Glass Wings Blog: Heat

20 people in a two-bedroom apartment: the growing health and safety risks of ‘hot bedding’
2024 will be world’s hottest year on record, and the first above 1.5°C target
20°C seems the optimal temperature for life on Earth to thrive – what does this mean in a warming world?
27 States Let Utilities Shut Off Electricity for Nonpayment During Heat Waves
40°C in August? A climate expert explains why Australia is ridiculously hot right now
“A basic right:” Why energy for cooking, heating and cooling should be free
A fierce battle is being fought in the soil beneath our feet – and the implications for global warming are huge
A marine heatwave in northwest Australia is killing huge numbers of fish. It’s heading south
Africa’s megacities threatened by heat, floods and disease – urgent action is needed to start greening and adapt to climate change
Almost a third of Australia’s plant species may have to migrate south if we hit 3 degrees of warming
Amid scorching heat, 900 people died this week in Saudi Arabia. Climate change has made the Hajj pilgrimage more risky
Ancient poppy seeds and willow wood offer clues to the Greenland ice sheet’s last meltdown and a glimpse into a warmer future
Antarctic temperatures rise 10C above average in near record heatwave
Antarctica’s sea ice hit another low this year – understanding how ocean warming is driving the loss is key
Arctic rivers face big changes with a warming climate, permafrost thaw and an accelerating water cycle − the effects will have global consequences
Arctic tundra now emits planet-warming pollution, federal report finds
As 12 months of record heat stack up, scientists unpack the impacts around the globe
As gas runs out in the Bass Strait the debate over how to dismantle massive offshore rigs is heating up
As Los Angeles combusts, 2024 is declared Earth’s hottest on record
As Ocean Waters Warm, a Race to Breed Heat-Resistant Coral
As record heat risks bleaching 73% of the world’s coral reefs, scientists ask ‘what do we do now?’
As the world heats up, solar panels will degrade faster – especially in hot, humid areas. What can we do?
Australia records hottest ever winter temperature with some areas set to be 10C above average
Australia’s latest brush with extreme heat shows just how good weather forecasting really is
Baby it’s cold inside: here’s how to warm up your chilly old Australian home
Budget-friendly tips to keep rented homes warm in winter
Burning plastic for cooking and heating: An emerging environmental crisis
Canada wildfires drive hundreds from homes as more scorching heat forecast
The climate cafe helping eco-anxious Africans find hope amid the heat
Climate Change Progress: Watching the Temperature Rise
Climate crisis to blame for dozens of ‘impossible’ heatwaves, studies reveal
CSIRO spin-off raises record amount to fund solar heat and power tech, get industry off gas
The Delhi heatwave is testing the limits of human endurance. Other hot countries should beware and prepare
Delhi heatwave: officials investigating if temperature of 52.9C due to faulty sensor
Earth is already shooting through the 1.5°C global warming limit, two major studies show
El Niño forecast to drive record heat from the Amazon to Alaska in 2024
Electric hot water could tame the solar duck, boost renewables and save billions
Ever heard of the Maritime Continent? It’s not far from Australia – and channels heat around the world
‘Everything, everywhere, all at once’: Australia’s survival in a warmer world will be a mammoth multi-tasking effort
Extreme heat is a killer for outdoor sporting events – let’s plan properly to keep everyone safe
Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to Spain’s mass tourism industry
Factcheck: 18 misleading myths about heat pumps
Fighting Global Warming, One Abandoned Oil Well at a Time
First electric truck to do lap around Australia completes journey after heatwaves and headwinds
First heatwave of 2025 engulfs Australia's south-east while monsoon and cyclones mysteriously missing in action
Five reasons to heat your home using infrared fabric
Food prices will climb everywhere as temperatures rise due to climate change – new research
Food waste is a major contributor to global warming, but a Thai company is trying change that
The former fracking site now tapped for clean geothermal heat
From cod logs to frog bogs: we catalogued 400 ways to help species survive a warmer world
German town digs deep for hot rock geothermal energy to replace gas networks
Giant kelp forests on Tasman Peninsula survive marine heatwave, brings 'hope' amid climate change
Global coral bleaching caused by global warming demands a global response
Global heating is making El Niño and La Niña forecasts less reliable, BoM says
Global heating, land clearing and the ‘extinction vortex’: the fight to save Australia’s koalas
Global heating pushes coral reefs towards worst planet-wide mass bleaching on record
Global temperatures passed critical 1.5°C milestone for the first time in 2024 – new report
Groundwater is heating up, threatening life below and above the surface
Heat Death of the Internet
‘Heat engine’ fuelled by climate crisis bringing blast of summer weather to Australian winter
Heat exposure of older people across world to double by 2050, finds study
Heat from El Niño can warm oceans off West Antarctica – and melt floating ice shelves from below
Heat from sewers, tube and Thames could soon warm London buildings
Heat is coming for our crops. We have to make them ready
The heat is on: what we know about why ocean temperatures keep smashing records
Heat pumps: how to reduce your carbon footprint while saving money this winter
Heat stress: how soaring temperatures are taking their toll on migrant workers in India’s garden city
Heat waves impair bumblebees' ability to detect floral scents, study finds
Heatwave descends on south-east Australia with temperatures forecast to exceed 40C
Heatwave scorches US over weekend as midwest sees deadly flooding
Heatwave to turn parts of Australia into ‘one of the hottest places in the world’ this week
Heatwaves and bushfires can be a dangerous mix for the electricity grid. Here’s how to shore up your supplies this summer
Helsinki is building the world’s largest heat pump to keep its homes warm
High coral cover amid intense heatwaves and bleaching? Here’s how both can be true on the Great Barrier Reef
Hobart endures hottest night in 112 years as severe heatwave hits south-eastern Australia
Homes that ditch gas for electric heating can recoup extra costs in as little as 10 weeks
Hot frogs and sizzling salamanders: climate change is pushing amphibians to their limits
The Hot New Luxury Good for the Rich: Air
Hottest ocean temperatures in 400 years an ‘existential threat’ to the Great Barrier Reef, researchers find
Hottest summer ever? Experts reveal what could be in store for Europe in the next few months
House On Fire: Why The U.S. Has Most To Lose In A Warming World
Households are burning plastic waste as fuel for cooking and heating in slums the world over
How does today’s extreme heat compare with Earth’s past climate?
How global warming is reshaping winter life in Canada
How light can vaporize water without the need for heat
‘How long before climate change will destroy the Earth?’: research reveals what Australian kids want to know about our warming world
How mainstream climate science endorsed the fantasy of a global warming time machine
How record-breaking Hurricane Beryl is a sign of a warming world
How wasted heat from our bodies could generate green energy
The hunt for the most efficient heat pump in the world
Hurricane Beryl a Stark Warning of Things to Come as Our Planet Heats Up
Hurricane forecast points to a dangerous 2024 Atlantic season, with La Niña and a persistently warm ocean teaming up to power fierce storms
If our hot water heaters ran off daytime solar, we would slash emissions and soak up cheap energy
In a dangerously warming world, we must confront the grim reality of Australia’s bushfire emissions
In the Arctic, planting more trees actually makes the world warmer
Intense heat changes our biology and can make us age significantly faster: study
Is Australia’s climate confusing you? Here’s why rainfall and temperatures don’t always behave as expected
Is Infrared Heating the Holy Grail of Electric Heating?
It’s getting hot down under: Hot rock geothermal energy is making a comeback in Australia
It’s official: Australia’s ocean surface was the hottest on record in 2024
‘It’s time to give up on normal’: what winter’s weird weather means for the warm months ahead
Japan's extreme heat is causing a rethink of school sports
Jim Abrahams, ‘Airplane!,’ ‘Naked Gun’ and ‘Hot Shots!’ Master of Mirth, Dies at 80
Landmark new research shows how global warming is messing with our rainfall
Lord Howe island faces ‘major’ coral bleaching as ocean temperatures continue to break records
Magma and hot rocks: Iceland seeks the future of geothermal energy
Margaret River 'climate refuge' for vulnerable possums affected by hotter temperatures, researchers say
Meltwater from Greenland and the Arctic is weakening ocean circulation, speeding up warming down south
Meta-analysis of current global warming impacts suggests a third of all species could be extinct by 2100
Michael Mosley reportedly died from heat exhaustion. How can extreme heat turn deadly?
Minerals in hot springs performed a key chemical reaction for early life on Earth, new study confirms
Minimum energy standards urgently needed for space heaters, hot water systems and cooktops
More heat waves will put more older adults in danger
More than 1,300 Hajj pilgrims died this year when humidity and heat pushed past survivable limits. It’s just the start
More than coral: the unseen casualties of record-breaking heat on the Great Barrier Reef
Moroccan Farmers Are Banking Traditional Seeds for a Hotter, Drier Future
New York high-rise uses heat pumps and waste heat to cut fossil fuels
Nocturnal basking and deep diving may not be enough to keep crocodiles cool in a warming world
Not Only The Hottest On Record, Summer 2023 Was Hottest For 2,000 Years
NZ’s climate policies are no longer enough to keep warming at 1.5°C – here’s what needs to happen
Ocean eddy currents funnel extreme heat and cold to the life-filled depths
Ocean heat is changing marine food webs – with far-reaching consequences for NZ fisheries and sea life
Oceans face ‘triple threat’ of extreme heat, oxygen loss and acidification
Oman’s mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future
On a climate rollercoaster: how Australia’s environment fared in the world’s hottest year
Only 25% of older Queenslanders are aware of the risks heatwaves put on their health – new study
"Paddington in Peru" is another heart-warming and humorous tale of kindness, community and family
Politics with Michelle Grattan: Clive Hamilton on how Australians must adapt to ‘Living Hot’
Race is on to produce a super-coral to survive world’s warming seas
Rafts of garbage, kelp and other debris could transport alien invaders to a warming Antarctica
Record levels of heat-related deaths in 2023 due to climate crisis, report finds
‘Red alert’: last year was hottest on record by clear margin, says UN report
Relentless warming is driving the water cycle to new extremes, the 2024 global water report shows
Remote social housing to get $10m efficient electric heating and cooling
Rental properties 3C hotter indoors, survey of Australian tenants over summer finds
Rhinos can’t sweat, making them vulnerable to overheating: global warming could wipe them out in southern Africa
Risk of Preterm Birth Is Dramatically Rising as The World Gets Hotter
Salmon are struggling to migrate in hot waters along their route. So they're driving
Schools close and crops wither as ‘historic’ heatwave hits south-east Asia
Scientists at Spain meeting sound alarm over ocean warming
Scientists discover heat-tolerant corals hidden in plain sight. Could it help protect the Great Barrier Reef?
Search for missing pilgrims continues after hajj heat deaths
The Secret Power Plants Revolutionising Zero-Carbon Heating and Cooling in Cities!
Sentinels of the sea: ancient boulder corals are key to reef survival in a warmer world
Shrinking wings, bigger beaks: birds are reshaping themselves in a warming world
‘Simply mind-boggling’: world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe
Some of the world’s biggest cities are so polluted they’re warming slower
State of the Climate 2024: Australia is enduring harsher fire seasons, more ocean heatwaves and sea-level rise
State of the climate: Hotter and hotter, and we are blowing our budget
Study shows hot leaves can’t catch carbon from the air. It’s bad news for rainforests – and Earth
Sucking carbon from the air essential to limit warming, but it’s going to need a lot of energy
Summer 2023 was northern hemisphere’s hottest for 2,000 years, tree rings show
Sunday was world’s hottest ever recorded day, data suggests
Survey finds homes poorly prepared for heatwaves – here’s what needs to change
Switch to electric heat pump heating and avoid freezing with gas
Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests will be wiped out by heatwaves unless we step in to help them
Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data shows
Temperatures at north pole 20C above average and beyond ice melting point
These zigzag walls help keep buildings cool during heat waves
This Paris Olympics pool has an unusual heat source: a data center
This summer will likely be wetter and warmer for most Australians, bureau forecast says
Thrill seekers can now travel to the edge of space space in a giant hot air balloon for £100k
Too much heat in the kitchen: survey shows toxic work conditions mean many chefs are getting out
Turning An Old Engine Block and Lava Into A Heat Battery!
Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record heat in 2024. See where and by how much – visualised
‘Unliveable’: Delhi’s residents struggle to cope in record-breaking heat
Unprecedented peril: disaster lies ahead as we track towards 2.7°C of warming this century
US braces for ‘dangerous’ conditions as heatwave to hit midwest and north-east
Very cool: trees stalling effects of global heating in eastern US, study finds
‘Wake-up call to humanity’: research shows the Great Barrier Reef is the hottest it’s been in 400 years
War Memorial digs deep to slash energy costs using geothermal heat exchange
Warm winters are waking snakes early. Here’s what that means for them and us
We are Experiencing the Longest Heatwave in 75 Years
“We’re making history:” Ørsted shuts last coal-fired heat and power plant
When the Doctor Prescribes a Warmer Home
Will the Earth warm by 2°C or 5.5°C? Either way it’s bad, and trying to narrow it down may be a distraction
Wondering what Australia might look like in a hotter world? Take a glimpse into the distant past
Wood heating could be worse than thought for rural air, study suggests
World Continues to Swelter as April 2024 Blazes Past Heat Records
World’s largest air-to-water heat pump to warm 30,000 homes in Finland
You Just Survived the Hottest April Ever
Young people are dying of heat and their risks could grow, study finds
Your heat-trapping dark roof costs almost $700 extra a year in electricity. Why are they still so common?
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