What are the new COVID booster vaccines? Can I get one? Do they work? Are they safe?
What are thermobaric weapons? And why should they be banned?
What are these ‘cancer vaccines’ I’m hearing about? And what similarities do they share with COVID vaccines?
What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Collapse?
What are we teaching our children when we use them as taxpayers of convenience?
What are young Australians most worried about? Finding affordable housing, they told us
What are ‘Advance’ and ‘Fair Australia’, and why are they spearheading the ‘no’ campaign on the Voice?
What are ‘collarium’ sunbeds? Here’s why you should stay away
What are ‘planetary boundaries’ and why should we care?
What are ‘rent tech’ platforms? Action on reining in these exploitative tools is long overdue
What Article 23 means for the future of Hong Kong and its once vibrant pro-democracy movement
What Australia learned from recent devastating floods – and how New Zealand can apply those lessons now
What Big Oil knew about climate change, in its own words
What Black Jello Says About the Power of Small Enterprise
What Buddhism can do for AI ethics
What Can a Technologist Do About Climate Change? (A Personal View)
What can be done to challenge the rent-seeking behaviour of the academic publishing industry?
What can sport fans do if their team, or league, is being sportswashed?
What can the West do to help Ukraine? It can start by countering Putin’s information strategy
What can we expect from six more years of Vladimir Putin? An increasingly weak and dysfunctional Russia
What can we expect from the final UN climate report? And what is the IPCC anyway?
What can we gain from open access to Australian research? Climate action for a start
What Can We Learn from the World’s Most Peaceful Societies?
What Can ‘Green Islam’ Achieve in the World’s Largest Muslim Country?
What Cats Really Think Of You
What changes at Medium and Yahoo Pipes teach us about the persistence of the web
What climate vulnerability actually looks like
What Collective Narcissism Does to Society
What coltan mining in the DRC costs people and the environment
What Comes Next for the Most Empty Downtown in America
What constitutes a mind? Lars Chittka challenges our perception of sentience with the smallest of creatures
What Could Go Right? 50+ animal comebacks
What Could Go Right? 7 pieces of equal-rights progress
What Could Go Right? More countries abolish the death penalty
What Could Go Right? What USAID Does
What could the US afford if it raised billionaires' taxes? We do the math
What COVID has taught us about sharing our emotions – and why now’s a good time to share again
What Did We Learn From Covid?
What do #occupygezi Protesters Want? My Observations from Gezi Park
What Do AI Companies Want With the Media?
What do dragons represent to us?
What do Matt Hancock’s WhatsApp messages show? Not what the Telegraph wants us to see
What do oranges, coffee grounds and seaweed have in common? They outshine cotton in sustainable fashion
What do schools need to do to have a good culture and healthy approach to gender?
What do the different colours of mould mean in my house?
What do TikTok, Bunnings, eBay and Netflix have in common? They’re all hyper-collectors
What Do US Vehicle Regulators Have Against Tiny Cars?
What do we know about covid-19’s effects on the gut?
What do we know about homelessness deaths in Australia – and why is nobody tracking them?
What do we know about long COVID in kids? And what do I do if I think my child has it?
What do we lose when our old suburbs disappear?
What do we owe future generations? And what can we do to make their world a better place?
What do you hear, Starbuck?
What do you think of this?
What do young people want to see in politics? More than 20,000 pieces of their writing hold some answers
What does a building need to call itself ‘accessible’ – and is that enough?
What does a city that has spurned cars look like? Olympics visitors to Paris will get a look
What Does a Conductor Do?
What Does An Ecological Civilization Look Like?
What does climate change mean for extreme waves? In 80% of the world, we don’t really know
What does family look like in Australia? It’s more diverse than you think
What Does It Feel Like To Be In a “Life-threatening Rainfall Event”?
What does it mean to be a tree? Undead stumps and albino redwoods.
What Does It Take to Actually Cook Like a Tradwife?
What does Kim Jong Un stand to gain from his meeting with Vladimir Putin?
What does progress look like on a planet at its limit?
What Does Reproductive Health Have to Do With Climate Vulnerability?
What does Shell’s takeover of Powershop mean for green energy?
What Does Sustainable Living Look Like? Maybe Like Uruguay
What does the resignation of its populist prime minister mean for Serbia?
What does Trump’s indictment mean for his political future – and the strength of US democracy?
What does water want? Most humans seem to have forgotten
What drives people to panic buy during times of crisis: A new study sheds light on the psychology of consumers
What drives people to turn to violent extremism
What Drives This Madness On Small Modular Nuclear Reactors?
What Ecuador can teach us about poverty relief
What El Niño means for the world’s perilous climate tipping points
What Europe showed the world about renewable energy
What exactly are ‘forever chemicals’ – and can we move beyond them?
What Facebook and Google Can Learn From the First Major News Hoax
What Failed Anti-Piracy Law Can Teach Us About the TikTok Ban
What Felt Impossible Became Possible
What Florida Doesn’t Want You to Know About Its Book Bans
What gas shortage? Fossil lobby warns of blackouts, but Australia has 6x more gas than it needs
What Genius Looks Like
What Ghana’s small businesses can teach the world about becoming more sustainable
‘What goes up, must come down:’ Junk satellites are a looming hazard
What good is a new national cultural policy without history?
What Governments Are For
What Greenland’s record-breaking rain means for the planet
What Growing Up in Rural Germany Taught Me about Guns
What happened in Syria? How did al-Assad fall?
What Happened to Google's Effort to Scan Millions of University Library Books?
What happened to the boy who chased away the lions?
What happened to the fair go?
What happened to The Ocean Cleanup — the system that would rid the oceans of plastic?
What happened to the Senate inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women?
What happened to the women who built the video game industry?
What happened when a city started accepting - not evicting - homeless camps
What Happened When America Emptied Its Youth Prisons
What Happened When France Sent Low-Income Kids to Wealthy Schools
What happened when I stopped using Emojis
What Happened When We Gave Our Daughter My Last Name
What happens after a nuclear power station is closed?
What Happens After Amazon’s Domination Is Complete? Its Bookstore Offers Clues
What happens after net zero? The impacts will play out for decades, with poorest countries still feeling the heat
What happens in our body when we encounter and fight off a virus like the flu, SARS-CoV-2 or RSV?
What Happens Next Will Amaze You (transcript)
What Happens to Greenland if We Miss Climate Targets? You Likely Don't Want to Know
What Happens to Lahaina Now?
What happens to the world if forests stop absorbing carbon? Ask Finland
What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You
What Happens To Wolves When They're Raised Like Dogs?
What Happens When a Bad-Tempered, Distractible Doofus Runs an Empire?
What Happens When a Romance Writer Gets Locked Out of Google Docs
What Happens When A Russian Invasion Takes Place In The Social Smartphone Era
What Happens When a Science Fiction Genius Starts Blogging?
What Happens When Architectural Designer Tries Baking Desserts
What Happens When Corporations are Taxed at 50% - Like Before the Reagan Revolution?
What Happens When Electronic Dance DJs Remix A Steampunk Marching Band?
What happens when matter is squashed to the brink of collapse? We weighed a neutron star to help NASA find out
What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves
What Happens When You Abolish Tipping
What happens when you actually click on one of those “One Weird Trick” ads?
What happens when you give a low-income family $26,000 in their child’s first year? We think we’ve found out
What Happens When You Offer Grammar Advice to Complete Strangers in the Middle of Manhattan
What Happens When You Tax Billionaires at 90 Percent?
What happens with digital rights management in the real world?
What Harajuku Girls Really Look Like
What harm could one coal mine do? Plenty – 1.7 million Hiroshima bombs of heat for starters
What Has (not) Changed In My Three Decades Of Global Climate Talks?
What has the Nobel Prize in Physics ever done for me?
What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain?
What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters
What I got wrong about loyalty at work
What I Know About Germans
What I learned about eco-anxiety after listening to the climate stories of 1,000 people from around the world
What I learned as a hired consultant to autodidact physicists
What I Learned from Buying a Tesla? Consumer Ignorance about EVs
What I learned from studying billions of words of online fan fiction
What I Learned When My AI Kermit Slop Went Viral
What I Want You to Say or Do When I Tell You My Kid is Trans
What if American Democracy Fails the Climate Crisis?
What if companies interviewed translators the way they interview coders?
What if Competition Isn’t As “Natural” As We Think?
What if debt was written off to protect climate and nature?
What If Donated Food Was Delightful?
What If Everything You Knew About Poverty Was Wrong?
What If Extinction Wasn’t Forever?
What if jobs are not the solution but the problem?
What If Jobs Are Not The Solution But The Problem?
What if Opal and Myki became one? It’d help more of us than you’d think
What If Polyester Isn’t So Bad After All?
What if Russia wins in Ukraine? We can already see the shadows of a dark 2025
What if schools could prevent sick days, teacher shortages and lost IQ points? A new COVID safety course lights the way
What if the Bayeux Tapestry told the history of Doctor Who?
What If the Robots Were Very Nice While They Took Over the World?
What if the world was one country? A psychologist on why we need to think beyond borders
‘What if there was a war?’ Chinese Australians wear the scars after bitter years of hostile rhetoric
What if urban plans gave natural systems the space to recover from the cities built over them? It can be done
What If We Admitted to Children That Sex Is Primarily About Pleasure?
What if we fund artists the way we fund startups?
What if we measured the thing that matters most: “carbon productivity”
What if we turned the world’s growing wastelands of disused plastics into a new kind of sustainable building?
What if whales took us to court? A move to grant them legal personhood would include the right to sue
What if You Did Not Buy a Single New Thing This Month or Even Year?
What if you got $1,000 a month, just for being alive? I decided to find out.
"What if..." Movies reimagined for another time & place...
What Incels, The Red Pill, And Nazis Teach Us About US High Schools
What Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny gets right (and very wrong) about the historical Antikythera Mechanism
What Interracial and Gay Couples Know About 'Passing'
What Ireland’s smoking ban 20 years ago can teach us about big changes to human behaviour
What is a dark comet? A quick guide to the ‘new’ kids in the Solar System
What is a name microaggression and could you be doing it without knowing?
What is a paraben and why are so many products advertised as ‘paraben-free’?
What is a self-coup? South Korea president’s attempt ended in failure − a notable exception in a growing global trend
What Is a Shadow Library?
What is a sonar pulse and how can it injure humans under water?
What is a ‘continuous culture’... and are Aboriginal cultures the oldest?
What is a ‘just’ transition to net zero - and why is Australia struggling to get there?
What is an atmospheric river? With flooding and mudslides in California, a hydrologist explains the good and bad of these storms and how they’re changing
What Is An E-Book Worth?
What is avian flu, the disease afflicting viral TikTok emu Emmanuel?
What is biophilic design? 3 ways ‘green’ buildings work better for neurodivergent people
What Is Code?
What Is Comedy?
What is COP26 and why does the fate of Earth, and Australia’s prosperity, depend on it?
What is Creator Endorsed?
What is doxing, and how can you protect yourself?
What is dust? And where does it all come from?
What is emotional labour - and how do we get it wrong?
What is essentialism? And how does it shape attitudes to transgender people and sexual diversity?
What is Fully Charged and how can you help us?
What is going on in Pakistan? And why has the US been dragged into it?
What is happening in Los Angeles is our future
What is it about the books of Terry Pratchett that make them so difficult to adapt to the screen?
What is justice reinvestment?
What is kinship care? Why is it favoured for Aboriginal children over foster care?
What is metabolism? A biochemist explains how different people convert energy differently − and why that matters for your health
What is myrtle rust and why has this disease closed Lord Howe Island to visitors?
What is Navalny’s legacy for Russia?
What is necro-branding? And what’s it got to do with Elvis, Princess Diana and Taylor Swift?
What is Perseverance Porn, and Why Do We Fall For It?
What is POTS? And how is it related to long COVID?
What is romantasy? Our experts explain the bestselling book trend
What is Solarpunk - An Intro with resources
What is spillover? Bird flu outbreak underscores need for early detection to prevent the next big pandemic
What Is The Amazon "Tipping Point," Exactly?
What is the biggest scam you’ve ever seen?
What Is the Business of Literature?
What is the Darien Gap? And why are more migrants risking this Latin American route to get to the US?
What Is the Future of America’s Greenest Town?
What is the greatest challenge to the future of human rights? We the people are
What is the IPCC AR6 synthesis report and why does it matter?
What is the most soul satisfying thing you have ever done in your life?
What is the most unusual party you have ever been to?
What is the Reichsbürger movement accused of trying to overthrow the German government?
What is the story of maneki-neko, the Japanese beckoning cat?
What is the value of US security guarantees? Here’s what history shows
What is the ‘carnivore diet’ and is it a bad idea?
What is the ‘splinternet’? Here’s why the internet is less whole than you might think
What is the ‘sunk cost fallacy’? Is it ever a good thing?
What is ‘AI alignment’? Silicon Valley’s favourite way to think about AI safety misses the real issues
What Is ‘It Is What It Is’?
What is ‘model collapse’? An expert explains the rumours about an impending AI doom
What is ‘Net Zero’, anyway? A short history of a monumental concept
What is ‘reverse racism’ – and what’s wrong with the term?
What It Feels Like to Be Bad at Math
What It Looks Like When The Terrorists Win: The JFK Stampede Over Fans Cheering For Usain Bolt
What it Means When I'm Critical of Capitalism
What It Takes To Cooperate With Future Generations On Climate Change
What it takes to regrow a community after wildfire
What it was like to be an asylum seeker in 2014
What it's like to own a Tesla Model S - A cartoonist's review of his magical space car - The Oatmeal
What it's like to Work with Cats!
What It's Like To Write About Race And Video Games
What It’s Like to Be a Library Cat During the Pandemic
What It’s Really Like to Work in Hollywood (If you’re not a straight white man.)
What I’ve Learned From Collecting Stories of People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News
What James Earl Jones can teach us about activism and art in times of crisis
What JD Vance and Donald Trump don't want you to know about Springfield
What junior doctors’ unpaid overtime tells us about the toxic side of medicine
What Keeps Al Jaffee, the Genius Behind Mad Magazine’s Fold-Ins, Going After 52 Years
What Keeps the Rich and Powerful up at Night, and Why They’re Happy You Don’t Care
What kind of Asian are you?
What kind of bubble is AI?
‘What kind of fruit are you?’ How to answer five of the worst job interview questions
What Kind of Genius Are You?
What Kind of Mind Does ChatGPT Have?
What Klingon and Other Constructed Languages Reveal
Fwd: [LSOC] What Larry, Jen and Cortney Did Before Lost Skeleton
What latest polling says about the mood in Ukraine – and the desire to remain optimistic amid the suffering
What legacy will Vladimir Putin leave Russia?
What Legal Personhood for U.S. Rivers Would Do
What Lego can teach us about saving the planet
What Lies Beneath
What lies beneath: the growing threat to the hidden network of cables that power the internet
What long COVID taught me: How to help a friend with chronic illness
What Lynchings in 19th Century US Can Teach Us About ‘New India’
What makes a city great for running and how can we promote ‘runnability’ in urban design?
What makes a good community?
What makes a good parent? Is acting on climate change as important as love and bedtime stories?
What makes a good tree? We used AI to ask birds
What makes a great footpath? The answer is key to our happiness and wellbeing as we age
What makes a great startup
What makes a person boring?
What makes an ideal main street? This is what shoppers told us
What makes an Italian? An olympic gold medal and a vandalised mural reopen debate about race and citizenship
What makes Brisbane 2032 different from Paris and the rest? A ‘climate-positive’ Olympics plan for lasting benefits
What Manchester Museum’s return of 174 Indigenous artefacts tells us about the future of museums
‘What matters is hope, freedom and saying who you are.’ What LGBTQ+ people with intellectual disabilities want everyone to know
What mirrored ants, vivid blue butterflies and Monstera house plants can teach us about designing buildings
What Moscow's invasion of Ukraine has meant for Russian students studying in Australia
What Moved Me to Tears (In a Good Way) in 2019
What New Writers Need
What next for Putin? After Navalny’s death, many fear what leader will move on to
What No One Wants to Hear
What Not to Ask Me About My Long COVID
What Not to Say to a Stressed-Out Colleague
What NZ scientists just revealed about Tonga’s devastating tsunami, one year on
What octopus DNA tells us about Antarctic ice sheet collapse
What OpenAI Really Wants
What pathogen might spark the next pandemic? How scientists are preparing for ‘disease X’
What people get most wrong about unconditional basic income
What Pi Sounds Like
What planting tomatoes shows us about climate change
“What Race Is Islam?” Racist Asks. “What Race Is Dickhead?” Australian Lawmaker Replies.
What Reality are Trump People Living In?
What remains of the "first" steam powered passenger railway line?
What Republicans and Billionaires Really Mean When They Talk About ‘Freedom’
What rewatching old shows teaches us about ourselves
What risks could pet hamsters and gerbils pose in Australia?
What SARS-CoV-2 Does to the Body (2nd Edition, July 2023)
What Scientists Know About Airborne Transmission of the New Coronavirus
What Scientists Learned From Strapping a Camera to a Polar Bear
‘What shall we have for dinner?’ Choice overload is a real problem, but these tips will make your life easier
What should happen to native forests when logging ends? Ask Victoria’s First Peoples
What should I give my child’s teacher at the end of the year?
What should rich countries do with spare masks and gloves? It’s the opposite of what the WHO recommends
What Teens Get About the Internet That Parents Don't
What That Harper's Letter About Cancel Culture Could Have Said
What the 1% Don’t Want Us to Know
What the Believers Are Denying
What the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Teach Us About the Climate Emergency
What the Dickens will Brandis do to copyright in the digital realm?
What The F***?!
What the Fight Against HIV Can Teach Us About Surviving the COVID Era
What The Future Holds
What the Hell Does “Beg the Question” Actually Mean?
‘What the hell is happening’: calls for answers after 10% of Tasmanian salmon die in Macquarie Harbour fish farms
What the Hell Is ‘Right-Clicker Mentality’?
What The Internet Is, and Should Continue To Be
What the Japanese Edo period can teach us about today
What the margarine vs butter argument says about nutrition
What the media is missing about the new IPCC report: We shouldn’t give up.
What the Most Violent Nations in the World Have in Common
What the Museum of 2020 May Look Like
What the next Australian government must do to save the Great Barrier Reef
What The Oracle-Google Copyright Fight Has To Do With Klingon... And Lots Of Other Innovations
What the President Doesn’t Get About Dogs
What the sci-fi blockbuster Wandering Earth II can teach us about China’s global and local aspirations
What the TRUCK?! Electric Vehicles Are Getting Bigger and Bigger!
What the Webb Space Telescope Will Show Us Next
What the White House global Covid-19 summit should've spent more time on
What the World Can Learn From Canada's Carbon Pricing Systems
What the “let it rip” COVID strategy has meant for Indigenous and other immune-compromised communities
What this year’s El Niño means for wheat and global food supply
What to Do About Jair Bolsonaro, the World’s Most Dangerous Climate Denier
What to Do if You Have COVID: short version
What to do when you're not the hero any more
What to Expect from an NPD President
What to Know about Project 2025’s Dangers to Science
What to wear for a climate crisis
What Trump doesn't understand about the poor
What Universal Human Experiences Are You Missing Without Realizing It?
What Venezuela Twenty Years Ago Taught Me About The USA Today
What was fake on the Internet this week: Why this is the final column
What was It Actually Like to Be a Court Jester in Medieval Times?
What washing machine settings can I use to make my clothes last longer?
What We Do in the Shadows - Official Trailer
What we don’t understand about China’s actions and ambitions in the South China Sea
What We Know About Covid’s Impact on Your Brain
What we know about last year’s top 10 wild Australian climatic events – from fire and flood combos to cyclone-driven extreme rain
What we still haven’t learned from Gamergate
What went right in 2023? Here’s some good news
What went right in 2024: the top 25 good news stories of the year
‘What went wrong here?’: Big banks refuse coal king $1b debt refinance
What White, Western Audiences Don't Understand About Marie Kondo's 'Tidying Up'
What will Australia's fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic look like?
What Will Happen to The Trump Toadies?
What Will It Really Take to Avoid Collapse?
What will it take to get companies to embrace reusable packaging?
What will power the future: Elon Musk’s battery packs or Twiggy Forrest’s green hydrogen? Truth is, we’ll need both
What will you never be able to respect?
What Will ‘Weather Whiplash’ Mean for California?
“What works for men doesn’t work for everyone”: why cities need to start planning with women in mind
What Would a Futuristic Low-Carbon Tech World Actually Look Like?
What would a second Trump presidency mean for the global economy?
What would America be like with 'Dear Leader' in 2024?
What would an adequate COVID response look like?
What would happen if we randomly gave $1,000 to poor families? Now we know.
What would happen to Earth if humans went extinct?
What Would It Mean for Scientists to Listen to Patients?
What would it take to abolish poverty in Australia?
What would society look like with universal basic income?
What would sustainable tourism really mean for New Zealand? Let’s ask the river
What Would Yellow Ranger Do?: A Cartoonish Tale
What you think about Millennials says a lot about you, nothing about them
What You'll Wish You'd Known
What Your Culture Really Says
What ‘psychological warfare’ tactics do scammers use, and how can you protect yourself?
What “Isle of Dogs” Gets Right About Japan
Fwd: What's a moment? ( a truly lovely 4:15 minutes) from Sue Neville
What's Happening in Standing Rock?
What's in a (Trump) Straw?
What's in a Game?
What's in your Covid Emergency Kit?
What's new in Unicode 7.0?
What's So Bad About Making Money Off Fan Fiction?
What's so special about the human brain?
What's something that is common knowledge at your workplace, but would be mind-blowing to the rest of us?
What's the deal with juggling in animation?
What's Wrong with Cozy Games?
What, a school revamp once every 440 years isn’t enough?
Whatever happened to ... the Brazilian besties creating an mRNA vaccine as a gift to the world
Whatever Happened to Dinotopia?
Whatever happened to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?
Whatever happened to the new no-patent COVID vaccine touted as a global game changer?
‘Whatever it takes’: the activists who risk prison to shatter Australia’s climate complacency
Whatever Trump Is Playing, It Isn’t Golf
Whatever: Hey, Look at That
Whatever: The Poverty “State of Mind”
What’s a trade war?
What’s actually important for the NBN: Upload speeds
What’s at stake in elections in Georgia and Moldova this week: a stark choice between Russia and the West
What’s behind all the book banning?
What’s behind Australia’s $1 billion defence deal with Germany?
What’s behind China’s bullying of Australia? It sees a soft target — and an essential one
What’s behind the Taylor Swift friendship bracelets trend?
What’s causing Sydney’s monster flood crisis – and 3 ways to stop it from happening again
What’s climate got to do with electoral reform? More than you might think
What’s deadly dull and can save the world? (Hint: We can’t stand it)
What’s driving north Queensland’s deadly, record-breaking floods?
What’s driving Uber’s historic agreement with the TWU on gig work
What’s going on with the Greenland ice sheet? It’s losing ice faster than forecast and now irreversibly committed to at least 10 inches of sea level rise
What’s happening in Sri Lanka and how did the economic crisis start?
What’s happening on RedNote? A media scholar explains the app TikTok users are fleeing to – and the cultural moment unfolding there
What’s in a name?
What’s in a name? How recruitment discriminates against ‘foreign’ applicants
What’s in a name? Quite a lot if it’s prosecco, parmesan or mozzarella
What’s in It for Elon?
What’s in vapes? Toxins, heavy metals, maybe radioactive polonium
What’s it like to be on Venus or Pluto? We studied their sand dunes and found some clues
What’s it worth to work from home? For some, it’s as much as one-third of their wage
What’s JN.1? Meet the new COVID-19 variant doubling hospitalisations
What’s next for the National Broadband Network? Labor and the Coalition’s plans compared
What’s Next in Computing?
What’s on the clandestine nightly flights between Myanmar and China?
What’s so scary about a transgender child?
What’s the difference between shyness and social anxiety?
What’s the global orange juice supply crisis – and should Australians be worried?
What’s the Matter with Libertarianism?
What’s the net cost of using renewables to hit Australia’s climate target? Nothing
What’s The Opposite Of “A Sad Sign Of The Times”?
What’s the Price of a Childhood Turned Into Content?
What’s the real risk from electric vehicles in apartments?
What’s the secret to attracting more women into politics? Give them more resources
What’s the Strangest Thing You Ever Found in a Book?
What’s the Value of 3 Million LPs in a Digital World?
What’s the Value of Hackable Hardware, Anyway?
What’s up with the constant gaming layoffs in 2024?
What’s With All the Misogyny in Comedy?
What’s Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm
What’s your dog really eating?
'Whelan the Wrecker is here': The demolition firm that transformed Melbourne over a century
When a bad Trump joke becomes an affair of state, Germany has lost more than its sense of humour
When a Coke Plant Closed in Pittsburgh, Cardiovascular ER Visits Plunged
When a conversation is worth its weight in gold coins
When a homeless couple moved in with a millionaire
When a Lie Becomes a Bomb Threat: The Fallout of a Racist Conspiracy in Springfield
When a Medical “Cure” Makes Things Much, Much Worse
When a seriously ill Sydney raver ‘set off alarm bells’, a DJ stepped in to avert a nightmare scenario
When A Stranger Decides To Destroy Your Life
When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez met Greta Thunberg: 'Hope is contagious'
When America Tried to Deport Its Radicals
When an Elephant Seal is your Bestie
When beauty meets determination: landscape photography award winners named
When bigger isn’t better: do Australian houses need to be the largest in the world?
When Buffy Sainte-Marie Met Big Bird
When bugs fly
When China understands the logic of renewable energy
When Climate Disaster Strikes, Slums Are Vulnerable. Better Maps Help
When Co-ops Meet DAOs: An Interview with Nathan Schneider
When Cockroaches Sieze Controls
When Copper Is More Valuable Than Gold
When Creativity Goes Open Source
When Crypto-Exchanges Go Broke, You’ll Lose It All
When Debts Become Unpayable, They Should Be Forgiven
When Did Girls Start Wearing Pink?
When did you have your last tetanus vaccine? A booster dose may save your life
When does an animal count as a person?
When does COVID become long COVID? And what’s happening in the body when symptoms persist? Here’s what we’ve learnt so far
When dogs recall toys, and horses plan ahead, are animals so different from us?
When Donald Trump Razed the Bonwit Teller Building, He Promised the Met Its Art Deco Friezes. A New Book Details How He Pulverized Them Instead
When Doves Cry: Scientific American Explores Grief in Animals
When Facebook's "Real Name" Policies Can Kill
When fishing boats go dark at sea, they’re often committing crimes – we mapped where it happens
When floodwater reaches the sea, it can leave a 50 metre thick layer of brown water – and cause real problems
When George W. Bush Was a Hero
When Given The Choice, Most Authors Reject Excessively Long Copyright Terms
When GoFundMe Gets Ugly
When Golf Courses Go Wild
When golf courses go wild
When Good Intentions Backfire
When Greenland was green: Ancient soil from beneath a mile of ice offers warnings for the future
When horses are in trouble they ask humans for help
When Humans Chose Compassion Over Violence
When I was cycling, the world was big again': What it takes to replace a flight with a long-distance bike ride
When illness or death leave craft projects unfinished, these strangers step in to help
When is a nature reserve not a nature reserve? When it’s already been burned and logged
When is it time to leave America?
When Is “Recyclable” Not Really Recyclable? When the Plastics Industry Gets to Define What the Word Means.
When It Comes to Climate Change, Everything We Do Matters
When it comes to delivery drones, the government is selling us a pipe dream. Experts explain the real costs
When it comes to power, solar is about to leave nuclear and everything else in the shade
When it comes to renewable energy, why go solo when you can go community solar?
When it comes to rich countries taking the environment seriously, I say: vive la France
When Kids Realize Their Whole Life Is Already Online
When Lightning Strikes Thrice: Breaking Thunderbolt 3 Security
When Marnie Was There - Studio Ghibli - Trailer (Omoide no Marnie - 思い出のマーニー)
When men are harassed online
When Mental Health Crisis Responders Reach Rural Residents
When Native Americans Are Told To ‘Go Back’ To Where They Came From
When native title fails: First Nations people are turning to human rights law to keep access to cultural sites
When no one is left: The crisis in Australian arts coverage
When Oil companies say they're going green
When picking schools, don’t get stuck on single-sex vs. co-ed. Instead ask – are all students supported and included?
When roads become rivers: forming a Plan B can stop people driving into floodwaters
When Robots Take Our Jobs, Platform Cooperatives Are a Solution
When Roman “Barbarians” Met the Asian Enlightenment
When Russia and Israel talk about setting up ‘buffer zones’ what they are really talking about is a land grab
When Ships Are Abandoned, Stuck Sailors Struggle to Get By—and Get Paid
When SimCity got serious: the story of Maxis Business Simulations and SimRefinery
When Statues Become Fathers: Creative Street Art on Equal Parenting
When steam rules the world
When Street Art Goes Cute!
When Tackling Homelessness, Prevention is Often the Best Medicine
When the coal plant don’t work: Report counts 6,000 hours of outages at Eraring over 2024
When the Doctor Prescribes a Warmer Home
When the End of Human Civilization Is Your Day Job
‘When the Glaciers Disappear, Those Species Will Go Extinct’
When The Internet Archive Forgets
When the Maibaum Falls
When the natural gas industry used the playbook from Big Tobacco
When The Racist Is Someone You Know and Love…
When The Surgeon General Warned About Pac-Man
When the System Breaks Down, Leaders Stand Up
When the Town Square Shatters
"When the World Turns" is a profoundly moving theatrical experience for children with complex disabilities
When They Say “Next Generation” They Mean It
When to expect our next COVID-19 wave — and what could cause cases to spike
When trees make rain: Could restoring forests help ease drought in Australia?
When Tumblr bans porn, who loses?
When U.S. air force discovered the flaw of averages
When We Call Criminal Acts 'Terrorism' We Destroy Our Rights And Sacrifice Our Principles
When We See Ourselves in Others, We Stop Hating
When we swim in the ocean, we enter another animal’s home. Here’s how to keep us all safe
When will global greenhouse gas emissions peak?
When Will the Saltwater Wedge Reach New Orleans?
When wind and solar replace fossil fuels, we will use less energy, save money, and won’t be as sick
When Women Make Headlines
When Wonder Woman Tells the Truth [Comic]
When Work Is Play
When You Can't Innovate, You Litigate: Oracle Gleefully Takes Credit For Attacks On Section 230 And Google
When you find someone who had the same problem as you
When you sit down to build a sandcastle, take a look around you: the beach is already sculpting
When you walk into the valley
When you want to dance but only have 2 points of articulation. | STOP-MOTION ANIMATION
When You Want Your MRI Like a Blanket
When you wish upon a star, is it already dead? An astronomer crunches the numbers
When You're Asked About Israel and Palestine
When Your $3 Million Cello Gets Bumped From Your Flight
‘When You’re Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression’
Whenever He Goes Diving, This Shark Comes To Cuddle With Him (This Has Been Going On For 7 Years)
When’s the Long Weekend? Whenever You Want
Where Am I Now?
Where Anteaters and Anacondas Roam, and Ranchers Are Now Rangers
Where are all the ants? World-first ‘treasure map’ reveals hotspots for rare species
Where are all the unused planes right now?
Where are our leaders?
Where are the pharaohs? How a Queensland town ended up with the Arabic name of El Arish
Where are they now? The stories of the 119 species still in danger after the bushfires, and how to help
Where Cargo Bikes Are Freeing Cities From Polluting Vans
Where Change Is Coming for LGBTQ Rights Around the World
Where could millions of EV batteries retire? Solar farms.
Where did all the Poles go?
Where did all these dragonflies come from?
‘Where did I go wrong?’ The scientist who tried to raise the climate alarm
Where did the cars go? How heavier, costlier SUVs and utes took over Australia’s roads
Where did the ingredients in that sandwich come from? Our global nutrient tracker tells a complex story
Where did the new year’s resolution come from? Well, we’ve been making them for 4,000 years
Where Do Abandoned Bicycles Go? In Some Cases, Madagascar
Where do the clothes go after we put them in a recycling bin? An 11-month investigation covering thousands of kilometers
Where do we stash the equivalent of 110 Sydney harbour bridges? That’s the conundrum Australia faces as oil and gas rigs close
Where Every Feather Counts
Where have all the criminals gone?
Where Is All the Book Data?
Where is America?
Where is Google taking us?
Where is your seafood really from? We’re using ‘chemical fingerprinting’ to fight seafood fraud and illegal fishing
Where Mauna Loa’s lava is coming from – and why Hawaii’s volcanoes are different from most
Where Pyne and the neocons went wrong
Where Raspberry Pis are made
Where should we look for new metals that are critical for green energy technology? Volcanoes may point the way
Where the Great Old Ones Are
"Where the Hell is Matt?" 2012
Where the ICC stands if war crimes are committed on either side of the Israel-Hamas war
Where the “Right to Rest” is Guaranteed
Where there's a well, there's a way: How over 160 wells were revived and given a beautiful makeover in this Tamil Nadu district
Where there’s smoke: the rising death toll from climate-charged fire in the landscape
Where to find courage and defiant hope when our fragile, dewdrop world seems beyond saving
Where to Find the Energy to Save the World
Where War Reporting Goes Wrong
Where We Wanna Be :: Daði Freyr :: OFFICIAL VIDEO
Where We'll End Up Living as the Planet Burns
Where Will Everyone Go?
Where Will You Get Your Water?
Where's Rob
Where's The Octopus?
Wherein Musicians Are Begging Fans to Mask Up at Concerts
‘Where’d you find tyres that size?’ Giant red tractor is Australia’s newest Big Thing
Where’s Rey?
Where’s the harm in that? How we think about workplace hazards hampers the application of health and safety law
Where’s the herd immunity? Our research shows why Covid is still wreaking havoc
Whether a ratings chase or ideological war, News Corp’s coronavirus coverage is dangerous
Whether people prepare for natural disasters depends on how the message is sent
Whether you’re a snorkeller or CEO, you can help save our vital kelp forests
Which Encryption Apps Are Strong Enough to Help You Take Down a Government?
Which EVs can do bidirectional charging? In Australia the answer is: Not many
Which future? Japan’s net zero vision for the region boosts gas and threatens green exports in Australia
Which historical bubble is most like the crypto bubble?
Which People Have Spoken?
Which Poor People Shouldn’t Have to Work for Aid?
While Australians line up for COVID boosters, low vaccination rates in poor countries continue to cost lives
While Australians talk of a 'fair go', Americans are trialling Universal Basic Income
While plastic dominates human consumption, the global economy will remain hooked on fossil fuels
While you sleep, these insects are working hard on the night shift to keep our environment healthy
The Whimsical Skywalks of Rotterdam
The Whispering Road
Whispers of A.I.’s Modular Future
The Whistle-Blower Who Freed Dreyfus
White and Nerdy
White Arkitekter designs stormwater pond that "celebrates the joy of being part of nature"
White British people aren’t under threat from multicultural Britain – they are part of it
White Darth Vader
White Egret Dance
The White House Has a Plan to Slash Plastic Use in the U.S.
White House, tribal leaders hail ‘historic’ deal to restore salmon runs in Pacific Northwest
white Peacocks
White rice with side dishes isn’t really ‘traditional’ Japanese food. So where did we get this idea?
White supremacist and far right ideology underpin anti-vax movements
White Supremacy Is Bad for the Jews. Let’s Be Bad for White Supremacy.
White, female, and high rates of mental illness: new diversity research offers a snapshot of the publishing industry
whitespace: a newsletter by Molly White
Whitesplaining whitesplained by First Dog on the Moon
Whitest-ever paint could help cool heating Earth, study shows
The Whitewash is a scathing, hilarious satire of Asian misrepresentation in Hollywood
Whitten Seaver Humphreys
Who Are All These Trump Supporters?
Who Are the Forgotten Greats of Science Fiction?
Who are the ‘Original Sovereigns’ who were camped out at Old Parliament House and what are their aims?
Who are you calling "Pirate"?
Who Can Get Your Book?
Who cares about the inevitable impact of GenAI on creative employment?
Who Cares About Your Carbon Footprint?
WHO chief backs Neil Young over Covid misinformation row with Spotify
Who Decides What Is True?
WHO Director-General congratulates Togo on becoming first country to eliminate four neglected tropical diseases
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing – 10 December 2024
Who do we seek to persude? Climate change and right-wing populism – @JanB_QLD
Who gets to be healthy? The ‘social determinants of health’ can reduce inequities, but many policies neglect them
Who gets to decide when the pandemic is over?
Who Gets to Live in the City of the Future?
The WHO has declared Eris a ‘variant of interest’. How is it different from other Omicron variants?
WHO has recorded 974 attacks against health care in Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion
WHO head ‘very concerned’ about COVID deaths as emergency declaration call looms
Who is Bidzina Ivanishvili, the shadowy billionaire behind Georgia’s pivot to Russia?
Who is legally responsible for abuse of asylum seeker children?
Who Is Paying To Subsidize Oil Companies? You Are.
Who is the author "JC Shakespeare"?
Who is Tundu Lissu? Tanzania’s opposition leader is fighting for change in the face of fresh attacks on political freedoms
Who killed Google Reader?
Who knew Queensland’s richest man is a foreign investor?
Who May Use the King’s Forest? The Meaning of Magna Carta, Commons and Law in Our Time
Who moves and who pays? Managed retreat is hard, but lessons from the past can guide us
Who owns Australia?
Who owns Einstein? The battle for the world’s most famous face
Who Owns Oklahoma?
Who Owns Star Trek?
Who owns the future?
‘Who owns the river?’: Wilmington residents call for historic dam protection while environmentalists work to protect fish species
WHO says Covid pandemic is growing ‘exponentially’ at more than 4.4 million new cases a week
The WHO says we shouldn’t bother with artificial sweeteners for weight loss or health. Is sugar better?
Who Took the Legendary Earthrise Photo From Apollo 8?
Who wants to be second?
WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic still volatile
Who we care about is limited – but our research shows how humans can expand their ‘moral circle’
Who will call out the misogyny and abuse undermining women’s academic freedom in our universities?
Who Will Debunk The Debunkers?
Who will fight for the frogs?
Who Will Manage the US Climate Retreat?
Who will write the rules for AI? How nations are racing to regulate artificial intelligence
Who You Gonna Call? Improv Everywhere!
Who's interviewing who?! Richard Ayoade speaks to Krishnan Guru-Murthy
Who's the Nicest Person You've Ever Met?
WHO, UNICEF, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance pass the mid-point of the global 10-year strategy to eliminate yellow fever epidemics
Whole Earth Index
Whole Earth Review archives online
Whooping cough can be deadly for young babies. Vaccination is our best defence
Whooping cough is surging in Australia. Why, and how can we protect ourselves?
Whose job will AI replace? Here’s why a clerk in Ethiopia has more to fear than one in California
Who’d be a working actor? It’s not even a dog’s life
Who’s Afraid of Skibidi Toilet?
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf Scientist?
Who’s behind Australia’s anti-lockdown protests? The German conspiracy group driving marches
Who’s holding back electric cars in Australia? We’ve long known the answer – and it’s time to clear the road
Who’s laughing now? TV, laugh tracks and live audiences
Who’s lobbying whom? When it comes to alcohol, tobacco, food and gambling firms, we’re in the dark
Who’s to blame when climate change turns the lights off?
WHO’s Top Covid Expert Warns of Gaping Holes in Virus Fight
Why 200 per cent renewables would be better for Australia than 100 per cent
Why 2024 could be a grim year for Ukraine – with momentous implications for the world
Why 40°C is bearable in a desert but lethal in the tropics
Why 500 million bees have died in Brazil in three months
Why 99.7% of Mongolia is Completely Empty
Why a ban on cellphones in schools might be more of a distraction than the problem it’s trying to fix
Why a Computer History Museum Owns a Legendary Teapot
Why a controversial Hindu temple in India could prove pivotal to Narendra Modi’s party in upcoming elections
Why a Decade of Protests Didn’t Lead to Revolution
Why A Few Bad Quarters Won’t Spell Doom For The Electric Car Revolution
Why a First Nations Voice should come before Treaty
Why a game in which you look for a real, live pink elephant could help save the world
Why A Great Teacher Is Critical In A Climate Crisis
Why a Great Wave of Nostalgia Is Sweeping Through China
Why a Mississippi City Is Just Now Being Forced to Desegregate Its Schools
Why a new ruling on the law of the sea and climate change matters for Australia and especially our island neighbours
Why A Property Worth Millions Was Returned To The Tongva Tribe
Why a rise in 'tourism-phobia' should give Australians flocking to European summer a cause for pause
Why a scorecard of quality in the arts is a very bad idea
Why a shift to basing vehicle registration fees on emissions matters for Australia
Why a St. Bernard Will Not Save You in the Alps
Why AI detectors think the US Constitution was written by AI
Why airships are set to make a return to our skies
Why am I online? Research shows it’s often about managing emotions
Why American Life Is So Bleak
Why Americans Are the Weirdest People in the World
Why an Australian charter of rights is a matter of national urgency
Why an intention to conserve an area for only 25 years should not count for Australia’s target of protecting 30% of land
Why an ‘AI health coach’ won’t solve the world’s chronic disease problems
Why Archive of Our Own’s Surprise Hugo Nomination Is Such a Big Deal
Why are adults without kids hooked on Bluey? And should we still be calling it a ‘kids’ show’?
Why are Americans toasting their fairy bread, and can the New York Times stop them?
Why are Australian children dying from the flu and what can we do to prevent it?
Why are Australians in denial about how cold our homes really are? ‘Winter stoicism’ is partly to blame
Why are billionaires scared of Brazil’s plan to hit them with a global tax? Because it makes perfect sense
Why are blooper reels so funny?
Why are child carers still paid less than retail workers? And how can we help fix it?
Why are dead and dying seabirds washing up on our beaches in their hundreds?
Why are Europeans – including the young – being pushed to the far right?
Why Are Finland's Schools Successful?
Why Are People Still Blaming Facebook For Australia’s Terrible News Linking Tax Law?
Why are people still flying to climate conferences by private jet?
Why Are People Wearing Masks in 2025?
Why are Republicans so cruel to the poor? Paul Ryan’s profound hypocrisy stands for a deeper problem
Why are shallow earthquakes more destructive? The disaster in Java is a devastating example
Why are so many climate records breaking all at once?
Why Are So Many ‘Free Speech’ Elon Musk Lawsuits About Suppressing Speech?
Why are the poor shunned? The reasons are complicated
Why are the stories in video games so bad?
Why are there hopping mice in Australia but no kangaroos in Asia? It’s a long story
Why are there so many data breaches? A growing industry of criminals is brokering in stolen data
Why are there so many tech layoffs, and why should we be worried? Stanford scholar explains
Why Are Two Aging Pacifists on the Federal No-Fly List?
Why are US politicians so old? And why do they want to stay in office?
Why Are We Becoming So Narcissistic? Here’s The Science
Why are we calling it ‘social distancing’? Right now, we need social connections more than ever
Why are we finding so many Australian shipwrecks lately? There’s one research vessel helping uncover the past
Why are we seeing more pandemics? Our impact on the planet has a lot to do with it
Why are we still talking about return to office?
Why Are We Still Working?
Why are whooping cough infections surging in Australia and should you get a booster jab?
Why are world leaders backing this brutal attack against Kurdish Afrin?
Why Are Writers Expected To Do So Much Self-Promotion?
‘Why are you so scared of breasts?’: how Florence Pugh’s sheer Valentino gown provoked a discussion about misogyny and women’s bodies
Why aren't businesses recovering e-waste value?
Why Aren't There More Lawyers in Space?
Why aren’t men changing their name after marriage?
Why Aren’t Writers Paid Better?
Why artificial submarine curtains won’t save West Antarctica’s retreating glaciers
Why arts degrees and other generalist programs are the future of Australian higher education
Why Australia Is Heading For Epic Failure On Carbon Emissions
Why Australia needs a new model for universities
Why Australia urgently needs a climate plan and a Net Zero National Cabinet Committee to implement it
Why Australia will never have a Jacinda Ardern
Why Australia's internet has turned into a literal car crash
Why Australia’s daily Covid cases are on the rise again
Why bad ideas refuse to die
Why Ban "Divisive" Teachings While Protecting Divisive Confederate Monuments?
Why banning gym selfies could do us all a lot of good
Why Bashar al-Assad’s security state collapsed so dramatically in Syria
Why Basic Income Is a Mental Health Issue
Why Being Anti-Science Is Now Part Of Many Rural Americans’ Identity
Why Big Data Is Not Truth
Why bioplastics won’t solve our plastic problems
Why black teenager Keshia Thomas saved a white supremacist
Why Bluesky Remains The Most Interesting Experiment In Social Media, By Far
Why Boston’s wealthy Back Bay said yes, in our backyard
Why Boys Don’t Have Many Female Role Models
Why building more big dams is a costly gamble for our future water security and the environment
Why Bumblebees Love Cats and Other Beautiful Relationships
Why calls for “free speech” aren’t the same
‘Why can’t anyone make a decision?’ My first time as a D&D Dungeon Master
‘Why can’t I wear a dress?’ What schools can learn from preschools about supporting trans children
Why Can’t We Prevent An Asteroid Strike?
Why Capitalism and Feminism Can’t Coexist
Why Carl Malamud's Latest Brilliant Project, To Mine The World's Research Papers, Is Based In India
Why cash and copyright are bad news for creativity
Why Charles Dickens would have made Great Expectations a videogame if he were writing today
Why ChatGPT should be considered a malevolent AI – and be destroyed
Why China Could Surprise the World by Being the First Country to Adopt Universal Basic Income
Why China’s attempts to stifle foreign media criticism are likely to fail
Why clean tech inspires a new magnitude of wrongness
Why cleaning the invisible in restaurants is important during COVID-19: A case study of indoor air quality of an open-kitchen restaurant
Why Climate Change Pundits Aren’t Convincing Anyone
Why climate deniers are winning: The twisted psychology that overwhelms scientific consensus
Why Clive Palmer’s lockdown ads can be rejected by newspapers on ethical grounds
Why combining farms and solar panels could transform how we produce both food and energy
Why comedy video websites fail
Why community volunteers will be essential for how NZ handles the arrival of bird flu
Why Confederate Lies Live On
Why conspiracy theories and misinformation spread in the long wait for Cyclone Alfred
Why COVID-19 gaslighting by politicians is so dangerous for democracy
Why creating memes is illegal in Australia
Why Cryonics Makes Sense
Why cyber warfare isn’t
Why democracy matters in the Ukraine crisis
Why Democracy’s Broken in America (and Britain)
Why Dentistry Is Separate From Medicine
Why did Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 have a sealed-off emergency exit in the first place? The answer comes down to money
Why Did Lebanon Let a Bomb-in-Waiting Sit in a Warehouse for 6 Years?
Why Did Pixar Bury the Best Part of ‘Elemental?’
Why did so many die in Spain? Because Europe still hasn’t accepted the realities of extreme weather
Why Did Sterile Salt Water Become The IV Fluid Of Choice?
Why Did the Beatles Get So Many Bad Reviews?
Why did the US change its mind on Ukraine firing missiles into Russia? And will it impact the war?
Why Didn’t America Become Part of the Modern World?
‘Why didn’t we know?’ is no excuse. Non-Indigenous Australians must listen to the difficult historical truths told by First Nations people
Why disaster capitalists are praying for a no-deal Brexit
Why do blind people wear glasses when they can't see?
Why Do Conservatives Attack Abortion and Trans Rights in the Same Ways?
Why do dogs have different coats? Experts explain – and give grooming tips for different types
Why do Israelis and the rest of the world view the Gaza conflict so differently? And can this disconnect be overcome?
Why Do Many Reasonable People Trust Science?
Why do millions of Americans believe the 2020 presidential election was ‘stolen’ from Donald Trump?
Why do organisations still struggle to protect our data? We asked 50 professionals on the privacy front line
Why do peace talks fail? A negotiation expert answers 5 questions about the slim chances for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine
Why do people overshare online? 5 expert tips for avoiding social media scandal
Why Do People Persist in Believing Things That Just Aren't True?
Why Do Physicists Say A Multiverse Has To Exist?
Why do rightwing populist leaders oppose experts?
Why do small rural communities often shun newcomers, even when they need them?
Why Do So Many Americans Fear Muslims? Decades of Denial About America’s Role in the World.
Why Do So Many Ex-Cons End Up Back in Prison? Maybe They Don’t, Says a Provocative New Study
Why Do So Many People Describe Aereo 'Complying' With Copyright Law As The Company 'Circumventing' Copyright Law?
Why Do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?
Why Do Tourists Visit Ancient Ruins Everywhere Except the United States?
Why do we fall for wellness scams? Our cultural biases and myths are often to blame
Why do we love to see unlikely animal friendships? A psychology expert explains
Why do we need a Net Zero Economy Authority? And how can it fulfil its promise?
Why do we stop exploring new music as we get older?
Why do whales keep getting tangled in shark nets? And what should you do if you see it happen?
Why does Britain have such bizarre place names?
Why does Congress fight over childcare but not F-35s?
Why does COVID-19 cause brain fog? Scientists may finally have an answer.
Why does everyone seem to have food intolerances these days?
Why Does the Economy Feel So Bad?
Why Does This Building by the Subway Need 193 Parking Spots? (Yes, Exactly 193.)
Why doesn’t Australia have greater transparency around Taser use by police?
Why dolphins are deep thinkers
Why don't doctors trust women? Because they don't know much about us
Why Don't We Make Cars Like This Any More??
Why don’t Australians talk about their salaries? Pay transparency and fairness go hand-in-hand
Why don’t people care about Australia’s native rodents? The problem could be their ugly names
Why Don’t Women Say “Stop That, I Don’t Like It” to Catcallers?
Why Dunkin’ and Lego rebrands succeeded – but X missed the mark
Why Economic Justice for Indigenous Groups Is Vital to Saving Endangered Species
Why electric beats hydrogen in the race to decarbonise freight vehicles in Australia
Why electric trucks are our best bet to cut road transport emissions
Why electric vehicles won’t be enough to rein in transport emissions any time soon
Why electrical engineers should support the right to repair
Why Electrified Classic Cars Make More Sense Than You Realise
Why Electronics Rely on Glue—and Why They Shouldn’t
Why Elon Musk’s first week as Twitter owner has users flocking elsewhere
Why Europe is dismantling its dams
Why Europe should consider putting boots on the ground in Ukraine
Why European universities are choosing open source software
Why Even Make Video Games Anymore?
Why every Fortune 500 business needs a chief AI officer
Why every observatory needs a disco ball
Why everybody knows CEOs are overpaid, but nothing happens
Why Everyone Feels Like They’re Faking It
Why everything you know about wolf packs is wrong
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds
Why false claims about Brazil's election are spreading in far-right U.S. circles
Why Fangirls Scream
Why fear of billion-dollar lawsuits stops countries phasing out fossil fuels
Why Fiber Art Is (Still) Having a Moment as Prices and Recognition Continue to Climb
Why Finland leads the world in flexible work
Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes
Why fund art? and what ‘excellence’ is really code for
Why fusion ignition is being hailed as a major breakthrough in fusion – a nuclear physicist explains
Why gas stoves matter to the climate – and the gas industry: Keeping them means homes will use gas for heating too
Why gene editing is still humanity’s most powerful tool
Why Generative AI’s Lack Of Modularity Means It Can’t Be Meaningfully Open, Is Unreliable, And Is A Technological Dead End
Why Germans celebrate school with a cardboard cone
Why Germany Behaves the Way It Does
Why Germany ditched nuclear before coal—and why it won’t go back
Why Germany's dying forests could be good news
Why giving the Commerce Commission the power to set ‘fair’ fuel prices is unfair on NZ’s climate targets
Why Glenn Greenwald’s new media venture is a big deal
Why Google+ Is Still My Favorite Social Network
Why Gorbachev’s legacy still threatens Putin
Why government action to thwart neo-Nazi groups is far more difficult than it appears
Why governments will have to consider the costs of long COVID when easing pandemic restrictions
Why green ammonia may not be that green
Why Growth Can’t Be Green
Why has a UN torture prevention subcommittee suspended its visit to Australia?
Why Has America Tolerated Six Illegitimate GOP Presidents?
Why has China released detained Australian journalist Cheng Lei?
Why has COVID been so much worse this summer? The health belief model has the answer
Why has Germany’s government collapsed and what happens next?
Why has the West given billions in military aid to Ukraine, but virtually ignored Myanmar?
Why have Americans Embraced So Many Toxic GOP Scams?
Why Have Americans Stopped Resisting Economic Privilege?
Why Heartstopper is Gen Z’s defining publishing phenomenon
Why Hollywood Makes More Sequels Every Year (Even Though We Like Them Less)
Why Homophobic Russia Loves Gender-Bending Pop Stars
Why hot Australian cities keep laying dark heat-absorbing asphalt, and not pale 'cool roads'
Why hurricanes like Milton in the US and cyclones in Australia are becoming more intense and harder to predict
Why I Always Tug on the ATM
Why I Bought Boys' Underwear For My Daughter
Why I Decided to Update the Language in Ursula K. Le Guin’s Children’s Books
Why I have been unemployed for two years
Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away
Why I left the Border Patrol to study UFOs
"Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone"
Why I Let My Students Cheat On Their Exam
Why I Ripped The Same CD 300 Times
Why I want Bitcoin to die in a fire
Why I Will Never, Ever, Go Back to the United States
Why I'm on strike
Why I'm writing to Scott Morrison this Christmas – and why you should too
Why Increasing Income Inequality Is Tearing America Apart
Why increasing support for Ukraine is critical to Australia’s security as a ‘middle power’
Why Indonesia wants Australia’s help to supply the world with electric vehicles and batteries
Why is 13 considered unlucky? Explaining the power of its bad reputation
Why is a UN torture prevention committee visiting Australia?
Why is Australia having such a warm winter? A climate expert explains
Why is Australia helping to block a move to tax multinational corporations properly?
Why Is Everybody So Angry These Days?
Why is everyone buying truckzillas that are too big for our streets?
Why is it legal to tell lies during the Voice referendum campaign?
Why is it so hard to cancel subscriptions or end ‘free’ trials? Report shows how companies trap you into paying
Why is lettuce so expensive? Costs have shot up, and won’t return to where they were
Why Is Media Lamenting Disney’s ‘Loss’ Of Copyright Instead Of Celebrating The Public Domain?
Why is NATO expanding its reach to the Asia-Pacific region?
Why is New Caledonia on fire? According to local women, the deadly riots are about more than voting rights
Why is so much of Australia flooding right now?
Why is tech giant Apple trying to teach our teachers?
Why is the Australian Christian Lobby waging a culture war over LGBTQ issues?
Why Is The Copyright Monopoly Necessary, Anyway?
Why is the idea of ‘gender’ provoking backlash the world over?
Why Is the Internet Archive Painstakingly Preserving One Man's Junk Mail?
Why is the internet overflowing with rubbish ads – and what can we do about it?
Why is there no official memorial in Australia to citizens who fought and died in the Spanish civil war?
Why is toddler milk so popular? Follow the money
Why is truth-telling so important? Our research shows meaningful reconciliation cannot occur without it
Why isn’t dental included in Medicare? It’s time to change this – here’s how
Why it will take more than money to make Australian women consider having children 'for the country'
Why It's a Tragedy that Adults Rarely Model Accountability in the USA
Why It’s Important To Push Back On ‘Plandemic’—And How To Do It
Why It’s OK to Block Ads
Why it’s such a big deal that Alla Pugacheva, ‘the tsarina of Russian pop,’ came out against the war in Ukraine
Why it’s time for Australia to launch its own space agency
Why it’s time to get over your EV range anxiety
Why I’m Advising My Children to Plan on Leaving the United States
Why I’m not done fighting – for animal rights, and for women
Why I’m righting the wrongs of my early research and sharing my scientific data with local communities
Why I’m Saying Goodbye to Apple, Google and Microsoft
Why Japanese Websites Look So Different
Why John Seely Brown Says We Should Look Beyond Creativity to Cultivate Imagination
Why Jonathan Haidt’s ‘Protect The Kids’ Proposals Could Make Things Worse For Kids
Why Joy is an Effective Anti-Authoritarian Strategy.
Why kites could be the next big thing for wind power
Why knock down all public housing towers when retrofit can sometimes be better?
Why Labor’s new tax cut on electric vehicles won’t help you buy one anytime soon
Why Landfills Make For a Colossal Climate Change Nightmare
Why legitimate criticism of the ‘mainstream’ media is in danger of being hijacked by anti-vax and ‘freedom’ movements
Why Libertarianism Implies Authoritarianism
Why Link Taxes Like Canada’s C-18 Represent An End To An Open Web
Why local councils are the missing link in Australia’s efforts to end homelessness
Why loneliness is both an individual thing and a shared result of the cities we create
Why Lula has failed to address the Yanomami genocide
Why Magical Girls Are Never Attacked During A Tranformation
Why Man Creates
Why Mark Zuckerberg wants to redefine open source so badly
Why Melbourne's Southern Cross Station may have some of the 'least clean' air in the city
Why Melbourne’s Biggest Street Was Wiped Off the Map
Why Melbourne’s e-scooter ban is a wrong turn away from safe, sustainable transport
Why Moderating Content Actually Does More To Support The Principles Of Free Speech
Why more needs to be done to reduce COVID-19 transmission in health and aged care settings
Why more than 500 political figures and academics globally have called for universal basic income in the fight against coronavirus
Why move species to islands? Saving wildlife as the world changes means taking calculated risks
Why Ms. Marvel matters so much to Muslim, South Asian fans
Why native Hawaiians are being "pushed out of paradise" in their homeland
Why Nazis are so afraid of these clowns
Why neoliberal policies have no justification
Why New Caledonia’s final independence vote could lead to instability and tarnish France’s image in the region
Why new housing estates and whole towns will go off grid
Why Nissan is probably the most serious threat to Tesla out of the traditional automakers
Why No One’s Laughing at Princess Twilight Sparkle
Why nobody ever wins the car at the mall
Why none of my books are available on Audible
Why North Korea may find the South’s new vision for unification provocative
Why Norway — the poster child for electric cars — is having second thoughts
Why not a four-day workweek?
Why NZ should lower motorway speed limits for SUVs and other high-emission vehicles
Why Obsessive K-Pop Fans Are Turning Toward Political Activism
Why Oligarchs Don't Just Want to Be Rich, But Kill Democracy Too
Why Omicron Is About To Make Americans Act Immorally, Inappropriately
Why only Degrowth Will Save The World
Why open-source generative AI models are an ethical way forward for science
Why Pacific Islanders are staying put even as rising seas flood their homes and crops
Why People From Manchester Are Mancunians, Not Manchesterians
Why People Keep Trying to Erase the Hollywood Sign From Google Maps
Why people still starve in an age of abundance
Why permanent residents and long-term temporary visa holders should be able to vote in federal elections
‘Why pick a battle over this?’: Trump’s threats over Panama Canal reopen wounds over 1989 US invasion
Why Poor People Stay Poor
Why prices are so high – 8 ways retail pricing algorithms gouge consumers
Why privilege is so hard to give up
Why publishers are preparing to federate their sites
Why Putin’s retreat from Kherson could be his most humiliating defeat yet
Why Queensland is still ground zero for Australian deforestation
Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories
Why Ravens and Crows Are Earth’s Smartest Birds
Why reading books is good for society, wellbeing and your career
Why renewables, when scaled up, are simply unbeatable
Why renewed China-US cooperation bodes well for climate action
Why Resorts Are Racist Garbage
Why restoring long-distance passenger rail makes sense in New Zealand – for people and the climate
Why Resumes Are Dead & How Keeps Killing the Job Market
Why Return To Normal After COVID?
Why robots can be culturally insensitive – and how scientists are trying to fix it
Why running out of battery in an electric car gave me hope for the future
Why Russia demonizes Ukrainian diasporas
Why Russia does NOT have valid security concerns
Why Russia fears the emergence of Tajik terrorists
Why Russia is on a charm offensive in Africa. The reasons aren’t pretty
Why Russia Is Using the Internet to Undermine Western Democracy
Why Russia pulled out of its grain deal with Ukraine – and what that means for the global food system
Why Russians still support Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine
Why saline lakes are the canary in the coalmine for the world’s water resources
Why Schools Are Welcoming Intergenerational Tutoring
Why scientists are making transparent wood
Why scientists are so worried by the huge, sudden loss of insects
Why Scientists Are Starting to Care About Cultures That Talk to Whales
Why scientists believe dogs are smarter than we give them credit for
Why scientists fear a second Trump term, and what they are doing about it
Why Scott Morrison is so determined to suck up to Donald Trump: faith, loyalty, sacrifice
Why scrapping the term ‘long COVID’ would be harmful for people with the condition
Why secondhand markets and apps are not a solution to clothing waste
Why security vetting in Australia can be detrimental to diversity
Why sensitivity readers matter – and should be paid properly
Why sexual and reproductive law for east African countries is being resisted
Why Sexual Harassment With AI Deepfakes Is About To Get Much Worse
Why shouldn’t I pour oil or paint down the sink? And what should I do instead?
Why Silicon Valley’s biggest AI developers are hiring poets
Why So Quiet about Long COVID?
Why Society Hates Creative People (And What To Do About It)
Why Some Coral Reefs Are Thriving
Why Some Cultures Frown on Smiling
Why Switzerland built a 2-kilometer-long train
Why Taiwan’s falling birth rate has become a national security issue
Why Tasmania and Victoria dominate the list of Australia’s largest trees – and why these majestic giants are under threat
Why taxing the world’s biggest companies at 15% won’t fix the gaping hole in global tax rules
Why Tears of the Kingdom’s bridge physics have game developers wowed
Why telling stories could be a more powerful way of convincing some people to take a COVID vaccine than just the facts
Why Texas animals have dedicated crossings throughout the state now
Why the Age of American Progress Ended
Why the Australia-India relationship has nowhere to go but up, despite differences on Russia and trade
Why The Australian Open Looks Different For Some This Year: Broadcast Rights
Why the budget should treat public health like transport – vital infrastructure with long-term economic benefits
Why the changing representation of dwarfism in Disney’s live action Snow White remake is so important
Why the collapse of soft plastics recycler REDcycle could be a good thing for the environment
Why the Coronavirus Is So Confusing
Why the Earth Must Be Mapped
Why the electric vehicle battery race needs a recycling revolution
Why the ethics of octopus farming are so troubling
Why the Father of Modern Statistics Didn’t Believe Smoking Caused Cancer
Why the Finns don’t want to be happy
Why the focus of stimulus plans has to be construction that puts social housing first
Why the fossil fuel industry wants us to ignore risk
Why the Future Is Unravelling
Why the GOP Wants to Tear America Apart
Why the Government Should Provide Internet Access
Why the Guardian is changing the language it uses about the environment
Why the Guardian is spending a year reporting on the plight of elephants
Why the Idea of the Software Patent Does Not Fly
Why the innovation revolution risks governments letting inequality rip
Why the Katy Perry/Flame lawsuit makes no sense
Why the kookaburra’s iconic laugh is at risk of being silenced
Why the Maker Movement Matters
Why the media aren’t helping to solve the ‘youth crime crisis’ they’re reporting
Why the modern bathroom is a wasteful, unhealthy design
Why The Muppet Christmas Carol set the gold standard for Dickens adaptations
Why the next ride you share could be in an electric car
Why the NSA's Defense of Mass Data Collection Makes No Sense
Why The Opus Codec Matters - Even If You Don't Care About Audio
Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid
Why The Racial Wealth Gap Is So Hard To Close
Why the Rich Don't Give to Charity
Why the Right Loves Culture Wars
Why the rise of online disinformation is an opportunity to change how we teach our children
Why The Rock beats politicians for trust and leadership – and what would-be rulers can learn
Why the Russian anti-satellite missile test threatened both the international space station and the peaceful use of outer space
Why the Scariest Nuclear Threat May Be Coming from Inside the White House
Why the shipping industry’s increased climate ambition spells the end for its fossil fuel use
Why the Technology in Rogue One Is So Old-Fashioned
Why The Tesla Semi Matters MUCH More Than You Think...
Why the United States needs NATO – 3 things to know
Why the urban legend of contaminated Halloween candy won't disappear
Why the US and its partners cannot afford to go soft on support for Ukraine now
Why The USTR Is Working So Hard To Kill American Innovation And The Economy
Why the Very First Treaty Between the United States and a Native People Still Resonates Today
Why the volcanic eruption in Tonga was so violent, and what to expect next
Why the WHO has recommended switching to a healthier salt alternative
Why the Winter Olympics are so vital to the Chinese Communist Party’s legitimacy
Why the World Is Better Than You Think in 10 Powerful Charts
Why the World Is Betting Against American Democracy
Why the world's most luxury EV converter is building a rubbish truck!
Why the world’s most fertile fishing ground is facing a ‘unique and dire’ threat
Why the ‘drug dealers defence’ doesn’t work for exporting coal. It’s actually Economics 101
Why there is hope that the world's coral reefs can be saved
Why There's No Such Thing as a Good Billionaire
Why this Australian royal fan was arrested for 13 hours at King Charles' coronation
Why This Computer Scientist Says All Cryptocurrency Should “Die in a Fire”
Why this Covid-19 variant is landing patients in hospital in NSW, Qld and Victoria
Why this is no time to ease up on efforts to contain COVID-19
Why This Isn’t The MMT Moment
Why this new climate case against the high-polluting Scarborough gas project is so significant
Why This OnlyFans Model Posts Machine Learning Explainers to Pornhub
Why tiny Belize is a world leader in protecting the ocean
Why too much evidence can be a bad thing
Why Totino’s Needs 25 Ways to Make Pizza Rolls
Why Trump accuses people of wrongdoing he himself committed − an explanation of projection
Why Trump Has Such a Soft Spot for Russia
Why Trump should 'cyber' Earth
Why Turkey isn’t on board with Finland, Sweden joining NATO – and why that matters
Why two spaces after a period isn’t wrong (or, the lies typographers tell about history)
Why Ukrainians are ready to fight for their democracy
Why universal basic income costs far less than you think
Why universities need to open the lines of communication with Russians, not close them
Why Venezuela is threatening to annex Guyana’s oil-rich province of Essequibo
Why voter ID requirements could exclude the most vulnerable citizens, especially First Nations people
Why walking backwards can be good for your health and brain
Why Wall Street Isn’t Useful for the Real Economy
Why Was SolarWinds So Vulnerable to a Hack?
Why was there no water to fight the fire in Maui?
Why Washington Just Can’t Stop Making War
Why we all need subtitles now
Why We Are Here: The Past and Its Link to the Present
Why we are poles apart on climate change
Why we can read Finnish without understanding it – a look at ‘transparent’ languages
Why We Can't Solve the Climate Crisis Without Addressing the Wealth Gap
Why we didn’t get a malaria vaccine sooner
Why we don't dole out many compliments – but should
Why We Don’t Know AI's True Water Footprint
Why We Fight Wars
Why we fight: Ukraine, Russia, and the future world order
Why We Forget That Most People Are Good
Why We Ignore the Obvious: The Psychology of Willful Blindness
Why We Lie, Go to Prison and Eat Cake
Why We Must Defund the Global Climate Wall
Why We Must Do More Than Buy Banned Books to Challenge Racism
Why We Must Remember Rohwer
Why We Need a Civic Imagination
Why we need a politics of the far future. #Auspol
Why We Need Design Guidelines for Urban Non-Humans
Why We Need More Than Solarpunk
Why We Need to Build Human-Scale Organizations
Why we resigned from the ARC College of Experts after minister vetoed research grants
Why we should all have a basic income
Why we should bulldoze the business school
Why we should celebrate Australia Day on March 3 – the day we became a fully independent country
Why We Should Embrace Mistakes in School
Why we should give free money to everyone
Why we should shatter Melbourne’s concrete creeks
Why We Should Value ‘Invisible Labor’
Why we shouldn't fill our minds with endless tales of dystopia
Why we split the world into good and evil — and make decisions we regret
Why We're Living in the Age of Fear
Fwd: Why we're right to trust our gut instincts: Scientists discover first decision IS the right one | Mail Online
Why Wealthy Tech Elites Believe It’s Their Mission to Repopulate Earth
Why were we evicted? I had to ask the new tenant to find out – and the reason cuts to the heart of the UK’s housing crisis
Why Western countries share the blame for the plight of 1.7 million Afghans being deported from Pakistan
Why Western Sydney is feeling the heat from climate change more than the rest of the city
Why We’re Protecting the Arctic
Why we’re turning off solar farms when the sun is shining
Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse
Why whales in Alaska have been so happy
Why White People Freak Out When They're Called Out About Race
Why women can’t just ‘get over it’
Why Women in Hollywood Had More Power in 1916 Than They Do Now
Why women over 50 can’t find jobs
Why Won't Creative Future's Members Comment About This Hollywood Front Group Smearing A Well Respected Law Professor?
Why Won’t You Recycle My Batteries?
Why Wood Is the Breakout Architecture Star of the Early 21st Century
Why wordfreq will not be updated
‘Why would you go to uni?’ A new study looks at what young Australians do after school
Why Yes, Yes We Would Like to See a Ghibli Version of the Millennium Falcon!
Why YIMBYs, NIMBYs, BIMBYs and YIGBYs all matter for democracy and our future cities
Why You Should Always Choose a Window Seat on a Plane During Flu Season
Why you should let your grass grow
Why you should think about being a good ancestor — and 3 ways to start doing it
Why you shouldn’t share links on Facebook
Why you shouldn’t unlock your phone with your face
Why you STILL can’t trust password strength meters
Why young workers are leaving fossil fuel jobs – and what to do if you feel like ‘climate quitting’
Why Your Brain Hates Other People
Why Your Vacuum Clogs but a Manta Ray Doesn’t
Why YouTube’s Automated Copyright Takedown System Hurts Artists
Why ‘best before’ food labelling is not best for the planet or your budget
Why ‘Judeo-Christian values’ are a dog-whistle myth peddled by the far right
Why ‘wokeness’ has become the latest battlefront for white conservatives in America
(Why) the Green New Deal is Awesome, Urgent, and Necessary
(Why) Yesterday Was a Very Good Day for America’s Democracy
Whyalla vet launches city's first EV charging station in bid to cut harmful fumes that affect pets
Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
‘Wicked problem’: five charts that show how the climate crisis is making Australia more dangerous
The Wide Angle Archive
The Wide Angle: “Project Russia,” Unknown in the West, Reveals Putin’s Playbook
Widescreen whales and close-up corals: Check out the 2023 Ocean Art winners
Wien Museum zeigt 47.000 Objekte online
Wiener Cello Ensemble 5+1: Bolero
Wiki Surveys
Wiki-style open source maps
WikiMedia Commons Picture of the Year 2008
Wikipedia bans seven Chinese users amid concerns of 'infiltration, physical harm'
Wikipedia comics
Wikipedia Shows Power of Cooperation
Wikipedia Tells UK Government It Won’t Comply With Proposed Age Verification Mandates
Wikipedia:Unusual articles
Wikipedia’s Moment of Truth
Wikipedia’s volunteer editors are fleeing online abuse. Here’s what that could mean for the internet (and you)
The WikiReader
Wil Wheaton and Amber Benson on depicting gender in John Scalzi’s next audiobook
Wil Wheaton Discusses TV, Cord-Cutting, Piracy... And Trying Desperately To Make Sure Fans Can Watch His Show
Wil Wheaton on "Influencer Parents and The Kids Who Had Their Childhood Made Into Content"
The Wild and Crazy World of “Cutthroat Compounds”
Wild and Wilde: At Celebrity Cemetery, Nature Takes on Starring Role
Wild Animals Practically Pose For Him
Wild bees thrive among diverse flower communities, study shows
Wild bird feeding surged worldwide during lockdowns. That’s good for people, but not necessarily for the birds
Wild Cats VS Toilet Paper!
Wild cockatoos make their own cutlery sets
Wild Crow Shows Incredible Intelligence During Complex Test
Wild Elephant Brings Her Newborn To Meet The People Who Saved Her
Wild Elephants Appear to Have Been Domesticated, But Not by Humans
Wild Elephants Seem to Have Been Domesticated, But Not by Humans
Wild genes in domestic species: how we can supercharge our crops using their distant relatives
Wild gorillas compose happy songs that they hum during meals
Wild horses return to Kazakhstan steppes after absence of two centuries
“Wild idea:” Could zeppelins really be used to air-ship huge wind turbine parts?
Wild Kingdom Host Stephanie Arne Joyfully Envelopes Herself In a Swarm of Baby Otters
Wild mammals are making a comeback in Europe thanks to conservation efforts
Wild mice actually enjoy running on exercise wheels
Wild New Caledonian crows possess tool-craft talent
Wild swan conservation success gives cause for hope
Wild weather is costing billions of dollars and putting the future of insurance in doubt
The wild weather of La Niña could wipe out vast stretches of Australia’s beaches and sand dunes
Wild Woodbury: Red List bird species return after rewilding
Wild-caught seafood is often untraceable – and some industry players don’t want that to change. Here’s why
Wildcat Loves Camera Operator's Hair
Wildcats thriving in Scottish Highlands conservation project
Wilder world can slow climate change
Wildfire smoke and dirty air are also climate change problems: Solutions for a world on fire
Wildfire smoke can harm kids’ ability to learn
Wildfire Smoke Is Even More Dangerous Than Anyone Knew
Wildfire Smoke Stands to Deplete The Ozone Layer, Scientists Warn
Wildfires are burning through humanity’s carbon budget, study shows
Wildfires are killing California's ancient giants. Can seedlings save sequoia trees?
Wildfires ignite infection risks, by weakening the body’s immune defences and spreading bugs in smoke
Wildflower meadows’ first bloom wows in north Devon
Wildlife charity declares 'butterfly emergency'
Wildlife conservation program to raise public awareness
Wildlife defies Chernobyl radiation
Wildlife destruction 'not a slippery slope but a series of cliff edges'
Wildlife forensics: how a giant pangolin named Ghost could help save the species
Wildlife groups warn Australia's summer fires are threatening vulnerable species
Wildlife Is Recovering in Europe After Decades of Conservation
Wildlife loss is taking ecosystems nearer to collapse – new report
Wildlife officials in Kenya relocate elephants to reduce human-wildlife conflict
Wildlife photographer arrested in Tasmanian forest where swift parrot habitat is being logged
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: the winning images
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 52: the winners
Wildlife Photographer of the Year: unforgettable animal behaviour
Wildlife recovery spending after Australia’s last megafires was one-thirteenth the $2.7 billion needed
Wildlife Revival Sparks Conservation Craze in New Zealand’s Capital
Wildlife Vets Trek Through Mud and Mist to Care for Rwanda’s Gorillas
Wildlife, climate and plastic: how three summits aim to repair a growing rift with nature
Wildstar, Character Design, Female Objectification, Sexual Dimorphism and Biology in Video Games
Wiley Coyote
‘Wilful acts of bastardry’: former Treasury secretary says young Australian workers ‘robbed’ by tax system
The Wilhelm Scream
Will 2024 be a turning point for IUU fishing?
Will a Labor majority stunt climate action? If the government wants a second term, more climate ambition is essential
Will A.I. become the new McKinsey?
Will AI decide if you get your next job? Without legal regulation, you may never even know
Will AI kill our creativity? It could – if we don’t start to value and protect the traits that make us human
Will AI tech like ChatGPT improve inclusion for people with communication disability?
Will Albanese live up to his own promises to end pork-barrelling? There is a sliver of hope
Will America's Billionaires Start a Second Civil War?
Will an Oil Racket Destroy One of Africa’s Most Sacred Places?
Will Australia dare follow Paris and support bikes and electric trucks instead of fossil SUVs?
Will Australia follow Europe into a fourth COVID wave? Boosters, vaccinating kids, ventilation and masks may help us avoid it
Will Australia’s new climate policy be enough to reset relations with Pacific nations?
Will BF wins UK Pun Championship 2025
Will Big Carbon Capture the COP?
Will climate change spell the end of coastal living as we know it?
Will Deep Links Ever Truly Be Deep?
Will Ditching Dams Be the Coastline’s Renewal?
Will free teaching degrees fix the teacher shortage? It’s more complicated than that
Will Ghana’s gas gamble perpetuate a cycle of fossil-fuel related debt?
Will Japan Allow Circle-K to Acquire 7-Eleven?
Will Lin-Manuel Miranda Transform the Supreme Court?
Will Musk's Starlink satellites lead to Kessler syndrome?
Will News Corp change its approach after Labor’s election win? Not if the US example is anything to go by
Will Russia’s invasion of Ukraine push Europe towards energy independence and faster decarbonisation?
Will Sean Turnell's jail term in Myanmar force Australia into action on a country at war with its own people?
Will solar succeed where nuclear failed and become “too cheap to meter”?
Will Steffen, ‘courageous’ climate scientist, dies in Canberra aged 75
Will the Bistro Save France’s Rural Villages?
Will the Earth warm by 2°C or 5.5°C? Either way it’s bad, and trying to narrow it down may be a distraction
Will the Insurrectionist Order a Final Solution for His Own November Criminals?
Will the Myanmar executions force Australia to act decisively at last?
Will the Turkish earthquakes affect how the country is governed?
Will the world see more wars or unrest in 2024? Here are 5 hotspots to watch
Will things be better for LGBTIQ+ people under Labor? Here’s what the new government has promised
Will this be our biggest ever river catch?
Will this CHEAP New Technology Solve Battery Shortages?!
Will Ukraine be able to win over the Global South in its fight against Russian aggression?
Will We Ever Get Fusion Power?
Will we ever see the end of land grab?
Will we have a COVID wave, spike or blip this Christmas? It depends where you live
Will we make it? Canberra to the coast and back in a very short range Nissan Leaf EV
Will we uplift other species to sapience?
Will your grandchildren have the chance to visit Australia’s sacred trees? Only if our sick indifference to Aboriginal heritage is cured
William Crowther: statue of Tasmanian premier who beheaded body of Aboriginal man to be taken down
William English, Who Helped Build the Computer Mouse, Dies at 91
William Russell obituary
William Shakespeare's Star Wars
William Shatner - She Blinded me with science
William Shatner announced as host of the first official Star Trek cruise
William Shatner Beat Poetry and Twitter
William Shatner stole Leonard Nimoy's bike!
William Shatner: "Has Been"
William Shatner: Ponder the Mystery
Williamstown Literary Festival
Willie Nelson’s Long Encore
‘Willow’ Series Gets November Premiere Date, Teaser Trailer, First-Look Photos From Disney+
Wim Delvoye
Win an Envy 15 laptop for your prime-cut literary travesties
Win-win: how solar farms can double as havens for our wildlife
Wind & Solar Dominate While Other Technologies Are Rounding Errors in End State Projection for…
Wind and solar could replace fossil fuels 100 times over, says new report
Wind and solar energy saved Texans $11 billion in 2022
Wind and solar overtake fossil generation in the EU
Wind and solar plants will soon be cheaper than coal in all big markets around world, analysis finds
Wind and solar pose climate threat too, oil giant Saudi Arabia argues
Wind and solar power half the cost of coal and gas, one-third the cost of nuclear, says Lazard
Wind and solar supply two thirds of South Australia grid in week it was cut off from NEM
Wind farm objections: In Germany, one group of protesters averaged 64 complaints per person
The wind farm where turbines shut down 400 times a day when eagles approach
Wind Farms and Birds Are Learning to Coexist
Wind power awards and wildlife photography: Positive environmental stories from 2024
Wind Power’s Explosive Growth Is Blowing Past Green Energy Goals
The Wind Rises - Official Trailer
Wind turbine for your roof
[Bulk] Wind turbine for your roof
The Wind Turbine Payback Period Myth
Wind turbines are friendlier to birds than oil-and-gas drilling
Wind turbines off the coast could help Australia become an energy superpower, research finds
Wind turbines: infrasound a lot of noise about nothing, study finds
Wind Up Bots
Wind-driven wildfire rages in California with scores of homes charred
Wind-powered cargo ships are the future: debunking 4 myths that stand in the way of cutting emissions
Wings | Animated Short Film | SVA Thesis
The Winnemem Wintu won land back for their tribe. Here’s what’s next.
Winners act as thick as thieves
The Winners Of 2017’s A’ Design Award & Competition Have Just Been Announced, And They’re Genius
Winners of 2023 International Pet Photography Awards Capture the Souls of Our Furry Friends
Winners of Silliest Eurovision Entry 2011
Winners of the 2014 Interactive Fiction Competition
Winners of the 2019 Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest
Winners of the 2020 World Nature Photography Awards
Winners of the 2022 Travel Photographer of the Year Contest
Winners of Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021
Winnie The Pooh Escapes Copyright Hell, Grabs Some Weapons, And Immediately Gets Kicked Out Of Hong Kong
The Winning Photos from the 2021 Wiki Loves Monuments Competition
Winning the right to abortion: the revolution of Latin American women
Winnipeg proposes new Indigenous street names, but what’s behind claims they’re too hard to pronounce?
Winsor McCay and his First Animated
WinSun China builds world's first 3D printed villa and tallest 3D printed apartment building
‘Winter is disappearing’: South America hit by ‘brutal’ unseasonal heatwave
Winter Witchcraft [Animation 2017]
Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles)
Wintergatan LIVE At Victoriateatern - FULL CONCERT
Wintergatan Soundtrack
Wintergatan: Music Machine Mondays Theme Song
Winter’s unseasonal warmth and clear skies are glorious – but a forbidding sign of danger to come
WIPO Blocks Wikimedia Chapters As Observers, Because China Is Mad That There’s A Taiwanese Wikimedia Chapter
WIPO Says Websites In Its Pirate Database Don't Deserve Due Process Because 'They Know What They're Doing'
Wiradjuri taught in NSW schools: ‘Our language is a living thing’
Wire Cutters
Wired article on Manga and Doujinshi
‘Wired the Game’: University of Cambridge are Making a Video Game to Teach Students About Electricity future books
Wirral fishermen in dreamland as River Mersey makes a comeback
WISDOM - MUST VIEW...honest -bill
Wish You Had NSA's Cool Spying Toys? Now You Can -- As Low-Cost Open Hardware
The witch who’s made the world’s first colour-change hair
Witchcraft and fascism collide in Jane Rawson’s imaginative new novel
‘Witches’ are still killed all over the world. Pardoning past victims could end the practice
With "Immunity Debt," Democrats are Having their Ivermectin Moment
With 'Origin,' Ava DuVernay illuminates America's racial caste system
With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big Business
With a COVID ‘variant soup’ looming, New Zealand urgently needs another round of vaccine boosters
With a million home batteries, we could build far fewer power lines. We just need the right incentives
With all this bird flu around, how safe are eggs, chicken or milk?
With Bangladesh on a knife’s edge, trapped Rohingya refugees are forced to turn to people smugglers or violent gangs
With better standards, we could make plastics endlessly useful – and slash waste. Here’s how
With COVID cases still in the thousands, why are some so keen to ditch the things that kept New Zealand safe?
With COVID on the rise again, here are some simple steps to help us socialise safely during the holidays
With COVID surging, should I wear a mask?
With democracy on the ballot, the mainstream press must change its ways
With democracy under threat in Narendra Modi’s India, how free and fair will this year’s election be?
With diplomacy all but abandoned, Israel and the Palestinians are teetering on another war
With Goodbytz, the chef is a robot
With Green Prescriptions, Getting Healthier Is a Walk in the Park
With hundreds of call-outs every day, wildlife rescue services can help us understand the threats to our native animals
With independence off the table for now, what’s next for New Caledonia’s push for self-determination?
With its latest Moon mission success, China’s space programme has the US in its sights
With just 5 years to go, the world is failing on a vital deal to halt biodiversity loss
With less than a year to go, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is in a dreadful mess. These 5 steps are needed to fix it
With mass arrests, running for office in Hong Kong is now not only futile, it can be criminal
With Millions Suffering, Long COVID is Devastating the Economy
With more species at risk of extinction, study warns of "biological annihilation"
With most mandatory public health measures gone, is New Zealand well prepared for the next COVID wave?
With new coal uninsurable, insurers start to move on oil and gas
With no manners at home, no wonder tourists go rogue
With no work in lockdown, tour operators helped find coral bleaching on Western Australia’s remote reefs
With powwows cancelled, Indigenous dancers share videos of themselves dancing in isolation
With remote work here to stay, cities around America are faced with a difficult challenge.
With Russia not attending, what can this weekend’s Ukraine peace summit achieve?
With Science ‘Tapas,’ Migrant Children Sample a World of Possibilities
With so many people speaking ‘their truth’, how do we know what the truth really is?
With Sobering Science, Doctor Debunks 12-Step Recovery
With Taiwan’s election just a month away, the China threat looms large
With the climate crisis and coronavirus bearing down on us, the age of disconnection is over
With the Coalition’s nuclear fantasy demolished by CSIRO, Labor must get cracking on renewables
With The Hype Bubble Burst, Companies Try Comically Hard To Distance Themselves From NFTs
With the popularity of One Piece, has Netflix hit the winning formula for live-action anime adaptations?
With the release of a terrifying IPCC report, Australia must face its wilful political blindness on climate
With the UN powerless, the greatest danger now may be Russia beginning to lose in Ukraine
With This Company’s Support, Women Are Escaping Their Abusers
With UBI, won't people just watch TV and play video games?
With ‘Molly of Denali,’ PBS Raises Its Bar for Inclusion
Without a better plan, New Zealand risks sleepwalking into a biodiversity extinction crisis
Without clean water, Pacific Islanders turn to sugary drinks. Tackling this could reduce obesity
Without community support, the green energy transition will fail. Here’s how to get communities on board
Without free-to-air, we wouldn’t have Doctor Who in the archives. What will we lose when it moves to Disney?
Without Indigenous leadership, attempts to stop the tide of destruction against nature will fail
Without Pushback, Biden Goes Full Trump on Immigration
Without sanctions, making companies disclose their environmental and social impacts has limited effect
Without stricter conditions, NZ should be in no hurry to reopen its border to cruise ships
Witness 1.8 billion years of tectonic plates dance across Earth’s surface in a new animation
Witness in Derek Chauvin trial gets vacation, and new friendship, from California man
Wives of Russian soldiers lay flowers in Moscow to protest against the Kremlin
Wizard Rock
Wizard School card game
WizAz on SYN FM
WizAz: Magic Rocks!
Wm. Shakespeare's Five and Twenty Random Things Abovt Me
Wole Soyinka at 90: writer and activist for justice
Wolf Children - Meet the Director!
Wolf howl identification technology excites experts
Wolf Nerds
Wolf Population Continues to Grow in Washington
Wolf Pup Hiccups!
Wolf walks into a bar...
[Bulk] Wolf walks into a bar...
Wolf Warrior II: what the blockbuster movie tells us about China’s views on Africa
The wolf: Another victim of misinformation
Wolfenoot, a 7-year-old's made-up holiday, goes viral, launches movement to benefit dogs and wolves
Wolfwalkers Demonstrates Why Cartoon Saloon is Studio Ghibli's True Successor
The Wollemi Pine’s Survival Proves We Can Save More Trees
Wollongong researcher Stuart Tan finds majority of study participants still struggle with long COVID
Wolverine Cat
Wolverines are poised to return to Colorado’s high country. Here’s what we know so far
Wolverines Receive Federal Protection as a Threatened Species in the Lower 48 States
Wolves are breeding in Austria for the first time in over 100 years (PHOTOS)
Wolves are thriving again across western Europe. Is it time to bring them back to the UK?
Wolves in Scotland Could Help Reduce Carbon in The Sky. Here's How.
Wolves in the snow - Polarwölfe spielen im Schnee
Wolves return to Europe: what to do about them is a people problem
Wolves susceptible to yawn contagion
Woman Admits 'Regret' Over Not Buying Puffin Sweater Years Ago. Days Later, It Shows Up at Her Front Door
Woman celebrates 105th birthday with care home rave
Woman jailed over abortion – an expert on what UK law actually says and what needs to change
The woman keeping track of ‘eroding norms’ in the Trump era
Woman Saves 850 Senior Dogs And They Have Their Own Bedrooms | The Dodo Heroes
Woman Shares 28 Things She’s Learned About The General Public While Working At The Library And People Love Her Insights
Woman sings like animals and makes awesome sound effects
Woman Takes Anti-Selfies by “Dying” at Famous Landmarks, And It’s Brilliant
Woman Unaware That ‘Furry Convention’ Is Not For Pets, Takes Her Therapy Dog There And Becomes Famous
The Woman Who Brought Dirt to Harvard
The woman who built up Edinburgh's army of street stitchers
The Woman Who Helped Send a Spacecraft to Europa, Jupiter’s Icy Moon
The Woman Who Opened the World’s First Museum in 500 BCE
Woman with MAD Skills
Wombat Encounter - Parry Gripp
Wombats Poop in Cubes. Scientists Are Figuring Out How.
Women and democracy: What does it take to change politics as usual?
Women are 14 times more likely to die in a climate disaster than men. It’s just one way climate change is gendered
Women are 50–75% more likely to have adverse drug reactions. A new mouse study finally helps explain why
Women are less likely to receive CPR than men. Training on manikins with breasts could help
Women are more likely to die or be injured in car crashes. There’s a simple reason why.
Women are still being paid almost $30,000 a year less than men and the gap widens with age
Women are turning the tide on climate policy worldwide, and may launch a new era for Australia
Women Athletes Gave Up Gonads And More To Continue Olympic Competition
The Women Bus Drivers Overcoming Stereotypes in Bogotá
Women endure most Islamophobia in Australia, study finds
Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor
Women get fewer chances to speak on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, according to an AI-powered, large-scale analysis of interruptions
Women have been excluded from men’s spaces for centuries. That’s why the MONA Ladies Lounge matters
Women in rich countries are having fewer kids, or none at all. What’s going on?
Women in Space: The Mercury 13
Women Invent the Future: a science fiction anthology from Doteveryone
Women pioneered computer programming. Then men took their industry over.
Women play a crucial role in agriculture – so why are they often locked out of owning land?
Women Were Included in the Civil Rights Act as a Joke
Women Who are Ambivalent about Women Against Women Against Feminism
The women who stood with Martin Luther King Jr. and sustained a movement for social change
Women-led protests in Iran gather momentum - but will they be enough to bring about change?
Women... !
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman Tells Superman ‘It’s Not Gay Marriage, It’s Just Marriage’
The wonderful sea bunny has (almost) equally wonderful friends
The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn
'Wonderful' Australian Octopus Mother Rolls Pipe Full of Eggs Into Ocean
Wondering how to get from Brisbane to Melbourne without wrecking the climate? Our transport choices make a huge difference
Wondering What 'Privilege' Is? This Video Has Some Answers For You
Wondering what Australia might look like in a hotter world? Take a glimpse into the distant past
Wondrous donkey adventure EO decentres the human perspective in pursuit of a new way of seeing
Wong announces new digital cable centre to limit China’s influence in Indo-Pacific
WONG ON ICE! // Musical & Athletic Performance
The Wonky Donkey: How Infringement Helped Create A Best Seller... Which Would Be Impossible Under Article 13
Won’t my cat get bored if I keep it inside? Here’s how to ensure it’s happy
Won’t somebody please think of the children? Their agency is ignored in the moral panic around drag storytime
Wood carver Maud Baillie made 'world-class' craft furniture on remote Wedge Island 120 years ago
Wood heater smoke estimated to kill up to 63 in ACT each year, prompting calls for national ban
Wood heating could be worse than thought for rural air, study suggests
Wood Robots
Wood-Splitter-Lee (Self taught sculptor)
Wooden mice, keyboards etc. from Sweden
Wooden Skyscrapers are Changing the Skyline and Our Environmental Future
Wooden VW Beetle
Wooden WALL-E made for John Lasseter
Woodlands Resort's special requests
Woodside handed government funds for carbon capture projects, but activists say we should use less gas
Woodside LNG: Australia’s ‘biggest’ contribution to climate crisis a step closer to 50-year extension
Woodside’s claim that gas displaces coal not borne out by evidence – instead it displaces renewables
Woodworking and Hugs: Inside the Mental Health Movement for Men
Wool swimsuits used to be standard beachwear – is it time to bring them back?
Woolaroo: a new tool for exploring indigenous languages
Woolly mice are cute and impressive – but they won’t bring back mammoths or save endangered species
Word games, wit and the pleasure of annoying people: a daughter’s memoir sheds new light on the notoriously private John Clarke
WordPress Adds Subaru to Takedown “Hall of Shame”
Words have impact: language & Indigenous issues
Work begins to turn 99,000 hectares in England into ‘nature recovery’ projects
Work for the Dole CDP scheme a costly failure that's harming people: report
Work From Home Works
Work has conquered every day of the week. How do we remain human in a world that worships toil?
Work Is Under Way on NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Hunter
Work less, pollute less
Work or play? The rise of online ‘kidfluencers’ is raising complex legal and ethical questions
Work under way to bridge 32km gap in NSW dog fence – but ecologists say it should be taken down
Work-from-home rates fall but skill shortages may delay full return to Australian offices
Work-related news
Worker co-ops: business without bosses
Worker Cooperatives Are More Productive Than Normal Companies
Workers hate office noise – but is using headphones to shut out colleagues the solution?
The workers have spoken: They’re staying home.
Workers in Argentina face the biggest blow to their employment rights since the military dictatorship of the 1970s
Working Antikythera Device reproduction
Working Cats
Working dogs and horses have tax-deductible upkeep. But Australia’s thousands of working cats go unrecognised
Working from home can make us healthier and happier. Employers benefit too. Here’s the evidence if you need any convincing
Working from home has worked for people with disability. The back-to-the-office push could wind back gains
Working from home immoral? A lesson in ethics, and history, for Elon Musk
Working from home is producing economic benefits return-to-office rules would quash
Working from the office means a pay cut
Working in the Theatre: Clowning
Working mech (gun fires nerf balls)
Working While Female
The working-from-home debate gets old
Works In Progress
The Works in Progress Newsletter: Deep heat
World 'gravely' unprepared for effects of climate crisis – report
The World After This
World Animal Protection celebrates UN resolution in a step towards recognizing animal welfare's role in global climate crisis, biodiversity and pandemic risk
World Backup Day
World Bank Decries Disastrous Fossil Fuel, Agriculture, & Fisheries Subsidies
World Bank freezes loans to Uganda because of anti-gay laws. But it doesn’t mean it’s becoming a human rights watchdog
World Bank Project Connects More than a Million Moroccans to Clean Water
The World Bank used to cause untold harm – but 30 years ago it started reforming. What went right
World Bank warns oil price could soar to record $150 a barrel
World Biggest Picture For Dubai - 45 GigaPixel
The world bodypainting festival 2017 – in pictures
World Charter for Nature
World Charter For Nature (1982)
World Continues to Swelter as April 2024 Blazes Past Heat Records
The World Could Benefit From China Clearing Up Its Smog
The World Could Soon Run Out of a Crucial Resource And Nobody Is Talking About It
World Cup 2022: Fifa’s clampdown on rainbow armbands conflicts with its own guidance on human rights
The world doesn’t care about swings in marginal seats. Climate action must spearhead a new Australian foreign policy
World eBook Fair
The world economy could grow $26 trillion in a decade if governments and businesses focus on climate change
World Elephant Day
World Elephant Day!
World Energy Outlook 2023
World Energy Outlook 2024
World EV road trip reveals an Australian market in the slow lane
World Exclusive: Renault MORPHOZ | Fully Charged
World faces ‘terminal’ loss of Arctic sea ice during summers, report warns
The World Famous Random Kitten Generator
The world finally has its first ‘parastronaut’. Can we expect anyone to be able to go to space one day?
World First as UN Begins Creation of 'Historic' Global Treaty on Plastic Waste
World First! THIS Is How You Power Electric Flight!
World first: malaria vaccine rollout begins in Cameroon
World Happiness Report 2023
World Happiness Report Reveals an Inspiring Benefit That Came Out of The Pandemic
The world has a chance to end plastic pollution – the petrochemical giants mustn’t spoil it
The World Has a Germany Problem
The world has made substantial progress in increasing basic levels of education
World has six months to avert climate crisis, says energy expert
World Health Network Infographics
The World Health Organization calls for the decriminalisation of drug use
World Health Organization Warns Against Using Artificial Sweeteners
World Heritage Committee agrees not to place Great Barrier Reef on ‘in danger’ list
World Heritage Fraser Island officially restored to Indigenous name, K'gari, supported by public
The world installed 174GW of solar in 2021 and is on track to deploy 260GW by end of 2022 – IEA
The World Is Awful. The World Is Much Better. The World Can Be Much Better.
“The world is changing:” Labor targets solar and battery industries in $22 billion green deal
The World is Designed for Men
The World Is Full of Sleeping Beauties
The World Is Going to Lose The Leap Second. Here's Why
The world is hooked on junk food: how big companies pull it off
The world is hungry for solar panels. Why did we stop making them?
The world is in an abusive relationship with fossil fuels. Now is the time to leave
The World Is Not Falling Apart
The World Is Running Out of Male Sea Turtles
The world is still falling short on limiting climate change, according to U.N. report
World Land Trust Bundle
World leaders adopt pivotal UN Pact for the Future
World leaders launch programme to boost vaccine production in Africa
World Leaders Once Made Miracles, and Can Again
World leaders pledge to halt Earth’s destruction ahead of UN summit
World leaders urged to 'step back from precipice' of ecological ruin
“World leaders” South Australia and California agree to collaborate on final stretch to 100 pct renewables
World leading Moderna vaccine facility opens in Victoria
World Literature Today: May 2018 issue – International Speculative Fiction
World may already be 1.7C warmer according to Puerto Rican sea sponge record
The World Might Actually Run Out of People
The world might run out of a crucial ingredient of touch screens. But don’t worry, we’ve invented an alternative
World must confront Maduro’s ‘campaign of terror’, Venezuelan opposition leader says
The world must cooperate to avoid a catastrophic space collision
The world must not look away as the Taliban sexually enslaves women and girls
World must rewild on massive scale to heal nature and climate, says UN
World Nature Photography Awards 2025 Winners Capture Nature’s Jaw-Dropping Beauty
World Ocean Day: How much plastic is in our oceans?
The World Of Web Browsers Is In A Bad Way
World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds
World on track to triple renewables based on government policies, but not according to climate pledges
World Order (Find The Light / Mind Shift) Special X-Mass
World Order: "Have a Nice Day"
World reacts after Donald Trump, JD Vance berate Ukraine’s Zelenskyy
World record smashed with 30-tonnes of surplus food
World record: Wind turbine generates enough energy in a day to power 170,000 homes
World Refugee Day message from NZ
The world regards Australia's healthcare system as one of the best. It's time we realised why.
World Report 2016: ‘Politics of Fear’ Threatens Rights
World set to use more energy for cooling than heating
World squanders “green recovery” as renewables dwarfed by huge fossil fuel subsidies
World Telepathy Cup
World War II ‘Rumor Clinics’ Helped America Battle Wild Gossip
World Wildlife Fund releases decade-long report on the Congo Basin, sharing discovery of 742 new species
The world will be saved by steam!
World will be ‘unable to cope’ with volume of plastic waste in 10 years, warns expert
World Wind
World Yoyo Contest 2023 - 3A Champion - Hajime Miura
World ‘population bomb’ may never go off as feared, finds study
World's 'Rarest Insect' Makes Stunning Comeback After Near-Extinction
The World's 10 Happiest Countries
The world's banks must start to value nature and stop paying for its destruction
World's Biggest Brands Join Ambitious New Packaging Model
The world's biggest camera
World's Biggest Data Breaches
The World's Biggest Infectious Killer Regains Its Deadly Lead
The World's Biggest Permafrost Crater is Melting Due To Rising Temperatures
fwd: World's biggest pickup truck reviewed by Jay Leno
World's biggest tech companies get failing grade on data-privacy rights
The World's Cleanest Energy Source Is Nearly Here
World's first 'sand battery' can store heat at 500C for months at a time. Could it work in Australia?
World's First Alaskan Native Video Game Looks Like a Lovely Fairy Tale
The World's First All Electric Tugboat!
World's First Classical Chinese Programming Language
The World's FIRST Commercial Electric Plane - Robert takes to the skies!
The World's First Fully Electric Farm!
The world's first hydrogen-powered passenger trains are here
World's First Mass-Market 3D-Printed Electric Car Costs Less Than $10K
The world's first octopus farm - should it go ahead?
World's First Plastic-Free Supermarket Aisle Debuts in the Netherlands
World's First Solar Train - Byron Bay Railroad Company | Fully Charged
World's first tooth-regenerating drug to enter testing in Japan
'World's first' braille mobile phone goes on sale in the UK
The world's flags given letter grades
The World's Geekiest Crossword Puzzle
World's Glaciers Melting At Faster Rate Than Ever, Study Finds
The World's Greatest Places of 2024
World's largest container line is rerouting its fleet to avoid collisions with endangered blue whales, the largest animals on earth
The World's Largest Forest Wilderness Seems to Be Shrinking
The world's last internet cafes
World's leading authors: state surveillance of personal data is theft
World's mammals being eaten into extinction, report warns
The world's most boring television ... and why it's hilariously addictive
The world's most gender-equal countries
The World's Most Insane Wallpaper
World's oceans at a tipping point, indicates UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report
The world's oldest record shop: on the vinyl frontier since 1894
The World's Rarest and Most Ancient Dog Has Just Been Re-Discovered in the Wild
World-first 18MW wind turbine installed in China
World-first analysis of seabirds who’ve eaten plastic reveals slow, insidious health impacts
World-first brain surgery performed on endangered kākāpō parrot
World-first flexible export limits are coming to rooftop solar. Here's how they work
World-first lung cancer vaccine trials launched across seven countries
World-first program repopulates and releases endangered stocky galaxias fish into natural habitat
World-first research confirms Australia’s forests became catastrophic fire risk after British invasion
World-first wind turbine tech puts an 8-megawatt charger on an oil rig
World-first Zero Debris Charter goes live
The world-first, community-driven electrification blueprint for Australia’s energy future
“World-leading” array of massive eight-hour solar batteries to reboot Australian manufacturing
World-record sandcastle built in Germany
Worldcoin is scanning eyeballs to build a global ID and finance system. Governments are not impressed
Worldcoin: a solution in search of its problem
Worlds Only Bar INSIDE a Tree
Worldwide more than 50 events about Open Standards
World’s 1.5C climate target ‘deader than a doornail’, experts say
The world’s affluent must start eating local food to tackle the climate crisis, new research shows
The world’s best rainforest guardians already live there
The World’s Biggest 4-Day Work Week Pilot Just Launched in the UK
World’s biggest bat colony gathers in Zambia every year: we used artificial intelligence to count them
The world’s biggest bus manufacturer has big electric plans for Australia
World’s biggest grids could be powered by renewables, with little or no storage – if we are smart enough
The world’s biggest problem? Powerful psychopaths. | Brian Klaas
World’s billionaires have more wealth than 4.6 billion people
The world’s carbon price is a fraction of what we need – because only a fifth of global emissions are priced
The world’s coral reefs are bigger than we thought – but it took satellites, snorkels and machine learning to see them
The World’s Doomsday Plant Vault Gets Thousands of New Seeds
World’s electricity supply close to ‘peak emissions’ due to growth of wind and solar
The world’s energy situation is not as terrible as you might expect
The world’s first 3D-printed salmon is hitting store shelves, and it looks kind of good
World’s First Cable-Free Elevator Zooms Horizontally and Vertically Using Maglev Tech
World’s First Global CO2 Charge Inches Closer at London Meetings
The world’s first metal 3D printer for space is on its way to the ISS
World’s first off-grid Ecocapsule home to hit the market this year, shipping in 2016
World’s first wooden satellite launched into space
World’s first wooden wind turbine blades installed in Germany
The world’s fish are shrinking as the climate warms. We’re trying to figure out why
World’s five richest men double their fortunes as poorest 60 percent lose money, Oxfam says
The World’s Forests Are Doing Much Better Than We Think
The world’s green juggernaut will become unstoppable this year
The world’s happiest man? Matthieu Ricard on the secrets of a serene, successful, satisfying life
World’s largely unprotected peatlands are ticking ‘carbon bomb’, warns study
World’s largest air-to-water heat pump to warm 30,000 homes in Finland
The world’s largest aircraft breaks cover in Silicon Valley
The world’s largest battery electric ferry is being built in Australia: What will power it?
World’s largest battery maker announces major breakthrough in energy density
World’s largest ever four day week trial in Iceland ‘overwhelming success’
The World’s Largest Four-Day Work Week Experiment Reveals Increase in Employee Wellbeing
The world’s largest gathering: how India plans to keep 400 million pilgrims safe at the Maha Kumbh Mela festival
World’s largest insect faces extinction: how to save two species of Africa’s giant Goliath beetle
World’s Largest Lithium Mine Is In Australia
World’s largest ocean-going wooden sailing ship rescues sailboat
World’s largest oil companies ‘way off track’ on emissions goals, report finds
The world’s largest organism is slowly being eaten by deer
World’s Largest Solar Energy Office Building Opens in China
World’s Largest Step Sequencer #MusicMonday
The world’s most advanced economies just agreed to end coal use by 2035 – with a catch
The world’s most super-designed data centre
World’s oldest moss could go extinct as a result of climate crisis
The World’s Oldest Restaurant Has Been in Operation for Over 1200 Years
The world’s oldest termite colony holds secrets – to the past and future
World’s rarest whale may have washed up on New Zealand beach
World’s renewable energy capacity grew at record pace in 2023
The world’s rich need to cut their carbon footprint by a factor of 30 to slow climate change, U.N. warns
The world’s second largest freshwater crayfish was once plentiful in Australia’s longest river – we’re bringing it back
The world’s spectacular animal migrations are dwindling. Fishing, fences and development are fast-tracking extinctions
The world’s spending to fight global lead poisoning just doubled
The World’s Spookiest Math Stories
World’s tallest wind turbine tower made of wood goes up in Sweden
The world’s tallest wooden wind turbine tower – in pictures
The World’s Therapists Are Talking to Ukraine
World’s top cosmologists convene to question conventional view of the universe
The world’s top economists just made the case for why we still need English majors
World’s top fossil-fuel bosses deride efforts to move away from oil and gas
World’s vast networks of underground fungi to be mapped for first time
The world’s worst animal disease is killing frogs worldwide. A testing breakthrough could help save them
World’s worst pandemic leaders: 5 presidents and prime ministers who badly mishandled COVID-19
WormGPT – The Generative AI Tool Cybercriminals Are Using to Launch Business Email Compromise Attacks
Worried About AI Voice Clone Scams? Create a Family Password
Worried about AI? You might have AI-nxiety – here’s how to cope
Worried about Earth’s future? Well, the outlook is worse than even scientists can grasp
Worried about heat and fire this summer? Here’s how to prepare
Worried about PFAS in your drinking water? Here’s what the evidence says about home filters
Worsley Institute of Blu-Tack Art
Worst Client Comments Turned Into Posters
Worst Date In 5 Words
The worst I've seen – trauma expert lifts lid on 'atrocity' of Australia's detention regime
The Worst Muse
The Worst Taboo In Urban Fantasy
The Worst Timeline: A Printer Company Is Putting DRM in Paper Now
‘The worst way of dying’: scientists urge coordinated effort to stop whales getting tangled
Worth looking at these two UTUBES about women
Worth1000: Six Degrees of Puppets 3
'Worthless': Scientists Warn Carbon Offsets Are a Dangerous Illusion
Wot I Think: Eliza
Wot I Think: Wandersong
Would a nature repair market really work? Evidence suggests it’s highly unlikely
Would abandoning false hope help us to tackle the climate crisis?
‘Would he disapprove of my single heathen lifestyle?’: me and my Syrian refugee lodger
Would Sidney Nolan be cancelled for painting Ned Kelly today? That’s what Creative Australia has done to Khaled Sabsabi
'Would you burn the Mona Lisa if it was sent?': Our horror bureaucratic bungle
‘Would you like lunch? Can I clean out the chook house?’: what flood survivors actually need after disaster strikes
Would You Like To Wombat Your Dropbear
The Wounded Explaining the Wound: The Forced Sterilization of Women of Color Is No Small Matter
WoW Alters Its Character Creation System to Add Diversity
wow cloud photos
wow horsie
Wow this is Doge
Wow!!! te reo Māori rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody
WR-07 - A Real Transformer
"Wrap" magazine
Wrath of Khan the Opera
The wreck of Endurance is a bridge to a bygone age, and a reminder of Antarctica’s uncertain future
Wrenching open the black box
Writer for a Cartoon
Writer, Interrupted
Writing a more compelling game narrative
Writing Books Remains a Tough Way to Make a Living
Writing for our (digital) lives: war, social media and the urgent need to update how we teach English
Writing from the edge of catastrophe: two new books clarify what’s at stake if we fail to mitigate climate change
Writing Off the Unemployed
Written by a Kid
Wrong couple get divorced after solicitor ‘clicks wrong button’
“Wrong direction:” Australia called out for betting bigger on fossil gas
Wrong way, go back: a proposed new tax on electric vehicles is a bad idea
WTF Quora: how a platform eats itself
WTO conference ends in division and stalemate – does the global trade body have a viable future?
Wuling Hongguang Mini EV Now Available For Just $2,838 Plus $28/Month For The Battery Plan
WWF and Ørsted in new global partnership to unite action on climate and ocean biodiversity
WWF: 39.5% increase in snow leopard numbers in Bhutan ‘a milestone achievement’
X Prize revs up quest for super-efficient car
X repeatedly told us that users who posted “Hitler was right” and urged a “final solution” for Jewish people didn't break “our safety policies”
XEC is now in Australia. Here’s what we know about this hybrid COVID variant
Xi cements his power at Chinese Communist Party congress – but he is still exposed on the economy
Xi Jinping welcomes ‘dear friend’ Vladimir Putin to Beijing
xkcd fans play chess on roller coasters
XKCD: Global Temperature Over My Lifetime
XRL Hexapod Robot Gets a Tail, Learns to Use It
?: :xu:pll: Video overlays
Y All the Hype?
Y&R - Peugeot 208 - Wacky Races
Y'all Masking: The Solidarity in Safety
Yabby traps and discarded fishing tackle can kill platypuses - it’s time to clean up our act
Yahoo: seek proof! Hublot: you cannot claim rights for images that are not yours
Yang Hengjun’s family urges Albanese to negotiate with China for jailed Australian writer’s release
Yann Frisch performs Baltass
Yarmouth approves plan to remove two Royal River dams
Yarn Bombing
Yarra goes 100% renewable
Yasmeen Lari on track to build a million flood-resilient Pakistan homes by 2024
Yayoi Kusama: Inflatable polka dot art goes on display
Yayoi Kusama’s Largest Permanent Public Sculpture Arrives in London
Yeah, nah: Aussie slang hasn’t carked it, but we do want to know more about it
The year everything got cancelled: how the arts in Australia suffered (but survived) in 2020
The Year in Cheer 2020
The Year in Cheer 2021
The Year in Cheer 2022
The Year in Cheer 2023
The Year in Cheer: 144 ways the world got better in 2024.
The year in rainforests: 2023
The year is 2149 and …
Year of Upheaval for Restaurants That Ended Tipping
The Year Tech Bro Lunacy Was Exposed
The year the Australian Dream died
The Year We All Wore Kigurumi
The Year We Broke the Internet
year-end diversions
Years Of Brainwashing The Public Into Thinking Everything Creative Must Be 'Owned' Has Led To This New Mess
Yello - Waba Duba (Official Video)
Yellowknife and Kelowna wildfires burn in what is already Canada’s worst season on record
Yellowstone turns 150. Here's a peek into the national park's history
Yemen: UN removes 1m barrels of oil from ageing tanker to avert environmental catastrophe
Yes, AI could help us fix the productivity slump – but it can’t fix everything
Yes, Animals Have Feelings (Op-Ed)
Yes, Australia can beat its 2030 emissions target. But the Morrison government barely lifted a finger
Yes, Australia’s environment is on a depressing path – but $7 billion a year would transform it
Yes, beavers can help stop wildfires. And more places in California are embracing them
Yes, carbon capture and storage is controversial – but it’s going to be crucial
Yes, climate change is bringing bushfires more often. But some ecosystems in Australia are suffering the most
Yes, efforts to eliminate DEI programs are rooted in racism
Yes, energy prices are hurting the food sector. But burning more fossil fuels is not the answer
Yes, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek approved a coal mine. But save the angst for decisions that matter more
‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes
Yes, Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands has to end – but massacres of civilians won’t bring this end any closer
Yes, it is entirely possible for Australia to phase out thermal coal within a decade
Yes, it’s getting more humid in summer. Here’s why
Yes, I’m a cat lady. No, it’s not an insult. Here’s why
Yes, masks reduce the risk of spreading COVID, despite a review saying they don’t
Yes, nature is complex. But saving our precious environment means finding ways to measure it
Yes, paper straws suck. Rather than bring back plastic ones, let’s avoid single-use items
Yes, Putin and Russia are fascist – a political scientist shows how they meet the textbook definition
Yes, That's a New Electric Car | Olympian Motors
Yes, the Atrocities in Xinjiang Constitute a Genocide
Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they are also about what COVID might do if it is let loose now
Yes, the climate has always changed. This comic shows why that’s no comfort.
Yes, the state of the environment is grim, but you can make a difference, right in your own neighbourhoood
Yes, this is a video of Sir Patrick Stewart dressed as a cowboy & singing cowboy songs
‘Yes, this is real’: LA recreates Glasgow’s Willy Wonka disaster – sad Oompa Loompa included
Yes, we are a more equal society than most, but not quite as mobile as the Productivity Commission suggests. Here’s why
Yes, we can reach net zero by 2050: New report maps path in more detail than ever before
Yes, Wearing a Mask Is Worth It Even If You’re the Only One
Yes, You Can Reconcile The Wide Sharing Of Personal Medical Research Data With Greater Participant Control
Yet Another Former Israeli Intelligence Officer Linked To Yet Another Shady Company Offering Hacking Tools
Yet Another Heat Pump Headache For Fossil Fuel Stakeholders
Yet another move to funnel money to big copyright companies, not struggling creators
Yet Another Music Collection Society Corruption Scandal May Lead To Real Copyright Reform In Peru
Yet another problem with recycling: It spews microplastics
Yet Another Report Says More Innovation, Rather Than More Enforcement, Reduces Piracy
Yet another scientific body has debunked bitemark analysis. The courts still won't care.
Yet Another Study Shows Mainstream Media Is A Key Vector In Spreading Misinformation
Yet Another Study Shows No Link At All Between Social Media And Teen Anxiety And Depression
Yhonnie Scarce’s glass works are a glistening, poignant exploration of how nuclear testing affected First Nations people
Yikes - even Barack Obama wants to solve robocar "Trolley Problems" now
The YIMBY movement is spreading around the world. What does it mean for Australia’s housing crisis?
Yip Yips Storage Crochet Free Pattern
Ylvis - Language of Love [Official music video HD]
Ylvis - Massachusetts [Official music video HD] (Explicit Lyrics)
Ylvis - Stonehenge
Yoga Chihuahua
Yom Kippur Haftorah: Black Lives Matter
Yonatan Zunger on capitalism
Yonatan Zunger on Objectification
The Yooka-Laylee Rap!
Yoro Park: The Site Of Reversible Destiny
Yosemite National Park: Crews restore damaged landscape back to conditions not seen in 150 years
You are a blind cat just trying to find your way home
‘You are deceased’: Services Australia bungle results in woman losing bank accounts and pension
‘You are left flailing to try and look after yourself’: the music industry still constrains mothers’ careers
You Are Never Too Old For Cosplay
You Are Not a Parrot
You Are Not Stupid
You are now one of 8 billion humans alive today. Let’s talk overpopulation – and why low income countries aren’t the issue
‘You are still overweight’: how a doctor’s health advice triggered Sarah’s eating disorder
You Bought It, You Own It!
‘You can learn from this and so can the class’: 3 ways non-Indigenous teachers can include First Nations content in their lessons
You Can Now Explore All of ‘The Book of Kells’ for Free Online
You Can Now Explore an Open-Source Encyclopedia of 10,000 Years of South Asian Art
You can now order all kinds of medical tests online. Our research shows this is (mostly) a bad idea
You can pay to have your ashes buried on the moon. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should
You can play video games with your cat — yes, your cat! Here’s how
You can say you wish King Charles would die, but you can’t urinate on your back tyre: 8 common myths about Australian law
you can spend hours listening to this dude
You can't see me behind this leaf!
You can't shop your way out of a monopoly
You can't sit with us: Mean Girls' unbroken record shows Hollywood has a problem with women
You Can't Vote Out National Security Bureaucrats: And They, Not Elected Officials, Really Run The Show
‘You cannot do mass surveillance privately, full stop’: Signal boss hits out at government encryption-busting moves
“You can’t charge your battery and your car at same time:” Dutton does not have a clue about energy
‘You can’t close’: Melbourne’s last video store determined to stay open in streaming era
You Can’t Just Solve the ‘Fake News’ Problem by Getting Rid of Social Media
‘You can’t speak what you can’t hear’ – how Māori and Pacific sports stars are helping revitalise vulnerable languages
You could help minimise harm in a public attack. Here’s what it means to be a ‘zero responder’
‘You could single-handedly push it to extinction’: how social media is putting our rarest wildlife at risk
You Don't Have To Be Desperate To Believe That Trust Is A Good Thing
You don’t have to be a cute koala to be an Instagram influencer. Give lizards and bugs a chance and we’ll like them too
‘You don’t know why they’re filming or what they’ll do with it’: flight attendants on being unwilling stars of viral videos
You Don’t Own What You’ve Bought: Sony Removes 100s Of Movies Bought Through PS Store
You Don’t Really Need DC Fast Charging
‘‘You Got Your High School Diploma?’’
You gotta just ignore annoying tweets
'You grow up hating yourself': why child abuse survivors keep – and break – their silence
You Had One Job!
‘You have power, or you don’t:’ Ukraine’s energy crisis drives power decentralization
“You have to be creative:” Why Australia’s most successful grid-scale battery developer reinvents itself
"You Have to Live Your Life:" Responses to Common COVID Minimizing Phrases
‘You idiots’: Bill Nye’s fiery message to leaders stalling on climate change
You Just Survived the Hottest April Ever
You May Be Early, but You're Not Wrong: A Covid Reading List
You might enjoy this site
You might get a discount or free coffee but you’re also being played by the multi-billion dollar gamification industry
You might think solar panels have been perfected – but we can still make them even better and cheaper
YOU MUST SEE (read this)!!!!! --bill [humor]
[You need a new perspective on life? Watch this!] "Michael Jordan "Failure" Nike Commercial"
You prolly want to know about this new paper...
You Really Should Just Say No to That Invitation, Study Finds
You Say You're An American, But What If You Had To Prove It Or Be Deported?
‘You want a description of hell?’ OxyContin’s 12-hour problem
You were promised a jetpack by liars
You won’t believe this Rachnera Arachnera cosplay until you see it
You Won’t Believe...
“You won’t get far with that thing, mate:” Model Y does lap of Australia towing a boat trailer
You wouldn’t be able to pause your video games today without Jerry Lawson
You'll go nuts over these photos of squirrels doing human things
'You're beautiful': Alberta student moves classmates to tears with compliments
You're Being Lied To. The EV Market Hasn't 'Stalled'
You're being targeted by disinformation networks that are vastly more effective than you realize. And they're making you more hateful and depressed.
You're not mine but I'm fine _ Piano meowssage (My composition)
You're The Voice (John Farnham) by Naturally 7 - Official Music Video (Long Version)
You've been misled on boat people: Here are the facts
Young Activists Aren’t Waiting For Anyone
Young actors and theatre crew want consent culture prioritised behind the scenes
The Young Africans on a Climate Crusade to ‘Save the World’ One Forest at a Time
Young And UnAustralian: Bigotry Is Driving Away A New Generation
Young Australian women in financial hardship are twice to three times as likely to experience violence
Young Australian women struggling to afford period products as inflation soars, survey shows
Young Australians lodge human rights complaints with UN over alleged government inaction on climate
Young Australians on welfare regularly skip meals and couchsurf, survey finds
The young Australians waging war on waste at music festivals
Young climate strikers can win their fight. We must all help
Young cold-blooded animals are suffering the most as Earth heats up, research finds
Young crown-of-thorns starfish can survive heatwaves. That’s yet more bad news for the Great Barrier Reef
Young humpbacks ‘full of beans’ as whale-watching season takes off in Sydney
Young Londoners design emojis to celebrate Black and mixed-race hairstyles
Young people are about to utterly transform climate politics.
Young people are drinking less in real life. But film and TV paints a different picture
Young people are dying of heat and their risks could grow, study finds
Young people are not after an easy ride, just job security
Young people are on front line of climate change, but they're not accepting it as an inevitability
Young people brought down Bangladesh’s repressive leader. Will they now be empowered to lead real change?
Young people go to European court to stop treaty that aids fossil fuel investors
Young people hate making phone calls – could it be hurting their careers?
Young People Read Old Science Fiction
Young Ravens Could Have Cognitive Skills That Rival Adult Great Apes, Research Finds
Young Rohingya refugees are helping to turn world’s largest camp green
young singer
Young Student Secretly Photographs People with Hidden Spy Cam in the 1890s
Young Ukrainians volunteer to clean up destroyed homes — and try to make it fun
Young Woman Helps Another Young Woman Across Finish Line
Young women’s memoirs of migration, dispossession and Australian ‘unbelonging’ demand to be heard
Young, female voters were the key to defeating populists in Poland’s election – providing a blueprint to reverse democracy’s decline
Young, old and marvellous: how a care home built a nursery – and everyone thrived
Your Android phone will run Debian Linux soon (like some Pixels already can)
Your app makes me fat
Your Barbie Can Now Slay in a Suit of Medieval Armor
Your Behavior Makes Them Very Anime-ted
Your best pictures from the week
Your best pictures from the week 28/7/2017
Your car spies on you and rats you out to insurance companies
Your D&D Stories by AC Stuart
Your Dog Is a Copycat
Your dog really does know what you’re saying, and a brain scan shows how
Your face for sale: anyone can legally gather and market your facial data without explicit consent
‘Your heart races a bit’: US weather man threatened with death for mentioning climate crisis
Your heat-trapping dark roof costs almost $700 extra a year in electricity. Why are they still so common?
Your Life In Numbers
Your parents’ income doesn’t determine yours – unless you’re ultra rich or extremely poor
Your pictures: Crops
‘Your plastic is here’: how Easter Island copes with 500 pieces of rubbish an hour washing ashore
Your Psycho Girlfriend
Your Sense Of Safety Is A Lie
Your smartphone is dirtier than a toilet seat. Here's how to disinfect it.
Your smartphone might be linked to crocodile attacks in Indonesia. Here’s how
Your stuff is actually worse now
Your subconscious, that monster
Your Trans Students Need You
‘Your United States was normal’: has translation tech really made language learning redundant?
Your Yard Could Be a Wildlife Sanctuary
Your zombie shuffle photos
Your “Financial Shock” Wealth
Youth drinking is declining – myths about the trend, busted
YouTube & The Future Of Schools
YouTube co-founder calls for global access to TV online
YouTube Complaints 2014!
YouTube creators want changes to copyright rules knocking their videos offline
YouTube Dusts Off Granular National Video Blocking To Assist YouTuber Feuding With Toei Animation
YouTube Flags Cat Purring as Copyright Infringing Music
YouTube influencer Ruby Franke will go to prison for child abuse. What are the ethics of family vlogging?
YouTube Lets Indonesian Government Block Satirical Video That Criticizes The Indonesian Government
YouTube populists are driving South Korea’s political instability. It’s a warning for the rest of the world’s democracies
YouTube rolls out a new royalty-free music library
YouTube's $100 Million Upload Filter Failures Demonstrate What A Disaster Article 13 Will Be For The Internet
YouTube's Content ID System Flags, Demonetizes Video Of Cat Purring
YouTube's ContentID System Is Being Repurposed By Blackmailers Due To Its Failings
YouTube's Merry Christmas: Letting Large Music Publishers Steal Money From Guy Singing Public Domain Christmas Carol
YouTuber won DMCA fight with fake Nintendo lawyer by detecting spoofed email
YouTubers band together to plant 20 million trees to fight climate change
YouTubers Got To Interview The President Because They're More Legitimate Than Traditional News
The YouTubers who blew the whistle on an anti-vax plot
‘You’re Fighting AI With AI’: Bots Are Breaking the Hiring Process
You’re Living In The True Golden Age Of Television. Enjoy It, Because It’s About To End.
You’re Morally Obligated to Call Out Your Racist Relatives at Thanksgiving
You’re Not Just Uploading A Credit, You’re Also Uplifting A Soul
You’re not seeing things, that’s a cat selling roasted sweet potatoes
‘You’re seeing the pain’: extreme explorer Geoff Wilson’s epic journey for the planet
You’ve got a friend: young people help each other with their mental health for 3.5 hours every week
You’ve Got Mail from Timbuktu
You’ve heard of long COVID, but did you know there might also be a long cold?
You’ve probably heard of the Green New Deal in the US — is it time for one in Australia?
You’ve read the scary headlines – but rest assured, your cookware is safe
Yuan Yuan Tan Interview
Yulia Brodskaya is a delight!
Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue husband Alexei’s fight and says Putin killed him
Yup, we took Stephen Colbert out in New York City dressed as your (and his) favorite The Hobbit characters
Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus
Zacua: The Mexican Electric Car Made By Women
Zambia's front line between elephants and humans
The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is a ‘dirty bomb’ waiting to happen – a nuclear expert explains
Zara Accused Of Stealing Designs From Independent Artists, And Here’s The Evidence
Zeekr Just Embarrassed Tesla & The Entire EV World
Zelenskiy accuses Russia of Kherson war crimes
Zelenskiy tells Davos chiefs: ‘Strengthen our economy, we will strengthen your security’
Zelenskyy says Russia will ‘wage war on Nato’ if US support for Ukraine wanes
Zelenskyy: Europe cannot guarantee Ukraine’s security without America
ZeMarmot, Libre Movie made with Free Software
ZeMarmot: A Libre Movie Made With Free Software
Zenadth Kes peoples’ long journey to self-determination in the Torres Strait
Zeppelin to fly in California
Zero alcohol doesn’t mean zero risk – how marketing and blurred lines can be drinking triggers
Zero Jet Aircraft Crashes: 2023 Was One Of Aviation’s Safest Years On Record
Zero Sum
The Zero Theorem by Terry Gilliam
Zero-degree line at record height above Switzerland as heat and fire hit Europe
Zero-G fashion
Zero-slaughter wool pays off for Tasmanian Nan Bray, who lets her sheep live out their days on her farm
The zero-waste city: what Kiel in Germany can teach the world
Zhou Youguang, 109 and going strong
zigzag for cellor phone
Zim and Zou Paper Art
Zimbabwe's women-only rangers fight poachers and poverty
ZIMBABWE-ZAMBIA: an agreement to conserve the lower Zambezi-Mana basins
Zimbabwean Students Win for Their Performance of a Brilliantly Choreographed Marimba Dance Routine
Zion National Park’s shuttle buses are ditching the propane and going electric
Zolushka the tiger rescued and released back into the wild
The ‘Zombie Gene’ That May Protect Elephants From Cancer
Zombie Rights march, Austin Texas + Pirate protest
Zombie Shuffle
Zombie worlds: five spooky planets orbiting dead stars
"Zombie" COVID-19 fragments linger for some, causing severe disease outcomes, new research reveals
The Zombification of Intellectual Property and the Tool That Could Finally Reform It
ZOMG Cookie Monster on SNL!
The zoo that wants to release wild elephants in Denmark
Zoo Train Is AWESOME
Zookeepers Are Recreating Jurassic World’s Raptor Training
Zookeepers Chase Man In Lion Suit
Zoology: Here be dragons
The Zoom revolution largely benefited men. Is job sharing the way forward for women’s workplace flexibility?
Zoomorphic Calligraphy
Zoos SA leads landmark study to protect vulnerable animals against Covid
Zuckerberg feared Facebook's conservative users, so they received special treatment
Zuckerberg officially gives up
Zuck’s gravity-defying metaverse money-pit
ZYX - Soraääniä / Hardcore remedy
_Goblinproofing Ones Chicken Coop_ Wins Prize
Åsne Seierstad’s "The Afghans" is a gripping depiction of life under Taliban rule
Ørsted and Vestas in industry-first pioneering partnership towards net-zero wind farms
Østmarka: A New National Park for Oslo
Иван Кислов - лисы
Отава Ё - Про Ивана Groove (русское готическое R'N'B) - Otava Yo
ตอกเสาเข็มจังหวะ 3ช่า v.2
きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - きらきらキラー / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Kira Kira Killer
きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - 原宿いやほい , Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - HARAJUKU IYAHOI
きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - 音ノ国 , KYARY PAMYU PAMYU - OTO NO KUNI
みっちりねこマーチ - MitchiriNeko March
オオカミはブタを食べようと思った。Stop motion with wolf and pig
ゴウラ font
スナメリが泡リレー披露 福岡・マリンワールド (Porpoises at Fukuoka Marine World)
デモ演奏 【壬申の乱】 by 川口千里/菅沼孝三&天地雅楽ドラムコンテストⅡ
フクロウカフェ (Owl cafes)
[ プレスリリース]
中国风~手绘动画 (China Wind ~ hand-drawn animation)
利き手とねこ。-Dominant hand and Maru&Hana.-
【寒梅傲雪迎新年】许下新年心愿,2023和自得琴社一起接好运!HAPPY NEW YEAR
恋のセキュリティホール〜HACK SONG〜
手技TEWAZA「箱根寄木細工」Japan Hakone Marquetry
有馬温泉の起源 | The origin of Arima Onsen (spa)
涙の10段跳び 園児の頑張りに感動の嵐
独りでやさしさに包まれたなら (Singing alone "Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta nara")
猫と犬にフォースの覚醒ならず ~ The Force Doesn't Awaken among cats ~【マンチカンズ】
王力宏 Wang Leehom 《十二生肖》"12 Zodiacs" (feat. Jackie Chan)
自主制作アニメ 「 May 」
自主制作アニメ 『想い雲』 Indie Anime "a reflection of one's mind"
長崎バイオパーク カピバラたらいの湯 ( Capybara in woody washtub )
떳다 그녀!! (There She Is!!)
All articles are Copyright © their respective authors.