Books in Progress is what we call a “public drafting tool”: Drafts will be
made available for comment from the public, allowing for direct collaboration
between author and reader.
As a reader, you can comment on a passage from the text, or respond to another
comment. The author will accept or dismiss these comments. Once the author
implements comments, a new draft will be created and the current one archived.
Helpful commenters will be thanked in print at the author’s discretion.
Books in Progress was developed by Works in Progress in partnership with
Stewart Brand and Stripe Press."
Via Kevin Kelly at
Recomendo - issue #384 where he wrote:
I’m enjoying Stewart Brand’s newest book which is about Maintenance: of
Everything. However, the book is not done yet. Stewart is posting drafts of
chapters as he writes them in a way that solicits feedback from readers. So
not only can you read the book early, you can influence the book, as many
readers have already. Everything, from your car to your local town, needs to
be maintained, but is often neglected, so this book has something useful and
pertinent for everyone in making maintenance more exciting. — KK
Share and enjoy,
*** Xanni ***
-- Andrew Pam Chief Scientist, Xanadu Partner, Glass Wings Manager, Serious Cybernetics