"Rooftop solar installations continue to soar across the globe, and
utility-scale solar installations remain a dominant source of new energy
generation, but two new studies have posited new options for expanding solar
generation – up the walls and over our highways.
A pair of studies published in the last month has highlighted the myriad ways
in which solar can be used across our built world and the potential secondary
benefits beyond the production of clean energy.
With many of our cities’ rooftops already being plastered with solar panels,
attention has spread to whether and how solar could be used on the sides of
Though not a new idea in and of itself, an international team of researchers
modelled the impact of deploying “innovative bifacial photovoltaic systems … on
a large-scale disruptive scenario” as against simply aiming to deploy solar PV
systems with “optimal” orientation and tilt.
The study considered “the potential of novel deployment practices for PV to
quickly reshape the European electricity sector” in the form of “vertical
bifacial PV” which they believe could extend the production time of PV
electricity to periods where it is more valuable to the consumers and easier to
be dispatched."
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