"The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change includes a Gender
Action Plan, adopted in 2017. The plan aims to “enhance the gender
responsiveness” of climate policy and climate action. It outlines specific
actions and strategies to promote gender equality and the participation of
women in climate change mitigation.
This is in line with the mainstream approach to gender and climate change,
which focuses on “including women” in the:
* sectors that are the focus of transition to carbon neutral economies
* finance (public and private) allocated to investments in transition
* decision-making bodies (public and private) that focus on transition.
But feminist economists and social scientists are producing analyses that go
beyond this. They have long been concerned to highlight the importance of care
in economic and social systems. This is care which is predominantly the work of
women and girls and much of which is unpaid.
I have worked, for much of my academic career, on why this broader approach is
important, and what the shortcomings of the mainstream approach are.
Climate scientists and feminist social scientists all have an interest in the
forces shaping care of the planet and people.
In this piece, I explore some ideas about care practices – and careless
practices – for people and planet. We look at the need to go beyond adaptation
and mitigation to create caring economies in which money and markets serve
rather than undermine the wellbeing of people and planet."
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics