Glass Wings Blog: Electric

‘A symbol of change’: Historic buildings keep their charm thanks to cleverly installed solar panels
1967 AMC Amitron EV Concept Missing for Decades Found in a Barn
27 States Let Utilities Shut Off Electricity for Nonpayment During Heat Waves
6,000 sheep will soon be grazing on 10,000 acres of Texas solar fields
8.5M square feet of US self-storage rooftops are getting solar
A battery price war is kicking off that could soon make electric cars cheaper. Here’s how
“A better way to live:” Indigenous-owned solar microgrid lights way for energy democracy
A multi-billion dollar solar sheep rental industry is taking shape in Australia
A Native American tribe is building a $1B solar farm in Colorado
A new solar farm is now shading Denver Botanic’s actual farm in one of the state’s biggest “agrivoltaics” experiments
Abandoned Coal Mines Are Becoming the Batteries of the Future
Affordable Solar Power is Increasing Electricity Access for Malawi’s Households
AGL offers free charging as it rolls out first of 149 pole mounted EV chargers
Agrivoltaic Solar Arrays Will Win The Rural Solar War, With Insects
All Aboard the Electric School Bus!
Amber ready to pay customers to charge their EVs as it prepares for vehicle to grid
An electric hydrofoil ferry offers cleaner journeys among Stockholm’s 14 islands
Analysis: Solar surge will send coal power tumbling by 2030, IEA data reveals
The anti-EV brigade are pushing plug-in hybrids. But electric is still the future
Are electric cars good for city driving only? NZ farmer busts another EV myth
Are electric cars too heavy for roads, bridges and car parks?
Are EVs fatally flawed or have Hybrids had their day? And what are HEVs, PHEVs & EREVs anyway?
Are EVs really much heavier than their ICE equivalents?
Arizona tribe first to span canals with solar panels
As the world heats up, solar panels will degrade faster – especially in hot, humid areas. What can we do?
Assembly line complete for maker of electric-hybrid aircraft that can slash emissions
At this price, this EV is effectively a mobile battery with a free car thrown in
Australia needs better ways of storing renewable electricity for later. That’s where ‘flow batteries’ can help
Australia storage start up says it is ready to produce lower cost sodium batteries from 2025
Australian battery hopeful to test its five-hour vanadium flow technology at remote mine site
Australian betadine-inspired battery breakthrough could add 1000km to EV range
Australian EVs could earn $12,000 in a single year with vehicle-to-grid tech
Australian logistics company adds 60 new EVs to its delivery fleet
Australian logistics giant to add 300 electric trucks, vans and mobile chargers
Australian logistics provider rolls out 20-strong electric truck fleet, powered by solar
Australian pioneer in shared rooftop solar scores big from Biden billions
Australian researchers claim world record PV efficiency for kesterite solar cell
Australian researchers race to smash the solar efficiency ceiling using “singlet fission”
Australian researchers turn wine into a battery storage breakthrough
Australian solar PERC pioneer wins technology innovation gong
Australian solar team beats perovskite efficiency milestone, joins elite global club
Australian solar tile company raises funds to tap “absurdly large” US market, and take on Tesla
Australian supermarket and recycling companies add electric prime movers to their fleets
Australian trucking giants to roll out another 54 electric heavy trucks and charging network
Australians are installing batteries at a record rate, as rooftop solar heads for major new milestone
Australians blame wind, solar for high power bills as media campaigns take hold
Australia’s largest rail freight company to roll out battery electric tenders in “world first” trial
Australia’s SUV obsession could wipe out emissions gains from EV sales and efficiency standards
Barcelona rolls out first EV chargers powered by regenerative train braking
Batteries on wheels: Energy retailer Amber launches trial for bi-directional EV charging
Batteries on wheels: Germany to slash grid fees to encourage bi-directional charging for EVs
Batteries on wheels: If Australia really wants smart EVs with V2G, it will have to say so
Battery breakthrough as 99.99% of lithium extracted from old cells
Battery costs plunge, solar and wind undercut new coal and gas “in almost every market”
Battery electric trucks best option to cut transport emissions, hydrogen models almost non existent
Battery-electric is now the most popular for new city buses in the EU
Battery-powered GWR train 'breaks UK record'
Benefits of Electric Stoves on Health and Environment in Ecuador
Bids for Australia’s biggest wind and solar tender close on Tuesday. Will it be the last?
Big batteries and EVs to the rescue again as faults with new nuclear plant cause chaos on Nordic grids
Big batteries to shore up power in 20 Victorian tourist towns
Biggest threat to affordable and reliable electricity in Victoria? It might just be Peter Dutton
Bilgin Architects shrouds solar farm hub with mirrored steel in Turkey
BMW Is a Surprise Winner in Electric Vehicles
Brisbane ports deploys first electric truck carrying 88 tonne shipping containers
Budding engineers get to build and drive their own race car, and electric is their choice
Building an open-source battery
Building the world’s largest electric ferry
Buildings as batteries: How basic demand response could shift 12GW of peak demand, save billions
BYD Is Winning the Global Race to Make Cheaper EVs
BYD set to launch next generation blade battery, with more range and life cycle
BYD surges past Honda and Nissan’s sales for the first time, targets Ford with low-cost EVs
California prepares to front up against Trump over EVs, and Musk is not happy
Call for Australia to make wind turbine towers as well as solar PV and battery storage
Call to include electrification in expanded small scale solar scheme to help households dump gas
Can electric motor-bikes save postal workers from dog attacks?
Can neighbourhood batteries really deliver benefits to all consumers?
Canola oil producer switches on 2.8 MW solar farm to power its crushing plant entirely with PV
Car rental giant to add 27 Hyundai Ioniq EVs to Australian car fleet
CATL announces electric vehicle battery with 1.5 million kilometre warranty
CATL unveils “cutting edge” electric bus battery with one million kilometre warranty
Cattle among the trackers and all-electric cherries: The shift to solar and fossil fuel free farming
CEFC invests $70m to help electrify and decarbonise maritime ports
Cheap Solar Panels Are Changing the World
China confirms that installing solar panels in deserts irreversibly transforms the ecosystem
China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of five large nuclear power stations per week
China launches world’s largest electric container ship with 50 MWh battery
China’s Electric Vehicles Are Going to Hit Detroit Like a Wrecking Ball
China’s EV Market Shows the Future Is Already Here
Clean steam age: Solar thermal can be an economic lifeline for coal and gas regions
ClearVue trials solar glass and cladding in prefab house pilot, as it enters key global markets
CNN changed a headline about EV sales from a success story to a failure
Coal generator switches off to make room for solar in significant boost to renewable switch
Companies turn obsolete satellite antennas in Swiss Alps into highly efficient power sources: 'Ideal as solar energy systems'
“Concrete proof:” SunDrive marks major milestone on path to bring low-cost solar cells to market
Confessions from a lifelong Petrol Head. I love electric vehicles and it has nothing to do with politics.
Conservatives and incumbents have predicted the end of wind and solar for decades. They are still wrong
“Conservoltaics:” Developers urged to think of solar farms as artificial reefs
“Corolla killer:” BYD launches $US15,000 EV in direct attack on legacy makers
Could spending a billion dollars actually bring solar manufacturing back to Australia? It’s worth a shot
CSIRO spin-off raises record amount to fund solar heat and power tech, get industry off gas
Customers will take as much wind and solar as they can “because they are the cheapest,” says Brookfield
Daimler calls for annual petrol price hike “from now until eternity” to support EV switch
Data indicates EVs bring significant health benefits for truck drivers
Dirt-cheap Batteries Allow Truck Charging With Low Grid Disruption
“Disgraceful:” Bowen demands answers as social media giants remove EV and nuclear articles
Do electric cars greatly increase the average mass of cars on the road? Not in Australia
Do electric cars have an air pollution problem?
Don't fall for the PHEV hype – go battery EV or go home
Dried fruit grower saves $10,000 with electric four wheel drives, solar and battery
“Eclipsed our wildest dreams:” Trucking industry starts to embrace electric future
EcoFlow’s Power Hat is a floppy, phone-charging solar panel for your noggin
Edify trucks in 100 Tesla Megapacks for final leg of landmark battery project
Editorial: Trump and oil companies are lying to you about electric cars to serve their own interests
Electric Candela hydrofoil boat sets world record by crossing Baltic Sea
Electric car sales have slumped. Misinformation is one of the reasons
Electric Cars Could Last Much Longer Than You Think
Electric cars were once marketed as ‘women’s cars’. Did this hold back their development over the next century?
Electric hot water could tame the solar duck, boost renewables and save billions
Electric lawn mowers and solar panels could be “gateways” to home electrification
Electric taxi startup GoBlu lays down green challenge to Uber
Electric truck market to reach tipping point by 2030, new report finds
Electric trucks and buses show staggering sales growth in Europe
Electric vehicle batteries can last almost 40% longer in the real world than in lab tests
Electric vehicles in Africa: what’s needed to grow the sector
Electric vehicles will start to cut emissions and improve air quality in our cities – but only once they’re common
Empowering farmers in Central Europe: the case for agri-PV
Enel is deploying 6,000+ sheep to 8 Texas solar farms
Entrepreneur Transforms Old Cement Bags into Solar-Charging Backpacks to Help Children Read at Night
Ethiopia Shows Us Just How Fast The Transition To Electric Mobility Can Happen In Africa
Europe’s deepest mine to become giant gravity battery
Europe’s love of vans is like Australia’s obsession with utes: And they are going electric
EV “batteries on wheels” could save hundreds of billions in grid costs by 2040, report finds
EV battery myths (busted!)
EV battery prices to fall by nearly 50 pct and near ICE parity by 2026, says Goldman Sachs
EV conversions: Classic cars from Porsche 911s to Citroën gelato vans get an electric shock
EV culture war: Ford Ranger driver arrested for vandalising four Tesla Superchargers
EV Explainer: Eight reasons to start driving an electric vehicle
EV forecasts slashed as new vehicle standards allow car makers room to push hybrids
EV owners turn to their batteries on wheels to power homes amid Alfred blackouts
The EV Revolution Isn’t Dead Yet, Although Some Would Like You To Think So
EV sales boom in Nepal, helping to save on oil imports and alleviate smog
EV sales have not fallen, cooled, slowed or slumped. Stop lying in headlines.
EV touring: What happened when we ran our BYD Atto 3 battery down to zero
“Every decision matters:” Australian university replaces hybrid buses with fully electric ones
EVs Are at a Turning Point, It May Not Be What You Think
EVs are being driven much further than fossil cars – and battery prices are still plunging
EVs are easy to fall in love with, but only once you’re in one
EVs are just going to win
EVs are starting to overtake gas-powered cars in a surprising place
EVs for All: How Car Shares Are Making Electric Vehicles Accessible
Existing EV batteries may last up to 40% longer than expected
Exmouth, gateway to Ningaloo, to go 80 per cent renewables with help of solar and battery
Eyes of the energy world on Australian vanadium battery tech
Family's Aussie road trip adventure debunks common EV 'misconceptions'
Farmers and communities to reap billions for hosting wind and solar projects, report finds
Filipinos are embracing electric three-wheelers faster than officials can regulate them
The first all-electric tugboat in the US is about to launch
First Australian-made electric hydrofoil boat unveiled to “revolutionise boating”
First electric cars. Next, electric factories?
First electric concrete mixer truck begins trials in Australia
First electric truck to do lap around Australia completes journey after heatwaves and headwinds
First women-only rooftop solar project powers up in Victoria, sets higher bar for industry
“Flexible exports” vital to the value of rooftop PV, and could help avoid the big solar button
Floating solar panels could provide much of Africa’s energy – new research
Floating solar project converts former gravel pit into 20 MW power generating pond
Floating solar tech that harvests clean power and water heads to Australia under new deal
Flower power: lavender oil for longer-lasting sodium-sulfur batteries
Forget EVs, the Coalition has a plan for nuclear-fuelled hydrogen cars
Forget nuclear: 5B says plunging price of PV means giga-scale solar farms the future for old coal plants
Forrest strikes $4 billion deal for electric trucks and dozers to eliminate fossil fuels at giant mines
Fortescue electric excavator reaches million tonnes milestone, outperforms diesel
Fortescue sees billion dollar windfall from electric truck deal, but Trump throws spanner into green timelines
Fortescue signs $600m deal for battery electric mining equipment in pursuit of real zero
Fortescue to build and test world’s most powerful electric fast charger
Fortescue Zero to provide EV chargers as official “Pit Boost” for Formula E
Fortescue’s 6MW electric vehicle charger stuns the EV and mining industries
Fourth Australian state to allow heavy duty electric trucks on some major routes
Franklin’s Charging Shows Us What EV Charging As A Small Business Looks Like
From running the world's first electric cherry orchard to helping electrify New Zealand
From waste to power: how floating solar panels on wastewater ponds could help solve NZ’s electricity security crisis
The future of solar could be over our highways and up our walls
Gas industry cooks up a “culture war” as the electrification of everything gathers pace
Gas networks resort to fanciful modelling in new scare campaign against electric homes
German car industry frets that China tariffs will slow transition to electric mobility
Giant, Sparkly Clams Hide the Most Efficient Solar Panels Ever Found
Gila River Indian Community turns on power for first ever solar-over-canal project
Global carbon emissions inch upwards in 2024 despite progress on EVs, renewables and deforestation
Global gas lobby tries to hamper Victoria's electrification efforts by stoking fear, researchers say
Global hydrogen vehicle sales plunge further to be tiny fraction of EV sales
“Good luck with your EV in outback WA!” On the slow road to stunning Karijini
Grants for home batteries could “save billions” in shift to renewables
Grazing sheep among solar panels could produce higher quality wool, study finds
Green roofs and solar chimneys are here – experts say it’s time to use them
Greener ‘water batteries’ a step closer thanks to breakthrough by Melbourne researchers
Grid revenue fantasies holding back rollout of electric car V2G technology in Australia
Grong Grong: Australia’s first crowdfunded solar farm powers up
Groundbreaking trial shows how VPPs can pay for home batteries, slash costs on the grid
Has the solid-state battery riddle been solved? This start-up thinks so
Heatwaves and bushfires can be a dangerous mix for the electricity grid. Here’s how to shore up your supplies this summer
“Heaviest road going electric truck in the world:” First electric road train takes to Australian roads
Heavy truck drivers prefer electric, but roadblocks stand in their way
Homes that ditch gas for electric heating can recoup extra costs in as little as 10 weeks
How a Solar Revolution in Farming Is Depleting World’s Groundwater
How batteries on wheels and bidirectional EV charging could kill VPPs
How Electric Harps Are Protecting Honey Bees
How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels
How I discovered my great-great-grandfather started one of first EV companies a century ago
How The Other EV Transition — To E-bikes — Is Changing The World
How the UK's biggest solar project could be shaped by sheep farmers
How the world’s EV capital is reacting to Elon Musk’s meltdown
How to get battery electric vehicles to the mainstream
How Volvo crossed the Valley of Death in transition to all electric cars
How ‘world-changing’ solar tech could mean the death of batteries
How Ziga Dorkic built a solar powered electric van from a boxy Daihatsu he bought for $100
Huge EV charging hub to service electric grocery deliveries in Australia’s biggest city
Hybrid cars can be nearly five times dirtier than battery electric cars, new report finds
Hybrid solar and battery project dubbed first of its kind gets green light for construction
I got a $1,000 electric boat from China two years ago. Here’s what it looks like now
I Went To China And Drove A Dozen Electric Cars. Western Automakers Are Cooked
If EV sales are supposed to be going down, why are they still going up?
If motorists knew more about electric cars, they’d be more willing to buy them
If our hot water heaters ran off daytime solar, we would slash emissions and soak up cheap energy
If we want more solar and wind farms, we need to get locals on board by ensuring they all benefit too
If you build it, will they come? Insect community responses to habitat establishment at solar energy facilities in Minnesota, USA
Ikea to build electric truck charging network across Australian stores
Imagine if just $500 could fuel your electric car … for the next 20 years
In a first, a solar microgrid will directly power an industrial plant
In a milestone, the US exceeds 5 million solar installations
Independent running against Dutton wants bipartisan focus on home batteries after cyclone outages
India is in the midst of an electric vehicle revolution – and Australia should tap in
'Indoor solar power' could replace disposable batteries and charger cables with photovoltaic strips
Inside Africa’s Trailblazing Solar Repair Movement
Inside Karijini: A perfect electric drive through an ancient land
Is an electric bike right for you? Here’s what to consider before you buy
Is David Littleproud prepared to switch off rooftop solar to jam nuclear into the grid?
Is Infrared Heating the Holy Grail of Electric Heating?
Is this plug taken? EV charging etiquette comes to “Modern Manners” book.
Is This RUBBISH Electric Vehicle Britain's BEST EV?!
Is This the Most Efficient Electric Boat? Meet the Vessev VS9 Hydrofoil!
“It makes no sense:” How fossil gas industry is blocking electrification and consumer savings
It took 68 years for the world to reach 1 terawatt of solar PV capacity. It took just two years to double it
“It’s all about the money:” US town saves $80,000 a year by switching to electric police vehicles
It’s Happening: See-Through Solar Windows Kick Fossil Energy To The Curb
It's really simple: EVs mean cleaner air in our cities
It’s the S-Curve, stupid: New model predicts half of world’s energy will come from solar by 2035
January 2024 Breaks Global EV Sales Record: Take That, Haters
Jet Charge to help Australia’s largest insurer electrify vehicle fleet
“Just like a normal digger but quicker:” BHP switches on its first giant electric excavator
Kicking gas and electrifying households can slash energy bills by billions a year
Kicking out gas: Canberra lays out plan to become Australia’s first all electric city
Labour’s ‘rooftop revolution’ to deliver solar power to millions of UK homes
Landmark space mission set to create artificial solar eclipses using satellites
Large battery trial aims to improve renewable energy use in SA towns
The LARGEST Electric Vehicle In The World?!
Left over PV panels and battery storage help solar farm builders dump diesel
Liebherr electric excavator reaches million ton milestone, scores more orders
The lightbulb of the 21st century: The battery revolution illuminates a new era
The Long-Range EV Boom Has Arrived
Long-Range EVs Now Cost Less Than the Average New Car in the US
Low income and frontline workers to access cut price loans in new bid to boost EV sales
The maker of the electric USPS truck is also building garbage robots and EV firefighters
Mars launches “Australia first” thermal energy battery to cook petfood
Mass retrofit: 12 start-ups selected to help switch existing car fleet to fully electric
Megawatt charging stations able to re-power electric trucks within regulatory rest breaks
Mercedes begins testing solid-state battery that can deliver 1,000 km range
Mercedes opens first EV battery recycling plant, using Australian technology
Milestone for vanadium flow battery technology after electrolyte tests for Australian project
Mining giant Liebherr is developing a Segway-style autonomous electric haul truck
The momentum of the solar energy transition
More rooftop solar in cities would help solve NZ’s energy crisis – and build disaster resilience
More than 6,000 sheep now call Australia’s largest solar farm home
The Morris JE Is The Electric Van Of The Future In Retro Clothes
My Experience After One Year of Going Full "EV"
Nationals threaten to tear up wind and solar contracts as nuclear misinformation swings polls
Nearly all major car companies are sabotaging EV transition, and Japan is worst, study finds
New analysis of asteroid dust reveals evidence of salty water in the early Solar System
New automaker backed by Volkswagen debuts first EV with novel battery: 'An entirely new battery chemistry'
The new car batteries that could power the electric vehicle revolution
New government grants to help business ditch gas for efficient electric alternatives
New recycling method makes solar cells even more environmentally friendly
New solar farms can benefit nature – here’s how
New study finds “vast majority” of EV batteries will outlast the vehicle
New study reveals unexpected benefit of solar farms — here's what it could mean for farmers
New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer, bathing Earth in radiation for years
New Zealand is a poster child for industrial electrification. Can Australia follow suit?
New Zealand motorcycle maker bringing electric Streetdog to Australia
New Zealand’s biggest solar farm secures finance to go ahead at Christchurch Airport
Next Big Thing: Sustainable sodium – the next battery of the future
Next-Gen and Siemens partner to make battery materials in Australia
Nimble Electric Trucks Are Supercharging African Trade
Nio completes 60 million EV battery swaps in China
Nio to offer low-priced EV with battery swap capabilities
No home left behind: a postcode approach to electrification
‘No idea what he’s talking about’: Dutton’s nuclear plan could raise – not cut – electricity bills, experts warn
No room for nuclear power, unless the Coalition switches off your solar
No threat to farm land: just 1,200 square kilometres can fulfil Australia’s solar and wind energy needs
Not just for the rich: Why Australia might be great place for electric flying taxis
“Not useful:” Electric air taxis an option for wealthy, but won’t save emissions or time
Nothing in budget for electrifying transport, which will be highest emitting sector by 2030
‘Nuclear energy won’t stop cows from burping’: Peter Dutton needs a plan that goes beyond the electricity sector
Nuclear plant trips due to fire, and battery storage steps in to stabilise the grid
Nuclear waste management could add billions to electricity supply costs
NZ’s electricity market is a mess. Rolling out rooftop solar would change the game
Off-grid solar and battery system “twice the size of the MCG” slashes almond farm energy bill
Old apartment blocks struggling to support charging needs of EV adopters
“One household at a time:” 50,000 homes with batteries could displace a gas peaker plant
One quarter of German car exports in 2023 were fully electric, earning $62 billion
One ship load of solar PV is worth more to the grid than 100 ships of coal: IEA says fossil fuels losing race
Ontario’s huge nuclear debt and other things Dutton doesn’t understand about cost of electricity
Our readers respond to Peter Dutton: We charge our EVs and home batteries with solar every day
‘People would abuse me’: how a ‘climate capitalist’ learned to sell solar in Victoria’s coal country
Perth bus depot to receive massive overhaul to charge 90 electric buses
Perth company successfully switches on solid state battery using table salt
Peter Dutton’s “always on” nuclear power is about as reliable as wind and solar – during a renewables drought
Peter Dutton’s nuclear fantasy could slam brakes on EV uptake
Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could blow out household electricity bills by up to $600 a year by 2030
Picture this: Renewables project viewing tool seeks to demystify wind, solar and storage
Pioneering Australian company marks new milestone on “mission” to upcycle end-of-life solar panels
Pioneering solar garden prepares for its first harvest
“Pivotal moment” for ClearVue as it lands first order for solar cladding on iconic Perth building
Planes, trains and monster diggers: The vehicles pushing the limits of electric power
Porsche and Frauscher unveil electric sports boat – yours for nearly a million dollars
Portable battery storage system made from second-hand electric Range Rover batteries
Power from flower: Albanian farm plants suck EV battery metal from soil
Practical paths to home electrification – quality of service matters too
Pristine rainforest, 'dirty' power: The diesel vs solar energy debate raging inside the Daintree
The Problem with Electric Vehicles
The problem with road-hogging ‘wankpanzers’: Even when electric, they are a hazard
“Purely phenomenal:” AEMO says world is watching as rooftop PV leads surge to 100pct renewables
RACV launches solar and battery VPP, asks commercial customers to join
Radical change needed to upgrade system to handle tidal effect of renewables, EVs and rooftop solar
Real community batteries are uninsurable in energy game of “snakes and ladders”
Rebates and incentives needed as misinformation undermines shift to EVs
Regional network operator trials EV chargers installed in streetlight poles
Regulator agrees to “smooth” cost of gas network death spiral as electrification reality dawns
Regulator to force gas companies to be “clear and accurate” when comparing electric appliances
Remote First Nation Taps ‘Exceptionally Great Value’ in EVs, Batteries
Remote social housing to get $10m efficient electric heating and cooling
Renault aims to set new efficiency record with single seater electric car
Researchers discover simple secret to extend battery lifespans by 50 pct
Researchers recycle perovskite solar cells using water-based “green solvent”
Retrofit nation: Call for mass conversion of Australia’s truck fleet to spark battery industry
Revolutionising the truck stop: NewVolt unveils plans for charging network to electrify Australia’s road freight
Rio Tinto to trial battery swap technology for electric trucks in giant Mongolia mine
Roll out the PV: CSIRO opens flexible solar facility
Rooftop PV propels renewables to 75 pct share for first time, sends coal and grid demand to record lows
Scientists claim PV systems combined with thermoelectric cooling may achieve 6-year payback time
Seeing is believing: your neighbour’s choice to go solar might have influenced you more than you think
Sheep farms master the art of solar agri-voltaics in New Zealand
'Sin City could be called Solar City': How Las Vegas is going green
The Slowdown in US Electric Vehicle Sales Looks More Like a Blip
Small, family owned trucking firms encouraged to go electric
Small Solar Is Driving Biggest Green Market in Latin America
Smaller batteries mean cheaper and cleaner EVs, and no range anxiety for most drivers
Smart charging with rooftop solar: It is possible with a laptop and the right software
Social housing solar and energy efficiency upgrades get a $500 million boost
Sodium-ion batteries are set to spark a renewable energy revolution – and Australia must be ready
Solar above, batteries below: here’s how warehouses and shopping centres could produce 25% of Australia’s power
Solar and batteries steal the show, but world needs more renewables quickly to meet 1.5°C target
Solar and battery energy hubs provide resilience as storms and fires cause havoc on grid
Solar and battery microgrid saves Lord Howe Island $1.5m in diesel fuel costs in two years
Solar balconies are booming in Germany. Here’s what you need to know about the popular home tech
Solar battery deal for giant smelter is a stunning game-changer for Australian energy
Solar battery surge expected for plugged-in households seeking to cut costs
Solar bus shelters deliver clean power for electric transport
Solar car parks: Australia’s great untapped PV potential
Solar charts record growth to overtake coal in EU power mix, send fossil fuels to 40-year low
Solar developer unveils plan for “world’s deepest” undersea cable to link Australia and NZ grids
Solar doesn’t need a toxic “friendship” with nuclear power
Solar farms are booming in the US and putting thousands of hungry sheep to work
Solar farms can benefit nature and boost biodiversity. Here’s how
Solar farms can eat up farmland – but ‘agrivoltaics’ could mean the best of both worlds for NZ farmers
Solar farms can host up to three times as many birds as crop fields – new research
Solar giant inaugurates landmark agrivoltaic project combining modules with a yam crop in Japan
Solar hits new global peak in northern summer solstice, and Australia still leads per capita
Solar milking tech boosts dairy farms in Malawi
Solar panels aid ecological restoration in Tengger Desert, NW China
Solar panels on big Denver buildings throw shade that helps crops grow — and the plants return the favor
Solar Parking Lot
Solar power is booming in Brazil. Can it be a boom for all?
Solar power is turning the tide on energy inequality in the Amazon
Solar power poised for even greater breakthroughs
Solar power: Printed flexible solar achieves efficiency record
Solar Power’s Giants Are Providing More Energy Than Big Oil
Solar recycling machine powers up as key export market closes to used Australian panels
The solar rush
“Solar shepherds” make big money grazing sheep among panels – and it benefits everyone involved
Solar switch off: Dutton’s nuclear plan amounts to declaration of war against household energy systems
Solar will leap four-fold by 2030, ending the rule of King coal and overtaking all other grid supplies
Solar-leader Chile got 63% of its power from renewables in 2023
Solar-powered desalination system requires no extra batteries
Solar-Powered Generators Are Fueling Hurricane Relief in North Carolina
Solar-Powered Planes Take Flight
Solid-state batteries are finally making their way out of the lab
Some short term fixes to grid constraints that are putting brakes on EV charger rollout
Sorting fact from renewable fiction: Handy resources for debunking solar and wind myths
South Australia enjoyed 82 pct wind and solar for entire December quarter. So it can be done
South Australia has the most wind and solar and no baseload: So why is it the only state not fretting about a vulnerable grid?
South Australia locks in federal funds to become first grid in world to reach 100 per cent net wind and solar
Space solar inspires hope and skepticism as it inches closer to reality
St Baker battery giga factory starts commercial production in the Philippines
State government offers big grants for electric delivery vans and cargo e-bikes
Stranded assets: Chinese fossil car production plunges amid surging EV demand
Sunshine state to transform solar heavy towns into bespoke local renewable energy zones
Swedish startup promises “massless” carbon fibre battery for wind blades, EVs and aircraft
Swiss pilot to install solar panels in-between railway tracks
Switch to electric heat pump heating and avoid freezing with gas
Switzerland is covering the Alps with solar panels, achieving the impossible: challenging everything we believed
Sydney ferry fleet to go fully electric, with first on the harbour in 2026
Taking the ‘forever’ out of ‘forever chemicals’: we worked out how to destroy the PFAS in batteries
TDK claims insane energy density in solid-state battery breakthrough
Technology denial: Columbia Law School debunks 33 biggest myths about solar, wind and EVs
“Terracotta” solar: New 400W PV modules blend in with red clay rooftops
“Terrific news:” Battery boom and rebound in wind projects put renewables target back on track
Tesla Co-Founder JB Straubel Built an EV Battery Colossus to Rival China
Tesla owners across America are selling, or even rebadging their EVs as a Honda or Audi
Tesla sales continue to plummet across Europe despite overall EV market growth
“There has to be a better way to do this:” The dawn of an Australian solar Maverick
These new Texas homes come with free backup batteries
“They just fit in with what we do:” Farmers reap rewards as they play host to wind and solar
This apartment building needed new balcony railings. So the landlord put in solar panels
This GIANT Electric Mining Truck Charges in Under 30 minutes!
This Is What the World’s First All-EV Car Market Looks Like
This legacy school bus maker just delivered its 1,000th electric school bus
This MASSIVE Electric Truck Can Battery Swap In 4 Minutes!!
This Tiny Electric Van Means BIG Business!
This Tiny Sports Car Is The Future Of EVs
Through the roof: how a Brisbane shed is turning old solar panels into silver and copper
“Time to come back:” Sunman unveils plans to make flexible solar panels in Australia
“Too afraid of China:” Meyer Burger chief quits and lambasts EU for failing to defend solar industry
Too good to be missed: An entire school electric bus fleet is sending power the grid
Trickle recharging using a combination of pumped hydro and battery storage can get rid of gas
Trina unveils world’s first fully recycled silicon solar module
Trump and Musk pull plug on national EV network as they wage war on other people’s EVs
Trump launches immediate attack on climate, renewables and EVs. How worried should we be?
Trump’s EV Charger Purge Could Cost Taxpayers Over $1 Billion
Turning An Old Engine Block and Lava Into A Heat Battery!
Two-thirds of new-build homes don’t have solar: Report calls to plug holes, double rooftop PV capacity
Uber to target second hand electric cars from Japan in Australian trial
UK Labour to double onshore wind, triple solar power, and quadruple offshore wind by 2030
UK maps out pathways to clean grid by 2030: Three-fold increase in wind and solar, and no new nuclear
Ukraine receives nearly 6,000 solar panels to power hospitals
Ukraine’s green fightback: Wind farms, solar schools and counting the cost of ‘destroying nature’
Unboxed?! Solar EV Charging Installed In A Day!
UNSW develops novel eco-friendly, high-performance organic battery that could be key to future
The Uruguayan company teaching people how to turn regular cars into EVs
The US is about to get its first solar-covered canal
US power grid added battery equivalent of 20 nuclear reactors in past four years
Vanadium flow battery hopeful says long duration vanadium storage can compete with li-ion on costs
Variety kicks off “Big Electric Adventure” with 10,000 km EV drive through outback
Vatican gets its first electric Popemobile, designed for slow speeds and swivel seats
Vatican to install solar farm on farmland in defiance of Italy ban
Vehicle to grid trial to test EVs as “batteries on wheels” in remote off-grid towns
Vertical, all-black solar system seeks to power through the winter snow
“Very cost effective:” Regional Australia Post contractor goes fully electric
Victoria bans gas rebates and incentives for homes as shift to all-electric gathers pace
Victoria commits to 600 new battery electric buses by 2035
Victoria networks want to be first to own and install EV kerbside chargers on their power poles
Victoria unveils roadmap to electrify bus fleet
Video: The shocking truth about the cost of fuel and electric
Volkswagen ID.7 electric car covers 794 kms with single battery charge
Volvo Cars dumps 2030 all-electric target, to ramp up hybrids as it weakens climate goals
Volvo CE presents new electric construction machines
Volvo Trucks have logged over 50 million battery electric miles (!)
Volvo unveils heavy duty electric truck with 600km range
VW to use old EV batteries to build massive grid battery to store wind and solar
‘We are buzzed with euphoria’: Electric Fields to represent Australia at Eurovision
“We can make it happen:” Trina says timing right to make solar in Australia with SunDrive
“We can make lighter batteries:” Australia start-up gets funding for new facility
We compared land transport options for getting to net zero. Hands down, electric rail is the best
What is a dark comet? A quick guide to the ‘new’ kids in the Solar System
What’s the real risk from electric vehicles in apartments?
When it comes to power, solar is about to leave nuclear and everything else in the shade
Which EVs can do bidirectional charging? In Australia the answer is: Not many
Why electric beats hydrogen in the race to decarbonise freight vehicles in Australia
Why the next ride you share could be in an electric car
Why we’re turning off solar farms when the sun is shining
Will Australia dare follow Paris and support bikes and electric trucks instead of fossil SUVs?
Will solar succeed where nuclear failed and become “too cheap to meter”?
Will we make it? Canberra to the coast and back in a very short range Nissan Leaf EV
Wind and solar power half the cost of coal and gas, one-third the cost of nuclear, says Lazard
With a million home batteries, we could build far fewer power lines. We just need the right incentives
World First! THIS Is How You Power Electric Flight!
“The world is changing:” Labor targets solar and battery industries in $22 billion green deal
The world-first, community-driven electrification blueprint for Australia’s energy future
“World-leading” array of massive eight-hour solar batteries to reboot Australian manufacturing
The world’s biggest bus manufacturer has big electric plans for Australia
The World's First All Electric Tugboat!
The World's First Fully Electric Farm!
The world’s largest battery electric ferry is being built in Australia: What will power it?
Yes, That's a New Electric Car | Olympian Motors
“You can’t charge your battery and your car at same time:” Dutton does not have a clue about energy
“You have to be creative:” Why Australia’s most successful grid-scale battery developer reinvents itself
Your heat-trapping dark roof costs almost $700 extra a year in electricity. Why are they still so common?
You're Being Lied To. The EV Market Hasn't 'Stalled'
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