"The way we currently manage the suburban and urban landscape is creating a
wasteland and harming the well-being of Earth. Fortunately, we have an
alternative path: We can work with natural systems instead of working against
them. By doing so, we can help heal Earth. We also save time and money because
we perform fewer tasks and use fewer products. Best of all, these are simple
things that anyone can do regardless of their knowledge or experience.
I decided to give away this book for free as my act of reciprocity, my tiny way
of saying “thank you” for the incredible privilege of being alive. The digital
copy is fully free, and the hard copy costs only the amount necessary to cover
printing and shipping costs.
I know many of you are generous people who will insist on paying something,
perhaps as your own act of reciprocity. If that is you—and thank you in
advance—you can do so in the form of a donation to our non-profit, Project
Via Susan ****
Share and enjoy,
*** Xanni ***
-- Andrew Pam Chief Scientist, Xanadu Partner, Glass Wings Manager, Serious Cybernetics