"Iain M. Banks's Culture is one of the most well-known and best-loved
science fiction utopias. Beginning in 1987 with Consider Phlebas, Banks
published eight (or nine) novels, a novella and one (or two) short
stories in this setting, exploring the joys and complexities of his
far-future post-scarcity society before his devastatingly untimely death
in 2013. Working both with and against the space opera traditions of the
UK and the US, Banks was frequently cited as a leading figure in the
British Boom, using the Culture texts as a political platform and an
ethical playground."
Lengthy and excellent interview with the late and definitely great Iain
Banks. Via Cory Doctorow and Peter da Silva.
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*** Xanni ***
-- Andrew Pam Chief Scientist, Xanadu Partner, Glass Wings Manager, Serious Cybernetics