"Clive Palmer has a new party and a new slogan but it’s still the same old ads
from the mining magnate. Not content with pouring hundreds of millions into the
past two federal campaigns, for the princely return of one senator who
seemingly spends most of his days tweeting furious support for Donald Trump,
Palmer is kickstarting his blanket ad campaigns again – this time for the
Trumpet of Patriots but still in the ubiquitous Palmer yellow.
On Monday huge banner ads ran across the front pages of the
Daily Telegraph and
West Australian newspapers: “We don’t need to be
welcomed to our own country,” one ad screamed, while the other yelled: “Too
much immigration destroys infrastructure.”
On Tuesday an ad on the front page of the
Newcastle Herald proclaimed: “There
are only two genders – male and female.” (Later in the day the
withdrew the ad from its digital editions and apologised, saying it “offended
many of our readers and did not meet our values as a company”.)
All the ads ran with a QR code where readers could sign up to become ToP
TV viewers in some seats are already being carpet bombed with short ads of
Palmer staring directly into the camera, talking about fast trains and cost of
living. Those same ads have made their way to social media and online channels,
as the Palmer advertising machine creaks into life."
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics