"When Ursula K. Le Guin passed in 2018, the world lost a luminary. Artist Dylan
Meconis drew a 4-panel piece in tribute, which you should definitely check out
in the show notes, but one panel shows Ursula standing on the Moon and looking
back at Earth. The text reads: “Ursula K. Le Guin knew that in order to change
the world, you first had to imagine a different world,” with the last of those
words written across the face of our Little Blue Marble.
A different world.
Here on
Bright Green Futures, that’s what the pod is all about: doing the
imaginative work to build a better world, lifting up the stories that show the
struggle to get there, talking to the people who create those stories, and
discuss the challenges, not just of building the world but creating the stories
themselves. Last episode, we talked about how those stories can help with the
final step: moving people to action.
One of the challenges, both in fiction and in real life, is figuring out how an
individual can make any difference at all in this massive undertaking of
changing the world, especially when it seems like darkness is descending upon
us politically and given that January 2025 just hit another record high in
global temperature. One of my deepest sources of hope comes from the firm
knowledge there are already millions of people working on this: scientists,
activists, solarpunk enthusiasts, people just trying to live their lives and
make a difference in some way.
Two of these people crossed my path recently. The first, Holly at the substack
A Liminal Life, drew my attention because she linked to
Bright Green
Futures in a post called
Solarpunk Dreams, where she takes us through her
journey to build an Earthship, an earth berm type home, and how she found
solarpunk values intersecting with her desire to live sustainably. We’re not
going to all go live in an Earthship or off-grid—that’s not a solution
collectively—but Holly is not just making real life changes to live sustainably
but, crucially, talking about them so others can see."
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics