Oh I so love this!
Peter Gut is a Swiss typographer, illustrator and caricaturist
http://www.persoenlich.com/pdf/titel/titel221.pdf> based in Winterthur. He
has collaborated for years with the weekly magazine
Facts, and today works
Weltwoche, the
Neue Zürcher Zeitung and the business magazine
Gut also designs book covers and has illustrated the children's book
Der Bär
auf dem Försterball
http://www.literaturzirkel.eu/junior-edition/autoren_h/hacks_gut_1.htm>. I
recently discovered his work thanks to my daughter Michelle, who bought me the
postcard above. His surreal and whimsical humour and artistic style are in a
similar vein to the great Michael Sowa
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Sowa>, who I haven't posted so far only
because he's already quite famous, and Roberto Perini
http://theanimalarium.blogspot.it/search/label/Roberto%20Perini>. These
pictures are part of the book
Tierisch unter Strom
which explores a series of funny and creative interactions between different
animals and various appliances and machines. You can also find them as
postcards via Incognito