Sequential Squiggles

We are interested in tales told using multiple media, including pictorial storytelling such as comics. The word "comics" is often used in a limited way to imply works of humour and stories for children and adolescents. The works we are proud to include here may be humorous, but may be serious; they may appeal to children, but they will often be aimed at people with a mature and complex outlook on life.

In any case we trust that you will enjoy and be enriched by the creative works that we have gathered under this heading.

The Adventures of Rocketship Ginger

The rollicking adventures of a child of the universe.

Bird Brains (The IDT Weblog)

The cartoons and editorials of D.C. Simpson and friends.

The Bunny People of Planet Pynk

A spin-off of Rocketship Ginger meant to be the introduction to a game. Anyone willing to invest?


(& Freier Fall auf Deutsch)

Robots and mutants and aliens, oh my! Silly adult humour by Mark Stanley.

Ozy & Millie

...and now in colour!

Ozy & Millie - Deutsche Übersetzung

Ozy & Millie - Klingon translation

Ozy & Millie - Latin translation

Ozy & Millie - Russian translation

Charming and insightful humour from our very own award winning cartoonist, D.C. Simpson.


A charming science fiction story by Mark Oakley set on present day Earth.

Unicorn Jelly

A beautiful, exciting, moving and funny tale of heart and intellect by Jennifer Diane Reitz.


Zone out under the hot Arizona sun with Zonie the chilli-loving coyote and his friends!

Count Your Sheep

Okay, we are not mirroring this strip, but we would love to. Utterly adorable story about a girl and her imaginary sheep friend. You rock, Adrian Ramos!

Convention reports

San Diego Comic Con 1998

San Diego Comic Con 1999

Further Confusion 2000

San Diego Comic Con 2000

San Diego Comic Con 2001

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