"Playwright and comedian Katherine Phelps has to be commended on creating…musical comedy that will leave all geeks regarding it as the Shakespeare of their generation."

Avrille Bylok-Collard, Beat magazine.

Performances: from Fri 16 Sept to Sun 02 Oct
Location: SomaChi Yoga 15 Bedford St
(near Smith St), Collingwood
Tickets: Melbourne Fringe Festival
or call 03 9660 9666


Test version of one of our songs!

An interview with our actor Wem Etuknwa!

An interview with our actor Harlene Hercules!

An interview with our actor Victoria Haslam!

An interview with our actor Alanna Baschera!

An interview with our actor Nick Murphy!

elephant logo

Glass Wings Productions Melbourne Fringe Festival
SomaChi Yoga


2015 Katherine Phelps
Top photograph, "Ochna", by photographer Greg Kerr, artistic director Katherine Phelps, and model Uwem Etuknwa, 2016. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA