"Iris Brilliant grew up in a wealthy family. Despite all the opportunities this
offered, something about it felt deeply uncomfortable to her.
“I felt like the only thing that mattered in affluent culture was how you
appear, the grades that you get and the achievements that you accomplish,” she
says. It made her depressed and lonely, “like life was in black and white, not
in full colors.”
Then, in her 20s, Brilliant inherited money — “that I was very clear I did
nothing to earn” — from her great-uncle. She sought out Resource Generation, a
US community of privileged 18- to 35-year-olds who commit to distributing
wealth and power. There, she found her “political home” and soon made drastic
changes. “I gave away half of my inheritance. I divested from Wall Street. I
live off what I earn now, and I feel really excited about and pleased with the
current ways I relate to money,” Brilliant says.
While other inheritors have taken similar steps, Brilliant has dedicated her
career to this issue. Now aged 36, she describes herself as “a progressive or
leftist money coach,” helping rich clients to understand the source of their
wealth, get involved in social justice movements, grapple with complex emotions
— and of course, give money away. These services may sound niche, but Brilliant
says she has plenty of demand. And she’s just one of a growing crop of advisors
urging clients to reconsider how much money they actually need."
*** Xanni ***
-- Andrew Pam Chief Scientist, Xanadu Partner, Glass Wings Manager, Serious Cybernetics