
Transcending an Abusive Relationship

Katherine Phelps

I am not a psychologist or a trained helper. I am, however, a survivor of abuse and more than that someone who feels she has transcended the experience. I wish to share with you the steps I took and the lessons I learned in order to become the more whole person that I am today. If I have forgotten something or something ought to be added or changed, please write me and let me know. Today so many women are found to have been abused at one time or another in their lives. It's time we pool our experiences such that we can all transcend this cycle of pain.

Abuse is blind. All sorts of people are its victims: male and female, young and old, rich and poor. And no one's pain is more important than another's. I had experienced abuse as a child from the older boys at a small town school where grade school children to high school young adults were mixed in a few close set buildings. From this experience I developed strategies which helped me to pretend nothing was going wrong. These same strategies kept me from seeing before too late that I had married an abusive man. This is my experience, so it is for those in similar situations that I write. Below are my recommended steps, but please do not take my word for them. If you need help concerning an abusive relationship, seek professional assistance immediately.