Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Media framing

A quick look at CNN's political ticker shows something interesting.

"Dems seize on McCain's Iran gaffe" is a headline. "Obama needles McCain on Iran gaffe" is another. Under that, it reads (emphasis mine):

Barack Obama on Wednesday took aim at potential rival John McCain over the Arizona senator's apparent misstep at a recent press conference in Jordan, the latest sign Democrats are looking to capitalize on the moment.

Judging by how the media handled the Wright "scandal," I have a feeling that if Obama had made a similar error, we wouldn't be hearing about "Republicans trying to capitalize on Obama's supposed mistake" or what have you. No, this would be treated as an overall failing on Obama's part, something that should shock the nation. But since McCain made the error, those nasty old donkeys are just being opportunistic about a silly ol' mistake anyone coulda made, goshdurnit.

Thus, it begins.

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