'As Australians shake their heads at the prospect of another increase in
electricity prices, a Victorian couple who have switched their home and
business to 100 per cent renewable energy say they won't pay a power bill for
Nick and Isabel Renters ran a niche woollen mill at Timboon near Victoria's
Great Ocean Road and enjoyed an unexpected jump in trade during the COVID
pandemic, as people stuck at home found more time to explore the world of
knitting and other crafts.
But with the spike in trade came a need to upscale, and to do that they needed
access to more electricity from the power grid.
That wasn't possible for the pair, so they made the brave decision to relocate
near Ballarat and re-establish their mill there.
"When we brought this property there was no infrastructure here, it wasn't
connected to the grid or anything and we thought, 'Let's investigate going
off-grid,'" Mr Renters said.'
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics